#platonic itto
Wingmen - Platonic!Zhongli & Platonic!Wriothesley & Platonic!Itto x Male!Reader
A/N: Itto and Wriothesley might be a little ooc since it's my first time writing them. Nonetheless, enjoy! CW: Nothing.
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To anyone looking from outside, your feeling for Ganyu was painfully obvious. It seemed as each time you two were around the other, if not for a task at hand, you would stand around bashfully, making awkward small talk and fluttering your eyelashes at each other. 
However, the secretary’s reactions often seemed like a mixture of embarrassment and uncertainty, almost reluctance to say anything definite, neither encouraging you and voicing hee 
You weren't sure how to interpret her behavior. The idea that you were hitting on an uncomfortable Ganyu ate away at you for days before you finally decided to enlist a second opinion. And who better to ask than Zhongli, the Geo Archon himself? 
Zhongli: Ah, I am glad to hear you admit your feelings. There is magnetism between you and Ganyu, and it would be a shame to prevent it from flourishing. 
He might not have had a female companion since Guizhong, but don't underestimate his supply of knowledge regarding relationships. Morax has known Ganyu for more or less her entire life, so his advice will prove priceless.
The key, Zhongli says, is being gentle and patient. Ganyu is far from an expert in the matters of the heart, so her reactions might be awkward and come off as uneasy rather than simply shy. 
Zhongli: Don't worry, friend. If you’d trust my judgment, I’d say that, recently, dear Ganyu has been nothing but excited to see you. 
Of course, there is nothing wrong with making some more direct signs of affection. She's a girl with fairly traditional ideas of romance, so kissing her hand, opening doors and other gentlemanly behaviors will surely make her heart flutter. Don't forget the flowers too! Just maybe avoid the edible ones, as Ganyu will likely find absolutely devouring them with joy quite hard to resist, which in turn will give her the typical insecurities she feels after eating out of schedule. That is if she eats by herself. 
Zhongli: Ganyu is quite gentle in her disposition. It would be wise to pick an activity that would not overexert her. She is quite overworked and notoriously exhausted, you see. 
A typical outing to a restaurant might be too formal and stressful for Ganyu to fully relax, so Zhongli proposes a picnic in a picturesque part of Jeyun Karst. On the schedule? A nice vegetarian meal, a casual board game, a nap in the warm sun and maybe even some hand holding to really make the day memorable. 
Don't worry - your wingman will make sure Cloud Retainer has something to do besides embarrassing Ganyu and interrupting your privacy. 
As you leave, he can't help but smile softly at the anticipation in your eyes. Young love is beautiful, and Ganyu could certainly use some. When Morax shakes your hand and says his farewells, he can't help but tease you. 
Zhongli: Good luck, Y/N. I look forward to meeting your future children.
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You looked up to Clorinde from the first day of your work. She was talented, dedicated, competent, focused, beautiful… Soon enough, you started sneaking hints that you wanted to be a little more than just colleagues with her in your daily interactions. You never expected the woman, known for her honesty, to drop hints of her own instead of outright accepting or dismissing your affection. She started spending more time with you, accepting your proposals of outings to restaurants and cinemas… She even seemed to seek you out during lunch to eat it in your company. 
Despite all these signs, you were too nervous to make a definitive move and ask her out. Would it be too soon? You've known each other for just a few months, after all. Maybe she likes you as a friend rather than looking at you as a potential future husband? 
This doubt was cleared when you found a ball invitation from her in your mail. You were to accompany her to the event, which had you biting on your nails in no time. Knowing you had to make a good impression, you asked your best friend for some help.
Wriothesley: Good pick. I know her a little, so I can say that she’s a woman you can definitely get along with quite smoothly. She’s well spoken, knows a thing or two about the world that surrounds her, and her looks, well, they don’t disappoint. She’s well within your league too. Hm? No, don’t worry - we’re colleagues, nothing more. I do think it’s customary to treat a lady like Clorinde to some tea and chatter when she comes down to a grim place like this, no?
The Duke has rizz, no doubt about that. Just a single glance from him gets the women of Fontaine all hot and bothered, and even Lady Furina couldn’t possibly resist his charm. But, being a man of priority and self-respect, he doesn’t focus his efforts on getting a date. That doesn’t mean, however, that he won’t help a friend in need. 
She may not partake in it more than necessary, but Clorinde is high society, just like the event you will accompany her on. Wriothesley will make sure you top up your etiquette. Clorinde surely won't be focusing on your savoir vivre, but it's always helpful to know how to behave. Sigewinne will be a great (albeit short) partner for some dance practice - with what the nature of your work is, you'll surely catch the drift and Ballet, Allemande or even Minuet won't be much of a challenge. Practice makes perfect, after all. 
Obviously, the whole point of a ball is to, as they say, dress to impress. The Duke won't mind delegating some of his personal wealth to make sure all eyes are on you. Money doesn't bring happiness, but it can certainly buy some very nice clothes. 
