#plant therapy essential oil
oilypodmy · 1 year
How to Use Essential Oil for Aromatherapy?
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The healing scents of essential oils can reduce anxiety, ease minor aches and pains, and even get you (or your spouse) in the mood. Although you can schedule a massage or facial that combines these oils, you can also enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy oil for the mind and body at home. It's important to know what's involved when you use essential oils for aromatherapy so that you can perform an effective treatment correctly and safely. Aromatherapy practice begins with learning how to use these oils and the benefits of each of them. The following are ways to use essential oils for aromatherapy: A. Inhalation B. Topical use
A. Inhalation
1. Use of a diffuser
Using a diffuser is a helpful way to infuse the fragrance of your preference in any environment quickly. Some diffusers work with water, and some work with heat, so be sure to follow the instructions, including how much essential oil to use.
2. Consider evaporation in a dry state
On a cotton ball or tissue, put 2-4 drops of essential oil and let it sit close to you in a nice container.
3. Build a treatment with steam
Specifically, this technique is useful for calming cough, respiratory and sinus infections, or allergy problems. In a bowl of hot water, place 3-7 drops of essential oil, set your face over the water, and put a towel over your head to catch the steam. When you inhale the vaporized oil through your nose, keep your eyes closed.
4. Make a bottled spray
Deodorizing a room, setting a mood, or turning a space into an aromatherapy session can be done with a simple spritz or spray with essential oils. In a spray bottle, add 10-15 drops of your favourite essential oil (or a mixture of 1-3 essential oils) and one ounce of water and shake. In your bedroom, bathroom, or anywhere you want, spray liberally. You may also gently spray it on your pillowcases or towels.
B. Topical Use
1. Few drops in a bath
Although a bathing ritual can be a self-soothing therapy, it can help you more by adding essential oils. To properly integrate the oil into the bathwater, this procedure would require using a dispersant. With one teaspoon of whole milk, vegetable oil, or honey, mix up to 12 drops of your essential oil of choice and then add to the water just before you step in.
2. During self-massage, apply to your skin
Your body acts as a diffuser in this method as it heats the essential oil and releases its fragrance into the air. Mixing it with a carrier oil such as grapeseed oil or sweet almond oil is the first step. Diluting the essential oil, especially during extended use, helps to prevent an allergic reaction. For example, citrus oils, if applied directly, will make your skin more receptive to the sun. Use about 20 drops of essential oil for each ounce of a carrier when mixing. If you choose to use water instead of carrier oil, before applying it to your skin, ensure that you shake the mixture well. If you need soothing massage oil, lavender oil or patchouli are great choices.
3. Mix with your lotion for the body or lips
Here is another technique where your body's heat allows the essential oil to diffuse, enabling you to inhale its scent. Mix 6-15 drops of your preferred essential oil to one ounce of unscented body or face lotion (use half quantity if you have sensitive skin) and mix thoroughly before applying.
In a Nutshell
Many people tend to believe that essential oils are innately safe because they come naturally. However, bear in mind that this powerful oil should be used with care and caution. If you are unsure, it's advisable to get in touch an essential oil expert about using aromatherapy oils in Malaysia.
If you're looking for pure and natural essential oils. Oilypod is the perfect destination for you where you can buy essential oils and other carrier oils in bulk. 
Contact us at +(60)18 916 3422 or mail us at [email protected]
Article Source: https://oilypod.my/blogs/articles-guides/essential-oil-for-aromatherapy
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The Ultimate Bath Detox - 100% Organic and Natural Detox
[et_pb_section][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text]A bath detox is essential for our bodies to relax, rejuvenate, and overcome illnesses. An organic and natural detox is very important as our bodies absorb what it comes into contact with. You want to make sure you are not using harmful chemicals, additives or dyes in your bath water. (The chemicals in our bath water is a whole other…
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CLOVE Clove bud essential oil is a spicy, intoxicating essence that is popular in many applications. It is favoured in dental care for toothpaste, mouthwashes and oral medication due to its antimicrobial, antibacterial and pain-relieving properties. Clove Bud essential oil contains up to 85% Eugenol, the source of its
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myocusa · 1 year
Buy Plant Therapy Essential Oils at MYOC
Discover the soothing power of Plant Therapy Essential Oils with MYOC. Elevate your well-being and Buy our premium selection of natural essential oils for a rejuvenating aromatherapy experience. MYOC brings you the finest plant-derived oils to promote relaxation, balance, and vitality. Immerse yourself in the captivating scents carefully crafted to enhance your physical and emotional harmony. Transform your surroundings and uplift your spirits with the enchanting synergy of plant therapy essential oils from MYOC. Buy today and embark on a journey of holistic wellness and tranquility.
