#pitch perfect in space canon
Pitch Perfect in Space: Eversong: Finale
The sun sets over the lush, green planet as the USS Bella-trix hovers above. Captain Cynthia stands at the front of two separate altars, surrounded by the Bellas and a few close friends. Emily, in her role as best man, holds the Baby while the rest of the Bellas beam with pride and happiness.
"Friends and family," Captain Cynthia starts, "we are gathered here today to celebrate the love between two wonderful couples. Aubrey and Jesse, Beca and Chloe, we have watched you grow, change, and fall in love, and it is an honor to be here to witness your union."
Aubrey and Jesse stand at one altar, hand in hand, with Beca and Chloe at the other. They exchange loving glances, with Jesse winking at Aubrey and Beca blowing Chloe a kiss.
"In the face of challenges, you have stood strong," Captain Cynthia continues. "You have fought evil, protected the universe, and found love. And now, as we join together to make these two couples one, we know that their love will only continue to grow."
The Baby giggles as Fat Amy rocks him back and forth.
"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you Aubrey and Jesse, and Beca and Chloe, to be married. You may now kiss your brides."
Aubrey and Jesse share a passionate kiss as Beca and Chloe share a soft and tender one. The Bellas cheer, clap, and whistle as the two couples embrace.
"Ladies and Gentlemen," Emily says, "I present to you, the newlyweds: Aubrey and Jesse, and Beca and Chloe."
The Bellas start to sing "Love is an Open Door" from Frozen, and soon everyone joins in. The Bellas and their friends dance and twirl on the lush, green planet, surrounded by the stars, as they celebrate love, happiness, and a new future.
Click here to see all currently posted chapters of Pitch Perfect in Space: Eversong!
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pit-and-the-pen · 5 months
Your Love is Sunlight- Unrequited Love Pt.3
Whoops. Part 3 to Requited Love but could also be read as a stand-alone (I think I gave enough context to do that). This will be the last linear fic for this little series. But there will be more from this OC.
Let me know if you want to be added to the on-going taglist for this OC
Eris x Day Court! OC (Sunbeam) 
Warnings: Suggestive language, heavy kissing. One singular dialogue line with misogyny. Eating (as always let me know if I'm missing anything)
Also I’m heavily messing around with canon/ lore for mating bonds here. 
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Pt. 2 Alt Ending]
WC: 3.7k
divider by @cafekitsune
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The request came not even a week later. A week that I could not get the red head out of my thoughts. Eris was a perfect gentleman that night, only lightly chucking as he held my hips away from his after our heated kiss.  We danced the rest of the night away until my shoes had worn painful blisters into my heel. And I would do it a million times over if I got to see that look in his eyes
Eris looked at me like he actually saw me. Like a was someone worth looking at. Not a second option. No, he looked at me the way no one ever had before and I was drunk off of it. The fire in his eyes was enough to make me want to sink to my knees right then and there. I had told him that much that night. 
But instead, he went back to his court. The very court whose seal is on the envelope in my hands. The paper so dark red it was almost black. I opened it with shaky hands and scanned over the words, over and over. Written in loopy, beautiful cursive. The note was short and sweet 
Sunbeam, it would be my honor to show you around the Autumn court. You’d be my personal guest. 
I will be waiting for your reply. 
One little word made my heart skip a beat. YOURS. Something deep in my chest purred at the idea but I brushed it off to the side. Flirting is one thing but the idea of Eris ever truly wanting something like that with me seemed too good to be true. So I wrote back my enthusiastic yes and in a puff of smoke that left the room smelling faintly of cinnamon, the letter was gone. Returned back to the male that had written it. 
I had never been to the Autumn Court before. My eyes tried to adjust to the beautiful reds, greens and yellows in hues I’d never seen outside of paintings. The cool breeze that seemed to whisper in my ear as it brushed past. Everything seemed alive as I heard the scurrying of animals on the leaf covered ground. When the air rose a few degrees, you already knew who was walking up to me. I greeted Eris with a tight hug. He was dressed in a handsome emerald green button down with gray slacks. His hair tied up out of his face unlike the other night at the ball. Those same golden rings littered his fingers. I blushed as I realized my eyes had been raking over him. If he had noticed, he didn’t say anything. Suddenly not knowing what to do with myself, I gave him an overdramatic curtsey raising my voice to stuff almost regal pitch. 
“High Lord.” He quickly recovered from the confusion that washed over him. He smiled, catching on, before he bowed low
“Allow me the honor of showing you around.” He said as he extended an arm to me. His voice dripped with that same faux stuffiness. The two of you looked at each other, holding back laughter. I broke first. My laughter rang through the large forest at my back. His head was thrown back, blinding white teeth flashing. Once we had recovered, he held out his arm again. Voice back to normal. “I would still like to show you around.” I took his arm and the two of us walked around the manor that seemed to rise out of the forest. 
AS he showed me around, he told me of the renovations that had recently taken place, pointed out the things that he still planned to change. The inside was just as breathtaking as the woods around the house. Rich colors and soft, plush fabrics filled the space with an unmistakable warmth. One that Eris had painstakingly tried to create. 
“And this will be your room for your stay. I already had your things brought up and I had Tessa and Clover, two of my mothers maids, pick out some warmer clothes for you.” He gestured to the large armoire in the corner of the room. “If you need anything else please don’t hesitate to tell them or myself.” Thanks rushed out of my mouth as I gaped at the room. 
My  room at the day court had floor to ceiling windows that allowed for sun to streak through at all waking hours, marble and gold littered every surface possible. This room was cozy enough that I instantly felt my eyes get heavy. Dark wood paneling ran across the walls. Heavy curtains over the windows that had been pinned back displayed the colorful trees. And the bed.the bed. It was covered with the softest, plushest blankets I had ever seen. Pillows covered over half the bed and it made me want to do nothing but burrow into them and never leave that bed. My feet drifted on their own accord over to the bed, I reached out a hand and almost sighed at the feeling of the fabric against my fingers. Just as soft as they looked. 
Eris’ content laugh pulled me out of my trance. I turned around to face him, he stood in the doorway still. “I’ll let you get settled. I can show you around more later today before dinner? If you want.” My heart fluttered at the idea, the thought of his court seeing us together. Of course, it was probably just to make sure I didn’t get lost in the maze that was the manor. At least that’s what I told myself, but as he took one more glance at me before he walked out of the room, I wasn't sure how much I believed that. 
Although I had bathed earlier that day, the deep tub in my bathroom all but called my name. I sniffed random bottles of oils and poured in spicy, warm smells. The oils seemed to curl in the air and beckon me to sink deeper into the water. Completely submerging my head until I needed to come up for air. I sat in the bath until my skin started to prune. Groaning, I pulled myself from the soothing water and dried off. Wrapping the towel around myself, I padded over to the closet and ran a hand over all the clothes Eris had given me. The closet was full of jewel tones and deep reds. Floor length dresses that were heavy enough to keep out the nip of the air at night but light enough to walk around in during the day. I picked an emerald long sleeve dress and blushed at the realization that Eris and I would be matching. Before I could lose my nerve, I pulled the dress over my shoulder. The front buttoned up all the way to the ground. The waist tucked in slightly flaring out around my hips. It felt amazing against my skin and fit like a glove. 
A knock at the door pulled my eyes from my reflection in the mirror. My hair was still wet from the bath and small waves were starting to form at the ends. Eris opened the door and stilled as he took me in. I felt like I was a thousand feet under his heavy gaze. He looked down at his own shirt for a second before he looked at me again. 
“Autumn court is a good look for you, Sunbeam.” My whole body flushed at the compliment and I hummed in agreement. A small yip from the hallway split my focus. A small furry face pushed through his legs, almost toppling the High Lord. “Azelia” he whistled, the hound stilled for a second before prancing over to me. She sniffed at my skirt before she sat at my feet, giving me her full attention. I reached down to pet her and she rolled over onto her back. I laughed at the twitch in her tail as I ran a hand over her stomach. Eris whistled one more time and she barked back before flipping back over and walked to sit at his feet in a similar manner. I giggled at the exhausted look he shot the dog. She only barked in her own form of laughter. 
Eris and I walked along a river by the house. He helped me pick out the perfect stones for skipping across the water. Coming up behind me to make sure my arm had the perfect flick to make it sail over the surface. I wasn’t nearly as good as he was, even with his help. Something he pointed out with a smirk. I pushed him lightly and he clutched at his chest like I had mortally wounded him. Crouching down onto both knees. I walked closer to him.
“Oh please, Eris ge-” My words were replaced with a yelp as he wrapped his arms around my legs and pulled me over his shoulder. I could only laugh my head off as I pounded at his back. Demanding he put me down. When he did, I felt the tree against my back. 
“Have I told you how beautiful you sound when you laugh?” I blushed and shook my head. 
“It can’t be that special. No one has ever said that before.” He knew who I was speaking about and he pulled my chin up to look him in the eyes 
“I wish I could offer the usual sentiment of killing the male that ever made you feel this way but that would complicate things as a high lord,” he winked at me. I felt my shoulders loosening at the humor in his voice. “But you say the word and I will.” He picked up a lock of my hair and twirled it around his finger. “You’re radiant and anyone who has ever made you feel otherwise is either blind or dumb or both.”
We had leaned in so close to one another that I could count the freckles on the bridge of his nose. Someday I hoped he would let me kiss each and every single one of them. My eyes flickered down to his lips and he was smirking as he followed my eye line. 
“Is there something you want, Sunbeam?” The little shit. It’s like my words had evaporated completely. Brain went fuzzy as his smell wrapped around me. I could do nothing but whimper. He made no other remark, only used his hand already in my hair to grip the back of my head. He growled as he smashed his lips to mine. This was nothing like the kiss from the ball. That had been exploratory and warm. This was an all consuming inferno. Burning through every ounce of self doubt I harbored. Scorching through my veins until only Eris was left. His free hand wrapped around my waist and pressed me against every delicious inch of him. When I started undoing the buttons of his shirt, he still his lips. His hand went to rest over mine and I reluctantly pulled away from him. I tried not to show the hurt on my face. And he leaned in to whisper in my ear. 
