#place lol we are both Broke broke. and buying like food n stuff has to come first. sadge$
neobisexual · 2 years
doing volunteer work as a career is so sad because the living stipend we get is not nearly enough to buy all the fetish gear i want to get 😔
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Survey #298
“i don’t like what i am becoming  /  wish i could just feel something”
Do you have sensitive skin? Very. Do you wear necklaces or earrings more? Just my tragus piercing, really. I only ever wear a necklace sometimes if I'm taking a "nice" picture. Rings or bracelets? I currently don't wear any bracelets, but I do always have one ring on. How many toilets are in your house? Two. Is your current crush younger than you? By just a couple years. Are you a lighter complexion than your father? Yes; he's very tan, especially his arms from being a mailman. Ranch or barbeque sunflower seeds? I don't like sunflower seeds. Do you know the first five books of the Bible in order? No. Do you have a pet fish? Nah, they're not my thing. Do you believe being gay is a choice or a "disorder"? Neither; I believe it's a genetic mutation. It defies biology and the very motive for life, but I always say that a mutation does not, in any way, equate to "wrong." I am extremely adamantly pro-gay rights and bisexual myself, so I can't shit-talk it. What are some of your favourite sounds? Crunching leaves, rain gently tapping on windows, windchimes, birdsong... mainly nature sounds. There are others, I'm just blanking right now. Are you a warm weather or cold weather person? Cold, 100%. What time do you wake up? What for? This spans over a massive gap, honestly... I can wake up as early as 5 or as late as 9:30. Most often, it's pretty early, and I call that my "trial" of being awake, lol... because I will almost without fail go back to sleep for a couple more hours. Hell, that happens even if I sleep on the later side. Do you ever listen to music to fall asleep to? I used to do that in middle and maybe some of high school, I think; I'd fall asleep with my iPod on and earbuds in. I haven't done that in a very long time, though. Could you spend the rest of your life with someone who had bad taste in music? ... Yes? Their taste in music has nothing to do with them as a person???? Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest for? No, and it's best I don't. Have you ever wanted to get drunk and get your mind off everything? Yes, and that's how I found out I'm far from a lightweight. I wasn't going to drink more than I actually wanted to drink just to get wasted. Did you love playing hide and seek as a kid? Yeah. Who is the last child you held? My youngest niece. Have you ever woken up not knowing where you were? Maybe for a few moments after my surgery? I don't really recall. When is the last time you made the wrong choice in anything? Every fucking day when I decide what to do with my time. What is the most interesting thing in the room you are in? My snake, I guess. She's a champagne morph ball python. When washing your hands, do you wet your hands or put soap on first? I put on soap first. When was the hardest you ever cried? What was the circumstance? Probably when Mom literally dragged me home after I tried to walk to Jason's to talk the night of the breakup. I lost my fucking mind. Which gift cards do you have in your wallet? I don't think I have any. Coke or Pepsi? Coke. I hate Pepsi. What is better: cute smile, or amazing eyes? A cute smile. What song are you listening to? "Drilled a Wire Through My Cheek" by Blue October is on currently. Name your best friend(s): Sara. Do you know any mechanical stuff about cars? Nope. Last night you felt? I wasn't suicidal, but still kinda wanted to die lmao. Do you still watch Disney channel? No. How do you like your eggs? I only enjoy them scrambled, and preferably with cheese. What’s your all-time favorite song? "False Flags" by Massive Attack. If you could be any TV character, who would you be and why? Idk, I don't watch TV enough. Maybe Donna from That '70s Show. Very strong and independent, outspoken, and not to mention she has great taste. I find her to be a good female character to look up to. Do you ever come up with really good ideas for stories or movies? Do you do anything with them? Yeah; I'll try to integrate them into RP characters and plots. What sort of things do you post on your Tumblr? Vintage photos, screen caps, girly things? It's a Markiplier cesspit lmao. Sometimes I'll reblog shit I find funny. I've been very inactive on it, though. Have you ever had a dream that you couldn’t shake, even for days after you woke up? Oh yes. When was the last time you felt like a nuisance, or unwanted? Recently, I'm sure. When was the last time your dreams were crushed, or at least hindered? I dunno. How’s school going? I'm not in school. Are you angry at anyone right now? Myself. The last person to say they loved you? Mom. When is the last time you laughed hard? Hard? I'm really not sure. Are there any words on your shirt? No, it's just a blank black tank. Does it take a lot to make you cry? NOPE. Do you tell your parents everything? No. Do you get bored easily? I'm bored to the point of thinking being dead would be more fun at some point almost every day. I have anhedonia badly. I'm honestly starting to think I've over-medicated to a numbing degree so am trying to wean off some things. Have you ever burned someone's picture? No. How long was your last nap? Maybe three hours? I was really, really tired, though. Can you name the last time you felt happy? Probably when Sara and I talk-talked for the first time in a while. When was the last time you played with sidewalk chalk? Oh, I have zero clue. Probably not since I was a kid. Do you have friends obsessed with World of Warcraft? Bro wtf don't @ me. Have you ever punched a hole in the wall? No. Have you ever told someone you hated them? The only time I've seriously said that was to my dad before we reconciled after the divorce. What was the color of the bridesmaid dresses of the last wedding you went to? I actually don't remember... Favorite thing to do on Facebook? See The Memes. Do you wear flip flops, regardless of weather, all the time? I SAID don't @ me. What is in store for your future? I both do and don't want to know. Have you ever seen a live bat? Yeah. I adore bats. Do you chew on straws? No. Do you have any trophies? Yeah. Who’s the last person that creeped you out? Some guy who walked into the store I was at with Mom, continuously looking back and forth. Would you believe an ex if she/he said they love you? Well, that would depend on the person. Have you ever been kissed in the rain? Yeah. Anything exciting happening soon? My half-sister and her kids are visiting tomorrow and staying for a few days. It's a surprise for Mom. Do you keep a diary or journal (offline or online)? You could say these surveys kinda are. I don't have a designated "diary," though. When was the last time you took a painkiller? What was it for and did it work? I had womanly issues a few days back, and yeah, it helped. Have you ever had to go and rescue someone because their car broke down? When was the last time that happened? I mean, I've driven /with/ Mom to do so. I myself don't drive. What’s one sweet/candy you miss from your childhood? Is this item something you can still buy or has it been discontinued? Y'all remember Baby Bottle Pops??? 'Cuz I do, and I love those fuckin things. I still see them sometimes in gas stations. When was the last time you used some kind of moisturiser? A few days back for my hands. They were painfully dry. If you’re under lockdown/stay at home orders at the moment, are you struggling or managing okay? A bitch is s t r u g g l i n g. Has anything positive come out of the pandemic for you? Fuck no. Do you wear a watch? Is it analogue/digital? Does it it have things like a step-counter in it? No. Do you have any gifts from Christmas that you still haven’t opened or used? Not used, yes. Well, then some things are still in their boxes, but they're unwrapped. Do you know how to tie a tie? If so, who taught you? No. Who was your last missed call from? Did you ring that person back? Some number I didn't recognize, so no. When was the last time you had some kind of problem with your internet connection? Is this something that happens often? A few days back. It has occasional instances where it'll go out but come back on shortly. Do you have a favourite celebrity chef? No. Do you prefer pizza or pasta? Pizza. Have you ever volunteered anywhere before? What was the reason behind doing so? Once at PetSmart when they had dogs to adopt out, which was for school volunteer hours. I spent time with them, giving them attention and taking them outside. I also had two other animal-related volunteer days, but each was only a few hours because my fucking weak-ass body couldn't handle them. Have you ever been truly obsessed with something? What was it and how did you come to feel that way? I have an incredibly obsessive personality; I could probably name near on a dozen or so things I've been genuinely obsessed with. I don't know what it means to love in moderation. Some are/were pleasant obsessions, some aren't/weren't. Does it bother you when people turn up at your house without asking or waiting to be invited? Yes. Are you taller or shorter than average height? I'm the average for an American woman. Do you have any family members whose beliefs or ways of life completely embarrass you? YUP YUP YUP YUP. Are you scared of heights? Yes. When was the last time you lost something of great sentimental value? Did you ever end up finding it again? I don't know. Have you ever injured anyone in self-defense? No. What food do you find to be the most filling? Is this something you eat a lot of? In relation to its portion sizes, oatmeal or eggs. I can't have a whole lot of either. I wouldn't say I eat either a lot, but oatmeal is more common. Have you ever heard people talking badly about you behind your back? Did you confront them about it? Yes, and in at least two instances. Do you consider “home” to be the place you were born, or is it somewhere you create for yourself? I consider it to be my childhood home; not the one I was actually born in, but only because I was way too young to remember and we only lived there like, maybe two years into my life. Have you ever experienced having to leave your home due to a fire, or due to the threat of fire? No, thankfully. When was the last time you felt you were in a dangerous situation? When we had a serious tornado warning Christmas Eve. Yes. In winter. Are there any superstitions that you believe in? Which ones and what are your reasons for doing so? No. Are there any series of books/films that you never finished - either because you got bored of waiting or just lost interest? Oh, I'm sure. I Wouldn't say I lost interest in a lot though, I just wasn't interested enough, like for The Hunger Games. Which theme park is your favorite? I haven't been to nearly enough to know. Like, just one. Do you eat healthy? I try to be, at least. Though I've been doing very poorly about it lately because I'm a emotional goddamn eater and am having a very hard time. Do/did your parents fight often? They're divorced for a reason. Do YOU fight with them often? No. Would you say that you're respectful? I hope so. Are you a fan of Green Day? Yeah, I love them. Would you rather have 4 kids at one time or never have a kid? Jesus Christ, never. I don't want any anyway. Do you think 'friends with benefits' relationships really ever work? No. Do you or have you ever known a drug addict? Yes. Do you turn off the water while brushing your teeth or leave it on? I always turn it off. No reason to waste it. Do you have any nieces or nephews? Lots, if you include my half-siblings. Are caterpillars more cute or disgusting? I tend to find them cute. What's your homepage when you bring up the internet? Google. Was the last book you read for fun or was it for some type of assignment? It was for fun. Have you ever dated someone you met online? Yes. Would you go on a date with someone right now if they asked? Depends on who's asking. Do you own any band tees? Oh, I have lots. Off the top of my head, some that I frequently wear are Metallica, Otep, and Korn. Do you know someone who wears a wig? No. Have you ever kissed someone under fireworks? I don't think so. What kind of dressing do you eat on your salad, if any? I strongly prefer the Olive Garden kind, but I also enjoy ranch. What genre of music do you listen to the most? Metal of some sort. Have you ever dated someone who was way overprotective of you? No. Do you personally know any cops? No. How many different colleges have you gone to? Three. How much stress can you handle? Not much at all. How confident are you in achieving your dreams? I ain't got the slightest clue by this point in my life. What is one thing you thought you’d never do but have done or are doing? There's a lot of things, most bad, some good. Do you have to take medication for any mental illness? A lot. Do you like looking at pictures? It depends on what's in them. Specifically pictures from my past, that's usually a big no. Do you believe the dead can have connections with the living? I guess in very vague ways. Which family member do you get along with the most? Well, define "get along with." I by far have the strongest relationship with my mom, but we fight sometimes. As for who I stay on the most stable ground with, that's probably my dad. Would you ever be able to become a vegan? I know I couldn't, but I'd love to. How did you meet your newest friend? Who even IS my newest friend... Have you ever watched the show Teen Mom? What did you think about it? No, and I think it's an awful fucking idea for a television show. Put a spotlight on and money into teen pregnancy, yeah, that's a genius plan. Are you old enough to remember MySpace? Yeah. Do you think you’ll be a good mother/father? I wouldn't be. Do you have trouble deleting your text messages? I don't need to. Is there something that you haven’t told anyone that you actually would like to tell someone? No. Have you ever been called a tease? Yeah. Do people ever make fun of your religion or lack thereof? No. Do you say/do things a lot for shock effect? No? What was the last compliment you gave a guy? I probably told my nephew Ryder he was a good brother. Was one of your grandpas in a war? Maybe? Idk. I never knew either well at all. Have you screamed in a pillow before? Yes. What do you like more, acoustic or electric? Electric. Have you ever ordered something off a commercial on television? No. What's worse, having someone mad or disappointed in you? Disappointed. Do you still consider Pluto a planet? Yes. Didn't they reinstate it as one, anyway? Right now, are you at a high, leveled, or low point? What's lower than "low?"
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legitlaur · 5 years
One Kiss
Steve Rogers x Reader
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: First time writing in like 2 months and awkwardness
Summary: Bc of endgame I feel like we need some good old everyone lives at the tower and everyone is happy fluff. so that’s basically what this is. You have a major crush on Steve and he orders you a burrito lol
Background: You were a hacker, so talented it took SHIELD 20 hours to realize their system had been infiltrated. Agent Hill told Fury that you could be a real asset. During the fight against Ultron you were able to track most if not all the robots, you informed the team when they had successfully wiped out all the Ultrons. Currently, you find mercenaries and anything that enters the Earth’s atmosphere. Generally, you gather a strike team and lead the mission through coms, while Steve leads on the ground.
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You were working in the kitchen, hoping that someone would come in and make some dinner you could steal. You were able to hack secret government agencies but not able to make anything beyond microwavable ramen.
You moved into the tower with the Avengers, now that SHIELD was gone. And you needed the second best satellites and wifi. You changed the entire mainframe of Tony's system to connect your laptop to his satellites. Once you were in, you could hack into nearly anything.
As of right now, you were keeping an eye out on any remaining HYDRA agents. Steve and Nat were hoping to build up a new SHIELD but not until all of HYDRA was gone. With Furys Project Insight it could’ve been done in the click of a button. Steve, however, deleted all of the software. You’ve managed to steal a glimpse at the algorithm before it was lost forever. You repurposed it and waited for notifications on facial recognition.
You pulled your hood over the back of your head and popped in an earbud. Out of boredom, you checked the security of the tower. If you were able to hack it when you were just a kid, whos to say one of Peter Parker's genius friends, or someone not so nice couldn’t do the same.
You worked on some new code and made a quick call to Tony asking for permission to make some changes. He as always was looking forward to your improvements. Just as you were getting into your groove, you saw Steve walk into the kitchen. You pulled the strings of your hoodie so your face was more concealed. It was hard being around someone so perfect, just one look at him made anyone self-conscious.
“Y/n? What are you doing?” He asked.
Even his voice made it difficult for you to speak, “Umm. I found a few flaws in our security so I’m just fixing it.”
Steve opened the fridge, “Tony's got some competition,” He noticed the scared look on your face, “That was a compliment. It's good for him to be kicked off his imaginary throne.”
You smiled, “Thanks?”
“There's never any food in this place,” He slammed the fridge shut.
You loosened your hood and took out your earbuds. Quietly you informed him why “I may have gone through the food supply and threw out anything that was expired. Also, Thor was here a few  days ago, I’m pretty sure he eats like five times our calorie intake.”
Steve sat down next to you, “Well at least someone's cleaning up around here. Wanna order in?”
Your heart was thumping, “No Chinese. Every time the kid is here we order Chinese. I don’t think I can eat another dumpling ever.”
He picked up the phone, “You like burritos right.”
You nodded, somehow the freezer was always stocked full of microwave burritos. You would eat them when you're stressed. Which was quite often.
You moved your hair behind your ear, “You, you notice that?”
Steve laughed, it made the butterflies in your stomach flap around frantically, “Of course. It’s hard not to notice you-” “What?” Your face burned.
He ran his hands through his gelled hair, “Your always wearing headphones and so zoned into your work you don’t notice anything. One time Sam and Bucky had a full-on brawl, they even broke the table. You didn’t look off your screen. When you work your so concentrated that nothing could break your attention.”
You weren’t sure how to respond. Luckily he continued.
“That’s why you’re so easy to notice because crazy stuff happens around here. They watch the crazy stuff, then turn to you and see if you react,” he chuckled, “Barton and Bucky have a continuing bet going. Every time you don’t react Clint pays a dollar.  I think since you moved in Buck has inherited $200.”
“You’re joking.”
He fixed his posture, “I never joke. I’m Captain America.”
You punched his shoulder, “Seriously though.”
“It’s all true,” he saluted, “scouts honor.”
Before you knew it, you were having dinner with Steve Rogers. Heck, you were flirting with him.
“I’m glad you live here. It’s nice having someone who’s not crazy around. Keeping some of the egotistical people where they truly belong.”
Your face went a brighter red, “Wow,” you weren’t sure how to respond to that, “But if I'm gonna be honest I’m pretty crazy.”
You were crazy, crazy in love with Steve Rogers.
He smiled, the butterflies in your stomach fluttered their wings faster. You stuffed a mouthful of burrito in your mouth trying to not make things so awkward. He continued talking and you thanked anyone above for that.
Wiping the remaining crumbs from his face Steve stood up, “So do you wanna go to the lounge or do you need to finish proving to Tony your better than him again?”
