#platonic shoko ieiri
sunoorintarou · 1 year
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Catharsis: Hair holds memories
Phos!reader x (Platonic) Shoko Ieiri
Warnings: Angsty to comfort-ish, general themes found in Catharsis
Notes: The urge to post like 5 parts all at once😔
"Ah, Y/n, it's been a while." Shoko looked up from her desk, noticing your figure in the doorway.
"Shoko - Sensei, sorry for being such a bother." You frowned, nervously scratching the back of your head.
"Not at all. What happened?" She asked, ready to use her cursed technique on you.
"Oh, I'm not hurt, I just-" you paused, looking at your feet. You weren't quite sure if Shoko was the right person to ask, but she was the only person you trusted enough.
"Hmm? What's wrong?"
"I- I want to cut my hair, but I can't do it myself, so I wanted to ask if you could help." You said, fidgeting with your fingers. Shoko's eyes widened, humming as she looked at you before smiling kindly.
"Sure, take a seat."
You were silent as Shoko prepared, waiting for her patiently as she grabbed a mirror, putting it on the desk in front of you.
"How short do you want it? Any styles in mind?" She asked.
"Uhm, pretty short, about here, with messy bangs." You motioned. Shoko's eyes widened, immediately realising who's hairstyle you were taking inspiration from. Her heart softened as she began, letting you think in your own world.
Shoko felt regretful to an extent. Although, unlike the others, she understood that these things simply happened sometimes and no amount of regret could change what had already happened.
You were a bright kid. Kind with the prettiest smile. Shoko thought back to when you first arrived. Before you were allowed to join the team in missions.
You'd spent the majority of your time with her. Acting as her assistant, listening to her intently as she explained how to treat certain words that she didn't need to use her cursed technique for.
You were always so enthusiastic, waiting for your teammates to return from missions, helping her treat minor injuries. Watching over them vigilantly.
In all honesty, Shoko missed you. She missed how you'd spend days at a time with her, helping her with whatever she was doing. She missed when you'd run to her with a wide smile, tackling her in your embrace with a loud, "Shoko - Sensei!". She missed when you'd scold her for smoking with a wisdom beyond your years, claiming you wanted her alive and healthy for as long as you lived, and after that.
She missed when you'd ask her to do your hair, when you'd make silly mistakes and look at her with an innocent smile, when you'd skip class, telling Gojo you were going to the bathroom only to show up at her door. She never had the heart to chase you away. When you'd speak to her about your true feelings and confide your worries in her as if she were your elder sister more than your teacher.
And a part of Shoko wondered that if she'd perhaps said one thing different, if you'd still be the happy child you once were.
Yet, Shoko knew first hand that in the Jujutsu world, lively kids like you never stayed the same.
She thought back to one specific conversation she had with you. One about how hair held memories. And as she snipped away pieces of your hair, she understood your decision.
When she was done, she patted your shoulders, smiling at you. "It looks good on you. You look pretty."
"Thank- thank you, Shoko - Sensei." You looked in the mirror, smiling softly. You were worried your team would find it weird. They had been out on a mission for a while after all.
"Don't worry so much. It looks good."
"Shoko - Sensei, I-" You hesitated. You missed Shoko as much as she missed you. In your mind, however, you couldn't rely on anyone. It would make you weak, after all.
"Here." Shoko suddenly interrupted, pulling out a carton of banana milk from the mini fridge she was supposed to be using to house medication. She handed it to you, your eyes widening at the gesture.
"I always keep some for you here. It's a habit now." She smiled, so gently your eyes began to glaze over. Banana milk was your favorite. You'd always buy at least one a day, claiming that it was to you what cigarettes were to her, just healthier.
When you had started spending the majority of your time with her, she had started buying them for you and keeping them in the fridge so you wouldn't have to run half way across the school to get some. Even though that was months ago, she hadn't stopped. Shoko still waited for you.
"I'm always here, you know. You don't have to tough out your injuries by yourself. You made me buy all those coloured bandages and patterned plasters for a reason. They haven't been used in a while." She laughed.
You looked up at Shoko with teary eyes, lips trembling when she gently ruffled your hair.
You suddenly stood up, looking at the ground as you fiddled with the sleeves of your hoodie. Before Shoko could say anything, you wrapped your arms around her in a quick embrace. Shoko's hugs were always warm and comforting.
"Thank you, Shoko - Sensei." You whispered into her neck, letting your body relax in her grasp for a split second before you pulled away.
"I- I'll visit you next time I get injured." You stuttered, nervously scratching the back of your neck.
"I'll be waiting." Shoko smiled, watching as you left. She sat down at her desk, opening the top shelf. Inside was a picture of a group of teenagers. A boy with white hair, a boy with black hair, and a girl with brown hair.
Shoko inhaled deeply, closing the compartment. A sad smile spread across her cheeks. If there was one thing she wished, it was that you'd never have to feel what she did.
But she supposed it was already too late.
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cinniipuppiii · 2 months
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JJK Characters When Your Date Goes Wrong (REDO!!!)
Includes: Gojo, Geto, Shoko, Nanami, Toji, Choso, Inumaki, Sukuna, Fem!Reader
A/N: I redid this scenario! I hope it's WAY different from anything. If it reminds you of something, please lmk!!
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letstalkaboutshtufff · 6 months
Not Weak
Highschool Gojo x reader classmate
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Pairing: Gojo x reader (this can be seen as romantic or platonic since I didn’t really specify. I do like platonic friendship stories a lot tho)
Summary: You are trying your very hardest to catch up to your classmates and not get left behind.
Warnings: language, mentions of a little blood, fainting kinda
Hope you guys enjoy!
Pathetic. There was really no other way to put it. Truly and utterly pathetic was what you were. All this training and yet you could barely summon any energy.
At this rate you’d only be able to defeat a raccoon.
“Ugh why can’t I do it…” you slump down on the tree, the target in front of you barely scratched.
You were a first year like your classmates, Gojo, Geto and Shoko but for some reason they were all improving and you were still stuck in the same place like a fly in mud. Your family had a technique, ice manipulation (excuse me while I make things up) but for some reason you were the only person who wasn’t an instant prodigy. It was extremely discouraging, especially when Gojo and Geto were so strong already.
“Hey snowflake, you’re getting better, almost felt a little chill there for a second”
“Gojo… did you come here just to make fun of me?”
“Aw cmon I wouldn’t do that, just wanted to see what you were up to, you weren’t at breakfast.”
“Just training… I’m close to a breakthrough I can feel it”
“Well do us all a favor and figure it out soon because this heat has been killing me- would love a personal air conditioner”
“You threw a rock aimed at his head which of course bounced off thanks to his new trick, infinity.”