“The first time I'm inside of you will not be outside. Nor when we're rushed. I need time to make you scream my name. For all of Priyanth to hear that you’re mine.” Something more than hunger flashed in his eyes and I felt that look deep in me. 
“Eris.” I gasped out. He brushed a soft hand down the side of my face. 
“You can’t say my name like that sweetheart, not when I have to sit at dinner with the rest of my court in less than an hour.” I blushed at the meaning behind his words and tried, and failed, to not look down to the front of his pants. The evidence behind his words. My tongue ran across my lips at the sight. He groaned and stepped away from me. 
“You are a bad influence. But I meant what I said.” He booped my nose with his pointer finger, “ Now please go get ready for dinner.” His hand lingered on my arm for a fraction longer before he reluctantly let go.
I got dressed in a daze. A wild blush would not leave my cheeks. Everytime I managed to push away my errant thoughts, more would seep back into my mind. 
Before I knew it, I had changed into a new dress and was walking side by side with Eris down to the dining room. A few members of his court were already there, talking amongst themselves. They smiled up at him as we passed. As I sat down next to him they introduced themselves in kind tones. I nodded trying to keep up with their names and faces. More people started to come in and eventually all the places at the table were filled. 
There was no big speech or ceremony to start dinner. Everyone ate at the pace that they wanted to and cups of wine were being poured and shared. 
A deep voice of an older male pulled me from my conversation with the female,Fern I think was her name, next to me. 
“I’m still trying to figure you out.” He stated plainly. 
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, you hung around Rhysand and his cronies. Came crawling back to Day where Helion welcomed you with open arms,” I felt the room grow hotter. “So I’m simply wondering how to get you in my bed too.” One second the male had been sitting at the table and before I could even blink, he had been blasted across the room. He sat up, eyes unfocused as he put a hand to his head. All eyes turned from the male now lying on the floor to the High Lord who was picking at non-existent dirt under his nails. 
“You will not speak to any female, especially guests, like that in this court. Ever. Again.” He hardly looked up at male before he evenly said, “You’re dismissed.” Two of the other members of the court scurried to his side and helped heave him to his feet. Quickly getting him out of the room. 
“I’m sorry you all had to see that. There are many things I will tolerate but comments like that are not one of them.” Eris said to those remaining from his court. All of them nodded along, not fear but appreciation in their eyes. I felt my heart soften at his words. Beron would have let a comment like that slide, maybe even agreed with it. It would take a while, old habits run deep but Eris would squash that old cruelty out of the Autumn court piece by piece. The thin line of determination in his face told me that much. He turned his attention to me “Are you all right?” He quietly asked me. The sound of silverware clinking against plates and light conversations filled the silence from moments ago. I nodded. 
“You didn’t have to do that, you know? It’s nothing I haven’t heard before.” His mouth set into an unamused look, anger pinching his eyebrows.
“Sunbeam, I will not allow anyone to talk to…” he took a breath, about to say something but seemingly changed his mind. “I would do it again.” I knew he was telling the truth and thanked him for his kind words. 
The next few days passed too quickly. I spent the days in Eris’ presence, him waving me off when I apologized for keeping him from his duties. He assured me that making me feel as welcome as possible was a hundred percent part of his responsibilities. Both as a High Lord and a friend. Friend. I bristled at the word. Only a few more heated moments had passed throughout the days, and nothing like that night before dinner. I was wound tight and from the way his eyes kept flickering to my lips, I knew he was too. Everytime I would go to take things further, he would steal my hands or push away from me entirely. That same excuse said through gritted teeth. I didn't question it. If it happened it happened but being around him so much made it harder and harder to keep my thoughts at bay. 
This was one of those moments. I was supposed to leave the next morning and my hands were currently wrapped in Eris’ hair. My back pressed firmly against the door of his room. He peppered my neck with small bites that had my blood singing for him. I didn’t reach for his shirt this time, despite the need rushing through me. I instead went to the buttons on the front of my dress. Eris all but growled, “Gods you’ll be the death of me.” He groaned into my neck. I used my grip in his hair to pull his face back to mine. 
“Do you want me to?” I asked, suddenly feeling self conscious. 
“I would want nothing more darling but if you do, you won’t leave my bed in the morning.” He went back to kissing my neck and as he found that sweet spot right below my ear, I let the argument die on my tongue. If this was all I got from him, I would gladly take it. Regardless of how much more I wanted. 
I woke up in the morning with my lips still swollen from the rough kisses the night before. I didn’t need to look at my neck to know the angry red marks that would be faded by the time I left. I sighed at the thought and curled deeper to my blankets. Shutting out the thoughts of leaving and the heaviness that creeped into my bones. 
Eris and I spent the day with his hounds. We walked around the forest, me chasing after them as he hung back, throwing sticks after them. We laughed until our lungs hurt and his pack walked between us with ease, slipping in and out between our legs like they had been doing it all their lives. 
It was finally time for me to leave. Helion was about to come to winnow me back to the Day Court. My bags had already been sent back. And I felt the disappointment on my face as he gave me one short kiss goodbye. As he pulled away from me it felt like the ground was being pulled from under me.
“Eris.” I called to his retreating form. When his eyes met mine it was like the air had been knocked out of my lungs. It shouldn’t be possible. I felt tears well up in my eyes. This could not be happening again. I had lost this chance when my bond with Azriel had been severed. Or had I? No one had ever gone as far as I had before. I didn’t just reject the bond. Helion had pulled it from my body, completely erased it for the both of us. Did that mean I got another chance? A small voice in the back of my head remembered those dreaded words. Maybe the cauldron gets it wrong. Could this be the cauldron making it right? Looking into those amber eyes, it felt right. In fact, nothing had ever felt so right before in my life. It was never like this with Azriel. He never loved me, was never going to love me. But Eris. Eris, who was always kind to me. Eris, who always greeted me first when he visited my old court during Hlyberns reign. It all made sense now. Everything had played out for this exact moment. I took a sharp inhale as I reached out through the bond, expecting that all too familiar coldness I had been greeted with all those years ago.
 Eris’ eyes snapped to mine as his body jolted. His mouth parted, words seeming to fail him. The other side of the bond was not in fact empty. But full of warmth and love. Love for me. We could do nothing but gape at each other as that thread, as golden as the leaves around us, grew thicker as it stretched between us. 
Tears welled in my eyes at the feeling. So much comfort and love running down the bond it almost pulled me to my knees. We both stumbled forward until our arms were wrapped around each other.
“I was so worried you would never feel it.” Eris spoke into the crown of my head. 
“The moment I saw you at the ball. The first time I saw you after you cut your bond with him.” I squeezed him as tight as my arms would allow. “I didn’t know the depth of the magic Helion had used on you, I went to talk to him after to see if it was even possible and reading that book further, we realized it was.” I pulled back just enough to look him in the eyes. The sun reflecting off of them made them honey brown. He smiled at whatever emotion I accidentally sent down the bond. 
“I’m happy it’s you Eris.” He looked shocked. “If I had to go through all of this for it to be you, then it was worth it. Every second of it.” Tears of his own trailed down his face and I placed my head against his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat.  “Don’t go. Stay here with me.” His voice reverberated deep in his chest. “You don’t have to make any decisions right now. But stay here, let me do this the right way. The way you deserved the first time.”  I could do nothing but blush and nod. My throat felt tight at all the feelings, mine and his. A breathtaking smile I had only seen him give me split across his face. My feet suddenly no longer on the ground as he picked me up. My skirt billowed out around me as he swung me lightly around, like he had on the dance floor that night. I squealed in delight and buried my face into his shoulder. Inhaling his deep earth and cinnamon scent and thanked the cauldron that it didn’t always get it right. The first time.
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Copying over the people I tagged in the last one! I promise this is the last one I'll tag yall in unless you ask
@cleverzonkwombatsludge @myromanempiree @starsandsins @melmo567 @saltedcoffeescotch @daycourtofficial @anainkandpaper @leyannrae
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koralinewrites · 29 days
60* Laito Headcanons
*about 60-
Just to say: these are headcanons. Nothing here is canon, though some are based off of canon things.
So, without further ado:
Can speak Italian (Think Maneskin)
Has beauty marks on other places of his face
Covers them up with makeup except for the one near his mouth because of the meaning (sensuality)
Pretty and he knows it
Cares about his appearance, like a lot
Has a 20 step skin and hair care routine
Despite being able to look good hair and skin-wise, he has NO fashion sense
Takes good care of his nails
Paints them as well
Knows how to do makeup
Doesn’t like how his eye shape mirrors Cordelia’s (not that big a deal, but enough to make him slightly uneasy)
Enjoys giving acts of service and physical touch
Enjoys getting words of affirmation, as he takes things people say about him to heart (though he’s good at hiding it)
Thighs man. Self explanatory
Favorite color is actually blue
This one is canon, but eh- VERY good singer
Has perfect pitch
Will sing to himself when he’s alone
Notable difference between his ‘fake’ happy voice and his REAL happy voice
Eyes sparkle and notably perks up when he talks about something he enjoys
Speaking of which, LOVES to talk about historical paintings
Interested in the way painters can capture emotion in the eyes of a painting
Music taste ranges from Brittney Spears to Mitski
When he was a child, would jump in place when he was excited
This changed to tiny little hops by just lifting his heels off the ground quickly
Has been with men before; 10/10, would do it again
Pan Laito supremacy
Favorite animals are foxes and cats
Slightly jealous of how Subaru is quite literally Snow White when it comes to animals
Has tried baking before. NEVER AGAIN.