You shut your laptop, “Lounge, I already finished the security system.” This was a lie, you just wanted to sit by Steve in a dark room.
Your shoulders continually brushed against each other as you walked. The hallway seemed notable more narrow than the other thousands of times you’d walked through them. Even when you were Bucky, who if it's even possible might be broader than Steve, was able to walk next to you in this hall. You picked up the pace, feeling the awkward tension increase. Steve pressed the elevator button when the door opened Natasha was in leaning against the wall.
“Where are you two heading,” She asked.
Steve let you go in first, then answered, “The lounge.” Nat pressed 3 for you guys. The tension had been lifted, you planned to thank her later. She was talking and joking around with you guys. Steve seemed to be lightening up even more. His posture wasn’t as stiff and his arms hung at his sides rather than crossed against his chest.
The lounge consisted of the comfiest couch’s money could buy, blankets everywhere and an extremely large flat screen. There was also a bar area and a few small tables. If there was a party in the facility it would be in the kitchen because of food, or the lounge.
Tony and Bruce were sitting on the couch watching the Discovery Channel. You sat down at the bar, hoping Steve would catch the hint. You’re stomach knotted as you waited for him to sit. He said hi to Tony and Bruce, rather than sitting next to you he went behind the bar.
“What can I get you?” He flirted, or at least you thought he was flirting.
Gushing with embarrassment you answered, “Old Fashion”
Steve looked surprised.
“What kinda drink did you expect from me?” you asked quite offended.
He pulled out a glass, “Well I definitely didn’t take you for an Old Fashion, I'll be honest I was thinking you were more of a straight tequila person.”
You sat up eating up his opinions of you, “Those are only for breakups and really stressful times actually.”
He nodded, seeming to make a mental note while making your drink.
You got extremely drunk, to the point where Bruce and Tony had to leave in order to feel sane.
Steve was sitting next to you laughing and talking and drinking. You finished another drink and asked him in a slurred way“How much for the drinks bartender?”
Without missing a beat Steve answered, “One kiss.”
Even being drunk this shocked you. You pinched yourself, this could easily be another one of your Steve Rogers fantasy dreams. But it wasn't, it was real. You watched him move his chair closer and felt him gently put his hand on your waist.
This was it your moment. You were going to kiss Steve Rogers. Both of you leaned it, you went for the right and when your lips met symphonies went off in your head. This was more than just a kiss. This was the build-up of all the sexual tension and lust for one another pushed into one moment.
One kiss.
You ran your hands up and down his button-up shirt. His hand held your face close, while the other pulled on your hair. You stood up, he followed. This quickly became unconventional because of the height difference. Steve lifted you against the wall. You wrapped your arms around his waist for support. You violently began unbuttoning his shirt. Finally, it was off, you stared in awe. You’d seen this angelic man shirtless before, but never in this state. His lips left yours, only to find them going down your neck.
“Pay up.” A voice called.
Steve let go of you instantaneous. You both turned to the voice, Bucky and Sam were standing in the doorway.
“That wasn’t what it looked like,” Steve began to explain.
You were devastated. Had that been nothing more than a kiss to him? Nothing but filling a void? Were you just an object to him, a toy to be played with?
“What was it then Steve?” You shouted and stormed out.
After no one could see you, the tears came through and you burst into a run. No one could see you in this state. The elevator ride seemed the longest, you prayed no one would join you. Once you got to your floor unseen you ran to the safety and comfort of your room.
Where you planned to stay forever.
You laid in tearstained pillows and wrapped in a blanket trying to understand what just happened. Instead of that being the best moment of your life, it quickly escalated to one of the worst. The heartbreak, and the embarrassment. It was all too much, you wouldn’t live here anymore, you couldn’t stand to see him every day. Knowing that he was using you. You were going to tell Tony as soon as you pulled yourself together.
There was a knock at the door. This couldn’t get any worse.
You heard the door open, “y/n?” Steves warm voice called.
Your stomach tightened, it seems it could get worse, “Don’t, Steve.”
You kept your body facing the wall, “Please listen. I never meant to hurt you, I didn’t mean it like that when I said it.”
“What else could you have meant, clearly it was just a drunk kiss. It doesn’t even matter anymore,” You barked.
He sat on your bed, “Will you please just look at me. I, I’m trying to tell you something serious and I can’t because I’m staring into those beautiful y/e/c eyes.”
You tried your best to wipe away your tears. Slowly you sat up and turned to him. He was wearing his usual white tank top, his face looked stressed and his hair was a mess.
“Did you just call my eyes beautiful?”
He leaned closer to you, gingerly he cupped my cheek in his hands. Using his thumb he wiped away the rest of the tears, “Yes. You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen a lot of girls.” He winked, “I’m not sure if you’ve heard but I was alive during World War 2.”
You smacked his arm, “Calling me the most beautiful girl you’ve ever seen isn’t going to help you out here. Our kiss wasn’t what it looked like remember.”
He frowned, “y/n you have no idea how much I wish I could take that back. But in a sense it was true, I honestly didn’t want that to be how anyone found out.”
“Found out what?” You interrupted.
His eyes looked away from you, “That I like you.”
Steve Rogers. Captain America liked you. How was this even possible? You were clearly dreaming.
“Slap me!”
Steve’s face looked shocked, “Excuse me?”
“Just slap me. I need to know this is real,” you explained.
Steve laughed, “y/n this is real. Can’t you see, you make me laugh. You drive me crazy.”
You were smiling so wide, “Wake me up captain,” you smoothed your voice, “one kiss.”
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Do you always carry breath mints? Nope. What is the point of scented pens/pencils/erasers? No point, really. People just like them. *shrug* They were kinda fun to have when I was a kid. Do you buy/wear band-aids with cartoon characters on them? We usually just get the plain, simple ones but I don’t mind wearing ones with cute characters or designs. Are you amused by celebrity fashion flubs? I just see some of (a lot of, honestly) the stuff celebrities wear and I’m just like....why? I see the things that are considered fashionable and I really just don’t get it. And they’re not cheap stuff either. What do you think your reaction would be upon entering the White House? I think it’d be interesting to go on a tour of the White House.
Do you buy and wear crazy looking socks? I used to get fun colors and cute designs and such when I was younger, but now I just stick to simple, plain ones. Would you run down the street wearing a tutu, fishnets, & flippers? Nah. Have you ever grown your own sea monkeys or dinosaurs? Oh, those little things that grew when put in water? If so, then yes. Those were really cool as a kid. Would you want to travel into deep space? Nooooo. Just the idea of that is terrifying. Have you ever thrown a game controller (or the game) and broke it? No.
Did you ever own an Etch-a-Sketch? Yeah. Do/did you ever have glow-in-the-dark stars on your ceiling? Yep yep. That was like the staple of a 90′s kid room. Does your house have an attic that had stuff in it when you moved in? My house doesn’t have an attic. What movie were you really worked up for that ended up disappointing you? I wasn’t worked up or dying to see Gretel and Hansel, but I saw it recently and yeah it wasn’t good.  Does/did your school have special dress-up days? Yeah, my elementary, middle school, and high school had those.  What cartoons did you watch when you were little? 90′s shows on Nickelodeon, Disney, PBS, Kids WB, and Saturday morning cartoons.  Do you eat peanut shells along with the peanuts? No. Have you ever gone white-water rafting? Not for real, no. I’ve only been on the amusement ride version. I definitely couldn’t do the real thing. What part of a paper is hardest for you to write? Honestly, the hardest part for me was always just getting started. Once I got started; though, I was fine. Does your grandma wear an apron when she cooks? No. This is your chance to get it out! Place random rant here: Nah. How often do you need “me” time? I’m someone who needs time to myself to just do my own thing and rest.  Does it bother you that almost everything is done on computers now? No. I’m all about the convenience of doing things like shopping, paying bills, filling out forms, looking things up, having easy, quick access to various things, etc. Also great when you’re not a social person like me, but can be “social” on various social medias. I can see what people are up to and be in the loop about things without even communicating lmao. That sounds awful, but hey. You can reach more people that way as well.  Have you ever gotten stuck in a revolving door? No. Who is your favorite superhero? Iron Man, Star Lord, Spiderman, and Ant-Man.  KFC Chicken: original or extra crispy? I don’t like KFC. What class in school do/did you secretly love? I didn’t have any that I secretly enjoyed.  What animal do you most resemble while eating? Growing up my family always jokingly said I ate like a bird cause I picked at everything. And a sloth cause I was (still am) a slow eater.  Pop-Tarts vs. Toaster Strudels. Discuss: I like both. Not much to discuss lol I just think they’re good. Do you believe there are subliminal messages in songs? I think there can be. Ha, remember the big conspiracy back in the day about playing songs backwards to hear secret messages. Think about your first kiss. Did you have any idea what you were doing? Nope. It was awkward, but quick.  Would you play Jumanji, if given the chance? I’ve never seen the movies, but from what I know; absolutely not!
Name a song lyric you heard wrong the first time and what it really said: I can’t think of a specific one right now and don’t feel like giving it much thought. Do you text/call while going to the bathroom? (Go multitasking!) No. Do you always make sure your cell phone is charged before going somewhere? It usually is. I do charge my phone every night before bed; though, and it’s usually fine throughout the day until the next charge. It just depends how much I use my phone, I guess. And how long I’ll be gone and whether I have access to a charger. My parents and brother have phone chargers in their cars, so. Did you get Happy Meals just for the toys as a kid? I wanted the food, too. haha. Plus, McDonald’s happy meals used to have these cookies that were shaped like the different McDonald’s characters that were actually really good. Have you ever seen your parents cry? If so, how did it make you feel? Yes. I’ve seen my mom cry on several occasions and my dad cry less than a handful of times, but regardless of how many times, it really hurts me to see them cry.  What are your thoughts on Chuck Norris? I remember when Chuck Norris jokes were a big thing in like middle school for some reason. I never really knew who he was at the time, I just saw in an informercial I think haha. Did you answer that last question with a random Chuck Norris fact? Well, not about him, specifically. I shared a random fact from my childhood involving him.
What is the most annoying sound in the world? That makes me think of that scene from Dumb and Dumber, ha. Anyway, for me one of them is eating sounds. The smacking, sucking, slurping... C R I N G E. Do you honestly care about calories and fat content? No. Do you often shift blame towards others? I’m actually quick to blame myself for everything. I can be understanding and forgiving towards others, but be very harsh, critical, and unforgiving towards myself for the same things.  Do you ever feel like you’re smarter than your boss? I don’t have a job. Your very first best friend: Is he/she STILL your best friend? My mom still is. Do you add condiments to your ice cream, or just eat it plain? I liked strawberry and/or chocolate syrup with vanilla ice cream. I’m not a sprinkles gal. Have you ever witnessed a crime? Shoplifting.  What’s the coolest personalized license plate you’ve ever seen? I can’t think of one right now. Did you ever have a piggybank that literally ate your money? No.
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silverlightqueen · 6 years
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Ruin My Life - Part 3
RML masterlist
(fratboy!Jimin) - so much fluff (!!!) smut, angst to come
Summary - Fuckboy Jimin being a soft and fluffy little shit, while him and Y/N get kinda roasted/interrogated by the rest of the gang ft. Kookie being an annoying third wheel and Joonie being a real one 🤷🏽‍♀️
Word Count - 9.4k+
Warnings - not as smutty as part 1 and 2, shower sex, talk of pregnancy, that’s it I think 
a/n: so here’s part 3!!! I really wanted to make this a lil fluffier and I think I mighta went a bit overboard lmao. Also this isn’t very thoroughly edited so there’s prolly some mistakes lol. Sorry that this is later than expected, I've been super swamped with school stuff atm, you guys know how it is, especially when you’re a lead in the upcoming school musical (fml) and a-levels are a huge stress (fml x2) not to mention my frequent panic attacks (fml x3!), so i’m super sorry for the long wait! Hope you all enjoy, and please message me, it makes my day!💕
Also check out my other work, all linked in masterlist!💕
silverlightqueen masterlist
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‘Hey, guys,’ I say as I enter the kitchen, taking a seat at the breakfast bar with a yawn. When I woke up, five minutes ago, the bed was empty and Jimin was nowhere to be seen. I went for a quick wee, washed my face, put on some of Jimin’s socks and my bra from last night underneath Jimin’s hoodie, and then headed downstairs, surprised to find the house tidy and intact. I look up now, six pairs of eyes on me. Jin is stood at the cooker, making pancakes, and the other boys are sat around the island. ‘Um, good afternoon, y/n. I wasn’t aware you’d spent the night,’ Namjoon says, speaking for the group. ‘Yeah, I slept in Jimin’s room,’ I reply. ‘With Jimin?’ Jin asks with a raised eyebrow, and I shrug. ‘I fell asleep with an empty bed and woke up with an empty bed, so he might’ve slept with me, I don’t know,’ I reply truthfully. ‘Yeah, he’s gone out,’ Yoongi says, seemingly unfazed, going back to his food. ‘Where?’ I ask, and they all shrug. ‘He just said he’d be back soon. He’s been gone, like, twenty minutes,’ Jungkook says, blushing slightly when I meet his eyes. ‘I’ll call him if he’s not back in the next half an hour,’ I say, not worried because I know he’s a busy guy. ‘I hope you don’t mind me asking, y/n, but, um, is there a particular reason you spent the night?’ Taehyung asks, all of the boys a lot more chill and mellow with me compared to in the library and at the party last night. ‘Yeah, there is,’ I say with a note of finality, not saying anything else. ‘Another question; is there a particular reason I saw Jungkook leaving Jimin’s room last night?’ Hoseok asks, directing the question at both parties. Our eyes meet, and he shrugs, leaving the answer up to me. ‘Yes, there is,’ I say again, and small smiles appear on all of their faces. 
‘Okay, you might all be respecting their privacy, but I sure as hell am not going to. Are you and Jimin like… you know?’ Jin asks, and I sigh. ‘We’re not dating, if that’s what you’re asking,’ I say, and they all look at me expectantly, waiting for the rest of the answer. ‘When I broke up with Eunwoo, me and Jimin used to… hook up, regularly. Pretty much every other day for a good few months. But then we stopped and didn’t speak for, like, two years. But on Thursday, after the events of the library, he came over that night. And invited me to the party the next morning, so I came, and then I stayed the night,’ I explain. ‘How did he manage to keep that from us?’ Hobi asks. ‘More importantly, why did he keep that from us?’ Tae asks, all of the boys shrugging. ‘I can answer that one,’ I say. ‘Let me guess. You didn’t want anyone to know?’ Jungkook asks. ‘Actually, no. It was Jimin that didn’t want anyone to know,’ I say, and they all look at me incredulously. ‘Seriously?’ Yoongi asks me, and I nod. ‘He has a reputation for one-night stands, nothing more. He didn’t want anyone to know that me and him were a regular thing,’ I say. ‘What a dick,’ Namjoon chuckles, shaking his head. ‘So what’s Kook got to do with this?’ Jin asks. ‘Nothing. Jimin just invited me,’ Jungkook says smugly. ‘No fair,’ Tae whines, and I roll my eyes. ‘Do you want something to eat, y/n?’ Jin asks, and I shake my head. ‘I’m taking that as a yes,’ he says, putting a plate of pancakes in front me, strawberries, golden syrup, whipped cream and all. I sigh, beginning to eat it, and they’re even better than the ones Jimin made me. ‘Thank you,’ I say, and Jin smiles at me.
‘Are you and Jimin gonna continue hooking up or…?’ Hobi asks. ‘Why, so you can take his place if not?’ Yoongi asks dryly, all of us laughing. ‘I don’t know. I don’t think so,’ I say, knowing that I’ll need to break it off if I don’t want to catch feelings again. ‘Why not?’ Tae asks, head tilted endearingly, and I sigh. ‘I don’t know. It’s just… not sustainable, right? I can’t go on like that with him. We’re not in any kind of relationship, we have no commitment to each other. It’s just weird,’ I say. ‘Not really. You’re friends with benefits. That’s like the best relationship a guy can have. No strings attached,’ Hobi says. ‘It’s not the kind of relationship I want though. I want to settle down, find a boyfriend. I’m graduating soon and then I’ll be working. It’s the perfect time to date someone,’ I say, and Namjoon laughs. ‘y/n, boyfriends aren’t part of schedules. You can’t put a boyfriend in a future plan. The right boy for you will come along completely unexpectedly, because that’s how life works,’ he says. ‘Yeah, and that right boy isn’t Jimin,’ I say. ‘Why not?’ Yoongi asks, looking at me thoughtfully. ‘He doesn’t date, you should all know that as well as I do. He wouldn’t ever want to settle down,’ I say. ‘Yeah, but is that the only reason?’ Jin asks. ‘Well, no. I just don’t really like him like that. He’s attractive, don’t get me wrong, and he has good dick, but other than that, I’m not into him,’ I lie through my teeth, Yoongi’s eyes narrowed at me. ‘Fair enough,’ Hobi shrugs, buying it, as do Jin, Jungkook and Namjoon, though Tae and Yoongi eye me suspiciously.
