#planet of the apes oc
cj-k · 4 months
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Intelligent boy, ape? Yayoooo
le gusta coleccionar cosas de cada tribu que visita
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monstatron · 4 months
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my silly lady, chainsaw. she is very normal :) still working on her lore but all you gotta know is she’s actually friendly and u can toootally trust her
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pink-writer-girl · 3 months
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Did an art trade with @the-witchs-posts they drew my OC Iris and Luca and the slow bond they began to form :) I love the art so much 😻 they drew Iris so good and did the details of her scars so accurate
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wendigoruble · 4 months
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I drew a couple of @lunasdestiny 's ocs with my oc, Oron!
Very fun to draw, good designs 👌
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liminalsspace · 3 months
Planet of the apes fandom
I really need to make more friends in this fandom hahaha, like a little server or group chat to where we all just talk about random things around the series.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 3 months
No following; Planet of the Apes fanfic Chap. 1
*Author's note*
Okay so we're gonna try something new here tumblr. Ever since I saw the new Planet of the apes film a month ago I got interested in the fandom once again but never thought anyone wrote fics for the fandom. After reading some on FF.net as well as here, it got me wanting to write a series while I'm on a writer's block for my current series. And thus this series was born.
This entire series will encompass the Andy Serkis trilogy and will be a Caesar fic. But it is STRICTLY PLATONIC so if that's not your cup of tea, no hate and just move on. This is my story and I'll write it the way I want to.
Now to those who wish to give this series a chance as you read, leave a comment down below if you wish to be tagged for updates (rn I'll be binge posting cause I've already got 10 chapters ready to go and be read).
WARNINGS: Fluff, angst, swearing, violence. So this won't be for the light of heart (at least until I get to Dawn and then War).
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Some say that the bonds between human and animal are a unique thing.  That there’s an unbreakable trust between the two and that they are fated to always be together.  Others say that like soulmates, there’s always an animal for a person who needs them the most.  For me, I would end up having the most unique of all bonds with an animal that is closest to my own species of animal.
This is the story of such a bond, this is the story of Lin and Caesar.
It was nightfall and pouring down rain as I rode home with my best friend Gabriella and her mother.  Gabi and I had known each other since Pre-K after we both had a love for the Disney movie Lilo and Stitch.  From that moment on we’ve been inseparable.  Currently I was getting a ride home with her mom after our strings class.
She and I after school go over to the rec center every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday nights and perform with the San Fransisco Strings and Orchestra for minors.  Gabi plays the cello and I play the violin.  We’re both pretty good if I do say so myself, our teacher tells us that we could eventually go far into the world of music if we set our mind to it.  But I think I’m good cause of my genetics, after all my grandpa was a former music professor and conductor.  But he doesn’t really play anymore, or at least he tries to.
We soon stopped at my house and I said grabbing my things and readied my umbrella.
“Thanks for the ride Mrs. Montez.”
“Anytime Lin sweetie. Watch out crossing the dark, wet sidewalk.”
“I will, see you tomorrow in class Gabi.”
“See yah Lin.” I quickly opened the door and opened up my umbrella before quickly racing across the sidewalk and up the stairs to my front door.  I took my key and unlocked the door but not before waving one final time and soon Mrs. Montez drove off down the road.
I entered inside and shook off my umbrella before hanging it to dry.  I also took off my raincoat and hung it up beside it before walking further into the house proclaiming.
“Hello? Grandpa? Uncle Will?” that’s when I heard the sound of cooing, like a baby cooing but it wasn’t human.  I set my violin case down to the banister by the front door and walked into the study room where I found a large box with holes sitting on the table.  As I got closer to it, I heard my uncle say.
“Oh perfect timing, guess that means I can show you both.” I turned and saw both my uncle and grandpa coming around from the kitchen entry.
“Show me what?” uncle Will walked passed me, ruffled my hair and stood over the box.
“Hey grandpa.”
“Hey sweetheart. Get another gold star from Ms. Honey for good behavior?” I smiled solemnly.  Ms. Honey was my kindergarten teacher, my current teacher is Mr. Simmons. 
My grandpa for the past couple of years has been dealing with Alzheimer’s disease.  Uncle Will told me that it’s a disease that slowly eats away at the brain’s cells, affecting memory and sometimes body function.  You see, my parents died in a plane crash when I was just 3 years old and in their will they had the next guardianship be my grandpa.  But two years ago, that’s when the disease started to take its effect on him.
So my uncle Will had to move in with us to help not only take care of me but of grandpa too.  And when he’s at work and I’m at school, a nice nurse comes in and helps take care of grandpa.
“Grandpa, I’m in the 4th grade. My teacher is Mr. Simmons. You know the nice man you and uncle Will met last month at the school picnic.” He looked dazed for a second but then said.
“Oh right, yeah I knew that.”
“Dad, Lin, come check this out.” Uncle Will said trying to redirect the conversation.  We came over and the second we looked inside, there lay a baby monkey.
“Is that a monkey?” I asked with a head tilt.
“He’s actually a chimpanzee, an ape.” Uncle Will corrected me.  Grandpa was in pure awe as he slowly reached in and touched the baby chimp.
“What is that? Is he injured?” he asked as I took notice of a mark right around the right side of his chest.  It was a prominent balding mark in a unique shape, a long oval shape with an additional stripe at the top.  Kinda reminded me of an incomplete cross or an unfinished F.
“No, I think that’s a birthmark.” Uncle Will said as he crossed into the kitchen and started putting some things into the fridge.  All the while grandpa picked up the baby chimp and lifted him high into the air like he was Simba.  The little guy was just small enough to fit between both of grandpa’s hands.
“Listen Lin,” he told me before he began quoting, “‘But as for Caesar, kneel down, kneel down and wonder.’”
“He’s so cute.” I awed as I reached out and touched his little toes.
“Yeah don’t get too attached, either of you.” Uncle Will told us.
“So why bring him here then if we can’t keep him?” I sassed.
“He’s not a dog or a cat, not even a bunny rabbit. He’s a wild animal. My coworker promised he’d try to find an animal sanctuary for him in a couple of days.” I let out a exasperated groan.
“Animal sanctuaries are still prisons.”
“Don’t get smart young lady.” My uncle playfully reprimanded as he pointed at me.
“It’s not polite to point.” I sassed back.
“Polite? Okay, I’ll show you polite.” My uncle said as he shut the fridge and giving me that narrowed but playful look in his eyes.  I took off running as he raced after me.  I got only up four stairs before I felt two arms wrap around me and he swung me away from the staircase and the next thing I felt was a wet finger in my ear.
“Yeah your mom did this to me all the time when we were kids, now it’s payback.” He laughed.
“I’m innocent in this vile act!” I proclaimed dramatically.
“But you must pay for the sins of thy mother young youth!”
“Will, Maria, you two better stop horsing around in there.” At hearing my mom’s name we both settled down and a somber feeling was in the air.
“He’s been calling me that on and off for the past week.”
“Honestly who can blame him. You look so much like her when she was your age.” He said with a soft smile and he ruffled my hair again.
“Yeah. And when have I ever lied about anything in regards to my big sister?”