Enjoys gossiping a lot
(Now let’s get to the sadder ones-)
Has issues biting his lips and the inside of his cheek, as well as slightly fidgeting with his fingers/nails
Does the ‘shaking your hands’ thing when he’s nervous
Still every now and then has nightmares about.. her… and wakes up in a cold sweat
Can easily space out during a conversation
Even if he’s actively IN the conversation; his brain just goes on autopilot
This happens quite a lot when he’s flirting with a girl
Very easily switches between having a mental breakdown to being ‘perfectly fine’
If you’re close enough to him, you can hear the VERY slight shake in his voice that signals he’s not okay-
Doesn’t like the color purple, specifically THAT shade
Originally didn’t like green either, and hated himself for his eye color
That changed over time after watching Ayato
Speaking of which, cares very much for his brothers
All of them, not just Ayato and Kanato
Is a very empathetic person, actually
Biologically the oldest of the triplets, so feels very protective of them in his own way
Can easily pick up on Subaru’s suicidal tendencies
Game recognizes game
Silently watches Reiji, making sure he doesn’t overwork himself
Same with Shu, but just making sure he actually eats when needed
Sometimes talks Ayato out of stupid shit, but only if it puts their lives in danger
Doesn’t know what he can do for Kanato anymore, so just watches over him silently
Has stolen (or tried to steal) Subaru’s knife before
Secretly looked through Reiji’s things to see if there’s something to kill vampires that he’s just hiding
‘Walk in the road without looking both ways’ reckless
Says it’s because he lives how he wants, but we all know the real reason
Mostly breaks down in the shower when he can be alone and no one hears him
A very small part of him does regret what he’s done to women in the past
Has nightmares also about them coming back to hurt him for what he did
Honestly would accept it
Despite trying not to get attached to people he’s hurt, there’s still a small part of him that belongs to them
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circinuus · 1 year
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"Hey, Yoichi."
Isagi watches you grin. He can already piece the puzzles. Something is going to go very, very wrong.
"Come sleep on my lap."
He was right.
With a jolt, the poor boy grows frazzled. Wide-eyed and mouth agape. His cheeks redden like the blush of dawn you worry lest he overheat and plop down on the warm grasses.
Years of acquaintance with his sweetheart—his everything. Isagi corrects himself—don't seem to be enough to prepare him for this. For you. Call the boy the master of being adaptable, but there's something about you that never fails to surprise him.
"Aw! Come on~"
Pat pat.
You tap your upper thigh. No skin is exposed, no. But with you sitting on your knees, the light fabric of your midi skirt did nothing to shield the outline of your-
"Absolutely not!" he splutters, hiding the blooming blush with the back of his hand. The spring wind blows a gust of dandelions. Then he remembers that you were enjoying a nice picnic and each other's silence, just now. Him watching people—and stealing glances at you. A little—while you munch on a butter sandwich. Just now.
"Why not?" the sandwich is now long gone in your digestive system. And of course, you'll find something out of pocket when you have nothing in your hands.
"I saw some couples doing it on social media, isn't it cute?"
"I mean," he coughs, "it's really sudden, but.. if you're okay with it..?"
"Yes yes!" your hands clap, "Besides, you've been working so hard. I gotta spoil you, my little precious!"
Just like that, his face reddened again. Eyes flitting from your face, then to your lap. Then like a boy caught stealing cookies, they drift hastily to a space behind you. It's difficult to imagine. This is the same boy who throws violent insults on the football pitch like Santa giving presents on Christmas. Get you a man who can do both, they say.
"Well.." Isagi hesitates, but scoots closer all the same.
"Here! Here!" You pat your thighs again, perhaps a little bit too eagerly. With the spring tide clouds rolling by, Isagi finally rests his head on your lap. His hair slightly tickling you through the fabric of your skirt.
He was tense, yes, the sweet boy. But you slowly thread your finger through his dark locks, caressing the crown of his head. Who was he to resist against your touch? Isagi soon melts in your hold and relaxes his head in your cradle.
You close your eyes, content, and once again you both enjoy each other's silence. Another gust of dandelion seeds flew by. Your other hand reaches for his as you hum a small tune. Your thumb rubbing circles in the back of his hand.
"(Name), you're very pretty."
And then Isagi took his turn to surprise you, this time.
Looking down, gone was the bashful boy with a skittish gait. His eyes are of a deep shade of blue like the prettiest sapphire you could ever find. And he dons the expression of a boy who might be stricken by a deadly case of young lovesickness.
Maybe he is. Because he reaches for your cheek as you are both lost in each other's eyes. And maybe you too. Because you smile at the sweet words and let him guide your face towards his, enough for your lips to...
-Reach his nose!
Isagi blinks. He received a perfect little Eskimo kiss!
"You're such a tease!" his laugh melds with yours, still in the comfort of your hold. Then you make another of that radiant grin. The one that Isagi really likes.
"Only to you," you said. And the lovesick boy can only wonder how the universe has given someone as perfect as you for him.
Turns out he was wrong, after all. With you, things will always go very, very right.
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I feel rusty it's been a while since I wrote something 😞 also first bllk fic in this blog :') things are getting out of hand and now im attached to these football nerds.
and isagi he is uhh canonically a thigh type of guy so...
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wayneskluv · 6 months
and they were roommates — h. quinn
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summary: silly lesbian roommates
word count: 690
warnings: implications of masterbation at the end
pairing: roommate!harley quinn x f!reader
authors note: non canon harley cause she’s not so insane so just pretend it’s harleen quinzel | i’ll do a part 2 if anyone wants one 😭
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You were sat at your desk, your fingertips gracing the keys as you mindlessly type yet another essay that will not, in any way, be useful in the real world.
“Hi.” You hear a high pitched voice from behind you, the New York accent belonging to your roommate, that you sort-of-definitely-have-a-thing-for, Harley Quinn. “Whatcha working on?” As she speaks, she leans in closer, having absolutely no concept of personal space.
You let out an exasperated sigh, that you cut off with a chuckle. “Nothing special.” You say, your eyes never leaving the screen. A small smile tugs at the side of your lips, feeling the lingering presences of Harley from behind you.
“Sorry, Harls. Gotta work on this.” If you’d turned around, you’d have seen the over-dramatic pout she was putting on.
It was almost comical how she could make any small gesture and it would instantly pull your attention her way. You did, in fact, turn to look at her finally and were caught off guard by the playful pout that was now on her lips. It brought a sudden rush of air, almost as if you’d forgotten to breathe.
“No reason to look at me like that. I still have like… another hour, at least, to work on this. Can’t let it get too close to the deadline.”
“I wasn’t doing anything.” Came the quick answer from Harley. It was almost like she could sense where your eyes would be looking next, because now she was standing in the way of your computer screen.
“You could be doing something other than working.” She whined, leaning back over and placing her hands, on the edge of your desk, on either side of your keyboard.
“Oh, yeah?” The flirty words roll off your tongue before you can stop them, almost muscle memory at the point. Your head peers round her waist, trying to focus on your work and not the close proximity.
She laughed at your inability to focus on the task at hand. The proximity between the two of you, she knew, had to be distracting for you too. “So,” her hands moved, and she stood a little straighter, allowing you a proper view back at your computer screen.
“What do you have planned for the rest of the day?” The flirtatious banter was easy with Harley, but there was an understanding beneath this playful behaviour which felt nice.
“Nothing.” You replied, though the tone of your voice, the body language you were exuding said the exact opposite. Harley was enjoying the back and forth between the two of you; the feeling of tension as her proximity continued to remain very close to yours.
She had been waiting for the moment where you’d have no excuse, no excuse to not ask her to hang out more. And this was the perfect opening, she was offering to spend time with you, outside of your shared apartment.
“Wanna do something?” She says, “You know, together. When you’ve done.” Her voice is almost too eager, if she didn’t have such a bubbly personality, you’d have been more curious.
“Yeah, I’d like that.” You reply, this was what you’d been waiting for. That invitation, that openness. The playful back and forth banter between you was one thing. And your roommate situation was a whole entirely different situation, which felt like it was a bit of a hindrance to this budding, whatever was going on.
“Maybe something to eat,” she started, “Something outside of these walls.” She was so hyper-focused on the space between you, your proximity, you felt almost as if she was breathing for the both of you.
“Yeah, sounds great.” In your concentration, you dart out your tongue to wet your bottom, a gesture that doesn’t go unnoticed by her.
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An hour later, you finally click the save button and close your laptop down. You stand up, stretching as you move with a small groan, and you head toward Harleys room. As your bare heels hit the floor, you hear the prettiest little whines coming from her room. You’re about to knock when you hear a low whimper of your name.
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juuuulez · 1 year
📰 | part one: capulet.
info: Carl Grimes x Saviour!Reader, female reader I’m so sorry!!!!, mostly scene setting..next chapter will get juicy.
summary: You meet Carl whilst the Satellite station is being raided, where they take you as prisoner.
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This is gonna be an ongoing fic!!! I’ve already got like,, 8 parts mapped out, but will likely add more stuff here and there. It also currently has no name……but I’ll think of something. It will follow canon loosely, mostly at the start, and then I’ll just diverge into whatever I want to write about LOL. Let me know what you think, if you like it, want more soon etc etc.
It’s Saviour!Reader, with very heavy father-figure Negan because I am sorry but I LOVE HIM! Slow burn, enemies to lovers with Carl, teenage squabbling, you get the gist.
I’m also open for requests!!
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It feels like you can’t breathe.
It’s dark, so dark. Almost pitch black, if not for the moonlight shining through the windows, spaced out near the rooftops to allow some visibility. You try to keep your footsteps light, one hand clutched around a metal baseball bat, the other feeling the wall to make sure you don’t trip. Everybody else is asleep.
Everybody else is dead.
You have no idea who’s done this. But it’s multiple people, from what you’ve gathered. A group uninvolved with the Saviours. Until now, you suppose.
It was no secret that your father was a tyrant, and had his fair share of enemies, but this? Talk about retaliation. If you’d been sleeping, too, you’d be dead. Maybe it was some sort of fate that you weren’t. Divine intervention. Whatever, it didn’t matter.
Then an alarm blares, disturbing the calculating silence, awakening anybody who remained unconscious. Panic spreads throughout the satellite station, followed by the relentless noise of machine guns. Your grip on the bat tightens as you sprint down the hallway, searching for salvage, somewhere to hide. They’d overpower you, no doubt. Though you were strong, a dedicated fighter, there was only so much a 17 year old girl could do. Facing them was too risky.
And to come home in a body bag? Not an option; Negan would kill every last person alive.
You round the corner, facing a door that you knew led to a supply room. The perfect hiding spot. So, you check your surroundings, weapon at the ready before entering the small space.
The door slams behind you.
“Hands up.”
You panic, momentarily, yet don’t obey. Spinning on your heels, you meet the source of this threat, a pistol pointed in your direction.