Jimin walks in then, stopping short when he sees me. ‘Hey, y/n,’ he says guardedly, frozen in the doorway, a chemist’s bag in his hand. ‘Hey, Jimin,’ I reply, the boys watching us amusedly. ‘What’s that, Chim?’ Yoongi asks, eyes trained on the bag in his hand. ‘Just some painkillers, for my migraine,’ Jimin says instantly, and I know he’s lying. But again, Namjoon, Jin, Jungkook and Hobi buy it. ‘Let’s see,’ Tae says, obviously not believing it. ‘I…’ Jimin trails off, and Yoongi grabs the bag out of his hand, pulling out a box of morning after pills with an amused smile. ‘I’m guessing these are for you, y/n,’ Yoongi says, putting the box back in the bag and sliding it across the counter. I pick it up, trying not to laugh when I see loads of pregnancy tests in there too. Hobi leans over my shoulder, trying to see what it is, before he gasps. ‘You didn’t even use a condom?’ he exclaims, and Jimin shushes him, clapping a hand over his mouth. ‘Shut up, hyung! I don’t want the whole frat to think I don’t wrap it before I tap it,’ he says, the cringey phrase making me roll my eyes. ‘Why then?’ Tae asks. ‘The condom broke,’ I say. ‘Whose condom?’ Yoongi asks, and I sigh, my hopes that no one would ask shattered. ‘Pardon?’ Jimin asks, obviously confused. ‘Whose condom broke? Yours or Kook’s?’ he asks, the other boys only just realising. When we stay silent, they all gasp. ‘Oh, my god! So y/n could end up pregnant with Jimin’s baby, or Kook’s baby!’ Jin exclaims. ‘Jin! Shut up!’ I nearly scream, and he claps a hand over his mouth. ‘Sorry,’ he says, and I shake my head despairingly. ‘Come on, y/n,’ Jimin sighs, ‘come up to my room.’ ‘Really, Chim? Gonna try to beat after all of that?’ Jungkook teases as I get up from my seat, taking my plate and the pills with me. ‘Yeah, don’t get jealous,’ Jimin replies, taking the pills from me and holding my empty hand, leading me out of the room. ‘You have bruises on your knees, y/n!’ Tae calls after me, and I try not to laugh, looking down to see said bruises on my exposed knees. We go up to his room, passing a couple freshmen on the way who eye me wordlessly, probably wondering why their playboy hyung is wandering around the frat with a hungover messy-haired girl wearing nothing but a hoodie that reaches half way down her thighs and a pair of way-too-big socks.
‘You told the boys, princess?’ Jimin asks me as he shuts his bedroom door behind us. ‘Hmm, I couldn’t really lie, could I?’ I ask, and he nods, sprawling out across his bed. He looks so attractively adorable, dressed in a pair of slim fit black sweatpants and a loose-fitting grey jumper, white socks on his feet and his wavy hair parted, exposing his forehead. He pats the space beside him in the bed, and I sit down, crossing my legs and facing him. I rest my plate on his stomach, both of us breaking off pieces of the pancakes, dipping them in golden syrup and whipped cream before topping each piece off with a strawberry, eating it all in one bite. ‘What did they say?’ he asks. ‘They were just surprised that you’d kept it from them, and they asked if we were gonna carry on as we are,’ I say. ‘What did you say?’ he asks, and I raise an eyebrow. ‘I said I don’t know,’ I reply, and he narrows his eyes at me. ‘Why?’ ‘Because it’s the truth. Because I’m at a stage in my life where I want a boyfriend, where I want to settle down, and you don’t,’ I say. ‘No, I don’t want a boyfriend,’ he teases. ‘Don’t lie to me, I saw the way you were looking at Kook,’ I joke, and he chuckles. ‘It’s a shame, Y/N. You’re the best I’ve ever had, princess,’ he says, looking up at me. ‘And you for me,’ I reply, and he grins widely, making me roll my eyes. We fall into a comfortable silence, finishing the pancakes, and it’s only when he’s putting the plate on his bedside table that I speak.
‘What will you do if I’m pregnant?’ I ask, and he nearly chokes, coughing with surprise. ‘That reminds me,’ he says, pushing water and the pills into my hands. I roll my eyes, taking a pill, his eyes on me the entire time. ‘So?’ I ask. ‘What?’ he replies, confused. ‘What will you do if I’m pregnant?’ I repeat. ‘Oh. Well, I don’t know. Depends what you want me to do,’ he replies, and I roll my eyes. ‘Don’t try to tell me what I want to hear. I want the truth,’ I press on, and he sighs. ‘If you wanted an abortion, I’d come with you to get it. If you wanted to give the baby up for adoption, I’d help you through the pregnancy and then find suitable parents for our kid. If you wanted to keep the baby but didn’t want me in its life, then I’d pay child support and leave you alone. If you wanted to keep the baby and want me in its life, then I’d be the best dad to ever walk the earth,’ he says confidently, his words warming my heart. ‘Yeah, right. What makes you think that?’ I joke, and he gasps, clutching his heart. ‘I’d be fantastic. I’d take it to and from school, I’d make its lunches, I’d take it to any karate or dance classes or anything like that, I’d always be doing fun day trips, I’d sleep in its room when it has a nightmare, I’d make sure we go on family holidays and day trips and stuff so it can spend time with its mum and dad at the same time. I’d be a great dad,’ he says. ‘Okay, a) you need to stop calling our hypothetical child ‘it’, that’s terrible. And b) would you really do all of that?’ I ask, my heart melting, and he grins up at me, running a hand through his hair. ‘Of course, princess. If you wanted me to,’ he says. ‘Of course, I’d want you to. I wouldn’t want our kid growing up with only one parent when they could have two,’ I say. ‘Would you want a boy or a girl?’ he asks, and I think about that for a moment. ‘I don’t mind, really. I think I’d prefer a boy first, but I’d be happy with either. As long as they become my best friend,’ I say. ‘Hell no. Our kid’s gonna be a daddy’s girl or boy,’ he says, and I scowl. ‘No! I’m the one that has to carry our kid for nine months, so they’re gonna be a momma’s girl or boy,’ I say, and he frowns at me. ‘Okay, fine, we can be equal,’ he says, and I nod, conceding.
‘What about names?’ I ask. ‘Park Aro for a girl, Park Taemin for a boy,’ he says, and I gasp. ‘What about my surname? Why Park?’ I ask. ‘It can be hyphenated if you want,’ he gives in, and I shake my head, ‘No, Park’s better than my surname anyway.’ He shakes his head at me, trying not to laugh. ‘What about you? What names do you like?’ he asks. ‘Park Hiroo or Park Kai for a boy, and Park Jisoo or Park Mila for a girl,’ I say. ‘Park Kai? That sounds so dumb,’ he says, and I pout, ‘I like Kai.’ ‘No way, we’re not calling our son Park Kai.’ ‘Well, I’m not accepting Park Aro either.’ ‘Good thing I like your girls’ names,’ he says, and I grin. ‘I like Taemin as well,’ I admit, and he laughs. ‘So our kids are gonna be called Park Taemin, Park Jisoo and Park Mila?’ he says, and I nod. ‘Shouldn’t we have another boy to even up the numbers?’ I suggest. ‘Yeah, I guess. We could call him Park Jimin Jr,’ he suggests. ‘Hell no. We’re not calling our kid Jimin Jr. Are you insane?’ I say, and he laughs. ‘What then?’ he asks, both of us falling into a thoughtful silence. ‘What about Minjoon?’ I suggest. ‘Park Minjoon? Yeah, that sounds good,’ he says, agreeing. ‘So, Park Taemin, Park Jisoo, Park Minjoon and Park Mila?’ I say, and he nods.
‘Aww, our little family is so cute already, princess,’ he says, and I laugh. ‘They’ll get the cute genes from you,’ I say, and he raises an eyebrow. ‘You’re cuter than me,’ he says, and I give him a ‘really’ look. ‘You are! Look at you right now! The cutest girl in the world. Wearing my hoodie with your curled hair and your fresh face. You’re adorable,’ he says, and I try not to blush. ‘Shut up, Park, you know you’re the adorable one. Your eye smile is the cutest thing known to man and that’s a fact, end of. I hope our kids inherit your eye smile,’ I say, and he shakes his head. ‘It’s a safety risk. You’re so funny that they’ll always be laughing so they won’t be able to see where they’re going and they’ll get injured,’ he says, and I try not to laugh. ‘Well, you’re so caring so you’ll always be on hand to cheer them up and look after them after they do,’ I say, and he laughs. ‘Well, you’re so clever so you’ll know exactly how to treat their wounds. I hope they get your clever genes,’ he says, both of us trying to one up each other, and I scoff. ‘You mean your clever genes, Mr. Class-President-For-Nine-Years-Straight,’ I say, and he bursts out laughing. ‘I hope they inherit your sass. They’ll keep everyone entertained. The boys will love our kids,’ he says thoughtfully. ‘The boys aren’t going anywhere near our kids. Bad influences. I don’t want our kids being able to do keg stands before they can even walk,’ I say, both of us laughing now.
‘Imagine our kids running around the frat,’ he says, and my eyes widen. ‘No way! Imagine the germs,’ I laugh. ‘Joon would adore Taemin, because he’s so gonna be the clever one. Hobi would dote on Jisoo, because her sass will keep him on his toes. Kook and Minjoon are gonna be the worst duo ever, because Minjoon’s gonna be so mischievous and naughty. Yoongi will absolutely adore Mila because she’s the cute little baby of the family and Yoongi’s just soft. Jin’s gonna try and teach them all life lessons but just end up teaching them how to end someone’s life with a few disses, and Tae and Mija are gonna be the cool aunt and uncle that’ll buy them whatever they want whenever they want it,’ Jimin says, his soothingly smooth voice spinning an entire fantasy world for me to live in. And then we both seem to realise what we’re doing, falling silent, eyes trained on each other. Jimin moves so he’s lying between my legs, my upper back against the headboard, his chin resting on my stomach. ‘Can you actually imagine if our baby starts to develop and grow in here?’ he murmurs gently, his hands on my stomach. ‘We’d make great co-parents, as long as you don’t have loads of girls over all the time,’ I reply, and he laughs gently. ‘If we were co-parents, I wouldn’t have time for girls. You’d be the only girl in my life,’ he says, and I smile softly. ‘And our maybe-daughter,’ I say. ‘It might be Kook’s, though,’ he says, and I sigh. ‘If I did end up pregnant, I’d want it to be yours,’ I admit. ‘Well, even if it was Kook’s, I don’t think he’d want to father it, so I’d step in,’ he says, and my mouth drops open. ‘You’d father mine and Kook’s kid if he didn’t want to?’ I ask, and he shrugs with a small smile. ‘I guess. It’s easy for me to say, but it’s all hypothetical, isn’t it? Neither of us actually believe you’re gonna get pregnant, and I think things would be a lot different than we’ve planned if you did, right?’ he says, and I nod in agreement, knowing it won’t be as simple as we’ve made it sound.
‘All this baby talk has actually given me baby fever,’ I say, and he laughs, his chin still resting on my stomach. ‘God, imagine if you actually did end up pregnant, princess,’ he says again, hands resting on my stomach. ‘It’d be insane. I don’t know if I’d keep it,’ I say honestly, not sure if I’m ready to provide for a kid. ‘Well, I’ll support you no matter what decision you make, you know that, right?’ he says, looking down at my stomach, and I nod, running my hands through his hair, letting the silky locks slip between my fingers. ‘We’d make a great parental unit. Can you just imagine it? Us two as a mum and dad? We’d be great,’ he says softly. ‘Yeah, but we won’t be together. We’ll just be co-parents,’ I say gently. ‘You know what we’re like, though. We end up behaving like we’re in a relationship every time we’re together anyway. I bet our kid would just think we’re together,’ he says, and I laugh, a small smile on his face as I play with his locks. ‘Are you gonna keep taking the pill now?’ he asks, and I shake my head. ‘If I do end up pregnant, taking the pill will be really bad for the embryo-slash-baby,’ I say. ‘When are you next due on your period?’ he asks, and I think for a moment. ‘What’s the date?’ ‘It’s the 18th.’ ‘Ah. I’m due tomorrow,’ I say, and Jimin’s eyes widen. ‘I guess we’ll know pretty soon then,’ he says, and I try to supress a laugh.
We both fall into a comfortable silence, Jimin’s eyes closed as he rests his face on my stomach, my hands messing with his soft hair. His hands, resting on my stomach, are adorned in different rings, as always, and I take the chance to have a proper look at them. They’re all silver, four on his right hand and two on the other. ‘I like your rings,’ I say softly, and he opens his eyes, looking up at me. ‘Which ones your favourite?’ he asks, looking up at me. ‘Uhm… this one,’ I say, tapping the one on his right little finger. It’s quite thin and looks like vines intertwined with one another, like pretty flowers. ‘Here,’ he says, taking it off and taking my hand in his. ‘This is a promise ring, okay? It signifies my promise that no matter what you decide to do with this hypothetical baby, I will support you and stand by you no matter what,’ he says, and I nod with a small smile, touched at the gesture. He slips it onto my left little finger, but it’s too loose. So he tries it on my left middle finger, but it’s too tight. So he slips it onto my left ring finger, and it fits perfectly. ‘Wait, is this your wedding ring finger?’ he asks, and I nod guardedly. ‘Do you want to put it on your other hand instead?’ he asks, before spotting the ring I already have on that finger. ‘I guess it’s just gonna have to stay here,’ I say, and he smiles. ‘What are you gonna say if people ask?’ he asks me. ‘I don’t know. I’ll just say Mija got it me,’ I say, and he frowns. ‘No, say it’s from me. Just say it was a birthday present, or something,’ he says, and I raise an eyebrow. ‘Jimin, you do know that people don’t know we know each other?’ I say, and he shrugs. ‘Well, now they will,’ he says.
We fall silent again, just enjoying each other’s company, and all I can think is that I’m making a huge mistake. Discussing children, a family, a future with Jimin is not a good idea. He’s made it clear that we have no future, at least not like that. But then he’s just sat with me and named our hypothetical/future kids! He’s so confusing. I just can’t understand him. One minute, he’s saying that he doesn’t want a relationship, and then he’s talking about our future family and giving me a promise ring! No wonder I’m falling for him so hard. He has a way with words, that everything he says just sounds like the truth. He can make you believe anything, and at the moment, he has me believing we have a future. Knowing him, if I do end up pregnant, he’ll run a mile and abandon me. There was a rumour he did that to another girl last year, and I won’t be surprised if it’s true. I decide mentally that after this whole pregnancy thing is over, he is going to be out of my life again.
‘D’you want to do something?’ he asks after a few minutes, looking up at me. ‘Like what?’ I ask suspiciously, and he sighs. ‘Not sex,’ he huffs, and I laugh. ‘Unless you want to, that is,’ he says with a mischievous smile, and I give his head a light slap. ‘I’m kidding, I’m kidding,’ he laughs, and I raise an eyebrow. ‘You’re not, though,’ I say, and he chuckles. ‘Okay, so sex is out of the question. How about we… watch a film or something?’ he asks. ‘Where? In the living room?’ I ask. ‘No, like at the cinema,’ he says, and I nearly choke. ‘Seriously? You want to go to the cinema? Isn’t that like the most relationship-y thing ever?’ I ask, and he laughs. ‘Fine, fine. We could watch something on my laptop,’ he suggests. ‘Remember last time we tried to watch something together on your laptop? We spent an hour looking for something and then ended up having sex,’ I remind him, and he grins at me. ‘I’m down for that,’ he says, and I swat out at him. ‘We could go get food?’ he suggests, and I contemplate this. ‘In a restaurant? Or get takeout and bring it back?’ I ask. ‘Either, up to you,’ he says. ‘I’d rather order food. I’m so gross, I don’t want to leave the house. Oh, actually, that’s it! I need to have a shower,’ I say, and Jimin raises an eyebrow. ‘Are you kidding me? I ask if you want to do something and you decide you want to have a shower?’ he asks, and I nod, stifling a laugh at his mildly incredulous tone. ‘Yeah, we had a threesome last night, which was so sweaty and sticky, so I definitely need to shower,’ I reply, and it’s almost like I can see the idea appearing in his mind, his eyes beginning to sparkle mischievously. ‘Yeah, okay, I’ll order the food now, and it’ll be here by the time we’re done,’ he says, trying not to smile. ‘By the time we’re done?’ I ask, with a raised eyebrow. ‘Yeah, by the time we’re done showering,’ he says, smirking. ‘Who says we’re showering together?’ I ask. ‘We should save water. Help save the planet. You know, for our Taemin, Jisoo, Minjoon and Mila,’ he says. ‘Don’t bring up our children whilst you’re trying to persuade me to have shower sex with you,’ I groan, and he chuckles. ‘I never mentioned sex, but if you’re down…?’ he says, and I sigh.