Despite all of the top-notch gear you will be sporting, it will all be soulless, making you more of a mannequin than a proper man. The missing element, the final ingredient that will take Clorinde’s breath away is accenting your masculinity. How? Well, Wriothesley has more than a few tricks up his sleeve, don't you worry. 
A suit should be tight-fitting - not so much as to be uncomfortable, but just right to accent your hard earned physique. A duelist’s body is nothing to scoff at - all this fighting has more than kept you in shape. There's no need to keep your outfit in perfect condition - some looser buttoning here and there goes along wonderfully with a slightly ruffled hair to give you that scruffy, masculine edge, as well as a bit of personality to your person that will for sure make you unique amongst the other penguins and snobs. Clorinde is not one of them, but her position requires her to attend a formal party once in a while - no doubt standing out a little will catch her fancy. 
Lastly, cologne. Many options are available, including recommendations from Wriothesley, but it's ultimately your choice. A base, woody scent will always hit the spot, but maybe you would like something more unique? An oriental variety with cinnamon, or some citrus? If you ask him, Wriothesley would go for something more masculine - the pleasant scent of leather or a powerful mix of tobacco and spices.
Wriothesley: Whatever happens, don't put on a façade. The clothes and the scents are meant to accent you, not create an illusion. If Clorinde gave you hints before, it means that she took a liking to you as a person, so don't be afraid to be yourself, alright? Fantastic. Now get out there and give her an evening she won't soon forget. 
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The work of a common officer of the Yashiro Commission was quite dull and thankless. Paperwork in the morning, in the afternoon and all through to the evening. Whenever people (or Yokai) were registering events, all the paperwork went through you. It wasn't long after you were employed that you got the chance to meet the One and Oni, Arataki Itto himself as well as someone else. A short woman, whose beautiful features were safely confined under her impressive demon face mask. 
To say that you were enamored would be an understatement of massive proportions. What helped was that she seemed to have an intimate knowledge of all the procedures and requirements, making professional interactions with her very smooth, being mostly free of problems. If there were any mistakes on her part, you were more than happy to overlook them for her benefit. 
It wasn't hard to find a chance to exchange a few words with her, seeing as Shinobu was a very socially active woman. As time went on, you started seeking her out outside of work hours, accompanying her during the daily chores, slow evenings or even Arataki Gang events. 
And Shinobu? She didn't mind at all. Every time she had another portion of formulars, event plans and other bureaucracy to lay on your desk, she apologized profusely for troubling you, and quite bashfully at times too. You always assured her that it was just your job and that working with her was a pleasure, but she always wanted to make it up somehow, usually by bringing you treats like cookies, cake or Dango milk of her own making. One time, however, you worked up the courage to ask her out. When you proposed the idea of grabbing lunch together, she agreed right away. 
There was a problem, however. You didn't exactly know what sort of restaurant she would enjoy. A simple food stand would be a safe choice, but would it suit a woman of her intelligence and style? On the other hand, an expensive place would be, well, quite costly, which would hurt your already strained finances - your work doesn't pay very well, after all. And what if she thinks you are some sort of a snob? What about gifts? Is the the type to enjoy flowers, sweets, or something practical? Nothing at all, maybe? 
You needed to talk to someone who knew her better than you did. Someone tall, buff and horny. In the literal sense. 
Arataki Itto: So you're into Shinobu, huh? Well, I’d say she’s your type of gal - always too serious and no fun, but hella smart… No offense my bro! 
Of course, simply answering your questions was not enough for the well-meaning Oni. He insisted on playing matchmaker with you two, and before you could get a word out, it was decided, and Itto began to flood you with wild ideas for a date. Onikabuto fighting, sumo wrestling…
Arataki Itto: … with identical outfits so she knows you like her, right! That would be great, right?
With a little persistence, you managed to gently turn him down and let him know that the date was already planned. He deflated a little bit, but his smile remained as he assured you that he'll help anyway, however he can. 
Arataki Itto: Oh! How ‘bout you hit the gym right before the date, huh? I heard that women find the smell of sweat quite sexy!  Y/N: Itto, I don't think that's a good idea. It's not going to smell good at all. Besides, when would I find the time to do that? I need to get ready for the date sometime… Arataki Itto: Train in your nice clothes? That'll save you some solid time, eh?  Y/N: Well… They won't exactly be fresh and clean after training.  Arataki Itto: Ah! You wanna be that suit-and-tie-guy-getting-what-he-wants-takin’-her-by-surprise kinda man? Respect!
In your plan, you didn't take into account just how loud Itto is. Before long, a familiar figure seemingly rose up from underground right beside you. 
Arataki Itto & Y/N: Shinobu!  Kuki Shinobu: And what kind of mischief are you two up to, huh? Y/N: Nothing, really… Just catching up, right Itto? Arataki Itto: Wait, I thought you wanted to ask Shin- Y/N: Itto!  Kuki Shinobu: … Y/N: … Arataki Itto: … Kuki Shinobu: Why didn't you ask me straight up, Y/N?  Y/N: I was a little… Shy, to be honest.  Kuki Shinobu: That's kinda cute, you know? So how about we make it an official date?  Y/M: Yes please! I mean... I would really like that.  Kuki Shinobu: It's settled then.  Arataki Itto: Woohoo! We're going on a date, baby!
