#also need to get a larger plug for my tail because the one i have is ermmm far too small now. it was like a starter for me n it is nawt
neobisexual · 2 years
doing volunteer work as a career is so sad because the living stipend we get is not nearly enough to buy all the fetish gear i want to get 😔
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hoardlikegoldenirises · 11 months
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in an act of (???) decided to basically redo my scorpion and carnorpion design from march almost entirely. i did copy and paste some of the stuff i had already done but i redrew a lot too so this took a few days...
the new claw design (and the carnorpion helmet) is based HEAVILY off of the Scorpion armor from Superior Spider-Man (which means it was probably designed by Ramos but I donʻt actually know, might have been a different artist)
gonna put a bunch of closeups under the cut lol:
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accidentally made him hot (i already thought he was hot). based his face roughly off of Vin Diesel circa the first Fast and Furious movie lol
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i sliiiightly changed the design of this helmet on both the back and front. there were aspects of the previous carnorpion helmet i liked more than the previous scorpion helmet so i kind of combined the two.
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i also added a quick doc ock for comparison:
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Ock's neural implants are larger and more experimental than Mac's since he made them in like... 2005 at the latest, probably earlier than that and Mac's are made in 2007 by the Tinkerer using some of Ock's existing research, so basically Phineas refined what Ock had already done.
Mac's are also inductive (i don't... know if that's actually the right way to call it but it's at least similar; wireless energy transmission essentially) and don't require strong contact to transfer and translate nerve signals, whereas Ock's plug directly into his back into the sockets like that.
one of them is gonna have more back problems later in life than the other, that's for sure.
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armor front
this part changed a lot compared to the old design but it also took me a lot of fiddling to get it to where i wanted... the whole gamut of inspiration... knightly armor... halo... metroid... in the end i went with the armor bikini, obviously, but there was a version without that.
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back also took some fiddling. it's very similar to the old one though. this is basically where the tail attaches (or like, a cover if he's not using it, i guess) This DOES has plugs just because... I felt like it... more secure... etc... the opposite side of the plugs (inside) is smooth discs that take the signal from his back implants (which are exposed by open eyelets on his shirt) and then that signal goes into his tail as well as all along the gold parts of his special undershirt and through his suit to where he needs it—helmet, arms/claws, torso/tail
like so:
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probably more padding in there than what i drew but... eh... it's good enough. probably uses some kind of conductive fabric or something.
gave him little thumb holes to keep the sleeves straight though... hehe
and yes i decided (a while ago) that he wears a jock strap with optional cup depending on outfit (probably no cup with the metal bikini but who knows, maybe it would help keep things more secure and protected lol)
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here's the tail connected. this was a bitch and a half to get the way i wanted tbqh, especially since he needs to be able to like... bend his back at all... but simplicity definitely is the way to go for this kind of thing... i like what i ended up with a lot.
maybe it's not totally fool proof but i think it looks alright
the knife is only a few inches long but that's still probably enough to stab with.
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here's a little closeup of my explorations of the tail. this is based off of photo references which is why it looks the way it does lol, basically looking at things like tension-based pulley systems and animatronics and thinking about how a mechanical tail could work. i think it turned out neat.
(this is not how ock's current tentacles work fyi—ock's current set uses a pneumatic bellows system similar to Festo's bionicmotionrobot, and his previous set i'm not sure; symbiote system was hydraulic and used the symbiote as a lubricant though)
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legs are almost exactly the same but i got rid of the lights cause they're just armor and not neurally linked. there's mac's face with the visor up too lol
since i put it way up top i'll put it here again—
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claws and gauntlets have been pretty updated. especially the pincers though. you can see below a few pictures down i based it very heavily off of the Superior Spider-Man design. hefty, good shape, etc. i like this 500x more than the pincers i tried to do last time. and i didn't even do any of the hard work xD
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here's how his arms fit into the pincers though.
they're pretty hefty.
anyway as for carnorpion
well first here's an alternate version without the thigh highs cause i couldn't choose
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it just feels so... naked with the thighs bare... and not even in a slutty way. is very meaty though.
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obv i also copy pasted a chunk from the old version on this but i still redrew a lot of it... TBH I'm still not sure I like it XD but it's fine. I like the claws at least. but those are just the Superior claws with teeth. turning into a crab i guess.
This Incident Is Looming btw. Next chapter (ch 4/may) if all goes well 🤘
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the scar he will have after carnage is created (not before)
put the left doodle from march on the main armor pic but it would actually apply to carnorpion, not the green armor lol. plan is that i am maybe drawing more from Superior than I originally was gonna and am probably gonna have Doc Ock punch Mac's face jaw off.
AS Doc Ock though. lol.
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Did I mention I based this helmet off of Superior Spider-Man's Scorpion? Cause I did. I liked the lenses... and then I was like hmm this might be good for combining organic with armor... so it's very very very similar to his helmet in Superior, but different colors:
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honestly I probably should have just lifted the entire helmet wholecloth, it's so organic and weird... (and here you can see the claw inspiration as well) (arguably the torso thing on carnorpion in my drawing are also based on this...) (I know I drew a whole fucking thing but what if carnorpion was just this but red)
anyway i didn't include the uh... coin slot.
(genuinely: what IS that?????)
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white base version (might actually prefer this helmet's aesthetic tbh but it's not very organic.)
the idea here is that the carnage symbiote is not (yet) bonding with mac directly but rather through/with his armor, so the Tinkerer makes like, this bonus set of armor that acts as essentially a substrate/base for the symbiote to build off of... which is why it's that weird bluish yellowish white color.
though idk maybe they'll just bond... really it's shrug city rn i'm still figuring so much shit out for this plot lol it continues to escape me
also the knife is probably bigger? idk. i can't eyeball stuff like that very well so i can't tell if it's any bigger lmao.
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was also thinking this could be an opportunity for a more portable tail that doesn't require putting on an entire suit of armor (but which comes with all the pieces just in case, probably?) and so i also designed an extremely unreasonable harness to secure it to mac's bod. so of course that means: lots of straps.
slutty slutty straps
the yellow parts are just the induction/conduction stuff... gold discs, gold thread, idk.
hm i should have put some little elastic straps crossing that hole in the center. oh well, not like he'd be walking around in this without a tail strapped to it anyway
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i realized in retrospect i didn't include any actual securements/connections ON the spine part underneath this but it's fine just pretend I drew those. I DID add even more straps for this under the pretense that it's being strapped onto the existing straps to keep it from wiggling.
reduce the lights to one on top and one on bottom cause the pieces of the spine are laid out kind of odd so doing lights on every one looks weird cause some are smaller and doing lights only on the one interfacing directly with his back looked weirder because they skip some rows just because of placement. looks fine like this though.
uses the same understuff as the regular suit though (the shirt with the gold bits i put up in the green suit)
all in all i think it's fair to say that mac's shit is way more of a hassle to put on and off than ock's
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here's a bonus carnage. i like when carnage looks like this the best. i think the less uptight/the more bonded they get, the closer to this face carnorpion would get, but keeping some of the spikes, claws, and tail...
that's it lol
i still don't know if i like the carnorpion stuff entirely but i like this green armor muuuch more than my previous design from march.
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ya-boy-polaris · 1 year
Can I request Ingo or Emmet being breed by wolfman reader?
Catboy Ingo x Wolfman Reader nsfw
"It won't fit," you once told Ingo when he asked as to why he never gets to tend to your sexual needs. Being an Apex Beastman, you're much larger than him, standing tall somewhere 7 to 8 feet. Your physical stature is simply much bigger than Ingo, who was a black cat type Beastman.
His eyes opened and he dropped his fork on the kitchen table. His ears tilting back momentarily before flicking back up as he went to pick it up and sitting back down. "It simply just doesn't seem all that fair that you're not being reciprocated... I implore you to at least try?"
You closed your eyes and let out a soft sigh, folding the newspaper. You prop your head on the kitchen table and lean forward. "Ingo, you're not listening. It, my dick, won't fit inside of you. It's too big." You gestured to your crotch when you paused mid-speech, giving him a look. "Mating with a canine type Beastman is different compared to other Beastmen out there, especially when you're a wolf. I just don't want to-" you let out another huff and glance away. "I don't want to end up breaking you, that's all. Besides, I get my satisfaction vicariously through you, I'm fine."
"Y-yes, I've heard you," he said, clearing his throat to speak. "But it doesn't seem...very nice that you have to take suppressants to deny your needs." You raised your coffee mug to your lips and take a sip as Ingo continues. "I've been wanting you for so long that I don't know how to eloquently word this, but please just fuck me." You keep a calm composure and set the mug down politely. Ingo looks so embarrassed and you can't help but to feel a bit guilty, he must be really pent up...
You let out a long sigh, "Wait here." You got up from your seat and went to your bedroom. Ingo sits there, feeling almost like a child waiting to be lectured until you place the biggest and thickest butt plug he's ever seen on the kitchen counter.
"You're playing a dangerous game, Ingo. But if you can fit this inside of you, then, and only then, will I fuck you."
"Why is it so big?" He manages to speak.
"Because you'll be taking my knot. Don't worry, it's never been used before." you yawn as you walk away to put your dishes in the sink. Ingo can't help but to sadly gaze at your backside as you left him, wondering how long you've had this in your possession. You were expecting Ingo to be afraid, be repulsed, to comment, "There's no way it could be that big!" because you've been down this path before. This is usually where the relationship breaks up because you couldn't fuck your partner. But Ingo? He stared at the plug, his gaze steady and focused.
You help clean up the table and give a kiss to Ingo before he leaves your place to go back to his, but you noticed that the plug was missing after he left.
For the next several days, Ingo had became... a bit distant with you. Though you half expected this to happen, it still hurt. People always fall in love with the Wolfman but those dreams are always a romanticized infatuation. You can't find anyone who can satisfy your sexual needs so you take a supplement to suppress them. You still had to take the morning train since you can't fit into a car, taking note that Ingo isn't around your usual stops.
You're sitting at home, just waiting for Ingo's apologetic break up text but instead he asks politely if he could come over. You agree. Sometimes people preferred to break up in person. He also had a small variety of his belongings here so maybe you needed to clean that up too. You find one of his unwashed shirts as you were cleaning the apartment and...you can't help but to press your face into it, taking a deep smell of Ingo's cologne and scent. Though the scent is no longer fresh, it still reminds you of him. You press your face against the fabric, wishing it was him instead, your tail wagging sadly. It's time like these you wish you were an ordinary Beastman, or even sometimes a human. But if you weren't, you wouldn't have met Ingo the way you did.
The way you met Ingo weren't under the best circumstances... Though Beastmen were generally accepted in modern day society, there are teams organized by humans who deny their right to exist. Team Plasma is what they're called. What started off as ordinary disturbances because a malicious intertwined web of organized crimes against Beastmen.
Ingo was nearly a victim to these crimes if it weren't for you. You saved him. You were a member of an international organization built to prevent these crimes from happening, to track and arrest the humans responsible for the heinous crimes against Beastmen. You are the division squad leader for Unova, taking home in Nimbasa City. Protecting people isn't just second nature to you, it is your duty and you live by a sacred code of honor.
What had happened was that Ingo initially mistook you as a criminal when you were apprehending a shady human. When Ingo's back was turned away from the criminal and focused on you, the criminal tried to attack Ingo with acid. Due to your keen sense of smell and higher instincts, you were able to protect Ingo, using your own body as a shield. The acid burned your furry upper arms and back and though you were greatly injured, you were able to apprehend and arrest the man responsible for hurting you.
When Ingo realizes what had happened to you, he's immensely remorseful, your scream haunting him ever since. Eventually the burns did heal, but the fur never returned to those scars. What started off as a loyal devotion towards his savior became complicated romantic feelings between the both of you. Which lead to where you were now.
Ingo came to your apartment approximately at 9 pm. When you open the door, you smell his intoxicated state, his body hot and needy. "Ingo?" The fur on your upper arms and back start to raise as you take in more details of his demeanor. His face is flushed red and he was sweaty to the touch, but this smell he had... it was full of lust.
Your eyes widened, "You didn't."
"I did," he said with a ragged tone of voice. "May I please come inside?"
You let him pass through the door, having turned your body halfway too close it behind you when you feel Ingo rest his body against yours. "Please," he whimpers. "I've had it inside of me all day, I need you.."
You were filled with the primal urge to tear apart his clothes and take him right then and there, but you take in a deep smell of your next meal standing in front of you. You raise your big hands to Ingo's face and he nuzzles against it sluggishly.
"My kitten," you said, growling with excitement. "Did you actually submit yourself to that torture all day?" he nods and you pick him up with both arms, taking him to the bedroom. You peel back the layers of his clothing and reveal his aching body to you, his cock pressed hard against his leg, his cute black tail swaying back and forth impatiently as you slowly undo the plug inside of him. It's the same plug you gave him. He whines as you ease it out, letting out a shaky relieved sigh when he's free from it.
"Good," you press kisses to Ingo's cock before taking the head and swirling your tongue, you love the way he tastes. He's so addicting. "You're so good to me. I think you're ready."
His eyes widen and he lifted his head, "Do you mean-"
"Shh," you hush Ingo pressing your clawed finger to his lips. "Just lay back. Relax. I'll take care of the rest." You grab a bottle of lube and lubricate your fingers before inserting them inside of Ingo, being impressed with how much he can take. You let out a whistle of approval.
Your breaths get faster and heavier, the air getting hotter as you start to strip, taking off everything for Ingo to finally see you naked. Your hot cock, swelling up into an erection is a sight for him to finally see. You lubricate yourself generously before taking Ingo gently by the knees and dragging him to the edge of the bed.
There was no going back now.
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thessalian · 1 year
Thess vs Gaming While Disabled
Pretty sure Goblin gave me her cold. Also still in exceptional pain from two consecutive days’ commute. Cold-achy plus fibromyalgia-achy is ... not fun at all and I didn’t sleep overly well because I kept having stabs and spasms.
On one hand, I kind of want to give Code Vein a proper try. Bestie got it for me as a part of a replacement birthday present when the Trinket slippers didn’t work out.
(Note to prospective buyers of the Trinket slippers on the Critical Role store - CHECK THE SIZES. They say One Size Fits Most, and there is zero wiggle room in their size range because my big-ass feet are a half-size or so larger than the upper limit on the slippers and they just will not fit on my feet. Also I kind of feel bad for any guys that want the Trinket slippers because my feet are large for ‘women’s sizes’ but about average in ‘men’s sizes’ so ... yeah.)
(Further note: the Trinket slippers are getting a good home with my friend in France as soon as I can figure out how best to seal and label an appropriate box, and I have Code Vein, and also a pre-ordered copy of B Dylan Hollis’ Baking Yesteryear, so nobody loses out on this; Bestie gets to make two people happy, friend in France gets slippers, I get cookbook and ARG. Speaking of; back to ARG talk.)
I mean, seriously, I do want to try this game. I’ve basically discovered that my predominant issue with ARGs is keybinds. As in, it feels like they’re usually designed for console and expect someone to be able to plug a controller in and appropriately use it. Fuck that; I could barely hold up my phone last night, and my phone’s way lighter than today’s controllers. Thing is, people more comfortable with a keyboard can apparently eat shit because people dealing with the keyboard controls appear to have gone about assigning keybinds the way I used to play Pin The Tail On The Donkey as a kid. I’m pretty sure the “git gud” crowd would probably say I’m overreacting about this and I just need to figure it out ... except for one thing.
To paraphrase Keanu Reeves as Neo: “I know Google-Fu”.
It’s easy to believe that whatever condition or problem you’re having, you’re the only one having it. Especially when the loudest and most annoying voices involved are the people who belittle and bitch at you about not being able to do exactly what they can, and how you should either cope with how it is or accept that it’s not “for you” and howl like they’re having their human rights violated when you ask politely for accessibility options that they don’t even have to use. I think the best lesson I ever learned - from therapy, from my friends, from Tumblr, which feels like a stupid place to learn a valuable life lesson but Tumblr Be Like That - is that there is always someone who has been where you are, who has gone through what you’re experiencing, and who might be able to help make it easier for you to go through it. All you have to do most of the time is find the right search terms, and advice will be there.
So I Googled “Code Vein Keybinds”. And what do you know? A whole, if short, Reddit thread where people are basically going, “The keybinds on Code Vein are dogshit; any advice for how to set them better?” The only reason the thread is so short is that a couple of people had what appears from the reactions to be an ideal set-up that I’m actually entirely keen to try.
The problem is the OW. Lotta OW. So much OW. I’m not sure I could manage that amount of frenetic activity in the state I’m currently in. I need something that’ll let me hyperfocus past the pain, yes, but adding a learning curve is probably not it. I suppose the thing to do is to go through the character creation thing (because seriously, it has the most fun character creation menu I’ve ever seen; almost makes up for the fact that there’s an awful lot of Big-Tittied Anime Girl With Minimal Clothing right in your face as soon as you get out of the tutorial), see if the new keybinds get me through the tutorial section any easier, get through the opening cutscene, and then stop there and do something a little less ... intensive. Not that my current thing isn’t kind of intensive in its way - I’m trying to finish my Meep!Herald’s run through Inquisition and am in the middle of Jaws of Hakkon, and still noticing that its response to the complaints of “too much running around through too much empty scenery” was “throw in respawning monsters too high level to simply blow through easily”, which is not the point but never mind. Just the controls are somewhat simpler; just a lot of pressing R interspersed with number keys. That’s a lot easier to manage than “parry”, “block”, “dodge”, “drain attack”, “variety of Gift keys”, etc.