I think of the last (and only) time we had shower sex. I’m not gonna lie, it was pretty amazing, and so my final decision is influenced by that memory. ‘Fine,’ I sigh, and his eyes widen. ‘Wait, really?’ he asks, and I nod, a small smile stretching my lips. He jumps up from the bed, pulling me up after him. He presses his lips to mine, one arm wrapped around my waist and the other around my back. His lips move against mine, my mind becoming more numb by the second as one of my hands rests on his cheek, the other tangling into the hair on the back of his head. He backs us up into the bathroom, our lips still attached, tongues and teeth clashing, as he kicks the door open. We break apart from a moment, hastily slipping off our clothes, waiting until we’re both in our underwear until our arms come around each other again. He backs me up against the door, leaning down to press his lips against mine, and I thread my hands into his hair, the silky locks sliding between my fingers. I tug one of his lips between my teeth and he groans, the noise going straight to my core. Only Jimin can have me like this.
‘Get in,’ he says breathlessly, pulling away from me, and I shrug off my underwear and climb into the shower, Jimin rummaging through the cupboard under the sink before pulling out a condom, putting it up on the shower shelf. He pushes off his boxers, climbing into the shower beside me and shutting the door behind him as I turn the dial, the water beginning to pour down over our heads. He turns me to him again, pressing his body up against mine, brushing his plump lips against mine. He backs me up so my back is pressed against the wall, my head tilted back so our lips remain connected. I run my hands through his now sopping wet hair, one of his hands pressed firmly against my waist, the other resting on the side of my face. His plump lips encase mine, the feeling of his mouth on mine euphoric. I could kiss Jimin for days, not even have sex but just kiss him, and never get bored. ‘Do you need foreplay?’ Jimin asks against my mouth before his hand travels to between my legs. I spread my legs slightly, so he has better access as he runs one vascular finger across my slit, making me shiver. ‘I guess that’s a no,’ he chuckles after pulling away. ‘How do you want me?’ I ask him, and he contemplates this for a moment. ‘I want to take you from behind,’ he replies with a grin, and a shiver runs down my spine at his words. I turn around and he places a hand between my shoulder blades, pushing my back down, the water hitting the small of my back. I press my hands against the shower tiles to steady myself as he pushes one finger into me. I let out a quiet gasp, knowing I can’t be too loud because of all the other boys in the house. ‘So wet, princess,’ he murmurs through the noise of the water, pushing in another finger and twisting them around inside me. ‘Please, daddy,’ I whimper, and he chuckles. ‘Anything for you, baby girl,’ he says before his fingers disappear, the crackling of foil an indication of what’s to come. Only a few moments later, his hard length plunges all the way into me.
My head falls forwards, a moan escaping through my lips at the feeling, Jimin groaning behind me. ‘Tell me when you’re ready,’ Jimin says and I take a few deep breaths. ‘Ready,’ I reply and he begins to move in and out of me slowly, the water running down my back making it easier for him. He begins to pick up the pace, his breathing getting louder and deeper, whimpers and moans falling from my mouth every few seconds. After a short while, his fingers appear at my clit, applying slow pressure, and I know it’s so that he doesn’t cum before me. I let out a louder moan of his name, and he groans at the sound. ‘Louder, princess,’ he growls through gritted teeth. ‘But the boys, daddy,’ I reply and a hand lands on my ass, the slap resounding around the en suite. ‘If I tell you something, princess, I expect you to do it. Louder,’ he says, one hand maintaining its ministrations at my clit as the other gathers my hair into its grasp, pulling my head back. He thrusts into me particularly hard, my legs shaking at the feeling, and I let out a loud moan of his name. His fingers speed up at my clit, his hips snapping against mine repeatedly, his balls slapping against my ass. ‘Fuck, Jimin, yes, feels so good,’ I moan out, spurring him on. ‘y/n, stop fucking clenching, I’m gonna fucking cum,’ he groans, thrusts faltering slightly, his fingers rubbing at my clit furiously fast. I feel myself hurtling towards my high, my legs beginning to shake, and Jimin realises this, the hand around my hair snaking around my shoulder instead, pulling my body up towards his so he holds me up instead, the water hitting my stomach now. The new position means he’s going even deeper into me, his head grazing against the spongy spot deep inside me, having his name falling from my mouth repeatedly. ‘Shit, Jimin, I’m gonna cum,’ I moan, and he chuckles into my ear. ‘Not until I tell you to,’ he growls, and I nearly whine aloud, knowing he’ll make me hold on as long as possible. His fingers move impossibly fast at my bundle of nerves, his length still thrusting in and out of me at a furious pace, the combination of sensations having me right on the edge. ‘Please, Jimin, please, I need to cum,’ I moan. ‘Beg, princess,’ he demands, not letting up on me at all. ‘Jimin, please let me cum, your cock feels so good inside me, I need to cum, daddy, please,’ I whine, not even thinking about the words before they fall from my mouth. ‘Cum for me, princess,’ he whispers into my ear, and I know he only does so because he’s close too. My orgasm washes over me as I scream out his name, my body shaking as I come down from my high, just as Jimin reaches his own with a loud moan of my name. He holds me in place, thrusting into me as he cums, only stopping once he’s done.
We stay as we are for a couple minutes, the water falling down onto us as we take deep breaths, regaining our strength. He pulls out of me, the feeling of emptiness making me shiver as he opens the shower door, throwing the used condom into the bin beside the sink. He shuts the door again, smiling at me. ‘You’re so good, princess,’ he praises, pressing his lips to mine briefly before turning to get the shampoo from the shower shelf. I realise he has my favourite shampoo and conditioner, and I look at him in confusion as he turns back towards me. ‘What?’ he asks innocently, and I raise an eyebrow. ‘Okay, so maybe I’ve kept these since the last time you showered here,’ he says, and I laugh. We’ve only had shower sex once, but I used to shower here quite regularly, buying myself two lots of shampoo and conditioner when I went shopping; one lot for my apartment, and one lot for here. ‘Will it not have gone off by now?’ I ask, scrunching my nose, and he inspects the label. ‘It’s good for another… nine months,’ he says, and I nod, impressed it’s lasted that long. He squirts some of the shampoo into his hand, a lot more than recommended on the bottle, and then looks up at me expectantly. ‘Turn around then,’ he prompts, and I do so. His hands appear at the back of my head and he begins to massage the shampoo into my locks. The pads of his fingers against my scalp feel even better, dare I say even better than the sex we just had, and my eyes flutter closed, my head falling back so he can access the top of my head better. ‘Am I doing it right, princess? Or do you have to do it a certain way?’ he asks, breaking me out of my euphoric reverie. ‘No, you’re doing it right. I’ll do yours after,’ I say, and he chuckles lightly. ‘Okay,’ he replies, and I can hear the smile in his words.
Once he’s done with mine, I do his as I said I would before we wash it out, me going first. As he rinses his out, I shampoo mine again. We fall into a pattern, me rinsing out my second lot as he shampoos his hair again. I condition mine whilst he rinses, and lather up my body as he conditions. I rinse off my body as he lathers his up, washing his off as I lather up again. We take turns under the water, switching places wordlessly, the only noise being the running of the water, the sound of our hands and the occasional word. I begin to wash off my body for the second time as he lathers up again, joining me under the water as I rinse the conditioner from my hair. We stay under the water together for a while this time, Jimin pressing his lips against mine, and we only break apart when the water begins to turn cold. Jimin gets out first to pass me a towel from the cupboard under the sink before wrapping one around himself. I admire him as he does so, the fluffy white towel slung low on his hips, his hair pasted down to his face, droplets of water adorning his perfect body. He grins when he notices what I’m doing, puffing out his chest in a pose, and I roll my eyes, unable to keep the small smile from my face as I wrap my towel around myself. I step out of the shower, leaning over the sink to wring out my hair so it doesn’t drip everywhere, as Jimin heads into the bedroom. ‘Shit, Jimin, I don’t have any clothes. Not even any underwear!’ I exclaim, following him into the bedroom where he’s holding a bag of his out to me. I take it from him, opening it to find a load of my clothes. ‘Oh, my god, Jimin! You kept these?’ I ask, and he nods proudly, obviously misreading my emotions. I hit him with the bag, and he yelps, jumping away from me hastily. ‘What was that for?’ he asks reproachfully, pouting adorably at me. ‘So you didn’t think to bring any of this to me?’ I ask, emptying it out over the bed.
It’s mostly underwear, expensive lingerie that I thought I’d lost, but there’s some other stuff in there too; a pair of jeans, some leggings, a hoodie, a couple tops, a leather jacket and a super cute sexy dressing gown I’d worn on Jimin’s birthday as a treat for him. ‘I didn’t think,’ he admits, and I shaky my head. ‘I washed it all for you, though,’ he says, and I try so hard not to smile at the thought of him washing my clothes in secret, not wanting the boys to catch him. I turn to look at him, looking so adorable, and I sigh in defeat. ‘Thank you, Jimin,’ I say, and he smiles widely, his eyes disappearing. I pick a pair of black pants and bra, pulling them onto my damp body. ‘God, you look so good,’ Jimin says, now wearing just a pair of black boxers. ‘Says you,’ I say, pressing brief kiss to his cheek. ‘Have you got any deodorant I could use? Like an unscented one, or something?’ I ask, and he grins, disappearing into the bathroom. He appears a moment later with the brand of deodorant I’ve used for years. I laugh as I take it from him, applying it under my arms, when someone knocks at the door. ‘Who is it?’ Jimin calls as I shrug on the dressing gown. It’s black and sheer with fur around the sleeves and bottom hem which reaches mid-thigh. ‘Jungkook!’ the younger boy shouts from the other side of the door and Jimin looks at me, the question on his face. ‘Come in!’ I call, knowing he saw me stark naked yesterday, so this sexy dressing gown is nothing. The boy steps in tentatively, eyes falling first on Jimin, and then me.
‘Did you guys just have shower sex?’ Jungkook asks, shutting the door behind him and settling himself onto Jimin’s bed, on top of my clothes. I tut quietly and he grins at me, not moving. ‘Yes, we did,’ Jimin replies with a smile. ‘Thought so. The whole damn frat could hear,’ he says, chewing on the gum in his mouth. ‘Why ask then?’ I ask. ‘Thought I’d see if you’d lie,’ he replies, offering me some gum which I accept with a small smile. ‘Jimin, where’s your hairdryer?’ I ask. ‘Top drawer,’ he says, pointing to the chest of drawer pushed against one wall, a big mirror sat atop it. I take out the hairdryer, plugging it into a socket as Jimin and Jungkook speak about something I’m not paying attention to as I’ve zoned out. ‘What’d you think, y/n?’ Jimin asks me, and I turn to look over at them. ‘Sorry, what? I wasn’t paying attention,’ I say. ‘Party down at Kappa Phi Nu tonight?’ he asks, and I raise an eyebrow. ‘Kappa Phi Nu?’ I ask, for two different reasons. First being that Kappa Phi Nu are Jimin’s frat, Alpha Sigma Phi’s, rivals and second being that my ex, Eunwoo, is part of Kappa Phi Nu. ‘Okay, I know they’re our rivals which is an even better reason to go. We’ll show up super late and then make it way more fun so everyone knows that we’re the better frat. They’re always too pussy to come to our parties, so we’ll show them who’s boss. Steal their drugs, their alcohol and their girls,’ Jungkook says. ‘Don’t objectify girls,’ I say absentmindedly, thinking about Eunwoo. ‘That’s not the reason why she doesn’t wanna go, Kook,’ Jimin says before walking towards me, tapping my chin so I look up at him.
‘Listen, y/n, we don’t have to go if you don’t want to, but I think it’ll be good for you to see him again, not as a couple like the last time you saw him. And you’re the one who broke up with him, remember, so you can’t act all heartbroken over him,’ Jimin reminds me gently, not a single ounce of venom in his voice. ‘It’s not that. It’s just… it’s been so long since I saw him, and I feel bad. I saw him, about a year ago, and he tried to get back with me, Jimin. I don’t want to have to go through rejecting him again,’ I say, and he nods thoughtfully. ‘If you’re with me, he won’t try,’ Jimin says. ‘We’re not dating, though. We’re friends,’ I say, Jungkook snorting at my words. ‘He doesn’t need to know that. If he thinks we’re together, he won’t try anything,’ Jimin says, and I think over his words for a minute. ‘I don’t have any clothes,’ I say, and he tilts his head questioningly, motioning over to the bed with a raised eyebrow. ‘My makeup’s at the dorm,’ I say weakly, and he sighs. ‘You don’t need it but if you wanna wear some that bad, call Mija and get her to bring you some. The two of you can get ready together in here,’ Jimin says, purposely making it so that there is nothing I can blame saying no on. ‘Fine,’ I give in, and he grins widely, Kook cheering from the bed as Jimin presses a quick kiss to my lips. ‘You taste like mint,’ he observes, moving away from me to find something from his wardrobe.
‘Wait, Jimin, where’s my phone?’ I ask, and he motions to the clutch sat on the bedside table. Jungkook reaches out, throwing it to me, and I catch it deftly, pulling out my phone and leaving the bag on top of the chest of drawers. I’ve had several missed calls and texts from Mija and I curse inwardly as I dial her number, knowing I’m in for it now. ‘So you aren’t dead then?’ she says coldly when she answers the phone. ‘No, babe, I’m not, and I’m sorry. I only woke up like an hour ago,’ I say, and she tuts. ‘You’re still at the frat?’ she asks. ‘Yeah, I am, and I’m safe,’ I say, Jimin and Jungkook watching me in amusement. ‘What happened last night? I assumed you’d gone upstairs with Jimin and that you’d stay the night, but it’s now 3pm. I thought you’d be home by now,’ she says. ‘I know, I know. But Jin made me food and then I had a shower and now I’ve only just remembered to call you,’ I say. ‘Well, when are you coming back?’ she asks. ‘I was actually thinking you should come here,’ I begin, and she laughs. ‘What for?’ she asks. ‘The KPN boys are having a party tonight and we’re going and you should come,’ I say, and she stays silent for a minute. ‘So why would I come to you now then?’ she asks. ‘Because their frat is within walking distance of here so if you bring your stuff, we can sleep over here tonight instead of paying for a taxi home or one of us having to drive. And if you come over now, Jimin said we can use his room to get ready together. You just have to bring our makeup and stuff with you,’ I say, and she sighs. ‘Do all the boys know about you and Jimin now?’ she asks. ‘Yeah, they do.’ ‘So you’re just gonna end up spending the night with him, right? What about me? And that’s Eunwoo’s frat, right? This is just a recipe for disaster.’ ‘No, Mija, I would never ditch you for Jimin,’ I say, Jimin pretending to be hurt in front of me. ‘I know, but I don’t want to stop you two spending time together,’ she says. ‘No, you’re my girl, and I enjoy spending time with you, just as much as with Jimin. Even more, to be honest,’ I say, Jungkook bursting into laughter and Jimin hitting him with a pillow, the two of them beginning to fight. ‘And, anyway, you and Tae are good friends, right? You can chill with him for a bit too,’ I say. ‘We do the same course. Does not mean we’re friends,’ she says, and I sigh. ‘Well, regardless. And Eunwoo doesn’t matter. I’m not gonna even look at him all night and if he comes to speak to me, I’ll leave,’ I say, and she sighs. ‘Fine. I’ll be there in twenty,’ she says. ‘Wait, wait. Can you bring food?’ I ask, and she sighs again. ‘Make that forty.’
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‘God, who knew you two were so domestic?’ Mija’s sarcastic voice comes from the door. ‘Mija. It’s been a while,’ Jimin says with a grin, holding out a fist which Mija bumps her own against. ‘Where’s the food?’ I ask her, sat on the floor in front of Jimin who sits on the bed, brushing through my now dry hair, the mirror set up on the floor in front of me, leaning against the wall. ‘Here,’ she says, thrusting out a pizza box to me. I take a bite of the first slice, holding it up above my head for Jimin to take a bite, Mija watching us amusedly. ‘Right, when are we going to this party?’ she asks. ‘Not until around 8.30ish,’ Jimin says. ‘You’re kidding? Four and a half hours?’ she asks, Jimin nodding with a small smile. ‘The boys are just about to start watching Me Before You downstairs so bye,’ she says, disappearing out of the room, leaving a big bag lying on Jimin’s bed. ‘Does she hate me?’ Jimin asks, and I laugh. ‘No, of course not. She’s the one who told me to text you on Thursday night,’ I say, and he raises an eyebrow. ‘Mija can just come across as… I don’t know, hostile? Mean? But honestly, she’s a good person with a good heart. And she likes you,’ I say, and he nods. ‘Can I ask you something?’ I say after a few moments of silence, Jimin nodding, watching me in the mirror. ‘Do you guys not get along with the other boys in the frat?’ I ask. ‘No, we do. They’re great boys, but we’re all kind of… split up into groups, I guess? All the other boys kind of stick together based on their ages, but us seven just get along. We’re the only group that aren’t age-based, because our relationships stretch beyond that. But, yeah, the other boys are great. We just aren’t as close to them,’ he explains, and I nod. ‘I just wondered. It’s always seemed like everyone’s divided, but I get it now,’ I say.
