#platonic and romantic kissies!!
usbkinitopet · 1 month
can you and sam kisssss….. pleaaaaa🙏🙏🙏
"You want.. us.. to kiss!?.. but, I don't have a mouth!.. I don't think I even can, to begin with!.."
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"Don't worry, I got you, Kinito!.. I have a mouth!.. which means, I can give you a kiss instead!"
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"Huh?, you want to give me a kiss!?.. rea-really!?-"
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"Oh!.. Wowie!.. I forgot!.. you do have a mouth!.. I guess, I got you mixed up for me!.. due to my lack of a smile on my face!.." "Well duh!.. how else do you think I was eating those sea fries??" "I guess my memory isn't as up to date as I had thought!.. oh.. I feel so happy, I could-"
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"Become a real axolotl!.."
"I guess your dream of becoming real, came true!" "Well.. that's all because of you!.." "Huh?" "Nothing!!.. oh!!.. and would you look at that!.. Jones is awake!!.." "Jones has been awake, for a while, goofball!" "I.. knew that!!"
(Gay Gay, Homosexual gay, Gay!!!, we love Sam x Kinito in this house!!! :D!!!) - Mod Soni
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inkperch · 3 months
....was desperately looking to see if anyone else had picked up on the vibes between two female characters in something I just watched, and the only post that had was one of those wankers using everything and everyone they could find to shit on Chaggie for 'Having no tension', fuck the internet I hate it here-
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cheetahsprints · 5 months
S3 Spoiler
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What they meant
Sonic: Grab my hand, no homo :)?
Shadow: Yes homo
Sonic: Ok your idea is better so how ya doin 😏
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1111-sunset-circle · 5 months
waking up late to your f/o having made you breakfast <3
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dumbthink · 8 months
can’t sleep so like for a kiss from nadine in ur inbox
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buriedabove · 2 months
not a long while ago,  i posted about wanting to explore dynamics more and build more long-lasting connections between the muses,  but as of late there’s also been another related thing circulating inside my head,  which is the topic of romantic shipping.  i always say i’m open to considering those and people should always feel free to approach me about it and then we can discuss whether it makes sense or not,  though something i’m not particularly a fan of is devoiding a dynamic between characters for the sake of shipping.  romance is not my priority and even when it happens,  most of the time those relationships still will be difficult because this is how i write and interpret leon and his approach towards it.  all i’m asking for is some more depth.  otherwise,  simply speaking,  it’s hard for me to stay excited or interested.
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hum--hallelujah · 9 months
like, Ghoul and Kobra are this weird Secret Third Thing where it comes to their relationship because it's a thing you can't really put words to. they're best friends. they'd die and kill for each other and burn the world down if they failed. they sleep better if they're in the same bed. they're incredibly, inextricably tangled up, both emotionally and sometimes physically as well. they're insane for each other. best friends, NOT better off as lovers. but Jet and Poison? oh you can put words to that. they're so utterly, incredibly in love, but it's not romantic. they're soulmates. they never would have met or been friends if it wasn't for fate and sandstorms and sunburn. they call each other sunshine and sweetheart and baby. they do not, under any circumstances, kiss or even want to. they're the other half they were always missing and they love each other more than, and as if, it's breathing. but they're not romantic in any way and never would imagine it. but they are in love.
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carlyraejepsans · 2 years
do you. have any charisk fic recommendations. i’m so close to shipping them but i’m on the fence tbh
no tbh, i just ship the hyperspecific, highly self catering version of charisk that only exists in my brain
#it's a very weird slightly codependent.. thing. especially on frisk's end#because i was working off of the premise that they must have been abandoned and so very lonely before climbing the mountain#so having chara by their side constantly would've been of tremendous comfort to them and they would get more than a little attached#while chara is basically haunting the underground. constantly wanting to do things again and again and again because they can't let go#(neutral runs basically)#and frisk being so attached to them that they go along. as long as they can stick together#world's least stable 12 year olds#it's not even like i ship them in a kissy smoochie way it's not romantic#but it's definitely more than platonic too y'know. VERY codependent#but also the main appeal to me is the inherent tragedy of it. because in genocide chara becomes stronger and stronger#until frisk is fully put aside as they become aware of and interested in US. players#while in pacifist chara finally lets go and stops haunting the story... and frisk. who has to go on and live their own life#and while they DO have a support system and a new family with them. it's still gonna be a pretty big blow on them#especially since chara holds the SAVE file and the power to reset (even if they did manage it together throughout the game)#and now they're gone. like either way there's no ending where they break the loop AND they stay together#and that concept just makes me insane and is. so underrated. or at least i haven't seen anything with that premise yet#answered asks#hcs
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sunnibits · 2 years
guys I gotta be honest sometimes I do just want to smooch that old angry man on his liddol bitty face
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traumatas · 1 year
WOAH hold up people in Sky think that the kissy blowing emote is anyone trying to woo them? I'm sorry but 😭 you're not that hot and important. How does anyone see this as flirting I'm loosing my mind its not anyone French kissing you it's a little blow kissy emote that personally use as a big thank you if someone's doing something nice.