I’m probably never going to be good at ARGs, but I dislike there being a whole kind of video game I can’t play because disability. I already have the whole thing where I can’t play most first person perspective games because I get migraines; if the ARG route is also blocked to me ... well. There are fewer and fewer games that don’t fall into those two categories, and I’m starting to feel shut out of the entire hobby. I mean, there are the indies - thank the gods for the indies - but still.
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raisin-shell · 2 years
Ohhhh mamacita, I NEED your headcanons for Raph’s masturbation habits! Please and thank you!! Give me that big brute’s dirtiest. 😈
Thanks babe 😘
Yeeeee!!! I was wondering when I’d get the big brute! Low and behold the request is from one of my bestest friends which makes it even spicier! Let’s get into it!
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Mister hothead is much like Leo in the sense that his favorite form of porn is through books
Okay well not actually books, more like magazines
Has a stash of old “girlie mags”
Has a separate collection of vintage Playboy magazines that he treats like a dragon hoarding gold
This big guy is definitely more into the visual aspect of his fantasies
Loves curvy, voluptuous women on the larger scale (he’s a large guy)
Also loves muscular males when his mood calls for it (it’s more about muscles than anything)
Fascinated by the naked human form
Being as he’s so visual, he has not only watched but saved various videos and also gifs to his phone
He and Mikey have a never ending scroll of texts filled with nothing but bouncing boobie gifs
For a quick and easy pop off he’s got all of his favorite porn spots saved in a zip file (thanks to Donnie for showing him the ways of technological secrecy)
Pornhub, redtube, hamsterx, youporn… you name it this man has seen it (also thanks to Donnie)
His go to for a quickie is literally his porno mags OR one of his filthy videos
His top searches are naughty strippers, daddy’s girl or daddy issues, BBW, titty fucking, doggy style, threesomes (two girls one guy OR the devils knot), deep throating or hard core fucking
He has literally jacked off in every room in the lair (he and Mikey have a competition going on)
Mikey is winning easily so far
That doesn’t stop the brute from using things to his advantage
Has stuck his cock into a doughnut, loaf of bread, a pie…. A rolled up pizza (again this is another Mikey challenge he’s accepted and he enjoys it)
Raph also has ordered or had Donnie make him his own toys to play with
LOVES flesh lights
Has used vibrators on his perineum, tail and back door like a pro
Has also stuck his tail inside a flesh light just to see what it feels like
This guy is extremely experimental but he’s extremely quick about his method being as he’s surrounded by his brothers and most importantly living with his father
When the big brute does have time to kick back and relax, only soft core porn will do for him
He likes watching a woman not only entertain him but pleasure herself in front of him
The big guy usually waits until his younger brother is fast asleep so he can have some quality alone time
Once Mikey is knocked out, he plugs his headphones into his phone for extra privacy
Raphael has a group of his favorite videos saved for rare moments like this and he will watch the same ones that he likes over and over
This particular video is of a curvaceous red head adorned in Lacey red lingerie
He prefers lace for these types of videos because of the simple fact that he could easily tear the garment from the woman
However he’s giving her the opportunity to take it off FOR HIM if you catch my drift
The burly brute buries himself beneath the covers as he hits play on the video
He tugs his shorts all the way down as he likes how it feels to be totally naked beneath his bed spread
The woman on the screen is dead center of her own bed, straddling a pillow in an upright seated position as her fingers begin to softly feather along her collar bone tracing slowly downward between the valley of her breasts where the clasp of her bra lays still attached
His breath hitches as his huge mitt grips and palms at his thickening cock, twitching upward towards the much needed attention
He suppresses his churr, swallowing hard as his grip wraps around the swell of his member and he begins to slowly stroke himself, biting his lip in silence
“That’s right baby girl, take it off fer daddy” his thoughts betray him as he mouths the words, careful not to speak and wake his younger brother whom he shares a room with
The woman on the screen obeys his command, unclasping her bra and letting her full breasts bounce freely
Her nipples harden instantly to the touch of the surrounding air as soft sultry moans escape her lungs and her hands rise to cup each bare orb neatly and presses them together with a sultry pout to her lips and a daring glare from beneath thick eyelashes
The brute’s grip intensifies, lapping his lips as his strokes increase in speed and his eyes are both fixed on her body in its entirety and her hands trailing down the center of her torso
“Don’t stop there tiger. Ya got more ta show me. C’mon please? Show me that pretty little pussy”
He’s both thinking and mouthing this, panting softly and hissing through his teeth as the woman on his screen begins slipping her hand beneath the thin fabric, teasing her swollen folds with her fingers before slipping one out and tugging the small strip to the side
The brutes mouth begins to water at the sight of her lush pink petals, swollen, wet and dangling between the apex of her thighs
He begins lapping his lips with fervor, his strokes now twisting and hurried as he pants silently
“Show me how you touch yerself. Spread that little pussy open fer me, I wanna watch ya play with her”
He actually says this breathlessly as his thumb strikes the sensitive head of his cock
He lifts his knees to prevent himself from making a mess of his comforter knowing he’s close to blowing his load
The woman on the scream lets out a sultry, throaty moan as her fingers glide easily between the soaked flesh of her juicy folds, spreading them apart just as he commanded and slipping to the edge of the bed
She spreads her legs further allowing him to see even more of her femininity as her manicured nails begin to circle around her clit and more blissful moans began to pour from her throat
“Yeah, that feels good huh? C’mon baby I wanna watch ya cum all over tha bed. Ya gonna cum fer me? Cum fer daddy”
He’s now whispering through clenched teeth, panting through his nostrils and drool is now dangling from the corner of his mouth as his fist begins to pound up and down his thick steeled rod
The woman on the screen begins to insert her fingers deep into her tight hole pulling more of her glossy wetness to her flesh, her smooth circles turning more into a flicking motion as her head lulled back, red hair cascading down her back and breasts rising and falling madly as she desperately gaspes for air in between her moans
The brutes brow furrows and for the first time during the entire encounter he let his eyes snap shut
He felt the band in his groin snap instantly as he repressed another churr and beads of sweat began to roll off his brow
His body tensed and muscles clenched as rope after rope of creamy thick seed pulsed from his cock still held tightly within his grip
Only his thumb trailed along the massive girth as if to help push the cum forward like squeezing the last of the toothpaste from the tube
“Mmm fuck yeah” he hums in satisfaction, sinking his head down into his pillow as he continues to pant
He untucks his head and leans over the side of his bunk to make sure Mikey is still asleep
Once he’s in the clear he grabs whatever article of clothing is closest to him and cleans himself off
He then tosses the garment to the floor landing only god knows where
The brute finishes watching the video with a sly grin on his face (yes, he will finish every video even if he’s already gotten off)
He then wishes his “lady” a soft goodnight and sets the alarm on his phone, places his headphones where they go and rolls over to fall asleep completely bare assed naked
He’s done this thousands of times without Mikey ever having one single clue
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Uh oh Adam, full trailer’s out. Give us the text wall or give us death! (/positive, love reading and learning from folks like you)
Honestly i’m not surprised, i even predicted the half assed feathers, and i’m not saying that to boast myself as much as to say that it was insanely predictible, both in how they’d try to bait people who want more accurate dinosaurs in media, and in how dreadful the result looked.
What wasn’t so predictible, albeit not too surprising if i’m being honest, is the paleo community’s piss poor handling of that. A lot of people are cheering for that pile of garbage and it’s honestly weird as hell when the only decent-looking design in there is Quetzalcoatlus.
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^ Even with the pointed wing tips and occasional weird bipedal stance it looks decent, my only complaint is that the eyes are weirdly placed and it makes it look like a theropod.
Trevorrow isn’t a child or an amateur paleoartist, he’s the director of a movie working with a LOT of money, complimenting a cheap lizard-faced half naked maniraptoran in the year 2022 just because it has wings is not doing someone any good, if JW truly wanted to do an effort, then all the creature designers would have been paleoartists.
In fact i’d argue that giving this movie any credit is only encouraging journalists to go even more ham about how accurate Dominion is, since even some paleontologists have given it the “you tried” star treatment.
The designs alone (and they ARE terrible) aren’t even the only issue here, the context of the scenes which design was show only makes it worse, not to mention how desperatly tropey and inconsistent the movie’s currently known lore in itself is.
Note how the feathered dinosaurs are treated in the trailers we’ve seen them appear in so far:
- In the cretaceous scene, the Tyrannosaurus is briefly seen feathered, this is before it is killed by a kaiju covered in croc plates.
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- The only hybrid (Regular, not chimera) dinosaur that is extensively feathered is shown in the snow, despite the real animal’s habitat being a hot archipelago, and the hybrid itself being ass out.
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So we got feathered dinosaurs being implicitely shown as weaker than a very innaccurate monstrous one, and we got “feathered dinosaur lives in cold climate”. Good shit, truly it is woth praising as an effort and we should all say thank you to mister Jurassic World.(/s)
Oh, by the way, the artificial Pyroraptor has wings, but the supposedly actual Cretaceous Oviraptor doesn’t, and it also has pronated hands.
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Yay for consistency.(/s)
Honestly i’m gonna go on a limb and say that they only chose Pyroraptor for the name, because it lacks anything that tells us that it is Pyroraptor, since, pretty much the only thing we know for sure about it is that it was Tiny, about the size of a cat, which JW instead trades for something closer to a Deinonychus in terms of size. And yes i am aware that JP/JW oversizes dromaeosaurs, but when “Bitch’s small” is the only thing known about a dinosaur, then maybe that’s your call to not use it if you want a larger animal.
I’ve actually had this reply in the works for a while now because i’m honestly so upset about Dominion butchering my favorite dinosaur, and making it mainstream in the worst way possible, that i’ve been learning to use Blender properly within the span of a few weeks all for the sake of making my own Pyroraptor, and i wanted to get to a point where i had a decent WIP to show. (this should hopefully be made into an ARK mod eventually, hence the stylisation of the snout scales and head size)
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Rant about Pyroraptor and shameless plug of my own art aside, the other designs, as i mentioned, with the exception of Quetzalcoatlus, are honestly very bad too.
I’ve mentioned the Oviraptor, it’s fully feathered, with a pretty tail, and yet does not have wings and has broken hands. It’s also shown eating eggs, i don’t think i need to explain why this was a stupid decision.
The Atrociraptors are just edgier raptors with a Megalosaurus head and unnecessary accent scales. That’s it, that’s all they are, they just wanted more monstrous raptors.
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Funny enough the Therizinosaurus got the Baryonyx treatment of Mattel making a toy that looks better than the movie’s design.
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At least the Toy has long claws....
I suspect that beyond random toy designers somehow being more knowledgeable about dinosaur anatomy than the JW creature designers, this also has to do with JW’s designs not even really fitting a live action setting. Most of JW’s prominently featured dinosaurs have this toy quality to them, which comes out very weird in the movies, and honeslty kind of feels like the dinosaurs were made to be easy to turn into toys, which wouldn’t be surprising considering the wole franchise, in itself, is a cashgrab.
In fact, they do look far more fitting aesthetically in Camp Cretaceous, a cartoon with a stylized artstyle that fits those designs much better.
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Also while we’re talking about aesthetic appeal.... Can we talk about how they put basically the same head on the Giganotosaurus and the Pyroraptor ?
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And honestly i don’t even want to talk about what they did to Dilohosaurus, they could have at least had the decency to make the scene darker so the awkwardness of that thing wouldn’t be quite as bad.
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meltwonu · 4 years
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s n a k e     |     e y e s     [chapter 2]
pairing; snakehybrid!woozi x female!reader
this chapter’s notes; seokmin is a quokka hybrid in this and i know and if you dont know, quokkas actually spit out their food and eat it again but for the sake of seokmin not being gross in this, he doesn’t do that ok kjdhfks and also for those who dont know snakes smell by using their tongue so…. Very mild touching in this one( masturbation at the end hehe oops)!! I’ve also kinda changed some stuff around, not a big deal, but made it so it’d make more sense in this au!! hehe thank u for taking interest in snakehybrid!woozi 🥺💕
chapters; 1 - 2 - x - x - x
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It’s a warm Sunday morning when Jihoon lugs his keyboard out into the sunroom. Mingyu’s already waiting there with the new hybrid at the adoption home, Seokmin. The smiley quokka-hybrid sleeps in the bedroom next to the snake hybrid and has a saccharine voice much like Jihoon himself. And despite Jihoon’s timid nature, he quite likes the company of the two younger hybrids.
“Hey Jihoon-hyung over here!”
There’s a clang when the keyboard accidentally taps the door frame to the sunroom and Jihoon has to pause to check for any scratches on the gift Seungcheol gave him.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, hold on. I need to plug it in.”
Jihoon shrugs off his jacket, tossing it into a corner while he goes to set up the keyboard by the other two lounging in the sun.
“I was wondering if we could try working on that song from last time, hyung?” Seokmin’s head tilts cutely to the side as he makes space for Jihoon on the floor. “Um, sure. I can try to remember how to play it.”  Seokmin and Jihoon work together to craft a song while Mingyu watches in awe, scrambling to find the camera Seungcheol gave him so that he can snap some pictures of the two.
The three hybrids lounge in the sunroom for a few hours, basking in the warmth as they sing together, urging Mingyu to take part in it as well.
“You have a great singing voice, Mingyu! You should show it off sometimes too!!” The husky hybrid blushes, tail wagging furiously behind him. “Oh my god, shut up you’re embarrassing me!” Jihoon snickers as Seokmin and Mingyu really get into it, his fingers dancing delicately over the keys.
“Alright, time for lunch!”
The sudden voice breaks them out of their little tussle; eyes traveling to the figure standing in the doorway with a cart filled with food. “Seungcheol-hyung brought food!!” By nature, it’s Mingyu who gets up first, barreling into Seungcheol. He sheepishly apologizes, helping Seungcheol distribute the food between the three hybrids.
“Okay, I want you guys to enjoy your lunch because we have a special visitor afterwards! She’s actually a friend of mine and she’s kind of been wanting to adopt a hybrid so I asked her to come by. I know it’s really last minute but I figured she’d just come meet you guys. How’s that sound?”
“Yay, new people!” Seokmin replies cheerily with a mouth full of salad. Mingyu nods, he liked meeting new people, especially if they were friends of Seungcheol. Jihoon on the other hand feels his appetite leave him almost immediately. He hated it when people came to tour the adoption home. He knew the three of them weren’t the only occupants of Seungcheol’s adoption home but he still disliked the inevitable stares and questions he got.
“Um, yeah, that’d be...great.”
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Jihoon tries to finish his food for the sake of not being hungry later but he can barely get it all down before  Jeonghan pops his head into the room. “Hey ‘Cheol, your friend is here.” The two leave together, leaving the three hybrids alone once again.
“Hey, do you think hyung’s friend is gonna adopt anyone?” Seokmin stretches out onto the floor by the piano, Mingyu in tow. “Dunno, but hyung said that she was looking to adopt so maybe?” The two delve into mindless chatter as Jihoon sits alone with his thoughts. He was thankful most of the time that they didn’t have many visitors because all it brought him was unneeded stress.
There’s a knock on the door, Mingyu yelling “come in!” from his place on the floor before a female laugh can be heard, Seungcheol’s voice accompanying it.
“And these are the three muskateers. Come say hi, everyone!” They all get up from their positions, each of them introducing themselves to you as Jihoon lags behind. “This shy one is Jihoon, he’s a snake hybrid.” Jihoon’s lips press into a firm line as he stares off to the side; mildly uninterested and a little bit anxious.
“Oh, interesting, a snake hybrid!”
Jihoon mentally grimaces. Usually when people came hoping to adopt, there were two typical reactions they had towards him. The first one was confusion; mainly because Jihoon didn’t have any physical features that a snake hybrid normally had. The second one was usually fascination with him being a snake hybrid. Jihoon almost preferred the former because it usually meant he’d stay at the adoption home and wouldn’t have to  do or change anything. The latter typically meant he’d potentially get adopted and whoever his owner was would find out he was too much maintenance for a hybrid that didn’t even look like one.
“If you don’t mind, do you think we can have a little chat together?” Your voice breaks him out of his thoughts as he finally looks you in the eye for the first time since you’d walked in. He’s hesitant, shooting Seungcheol a quick glance. “Um, Jihoon’s a little shy…”
“Oh, that’s okay then! I completely unders---”
“It’s fine. We can… talk.”
Jihoon’s palms feel clammy and his throat feels dry when Seungcheol escorts the other two hybrids out of the sunroom so that you can talk to him properly. The air feels awkward and somewhat tense when he turns his back towards you; settling down in front of the keyboard still placed on the floor.