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Thanks for reading!
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watatsumiis · 1 year
Sitting in their lap - Part 2
Another part to this series, because it's fun to write and I like it. How various characters would react to a reader just sitting in their lap at random while they're working on something.
Content: Gender neutral reader (referred to as 'you'), described/implied to be physically smaller than most of the characters (simply because I am and that's how I project, but if you'd like an alternate version, send me an ask and I'll whip it up!), pre-established platonic relationships (though this may border into romantic if you consider physical affection to be that way, so be warned), (some light flirting in Kaeya's section)
Part 1 found here! (Ft. Albedo, Al Haitham, Ayato, Arlecchino, Capitano, Childe)
Characters: Dainsleif, Diluc, Dottore, Gorou, Itto, Kaeya
Dainsleif is a little hesitant at first. Physical contact is not really something he's used to, especially not in a tender manner like this. He doesn't really fully understand it, and is pretty awkward at first, not sure of where to put his hands or what is okay to do - he keeps a careful eye out for your cues and moves slowly and carefully, as if he's afraid he'll scare you off. Once he's gotten over that initial spike of anxiety, he finds it quite pleasant to be so close to someone while he's working on something else. Your weight in his lap is comforting and the rhythm of your breathing gives him something to focus on.
Diluc won't admit it, but he really likes when you go out of your way to spend time with him. He gets rather lonely and restless on days where he's cooped up in his study filling out paperwork or reading up on intel he's received. The first time you plonked down in his lap, he was somewhat taken aback, even going so far as to ask you if it was an accident (as if you'd somehow not realised he was sitting there), but once he's reassured that it was on purpose, he silently works around you, pressing his chin into you as he leans forward to get a better look at his papers and letting out a long, low sigh of contentment. He may not let it on, but he's nigh on touch starved and absolutely drinks in the contact and how you drop the formalities with him.
Dottore asks questions. "Why are you doing that?", "Why did you seek me out specifically?", "Will you hold this beaker?", "What are you hoping to gain from this interaction?". It's annoying, but inquisitiveness is in his nature and once he's gotten the answers he wants from you he's more than happy to let you do what you like (provided your reasoning was satisfactory to him). He would never openly admit it (aside from some vague hypothesising about his own physical reaction to the added pressure of you in his lap and how it affects his work), but he finds that he doesn't particularly mind having you curled up close to his chest, pressed in so he can feel your heart beating (he's subconsciously keeping count - he likes when both of your heartbeats sync up, it provides him a strange sense of satisfaction and comfort).
Gorou is usually up and about, racing back and forth, ordering troops around, leaning over strategy maps or passing along messages, so the amount of time he spends sitting down is pretty negligible. Regardless, he won't protest if you decide to just plonk down in his lap. The exact opposite, in fact, his tail might wag back and forth a few times before he can get it under control, smiling at you and greeting you with one of his signature happy squints as his ears twitch back and forth. He's a little surprised the very first time you do it, but the comfort it seems to provide both of you is more than enough to convince him that it's a good thing. He may occasionally squirm and fidget beneath you, pressing his face into your clothing and pulling you closer every now and then, just because he likes feeling someone so close to him.
Itto loves physical contact. Love love loves it. If he ever had to go a day without touching another human being, he might just explode. He's more than happy for anyone in the gang to just plonk down practically on top of him while they sit in front of a campfire - he's cutely shocked when you seat yourself in his lap for the first time, but he composes himself quickly, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into a tight hug as he bends down to butt a horn against you gently. If it becomes a common occurrence, you may just find Itto casually patting his lap in an invitation for you to come sit whenever you stand still for a few moments while he's sitting. Despite all his muscles, he's still got a bit of squish that makes him super comfy to sit on, and anyone who is in his radius of affection is sure to come out feeling super loved and cherished, he's just a sweet, genuine guy like that.
Kaeya is such a tease about it. He'll wink and flirt and comment to the point where he's just bordering on mocking you. He settles right into it to the point where it's almost expected of you to come sit in his lap whenever you're around and available to do so. He'll just push his chair back and say something painfully cheesy along the lines of "Ah, this paperwork was beginning to get boring. Come, keep me company. Your throne awaits." as he pats his thigh and smirks. He's an absent fidgeter, even once he's absorbed himself into his work again, he'll be taking one of your hands in his, playing with your fingers as he noses into you a little, letting out a soft thoughtful hum as you shift about to get more comfortable.
Please don't repost, steal, copy or otherwise plagarise my writing! This includes posting translations to other sites.
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cheianimatez · 1 month
Random memes (ft. SAGAU Imposter AU)
Child/Teenager! God! GN! Y/N, meeting Itto: Pls don't kill me-
Itto: Nah, idgaf about the kill-the-imposter thingy, you're my child now 😊
Y/N: what-
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stellar-skyy · 7 months
PRECIOUS THINGS - Kazuha, Itto, Heizou, Kokomi & reader
i. SUMMARY: What kind of things would they give as a gift? ii. CONTENT WARNINGS: None! iii. NOTES: Can be read as platonic or romantic, fluff, gn!reader, 0.7k words. iv. A/N: it's actually my birthday soon! this was a little early present for myself hehe. i hope you enjoy!