“Exactly.” He then playfully nudged my side with his before changing the subject.  “Now please tell me you managed to eat dinner cause I’ve had a long day of work and I don’t feel like cooking anything.”
“Lucky for you, the rec center was hosting a pizza party after the past few months prepping for Districts last week. Maestro Fiyero said we earned a little break after working us so hard.”
“Good. Now why don’t you brush your teeth and get ready for bed.”
“Why does my curfew have to be 9 o’clock? I’m 10 years old, not five.”
“Growing girls needs sleep too you know.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Tell grandpa I said goodnight will yah?”
“Will do kid. Sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite.”
“You too.” I grabbed my violin and raced on upstairs and did my nighttime routine before getting into bed and turning off the light.
As the night progressed, I soon heard the sounds of shrieks coming from the hallway.  I opened my eyes and looked at my clock to see that it was 2:30am.  I got up and let out a cough and muttered to myself.
“Need some juice.” Quietly I walked down the hallway towards the stairs but as I came to the bathroom I could hear the shower running as well as the bathroom sink.  Did grandpa accidentally leave the water running again after taking his shower?  No, Uncle Will would’ve turned it off by now.
I knocked softly on the door and I heard my uncle’s voice say.
“It’s just me dad.”
“I’m not grandpa.” I heard footsteps and the door cracked open and when he saw me, he brought me into the bathroom before closing it.  Immediately I was hit with the heat that had been trapped by the hot water that was coming from both the shower and the sink.
“What are you doing up so late Lin?”
“I heard shrieking and then I got thirsty.”
“Ohh sorry, guess this little guy woke you up too huh?” it was then I took notice of the baby chimp swaddled up in my uncle’s arms.  I looked down at him and he looked up at me, moving his grip from my uncle’s finger to mine as he cooed.
“He looks like he has a cold.”
“You think?”
“Yeah, his nose is kinda runny.”
“Well that’s normal for babies sometimes. He’s barely a day old. You definitely had a runny nose when you were born.”
“No I didn’t!”
“Oh yeah you were quite the little snot monster. The original boogeyman, or boogeygirl.” He said taking his free hand that was on top of the baby chimp and playfully gripped my nose.
“Uncle Will!” I whined softly which made him laugh.  Our moment was stopped as the baby chimp let out a few more coos before snuggling up to uncle Will, all the while the grip on my finger got a bit tighter.  I smiled down at him and said as I stroked my thumb over his tiny fingers.  “Are you sure we can’t keep him?”
“I’ll—think about it. Holding him like this….makes me think back to the day you were born. Boy your mom wouldn’t let me near you at first. Feared I was gonna drop you, she always had that fierce mama bear instinct right from the get-go. Even when we were growing up and as she tormented me at times. When I needed it, she was there with her hot-headed attitude.”
“I miss her uncle Will.”
“Me too kid. Me too.” I leaned up against him and he rested his head on top of mine giving it a soft kiss.  “Go on back to bed, I’ll stay up with him.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah. I’m used to all-nighters, one day you might get there when you’re composing your first symphony. But for now, head back to bed.”
“Can I still get my juice first? I’m thirsty.”
“Just this once. Just be quiet when passing Charles’ room.” I nodded before leaning down and gave the baby chimp a kiss to which he let out a cute yawn and quiet hoot.
“Goodnight little chimp. Night uncle Will.” I gave him a peck on the cheek and he said goodnight to me as I quietly left the bathroom shutting the door immediately as I got out.  I went downstairs, got my drink and went back to bed.
The next morning I was finishing my breakfast and packing my school books into my backpack as uncle Will was coming down with the baby chimp and set him up in my old high-stool chair that grandpa had kept.
“Where’s my car keys?” grandpa asked as he was patting through his robe and pj pockets.  “My car keys where’d you put them? I need to get Lin to school!” he said urgently.
“Dad.” Uncle Will calmly spoke to him. “You-you don’t drive anymore. And Lin takes the bus.” Grandpa looked at him with a blank stare before turning away and telling him.
“I know that.” It really does make me sad to see grandpa this way.  He always looks so dazed and lost, like he’s here with us but at the same time he’s not.  Sometimes he’ll just sit there and stare off into space, frozen in his spot and not say anything for a really long time.
“Here, why don’t you feed him? Can you do that?” uncle Will suggested holding up a baby bottle filled with milk.
“Of course I can.” Said grandpa coming over.  As uncle Will went to get his coffee (blech!) grandpa came over and grabbed the bottle which made the baby chimp go crazy with hunger as he reached out for it.  As soon as it was in reach, he grabbed the bottle from grandpa’s hand and immediately began drinking it as fast as he could.
I dropped my fork and stared at him in awe.  I was told that babies always needed help being fed for at least several months and yet after just being born yesterday, he was feeding himself.
“Will, look at this.” Grandpa said as uncle Will came back into the kitchen and saw what we saw.  “How old is he? Like a day old, two days old?” Uncle Will sat down as he examined the baby chimp confused.
“Yeah.” Uncle Will said lowly as he kept his eyes on the baby chimp.
“Oh he’s a smart one isn’t he?” said grandpa as he came around and sat on the other side of the baby and gently placed his hand on top of his head.  “What are you gonna name him?”
“I—I don’t know.” Uncle Will said unsure.  That’s when I saw it.  Now I’m no monkey or ape expert but from pictures I’ve seen in books they normally have dark eyes, mostly brown but this little guy.  His eyes were green.
A green eyed baby chimpanzee.  One look into his eyes and I knew that he was something very special.
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sp3rmfern · 4 months
Making a POTA Oc ⁉️⁉️
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She’s gunna be a Gibbon Ape!!!
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grandpizzaeater · 5 months
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A while ago I got a request from @pink-writer-girl to draw her lovely oc Iris with caesar. So finally the time has come to show the end result. I find Iris deserves a peaceful moment. Poor girl has suffered enough. So here is Caesar braiding her hair.
If you are interested in more information about Iris or just some planet of the apes fanfic feel free to go to pink-writer-girl profile or read her stories on wattpad.
Hope you like it. 😉
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becauseimrichandican · 5 months
Planet of the Apes OC Bio: Calpurnia Cnt.
Figured I should probably write out later stuff for Calpurnia. You can find her OG bio here. You can find her relationships page here.
During her time with the apes Calpurnia and her young son Petros are both taught sign. Over the years she starts to develop feelings for Caesar which she rejects. Thinking them immoral she tries to avoid him as much as possible. Eventually she’s confronted on this by him and ends up having to tell him the truth. He confesses feeling the same, but that he is confused by the idea of having more than one wife and that he also doesn’t want to hurt Cornelia. Always one step ahead Cornelia already had a suspicion both of them had feelings for one another and welcomes the addition to the family. The other apes are less than enthused by this unity, but do not oppose it due to their loyalty to Caesar. Their unity ends up granting Calpurnia and Petros more freedom to mingle among the apes.