Explore now: https://myocusa.com/collections/essential-oils
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manifestingmatcha · 2 years
✨My Glow Up tips✨
Drink a lot of water it benefits your body in every way bonus points if you add lemon. If you crave soda Olipop is a good alternative.
Eat little meals made with whole foods throughout the day it really does make a difference.
Go on hot girl walks get fresh air and sunshine every day.
Drink green juices and smoothies it’s the easiest way to get in all your fruits and veggies plus you can add supplements.
Skincare is self care it’s literally the canvas for your makeup so invest in your products. Keep it simple and be consistent with your routine.
Learn to read food labels ideally you want to know how to pronounce every ingredient.
Drink less alcohol bloating and hangovers aren’t hot.
Educate yourself on vitamins and supplements to target what you want to improve. For immune system you want vitamin c and zinc and for beauty you want a collagen supplement.
Lip filler: research your provider make sure you vibe with them and feel comfortable. Start slow and gradually build to your desired shape and size. (not everyone needs filler/botox only if you want it)
Contacts over glasses is my personal preference.
Choose a signature scent for every season.
Keratin hair treatments they make styling so easy and your hair looks shiny and perfect for weeks.
Natural nail colors are the most flattering. OPI and Essie make the best nudes.
Invest in classic basics for your closet black and white t-shirts denim and shoes. Think about cost per wear quality vs quantity ect. Zara is my favorite store for inexpensive trendy pieces.
Wear signature jewelry mine are gold hoops diamond studs and dainty necklaces. Mejuri is my favorite jeweler.
Cleaning and organizing your home is therapy. Light a Fall candle and deep clean your space once a week and you will feel refreshed.
Exfoliate your face and body a few times a week
Ice roll and gua sha your face it instantly de puffs and lifts.
Plant medicine personally I love cannabis and it’s been a positive life changing medicine for me.
Therapy: I believe everyone can benefit from it.
Never stop learning read often about whatever topics you’re interested in.
For improved hair skin and nails put collagen powder in your coffee or smoothies every day.
Put fresh eucalyptus and lavender in your shower or a few drops of essential oils for the best most relaxing bath.
Brush and floss often and occasionally use Crest white strips for whitening your teeth.
Journaling is so important on paper or even in your notes app on your phone.
Learn manifesting techniques your mindset is everything.
Get a professional bra fitting and match your lingerie it will make you feel confident and hot.
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crosstheveil · 11 months
Health: Misconceptions with Anemia and "Iron Deficiency"
Iron Absorption & Utilization
Simply taking iron supplements often doesn't cure anemia.
Proper absorption and utilization of iron involve many processes.
1/3 of the population has trouble absorbing and utilizing iron; it's considered the most common nutritional disorder in the world.
Anemia is usually about iron dysregulation, not deficiency.
Iron supplements or injections tend to circulate excessively, potentially causing toxicity.
Iron overload strains the iron recycling system and the liver.
Liver plays a key role in regulating iron uptake.
Iron doesn't regulate itself; it's copper-dependent.
Copper is essential for ceruloplasmin, a protein that mobilizes iron from tissues into the blood. Without copper, iron accumulates in tissue leading to inflammation and tissue damage which can develop into others issues like heart or liver disease and diabetes with increased risk of infection and cancer.
Retinol (Vitamin A) enhances iron absorption and influences genes regulating iron metabolism.
Iron Testing
CBC can detect anemia but it can't necessarily tell you the cause.
Serum ferritin doesn't give a true measure of iron stores.
Approximately 70% of iron is found in hemoglobin, around 20-25% is stored as ferritin and hemosiderin in tissues, about 5% is in myoglobin and enzymes, and roughly 0.1% as serum iron.