But behind it stands a boy, likely no older than yourself. Messy brown hair, stupid looking hat. Eyepatch. Definitely not a soldier.
He takes your silence as offence, “I said, hands up!” The boy barks at you, pulling back the safety with a distinct click.
It feels like there’s a lump in your throat, yet you speak anyway, arms still caged defensively at your sides. “You wanna kill me?”
The question clearly takes this boy off guard, judging by the way his jaw clenches, displeased by the ambiguous attitude you’re holding.
“Haven’t decided yet.” He answers, tone cold and steely.
But the gun isn’t pointed at your head. It’s a little to the right, just past your ear. If he shot it now, the bullet would hit the concrete wall. Lack of depth perception, you decide. One eye.
And so, you take that chance. With one motion, you’re swinging your bat towards him, using all the strength in your body. For some reason, he doesn’t shoot, but does duck down, the swift motion causing that stupid sheriff’s hat to fall to the ground.
The minuscule moment of shock, uncertainty, is your window of opportunity: it doesn’t take much to barrel towards him, your shoulders colliding with a thud as you disarm the boy, letting the pistol fall to the ground.
You don’t bother to pick it up, kicking the weapon away from the two of you, letting it skid across the concrete and hit the opposing wall. But in the time it takes him to retrieve the gun, you’re already out the door.
It doesn’t take long to navigate your way out of the station. Sprinting through hallways, narrowly avoiding tripping over limp bodies of people you once knew. Then the doors are right there, so close. You could even see cracks of sunrise seeping through the gaps.
Fresh air assaults your face, filling your parched lungs, and it takes everything in you not to fall to the ground in relief.
But it doesn’t matter.
There’s shouting, the figures of people coming into view. It floods your system with panic, suddenly alert at the newfound danger. Your sprinting comes to the stop, skidding on wet grass, blanketed with morning dew.
You fall flat on your ass.
The moment of clumsiness is all it takes for these people to approach you, shouting, demanding a name. A gun in your face. You grit your teeth, spotting the metal bat a few feet away, too far to reach.
And that boy, with the stupid hat. He picks it up. It makes you want to scream.
They demand you take them to Negan. To the next outpost. Locate their friends. There’s talking, bargaining on a radio. You stood in silence, childishly frustrated about being used like a pawn on a board. Exchange of you, for their two friends. That, or they’d kill you.
This immature silence lasts the whole trip.
The handcuffs around your wrists are irritating. There’s an itch on your cheek you can’t scratch. Your shoulders begin to hurt from being twisted into such a position.
But the worst of it? That boy, with his stupid hat, holding your baseball bat.
You swallow your anger.
You swallow your anger as they leave you in the RV to raid the Saviour outpost.
You swallow your anger when they come out with their two friends, but none of yours.
You swallow your anger when they tell you that Negan is dead, he’s been killed. That you’ll be put in a cell until they know what to do with you.
“Let me see the body.” You demand, brows furrowed, attempting to shield your inner confliction. Concern.
The man with the curly hair and beard answers, already distracted, moving onto the next task. Like the life of your father was meaningless. “Ain’t no time, we gotta move. Get back to Alexandria before nightfall.”
You swallow your anger.
Until you can’t anymore.
It hasn’t even been that long. The end to a long, gruelling day. At least, it appears to be, judging by the dimming light seeping through tiny windows. You’ve never been in a prison cell before. Though, granted, it was probably time you got some semblance of consequence for your morally-grey actions.
There’s footsteps. Once person approaching, then another walking away. Keeping guard on your cell, you presume. The same process had happened twice already.
Except this time, the footsteps continue a little further. The jingle of keys, a metal door creaking open.
Then he’s standing in front of you, on the other side of the bars. You want to burn that stupid hat.
“Your hat looks stupid.”
His face twists, brows furrowed, but otherwise ignores the harsh statement. The hat remains on his head.
“What’s your name?” He asks, standing a few meters away, warily. As if he’s afraid you’ll squirm through the bars and attack him. Maybe that’s a good thing.
You don’t answer.
But the boy continues talking anyway, “Mine’s Carl.”
It’s like an olive branch, a truce. An ounce of humility amongst this whole, terrible experience.
You roll your eyes, but tell him your name anyway. Carl seems to take this as permission to continue, as he now sits down on the cold concrete floor, though still maintains the distance between the two of you.
“Were your parents back there?” He asks you, though doesn’t sound particularly curious, nor judgemental. It’s that same, weird, stony tone. Like he only wants to know simply for the benefit of information.
So, you humour him.
With a shrug, you mumble, “No.”
“Is Negan your dad?” Carl asks almost immediately, already having a path of conversation in mind. This boy knows what he wants, and intends on figuring it out. That, or he’s just really blunt.
Once again, you shrug, giving a pointed look that conveys how you don’t intent to cooperate.
In response, Carl narrows his eyes, taking your lack of cooperation as hostility.
A few moments pass, and he’s getting up again, storming towards the door. The keys jingle. Metal creaks.
And he’s gone.
Another few days pass.
Nobody had interacted with you; it felt like you were going insane. Four walls and a dinky bed.
At least Carl tried to talk to you, nobody else seemed interested.
Until the curly-haired man is back, who you presume is named Rick, and is getting you out of the cell, once again adorning handcuffs.
“You’re going to Hilltop,” He tells you, snapping your wrists together once more, but this time offers the reprieve of cuffing your hands in front of you, “Somebody will watch you, give you a new home. You misbehave? It’s back in the cell.”
Though displeased, you have no choice but to follow. Suspicion stews in your gut, as these people appear to be in a rush, ever so slightly frantic. An energy in the air.
You remain impartial, annoyance radiating from your being as they drive, all these people packed into an RV. Everybody is having their seperate conversations, though you remain alone, handcuffed at the back of the vehicle.
A few hours in… and the road is blocked.
Blocked by people. A few cars parked nearby.
Disruption stirs in the RV, weapons suddenly gripped, prepared for a threat. Just before Rick can go to investigate: you hear it.
Your face must clearly light up, a hint of hope, and you’re rushing to stand. Though you can only make it two steps forward, deeper into the RV, when suddenly hands are gripping your shoulders, a firm hold keeping you in place.
Keeping you from escaping.
You twist and turn, aggressive curses leaving your mouth, but are unable to fully face your captor.
But from the corner of your eye, you see the rim of that that stupid, stupid hat.
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Space Rider's AU Voice Claim Headcanons Part 1
Still riding the au train of @onyxonline's Space Rider's au, cause it's just that great. So for the past couple of day's, I've been brainstorming on possible voice claims for this au's critters. Though, these voices could work for other au's if anyone so wishes.
Before getting started, all the voices in this post are gonna be from Genshin Impact. The reason being it's very easy to listen to voice samples of each character thanks to a section in their profiles. I also avoided the more child like characters for the voice's, since the Critters in Onyx's au seem more on the young adult range.
With that out of the way, let's get started with everyone's favorite sunny dog!
Dog boy for the dog boy. A soft voice with the ability to go serious and commanding at a moments notice, perfect for a leader of a team such as Dogday.
For if you looking for something a bit more on the calmer and gentler side, then Thoma could be a good choice for Dogday. I feel like this voice fits better for the Dogday's in au's that resemble more to the canon story. The caretaker Dogday, if you will.
Catnap was a bit difficult, as he more often than not doesn't talk or whispers. But I think I found one that can work. There were some voices that were more sleepy, but they were female so it can't work for Catnap.
Calming, if a bit monotone. Originally I was having Albedo be one of Bubba's because of all the research talk, but I think Catnap fits better.
Need a voice that's confident, bombastic, and possibly in over their head? Then look no further than Itto. The minute I heard this voice, I knew it would be Kickin.
More toned down compared to Itto, but I'd say it still fits. Especially with the voice sounding very gen z, which I'm confident Kickin would 100% be.
Energetic, optimistic, possibly ADHD? This does sound like Hoppy. Though it might be too high pitched for some.
This one was actually my first choice for Hoppy. Confident, serious when needed, but not too serious so she can sound like she's having fun.
Analytical, with a good amount of snark? That what Space Rider's Bubba gives me, and that why I found Alhaitham to be a good choice.
I also feel like Bubba would have a more deeper voice. Being one of the tallest of the Space Rider's, so Zhongli feels like a good choice.
There was third choice for Bubba, that being Tighnari's old voice. But...I believe it wouldn't be a good choice after what the old voice actor had done once he started getting popular as Tighnari's voice. Which is a shame, as it would've been another perfect choice along with Alhaitham.
I'm nearing the video link limit for a post. So I'll be splitting this into two parts. The second part will be for Crafty, Bobby, and Picky.
And a reminder that this is all my opinion and is subject to possibly change overtime. And to check @onyxonline's Space Rider's au, and that's what inspired this and the subsequent post, as well as read there Saved au as well.
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sweet-evie · 9 months
Does fanfic exist of SaShiSu just being housemates? I need this AU so bad 😭
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✨ masterlist ✨
Like I want more wholesome shenanigans between the three of them...
Like, I need more content of just Satoru, Shoko, and Suguru being the best of friends going through ups and downs together, navigating through that phase in life where high school ends and university days begin.
Satoru is the rich friend and wanted to buy the three of them a house with his parents' money, but Suguru and Shoko refuse and are adamant about showing rich boy what it's like to live in the real world.
So they rent a 3-bedroom 2-bathroom apartment unit... (Satoru and Suguru share a bathroom, and Shoko gets her own bathroom, for obvious reasons). It's still pretty upscale compared to most, but they all agreed to pitch in for the rent and utilities.
I want to see moments where Satoru learns how to do laundry, moments where Suguru figures out how to make the perfect fried rice recipe, moments where Shoko stays up super late to study and the boys stay up with her and help her with flash cards and stuff.
They have game nights, movie nights, spring cleaning days, laundry days.
I want to see friendship fights and friendship fluff afterwards.
I want to see moments where they have personal emergencies, and they each know how to take care of each other.
I want to see them get drunk together. Satoru gets wasted first because he's a lightweight and he RARELY drinks. He consumes alcohol like once a year and only because he lost to Suguru in a bet.
