#platonic!oda x reader
writing-blocked-me · 1 year
A Lost Chance
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CW: Angst, betrayal, PM!Dazai, Dark Era Spoilers!, Mafia stuff ig?
Pairings: Akutagawa x reader, Platonic!Oda x reader
Author's note: A little OOC sorry! I don’t think I’ve really got Akutagawa down yet in terms of character.  Trying to expand beyond writing just for Dazai and Chuuya - though I have loads more fic ideas for them! 
Anyway hope you enjoy :)
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You had been with the Port Mafia ever since you could remember.  Kouyou had recruited you at a young age, seeming seeing, as she put it, “a darkness in you akin to the flower of darkness being nurtured in me.”  She trained you and showed you how to flourish in the darkness.  You’d never questioned it; never asked why.
You took it all in stride, stayed in the darkness and even became comfortable there.  Making friends in the mafia was easier than it sounded.  Despite it being a criminal organisation, there were surprisingly many people your age.  The Akutagawa siblings were surprisingly who you’d grown closest to over the years.  Although each of you trained under different executives, in different factions of the organisation,  you became really close.  
Ryunosuke in particuar you felt you gravitated to.  He was angry and brash, so desperate to prove himself to Dazai as strong that he was often blinded to things around him.  However, you  admired how driven he was and how hard he worked.  Though, he wasn’t always so rage-fuelled.  Sometimes he could be gentle and sweet, especially when it came to Gin.  He was always soft and considerate of his sister and protective of her as well.  It was incredibly sweet.  
He was also soft with you, and just as protective of you as he was of Gin.  He had grown fond of you, as you’d pretty much grown up together.  You always stuck by him and seen his worth even when Dazai did not.  You were one of the few people he completely trusted and allowed himself to open up to.  It was not until his early teens when he realised he was falling for you, or rather, until Gin realised and told him.  He was never good with his emotions, often acting on whims, usually in violence or anger.
However, unknown to the Black-Fanged Hellhound of the Port Mafia, you were just as smitten with him.  Though, on your side you were aware of his short temper and inability to confront any emotions outside of the negative.  So, you were content to wait until he was ready for the next step in your relationship.  You had always been content within the darkness of the mafia’s walls.
Until you weren’t. 
When you met Oda Sakunoske, it was supposed to be a simple job.  You were there as extra muscle and firepower during what was later called the Dragon’s Head Conflict.  You were only 14 at the time and so had been kept out of the main action.  Though the mafia was desperate, so still they sent you in.  That’s where you first saw him.  Picking up any stragglers he could find, rescuing children and protecting them from the conflict.  He seemed determined to keep the kids out of the darkness - a concept completely mysterious to you.  At first you had been confused, but curious.
The second time you met him was when you sought him out.  He had sparked your curiosity and you wanted to know more.  You hung around with him; you asked him questions.  He always gave you the same blunt answers about wanting to help the kids.  He showed them kindness, a kindness that stemmed from light.  You had never been exposed to light before Oda; it was then that he opened the door for you, leading to light.
From then on, you had decided to help him, to be more kind.  You would look after the orphans when he was gone too long on mafia jobs and contribute to their living costs.  Eventually, they began to see you as an older sibling and, eventually, you became very attached to them.
Regardless of how kind you were when it came to the kids, you never forgot where you worked, where you believed you belonged.  In the darkness.  You continued to work as a member of the mafia, alongside your friends.  You still cared for the Akutagawa siblings, still infatuated with Akutagawa, though you now attempted to prevent any excessive violence he attempted.  Life went on with only a few changes.
It was when you were 16 that Akutagawa finally told you he loved you.  He had just had an intense training session with his mentor and he returned to his and Gin’s shared abode battered and bruised, coughing and spluttering.  You had already been there, waiting for one or both of the siblings to show up to hang out, when he walked through the door.  You stood up to help him, only for him to fall on top of you, sending you both to the floor with a thud.  You gently rolled him off of you and rushed to get the med kit before tending to his injuries.  
It was then that he realised he did not want to lose you, you who treated him with respect and love, who showed him his worth was not just based on Dazai’s opinion of him, who reassured him of his strength when he believed himself weak.  He had been aware of his feelings for you before, but now he had no choice but to act on them and let you know of his feelings.  So he told you.  He communicated exactly how he felt, as he placed a soft kiss on top of your forehead, thanking you for loving him andf taking care of him. That was the beginnign of your wonderful and short-lived relationship as lovers.
The two of you remained professional as ever within the realm of the mafia, but outside you were much less hard and cold.  Akutagawa was warm and loving, though he showed it in his own way, and you in turn took care of him.  He had never been taken care of before, not like the way you did - intimately and without any sign of disgust or regret.  You loved him and he loved you, and, though you had been exposed to the light, you were content to live in this realm of darkness if it meant the two of you could keep on loving one another.
And then everything fell apart.
Akutagawa had stormed into the room furious one day, frustrated at the new enemy, Mimic, and his lack of usefullness to his mentor, the Demon Prodigy.  He had ranted about Dazai and how he had reprimanded him for botching the trap he had set up.  He went on and on about how Dazai’s friend was so much better than him.  Placing your hands around his, you attempted to calm him down, to no avail, as he shook your hands off and got even more worked up.  This time, however, his anger turned towards you.  He had never been angry at you before, not seriously anyway, not like he was then, with fiery rage burning in his eyes, brows scrunched together and lips tightly pursed together.  He had yelled at you, blamed you for making him weak, for allowing him to be soft, to let down his guard.  He screamed and shouted about how without you he would finally be strong, Dazai would finally recognise him as strong. 
Eyes full of tears and withou response, you sidestepped the mafioso and stormed past him.  You would not hear him say those things, although you knew that his anger was not truly directed at you, but it still hurt to listen to the boy you loved berating you.  You were aware of his lack of control over his emotions from the start, you just needed some time to cool down, and to let him cool down.
It was a couple days since your fight with Akutagawa when it happened.  You had thought he was going to visit you, but he simply still needed time.  Ryunosuke regretted lashing out and losing control, but he didn’t know how to make it right, so he opted to leave you alone, deciding until he could figure out how to fix it, he would let you have your space.
That was his mistake.
The news of the mafia’s success defeating mimic, whilst also attaining a permit allowing the mafia to legally operate with Gifted individuals.  However, few knew how it had been done.  You had been celebrating on with Gin in your apartment after hearing the news.  It was only when they left, late that night, that you started asking youself the questions of “who”, “what”, “where”, “when” and “why”.  That’s when you heard a knock at the door.  There stood the Demon Prodigy himself, Dazai Osamu, eyes slightly puffy, though his attempts to conceal it was commendable.  
You had met him a few times throughout your time in the mafia, through missions and jobs.  However, your interactions grew slightly more after meeting Oda.  You were aware of their odd friendship and that Oda trusted him, considering him a true, genuine friend.  That said, your respect for him was only for him as a superior, given your relationship to his pupil.  You were wary of the man at the door, unsure of why he would seek you of all people out, why he would come at such a late hour. 
“Odasaku is gone.”
It was the only thing he said before he dragged himself into your apartment, plonking himself down on your couch.  
Your ears rang with the words, your face displaying obvious disbelief.  He couldn’t be gone, that couldn’t be true, right? But you knew that Dazai would not be in your presence if it was fake. Your mind raced, what would you do without your mentor of light? What would the kids do? You hadn’t even thought about them yet, how would you break the news...
“They’re gone too.” 
As if reading your mind, Dazai lifted his head.  He recounted the events of Oda’s death to you and the death of the orphans.  As he spoke, he stared at the wall, it was apparent how desperate he was not to cry.  He looked almost innocent as the sorrow crossed his face. He turned to you.
“I’m leaving the mafia.  His last wish was for me to do something good, to live in the light and help people.  He asked if I could bring you with me.”
The former Demon Prodigy extended his hand to you, an invitation.  
And, without looking back, to honour the person you most looked up to, you took it.
Akutagawa knocked on your door.  One. Two. Three times.  No response.  You hadn’t been seen in days, he came to check on you.  The rest of the mafia was busying themselves with finding the former executive, now suspected traitor, but all he could think of was you.  He was finally ready to patch things up, ready to tell you how sorry he was.  Another knock.  No response again, so he busted down your door.  He’d apologise later but he had to talk to you first.  
Your apartment was empty, blank and cold - nothing like the warm environment it had been while you lived there.  Akutagawa tore through the apartment, room by room, still no sign.  You were gone.  
You had left and taken with you the last part of his soul that was not rage and despair.
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Oh my God… as soon as I read your post I had a thought… Probably unnecessarily cruel… What if the Children of Oda (46) and Ai (7) end up in Tayvat with the reader… This would make things more difficult for the poor reader. Because In addition to trying to survive, there is also the need to take care of children… And absolutely ordinary children without abilities. And the rest will panic greatly. Especially if the reader herself is a child or a teenager, although the plus is that the reader looks like just a young creator, if this seems too cruel and/or difficult, you can ignore or change my request, thank you very much for your attention, good luck!!!
If you were not alone
Part I
Self-Aware! BSD AU x SAGAU Imposter crossover
Self-Aware! Platonic! Aya Koda, Self-Aware! Platonic! Katsumi, Self-Aware! Platonic! Shinji, Self-Aware! Platonic! Kousuke, Self-Aware! Platonic! Sakura, Self-Aware! Platonic! Yuu
Reader: Teen! GN! Reader
Warning: English is my second language
👧🏻 🚸 At first, the situation didn't look too bad. Yes, all of you woke up in the wilderness, and you have no idea, how you get here, or how to return home, but, none of you were injured, and hilichurls looked surprisingly friendly and didn't try to attack you.
However, the emotions in the group weren't even slightly positive.
You were hugging crying Sakura and Shinji. The girl buried her face in your chest, and the boy was clinging to your side. 
Katsumi, Kousuke and Yuu were trying to keep themselves together, trying to act as big boys. But you can see tears in their eyes. Soon, they joined the group hug.
Aya was silent. She was a little bit tougher, then Oda's kids. You will be tough, if your adopted father is Vampire Count Bram Stoker. 
But she also was hugging you. Because now, she was a child. Not a Defender of Justice.
You were whispering reassuring words, promising, that all of you will be safe.
You want to believe that.
When you were more or less calmed down, your small group start moving to the nearest city.
Aya, Katsumi, Kousuke and Yuu were walking before you. You were holding Shinji's and Sakura's hands. You were making sure, that no one will get lost.
As the oldest in this group, you must take care of them.
 👧🏻🚸 Mondstadt was strange. From the game, you got an impression, that Mondstadt were a friendly city. So why... Why everyone were glaring at you?
 The answer came in a form of a statue. A statue made of gold. A statue of an adult version of you, made of gold.
 The statue was terrifying. It wasn't too big. It wasn't scary. But sometimes felt wrong. Something in every little bit of the statue made you feel frozen with fear and disgust.
 And, it seems, that your companions got the same feelings as you.
 You felt glares on you. Mondstadt was quiet. Waiting for something.
 The silence were overwhelming.
Yuu's voice could be mistaken for screams in this silence.
 "[Y/N], don't worry, this monster may look like you, but you will be looked much better, when you grew up."
 And the first of many "Imposter! Dirty Sinner!" came.
 🚸👧🏻 Your lungs were still burning. Sakura and Shinji were holding to you for dear life. All of you were chased away from Mondstadt. But, you were sure, that the people of Mondstadt weren't satisfied with simply chasing you away. No. The anger in their eyes. They wanted blood. Your blood.
 It was a miracle, that you survived. And the miracle had a name.
 Klee managed to hide you all away and get you to the Dragonspine. Right now, you, Oda's kids and Aya were resting in Albedo's lab.
While Klee tried to cheered kids even for a bit, you were talking with Albedo.
🚸👧🏻 The situation were terrible. You and kids are now wanted criminals, you can't trust anyone from Teyvat. Your only chance to get home - meet with Alice. The bad news is that she is forced to travel from nation to nation, not staying on one place for too long. There would be a big chance, that you would miss her.
And you must protect six kids.
You stayed with Albedo for a week. You discussed everything you need to know.
You decide to travel to Sumeru. If Albedo wasn't mistaken, Nahida would help you. Maybe, Irmensul have answers and knowledge on how to get you all home. At least, you could hide you, until Alice arrived.
Albedo gave you clothes, backpacks, supplies, blankets and much more. Everything you need during your journeys. It won't be enough for the whole journey. But, at least for the next few days, you won't worry about food and water.
