#plain text available
rjalker · 2 years
No one:
Cis women:
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[ID: The "wouldn't that make you" penguins meme, with the penguins from the movie Madagascar on a raft, with the leader first leaning forward while speaking suspiciously, then screaming dramatically, with the dialogue edited so it now reads:
"If you're a trans man who wants the equal right to healthcare in regards to pregnancy without having to be misgendered or detransition, wouldn't that make you…A misogynist??!?".
The words "A misogynist" are in all caps and very large font.
End ID.]
Cis women hate trans men so much they'll literally claim to be the victim of misogyny because trans men dare to ask for equal rights in regards to pregnancy and abortion.
The cis woman was literally making the discussion about gender neutral language in regards to pregnancy all about how women need the gender neutral language too, and completely erasing, ignoring, and shouting down all the trans men, nonbinaries, and genderqueers who spoke up. And then with the one trans man she was fucking calling him a misogynist for telling her she's being transmisic, and she claimed that he was making the topic all about how it affects MEN instead of women.
Cis women literally hate trans men so much they'll fucking claim ownership of issues that specifically are created to support trans men, nonbinaries, and genderqueers, and make it all about women, even though women are literally not the ones impacted by the problem at all, because women are the fucking default when discussiong the rights and health of people who can get pregnant.
Cis women shut the absolute fuck up about shit that does not impact you. Stop fucking weaponizing your poor fragile fucking femininity to silence trans men, nonbinaries, and genderqueers when we talk about shit that affects us that you have no fucking stake in.
You do not get to cry "misogyny!" when you enter a discussion that is not about you and make it all about your feelings and shout down all the people for whom the topic is literally life or death.
You are in fact being the fucking misogynist by telling other people who are literally actively being oppressed by misogyny that they need to shut up and stop talking about how it is literally killing them when you try to talk over them.
[Plain text: You do not get to cry "misogyny!" when you enter a discussion that is not about you and make it all about your feelings and shout down all the people for whom the topic is literally life or death. You are in fact being the fucking misogynist by telling other people who are literally actively being oppressed by misogyny that they need to shut up and stop talking about how it is literally killing them when you try to talk over them.]
Being a trans inclusive feminist does not fucking mean you only support trans women and call it a day. It does not mean you fucking tell trans men, nonbinaries, and genderqueers who can get pregnant that they need to shut the fuck up otherwise we're being misogynists when multiple people correct you because you're being a transmisic piece of shit.
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startrekdescribed · 1 year
I have a question about image descriptions. Since tumblr has the alt id function, if I put a description there should I also have a description beneath the post in text? Thank you :)
Hi, Anon!
Yes, it's simply more accessible and benefits everyone. The alt text function has never been reliable, often its inaccessible or unusable.
Pathos-logical did a great write up about why she's still copying descriptions into plain text, if you want to read it here.
As long as it's a plain text description, no fancy fonts, small text, colours. It's accessible and better for everyone.
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1lostsoul0fishbowl · 7 days
Important Update!
Thanks to a very helpful suggestion from @chornayadrakoshig (you’re the best!) - each letter in Since I Found You has now been updated to include a plain text version!
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coquelicoq · 6 months
crying laughing @ this edition of le fantôme de l'opéra that my dad got me for christmas it's just. i don't know how to describe it. every page is a scan of a page of the 1926 edition, with like 1-2 inches of margin around it??? and the letters are so small and the scan is not of very great quality so it's kind of hard to see the words?? interspersed with scans of pictures but some of them are upside down??? there's one page where the scan didn't really work in the upper left corner so it's just totally black???
the back of the book says
Le présent ouvrage s'inscrit dans une politique de conservation patrimoniale des ouvrages de la littérature Française mise en place avec la BNF. HACHETTE LIVRE et la BNF proposent ainsi un catalogue de titres indisponibles, la BNF ayant numérisé ces œuvres et HACHETTE LIVRE les imprimant à la demande.
(my rough translation: This publication is in line with a policy instituted in conjunction with the BNF (National Library of France) for the conservation of important works of French literature. In service of this goal, Hachette Livre and the BNF are offering a catalogue of unavailable titles digitized by the BNF which Hachette Livre will print upon request.)
so like this is on purpose but i have so many questions. first of all why the margins. okay i guess that is my most important question. why not just make the book correspond to the size of the pages in the original? or, if the size of the book is fixed, you could at least size up the images to use as much of that wasted space as possible, no?
i want to say how ridiculous this is and how there's no market for it but there clearly is one because i asked my dad to get it for me! i'm the market!! i told him to buy this edition because it was the only french-language print edition i could find to buy in the us for less than $50 (outside of amazon because fuck amazon). but like, why is that the case? the full text of this book, in plain text which could easily and legibly be printed, is available for free on the internet. why isn't there some publisher who's just printing that out and binding it? seems easier to do than printing scans. not to mention a lot easier to read!!
(to see what i'm talking about, go to the hachette BNF webpage for this book and click on feuilleter to download a sample of the pages in PDF)
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orv-quotes-tournament · 11 months
so Canva (where I am designing the images for the quotes) is down. i'll wait until tomorrow morning to see if the issue is resolved otherwise i'll use some other editing app
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homura-navarro · 2 years
⸻full biography + stats
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elfgrove · 1 year
New Things to Beware on the Internet
On May 3rd, Google released 8 new top-level domains (TLDs) -- these are new values like .com, .org, .biz, domain names. These new TLDs were made available for public registration via any domain registrar on May 10th.