“Rude” you just rolled your eyes and moved to stand again, ready to try again.
“Satoru stop picking on y/n” Geto emerged from the trees.
“Huh? I’m not picking on her, if anything she’s bullying me!”
“Yeah like that’s believable…” Shoko popped out behind Geto. Cigarette hanging from her lips.
“Great you’re all here…” you mumbled. Now you can all witness my patheticness…
“We didn’t see you all day, we got worried” shoko ever the sweet one looked at you concerned.
“Well I’m fine” you said with a bit more bite than you meant to.
“Ooh someone’s in a mood”
“Leave her alone Gojo she’s working hard unlike you”
“Why you little-“
“It’s not exactly a lie though is it”
“You to suguru?!? I thought you guys were my friends!”
During their little scuffle you snuck away. Your mind on one thing and one thing only. Getting your damn technique to work.
Once you were far enough away you positioned yourself towards a large boulder.
Ok breathe in
Breathe out
You raised your hand towards the boulder.
Prickles travelled up your arm towards your hand.
Ok now build the energy in the palm
Hold it
Hold it
Don’t lose it come on!
You trembled trying to control the energy
“FUCK” you felt your body jerk heavily and the energy disappear completely, like it did every damn time before you could even send it out.
You doubled over breathing heavily.
Why?! Why couldn’t you do it!? Were you always going to be this weak??? No, no you couldn’t… if you did they’d leave you behind… you couldn’t be left behind….
Again. You had to try again.
“Ok, focus” you repeated this cycle about a hundred more times or so it felt. It was nighttime but you were still at it.
“Urgh” you collapsed onto your hands and knees. Blood droplets coated the grass. You coughed a few more times before continuing your ritual.
Again… one more time…
But this time when you rose you stumbled and fell again.
Pathetic. Come you useless sorcerer get up. Every bone in your body was screaming but you ignored it completely and rose once more.
Suddenly your target boulder blurred and you felt yourself tipping to the side.
“Woah hey, you ok?” Gojo…. What was he doing here. And most importantly why couldn’t you speak.
He held you upright and leaned down to look at your face,
“You look like hell…” his eyes gleamed in the darkness, appraising your sorry state.
“Mmfine” you slurred unconvincing.
“Hm yeah sure you are…” Gojo said sarcastically.
“Come on, let’s go find Shoko.”
“I don’t nee-“ your world spin again and gojo gripped you tighter so you wouldn’t fall.
“You were saying?” He raised an amused brow.
You sighed, there wasn’t really much training you could do when you couldn’t stand…
You nodded half heartedly in Gojos direction. You tried taking a step and stumbled,
“Alright stubborn Bambi up we go”
“Gojo I can walk, let me down!” His long legs easily carried you both across the training field in record time.
“Stop moving or I’ll drop you geez”
“Gojo-“you sighed in defeat. Hating yourself even more for getting dizzy again and being forced to lean your head on his chest.
“Don’t wake shoko… just need sleep…” you whispered but you knew he heard it”
He looked down at you and thought for a moment.
“Uh you sure? You were coughing up blood you know…”
“Mm sure…” you mumbled already halfway to lala land. For trash like him, he sure did smell good…
“Ok fine but in the morning you should at least let her-….aaaaand you’re asleep.” He sighed, watching the steady rise and fall of your chest. He frowned a bit at your state. He knew you were trying but some people just weren’t cut out for this line of work. He wasn’t trying to be mean or anything, it was just the truth…
He knew you wouldn’t take that well if he told you that though. Ugh why did things have to be so complicated!?!
The next morning you felt like a hundred bricks were weighing you down.
You groaned as you tried to sit up. Every single part of you ached.
You vaguely remembered last night with Gojo. Heat rose shamefully to your cheeks. How embarrassing it was that he had to carry you and to top it off you fell asleep on him!? How were you going to face him ugh…
It took about a hour for pain meds to kick in enough for you to shower, change and promptly make your way to the training grounds again. You would make sure this time though you wouldn’t push yourself to the point of collapsing.
Ten minutes later you were in front of the same boulder in the same position.
Familiar pinprickles soon formed in your palm
“What do you think you’re doing?”
Your concentration was abruptly broken by the unmistakable voice of your midnight savior.
“training duh” you said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Are you really that eager to fall into my arms again?”
You rolled your eyes and turned towards him,
“That was… well I guess I should be thanking you… sorry for the trouble last night…” you mumbled scratching the back of your neck.
“Mm I’d believe you expect for the fact that you seem eager to repeat last nights fiasco.”
“I’m fine now… I’ll know when I should stop…”
That was a lie, you both knew it.
You turned back to your target hoping that Gojo would leave you alone.
Palm raised up
Just a bit more…
Almost there…
Ah! Your body jerked like it did every freakin time and you let out a labored breath.
Gojo watched silently from the sidelines
You tried a few more times, your breathing and now coughing getting worse and worse each breath.
Finally when he felt you truly were at your limit again he decided to stop you.
Your eyes widened in surprise at the hand clutching your wrist because honestly you thought he had left awhile ago.
“What ….are you ….doing…?” You asked between heavy breaths.
“You’re gonna pass out if you keep going”
“I won’t… I’m ok really, just a few more then I’ll stop…”
“Yeah no, that’s not happening,”
“Let go, seriously it’s fine, I need to train-“
“When did you become more stubborn than me huh?” You tried pulling but he wouldn’t budge.
“If I let go are you gonna stop?”
“…… yes”
“You’re a horrible liar” he deadpanned.
“Ugh just quit it Gojo! Don’t you have better things to do than babysit me?? Can’t you see I’m trying to train over here??” You were starting to get really annoyed now.
“….” Should he say it? Should he say that maybe you weren’t cut out for this life? That maybe you should quit trying? Could he say it? It would break you he knew but better a broken you than a dead one….
You saw the change in his eyes and gulped suddenly uneasy, “what…?”
“Maybe…. Maybe it’s time to stop…” in his defense, he really was thinking about what’s best for you.
But you on the other hand…
Your eyes were wide as saucers. His words echoed like a deadly bell that sealed your worst nightmare. He said only a few words but you understood the deeper meaning behind them in an instant.
He and everyone else knew it
And now you were going to be left behind.
Against your will tears beagn to burn in your eyes.
“Y-You-“ but the words choked in your throat.
“I w-won’t” you whispered, hot tears now streaming down your cheeks while you yanked your hand away from him and he finally let you.
He looked at you with a face you hated more than anything, pity…
“Stop it….” You felt your emotions start to rise.
