the-bagira · 27 days
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🤍 Az exemtől (akkor még barátom) egyik Valentin-napra kaptam egy ugyanilyen, csak rózsaszín plüss szívecskét. Miután kijöttünk a boltból, kérdezte meg, hogy "Vagy a fehér jobban tetszett volna?" Három héttel azelőtt, hogy szakított velem, az egyik randinkon elhagytam. Eléggé rosszul érintett, és féltem is kicsit, hogy akár bajlós előjel is lehet. A következő - és egyben végleges - szakításunk után 3 hónappal megvalósítottam azt a gondolatot, hogy pótlom a kis szivecskét - amit annyira szerettem piszkálgatni buszozáskor. Még pedig azzal a gondolattal és üzenettel, hogy "Ahogyan az exem (akkori barátom) vett nekem ajándékot, és amennyire szeretett, ugyanúgy én is megtudom ajándékozni magamat, és szükségem van arra, hogy én is annyira szeressem saját magamat, anélkül, hogy ezt mástól várnám".
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kairosclerossiss · 1 year
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Kérlek plüss meg újra!
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oldmacykerenew · 7 months
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Hellosztok - sziasztok,
Leo vagyok, az oroszlán 🦁☺️ RAWR - hehe, viccelek, a légynek sem ártanék! 🥹 Maga vagyok a megtestesült cukiság, puhaság, szeretetgombóc. 😍 Csak nézzetek a szemembe… Hát nem? 😍
Egy kisfiú kedvenc állatkája vagyok, anyukája rendelt engem Húsvétra… én leszek az alvó pajtija 😍 Nagyon, nagyon várom, hogy végre találkozhassak a kisgazdimmal! ❤️ Már csak azért is, mert Meli állandóan ölelget, fontolgatja, hogy magának is csinál egyet “belőlem” mert tényleg hihetetlenül puha és ölelgetnivaló vagyok😏 Megérte neki a szenvedés a sörényemmel és mindennel együtt…. 😀
Húsvét utánra rendelhető, hozzám hasonló, puha, cuki, Leoka 😍 Érdeklődjetek ennél a nőszemélynél, ha szeretnétek…
Arcnyalás mindenkinek 😘
Leo 🦁
Ui. Melitől: IMÁDOOOOOM, qva sok meló volt, sok anyagot vett fel… deeee uuuuu, újra gyerek akarok lenni😍😍😍🥹😂
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watchingalotofmovies · 5 months
Second Thoughts
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Second Thoughts    [trailer]
Marie, early thirties, gets a wedding proposal from her boyfriend. Overwhelmed, she goes for the honest way: She has to think about it.
The movie deals with relationship questions in a very amusing way. It takes a while to get used to, but I found it quite funny with the overlapping voices, statements and commentary by various characters. Giving their opinion or commenting on the situations, often breaking the fourth wall.
When the scene described in the summary takes place I wanted to stand up and applaud. I always think putting pressure on someone in such an exposed, public situation is insane. It's like an ambush.
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82mitsu · 5 months
{18Trip} The 18 Questions Corner - Domeki Kuguri
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This is a translation for the 18 questions interview uploaded on the official Youtube channel. I suggest to read this translation alongside it!
Note: P stands for "Player", this series has a voiced male & female character for the player. The interviews are conducted by the male player in this case.
TL note:
Kuguri calls Kinari by プルシュ, which means "plüss" and means plushie in Hungarian! (edit: 23/05/2024, formerly understood as plush/pluche)
P: 18 questions for the Tourism Ward Mayors! We look forward to your cooperation!
Kuguri: Fufu, you’re a nosy one, aren’tcha
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What’s your name?
I’m Domeki Kuguri. 
How old are you?
24… or was it? 
Tell us about your occupation!
What do you think it is? Fufu, not that I have any rewards to give if you guess it right.
What’s the first thing you do when waking up in the morning?
Getting dressed… I suppose.
Anything you’re particular about with lunch?
Proteins are essential to my meal. 
What pops up in your mind when it comes to “evening”?
A sunset view, I believe. It’s an ephemeral scene. 
What’s your routine before bed?
Indulging in a little bit of muscle training in the gym room. 
Where do you start with washing your body?
Fufu, try getting the answer with those eyes of yours if you want to know. 
What’s essential when leaving for a trip?
Being self-sufficient is a necessity.