They're each other's best wingman and wing-woman and they roast each other so hard, like only best friends can.
They see each other's best qualities and know each other's worst habits.
I want to see Satoru whining and complaining when he keeps finding black and brown strands of hair everywhere. He also finds stray hair clips and hair ties in the most random places.
I need to hear Shoko complain about all the random shit Satoru and Suguru keep buying and placing around the house. They don't even need most of it. One or two or five is fine, but sometimes it accumulates and ends up cluttering the kitchen counters and takes up valuable cooking space.
(Like why do we need Digimon figurines in the kitchen? Why do jars of multi-colored marbles keep multiplying on available counter spaces?)
I want to see Suguru being passive-aggressive, sassy, and petty about his two housemates not carrying their own weight when it comes to housework. Suguru's toxic trait is that he refuses other people's help when it comes to cleaning because he has a way of doing things that he MUST follow and NO ONE is allowed to mess with it, but he gets annoyed when people don't help him while he's cleaning.
I want to see them juggle part-time jobs and college schoolwork... Well, Shoko and Suguru would get jobs. Satoru is a nepo-baby.
Even if Satoru is a nepo-baby, he at least knows what normal people (like you and me) do to function and live in a society drenched in capitalism, and it's all thanks to Suguru and Shoko.
When Shoko and Suguru struggle to make ends meet financially, it's Satoru to the rescue! They rarely ask for his help, obviously, but rich boy finds out anyway and if he can help, HE WILL HELP.
The three of them are family at this point.
If you date any one of them, just know that they're a package deal. You can't have one without the two.
I want a disney movie with the three of them as main characters, basically -- where friendship and family love saves the day! 🙌
Is this too much to ask?
From Gege? Well, yes... 😩
(JJK canon has just broken me beyond repair... *sobs in Ch #236).
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quinloki · 3 months
Birthday Request Event v2024
"It's my birthday and I'll write what I want to \o/"
Gift Details ♥ Reader Style: afab they/them Character: Rob Lucci/Kaku Vibe: NSFW Consensual AU: Canon (Pre-"start" of series) Prompt: The Hat Rule Gift Giver: @standfucker
Summary: You stole Lucci's hat, AND Kaku's, then led them on a merry chase round the docks. ... You're going to have to pay for that.
Content Notes: double penetration, anal fingering, nipple play, rough sex, dom/sub tones, two vs 1, zoan sex, knotting, begging.
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This birthday party is 18+, consensual unless explicitly stated otherwise, and BYOB
You’d successfully snatched the hat off Lucci’s head, and we’re running for your proverbial life with Hattori yelling at you. The only person in the shipyard who was possibly more of a gymnast than Kaku, you knew you were barely staying ahead of Lucci. The man was no slouch.
No one at Galley-La was.
“Kaku!” Hattori yelled the younger man’s name and you turned your attention just in time to side-step Kaku’s grab for the hat in your hand. Grinning, high on your own enjoyment of the moment, you stepped into his space and pulled the hat off his head too.
You weren’t quite tall enough to kiss the tip of his nose like you wanted, but you could see the surprise in his eyes, and the flush of pink in his cheeks. Compared to Kaku and Lucci the only reason you’d even managed to snatch Lucci’s hat was because he’d been sitting down. The man was nearly seven feet tall.
Not that Kaku was short, but he’d been bent low to make a grab for Lucci’s hat and it was a perfect opportunity.
You led the two on a merry chase through the work yard, smacking Paulie on the ass hard enough that your hand stung a little afterward. The fit he pitched was enough to trip up Lucci, who was getting an earful from him for your antics.
The unofficial polycule between the three of you wasn’t any real secret in the shipyard. None of you spoke about it directly, but you didn’t let the lack of details stop you from occasionally harassing your boys. Though Lucci would really give you hell for thinking of him as a boy, since he was older than you and Kaku both.
The bell for the day rang and you bolted out of the confines of the shipyard, Kaku still on your heels. You could feel his fingers brush your back a couple times. He hadn’t been much for parkour when he and the others had arrived, but chasing after you had made him pretty good at it.
Another year, and he’d be leaping from the docks and into the city the same way you did.
You wove through the city, but it didn’t matter if Lucci and Kaku were keeping up with you at this point. You were all headed to the same place.
Deciding to lessen any possible repercussions your actions might have, you strip down as soon as you get into the apartment. When the two arrive, Kaku from the fire escape through a window, and Lucci in from the front door - almost like they expected they’d need to corner you once they got home - you’re in the bed room with Kaku’s cap across your chest, and Lucci’s hat covering your crotch.
Nothing else.
“All that trouble,” Lucci growls, hand tensing against the door frame. “And this is how we find you?”
“Ah, heh… mea culpa?”
“At least they’re not making us run through the entire city.” Kaku says with a smile, pulling you away from the wall you had your back to and putting your bare back against his chest. “But you’re going to have to give those back now.”
“You both have plenty on right now, you don’t need -!” You try to keep a hold on the cap, but Kaku pulls it from your hands easily. You might be a little faster, and a little more limber than he is, but you’re certainly not stronger than either one of them.
Kaku tosses the cap over his shoulder without looking. You can feel his eyes moving over your skin, as his hands slide down easily and cup the underside of your breasts. He lifts them a little, letting the weight settle into his hands.
“I’ve got you covered.” Kaku teases, covering your nipples with his thumbs. You gasp despite knowing it was coming. One of the things both of them enjoy is how sensitive your body is. “But I don’t think Lucci’s going to let you keep his hat either.”
“It doesn’t matter.” Lucci asserts, stepping into the room. His eyes, ever predatory and full of a sharp focus he never uses at the docks, holds you in place even more than Kaku’s hands. “The rule’s been invoked, hasn’t it,” He bares his teeth, the toothy grin more feral warning than warm gesture. “Little Filly?”
The moniker is one that Kaku had given you, but hearing it crushed between Lucci’s teeth like that was something else.
You can’t even get an answer out before Kaku’s thumbs roll against your nipples, pulling a sharp, sweet cry from your lips. You wiggle against him, as Lucci pulls his hat from your hands, grabbing the back of your neck and crushing your lips into his.
The soft squeak turns into a gasping moan as Kaku fondles your breasts, giving Lucci access he wastes no time taking advantage of. His tongue pushes deep into your mouth, all of his actions are commanding, relentless, and he’s not open for debate.
If you wanted to debate, you wouldn’t have stolen their hats in the middle of work.
Kaku and Lucci work well without a word between them. It’s always felt like a perk, letting the two of them work in tandem to take care of - whatever details were associated with that. From bondage to discipline to pleasure, the two hardly said a word to one another.
Though, Kaku did love to talk to you.
“Hold still, there you go. I’m just going to loosen you up… See? Just like that. Listen to you, moaning into his mouth while I prep your ass. What a good filly. Relax, there you go. Breathe, it’s going to be three fingers soon, so keep your feet.”
Lucci seemed intent to devour you while Kaku prepped you. There wasn’t going to be any back and forth tonight. As you slowly sank onto Kaku’s cock, the long member pushing deep into your ass, Lucci took off his suspenders, shirt and pants.
Usually he left as much of his clothes on as possible, feigning disinterest in hanging around afterward. It didn’t matter he’d be curled up with you both in the morning, you didn’t dare tease him, but if he was stripping that meant he was going to change.
Something he hadn’t ever done when he and Kaku were taking you together.
“It’s, ahh,” you gasp as Kaku leans you both back, laying the on the bed and spreading his legs wide, forcing yours open at the same time. “It’s going to be too much!” You manage.
Lucci looms over you, body already changing. His body bulges and his hands claw into the bed, fur slipping over his skin. Long fangs fill the large mouth and he growls with a snap of his teeth, cold cat eyes glaring down at you.
Kaku rubs your clit making you shift and shudder against his cock. You put your arms out, against Lucci’s chest as you feel his heavy cock lay on your thigh. Kaku had you worked up just from playing with your ass, you’re wet and ready as you ever are for Lucci.
“If you pass out,” he growls, pushing the barely tapered head in against your entrance. “We’ll just have to do this until you don’t.”
He never even so much as fingers you before entering you. Always says you mewl too sweetly when it’s just his cock that stretches you out. You cry out this time as well, the need and desire laced with fear. Kaku grabs your wrists and holds your hands over your head.
“Breathe, little filly.” He coos, thrusting his hips and not giving you any break despite Lucci’s form. “You can take it.”
“I caaaaan’t,” you gasp as Lucci pushes in deeper. You’re struggling against Kaku’s grip, but it’s pointless. Lucci hilts without mercy when you start to whine again, his knot throbbing against your entrance.
Sucking in a breath of surprise, you truly buck, forcing Lucci to hold your legs against Kaku’s as he leans down and shoves his rough tongue in your mouth to keep you quiet. Muffled moans and sobs break against his dangerous teeth, his fur tickling your body as he begins to move in earnest.
Neither gave you time to adjust, the slapping of skin was almost louder than your muffled moans. Lucci leans back when you start to sink into Kaku, pleasure and haze melting away the concerns you had earlier. The man beneath you pulls your arms upward, and Lucci leans back down, licking his rough tongue over your nipples.
The added stimulation shoves the haze away and you’re trembling and begging between the two of them.
“Please, please! Let me cum, please, I ca-can’t taaaaaake-FUCK!” Lucci sucks harshly on one of your nipples and you see stars as pleasure and pain rip through you.
“You take,” he husks, letting his teeth tease your skin. “What we give you.”
“Say thank you, little filly.” Kaku groans, his thrusts into your ass getting heavier. “He’s gonna push that knot in, so say thank you.”
“Hnngh, no - no - please, I’m, I’m,” you gasp and Lucci growls low against your chest, tongue flicking at your nipple. You shake your head. “Thank you! Thank you! Please, thank you!”
Lucci grabs your breasts, teasing your tits between padded hands, nearly scratching the floor boards as he rails you. Pleasure floods your body, forcing you to tense and twist between them, babbling as the sensation jolts through you. Neither relent, and your lungs burn as you struggle to breathe against the prolonged blissful torment which seems determined to build even as you were sure you were done cumming.