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Kazuha doesn’t care much for material things. He’s a vagrant, there’s no room for too many unnecessary belongings when one is travelling with the wind. Sentimentality only slows him down.
Because of that, he keeps his gifts limited to something intangible. He’ll take you out for the day, show you the most peaceful places of Inazuma and bring you down to the beach to watch the sunset.  
As the sun dips low in the sky, he'll let you rest your head against his shoulder or in his lap if you're tired. But make sure you don’t fall asleep too quickly, or you’ll miss the beautiful view.
If Beidou allows it, you might even be treated to a stay on the Alcor, where Kazuha will help you up into the crow’s nest so you can observe the sea from the sky.
Perhaps the most precious thing he gives you is a haiku, written just for you. He’ll recite it while you’re relaxing on the ship, spinning words as elegantly as the waves flowing below you.
“Did you enjoy it? Well, perhaps we’ll have to spend some more time together when the winds lead us to each other again.”
Ah, Itto.
Itto is the king of making your birthday a big deal.
The Arataki Gang will make sure to wake you up at the crack of dawn to start the celebrations early. First comes a homemade (and… debatably edible) cake, followed by an off-key singing of Happy Birthday with some beatboxing from Itto to accompany the song.
Then, once Itto has shooed the rest of the gang away to ‘let you have some peace and quiet’ he’ll present you with the gifts he’s picked out.
It’s all things he is interested in—onikabutos, trading cards. There’s nothing Itto loves more than sharing the things he’s fond of with the people he’s fond of, so he worked hard to find the finest of those things. You deserve the best, so that’s exactly what he’ll give you.
“Heh, good birthday, huh? Well of course it is, I couldn’t just leave my favourite honorary gang member without a proper celebration, could I?”
Heizou! Heizou loves to share his interests with you, one of which being riddles and brainteasers.
On your birthday, he’ll present you with a locked box, covered in various puzzles. Once solved, the inside reveals a riddle that leads to a mysterious location tucked away in one of the chilly corners of Inazuma.
He’ll be waiting for you there, sitting cross-legged on the corner of a picnic blanket. Draped across is an arrangement of foods, a mix of both your favourites. Fried radish balls, Sakura tempura, and Taiyaki are some of his selections, but there is of course a variety of food picked out for you too.
Heizou has a gift as well, something that is exactly what you wanted. You never needed to tell him what it was—as Inazuma’s finest detective, he already figured it out.
“So, partner? Would you say your birthday lived up to your expectations?
Kokomi wants your present to be perfect. You’re special to her, and special people deserve the best gifts.
Giving gifts is one of her favourite ways to show the people in her life that she loves them, so it must be something personal and related to you specifically; she doesn’t allow for half-thought out presents!
If you’re a fan of books, she’ll gift you a copy of The Legend of The Sword—her favourite book—and shyly ask for your opinion on it.
She will also make time in her schedule to spend time together, which is a gift in itself. She puts her work over everything, so for something else to become a priority is a rare sight.
During the day she’ll take you everywhere: across the scenic beaches of Watatsumi, diving in the depths of the ocean, before finally retreating back to her home to give you a homemade cake. The entire day is planned out (as expected of a grand strategist) and rest assured, she’ll make sure not a moment is wasted.
“So, did you have a good day? I hope so—happy birthday, (Name)!”
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reblogs and comments are appreciated! ♡
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riisume · 1 year
Please consider drawing lee itto with ler thoma hehe (with torso as the spot), thank you
Ehehe, consider it considered!
I liked the idea of Itto's strength getting tested via tickling- Unfortunately, I don't know if he can hold out much longer...
I hope you like this, anon! ^ ^ Also Itto's shirtless to access his midriff better;; Oops!
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june-again · 1 year
INAZUMA: # when you tell them you see them as a “main character.” (3/4)
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content: voiceline style responses. crack & flattery fic
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__arataki itto ㅤ“that’s me! the undefeated numero uno itto, the man himself! you know, you’re one of the first to acknowledge it—but i’ve known all my life i’m the main character, haha! bet you didn’t know i knew that! but… hey, why are you looking at me like that? is there something on my face?”
__gorou ㅤ“you really mean that? well i… such flattery is… what i mean to say is that i am no main character, but only a servant of our land. did some of the troops tell you to say that to me? those rascals, i’ll—”
__kazuha kaedehara ㅤ“each is the main character of their own story. i am just as important in my story as you are in your own. is it not delightful that our stories have intertwined so that we may be important to each other as well?”
__kamisato ayaka ㅤ“is it usually the fate of a main character to be lonesome? well, even then, i have you, and i cannot be so.”
__kamisato ayato ㅤ“.... thank you. that was an… unusual, but not altogether invalid, compliment.”
__kujou sara ㅤ“such an ignorant thing to say. we are all but subjects in the raiden shogun’s eternal march.”
__kuki shinobu ㅤ“in whose story? certainly not in the gang’s story. i may be the reason their stories are still continuing, though. they can be quite reckless. maybe they all think they have script immunity.”