Over the course of the next couple hours, Jimin and I get ready, taking our time. We sing along to my playlist which plays gently in the background, Jimin doing his hair as I iron a white shirt for him and a black bodysuit of mine, creased after being crumpled up in Jimin’s bag for god knows how long. I begin doing my makeup as Jimin styles his hair, taking ridiculously long. We’re both in and out of the bedroom and the bathroom, repeatedly bumping into each other, getting cuddles and kisses from him each time. It gets to around 6.30 and Jimin’s ready, his white shirt tucked into a pair of black ripped jeans, a silver bomber jacket over the top, black brogues on his feet. His dirty blond hair is swept back, exposing his forehead, silver earrings in his ears and silver rings on his fingers. He’s laid out on his bed, scrolling through his phone, as I make the last few finishing touches to my makeup, misting the setting spray over my face. I’ve paired black jeans and black heels with my bodysuit, my makeup light and natural, only a pair of silver hoops in my ears and Jimin’s silver ring on my ring finger, my own rose gold ring on the other. ‘You look great, princess,’ Jimin praises, eyes raking over me. ‘I feel like something’s missing,’ I sigh, frowning at myself in the mirror. Someone knocks at the door then and I cross over to open it, letting Namjoon in. ‘Hey, hyung,’ Jimin smiles at the older boy. ‘Hey, Chim. You guys both look nice,’ Namjoon says. ‘I don’t know, Joon, I feel like I’m missing something,’ I say, and he inspects my appearance thoughtfully. ‘Ah, I’ve got it!’ he exclaims, darting from the room excitedly, a few banging noises audible from his room down the hall before he reappears, something silver and sparkling in his hand. ‘Here,’ he says, holding it up to my neck, and I let him clasp it on, before he turns me towards the mirror. A thick silver choker sits at my neck, looking like genuine diamonds, and I remember when Namjoon wore it, looking more beautiful than ever. ‘Ah, Joon, I love it!’ I exclaim happily, turning to hug the boy, Jimin watching us with a smile. ‘Keep it, it looks nice on you,’ he says, and I raise an eyebrow. ‘As beautiful as it is, hell no. It looked way better on you,’ I insist, and he laughs.  
‘Anyway, I came up to ask if you guys want food. We ordered Panda Express,’ Namjoon says. ‘There won’t be any left if Tae’s had his hands on it,’ Jimin says. ‘And Mija, she’s crazy for it,’ I say, Namjoon grinning. ‘It hasn’t arrived yet, and we haven’t told them. They’re in Tae’s room,’ Namjoon says. At his words, Jimin sits up instantly, our eyes meeting, wide with shock. ‘They’re in Tae’s room? Just them two?’ Jimin asks. ‘No, I think Kook’s with them,’ Namjoon says, and Jimin rolls his eyes. ‘God, he’s such a third wheel,’ I mutter. ‘We’ll be down in a minute, hyung,’ Jimin says, Namjoon nodding before leaving. ‘You look so good,’ Jimin says, climbing off the bed and walking over to me. ‘Says you,’ I reply, hooking my arms around his neck. ‘No, you look better than me. Silver’s definitely your colour,’ he says, arms sliding around my waist. ‘No, it’s yours,’ I reply, tapping his jacket. ‘Aww, we’re matching,’ he says with a grin, and I roll my eyes. ‘God, we’re gonna look like such a sickly couple. Eunwoo can’t even make any mistakes as to whether or not we’re together,’ I say, Jimin laughing. ‘The worst thing is, we’re not even together and we play the couple better than real couples,’ he says, having me nodding in agreement.
‘I can’t wait to take this off you tonight,’ I say, a hand on his jacket over his chest. ‘Yeah? Tell me more, babe,’ he says, voice low, looking down at me. ‘When we’re walking back and I’m cold, I’ll take this off you and wear it myself,’ I say, trying to hold back my laughter. ‘That’s not what I meant!’ he exclaims indignantly as I burst into laughter, running away from him and out of the room. ‘Don’t run away!’ he shouts behind me, running after me. I sprint down the stairs, trying not to fall in my heels, Jimin thundering along behind me. I burst into the kitchen where the other boys sit and stand around, Jimin hot on my heels. He grabs me as I try to duck behind Hobi, tickling me. I burst into fits of giggles as his fingers work at my sides, my eyes clamped shut, my hands fruitlessly trying to push him away. ‘Stop, stop, I’m sorry,’ I breathe out through my laughter, Jimin finally letting up with a grin on his face, both of us panting. ‘Hello to you too,’ Yoongi says dryly, not taking his eyes off his phone. ‘You two are so annoyingly cute,’ Jin says with a roll of his eyes. ‘Um, thanks?’ Jimin says as I jump up onto the island, legs swinging. ‘You look nice, y/n,’ Hobi says, and I grin at him as Jimin takes the seat beside my legs. ‘Thank you. You guys all look nice too,’ I smile as I take Jimin’s hand in mine, fingers playing with his cold rings. They’re all dressed in flattering outfits, jeans or trousers with smart tops and nice jackets, pretty jewellery and shoes to match. ‘Wait, y/n, is that… is that Jimin’s ring?’ Namjoon asks, eyeing the ring on my finger. I look at Jimin expectantly, waiting for him to answer the question, but he just grins back at me, leaving it to me. ‘Uh, yeah, it is,’ I say, the boys all staring at us in silence. ‘And you two aren’t dating?’ Jin asks sceptically, both of us shaking our heads. ‘Right, okay,’ he replies, shaking his head despairingly.
The doorbell rings then, Hobi running out of the room to answer the door. ‘How can you guys afford all this stuff? The house and the parties and the clothes and the shoes and the food and the hair dye,’ I say, the boys laughing. ‘Jin’s dad owns this house so we don’t have to pay rent, and we all have ‘jobs’ at Jin’s dad’s company so that’s where we get our money from,’ Yoongi explains, putting quote marks with his fingers around the word jobs. ‘It’s not like that,’ Jin sighs, Namjoon raising an eyebrow. ‘What is it like then?’ ‘Yeah, he owns the house, but we still pay rent to him,’ Jin begins, Jimin interrupting. ‘We don’t. The other boys do,’ he says, my eyes widening. ‘No, it’s just because we have jobs with him that we don’t have to pay rent,’ Jin explains. ‘What are your jobs?’ I ask as Hobi walks back in, hands full of Panda Express bags. ‘One day a week, we have to drive up to Head Office, about fifteen minutes from here, and do any deliveries they need doing,’ Jin says. ‘So Jin hyung has Mondays, Yoongi hyung on Tuesdays, Hobi hyung on Wednesdays, me on Thursdays, Jiminie on Fridays, Taehyungie on Saturdays and Jungkookie on Sundays,’ Namjoon explains, my heart warming at hearing the nicknames he has for his dongsaengs. ‘So is it a lot of work?’ I ask as Jin begins unpackaging everything, dividing it up onto plates. ‘I don’t want much, hyung,’ Jimin says to him. ‘Nor me,’ I add. ‘We’ll just share,’ Jimin says, smiling up at me, before answering my question. ‘It’s not much work at all. There’s usually about three deliveries a day, and Jin’s dad pays for our petrol, so it’s literally so fine,’ Jimin explains. ‘Is it well paid?’ I ask, the boys laughing. ‘Very well paid,’ Namjoon replies, and I smile at the thought of Jin’s dad looking after them all so well.
‘Shall I text Jungkook? Tell them to come down?’ I ask, Jin nodding as he hands out our plates. I text Jungkook, hearing them all running down the stairs mere seconds later. Mija’s dressed in a black bodysuit with a grey leather skirt, a pair of heeled ankle boots on her feet and her makeup natural like mine. Jungkook and Tae look smart too, like the other boys, and I notice that Tae has on a grey bomber jacket, the same colour as Mija’s skirt. Jimin seems to notice too, the two of us exchanging a little glance. I scoop some food up onto a fork and go to put it in my mouth when Jimin opens his cheekily, wanting me to feed him. I roll my eyes before feeding him, and that’s how we eat; me taking a bite before feeding the next one to Jimin. ‘You two are so gross,’ Mija says, looking at us. ‘They’re like so domestic. It’s super weird,’ Jungkook agrees. ‘I think it’s cute,’ Hobi says. ‘No, it’s weird,’ Yoongi says. ‘Oh, my god, leave us alone!’ Jimin exclaims in false hurt. ‘Yeah, get off our dicks,’ I add, feeding Jimin a bite. ‘When you get off his dick,’ Tae replies, and I roll my eyes, the others laughing. For the next hour and a half, we all just chill in the kitchen, laughing and joking together. Mija and Tae sit next to one another, awfully close, and Jimin and I exchange excited glances every time we see the two of them talking quietly or laughing together. Being with the boys in such a relaxed environment is nice, getting to know the sober versions of them and seeing their relationships with one another. But, of course, nothing good lasts forever. At 8.30, we decide we’re going to take shots every five minutes up to 9 when we’ll head down to the party, all of us getting more and more drunk with each one. ‘Right, bitches!’ Jin exclaims, ‘you ready to crash a party?’
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imaginegfriend · 6 years
gfriend as your girlfriends: [ 🦊 sowon 🦊 ]
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g e n r e: f — for fluff
you were hanging out with her and the girls at the dorm one night
they had all gotten back from a schedule and you and umji were cooking a meal for everybody bc they were all tired but umji is the only one who would help lol
and sowon runs over to you showing you a picture that she had taken of you from across a table previously on her phone saying “i’m such a good photographer look you look so cute!”
you grabbed her phone and smiled, agreeing with her and sending the photo to yourself. “oh is this from that cafe we went to last weekend? i didn’t know you were taking pictures, creep.” she laughed and slapped you on the arm, “yeah i take almost everybody i know there, it’s the best one around here to go to.”
umji interjected (since she was right there anyways), setting down her cooking utensil with an accusing look on her face, “you never took me there!”
following that, a round of “me either!”s came from the living room and a special comment from sinb: “why do you always take ______ to the good places? is she your favorite or something?”
sowon snatched her phone back with a nervous laugh and a rose color stained on her cheeks, turning around to face everyone else, “shut up! you guys don’t know how to behave and that’s why i never take you to the good places.”
later on, as the mood started to settle and everybody was getting tired from their stomachs being filled to the brim and playing around with each other all night, you were preparing to sleep on the couch as sowon walked in while tying her hair on a bun
“you know you don’t have to sleep on the couch every time, right?” sowon suggested, taking the spare blanket you laid on the couch and beginning to walk back toward her room. “i know the bed isn’t that big but you could at least sleep with me.”
you shrugged and followed her quietly and climbed into her bed directly after she did. both of you were facing one another and she chewed her bottom lip, something obviously on her mind.
“you know how i always buy you those things?” she broke the silence with a whisper as you nodded, suddenly feeling guilty; you never wanted her to, but she always insisteid on you taking her gifts. “like the purses and jewelry and stuff that i always hear you talking about?
“yeah, what about them?” you asked, nervous to hear where she was going with this. she reached for your hand under the covers and your body instantly warmed up.
a shaky sigh left sowon’s lips as she began speaking again, “i’ve just been thinking... and you might not get what i’m trying to say but, maybe you are my favorite. and i know you’re close with all of us, but i was hoping that i was your favorite too?”
she was right; you didn’t get what she was trying to say. of course she was your favorite, you spent most of your time with her; she didn’t see that? “i’m asking you if.. you would want to be with me?” she whispered lower this time, but you still heard her.
 you smiled softly and brought your interlocked hands up to your lips, kissing her knuckles, “well, duh. i was wondering when you were gonna stop fawning over me long enough to ask.”
she tried her hardest to hold her laugh in so she didn’t wake anybody else up as she slapped your arm, just like earlier before pulling you in for a soft, sleepy kiss.
if you’re taller than her, she’s really excited about that because she’s used to being one of the tallest people wherever she goes
when she tries to flirt with you she says “i’m gonna climb you like a tree”
if you’re shorter than her she calls you her little oompa loompa even though you hate it but she thinks its endearing
she even told you to dye your hair green once
and you call her rice krispie because her bones are always snapping, crackling, and popping
she still spoils you like there’s no tomorrow, esp. during a comeback or during awards season because she feels bad that her already minuscule time with you becomes even smaller
she tries to take you on cute, secret dates to low-profile restaurants that have amazing food
but it ends up being less romantic than it is hilarious because she sends her food back 5 times before fully eating it then leaves a rating for it on a napkin
and obviously since she has $$$ but she’s still a scammer she negotiates getting the food for a cheaper price since she had to send it back so many times
since she’s mostly busy during the day, she calls you up late at night to do weird shit like go tandem-bike riding in a park or do an ikea scavenger hunt for your future apartment
“aren’t your old, brittle bones too fragile to be riding bikes sojung?” “okay you’re being really ageist right now so i’ll call you back when you can respect your elders.”
drops hints about wanting to live with you and having a future with you all. the. time.
like she’s always sending you links to sleek apartments for sale with a “👀” attached
she’s used to taking care of everybody else but she loves when you guys are all alone and she’s tired from practice or a schedule and you take care of her for once, cuddling her and running your fingers through her hair
even so, she still catches herself having those moments where she acts like an overbearing mother: “don’t forget to wear a jacket today because if you catch a cold all you’re going to get from me is a hot bowl of ‘i told you so’ noodle soup”
and she would be petty enough to buy alphabet soup and make sure to spell out ‘i told you so’ with the letters
she hates when you hang out with sinb, yuju, and umji for a full day because you always come back to her acting like this
but honestly you could say the same thing about her
she knows she’s sexy but gets super flustered if you tell her that she looks good in something; if she tells you though, and you get flustered, she keeps saying it until you vocally acknowledge how good you look
wont allow you to say you’re cuter than her but she’s allowed to do it whenever she wants
“ugh i look so good today, you could never” “i already did... and twice yesterday”
she always talks about romcoms that you guys watch together on vlive and her face goes like 😧 when people comment stuff like “why are you watching so many romcoms lately are you in love lmao”
then she changes the subject
and one day while they’re at a hotel, yerin walks in their room saying “y/n’s on the phone for yooouuuu” in a teasing voice bc she didn’t know sowon was on vlive
and thats how you guys ended up going public lol but sowon wasn’t upset because even though the members and the company knew, she got tired of lying to everyone else
after this she tries to go everywhere with you to show you off because why wouldn’t she?
the other members refer to you guys as the senior citizen couple because you never want to do anything fun and are homebodies
and you feel bad because you’re the homebody and sowon is the extrovert but you always convince her to stay with you lmao
if you guys are able to spend your anniversaries together, she takes you somewhere in europe for a weekend because she thinks its romantic and obviously she loves the food
and she wants to spend the whole day sightseeing together but STILL wants to be up all night talking to you. halfway through she ends up talking to herself though because you fell asleep lmao
the last day she tries to be extremely romantic to make up for dragging you around the whole time (even though you didnt mind) with breakfast for 2 in bed and a warm bath together with rose petals and stuff in it
if you guys are apart because she’s in a different country or she just can’t see you that day, you guys try to text all day but her heart breaks when she hears how sad your voice is over video chat
when you call some other famous person that you’ll literally never meet in a million years cute she gets jealous. like really jealous
“yeah they’re cute but cute is always going to get demolished next to gorgeous. like they’re cute but they’re not me or anything”
when you meet her family they love you because they say they thought she would never find anybody as crazy as her and she’s like “what do you mean crazy?”
when you guys finally move into an apartment together, she insists on you guys and the members moving the boxes because she wants to prove to you that her bones aren’t weak and fragile
halfway through she’s sitting in the bedroom on the lone mattress ordering a moving team and a some food because she can’t take it anymore
oh yeah you guys finally got to go on that ikea scavenger hunt lol and it’s a relatively cheap store but she managed to pick out the most expensive things in there
almost everyday she wakes up to you about to burn the entire apartment down because “i just wanted to make you breakfast because you’ve been so tired lately”
and she tells you that she’s going to put padlocks on the drawers in the kitchen and the fridge if you can’t manage boiling water without evaporating it on the stove
“i think meonji likes me better than you” “i like you better than me too”
sometimes you guys just stand in the middle of the living room, holding each other and looking into each others eyes and kissing a little
she still gets upset if she sees rice krispies and/or rice krispie treats in the cabinets and she’ll hide them from you
ever since her first fashion show she tries to put together your outfits because she thinks she’s a high fashion mogul now
“we’re just going grocery shopping why do i need to get this dressed up?” “do you want to embarrass me in front of the fashion world? they’re always watching.”
you catch her introducing the products she’s using in the mirror all the time like she’s a beauty guru on youtube
and god forbid she gets a little alcohol in her she’s like sojung 10.0
her hands are everywhere on you and she’s saying stuff to you thats making you go 😧
and those are the times you’re thankful that you have your own place together lmao
“but sojung don’t you think the other girls would want me to watch their fancams too?” “oh i wasn’t aware we were in a polyamorous relationship”
if you guys get into a big argument she’ll impulsively grab a pillow and a blanket from your room and try to sleep on the couch but halfway through the night she climbs in bed with you anyways
“don’t think i’m not still mad at you but this is half my bed too” and then you both apologize in the morning because going to bed mad is the worst thing ever
she almost jokingly doesn’t accept your apology because you tried to make her breakfast again
she’s corny and cute so she got you guys promise rings
“i know i can’t marry you right now but i definitely want to spend the rest of my life with you. if you want to do the same with me.. promise me?”
of course you said yes.
and now she can’t stop taking those pictures where her hand is always in the frame so everybody can see the ring
a/n: okay so i know the first part is kinda like a fic instead of just short or medium length bullet points but i didnt realize that until after i finished so i think i’ll just do the “how you guys began dating” section like that for all the girls
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readbythestarlight · 5 years
Vice President Ashley xD
DAAAMN Ashley this is brutal!