Humans were like cockroaches and while the flu killed many of them Calpurnia was certain it hadn’t killed them all. If she was immune it meant others would be as well. After not seeing any for at least two years however, she had hoped that those who had survived had moved on somewhere else. When Malcolm’s group appears though those hopes are quickly dashed. She offers to investigate the humans, knowing they will be more likely to tell her the truth than the apes. While she doesn’t manage to uncover anything the events that follow cement her loyalty to the apes over the humans. During Koba’s takeover of the troop Calpurnia and Petros escape with Macolm, Ellie, and Alex. They remain hidden in Will’s old home until after Koba has been defeated.
During the Colonel's siege on the apes new homes Calpurnia and Petros are discovered and captured. Assuming she is a prisoner of war and has been brainwashed to some extent he takes mild pity on her. The same can not be said for Petros. The Colonel sees him as an abomination and a frightening idea to have to comprehend so he kills him. Secluded away the Colonel elects some of his men to try to deprogram the 'brainwashing' he thinks she has undergone. She plays along to help keep herself and the unborn child she knows she’s carrying alive. She is saved during the apes escape and manages to make it to their new home beyond the desert with them. She ends up having a daughter which she names Aurelia. Due to exposure to Nova, Calpurnia ends up eventually going mute.
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trendfilmsetter · 4 months
KINGDOM OF THE PLANET OF THE APES Ratings So Far (as of May 12th):
Rotten Tomatoes: 80%
Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score: 79%
Cinemascore: B
IMDb: 7.4/10
IGN: 8/10
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the-witchs-posts · 2 days
How i imagine my Oc Salem to have survived during the 10 years beetween the first and the second planet of the apes movie!
___Salem hunting/gathering HC___
-she had no idea how to hunt and take care for herself in the beginning!
salem had never really been in contact with hunting or anything during her time before the virus hit.
not even in a sport kind of way,
her dad never took her hunting for fun.
so she truly had to learn everything from the start,
and make an effort in perfecting her skills later on!
-she didnt learn hunting right away!
after the virus broke out and send the world into a global chaos,
things didnt went to shit right away after all!
she was in a camp of first evacuated survivors at first,
and stayed there during the first few years.
although most of the time not out of her own free will!
after the heavy abuse and torture she suffered there,
and managed to finally escape after all this time,
she fled to the wild!
-her first steps in hunting did she only after her escape and semi recovering from her abuse!
during her time of recovering,
she didnt stay far away from the citys while hiding in the forest!
she was lucky enough to always find some abandoned trailers or huts,
and even small caves in wich she found shelter.
she just figured hiding out in the woods was safer than staying in the city,
and potentionally risking getting recaptured by her abusers again.
but she couldnt go far yet,
since she was still recovering and needed supplys to treat herself and food and water and had no idea how to get those things frommthe forest yet.
so she risked actually going back to the city to get herself the things she needed first!
-after a slow and sluggish recovery the real trouble only began for her while actually trying to attempting to hunt for herself!
salem knew that she couldnt keep relying on going back into the citys,
roaming abandoned homes for food and necessities.
not only out of fearing that her captors could potentionelly find her,
but also out of fear for other survivors!
the biggest danger in an apocalyptic world are the humans,
the other suvivors!
so to erase her worries about running into other humans again,
she wanted to learn to hunt for herself and gather herbs and berrys and other things from the forest.
-in one of her trips to the city,
she was actually smart in seeking out an abandoned libary,
and searched for books of all kind surrounding the topic of survival and hunting!
from those books she tried to learn as much as possible,
but it was a rough start for her!
the many nights she would spend hungry and go to sleep with a growling stomach because her traps didnt work and she just didnt manage to capture anything were countless!
she still heavily relied on cans and other packaged food from pre simian flus times,
but she would of course run out quickly on those with her not catching any animals and being unsuccessful in her hunting!
the nets she would weave for fishing would rip or loosen up again,
and if she actually caught something it was already ripped apart by other fishes or animals!
she would also spend many nights vomiting and unsure if she would live to see another morning after eating strange mushrooms,
or mistaking the berrys she gathered for the poisenous onces!
praying that the weird herbs that gave her a terrible rash when picking them were actually the ones that would soothe her tummy issues,
and ease her nauseous feeling in her stomache!
-it was a hard battle for her at first, but after many fails she would finally start getting the heck out of the traps she buildy,
and capture her first rabbits or squirrel!
it wasnt much in the beginning,
but it was something!
and salem finally started to see results after her many hard work and all the struggles she overcame!
soon she would be able to tell the berrys apart from their poisenous cousins,
and was getting better in identifying the edible mushrooms from the ones that would make her feel like she was slowly retching up her soul!
and slowly her plate would fill with fish after she managed to knit a fishing line!
-it was around that time in wich she started to succeed in her craft that salem would start to move around more!
she was paranoid at this point,
and wouldnt stay in one area for much longer than a few weeks or months!
being terrified of running into other humans again,
and being subjected to the cruetly they would be capable of,
she would only very rarerly visit towns anymore.
only when she would need one specific thing she couldnt get from the woods,
or maybe while passing through a small part to get to the next forest!
-she started to hunt bigger animals as well after she got the basics in taking care of herself and feeding hersef down!
she would always have a knife on her of course,
and actually carrys a small axe with her as well.
but she would start making speers,
and learn how to throw them as well!
it took time,
great time in fact,
but after all her effort salem actually begann to be a rather good huntress!
-after all this time in the wild,
and away from any humans and other suvivor groups salem has pretty much perfected her craft!
by the times around the second movie,
salem has long learned to completly take care of herself on her own,
feeding clothing and healing herself only with things the forest would provide!
also a thing she has taken on during her time she took in improving and perfecting her hunting skills is,
she actually wears a mask during actively hunting!
not only because it would mask her scent in the wild better,
since her mask would be made from wood and animal bones and hides!
but also because like this she could easily conceal the fact that she was human,
let alone a woman to other humas she might encounter!
wich has of course happened before,
she would sometimes briefly come across a group of other humans that were also hunting,
or even just passing through this particuall part of the forest!
but it was never enough for a longer interaction,
for all those people would see was a weird looking mask and a thing that moved like an unkown animal stalking its prey...
wich was enough to send most of them in a panic,
and would give salem enough time to safely get away and distance herself until she would be sure no one was around anymore!
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1emon1ime · 2 months
Dominance Hierarchy (Koba x Human!Reader)
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(art by me)
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57723100/chapters/146903323
In this new world of predator and prey you are no longer the dominant species.
Rating: 18+ Pure smut. MDNI!
Warning: Non consensual, Gun Play, Interspecies Sex
There's dirt on your clothes. There's blood on your face. Bruises on your knees and grazes on your arms. There's dry soil on your skin, sticking coldly and clammy to your sweat. And there's a lump in your throat that just wouldn’t go away, no matter how many times you've tried to swallow it.
You suck in a huge breath of air and look up to the sky; the only semblance of color in a sea of green and brown. The trees that loom over you are still, the wind has left and all that's left is a cold hollow silence. Your lungs fill with cold air, and the chill hits your chest like a dagger.
You're lost.
How many hours-- How many days has it been now?
You can't even recall the faces of your parents. What they looked like, sounded like. It's been so long since they succumbed to the virus. But you-- You were still here. Somehow, you'd managed to make it this far. But... 
What was the point?