“Stop looking at me like that! I will get strong! I won’t stop! I can’t stop! So don’t you of all people tell me to stop!”
“Ok, listen I’m sorry, just calm down alright,” he held his hands up trying to calm you but it just make you angrier.
“No- I won’t calm down! You don’t get to come here and tell me I’m weak when I’ve been trying my hardest to get stronger! Not everyone is a prodigy like you Gojo!! But mark my words I’m going to kick your ass one day and make you regret ever underestimating me!!”
“I’m not trying to call you weak-“
Both you and Gojo froze, eyes wide at the sudden noise. Slowly your heads turned simultaneously to the left where your hand was outstretched, towards the boulder- sorry correction- the pile of very teeny tiny rubble.
You both slowly turned around to each other
Then promptly burst into excited smiles and loud laughter.
“I did it!!!”
“You did it!!!”
“I did it!!!!”
You jumped onto each other hugging and jumping up and down like children.
“See I told you I could do it!!!”
“You did didn’t you!?!!”
“I’m gonna be strong Gojo!! I will!!”
“You’ll be kicking my ass in no time!!”
You both were laughing like crazy people
“Uhhh…. What the hell did we just walk in to….” -Shoko
“I’m not sure I even wanna know….”-Geto
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- How I imagine them hugging lol
Hope you guys enjoyed! This was just a quick thing I wrote, was in the mood for some friendship fluff.
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stsgooo · 8 months
Love, Hate, Love.
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✩࿐ summary: shoko reminisces.
warning(s): death, description of gore, angst, hurt no comfort, depression, bit of a character study(?), sad yuri. wc; 3.2k
pairing(s): ieiri shoko/fem!gojo!reader.
a/n: this is kinda messy, but i love shoko and wanted to write something for her so :3 excuse anything that just
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Disdain. Anger. Frustration. Confusion. Exhaustion. Slight, slight sadness. Emptiness.
She didn’t know Itadori Yuji well. She had only met him for a few minutes when he was passed out and thrown onto one of the many medical bay beds by Gojo. Had patched up the rather small cuts and bruises, listened as the tall teacher described the King of Curses. Then sent him on his way.
Shoko hadn’t seen Itadori again until he was a corpse on her table.
It wasn’t that Shoko was sadden by this strange boy’s loss. Not entirely. She had no attachments or thoughts on the boy. Even when he had gotten everyone talking.
No, it was more about what Itadori Yuji represented in that moment.
Death was a common thing to happen within their world. Every day it was something new. Whether it be non-sorcerer, sorcerer, or a random animal, there was death to be following. Random at most, but there were few instances where it was intentional. Where the grapevine of gossip lead to something catastrophic. That it lead to the death of a young sorcerer with great potential.
Itadori hadn’t been the first to die. And he certainly wasn’t the last.
No. No, Shoko could recall her first vividly.
First, it had been Yomada Han in their first year. A third year that had been the last of his class. He’d run into a trouble, died messily. It’d been the first time she dissected a body. The first time she threw up over it too. It’d been the first time she had a cigarette too.
He’d been sent off to slaughter because of his hand in some clan mess. They thought it was justification enough for his murder death.
Dissecting and seeing death got a little easier from then. Shoko didn’t throw up anymore. She didn’t get angry or question why someone was on her slab. It was just what happened. She came to accept it.
The second had been… well, Gojo Y/N.
Shoko was still unclear on what exactly happened that day. She can just recall the dread and sickness that flushed over her when she saw her sprawled out on the cot. The way Gojo’s voice shook and pleaded with her— desperately trying to appease to Shoko’s good side as if she hadn’t wanted to save her. As if that’s the only thing Shoko wanted to do.
She’d seen a lot by then. Geto’s chest wide open, the insides of various students and curses, bloody limbs. But she had never seen something quite like that.
It was so surreal to have been speaking to someone a day before, smiling and laughing, sharing touches and secrets. Then have half of their brains scattered on your table the next.
Still and silent. The entire time she had been still and silent.
It was all so sickening.
Shoko hadn’t even been able to take a step towards her before she was throwing up the food she’d consumed in the last 24 hours. Tears flushing down her cheeks and bile rising in her throat. Brains trailed into the room and blood dripped from the end of the table onto the ground like a leaky faucet.
She was sick. She was sick. Shoko couldn’t stop being sick.
Then, she hadn’t been sure what to do as the white haired boy pleaded and cried. As his twin remained limp in his hold. Shoko had just watched with trembling lips, shaking hands pressed against her mouth.
She was dead before she was even found.
Shoko had concluded such during the autopsy. As she pushed tears away behind her protective goggles, cutting into her… her….(what? Her friend? Her friend.) As she cut into her friend’s bones and body. Gojo Y/N had been dead the moment the curse made contact and dealt the blow. The moment her skull cracked open and her brain turned to mush, she was gone.
At least, that’s what she reassured Gojo and Geto (and herself) with.
"They said it was a Grade Two," Gojo had said in a whisper, slumped in his seat, eyes uncharacteristically vacant as he stared at the ground. A hollowness that embraced them all was evident and clear. "They sent her with Nanami and Haibara because it was a Grade Two. So why are they both dead? Why is my sister dead? Why was it a fucking Local Deity? It was a Special Grade!"
Gojo had broken down then. A mess of rage full tears as he uttered on about how it was a mistake. One that costed his other half, since birth, to die. It was surreal to see the Strongest reduced to this. A bumbling mess. While he tried to piece together the puzzle of death. As he questioned the justification behind his sister’s death.
Shoko had wished she was afforded the same.
"Satoru," Geto had whispered, oddly blank and hollow himself. As he always had been back then. For a year he’d been a husk of who he once was. Body always tense, always frail and alert. Tired and withering. "You know how she is… was. She would’ve tried saving Haibara no matter the grade."
Haibara had been the third.
He held out longer than her. Given that she’d jumped in front of the curse to save him. Still, he’d been split in half. Nanami only retrieving his upper half with a pale face and hollow eyes. Still, he died.
What was the point of her dying if the one she saved died too?
Shoko wasn’t sure
And neither was Gojo.
"Yeah, and now there two dead sorcerers!" Gojo had shot from his chair. Fast enough that it bounced off the wall and made a horrible sound throughout the empty hallway. Shoko could recall the way she flinched back the moment she felt Gojo's technique fire up. A barrier between him and the people he cared about. An unrelenting and unchecked power that kept his rage contained. "W-Who even cares about Haibara—?"