Usually, this should be a cool info, move on with your life and largely ignore it moment.
Except a couple of these new domain names are common file type extensions: ".zip" and ".mov".
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This means typing out a file name could resolve into a link that takes you to one of these new URLs, whether it's in an email, on your tumblr blog post, a tweet, or in file explorer on your desktop.
What was previously plain text could now resolve as link and go to a malicious website where people are expecting to go to a file and therefore download malware without realizing it.
Folk monitoring these new domain registrations are already seeing some clearly malicious actors registering and setting this up. Some are squatting the domain names trying to point out what a bad idea this was. Some already trying to steal your login in credentials and personal info.
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This is what we're seeing only 12 days into the domains being available. Only 5 days being publicly available.
What can you do? For now, be very careful where you type in .zip or .mov, watch what website URLs you're on, don't enable automatic downloads, be very careful when visiting any site on these new domains, and do not type in file names without spaces or other interrupters.
I'm seeing security officers for companies talking about wholesale blocking .zip and .mov domains from within the company's internet, and that's probably wise.
Be cautious out there.
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ralfmaximus · 19 days
Recall is designed to use local AI models to screenshot everything you see or do on your computer and then give you the ability to search and retrieve anything in seconds. There’s even an explorable timeline you can scroll through. Everything in Recall is designed to remain local and private on-device, so no data is used to train Microsoft’s AI models. Despite Microsoft’s promises of a secure and encrypted Recall experience, cybersecurity expert Kevin Beaumont has found that the AI-powered feature has some potential security flaws. Beaumont, who briefly worked at Microsoft in 2020, has been testing out Recall over the past week and discovered that the feature stores data in a database in plain text.
Holy cats, this is way worse than we were told.
Microsoft said that Recall stored its zillions of screenshots in an encrypted database hidden in a system folder. Turns out, they're using SQLite, a free (public domain) database to store unencrypted plain text in the user's home folder. Which is definitely NOT secure.
Further, Microsoft refers to Recall as an optional experience. But it's turned on by default, and turning it off is a chore. They buried it in a control panel setting.
They say certain URLs and websites can be blacklisted from Recall, but only if you're using Microsoft's Edge browser! But don't worry: DRM protected films & music will never get recorded. Ho ho ho.
This whole debacle feels like an Onion article but it's not.
Luckily(?) Recall is currently only available on Windows 11, but I fully expect Microsoft to try and shove this terrible thing onto unsuspecting Win10 users via Update.
Stay tuned...
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midsummernightmemes · 3 months
Reblog if you will NOT roleplay with those under 18.
NOTE TO MINORS: Many of those who reblog this and similar posts are adults who write mature content, which may include sexual content, and as such it is for their legal protection as much as yours that their blogs are age restricted.
[Plain text available under the cut.]
Reblog if you will NOT roleplay with those under 18.
NOTE TO MINORS: Many of those who reblog this and similar posts are adults who write mature content, which may include sexual content, and as such it is for their legal protection as much as yours that their blogs are age restricted.
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catshavenolord · 1 year
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Tired of not having enough frogs for your adventures?
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Wish your frogs were bigger and deadlier?
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Friend, I’ve got just the thing for you.
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The Frog Supertable comes with:
12 original giant frogs ranging from flying to fire-breathing
3 original froggy magic items
2 tables of flavor to spice up the frogs in your game
Alternate versions for CRACK! and Cairn
Art by @evlynmoreau-blog and @whereischaosprincess
Print copies of the Cairn version are now available
You can pick up the plain text of the table for free or a pamphlet version with art for $2 over on my Itch.io page:
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worldlxvlys · 5 months
fwb! nate doe x sturniolo reader
warnings: smut (don’t read if that makes you uncomfortable), p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap ittt), cursing
a/n: this is one of my favoritesss, hope you enjoy :)
based off of these texts, you can read if you want !
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she looked perfect.
standing on the bleachers, cheering me on.
she wore a large grin, clapping her hands excitedly as she watched me score the winning goal.
the crowd was deafening, and the stands were full to the brim. but the only person i care about is her.
she was wearing a plain black t-shirt.
but she’d look so good in my jersey.
i want everyone to know that she’s mine. i want to see my last name on her back.
but i can’t show her off. i can’t let everyone know she’s mine. because everyone can’t know without her brothers knowing.
and that thought makes me sick to my stomach.
everyone here thinks she’s available. if the dude next to her decided he wanted to flirt with her, he could.
yeah, that’s not happening.
as soon as i was able to get to my phone, i texted her.
i’m coming over to you. tell your brothers you don’t feel well.
she glanced up at me, confused, but still nodding her head.
always such a good listener.
she smiled bashfully at that, before turning towards her brothers.
i walked over, as soon as she finished announcing that she didn’t feel well.
“hey if you want i can take her home” i said, looking at her brothers.
“i know you guys were planning on going out to eat, but i’m real tired. i was gonna go home anyway”
nick squinted his eyes at me, like he knew something was off.
matt spoke up, “ i mean, if you want, but i can just bring her home”
“no, it’s all good. i literally have to pass your house anyway” i said, still trying not to be too obvious.
“ok. thanks man” matt said.