What was the point of anything anymore? You're tired, you're hungry and you're scared. So scared.
You're alone. 
And no matter how many times you tell yourself to keep going, the tears just won't stop coming.
You had been with a small group of survivors for the past year or two and while it was company; you could never really get along with them. Humans become violent and animalistic when resources were scarce. You had witnessed people kill one another for things as little as scraps of food, cannibalize one another to feed their family.
Man was only empathetic and kind when he had a a surplus of food. Now he was just as dangerous as any other predator out in the woods.
The last person you had been travelling with had died yesterday. You watched them keel over from fatigue, they just couldn't go on anymore. Hypothermia quickly set in that night and that was it. In the morning, you left her body and set out to look for an exit. You weren't even that close, death had become a constant part of your life now.
"I swear there's still game in that forest." She had said. Industrial agriculture had long collapsed, desperation had led many here, but you knew the truth. There were probably no animals left in the forest. The moment big supply chains had shut down, hoards of hungry people had caught everything, from street rats to deer. Their populations had no time to rebound. It was an endless cycle of ecological overshoot.
Perhaps not this area though.
Because there was something else, the reason you were reluctant to even traverse into this patch of forest in the first place.
The rumors . 
"They say that this area is heavily guarded," you had told her, "no one ever returns from here with their life. Least not their mental state." 
Damn it.
You should have listened to yourself. You should have stayed back.
But what was there to even go back to ? More violence and desperation? More chaos and collapse? There had to be something more out there-- something beyond the boundary. 
At this point, you probably didn't have much time left. You were growing weaker and malnourished with every day that passed. Not only that but you were completely on your own now, no weapons and no means to defend yourself. It was dangerous to stay here and it was dangerous to go back...
All you focused on at the moment was survival.
You wandered deeper into the forest, desperately searching for some relief: food, water, maybe even an old abandoned village that you could pillage for supplies. But the further you traversed, the more disorientated you became. Everything started looking the same. The trees all looked identical and the ground was so uniform that any footprints or other signs of human presence would be easily missed. Even worse, you couldn't tell which way the sun was facing. It was always behind the canopy of branches.
As you stumbled through the woods, a sudden movement caught your eye. Just ahead of you, a deer darted from one side of the path to another, sensing something that you had missed.
Rustle, rustle.
You froze, head sharply turning to the source of the sound.
You felt your heart race, the beat echoing between your ears as you turned around and felt relief wash over you when there was nothing there. A lone human girl with no weapons or defence was as easy picking as a deer. Without the safety of your community or your weapons, you were defenceless. Your species, once the apex predator of the world, free to pillage the Earth until it had been plucked bare had been reduced to a mere prey item on the menu for one of the many predators that lurked in the forest.
It felt like you had been walking for hours but it must have been a couple of minutes at the most. Your body shivered, the chill air stinging at your exposed flesh and making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
You shivered, your clothes had gotten torn up in the thick bush, leaving you even more exposed to the elements.
Was it even worth it to keep going? You had nothing left but your survival instinct kept you from killing yourself. The hope that maybe one day you would be able to escape and find a place where the virus could not spread, a place where people had not gone insane. 
Right. Survival instinct. Embedded deep into the most primal part of your brain.That part that kept you turning your head every time you heard a strange sound, or start running when you spotted a predator out of the corner of your eye. But even your ancient instincts were failing you. That rustling sound appeared again. Someone-- or some thing was following you.
Rustle .
There it was. That sound again. The movements continued and this time, you could not ignore it. Something was definitely there.
Your hands trembled and your vision blurred. You felt sick, dizzy and weak. The cold air made you light-headed and your heart was pounding loudly in your chest. The only thing you could focus on was that sound and try to make out where it was coming from.
You could hear your own breath, heavy and ragged as you tried to calm down. The sound echoed through the silence, a deafening noise. Your legs began to shake and buckle under your own weight. The ground trembled beneath you and the air filled with the sound of something moving through the trees, something big. It could only be one thing. The source of the rumors and the reason why nobody ever returned from this forest.
You were the prey now.
You were prey and he was the hunter.
Your eyes widened as a creature stepped out into the open. It was not something that you were expecting to see at all. The look in his eyes was different from any bear or lion prowling the bush. Almost as if he were sapient.
He moved toward you. A large, scarred ape, standing upright and pointing a handgun directly at your head. He was a hulking presence, a brute of an animal that was more than capable of tearing you limb from limb if he so desired. He was also far more intelligent than any mere animal, an unsettling air of cunning being his eyes as he considered you. His lips pulled back in a snarl, revealing his sharp fangs.
You stared back at him, wide eyed in disbelief at what you were seeing. So the rumors were true after all … How long had he been tracking you? Had he been waiting for you to come here so he could ambush you? What was he going to do? Your mind raced, trying to make sense of the situation but your body wouldn't move, frozen in fear. Afraid that if you did anything he would kill you instantly.
Koba's eyes raked over you in a calculating, almost clinical way. He could see the way you shuddered and trembled under his gaze. You were terror incarnate, your fear and hopelessness filling the air like a sweet fragrance. He could sense your rapid heart rate, see the way your body tensed up in a futile attempt to flee from him.
"Don't. Move." 
He spoke, voice low and raspy. Hearing those words leave his mouth threw you off. The sound of his voice sending a shiver down your spine like a jolt of electricity.
You couldn’t move– even if you wanted to.
He took a step towards you and you stumbled back, tripping over your own feet and landing flat on your ass. The ape took a second step and then another, moving slowly and deliberately. Taunting you and revelling in your fear. What a pathetic creature you were, without your community, without any defence, you were weak. An even easier catch than a mere rabbit.
He grunted as he came to a halt right in front of you, a mere foot or two from your face. Koba stared down at you with his good eye, casting daggers at your own with so much malice, and for what? What did you ever do to him ? The scars littered along his body were the first thing that you noted about him, especially the large one that ran down over his eye. Each scar told a story, you longed to know more about. What on Earth was he?
He stared you down into submission as he came within striking distance. Gaze travelling over your body, appraising your form and making your skin crawl. He gave you the ill feeling of being stalked and caught under the prowler's strong grasp.
What a monster, you thought.
"You. Weak."
‘I know .’ You wanted to say. ‘ I am so weak, so pathetic, so alone. Please just kill me and get it over with .’
But every time you tried to talk, the words got caught in your throat. All you could manage was a pathetic whine.
The ape was standing less than a foot away from you now, his scent overwhelming. He smelled of blood, sweat and earth. A primal, masculine scent that made your stomach twist and your heart beat faster.
Koba crouched down slightly so that he could get a better look at you. He tilted his head to the side a little as he watched you closely with his intense stare.
Your eyes flicked down to the weapon in his hand and you wondered if you could grab it before he shot you. It seemed unlikely.
Ever observant, he noticed the way you eyed the gun.
"Don't bother." He growled and grabbed one of your wrists, holding it in a tight grasp, hard enough to leave a bruise.
