#plastic addict
legitthatdude · 5 months
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Posted this on Twitter a while back, might as well share it here too.
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transmechanicus · 4 months
Left earbud weak output relative to right finally corrected after delicate surgery to correct cushion size and remove shitty plastic ring beneath speaker grille, ave omnissiah
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3416 · 3 months
no matter how hard i try, i cannot understand vape culture and the way young people have gotten sucked into the vices of their elders...... it's the same damn things their parents and their parents parents have in a different form. like that's insane to me.
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feline17ff · 5 months
Found a new YouTube channel called The Financial Diet. Videos include:
"You're Not Ugly, You're Just Poor": A Deep Dive (watched)
How The Wealthy Gaslight America
It's Not Just You: Jobs Didn't Used To Be This Terrible (watched)
The Toxic Boomer Money Advice You Need To Unlearn (watched)
3 Lessons From My No-Buy Year That Totally Changed My Finances (watched)
3 Things I No Longer Buy After My No-Buy Year (watched)
4 Lies From The Beauty Industry That Trick You Into Spending More Money (watched)
4 Minimalist Principles I Practice After Quitting Shopping For 1 Year (watched)
Overcoming "Post-Traumatic Broke Syndrome" & Building Real Wealth (watched, features TheBudgetnista Tiffany Aliche who talks about the finances of grief, the lasting effects of being broke, and what it means to be truly good with money)
Why ADHD Makes Money So Hard (And What To Do About It)
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hershes-chrises · 6 months
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Desk update... we may indeed be running out of space 😅
Happy with how things look after a rearranging
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lord-shitbox · 8 months
i love adhd big deadlines smell like "not real" until 2 days before theyre due and then once they do smell real they smell like "it doesnt really matter if i fail this anyways"
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fulgurbugs · 8 months
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reorganized the shelves :P
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april · 9 months
don't have room to display more gunpla so my next project is going to be a nintendo ds restoration. i probably won't even use it when i'm done because i have a perfectly good ds lite. i just want to have something physical to tinker with.
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neurodiverse-adulthood · 11 months
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Tangible reminders/affirmations for codependents, ft. small artists on Etsy!
x x x x x x x x x
I made all gifs-- please link this post if you reupload!
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autodiscipline · 1 year
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Plastic Tree official fanclub zine Sickroom karte: 07 2002
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maxwell-mtv · 3 months
Continues to insist he’s entitled to jumping and laying on my desk despite the many times I told him that’s not his workspace
Sticks his face into my mugs of coffee and licks the remnants on the bottom when I’m finished drinking it (only when I have black coffee though, never when it has cream and sugar in it)
Fucked up my laptop for a hot minute by walking over the keyboard (don’t worry, we fixed it after a quick google search)
Constantly steals my seat as soon as I get up whether it’s on the floor or in an actual chair while also insisting on being taller than me at all times by getting on higher and higher surfaces
Pukes on the carpet when he gets anxious (it’s never on the hard floors…)
Lies on my JojaMart jacket, without fail, and whether by shedding on it or refusing to get off of it, will make it unwearable for the time being
Goes hard when we play fight and has left scratches by accident (my baby boy kicks some hardcore ass, especially with the mouse toys, he curbstomps them lol)
Has taken coupons (because somehow they resemble plastic I guess idk??? He has a plastic addiction…) and either knocked them onto the ground from my desk or tried to lick them
Drinks the shower water that's left when we're done showering (he never drinks from the actual faucet???)
Will just sit in the bath and paw at the corners of it tenderly while lounging in there
Will give you the side eye if you insult him (we think he can understand what we’re saying because this cat has gotten up and walked away from conversations as soon as we jokingly insult the guy)
Paws and chases after you to gently swat at your ankles if he’s not done with you giving him attention
As a bonus, I think this most applies to Dobson but I was logging things for some business I was making a spreadsheet for. I left my tablet with its keyboard out on the ground and got up to go fetch some other materials. When I came back? My cat took my seat in front of my tablet and was loafing right in front of the keyboard like a helpful little lad. He is now my business assistant.
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the--evil-lesbian · 4 months
Oh, seven plastic dinosaurs strewn across my desk doing fuck-all but take up space. Carry me away from all this
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vmprlo · 1 year
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aku-crochet · 1 year
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Made another starry night with plastic canvas again! Love how it looks framed up! 🌌
🍄 Again, this one isn’t my pattern much like the other one. I had gotten this pattern from Pinterest! If anyone knows who the original creator is, please tag them!
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hershes-chrises · 7 months
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My new baby - Lfrith Anavata
Lightning swords my beloved
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jaredthebc · 21 days
Sorry for reblogging Skylanders stuff in the year 2024 like it’s still an active series. It will happen again
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