For accurate assessment, consider all containers of iron including hemoglobin, serum iron, and ferritin, as well as non-iron markers such as zinc, copper, and vitamins A & D.
The only direct way to measure iron stores is to keep removing blood until anemia sets in, then account for the iron deficit and dietary iron consumed during this time.
Sources (meat, liver, and seafood)
Copper: liver, nuts, molasses, oats, bee pollen, shellfish, pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate, acerola cherry powder, shilajit.
Retinol (Vitamin A): liver, other organ meats, egg yolk, seafood, fish liver oils, dairy products.
Other Insights
Phytates in plants can hinder non-heme iron absorption but vitamin C helps to counteract these inhibitory effects.
Over-supplementing with zinc can cause copper deficiency since copper and zinc need to be in balance.
There are many causes of anemia beyond "iron deficiency", such as vitamin B12 deficiency.
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded in 1934 to George Whipple, George Minot, and William Murphy for their discoveries related to liver therapy in cases of anemia.
Other studies have supported incorporating beef liver (which contains copper, iron, zinc, vitamin A and D) into the diet.
The key is to have food that isn't concentrated on a certain vitamin or mineral but provides a mixture of what we need in a way that our body can properly absorb without inhibiting effects.
Men are naturally higher in iron than women and women are naturally higher in copper than men (estrogen levels contribute to the production of copper).
Female menstruation is why iron deficiency anemia is more common among women.
Signs of anemia include fatigue, pale complexion, blurred vision, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, cold hands and feet, scanty menstruation, numbness, insomnia, poor memory, dry skin, brittle nails, vertical ridges on nails, muscle twitches, shortness of breath, chest pain, headache, swollen or sore tongue, unusual cravings, restless legs.
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thelostchaoswitch · 4 months
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🌙 Embracing My Journey: Mental Health & Witchy Wellness 🌿
Hey, beautiful souls,
Lately, I’ve been navigating some stormy seas with my mental health, and I wanted to share my journey in the hopes it might resonate with some of you. It's been tough facing anxiety and waves of depression, but I've been finding strength in vulnerability and the support of this wonderful community.
Some days, it's hard to get out of bed, and other days, my mind is a whirlwind of worries. It's a struggle I know many of us face, and it's okay to feel overwhelmed. Seeking help through therapy, medication, or talking to friends is crucial, and it's a sign of strength, not weakness.
In addition to these conventional methods, I've been embracing some witchy practices to help nurture my mental well-being. The connection to nature and the mystical has brought me comfort and grounding. Here are a few practices that have made a difference:
🌟 Moon Rituals
The phases of the moon hold powerful energies that can aid in our emotional and mental well-being. During the New Moon, I set intentions for the upcoming cycle, focusing on self-love, healing, and personal growth. When the Full Moon arrives, I perform a release ritual by writing down my worries and fears, then safely burning the paper to symbolize letting go of negative energy.
🌿 Herbal Allies
Herbal magic has been a gentle and supportive presence in my life. I drink teas made from calming herbs like chamomile, lavender, and valerian root to soothe my anxiety. Placing sachets filled with these herbs under my pillow has also helped improve my sleep quality, providing much-needed rest and rejuvenation.
🕯️ Candle Magic
Lighting candles infused with specific intentions has been a calming ritual for me. I use lavender or blue candles for peace and healing, anointing them with essential oils and focusing on my intention as I light them. The soft glow and scent help create a serene atmosphere, perfect for meditation or journaling.
🌿 Crystal Healing
Crystals have been a grounding force for me. I keep amethyst and rose quartz close by—amethyst for its calming properties and rose quartz for self-love and compassion. Holding these crystals during meditation or keeping them on my altar helps me feel centered and supported.
🧘‍♀️ Grounding Practices
Connecting with the Earth has been incredibly healing. Simple grounding exercises like walking barefoot on grass, sitting under a tree, or even tending to my plants help me stay present and connected to the here and now.
Remember, it's okay to seek help and lean on both conventional and magical methods to support your mental health. We're all in this together, and it's through sharing and supporting each other that we can find light in the darkest of times.