At the peak Lucci slams into you, forcing his knot into your throbbing cunt. Kaku swears, emptying into your ass as Lucci fills you full in more than one way. The pleasure nearly does cause you to pass out, but you are not split open in any sense of the word.
Mercy was never what you got from Lucci, or even Kaku, but if you wanted mercy, you’d fuck Paulie.
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brydeswhale · 6 months
A list of characters that seem to only exist as accessories to other characters, even to their biggest “fans”:
Julian Bashir: even the best Julian centric story seems to get derailed half the time into a series of “make him worthy” escapades that are basically the author turning him into what amounts to a toy for Garak to play with. It’s worth noting these stories rarely have Garak, who canonically was a member of the space gestapo, having to grow as a person for Julian. No, Julian committed the sin of being annoying in the 90s and now he must forever repent and be good enough for a guy that should probably be serving ten life sentences in the space Hague.
Sansa Stark: when people aren’t shitting on Sansa for having the temerity to be an artsy eleven year old who doesn’t like her avatar being killed for a crime she didn’t commit and also not liking being assaulted, insulted, and forced to leave a cool place she likes, they’re turning her into a key chain for Tyrion Lannister, Sandor Clegane, Jon Snow, or any other blob of sludge masquerading as a sad man in Westeros. That’s if you’re lucky, as a lot of authors scoop her clean and wear her hollowed out skin as their self insert.
Ian Gallagher. Yet another “not good enough” character. While Gallagher is hardly perfect, the ableism in the fandom is disturbing enough that I wound up leaving it and not finishing the series. Ian is castigated regularly for not being a good, submissive little man for an abusive jackass who regularly assaults or abuses him. Fun.
Carlos Reyes. ACAB and all that, but Reyes in fandom seems to exist solely to be an emotional support boyfriend for TK. This is no surprise, since any attempt to leave that role often results in fans pitching gigantic fits that can likely be seen from space.
Scott McCall. When Scott isn’t being called everything but a child of god by a racist, toxic subset of the Teen Wolf fandom, he’s a cute little toy for Stiles or whatever other white character the author decided to use as a self insert that day. The fandom takes a lot of pleasure in turning Scott into a series of racist Latino stereotypes, often while still claiming that they aren’t racist and Scott is white, anyhow.
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shipposttt · 11 months
The Ship of the Day: Bechloe
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Name: Beca x Chloe
Ship name: Bechloe
Original content: Pitch Perfect Franchise first released in 2012
Ship Info: Pitch Perfect is a franchise consisting of three movies in which follows and acapella group – the Barden Bellas – from Barden University compete in acapella championships whilst navigating friendships and relationships. This ship consists of Beca and Chloe, two members of this acapella group and was sparked in the first Pitch perfect movie when we see Chloe barge into Beca’s shower, making her sing Titanium with her which Chloe labels as her “lady jam”. 
Chloe Beale is a kind-hearted redhead who is depicted somewhat as the embodiment of human sunshine. She is co-captain of the Barden Bellas – an all girls acapella group at Barden University. Our first glimpse of her is during the welcome fair for the university where she is trying to get people signed up to audition for the Bella’s. This is where she first meets Beca. 
Beca Mitchell is a grumpy brunette with an ‘I hate the world’ persona. She has dark hair and clothes and has a passion for mixing music. When we first meet her she is wearing chunky headphones blocking everyone else out. We learn that she is only at the university due to a deal she made with her dad. Early on we find that she is a sarcastic and dismissive character who wants to keep to herself, which we find out when she dismisses Chloe’s initial attempt to get her to join the Barden Bellas. 
Although their first meeting is at the welcome fair, the more important start to their relationship is when Chloe barges into Beca’s shower and sings ‘Titanium’ with her. Since then there were many moments in which there are underlying romantic tones. From Chloe invading Beca’s personal space – and Beca allowing it to happen when she is not so fast to accept contact from others – to Chloe purposefully failing her exams to stay at the university for longer. Whilst initially Beca had no intentions if staying at Barden University, after joining the Bella’s and becoming co-captain of the Bella’s later on she stays there and graduates with everyone else.
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Chloe spends most of the first movie defending Beca against some of the other Bellas and Beca somewhat welcomes human contact from Chloe. This develops so much over the course of the three movies even though they are not in a romantic relationship with each other and at points have had flirtations and relationships with other people. Even so it was still acceptable for Chloe to pin Beca to a wall by holding and pushing on Beca’s breasts. This intimate contact is prevalent throughout the franchise and gives reason for why Bechloe is a popular ship from this franchise even though their relationship was only teased and never became canon. Not to mention that even though in the third movie they have left University, Chloe and Beca chose to still live together.
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Type of ship: Queer bait 
They start this relationship off with both of them in a shower together and progress with romantic undertones such as Chloe admitting to Beca that she wished she has ‘experimented’ more in college – whilst they are sleeping next to each other. This is furthered when Beca allows Chloe to grab her breasts when she would welcome even a hug from many others. Yet we’re still to believe that by the end of the franchise they are only friends. 
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Chloe and Beca are depicted throughout the franchise using the common ship trope grumpy x sunshine. If these characters were not supposed to end as a canon relationship, then it prompts the question as to why they were depicted by the creators of this franchise as this common ship trope that fans are obviously going to interpret as a romantic relationship. Also, I will raise the point as to why Beca who is the traditional grumpy character has been made to have a soft spot for Chloe if they were not to be in a romantic relationship, even going as far as to having Beca use pet names for Chloe such as “sweetie”. This insinuates a closer than usual bond between these characters and could not simply be unintentional moments on the part of the creators. 
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Additionally, during the promotion of this franchise these two characters were heavily featured together, even having a near kiss moment in a promotional video for one of the movies. This begs the questions as to why you would promote your characters this way if you didn’t intend for them to have a canon romantic relationship which has been heavily insinuated at and fans were led to believe would happen. 
Whatever the reasons were fans felt like they were done a disservice after being led on and getting so emotionally invested in this ship when they did not end up together by the end of the franchise. At least Bechloe are together in their hearts. 
Admin 🦈
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pitchperfectinspace · 2 years
Welcome to the home of Pitch Perfect in Space, a collection of AI generated content related to the new hit movie series Pitch Perfect in Space. Which was also AI generated.
Most of this comes from the OpenAI Chatbot.
EPUB version now available, with all new bonus content!
Pitch Perfect in Space
Pitch Perfect in Space 2
Pitch Perfect in Space: Eversong
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wlwcatalogue · 7 months
Valentine's Special ~ Aerith/Tifa from Final Fantasy VII: Remake (Compilation)
Since today is Valentine’s Day, and FFVII: Rebirth is releasing at the end of this month, it’s the perfect time to get caught up on Aerith/Tifa, a.k.a. Aerti, a.k.a. possibly the most unexpected F/F ship in gaming! Here is what I consider to be the most comprehensive compilation of Aerti scenes from FFVII: Remake, prepared by yours truly for your viewing (and shipping) pleasure :)
Quick sales pitch: While Aerith is famously The One Who Dies and Tifa is known for her sexy character design, they are also popularly remembered as main character Cloud’s two equally appealing love interests, as attested to by one Robert Pattinson. However, just as the elements present in the original 1997 game Final Fantasy VII were expanded on and added to in FFVII: Remake, the relationship between Aerith and Tifa was also fleshed out… to the point where it became very, very easy to ship them together. To put it in Tumblr terms, it’s like Betty and Veronica, but taken in a different – but still (subtextually) gay – direction compared to Riverdale. Check out the video above, it's just 1.5 hours!
(Longer sales pitch / commentary below the cut)
Originally from the hit 1997 Japanese role-playing game Final Fantasy VII, Aerith and Tifa, along with the main character Cloud Strife, were one of the most famous love triangles of video games at the time, and arguably even now. (Note: Think Betty and Veronica (Archie but pre-Riverdale), or if you’re more familiar with anime, Rei and Asuka (Neon Genesis: Evangelion) or Saber and Rin (Fate: Stay Night).) Although they barely had any interactions together and really were primarily love interests for Cloud in the original game (and subsequent related works), the relationship between Aerith and Tifa was significantly more fleshed out in Final Fantasy VII: Remake (2020), going beyond your standard box-ticking “look, girl power!” exercise. There seems to have been many a fan who walked out of playing Remake who found Aerti (i.e. Aerith and Tifa’s relationship) memorable – whether read romantically or platonically – resulting in many GIFs, fanart, and even compilations of memorable scenes of their “friendship”.
Not only do they interact with each other outside of speaking about Cloud or other male characters (scraping a pass in the Bechdel test, yay!), Remake gives the relationship space to develop from “strangers who hit it off” to “individuals who care about and trust each other”. Significantly, Aerith is the one who seems to take Tifa’s concerns the most seriously and comfort her, and Tifa is also able to see past Aerith’s cheery façade and reach out to her at her times of greatest need. In my opinion, each of the pair offers the greatest emotional support to the other out of all the characters – even more than what they do for Cloud (or what Cloud does for them).
So what makes their relationship romantic rather than simply platonic to me (other than sheer force of will)? Even though there isn’t really any direct flirting or explicitly romantic lines, there are a number of moments which are framed romantically or parallel romantic moments between Cloud/Aerith or Cloud/Tifa. Perhaps the most obvious of this is when Tifa protects Aerith from falling (twice), which is animated and shot in a way which suggests that it’s just as swoon-worthy as when Cloud protected Tifa from a fall in a prior scene. However, another notable example is how the high-five gesture is linked to Cloud’s opening up to Aerith (as he has to be persuaded over the course of several scenes to do the high-five), but Aerith also high-fives Tifa in other scenes later, effectively appropriating the gesture. So while I never expect it to ever become canon, Remake’s Aerti has been a wonderful surprise and I hope to see even greater developments in their relationship within this subtextual space as the FFVII: Remake trilogy progresses.
Let's all hope for the best-- in the meantime, please enjoy this compilation!