Many armed men had passed through this patch of forest and Koba had dealt with them before they had even reached the colony. He had picked them off one by one, like shooting fish in a barrel. He had the advantage of being able to aim at them from the tree tops, they would never see it coming. Over time Koba had honed his hunting skills to perfection. He was praised within the clan for defending the territory and being able to take down large prey by himself. Not only was it a source of pride for him but the thrill of stalking and tracking down his prey, landing that killing blow inflamed his body with adrenaline. It felt good . Especially to kill humans.
He loved the thrill of the hunt.
Most days, he would return with a deer or some other small herbivore but today he was feeling extra bold and something in the air smelled off. Koba had been plotting for months to find another human trespassing through their patch of forest and traumatize them so badly that they would never return again. 
He had not anticipated finding one so early in his daily hunt, however. A human female, no less. Most who passed through here, as rare as it was, were armed men. But this girl was weak, alone and had no means of defence. Almost pitiful, like a rabbit waiting to be caught in a snare. Her weakness made him curl up his nose in disgust.
Koba made a mental note of her direction and swore quietly under his breath. The girl wouldn't be going anywhere soon. He could have just killed her on sight, but he wanted to play out every part of the story, even the beginning. She was now his prey and he intended on playing it out perfectly.
He had already decided that he wanted to make an example out of this intruder; a warning to others that this land belonged to the apes and anyone who tried to cross it would pay a steep price.
The first thing he noticed was that she was alone. He knew instinctively what that meant. She probably came looking for someone, maybe her friend? A lover perhaps? Where there were one human there always had to be more not far behind.
Koba could sense your nervousness, he could smell the fear radiating off you, you were not a threat to him like the others and yet–
He didn't need to kill you to make you pay. 
You knew that something was off by how long your execution was being drawn out. Why was he hesitating? He could have already killed you easily by now but he hadn't. Why? You shuddered, imagining what sort of plans a monster like him could have for someone like you.
"P-Please don't hurt me!" You begged, pathetically. Tears were almost welling in the corners of your eyes. How did you end up in this situation? You just knew that you would end up dying here. You had somehow survived the virus outbreak but so carelessly fell prey to a bloodthirsty predator. No-- he was more than a predator, he knew what he was doing. Every move had been carefully calculated. An exacted revenge.
His hold on your wrist tightened even more. He inched closer, his face now just inches from yours. 
"Shut up, human." Your pleading had clearly angered him. "You belong to Koba now.”
Koba released your wrist and grabbed your chin, forcing you to look up at him defiantly.
"Koba?" You blinked, stunned.
He laughed darkly. Koba was on a power trip, something he had always dreamed of. Capturing a live human, alone and vulnerable making them feel all of the pain and misery that he had been subjected to. Being the one in control for once in his life. You just unfortunately had to be the one to fall into his sick plan for revenge. You had been there in the wrong place at the wrong time.
With his free hand, Koba grabbed one of your arms so violently that you felt it almost dislocate.
"Ahhh!" You yelped as you were dragged across the ground for what seemed like forever. The foliage and loose branches causing fresh cuts, tearing more of your clothes off. Your whole body ached, and every step he took made you feel as if your bones were about to break.
After a long and uncomfortable trek, Koba stopped at the base of a large tree surrounding an open grassland, he tossed you to the ground like a piece of garbage and spat at you.
You looked up at him with a mixture of anger and fear. You were shaking, your heart racing, the sound of it echoing between your ears.
"Now. We have fun." He grinned, baring his teeth.
"W-What are you talking about?" You backed away from him, scrambling to get to your feet, but he grabbed you by the hair and slammed you face-first into the tree, tossing his gun to the side momentarily. The impact made your vision go black for a few seconds.Your nose was bleeding and you could taste the coppery blood on your lips. Then, you felt something; he had tightly seized both of your wrists and began binding them together with rope.
"You humans. Think we animals. You keep us in cages. For your amusement. Experiments."
Koba spat the words with venom, his rage burning in his eyes as he pulled the rope tight as it could go.
"Please... I don't understand."
Your confusion only instigated his rage further.
"Now--" Koba leaned forward, his thick fur warm against you. "You will know. What is it like– "
He tore your clothes off, shredding the fabric, leaving you completely exposed. The last part of your humanity, gone.
"to be hurt."
You closed your eyes, tears rolling down your cheeks. This wasn't happening. There was no way that this was real. 
"No! Please stop!"
Your pleas fell on deaf ears.
Koba whipped you around so that you were facing him and he could get a better look at your naked body. You noticed him staring down your form, studying all of the details. He had never seen a human naked. Wondered why they always covered themselves with clothes. He reached out to touch one of your breasts, entranced by the way your nipples stiffened in the cold, how the microscopic hairs on your arms stood up as you shook under his large and imposing shadow.
He grabbed you by the throat and pinned you against the tree.
"P-Please, don't."
"You are mine now." He spoke through shallow breaths "And I will enjoy-- Taking you."
You shook your head, the tears flowing freely now.
"I don't want this."
"Too bad. This is happening."
Koba began to fondle one of your breasts and you backed up but he pulled you back toward him and growled. A clear warning, you understood.
“I– Ahhh What are you–!?” You groaned through clattering teeth as he began to suck on one of your nipples, squeezing your breasts, kneading the soft flesh. “--Why…”
You couldn't help but moan, telling yourself that you didn't want this but why did it feel so good? You felt utterly debased, humiliated beyond belief. This is what you had been reduced to. A plaything for this ape. But you had also been touch starved for so long and your body unwillingly began to respond to the touch.
He ignored your pleas and continued groping you. Your nipples hardened under his touch, sending waves of pleasure through your body.
Koba glared at you before scanning your entire body. He leaned in, intense stare intimidating you. So much he wanted to do. To exact his revenge. To give you the same scars that had been inflicted onto him. To make you ‘ugly’ with marks, cuts, bruises, ugly like him. Why should he have been the only one to suffer? 
He had no intention of being gentle with you.
The rage whelmed up in him and he sank his teeth into your collarbone, leaving a raw wound. You yelped, wincing in pain which he seemed to enjoy. What a sick and twisted monster, you thought. You couldn’t read him. One minute he was growling at you, revelling in your pain and the next he was almost… gentle.
Your body tensed as his hands travelled down and cupped your buttocks, kneading them, digging his fingers into your flesh.
Koba looked at you with a hungry, predatory gaze. The way that touching you in various places had you responding so positively was only making his urges stronger. Not only had Koba been frustrated by years of pent up anger toward humans but he was also deprived. He was deprived of the affection that he was due, deprived of being in control and deprived of having sex.
He reached out and caressed the side of your face, the rough pads of his fingers tracing the contours of your jaw and the hollows of your cheeks. His hand then moved lower, down to the crook of your neck, where it rested. You felt his warm breath against your skin, the heat radiating from his body enveloping you.
You could hear him inhale deeply, taking in your scent.
"Please don't..."
You could feel his erection growing larger and harder, his excitement palpable. The bulge rubbing against your belly.
Koba reached down and began to rub his large hand over your pussy.
"No. No! Please!" You thrashed to the side, almost escaping, if only it weren't for the fact that your arms were still bound and one of your ankles had been wounded in the struggle that made outpacing him all but impossible.
The ape wasn't pleased with your attempt to deny him. Suddenly, he lunged at you, pinning you to the ground and knocking the air out of your lungs.