Oh man guys are we gonna get Travis in a haunted house we gotta
Shopping shopping shopping
Some nice chill shopping
Laura seemed so serious I thought it was actually gonna be a thing. She really had me there.
Nott the concerned mom worrying about her two human kids
"That’s a stick."
Caduceus meeting someone as y’all as he is: :D
I don’t even remember where Cad found the sword at this point
lol "runt" poor Fjord
Oh man?? The guy is from the same area as Cad???
I’m into Fjord’s conversation with this other half orc
This nice half orc man telling Fjord not to be ashamed of who and what he is. Thank you nice half orc man. Warsh.
"Even his advice had abs. He just broke though, I mean, layers of walls with that guy." pffff Cad
F: "I don’t know who my family is so—"
Orphan Fjord. Aw baby. I mean I suspected it but still sad.
J: "He did have an accent similar to yours."
F: ".....uh-huh."
"Driftwood Asylum"?? That’s a very sad and awful name for an orphanage
"You have layers" Fjord has the most layers
Nott: can we PLEASE get my husband some SHOES
So many orcish characters in into it
Canon age for Beau ayyyyyy (that’s right about what I figured)
With 8000gp worth of gems you can buy many magical items
Taliesin wants to collect all the broken swords
Ring of evasion oooooo!
Robe of far patterns...?
Damn that sounds spooky
I can’t decide, gems or items.
Caleb why don’t you send message and ask the group??
These nerds flashing around their medallions like "give us STUFF the bright queen LIKES US"
L: "This is why we don’t shoot exploding arrows at are friends."
Sam, pretending to be weepy: "I’m not saying anything everyone is hating on me."
It really says something about how insane the past several episodes have been when Travis doesn’t seem to mind the shopping episode at all
Yeza criticizing the potion guy xD
1000gp for a single potion?!?
"I don’t really have any money." God Ashley is so cute.
Poor Sam is having such a bad night.
She just paid 1gp for a straight razor for Caleb I LOVE HER
"The Bailey Brig" that’s adorable
"We have a jar of boba?"
Cad shelling out 25 gold for the sake of the group having quality food is just. So cute.
God I hope Yeza is safe while he’s alone in the city.
She’s finally managing to get the message into 25 words I’m so proud
Aw Luke baby
I’m cracking up omg "helloooooo? Blue lady?"
N: "here take 20 platinum."
N: "Iloveyou."
Everyone: come on you should say it properly what if we die we can leave if you want—
She didn’t even tell them where specifically to go I’m just
Oh they have to go through the Ghost Lands where they were specifically told to avoid
Cad: "I can make you a nice tea lather."
C: "Too late my beard is already sticky with boba."
Caleb and Yasha have the weirdest friendship ritual. Shaving your bro with a great sword.
8. Oh no.
Gasp he’s taking the wraps off his arms.
Nott throws off her wrappings and Caleb throws off his and however things turn out between them and the Dynasty this has been so good for both of them.
This place has something to do with the betrayer gods, doesn’t it? I’m really worried about Fjord being here.
J: "Hey, Fjord, look there’s a ghost!"
F: "Nope, nope, that is a humanoid jellyfish."
Fuck yep this is where the betrayer gods fell. If they have to sleep in the Ghost Lands Fjord’s gonna have more dreams here, and bad ones, I can tell.
Oh good they didn’t have to sleep there.
N: "Were you an aaaarborist?"
Y: "I don’t... know what that is?"
Cad: "I know what that is!"
Fjord just stepping in like "alright buddy listen here" and intimidating the hell out of that guy
This is the guy they were supposed to prank right? Because they are well on their way to totally humiliating him.
We start with shopping and we end with fighting giants. Classic Mighty Nein.
Yashaaaaaa! That’s like 1/4 of her health right off. Not the worst but ouch.
She caught the bolder mod roll tho what a badass
Welcome back Ashley!!!
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wannawrite · 7 years
Let’s Just Laze [ night ver ]
Wanna One’s Bae Jinyoung X Reader [ fem ver ] Fluff bullet-point ver. wanna one masterlist produce 101 masterlist day ver [ coming soon ] • lazy nights with your boyfriend, Bae Jinyoung • just fluffy and pure hello!! finals are taking a toll on me. I’m literally only able to write late at night or on the way to school in the mornings rip lol but I have to do something more productive than sleeping all the time not prepared for finals at all I can just throw myself off a bridge but I hope you like your Baejin fluff sis, @lai-gvanlin !! even if it is in bullet-point - Admin L
🌗 nights with Bae Jinyoung 
• honestly • you don’t know anymore, all you know is that you fell asleep in a really comfortable place • your finals just ended and after days of cramming and endless studying, you’re drained of all energy yet you still agree to go hang out with your boyfriend • luckily, you guys just crash at his place • it’s like 3.30pm? you guys should be going to celebrate by getting milk tea • but it is your Senior year finals and it is just too tiring and it wore you out completely • his parents are overseas for work so the house just holds the two of you • you have no shame • you throw yourself onto Jinyoung’s bed and before you know it, your head droops and your eyes flutter shut • zzzzzzzz • Jinyoung comes back with a glass of water for you only you fast asleep on his bed • the smile on his face • o m g • he’s just super amused and happy you’re finally resting • you deserve to sleep as much as you like without being disturbed so he takes the couch • idk another way to spell cuddles is J i n y o u n g • but at the same time he doesn’t want to disrupt your sleep • he catches zzzzz on the couch • when you open your eyes, it’s pitch dark other than the moonlight shining in from his open window • it takes you a few minutes to recount what happened • you know like that weird feeling when you’re awake but not really • yes, that • you find Jinyoung asleep outside in his living room and lets out a series of ‘aww’s bc why not he’s adorable • you realise neither of you have eaten dinner so dig around in his kitchen, making a mental note to reimburse his parents • but they love you so much they won’t have it. in fact, they’ll probably buy groceries for you • you find a ton of stuff • at first, you aren’t quite sure what to cook and you want to just run to the nearby convenience store to buy instant noodles • but you’re also like ‘f*ck that Jinyoung deserves healthy food’ • ‘I am talent.’ • ‘I scored an A* for home economics Gordon Ramsay is shaking’ • also bc you two are a domestic couple • so wholesome :“) • Jinyoung wakes up to the smell of food cooking in the kitchen and the thinks someone broke into the house • he doesn’t go to investigate because he’s tired • 'Did they break in because they wanted to use my kitchen? They can’t be dangerous.’ • 'They could be boiling a huge pot of water to dunk you in.’ • yup, he’s up and at you • but his anxieties fade when he sees you just out here cooking • lmao I actually can’t cook rip future husband idk how I got that A in home economics • you’re just casually boiling soup and adding carrots in when Jinyoung hops onto the counter • 'Babe, what are you doing?’ • 'Cooking dinner? We both didn’t eat.’ • he laughs and ruffles your hair, 'You know we could have gone out somewhere nice right?’ • you raise your eyebrows and holds up a knife like bOI • 'Are you saying my cooking isn’t good?’ • wh00ps Jinyoung • 'no! No! You don’t have to slave over it. You should have woken me up!’ • lol Jinyoung you sleep too deeply • you shake your head and continue focusing on the food • ’….so what are you making?’ • ’……um you’ll see.’ • Jinyoung offers to help and he does even after your endless protests • guys i had to google what to cook, easy dishes etc can you believe this what a great wife i’ll be • just gonna assume Jinyoung likes traditional Korean food so you’re like bitch let me impress you with my skills I will surprise you we didn’t even learn this in home economics watch me • ’…….is that….sujebi?’ • ’….yes.’ • bc you are a domestic goddess you also made a ton more food • with Jinyoung’s help • tbh he isn’t a terrible cook • very diligent and precise • measures each cube of onion to perfection • this turned into cooking with Jinyoung • Gordon Ramsay who? I only know a Bae Jinyoung • he did like two steps before giving up and considered calling his mother to thank her • love and respect your parents :”) • 'you know Y/N you’ll make a great mother one day’ he says without thinking and then proceeds to melt into the floor • his knife nearly clatters to the floor • you pretend you didn’t hear that but your red face exposes you • 'I’M SORRY!’ • ’…it’s fine.’ • …..Jinyoung leaves the kitchen out of embarrassment • but not before completing his tasks and asking if you need anymore help • you’re good and honestly, you’d probably combust at the sight of Jinyoung being more domestic • like some newlyweds or something • anyway • he proceeds to raid his hidden snack pile in his room and cries into his pillow • poor baby • only shows his face again when he hears the telltale sign of silverware • helps to set the table • still can’t look you in the eye but you’re pretty used to it by now • he’s!! still!! shy!! around!! you!! let!! him!! live!! • you literally pull a Masterchef move and dramatically lift off the cover of the pot • 'voilà’ • me as a chef • he starts taking a lot of pictures and won’t stop thanking you • you?? are?? literally?? perfect?? • wifey material • he’s going to put a ring on you • when he brings out his polaroid camera you’re like 'nO JINYOung STOP THIS’ • takes polaroids anyways • you two talk over dinner • about your day, exams, school, life, weird things like why pizzas are circular but you cut them into triangles, why chairs has the word 'hairs’ in it • then you lounge on the couch while Jinyoung does the dishes • you’re smiling bc it feels like you guys are a real couple now • uGh iDK WHY I’M GETTING EMO • the night is still young • boi wdym it’s like 9pm ?? let me sleep • but you two decide to watch a movie • Ironman becomes Toy Story and then Finding Dory then Me Before You • laughter becomes cries • your head rests on his shoulder and he’s holding you close • lol when will I ever • the movie ends and you two decide to call it a night • after that, you try to untangle yourself from Jinyoung • the time is like wh00ps it’s 2am • Jinyoung goes to get ready for bed and you wait for him in the living room • you send him memes while waiting • he comes back and pretty much insists on you showering and staying over since it’s so late • you don’t really have a say in the matter but it isn’t bad, he uses strawberry scented shampoo • you come out of the shower smelling like fresh strawberries and wrapped up in one of his shirts and spare running shorts • bc you’re always prepared • Jinyoung is prone to melting into the floor pls watch him • he watches you struggle to dry your hair • 'sorry babe but…would you let me help you?’ • you happily agree and surprisingly, he’s really good with hair and styling • considering the fact that he always goes to the salon and never actually does anything by himself • you are pretty impressed by how good he is with the hair brush and hairdryer • towel dries after your hair is only partially damp because he’s scared of drying out your luscious hair completely • also because he has burnt out a hairdryer before and doesn’t want to risk his expensive one • you two lay on his bed, side by side just breathing your own air • for a good hour, he’s tucked into a novel Guanlin recommended while your watching a drama Jisung suggested • the clock strikes 4am and you get a tap on the shoulder • Jinyoung smiles playfully at you, 'babe, let’s do something fun.’ • your suspicion arises but you agree and follows him into the bathroom • he plucks out a whole set of face masks • stick on masks, gel masks, clay masks, wash-off masks, scented masks, coloured masks, stay-on masks • you name it, it’s in that box • 'woah’ • 'wait how did you afford this?’ • Jinyoung blushes, 'it was a sponsor’ • god bless i n n i s f r e e • you two go about selecting whichever masks you want • 'wait babe is your face even big enough for this?’ • 'Y/N STOP THIS’ • there’s even a 'lollipop’ flavoured one how fitting • he helps you apply it prettily and in a n aesthetically pleasing manner • doesn’t do you dirty unlike how Sungwoon was done • sexy bandit lin lin • it actually comes out pretty cute ?? just like in the advertisement • the flash goes off a dozen of times because he takes pictures 'for the memories’ • but really, he’s showing off to the world how he’s pampering his baby through his IG boomerangs • yeah his like 78k followers really needed to see how well you guys are off and keep their thirsty asses in their own lane • since your masks needs 15 minutes to set, you two lay on his bed • a nice peaceful silence settles over the two of you • one of your hands laces with his while the other traces the curves of his face • Jinyoung is g o r g e o u s have fun with that ;) • he just chuckles and admires your beauty from time to time • it’s ethereal • his eyes just stare lovingly into your own and that’s the best part • not to mention his eyes are a little droopy and dreamy • steals a couple of kisses • you love how soft his lips are • thank you innisfree for the A+ lip balm • there isn’t much to do except talk and since it’s past 12am it’s a deep conversation • like really deep • won’t dive into details but it’s about your past, future, aspirations • just supporting and encouraging each other • you’re nearly in tears by the time he ends • you nearly fall asleep again with your mask on when Baejin goes to wash his off • he crosses his arms over his chest and chuckles when he comes back to your sleeping form • Jinyoung knows enough and he knows that not washing your mask off could be a terrible thing • maybe he just wants an excuse to be all tender and loving towards you just let me cry in peace • he attempts to clean off majority of the mask with a wet face towel but has no choice but to wake you up • he clutches you tightly so you don’t fall asleep while cleaning off your mask • 'i’m sorry sweetheart….i’ll cuddle with you later.’ • you pout and sigh, offering out your pinky for him to clasp • Baejin ain’t having it, he just envelopes you in a tight, warm embrace • he loves skinship so much doahdosjaidh • cuddling is a must • legs crossing over • your head rests on his chest while one of his arms wraps around your shoulder • he ends up being the one turning the lights off • it’s reassuring to have him cuddle you, just radiating off love and warmth • he pecks you one last time on the cheek for that day • 'goodnight, my love.’
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galadrieljones · 7 years
About Me: A to Z
Thanks for the tag, @nilesdaughter!! ^.^
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
A- Age: 32
B- Birthplace: Wisconsin
C- Current time: About 5:30pm
D- Drink you had last: Coffee
E- Easiest person to talk to: @thevikingwoman​ and my friend Leah.
F- Favorite Song: Ever?????? That is tough lol. My favorite song at the moment is probably “Supermoon” by Case/Lang/Veirs (@wrenbee you need this lol)
G- Grossest memory: I mean...I’d rather not. lol.
H- Hogwarts House: Gryffindor.
I- In love: Yes. 
J- Jealous of people: I don’t tend to get jealous, but I can get bitter if I feel shafted in situations where I’ve put in a shit ton of work and get minimal appreciation. By this point in my life, I pretty much know what I’m worth at any given moment. So this will put me off badly. 
K- Kids: One toddler! He’s two. And he just learned his ABCs AND “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.” It’s adorable. 
L- Love at first sight or should I walk by again: I feel like real love has to be earned. There can be intense physical and even mental and emotional attraction at first sight. I had this with my husband, absolutely. But it was not love, not really. To me, love is a commitment of the soul. It’s about more than gut feelings. 
M- Middle name: Michelle
N- Number of siblings: One younger sister
O- One wish: I’d like to publish a novel. Like, soon. Also, I’d love to live in a place where my financially established husband and I could afford to buy a house lmfao. I often despise California. 
P- Person I last called/texted: my mother-in-law
R- Reason to smile: My kid, who is currently making a huge mess in our living room, but we just got home from a huge road trip so nobody really has any patience left at this point lol. Also, my cute husband. 
S- Song you sang last: Probably Matchbox 20′s “3am” my husband and I both were just belting that song in the car on the freeway I mean there is nothing more cathartic than peak Rob Thomas when you’re stuck in LA traffic.
T- Time you woke up: About 7:30am
U- Underwear color: hot...pink. :)
V- Vacation destination: Montana. 
W- Worst habit: Procrastination. Leaving piles everywhere. Nail biting. Avoiding my responsibilities.