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peach-pot · 1 year
something I’m so fascinated by is when tv show/movie writers want to include jokes at a groups expensive, but don’t make a decision on whether they want just the audience to be laughing at them or the other characters as well, and end up in this weird space where they are both… canonically unserious and serious. here it’s better to just give examples:
(gonna talk about fatphobia and homophobia typical of 2000s comedies for a sec)
in pitch perfect they have jokes about fat amy where what she says/believes is meant to conflict with what’s true in universe. she sings for the first time for chloe and aubrey and the joke is meant to be that what she’s doing is embarrassing, even though she’s trying to show off. a lot of her jokes with bumper boil down to her thinking she’s attractive, when he thinks she’s not. so these jokes are meant to be funny to us, because she thinks she’s talented/attractive/etc., when everyone around her sees she’s not. but they also include jokes where the audience is supposed to laugh because she IS actually these things, and it’s meant to be unexpected/unrealistic to reality. the big example that comes to mind is when she gets a phone call over a school break and we see that she’s actually hanging out at a pool with a few attractive guys around her, calling back to a joke where she referred to multiple boyfriends of hers. the first time it was meant to be funny because the audience would assume she was lying, the second time it’s meant to be funny because it goes against the audience’s expectations… but now all those jokes that rely on fat amy being unattractive within the pitch perfect universe don’t work. because they just told us that she is.
and then in community, there’s troy and abed, who have jokes where everyone around them thinks they’re gay, but they turn out not to be. a clear example of this is when troy’s textbook has a romantic drawing of abed in it that shirley thinks he drew, but it turns out to be a used textbook that came that way. but there are also jokes where the audience is meant to laugh about troy and abed doing something gay together. for example, there’s a joke where annie says she thought troy was trying to hold her hand, but he had actually just confused her for abed. these jokes, unlike the ones where the characters are in on it to a greater extent, don’t offer any explanation for why troy and abed are doing something gay, and end up just… making them gay. so troy and abed both aren’t actually gay (and the joke is that their peers keep assuming they are) and ARE actually gay (which is meant to be inherently funny to the audience because it’s 2009)
idk, i just think it’s interesting to see the ways in which creators kind of forget to keep things consistent when they have the opportunity to make jokes about a marginalized group. like it doesn’t matter if they make a firm call on whether or not amy is actually attractive or if they always remember to give an in universe explanation for why troy and abed are doing something seen as gay if they aren’t gay. no one will notice if it changes joke to joke as long as the jokes are funny.
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Obligatory Volo romantic/🥰 hc?
well if you INSIST (assuming the romance is with the player character here. also keeping these pretty positive and healthy, even though obviously there are plenty of uhhhh messier hcs to be made for this character specifically. i think tumblr will auto-shorten this post but please let me know if it doesn't and i'll add a cut)
in general, any iteration of volo wishes to demonstrate his devotion and usefulness to his partner through action. while he imagines a lot of grand gestures, it usually ends up being pretty mundane in practice. like getting things off tall shelves and tidying up a living space (he's a total neat freak). the exception is volo in a canon divergence where he actually becomes a god, in which case every gesture would be a grand gesture, and it probably gets out of hand
it's extremely important to him that togepi/togetic/togekiss loves his partner. he is genuinely so concerned about this, and fears what would happen if she didn't, despite togepi/tic/kiss being the literal embodiment of joy and love. this insecurity almost certainly stems from the fact that he still can't believe that togepi/tic/kiss loves him
he has read a lot of books and he loves to hear himself talk. also, he's been method acting for like five straight years and makes a living selling people things. the man has a way with words, take that as you will
he's a strict vegetarian (also doesn't eat eggs) for ethical reasons and knows how to cook extremely well to fit his dietary needs. one might expect him to be an "i'll eat a chicken because a chicken would eat me" kind of guy, but because humans have higher intelligence and the capacity for morality, volo holds them to higher standards than animals. therefore, it wouldn't be wrong for a chicken to eat him, but it would be wrong for him to eat a chicken. anyway this is a romantic headcanon because he really really loves to share his cooking, especially if it's a traditional recipe he found while researching history
he has a naturally pleasant singing voice and near-perfect pitch. the volo i write grew up on the mainland and came to hisui as a young adult, so i like to think that he grew up playing the piano and is very skilled, although out of practice. he occasionally hums or sings in front of his partner and it's very nice to hear
he knows how to sew and offers to help the player character make some modern clothing garments they miss from the future. also makes some clothing for them based on his own ideas, because he thinks they would look nice dressed up to his tastes :)
doesn't half-ass anything, especially not in terms of relationships. if he says it's casual, it's because his partner asked to keep it casual and he wants to respect their boundaries and honor their wishes, which is within itself something he does with intention and care
he is simultaneously very aware of the fact that he's beautiful in situations where it benefits him, and completely blindsided by his partner's unprompted acknowledgements of his beauty
loves going on hours-long walks with his partner and sharing/listening to enthusiastic diatribes about niche interests. bonus if the interest is totally unfamiliar to the other person. basically, ancient sinnoh video essays
he likes having regularly-occuring shared activities to look forward to. like, weekly game nights with his partner or taking their pokemon to battle at the training grounds as a team when they know some highly-skilled opponents are going to be there
likewise, he just really likes battling as a team. like if he and his partner run into the bandits in the wild, it's a genuine pleasure, because it means he gets to wield train his pokemon alongside someone on his level (also he likes being the hero sometimes, especially if he's upstaging arceus's chosen hero)
volo loves pda for several reasons: he's touch-starved, he's possessive, and he's a performer at heart
some fourth wall breakage, as a treat: he'd absolutely read romantic fanfiction about himself and leave multi-paragraph comments making corrections and highlighting lines he particularly appreciated
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gingerlurk · 1 year
Lovers' Crest | Chapter 4: The Estate
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Din Djarin x f!Reader
Summary: You arrive home, and Din sees a whole new side of you.
Word count: 2.9k
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, slow burn, non-canon (the Razor Crest never gets destroyed, it also gets upgraded with a cabin), canon-typical violence, eventual smut/filth, post season 3, canon-typical violence, brief mentions of creeps with ill intentions. Reader is: a rich runaway, an orphan, a badass. Wears a dress and has hair that at least reaches to shoulders. Descriptions of shit family dynamics. Brief reference to uxoricide and implied domestic violence. Uhhhh please advise if there's more to add here thank you
A/N: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, A03. Thank you for reading!
Through obnoxious fluffy clouds and sweeping rays of sunlight, a staggering display of opulence reveals itself to Din, who pilots the Crest toward a beckoning pad. 
He can’t resist a glance back at you. Your face is tilted to the side. Looking out the portside, refractions of the glittering landscape below play across your face. You look so sad.
Just as Din makes that observation, you school your features into a resolve he can’t begin to understand.
‘The Salkire Palais and Bastion Vitronoit Estate,’ you sigh, as the vast grounds rush below. ‘Boasting the first Roally Citadel, authentic Besanrac Tiered Gardens, and the Montaullon Palace, among other wonders. Locally known as just The Estate.’
Said tiered gardens glimmer on the horizon, towers of what Din is sure are the rarest plants known to the galaxy. You catch him looking.
‘You know you should stay a bit,’ you say. ‘You’d be welcome. See the sights, take Grogu to look at those pretty monstrosities.’
Part of Din already can’t wait to get away from this place, the shimmering perfection making his blood run cold. But that would mean leaving you all the sooner.
‘Maybe you could take us on a tour,’ he says. You smile. He’d look at ugly flowers all day to see that some more.
‘Yeah, maybe.’
Witnessing the sprawling, palatial Estate on the flight in did nothing to prepare Din for the hangar. A yawning chasm housing row on row of luxury ships and sparkling clean dry docks for every make and model. A spectacular, glittering vintage collection sits on its own in pride of place, almost a dozen pre-empire rigs from jets to transports neatly arranged as if on a showroom floor.
He is certain none of them have seen the air in a long old time.
The dwarfed Crest’s ramp descends with a soft whir (you’d fixed the sheared off gear that had made the hydraulics grind). His incredible soon-to-no-longer-be ship mechanic had been pacing nervously while the ground crew finalised docking protocols. But the second the ramp settles with a hiss, you stride straight forward without pause, chin tilted up and shoulders back.
A commanding, almost royal presence floats around you, effortless power and consort projecting forward. You’re a different person. Din Djarin feels surreal as men and women working the floor stop to give you bows and platitudes. 
You dispense gracious thanks and the people gathered seem to hold nothing but adoration.
But then you stop, shoulders snap to your ears, hands clench tight. Din takes this in then follows your line of sight to perhaps the most ridiculous thing he’s ever seen.
Short of stature and wide from every angle, the dress and comportment of the figure simpering into the space gives Din the impression of a decadent ball of velvet. Flanked by a glittering retinue of some 20 persons, the approaching welcomer is so bejewelled and gilded, the sight is almost too difficult to look at directly. The comms holo Din had interacted with while negotiating this job did nothing to convey the excessive pomp and parade of the man who’d hired him.
‘Uncle?’ Your voice is pitched high and strained.
The puff ball sweeps a cape aside and strides toward you. He bellows into the vast space.
‘The Daughter of Salkire lives! Our delicate flower has returned to us, what glorious spectre grants us such grace. We are in bliss, bliss, to see this prodigal child brought home…’
He continues like that until he’s in front of you, then he sweeps you into an embrace.
‘You came down to see me arriving?’ Voice now small and disbelieving. 
‘Of course!’ he pulls back and cups a hand to your face. ‘My flower, you have no idea what ends to which I have gone, what pained efforts I have undertaken for this moment to come to bear.’
He turns to Din in that moment, as if to illustrate his pains. Din has slowly approached the two of you to stand a few steps back. From here, he can see your eyes are glossy and slightly dazed.
Your Uncle looks down his nose toward him, which is noteworthy seeing as the bounty hunter has almost two feet on the guy. Head tilted way back, he intones: ‘An attendant will discuss the balance of your payment with you, presently.’ He sniffs. ‘Then, you are welcome to take in the sights of this fair manor and attend the gala we will be holding to mark the magnificent occasion of our flower returning to us.’
He turns back to you and takes you by the hand, apparently done with the man who brought his ‘flower’ – ugh – back to him. You, still stunned, barely glance back before you’re led away. But Din just catches an earnest ‘see you there?’ nod to him; it’s almost a plea.