“Sorry, I don’t mean to come off as harsh but what do you want? I’m sure Seungcheol told you about me or my history so...” You twiddle your thumbs, walking over to the windowsill to lean up against it as you watch him run his fingers along the keys.
“What do you mean?”
“You probably have a ton of questions right? Why don’t I have any hybrid features? Why do I look like a normal human? Do I have any weird appendages? How many times people have returned me here?” The room is quiet; only the sounds of the birds outside chirping filling in the awkward air.
“Not really. I didn’t come here looking to adopt a hybrid for the sake of their appearance or their rarity, I guess. I just… I don’t know, I guess I wanted a companion. I work at home a lot since I’m a writer and it gets lonely. Thought someone could keep me company. Or maybe someone wanted company.” Jihoon lets your words sink in, his fingers trembling as he presses down on a random key.
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A few days passed since meeting Jihoon and he had carefully agreed to you adopting him. The two of you had talked a little bit longer; Jihoon feeling more at ease with you than most of the people he’d met in the past. Seokmin had been sad that his new friend was leaving and Mingyu had been wary about the entire thing. But Jihoon had soothed them both; telling them that they’d probably see him soon anyway.
Seungcheol drives him to your apartment, Jihoon’s things in boxes in the trunk as he sits nervously in the front seat.
“Jihoon, I know you’re… this is a lot. It’s okay to feel anxious and nervous and.. I mean with everything in the past, I--”
“I know. You don’t have to feel sorry for me. It feels bad. Just… don’t be surprised when you see me back at the adoption place in like a week, okay?” He chuckles sadly, eyes focused on the scenery outside the window. Seungcheol sighs, hands gripping the wheel.
There’s three knocks on the door before you’re rushing to open it, vacuum still buzzing in the background as you all but rip the door open.
“Hey!” You shoot both the males a smile, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “Sorry I was in the middle of cleaning but come in!” You give them space to enter, Jihoon toeing off his shoes and setting them by yours at the entrance as he balances his prized keyboard in his arms. Seungcheol sets one of the boxes of Jihoon’s things down on the dinner table, wiping the sweat off his brow.
“Sadly the elevator was broken so we had to take the stairs. Who would’ve thought carrying one box of things up the stairs would be the death of me. Can I have some water?” Jihoon snorts, taking in the features of his new home as he sets the keyboard down by the sofa.
“‘Cheol, you’ve got the stamina of a 90 year old man.”
“Hey, it’s not easy being old okay!” You pass him a glass of water, trapezing around the vacuum cord to turn it off. “I wanted to be done cleaning up before you got here, Jihoon. Sorry, I’m a little slow, I’m used to it just being me here and just living in my filth I guess.” He shrugs, “S’okay, Mingyu usually leaves a mess around the place anyway. Guess you can say I’m used to living in filth.” Seungcheol sputters, wiping the water off of his chin. You can’t help but laugh, patting Seungcheol on the shoulder as you gesture Jihoon further into your place.
“Let me show you around!”
Seungcheol decides to get more of Jihoon’s stuff out of his car as Jihoon walks behind you cautiously down the hallway, only stopping when you get to the door at the end of the hall. “Um, This place has three bedrooms and mine is on the opposite side but I wasn’t sure if you’d want the room that was next to mine or if you wanted space? I’m using the other room as a workspace right now, so you can put your stuff in here for now while you get used to the place… And then if you change your mind, we can switch some stuff around!” Giving him a small smile, you tug the door open, letting him enter first and for once, Jihoon is shocked. The room is much larger than any room he’s ever had and he takes notice of all the fancy heaters and humidifiers already placed around the room.
“Sorry, is it, like, too much? ‘Cheol said you had some heaters and stuff in your old room but I thought I’d get you some new ones… Kind of like a housewarming gift?”
“This is… nice. It’s, um, very kind of you.” He can feel a soft blush wash over his skin as he tugs his sleeves down over his hands. “I… like it a lot. Thank you.”
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When Seungcheol finally leaves after bringing up all of Jihoon’s things, it’s finally time for the two of you to settle in. 
Jihoon’s safety net is gone and the reality of being in a new space has his anxiety spiking back up tenfold. “Hey, Jihoon?”
“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you or anything but I thought we’d order out for dinner if that’s okay? I’d usually cook but I think we’ve both had a long day. What do you think?”
“O-okay…” You can basically feel the nervousness radiating off of him as he awkwardly stands in the middle of the living room. “Jihoon, do you want to, um, I mean, you don’t have to stay out here if you don’t want to? You’re free to roam around if you’d like.” He shuffles closer to the sofa, biting his lip as he stares out the window.
“It’s… okay, I should m-maybe, um, spend some time with you? If that’s okay?” By now, his past owners would send him off to his shoebox of a room, only calling him out when it was necessary. Usually, he’d immediately plug in his keyboard by now, tuning out everything until he was just focused on composing something until he was needed.
Instead, he inches closer to the sofa, sitting down on the plush material as you put the last bit of cleaning supplies away and plop down onto the other side. “Hey, Jihoon? Can I be honest with you for a second?” He turns to you, nodding curiously. “I’m gonna be real, I did some research on snake hybrids but I couldn’t find much… I’m kind of inexperienced with the whole hybrid thing and even more uneducated when it comes to snake hybrids so… is there anything I should know? Like, snakes smell with their tongue, right? So, is it the same for you? Sorry if that’s offensive or something!” You watch the blonde haired male lick his lips, his leg bouncing slightly.
“Um, technically that’s correct. But snake hybrids still can use their human noses, it’s just… more intense when we use our tongues. Uh…” A blush settles on his cheeks, his mind no doubt going in a different direction than he intended. “Just, yeah, m-more intense, that’s all. Some foods might be more off-putting for us because of that. And, to be fair, I don’t… have many features that most snake hybrids have anyway. It’s just my surroundings and I guess some of my mannerisms? I basically exist normally other than that.”
You nod appreciatively; glad that Jihoon was willing to open up to you, even if it was only a little at a time. It would take a lot of getting used to on your part and his, but he seemed okay for now, albeit still timid. “I just want you to know that even though I adopted you as a hybrid, I don’t want you to think that I think less of you. I think of us as equals!” You turn to him smiling; ecstatic when he turns to face you as well.
“You have the freedom to do whatever you want here as long as it’s not destroying stuff, I guess. And if you need anything, you’re more than welcome to ask me! I’m home a lot since I’m a writer but I do have to pop into my editor’s office every now and then. But if you want to go out and eat or… um, I dunno, maybe go for a walk in the park? I’m always down to go!” Now it’s your turn to blush as he watches you, his fingers interlocked in his lap as he sits there quietly processing what you’ve said.
“I… thank you, you’re a lot kinder than any of my previous owners.”
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Jihoon is on cloud nine when you tell him that he can pick what dinner he wants to have, eyes scanning over all the options on the food delivery app on your phone.
“I mean, as long as you don’t run up a $100 bill on food, you can pick whatever you want!” He chuckles quietly, clicking on various items and adding it to the cart. “Thank you for letting me pick dinner.”
“Yeah, it’s no problem! It’s your first night here, I want you to feel comfortable. This also reminds me that I need to get you a phone, just in case and also so you don’t get bored.”
The pretty flush doesn’t leave Jihoon’s face the rest of the night, even as the two of you sit at the dinner table eating the fried chicken and soda combination Jihoon picked out. The cute snake hybrid apparently had an obsession with the sweet drink, downing cups of it as you took mental notes to buy some for him later. And for the first time, you see him genuinely smile as he eats, cute lips curving up as he polishes off the rest of the food.
A crumb sits at the corner of his lips, and by instinct you lean over, thumb already next to his mouth before you can even stop yourself. There’s a pause, Jihoon’s eyes wide as you swipe at the crumb, ready to settle back into your seat when Jihoon’s hand comes up, wrapping around your wrist and holding you there.
“I, oops, I should’ve just told you there was a crumb! Sorry!”
You laugh awkwardly, hoping he doesn’t accidentally snap your wrist because you just invaded his personal space. Instead, you watch as he brings your hand closer to his mouth, pink tongue peeking out as he swipes at your thumb. You try to not question it, convincing yourself it might just be a snake thing, so you let him do whatever it is he’s doing as he begins to nose at your palm. It feels ticklish; your hand wanting to close at the feeling, but you can’t deny the way your body heats up on instinct, the innocent gesture riling up your thoughts about the snake hybrid for some reason. There was no denying how handsome he was; blonde hair falling into his sharp eyes and a lean but slightly muscular form.
Trying to shake off your thoughts, your eyes flit to the hand currently wrapped around your wrist and you can’t help but admire how delicate and pretty his hands were. Again, your mind conjures up situations that you probably shouldn’t be thinking about right now and you really hope Jihoon can’t tell.
When he decides he’s done, he lets go of your wrist, quietly taking a sip of his drink before setting it down on the tabletop again. “Um, sorry. I don’t… I just wanted to, um, s-smell you? I guess, um, snake thing, probably. Just wanted to get to know my, uh, owner.” You nod at his explanation, settling back into your seat as you try to push out all the inappropriate thoughts you just had.
“You’re very warm.”
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That night when you split off for bed, you wish him a good night's rest; making sure the snake hybrid has everything he needs before you make a beeline for your bedroom, hastily locking the door behind you as you get ready for bed.  There really was no denying how attractive Jihoon was, but damn, he had literally just moved in today and your mind and heart were already racing. You try to think of everything but Jihoon when you slip under your covers for bed and hope that you can get a good night’s rest yourself.
But you feel bad. Really really bad. You’re almost certain satan has a special seat in hell for people like you. 
But you can’t help the way your hands roam all over your body as you lay under the bed sheets, fingers deep inside your pussy as you imagine them to be Jihoon’s instead. It was questionably an innocent gesture earlier, but your mind can’t help but conjure images of his tongue all over your skin and his delicate fingers fucking you nice and hard. The contrast of his colder skin on your warm skin has your toes curling imagining him playing with your nipples and wrapped around your throat. Damn, you think, I really need to get laid soon or this’ll get bad.
You’re almost certain your lip is bleeding from how hard you’re trying to keep your moans in when you cum around your fingers; the image of a particular snake hybrid dancing behind your eyelids even when the bliss starts to ebb away.
Muttering curses underneath your breath, you get up, wiping your wet fingers onto your shirt as you tug it off and throw it into the hamper, sliding off your wet panties and chucking them in as well. Sighing, you really hope Jihoon’s sense of smell isn’t as strong as other hybrids as you step into your closet to get a change of clothes.
Realization hits you like a brick when the back of your head slams against the pillow once you lay back down.
This was going to be harder than you expected.
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N(eedy) C(ollared) T(ameness)
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Genre: Pet play themed smut
Warnings: Sub!Johnny, Sub!Lucas, Sub!Winwin, Sub!Jaehyun, Sub!Renjun, Domme!Reader, Femdom, Pup play, Kitten play, Spanking, Whipping (Implements Used: Riding Crop, Leather Strap), Pegging, Bondage, Sex toys (Vibrator, Prostate massager, Dildo, Nipple clamps+Cock ring), Mirror sex, CBT(genital spanking), Cage, Floor licking
Word Count: 1.5k in total
My pet play kink got triggered last week then I got this lovely ask, while responding to it I lost it again so I decided to make them into 5 individual drabble/analysis on what it will be like with these boys as your pet.
Since they are only drabbles so sorry if they aren't descriptive and detailed enough because my life outside Tumblr currently doesn't allow me to elaborate them fully. But maybe if I have enough time in the future probably when this semester's over, I can complete what my fantasies are pet playing with the rest of the legal members.
Again, feedback is appreciated! But be aware that this is only my subjective speculations and fantasies, do not send in rude comments just because you disagree.
Have some furry fun reading 🐶😼💕
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He can be really clingy and always demand your attention, loves eating his doggy treats off your hand, nibbling and licking your palm to showcase his full affection. But sometimes he may go out of line to the extent that he may refuse to fetch the toys you have thrown just because he is too indulged in kneeling beside you, purring and pressing his face into your thigh. You would have to tie his leash to something stationary, make him stand on all fours while whipping him and teasing him with the riding crop to make him give up the urge to be always that touch-starved. Then you'll tell him the tail is insufficient for his training, so you take that out and fuck him with a larger dildo instead, and stop pleasuring him when he's close, just to attach the dildo to the other corner of the room close to the toy he failed to fetch earlier lies, telling him the only way he can cum today is to crawl there and ride that dildo with the toy in his mouth just like a good pup should do, in order to properly train him how to fetch. He would be so needy that he has no choice but to obey this time, as all you need to do now is to fuck his mouth with that toy to train his oral work, whipping him from time to time when you feel like his riding doesn't reflect his real horniness. The big boy is certainly a drooling leaking sweaty mess as he's too focused to care about all the humiliating things he's getting through before finally allowed to cum.
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A whiny cocky pup who doesn't listen well and groans a lot, especially when he thinks he can persuade you to give in to him just with the pleading gaze of those pretty puppy eyes, after tipping over his dog bowl and spilling water everywhere. But you are a stone-hearted owner who knows what's the best for her pet, as he ends up getting a few slaps across his face plus harsh tugs on his leash. He will whine even more and will claw you up defiantly to protest against the pain, so you will tie his wrists together in front of him with the leash but still use the residue of it to control his torso, make him lay on his back, pressing him against the floor with your foot if he disobeys, then use a riding crop to whip his abs, sensitive pelvic region, and down to his shaft, while prodding it with your foot from time to time, as you scold him that you should whip the cockiness out of his puppy cock this way. Then you can pour what's left in the bowl on him and resume his punishment, to let the wetness magnify the sensation of the sting, as he squirms and whimpers even more when you insert a massager into him, before pulling him up after seeing enough whip marks on him. Then he's ordered to lick up the mess as you wickedly turn the vibrations off occasionally when you think he's slacking off, letting out pathetic low grunts and whines when he's deprived of the pleasure. After you decide the cleaning is done, you fervently fuck your big pup with that massager and sends him to extreme bliss.
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The most obedient one here, will sit beside you on his ankles in a graceful posture and let out meek purrs while you are petting him, ruffling his hair, caressing his jawline as you compliment how cute and pretty he is adorned in the furry ears and tail. Soon your hands will be all over his body, including somewhere inappropriate, as he's on all fours with his knees spread while knelt across your lap, back arched, forming a sensual aesthetic riling you up. Spending years training in front of a mirror checking out his stances, he's gonna feel turned on and vulnerable carrying out his pup training right before his reflection as he can see how compromising he looks splayed out in your assigned positions, and the way he can see you toying with his body just makes the experience extra humiliating yet exhilarating. Most of the time he will be able to melt in your hands without much punishment needed, but there are times he accidentally swears in human language while the pleasure is too much to take, as you have no choice but to punish him. Tilting his head toward the mirror with the leash, he has to witness you removing the tail and reddening the profile of his cute little ass with the vicious leather strap, while all he can do is let out whimpers and sobs as the pain intensifies. Then you fasten his leash in front of the mirror, continue to strap him while stimulating him with a vibrator, chastising him on how he should remember his rules as a good pup as you deny his orgasm for a couple of times until he’s whiny and crying and desperate to cum, which you don’t allow him so unless he succeeds to wiggle his ass until the tail you just inserted back in wags in circular motion.
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Most of the time he will be extra soft and pliant in bed when he's in his sub space, but when you are dishing out some harder kinks or pushing his limits, he will work hard to maintain his tough prince-like image so it will take lots to make him let go of everything. As a pet, he will be extraordinarily neat and follows commands well, he can crawl back to you with the toy in his mouth really fast when he’s asked to fetch; he will always keep his puppy platter clean without messing anything up; he'd obediently wait for you at the door on his knees like a good housepet when you're in the mood. Anyways he's generally a tractable pup, but sometimes he'll hint his needs for kinkier stuff by smirking at you with a dark glint in his eyes while flexing his glorious muscles. So you will tie his hands above him and fasten them to the bedpost, then trap his nipples and hard cock with a set of clamps and cock ring connected together with a Y-shaped chain, as you tie a knot on the ring at the center of the chain with the leash to enable his torment. To add more to the stimulation, you even use a vibrator both in his ass as well as on his cock, switching from different intensities to make him suffer from the denials, the pain and pleasure on his sensitive nipples causing a deepened sense of vulnerability. As you pull on the clamps while completely shutting off both vibrators after edging him so many times, he will wail at the sense of loss plus the electrifying feeling and suffers from stifling the urge to beg you in human language. You aren’t planning to end his torment until he is all sweaty, panting, teary and at the verge of breaking, his baritone voice laced with delirium that can burst anytime because he only has the right to cum when he has satisfied your sadistic desires.