Stay strong, stay magical, stay safe. ✨
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wortcunningwitch · 1 year
Witchcraft for Dancers: A Masterpost
(part 1? we'll see)
as a ballet student and aspiring professional dancer, i've been experimenting for a while on using witchcraft to aid in success in my ballet career and help heal bruises, blisters, and other minor injuries. vice versa, i also use dance in my craft in many ways! this is a post compiling tips, tricks, recipes, and spells that combine dance and magic for my fellow dancer witches.
For a Dancer's Aches and Pains
disclaimer: injuries, especially severe ones, cannot be healed by magic alone! always see a physical therapist if you are experiencing pain aside from your usual soreness.
How to Make Calendula Salve - useful for dry skin, callouses, floor burn, minor scrapes/cuts, and more. the calendula plant is associated with solar magic, healing, and prosperity.
Epsom Salt - a common remedy for post-dance class swelling or soreness is to take an Epsom salt bath! Epsom salt can be found for a fairly cheap price at your local store, and pouring a little in your bathtub shouldn't take much effort/energy. in magic, salt is mainly used for cleansing and purification of a space, an object, or (in this case) one's body and energy.
Mugwort - a small tip i learned while studying West Country English folk magic was that inserting a little bit of fresh mugwort in your shoes helps to ward off fatigue while walking. i personally like to translate this to my dancing by putting some in my pointe shoes with the intent to keep away tiredness during classes and rehearsals.
A "Heal-All" Oil Recipe - one of mine! this is a multipurpose infused oil for use in healing spells and as an ointment. i have yet to test this one out, but you could use it to anoint places on your body that are sore or aching with the intent to heal.
Purification Balm for Self-Healing - this balm is directed more towards mental health and purifying one's energy. good mental health is a vital component of a person's overall health, and especially so for a dancer, because we're constantly comparing ourselves to our classmates/co-workers and striving for perfection. as the creator of this video said, it's beneficial to take a step back and assess your own wellbeing and energy before trying to fix anything else, which is something this balm is designed to help do. of course, because of the hydrating and nourishing ingredients that this balm contains, it can be used similarly to the calendula salve for burns, cuts, blisters, and callouses.
A Charm to Relieve Pain - another bit of West Country magic i learned recently. this one is perfect for relieving muscle pain, cramps, and soreness from dancing!
For Audition & Performance Nerves
disclaimer: if you feel that your anxiety is disabling or severely affecting you, please see a therapist or a psychiatrist before using magic. you may benefit from regular therapy sessions and anti-anxiety medicine if your mental health is suffering.
Lavender - lavender is a wonderful anti-anxiety herb! using a little roll-on lavender essential oil on my wrists before an audition or performance is my easiest go-to method to calm my nerves and clear my mind. if you're a tea-drinker, consider making some iced lavender tea to bring with you in a water bottle. if you have a green thumb, growing a lavender plant is great because you can 1) connect with it (talk to it as it's growing, etc.) and 2) take little sprigs of it and put them in your dance bag when needed.
Worry Stone River Spell - if you live by a creek or river, this is something you can do in the days leading up to your audition/performance if your nerves are overwhelming you.
Grounding yourself - one of my favorite ways to ground myself either during an audition or before a performance (in a warm-up class) is to put a lot of my energy and focus into the first few barre exercises the teacher gives, rather than worrying about the tougher combinations that are coming up. in a ballet audition, judges will often look for a dancer's musicality/technique/artistry in their plies and tendus. knowing this, i find it calming and useful to give my all to those combinations and establish my technique for the rest of the class.
Soothing Scrub - if you're like me and also get bad nerves after everything's done, especially while waiting on results from an audition, this shower scrub is a perfect way to cleanse yourself and calm down when you come home from dance.
Tiger's eye - tiger's eye crystals help with motivation, reassurance, confidence, and grounding. if you are able, i personally recommend purchasing a bracelet made of tiger's eye beads for convenience. if not, you can also carry a tiger's eye stone in your dance bag.
Amethyst - amethyst crystals are good for countering feelings of anxiety, as well as promoting mental clarity and wisdom.