You gasped for breath, struggling against his hold. His body was warm and solid against yours, his weight crushing you.
"Stop struggling," he growled.
You stopped, staring up at him with wide eyes and h e grinned, satisfied at how you resisted when he demanded. Perhaps you were finally starting to learn. To be obedient. 
Koba got up and coaxed you onto your knees in front of him.
A large hand cupped your chin and forced your head up to look at your aggressor. You squirmed in place, kneeling in front of him, your bloody knees shook below you, barely keeping you in position. Rope burning uncomfortably against your bound wrists. The hand let go and grabbed your hair, pulling harshly. It seemed to amuse him every time you flinched.
You looked at the creature towering above you and he snarled, showing his sharp fangs. Your eyes fell to the ground and stayed there. You were so tired and hurt, you couldn't find the strength to fight against it anymore.
That was, until something cold, hard and metal was pressed against your lips, snapping you out of your stupor.
You froze instinctively, heart hammering against your chest.
You felt the click of the safety be released as the vibrations tingled your lips.
"Open. Mouth." Koba demanded, dragging the gun across your cheek to rest firm against your forehead. He gripped the base of his cock with a steady hand and angled it towards your mouth.
Nothing felt real.
"W-What?" You asked, dumbfounded.
The gun was pushed harder against your temple. That was it, it was final. You couldn't say no even if you wanted to, you didn't need a gun pressing into your forehead to remind you of how low you were. So utterly debased and humiliated.
Koba didn't say a word, instead thrusting his cock between your lips, forcing you to stretch your jaw to accommodate his length. You felt like you could throw up.
"Tongue. Out." Koba commanded and you obeyed, sticking out your tongue.
You gulped, slowly bobbing your head. Your body trembled and a cold shiver ran down your spine. Terrified that he might slip up and accidentally pull the trigger. Your life could end at any moment. In some ways, it already had been.
You felt so low. So dirty. So entirely worthless and ashamed.
Steel bit into your skin as you started lapping and licking the underside of his cock, swirling your tongue around the tip.
Tears streamed down your red and swollen cheeks as Koba grunted in approval.
"Good. Keep going."
You sucked on his cock, bobbing your head up and down, trying not to gag as he thrust his hips, but not once did you stop your movements. The gun against your head wouldn't allow you to.
“That’s… it…” He moaned and nudged the gun lower on your face, stroking your bruised cheekbone.
Praise. The words were hollow, but… Praise. Praise.
You winced slightly at how he stroked your cheek with the cold metal weapon, making sure that you didn’t stop massaging his length with your tongue. Maybe if you did a good enough job, it would all be over soon and he would let you go– or kill you. Whichever came first.
He must have been close, the way he began to groan above you, breathing in short bursts, his cock fully engorged and twitching in your mouth.
You were given no warning as the gun was tossed to the side and Koba’s hands gripped tightly into your hair and he began to slam you down on his edging cock. You spluttered and gagged, but Koba paid no mind, furiously pulling you forward and backward, fucking your mouth earnestly. 
With a final set of delirious, frenzied thrusts, Koba very suddenly pulled your head back, fist still grabbing hard into your hair, a string of saliva still connecting your lips to his cock. He gripped his dick, stroking himself a few more times. Once, twice, you steadied yourself, knees shaking as if they’d give out at any moment.
Koba grunted again and pulled his cock out of your mouth, stroking it with his hand, aiming for your face.
"Keep mouth open–" He growled and you obeyed.
With a low grunt, he came, splashing his hot seed all over your face and into your mouth.
You tried not to gag, swallowing his load and looking away in disgust.
He looked down at you, smiling.
"Clean. With tongue." He commanded, his voice firm and unyielding.
You shuddered, but complied, licking his cock clean.
Your whole body felt like lead. Your shoulders were aching and your knees were screaming from kneeling on the floor. Your mind was still struggling to process everything that had just happened.
The ape laughed lowly as you finished licking him clean.
"Good human. Now, on ground. On all fours. Head down, ass up."
"P-please, I–" You uttered, uselessly.
Koba interrupted,
"P-please...I-I can't." You stammered, "I don't want to, I..."
You tried to protest, but he was not listening. 
Koba's hand shot up and gripped your hair, yanking you roughly to your feet. You screamed in pain, tears streaming down your face as he dragged you across the floor and threw you onto the long grass.
You could feel his hot breath on your skin, nails digging into your flesh leaving fresh bruises.
"No... please..." You pleaded, "please don't do this."
Your voice was shaking, as if he cared. You knew begging and crying was useless, made you look even more pathetic to him.
Koba gave a satisfied grunt seeing you cower under him, bare and filthy. Truly lower than any animal in the forest. “What a pathetic creature”, he thought. How had he ever let himself be controlled by one of these things? They were weak and cowardly without their weapons. He was living out his ultimate revenge fantasy. No longer was it him on the operating table, no longer was he the one being beaten, inspected and abused. He had captured his prey and wasn’t letting go. And the power trip was only turning him on more. To have a weak, powerless human under his fingertip. An eye for an eye.
He mused at all of the things he was going to do to you, grinning at how you winced in terror when he wrapped one of his large hands around your neck and squeezed ever so slightly.
“You. Are so weak.”
His hand roamed lower, reaching between your legs.
You squirmed, trying to wriggle free, but he held you firmly in place.
He moved his hand, pushing his index finger inside of you and then added a second before you could even register what was happening.
"Nnng, no.."
You moaned and squirmed as he slowly pumped his thick fingers in and out of you, his thumb brushing against your clit.
You bit your lip and closed your eyes, trying to focus on anything else but the fact that this ape was about to violate you in the most intimate place.
Koba grinned and pressed his thumb firmly against your clit.
Your body reacted involuntarily, your hips bucking and pushing against him.
Koba watched your reaction, a mixture of amusement and lust playing on his face. He was enjoying teasing you.
Your cheeks burned with shame. How could your body betray you like this? How low... how could he possibly reduce you to this. He kept up his pace, thrusting his fingers into you harder and faster, rubbing your clit in circles with his thumb.
"S-stop." You pleaded desperately, feeling as if you would collapse under the pressure, "please... nghhhh,"
Your body tensed as his hands travelled down and cupped your buttocks. Koba began grinding his crotch against yours, the bulge of his erection rubbing against your wet pussy. No longer could you hide how aroused you were when the ape above you could see it clearly, could hear it in your voice.
"Ahh... N-No. Please, stop..."
He smirked, enjoying your pleas and desperate resistance, how you tried to deny how good it felt. He was going to take what he wanted from you whether you let him or not. He was the top predator here, after all.
You whimpered as his cock rubbed against you, the friction causing sparks to shoot through your body.
"N-not that--"
Koba ignored your cries, pushing his length inside of you.
Your breath caught in your throat, the sudden sensation of being filled by his thick cock overwhelming you.
"It hurts!"
As if he cared-- he was enjoying your pain, your screams. You were his prey, his capture, his toy to play with. 
His grip tightened, his nails digging into your flesh and leaving marks, bruises that would show the next day, if you even lived to see it.