"Satoru." Geto's tone had darkened considerably. His face shadowed under the flickering fluorescent lights. Any other time Shoko would've ran away. She would've made some comment about them being annoying trash, then stalk off with her in her shadow.
Not now. Not ever again.
Gojo's face crumbled, he grew desperate at Geto's call, "I... Why does it have to be her?" His eyes split to Shoko, narrowed and angry. "I thought you could do something."
Shoko, taken aback, had tensed. "Half of her brain—"
"You love her, right?" Gojo had continued, ruthlessly, "Right?"
A nod.
"Then you should've saved her!"
"Satoru!" Geto's hand wrapped around Gojo's arm, pulling him away. "What the fuck are you doing?"
"I'm wrong?"
"What the fuck do you know, Suguru?"
"What do I know? I know that you're..."
Their voices had faded away as Shoko stared endlessly at Gojo's previous spot. A well of tears collecting in her eyes as her hands buried deep within her pockets, clenched and shaking. Her technique was great, it was amazing. She'd done a lot even before she was 18.
So why couldn't she save her?
It stuck around with her for a long time. Well after Gojo had stomped off with tears flowing down his face. Well after Geto had conjured up the last bits of his fake kindness and apologized, tried to comfort Shoko. Well after she was alone in her dorm, holding onto the pieces of her that were suddenly all Shoko had left.
Death was sudden. It was the last curtain call. In their line of work, there was usually no time for goodbyes or last words. Much like this situation. It was inevitable and everyone would meet their making sooner or later— it was only a matter of when. It was better to accept you wouldn't get nice little bows in at the end of your life instead of constantly thinking about it.
Still, Shoko had wondered if there was a possibility she could've saved her. Wondered what she would've said in her last moments if she had the chance to say goodbye.
It was a bad downward spiral to commit herself to. Especially when she was alone in the dark, laying in her bed, staring endlessly at the ceiling above.
It was flat-out dangerous to wonder when she was wrist deep in her chest cavity.
Shoko was best for it. Allegedly. She was the best bet to tell them all exactly what happened to her technique and body as she died.
Originally, Shoko had been tempted to just write that Gojo Y/N lost her brain. What else was there to report? What else could her family possibly want to know?
But then bitter curiosity got the best of her. She needed to know everything. She didn't even care about what the Gojo's wanted to know. Shoko herself had to know if her soul— if the technique just... vanished.
She wasn't really sure what she expected when she stood over her in the morgue. How she would possibly cut her open and scoop out her organs as if she hadn't been speaking to her two days ago. Had been engaged in conversations. Blushing when their hands brushed against one another. As if she hadn't—
"Shoko, what do you want while we're gone?" She had stopped by before they were to be sent off, lightly sprinkled white H/C hair. Expression light, but serious, as it usually was. "Treats, shirt, another body for you to pick around in? Ew, by the way."
Usually, a girl wouldn't think anything of it. But Shoko, elbow deep within a curse, blushed like she was an elementary girl. "Sorry"
She leaned against the doorway, arms crossed, smile small yet tender, "So? What does sweet, sweet Shoko-chan want as a souvenir?"
Shoko always had a hard time believing Y/N was a Gojo. Especially the same product line of Gojo Satoru, who was just... the opposite of her. This girl was intelligent and kind, beautiful and timid. Self-aware, selfless, and She wasn't anything like the boy she shared the womb with, or birthday, or name. A twin. Same blood, same name, everything them. But so distinctly different.
"I'm not really interested in anything." Shoko had replied with a tilt of her lips and a shrug of her shoulders, pulling away from the curse corpse to face her fully.
Y/N's eyebrows raised, "Really? You're not interested in a single thing?"
"Not really," She walked closer, "What did the others get?"
"Oh, uh, I'm not entirely sure—"
"Gojo-senpai!" Haibara had barreled around the corner, loud and grinning, his hair flopping as he bounced around. "Geto-senpai would like something sweet for himself and your brother!"
She had released a bitter sound, fond and amused, but bitter all the same, "Of course he'd be thinking about Satoru." She turned back to Shoko with a small tilt of her lips. "You sure you don't want anything, Shoko?"
Shoko wondered if things would be different if she said anything else than what she had. If she asked for some ridiculous sweet or a stupid shirt, would things have ended differently? If she kept her around for a little longer, would someone realize the misclassification of the curse? Could Shoko have done something?
Who knows. All she said was, "Just come back. That's enough for me."
Her face had scrunched up, a light laugh leaving her as she turned, waving a hand, "Just for you, Shoko! See you around."
It wasn't anything special. Her goodbye had been a teasing promise. A nonchalant wave. Nothing special. Another day. It wasn't anything special.
So why did it have to be the last?
The autopsy ended abruptly. As Shoko held onto a trash bin, sobbing and throwing up the little food she had in the past two days, Yaga put it in the hands of someone much older. Much more detatched.
Gojo Y/N had died almost instantly. Before she could even activate her technique.
That sparked up a chatter at her funeral.
If the affair wasn't sickening and horribly in the first place, the conversation that took place most certainly was.
The people that attended outside of Shoko and Geto where just some old clan members either from the "Big Three" or some lowly ones. They all kind of just loitered around as they ate food and conversated. Nothing exciting, nothing entirely too telling of their grief either.
She couldn't ever recall Gojo or Y/N talking much about the other clans. If only to drag them through the mud, express their great distaste, or general displeasure. Shoko just knew that an occasion like this, filled with old people and terribly traditional things, was something that the girl nor her brother wanted. She knew that they all like the Gojo's about as much as the Gojo's liked them. Which was not very much.
It was only as Shoko was using the bathroom that she overheard what they truly thought.
"I heard that she didn't even have the time to activate her technique before it killed her."
"It's not like her technique would've done much against a Special Grade anyway. The Six Eyes got all the potential. If anything, that boy that got killed alongside her had more skill."
"I thought she had some type of power?"
"That's just a lie the family put out to calm their egos. They gave birth to the Six Eyes while giving birth to a useless girl right after."
"Poor thing."
"I wouldn't worry. The girl was a bit airheaded, she probably didn't even know she was boring."
It took everything in Shoko not to snap. To not ruin their gossip with her petulant cries of anger. It was just wrong. What they thought of her. There's never been something so wrong.
Y/n was different and amazing, magnificent and interesting. She was strong in ways that Gojo wasn't. She could hold her own. She was intelligent on things outside of jujutsu just as much as she was in things regarding jujutsu. Shoko wasn't sure where they got their information but it was wrong. It'd always been wrong.
Seven days later, Geto killed an entire village.