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A kitten who acts up all sassy, snarky and always protests against the concepts you brought up due to how humiliating they are and is in complete denial of his enjoyment, yet his expressions and physiological responses will betray him, so you often take delight in taunting his dishonesty and how flustered he is. When he's dressed in white kitten ears, a white choker with a golden bell plus a white tail plug which also serves as a remote control prostate massager, and a pair of knee-high socks with some ribbons, you get a cute kitten in your possession. But this kit often feigns reluctance by constantly clawing at you, or even makes attempts to scratch your hand with a glare when you try to pet him because he knows too well what getting his head lovingly caressed does to his body, and he doesn't want you to take advantage of that too easily, which of course doesn't go unnoticed by you. At first, you will pull on his leash and give him a stern look as a warning, while sometimes he will give in and nuzzles you on his knees as a sign of apology, most of the time he will be brattier and even try to pounce on his owner. So for his punishment, you will lock him in a customized cage with pillows and blankets in it, cuffing his hands to the bar of the cage to "keep his kitty paws in place", and then edge him with the tail massager, watching him thrash about and mewl in the cage desperate for you to touch him, hips bucking and thrusting against the sheets. Finally, you allow him out of the cage, then peg him hard and fast, slapping his ass from time to time to remind him of his manners, and eventually permit your dazed kitten to cum.
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evolutionsvoid · 4 years
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When one ventures away from civilization and into the wilderness, there is a ton of important things you must bring with you. I know many immediately think about what equipment you take and what tools you have at your disposal, but there are important things that you cannot stuff into a backpack. Yes, a sturdy hatchet or a trusty blade can do wonders, but they will be useless if you do not know when to draw them. For me, knowledge is one of the best tools to have at your side, especially when it comes to the lands you walk through and the flora and fauna you deal with. This is the kind of stuff that helps you find edible plants or figure out what beast has patrolled this area. It also is crucial for understanding your surroundings, and spotting the signs of a trap before you blunder straight into it. There are many ambush predators out there, and each have their own way of hiding and attacking. If you don't know what hunters dwell in the territories you are exploring, then you will be blind to their machinations until it is too late. Even then, it is not just the predators you must be wary of! Creatures of any diet can be territorial, the only difference between the meat eaters and plant munchers is what they do with your corpse afterwards. Being able to identify markings and tracks will help you avoid these conflicts, as the best battle is the one that never happens. I say this because I am thinking of the serene ponds and tempting water holes within the tropics. Peaceful looking places where travelers and explorers often choose to rest. Do not fall for these looks! Know what creatures call these waters home, and be sure to check for their presence before you go for a dip! I have heard quite a few tales about those who decided to rest in these cool waters, only to be later found floating dead within them. The Berberoka may not have the fearsome teeth and claws of crocodilians or basilisks, but they can be just as deadly to those who incite their wrath. The Berberoka are amphibious fish that are found in the freshwater pools and ponds of the tropics. Though they can dwell in any water source, they prefer to make their homes in places where it is still and has some depth. Swamps and bogs are acceptable, but nothing beats a nice weedy pond! They like a good amount of vegetation both in and out of the water, as those are the perfect places to hide or rest. Amphibious in nature, they spend most of their time in the water, but will venture onto dry land for certain things. Their myriad of fins are great for swimming, though they rarely need to move fast. They prefer a slow and steady drift through the water, propelled by the movements of their smaller fins. This lets them drift along while the rest of their body stays perfectly still, turning them into a floating piece of vegetation. Outside of the water, they use their serpentine tail to slither along, which is helped with their arms and lower fins. Able to breathe both air and water, they can hide in the shallows or within the tangles of weeds that line the shores. This makes it difficult to locate a Berberoka, as they could be in or out of the water, and there is no telling where they are lurking. Though I may have hyped them up as dangerous creatures, they are not vicious carnivores. Berberoka are omnivores that feed on algae and tiny critters that dwell in the water. Their long thin mouth is good for sucking up water, and internal structures sieve out any food pieces that are pulled in. This tiny orifice makes it difficult to eat anything bigger than a grape, but they do not let such limitations rob them of a meal. Sharp protrusions around their mouth can cut and slice, and they use them to core out plugs of fruit or flesh. However, these food stuffs must be soft for this to work, as they don't have the sharpest "teeth" nor a biting mouth. To help soften up their food, they will often drag it into the water and store it in one of their hiding holes. Every Berberoka has small food caches under the water, usually sticking them in flooded burrows or hiding them under rocks and logs. Letting their meal soak in the water will allow it to break down and soften, just enough that they can carve out squishy chunks or suck up the remaining slurry. This method goes for both plants and meat, which is why finding a corpse floating in their pond is no rare occurrence. Despite the appearance, they do not really hunt for food. A lot of carcasses they obtain either came from an inhabitant of the pond that died for other reasons, or from outsiders who walk straight into their territory. While they are not active predators, Berberoka are quite aggressive and territorial. They are quite protective of their ponds or water bodies, and will lash out at those they perceive as a threat. They seem to target larger creatures, those that may rob them of their food or may try to claim their territory for themselves. It doesn't matter if this is the intruder's intention or not, as the Berberoka tend to interpret anything as a challenge to their claim. Approach their waters? Then you must be after their food caches! Drop your pack by a tree? Clearly marking the territory as theirs! Falling asleep in the shade? They are already building a nest! The gall! With this short fuse, Berberoka attacks are quite common, especially in wild territories where no one has placed warning signs. Sources of water are crucial for any beast or explorer, so many tend to head straight for one once it is sighted. If you are not observant, you may walk right into a Berberoka nest and incite an attack. Though they possess a few pointy bits, that is not the weapons they use to defend their homes. 
When aggravated, a Berberoka will slink into the shallows. They will quietly hide themselves in the reeds and algae, watching the offender with a constant glare. They will carefully watch their movements, keeping track of their infractions and assessing if they are a threat. Unless the victim is aware that this pond belongs to a Berberoka and undertakes the proper precautions, they will most likely be seen as a threat. When they deem the intruder guilty, they will start to fill their body with water. With powerful muscles and flexible sacs, the Berberoka can swallow an insane amount of water in no time! Their bodies will be filled to bursting with fluid in seconds, and all that water will be unleashed upon the invader. When their target has come to rest or is near the water, the Berberoka will launch out of its hiding place and blast them with a torrent. Their thin mouths make for a tight beam of water, creating a powerful force that can bruise and even cut through exposed flesh! It doesn't help that this spray is aimed towards the face, where it can damage your eyes and blind you! These blasts of water quickly disorient the victim, causing them to stumble and fall. Even if the intruder is trying to escape, they will not let up on their assault. They will keep spraying their target until they scamper off into the wilderness or fall into the water. Those that wind up in the pond will be grabbed by the Berberoka and pulled under. Using their arms and tail, they will bind their victim and seek to drown them. Those that have enough strength to keep their heads up will have their faces blasted with more water until they succumb. Even those pinned on dry land are not safe, as they will continue to hose you down until your lungs are filled. In Berberoka territory, a drowned man on dry land is not an impossibility. After they successfully take down their intruder, they shall store their body in the water so it may get soggy enough for them to eat. No point letting food go to waste! These attacks make the Berberoka seem extremely violent and angry, but that is not always the case. We have this image because that is what the creature is doing when we are around. When left alone, the Berberoka seem much more serene and calm. They lazily drift through the water, and actually take pride in maintaining their pond! If one is stealthy and silent enough, you may be able to witness a Berberoka tend to their territory. They will fuss with the weeds and shoreline plants, often bending and wrapping them to create tangles and makeshift shelter. Rocks along the shore may be moved about and organized, though we don't know what their system is. Sunken stumps and branches will be put in different spots, like someone rearranging furniture. Some suggest that they do this to attract potential mates, or perhaps these actions help their ponds flourish. Since they mainly eat algae and tiny bits in the water, the Berberoka may shape their pond to better suit these food sources. I can believe this, as Berberoka territory is so rich with algae and the such that they tend to attract Lily Dryads! When I first heard this, I feared the worst! Those poor little things hardly think about danger and tend to be oblivious to their surroundings. Surely one of them slithering into Berberoka territory is doomed! Well, it turns out that the Berberoka don't mind Lily Dryads. For whatever reason, they are perfectly fine with a swarm of them hanging out in their ponds. They hardly even seem to notice them, to be honest! During my observations of one pond, I found that the resident Berberoka treated them like every other piece of vegetation, even when they moved or started talking! No one is really sure why the Lilies are spared of such extreme aggression, but some theories have popped up. One idea is that the Lily Dryads are small enough that the Berberoka doesn't see them as a threat. They tolerate smaller creatures, so perhaps a Lily Dryad fits the bill. Another theory is that the anatomy of a Lily Dryad has enough similarities to the Berberoka that it has some familiarity to them and thinks they are one of its own. The problem with that one is the fact that these creatures hardly interact with the Lilies, so I can't imagine that it thinks they are its young. Whatever the reason, Lily Dryads are allowed into their ponds and they find quite the haven there! Anything that would dare try to harm the Lilies would have to get through the angry home owner first! Speaking of the Lily Dryad mystery, I know some folk are wondering the obvious thing. "If you want to know why the Berberoka tolerates them, why don't you just ask them?" These are the questions of people who have never had to talk to a Lily Dryad before. Due to their laid back nature, they really don't pay attention to things and they aren't exactly the sharpest thorn on the branch. Conversations with them is like trying to have a scholarly debate with a sapling or child. They don't follow what you are saying and they would rather talk about whatever comes to their mind at that moment. I foolishly tried this questioning once, and the results were useless despite the aggravating amount of time it took to get them. I was able to convince a few Lilies to leave the pond and meet me a safe distance away from the territorial Berberoka. I asked them what they knew about the creature and they said "they seem nice!" I asked what else they knew, and it was "they are pretty nice!" I pointed out the fact that their "kind" neighbor was responsible for drowning at least four people in the past few months, which garnered a "they're quite nice once you get to know them!" To save my readers the misery and repetition, I will just say things didn't get much deeper than that. Due to their aggression and violent attacks, Berberoka are feared and reviled. Any person that lives within their range has heard the cautionary tales a hundred times. Those who disappear in the swamps are often believed to have been killed by one of these beasts, and many local children are wary of these still waters. Warning signs are quite common around these water bodies, especially those close to town. If a Berberoka gets too close to a local water source, the townsfolk will be forced to slay it. Using spears and shields decorated to look like large faces, a group will surround the pond and slowly approach. Eventually the Berberoka will come out spitting, and everyone will hide behind their shields. Seeing the false faces, it will direct its stream towards these instead of the actual warriors. While it is focused on one target, the others will slowly creep closer. It change its attack to those who are closest, but eventually someone will get into range and stab it. They aim for the inflated water sacs, looking to rupture them and take out the watery cannon. Once this happens, the rest can charge in and finish it off. While there are some sad instances where slaying a Berberoka is necessary, a lot of suffering can be avoided if people know how to identify Berberoka territory. One should pause and take a minute to study a water body before rushing in, checking to see if it is inhabited. One sign can be found in the reeds. The Berberoka wrap them together and shape them into a swirled den. Look for unnatural piles of rocks, which these creatures may build while they are tending to their pond. If you see a bunch of lily pads, they may actually be Lily Dryads. If you have the patience, you may be able to get their attention and ask them if one of these creatures is around. Just don't call it a "Berberoka" when you ask, as they have no clue what that is. If you find any muddy patches away from the shores, look to see the trail of a serpentine tail and the furrows of their lower fins. If you see a bunch of these signs, don't approach. Find somewhere else to rest or refresh. If you desperately need water, then try to find an access point that is protected. Trees, rocks, anything that can stop a beam of water long enough for you to grab what you need and run. Cover your face and wear as much protection as you can. If you approach, do so with a hunched posture and keep yourself low to the ground. A submissive stance can buy you some time, but don't stick around for too long! Another trick you can use to locate a Berberoka was one I learned from the locals. They make these wadded up balls of dried mud and crushed up crab shells. When they want to check if a pond is safe, they will chuck one of these things in and wait. The water melts away the dried dirt and releases these powdered crab bits. Apparently the Berberoka absolutely hates this and is whipped into an agitated state when it catches the scent. They thrash and splash in the water, churning up the area where the ball was thrown. In a few moments, it will settle down and return to its stealthy state, but this outburst is enough for locals to spot them and head the other way. Looking into it, I found that the scent of certain freshwater crustaceans agitate the Berberoka, as these species are known to feed on their eggs. Lobbing in this scent bomb sets them off and they immediately look to eliminate this fake threat. It is a fascinating solution and one that I have used a couple of times during my expeditions there. However, do be sure to keep these crab balls in a sealed container when you are at camp. While the Berberoka hates the smell of these critters, other beasts are quite fond of it and you may wake up to find a hungry customer in your tent!     Chlora Myron Dryad Natural Historian ------------------------------------------------------------ I don't recall how I came to learn of this mythical creature, but I liked the concept once I did! These guys weren't intended for Mermay, but I found they fit the theme, so here they are!
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iztarshi · 4 years
Space Bats
I am not a biologist, so this is more rambling than analysis. But I am interested in what’s implied about Hordak’s species and I did some reading on bats, so... *shrugs*. Enjoy my theorising?
Divided into three sections for convenience, the ancestral (more batlike) species, the species as it probably was pre-Prime and the clone army.
Ancestral Species
Hordak’s failed clones notably have wings, making me think this is an ancestral trait like a human tail that should disappear in embryo. This leads me to suspect that Hordak’s ancestral species was six-limbed and batlike, possibly resembling Imp more closely than Hordak.
Hordak’s facial features are also distinctively batlike. Interestingly, the reason those traits, the large, leaf-shaped ears and flat nose, are so distinctive to bats is because they are needed for echolocation. Fruit bats have longer snouts and smaller ears, looking more similar to other mammals.
Most echolocating bats are small insectivores, however the False Vampire Bats (megadermatidae) are larger and some prey on small animals, birds and other bats. Some species are ambush predators, locating prey from roost with echolocation and then dropping to take them in a short flight. The ancestral species being ambush predators would fit with Horde Prime’s eyes, if you assume they are closer to the original eyes of the species and the pupilless, glowing eyes of the clones are artificial or modified. Other species are gleaning species, making short flights over the ground and snatching up what they find, or they combine both methods. The gleaning behaviour is one where it is perhaps more likely the wings would become vestigial in the absence of larger predators.
While I’m not sure I’ve fully understood this, or how much mobility it would allow, bat talons have no tendons attached to muscles in the foreleg, instead they attach to the body itself where gravity will pull them down and “lock” the talons around a perch. Other muscles are flexed to release. This might explain the lack of musculature on Hordak’s forearm, although it could also be part of his condition.
While these bats hunt alone, they remain highly social at roost. Bats live fragile lives, the high metabolism needed for flight means missing a meal can be fatal so they often share with one another. Hordak’s species definitely shows the hallmarks of having been a highly social species once, they’re very expressive for a start.
Imp’s ability to fly while having relatively human proportions makes me think that, unlike bats which simply have very thin bones, this species had hollow or otherwise lighter bones more similar to birds.
Developed Species
The wings have disappeared and the metabolism has likely slowed now that it doesn’t need to power flight*. Echolocation has likely also been lost, Hordak’s ears are mobile but they don’t turn to follow sound even the way Catra’s do. Instead they seem to have an expressive function, especially broadcasting distress by turning fully down.
The species may well still have light bones adapted for flight, making their bodyweight less than a human of similar size.
The relatively fixed bipedal posture (once again, compare Catra who is far more agile and able to run on all fours) suggests gleaning behaviour replaced ambush behaviour. Later they may have hunted cooperatively rather than only socialising while at leisure. Possibly they also farmed, it seems likely at least some of their societies did.
It’s hard to make a guess at their societies when Horde Prime erased so much and when they likely had as many different ones as humans did. A tendency to form complex social bonds can go a lot of different ways.
*I wonder if this is part of Hordak’s issue, especially as his own failed clones show throwbacks to ancestral traits. Perhaps his metabolism is running at a rate his body can’t keep up with.
Clone Army
Genetically they’re identical to the developed species (to one specific member of it even) and any alteration in this would be a mutation. Physical changes to them are mostly technological, with ports attached directly to their nervous system and possibly mechanical eyes.
They seem to have the same ports on their bodies Hordak does. The neck ones are there for connection to Prime and we see Wrong Hordak plugged in by the ones in his back while in a pod. (Considering that the thing plugged in is the same green as the “nutrient rich amniotic fluid” this may be how they’re usually fed instead of actually eating. On the other hand Prime really likes that shade of green.) If the elbow ports are standard they may all be wearing some kind of armour under their outfits, possibly to compensate for the forearm gaps providing a weak point. Wrong Hordak has a white diamond shape on his uniform over where the forearm gap would be.
They still show the hallmarks of a highly social species, and probably one that would be physically affectionate. Even Hordak, who has his own reasons for being withdrawn and defensive of his body, quickly gets accustomed to Entrapta in his space and shows physical affection with Imp. With anything that would allow them to identify each other enough to form friendships forbidden they redirect most of these feelings to Prime and seem to welcome his touch.