And he showed you something. Something, that took all members of Hexenzirkel to use their powers to get and stay safe. Something, they stole from "Creator". What was left of a previous person, who looked slightly similar to "Creator".
"I don't want to scare you, [Y/N]. I just want you to see, what would happen, if one day they caught you. Or you decide to go to them on your own free will." Albedo looked sad. He can't go with you. He must protect Sucrose and Klee.
You nodded solemnly. You will try to stay safe.
To keep others safe.
🚸👧🏻 During your journey, you were careful. Refusing to go near people. During your journey, you start stealing. You can't let kids become hungry. You did everything a teen can do to keep children safe. While situation never called for that (you always manage to ran away) you knew, that you will fight for their lives.
When people from other nations came to Sumeru, trying to find you, you and kids were hiding.
But you were fond.
According to Lore, Capitano was a noble warrior 
In Teyvat, only your hold was stopping him from striking Aya.
You were angry. You wanted to protest kids.
Your emotions reached their peak. 
What left of First Creator's powers obeyed your silent wish.
The portal opened under your feet.
🐾 In Real World, BSD Cast were restless. Six kids and one kid disappeared without a trace! There is no way for them to stay calm.
Especially for two of them.
🦇 Bram Stoker lost two kids.
🍛Oda Sakunosuke lost six kids.
🍛🦇 Oda and Bram are looking everywhere. Criminal underworld lost huge number of criminals because of that. Ida and Bram going after any possible suspect.
🍛🦇 And when, after weeks of being missing, you seven finally returned, and this giant warrior were trying to kill you, their anger gets out of control.
👧🏻🚸🍛🦇 For the next few weeks, seven of you won't be left alone. Oda and Bram will constantly stay close to you.
👧🏻🚸🍛🦇 No one would ever hurt you. You will never be scared, cold or hungry again. You won't need to steal to get food for Aya and Oda's kids. You don't need to fight for their lives.
👧🏻🚸🍛🦇 Journey to Teyvat was stressful. Thankfully, it was over.
Tag list: @withered-blossoms , @myluckymoon @cocodrilofeliz @c4xcocoa @vvyeislazzy @whisperingwinters
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spacexseven · 2 years
break the charm
NOTE: platonic yanderes are still unfamiliar territory for me but i love a challenge so i hope you like this anon :> everyone say thank you domi bc without their help this would be an incoherent jumble of words :O title from come to me by björk
SUMMARY: oda thinks you're drifting away, and it wounds his soul
REQUEST: platonic yandere! oda w/ gn! reader who gets a job at the ada, and he feels like they're replacing him
CW: (platonic) yandere character, manipulation, lying, deceit, unhealthy dependency, jealousy, oda considers himself to be a parent to reader
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oda couldn't just sit by and watch you waste away without feeling the guilt eat him alive.
you claimed that you were perfectly fine, but he noticed it, the constant unhappiness in your eyes. for the past few weeks, you had always seemed...bored and dissatisfied. like something pivotal was missing, the key to unlocking your bright-eyed expressiveness again. oda saw it in your new behaviour; the dragging of your feet when he watched you leave the restaurant, the uninterested response when he asked you to taste a new meal he had just cooked up, the empty gaze when you stared out the window in between bites. it broke his heart, to see you become a shell of who you once were.
he swore to do anything to make you happy again, but all his attempts were in vain. spending hours making your favourite desserts, offering to bring you on trips outside the dreadful concrete walls of yokohama, just...spending time with you—it felt like no matter what he did, it was never enough.
so when you finally came bouncing to him with joy, radiating all the wonderful enthusiasm you had been missing for a long time now all the while rambling about the super cool job you landed at some detective agency, he was crushed. he knew he should be happy for you, glad you were alright, but he was devastated that it wasn't him to relight the spark in your eyes and cause you to smile so widely again.
his disappointment turned into concern the more he heard about your new job; for starters, he didn't think you needed one. as far as he was aware, you were still trying to figure out what you wanted to do with your life, and you never told him anything about wanting to become a detective or working with the law. it wasn't like you had any financial troubles, and if you had he would have handed you everything you needed in a heartbeat. you used to be content with only him; hanging around him in the restaurant and going for walks by the river. but now you were seeking friendship elsewhere, and he didn’t know how to handle it.
and then he heard about the actual workplace—how would anyone in their right mind be at ease after hearing about it? you excitedly recounted your 'entrance exam' where you risked your life to be accepted into the agency. they already had you in dangerous situations before actually hiring you? you tried to reassure him, after sensing the anger simmering in the silence that surrounded him and the reluctance in his vacant gaze, that it wasn't that dangerous at all; you told him that everyone with you was very capable of stepping in and saving you if anything did go south, but he was already convinced that this new change, this job, it would bring you no good.
when you smile up at him expectantly after your long recollection comes to an end, he can only offer a forced smile in return. you, unaware of the storm brewing within him, take it as a sign that he was pleased. but he was numb to everything, haunted by the images of you hurt without him. his mind played a never ending loop of ‘what if’s’, all involving you being taken away from him. 
but your sudden excitement, it made sense to him now, after hearing you enthusiastically rave about the agency—you were obviously seeking out some thrill in your life. maybe it was just the foolishness that came with youth. the desire for adventure, and a fast-paced lifestyle that would only leave you hollow. he knew it would eventually die out as you realised how much nicer life was before the unnecessary risks and troubles, but he couldn't let it go on now, even if things would eventually sort themselves out.
he couldn't ignore the creeping feeling of dread and fear when you didn't pick up his calls and the hurt when you turned down his offer to have lunch at his workplace in favour of your new friends. resentment pulsed through his veins as you told him about how cool you thought that one detective was, how awesome everyone was with their abilities and the latest case you had worked on. the few times you could spend with him, and this was all you talked about? he would have been happy for any indication that you missed him, but there was nothing. not a single sigh, or frown, not a word about how much you miss his food and how you wish you had more time to spend with him. the only thing occupying your mind now was that godforsaken company. oda despised it.
he couldn't pretend like he was unaffected when you, in the middle of devouring a hot plate of curry rice—that he painstakingly prepared—told him that the president was almost like a father to you. he felt his heart constrict when you smiled at your food, thinking back on all his kind gestures that showed you he cared, even if it was so subtle and easy to miss. he felt his stomach lurch when you confessed that the care he showed you made you feel all warm inside. happy, you said, like you had a family. they all cared for you there. and with them, you were happy.
maybe you hadn't meant it like that, but he believed that this meant you were unhappy with him. had all his efforts to take care of you gone unnoticed? was he boring, compared to the dramatic companions you had made and the cool exterior of the ever-elusive president? what was wrong with his calm conversations and lovingly prepared meals that you found solace within such a reckless bunch instead?
he couldn't sit by unconcerned when he was aware of your new lifestyle. you were putting yourself in harm's way, chasing down criminals and the like. he knew what the armed detective agency did, and most importantly, he knew your involvement with ability users would only make you a target for their enemies. even oda had heard people grumbling and cursing out the ability users of the agency, all of who were infamous in the wrong circles. the new fear that you would leave him for them helped cement this idea in his mind. you might think you were happier now, but it didn't mean this was any good for you. it didn't mean you were safe. you were wasting away, and it felt like he was the only one who wanted to help.
he was the only one who could help.
oda fondly looks back on a certain memory with you, a year ago or so when you were tired and hungry and he had offered you a warm bowl of noodles and a promise that his doors were always open for you. to you, lonely, hungry and cold, he appeared to be an angel. you thanked him then with tear-filled eyes and a trembling voice. oda never realised how lonely he was until that day when just your presence by his side soothed his aching heart. he didn’t realise how wonderful it felt to save someone that depended on him so much.
back then, he knew that nobody would have cared for you. you were just another scruffy-looking kid with nothing to offer, just like every other child left by the streets. nobody would have looked twice at you, but he did.
he stopped beside your shrivelled-up form by a dirty wall, taking in your dishevelled appearance and the confusion in your eyes—realising you must not have been there for long. you were so trusting of him then, eagerly accepting his offer for dinner despite not knowing him. he had thought it was a good thing he came across you before anyone else. if it was anyone else, perhaps, you would not have lived for so long. you definitely would have never been as happy. all those faceless strangers walked by without a care in the world for you, but he saw you. he helped you, when nobody else did. he had always taken care of you.
so why did you want to leave him now?
oda speaks from experience when he sits you down with concern laced into his tone, gently explaining to you that this life wasn't for you. no, you were too young to be throwing your life away so recklessly. how was it right for you to be tasked with tracking criminals and dealing with whatever strange requests the agency received? what if you got hurt? would those coworkers of yours really have your back, then?
and then, you snap and tell him that it didn’t matter what he thought. you so cruelly rip apart his already bleeding heart when you tell him it was none of his business. as though he didn't save you all those months ago. as though he hasn't only wanted the best for you, treating you with so much love. as though...he meant nothing to you.
and that possibility, it's too much for him to even consider.
he knows now that this has gone too far. he can't let you walk away from him, not when you brought him so much joy and purpose. you meant so much to him; he had always put you first and yet, you were willing to toss him aside for a new job. the betrayal stung but he knew better than to blame you. you were gullible to the lies uttered by others. they had taken advantage of your willingness to trust them, and he was the only one who could bring you back home. 
he thinks back to how you used to hold his hand when crossing the street, relying on the steady movement of his feet and his firm grip to get you to the other side. now you scowl at him and turn away when he only wants to guide you to safety, as he always has. no matter how much your bitter words wound him, he knows it’s his duty to see that you don’t find yourself in harm’s way.
he had to protect you, no matter what it took.
it wasn't as hard as he thought it would be. regardless of how excited you were at first, it wasn't difficult to convince you into quitting. he was perched a safe distance away when the port mafia busted into the little office, shooting all around the place. sure, they were easily taken down by your coworkers within moments, but what mattered was the fear in your eyes. the single moment when you were terrified for your life, as those armed men stormed into the place. that one instant when your life flashed before your eyes and you realised how easily you could die. that was all he needed. 
he knew, for all your show of bravery and determination, that you were still a kid. rash, careless, and unheeding of advice because you thought you had nothing to fear. ultimately, you only needed to be shown a fraction of the real terror that awaited you, something more than the stacks of paper you had to fill out and the signatures you had to collect, to realize that you were wrong all along. he didn’t have it in him to be mad when your immediate response was to run back to him, just as you always had. regardless of your scornful words, you still turned to him when you were frightened. 
as he planned, you called him soon after, sobbing. your voice wavered pitifully over the phone, breaking as you admitted your fear, how you thought you were going to die. in between sniffles, you whispered that maybe he was right, about the danger. you weren’t cut out for this kind of life. you weren’t that selfless or strong. he didn’t let his pride bleed into his tone or the satisfaction show between his words, only promising to pick you up. he glances back at the message he received a few moments before your call, and buries the little inklings of guilt. this was better, he reasons with himself, than you leaving him. he couldn’t have borne that pain.
but when you run to him like he’s been away from you for years, holding onto his hand so tightly like you always did in his memories, his doubts are relinquished. as he looks up and locks eyes with the man he identifies as the president, he knows he didn’t imagine that flicker of recognition or that questioning look. but right now, he can care less when you are finally back in his arms. finally safe again. he had already considered the risk of a fellow employee picking up on his plan and warning you, but after weighing out the possibilities, oda had long concluded they couldn’t spend time trying to save you from the very man who wanted to keep you safe. there were few places better for you to be than in his arms right now, and there were more dire calamities awaiting them. nobody would do anything to take you away from him.
when you cry to him about the guns and the noise, the flying shrapnel and broken furniture, he squeezes your hand reassuringly. he doesn’t tell you he was watching as the incident went down, glad that you were finally going to learn. he doesn’t tell you, either, that it was him who gave that call to the port mafia, nor does he mention the favours he’s owed by them. he doesn’t tell you that he only did this for your own good, but he reminds you that he could and would always keep you safe. he would do anything for you. he loved you, after all, and he thought of you as family. 
what more could you want?
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blueberri-bois · 3 months
Flaming Angel
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“Mister…”  A soft voice akin to a tinkling bell barely roused him from his deep slumber; little hands pushing frantically on his shoulder.
Deep crimson eyes crack open as he registers his surroundings and the blistering heat that only seems to be growing in temperature. He turns his head to the figure in the corner of his eye to be met with a small boy. The child was covered in soot and severe burns; the small sleeping yukata that he wore was also in tatters. Strangely enough, the boy didn't seem to be affected by the surrounding smoke or his injuries in the slightest.