__raiden shogun ㅤ“i do not understand.”
__sanganomiya kokomi ㅤ“why, thank you. i wonder; do i really work hard enough to deserve such praise?”
__sayu ㅤ“if i’m a main character cursed to never get taller, i’d believe it…”
__shikanoin heizou ㅤ“heh. i appreciate the sentiment. i do think my own story may be intriguing to not all, but defintely some, and it comes not as a surprise that you are one of the latter. hm, then do you have any inquiries for me, as you see me as a main character? any tales you wish to hear?”
__thoma ㅤ“a lot of people work hard at what they love, so... i don’t think that makes me stand out at all. i do often end up being a peacekeeper in the city, though… i suppose i’m important in one way or another. well, i’ll take the compliment! thank you for saying that.”
__yae miko ㅤ“hehe. you speak of my story as if it is plain to you. i like your confidence.”
__yoimiya ㅤ“a dazzling hero with a backdrop of red fireworks! i get exactly what you’re saying. hey, you’re a bit of a main character to me, too, you know that? hehe!”
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author’s note: thanks for reading :) reblogs mean a lot!
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the-daiz · 1 year
#The Scare
Synopsis; Telling genshin men that you're pregnant with their baby (you're not)
Genre; Crack
Characters; Arataki Itto, Gorou, Heizou, Wanderer (Scaramouche)
FEMALE!reader, and you've never done it with any of them
A/N; I don't know??? I really don't??? Im rlly bored.
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You and your precious friend Yea Miko, were having a normal conversation like any other set of friends, but then the seemingly usual friendly conversation had turned into Miko daring you to do a rather hilarious thing in her perspective, and you being the daredevil that you are, you accepted the challenge rather gleefully.
—Arataki Itto
"I'm pregnant, and its yours." You blurted, holding the most gunt expression you could muster.
"Woah, dude, no way! I'm gonna have an Oni son!" A wide grin stretched across his features. "I'm gonna be an Oni dad!" You blinked at him, not expecting his rather non-cholent reaction.
"No! Arataki, I was joking!" You laughed, abandoning your facade. "We never did it before how can it be yours?" He cocked a brow in puzzelment.
"Did what before?" He asked. You let out another laugh, thinking he was simply messing around, but when you caught the look on his face that only displayed genuine confusion, your laughter ceased.
"Haha... You know... It. The... uh baby ritual...?" You awkwardly stated, your smile fading as the perplexed look on his face stretched. His eyes blew wide and his features contorted into one of surprise.
"There's a ritual to make babies?!" He exclaimed, almost excitedly.
"No... yes... When the woman gets her egg and the man gets his... thing fluid thingy..." You murmured. He gasped.
"You guys lay eggs?!" He said. Your features twisted into one of pure disbelief. "That's cool! Can we do that too?"
'This literally can't be real.' You grimaced.
"Hey, Gorou."  You walked into the almost inhabitant bar, sitting beside your oblivious victim.
"Oh, hello! Good to see you again." He perked up at your presence. Something close to bitterness pooled under your tongue, and perhaps the slightest hint of guilt. You cleared your throat and put on your distressed front, getting into character.
"I have something to tell you..." You looked away from him. He frowned, confused by the rather dramatic act. 
"Yeah?" He said.
"I'm pregnant." You let out, turning to look at him rather dramatically. I almost laughed when the bartender flashed an almost-knowing look.
"Oh. Congra-!"
"It's yours." You were almost astounded by how quick his face morphed into a look of sheer, utter horror. The air stilled and the atmosphere fell silent, the only sound heard wLas the bartender's uncomfortable coughing. You masked your laugh with a fake sniffle, pulling out a handkerchief from your pocket and drying your imaginary tears with it.
"HUH!?" He yelled, backing up in his seat. "It can't be mine! We never...!" 
"We did!" You exclaimed, covering your face. "We were both drunk and-"
"What!?" He yelled again, backing up even further. "No no no I don't do that, I don't get drunk."
"But it's true...! We were both sooo drunk, and then you picked me up- bridal style- and took me back to my home, then you started taking off your-" 
"Enough!!" he fell off the chair, his face growing pale.
"Oh, but Gorou dear-"
"This can't be happening." He muttered, staring at nothing. 
"Oh, dear... Can you fetch me a glass of water, please?" You turned to the bartender, who looked mildly concerned but decided it was best to mind his business. He quickly retrieved a glass of water and placed it on the counter as you kneeled down next to the Gorou and helped him up, using all your strength to quill back your chuckle.
"Let's talk about this sensibly.." You muttered as you passed him the glass of water. He quickly snatched it from your grasp, his eyes looking anywhere but at yours with his face completely flushed. 
"We both made a terrible mistake that day, and... made something else in the process..." You didn't miss how he tensed up. "But we must bare responsibility for it!"
"Right... You're right.." He sighed, his gaze still averted from yours. "But are you sure you're pregnant? and are you sure it's mine!?!?" He desperately asked.