Anti-anxiety sigils - some anti-anxiety and anti-stress sigils i've found online are here, here, here, here, and here. you can write down the ones that resonate, and if none do, there are a plethora of methods with which you can make your own! here is a good video on the creation of sigils. i suggest putting sigils in hidden pockets in your dance bag, writing them inside your dance shoes, drawing them on your wrists with oil, or drawing them in foundation on your face while doing stage makeup.
Anti-Anxiety Spell Jar - if you have a certain place where you store your dance supplies (either at home or in a locker at your studio), you can place this jar there to give your leotards, tights, and shoes a comforting magical energy.
For Success and Luck in Dance
Success Candle Spell - this is a great video to take inspiration from to build a candle spell for success! when i'm doing success workings for dance opportunities and audition outcomes, i like to personalize and specify them with dance-related sigils. the shape of one i made a while back resembled a sketch of a dancer, and the intent was specific to my goals.
Four-leaf clovers - a popular superstition that has ties in folk magic is the luck of finding a four-leaf clover. storing one of these in your dance bag is sure to bring good luck to your artistic endeavors!
Pointe shoes - a ballet dancer's pair of pointe shoes are incredibly important, and can be treated as a magical tool if you wish. nowadays, everything i do to a new pair of pointe shoes is infused with the intent of success and growth. when i sew the ribbons and elastics onto the shoes, i will often use knot magic when i reach the end of the thread. i usually sew my new shoes on a friday night, and leave them to charge with crystals on my altar overnight before wearing them for the several hours i dance on saturdays and sundays. (of course, you can find a way to do this that works with your personal schedule). when breaking them in, i visualize them molding to perfectly fit my feet and support the turns, jumps, and balances i will do while wearing them.
Color magic - if color magic is a part of your practice, i would encourage you to find ways to incorporate it into your stage makeup. if your studio/school doesn't have a uniform/is less strict with the uniform, you can do this with leotards/shirts as well. red, orange, green, and gold all have common associations with energy, motivation, luck, joy, and success in modern witchcraft.
Orange Peel Tea - while the original post wasn't specifically made with success in mind, this is still a great recipe because orange peels typically correspond with joy, good fortune, creativity, and solar magic.
that's all (that i can think of at the moment) for part 1! i might make a part 2 to this post depending on how useful people find it.
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crowehorte · 9 months
Daily Grimoire Challenge Day 1
From the @2024-grimoire-challenge Week 1 Prompt List
Spell: A set of written instructions that outline the material, verbal, and somatic components of a magic working with a specific intended outcome.
Ritual: The process of casting a spell.
Lavender A genus of 47 plants from the mint family. Native to the "Old World," lavender is found across Europe, north and eastern Africa, and southwest Asia all the way into India. It is also know as Spikenard or simply Nard, with the origins either stemming from the ancient Greek city of Naarda or the sanskrit word Nalada. The late Latin name used commonly in modern times comes from Lavandarius, which refers to lavanda (things to be washed) and the verb lavo (to wash).
Lavender grows best in sandy or gravelly soil and requires a full 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight. Too much humidity or water in the soil can cause fungi to grow and roots to rot, which is why well-draining soil is required for it to grow well. English lavender has a germination period of 14 to 28 days and reaches full maturity after 100 to 110 days.
It's frequently used in essential oils and potpourri mixes for its fresh, sweet scent with faint citrusy notes, and it's often paired with Chamomile in aroma therapy blends dedicated to relaxing and soothing the mind. As a spice, it's often added to desserts or paired with mild sheep or goat milk cheeses. Lavender buds can be steeped in sugar and boiled to create a syrup that can be added to coffee, tea, and baked goods, and it pairs well with chocolate flavoring.
Lavender has been used as an ingredient in incense and perfumes throughout the centuries, and has been referenced in the Christian bible. It's commonly associated with St Joseph of the Catholic faith; the patron saint of fathers, families, expecting mothers, unborn children, virgins, and workers. He is invoked in prayers regarding employment and vocation, happy marriages, grace in death, and daily protection.
In my experience, lavender is frequently used as a spell component used in purification, protection, and general blessing spells. Given the association with St Joseph, the frequency it appears in lotions and soaps, and how it's used to aid in sleep and relaxation, I think that its mundane uses heavily inform its magical use. We associate it with cleanliness and good vibes, and fathers are often our first protectors, so it makes sense to use it in this way.