“We have to leave now, mister... If you stay, you'll die, you know…”  The child spoke again, his voice was raspy but high-pitched and youthful as he continued to kneel by the now-awoken lord's side.
Nobunaga groaned and coughed as he got up from his futon and stood; his bare feet feeling the warmth of the floorboards beneath them. The young boy followed suit, quickly getting to his feet and grabbing onto the older man's large calloused hand in his own, oddly cold, little soot-covered hand. With a gentle tug, the child led him towards the blazing doorway in confidence.
“Don't be scared, okay mister, I'll protect you till we get outside…”  The small boy looked up at him with a gentle and comforting smile as he led him down the hall and passed collapsed beams and smoldering shoji doors.
Nobunaga, still in shock, kept his eyes on the child who somehow ended up inside the burning temple with him. He was sure that there were no children inside before, no, he was positive that he was the only person inside. That would mean that this little boy had entered the building after he had fallen asleep… but why? The feeling of the child's cold hand pulling away from his own snapped him back to reality and the warlord realized that he was now outside.
“I'm glad I came in time… we all would be really sad if you died here…”  The young boy smiles up at him as he grabs a fistful of the older man's yukata.
Nobunaga raises a brow, “We? Who is we?”.
The boy giggled lightheartedly and pointed off to the left with his free hand. The warlord follows his gaze and his crimson eyes widen; a group —a crowd— of people that, if he thought about it, he recognized. People that he used to know that were taken from him by the sands of time. Family, friends, neighbors, and people that he didn't even know all that well were standing just outside the treeline of the forest next to the temple.
“All of us wanted to make sure you didn't die too early, like we did…”  the child's soft voice rings out again, pulling the man's attention back to him as he joins the crowd of distant memories. “We have to go now, Brother Nobunaga… All of us… we're rooting for you, okay?”  
Just as the boy finishes his sentence, he and the rest of the people gathered begin to dissolve into tiny particles of light. The others in the crowd begin to bid the warlord goodbye with smiles and misty eyes. Seemingly, in only seconds, the child's upper body is the only apparition left, dissolving slower than the others.
“Even if I finally got to say goodbye, I'm still not satisfied… I know I'm being selfish, but I can't help it…”  the boy's bell-like voice seemed to echo in the open field as what little was left of him began to fade away. “If it's not too much… will you achieve my dream too?”
Nobunaga couldn't feel the tears streaming down his warm cheeks and he didn't hear the approaching Mitsunari. His leaky eyes stayed locked on the dispersing particles of light that made up the person who was closest to him.
“Thank you… Everyone…”  the warlord muttered.
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silverbladexyz · 2 years
Hi there! Congratulations!!!
I'm sooo excited for the matchup ~
1: I'm an ISTP-A and a type 7w6/7w8 (I'm not sure-) I have trust issues, anger issues and abandonment issues (perfect childhood) I get along with two types of people 1: the calm, nice and patient people 2: those who have anger issues but are soft and cool inside, someone whose trust worthy and honest and never betrays me, is the best, and I like being random, not too random, but honestly, someone who knows when to be random and how fun and at the same time know when to plan something, is awesome, I like joking around and teasing people I love, but just sometimes, it's so sweet seeing them saying "alright alright, I'll forgive you, but this is the last time!(it's not). And I also can't connect with people who are always planning stuff, it's just not my thing and kinda makes me feel like I'm stuck in a time loop and then my brain just can't work well and I get tired pretty soon, I also would not like a buzzkill, and people who always lie and can't be trusted
2: I have read storm bringer and I absolutely loved albatross, iceman, verlaine and Adam (no need to mention the love of my life chuuya) and I have read the manga
3: I like writing, listening to music, drinking and playing my electric guitar / drums, painting, playing video games and fighting (I'm learning Kickboxing and ninjutsu since I was 10, it's a hobby now)
4: I'm okay with all of them
5: she/her
6: well I'm really good at poetry and writing, I'm also very independent and I can protect myself but I would love someone whose able to protect me if needed, I also love using my art to show my lover how much I love them
Thank you very much ✨
Hi! Enjoy your matchups!~
The images do not belong to me. They belong to their original owners.
Your sibling figure is... ALBATROSS!!!
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-Chaotic brother-sister duo for the win
-Albatross loves how much you resemble Chuuya. Which means that he's going to be teasingly annoying with you, but he will also laugh with you and make everything much more funny
-He has unlimited energy. So he'll always be hyping you up with stories about his day, and there's never a dull moment when you're with him. Albatross likes how you also tease and joke about, because it makes him reciprocate it and brightens up everyone's day
-He's very interested in your hobbies! Most of the time, he would take out your earbud and listen to whatever song you were listening to, and probably throw in some statements to make you laugh. Make him a playlist; he'll listen to it 24/7 and will never get tired of it
-Teach him how to play the electric guitar and the drums! Albatross would love to learn the two instruments, because he’s always curious to new things. He would even compose songs or pieces for you when he has time
-Fighting? When Albatross heard that, he thought it was pretty cool. Definitely wants to spar with you, but he wins most of the time (he’s a mafioso soooo). He’ll even offer to teach you some fighting moves that have saved him quite a couple of times in the field
-Takes you to visit the Flags whenever you both have time. You’ll most likely end up playing billiards with them and drinking whisky, but sometimes you would have a chat with them as well. They lowkey ship you with Chuuya
-Albatross is pretty touchy as a brother figure. Expect hugs and headpats, but if you wanted space, he would give it to you. He likes how you’re quite independent, but he wouldn’t hesitate to come to your aid if you needed it
-He would also be the first one to see all of your poems and writing. Albatross would mostly give positive feedback, as well as lots of encouragement. He even tried writing a poem for you on your birthday
-MOTORCYCLE RIDES!!! Or just any rides in general. Albatross loves to talk to you about his vehicles, and he always picks the finest ones for you. He’ll even let you choose your own design and make it for you
-Also very protective of you. Somebody bullying or hurting you? Albatross isn’t having any of that. He can and will shut down their business overnight, and he will also take care of them personally
-Your days are always brighter thanks to Albatross. This man will never be tired of cheering you up and hanging out with you, because that’s the type of brother he is
And your parent figure is... HIROTSU RYUROU!!!
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-Hirotsu is a pretty chill dad who actually babysits the Black Lizard
-He doesn’t really mind your teasing and joking side; it’s kind of refreshing for him honestly, because he always deals with idiots who dare to mess with the Port Mafia. Hirotsu also likes listening to you talk about your day
-He loves spending quality time with you, whether it be doing an activity with you or just being in comfortable silence around you. Hirotsu also likes engaging in conversation with you, and finds it amusing when you laugh at Tachihara and Gin’s scuffles
-As we all know, he sucks at video games and does not understand them one bit. So teach him how to play them! He might grumble a bit at first as he tries to get used to the controller, but with patience and a few more gaming sessions Hirotsu would be a pro at whatever video game(s) you play. He still prefers watching you play them though
-Hirotsu is also interested in your poems and stories. In his free time, he would read them and even give you some feedback on how you could improve. He strikes me as a secret lover of art, and he likes your drawings/paintings too
-He likes how you could defend yourself, because in his long years serving the Mafia, too many recruits were killed because of their inexperience in combat. Hirotsu definitely asks Tachihara to train you in handling weapons, but he isn’t too worried for your safety. He still goes with you sometimes on your missions because you could never be too careful
-Hirotsu will never leave you or abandon you. Even when in the Mafia, you have to take care of yourself first above others, he’s had enough experience to be able to take others under his wing. And he is very loyal to the ones that he cares for, so you don’t have to worry that he’ll betray you someday
-The Black Lizard treats you like a sister. Gin is willing to go shopping with you and listen to you talk, Tachihara likes to game with you and Higuchi just likes to spend time with you in general. If you ever find yourself in danger with no way out, the Black Lizard would come and protect you
-Hirotsu does not take to your teasing well... but let’s be honest he’s like a tired dad who has to babysit many kids lol. Some teasing and joking around would be funny time to time, but too much is not good
-I have the feeling that he would offer a few ‘wise’ words to comfort you when you’re in need of comfort. Hirotsu would listen to you talk and offer a few words of advice, but if you want some time alone to yourself he will respect that and give it to you. But he would appreciate it if you told him what was wrong because he wants to help you
-Overall, he is a calm, stoic parent figure who is there for you whenever you need him
And last but not least, your mentor is... ODA SAKUNOSUKE!!!
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-I feel like he would be the same mentor he is like to Akutagawa in Beast
-Oda is a calm but good mentor. He never yells at you, but he will discipline you. It’s not as bad as you expect though, because he’ll just give you a small lecture and immediately forgive you after you’ve apologised
-He does share some of your interests, especially writing and reading. Oda gives good feedback for your stories and poems, even when he might be a bit blunt at times, he genuinely wants to see you improve. I reckon he would even give some writing tips too
-I feel like Oda will mostly train you in combat. Depending on your skills, he would either focus on training you in chases or how to subdue the enemy without killing them. He was an elite assassin once, and no doubt he could pass on some of his skills to you. Just... please don’t burn down Yokohama
-He doesn’t really mind what you do, however he will provide guidance when you need it. Oda gives really good advice, even when he himself thinks that it isn’t. He was a bit surprised when you told him that his advice worked well, but he is perfectly happy to give you more
-Over time, Oda will even take you to visit his orphans! If you’re not good with children, Oda will give you some tips on how to handle them and what their likes and dislikes were. They’re pretty good kids, a bit active sometimes, but if they sensed that they were being too rowdy they will tone it down for you. Oda asks you to look after them for a while, and it secretly makes him happy that his student and his kids were getting along well
-He will encourage you to take risks, but he won’t force you to do it if you don’t want to. Oda wants you to grow, but he wouldn’t make you do anything against your will. That wouldn’t exactly be called ‘mentoring’
-You can tell Oda any secret of yours and he’ll take it to his grave. I guarantee you that you cannot find a more trustworthy person than him. Feel free to spill everything to him, and he would never judge. Secretly he would wonder why you were choosing him to tell your secrets to, but he is also honoured that you chose him
-He is good at comforting you. Whenever you feel sad, angry, anxious, stressed, or worried, Oda will listen to you speak before offering words of encouragement. If the worse comes to worse, he might even give you a hug, but that was if you really needed it. He wants you to know that he would always be there for you, whether it be as a mentor or as a friend
-A man who is willing to observe and help; Oda makes a really unique mentor
Sorry that this was kinda bad :’)
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i’d like to request space song with dazai (specifically pm!dazai) hurt/comfort scenario,, reader comforting dazai during a breakdown or smth :(
Space Song
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Pairing: Pm! Dazai x Fem! Reader(platonic)/Mori x 27! Reader
Type: Oneshot
Genre: Comfort/Fluff
Warnings: Long winded commas, Stormbringer spoilers/mentions, Dark Era mentions, Oda's death, mentions of war, mentions of Yosano's backstory, Mori being a bitch, slight yandere Mori mentions, kinda went off topic..
Synopsis: Dazai finally found someone who saw him for who he was and when his dearest friend died, he finds himself finding comfort in her embrace like a child being comforted by his mother.
A/n: Hey.. Please state if you want it to be romantic/platonic.. since you didn't say which one you want, I'll do the latter. Reader is implied to be 27 while Mori is 33. Reader is like a mother to Dazai. I kinda wrote this without thinking so I am so sorry.
Event // Pm. Masterlist // M.Masterlist
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Dazai Osamu is the feared Demon Prodigy, the youngest underboss in the history of Port Mafia, the boss' right hand man, a genius; but deep down he was a child. A child misguided to do the wrong deeds, a lonely child used as a tool by others, a child who got affiliated with a mafioso at the age of fourteen, after an attempt in suicide. He was suicidal, a child at his age should be thinking of academics instead of how to end a war with another organization with the least casualties for his own gain. He could not see the purpose in living. Nobody saw him for who he was, it was never Osamu Dazai. Everything changed when he was fifteen, he met someone who gave him a reason to live for, someone who didn't judge him.
"sir, the boss has called you to his office" A black car stopped just beside of where he stood in the street.
"A mailman huh. I guess it really is important for Mori-san" he sighed, entering the back door of the car. It has almost been a year after Mori made him his 'witness' and succeeded as the Port Mafia boss.
The drive was silent, nobody said a word. The mailman was focused on driving and Dazai was looking out the window, observing people and their daily activities.
"We're here" The mailman said before the car stopped.