"Yes, I am sure, I haven't slept with any other man." You confessed. "Anyway, onto the matter at hand, I've already decided what we're going to name it!"
"Huh...?" He gawked at you, telepathically asking if you were being serious. "B-but we still need to figure out other things!! Like- do we get married!? and if we don't what do we tell the others!? and- oh archons... what am I going to tell her excellency...?" He clutched at his hair.
"Oh, that's just unnecessary details." You waved your hand dismissively at him.
"So I was thinking, if it's a boy we're going to name him, 'You've been', and if it was a girl we'd name her 'Pranked'."
His mouth fell agape.
"I'm pleased to have you invite me to your humble abode, but I do have some business to attend to soon so I might have to leave... soon..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Why the long face?" You shook your head.
"Don't worry about it, please have a seat" You patted the empty space on the couch next to you, and he gladly guided himself to his assigned seat. You pulled both his hands in yours prompting him to properly face you.
"Heizou, I have to tell you something very important." You stated, giving him a stern look.
"Go right ahead, I'm all ears." He flashed you another one of his charismatic smiles.
"I'm pregnant, and it's yours." His expression sure did change, but you couldn't tell what thought laid behind his deadpanned eyes.
"...Um? Heizou?" You snapped your fingers in front of his face.
"Ah! Yes! well... um..." He pursed his lips together as glanced at something behind you.
You gasped as he jumped up from his seat and sprinted past you, leaping out of your window and scurrying away from your home. 
"YOU BASTARD!!" You yelled out from your window. "This makes me think like he's done this to someone else before..."
—Wanderer (In other words, Scaramouche)
You sucked in a breath as the man covered in striking blue attire stared at your form, his expression full of disdain. He doesn't appreciate his precious time being wasted by some mortal, however, he doesn't hold much resentment toward you to shoo you away.
"Thank you for hearing me out." You said.
"Yeah yeah, just get on with it." He clicked his tongue, crossing his arms.
"I'm pregnant... and it's yours." You revealed, your eyes downcast. You slowly peaked your eyes up when the infamous wanderer kept silent for longer than expected, and was greated by a judgmental glare.
"What do you take me for?? an idiot?" He hissed, his scowl deepening.
"Whatever do you mean?" You placed a hand over your chest.
"You think I can't see through your facade??" He glared.
"I don't understand-"
"I'm a puppet, (Y/n), for Archon's sake! I don't produce semen." He waved his hand out in exaggeration, showcasing his frustration. Your lips parted then clamped shut, realization setting in.
"Oh..." You scratched your cheek. "I didn't think of that..."
"I can't believe you wasted my time for this."
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byorkewkew · 1 year
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0rah-s · 1 year
Guilt -Prologue
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You've always though you were inadequate for paternal or true maternal love - you've never felt it after all.
But maybe you were just ment for another type of love.
Is it okay to love strangers more than your family?
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Tag: reverse isekai, teenage!reader, purley platonic, occasional swearing, reader is kinda depressed??
(may add more later)
Teenage reader with: aether, venti, xiao, kazuha, itto, ei, zhongli, nahida *all are strictly platonic*
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mayullla · 11 months
Ya want fluff? How about a blast from the past in stepbro au with terminally ill!MC but with a happy ending of her waking up from a coma??? More like hurt/comfort but it could be good plot potential if you are up for it lol. Another one is for the orphanage au wherein it's a snow day and she gathers the kids in the main hall to create one giant pillow blanket fort composing multiple forts.
~Starlight Anon
Why am I here again... I asked for fluff back then not hurt comfort whyyyy /kidding~ loll TvT (this is for the former part of the ask, not the orphanage au) (here is the first part)
Genshin 13 stepbrother au; child!reader, fem!reader, fluff, platonic
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Hmmm, I guess they would be happy. Like happy crying and relief. Finally being able to breathe, the feeling of everything weighing over their shoulder was just suddenly gone when they heard the news. It was Thoma who saw you awake in the room alone wondering where you were.
Your voice was dry as you called out to Thoma. Thoma dropped whatever he was carrying and just ran to you with tears in his eyes unable to believe that his little sister was awake. Thoma grabbed your cheeks wondering if you were really... actually awake... so many days did he watch you sound asleep hoping that you would open your eyes even once fearing that if he took his eyes off you for one second you will be gone.
You have received so many hugs, so many times did you watch your older step-brothers cry and so many times did you watch yourself cry. You missed their hugs, this feeling of warmth was something you didn't think you would miss so much.
Now would that change the relationship between your father and the brothers to be really fair... not really... so many things have been said that it would just be so hard to mend unless both sides put their pride down which would be so difficult for most of the brothers when some didn't even look at your father favorably from the beginning. Nor for the younger ones too if they were easily influenced by their older brothers' anger, but again it depends and maybe they would be more forgiving if not that maybe they choose to ignore the whole situation because what they care more about isn't your father but you.