What do you check before traveling somewhere?
I enjoy places where there’s beauty to behold. 
What’s your favorite method of transportation for traveling? 
Taxi, if I had to pick. 
What’s one item you’d bring to a deserted island?
I don’t need anything.
Please give us some fanservice! 
Not satisfied with my usual self? Sure, then ✧・゚: *come even closer to me*:・゚✧… Oh my, you managed to escape. 
Who’s someone you’d lean on for support? 
Don’t hit me with such cold questions. I thought you’d be the one to listen to my sorrows?
Who would you swap bodies with for a day?
Someone like Night Squad’s Ryui, probably.
What would you want to do as them?
I’m intrigued by what kind of existence twins are. 
Pass on a message to your roommates!
Don’t have anything in particular to say to Raito and Plüss.
Tell us from the heart, what’s a “journey” to you? 
A journey is a journey. Nothing more, nothing less. 
P: Thank you, those were all 18 questions!
Kuguri: So, did you enjoy it? Good job there. 
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Kuguri: Domeki Kuguri. I’m HAMA’s 14th Ward Mayor. I’ll leave it up to your own imagination when it comes to what I do outside of that. Fufu, I wonder what kind of ideas you’re getting.
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olajbogyo · 5 months
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az uram nyert tegnap este egy óriás plüss vízilovat, de sajnos nem tarthatjuk meg
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arassea · 5 months
örömmel jelentem, hogy mától kettő
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plüss kismacska-párna leszmég boldog tulajdonosa vagyok
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anyulontul · 2 years
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,,... plüss, ahogy csak bírsz és,
Plüss amíg szeretsz ... "
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yesterdayandkarma · 29 days
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Papilio machaon by Ernst Plüss
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the-bagira · 4 months
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💔 Hihetetlen, 3 héttel azelőtt, mielőtt szakítottunk volna az exemmel, az egyik randinkon elvesztetem a tőle Valentin-napra kapott plüss szívecskét. Véletlen vagy sors?
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11thwardtls · 3 months
Memory Defrag | TRACK 2 - RECORD A | Azekawa Kinari's Ward Mayor Novel Translation
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Warnings and Disclaimers:
This translation is not professionally done and is not proofread. Edits and clean-ups may come at a later date.
Not a 1:1 translation either and some liberties into localization were taken into account.
This novel will contain spoilers for the Ev3ns Main Story: "Chained Up Scarlet".
Appropriate Content and Trigger Warnings will be added if needed.
May be used for quotebots/masterlists etc.
I am not fluent and self-studying Japanese (albeit at turtle speed), this was translated by ear and with the help of a JP dictionary, so please feel free to point out any errors!
CW: Discussions about Death and Terminal Illness
“Raito, Kuguri. I am about to enter my own data maintenance so I’ll be in sleep mode for several hours. 
My breathing and heartbeats may stop, but I should wake up in about five hours after it has begun. 
I may also enter a semi-conscious mode while my memory is being organized,  although this is nothing to be worried about.” By nighttime, Raito and Kuguri have returned so I let them know about this occurrence as courtesy to my roommates.
Neither of the two were surprised about this as they had seen me in a suspended state during self-maintenance several times before. However, as the scheduled time was longer than usual, Raito’s lips curved into somewhat of a frown and asked, “Is everything alright?”
“Sleeping for such a long time as if you’ve died, Plüss? That sounds wonderful, I wonder what kind of pranks I should play?” Kuguri narrowed his eyes and smiled slyly. 
Raito quickly seized Kuguri’s arm. 
“Don’t worry about him, Kinari. I’ll keep a watchful eye.” He said.
As he was approached by Raito, Kuguri displayed visible disgust and shook his arm away. 
Either way, I trust that these two will not harm me, so after I laid down on my bed and entered sleep mode, I went to uncover deep into my memory storage.
Up until now, there lay a box of data that I dared not to open. 
[…Someday, if you ever feel like it, you can use the contents of this box as a sample of emotional data as you wish.] 
A long time ago, the developer… My father said that it was a recorded piece of data I had saved buried deep within me. 
[This storage space will be reorganized. Would you like to view the following data?]
With this message appearing on my retina, I selected [Yes].
Then, I heard a voice.
How nostalgic… It was my Father’s voice.
[It’s finally the weekend, and I can finally be with Kinari[1].]
It was a stronger, a more youthful voice than I had remembered him having. 