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possession1981-moving · 6 months
as some kind of post-therapy tlc i went into this new kbeauty shop to try on some products on the back of my hands because i just really enjoy the sensory aspect of that and also i wanted to feel some products out that i have my eye on and i tried two different sunscreens i’ve been interested in both of which are mineral sunscreens and both of which felt INCREDIBLE like not just not drying but MOISTURIZING and neither have any gross fragrance or essential oils or weird plant extracts that i’m sensitive to and i wanna buy them sooooo bad now because i’ve noticed my skin stinging ever so slightly when i’m using my regular chemical spfs lately which is a shame bc i spent like 3 years rehabilitating my skin after accutane to the point where i could actually wear chemical sunscreen again, but also if i can actually find mineral spf that’s not gonna dry me out and feel and look horrible then it’s no issue to have some at hand for when my skin is more sensitized yay
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madamlaydebug · 8 months
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Can we heal our body by eating a whole-foods, plant-heavy diet in order to heal our mind? Science tells us Yes, we can — because diet does play a significant role in our mental well-being.
Yet, mental health is commonly treated as a separate entity from overall health & wellness, we can’t overlook the obvious fact that our brain is still a part of our body. Instead, we need to view the mind and body as one when it comes to healing.
This means that what we feed ourselves is just as important as our daily meditation or weekly therapy visits.
Good Mood Food
Brain Inflammation plays a critical role in many psychiatric and neurological disorders such as major depression, PTSD, and many others. Switching to an anti-inflammatory diet can help to quell any systemic inflammation in your body, including in your brain.
Your brain needs fat to function optimally. After all, it’s primarily made up of fat. Good quality fats are high in omega-3, which is an essential fatty acid (meaning our body doesn’t produce it so we must get it from our diets). Omega-3’s are important building blocks for a healthy brain and cells.
Where to Start:
Begin by removing inflammatory foods from your diet such as refined Sugar, Gluten, and Dairy. Eat a whole foods diet rich in colorful fruits & vegetables (antioxidants and fiber), and incorporate lots of good healthy fats such as olive oil, ghee, walnuts, chia, and flax.
Your Second Brain
The gut is implicated in every single body system, and that especially includes the nervous system.
The beneficial bacteria in your gut manufactures 90ish percent of the body’s supply of serotonin, which influences both mood and GI activity.
Your beneficial gut bacteria produces and responds to the same neurochemicals that the brain uses to regulate your mood and cognition. A very good reason to keep your gut in good working order.
The gut also produces benzodiazepine, a chemical compound that’s used as a psychoactive drug that enhances the effect of the neurotransmitter GABA – a sedative that is used to treat anxiety, insomnia, seizures and muscle spasms.
Where to Start:
Stick to the anti-inflammatory diet as outlined above, and remove any trigger foods that you may have (foods that cause any symptoms such as digestive disturbances, frequent throat clearing, headaches, skin rash, the list goes on). If any foods are causing you a reaction, it’s a safe assumption that you may have some impaired digestion going on. You’ve got to keep your gut in good working order so it can do its good work – like make serotonin!
Also, take a high-quality probiotic and eat probiotic rich foods every day like raw sauerkraut, kimchee, kefir, miso, yogurt, and kombucha. Certain probiotics have even been shown in pre-clinical research to have anti-depressant qualities.
So, kale for anxiety? Yes, please!
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oilypodmy · 1 year
How Rocky Mountain Essential Oils Helpful in Daily Life?
Rocky Mountain essential oils can be helpful in daily life for a variety of purposes. Essential oils are highly concentrated plant extracts that contain natural compounds that can have therapeutic benefits. Here are some ways Rocky Mountain essential oils can be useful in daily life:
Aromatherapy: Essential oils can be used in a diffuser to create a relaxing or energizing atmosphere, depending on the oil used. Some popular Rocky Mountain essential oils for aromatherapy include lavender, peppermint, and lemon.
Skincare: Rocky Mountain essential oils can be added to homemade skincare products, such as lotions and body scrubs. Tea tree oil, for example, has natural antibacterial properties and can be used to treat acne-prone skin.