They would act as of they were fine, that there was nothing wrong between the family but maybe when you grow up you would realize how much both sides sacrificed for you. Your brothers but also your father in their own ways. Your father would not push them away from you, not when he saw how much you cared for your brothers, and if there was a chance that he and their mother just could not be together anymore in the future nothing would change between you and those brothers.
As he watched you and Itto talk about something about his school holding a festival and that Itto would be bringing you many souvenirs your father could not help but feel a little bit bitter...
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Note: This was supposed to be more... comfort or wholesome than this.... but well... let's roll with it lol
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animekpopsimp · 14 hours
hello! im so sorry for this request if you arnt taking requests but if you are! can we have some more itto and sister reader? anything can be the scenario i just miss that guy ngl :') and love your fics ! xoxo
Of course! Thanks so much
Onikabuto Battle (Itto x sister reader)
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"Come on, come on..." The white haired girl muttered under her breath as she watched the two beetles battle against each other. Her eyes lighting up with excitement.
"There's no way you're gonna win" her brother, Itto, said with a confident smirk on his face.
"As if! I've got this in the bag!" (Y/N) responded, at that moment, her beetle overpowered her brother's.
"Yes! I won! Take that!" She cheered excitedly as she began jumping up and down.
"Come on, I was so close!" Itto exclaimed, a frown on his face.
"Ha! Keep telling yourself that!" (Y/N) told him as she smirked triumphantly.
"I want a rematch" her brother demanded,
"fine, but I'm still gonna win" the girl declared.
"As if, I'm gonna kick your butt." Little did the two of them know that Shinobu was watching them from a distance, a tiny smile on her face as she watched them.
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watatsumiis · 1 year
Reader's Stuffed Toy (Part 2)
Various characters react to the reader having a plushie that looks like them!
Part 1 here! (with Ayato, Foul Legacy, Gorou, Tighnari, Rex Lapis, Xiao)
Characters included: Cyno, Itto, Kaveh, Thoma, Yae Miko, Zhongli
Cyno takes it entirely in stride. He treats the toy like it's his child, assigns it duties (such as looking after you while he's away, or keeping his seat warm when he gets up). It becomes more his plush than yours with how often he carries it around. He serves it food, plays cards against it, talks to it about cases, the whole shebang. He's affectionately dubbed it 'C.J.' (Cyno junior) and has a silly little voice he puts on for it and everything. He hand-makes a little pouch for it in his downtime, insisting that CJ deserves only the best possible security and safety measures around. The way he speaks to it sounds one hundred percent genuine, and is in exactly the same tone he speaks to others with, so sometimes it’s hard to tell if there’s a real person he’s talking to or if he’s just infodumping to CJ again. He also likes to put it in high places so it has a good ‘vantage point’ of the room, and you may often find it tucked on top of closets or curtain rods with a miniature spear in hand, watching and judging everything you do. At some point, it becomes more Cyno’s toy than yours.
Itto gets an almost insufferable confidence boost from it, he thinks it’s the coolest thing ever, and the fact that you had it made is a sign of utmost affection and adoration towards him. The moment he finds out, he’s half-snatching it away from you and running to show Kuki and the boys with this huge toothy grin as he brags all about how awesome it is, how you must’ve had it custom made and how everyone in the Arataki Gang should have that kind of undying devotion towards him. All the guys hype him up for it and echo his sentiment about how absolutely awesome it is, clapping you on the back as they bemoan the fact that they didn’t think of it first. Itto practically begs you for partial custody so that the gang can use the plush as another mascot, though it may be returned to you a little worse for wear. While Kuki tries to keep an eye on the situation, sometimes their games of ‘Arataki “itty-bitty-Itto-chucker” Ushi’ get a little out of hand, but rest assured, the toy receives the utmost love and attention whenever he’s hanging out with the gang.
Kaveh is a little put off at first - at first, he assumes it was Al Haitham mocking him in some way, but he eventually kind of warms up to the idea, though doesn't wholeheartedly embrace it. He tends to get easily creeped out by these sorts of things, and will insist that you turn it so it's not facing him whenever possible. Though, eventually there comes a time when he's about three days of minimal sleep into a huge project where he finds himself pacing back and forth in the kitchen at 4am, coffee in hand as he stews on his thoughts, when he sees his little plush replica sitting in the fruit bowl on the counter and, without thinking, just bursts into speech and begins to chatter away to it, laying out all his woes about his current project - he finds that speaking aloud actually really helps him organise his thoughts and get on with the project, and it eventually becomes a habit, he'll leave mini-Kaveh on his desk and talk to it when he gets stuck, or just voices his thoughts aloud, sometimes even talking as if it's responding to him. 
Thoma is absolutely and adorably flattered - while he’s a little unsure at first (and vaguely suspects that his employer may just be behind it somehow), once he realises you’re being genuine, he’s so shy but also extremely delighted at it, and feels like he somehow has to make a similar gesture - this leads to him eventually having a hand-made doll of you that he carries around, introducing it to the tiny Thoma (dubbed ‘Tinyma’) in a way reminiscent of people introducing their dogs to one another for a playdate. He thinks it’s absolutely magnificent and will make matching accessories for your little guys, and, when too shy to compliment you directly, hold up his ‘you’ doll and mimic you saying nice things about yourself. He definitely fixates on making little accessories and outfits for them in his downtime, and thanks to Ayaka’s fixation on dolls (especially when she was younger), he has quite a lot of experience doing so. It’s not long until your dolls are the most decked out in all of Teyvat, with their own little houses and wardrobes and even little animal companions!