“feel better, alright ? we should be home in a few hours” matt said, as he pulled his sister into a hug.
“thanks matt”
once we said our goodbyes, i guided her to my car and started toward her house.
“what was that about nate?”
“well, i can’t mark you up” i placed my hand on her thigh.
“can’t let everyone know that you’re mine”
“but what i can do is make sure that you know. in case there was any confusion”
“you’re mine.”
my hand crept up under her shirt, playing with her nipples.
she gasped out, “shit, nate”
me eyes stayed on the road as i listened to her soft sighs and whines.
“gonna have to remind you” i said, as i pulled into her driveway.
once we entered her house, we immediately went straight to her room.
i pushed her against the door, immediately placing my lips onto hers.
she laced her fingers through my hair, tugging at the roots and pulling a deep groan from me.
she knows exactly what to do to drive me crazy.
she pulled away for a second to pull her shirt over her head.
“so fucking beautiful” i whispered to her, before unclasping her bra.
her perky tits fell out of her bra perfectly.
i gave one of her nipples a squeeze, rolling and flicking it, while taking the other in my mouth.
“holy shit, nate” she moaned as her head fell back.
i grabbed her by the belt loops of her shorts, pulling her closer to me.
i continued to lick and roll my tongue around her nipple, before moving my lips back to hers.
i wrapped my arms around her waist, squeezing her ass, and making her gasp.
i took the opportunity to explore her mouth with my tongue.
she tugged at the bottom of my jersey, giving me an idea.
“take these off” i told her, pulling at the waistband of her shorts.
while she followed my instructions, i pulled my jersey over my head.
“you can’t wear it outside, but you damn sure can wear it in here” i said as i placed it over her head.
it was slightly baggy on her and looked so long it could be a dress.
fuck. she looks so good.
i pulled my pants and boxers down, my dick springing up.
i put my hand in front of her mouth “spit” i said.
she obliged, and i brought my hand down to my dick, pumping myself a few times before bending her over her desk.
i pushed my jersey up her body slightly, exposing her ass.
i pushed her panties to the side and lined myself up with her entrance, pushing in.
“fuckkkk” she moaned as she held onto her desk.
“shit, baby, so tight” i groaned as i held onto her hips, pushing myself further inch by inch.
when i bottomed out, i gave her a minute to adjust to my size.
“y-you can move” she moaned out.
as soon as the words left her mouth, i snapped my hips into hers.
i watched the way her ass jiggled against me as i pounded into her.
“fuck nate!” she screamed as i continued to slam into her.
“you’re mine, baby. don’t fucking forget it. that’s my name on your back. nobody else knows how to make you feel like i do. do they?”
i pulled the fabric of her panties, letting it snap against her skin.
“no! fuck, no, no! only you, nate” she cried out.
something about hearing her cry my name while she wore my number made me go crazy.
i looked down at where our bodies met, “look at how perfectly you take me, baby. you were made for me” she turned her head back, trying to watch my cock slide in and out of her, but wasn’t able to.
she looked back at me instead, giving me those innocent eyes while i fucked her into the desk.
her wetness made my dick glide through her walls quickly, helping me to speed up my pace.
“-SHIT, NATE!” i yelled, as he fucked me into his bed.
my face was smushed into his pillows, my ass up in the air.
“whose number is this, baby ?” his groan was deep and raspy.
the sound of his voice alone made my eyes roll back.
“yours, fuck nate” i moaned quietly into the pillow.
“don’t hold back, baby. nobody’s home, wanna hear you scream my name” and i did just that.
“NATE! NATE, F-FUCKK” i moaned out.
i clenched around him, signaling i was close.
“fuck, baby. i want to see that pretty face when you cum all over me.”
with that he flipped me over, and continued to push his hips into mine.
his eyebrows were furrowed, chain dangling in my face as he continued to thrust into me relentlessly.
my nails dug into his back, leaving red marks in their wake as my head fell back and my toes curled.
“nate! nate- i’m gonna cum!”
“yeah? c’mon baby, cum with me” he whispered into my ear.
we both released together, our juices mixing as he sloppily thrusted into me a few more times before pulling out.
“so, i’m yours ?” i asked, fighting a smile while trying to catch my breath.
“ of course, baby. and i’m yours” he said as he moved the fabric of his jersey over to kiss my shoulder.
hope you liked <333
fwb! nate masterlist
main masterlist
tag list: @lovingsturniolo @lustfulslxt @gwenlore @flowerxbunnie @sturnssx @mattslolita @its-jennarose @sturnspepsi @sophssturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @queen161718 @chrisdevora @cupidsword @nickmillersn1gf @stramboli4life @mattsneezing @chrisstankyleg @sturniolobltch @vib3swithanuk @ciarasturn1 @bethsturn @bernardenjoyer @mbbsgf @soursturniolo @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @ssturniolo @blueeyedbesson @mxqdii @sturniolowhore @rheaakayourname @defnotayonna @urmom2bitch @abbie13sworld @starsturniolo @theyluv-meee @sturns-posts @robins-scoop @freshloveforthefit @imwetforyourmom @rootbeerworshiper @sturnibugz @creamoncreamoncream2 @whos-avi @hearts4chriss
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rjalker · 2 years
I'm still astounded and pissed off so here have a collection.
You are encouraged to save them and just use them as reaction images for jackass bigots.