Cleaning: Essential oils can be added to natural cleaning solutions to provide a fresh scent and natural disinfecting properties. Lemon and tea tree oils are popular choices for cleaning solutions.
Natural remedies: Some Rocky Mountain essential oils have natural healing properties and can be used to treat common ailments, such as headaches, muscle aches, and colds. For example, peppermint oil is often used to relieve headaches and muscle pain.
Essential oils are highly concentrated plant extracts that contain natural compounds that can have therapeutic benefits. Rocky Mountain essential oils can be helpful in daily life for a variety of purposes. OilyPod is the perfect place where you can buy wide range of rocky mountail essential oil at best prices.
Visit: https://oilypod.my/collections/rocky-mountain-oils
Contact us at +(60)18 916 3422 or mail us at [email protected]
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cutethinspo · 2 years
Things to do instead of eating!
• Make a tea.
• Journaling. Planning. Writing down ideas.
• Draw, paint, sculpt, sew...
• Full teeth cleansing routine.
• Do skincare (modeling mask, rice water, cucumber slices...)
• Bleach & tidy up eyebrows, wax facial hair.
• Hand spa (exfoliate, cuticle care, nail shaping, hand mask).
• Feet spa (exfoliate, warm water soak, pumice stone, nail care, oil massage, feet mask).
• Watch self-improvement video-vlogs on YouTube.
• Watch mukbangs (https://youtu.be/JebVKuqDJTw?si=DbU9FJn7kgs5n05-).
• Mop the floors, make the bed, disinfect everything.
• Dry brushing, exfoliate, legs up the wall, infrared vibrating muscle massager, red light therapy.
• Do a yoga routine, stretch, muscle training.
• Go for a walk listening to podcasts.
• Have a full bath (bath bomb, bath jelly, soap, body scrub, body conditioner...).
• Moisturize whole body.
• Browse for things to buy: skincare, bodycare, makeup, lingerie...
• Read a non-fiction book.
• Language studies (immersion: watching the news, consuming media, practice with natives...)
• Gaming (ds, WII).
• Pet care routine (clean enclosure, let roam-free, make their food mix, make then handmade food, bathe them, manage their social media account).
• Air out & sun dry the bedsheets.
• Do laundry 🧺.
• Hand wash lingerie & hang on a drying rack.
• Aromatherapy with a humidifier (+air cleansing), warm towel with essential oil, sage cleanse, burn incense...
• Take a 30 min power nap.
• Take care of the garden (make fertilizer or go buy some premade, mist/water plants, clean leaves, put some music...)
• Browse Pinterest for inspiration.
• Study Tarot.
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seuncreative · 1 year
How to cope with typical symptoms of Menopause
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Supplements dedicated to women during menopause can provide support for managing the symptoms and hormonal changes associated with this transitional phase of life. Menopause, typically occurring in women around the age of 45-55, marks the end of reproductive years and is characterized by a decline in estrogen and progesterone levels. While it's important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any supplement regimen, here are some commonly used supplements that may offer support during menopause:
Black Cohosh: Black cohosh is a herb that has been traditionally used to alleviate menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings. Some studies suggest that black cohosh may have estrogen-like effects, which can help to balance hormonal fluctuations and reduce the intensity and frequency of these symptoms.
Soy Isoflavones: Soy isoflavones are plant compounds with a similar structure to estrogen. They are found in soybeans and soy products. Research indicates that soy isoflavones may help alleviate hot flashes and night sweats. They work by binding to estrogen receptors and exerting a weak estrogenic effect, providing a natural alternative to hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
Red Clover: Red clover is another herb that contains isoflavones. Like soy isoflavones, red clover isoflavones can interact with estrogen receptors in the body. Some studies suggest that red clover may help reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes and improve overall quality of life during menopause.
Calcium and Vitamin D: During menopause, women may experience a decrease in bone density due to declining estrogen levels. Supplementing with calcium and vitamin D can support bone health and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Calcium helps to maintain bone strength, while vitamin D aids in calcium absorption.