X- X-rays: dental stuff, and I broke my wrist when I was like nine years old.
Y- Your favorite food: french fries and pizza
Z- Zodiac sign: Aries
tags for @thevikingwoman @wrenbee @ellstersmash @noraspancakes @fadedforyou @tel-abelas-mofo @hansaera @thebeautifulsilverhare @thatoneelfwitch @enaste-fen @liderfin @adventuresinastrangeworld <3
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sequoiann · 7 years
❧ b.sk | roommate!au
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pairing; seventeen seungkwan x reader
genre; bulletpointed, roommate!seungkwan, humor (loads of this), fluff (loads of this too)
✎a/n; i’m eggcited for this wewew hope ya’ll enjoy thiss !! psps. i’m probably gonna do this on a lot of other members so do leave a msg in my inbox to let me know who you’d like to see a roommate!au on ;))
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ok so so sO!
boo seungkwan
as a roommate
you seriously won’t know whether to thank all the gods up there for sending you such an angelic patootie 
or to curse the devils for sending you one of their kind
bc not gon lie but seungkwan is a real mix
the story of how the two of you ended up in the same dorm room is really simple tbh
according to school protocols ;; male dorms and female dorms should be far apart
like really far apart
bc no one wants ehEM EHEM to happen right?
wrong lol 
the university gives no shit about that man
they just mix whatever they want
but most girls and guys willingly stick to sharing a room with the same gender since it’ll be less awkward
but you transferred to the school around midterms 
and the girls’ dorms were full
or at least that’s what they told you
so they decide to put you in the guys’ dorms
“you don’t mind, right?” 
“of course not. everything’s alright.” 
“great. here’s your key. eleventh floor, room five.” 
ok you minded
a lot.
like you pretty much have to live with this guy now?? and if he’s messy and disgusting and—
oh my god you didn’t even want to think about it
you kinda resigned to your fate and went straight to the dorms, to your room, bc you had a shitload of luggage to park.
when you got in, you were pleasantly surprised
the place was really really really clean??
like there were no random trousers hanging everywhere and the floor felt really dust-less
and you felt that ray of hope that this plan wouldn’t be so bad after all
and like juST before you were about to unpack
the door opens
//grand music plays
seungkwan enters
but at that time you didn’t know him yet so you just awkwardly scramble to your feet
and bow slightly since you were aware that your roommate was a year older
and do your formal introduction of ‘hi i’m y/n please take care of mi’
you look up and notice he’s cute
like cute as in
the baby kind of cute screeeeches
and he looked nice and quiet
ok so he introduces himself as seungkwan 
and the start was really awkward tbh 
the both of you were just literally walking circles around the room and staying on opposite ends bc awKWARD !1!!
you weren’t one to start a convo so yeah this time was no exception
but seungkwan actually initiated one and you were so relieved bc you were literally suffocating from this awkward air
he was like “so, um, you’re a year younger?” 
“do you need help, er, unpacking?”
you turn to your heavy ass luggage and overflowing clothes and laughed
“yeah, i guess?”
seungkwan looked excited bc he internally wanted to do sth so ya’ll can get over this ice cold thing
so ice ice baby ok i’m sorry let’s continue
and he literally bounces on two feet and like goes over to you and hE LOOKED LIKE AN ADORABLE PENGUIN ASDFGHJK
he helps you get your clothes out and like a lot of them got unfolded so he kindly folds them back and stacks them neatly
then he like opens the empty side of the closet which he wasn’t using and helps you load your clothes in there
and he hangs up your coats before coming back to you 
who was struggling with the cables you had put in your bag bc they tangled up real bad
seungkwan decides to unzip a ‘hidden compartment’ of your luggage 
and vOILA
he bursts into laughter and you had no idea what was going on
then you notice the unzipped compartment and you just
“SEUNGKWAN !!!?!??!?!?” 
and he was literally a laughing mess on the floor like his ears were red and he was rolling about trying to catch his breath but it wasn’t working
bc,,,, you kept your bra and undies in there
and seungkwan saw it
seungkwan manages to choke out an ‘iM soRRY’ before he continues dying in his own laughter
and you can’t help but laugh too bc his laughter was contagious asf
and bc of this incident ,,, ya’ll became really really close
it’s like a ‘he already saw my undergarments on our first meeting what worse can happen’
so yall became very open with each other
like after four months or so ya’ll bFF MAN
he even knew where you kept your pads
bc there were those days where it just comes unexpectedly and you don’t know until you strip in the toilet for a bath
so you just scream for seungkwan to pass you one like
that was great to you tbh like it made life so convenient
but the downsides of having seungkwan as a roommate 
so many many
seungkwan’s in the school choir (which surprisingly accepts both boys & girls)
so he claims he needs his personal vocal practice
and the room turns into a freaking opera theatre istg
like you literally hear him go do re mi fa SO LAR TEE DOHHHHH
while you’re there just trying to get your shit tgt
and you sometimes suspect he’s just trying to annoy you on purpose
bc he goes wAAY out of tune just to hit the extra extra high notes
and he even screeches sometimes and oh god your goosebumps just ploop
 “ seungkwan. ”
“ boo “
“ seung “
and you dont even bother to say the last syllable of his name and you just glare at him and he just shuts up and laughs really loud like his eyes squints together and he just drops onto the bed
he’s also really childish at heart so
he likes messing with you when you’re in the shower
he would turn off the heater and/or the lights
and the first time he turned off the lights you freaked out really badly bc you were afraid of the dark and you genuinely thought there was a blackout
and you shouted for him but he didn’t know you were scared so he just silently snickered outside
but when he heard you sob on the other side of the door
he quickly turns the lights back on and like when you come out he was so damn apologetic like
“i’m so sorry i didn’t know omg”
“ i h8 YOU “
but no you didn’t lol you loved this squish
and he made up for it by literally being by your side for the next few days
i mean
ya’ll were roommates
cuddling is the most normal thing to happen
so aft that ‘blackout’ incident ,,, that night ,,,
you couldn’t sleep lol
you guys had a really wide bunk bed if that made sense??
it was almost like a second story on the upper deck
seungkwan had been taking the bottom deck so when you moved in you just took the one at the top
and thAT NIGHT
you just kept tossing and turning and like the bed would shake a little every time you move
so seungkwan can’t sleep either since the bed just keeps wobbling
“you can’t sleep?” he says,, just staring up
and then there’s this short silence.
“you up for cuddles?”
and another silence.
bc ngl you lived for cuddles
but you would get really insecure about everything bc like your cuddle partner would be sososo close ?? ya’know??
but before you can reply,,
seungkwan literally just comes up and pokes his head to your deck and grins and you just laugh
aandddd he just scurries to your side and plonks down 
“ you’re not against this, right? ”
he just doesn’t want you to feel uncomfortable or anything uk
“ n-no, i’m not. ”
seungkwan would like laugh at your nervousness,, but he just wraps his arm around you and just stroke your hair and stuff like that 
and it calmed you down a loooot.
he was so warm and comfy you honestly just wanted to stay in his arms forever lolol
so this cuddle thing became a very natural thing since it happened often aft that
and when the two of you actually fall asleep
it’s a totally different thing in the middle of the night 
you would accidentally jab him in the eyeballs since you move q alot when you sleep
and he just jerks awake like whO IS YOU WHO AWOKE ME FROM MAI BEAUTY SLEEP
then he sees you with your arms sprawled everywhere and he’d just laugh quietly before tucking you back under the covers
and the next morning he’d complain all about it
“ Y/N ”
“ ?? whAT ”
ya he exaggerates a lot
and you’d just laugh bc you are aware of the fact that you are kinda violent when you’re in dreamland
but seungkwan honestly doesn’t mind lol bc other than that,, you were a good cuddle buddy
can you imagine when ya’ll have to order food
HAHAHA it’s like tug of war
like you like fried chicken
but he likes seasoned chicken
and you guys can’t buy both bc you guys were supposed to sneak it into the dorms
and two packs of chicken would be like bringing a freaking mountain into the dorm
so you two just start throwing random stuff at each other
“ you broke my pen ytd?? ”
“you dropped my compact powder and it got everywhere.”
“ya but u made me clean the entire room bc of that.”
“but we got seasoned chicken in the cafeteria”
“horrible ones.”
“no, okay, but —”
seungkwan just gives up and 
//internal evil laughter
“love you seungkwannn”
//finger guns
seungkwan just shakes his head and places the order and turns away from you to let out his smile
ok ya so all in all
seungkwan would just be a really soft and annoying roommate 
and the two of you would be like the bickering best friends
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Survey #468
“recollect me, darling, raise me to your lips  /  two undernourished egos  /  four rotating hips”
Have you ever seen a queen bee outside its hive? I wouldn't know. What comes to mind first, when I say “indie”? The music genre. Have you ever used Duolingo? I have not. Do you think number 13 is unlucky? No. Do you watch any old films? If so, name a few of your favourites. Through all the years in school and reading classic novels, we would usually watch the movie afterwards, so I've seen a good number and understand why they're classics, like The Outsiders, A Raisin in the Sun, Steel Magnolias... Who are some of your classic era film actors and actresses, if any? I don't know enough, honestly. Do you have any novelty ice cube trays? No. What radio station do you most often listen to? I don't listen to the radio. Have you ever been in a Catholic confessional? Yes, because I was raised Roman Catholic, and it was routine to go occasionally. Those things are so awful. Who was the last non-relative you rode in a vehicle with? Oh wow, I don't know. What movie are you looking forward to coming out? HOCUS POCUS 2!!!!!!!!!!!!! :') What color was the hair of the last person you kissed? HAHAHA he's gonna fuckin hate me for this. He has black hair, but with a bit of gray throughout already. What letter does your last name begin with? D. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? Yep. Do you regret it? Nah. Who was the last person to buy you a drink? You're talking like, a drink drink? In which case, my mother. Who was the last person to buy you dinner? Girt. How old is the oldest person you’ve dated? Idk exactly how old Juan is, but he's probably the oldest? Of the ages I actually remember, that'd be Girt; he'll be 28 next month. Have you ever found a bug in your food? omg noooooo Do you ever read things you wrote as a kid? What were you like? Fuck no, I'd cringe into oblivion. Your boyfriend's birthday is coming up, and you’re totally broke. What do you do? ... Was this written directed at me??? lmao I'm thinking of just trying to draw 2B from Nier: Automata since she's to him what Pyramid Head is to me, ha ha. Would you be content to turn out just like your mom? In most ways, no. If you could pick one topic for everyone in your country to learn more about, what would you pick? Uhhh... Well, it'd be boring as all fuck hell, but I guess politics. Be actually educated on what's going on in the country and vote more wisely. How do you feel about people your age having children? I'm 25. It's normal, and advisable before 30 anyway before the risk of birth defects and problematic pregnancies rise. When was the last time you were at a park? Jeez... the very beginning of this year, I wanna say? I was taking family pictures for someone. Do you feel like going to funerals helps you in the grieving process? I haven't been to nearly enough to know. Especially as an adult. How do you feel about the whole organic food craze? I'm not educated enough on this to have a proper opinion. Who was the last person you heard snore? My mom, at some point. Is there a TV show you’ve wanted to start watching but never gotten around to? Even though I don't really watch TV, there are some I'm interested in, like The Witcher. Have you ever worn something out in public that made other people stare at you? Oh god, I would avoid that so hard, so probably not. Do you ever make an effort to look stylish or fashionable? Or do you not care about that? I really don't care. I wear what's comfortable. When was the last time you were in denial about something? What about? Idk. Have you ever worn fake eyelashes? If not, would you ever try wearing them? No, but I probably will for my hypothetical wedding. Is there any certain style of architecture you really enjoy? Yeah; Roman, for one. I should be able to list far more, having taken Art History, where architecture played a big part... When’s the last time you made the best of a bad situation? Hm, I dunno. If you watch Parks and Recreation, who is your favorite character? N/A Do you listen to Fall Out Boy? Yeah, they're great. Have you ever been skiing or snowboarding? No. Have you ever forged a note for something at school? No. Are you a YouTube addict? Oh, for sure. I'm always on there. Have you ever found a four leaf clover? Many, actually! It's funny, at our old place, the day my father abandoned my family, I found an actual PATCH of four-leaf clovers right outside. I doubt it meant anything, but it was still cool. From that year on, that spot always had lots of four-leaf ones. Are you good at lighting fires? I wouldn't know. I'm scared to. Name someone who is an excellent listener? Sara. <3 Would you mind living to 100 years old if you were in semi-decent health? Define "semi-decent." If I could still care for myself fine, then sure, I guess? 100 still seems pretty... bold for me, though. How did your parents meet one another? They were co-workers. When's the last time you got heartburn? What do you think caused it? I haven't had it in a while because I have to take a prescription antacid. It's embarrassing to admit, but it's because of my weight; chronic heartburn is common for people of my size. I know for sure that it's the culprit in my case, because when I lost a load of weight? It went away and stayed gone until I started gaining weight back. What's your favorite red fruit? Strawberriessss. Do you enjoy sour candies? If so, which ones? omfg yesssss. Give me like ANY sour candy. Would you want a chance to visit Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory? Ha, it's funny, the first thing that came to mind was hell yeah, so long as I could bring my camera. Can you imagine the photographs? Goddamn right I'd try some candy too, but I'm more interested in the art of it all, really. What is one quirk about each of your parents that you can't stand? Dad is easy: he repeats the FUCK out of himself. Like oh my god. He will cycle a conversation by saying the same exact thing so, so many times. As for Mom... I don't know about a quirk that I can't stand. Have you ever suffered from amnesia before? After I awoke from fainting and receiving a concussion, I did briefly. Like I couldn't remember what happened and was just crying, but it came back to me with time. Do you live with roommates? I live with my mother. Does your body feel older than it actually is? My body feels ancient. Were you always picked last in gym class? I wouldn't say last, but I wasn't a first pick, for sure. Has someone close to you ever passed away from cancer? Pets have. My grandmother died of pancreatic cancer, but we were never close, I'd say. Which form of martial arts would you be most interested in trying? Ngl, I don't know almost any names and what moves they entail. Which type of shoe dominates your wardrobe? Converse. The last time you were high, what was it off of? Never been high. Is there a particular sport you follow on a regular basis? No. Are you waiting for something to arrive in the mail? No. Could you date someone who didn’t drive (and didn’t show an interest in ever getting their license, either)? If they had no interest in getting one, I don't think I could. How would you react if your artwork became famous? Cry. A lot. But in a wonderful way. Have you ever seen an alligator in person? Yeah. I love those lil 'ole dinos. Most instances were at the zoo, but I actually very clearly remember seeing one in a watery ditch following Hurricane Floyd when the local zoo was destroyed. The alligators got out. What does the inside of your shower look like? It's a... normal tub/shower? What primary color is your Christmas tree? It's always green. When I have my own place, I reeeaaaally want a black one with faux snowy tips, white garland, and red ornaments. What is the stupidest thing you’ve done to a friend’s pet? Nothing? Have you ever seen a snake in the road? I have. Have you ever been to the Kentucky Derby? No. Have you ever heard a wolf howl? Not in person, no. When in a race, do you usually win? Ya girl doesn't race. I don't remember if I did any as a kid. Do you get sleepy when you ride in the car? Yes. How is your credit rating? I don't have one. Do you know anyone who lives in Hawaii? Yeah, a cousin of mine. What was the last phone conversation you had about? I was giving someone permission to talk to my mother about some financial stuff. How spicy do you like your food? Spicy, but not as hot as I used to enjoy. I've come to a point where I want to focus more on enjoying the food than the adrenaline of fighting the heat of what I'm eating. When was the last time you were in a very good mood? Two days ago when my boyfriend came over and we were watching some shows together. Who is at your house right now? Just Mom and me. Have you faced any of your fears lately? I mean, it's nothing major at all, but signing myself in and out of doctor appointments gives me anxiety. My mom used to do it for me, but I've been doing it for awhile now. Have you slept next to the last person you kissed? No. We both needed a nap the other day, but we've agreed sleeping together while my nightmares are being figured out is a very bad idea in case I lash out in my sleep and hurt him because I would fucking sob. Has your father met the boy you currently love? Yeah. But not everyone loves boys, you know. Are you closer with your siblings or cousins? Siblings. I barely ever see my cousins because my extended family doesn't live in NC. How many people have you really fell for? Three. Last thing to make you smile? Some stupid meme on Facebook lol. Does the person you like, like you too? Ye! Next event you’ll wear a dress to: Idk. Is there someone in your past you thought you’d never get over, and then did? Believe this shit or not... I haven't been thinking of Jason as much lately. I VERY much doubt I'll ever be totally over him, but I'm very much focused on and into my current boyfriend. How many arguments have you had with the last person you dated? We've actually never argued. Your girlfriend/boyfriend buys you flowers, you say? With our sense of humor, I'd probably say some shit like, "You killed them for me?" in an adoring voice, ha ha. Describe your life in one word? Dull. Did the last person you kiss have a tattoo? No, but he wants a sleeve tattoo AND I AM SO FUCKING FOR IT Were you intoxicated the last time you threw up? Nope.