It's so so so so sad that people can't see an innocent blow kiss emote in a video game where no one has any gender or whatever as platonic? Why does it have to be romantic and be like WOAH this person wants to have romantic relations with me!!!!!! Absolutely wild.
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keebwee · 2 years
romance (thumbs down)
aggressive hurt/comfort and/or found family (thumbs up)
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I'm now in a relationship with Nadi!!! :3c
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disabilitybitch · 5 months
I would just like to say since this is a thing right now.
The aromantic community has opened my eyes to so many different things. I'm alloromantic 100% but man, the aromantic community has done so much for me.
I will always be an ally to my aro siblings. They helped me realize that relationships are not black and white. Relationships are not just romantic and nonromantic.
I have learned that love exists in so many forms. Love takes shape in so many different ways and people. How I experience relationships from my romantic ones to my friendships to my family to my hobbies to communities to the world around me has been forever changed thanks to the aro community.
I've started blurring the lines (in healthy and responsible ways so yk not romantic with my family) between relationships. I've started to be more open and don't limit how I display affection to certain "love types". If I want to make out and go on dates with my best friends I do. If I'm not in the mood to cuddle and be all kissy with a partner I just play a game with them or something.
I'm telling my friends and family "I love you" more. I say that I love things like art and nature more. I call my partners my good/cherished/best/beloved/etc. friends.
I have platonic partners and I'm open to the idea of alterous partners too. The aromantic community has given me language for feelings that I as an alloromantic DO IN FACT experience while also experiencing a romantic attraction.
The aromantic community is beautiful and I will ALWAYS fight with them. They have redefined how I view my orientation and relationships as a whole.
Admittedly, there's still a lot I don't know about being aromantic but you can put your life on me being that stupid himbo ally to them.
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a-hazbin-reader · 4 months
Hii I love your work!
Could you do a (romantic but.. crush stage) headcanon of Alastor helping the reader and the reader gives him a kiss as a thank you and Alastor is like "what the hell was that?" Reader genuinely feeling bad for kissing him and Alastor says "you should be sorry" but then Alastor starts to constantly help the reader (even more than before) and everyone in the hotel knows what he's doing but reader is dense. Then eventually alastor just bursts into her bedroom shouting "FOR FUCK SAKE WHY WONT YOU KISS ME" (maybe not that but same energy)
Please and thank you :>
I'm just gonna...combine these two...
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Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Alastor being jealous, DOORS, Saucy?
Description: ☝️⬆️
You gave affection freely to those around you, everyone got a hug or a small peck on the cheek
So when you're struggling with something and Alastor helps you out? It's only natural for you to give him a quick kiss on the cheek
It's his reaction to it that makes you think you made a mistake in doing so, his body going stiff and gaze dark
You step back as you start to notice a green haze around him and the glass on his monocle cracking
"Don't you ever do that again, my dear."
"I'm-I'm sorry, Alastor-"
"You should be."
And just like that, he's back to normal, carrying on like nothing had happened and humming a jolly tune
But you still feel so guilty for making him so uncomfortable, that was the last thing you wanted
So you work hard to do better, to respect his boundaries and keep a respectful distance
It's not until later when Alastor has time to think about it that he actually realizes that he kinda enjoyed it
And that he's envious of the others who now freely get to soak up your attention and affection for doing little tasks
Like Husk getting scritches and scratches under his chin because he carried a box for you
Angel getting a warm hug with lots of nuzzling and cooing, all because he used his multiple arms to help you cook
Vaggie sheepishly accepting a thank you kiss because she caught you when you almost took a dive down the stairs
Charlie and Niffty are the worst offenders, always helping you and just eating up your praise and hugs
And now whenever Alastor helps you... you just give him a meek thank you and dash off
He's left there waiting for his hug and kiss that won't ever happen
He's not jealous, he told you not to thank him with physical affection
He just didn't realize that he was shooting himself in the foot when he snapped at you
So he starts trying to tempt you into it, taking every opportunity to help you out with every little thing
Alastor will physically shove the others out of the way in order to be the person who helps you out
And he never gets the proper thank you that he's looking for
It's getting to the point where you're driving him insane with those kissy lips and warm embraces
Why won't you just fucking give him some attention!? Oh yeah. Because he ruined it for himself
You do tell him that you're grateful for him and his help, sweetly smiling at him but keeping yourself at a distance
But it's not enough, he wants what everyone else is getting and then some
He hates being excluded or not being special and it's even worse when it comes to you
Alastor's thin patience suddenly snaps when one day while he's out running errands with you
The two of you bump into Zestial and the great overlord opens a door for you, earning a soft kiss on his cheek
It would almost be cute watching you struggle to do that, considering Zestial's height
But instead...Alastor is fucking irritated 😤
Zestial takes it well and you continue to run errands with Alastor for the rest of the day even though he's visibly sulky
His ears are bent back and his eyes are furious
You wonder what you did wrong
He's a bit distant from you for a couple days after that and you miss having him around
Even if you couldn't be with him, you still liked hanging around him and spending time with him
Just when you're starting to feel sorry for yourself and thinking you did something to offend him, wandering the hotel
He shows up by your side and grabs you, miraculously stopping you from almost falling into a fucking hole in the floor that wasn't there yesterday
Charlie is to blame somehow
You're just so happy to see him hanging out with you again that you hug him out instinct
Only to realize you fucked up and try to pull away-
But Alastor's firm grip on you stops you from moving, and he's looking at you in a way that makes your face heat up
"U-uh...um...thank you...Alastor..."