Magnesium: Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a role in various bodily functions, including hormone regulation and muscle relaxation. Some studies suggest that magnesium supplementation may help reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes, improve sleep quality, and alleviate mood swings during menopause.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3 fatty acids, such as those found in fish oil, have anti-inflammatory properties and can support cardiovascular health and brain function. They may also help alleviate symptoms of depression and mood swings that some women experience during menopause.
Vitamin E: Vitamin E is an antioxidant that may offer relief from hot flashes and night sweats. Some studies suggest that vitamin E supplementation can reduce the severity and frequency of these symptoms, although results have been mixed.
Remember, the effectiveness of these supplements may vary from person to person, and it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen. They can assess your individual needs, consider any underlying health conditions or medications you may be taking, and provide personalized guidance to ensure safe and effective use of supplements during menopause.
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miniaturemoonheart · 1 year
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For our Witchlings 💕
(YOU are the only tool you NEED)
Tools are not the most important part of Witchcraft, YOU are, but tools do help us in connecting to our craft.
However, you don't need ALL of these tools. Just whatever feels right for you.
Incense- used to attract certain energies into your life, banish spirits, represents air on the altar.
Crystals/gemstones- used for spells, used to attract certain energies into your life, used to represent earth on your altar.
Essential oils- used in aroma therapy and healings. Some can be used for the skin to relieve headaches and other pains, some are only to be put in a diffuser to help with sleep/sickness, and some can be ingested.*
Candles- used in magic, for sigils, and to represent fire on the altar.
Goblet- used for offerings to deities/spirits, to represent water on the altar.
Pentagram- used in spells, worn as a symbol of the craft, used to represent spirit on the altar.
Herbs/plants- used for spells and cooking, used to represent earth on the altar.
Couldren- used for spells and ceremonial purposes
Wand- used as a ritual for Imbolc, good for visualization and ceremonial purposes.
Athame- a dagger used in the practice, mostly for ceremonial purposes.
Book of Shadows/Grimoire- a magic book where spells and magic knowledge are kept. Usually written by the witch themselves or the witch's family.
*Some of these essential oils can be dangerous to pets, so do your research. It is also very important to dilute certain oils before making skin contact. This can be done with water, olive oil, coconut oil, and or almond oil.
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martamystic · 1 year
PEACE part 2
Nature is very healing to a human being. Make use of the 4 elements, include them in your life, to improve your mood and well being. We are a part of nature and connected to it, so use it to your benefit.
Water - regular drinking plenty of water, removes toxins from your body and it's very calming for the mind, therefore healing your emotions as well. A lot of people say, they could sit by the sea all day, they just love it and either don't know why, or they know it calms them down. If you're far away from the sea, then research your area to find the nearest river or streams, that you could sit by for a while. Apart from that, have a bath at least once a week, it relaxes, rejuvenates and cleanses your body and mind.
Air - whenever you're out in nature, remember to take some deep breaths, breathe in fresh air as much as you can. Breathing exercise can be practiced anytime. Apart from that, aromatherapy is very helpful to lift up your mood. You can burn some incense or essential oils and fill up your space with desired scent.
Earth - going for trips to woodland areas, being surrounded by trees, bushes, whatever grows in the wild, makes you forget daily life and calms the mind. If you're not up for a trip and/or don't have a garden, then go and spend some time sitting in the nearest park. Sitting in the park or the garden, admiring colourful flowers and other plants is pleasing for our eyes, makes us feel peace and joy. Working in the garden, getting your hands in soil, is very calming and grounding. It gives us peace of mind, as we're focused on gardening and not thinking of other things. When it comes to winter time, colour therapy can help, not to get depressed by darkness outside. Get yourself one of the colour changing lamps.
Fire - use the power of the sun when it's out, as it has very positive energy. Most people are in a better mood when the sun is shining, so sit in the sun, whenever you can to absorb it's positive energy. When it's cloudy or in dark winter times, you can use candles, as looking at the flame also calms the mind. Another thing that helps is having something yellow, orange, red in your home and surroundings. Apart from that, fire is associated with creativity, passion, ambition, so write down a few positive affirmations and read them daily, take some time and repeat them again and again, it will bring back peace after chaos of daily events.
Love and Light to everyone
written by Marta Siemko
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