Koba growled as he pounded into you, his cock stretching your tight hole, filling you. And with your wrists still tightly bound behind your back, there wasn't anything you could do to stop him. You weren't used to this kind of rough treatment. Time felt like it was moving in slow motion, his nails digging into the soft flesh, drawing blood. 
Koba pulled out and then slammed himself into you again. He fucked you like he had been pent up for months, releasing his sexual frustration on you. Your pussy ached and throbbed, the pain turning to pleasure. You moaned and cried out as he thrust into you, hitting a spot inside of you that felt good .
So good that you allowed a loud moan to escape your lips that definitely didn't go unnoticed. 
He grabbed you by the hair and pulled your head up, forcing you to look him in the eyes. To understand who your superior was. That you were beneath him. A filthy lowly human, only good to dump cum into.
You could hear the sound of his grunting and growling, the sound of his heavy breathing and his heartbeat pounding in your ears. You felt as if you were going to pass out, your body unable to cope with the shock and pain of being so utterly and brutally violated.
Koba continued to fuck you, his pace quickening, the sound of his ragged breath filling the air.
Your body began to shake and tremble as your orgasm built up inside you. Your mind was screaming at you, telling you to stop, telling you not to give in, but your body was betraying you, taking pleasure from the ape’s violation.
The tension inside you reached a breaking point and you cried out, the sound escaping from your lips.
Koba continued to pound into you, his grip on your hips tightening, his pace becoming erratic, his breathing becoming more ragged.
You felt his cock pulsing inside you, his seed spilling deep inside of you as he finished. You gasped and panted, the feeling of being stretched so much was driving you insane.
Your body was trembling, your legs shaking and you felt as if you were going to pass out.
Koba finally withdrew his cock from you, the sticky warmth of his cum dripping from your abused hole.
He released his grip on your hips, leaving you laying in a pool of his seed, your body quivering.
Koba stood over you, a smirk spreading across his face.
"Filthy. Human." He sneered.
At least, finally, it was over. You thought.
Until he gripped onto your hips again, pulling you flush up against himself. No, Koba's stamina was relentless. The day was just beginning. 
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pink-writer-girl · 7 months
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Recent Chapter art my good friend @miethrasifan for my Story What Makes a Savage? Rewrite, we did an art trade and I live how it turned out :3
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teojira · 4 months
[Light] [Noa x GN!reader oneshot]
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Summary: Noa wakes you up at an ungodly hour to go into the overgrown city.
Words: 2.5K+
Warnings: Mutual pinning (neither of you know yet), romance, Reader is insecure, self indulgence at its fucking finest. Gender neutral but Noa thinks you're pretty :)
A/N: I'm so in love with him it actually hurts LMAOO, literally a ache in my chest. I was listening to Light by sleeping at last while writing this <3 hence the title, I hope I got the energy right!
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You weren't quite sure what Noa was planning, he had woken you up early, maybe an hour or two before sunrise.
Groaning and rolling away from his poking, he moves to trail a hand down to your side, jabbing his fingers there.
Your eyes fly open with a yelp, staring daggers into his head. You turn to him, and he has a small smirk on his face, laughing silently about the pout of your face.
He's already dressed in his normal attire, his feathered adorned to his person, a sling wrapped around his shoulder as well.
Noa watches your face take him in, and he hopes to anyone who's out there, to Caesar you can't tell how flushed he gets under your gaze. It's bad enough that everyone in the clan side eyes him because they know of his feelings for you. He hasn't worked up the nerve to tell you himself. He doesn't know what to do. He's both simultaneously enamored with you and your differences, but in the same vein, you're so different.
Sometimes, a part of him wishes he hadn't fallen for you. It'd be easier. It's easier to just be your friend and your protector, but falling for you was as easy as breathing.
You move to stretch out our limbs, groaning as you twist and turn, eyes still half lidded. The noise gaining his attention, his previous thoughts disappearing.
You're pretty like this, he thinks. You always do though, no matter what you're doing.
"What the fu-
Noa shoves a finger against your lips, gesturing for you to be quiet.
'I need you to come with me, important.' he signs, moving to grab at your hand, pulling you up. He forgets his strength a lot and yanks you into his chest. Your head knocks into him, and you yelp. In his defense, he didn't mean to!
"Sorry." He sniffs, using a large hand to rub at your forehead to soothe the ache there.
"This better be worth waking me up."
"It will be, come on."
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Noa leads you down to the horses, a hand on the small of your back, pushing you to go faster.
"Noa, what is the rush? Is everything okay?" You dig your heels into the soft earth beneath you, looking at him with concern.
He's been unusually impatient.
It's early as hell in the morning, no one else is awake. Not even Dar is up and about and that woman is constantly moving.
"Everything is fine, you worry too much."
"I worry a normal amount, thank you very much." You stick your tongue out at him, moving a hand to rub at your eyes, to get rid of the crust lingering.
You both arrive at the hut where the horses are kept, you linger back as Noa goes inside to grab his. He's fast and efficient, checking the satchel strapped to the animal to make sure he has everything he needs for this impromptu trip he's taking you both on.
It's cute the way he gets in the zone, his eyes trained on his task.
Yawning, you're not processing Noa's words until he's right in front of you in the saddle. That was fast.
"Come, come. Do you want to ride with me or ride alone?" Noa always ask, and he knows the answer by now.
You always ride with him, just like you always go with him anywhere.
It's a running joke in the clan that you're Noa's shadow, always at his heels, asking if he needs anything or if there's something you can do in general.
You've come a long way since then, finding your place in the clan. Not needing to follow Noa like a lost puppy, but as it turns out, you can't shake the habit of being around Noa when you can. Without thinking, you find your way towards him.
A part of you is still insecure about your place among them, knowing just how different you are. Noa is your only true companion, you think. Dar is loving, but you're worried she doesn't like you, same with Anaya and Soona. No matter how much they say they love you, years of differences have made you insecure.
So you cling to Noa like a lifeline, despite knowing you shouldn't, surely he doesn't want to be around you all the time. It's not fair to him.
But Noa never let it show that he finds your differences bothersome, you couldn't lift what the others could? No worries, he'd adjust it for you, making you a pulley to help or helping you himself when he had the time.
Or if you didn't know how to fish or hunt, he'd take you and Soona, and Anaya would come with all three encouraging you and helping you learn. He'd ask his mother to teach you how to make garments and how to farm the earth. He always looked out for you, even if he wasn't around.
They never made you feel like a burden, Noa never made you feel like a burden.
How were you not supposed to love him? In every universe, you're sure you were to be in love with him in every single one.
"Help me up?" You ask sheepishly, lifting your arms up so he can grab onto you.
"Of course."
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It's been about an hour or two, give or take on the ride to the overgrown city. Not that you'd know. With the warmth of Noa against your back and the steady movement of the horse, you've fallen asleep again.
Noa snorted when he realized, your body slumped into his, your hand loosely holding the saddles horn in a feeble attempt to not fall off.
He has to wrap an arm around your waist to make sure you didn't fall off or that what he tells himself.
Noa would never admit it, but he cherishes how easily you trust him, how comfortable you are with him, it makes him feel important, makes him feel loved. He'll give you shit for it, but nothing makes him happier.