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[ID: Fourteen versions of the "wouldn't that make you" penguins meme, with the penguins from the movie Madagascar on a raft, with the leader first leaning forward while speaking suspiciously, then screaming dramatically.
The first panel in each meme is different, while the second panels except for the first, which is entirely blank, all shows the penguin screaming dramatically, "A misogynist??!?" in all caps in very large font.
The first has the top section blank, with the bottom shouting, "A misogynist??!"
The rest read, in order:
"But if you're telling me, I, a woman, am being a bigot, wouldn't that make you…a misogynist??!?"
"But if you're not a woman, doesn't that make you…a misogynist??!?"
"If you're a trans man, doesn't that make you…a misogynist??!?"
"If you as a trans man demand equal rights, doesn't that make you…a misogynist??!?"
"But if you're genderqueer, wouldn't that make you…a misogynist??!?"
"But if you literally just exist, wouldn't that make you…a misogynist??!?"
"But if you're trans, wouldn't that make you…a misogynist??!?"
"If you're not a woman, but you can get pregnant, and you want people to stop denying your existance, then doesn't that make you…a misogynist??!?"
"If you're not a woman, but you can get pregnant, and you want equal rights in regards to bodily autonomy and reproductive healthcare, wouldn't that make you…a misogynist??!?"
"If you're a trans man who wants the euql right to healthcare in regards to pregnancy without having to be misgendered or detransition, wouldn't that make you…a misogynist??!?"
"If you're not a woman, because you're a trans man, nonbinary, genderqueer, or something else like that, but you can get pregnant, and thus demand to be included in conversations about the rights of people who can become prepgnant, because being left out of the conversation literally gets people like you killed because they're denied healthcare, wouldn't that make you…a misogynist??!?"
End ID.]
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hoshifighting · 6 months
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Secrets in Ink
Synopsis: Y/N is the author of a saga of adult books, but no one knows her identity, which makes her products sell more and more. Joshua Hong is a big fan of the books written by the author, but little does he know that his co-worker owns the words that make him thirsty.
Word count: 3.4k
Reader! Anonymous author, Joshua Hong! Reader
Warnings: smut, oral (f. and m. receiving), penetrative sex, a slight voyeurism, smacking, dick riding, fingering (f. receiving), begging, both switch, can have some grammatical errors, so I apologize in advance :)
The saga written by Y/N delved into the realms of passion, desire and forbidden love, creating a literary world that resonated with readers seeking an escape from the mundane. With each new release, expectations among fans reached new heights, fueled by the elusive nature of the author's identity.
Unbeknownst to bookworms, one of Y/N's most dedicated fans was Joshua Hong, a diligent worker at a publishing company in Seoul. Joshua's love for Y/N's books went beyond mere admiration; he found solace, excitement, and a connection to his own desires in the pages of tantalizing sagas.
Little did Joshua know that the woman responsible for his literary desires was none other than his own co-worker. Y/N found a job at the publishing house as a text and publishing analyst, carefully hiding her double life as a talented author. Her days were spent at the office, surrounded by colleagues who were oblivious to the fact that their easy-going co-worker was the mastermind behind the salacious stories that captivated the world.
As the popularity of Y/N's books continued to grow, Joshua's fascination with the elusive author deepened. He participated in online forums, attended autograph sessions, and even tried to discover the identity of the author, all to no avail. Y/N reveled in the irony of her situation, watching Joshua from across the office, knowing that the very person he wanted to discover was hiding in plain sight.
The tension between the secret author and her unwitting fan reached new heights when Y/N's latest release set the literary world on fire. Joshua, enraptured by the narrative, unknowingly sat mere tables away from the woman who wrote the words that fueled his fantasies.
Today was another end of the day where your work friends got together to take a break since the week was long enough. And the chosen destination was a bar that sold fried pork. Y/N was already thinking about the smell of her hair and clothes at the end of the night, while her coworkers commented on the huge success of the books published last Monday.
“They contacted the author today via e-mail, she was so nice! I can imagine the day she will appear at the company…” Eunji said dreamy to Y/N, who was already drinking her beer.
“Honestly, I never thought we would sell books like this.” Seungkwan said with a hand on his chest “It’s the best seller in years! Every day I want to kneel and thank god the the writer chosen our company, I love the fat salary in my account!” 
“Facts! And one day I will be just like Y/N” Eunji breaks Y/N out of her trance as she rests her glass on the table, choking a little on her beer. “Me? Whyyy?” “You arrive on the company at 8a.m in a whole BMW and you think we wouldn’t notice?” 
The woman smiles awkwardly and turn the pork belly on the little grill on your front “It was only thanks to my savings okay? Imagine how much that author must earn” 
“Woah to have her bank account!” 
“Imagine have a night with her! If she writes so well about it, then she must be a demon in bed” The girl by her side says and she couldn’t help but laugh sincerely. That was the part that Y/N love the most, the expectation of people about the writer’s life again.
“But honestly! Her books are so good, that's why it sells so much.” Joshua affirms. 
Y/N gives him a curious glare “Oh! So you like her books?” 
“Of course I do, the writing it’s so captivating, I could read all day long, without any problems” He rise his shoulders.
“Woah! Joshua reading those type of books? Oh! He is so romantic!” Seungkwan sulk at him punching his arm, while Joshua rolls his eyes. “Y’all should read the best seller of your company” Joshua argues.