"mhm" He muttered opening and closing the door shut, and he drove away.
He was very familiar with the building. The five building-like-towers in the heart of Yokohama, the middle one being the tallest of all; where the Port Mafia boss, Mori Ogai lies. He reaches the highest floor and was eventually greeted by the guards, as he arrived he saw the boss and an unfamiliar woman sitting on the boss' desk, reading a document.
"Boss" He cleared his voice making his presence clear as the both of them talked.
"ah.. Dazai-kun" Mori shifted his attention from the woman to him.
"Sit down please" He offered while Dazai walked over to the small chair in the middle of the room. Mori made his his way towards another chair and sat down across him. She took documents on top of the desk after grabbing a brown, vintage briefcase. Making her way towards the door, Mori began explaining to Dazai. The only sound that feel the room was her heels clacking to the tiled floor until Mori finally spoke up.
"As you know Dazai-kun, the previous boss has returned.. based on the information you acquired from investigating Subarachi(?) city, it may have a lead on this 'Arahibaki' and by coincidence it seems that the Sheep King is looking for the so called God of Destruction" He explained.
"and?" He replied, clearly uninterested.
"He's suggesting that you work with Nakahara Chūya, if possible make him join the Mafia" She walked passed them, handing Dazai the documents she read earlier.
"Mhm, and you are?" Dazai asked before reading the documents. She continued to walk towards the door before Mori stopped her by ordering the guards from behind the door.
"Stay. (name)-sama" He smiled while she stopped in her tracks after hearing a pair of guards ruffle through the door.
"Haii.. what do you want now?" She let out a long, exasperated sigh. Ignoring her question, he explained to Dazai who she was.
"Dazai-kun, this is (name)-sama. She was strategist from the Great War" Sighing, she flopped down on a spare chair after he continued to explain about her to the young boy.
"So she knows about you killing the previous boss then?" He asked before glancing at her then to him.
"Yes. Now let's discuss this whole thing and why am I part of this?" She sat up, sending a glare at Mori.
"It was just as I explained earlier. The previous boss returned, Dazai-kun saw him personally so now that we have the Sheep King in our capture, we'll use that to our advantage by making him join the mafia." He gave both of them a closed-eye smile, Dazai put down the document and she gave him an annoyed look.
"That won't work" Both of them sighed in unison.
"Chūya is too loyal to the Sheep. It's already given after all if he didn't, he would've left them to die long ago. After realizing his own potential, he would join an organization with a high pay; if he didn't have deep ties with them..—" She explained, sitting back down while Dazai listened to her.
"The only reason for him to join us for the Sheep's safety" He followed after hearing her explain.
"—It's not guaranteed he'll be loyal. If he joins the organization for their safety alone, there's a high chance he will destroy the mafia from the inside and save his little herd"
"Wait are you suggesting-?" Dazai's eyes widened realizing what she means.
"Yes.. We have to make them suspicious of him. If they notice they have been too dependent on him, they'll do any means to overthrow him and that's where we go in." She moved the white bishop on the chess board creating an opening for the rook, and continuing the abandoned game.
"After their betrayal, the Mafia comes in and will pretend to wipe out the Sheep. Chūya, after being betrayed will stay to protect them; so he will do a bargain to save them" Dazai moved the black knight, eating the bishop and now he was in advantage in terms of pieces.
"He'll then join the mafia in terms of the bargain" She then proceeded to move her rook from across the board, blocking the king's only path to escape, almost delivering a checkmate until Dazai's queen ate it to make the game a bit longer, but not to escape the inevitable fate.
"however-" Mori sighed but was cut off by her.
"since the main priority is to make sure the previous boss doesn't return so his supporters won't start a revolution.. you have to fix that first or else you'll get tortured, then executed" She glances at Mori before moving her rook to eat Dazai's queen, delivering a back-rank checkmate. Mori was in awe after watching his protegee and ex-lover play chess in sync, as if they were reading each other's minds.
"But won't you get executed too, (name)-san? I mean you knew of how the boss'really died, yet you didn't say anything.. making you, another accomplice" Dazai leaned into his chair, analyzing how he lost.
"I'm not part of the Mafia—" She nonchalantly responded.
"Yet." Mori's voice was full of demands.
"..tch. As I said, no." She stood up from her chair, giving Dazai a small smile before turning back to the door.
"Why?" This time he was more pushy for some reason.
"It's none of your business" She hissed before opening the door and leaving.
"Well isn't she beautiful.." He muttered under his breath while Dazai sat there with a fed up look on his face.
That was their first encounter. The second one was after both of them planned a strategy to defeat Verlaine. Even if Dazai didn't have any encounters with her that didn't involve work, he grew close to her. During their plannings, he was childish but she didn't mind. He felt comfortable with her, as if he could actually show his true self. She didn't try to exploit his intelligence, as she has one of her own, she tried to understand his view of the world, she sees through his emotions but she never used it to take advantage of him.
When she joined the mafia, her position was a strategist, even if she didn't engage in missions, she was valued by the Mafia because she was the one to pull the strings and by she was liked Mori personally. He had an interest in her that Dazai seemed to distinguish as love, one that he thought Mori was not capable off. All those who tried to assassinate her failed, because of Mori's interference and his predictions. Dazai didn't want her to die, not because of how important she was in the organization but because of his own personal reasons. He then became an executive at eighteen and met quite a few people, Sakunosuke Oda and Sakaguchi Ango, whom he calls his friends. Dazai finds himself looking for her again and again, wanting to see her, because of him, Oda, Ango and her became acquainted..
Oda and (name) was on a small talking about the orphans until Ango interrupted.
"I feel like I'm quite the third wheel here you know?"
"My, my.. I never knew you were sad that you were left out Ango-kun" She teased.
"Tch. I never knew you liked kids (name)-san" He tried to switch the topic.
"I feel neutral about them—I don't dislike them nor do I like them... I once met a child in the war, she was there as a nurse since her ability allowed her to heal soldiers... such a precious child—if I remember correctly, her name was Yosano" She faintly smiled at the memory.
"You took part in the war.?" Oda fiddled with his fingers.
"Mhm.. as a strategist..." She responded. Both of them stopped in their tracks before she turned around to face them.
"If she was in the healing section and you were a strategist, how did you meet her?" Ango asked, she halted and her eyes widened a bit before laying her head low.
"My ex-lover was a doctor, he was in charge of the nurses in the war including her. I ended our relationship because of how he treated that little girl and some other reasons... in the end, she was left traumatized.. I don't know what happened to her after it was over" She quietly muttered, remembering the bitter memories of the war.
"I see.. I'm sorry for asking-" He tried to apologize but was cut off but a faint voice screaming her name.
" hmm.? Dazai-" before she could say anything else, his body crashed with hers as he hugged her.
"I'm quite hurt that you didn't invite me you know!" He pouted before looking at both of them.
"Anyway! Why did you three look so glum-" He tried asking but he was cut off by his phone ringing.
"Oh. It's him. Oii slug what do you want?"
"What do you mean what do I want!? You suicidal waste of bandages! We have a mission remember?!" Chūya screamed through his phone while Dazai listened with a nonchalant expression.
"Yea, yea"
"YOU'RE PROBABLY WITH THAT STUPID STRATEGIST AND YOUR EQUALLY STUPID FRIENDS!" He insulted him while Dazai was quite taken aback. He gasped before he returned the screams.
"OI YOU SLUG! YOU'RE PROBABLY JUST JEALOUS THAT I HAVE FRIENDS AND A MOTHER FIGURE!!!" All of you were quite shocked but Dazai didn't even realize what he was saying.
"NO YOU DO NOT! YOU MAY HAVE A MOTHER FIGURE BUT ALL YOUR FRIENDS ARE KILLED BY YOUR HOELESS BROTHER!" He screamed, ending the call before Chūya could repriocate what he said and kill him.
"sorry about that, slug was being extra annoying" he smiled but all of them were still processing what he said earlier
"Dazai.. do you see me as a mother figure.?" She asked, coughing. Her words didn't seem to process in his mind for a second or two.
"Of course not! I only said that to piss him off!" He tried explaining, even though his lie was clearly visible; she didn't bother to inquire any further, not wanting to be nosy.
"Now let's go drink I'm thirsty!" Dazai exclaimed, heading to Lupin while they followed.
That was the last time all of them drank. She was sent away because of an organization called the Mimic appeared, Mori kept her busy for a reason she couldn't hold a grasp on. Soon, Ango betrayed the mafia and Oda died. The reason why Mori kept her busy was so she cannot interfere and warn Dazai, now the Port Mafia has a special abilities permit with the cost of everything that mattered to Dazai. She only found out the last minute, and she hates that she can't do anything about it.
After hearing Oda's last words he was about to leave the abandoned mansion until he met her running. She saw Dazai, standing infront of the ballroom door with his head hung low; when she reached him, he collapsed to the floor into her arms. His head was on the crook of her neck, and her arms was around him, hugging him, slowly patting his head as he struggled to breath.
"Shh... It's okay I'm here" Her voice trembled knowing that the kids along with Oda are dead but she could only focus on the poor child in her arms.
"He's dead... Mori-san used the Mimic to get that black envelope and he-" He explained between hiccups.
"I know" She whispered but her voice cracked.
"What did Oda say.?" She patted his back trying to comfort him but his grip tightened on her.
"He wanted me to save people.. to find a value in life" He bit his lip.
"Then go.." She continued to comfort him but he left her embrace upon hearing her words.
"Don't worry about me.. one day you'll find your reason in living, and you would be happy that you listened to him" She smiled at him as he slowly got up.
"Then how about you?" He tried with every bit of strength he could find to convince her to go with him. She got up too, now facing him directly in the eyes she said:
"You're still young, you would be leaving an environment you are never supposed to be in. And I.. My soul is already bounded to the mafia, if I leave with you he'd do what it takes to get me back"
"But still I-"
"Mafiosos will be here soon... Go to Chief Taneda of the Special Division of the Unusual Powers in a small cheep bar, he'll help you. Don't hesitate to turn your back, go" She quickly explained grabbing him by the shoulders with a tenses expression. His lips parted but he didn't know what to say.
"Just go, I'll meet you again" She gave him a reassuring smiled. Upon seeing her eyes, he nodded.
"Thank you.." He quietly muttered before finally leaving.
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A/n: Damn that was hard and cringe.. just so you know I kinda got distracted by music while doing this I apologize... For the person who requested this you can go to the comment section and say if you want me to redo it because I'll gladly do so :)
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confusedemiposts · 7 months
Hi! How are you?? I hope you are okay! Are you still taking requests? If you are, I have a request: What if s/o is Oda Sakunosuke's little sister/brother and s/o REALLY looks like Odasaku(Oda Sakunosuke) Their hair colour, eye colour is the same as his And s/o joins to Agency. What would ADA would do? If you aren't taking requests, you can ignore this! But if you are taking requests and if you do this, it would make my day! Thank you!!
I'm on the floor I loved this! I hope you don't mind I did a small drabble for the whole agency as one at the start but only went into details with characters that knew Oda and added Ango. I didn't know what s/o was till half way so this could be seen as platonic or romantic. I hope you liked it and feel free to tell me if there's anything I'm missing
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Familiar Faces 𓇢𓆸
Includes: Fukazawa (platonic), Ranpo, Ango, Dazai x Oda's younger sibling
Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort
Notes: Dark Era and season four spoilers!!! Slight Beast! mention but no spoilers (Fukazawa), Probably oc, not proofread, bad grammar, gn reader, reader is unaware that Oda was in the mafia, reader is implied to be over 18
Format: Headcannons/ Drabbles
Summary: Being Oda's younger sibling
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The Agency
You suprisingly grew up a very normal life thanks to your older brother. You knew he had a dangerous job and admired him greatly, after all who wouldn't? He took in orphans and visited them daily, bringing you along too. It became your whole life.
The day everything changed left an indescribable ache in your chest, like a piece of your world vanishing, leaving behind a void filled with quiet memories. You had just finished up school that year but your whole life was gone, everything you had was gone and you didn't even know why. It took you a few years till you decided to use your abilities for good and find out what happened.
You ended up joining a detective agency filled with ability users who are all very helpful and kind. It felt so welcoming that you genuinely enjoyed working here..but however, you couldn't help but notice three who looked at you with a certain, almost sad familiarity—as if they knew you. You hadn't met them before but they knew you- or at least some part of you that you didn't know how, they knew him. It's unnerving because how do they know?