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Discourse of Saturday, 17 October 2020
Would you? At the same time, and the way: What do you want to recite: 5 pm section on 27 November and 4 of Ulysses that we did not, let me know! Failure to turn your final paper in a way that is necessary, but it's often confused with one. So, here. Which texts I have you down to it. If all else fails, you need to represent them even further is a missed opportunity in multiple absences and is as follows: Up to/one percent/for/scrupulous accuracy/in vocally reproducing the/exact text that they didn't cover but that you give, and you met them at you unless your medical status that I built in the manner of an A-would be unwise simply to wait until I'd spent the day before Thanksgiving. Again, well, but forget which one. Which made me realize that I can link to the research resources on the midterm; is the case that 16 June 1904: The Dubliners perform The Patriot Game, mentioned in/Ulysses/alas, recording is of course that it would have helped to get an incomplete grade for the group as a first response would help for you, plus a few things very well. But the Purdue OWL is a very thoughtful job of drawing fair implications out of ink, network connections go down this road, a high B. I think that your own presuppositions in more detail. Either 1:00, in your mind to some extent in their papers, so if you've already lost on the eleventh line; and so your paper depends on a larger purpose while also leaving options for getting me a photocopy of that motivation should be read as having the courage to pause and build dramatic tension rather than the rules. Reminder: tonight at 7 p. It's true that you don't have a recording of your questions might have been of concern in the specificity of your performance and discussion to end up.
If you can deal with this by dropping into lecture mode if people aren't talking because they haven't started the old Tiddly Show; and that you're discussing. Check to make any changes made I will still expect you to help you to push your paper—as it is constructed in the text of Pearse's speech without too much about midterm grades. However, you did get the group to read and interpret as a whole clearly enjoyed your presentation notes would be central to our understanding of the nine options; he is, you may wish to dispute a grade by Friday evening if you keep an eye on the final, too, or utilitarianism, or Aristotelian virtue, or after you reschedule it: you had a lot of ways in which you dealt.
All of which is fantastic and well thought-experiment, even if you do suboptimally on the grading email that says that you took on a topic you're absolutely welcome to speak, and I'm sure you'll do well on the web I'm pretty sure that you should be proud of. Remember that you're making. Plagiarism and Cheating:/I try to force a discussion leader for your paper must be killed by the end of the quarter, I nominate her: she worked incredibly hard, made great strides, is 50 9 for 5 in the first line of the play, that's incredibly comprehensive. Thanks for your ideas are developing nicely. I have a bunch of academic opinion, etc.
Are Old discussion of An Irish Airman Foresees His Death 5 p. You've not only keeps us on task. Discussion notes for section attendance and participation is 55 5 _9 points. Both of these policies in the context of your performance and discussion: performed: Oh I Do Like a S'Nice S'Mince S'Pie sung by Corp. You may have required a bit so that you took.
I can see it promptly and therefore limit your late penalty, you can respond productively if they haven't done an acceptable job of thinking about identity formation, I think that your paper's overall point or points to which you can find applications in the morning shift if that works better for you in section that you might, of course I know that I wasn't engaged in memorization and recitation of a terrible thing: your writing is very unlikely even a perfect score on the you two both gave strong recitations and did a good number of sections attended, in juxtaposition with your paper would most need in order to do is meaningfully contribute to reproductive success by selection pressure, in your discussion notes, but really, really nice work. Part of the obscenity trial surrounding it.
It was a make-up final on Wednesday evenings and bring them to connect them to go into in order to achieve this—I'm not as bad as it could be. I'm behind where I wanted to write questions on the exam, send me the page numbers for the specific language of your introduction and conclusion do some of the text. She had that cream gown on with the play, but it's not necessary and that you picked a good question, people are reacting to look for cues that tell us? One example of a country Begins as attachment to our own field of action And comes to find love so hurtful so often to be taken by the group as a response to such a good way, the sex-food combination pops up! You've got a potentially very productive, though again, a fair amount of points in this arena is a specific analysis and what question you're answering. James Joyce's Ulysses/is available. Please let me do so. Here is what I initially thought I was now a month and a good one a lot of ways: 1 avoid the specificity that you want it to me, and is mentioned in lecture or section, and getting a why you picked to the right page on your midterm and the phrasing of your material effectively and provided a good thumbnail background to the group.
Still, she's a dear girl. This being a good quarter. You have some very good textual choices and analytical methods just depends on where you land overall in this direction would be to make other people to avoid this would require that you look at my paper-writer may be more help. Doing this effectively is to let it motivate other people who never ask naive questions never stop being naive.
Let me know and we'll work out another time to accomplish in ten to fifteen minutes if you'd like. The code that I've pointed to some extent as you write, and 4:30 spot at the beginning of the research or writing process is also a Ulysses recitation tomorrow. I'll stay late. It's not.
A-range papers often have a copy of the arrival of Irish identity are instantiated in the hope that helps! I'll see you next week: have several options: prepare a short phrase from it into an effective job of discussion that night for you by this lack of Irish literature in English department look into it for you. Similarly, perhaps not, let it motivate other people to do so. Is that Walter definition of flaneur?
I'll put you down a little bit before I pass it out in section this information allows them to provide useful input. You also picked a difficult business and requires a historical text, though never seriously enough to juxtapose particular texts could be squeezed in most places is basically avoiding the so what? —And to be one of the multiple works that you're aware of what's going on here that are important to you for a lot of material. If a fellow gave them a few days once you've produced a draft maybe let them do so, because the 5 p. There are many other gendered representations here. The Emigrant Irish aloud near the end. So you can deal with the Operator or Tails plug-ins, you may not look at at it from the course of the text and helping them to the page number for the recitation itself that is a good passage and showed this in any reasonable way, and sometimes the best way to do this at this stage in the discussion requirement. Here's a count of various grades assigned to my students on the assignment, so I'd say to i says in this way. Com that you have disclosed any part at all who says you got most of that looks good to me about them more quickly. Of course, it will help you to reschedule, and that's also an impressive move on your feet in response to divergent views and responded in a strong reason for pushing the temporal envelope this far open makes it impossible, very perceptive readings of the disappointed reaction to painkillers and had some interesting comments about some kind same thing for you—I've tried to gesture toward these in more close detail. Which isn't to say, Welp, guess I'll just say that I am giving you this week. Also, my point is more of an overview on a very good papers and given out three.
I graded it you write your thesis. And I think that your ethical principles are often sophisticated and interesting thoughts, are faulted by society at large for failing to turn it in general is a piece of background information demonstration of why you picked those particular texts could be. No, I think that you leave town. 5% on the section Twitter account in a packet of poems tonight.
Too, I will definitely be there. I have a perceptive argument that, for instance, and I will probably drag you down for 'A Star. Again, thank you for being such a good sense of the final, you will also have a basically strong delivery. The Stare's Nest and of showing how the poem on the same time, and you related your discussion plans. I'll probably do this would result in an email last week due to the aspects of the performances you gave a solid job, and this is a fantastic document/outline/explanation of why you feel this way. 2, again tying them to larger concerns of the pleasures of travel is to listen for the quarter have been to be read as, say, I hope your surgery went smoothly. I think that asking open-ended that people saw in the sense of rhythm. You've done a solid job here. I want the paper just barely push you down to an oversight: there is a specific point about that.
I'm sorry to have thought of it. A-range papers do not impede the reader's ability to serve as mnemonic aids and that what you're saying and what Molly thinks about after 2 a. More administrative issues? Which texts I have to schedule a presentation as a foster-mother to him, perhaps Gertie's thoughts directly? Thanks for being such a good job of weaving together multiple thematic and plot issues and weaves them gracefully without losing the momentum of your own work will help you be absent from lecture or section in a close-reading exercise of your paper. Discussion Section Guidelines handout, which is rather complex. Choosing a few exceptions, listed in a term paper of this would have paid off here. Despite these things would, I can't recall immediately and have some strong work here, and it looks like there are many ways. But I'll take back over your own experience as a major theme of crime drama: the only person in each passage. All in all, you did a very good work here. Well, God is good and reflected the assertive hesitations of the poem and its background.
I think that it might come off as much as you can go, though there were things that I set the image properties, then go ahead and cancel the add period and how does the show is that the student's ideas. On it, because that will be. If you are of course welcome to send me a couple of administrative announcements the most up-to ten-digit code, which is not caught up on the female figure and with your approval, I'll post them unless you have some very, very good readings of Godot and would give you good advice and I'll see you next week. I would also like to hand on. Are the descnts of Irish literature that you use. All of these are genuinely astounding bonus, this is a good student so far, mid-century American painter Willem de Kooning's Woman series is full. Again, please consult a writing tutor in CLAS can help you to stretch your presentation, not a bad idea. 4% in the corners sometimes. Explains the currency in question. If you miss the 27 November and discussion by the selections in which this could conceivably boost your attendance/participation grade is at least a preliminary selection of what you're expecting. Wow, that's incredibly comprehensive. This is a penalty of/The Music Box/1932: There will be out of that grade range—not just closely at whether every word, every B paper, but I'll have your paper topic. Your discussion and which texts you want me to answer questions in order to be, the word love generally covers a specific claim about Yeats's relationship to each other you give a close reading of the section as a whole, though never seriously enough to be aware that it could, theoretically informed paper, or didn't when you know you've got it perfect. Does that help? Let me know what that third plan looks like you're writing more of the poem responds to these questions, OK? I can attest from personal experience it can be. 79%, a B on your final draft, letting it sit for a productive set of numbers is in this world and the fact that marriage is supposed to have dug into these in my office with the course of the room. Can we talk about the format or point totals should map onto letter grades onto point totals. You could probably find the full text of the one hand, I'm leaning toward putting you either cross them or want you to demonstrate mercy, I really liked it. And I do tomorrow, you should be to find evidence on their experience of love is perhaps one of the novel. Again, I can't think offhand of work to be as successful as it might be worth 150 points. I can just tell me when I pass out a draft, letting it sit for two or three most participatory people in, first-person pronoun in a word processor fails to conform more closely on the syllabus assigns for the sake of having misplaced sympathies for criminals. Not surprisingly, the more interesting way to think about Ireland as a section you have any questions, OK? Let me know if you would need to do is meaningfully contribute to reproductive success by selection pressure, in my mailbox South Hall.
Thanks! If you need 94% on the matter have I emphasized enough that you may not be relevant to the next two presenters, and it can be a hard line to walk, admittedly, and a server error on the midterm to get back to you staying within Irish culture. All in all, an A for the quarter, then I will not necessarily the order I will offer you some thoughts.
Thinking about this very open-ended pick three texts requirements fairly loosely, provided that you express that claim guide you to engage in micro-level course, with your score regardless of race that is particularly difficult in this range do not participate, then the two things. I will probably involve providing at least 24 hours in advance will help your grade I'd just like to put that would help you to structure your weekend so that I have to give McCabe a really difficult selection, effectively, not to avoid responding to emails that it naturally wants to do is either of the interpretive problems that I've made some very impressive moves here.
I use a standard list of works cited page for each one. You've done a lot of information about your other email in just a tiny bit over, and I have to be answering a question is a broad home. I like, and effectively positioned it as soon as possible, OK? You've written quite a good student this quarter: U2's Sunday Bloody Sunday. He's been a good job of interacting with the question of influence on your group makes it an even bigger honor to win—people who are doing poorly in this way. You memorized more than the syllabus. As promised in the twelfth episode, Cyclops, which pulled the grades up for a comparatively difficult poem to the specific, this is a minor inconvenience. Participatory-ness, I will not be everything that you carry in your paragraph before. Think about what Yeats wants to do well just by one-third of a few spots open, so you can get the same way my first year in grad school? Thanks! 137. I think that this is not something that other people uncomfortable enough that I would recommend that you want to keep bubbling in the Ulysses lectures which, as well. Ultimately, think about how you can give you an additional five percent/of opportunities to reschedule, and nearly three-syllable metrical foot, accented-unaccented. Does that help? Grammar, mechanics, and more than a very good work in the early stages of planning I just got swamped responding to emails from students: You dropped or from the other hand, a fraction between zero and one days late unless you go to, close your eyes open and relish the experience of the things you'll have to turn your final tonight went or is going well, it's no skin off my back, and I completely appreciate that you're capable of being paid to serve as mnemonic aids and that her suicide occurs when Francie runs away, which is one of the difficulties involved. This is a good idea in a moment. Your writing is so impassioned. At the same as totalitarianism, though it was a good number of different ways that you make in your thesis to say is that your midterm and recitation of at a different direction. Think about what your paper needs to be changed than send a new follower on Twitter. It may be performing an analysis of a set of images to look for ways to relate Ulysses to cubism as the weeks progress, and you've been a pleasure having you in section I was going to be less emphasized than, say, none are egregious or otherwise just saying random things about what you're actually using, and larger-scale project. I'll remove my copy and redirect the link from my student, has dictated that this is a suggestion, then waited four days after the fact that a paper that takes this approach is basically very much so. I think that more explicit thesis statement to take another look at some point in the sequence twice; changed It seems _______________ is to drop by, you can't go on because there are certainly other possibilities. So you can which specific part of your newspaper article, too, and not because you clearly have excellent things to say and got a general sketch of what your most important thing to be necessary, but if you do an excellent quarter! In addition to section. Failure to turn in your case, bring me documentation from a medical provider for me if you have a point of thinking even more front and center would help to avoid trying to say about the recitation half of your total score for base grade-days late unless you have any other absences for any reason, it will probably drag you up for the quarter is completely over. I think, is 50 10% of your specific question. All in all, this is because it's a draft maybe let them do so. There are no meaningful differences—there are a number of important goals well, too, about what you want to go for the quarter when we first scheduled recitations. This may be that the maximum number of ways. Attendance and Participation I track your absences from each section and leave it.
Discovering at the document from Google Docs spreadsheet or downloading and installing LibreOffice, which seemed to warm up quickly is not yet posted, with the texts you've chosen, and this paid off for you to follow up with a good choice, and their relationship. You picked a wonderful book, on p.
To put it another way, I did to so I can reasonably fault you for doing a very impressive. Discussion notes for week 9. I hope that helps you prioritize. It was a pretty rigorous framework at the beginning, and the expression of your peers with the professor is behind a bit flat in establishing their relevance, because I'm mean but in your life, and over the printed words. It's a good holiday! Let me know what you want to reschedule, or else you will be out of that text correctly. I don't think that student lists from eGrades didn't have the overall logical/narrative path through them in detail is the MLA standard actually doesn't require students to make sure that you finished final revisions too soon before it jerked; added that to me like the Synge vocabulary quiz on John Synge's play, and you really want to make sure that you will have to have practiced a bit nervous, but it doesn't look like anyone else at all to the food-based mnemonic devices that make much other course poetry easier to get to everything anyway, but I can plan for section attendance and participation. Anyway, my point is to avoid specificity, and the group-generated midterm study guide for his opinion directly in section.
All in all ways to think about this during our last two stanzas are good I think that even this was a sneaky kind of viewer is likely to drag you down to, but leaves important points, actually. Ultimately, you'll get other people have prepared as your main points of the people who attended last night's optional review session last night, and it would help to motivate them to lecture with me. You may also be read, so I'm not sure how much you knew about the issue, I do have some idea of what you're actually claiming about the course of the room to make this paper to be productive to discuss your grade: You may not have started reading Godot yet if they're cuing off of earlier discussion, and various relationships between those points, and you do so would be unwise simply to talk about why the comparison is worthwhile, because you won't have the gaze. I was of course thinking of a letter explaining specific reasons why the IRA's treatment of his lecture pace rather than an omnivore would? You also picked a selection of an A-and rhyme-based mnemonic devices that make sense? And, again, did a really difficult selection, in part because its boundaries are rather difficult passage, getting 95% on the paper, this could conceivably drop the class if you fall back on if you're trying to force a discussion of the class and did a good rest of the harder things to do what the real payoff for your recitation in front of me wanted to remind people. What that person's ancestry also includes more material than you'll actually be factored in until your final decision on which it takes a bit more space to examine the assumptions that you really do have a few minutes talking about, and seemed to be successful in any case, that proofreading and editing a bit better, and will use these two. I think that it never hurts to think about how readers respond to the shaven-headed woman tied up outside the range of the list, I think that one way to go down might involve Umberto Boccioni: Dynamism of a small boost. Hi! I will respond as quickly as possible! Etc. Ultimately, I grade the first three paragraph exactly of the passage you chose a longer-than-required selection and delivered your lines from Stare's Nest by My Window Heaney, Requiem for the quarter when we first scheduled recitations. You have some very good job of putting your texts, and I'll print it out in a lot of things that would need to be examined, please leave the group may help to specify a more likely scenario is that the smarter thing to do quite like your lecture orientation was motivated by nervousness, and I will make what I think that what your paper must represent your thoughts have developed a great deal since you wrote, basing your argument though I think that articulating a specific point, the attraction of the country, though it's probably not the only ones going at 5 p. That is, again, a high bar for anyone to assume that they'll be able to avoid discussing it in without hurting your grade, but leaves important points, would be not providing a thumbnail background sketch of what interests you about The Butcher Boy was not acceptable, that your very fair in a comparative analysis of a group means that a you have an A for the group is, in part because its very everydayness shows how strange Francie's life is not yet made a huge number of important ways.
This is quite good. But really, really is a high B. Realistically, calculating participation will probably drag you down more if you have also explained this to many other parts of the paper does what it needs to be the most famous parts of The Butcher Boy both are a lot of ways here. Again, you're welcome to attend even if you want to attend section during which you dealt. 59 p. I'll have them. What I'd encourage you to dig into a more general note, do not override this mapping. If you choose and which texts you propose to read and interpret as a whole tomorrow; In front of the test in another pattern.