After a long day of work, here was the part of the end of the day that Joshua was most looking forward to, as he settled into the comfort of his dimly lit room, the soft glow of the bedside lamp casting a warm tone across the pages, he eagerly dove into the latest release from your favourite anonymous author. The words unfolded like a well-choreographed dance, each sentence leaving him intrigued with what was to come in the narrative.
His eyes scanned the paragraphs, savoring the clever sentences and subtle nuances that made this mysterious writer truly exceptional. Anticipation rose within him, excitement akin to a child unwrapping a long-awaited gift.
The room seemed to come to life with the magic written on the thin pages, and Joshua found himself with his hand under his sweatpants during the heated dialogue and sighing at the intriguing plot twists. The anonymous writer had a way of infusing every line with an exciting energy that left him totally horny. Impatient, he takes off his own clothes from his already sweaty body. Again flipping another page of the book, masturbating his cock as he holds his bottom lip between his teeth. “Ah! Fuck” 
Joshua found himself breathing shakily, while his hand worked harder on his hard cock, the muscles of his arms moved together with his hand, and the room is already filled with the moans that leave from his mouth. It doesn’t take long for Joshua cum in his abdomen holding tight the base of his cock with your head thrown back. He laid the book on this bedside table closing his eyes groaning before going to the bathroom.
Y/N, however, was not content with mere anonymity. She longed to unravel the carefully constructed façade of her fan, Joshua. Calculating her every move, she orchestrated a plan to reveal her true identity to him in the most unexpected way.
One day, as fate would have it, Joshua was called to Y/N's apartment to fix a supposed computer glitch since she was in her home office that particular day. Y/N meticulously organized the situation, ensuring that he would discover the truth amidst her literary kingdom. When Joshua arrived at Y/N's apartment, anticipation hung in the air like a charged melody. 
The door opened, revealing Y/N standing before him, a sight of fascination. She greeted him with a inviting smile, wearing a sheer white shirt that offered a teasing glimpse of delicate lingerie underneath. Black pants clung to her waist, accentuating curves that, until then, only existed in his realm of imagination. The smell of her home, as well as her literary world, enveloped him – sweet, intoxicating, and inviting. The well-decorated space spoke volumes about the woman behind the words, a place where fantasies and realities converged perfectly.
Joshua, mesmerized by the scene before him, felt a sense of comfort in the atmosphere she had arranged. He waited patiently, his eyes taking in every nuance of the moment. Y/N, his sweet and kind co-worker, made a subtle but deliberate sign, inviting him to her office. With a tilt of her head and a shy smile, Y/N called Joshua into her office. The room, an extension of her creativity, welcomed him with warm tones and the soft glow of ambient lighting. The air was buzzing with a shared secret, and when Joshua entered the space where he barely knew the words that fueled his desires were crafted, he couldn't help but feel a shiver of anticipation.
As he delved deeper into the intricacies of her computer, the air grew thicker with expectation. As Joshua stepped into Y/N's home office, surrounded by filled with books and the subtle shelves aroma of new pages of paper, he went to work on his computer, unaware that the very secrets he sought were hidden in the files he was about to explore.
Smiling, she watched as Joshua stumbled upon a hidden folder containing the manuscripts of his beloved saga. Shock and realization danced across his face, the lines between fiction and reality blurring in a heady revelation. Y/N's secret was revealed before him, and he was caught in the tempting web she spun. The air crackled with tension as Joshua turned to Y/N, his eyes reflecting a mixture of amazement and desire. Her, the architect of the situation, revealed herself with a mischievous glow, her true identity no longer confined to the pages of her books.
In that intense moment, Y/N and Joshua found themselves at the intersection of fantasy and reality. The words that fueled Joshua's desires were no longer the creation of an elusive author, but the passionate reflections of a co-worker who skillfully orchestrated the revelation. As Y/N and Joshua stood enveloped in the charged atmosphere of her office, the unspoken tension between them reached its peak. The revelation had set the stage, and the air seemed to hum with a shared desire that transcended the boundaries of fiction. Y/N closed the distance between them. Joshua, captivated by the allure of the moment, met her halfway. Their lips touched in a kiss that held the weight of a collision of worlds where the line between fiction and reality continued to blur.
The kiss lingered, a moment suspended in time, before Y/N pulled away with a subtle smile. Without breaking eye contact, she took Joshua's hand, leading him out of the office and into her room. The journey through her creatively adorned space was a sensory experience—books whispering stories from shelves, the subtle aroma of scented candles filling the air, and the glow of ambient lighting casting a warm hue. Every step felt like a deliberate move in the narrative they were weaving together. As they reached the doorway of her main bedroom, Y/N turned to Joshua, her gaze a reflection of the desires that had long been confined to the pages of her books. With a silent invitation, she opened the door, revealing a space that mirrored the intimacy and allure of the stories she crafted. They found themselves on the threshold of a new chapter. The bed, adorned with soft sheets and plush pillows, beckoned them into a realm where the boundaries between author and reader, fantasy and reality, continued to blur.
As they entered the room, the door closed behind them, sealing the narrative of Y/N and Joshua in the privacy of her creatively curated sanctuary. The story that had unfolded from the depths of Y/N's imagination now transitioned into a shared experience, a continuation of the tantalizing saga that had brought them to this moment of connection and desire. Y/N intertwined her fingers in Joshua's brown locks, as he caressed their tongues together. 