Yae Miko isn't particularly surprised - she was the one to authorise the creation of that merchandise, after all. She'll tease you so much for it, but deep down she finds it very cute and charming. When you leave the plush laying around unattended, she may even go the extra mile and make sure it's always sitting up straight and that none of the accessories are crooked, and will quietly speak to it, saying things like "The Head Shrine Maiden must always be in pristine condition, you know." Or "goodness me, you're quite a fickle one, aren't you?" When the toy refuses to stand upright on its own. You may even find that somewhere along the lines, the toy suddenly has new accessories - shinier jewellery, a more realistic vision, a perfectly made little gohei for the doll to carry, a teeny tiny plate of pretend tofu - Miko will deny having anything to do with it, of course, but if you observe closely, it's almost painfully obvious that your attachment to the toy has rubbed off on her. 
Zhongli thinks it’s extraordinarily sweet - he observes the way you interact with the toy and will try his best to mirror it, doing what he can to make sure you’re comfortable and happy. It’s almost impossible to miss his warm, glowing smile when he spots the little coattails of the plush hanging out of your bag. Sometimes he’ll even pour an extra cup of tea for it if you’re out for a meal together. If he realises you carry it around often, he uses it as a kind of sneaky way to get you to carry around more protection charms and the like - while he’s not inherently superstitious himself, he knows that there is genuine merit and benefits to the charms he provides, since he’s able to know everything about their creation. He also uses it as a roundabout way to get you to be more comfortable opening up to him, asking things like “well, what has my little twin been up to recently?” when you seem like you may be dodging the question. With his age and experience, he’s come into contact with a lot of people, with a variety of different comfort objects and coping mechanisms, and has his own reliable ways of reacting and engaging.
Please don't repost, steal, copy or otherwise plagiarise my writing! I do not consent for my works to be translated and posted elsewhere, or used to teach bots!
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rrcenic · 5 months
shinobu and itto are platonically married in the special way only a lesbian and a himbo can be
itto calls shinobu his husband and shinobu calls itto her wife and if someone asks if they’re actually dating they start cackling so hard that itto usually passes out
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victoria1676 · 2 years
The chasm, child reader and then the perilous event… Child reader would definitely like Itto a LOT. He just has that big bro energy. Ooohhhh imagine child reader comforting xiao, cupping his cheeks with her own little hands and tries to rub away the teal color stuff on his face. Xiao tried to stop child reader from touching the wound inflicted by karma but to everyone, except Lumine and Paimon, surprise not only did it not affected child reader but the wound healed up and the lingering karmic debt seems to dissipate the more child reader rub Xiao’s face. The two Inazuman and Lumine plus Paimon gush over how adorable child reader is meanwhile those from Liyue are like ‘what the heck just happen?!’
Child reader would be in the Interlude and mostly there for support for Lumine and the others XD despite she and Mushi can't find or anything puzzles are something reader could help to figure out OwO!
YESSSS ITTO!! Honestly I legit ranted a friend on how Itto would get along with Child reader and my friend said Itto might just run around Inazuma with Child reader on his head laughing at how fast Itto is (And also wanting to ride Itto's head while he fights but Lumine and Shinobu forbids reader and Itto from doing that 😂😂)
And yep Despite reader does not have her creator powers it sometimes appear to help her so out of curiousity she would heal Xiao's wound despite Xiao told her to not get near him but child reader legit pouts and slowly cup Xiao's cheeks to heal the wounds as Xiao who was surprised to not feel them anymore while reader runs to Lumine for praise if she did good for healing Xiao which the Traveler pats her head for this saying she did well making the Child happy ^^
Itto would be amaze and give reader a high five while Kuki would be giving reader pats. Mushi is just in the air flying in happiness. Yanfei would be amaze but also start realize despite reader does not have memories of using the charas as vessels the child still has her powers but only it appears when needed. Yelan would like Yanfei but also makes sure to protect Reader since if they do bring her to the surface the child would get kidnapped easily once word spreads shes the creator but at the same time Yelan enjoys Child Reader's company since the kid doesnt really annoy anyone in the quest and is just there to support and help them XD
Meanwhile Xiao is just still cupping his face and checking his his body for wounds to see if they all healed and yep they are all healed as Xiao also realized his Karma debt was silent due the fact Child reader is nearby.
Honestly i feel like Child Reader would enjoy Xiao and always like to give him hugs (Also not reader hoping Xiao and Lumine be together)
But yeah hopefully once i make my story ans reach this event im sure you will enjoy it with reader and Mushi relationship with the others XD
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ruumuf · 1 year
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genshin team shenaningans : electric boogaloo
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maiko1 · 2 years
The way I only see older genshin men as my father/brother figure just made me realised I am not ok
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