#planes sociales
adribosch-fan · 3 months
El camino socialista a la destrucción en medio de supuestas buenas intenciones
Algunos políticos son muy conscientes de que cualquier fracaso posterior a sus promesas será pasado por alto o perdonado a la luz de sus buenas intenciones  por Instituto Mises “El socialismo no es en absoluto lo que pretende ser. No es el pionero de un mundo mejor y más bello, sino el destructor de lo que miles de años de civilización han creado”, asegura Ludwig von Mises. (Archivo) Cuando…
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informativoar · 1 month
Sin los planes sociales 1 de cada 4 argentinos habría caído en situación de indigencia, según una consultora
La pobreza y la indigencia han alcanzado niveles alarmantes. Durante el primer trimestre de 2024 se vivió un escenario político y económico complejo por la devaluación y el ajuste que llevó adelante el gobierno de Milei. Estas políticas agudizaron la crisis que ya se veía venir e impulsaron las tasas de pobreza e indigencia a niveles alarmantes. Si bien las transferencias monetarias y los…
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ttimekeepsrollingby · 9 months
Milei como alumno de Macri
Desfachatados, incorporando la tecnología mafiosa de la extorsión a la vista de todos, el gobierno de Milei aprieta a los necesitados para que no ejerzan sus derechos. Sandra Petovello detalló la política social del gobierno: «El que marcha no cobra» La ministra de Capital Humano no anunció mejoras en la asistencia social luego de la fuerte devaluación e insistió con amenazar y estigmatizar a las…
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diarioelcentinela · 2 years
El Gobierno nacional anunció un decreto para vincular planes sociales con empleo genuino
El Gobierno nacional anunció un decreto para vincular planes sociales con empleo genuino
Foto: Prensa El Gobierno nacional anunció un decreto para avanzar en el proceso de vinculación de planes sociales con empleo genuino, informaron fuentes oficiales. De esta manera, a partir de su entrada en vigencia, no se otorgarán nuevas altas en los programas Potenciar Trabajo, Potenciar Inclusión Joven, Nexo y Plus Esencial. En su lugar, las transferencias previstas serán destinadas a las…
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cupiidzbow · 6 months
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we’re autism4autism have i ever mentioned that
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the-physicality · 24 days
thinking this labor day about all the athletes in women's sports who didn't have a stable league, who were only making decent money from a spot on their national team, who had to fight to get even a fraction of what they deserve. who spent their prime without a club league or the infrastructure to propel the sport. who came of age after title 9 in the usa [forcing schools to fund women/girls’ sports], the ones who fought for cbas and are only seeing big change at the end of their careers or after their careers concluded. who didn't have the media attention before, but are now showing just how much they can sell out stadiums and arenas. the players who played year round because overseas teams paid athletes what they were worth. athletes who endured and reported harassment but the league never took appropriate action. athletes who never had the media attention or ability to monetize their talent but who had careers that were just as impressive as the stars of today. who did it without the help of the science, technology, and medicine we have today. who set records with less support and fewer games in a season, which will be broken by kids who have had personal trainers since high school. athletes who played great games that are no long available to view, their talent no longer archived and accessible for young or new fans. athletes who still don't have a league or are just getting one in 2024. athletes who took it upon themselves to create change for which they will never reap the full rewards.
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bensect · 4 months
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more than i was built for
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nymphia-wind · 6 months
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Donnie is more outgoing than we give him credit.
I'm so soft for any and all shy, socially awkward Donatello headcanons.
But to me, Bayverse Donnie doesn't seem like the type to be shy? Awkward, yes, but he's like, second to Mikey when being outgoing.
Like how he talked when he hacked April's computer. Or when both Mikey and Donnie were excited to talk about the Lair while April was blindfolded.
Donnie is the one who has April's phone # and is the one she goes to if she needs stuff.
Donnie annoys Raph for fun, leads chants, throws baseballs around, does whatever the fuck that head whip was when Mikey introduced him, lmfao.
And he's just as athletic! He plays sports, and he kicks ass all the time in the movies. But he's definitely written as a complete dork about it, lol
Idk like a lot of stuff.
He's definitely awkward, but he's so fucking sweet and expressive and April and Donnie definitely had crime buddy energy going on in the second movie.
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geothebio · 1 year
me and my mom agreeing that we both have undiagnosed autism
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curiositysavesthecat · 3 months
*This poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. If you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post).
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cavennmalore · 6 months
question. if empaths take on the emotions of the person they’re reading and the sencens have incredibly strong abilities where they can feel strong emotions without touch, does that mean keefe and cassius are feeding off each others emotions when they fight? like cassius gets mad so keefe gets mad so cassius gets madder etc.?