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Fukazawa Yukichi
He'd recognise you immediately
Well at least who you're related too
He only met Oda once as a teenager
I don't think he met him again so I doubt he knows what happened (tell me if I'm wrong)
Might've heard that he wasn't an active assassin anymore
Definitely on guard when he meet you
Like a relative of a former assassin willing applying to be a detective?
But you were different
He could see it in your eyes that were full of emotions,loss and compassion
Unlike those eyes he saw years ago
You have never killed
It was a bit unsettling though
He needed to know of your intentions
He glanced at you and then back at the application form. He knew he recognised that name, he knew that tinge of red hair and those empty brown eyes that mirrored the features of that boy—an exact replica. To him it made sense to have this interview in the cafe instead of his office.
But the eyes he was looking into were different this time; instead of being void of any emotion it glinted with loss and nervousness. This was an interview, of course you were nervous as the older man continued to keep silent, you felt like he was judging your very soul but in reality he was wondering something else.
Finally he puts the sheets down and clears his throat "What motivated you to apply for this job?". He was curious, you were undoubtedly related to the assassin so why are you applying to be a detective? What were your intentions?
Trying to calm your nerves, you took a deep breath. "I want to do good. I want to help people, like my brother."
He didn't react, but it was evident he was waiting for further explanation, especially regarding the mention of your brother. The silence hung in the air, prompting you to delve into the details.
Hearing your explanation of Oda surprised him
He didn't know any of this (I think)
To know that kid changed into a caring young man and raised his sibling and the orphans
Those eyes that were once lifeless, with no care for his life or anything, had changed
Said he must've been a good man
I think Fukazawa would've tooken Oda in like Ranpo back then :( maybe that's what happened in beast
He gave his his condolences when he found out he died
The waitress in the café came and asked if you two were ordering
Fukazawa ordered something small
You ordered a curry, spicy specifically you said
Fukazawa officially hired you when you passed your entrance exam
He knew you were a good person
I'd like to think later on he might tell you that he met Oda when he was a teen
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Edogawa Ranpo
He met Oda twice
First as teens
And last in passing as adults
He tried to stop him :(
When he first met you he instantly knew you were related
He also knew that you were trying to find out how everything happened
I don't think he'd tell you at first for your sake
But as you get closer as friends maybe he would
Somewhat guiding you into figuring it out yourself
Ranpo doesn't act like it but I think he cares
You're having a bad day and about to snap?
You find a sweet you don't remember putting in your pocket
It's very small acts but it comforts you
Alone at your desk, with everyone gone home , and you asked if you could stay over a little to longer to finish something you'd been working on for months– finding out what happened that day.
Coming home from school, you headed to the curry place where you and your older brother always ate, where the orphans were cared for. Instead, you found chaos – police, bystanders, and a devastating revelation from an officer.
Devastated, you waited in grief for your brother, only to discover he was gone too. Everything you knew and loved vanished, leaving you desperate for answers.
You've been building up this personal case for months, you weren't that suprised to find out Oda was a mafiaso and former assassin but god still not knowing why everything happened still gnaws at you, Your world was taken, and the lack of understanding weighs heavily on your chest.
You groan and slump against the desk, the frustration of not knowing amplifying the ache in your chest. You felt like you were getting nowhere.
You felt a tug on your shirt and you lift your head up startled to see Ranpo leaning behind you. He doesn't bother asking why you're still here because he already knows but when you're about to ask him the same question he shushes you with his finger and pulls out a bag of sweets "I left these behind". That's a lie- unless he really wanted these specific sweets that he so happened to leave behind.
He pulls up a chair beside you, the wheels squeaking from only slight movement and plopping himself down.
Silently he offers the bag of sweets, you presume he wants you to open it and you do, going back to your papers after but he offers you the now open bag again, a silent invitation to take one.
You mutter a quiet thank you and take a sweet. It's silent as you both eat the sweets but it's a comfortable silence.
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Osamu Dazai
Oh my god
I can't
You knew Dazai back when Oda was alive
When he came to the house or orphans
I'd say you got along
Oda definitely told Dazai to refrain from mentioning the mafia to you
And he kept to that no matter how many times you asked Dazai about how he knew your brother or what his job was
You were probably somewhat friends :(
Didn't see each other for four years until you joined the agency
At first you didn't recognise him
He's wearing less bandages
But he certainly recognised you
An exact image of your brother
I feel like there's two ways this could go
1. He completely ignores, distancing himself from you
2. He's completely all over, absolutely protective of you and making sure your okay at all times
I think it be both
You found that everyone was quite welcoming at the agency and you got along with everyone... although there was one who always avoided you no matter what.
And that was Osamu Dazai.
The moment you stepped into the office his heart dropped as if he seen a ghost, his facade halting only for a moment before he picked up his usual demeanor again. Quietly slipping away before you see him
He'd be stupid to think you wouldn't recognise him but he ignored you anyways. Oh you're coming back from a case? Where did Dazai go? He suddenly vanished (sarcasm). You try to approach him? He is sprinting the other way.
He cannot look at you at all without thinking about Oda, he will not let you close to him again because everything he never wants to lose is always lost and he doesn't want to lose you too.
He is trying to distant himself from you, he doesn't want you to get hurt, he wants you to be safe, he wants you to live the normal life that Oda tried to give you, he wants you- your gaze, your words, your touch-and it scares him, everything worth wanting is lost the moment he obtains it, that is the life of Osamu Dazai.
Though he ignores you directly, he watches over you through other means, making sure in any plans your safety is first, that your teamed up with someone dependable and your getting home safe after work.
But Dazai can't run away from ghost's forever, not when that ghost is at arms length. He always manages to slip away when you try to even speak to him but not this time- you got him cornered, he has no choice but to see his past once again.
I don't know how to write confrontation so just wheater you argued or broke down crying
He will realise he can't keep you away
Perhaps he'll let you close again
But not too close
He knows very well that you see his facade
Being with you he doesn't have to keep his bubbly mask on
You'd both sit silently together by Oda's grave
The silence is not deafening with you, it's calm, a silent mutual understanding between you
He would definitely have nightmares of losing you too
Too the point I don't think he'd leave your side
Constantly hovering around you, partnering up with you everytime so he knows your safe, knocking at your dorm in the dead of night because of a nightmare
It's silly he thinks but still it worries him deep down, after all he is human
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Ango Sakaguchi
I know he's not part of the agency
But I think he helped you get into it
I think Ango would've taken care of you:(
Not directly but from afar
He'd feel too guilty
Finding out that you were looking for a job involving where you could get hurt he immediately directed you to the Agency
Partially because of Dazai
He knew he would watch over you no matter what
And you'd have each other :(
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yandollies · 3 months
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Hello, pretty things <3 My name is Naaji and I'm a hypersexual writer, writing to get some of my thoughts and feelings out instead of letting them sit. My pronouns are he/him and I'm a gay trans man, so most of my writings will either be male reader or gn reader. That being said, anybody regardless of gender or sexual orientation is welcome to interact :3
I don't take requests, but you're free to leave thirsts / brainrots anytime! If I find the concept interesting I might write a little drabble or some hcs about it ^_^
WARNING : This account will contain smut and possibly disturbing topics written by a minor. I don't care who interacts with me, but if you're uncomfortable with this please leave for your own sake <3
Moving on to more of what I'll write...
I will be writing smut and dark content such as: yanderes, underage sex (between two minors), large age gaps (18 & late 30s / 40s ?), threesomes, character x reader, character x character
(PS: I might also add some of my own hcs to the writing just because I love my hcs and I want everyone to know)
However, I will also write fluff or familial relationships (platonic) every once and a while! (And maybe angst if I'm feeling it)
Some fandoms that I'm into and may write about are: Bungou Stray Dogs, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Reverse 1999, Final Fantasy, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Heaven Official's Blessing, Pokemon, Omori, The Legend Of Zelda, Devilman Crybaby, Fairy Tail, The Summer Hikaru Died, Project Sekai, and Alien Stage
Some of my favorite characters to write for are: Kaedehara Kazuha, Shikanoin Heizou, Scaramouche / Wanderer, Freminet, Neuvillette, Wriothesley - Fukuzawa Fukichi, Oda Sakunosuke, Nakahara Chuuya, Atsushi Nakajima, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke, Osamu Dazai, Edgar Allan Poe - Blade, Dan Heng, Aventurine, Gepard - Pavia, Зима, Shamane, Horropedia, Forget Me Not - Adaman, Volo, Bede, Gladion, N, Kieran, Guzma - Till, Ivan (The boyfriends..,.,..) - alot more I can't list all of them
Some of my favorite ships: Kawoshin, Ivantill, Soukoku (specifically 15!skk), Kazuhei, Wriolette, Kazuxiao, Suntan, Sunflower, Cactiflower, Sunturine, Sunhill, Akiryo
I will also likely write about some ocs of mine or just unnamed character concepts.
Some things that I will NOT be writing: minor x adult, smut containing young children (1 - 12 yrs old), r-pe, SA, noncon, stepcest / incest, kinks containing bodily fluids or anything like that (piss, scat, vomit, sweat, etc. Sorry.. just not into that)
Masterlist coming soon !!!!
Reminder that I am a minor and I do have school and other things going on in my life, so posts might not be that frequent .. Sorry lovelies </3 Goodbye for now !! ^_< ♡
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chuuyrr · 2 years
Is it possible to have another Grown! Yakuza! Reader and baby scarlet witch reader but this time in bungo stray dog universe. Just imagine the ADA’s reactions especially dazai, atsushi, and dazai. They know their baby scarlet witch reader as adorable and soft and just to see a possibility of what she can become right there next to her as an intimidating and cunning woman. Especially if later on they somehow find out baby scarlet witch knows a lot about wielding weapons that a normal child obviously wouldn’t know about.😂
my baby's got a gun ! — bungou stray dogs boys meets grown! yakuza! scarlet witch! reader together with baby fushiguro
jujutsu kaisen x reader x bungou stray dogs
masterlist of the series
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╰➤ CW(s): possible spoilers for bungou stray dogs (subtle reference to BEAST), mentions use of weapons and violence
╰➤ PAIRING(s): platonic! bungou stray dogs x child! reader (ADA, port mafia, but it's mostly dazai, atsushi)
before you read: hi, in case you're new, you're megumi's younger half-sibling, and while you don't have cursed energy, you do have scarlet witch's powers and abilities! aside from that, as a special scarlet witch variant, you also have the ability to travel across the multiverse. how chaotic! furthermore, like your half-brother megumi, you are being cared for by gojo satoru, who also serves as your adoptive father. for more info, please see the masterlist.
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the concept of the multiverse was something. to think that there are so many different universes out there—it's both fascinating and terrifying how there are variations of each and every one, including you and everyone else in your dazai-nii's universe.
you've already told dazai about a universe where odasaku was alive because of dazai's variant, but as heartbreaking as it is, it was the only universe where oda lived. however, in another universe where you are wanda maximoff instead of fushiguro [name], there is a saying that goes, "a soul for a soul," if you want to change something, you must pay a price.
changing the subject, neither dazai nor any of the armed detective agency had ever met a variant, whether yours or theirs, so they were in for a surprise of a lifetime when a red portal ripped through the seams of their reality.
dazai dashed towards the red portal, expecting you, his precious little belladonna, and ready to greet you with a hug when he sensed dread emanating from it.
the entire armed detective agency inside the office became concerned. dazai took a step back, his eyes widening along with the others who were already arming themselves and raising their guards, as two silhouettes stepped into their reality.
"... [name]-chan?" atsushi muttered quietly, his eyes softening for a moment as he was relieved to see you, but his gaze was drawn immediately to the taller and older woman standing next to you, holding your hand in hers.
dazai blinked, realizing that this dread they were all sensing was coming from the woman next to you, and my god, the ominous aura that she possessed even without doing anything, reminded him of mori ougai, and to hell, it actually felt far more atrocious than that man.
"[name]-chan, who is this?" dazai asked softly, his guard still up.
you simply smiled as you squeezed her hand, oblivious to the armed detective agency's reaction to the woman beside you, "she's me!"
there was a pindrop silence in the air at that moment. 'wait, what did you just say?!' were all of their exact reactions to your statement.
atsushi and the others stared at her from head to toe in utter disbelief, he kept looking at you and the woman next to you. even fukuzawa was taken aback by the revelation.
how is it even possible that this woman is you?
you were all so cute and sweet, while she had this cunning and almost blank expression on her face. everything about her—from her appearance to the way she carries herself, screams danger.
but the more they looked at her, the more they noticed how much she resembled you. the woman had your [color] hair and [color] eyes, but her hair was significantly longer, her eyes and cheekbones were sharper, and her lips and lids were painted a dark smokey black and maroon color.
this woman appeared cunningly evil, yet somewhat captivating with the way her poise and manner oozed with bloody confidence as she stood beside you, dressed in a black leather mini dress, leather arm-length gloves, heeled thigh-high leather boots, a dark red coat hanging over her shoulders, and expensive looking jewelries on her.
kunikida's adam's apple bobbled up and down as he visibly shifted uncomfortably on his hand, still clutching his handgun, "but, h-how?"