He tuts at you while shaking his head, pulling you flush against him as he leans in closer
"Words won't suffice anymore, my dear~ I'll only accept one thing as payment for my heroic services~"
You definitely don't melt when he suddenly kisses you and if your arms find their way around his neck then...
Who are you to deny him his payment? Kiss that bastard until he's crawling away and begging for mercy
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Me hoping I didn't just shoot myself in the foot by bringing up the door thing again..
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mars-ipan · 2 years
oughhhh i’m thinking abt romance…. ouuughhhhh
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citruslullabies · 3 months
Catnap X reader
I've got this idea from another author, perhaps the reader is getting too attached to one of the mini catnaps? They spend their time cuddling the little rascal instead of him and he decides to make his displeasure noticed albeit in his own way.
Oh hey, I love that author! Bumblehoneybee is one of my favorites<3
Trigger warnings: none
Romantic/platonic: neutral (unspecified)
Requested by: anonymous
Category: fluff
Ship (romantic or platonic): catnap x reader
Word count: 565
Cat Fight
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After having redeemed Catnap, you were left to depend on him and for him to depend on you with the little things. Whether that be warmth or cuddles, or defenses, you two always had each other's back in the dark and gloomy place. Catnap just like any cat, loved you and saw you as his person.
And that's why you're in the pickle you're in now. A little smiling critter of Catnap had been spying on you before finally walking up to you while meowing its little head off like a banshee. You looked down at the oddly friendly creature and gasped, smiling and kneeling down to pet it in which it gladly accepted. “Awh! You're so cute!” You cooed to the rather prissy and affectionate feline.
Catnap was just coming back from finding food while Poppy and Kissy Missy were busy looking for routes in the place to keep going, happily coming back expecting your praise but was greeted with basically a smack to the face. He set the food and water down and let his ears fall flat, slowly slinking over to you and staring at the tinier version of himself. “..Mouse, why is this.. thing here?”
The larger feline was not at all happy with this, staring down at the smaller version of him. All of your attention was going onto this cheap little declawed copy of him and he didn't appreciate it.
“Catnap, just look at how cute it is! Hmm..” you thought for a moment, before plucking the little kitty into your arms and feeling your heart melt at the feeling of it nuzzling against you and wrapping its tiny paws around your neck. Catnap let out a low growl as he thought about swatting the little creature out of your arms, but refraining from doing so.
“Ugly little thing..” he hissed despite looking like it, displeased as he picked the food back up to continue moving. Kissy Missy was silent as always when they returned, judging the small cat while Poppy made a few comments here and there but ultimately decided it was fine if it was friendly. The entire walk you were just cradling and cooing at the little cat before you decided on a name, gently pressing your nose against its tiny one. “I'm gonna name you.. Cleocatra!” You said, earning a weirded out look from the larger feline and a purr from Cleocatra. But he said nothing.
When tiredness finally overcame your senses, he was more than happy to get cozy on the floor as you set the cat down despite its screaming protests. He wrapped his tail around your form and gently kneaded at your shoulder, being completely at peace before being disrupted by meows and little paws standing on him. He opened his eyes only to be greeted with a tiny Cleo that was pouty and trying to snuggle in-between them, to which Catnap grabbed it by its scruff and set it down away from the both of you. You spent all day with the little fucker, it was his turn.
But the tiny cat just kept pushing until catnap hissed at it, being quiet so he wouldn't wake you up despite your stirring. The little cat huffed and walked off, flicking its tail at Catnap as if it was a middle finger and snuggling up on top of your backpack instead.
Little shit.
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Thank you for requesting!
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