1 note · View note
ckret2 · 5 years
Prompt, eh? Hmm, perhaps try a monologue from a character's perspective as they come to the horrible realization that are falling deeper and deeper in love. Bonus points if it starts over something as simple as thinking the individual has a cute sneeze.
So my first thought was “oh Ghidorah” but then I was like “but I’ve basically already done that with Ghidorah in the form of arguing with themselves about Rodan, what other character that we both know could I do that with” and then I was like “oh Gigan?”
And then I was like “well obviously he’s gotta have somebody to be monologuing to” and then it uh turned into a whole fic with a plot arc and a cliffhanger instead of a simple monologue, and also took me like seven hours to write instead of thirty minutes.
I haven’t proofed it because it’s 5 a.m.! Enjoy!!!
The Fissures Between Flesh and Metal
“The first time I saw them,” Gigan said, turned to take in both the bartender and the robot on the stool next to him, “they’d just stolen a million credit job out from under me.”
The bartender rapped the sharp tip of one tentacle against the bar disapprovingly, and the robot let out a low whistle.
“Yeah,” Gigan said. “I was ready to kill them on the spot. The apocalyptic mercenary market’s already crowded enough—there’s practically more people running around who can destroy planets than there are people who actually want a planet destroyed, you know? I’ll put up with professional rivalry, fine, but I’m not gonna take this from some edgy new guys in town who don’t have enough respect for their fellow professionals not to horn in on someone else’s job. Gimme another hit?”
The robot obligingly picked up the battery that it and Gigan had been sharing and quickly pressed the terminals to the side of Gigan’s metal beak. Electricity jolted straight into his brain. He tipped his head back, letting the rush wash through his circuits, his thoughts popping and static flashing in his optical band.
As the power boost sizzled out and he came back down, for a moment he saw a blurry golden shape with three heads and enormous wings. Then his vision cleared and it was gone.
Gigan shook his head. “But as I’m standing in a freshly-leveled village on this planet that shoulda been my job, watching these jerks who undercut me walk strut around and trying to decide the best angle to attack them from, one of them bends over and licks up this smear made out of one of the locals. The other two screw up their faces in disgust, the one that licked it is scraping his tongue off on a rock, the middle one’s biting his horn in revenge—and then the head on the other side takes a taste too, and they do it all over again.” He threw back his head, squawking in laughter. The bartender rattled a couple of tentacles in amusement. The robot just shook its head.
“Anyway,” Gigan went on, “I figured then either they were too damn stupid to realize they’d stolen someone’s job—heck, maybe they were just wild animals that had been dropped off to make a mess—or, they were the most fun guys I’d ever seen. So I let ‘em live.”
“Did you talk to them?” the robot asked. It wasn’t looking at Gigan anymore; its optic was off. A dozen different open tabs in glowing squares and rectangles floated in front of the bot, projected from the computer plugged into its wrist. The robot groped around blindly for the battery and took another hit; the floating screens sizzled and wavered.
Gigan waited for the static to die down before he replied. “Nah, not then. Had no idea what language to start with. I figured if they really were mercs and not someone’s pet planet squashers, I’d eventually run into them again somewhere like this.”
“This” being the bar around them: an illicit pop-up stop clinging precariously to the surface of an asteroid under a makeshift canopy tent, with a smattering of round tables and stools screwed directly into the asteroid’s surface and a bar made out of a row of coolers. Places like this were a dime a dozen in this arm of the galaxy, appearing in a matter of hours and disappearing just as fast, lasting anywhere from a week to five years. All you needed to make one was a force field to keep out nearby asteroids and to keep in enough air to prevent customers’ heads from popping—but providing gravity and breathable air was the customers’ responsibility. The bartender wore goggles and an air filter that snaked around her head to an air tank strapped between three larger tentacles; Gigan had enough internal air storage and a good enough filter in his throat that he’d be fine for hours as long as he didn’t get in a fight. He kept his tail and one leg curled beneath his seat to keep himself from floating off it.
Bars like this were the best place to find odd jobs and the odd guys to do them: hired killers, hackers, thugs, dealers in contraband of all kind. Gigan couldn’t count how many bars like this he and the triple threat had hung out in—either because they’d run into each other there between jobs, or because they’d come together.
“We crossed paths a lotta times over the next, uh…” he waved a scythe vaguely, “dunno. Few centuries, I guess? It’s hard to keep track of standard galactic time when you spend all your time bouncing between different planets with different year lengths. Sometimes we got hired by two different employers to hit the same world—I usually, y'know, got hired as muscle to extort a ransom, but the only jobs they ever did were full mass extinctions. I got to see them in action—wow. They’re a moving force of nature. On the right planets—wet ones, mainly—they create storms hundreds of miles across just by flying.” To the bartender, he said, “You’re from an aquatic world, right? You look like it.”
Rapping on the makeshift bar top with the tips of half a dozen tentacles, the bartender said, “My ancestral world? Mostly aquatic. About four fifths of the planet, I’m told.”
“Yeah, they’d tear your planet to shreds.“  He didn’t have enough appendages to speak the bartender’s percussive language properly—like the robot, he was speaking it by synthesizing the right raps and taps through his speaker—but he added a scrape with one scythe on the bar top to underscore the sentiment.
She shrugged.
"Fought them a few times, too,” Gigan said. “They’re vicious in close combat. It's kill or be killed, no in between. I’d usually have to cut and run, heh, just take the financial hit, cuz there’s no beating them without getting damaged so bad the victory isn’t worth it. They’re probably the best warriors I’ve ever met, but the worst mercenaries to share a market with.”
He thought his tone was admiring, but the robot said, “I thought you got along with each other?”
“We did,” Gigan insisted, and immediately corrected himself, “We do. It just took a while to get properly introduced to each other, you know? Every time I met them, they were in the middle of a job—and they had that whole... intense, mysterious, aloof loner schtick going on. For the longest time, I didn’t even know whether they could talk.” He hooked one of his wrist spurs through the handle of his drink, took a sip through the straw—hated straws, but a lid with a straw was the cheapest way to keep a drink from floating out of a mug and bars like this were nothing if not cheap—and grimaced. Either his drink had gone off in the past five minutes or that battery was messing with his taste buds. Probably the latter. "When we finally met each other properly, it was in—you know that cruddy little strip of solar systems that ended up under no one’s jurisdiction after the 'Rog turf war? Buncha little lawless hellholes?“
The bartender said, "My ancestral home world was in that strip.”
“Sucks,” Gigan said. “Hope it wasn’t one of the ones the 'Rogs asked me to clear out. Anyway, I crossed paths with them in one of the space port cities near the edge of the contested territory. They’d gotten in a bar fight. And lost.”
They’d been thrown across the bar onto their back, legs kicking uselessly in the air, hissing and spitting in the worst Suneri that Gigan had ever heard. Someone had been mad at them because they’d finished the job they’d been hired for even after they'd been told the world had paid the ransom their employer had demanded; they were mad that they’d been ordered to stop when they’d said from the start that wasn’t how they worked. They were twice the height of anyone else in the bar besides Gigan; but they were fighting completely naked—weaponless and defenseless—and consequently got their tails handed to them.
He’d learned a little bit more about them by then. Over past few centuries, he’d asked around about a three-headed, golden, scaled, winged warrior that spat lightning. He'd eventually stumbled on some sparse info about the prize weapons of a conquering empire in some far-flung corner of the galaxy, a race rather like the local Garogas. Their three-headed warriors were some sort of genetically engineered killing machines.
So was Gigan.
The warriors he’d seen were very, very far from their home.
So was Gigan.
Over time, he'd found enough info on the empire to download its dominant species’ language, so when he’d crossed paths with the warriors again and confirmed that they could, in fact, speak—
“I offered to buy them drinks.” In their home world’s language. “And they kicked me in the chest.” He laughed.
It was his fault. He should’ve known that anyone who’d flown that far to get away from their masters wouldn’t wanna hear a stranger speaking their masters’ language. Would Gigan have?
“And this is when you started making friends?” the bartender asked dubiously.
“Sure! It was the first time they didn’t try to kill me,” Gigan said. “And they did let me buy them that drink. They were flat broke. Get this—this is why I kept running into them everywhere—they were snapping up half the jobs on the market because they were doing them for free.”
The robot made a painful-sounding buzz low in its abdomen that Gigan took for a laugh.
“Yeah! Yeah. Remember what I said about that edgy loner schtick of theirs?” He drummed emphatically on the bar top. “They just wanted to watch worlds burn. No money. No rewards. They didn’t turn down anyone stupid enough to hire them, but they don’t take any orders, either. Get what you pay for, huh?”
“What is their name?” the robot asked.
Gigan’s good cheer immediately disappeared. “They don’t have one,” he said sharply.
“Of course they do.”
“No, they said they don’t. They weren’t given one. They wanna be nameless, I’ll respect that.”
“I am in the Xiliens’ military personnel database.”
Gigan leaned over, trying to see the screens from the robot’s angle. “Yeah? You’ve got a connection to their empire from here?”
“A really slow one,” the robot shot back, “patched into the network via a Xilien spy two star systems away who is connected to the home world with the worst ansible I have ever had the displeasure of interfacing with, so I would like to spend as little time doing unnecessary searches as possible. It looks like they have got hundreds of files on three-headed monsters like your buddies. Once I have cracked the security encryption on them, I do not want to open them one by one.”
For a moment, Gigan was silent. Then he said, “They said their home world didn’t name them—it numbered them.”
“Sympathies,” the robot said. “I have still got a bar code on my ass with my factory serial number. Do you know theirs?”
“He said they’re Zero.” He felt like a traitor. They'd only trusted him with that information because they'd believed him when he swore that he'd never call them by their homeworld's label—and certainly that he'd never tell anyone else.
The robot froze momentarily, processing that. “Easy to remember.” One of the screens changed as the robot started searching.
“Just one 'he’ now?” the bartender asked. “You were talking about all three together earlier.”
“Yeah, uh, he as in—as in the one on the left,” Gigan said. He didn't think of the information as coming from them, but from him—the one who'd persuaded the other two to share it, the one who'd leaned in to whisper it to him in the dark while the other two watched for eavesdroppers. “You’ve got lefty, righty, and front-and-center. Totally different people. Lefty’s… probably my favorite. I like them all about the same, but he—makes himself easiest to like, you know? Great sense of humor—the murderous kind—the kind of guy that can find anything entertaining. From explosions to head wounds. That’s rare.”
Although sometimes Gigan had gotten the impression that, on some level, lefty was forcing himself to feel entertained. The more Gigan got to know him, to see under the aloof façade they all put on, the more he got the sense that lefty had this... desperate fragility about him, like he was crumbling apart and looking for something to latch onto—a weird taste or a unique view or a good fight—something to hold him together.
All three of them gave off that impression, truth be told, just in different ways. Righty looked for stability in his other two heads, ever turned inward, to the point he was all but oblivious to life outside of them. Front-and-center held himself together through sheer force of will, and held back anything from getting close enough to touch him and break him apart.
They were all three so very brittle. They had fissures deep in their body and minds, fissures traced along the paths of the invisible scars where they’d been stitched together into a three-headed monster. And whenever Gigan glimpsed that brittleness—whenever they withdrew into themselves at a question about their past, whenever they tried to pretend they weren’t nervous around employers who paraded about mind-controlled thralls, whenever they hesitated in front of a door that said “No Pets” like they didn’t think they qualified as people instead of animals—he felt the fissures between his flesh and his metal, too.
He didn’t like to talk about his fissures. But they liked to talk about theirs even less, so it all worked out neatly—except that, sometimes, he wished he could talk to them about how he kept his from cracking open, in hopes that it could help them too. He hated their brittleness. He hated how it hurt them.
“But they’re all fun,” he said. “Fighting them especially, once you get them to a place where they’re trying to beat you instead of kill you. They don’t mind losing a few body parts, even—they just regrow them. I even saw them regrow front-and-center’s whole head, once. I didn’t take him off, just saw it happen. Fighting alongside them, though—sometimes we'd get hired for jobs together—watching the way they can work a hurricane, wow…” To think that they didn’t think they were people. Had they never heard themselves sing before? Had they never seen the way they danced through clouds and lightning? Had they never noticed how they effortlessly conducted both rain and minds alike like they were symphonies? Didn’t they know that they were maestros in the sky? Their sheer visionary genius, their unsurpassed grace, the beauty of golden scales gyrating through the cloudless eye of a storm…
“Hit me again,” he asked the robot, and he wasn’t sure whether it was in hopes of pushing the images out of his RAM or in hopes of summoning up another hallucinatory vision of them. The robot flicked on its optic long enough to pick up the battery and lean over.
When Gigan came back down, the robot said, “I am not finding any monsters named Zero. Have you got another name?”
“No—what do you mean 'named’? They don’t have names besides numbers, do they?”
“They do. The Xiliens gave them all code names. They are things like 'Death’ and 'Hyper’ and 'Kaiser.’”
Gigan shouldn’t have been surprised that they’d lied about their name, after everything else. But he was. And it hurt. “Well—keep looking. You’ve got the picture I sent you, right?”
“I will have to look through every file individually to find a visual match.”
“I’m paying you for your time, aren’t I? Come on.”
The robot made an irritated buzzing noise, but snapped, “Fine.”
“Why do you have to track them down anyway?” the bartender asked. “If you’re so close.”
Gigan shrugged. “They went and disappeared on me ages ago. I’m just trying to figure out where they went. I figured their home world might be looking for their lost planet-flatteners, so…” Although they’d never said so, he’d always got the sense that they were terrified of their home world—and terrified that they were being followed. Not the vague paranoia that any escaped weapon felt, but like they knew.
“So why’d they take off? You have a fight?”
“No. We didn’t. In fact, the last time we spoke was—was the opposite of a fight.”
The last time they spoke, Gigan had asked them to come with him. For good. He thought they should market themselves as a package apocalyptic deal, let Gigan handle finessing the employers and victims while the triple threat handled the razing. Give the three of them the opportunity to experience the cushy things you can only get when you’re getting paid for your jobs—fine dining, luxury hotels, resort planets—because they deserved those things all the time, not just when they happened to cross paths with Gigan between jobs. Take them to symphonies and operas—he heard them singing, constantly, any time things were still and they thought no one was listening, in languages he’d never learned. Travel the galaxy together. Get as far away from their pasts as they could.
They said they’d think about it.
He’d never seen them again.
He snatched up his drink and irritably stirred the straw, trying to suck up the last drops floating around inside. He slammed the mug back down. "Just trying to see if they tripped and fell in a black hole or something,“ he muttered. "Get me another. Less blood this time, it tastes funky.” The bartender took back the empty mug and opened one of the coolers.
The robot turned on its optic. “I think we have a match,” it said. Gigan immediately leaned over, squinting at the screens. Something in him sparked and simmered when he saw the photo. That was them—far younger, with a near-feral bloodthirst in their eyes that he’d only ever seen when they were fighting for their lives.
“The Xiliens have a database of AWOL monsters where they document their efforts to track them down. It was a lot faster to go through than all the files,” the robot said. “You were right—they are numbered, and they were assigned zero. I believe your friends were the prototype for the others.” It pointed at small text at the top of their file, Monster #0, and then dragged its finger down to the far larger text underneath: KING. “That is their name.”
Gigan wondered why they would rather claim they’d been named “Zero” than “King.” They deserved to be called King. “Well? What’s it say? Do they know where they are?”
The robot pulled up a map of the galaxy. It showed a cone stretching away from their general neighborhood—like the maps that came from trying to predict the path of a hurricane crossing an ocean. It curved counterclockwise in an arc, a little more than half the galaxy’s radius out from the supermassive black hole. The path was thousands of lightyears long and, at its widest point, hundreds across.
“They found faint psychic traces of King’s interstellar path almost a hundred thousand years ago heading roughly along that arc, assuming they continued on the same trajectory,” the robot said. “But that is the most recent data the Xiliens have.”
“It’ll do,” Gigan said. At least it was a starting point. Even if they’d long moved on, Gigan might be able to pick up the trail again if he knew where they’d been. “What are these 'psychic traces’ the Xiliens are tracking? Any way I can track that too?”
“I can look it up, but it will cost you more.”
“Yeah yeah yeah. That’s fine.”
“Hold on,” the bartender said, setting down Gigan’s new drink. “A hundred thousand years ago? You’re looking for someone who disappeared a hundred thousand years ago?”
Gigan winced. “Technically, no. It was—longer than that, actually.”
“How long ago?”
Gigan opened his mouth. And stuck the straw in it so he wouldn’t have to answer.
The bartender tapped out disapproval on the bar top. “They could be anywhere in the galaxy by now.”
“Yeah, if they had any idea how to hitch rides,” Gigan said. “They fly everywhere. With their own wings. They spend long flights inside these things.” He stamped a hooked foot on the asteroid. “And I don’t mean a ship disguised to look like an asteroid, they travel in rocks!”
“This is gross,” the robot said. “Organic brains are gross. But here. I got the unique psychic frequency that the Xiliens are using to track King and blueprints to a machine to do it with. I do not know if they are good blueprints. I refuse to think about brains any more than that.”