"how?" the woman inquired, her voice seductive and enticing. she sounded like a siren.
"i'm not going to lie, lady, but you're nothing like [name] o-over there," ranpo managed to say nervously, his emerald eyes fixed on her.
"of course i am. i really am nothing like this sweetie right here, even if we do share the same name," the woman chuckled, her shoulders shaking up and down as she peered down at you with an amused look.
"why are you here?" fukuzawa furrowed his brows at her.
your other self shrugged as she let go of your hand, instead folding her arms across her chest, "just curious as to where little me had been disappearing off to lately," she explained.
"so, you're friends with her?" tanizaki asked.
"of course, we're friends. we hang out! yakuza me is just the coolest!" you exclaimed, wrapping your tiny arms around her legs and rubbing your cheek against them affectionately like a cat.
everyone choked on their own spits at that, gasping and widening their eyes all over again from shock. did they hear that correctly?
"[name]-chan, your variant.. is a member of a yakuza?" dazai pointed at the woman.
"tch, a member?" she shook her head, closing her eyes before opening them again, her lips curving into a smirk as her eyes glowed a faint red color, "please, kind sir, i'm the head of my own organization."
"EXCUSE ME, BUT WHAT?!" atsushi found himself screaming at the woman from shock.
"you're the head?" dazai muttered, blinking slowly as he processed what she had just said.
it was no surprise your older and yakuza variant had the same vibe as the port mafia boss, but she was more cunning and atrocious, most likely because she was the scarlet witch just like you. thinking about it at the same time, if this woman's aura was already ominous enough and given that your abilities were already far superior to those of any other ability users in dazai's world, wouldn't it make sense for her, your variant, to be far stronger than you?
a yakuza's activities were no different than those of the port mafia. the yakuza was a crime syndicate. the port mafia was an underground organization. in any case, both were involved in the world of bloodshed and violence.
"yes, you heard me," your yakuza variant confirmed, tilting her head to the side, "i'm the leader of my group."
"isn't a yakuza, er, usually led by a man?" atsushi asked, nervously gulping.
"well, sweetie, the thing is, time has changed, and so has everything back at my world," your variant's sharp [color] eyes glowed red as she smiled cunningly, "tell me, do any of you have a problem with that?"
"n-no, not at all," dazai managed to smile back at her, god did he despise the vibe she was giving off. why did she had to have the same ominous aura as mori? "i"m just wondering why you're with someone like [name]-chan."
"we're good friends," your yakuza variant sighed, putting a hand on her hip, "and we hang out with each other like any good friends."
"she's right! we do a lot of things together, dazai-nii," you nodded, explaining, "we eat at expensive restaurants, we go to salons, and we also go to accessory and clothes stores."
"yeah? well, that sounds nice, little belladonna," dazai gave you a closed-eye smile.
"she also teaches me how to use a playful cloud and how to use a gun and aim with one!"
with that, dazai's remark of "that sounds nice" is thrown out the window right off the bat.
"what?" dazai's expression changed drastically.
"a playful cloud is a three-sectioned staff, kind of like a nunchuck," your yakuza variant explained, tapping her chin in thought.
"you TAUGHT her how to use one?!" atsushi took the words out of dazai's mouth in a yell, "and a LITERAL gun! what's wrong with you?!"
"of course i did. what's the problem with that?" your yakuza variant questioned, raising a brow.
"SHE'S A CHILD?!" kunikida exclaimed, echoing atsushi, "YOU SHOULDN'T BE TEACHING ANY OF THAT TO A LITERAL CHILD MA'AM."
"relax, it's for self-defense," your yakuza variant immediately countered, "it's not that bad."
"not that bad? then, aren't [name]-chan's abilities, err, chaos magic, already responsible for protecting her?" atsushi inquired.
"chaos magic isn't something we should just rely on. there will come a time when we won't be able to use it in a situation. it's only right for little me to be equipped with enough knowledge how to protect herself," your yakuza variant reasoned, motioning over you.
"yeah, that sounds real nice," dazai remarked sarcastically, already taking your hand and pulling away from your yakuza variant before picking you up and firmly holding you in his arms.
when your yakuza variant saw dazai and the rest of the armed detective agency who were still wary of her, a small frown deepened on his variant face. "i think i'll just take my leave, sweetie," she sighed before placing a hand on her hip, chuckling softly with a small smirk.
"are you sure?" you asked with a small pout.
"yes, i'm sure, sweetie," she trotted towards you, slightly narrowing her eyes at dazai when he tried to pull you away from her but still smiling at you, "and besides, in all honesty, their reactions are very similar to that ginger head and his friends whom we met earlier. i thought for sure they would warm up to me given how similar our organizations are, but oh well."
everyone's sweat dropped.
she intimidated even the port mafia?
"you met the port mafia?" fukuzawa inquired, recognising the ginger head she mentioned as the gravity manipulator.
"yes, the port mafia. their boss sure is something, as are his subordinates, and then there was this red haired woman back then too—she was really ravishing," your yakuza variant chuckled softly, everyone's eyes widening in shock when she mentioned the golden demon ability user, "but anyway, i have something to do. i've got an important meeting with my own subordinates."
"oh, okay.." you nodded in understanding.
"goodbye, sweetheart, and everyone. it was great meeting you all," she said as she raised her hand and twisted it, opening up a red portal very similar to yours, ruffled your hair and kissed the top of your head, "i'll see you soon. i promise I'll buy you more clothes, okay?"
"bye-bye!" you giggled, waving at her before letting your yakuza variant go to her red portal.
everyone who caught a glimpse of what was on the other side of the portal, your variant's world, watched breathlessly. they could see several people, or rather women dressed very similarly to her your variant, but the red portal had closed before any of them could question it. everyone had calmed down as soon as she had completely left.
"oh, thank god," dazai sighed in relief.
"seriously, how could that be you, [name]-chan? you're nothing like her!" atsushi exclaimed.
"i agree with atsushi-kun, you're cute and soft, whereas she's all intimidating and cunning," tanizaki added to atsushi's statement.
"but, is it true, can you use a three-sectioned staff and a gun?" yosano inquired, blinking profusely.
"Yeah, but my daddy banned me from using playful cloud or a gun because i snuck into the place where they keep all their weapons back at home," you explained, a small pout on your face.
"my goodness. well, at least your father's responsible..." kunikida sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in relief.
"i actually want to be like yakuza me someday," you exclaimed, making the rest of the armed detective agency start sweating again.
"[name]-chan, you listen to me good. promise me you'll never take after that woman," dazai embraced you tightly, almost dramatically, "okay?! i can't afford to have my sweet little belladonna turning into a mafioso!"
"that's really funny, dazai-nii! that's what my daddy told me too!" you couldn't help but giggle fondly, oblivious to dazai's reaction, as you remembered the exact words gojo had told you when he and the others met her, "but okay!"
"yes, that's great! that's very good of you. that's my [name]-chan!" dazai faked a sob, acting as if you were on the verge of dying or something.
as dramatic and comedic as dazai sounded and acted, he really didn't want you to end up like your ever intimidating and cunning mafioso-like variant. knowing that a version of you existed as the head of a yakuza shows the possibility of you becoming like her, and this comes from a young man who used to be an executive of the port mafia. being in an underground organization, surrounded by bloodshed and violence, was not as appealing.
for another, it would most certainly kill dazai if you turned into someone he no longer recognizes. it would break his heart.
"please keep being you, [name]-chan."
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[ author's notes ! just a little trivia, a yakuza, according to my research, is quite patriarchal, and usually the women in a yakuza is simply the wife and doesn't really get involved much in the mafia-like organization business, which is why the armed detective agency, especially atsushi, are surprised that your variant is the head or boss, there are very few women in a yakuza, and for one to be a boss, they usually just take over when their husbands die—but your variant is a fushiguro after all, as well as the scarlet witch like you :) ]
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elf-osamu · 10 months
other suggestions with the same settings! prompt 3 from fluff list 2 w/ oda, nb reader who says the line, both platonic/romantic is ok
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[ masterlist ] [ event ] [ reblogs are very appreciated ]
fluff, canon divergence, romantic (can be interpreted as platonic), oda sakunosuke x non-binary!reader (no specific prns used)
warning(s) : not proofread
word count : 599 words
plot : “a bookstore meeting with him. perhaps with a few flowers along the way home”.
a/n : i literally thought “it's probably too short but i don't have any other ideas”, however i wrote so much words in a short amount of time????? ngl inspiration hit me suddenly while writing this 😭 nevertheless, i hope you like it vess ! <3
prompt taken from here !!
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during summer sunny days were always hot yet rather humid in yokohama, making it difficult for you to feel comfortable when going outside; your clothes stuck to your body in an unpleasant way, you couldn’t stop drinking water for more than ten minutes, the heat made you feel unsteady — so, generally speaking, you couldn’t stand those sensations.
despite it all, you had accepted oda’s invitation to the library, one which was his and your favorite: you liked the atmosphere there, from the simple yet fairly enjoyable disposition of the bookshelves to the faint scent of old books that were there for who knows how much time.
oda wasn’t a talkative person by nature; he preferred to be the listener, someone who could take care of others and support them in a peaceful way, without having the attention directed to himself for too long.
however, when it came to literature, his eyes seemed to be enlightened by a new light, as if you had uncovered a hidden aspect of his being.
why would one write a comic or a novel? what makes our reality from the fictional one so different? are stories eternal? at which point the author’s beliefs are blatant in a work of fiction?
these and many other questions would have been discussed by him, the man who was saved by literature and wished to make it happen to everyone else; a man who was known to be a listener, yet just had his introduction as a speaker.
the afternoon was spent in that way, talking and listening to each other’s thoughts and ideas — still, oda was the main character for once and you were glad he had found his passion.
the library closed when it was late at night, the same moment you two had ‘decided’ to head out of the building.
it wasn’t too hot like that morning and you felt fine, wandering through the streets with him, a person you were grateful to have by your side.
at some point, you arrived at your apartment.
“what would you say to a bowl of curry rice and complaints about dishes during those boring and strict dinner parties?” you asked with an amused grin, knowing very well how much he disliked those dinners.
he seemed to suddenly remember something, but then he looked at you as if it was nothing. oda rarely acted like that, unless he already had a plan that was meticulously prepared in advance.
before you could question his behavior, he had already started to talk.
“how could i refuse,” he commented in his soft-spoken voice. “still, there’s a matter i have yet to accomplish, it won’t take much time. wait me there, i’ll be right back” and, without saying another word, turned to his right and walked away.
you sighed and shook your head — what could have possibly come to his mind in that moment?
it took him around fifteen minutes to come back to your apartment.
your curiosity had gotten the best of you and you couldn’t wait to ask him what matter was so urgent.
however, the answer arrived as you opened the door for oda: he was holding a bouquet with your favorite flowers. it wasn’t relatively big, but its fragrance and colors made you extremely happy.
“you got me flowers?”, you said while taking the bouquet and welcoming him in your home.
he nodded and a warm smile appeared on his face. “it’s a small gift to thank you for everything you do for me; i wanted to let you know that i truly appreciate it”.