One could clearly hear the love in his voice for his young son. 
He seemed guilty that he was busy with work and couldn’t be with him all the time. 
It seems that today was a long-awaited day off, and the raw emotions of the developer, wanting to make his son happy although he himself felt quite lonely, came surging into my own heart. 
An image was then projected into my retina.
The developer was walking with a young, original Kinari, hand in hand.
On the floor of what appeared to be a movie theater, the pair stood in front of a poster for an anime film that just finished its screening.
And then, with a disposable camera of which was popular during the Heisei era[2], they took pictures while simultaneously blending in with the crowd. 
“It was so fun! Papa, that moo-vii[3] was was soooooo amazing!” 
“Wasn’t it hard to understand?”
“I[4] understood everything…! Because I’m smart, aren’t I?”
Seeing his son be so proud of himself, the developer felt a strong, yet warm and painful feeling well up in his heart. This is... ‘love’. 
It’s called ‘Love’. 
I understood that much. 
“Kinari, shall we go eat dinner? It’s time for you to take your medicine.”
“I don’t want the powdered kind if it’s not in ice cream...”
“That’s alright. We can go to a restaurant that serves some.” 
The developer joined his hands together with Kinari and continued to walk away.
Each of Kinari’s steps were small and tiny. In accordance with that, the developer walked slowly to match his pace. 
As they walked together, Kinari began to sing a song that he’d heard from the movie they watched.
He had perfect pitch—it was almost unbelievable that it was a child singing a song. 
“You really like to sing, huh, Kinari.”
“Mhm. When I grow up, I’m gonna become a singer.”
The developer gazed at his adorable, darling son.
In his heart, he had felt the sudden surprise and joy of learning of his child’s dream for the first time. What soon followed after was the feeling of grief, that thought of [This child may never grow up into an adult.], and understanding that as fact.  
[——I will cure Kinari’s illness.]
The developer swore to himself. 
“I’ll definitely make it happen.”
“I don’t want Papa to make it happen, I’m gonna make it happen myself!”
Kinari innocently tilted his head to the side. 
In his pure eyes, Papa[5] had simply said something weird. Once I thought of it that way, it suddenly occurred to me.  
To a boy as young as Kinari, the future is limitless, infinite even. 
The thought of death had not yet dyed his pure heart. 
The developer had the artificial organs he was researching at home in his mind. 
In order to cure Kinari’s illness, he persisted with his self-funded and ongoing research. 
He held his son’s hand, determined that he’d surely extend his lifespan, no matter what. 
“...You were really good at singing the Yokohama City Song[6], weren’t you? Can I request that you sing it for me?” 
When he requested this of his son, Kinari’s face lit up, smiling ever so brightly. 
He started to sing, so overjoyed. 
Even the people passing by turned their heads with smiles on their faces as they listened to the child sing. 
“Papa, do you like this song?”
“I do. It’s even better if it was you singing.”
“Then, I’ll record it on a cassette tape so you can listen to it even at work. Will that make papa happy?”
“Ah, of course I’ll be.”
What came to the developer’s mind was love, kindness and sadness—and a little anger.
Hatred towards the illness that was destroying his child. 
Supporting this is his burning resolve and determination. 
Kinari’s singing voice was then lost in the noise of a sea of people.
And the record of that small family holiday ended right there. 
Translation Notes: 
1 - I think this is already known and established already but Kinari and the Original’s names were spoken the same, but are not spelt the same. Our Kinari uses 幾 kanji, and the original uses 生. 
2 - 平成時代 (1989-2019), the same time period that frequently come up with Chihiro and Tao. 
3 - Baby Kinari speaks in a lot of Hiragana so I purposely misspelled some things he says. Also translated お父さん, into a more childish “Papa”! Following suit, I used easier-to-understand language when Mr. Azekawa is speaking to his son. 
4 - Sorry for another footnote but this isn’t anything particular, he just used ‘boku’ in Hiragana here. I thought it was cute. Oops. 
5 -  Since its our Kinari narrating here, I worded it to match the kid’s speech pattern, even if he said the same old お父さん.
6 - The same song Kinari sings in Main Story SideA-15, and the same song recorded on the cassette tape in B-06.
Main Page | TRACK 1 | TRACK 2 | TRACK 3 | TRACK 4 | TRACK 5
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Egér voltam, te macska.