Thought about her and Haibara the whole time. The mountain of bodies that came with being a sorcerer. Killed 112 people just because he was angry and sad. At least, that's what Geto had said to her.
Shoko wished she could've destroy a whole village in her grief.
Those are all the things Shoko thought as she slips on her gloves, glancing back at where Gojo and Ijichi were standing in the corner.
"Hey, you guys, I'm gonna get started," Shoko says flatly, with her usual detachment. It'd been years since she felt uncomfortable or disgusted with this job. Just a normal routine now. "You gonna just sit there and watch?"
She snaps her glove into place at the same time Ijichi's face visibly pales and his jaw drops, Gojo's own face screwing up into something akin to shock. She was about to ask what was wrong, but—
"Whoa! Full frontal!"
Shoko whirls around to look at Itadori Yuji who looks, shockingly, fine.
Well, Shoko's never had someone come back to life in her morgue before. (No matter how much she's begged.)
She tugs down her mask, staring at the boy with disappointment, "Well, this is too bad."
Itadori blinks, a faint blush on his cheeks, "Um... who are you?"
"Yuji!" Gojo stands, a beaming grin on his lips as he walks forward, hand extended. "Welcome back!"
The teen lets out a loud laugh, clapping his hand against his teacher's for a loud slap that almost makes Shoko wince.
"I'm back!" Itadori cheers, smiling back.
"You sure are!" Gojo then tucks his hands into his jacket, turning around to face Shoko and Ijichi. "Hey, can I speak to you outside for a minute? Ijichi, get Yuji something to change into."
"O-Of course, Gojo-san!"
Shoko doesn't even dignify Gojo a response, lazily making her way out of the room with bored eyes. There went an afternoon of digging through Sukuna's vessel's organs and finding out what made him so different from the others. What allowed him to inhabit the King of Curses while so many others had died trying. It would make for perfect research. Fun and interesting.
But the kid just had to wake up. From death.
(She tired to ignore how many times she'd imagined her waking up on her table too.)
"Ugh, now I have to go back and change the report." Shoko utters bitterly once the two adults are outside.
"No, leave it as is." Shoko snaps her eyes to Gojo, who keeps his carefree smile on his face. "Before he's targeted again, I'd like to at least give Yuji some basic training. Please leave him listed as deceased in the report."
Shoko frowns, tucking her hands into her pockets, "Then Yuji will have to go into hiding for good."
"Nah, I'll have him ready in time for the Goodwill Event."
The Goodwill Event. Now, that was something she wasn't entirely concerned with. Something she didn't think Gojo was either.
"Why?" Shoko utters.
"Easy. I refuse to keep that kid from losing the best years of his life. Not just him, but everyone."
The way he says it is tender and true. Said with his heart and his soul. Despite how childish Gojo has always been, he's been terribly aware of when kids should be kids. Something he'd been keenly aware of when he was a kid himself.
Gojo suddenly tilts his head, smile distant and incredibly sad, "Not to mention... he kind of reminds me of Y/N, y'know?"
Shoko's steps falter. They've never really engaged in a conversation about her before. Never really a chance or reason to. Shoko figured they always had their own thoughts and opinions about what happened. Their own grief pushed down to be ignored. Never addressed.
But he—
"Bit of an airhead, but he means well. Smart when it calls for it. Wants to do the right thing no matter if it's his life on the line." Gojo stops a few feet ahead of Shoko, back stiff and, unfortunately, unreadable to her. "I wonder what she'd think of all this."
Shoko draws in a breath, inching closer to lean on the railing overlooking the courtyard. "She'd be disgusted to learn you're a teacher."
"Disgusted?" Gojo repeats with a pout. Shoko just knows that his eyes are narrowed behind his blindfold. "And she wouldn't judge you for cheating your way through med school?"
"She would, but I wouldn't care." Shoko rolls her eyes.
Gojo presses his lips together, leaning on the railing next to her, "I don't think I would either... as long as she was here."
Shoko tenses and her eyes grow distant as she watches leaves twirl and fall in the distance. Her ears begin to ring and she thinks, for one single moment, that Gojo is right. If she just had her right next to her. Breathing, talking— living. Then Shoko might be one of the happiest people alive. She wouldn't care about any of this. She wouldn't worry about anyone leaving or dying. She would just—
What was the point of think about something not possible?
11 years. They needed to let go already.
"I'll make sure Itadori is, in all the official ways, dead." Shoko pushes away from the railing and begins to make her way back to her office (ignoring the soft snort Gojo gave). "Make sure he doesn't die again before you can train him."
"I'll do my absolute best."
11 years. What's a few more minutes with her memory.
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sweet-evie · 1 year
Ohmygod Satoru and Suguru would be the MOST INSUFFERABLE pair of teachers to ever grace Jujutsu High...and poor Shoko is going to babysit them both!
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Suguru would be teaching the 2nd years. Satoru is in-charge of the 1st years. Shoko is the school doctor that doesn't take shit from her two classmates.
Rule #1: Don't mess with Shoko. She will always have 2 special-grade sorcerers watching over her.
Suguru drags Satoru to Shoko's office in the school, because SaShiSu needs their Friday night outings, and somehow, the whole school knows about this... BECAUSE THEY'RE LOUD.
SatoSugu would give Yaga an aneurysm. And the moment Shoko plays along, it's over!
Satoru and Suguru would snicker like children at faculty meetings (unless the issue is super serious ofc)
SatoSugu would 100% pit their students against each other in a sparring match because they had a bet between them about whose students are stronger.
SatoSugu would be sore losers and they would challenge each other to a sparring match that may or may not set off the alarms at Jujutsu Tech because Surugu's curses are going off the rails and Satoru is spamming Amplification Blue in the middle of the forest. Shoko is so done with their shit.
But in sister school goodwill events, SaShiSu would be the best combination of coaches and stand-by medics the kids would ever know.
Suguru would try his best to be a responsible and serious teacher that you could take seriously in the classroom, but then Satoru randomly shows up to ask for chalk, borrow an eraser, deliver sweets to Suguru's unamused students, and just disrupt Suguru's class in general.
"What about your class, Satoru?" Suguru asks, and Satoru dismisses his best friend's concerns completely, because, "My kiddos are out training... unlike yours." Satoru turns to address the crowd (just 4) of exasperated children (teenagers) and says, "Suguru's the worst, isn't he?"
The kids just leave the classroom after that because Gojo-sensei and Geto-sensei are about to fight each other again.