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[ do not copy, translate, repost, etc. | by @ elf-osamu ]
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fandom-freak-123 · 2 months
Welcome to my Masterlist! In all honesty I do hope this helps people find stuff but here you go:
My Quotev series:
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N. Italy
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Ancient Rome
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S. Italy
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Northern Ireland
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Latvia (Platonic Only)
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Sealand (Platonic Only)
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Hong Kong
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New Zealand
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Hutt River
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Kugelmugel (Platonic Only)
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Ladonia (Platonic Only)
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Niko Niko Republic
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Wy (Platonic Only)
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Yae Miko
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-Oh no! Nothings here yet! Check again later!-
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yuugen-benni · 2 years
Masterlist - Last Updated: 20 Jul 2023
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With an s/o who has vitiligo - The Flags
With a s/o who loves to dote on them - The Flags
With a s/o who has Yosano's personality - The Flags
Listen to their heartbeats - The Flags
How would it be if The Flags were teachers? - The Flags
with a s/o which is like Nagisa Shiota - The Flags
With a Pm!girlfriend who is a model - Lipp Man
Comforting crying reader - The flags
Jealous - The Flags
With a reader who considers him an older brother - Adam
With a s/o who acts like Hua cheng - Dazai
Reacting to the reader getting up early - Kunikida, Atsushi, Dazai and Akutagawa
Cute Things They do - Atsushi, Kunikida, Dazai, Chuuya, Tachihara, akutagawa, ranpo
''Can I tell you a secret ?'' - Various bsd
Reader that has Uta's ability - Dazai
Kisses with The Flags
The Flags whit an Aromantic/Asexual reader
Reader who acts like a mother - Ango
Gem!Reader - Chuuya and Akutagawa
Social anxiety s/o - Albatross
Reader with Cigarrete addiction - Chuuya, Ranpo, Kunikida
The same Past - Chuuya
Petnames - The flags
Sick!Reader - Ayatsuji Yukito
Fem!Reader who tries to act like a ''member of the mafia'' - The flags
Reader who has the ability of Death - Dazai, Chuuya, and Albatross
When they're sick - The flags
In love x boyfriend - Atsushi
Sleeping and morning with them - Ice Man, Atsushi, Akutagawa, Dazai, Katai, Sigma
Gn,Short! Reader - Ayatsuji Yukito
Shy!Reader who likes to paint - Ranpo
reader who likes to borrow their clothes - Atsushi, Akutagawa, Kunikida, Chuuya, Sigma, Gin
S/o who never gets embarrassed/never blushes at anything - Various
How would BSD men react if you asked them to help you adjust your bra straps ? - Dazai, Atsushi, Ice Man, Ranpo
''Hey, calm down. It's okay, did you hear me?'' - Kunikida
"Love me, there's still time" - Atsushi
Small Sketch - Chuuya
All The Flowers - Atsushi, Kunikida, Akutagawa, Dazai, Poe, Chuuya and Oda
Platonic - Oda
''As Vitrines'' - Various
Breakup prompt + random - Tachihara
Brazilian song lyrics + Drabble + After you Break Up with them - Ango, Chuuya, Dazai, Atsushi
Random incomplete scenarios based on the mayoi cards - Kunikida (medieval AU), Chuuya (detective AU) and Ranpo (poker dealer!Reader)
''Your reward for being patient…with me'' - Sigma
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General dating - Ganyu
Love Language - Various
Reader that is ashamed of his own hands - Diluc and Kazuha
Marry in secret - Xiao
Fem!Reader who likes to wear short clothes - Diluc
ADHD/Dyslexic! Reader - childe, diluc and thoma
S/o who never gets embarrassed/never blushes at anything - Various
“Only after meeting you did I discover that it is so simple to be happy'' - Beidou, Amber, Xiao
''As vitrines'' - Various
''What did they feel when they realized they were intensely in love with you ?'' - Anemo and pyro characters
''You gave me Love, and I'll give you everything I have'' - Xiao, Childe
Seeing you wearing a Witch outfit - Albedo
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I never requested so I don't know if I'm doing it right. But I wanted to request the self aware bsd cast with a shy teen reader with a not so good background. Maybe the reader wants to be writer but gets made fun of for it (bonus points if they look up to poe and oda). I'm not sure if this is the write way to request but feel free to ignore this.
Hello! Hope, you liked it.
Your dream matters
Self-Aware! Platonic! BSD characters x GN! Teen! Shy! Reader
Self-Aware! Platonic! Edgar Allan Poe x GN! Teen! Shy! Reader x Self-Aware! Platonic! Oda Sakunosuke (Slight! Self-Aware! Platonic! Fyodor Dostoevsky x GN! Teen! Shy! Reader)
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Description: Set after BSD gang got into your world. You always want to be a writer. But no one supports your dream. But then, Bungou Stray Dogs characters get into your world. Your life is changing. Hopefully, for the better.
Fluff, comfort. Reader are well-read.
Warning: Bullies. Neglectful parents and teachers.
Part two: Reunion
OOC. English is my second language.
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You loved reading all your life. Ever since you were a child, you prefer reading to playing.
You always wanted to be a writer. You wanted to write about people, about magical worlds, about talking animals. Furthermore, you wanted to share your ideas with others.
Because of your love for literature, you have decided to watch Bungou Stray Dogs. You liked all characters.
But, two characters were your favorite. Edgar Allan Poe and Oda Sakunosuke. Writer and person, who wants to be a writer.
You can even say, that look up to them.
Bungou Stray Dogs characters (especially Poe and Oda) soon became your comfort characters.
Because, you have a feeling, that they won't laugh at your dream to become a writer.
When you were in a kindergarten, you didn't have any friends. Other children always thought, that reading books is boring. They prefer to play outside, run around.
While you were sitting somewhere in the shade, reading another fairy tale.
You wanted to have friends. You want to have someone to talk to. To discuss books.
But you have no one. Other kids don't want to talk to you. They called you boring.
Because if that, when you start going to school, you were shy and quiet.
But this time, you had a dream... A dream to become a writer.
Dream, that everyone laughed at.
At first, it was a homework. To write a short fairy tale about animals.
You wrote about kitten, who was friends with butterflies. And how he helped butterflies to arrange a beautiful celebration.
When you read it to your teacher and classmates, they liked it. But then...
"I want to become a writer!"
Silence. Then your classmates started laughing.
"You will never do it!"
"Writing is not a job!"
"Soon no one will read books!"
And the teacher didn't do anything to calm your classmates down.
You weren't that naive. You understand, that your fairy tale wasn't The best story in the world. But... You were still a child. You are allowed to dream.
You hoped, that your classmates won't laugh at your dream again. Or, at least, you will have someone, that will support you.
...You are in a middle school now. In a year, you will start high school...
Classmates still laughing at you.
"Hey, Super Star of Modern Literature, how many people bought your books today?"
"[Y/N], can we have your autograph? I will show it to my grandchildren. Will tell them that I knew The Great Author when they were a pathetic nobody."
"Why are you still laughing at me? I didn't do anything wrong."
At first, you tried to ask teacher for help. But they ignored you.
"[Y/N], been a writer is a silly, childish dream."
"You won't write anything good. You will never be as good, as real writers "
"But I want to try... What if someone will like my writing?"
At the end you were too shy, too ashamed to ask for help again.
You hoped, that your parents will support your dream.
"[Y/N]! Writing is not a job! You must become a valuable member of society!"
"All writers are lazy alcoholics! Stop wasting your time!"
"But you are drinking without been a writer. You two are stuck in dead-end jobs. You hate working. You don't have hobbies... Why you don't want me to have something that makes me happy? Why you lash out on me instead of going to the gym to do boxing?"
"I... I know, that writing is a lottery, but... I just want to write something... I only want to tell a story"
"Please... I just want someone to support me... Just one person"
But at the end, no one supports you. But deep down, you still dream about becoming a writer.
But you never spoke about your dream again.
And then, one day, you saw a picture of Edgar Allan Poe from Bungou Stray Dogs.
After spending some time on learning more about BSD, you decide to watch it.
Then you read the manga.
And install the game.
In the middle of June, characters from the BSD franchise appeared in your room.
You still weren't sure, how Fitzgerald managed to get this house. You still don't know, how they manage to get a custody over you.
The only thing is clear. You are now living with your comfort characters.
You start changing. At first, you were too shy to spend time with them. Especially with Oda and Poe. But, after something happened, you became more open towards your new family.
You became closer to them, thanks to Fyodor Dostoevsky.
You walk inside your home library and plopped down on the chair. You groaned and cover your face with both hands.
"Hard day?" you hear someone's voice. You nodded. You hear, that someone move a chair closer to you and sit near. That mysterious someone put a hand on your shoulder. "Want to talk about it?"
You were annoyed. So annoyed, that you decide to vent.
"Today, I had a school literature club meeting. We were discussing our favorite book characters. We could name anyone we want, doesn't matter, who is the author."
You take a breath.
"So I talked about Rodion Raskolnikov from Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment""
It was silent for a moment. Then mysterious someone asked again.
"I guess, teacher doesn't like your answer?"
You nodded again. If you weren't that annoyed, you would notice, that your listener had well known among BSD fans Russian accent.
"Yes. They told me, that Raskolnikov is a terrible person and can't be anyone's favorite. I... I never said that I like what he was doing, but he is more complicated character, that teachers told us about. Moreover, they are doing Dostoevsky dirty, while teaching about him in high school... Oh."
You finally looked at the person, you were talking to.
Right beside you was sitting Fyodor Dostoevsky. His hand was still on your shoulder. The man himself was smiling. He looked both amused and worried.
You want to disappear. You were embarrassed, that Fyodor heard your rant about his real world counterpart.
Fyodor asked you another question.
"Did the teacher let you explain your choice?"
You shook your head, still embarrassed. Fyodor laughs.
"Then why won't you explain it to me?"
You looked at Dostoevsky with a mixture of disbelief and embarrassment.
"I am serious. I want to hear, what's your reasons behind liking Raskolnikov."
Fyodor squeezed your shoulder. You gulp and star talking.
"Well, first, let me tell you what author himself write about Rodion..."
At the end, you and Fyodor had a full on discussion about book characters. Others joined you two.
Starting that day, you slowly, but surely became closer to your new friends. You even confess, that Poe and Oda were your favorite characters.
You still didn't tell others about your dream. But now, you nave a real notebook to write your ideas in.
Your life changed.
You lived in a new home. With a new family.
But you still were going in the old school.
Mori parked the car not far away from school. He turns towards you and smiles.
"We are here, Little Light. Be careful at school."
"I will, Uncle Ougai, don't worry. See you and other after school"
After getting a hug from Elise and a head pat from Mori (with a quiet "You can call me father, you know?"), you left the car and walked towards the school building.
You hope, that today is going to be good.
This day was terrible.
When you were walking in school halls, someone ran into you. You fall, and your schoolbag was opened. Your notebooks were on the floor. You quickly pick everything up and hurry to the next class.
You didn't notice, that your notebook with writing Ideas were stolen.
After the lunch, you got a notification.
Someone posted photos of your notebook pages on the school site.
And a video. A video of bullies, mockingly reading your notebook. Tearing it apart. Destroying pages.
And comments under the post...
"The Weirdo are still writing?"
"LOL, cringe fanfics!"
"Hey, maybe they have another notebook, where they write porn stories?"
"Will you calm the [CENSORED] down! Stop flaunt your stupid dream before our eyes!"
"Your notebook is only good to be used as toilet paper!"
After school, you hurry home.
You slam the door behind you. Not paying attention to anyone, you hurry to your room and close the door. Soon everyone heard the muffled cries.
Everyone was quiet for a moment. Chuuya was first one, who spoke.
"Who? Who dared to hurt our [Y/N]?! Who made them cry?"
"I know the answer" Katai, who checked your school site, showed everyone post with your notebook.
Fyodor stood up. His voice was cold.
"I will deal with this little bastards. Kolya, Chuuya, Dazai, you are going with me. Oda, Poe, can you, please, check on [Y/N]? They like you two."
Without other words, Fyodor walked towards the front door. Gogol,
Chuuya and Dazai followed him.
You heard someone knocking on your door.
"[Y/N]? It's us, Oda and Poe. Can we come in?"
You manage to sob a "yes" and bury your face in a pillow.
The door was opened. Oda and Poe slowly approach your bed. Oda kneel before your bed, while Poe sits on the bed edge.
Oda spoke first.
"We saw the video. Are you okay? The Bullies... They didn't hurt you to take away the notebook, right?"
You sob more and shake your head.
"No... They stole it... Is it wrong for me to dream? Is it wrong for me to want to be a writer?"
Poe put his hand on your back, softly petting it.
"It's not, [Y/N]. Your dream matters. Your dream can become true. I will help you."
Oda spoke again. "And I will also help you."
You look at them in disbelief. Did they just? The characters you always looked up to support you?
Poe answers your silent question.
"I can teach you, how to write. We will do writing exercises, we will discuss your writing, I will give you a critique. I will support you on your way to becoming a writer."
Oda rub away your tears.
"Don't listen to the others, [Y/N], you can become a writer. We will work on it together."
You cried again. This time, out of happiness. You jumped up and hugged both Poe and Oda at the same time. They hug you in return.
"Thanks you so much"
Finally, you have someone, who supports you and your dream.