Joshua, now acutely aware that his hot co-worker was none other than his favorite writer, felt a surge of heat coursing through him, the realization that Y/N, the woman he had worked alongside in the office, was the mastermind behind the steamy tales that had fueled his fantasies, intensified the charged atmosphere. The lines between admiration and desire, professional and personal, blurred into a landscape where the boundaries were defined by the shared heartbeat of two individuals drawn together by the allure of the unknown.
He laid her back on the wall, pressing your bodies together, she could feel his cock hard against her crotch while her hands ruined trough his layers of clothes, pulling your sweater in a single upward movement, he helps her, removing his shirt looking at her teasingly. She starts so open every single button from her transparent shirt, painfully slow. Joshua with the greatest delicacy tried to unbutton them quickly.
“Calm down Joshua I won’t run away from you…” She smiles, kissing his neck, and then licking a stripe with her hot tongue, feeling his skin shiver. “I should take time with my favourite reader, shouldn’t I?” He moans pressing his forehead on her shoulder, while he removes her belt of her silk pants. “You know what? I loved to see your name on my e-mails, giving me a whole feedback about my books… Or when you gone to the book events to get a single autograph, and to try to find out who wrote the dirty words you loved so much. You couldn't imagine that I would reveal myself like this, could you?” 
At this point, their clothes were lying on the bedroom floor, allowing Joshua to play with the thin fabric of her lace lingerie, moving their bodies to her bed. He climbed on top of her, kissing her neck, and played with his teeth, with the thin gold chain that adorned her neck. He rubs his clothed dick, on her covered pussy, eliciting groans from both of them. “Who would have thought that you, all quiet in your corner, would write all these bold books? I would never imagine that you had this naughty mind” He rubs again, making her lips open with a silent sound. 
"Since you've got that wild imagination of yours... If I were one of your characters, what would you do with me here, and now, hm?” Caught off guard by Joshua's unexpected question, she closes her eyes, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. As she imagined the scenario he proposed, a subtle bite on her lip betrayed the depth of her thoughts. When she opened her eyes, a seductive look met Joshua's gaze, and she responded to him by looking him in the eyes. "I'd tie you to this bed, and ride your cock until you begged for more. Or I'd let you fuck me on the balcony, showing all my neighbors how well you fuck your favorite author…” 
She says with so much naturalness, that now it took Joshua by surprise — he even tries to act natural, but his flushed cheeks give him away how aroused he was — she can notice that he is now sinking his fingers into the flesh of her body “You are so surprising, what do I do with you?" he sulks clicking his tongue. 
Y/N hugs her legs around Joshua's waist and grabs his neck, flipping him, so she can sit on his lap “You know what? You'd rock as a character in my next book, but before that, I wanna get a feel of you." Joshua's eyes shine with the answer given to him, but she didn't give him time to think, she was already in between his legs lowering the waistband of his black boxers, his dick jumps, and lays on his stomach. She holds his cock, licking the base, while the angry tip asked for attention. Her finger press his slit, spreading the precum that shone with the room's lighting. His body trembling with the teasing.
Joshua blinked, and when he saw it, his dick was already inside of her mouth, she bob her head on his dick, and he cover his face with both of his hands whimpering in pleasure, he laughs, brushing his hair back with his hands “Oh my God, you’re doing so good for me baby… Ah” he looks at her, holding her hair to go deeper, and she goes, even deeper than he expected, his eyes widen and he arch his back “fuck I’ll cum” he cries, looking at you almost closing his eyes.
“No you won’t!” She drop his dick on his stomach again. 
Joshua gets up, looking at her with pleasing eyes “Why?” “I don’t think you are my loyal reader. Never let them cum so easy, you know that, don’t you?” “Yes, you right.” He gets up again, walking through her room and opening the curtains of her window, revealing, the lights from the city in the night. He turns off all of the lighting, and put a chair in front of the big and vertical window, while she watches him curiously. With strong arms around her, he gets her out of bed, placing her sat on the chair. “What are you doing?” he rips her lingerie from her body, and she open her mouth “Shh! Quiet” 
She opens her legs for him, giving at him a full view from her pussy, dripping already. The lighting was very low, — so people couldn’t see them properly from their windows, or from the street — but she still could see the shameless white smile on his face, before licking a teasing strip on her pussy looking at her eyes. Y/N curl her toes at the sight, the wet and hot tongue, making a mess on her pussy “Fuck, you look so good like this…” he says, and her hand holds his hair, pushing him to eat her out again, he smiles and groan sending vibrations to her clit. 
Joshua holds her legs open, feeling her tights tremble on his hands, while her pornographyc moans fulfilled the room, she was on the edge for the second time, but Joshua wouldn’t let her cum yet. “Why you’re so mean?! I’ll ride you until you cry! Ah!” she threatened angrily at Joshua's long teasing.
He stops and look at her, pushing two fingers inside of her, making her eyes roll at the back of her head “Yeah? And what else are you going to do? Will you be able to do it?” he scoffs looking at her. She’s a trembling mess, and your pussy was already dripping on the chair. 
“I-I will-“ She screams when he curls his fingers inside of her, feeling her eyes kick out the tears from the sides of her eyes.
“Aw babe can’t even speak…” he sulks at her moving his fingers fast enough so she can feel the knot on her stomach again, and he can feel her pussy tighten around his fingers, so he stops again, licking his fingers. 