Hours later, the Mandalorian and his small companion are ushered into a vaulted hall of staggering luxury and wealth. The ball is in full swing with a large crowd of elaborately dressed patrons milling, eating and laughing. The two of them are seated at a table toward the rear and invited to take in the banquet and refreshments.
Din fidgets, uncomfortable.
From the second the Crest’s ramp descended, he knew he could not stay here. Every inch of this place has put him on edge. And this side of you he’s now seen has made his offer to hire you so foolish and embarrassing in retrospect… He just needs space. It was no big deal. He’d say goodbye to you at this ball, leave on good terms. Who knows, you could see each other again someday. 
A sing-song voice chimes across the hall, announcing the presence of ‘the Family’. Full titles and honorifics are announced with each entry, but Din barely takes them in, tension knotting his stomach. Your Uncle enters first, flounces to a high, gilded table and makes waves at the adoring crowd. A sullen, cruel-faced woman enters next, must be your Aunt. She barely looks around before drifting to her chair. Then a younger man holding hands with a small child, cousins perhaps? They don’t head for the table but start mingling with groups toward the front of the room.
Then your name. Your full name. The one he’d only heard once before when your Uncle was parlaying your ‘rescue’. When Din had started to call you by it on your first meeting you’d interrupted and given a short, one-word version, saying you preferred it please and thanks. 
His mind is wandering back to that first encounter, but that ceases as all the air leaves his lungs and his beskar plate sings against his body.
Warm, shimmering hues of amber and gold dance in a cascading skirt that falls around your ankles, floating above ridiculously high heels that step out in front of the crowd. The gown you’re wearing sweeps up to wrap around your hips and waist, hugging and flattering everything, everywhere, before bordering the tops of your breasts, letting the delicate skin there glow under the lights.
Shoulders of fine gilt leaves span down to arms and wrists covered in strands of tinkling jewellery. Your hair shines around your face, which holds a soft smile and courtly tilt. Your eyes are keen and bright, scanning the room with delicate grace. 
Gods. What a fucking vision.  
You haven’t spotted him yet and your sweep of the room is interrupted by jovial and possessive adulators, gathering around and urging attentions. 
That’s good – give him time to get himself together. At least he doesn’t have to worry about Grogu, the child has been driven to distraction by the wondrous array of delicacies covering the table.
Din continues to sit upright and rigid, taking the occasional opportunity to find you still interacting with another fawning cohort. A few society types approach him, begging intrigue of his composition and station. A Mandalorian, such an honour, such an interesting people, we have the devoutly religious here too you know, yes their doctrine holds to…
Din doesn’t engage and they eventually bid their own exit.
One of the people to approach him is the man whose entrance was announced just before you. He struts up to the table and flops himself into a vacant chair. He doesn’t address Din but looks him up and down, as if he’s evaluating. The word that occurs to Din is arrogance.
Din thinks back to the name that was announced. This guy openly staring at him now is named Avon.
Eventually, Avon speaks up, ‘Not really dressed for a gala, are you?’ His voice is honeyed, but in a sticky and grating way. Din remains silent.
‘Guess you don’t really have much wardrobe space, or time to invest in that sort of thing.’ He sniffs. Giving a snooty laugh, he slaps the table by Din. ‘Ha! But you must certainly have the means now, hm? How much have you been paid for returning our treasured prize to us?’
Din’s resolve to not say a word to this guy evaporates.
‘She is not a prize,’ he grits out. It seems to flick some sort of switch in Avon, and his eyes grow dark. He leans in.
‘No,’ he says with clenched teeth. ‘She’s my cousin, and is precious. To the Family. And to this place. To me. She belongs here. And we’re so grateful your task is successfully finished and your business is done here.’
At that he stands, previous attempt at mockery forgotten as he storms off.
Din shifts in his seat.
He begins to think he won’t speak to you at all tonight. Starts to feel disconcerted by it. He stands abruptly and makes to move toward the door, lifting Grogu away from the food as the baby gives a wail of protest. Of course, he thinks. Stupid to think she would have any time at all to see you here. To even want to—
‘Hey stranger,’ you appear beside him. He starts. There you are, smiling up at him, eyes dancing. ‘What do you think?’ You twirl, seeming to be asking him to take in the whole obscene display around them, but his eyes are glued to your spinning form. You come to a twinkling stop in front of him again and he forces his throat clear.
‘It is a lot,’ he croaks.
You laugh, tumble into the chair he’d just vacated.
‘Ugh, feet. Kill,’ you say, toying with the straps of a shoe.
He takes the seat next to you. The kid coos and dives back into gorging himself. That’ll have to stop soon.
‘Why would you wear footwear that harms you?’ He asks, feeling like the dumbest man to live.
You cross an ankle over your knee and massage at the side of your bare foot. Din feels his hands flex as if to reach forward, so he crosses his arms over his chest, leaning back.
‘It’s not optional attire,’ you grumble. ‘None of this is.’ You lift an arm so encircled with jewels that light refracts around it, dancing between the two of you. You smile. ‘Ooh, looks pretty on your armour though.’
Not for the first time since meeting you, Din is so glad you can’t see his face. Because he knows there must be furious red patches climbing his neck and flushing his cheeks.
He tries to think of something to say next, but is stopped by that sing-song announcer.
‘Thank you, friends, kin and brethren, for joining us tonight in celebration and to honour the return of the beloved Daughter of Salkire! 
‘We now ask all guests not formally of the Estate household to take leave for the evening, to enjoy the many amenities on offer in the grounds such as…’
The voice drones on as chattering groups begin to move.
‘Damn,’ you say. ‘Just found you too.’ You say it so quiet Din thinks you were talking to yourself, not intending it to reach his ears. He watches you slip your foot back into your non-optional footwear.
‘What happens now?’ he asks.
‘Family court,’ you say, sounding tired. ‘Private matters.’
Okay. You both stand.
‘See you tomorrow?’ A small smile.
Oh. Din suddenly recalls his decision.
‘Actually,’ Din Djarin hates himself. ‘Grogu and I are going to head off tonight, now probably. It is… for the best.’
Your features barely move a muscle but your eyes grow dull.
‘O- oh, okay.’ A nod of resolve, accepting this news in stride. ‘Well, thank you, Mando. For absolutely everything.’
Din tries with all his might to memorise the face in front of him. Each curve and crease, the colour of your eyes, the shape of your lips... You seem to register that he’s scanning your face and hold for a moment, looking directly into his visor. You are always looking directly at him.
‘Thank you as well,’ he murmurs. You’re turning away, turning to Grogu, to bid farewell, when an attendant appears beside you all.
‘I absolutely must insist that sir and his… his companion, take their leave now.’ He’s crowding at them and Din takes the opportunity to drag himself out of the moment. The baby gives a start as he’s once again lifted off the table by the towering, retreating figure of the Mandalorian, who doesn’t look back at you standing on your own.
You push down the aching lump in your throat, force deep releasing breaths. Focus on what’s in front, you tell yourself, before turning to join the much smaller crowd now gathered at the front of the room. 
You pass your eldest cousin, who puts an affectionate hand on your shoulder. The smile you return must be strained because he drops his eyes in sympathy. You look around the rest of the party, your family. No one else is making eye contact with you, even though for the past few hours it’s been nothing but undulations of tributes and praise. 
Your Uncle spies you and motions for you to join him up on dais. You reset yourself to rich fuck and saunter up the steps. He indicates the spot next to him and you step into it with some apprehension. This is unusual, even given the circumstances.
‘I bear exquisite news of paramount import,’ he begins without preamble. ‘And I have been waiting for this moment, for our shimmering flower to be returned to us, safe and as perfect as ever.’ He draws a hand to you reverently. 
The room is hushed. Almost deathly so. Your hairs start rising in instinctive danger, be alert. But why?
Then your Uncle begins to speak and your whole world crumbles around you.
Din sits at a glittering bar, paying three times more than he’s ever paid for Grogu’s favoured treats. His mood is black, hunching on the veneer with arms crossed and stewing away.
He should be on his ship, disengaging locking pads and charting his path out of this hellscape. But he’d paused at this bar and had the thought, almost outside his own body, What’s one more hour?  
The longer he sits there, the more he thinks he may as well stay. One more day. See her…
He’s still sitting there when a rambunctious group pours in, cavorting and rolling over each other. They’re shouting something Din can’t make out at first, then: ‘To an Estate wedding!’
The bartender standing by Din scoffs. ‘Huh, so it’s finally out.’
Ice shards have settled in Din’s stomach. ‘What is?’
The bartender gives a start at being addressed by the dark, imposing helmet beside him. He shrugs.
‘Tend this bar and you hear everything before it gets out there. S’why I’ve lasted so long.’
‘Like what?’ Din hits the ‘t’ so hard the guy winces.
‘Well, uh, like… Like the fact that as soon as that little lady, Daughter of the Salky or whatever, got home, she’d be married off to that Amtolene prince.’ He tsks, shakes his head. ‘Man, I really feel for her, probably should have stayed missing-presumed-dead ‘f you ask me.’
Din leans forward. ‘Why is that?’ His voice is like molten rock.
The man behind the bar looks like he wants nothing more than to back away from this terrifying patron, but he seems locked to the spot.
‘Because…’ he swallows. ‘Well, you haven’t heard of him? No, okay. This prince is… He’s powerful, I mean obviously. Rich too. But he’s got a… a reputation. Ah, a… storied history. If you know what I mean? Also, three previous wives. Who didn’t exactly leave the union, um… well. Or, or alive.’ 
He jumps in surprise when the enraged customer surges to his feet and leans into him.
‘You know everything, huh?’ he growls. ‘Tell me where I can find her then, right now.’
In a rush, the man utters a series of directions, landmarks and ingress points – figuring that any ramifications for giving up the intel wouldn’t matter if this demon caved his head in. He’s just wrapping up when the air erupts in screams.
Sirens, a cacophony of evacuation alarms. The bartender moans in despair. Then, possessed by an animalistic will to live, he reaches for his attacker.
‘You! You have a ship, right? Take- take me with you. Get me to your ship and I’ll, I’ll pay you, please! Please!’ His cries are ignored as Din twists from him and sprints out into the street.
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