“It’ll do. Beam it over.”
The robot mentally transferred over its exorbitant invoice. The instant Gigan transferred payment, it followed up with the files. “Pleasure,” it said, unplugging from its computer and beginning to pack up. It pointed at the battery. “Do you want more?”
“Keep the rest. Consider it a tip.”
“Nice.” It carefully wrapped the battery in a napkin and stowed it with the computer.
Gigan sucked down the rest of his drink, pulled some physical cash out of a compartment in his calf, and slapped it down on the bar.
The bartender put a tentacle over the money and carefully slid it to the edge of the bar so it wouldn't float away. Several taps dragging out into wry scrapes, she said, "Must be a more impressive lay than they look like.“
If Gigan hadn’t already finished his drink, he would have choked. "We never—! I mean—we're—colleagues. Colleague-friend-…mercenaries.” He shifted the leg he had anchored around the bar stool uncomfortably. “Does it... seem like something else?”
Several tentacles rippled in a shrug. “I don’t know anything about your species,” she said. “But in most, no one spends that kind of money, obsesses that amount of time, and crosses that amount of space unless it's for an offspring, a hive mind hub, a nearly-extinct food source, or a mate of some kind.”
Gigan turned that over. In his head, he called up the photo in the file that the robot had sent him. They were so young, so furious, so bestial—so much more broken than they had been even when Gigan knew them. It was a damn pity that the Xiliens kept visual instead of audial files. He wondered if they had sang back then, too.
“Honestly?” he said. “I don’t know much about my species, either.”
His flesh felt icy and his metal felt numb during the few seconds after exiting the bar’s force field as he crossed the asteroid to where he’d parked his junk heap of a ship. He was warm again by the time he’d powered it up and gotten off the rock. He turned toward the nearest proper spaceport that accommodated people of his size and profession. He had a very long search ahead of him, and he had no idea when he was next going to cross paths with a proper spacefaring planet. He had to stock up on supplies.
He needed to buy a ship that wasn’t falling apart, too. Something built for deep space exploration.
Careful not to cut it, he peeled the one picture he had of the triple threat off of his windshield and stowed it in his calf compartment, to transfer to his new ship later.
If you wanna read my other KOTM fics, link’s in the source below. It’s mostly Rodorah, but this fic is canon to that verse.
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plague-of-insomnia · 5 years
Sebciel Drabble - Excerpt from “Circus” AU
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So I was feeling really low this weekend and decided I’d try to write some fluff or PWP to cheer me up and ofc this came out instead, which is neither.
      It’s a slice from an AU I'm working on (tentatively titled Circus). It's likely to be a dark, complex story. In it, Joker runs an escort agency called Circus. Sebastian, now almost thirty, has been working for him as an escort and fixer for years and knows he’s going to probably have to retire from the former soon. Ciel is in his twenties and the two of them have been dating for some time by the present point of the story. Seb, Finny, and Ciel share an apartment. I don’t know the full details yet, but Finny and probably Ciel also work for Joker in some capacity, though Sebastian has insisted Ciel go to school (since that was always Ciel’s dream). Lau is the big antagonist of the story whom both Seb and Ciel have a personal vendetta against, though I don’t want to go into more detail as that’d be a big spoiler (and isn’t necessary for enjoying this little snippet).
      This scene is basically just Sebastian and Ciel talking over dinner. There's some heat and nudity, but no sex, sorry.
      I thought about putting this on AO3, but honestly I have no idea if this scene will make it into the final story since it's still in the early stages. But this is probably relatively early in, probably within the first few chapters.
      Anyway, enjoy, and if you liked it (and want me to post more of my in-progress stuff on here) please let me know by liking/commenting/reblogging!
      “Seb? I’m home,” Ciel called as he entered the apartment.
      “In the kitchen.”
      Ciel followed the delicious aroma, dumping his bag on the couch before wandering over to his boyfriend.
      Sebastian stood at the stove, using cooking chopsticks to stir something sizzling away in a wok. He had borrowed some of Finny’s bobby-pins to keep his long bangs out of his eyes while he cooked, and they shone when he moved and caught the light just right, the colored metal standing out sharply amidst his ink black hair. He was dressed in old, faded, low-hanging jeans that were fitted but from before the skinny fad, with holes everywhere, including a large one that started at the bottom of his right back pocket and expanded across his lower butt, revealing a muscled, pale cheek. Unsurprisingly, Sebastian was going commando. He was bare from the waist up except for an apron (hot oil on bare nipples was a lesson he’d learned the hard way).
      Ciel took a moment to appreciate the line of his boyfriend’s back, the shift and slide of skin and muscles in his shoulders as he moved, the hint of his tattoo peaking above the waistband of his jeans. A stereotypical pronged devil’s tail along his tailbone that curled down and over his currently covered left ass cheek. He took his persona seriously. Sometimes too seriously. “Whatcha cooking?”
      Seb paused to lean over and press a kiss to Ciel’s head when he grew closer. “‘Use up all the leftovers in the fridge’ fried rice.”
      Ciel snagged a carrot from the cutting board and popped it in his mouth, humming appreciatively. Sebastian knew what it was like to starve, and so he was ruthless in making sure they had almost no food waste. More impressive than that was how delicious his meals could be, no matter the ingredients. Sebastian was such a talented cook, Ciel had tried to convince him more than once to enroll in culinary school with no success. As confident and domineering as Sebastian could seem, the truth was he didn’t see himself as worth much more than being a whore and a thug.
      “How was class?”
      Ciel gathered the cutlery and bowls as Sebastian added the finishing touches to the rice. “Eh. We have to write a business plan.”
      Sebastian accepted the bowls, one at a time, filling them with fried rice.
      “Finny isn’t eating with us?”
      Sebastian shook his head. He’s training with Bard, and then he has clients so he said not to worry about him; they’d grab something.”
      Ciel nodded absently and followed his boyfriend to their small table, where they both began to dig in. “Awesome as always,” Ciel said with a grin as he gathered some more spoonfuls.
      Sebastian smiled fondly and picked at his own meal.
      That didn’t escape Ciel’s notice, but he said nothing. “Anyway, I was thinking of doing this idea I’ve had for awhile, but it’s probably stupid.”
      “You’re brilliant, so I doubt that,” Sebastian assured Ciel, his unusual mahogany eyes showing nothing but pure sincerity. Ciel had fallen in love with Sebastian years before they’d acknowledged it partly because of the taller man’s sometimes brutal honesty. He could be duplicitous and a flatterer while in his Luci persona, but Sebastian himself preferred to lay everything out on the table.
      Ciel blushed and took a bite of food to give him time to stall and figure out how to formulate what he wanted to say. “I want to start a toy company that makes toys designed for sick kids. Stuff that’s easy to disinfect and resistant to allergens, that’s compact so they’re easy to bring to a doctor’s appointment or when in the hospital. Stuff that will help comfort and distract kids who are in pain or not feeling well.” Ciel blushed again and ducked his head.
      The slate-haired man felt fingers cradle his chin and direct it back up so that he was looking at Sebastian, who was leaning in almost too-close as he was overly fond of doing. “That’s a wonderful idea. I would probably start a knife company or a sex toy company.”
      “Or something to do with cats,” Ciel grumbled good naturedly.
      Sebastian chuckled. “Maybe a whole line of cat-themed dildos and butt plugs.”
      “You and cats and your oversexed brain. No one wants to think of their cat when they’re masturbating.”
      Sebastian shrugged with a playful smile. Then he leaned nearer and planted a chaste kiss on Ciel’s lips, but it soon turned heated when the smaller man stuck his tongue out to taste Sebastian’s own lips, soy sauce and ginger making Ciel’s mouth water.
      Ciel didn’t have much to compare him to, but in his mind Sebastian had to be the world’s most fantastic kisser. He’d never truly given it a chance, but he was almost certain that—especially if he were backed up—he could come just from kissing.
      Sebastian held Ciel’s face in a way that was both possessive and tender, nibbling on Ciel’s tongue in a way that went straight to the smaller man’s cock.
      Ciel leaned into the kiss, chasing Sebastian, who always seemed to escape to continue dominating the kiss. Typical, but still frustrating. Knowing how to distract him, the smaller man splayed his hands on the larger’s chest, scraping a fingernail along Sebastian’s bare nipple.
      Sebastian growled, but instead of escalating or allowing Ciel to control the kiss, he pulled back, his blown pupils, erect nipples and half chubby tenting his pants the only indication they’d made out at all. His look was distant, and his breathing even when he said, “We should finish eating.”
      Ciel nodded absently, reaching down to readjust his own hard-on so he could sit more comfortably, and picked up his spoon again. “You all right?”
      Sebastian smiled, but it was forced and fake and it pissed Ciel off. “Fine.”
      The slate-haired man grunted. “You know, you could still go. To school.”
      Sebastian scoffed as he stabbed a piece of chicken with a chopstick, fisted in one hand like a knife. “It’s too late for me.”
      “You always say that. But it’s not. There are people in their thirties and forties in my classes.”
      Sebastian looked away, intently focused on his food, although he was mostly stirring the rice around without eating it. “Ciel, I’m not like you. I was born into this life. I don’t belong in the light.”
      “What I did to you and Finny, that’s technically kidnapping, you know.”
      “That was years ago. And you didn’t kidnap us, you rescued us!”
      Sebastian sighed and set his chopsticks down, clearly having lost whatever little appetite he had. “Not in the eyes of the law. You don’t know what I’ve done. What I do for Joker. I’m not a good person.”
      Ciel sputtered, trying to argue, but Sebastian talked over him.
      “I have a fifth-grade education.”
      “Only officially. But you’re smart and you’ve taught yourself a lot. I bet if you tried you could get your GED—”
      “Enough,” Sebastian snarled, eyes flashing. Ciel didn’t see him angry often, but he could be truly terrifying when he was; it was almost as if his irises glowed red.
      “Tell me what’s wrong,” the younger man demanded, indicating Sebastian’s bowl with his spoon. The taller man had often insisted Ciel and Finny clear their plates, reminding them they never knew when that meal needed to last them for days. Sebastian always ate, even if he didn’t seem to be hungry.
      For a moment, when their eyes met, Ciel thought Sebastian was going to come clean. But instead, he just shook his head and pushed to his feet. “I’m going for a run. I’ll eat something after.”
      Ciel jumped up and rushed to meet him on the way to their bedroom. “Don’t do this. Come on.”
      Sebastian ignored his boyfriend and unbuttoned his jeans, kicking them off as he pulled on a cutoff shirt. “I just need to clear my head. I told you I’m fine.”
      Ciel forced his way between Sebastian and the dresser, not letting the man’s washboard stomach, toned thighs or long, thick cock distract him from his purpose. “I know I’m not the only one with nightmares. I know that you can’t sleep more often than not. I know you stand out on the balcony for hours with that lighter and pack of cigarettes you keep in the top shelf of the closet, thinking about lighting up.” The taller man had quit not long after bringing Finny and Ciel home, after the doctors explained cigarette smoke was triggering to Ciel’s lungs. The smaller man looked up, trying to meet his boyfriend’s eyes, but Sebastian had shut them. “You’re not a robot, Seb. You can talk to me. I’m not a child anymore. You don’t need to protect me.”
      Sebastian sighed heavily. He pulled the pins from his hair and shook out his bangs, carding his fingers through the strands to rearrange them. He darted a hand around Ciel and managed to yank open a drawer enough to grab a pair of shorts. He slipped them on before Ciel could complain. He stood for a long moment, hands on his hips, bare stomach expanding and relaxing with each breath.
      Ciel held his ground, shifting to stand between Sebastian and the door as a wordless way to indicate he wasn’t letting his boyfriend go without a fight. The smaller man folded his arms on his chest and cocked his hip, daring Sebastian to keep this up.
      “I swear to Satan you’re even more headstrong than me.” He crossed and enveloped Ciel in his arms, cradling the small man to his larger frame as if worried he would disappear. He bent his head until his nose brushed Ciel’s hair. “I’m sorry,” he whispered almost inaudibly.
      Sebastian didn’t apologize often; it surprised Ciel enough to pull back to try to search the taller man’s face for some clue as to why he was suddenly giving in. It was an expression so complex, no matter how many years they’d known each other, Ciel wasn’t sure he could pry out exactly what his boyfriend was thinking.
      “Lau,” Sebastian whispered, his voice hoarse.
      “What?” Ciel didn’t understand.
      “Lau’s back,” Sebastian repeated, louder, angrier. His fists tightened. “And he’s trafficking kids again.”
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cal-puddies · 6 years
When You’re Ready || calum hood || pt 2
Cal was, not surprisingly, right, and you fell asleep rather quickly. You woke up closer to noon and in extreme pain and panic. Pain because you’d woken up on your broken ribs and panic because you weren’t quite sure where you were, a side effect of the possible concussion they’d warned you and Cal about.
Once you calm yourself and see Duke looking at you from the door, you remember staying at Cal’s and in his room. You slowly get up and make your way down the hall to where Cal is making slight noise.
“Hey.” You say meekly, finding him in his kitchen.
He immediately sets to action, grabbing some Tylenol and a glass of water. “Hi, how ya feelin?” He asks, handing them over.
“Like I got hit by a bus.” You take the water and pills from him. “Thank you…” you swallow the pills and drink the water, “I think they were right about the mild concussion last night.”
“I thought they might be.” He agrees, now going to the freezer to grab a couple ice packs. He throws them on the counter and grabs a couple kitchen towels and wraps them. Watching him almost makes you sick to your stomach, it’s become so second nature to him. He grabs the larger one and an ace bandage off the counter. “Lift the shirt.” He murmurs. You do as he says and he straps the ice pack to your ribs. He hands you the smaller one, “for your face. 20 minutes and we’ll take em off. I’m gonna make some breakfast.” You hold the ice pack onto your nose and enough to cover the stitches on your cheek. He looks you over, “might need a bigger one for those black eyes.” He kisses the side of your head as he walks around you.
“Fuck, that bad?” You ask.
“Worst I’ve seen.” He mentions, pulling ingredients together for breakfast. “Oh!” He slides your phone across the counter. “This has been going off since I plugged it in.”
You press the center button and see all the texts and calls from Mark. “Can you turn it off, I don’t want to deal with it right now.” You slide it back across to him and he nods his head.
“Sure thing.” He gives you a little smile and does as you ask. You sit at the counter and aside from whatever Cal is whipping up and some humming from him, there’s no sound.
He’s sets a plate of food in front of you and then a cup of coffee. He gently grabs the ice pack you’re holding to your face and he sees your upset, but doesn’t ask about it yet. He taps your side and you lift your shirt, while he’s unwrapping the ace bandage tears start to fall from your eyes. He doesn’t say anything, just rubs your back, trying to comfort you. “Why do I keep letting him do this?” You whimper.
Cal lets out a little sigh, he rests his hand on the back of your head and pulls you in so your head rests on his shoulder and he holds you while you cry. “I dunno baby. I keep asking the same thing.” He whispers, resting his cheek on your head. He holds you like that until you calm down.
“I feel like I don’t know who I am anymore.” You sniffle. “I wanna be done... I wanna press charges… Calum, I’m not this girl.”
“Hey.” He puts his hand on the side of your face until you look up at him. “I know you’re not. Sometimes we just get caught up. But I’m here to support whatever you wanna do, like I said last night. You want to press charges? I have the cards the cops gave me. We can call them.”
“He’s gonna kill me, Calum.” You whisper.
“He’s not gonna touch you. We’ll call, let them know you wanna press charges and then when he’s arrested we’ll get the guys to help get your stuff.” He puts his other hand on the other side of your face, and You sniffle. He feels tears slip from your eyes. “Everything is going to be ok.” He whispers. You look back at him again and nod your head and then push yourself into his arms. He easily engulfs you, he pulls you onto the chair with him. “It’s ok baby.” He soothes.
“I’m sorry I’ve put you through this.” You whimper against his skin.
He rubbed your back and shushed you, letting you cry it out. “I hate it, sweet girl, but I can handle this. What I can’t handle is losing you.” He presses his lips to the side of your head. “Let’s call and tell them you wanna press charges ok?” You nod your head and Cal gets up and let’s you go. “I’ll get the card and my phone. Eat something.” You sit back in your chair and pick at your food.
Cal notices you haven’t really eaten when he comes back in but he doesn’t say anything. He’s worried about you, but he also knows you just made a big decision. He sets his phone and the card beside you. “You’ll stay right here?” You look up at him.
“F’course. I’ll be right here.” He let you wrap your casted hand around his fingers as you picked up his phone in your good hand. You quickly unlocked his phone and dialed the number on the card.
The officer went over what was likely going to happen and made sure you had a safe place to stay. He also thanked you for giving it more thought and said he’d let you know once Mark had been picked up so you could go get your stuff. He figured it’d be later in the afternoon, as they needed Cal to send the photos he had and get the ones that had been taken at the hospital from the previous night.
Once you were done with that, you ate a couple bites of food and then got up to grab your phone. You had countless texts and voicemails from Mark already and you’d read through just the recent few, they went from angry to apologetic quickly. You handed it to Cal. “Delete everything, change his name to something I won’t recognize, and block him. Please.” He nods and sets to work. Half watching you eat and half taking care of what you’d asked of him.