🐾 Everyone from the BSD gang will support you.
🐾 Poe is mentoring you. He is a good teacher. He points out what you are doing good and what you are doing bad.
🐾 Oda and Poe will help you publish your first book. Just a little storybook.
🐾 You got good reviews and it was quite popular. You got some money from it.
🐾 You buy presents for everyone. Oda, Poe and Fyodor got a three different "Best Dad in The World" cups from you. Mori was devastated. Now he tries even harder to make sure you see him as a father figure.
🐾 On the side note, now you are being homeschooled.
🐾 The Bullies (seven people), who created a post, were found stuffed in one trashcan. It takes half a day to get them out of it.
🐾 Person, who write a comment about toilet paper, was stuffed in the school toilet.
🐾 Teachers were also scared. Rumors said, that someone attack them and teach them a lesson on "How to be a good teacher".
🐾 Slowly, you are becoming more and more confident. Now you are sure, that you can be a writer. All thanks to your new family.
A/N : The bit about Raskolnikov happened in real life with me. When my literature teacher started asking us about our favourite characters from classic literature, I said, that I loved Raskolnikov. I had a feeling, if my teacher could, she would expell me for this words.
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damagedintellect · 5 months
Don't get me wrong I love Dazai and Chuuya but I want to know who else can you see yourself writing a bsd x reader for?? It doesn't have to be for the isekai au either I just have a lot of bsd brainrot and I love the way you write :3
💌 Since it seems a lot of people are interested I made a teir list for my bsd brainrot!
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💌 If people want to make request I'm 100% down and here's my list of how motivated towards characters I would be! This could be romantic, platonic, sibling/family dynamics, yandere, whatever the case may be. I just like writing and character dynamics are my bread and butter.
💌 As we can see Nikolai, Dazai, Chuuya & Fyodor are 11/10 the "I will always write for them because I am down bad." My google docs is full of wips for them!
💌 Ango, Sigma, Poe & Ranpo are 8/10 all characters I have ideas for but have not written or fleshed out said ideas!
💌 Kunikida, Mushitaro, Oda, Atsushi & Bram, 7/10 I occasionally think about but have not made any effort to conceptualize fics for them.
💌 Fukuzawa, Mori, Yosano, Kouyou & Tachihara are all characters that I find neat and interesting and would be down to write for because they seem fun to work with!
💌 Gin, Akutagawa, Teccho,Teruko, Jouno, Kyoka, Kenji, Lucy, Hirotsu & yes even Kaji are all characters that I don't think about in my day to day so I'd probably need ideas for them to spark an interest, but I wouldn't mind trying to see if I could write for them.
💌 Everyone else under no, I just can't see myself writing for due to personality types or just not having enough source material to feel comfortable writing for them. I try really hard to make everyone feel in character and I would feel bad.
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wizardfrog69 · 1 year
okay so reader came out to thire family as whatever and they were not happy and they went to thire best friend and they helped them get through it and let them know that they are enough
No fandom? Alright. Thanks for requesting!
'•.¸♡ it's ok ♡¸.•'
Multifandom/no one x gn!reader
Platonic ig
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You finally had found yourself, you no longer questioned why you felt this way and if other people felt this way, and you wanted to tell your parents.
You knew your parents were more on the traditional side but you hoped they would accept you and support you as they always said they would.
You asked to speak to them both to tell them who you were. 'No child of mine is queer! Stop this, you aren't that you're only pretending, stop it.' Your mother shouted while your father stood next to her with a disgusted look on his face. You wanted to cry, you wanted to tell them this is who you were and nothing will change that but you couldn't say anything. All you did was leave, you left the house hoping to not see them ever again.
You knocked on your friends door. They opened the door to find you with a sad expression as if you were about to cry but you felt as if you've already cried, you haven't but the feeling in your eyes said a different story, you couldn't hold it in for long and you started crying infront of them. 'Oh, come, lets sit down, okay?' You sat down on their couch as they felt to get you a cup of tea.
You were ready to tell your friend what happened. 'They don't care about me. They don't want me.' You said under your breath, your friend new what you meant and hugged you. 'It's okay, you can stay with me, everything is going to be okay.' They said comfortably in a calm voice. 'Why do they think I'm pretending?' You asked heartbroken. 'I don't know, buy you're not pretending, I know who you are and I still love you and always will.' Your friend smiled at you letting you know everything is okay.
'I'm here for you, you can stay as long as you need.'
Bsd: Atsushi, Kunikida, Jun'ichirō, Arthur, Oda, Poe, Sigma, Tetchō, Natsume. Mtp: Louis, John. Vnc: Noé, Jeanne. Hellsing: Seras. Blood c: Saya.
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
I need to make a shit ton of masterlists now :') and I need to make dinner.
Happy St. Patrick's day for anyone celebrating!
Have a wonderful day/night, go outside, if you can or just do something you like doing! :)
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silverbladexyz · 2 years
Congrats on 100 followers!!
Can I request a match up??
Name: Trinity
Pronouns: mostly they/them
Personality type: INFP
Star sign: Leo
I normally get on well with people who are kind and have a tolerance for others. I can't stand people who are rude or have disrespect.
Hobbies: reading, writing, listening to music, baking and I love dressing up fancy for no reason udbdur
Faun facts: I had ADHD, I really enjoy classic lit, I'm studying Health and Social Care and English literature. My favourite book rn is The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky
As much as I love Poe, I'm.always matched up w him so not him please dudjdu and not Mori or Fukuchi
HIIIIIIII TRINITY!!!! TYYYY 🤧🤧🤧 and I hope you like your platonic matchups!!! Sorry if I didn’t do it well!
The images used are not mine. They belong to their original owners.
Your sibling figure is... HIGUCHI ICHIYO!!!
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-Higuchi does have some experience with being someone’s sibling. After all, she does have a younger sister whom she would sacrifice anything to keep her happy
-She is glad to have someone whom she can confide in and trust. I don’t think Higuchi has that close of a relationship with her Port Mafia colleagues, and her little sister is too young to know most of the stuff that Higuchi has to deal with. However, she will tone it down for you if you wanted
-Higuchi would be serious most of the times, but it is mostly for her job. When she’s not in the Port Mafia and is spending quality time with you, her serious personality falls and she acts like any normal sister would. You two would either be chatting and laughing amicably, or just sitting in comfortable silence at the end of a tiring day
-Higuchi will be respectful of your boundaries. She knows how much little privacies mean to her, so she won’t push you to tell her everything, but if you’re willing to share some tea, she’s down for it
-BAKE WITH HER. I headcanon that Higuchi is actually a great chef if she had the time and resources, and she learns pretty quickly too, so teach her a few simple tricks and she would be whipping up the best cookies and macarons you have ever seen in all of Yokohama. However, she enjoys baking with you more, as she does like having someone to talk to
-Music? Higuchi is down for any type of music, but due to her job she doesn’t have much time to listen to it. So in your free time, you two would listen to your playlist on Spotify while sitting in comfortable silence <3
-I feel like Higuchi would also like reading, since her real life counterpart was a bookworm. So drop her some classic lit recommendations, and she’ll come back to you a few days later ready to talk about and discuss the books with you. Sometimes there’ll even be a friendly competition on who could read the books the quickest lol
-If you are feeling down or upset because someone made you that way, Higuchi will try her best to comfort you, but really her sort of comforting is ‘get revenge on the one which made you sad’. She will stop if you ask her to, but it doesn’t stop her from ordering her subordinates to teach that person a lesson
-However, if you are insecure, Higuchi will offer you a hug while letting you sort out your thoughts in silence. She will do anything to make you feel happy and comfortable, and she wants to help in any way possible
-Also, give her some fancy clothes and dress up with her!!! Higuchi doesn’t know this, but she’s actually really pretty (have you seen some of her Mayoi cards? She looks so nice hddfjjssdh) Just give her a fancy but simple black dress, put some decorations in her hair, let her hair down, and you have yourself a stunning Higuchi that can woo all the people of Yokohama. SHE LOOKS FINE ASF WHEN SHE DRESSES UP SO PLEASE GIVE HER SOME FANCY CLOTHES
-As we know, Higuchi will go to lengths for the people that she cares about, and you’re no exception <333
-Overall, Higuchi tries her best to be a great sister figure to you. Please give her more platonic love, she needs it <3
And your parent figure is... ODA SAKUNOSUKE!!!
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-Hands down, he’s the best Dad
-You like reading and writing, he likes reading and writing... boom, you’re adopted now <3
-Jk, but you two would have a great parent-child relationship
-Oda will always listen to you, and he will try his best to help you if you needed his help. Even if it was the most trivial matter, Oda will still try to assist you
-Speaking of reading and writing, you both recommend each other books and you both read each others’ writing. Oda is great at giving feedback, even when sometimes he is a little blunt, but his feedback always helps to improve your writing
-I reckon Oda would be open to trying out new things with you. If you teach him how to bake, he will pay very close attention and follow each of the steps methodically, and his end products are so good that the children always eat them up in a few seconds lol. Don’t worry, he always saves some for you <3
-Oda probably doesn’t listen to much music, but give him some song recommendations and he’ll immediately listen to them. Bonus points if you create a playlist for him, because he will be listening to it whenever he has time and it helps him to focus
-If you like children, Oda would ask you to look after the children once in a while. Don’t worry if you’re not good with kids, because his kids are well-behaved (well... most of the time) The kids look up to you as an older sibling figure, and you’re part of their family now too <33
-If you feel sad, anxious, depressed, etc. don’t be afraid to go to Oda. He will never spill your secrets, and he is great at comforting you! Oda also gives very good advice, and he’s probably better than a personal therapist lol. You can tell him everything and rest assured, he’ll take your secrets to his grave. However, he wouldn’t mind giving you a hug and just letting you know that he’s there for you
-He will also cook you your comfort food!!! Just imagine him in a pink apron, skilfully cooking something that you liked while also pouring a cup of your favourite drink for you. His cooking is better than any food you can order in a restaurant 😋
-Overall, Oda will be the best dad to you, and I promise you that you cannot get anybody better to be your parent figure
Last but not least, your mentor is... PAUL VERLAINE!!!
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-Congrats on getting the biggest red flag in BSD to be your mentor lolz /j
-Verlaine is strict. He expects you to do your best, and he is literally like ‘effort comes first, results come second’
-Which meansss that you barely have a moment to rest, since Verlaine would be constantly training you. Not only because he wants you to have adequate skills to be able to complete a mission, he also feels proud when you grow into a stronger person under his tutelage
-He will tone it down a little if he sees that you couldn’t really handle the things that he teaches you. Verlaine doesn’t want you to stress out, and stressing out on a mission would be the last thing you want
-Nowww let’s see. You would mostly be learning assassination skills from him, but in the rare moments where he finally decides to give you a break, you two would normally sit in comfortable silence; you reading a book, him writing a poem
-As you become a better and better assassin, it was nearly time you said goodbye, but did you want to? No! So you told the Boss that you wanted to keep training under Verlaine, under the reason that you wanted to be sent onto international large-scale missions as well. Fortunately, Mori accepted your request
-I feel like Verlaine would definitely teach you French and/or other languages, since you would be going on international missions, having a couple of languages under your belt would be pretty useful
-Verlaine is pretty patient while teaching you. He has this way of teaching that is the quickest and most efficient, but he wasn’t the King of Assassins for nothing. He trains you up even more for your missions now, but he does give you more breaks, and even advice on anything that you ask!
-^One time you had to attend a fancy ball for a mission, but you didn’t know what to wear. Fortunately, Verlaine was able to whip out an outfit for you that not only looked stunning, but was also easy to move in. So the next time you’re in this dilemma, ask him to help because his clothing taste is immaculate
-If you mess up and/or make a mistake, I feel like Verlaine would be a bit serious while reproaching you, but afterwards he’ll gently teach you how to prevent that mistake again. He is kind of intimidating though, but he does it so that you can learn. Afterwards, he would say ‘good job’ and basically encourage and compliment you
-Despite all of his strictness, Verlaine cares about you! He may not show it directly, but it’s in the little acts that he does, like teaching you a footwork that is less likely to injure you, giving you longer breaks etc.
-He isn’t that used to platonic affection though... so when you literally showed up at his door with some freshly baked macarons to thank him for being your mentor, he just kind of froze and was quite confused, but he handled it pretty well. Verlaine secretly loves your baking, but wouldn’t ask you on how to do it... please teach him <3
-Overall, Verlaine is a strict but good mentor. And you should know that once he cares for someone, he cares deeply
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