She open her eyes, and give him an angry glare, she wasn’t kidding anymore. So she gets up, holding his arm, guiding him to sit on the chair angrily. He looks at her a little anxious “So quiet, out of nowhere? Hm?” She laughs at him. 
Y/N holds the base of his dick firmly making him jump, Joshua could only feel her tight, wet and warm walls hugging his dick, before his vision gets white. She slammed her hips on him, and the boy moan loud throwing his head back. Her hand hold his jaw firmly, so he looks at her. He needs to hold the urge to roll his eyes, so he can keep the eye contact with her with furrowed eyebrows. Y/N starts to roll her hips at him, masturbating her clit, so he can fells her pussy tightening even more. Shivers are sent to Joshua’s body. “So good, so good, so good…” 
Joshua takes her hand out of herself, and starts to rub her clit fast, slapping her on the ass. She groans, pulling his hair, and rolling her hips furiously, he looks at her like he was asking for mercy, both of them couldn’t stop their moans to leave their mouths. “Please don’t stop, please don’t stop babe, I’m al-most t-there, I swear! Please! Please?” He asks and her mouth opens in an “O” and he nods at her as a stimulation to cum, then she screams his name, creaming his cock, riding her orgasm, looking at him, to see if he was near because her legs wouldn't last long. He kisses her messy, moaning, and he tries to kiss her until his moans stop him, the orgasm washed over him rolling his eyes, moaning loud enough that his ears rings after. 
She lays on his shoulder, and he hold her waist tight to him. Y/N looks at him with a tired smile “We should get some sleep, we have to wake up early tomorrow…”
As Joshua and Y/N strolled into the office, a shared secret lingering between them, the evidence of their night together evident in the shared smiles that adorned their faces. The knowledge of Y/N's true identity only fueled Joshua's excitement, and he couldn't help but wear a constant grin as he replayed the events of the previous night in his mind.
Seungkwan, the unsuspecting colleague, announced with enthusiasm, "Hey, did you hear? The mysterious author wants to drop a new smut next month!" Joshua's eyes met Y/N's, and she responded with a playful wink, a silent acknowledgment of their intimate connection.
The office banter continued, but in that moment, amidst the hum of activity, Joshua and Y/N shared a secret that transcended the ordinary workday. The thrill of their clandestine affair and the anticipation of the upcoming literary release painted the day with an aura of shared mischief and unspoken desires.
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crippleprophet · 3 months
i don’t understand how people can be so fucking cruel about people who can’t read much (including people who aren’t literate, though this post is from my experience with chronic illness). like, one of my main motivations behind posting excerpts of butch+femme writing on my main (@campgender ; it’s fine to go through my bookshelf tag but please only followers age 18+ on that blog!) is that it is fucking hard to read a full book!!
my reading comprehension & stamina decreased drastically when i developed ME, & while i’m overjoyed that i’ve recently regained a lot of that particular ability since getting blackout curtains, there are absolutely still texts i can’t even begin to parse that i once would’ve loved digging into — texts that it would be actively dangerous for me to attempt to struggle through because it would break pacing.
idk i’m not trying to be self-congratulatory here or whatever but like. the second i could access information through this means again, the focus of my (very fucking limited!!) energy has been giving it back to my people. my life has been unquestionably, deeply shaped by tumblr users who share excerpts of theory & memoir & poetry because they were providing labor of which i was in need & incapable.
finding, selecting, transcribing, formatting, & at times contextualizing passages takes a lot of fucking time & energy, but in order for me to encounter certain concepts, experiences, & histories, it’s work somebody else had to do, because i couldn’t read 200 pages of research or anthology in order to encounter the 10 that would change my life — but posted 2 or 3 pages at a time, i could save that in my drafts to get through on a good day, & quotes that were only a couple lines i could usually read right when i encountered them.
so, in memory of the years i spent unable to access theory through anything other than excerpts & secondhand summaries,
and in anticipation of the years to come where i will live the same,
and in acceptance that the brain is a muscle, in love of we the exercise-intolerant,
to you, dear reader — whatever form & frequency & duration that reading may take, even if it’s no further than this post — i make my motherfucking covenant: the issues i discuss around pulling quotes will be about the political act of the ellipse and the ethics of transcription, not shaming people for the methods of accessing information that are available to them. as often & as long as i am able, people can ask me to explain something or summarize in plain language and i will meet them with respect, interest, & effort. if someone’s looking for information on a particular topic, identity, experience & doesn’t have the energy to find it, i’m gonna give what i have towards filtering through the bullshit for the gems.
according to our abilities. according to our needs.
and the next time somebody tells you it’s not ableist to say everyone has to read [whatever work], tell them to go put their precious ability to better use in making it more accessible.
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isa-ah · 1 month
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Doodles for eSims!
send me proof of a donated eSim and cash in a doodle! available only for a couple hours today, so dm me asap!
plain text eSim instructions:
purchase a nomad middle east eSim
discount code: “NOMADCNG”
donate to the email; “[email protected]
send me proof of the exchange and who you’d like me to doodle!
and here are the different tiers of eSims available for easy reference:
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Remedy Epolouge
Pairing: Surgeon! Aemond Targaryen x fem! reader
Warning: mention of surgery, childbirth, fluff, Aemond's control issues
Summary: Even after a year of marriage, he was still a control freak.