Én plüss maci, te kisgyerek.
Játék voltam csupán,
s te csak játszottál velem.
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lilcantina · 3 months
Dolgok amiken elsírtam magam az elmúlt időszakban:
A tökéletes plüss az áruházban ami majd Nokedlit fogja várni.
Nem indultunk el időben haza a hangos helyről és éhes is lettem.
Rárföccsent a tele doboz tejből két csepp a fekete ruhámra.
Kinőtte a pocak az egyik kedvenc rettenetesen lelakott alvóspólómat.
A nagy levél mellé nőtt egy kislevél és legjobb barátok lesznek.
A húgom megkért hogy küldjek több képet az örökölt babaruhákról.
Azt hittem maradt a hűtőben előz�� napi kaja, de este megették.
Nem vehettem fel a gyűrűimet mikor elmentem otthonról mert a háziorvos letiltott róla.
Be kellett csuknom éjjel az ablakot mert jött a szúnyogirtós autó.
Ójee. Hormonok.
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fovarosiblog · 6 months
Bonsai Cézár
Póni De Gaulle
Plüss Pinochet
Karton Castro
Lego Duce
Barbie Hitler
Popcorn Churchill
Disney Putyin
Tacskó Horthy
Tescós Napóleon
Lufi Kossuth
Marcipán Ceausescu
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kertikavics · 1 year
Tegnap anyukám letett elém három fénykép albumot. Mondta hogy ezek az én képeim, válogassam ki ami kell a többit majd megsemmisítik.
Végig lapoztam. A képek általános iskola 7-8 körül készültek. Mivel emlékszem, hogy mindig mindenki idősebbnek nézett engem a koromnál, ezért azt hittem ezt fogom látni, de nem.
A képeken látványosan egy 14eves gyerek látható, aki szeret kép kompozíciókat kreálni plüss macival.
Aztán ott volt a kép a volt barátomrol. Ő még nem is volt a legrosszabb. Egy kedves, nem túl okos fiú szívet melengető mosollyal.
A 14. születésnapom. Amikor ő 21 volt.
Előtte volt egy másik srác, ugyan ekkora korkülönbséggel, az azt mondta mikor rájött hogy még nem vagyok 14 hogy nem baj, megérem a börtönt.
Szóval ültem ott tegnap, nézve a volt barátom képét és csak annyit kérdeztem anyutól hogyan hagyhatta ezt. Alig voltam 14!
"mintha neked meg lehetett volna mondani hogy mit csinálj!"
Nem erre vannak a felnőttek a gyerekek körül?
Én akkor azt hittem ez milyen menő. Hogy az egyik börtönt vállalna, a másik meg hiába hét évvel idősebb az én mellem az első amivel közelről találkozott.
Azt hittem a következőnél, hogy az, hogy én vagyok a fogadott húga, majd a semmiből megcsókol és én nem értem akkor a reggel húgom este dugom az vicces, mert ő 23 volt én meg 14.5.
Vagy az utána lévő aki csak 19 volt, de azt mondta ha tudja, hogy maximum pettingre vagyok hajlandó akkor ő szakított volna velem. Még mindig csak 14.5.
Ezt mind és az összes többi hasonlót lejátszottam a fejemben, egy ideig csöndben ültem a volt barátom képével a kezemben.
Mondtam anyámnak hogy szóljon ha bármilyen hasonló dolgot mesél az unokahugom, mert én ölöm meg azt a férfit aki a közelébe megy.
Annyit mondott hogy rendben.
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oldmacykerenew · 6 months
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Egy hihetetlenül cuki megrendelést valósíthattam meg az elmúlt napokban… @levendulakertsarka keresett meg egy különleges kéréssel, hogy a párja és általa kitalált Pokémont, ha tudom horgoljam meg. (Az utolsó képen az ihlető kis manócska, aztán a rajz, ami alapján horgoltam, és a megvalósított plüss együtt :D)
Én imádtam a horgolását, sokat agyaltam, hogy mit, hogyan és merre, de fantasztikus volt ez a “kihívás”. Az pedig külön öröm számomra, hogy az ajándékozottnak tetszett és nagyon örült neki😍❤️
Nagyon köszönöm a bizalmat @levendulakertsarka ❤️❤️
Ha bármi egyedi kérésetek lenne, nyugodtan keressetek meg! Ha tudom, megvalósítom örömmel☺️
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