0 notes
halloweeniegal · 8 years
EXO Reaction: Telling Them You’re Pregnant
(These are so cute and cheesy awh I’m proud about writing these lol)
You heard the front door of the apartment shut as you sat on the toilet seat, chewing on your nails nervously. You had been waking up with morning sickness for the past week and you knew what that could mean. While Xiumin was out with the boys you went to the local drug store and bought two pregnancy tests and took them about fifteen minutes before Minseok returned home. You picked up the tests off the counter and couldn't stop the tears and the wide smile as you looked at the small plus sign displayed across both of them. You hurried out of the bathroom with the sticks in your hands, hugging Minseok before shyly handing him the tests.
He stared down at them for a moment before dropping them in surprise. He looked up to stare at you as a wide grin now adorned his chubby cheeks. His eyes glittered in the light as he leaned down on one knee and placed his hand against your tummy, whispering sweet nothings to the child that would be residing within your stomach for the next nine months.
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You sat Sehun down and shyly explained to him about the fact that you were now one month pregnant with his child. You watched as a small smile showed up on his face before he leaned down and pressed his hand gently against your now slightly protruding tummy. He chuckled as he stared up at you with glimmering eyes.
"I hope he looks like you but has my fabulous fashion sense," he giggled as he slowly wrapped his arms around your waist and leaned his head on your shoulder. You scoffed playfully as you looked down at him with happy eyes.
"Um excuse me, she is gonna look like you and have my fashion, because she's cooler than you." Sehun feigned hurt, holding a hand to his chest quietly.
"I guess we'll find out in eight months."
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(This one was very specific in the request from my best friend, so it has hints of angst. o3o)
You sat on the couch quietly, your leg bouncing up and down as you listened for Lay, knowing he was returning soon. You had decided to take a couple pregnancy tests while he was gone due to the fact that you have been getting sick lately early in the morning when Lay was still soundly asleep in bed. You were frightened about what Zhang would think, knowing how quick he could jump to conclusions sometimes. Yet you knew that he deserved to know that he was due to be a father in nine months.
When the door opened your heart skipped a beat and you gulped as he walked into the living room. Due to nervousness you randomly threw the tests at him, not knowing what exactly to say about it. He raised an eyebrow at you before leaning down to pick one up, eyes widening as he saw the result that was displayed. You watched fearfully as a look of anger adorned his features before he threw the test down, glared at you, and stormed out of the apartment. You sat in bewilderment, not knowing what else to do other than curl up in a ball on the couch and cry yourself to sleep.
A few hours later you were jolted awake as a body plopped down on the couch and wrapped their strong arms around your waist. You recognized Lay's scent and slightly smiled, although you were still upset.
"Why'd you leave?" Your voice was hoarse from crying, but you knew he could understand you so you didn't mind.
"I thought you had cheated on me at first. But I stopped to think about it and realized you would never do that to me. You're too much of a sweetheart. I'm going to support you and my child through this whole thing... I hope he or she looks like you." He whispered against your shoulder as he began rubbing your tummy, causing happy tears to leak from your eyes, a large grin adorning your tear stained face.
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You left the two pregnancy sticks laying on the counter in the open, hoping Chanyeol would see them. You were too afraid to talk to him about it face to face so you stuck with letting him find out on his own. Your stomach started churning as you began thinking about what his reaction would be when he found out you were pregnant, so you quickly decided to lay down and rest while waiting for Chanyeol to return from the meeting he was at with the rest of EXO.
You were woken a couple hours later by strong arms carefully wrapping around your stomach, Chanyeol's familiar scent engulfing you as you smiled. He began lightly rubbing your tummy as he nuzzled into the crook of your neck.
"I can't believe we're gonna be parents," he softly spoke as he placed a loving kiss against your cheek and pulled you closer to him.
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You grinned widely down at the stick as you heard Baek singing impatiently outside the bathroom door. You two had been trying for a baby for a while, and you had just achieved your long-term goal. You opened the door and threw your arms around him, jumping up and engulfing his body with yours.
"We did it." Happy tears began leaking from the corners of your eyes as you watched him smile happily. He wiped your tears with one hand while holding you with his other. He set you down letting the excitement take over as he began jumping up and down.
"We're gonna be parents Y/N!!" He yelled happily before grabbing your face with both of his hands and kissing you sweetly. "We'll go to the store tomorrow and buy clothes and a crib and bottles and... and," his speech was rushed due to excitement causing you to giggle at him.
"Whoa, slow down speed racer. We can't buy that stuff til we know the gender. What we can do is decide whether we'll keep the gender a surprise and have a reveal party or just find out at the doctors?" You questioned smiling up at your loving boyfriend as he sighed happily and wrapped his arms sweetly around your waist.
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Do Kyungsoo:
You weren't sure where Do had disappeared to, but you knew where you were going. It was close to your anniversary with him and you had a creeping suspicion that you were pregnant because of the constant sickness and strange cravings. You were in the baby isle, carefully looking through tests as you decided to grab two different brands before walking towards the food isle and grabbing pickles and potato chips. You turned around and lightly squealed as you saw Do standing in front of you, a box of chocolates and a bouquet of roses in hand, staring at you in bewilderment.
"Why are you holding pregnancy tests?" He spoke slowly, staring at you suspiciously.
"U-Um... I might be pregnant..." You spoke just as slowly as you responded, rubbing the back of your neck sheepishly. His eyes widened and a smile spread across his cheeks.
"Really?" He seemed excited about it, which did in fact surprise you.
"Yeah. I've been having morning sickness and really weird cravings. I hate pickles, yet here I am, buying a jar because I suddenly wanted some." You giggled with a smile as you listened to his beautiful laugh before he lightly tugged you to the check out counter, paying for everything. You took the tests right when you got home and you both were ecstatic to find out that you were, in fact, pregnant.
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You clung tightly to the tiny box, sighing quietly as you thought about what you were possibly having to go through. You were saddened by the thought of having to go through a possible pregnancy alone, due to the fact Chen was on tour with the rest of EXO. You rushed into your shared apartment, desperate for answers and just to get this over with.
After waiting for about thirty minutes you lifted the dreaded sticks, attempting to prepare yourself before glancing down at them. A mixture of emotions draped down on you as you saw the results. Positive.
You couldn’t deny the happiness you felt about having a tiny life growing within you but that definitely didn’t stop the bad thoughts from creeping into your brain too. What would Chen think? Was the most troubling thought.
Your head shot up in surprise as the bathroom door opened, revealing a grinning Chen. You stared at him with wide eyes, surprised he was home. You watched intently as his eyes drifted down to the stick in your hand, his smile faltering.
“Are you?” His voice was quiet and tired, and you gulped as you stared at each other.
“I think so.” Your response was slow and careful, waiting for his reaction. Suddenly he rushed towards you, hugging you tightly, causing you to drop the stick in surprise.
“We’re gonna be parents. I’m so happy,” you smiled happily at him, before he began kissing you all over your face, expressing just how happy he was.
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You stared down at the two pregnancy tests you had just taken, a large grin overtaking your features. You had mentioned to Kai before that you’ve always wanted a child, but he didn’t give much of a response other than ‘I guess we’ll wait and see what happens’. Happy tears slowly fell down your cheeks as you made your way out of the bathroom, looking up to see Kai splayed across your shared bed.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” He asked, noticing the tears staining your cheeks.
“Nothing is wrong. Everything is absolutely perfect,” you chuckled as you showed him the tests that were still in your shaking hand. He stared at the item in front of his face, features completely stoic. Your face paled, anticipating his initial reaction.
You watched as tears started streaming out of his ducts before his hands wrapped around your waist. He pressed his face softly against your stomach, cuddling into you.
“We’re really gonna be parents jagiya. Is this real life?” You giggled at his question as you softly ran your hands through his hair.
“Yes, it is real life, and I’m damn happy that it is.”
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You looked up at Suho, nervous but definitely excited about the results. You both were sat in the bathroom, anticipating the end of the thirty minute wait. His bottom lip was in between his teeth, softly being chewed on as he waited. Unlike him you had succumbed to chewing on your nails instead.
Sighs of relief left both of your throats as the timer loudly broke through the nervous aura of the room. You fumbled while picking up the white sticks, trying to steady your shaking hands as you looked down to see a pink + displayed on both of them.
A hand shot up to cover your mouth as you cried out in surprise. You turned to look up at him again, grinning.
“We’re going to be parents.” You spoke quietly, placing the test back on the counter. You gasped in surprise as Suho’s strong arms wrapped around your waist and spun you around the spacey bathroom.
“I’m gonna be a dad. Jagiya it’s official, we’re parents. I’ve got to tell the other guys!” He yelled happily before putting you down and rushing into the living room to grab his cellphone, quickly calling all of the boys. You walked up behind him, wrapping your arms carefully around his waist as you listened to his phone call.
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compunctionjunction · 8 years
70 horrible questions
I was tagged by the lovely @1of1prism thank u my guy <3
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents? Maybe better than some people but probably also worse than a lot of people lol. Sometimes I go to people’s houses and I’m like ???what is this “communication”. Also depends on the day and parent. i have an entire tag devoted to my dad lol
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to? I dunno probs my mom or one of my friends 
03: Do you regret anything? Lots
04: Are you insecure? "My insecurities have insecurities” tho tbh i’m gettin pretty good. 
05: What is your relationship status? Single and not ready to mingle
06: How do you want to die? in control and ready 2 go
07: What did you last eat? cream of chicken soup... chocolate frozen yogurt... caramel pudding....... I just had my wisdom teeth out.......give me real food......
08: Played any sports? Never, in my life. The audacity.
09: Do you bite your nails? Ahuh! Sometimes!
10: When was your last physical fight? ive never been in a 2-way fight but the most recent 1-sided one was probs in gr 6 when one of my friends (aha) dragged me across the classroom by my hair lol
11: Do you like someone? No :\
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? try 72 hon
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment? lol trump (im not changing ur answer sophie cause its accurate lol) also anyone who aligns w him and rn all the conservative MPs for being dicks and a lot more I’m full of hatred rn 
14: Do you miss someone? i miss being able to eat real 
15: Have any pets? my sister has 2 ferrets :\ but she moved out so no
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment? my face hurts
17: Ever made out in the bathroom? made out a cheque to my haters (just kidding i have no money and no haters i just was trying to be funny. im sorry. i need humour right now.)
18: Are you scared of spiders? i mean i think it depends on how dark it is and how big the spider is tbh 
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? i dunno i’ll need an informed consent form
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone? :\ 
21: What are your plans for this weekend? first i gotta recover and then i gotta finish like 5 papers and hang with people and have a sleepover and hang with more ppl and watch a bunch of tv
22: Do you want to have kids? How many? I want to give birth to 0 kids tho I am still undecided on adoption etc. I’d probs be a rly good godmother tho like im just sayin. @1of1prism @purewhiteflames​ ;)) 
23: Do you have piercings? How many? no piercings as of yet tho i wanna get my ears pierced i think. but my dad disapproves of anything like that so i’d probs have to wait to either move out or be financially independent lol
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)? rn? english, women and gender studies, most things involving research-based papers where i have free reign over the topic 
25: Do you miss anyone from your past? lotsa ppl tbh
26: What are you craving right now? food........that i can eat........ chickenmelts........hamburgers......pizza........pasta......... :’(
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? prob lol but do i care
28: Have you ever been cheated on? we’ve all been cheated on.......by the system.....
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? that would require having one
30: What’s irritating you right now? my goddamn jaw and people eating food I can’t eat in front of me. my parents had mcdonalds yesterday. you know what i had. a milkshake. my sister brought home bacon wrapped scallops. I haven’t had scallops in like 2 years cause they’ve doubled in price and the one time we have scallops let alone frickin bacon wrapped scallops (like what the hell what kinda fancyass lunch) I cant FRICKIN eat it. Oh but I can smell it. I can hear u crunching on these foods. “Mmmmm!” ya shut up.
31: Does somebody love you? Do you know how popular I am? I am soooo popular. Everybody loves me so much at this school.
32: What is your favourite color? black and hot pink together
33: Do you have trust issues? ...........why are u asking..........what will u do with that info.......
34: Who/what was your last dream about? NO FREAKING JOKE!!!!!! i HAD A FRICKIN DREAM WHERE DANNY DEVITO CAME TO MY HOUSE WITH THIS LADY AND THEY TRIED TO BUY MY HOUSE AND MY MOM WAS LIKE “no..” AND THEY WERE SO MAD AND DANNY DEVITO TRIED TO STEAL THE HOUSE KEYS BUT I CAUGHT HIM JUST IN TIME like what kinda fake tumblr text post but it’s real i really dreamed that. I honestly can’t believe it. I would doubt it myself except I told someone abt it right away when I woke up. so now i will never forget.
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of? my mom and this nurse because I woke up in a cot after being high on laughing gas and some other drug and steroids so not only did I wake up and I didn’t know where I was and no one was there and there was like an hour gap in my consciousness but I was coming off a high LOL
36: Do you give out second chances too easily? definitely not lol I give 2nd chances on rare occasions but as a general rule if u break my trust I won’t trust u in the same way again lol “trust is like a mirror. u can fix it if it’s broke. but u can still see the crack in that mother fucker’s reflection”
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm forgive i guess
38: Is this year the best year of your life? well not politically or in a global sense but in terms of like self-growth and stuff I’m doing pretty well so far I’m doin pretty good. workin hard... having fun.. loving myself.. 
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss? i have never in my life sullied my lips with someone else’s bacteria-laden lips
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked? n.........o
51: Favourite food? chicken pasta alfredo, chicken pie, chicken vol au vents, chickenmelts, eggs benedict, um, double chocolate fudge tart from dufflet... hmm, Sophie’s dad’s lasagna and also pasta al fuerno or whatever that’s called like yum, uh.. it’s really easy to list these off when i CAN’T HAVE ANY OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also poutine, and I also rly like Subway (ham and cheese on italian herbs and cheese bread with lettuce, onion, pickles, and mayonaisse, toasted...) 
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason? kind of but I tried to explain it to someone once and they were like ??????what ur saying makes no sense and contradicts itself and i was like ya probably lol
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? watched a bad tv show my parents were watching and drank a giant mcdonalds milkshake and iced my face
54: Is cheating ever okay? honestly who am i to judge ur relationship and forgiveness and stuff but like imo if someone cheats on u they don’t respect u as an equal in that relationship or probably as a human
55: Are you mean? i can be a bit of a dick tbh but most of the time when i say something mean in my head im like “why is my mouth saying//why are my fingers typing these horrible ass things??”
56: How many people have you fist fought? well ive never used my fists on anyone but 2 people have punched me in the stomach does that count lol
57: Do you believe in true love? at the same time, i wanna hug you, i wanna wrap my hands around your neck, you’re an asshole, but i love you... so much i think it must be true love, true love. it must be tru-e love, no one else could break my heart like yo-o-o-o-o-o. yo-o-o-o-oh, oh-o-o-oh (No)
58: Favourite weather? either when its foggy and tranquil or when its like 23-25 degrees and sunny but also there’s some clouds so it’s not like direct hot sun on u but it’s still warm enough to wear shorts
59: Do you like the snow? i like when it’s snowing and quiet and peaceful and i like lying down in the snow and having that feeling of hearing everything kind of muted? but ya i hate slush and ice and stuff 
60: Do you wanna get married? not really but i might for tax benefits LOL
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? No, get that shit away from me
62: What makes you happy? lots of things especially seeing other people happy and genuine
63: Would you change your name? Maybe tbh it’s something i’m thinking abt right now cause I’m not a super fan of my name but maybe not officially and I also don’t wanna start shit with my fam I think my mom would be upset lol 
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? ya cause they don’t exist lol
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? well thats nice cause I like him too but what’s with this “opposite sex” bs like i know what u mean but like 
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? like seriously it’s not a real thing sex and gender are both constructs it’s a spectrum, a range. my buddy. pal. listen. (also ya i like to think anyone in our friend group but like probs john cause I can be scathing with those guys but as if i’d ever be vulnerable around them LOL)
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? like ur gonna keep going with this. ur gonna keep doing this. thats fine. but i can give u some reading. like i have all these pdfs if ur interested. no joke. and if pdfs are unaccessible to u i also have a bunch of youtube links. like hon. (my dad)
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? wow i dont even know if i can tag u back @1of1prism cause if im being honest i think it was @purewhiteflames oops, yikes!!!
69: Do you believe in soulmates? no but i do think there are people that u are much more compatible with than other people
70: Is there anyone you would die for? i dunno we’ll see if/when it happens lol
I’m not gonna put anyone else through this so you can say I tagged u if u wanna do it but like lol
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