Aemond got out of a 10-hour surgery, exhausted but happy with his work. The patient was stable and on their way to recovery.
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Remedy Masterlist
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He helped clean up the OR. A ritual he adopted in his resident years. It brought him peace. Like he was cleaning his mind. His phone dinged, indicating someone sent a text. During the operation, it had been unmuted. Everyone in the room knew that if his wife’s caller ID appeared on the screen, he would run to the maternity wing. But it did not happen. Which made Aemond’s anxiety increase. You were due any day now.
Ever since you reached the end of her pregnancy, he sat on pins and needles. He terrorised the nurse station daily to ask if the room he had booked for the arrival of his first kid was still available. They would nod, ensuring it was still free. Whenever the nurses of the maternity wing saw him coming their way, they just rolled their eyes. It became a habit to play rock, paper, and scissors for those who had to deal with him.
His overbearing nature got the best of him when you were over your estimated due date. He wanted to drive to the hospital and induce your labour. Talking gibberish while gathering your hospital bag and the car keys. It was the first and only time you ever slapped him. Hard. The look on his face was equal parts priceless but also heartbreaking. You loved him, you did. But he was overbearing and the constant worry got you out of the calm zone you had entered in your last pregnancy month. In plain words, you didn’t give a shit. If the baby needed more time, so be it. You were late to most of your things too. Your baby would inherit your tardiness to the annoyance of Aemond.
After finishing cleaning he walked out to the sight of a nurse who he had seen often. She stood right outside the operation room, smiling nervously at him. Shifting from one foot to the other. He didn’t need a psychology degree to know she was beyond nervous. „Hey, Aemond. First off, it was your wife. She told me to say you should not yell at me. It was her decision not to call. She is now in labour. Her contractions set in about an hour ago, but her water has not yet broken.“
His good eye seemed to pierce through the nurse. His anger simmering. They had a deal. She would call, and he would run. He took a deep breath in to get his anger to settle. Same breathing technique as the one you would use right now to reduce pain.
He nodded softly. „She is in the room?“ The nurse nodded. Aemond didn’t wait, he began to sprint through the hospital. Past numerous hospital staff and patients. Watching out not to crash into them. He didn’t care about any strange looks he got, his wife was in labour.
As he ran past the nurse station of the surgeon department he stopped for a short while. „Cancel all my other appointments, she is in labour.“
As fast as he came, as fast he was gone. The nurses looked after him, raising their brows and shrugging their shoulders. They had done that an hour ago. The operations were redirected to other surgeons and meetings were postponed. News spread fast in this hospital, especially the news of a doctor’s child being born.
Aemond crashed into the doorpost before he hastily made his way into the room. His breathing was ragged and his clothes were in disarray.
You were walking around the room, setting up your stuff while breathing like you learned in the baby classes. You held up the grey baby blanket with the bees embroidered on it. Smiling to yourself as you would hold your little one in it in a few hours. You felt like you smoked a joint as you walked around the room. But you didn’t take anything and the nurses hadn’t offered anything other than the question about an epidural, you declined.
Aemond walked in, sweat dripping down his face as he took you in. He could see who the laid-back parent would be, letting their kid eat dirt and who would be the helicopter parent.
„Are you alright?“ „How was the surgery? Everything went well?“ „Yes, the patient lives. How are you?“ He impatiently asked. His breath was short and ragged. His eyes were wide with panic.
You turned your gaze to him and smiled. „I am fine. The contractions are still half an hour apart. My next one should be in ten minutes. I stopped eating before you went to work. And I eat ice chips to stay hydrated. Is that all you need, doc?“ You smiled at him with an amused little smile.
Aemond rolled his eyes. You got so used to him going into doctor mode the last nine months. You knew what to say to each of his subtle questions. „Thank you, my darling.“ He whispered before kissing your forehead. „Baby in the right position?“ You nodded again. „They are. It feels like I have to pee constantly but it’s not the case.“
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Malaenys Targaryen was born at three past five in the afternoon. She weighed 2580 grams and was 45 centimetres. She came into the world with a shrill cry. Her limps kicked at the nurses until she was swaddled into her bee blanket and put into Aemond’s arms.
Aemond had never been more in love and at the same time so scared of his wife as when she gave birth. He had nearly delivered their daughter himself if you didn’t yank him back to your side and threatened to send him home instead of letting him stay overnight with them if he didn’t calm down already and let the doctors, who had a lot of experience in this field, do their job. You looked so calm when you threatened him. The threatening smile at the end slightly aroused him.
As you slept, Aemond sat on the bed sofa, holding his sweet little girl in his arms. Watching her eyes move behind her eyelids. Her pale silver eyelashes framed her little periwinkle eyes hidden by her lids. A tuft of silver-white hair covered her little head. Her chubby cheeks pressed into his chest as she lay on him.
He caressed her back softly. Her breathing was small. Sometimes little grunts left her lips. Aemond chuckled at how cute they sounded. The anxiety and panic he felt were gone.
He never knew he could fall in love so hard and fast as he fell for you and now your daughter. He will not be an easy father, he hoped Malaenys wouldn’t be a handful during puberty, and he knew he would be an absolute pain in the ass for every single teacher of his precious little girl. But he knew he had you at his side. He knew he could make a great father as long as you were around.
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