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jaegerisim · 8 months
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rainboneish · 3 months
they could never make me hate you Shoko Ieiri
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Shoko is such a tragic character (and to me, the most relatable character in jjk (lolol the numbly depressed med student is jumping out))
she gets a lot of shit for her apathy but to be honest, there’s not much else she can do to protect herself
Shoko has been patching people up and doing autopsies since she was in school. Out of the entire cast of characters, she is probably the one who has the clearest view of how many of her fellow sorcerers die and/or are seriously injured in battle… it is a decently well documented phenomenon that working in healthcare lowers your active empathy levels, as a defense mechanism to distance yourself from all of the pain and loss you are confronted with on a daily basis… it is another fact that in most if not all countries, there are strict laws in place to prevent doctors and other medical professionals from treating their close friends and relatives
Shoko never had that protection… Jujutsu society is small and everyone knows everyone, she is in a position where she is constantly having to stay calm and level headed while her friends and comrades and injured and dying …
in addition to that Shoko, as their best healer, has always been taught to take a passive role in the action (she wasn’t sent out on dangerous missions, she had to stay back during Shibuya etc)
getting emotional over any of this wasn’t going to help her, or anyone else for that matter
Shoko grew up between Gojo and Geto, two once in a generation (once in a century in Gojo’s case) powerhouses who were both highly emotional in their own ways (cue the clip of her leaving the gym when the two were bickering in the hidden inventory arc)
She isn’t like them, and she CANT be like them, cause it would be detrimental to her role in the team
she does not GET to be emotional, so she trained herself out of it till it became second nature
when Geto defected, she did not rage at him or fight him cause there wouldn’t have been a point… she is not a fighter, she knows him well enough to know she is not in direct danger as long as she doesn’t attack first and arguing with him would not have done either of them any good… so she has a last casual conversation with him and calls Satoru, who is the only person who could actually do anything about the situation (either in an argument or in a physical fight)
when he left, all she could do was stay there with Gojo (and she is silently hurt that he never leans on her but she also can’t make him open up against his will)
it’s lonely at the top, but it’s lonely in the morgue too
then, years later, Geto initiated the Night parade of a hundred Demons, forcing Gojo to execute him… we don’t know if Shoko ever saw his body after his death (if Gojo took it to her and didn’t let her cremate him or if he didn’t take Geto’s body to her at all), either way, it can’t have been easy
less than a year later, Gojo is sealed and we see Shoko’s thoughts, about how Gojo felt alone despite the fact that she was there too and that (in my interpretation) they are all monsters on some level (Gojo doesn’t have to be the only monster) waiting for him to come back to them
and when he does come back, (according to Shoko’s own prediction) possibly questionable mental state) he immediately throws himself back into a fight with their two strongest enemies
and for the first time… everyone has to consider the possibility of Satoru Gojo losing… and the students even say, it’s hard to react appropriately cause the possibility of him losing is such a foreign concept
and now to their back up plan for when he does…(the thing my girl gets the most shit for)
Shoko not protesting is rooted in multiple things:
1) They are up against Sukuna and this is the only plan they have in the event of Gojo’s death… if they don’t use every trump card in their deck they WILL die (hence why Yuuta is upset… he is not upset by Gojo’s body being weaponised, he is upset by others hesitating to sacrifice their own humanity)
2) yes she could protest but it wouldn’t help anyone, the last thing you need in a crisis is your doctor getting emotional, if both of the people involved are alright with the procedure, Shoko’s feelings don’t matter and she knows it too, the last thing they need is for her not to be able to do her job
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dontronick · 11 months
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Dull sublunary lovers' love
(Whose soul is sense) cannot admit
Absence, because it doth remove
Those things which elemented it.
—A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning by John Donne
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xjulixred45x · 6 months
Hiiii I just read SatoSugu x Douma reader and I loved it! :3
I was wondering if you could do a headcanon about Ieiri Shoko adopting a Nezuko Kamado! Reader and her brother Tanjiro? Like imagine two 5 year old children walking around the streets of Japan homeless because their family was massacred by a special grade curse and they were the sole survivors. And the reader’s wounds were exposed to the curse which kinda transformed into a vampiric like state.
Like in a universe where Toji didn’t kill Riko, and Geto didn’t turn evil. Like the twins, megumi, tsumiki, reader and tanjiro having little playdates. It be so cute! And reader being so shy around Geto and Gojo so she hides behind Shoko. But also protective of Shoko :3
and maybe Nezuko! Reader when she’s older she develops a crush or gets a girlfriend and its Nobara Kugisaki
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Lieri Shoko x Nezuko! Reader(+ Tanjiro! Reader)
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: female
Warnings: Divergent canon AU where Geto didn't turn evil and Toji didn't kill Riko, a happy AU. Smoking, some Angst, Fluff, Reader has the Powers and personality of Nezuko Kamado of Demon Slayer, Reader has a brother. I think is all.
To be honest, I can see how Shoko wasn't going to take care of the siblings voluntarily at first.
Let's see, I'm not saying that she didn't like children, just that she was too self-aware that her work environment and herself were not the best for a child, let alone two who had gone through a traumatic situation.
When she read the incident reports and autopsies of the parents, she felt bad for the children.
A curse of a special degree had invaded their house and killed their parents and siblings. The children hid quickly, which saved their lives, but they did not leave without both physical and emotional scars.
Shoko had to check on the youngest, (reader), who, thanks to long exposure to cursed energy, had gotten sick.
Although that was definitely common, the girl's rapid healing process was not.
It was something strange, it was as if his body began to absorb the cursed energy as a survival mechanism.
and his older brother, the other survivor, was largely unaffected, but he was definitely worried about what would happen to him and his sister once the checks were over.
Shoko wondered the same thing. They couldn't just return them as if nothing happened. Maybe they would hand them over to some clan?
Imagine Shoko's surprise when she found out that the brothers were going to live with her temporarily for "safety" reasons☠️
They weren't fooling Shoko, they wanted to keep the children close to see how they developed as sorcerers and how to use them in the future, especially the girl, but she really couldn't do much against that.
After all, being the only doctor with a reverse technique, Shoko had a high level of security, so if the children would be safe anywhere, it would be with her.
although it definitely didn't mean it was easy.
Shoko spent much of the time before the children's arrival moving things, throwing away papers, organizing her house, so that it was habitable for two more children.
She also had to moderate her gloomy attitude towards children for now in order not to generate a regression as a result of the trauma.
She had to learn not to smoke inside her own home.
It was a great adjustment. and Shoko hates it at various points.
and it was worse when she didn't love the children right away, she felt like she was changing her life completely for strangers.
Fortunately it was not something that lasted for long.
(reader) and her brother were good children, quite good, they didn't cause problems, they ate what Shoko gave them and above all they were calm. maybe too much.