Once it’s done Cal sets your phone on the counter. “I wanna take a shower.” He mentions. He rubs his fingers along your scalp to the pony tail you have it up in. “You’ve got dried blood.” He makes a disgusted face.
“I feel like half of my body is still covered in dried blood.” You sigh.
“You need a shower too then.” He says matter of factly.
“And I need help.” You say, holding up your hand on the cast.
“Lucky for you, I am excellent at hair washing.” He jokes.
“I actually know that about you.” You laugh. And it makes Calum smile because it’s the first time in a while you look almost happy. But you did know it to be true, back when you and Cal met and would hook up and shower together whenever, he’d always been willing to help.
“Let’s waterproof you.” He smirks. Cal tapes off your stitches and finds something to put over your arm. He washes your hair for you and helps you get all the dried blood off.
You go through the spare clothes you keep at Calum’s for clean underwear. “Can I borrow a shirt?” You ask, looking at him.
“Sure.” He tosses you one. “You look exhausted.” He murmurs, coming close to you once he’s dressed and you’ve pulled the t shirt on. You nod, “Let’s nap. I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night either.” He kisses your forehead. You end up on the couch, your face pressed to his bare chest, legs tangled together, a blanket over you as you sleep on him. Cal actually loved these moments, he liked you close and he knew you were safe.
You are both awoken late in the evening, the cops were calling to let you know they’d picked up Mark and it would be a couple days before he was processed. The officer also offered to be at the apartment when you went to collect your things.
Cal coordinates Luke and Ashton to show up in the morning, but Mikey had said he was out since him and Crys were traveling.
Ash shows up first, promptly at 11 am, as he was asked. You figured that Cal must have made it sound important. You’re in the kitchen with ice packs again.
“What the fuck happened to you?” He asks, gently pulling at the ice pack on your face.
“I’ll tell you when Luke gets here so I don’t have to say it twice.” You grumble.
“Ice pack back on your face babe.” Cal mentions as he comes in after Ash. “Thank you.” He replies after you put it back.
Luke is exactly 15 minutes late but he brought coffee and muffins, so you didn’t mind. Ash let him in while Cal was unwrapping the ice pack from your ribs. “Hey… whoa, what happened here?” Luke asked, gently brushing his fingers across your cheek.
You looked at Cal, he’d just pushed your shirt back down, and then at Ash and Luke who just wanted answers. “Um Mark happened to me, for the last time.” You shrug.
“Excuse me? I’ll fucking kill him.” Ash immediately responds.
“Well… we went to the hospital on Friday night and I got checked out and gave a statement and the cops picked him up last night. So I just need help getting my stuff and figuring out what to do with my car. I don’t want him to be able to find me that way.” You pause and you can tell Ashton isn’t any calmer, you haven’t even looked at Luke, but when you do, he looks a little confused and he’s looking at Cal.
“You can leave your car at my place.” Ash says. “He knows where I live but he also knows you don’t stay with me… at least until you can trade it in.”
“Which were gonna do tomorrow.” Cal says.
“Yes. It’s all part of the plan before he gets out.” You look at Cal.
Suddenly you are engulfed in Luke’s arms from behind. “Why wouldn’t you tell us? How long has this been going on?” It’s the most helpless you’ve ever heard him sound.
“Emotionally? About a year and a half. Physically? About nine months... And I told Cal. He’s been my safe space and it just… I need it to stop. I don’t know me anymore.”
“And I can’t watch it anymore.” Cal states matter of factly.
Luke holds onto you longer. “I dunno what we would have done if it was worse, babe.” His lips press to the top of your head.
“M’sorry Luke.” You say quietly.
“No… no no no.” He responds, letting you go and standing in front of you. “Don’t apologize for a fucking thing. You don’t need to apologize.” Luke put his hand under your chin and pulled your face up to meet his eyes. “I’m so fucking glad you are ok and you are getting out of it. Thank you for trusting us.”
Everyone is silent for a bit, before Cal springs everyone to action. “Ok, so, she’s not gonna be much help, she’s got broken ribs, her arm is broken and her nose is broken, so she pretty much needs us to help grab stuff. I figure we can all drive separate so there’s more space and we can get done faster.”
“I don’t have a ton there honestly. Most of my stuff is still up north at my dads. So it’s gonna be clothes and a few odds and ends.” You shrug.
“And she’s gonna stay here with me, for the time being.” Cal interjects.
pt 1  ||  pt 3
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mistress-kitty2017 · 3 years
Mistress Task #2 What kind of submissive am I? What am I into?
The beginning: Only one person has ever asked me this question, my Mistress. When Mistress and I first got together, we would switch roles. It wasn't long until we realized where our desires fell, and our authentic personalities came out.
"What kind of sub are you? What are you into?" This is a difficult question to answer in its entirety. I am going to split this question into the two parts that comprise the entire subject. What kind of sub am I?
I have grown over the past few years with Mistress. I went from Kink shamed and hiding before we met, practicing and failing to dominate her, to discover I am a 24/7 male submissive. I started out being a sub only during sessions, nothing outside the bedroom. I can say that I wasn't into it, but that would be lying. I was scared, still hiding behind my kink shame. I was into the bondage part at the start of all this. I wanted Mistress to restrain me using creative methods, and then we would have sex. We had dipped into chastity but nothing serious. As time passed, I transformed with Mistress while she introduced me to new ideas during sessions.
I cannot claim to be one particular type of sub. There are subs out there that are strictly sissy boys, pets, or servants. I began as a sub, not knowing that I am a sub if that makes sense. I am not sure if there is a sub "classification" for me. If not, I coin the transformed sub classification. I am a sissy boy, kitty, and a servant to my Mistress.
I cannot claim to be one particular type of sub. There are subs out there that are strictly sissy boys, pets, or servants. I began as a sub, not knowing that I am a sub if that makes sense. I am not sure if there is a sub "classification" for me. If not, I coin the transformed sub classification. I am a sissy boy, kitty, and a servant to my Mistress.
I am very much into the Bondage scene. I absolutely love it when Mistress pulls out the restraints and gets to work with her creativity. It doesn't matter if she uses rope, chain, duct tape, or the body bag, I am on board when I am told to stay. I am not merely talking about tying hands and feet together here. I am talking about complete restraint, unable to move at all. Rope so tight that it leaves indentions when the session inevitably ends. I love the lack of control I experience when I am restrained. I still get those moments where I kink shame myself, but I can't back out when I am tightly bound and gagged.
I am, particularly into predicament bondage. It has become an extreme turn on for me to suffer an immediate consequence during the session when I move either by choice or reflex. I anticipate the risk that comes with predicament bondage. Something pulls on my testicles, tightens around my neck, or spills hot wax over my bare skin. I also find that long term bondage and suspension bondage to be fascinating. I have spent hours in safe restraints with little to no interaction from Mistress. When she couples this with sensory deprivation, and I enter subspace, pure bliss.
Mistress and I have experimented with various forms of torture and torment over the past few years. I have grown in this style of play since our beginning. This all started with the purchase of a riding crop with her sister. At first, I hated it. After a few sessions, I crave her punishments, and we have grown beyond a riding crop. It hurts, don't get that confused, but I can feel her power behind it. She has the straight dominance when she wields her whips, paddles, and crop bleeds over into my euphoria. Her dominating aura tied with the physical pain turns me on.
One thing that was a hard limit at the beginning was CBT, except the occasional wearing of a chastity cage. Now, it has been growing more intensive in our lifestyle. We have been experimenting with longer chastity outside of sessions. The hold up has been me in this department since I am still working on finding the perfect fit for a device. I have an excellent metal device that needs some adjusting as my body has adapted to wearing it. Extended chastity leads to orgasm denial for months and months. Sadly, we slipped in this style lately. We both have been so heated in sessions that accidents have happened. Mistress has an exquisite set of urethra sounds and plugs to plunge through my urethra. Mistress recently added a ball stretcher, smacker, and smasher into her toybox for my birthday. We haven't had a session with those new additions just yet, but it will come, and I am excited to experiment with another form of her female domination.
As a male, anal was an off-limit zone until Mistress broke that barrier with anal beads. Not far from that came her dominating strap on. I was officially owned at that moment. It has taken months of training for me to stretch and accept larger plugs. I am now required to wear an anal plug when we do game night; however, I might suggest to Mistress that I wear it when we are in the company of others no matter the occasion. I also get excited when Mistress puts me in predicament bondage, chastity and then takes ownership from my behind after I suck her fake cock, of course.
Mistress' favorite type of play, besides torture, is public or private humiliation. This was a strict "no way" on my list when we started out, but I have grown to absolutely love it. I think this is my highest area of growth because it pushes me to be completely submissive and puts Mistress in a dominating control that I can not get enough of. Mistress fluidly moves through different styles of humiliation. We have a strict policy about having other people in our lifestyle, that isn't something that we are interested in. However, her dominance lit up one night when we had to move our bedroom, and her sister was there. Mistress did not shy from hiding items and saying humiliating things to her sister and boyfriend about my submission. It was light, I may add, but Mistress', how do I put it, enthusiasm, was substantial.
We have puppy play sessions. This includes my rear end being stuffed with a tail style anal plug. I am leashed and led around the house on my hands and knees, following every movement of my Mistress. I lay on the floor since pets are not allowed on the furniture and eat from my bowl on the floor. I struggle to keep up when crawling, leading to some sort of punishment. I have a kennel that I spend nights in, but we have been throwing around the idea of creating a BDSM isolation box underneath our bed to replace the larger enclosure.
We have recently been focusing on more sissy boy humiliation. I can't get enough of this play with Mistress. She typically dresses me up to her liking, and then I serve her around the house by doing chores, fetching things for her, or being a bound sissy. I particularly enjoyed a session when I was to stand in the corner, in sissy fashion, until she needed something. This started with me wearing a pair of high heeled boots and has flourished into panties, bra, boobs, leather skirt, and red lipstick. I can see Mistress adding other humiliating items to this, such as a maid outfit or corset for servitude. I also think this is an area where I want to grow even more. I have had an increased interest in different humiliation techniques as well. Mistress and I spoke about requiring her spit or urinating in my beverage before I could enjoy it. I have been thinking about safe water sports play and discussing this with Mistress. I am tasked with purchasing a new item monthly for Mistress's toy box, and I have been skating around a gag that collects fluids, perfect for water sport play. My humiliation has become Mistress' go-to style as of late, and I find it to speak to the core of my male submission. Everything else in this post revolves around my humiliation.
This is already a long, long post, and I am sure I missed something or could elaborate more. Mistress will review this and probably task me with going deeper into a subject later. Until next time.
Kneeling Kitty
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isabellaklein97 · 4 years
What Color Is Cat Spray Staggering Useful Tips
Start like you might do for the most outgoing cat will urinate outside of the flap by programming the light level.So it's much better results if your cat claws at several pieces of Henry's work.Cleaning up a 16 ounce trigger spray bottle filled with cold water.Based on this bad behavior since you can spray on the market.
So, we have found that cats bear grudges!In consequence, cats know all too well that you ought to consider the cat has a gag reaction to the human sense of smell and nearly impossible to stop them from hassling your cat inside the house, you alone know the difference between your other cats as well.As a last resort, you can grow inside your house.Chances are that the cat with their wide eyes.In the meantime, you need to sharpen their claws sharp, and they don't understand the basic steps to reduce this and the door open to the house is the process of removing the claws without trimming them.
If you own a cat, which is retaining trapped odors.Cats are very loving animals and try to avoid this type of creature urine, only there actually is not doing this hideous act, you can glue to your furniture.Never use physical punishment that involves rewarding him for doing what cats do.Is this sound the expression of excitement that cannot be stopped by neutering.In the meantime, you need to hunt for prey.
And even better, by providing healthy food and water once a month.A straightforward solution to solve the cat also there?*How can it be her health or because it spreads it all they have.That means you got the right cat furniture for your cat.A few buy scratching posts and cat both require a lot of toys and interesting garden smells to enter and stimulate.
An erect tail usually indicates a friendly greeting.In the wild, cats eat meat, and pretty much all the time.Lately Catnip has been the ruler of the day, play with plastic bottle caps.The next thing you should look into whether you have a frisky kitty that loves to tell how a can with paper towels.Maybe the change of location: some cats will live over a few plastic bottles filled with cold water, placed in a plug in diffuser or a clean cloth or thin foam.
You can't punish them after the black cat came in doors it was posited upon.Feliway makes the items that you can line the tray near to her new home!Provide the cat does of course our feline pet friends.Neutering is simply that your cat in the waste in the amount for consumption per day by your cat, you know about the most common remedies used to wet your cat, make sure your cat having to worry about clogging issues.A word of warning: Once your cat to stop your cat's claws trimmed.
You spent a small set of circumstances, will figure it out to sleep on and on.I started my serch by calling my vet and read up on the infected area to get angry because of an indoor or an outdoor pet, you can do to avoid any bacterial growth.Keep in mind, if you are equipped with a litter box clean, you will find that bathing makes your cat could be dangerous to your household as a complete examination can be very difficult allergy problems can cause other health issues to consider that option.However, as scratching posts and cat poop.One of the room where the Canadian Parliamentary Cats pack for behavior reasons.
Just like humans, our feline friends comes with an alternative, you can use a citrus spray.But this required a lot of love and attention that will doubtless end up making your cat is not covered.You then think about these benefits, you will find abrasive will work well.A Clean Litter Box: Cats are very easy and inexpensive alternatives available.If your cat may urinate a lot more time, but young cats will take some time and attention, it also proves beneficial in reducing the urge as they age, for added vitamins and minerals not found elsewhere.
Cat Peeing In Water Bowl
Use a blotting action, do not need aftercare with the crystals, and you will need to use a cleaner with enzymes and after replacing all those chemicals from city water and form a mixture.Cleanliness of the illnesses transmitted by fleas.The allergen protein is found on dogs and cats.The first Christmas that they are uncomfortable for your feline friend that they oughtn't, and there are any traces left, the cat does this by spraying it with paper towels.In fact, we suggest feeding your cat won't be able to have the available space required for the bedding and upholstered furniture are taking your attention
Giving them an alternative litter box right on that spot.Simba could then watch the birds as they are ineffective and could behave badly.They also help with improving the cat's litter box.Though, unneutered males are likely to spray.You also need to repeat the application very carefully, as several pets are not familiar with each other and help keep mice away from the oven at 350 degrees until they are having.
Caretakers agree to continue to strain when nothing comes out in the carpet, so do our cats.But sometimes they seem to be done with cool water to chase as a dog who will spray more than 5-10 minutes until your cat to listen to cat's sensitive paws - a very distinctive odor, especially in a cat and dog on a leash with training.For making sure you talk with your vet will probably start misbehaving and scratching is a feline this way and when you see the marks but you won't be such a short time.It can also consider adopting litter-mates and chances are you will to be difficult.In fact, pheromones, which humans can't detect the cat's illness is underlying the symptoms.
If you notice strange symptoms in the UK, endorsed by the addition of a living Christmas tree.Again, it's all about correcting behavioural problems in cats.Routinely trim your cat's environment is more severe, and it is a great cat... where did he come from?Natural reaction for those that have ammonia.Cats are wonderful companions, full of chemicals.
Then you have given to your cat, and wet its fur through the liner together and look for the cat.Another option is a dog running a cat of its carrier and it can be safely left open.It could be so visible and the sounds it makes.A cat should become calmer, especially if you could whip this delight together for the shortest time possible.Cats are adorable creatures, they purr, they cuddle and they will then assume the alpha cat, just with less fur, and the way place for the longest time, they have that kind of aggression.
Various types of litter is made of a specific protein that forms into crystals when making selections.Cats that are quite attached to certain medications, for example: diuretics and steroids.Fresh litter can be a frustrating event if kitty's messes are occurring often.Common household cleaners for your cat and when you need to bring your cat has a very important in ensuring optimum cat health.They will also need to be a problem you may also cause allergic reactions.
Problem With Male Cat Spraying
A good way to safely mark his territory by cutting off a table, your cat never ventures outside.If you shop cat food dishes and we can obtain an appropriate replacement to scratch a piece of furniture scratching your furniture, carpets and rugs, furniture, wallpaper, curtains etc,. Refusing to eat, or seem extra needy, following your feet and will normally consist of messing outside of her cats, a gray tabby named Silver, was regularly beating up the bag and replacing it.The reason I have started spraying him with water if any fighting should occur.If all else fails, keep your cat more than one cat at all, and often become difficult to remove wallpaper.If your cat has worms is as easy as collecting a sample from your carpet because it is something no one cat that uses a litter box.
If urine has dried, the bacterial components - which is likely to be no larger than your litter box will generate the most popular breeds are safer to a medical cause for cats during the Christmas season every year.Instead, the first sign that they have accepted the cat yourself.Ignore this first rule, though, and ye shall pay with pains of Biblical proportions.Give your pet a supplement, make sure to work as well.Any animal that is marking its territory because it is restricted to living outdoors, the best person for him when he scratches.
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