You're only asleep for the last hour of the ride, breathing softly as Noa leads you both past the overgrown city, the hooves of the horse being the only noise being made.
"Here, wake up." He slows down the horse, pulling to a stop in front of a looming building, covered in greenery. He has not so great memories of it. Almost falling to his death would do that to you. But he won't take you that high. He'd never put you in danger.
His arm slips from your waist, moving to rub up and down your side as he tries and wakes you up for the second time today.
You let out a grumble. He feels it in his chest, and it makes him chuff, but open your eyes, blinking rapidly to get the sleep out of them.
Once he's positive, you won't fall without him propping you up. He demounts with an ease, his feet hitting the ground in a soft thump as he turns around to face you, holding his hands up so you can use him to get down yourself.
You move to grab his hands with your own, ignoring the spark that runs down your spine at the contact.
There are so many differences between you and Noa, too many to even begin to count, but the way his hands are similar to yours, the way he immediately holds you so gently, makes them seem insignificant. Is this what love is? It's weird.
Noa sets you down on the ground, smiling softly at you, then moving to wrap the reins around a piece of metal protuding out of the ground to ensure the horse doesn't go anywhere. Something he didn't use to do, but after the events of the last time he came into the city, he's not going to have that mistake happen again.
"We'll start climbing here." You crane your neck and balk at just how tall the structure is, it's a good couple of stories up, he's insane.
"Uh, Noa, I don't think you remember, but I can't really climb that high."
"I carry you, like I always do." He says it nonchalantly, shrugging with a shoulder.
"Noa, I'm heavy, no." It's always embarrassing when he carries you. It makes you blush, and you're terrified he can hear your heartbeat.
The look he shoots you is devastating.
"You always say that, you are not." He argues, looking offended on your behalf.
There's no point arguing with him about this.
You sigh and gesture for him to turn around so you can climb onto his back.
He does just that, crouching towards the ground.
You're always afraid of choking him out when you get on his back, so you take extra care to gently wrap your around around his neck, sliding your legs around his waist.
"Are you ready? It'll be a bit of a climb."
You let out a 'mhm.' Your brain too occupied with taking in his warmth and his scent, mind all fuzzy at holding him.
"Hold on tight." He squeezes your thigh.
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The climb is uneventful, mostly you filling in the silence with what you've done in thr last few days, Noa nodding and offering a hum here and there.
He finally stops, jostling you a bit to look at what he's come to show you.
A smile creeps along your face. It's Eagle eggs, four to be exact.
Despite the Eagle clan hand raising plenty of the birds, they don't do well breeding with their intervention, so to see a clutch is rare.
"Pick the egg that speaks to you the most."
You stare at the nest of eggs, taking in each one's complexion. It's hard, you have no idea why you have to choose. You figure Noa just wants your input, so you take it seriously.
Within a minute, you decide to point to the biggest egg in the center. The eggshell is freckled, and it stands out the most among its siblings.
"I like that one." You say softly in Noas ear. He nods and scoops it up, taking care to put it in the sling.
"Was that it? Can we go home now?" You rest your head on his own, holding back from nuzzling into his soft fur.
"Yes, this is all I needed today."
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After making a slow descent down the crumbling tower, Noa helps you get back onto the horse, throwing himself behind you. He moves the egg sling to be on his back, in order for you to be comfortable. (He wants you to lay against him so bad again)
The way home is filled with a comfortable silence, only breaking when you see fit.
It's always nice to spend time with Noa, but this particularly feels different, like something is innately changed in your relationship. You're probably imagining things though.
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Noa stops shortly before the village, it not being more than an acre away.
Noa swings a leg off the saddle, falling down and reaching for your waist to lift you down as well.
He breaths out your name, continuing after a moment. "Before we go, I need to give you something. Close your eyes."
You lift an eyebrow at him, but do as you're told. It's Noa, you trust him with everything in you, so your eyes slide closed.
Noa ruffles with something, cursing quietly under his breath. It makes you giggle, you had been teaching him some human vocabulary, alot of curse words included.
You're a bit startled when you feel him brush your hair away from your face, his thumb gently brushing against your skin. The blush that threatens to overtake your face is insane, and you hope he thinks it's just because the sun is beaming down on the both of you.
You feel something be placed over your head, sliding down and stopping at your chest.
Noa takes a second to readjust it, making sure it's snug and resting comfortably on you.
"Open now."
Peeling your eyes open, you're greeted with a blinding smile by him, and your mouth goes dry for a second at it. Yes, he has always been handsome, but the way he's looking at you now, the way his eyes are shining with happiness, it's a lot to take in. He's so handsome and he doesn't even know it.
Noa doesn't notice your internal dilemma over him, nodding his head towards your chest, still beaming with pride.
You snap yourself out of your Noa fueled daze, eyes going down to your chest.
It's the egg you chose.
Confusion fills your brain for a second.
"This is your egg, why am I carrying it?"
Noa told you all about how his egg was crushed the first time he got it, and how a downward spiral that moment had lead to.
Even though he had Eagle son now, you had figured he still wanted his own, to say he had done it for his late father.
"No, this is your egg."
"Your egg, your Eagle to raise."
"Noa, nothing. You are part of us. You get an eagle."
"Noa, I'm not. This is special to your clan. Someone else should have my egg." You try and carefully slip the sling from your neck, but Noa beats you, his hands inclosing around your own to stop you.
"You are apart of the clan." He murmurs, pushing your hands down until they're at your side. His hands then come back to your face, holding your cheeks gently.
"You're not an outsider."
The lump in your throat is suffocating, your eyes well past the point of welling up. Salty tears having no consideration for how embarrassing it is for you to cry over this.
Noa hums, this thumbs coming up to brush them away, still smiling, his eyes willed with warmth and his smile just the more softer.
He pulls you in then, resting his forehead on yours, a hand against the back of your head.
You let out a shuddering breath, smiling so hard it starts to hurt.
"You're apart of me."
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"Noa! My Eagle hatched!" You're sprinting to him, he just got home from exploration with Anaya. You've missed him, even more than usual.
You move to grab his hand, trying with all your might to pull him off to drag him to the Eagle area.
Anaya shoots a look to Noa, a smug smirk on his face.
"Noa you go, your mate needs you." He teases, dismounting his horse, grabbing Noas reins from him.
Noa sputters, quickly signing that no, you two are not mates, at least not yet. He hasn't even asked if you liked him yet! He's told Anaya this on the trip, many times, after many rounds of teasing.
You don't understand their signing that well yet, so you tug at Noas hand again, intertwining your fingers.
"Noaaa, come on!" You whine.
Noa is sure he'd do just about anything you asked of him, and then some. So he gets off the mount and runs with you.
Anaya snorts, shaking his head good-naturedly.
"Not mates, as if."
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wendigoruble · 4 months
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Little sketches and such
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liminalsspace · 2 months
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pssstttttttt, HEY HEY!!!!!! Me and my friend @auden-the-knobhead made amazing OCs for our own story that ties into the Kingdom of the Apes. Meet Arrow and Zaba! Arrow is an ape while Zaba is a monkey breed, in this universe, they also contracted the same thing apes have.
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