Sometimes Shoko worried that they were too quiet for their ages.
which prompted her to want to interact more with them.
In part he did it with the excuse that it was to have more information about the (reader's) condition, but it was quite obvious that he cared about the children.
but especially their health.
Shoko being Shoko let the children make their mistakes to learn from them, which included getting hurt, she expected to have to treat the boobs but was surprised when she saw, again, the rapid healing of (reader).
so it's not just with cursed energy, it's with all the wounds.
Shoko watched the children in their period of adjustment and recovery while doing what she could to make them comfortable, such as telling them a story (which she had to buy), making them food, giving them some private classes in the cursed energy (and them understanding as much as Geto and Gojo), etc.
Shoko was...starting to enjoy the company, the movement, the activity...
The children's enthusiasm and optimism was contagious, especially from (reader)'s brother, Tanjiro, who was always trying to help with anything around the house, see the positive side, and being generally sunny.
(reader) on the other hand was a somewhat cryptic case, she was a good girl, yes, but at the same time she barely spoke, she was more reserved, but she definitely had potential.
that was what worried Shoko.
She has seen what Jujutsu does to people, what the ACADEMY does to people, taking something good and crushing it.
She didn't want (reader) to go through something like that, she had already been through a lot in her life.
If possible, he will ask Geto and Gojo for help in keeping the higher-ups away from the children, which they both gladly do.
Shoko also exposes them to other children with their special abilities, such as Megumi, Mimiko and Nanako, they get along quite well despite their differences (the reader and Tanjiro are somewhat afraid of Geto and Gojo, but at least they feel safe with Shoko there) .
Thus, they grow with better management of their skills and, above all, a better understanding of the jujutsu environment.
If we go to the most general ideas, Shoko is the empowering "cool mom" who lets you get away with anything as long as you don't hurt yourself (she doesn't give a damn about anyone else).
Shoko is "fine" with her children wanting to join the sorcerers, but she will also be quite clear about all the possible risks (and will threaten Satoru with death if her children do not return safely).
If her children still want to be sorcerers, then she accepts it, she even supports their courage quite a bit.
I think that Shoko, taking advantage of ( reader's) healing ability, would try to teach her reverse ritual technique, hopefully now using words that she can understand and thus be more useful in fights or outside of them. You could really use an assistant after all.
Now that her children are grown, she allows herself to be her normal, somewhat scary self, so to annoy them from time to time she throws super random or super deadly data on the human body as "fighting tips" or how to dismember someone, For example.
She finds it funny how, having been practically raised by her, they still turned out so good-natured.
Although don't get me wrong, Shoko will be a somewhat carefree mother but that doesn't mean she doesn't care about her children.
If (reader)/her brother comes depressed because a classmate died, they had a horrible mission or they are simply down, then she will sit with them, give them some tea (or a cigarette if they want) and comfort them in her own way.
She wants her children to feel like they can count on her and tell her what they feel, not be the "my mom is going to kill me" type of guardian.
And above all, he is afraid of losing (reader) and Tanjiro for that very reason, that they cannot say things.
Shoko is brutally honest with her children, so she expects the same. She knows when to praise them and when to criticize them.
that in all aspects of life, both school and out of school.
in love for example.
(reader) is someone with little experience in love, so Shoko will always be honest when she thinks a boy doesn't suit her, even if it sounds ugly or causes a fight, she prefers a passing storm to a permanent hurricane.
The same goes for Tanjiro, but we could say that the two of them team up to protect (the reader)'s back as much as possible from jerks.
Honestly, Shoko would be more than fine with LGBT children, simply because then she won't have to deal with certain additional problems.
I mean, if (reader) had a crush on Nobara for example, seeing that she is a good girl and that she is good for (reader) because she accepts her into her home.
although she definitely gives him/her the shovel talk in case she/he ever dares to try to hurt her daughter :)
and also Shoko's threats SHOULD definitely not be taken for granted.
She has already become very, VERY attached to them for the higher-ups to want to do some dirty tactics with them in order to maintain "peace" in the system.
even without Gojo or Geto helping her, Shoko is BRUTAL on her own.
If they tried to take the kids to another family, I think it would be one of the first times that Shoko loses her cool and is panicking, it's not like she would let it happen, but she wouldn't think that would happen in the first place.
You could say that children really change her priorities.
If they try to commit any of the children to a member/heir of one of the clans, it is a big NO NO and she will make the epic move of eloping with the children on the wedding day. she is like that💅
Experiments with ( reader) because of her special ability? Over her cold.dead.maggot infested BODY.
Do you hurt any of them? It's your last day. prepare to be received at the morgue, not necessarily dead yet :)
She literally becomes feral.
Even if he doesn't mean it, he might threaten to quit his position as a doctor if they try any moves with the kids, which has worked, for now.
But either way, there's nothing to worry about. Shoko is a mother bear who protects and loves her strange and extraordinary children very much.
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
Thanks for the Request ❤️
Aaaaaa it's been so long since i enjoyed writing for JJK so much!
If You guys can, Request of other fandoms (i'm recently into Invincible and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, so if You can, it would be really nice)
Love ya ❤️
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deadbaguette · 1 year
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Just like when we were young
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frogizzhc · 7 days
JJK Headcanon : SaShiSu Edition!
A list of random things these three would get up to :
Satoru tried smoking with Shoko once... it did not end up well.
Suguru has tried convincing Shoko to quit but to no avail.
Shoko like to get piggyback rides on both of them.
Satoru is the scapegoat for any mean pranks that the three of them get into.
Shoko either sits to the side to watch whatever stupid idea they have or join in (if it doesn't require her to use her RCT).
Suguru is the master mind of (most of) these pranks.
Satoru steals candy from Suguru's pockets.
Shoko has a bag of candy handy to throw at Satoru's face.
Suguru has big pockets, and he intentionally stores candy in his pockets to provide for Satoru.
Satoru finds excuses to hang with the two of them, especially after a mission.
Shoko does a little bit of scrapbooking, demanding more and more photos every time the three of them link up.
Suguru couldn't care less about a damn scrapbook, but he'd be damned if he showed up in less pictures than Satoru.
Satoru's favorite thing to do to mess with Suguru is to poke him.
Shoko will go on coffee/tea runs, getting Satoru some jasmine tea and Suguru a black coffee.
Shoko's favorite thing to do to mess with Suguru is to tickle him.
Suguru only plays video games with Shoko because he got pissed at playing with Satoru (he'd always lose).
Satoru can absolutely dominate the other two in some basketball. At some point, Suguru is quit trying,
Shoko likes to keep the boys up on a consisten skin-routine, so she bought them some cute, matching headbands that're animal themed.