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moderndayamymarch · 29 days
i’m not sure where this idea that dumbledore is the reason tom riddle became wizard hitler came from but i don’t buy it. i know the cool kid thing to do is blame dumbledore for every bad thing that happens in those books, but dumbledore isn’t the reason riddle was like that™️.
by the time dumbledore first meets riddle- he’s already traumatized those two kids in the cave so badly that they’ll never recover, killed some girl’s rabbit and hanged it from the rafters, and is a klepto. the kid literally meets the all childhood behavior indicators of a serial killer.
dumbledore in the meeting with riddle only displays concern for riddle and the other childrens’ well-being. he offers to help riddle and tells riddle that stealing/intimidating other students isn’t permitted at hogwarts. and he’s valid for pointing that out!! riddle admits to intimidating/stealing from the other kids. that’s something dumbledore kinda can’t let slide.
ppl cite dumbledore making a snide comment to harry about riddle wanting to be special as evidence he was out to get tom. current dumbledore made that comment as the result of knowing who tom riddle became. past dumbledore only vows to keep a close eye on him. present dumbledore even says he had no idea he’d just met wizard hitler. and past dumbledore’s not wrong for keeping an eye on riddle. also that’s common practice in the education system. when a child is noted to have behavioral issues (esp when those behaviors concern other students), admin will have a school counselor keep an eye on them or assign them a para. dumbledore also obv didn’t turn anyone against tom. everyone else loved him! so dumbledore’s watchful eye obv didn’t impact riddle’s school career really at all. all of the teachers believed he was a good role model student and he was even named head boy.
also even if, a teacher not liking or trusting you does not mean you get to become a neo-nazi. harry put up with snape’s bs and it didn’t lead to him declaring himself a “lord” and splitting his soul into pieces.
it was also the 1940s/30s and muggles did not have the psychological abilities/knowledge that we do today. wizards 1000% didn’t. if he’d been sent to a psychiatrist then, they just would’ve said some freudian bs about his mother and not actually helped with his problem of lack of empathy/guilt
the reason that riddle’s like that™️ is actually pretty understandable and makes sense psychologically. we know now (and actually by the 50s) that children who are starved of physical contact/emotional connection/and stability in early childhood can struggle to develop empathy, feel guilt, form connections, and that can lead to deviant immoral behavior. riddle grew up in an orphanage in the 40s during wwii with no familial connection. having abilities would make him feel “special” and better than the other orphans bc his abilities are the only thing he has going for him. add that to the above issues, and you’ve got someone that would abuse their powers for their own gain, especially to feel “special”. like tbh riddle’s prob not that different psychologically to like charles manson or jim jones (which is peak irony that a therapist in the muggle world could actually easily be able to explain his psyche while the wizarding world struggles)
my final point is this: dumbledore, while extremely flawed, isn’t the reason tom riddle became voldemort. if anything, slughorn and the old headmaster drove him to that end through their enabling far more than dumbledore did by keeping an eye on him. we even saw in riddle’s diary that “keeping an eye on him” consisted of dumbledore basically asking tom “you good?” when seeing him in the corridor. a behavior that reminds harry of dumbledore’s own interactions with him. and yeah eventually dumbledore called riddle out and was like “i heard you’re a fascist now” but that was after riddle had killed his own father, set a giant snake loose in the school, started calling himself “lord voldemort”, and started the wizard hitler youth
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unopenablebox · 14 days
gf acquired
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5+1 headcanons 👀
tagged by the glorious @romirola for a dose of headcanon this evening - i'm very happy to oblige! as always you may consider this an open tag from me if you'd like to join in on the fun, and we'll do a few no-pressure tags too: @zozo-01 @halscafe @autisticempathydaemon @thicchaco @mr-laveau @penncilkid mind if i pick your brain for a bit?? 💕💕
rules: share 5 redactedverse headcanons you hold, plus 1 headcanon you're still working on!
hcs under the cut!
william and vincent may not actually be biologically related [EDITOR: insert ‘blood relatives’ joke here], but they look similar enough that people often think they are.
this is not so much a headcanon as just my refusal to accept canon, but gavin coalesced LONG before 1990 - it was actually somewhere around the mid-1700s, although he only chose the name ‘gavin’ for himself in approximately the mid-1900s, not long after the end of WW2.
gavin and vincent are very good friends - they get on extremely well, and the double dates with freelancer and lovely are legendary, for several reasons.
the prime and imperium universe are not entirely separate from each other - sometimes, they bleed into each other without anybody really realising. it’s nothing too serious - a strange feeling of deja vu, or a weird dream, or a turn of phrase that just feels… right.
as beings of emotion, demons don’t naturally express themselves physically, making facial expressions and body language very difficult for them to both interpret and perform accurately without a lot of practice. because they aren’t designed to have physical bodies, they lack an innate sense of outwardly expressing and responding to emotional stimuli.
(well, +1) gavin might never admit it out loud, but he secretly daydreams a lot about being able to transform freelancer into a demon like him. even though he knows it’s never been done before, and may not even be possible, he doesn’t ever want to be apart from them and he wants so much more time with them than their human lifespan could allow.
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nymphia-wind · 6 months
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