Suguru's favorite thing to do to mess with Satoru is to yoink his glasses away.
Satoru can't help but laugh every time he wakes up to find a stupid drawing on his face.
Shoko is the life of the party, until she is begging to go home, which could take 30 minutes, give or take. Suguru is always the one carrying her on his back.
Suguru sometimes switches up which side his bang is on just to confuse the other two.
Satoru's favorite thing to do to mess with Shoko is to steal her uniform jacket.
Shoko's favorite thing to do to mess with Satoru is to draw on his face when he's napping.
Suguru's favorite thing to do to mess with Shoko is to pretend to be injured to annoy her.
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lqlarry · 1 year
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(i’m choosing to ignore mahoraga and gojo’s stressed face at the end)
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mxtchaas · 1 year
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Satoru and Shoko drawing i did for a friend :D
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nerdyagere · 9 months
hi guys do you like lesbians I sure do here you go, ShokoHime! (Can also be platonic as always I try to write it to be viewed as whatever you'd like!)
Also Gojo is sorta here LOL
Shoko isn't really one to regress, in fact she never started until she was the primary RCT doctor and got overwhelmed with case after case
It's not really something she even thought about until Gojo suggested it, she sorta pushed it off but then Utahime stepped in like maybe you SHOULD try it (she never agrees with Gojo ever again LOL)
So she just sorta let it happen, let herself get babied, ended up regressing, new coping mechanism unlocked!
She's a very sleepy baby, whenever they get time for her to regress (whenever the workload isn't the worst and they can make Gojo handle it) Utahime just dresses her up in the softest, nicest onesies one can buy, thank Gojo for those he loves spending money
She sleeps more than half the time she's regressed, a very easy baby, even when she's awake she quiet and in her own little world
Whenever she needs something Utahime is always 2 steps ahead. She's hungry? Utahime already has the food done, now she's just picking up Shoko and taking her to the kitchen
Gojo rarely ever stops by when she's regressed because he is the one covering her, also he's too high energy for her anyways
Like he'd totally pick her up and swing her around, or like excitedly come up like do you wanna do anything? Do you wanna play? We could go to the park? And Shoko sits there looking at him annoyed and turns away with a huff
Of course he stops very quickly, this is her time to relax after all not to annoy her! Then they'll just sit together (Shoko likes to lay in people's laps <3) and watch like a cartoon
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linkcities · 1 year
tokyo, 2008 | ieiri shoko
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Shoko looks for something to say. She doesn’t find anything. So she cups the half-empty pack of cigarettes in her pocket, and then she turns her head to watch Gojo again. His eyes are closed, maybe. She can’t see it very well because of his sunglasses. His shoulders are slouched and his legs are crossed.
Shoko hums. “Summer’s almost here.”
characters | ieiri shoko, gojo satoru.
tags | drabble, canon compliant, mini-character introspection/study, platonic satoshoko, sashisu.
word count | 770 words.
ao3 link
There’s a dissonant sound coming from the radio in front of them. Ieiri Shoko flicks the butt of her cigarette towards the grass, past the door of their classroom. Beside her, Gojo Satoru waves off the heat of the sun with a paper fan.
Through the static, she registers the radio host’s words quietly inside her own head. Drive down to the beach with your friends this summer! Promo for the villa runs exclusively only until August!
Shoko looks for something to say. She doesn’t find anything. So she cups the half-empty pack of cigarettes in her pocket, and then she turns her head to watch Gojo again. His eyes are closed, maybe. She can’t see it very well because of his sunglasses. His shoulders are slouched and his legs are crossed.
Shoko hums. “Summer’s almost here.”
At the sound of her voice, she startles herself. It’s been a while. He doesn’t seem to be phased by it; not really. He continues to fan himself, eyes still covertly hidden, though she knows they’re still probably closed. She knows they ache, sometimes.
After a few seconds, her companion clears his throat. “Yeah.” He says, relaxing both of his legs until the soles of his feet laid flatly on the wooden floor. “You want to go?”
The beach. Shoko looks up towards the sun, sweat trickling below her chin. Spring is almost over. She wonders if it’ll end a bit earlier this year. She wonders if she wants it to end a bit earlier this year.
“Maybe.” A meek shrug, and she’s back to cupping the cigarettes in her pockets, now tugging them out. She sees Satoru scrunch his nose beside her. “We’re graduating soon.”
The both of them stay still for a while. The silence is meandering. On the other side of Gojo, there’s a cold, empty chair. Untouched and unmoved.
She retrieves her lighter, but she lets it sit idle on her palm for a while. She’ll smoke somewhere else. “Yeah.” He says, again. Shaking his head lightly. “You’re right. Next week. We’ll get the stupid certificates next week.”
Shoko smiles a little after that. Satoru turns his body towards her, stealing the lighter from her grasp. She doesn’t mind. She has an extra one in her room.
“You have any savings?” He asks her, eyes open and cheeks upturned, his hands fiddling with her lighter. It’s a formality, she thinks. “We can rent a car. You can drive, right?”
Inside her own head, Shoko imagines the cost of the car and the food and the lodgings; it’ll be cheaper if it’s a day trip, if they return by evening. It’s only going to be the two of them. There’s no one else to string along. Nanami was out on a mission, three cities over. Iori was in Kyoto with Mei. It’s only going to be the two of them.
Inside her own head, Shoko imagines a gray Corolla 1995 with a bobble head above the glove compartment. There’d be rust growing around the dashboard, because they can’t afford to rent a better car, not really. Satoru always has money to waste, but she was better than that. She imagines torn up seats and a dusty rear view mirror, with the hinges of the side mirrors squeaking each time she adjusted them for her benefit. Shoko imagines enough chips in the trunk and many bottles of water. Two blankets, two towels, two umbrellas, a few books. Extra clothes, an ice box, their old flip flops. There are a lot of details to work out, still, and she thinks they could probably figure it out.
“I can drive.” She nods, carefully. It feels difficult. What does? She doesn’t have an answer for that. Not yet. “Yeah. I can drive us there. Don’t worry about it.”
Shoko imagines the sun bouncing off the windshield and an empty passenger seat beside her, this time. Satoru would be napping in the back, taking up all the space, as he’s always done. The air conditioner’s going to be cool enough for the two of them now and the radio’s going to echo out grating instrumentals of a song they’ll forget after the trip and things will be okay.
When he gives her lighter back to her, she finally stands up from her place beside him. Her stare lingers on the empty chair on the other side of Satoru. There’s something missing, she thinks. She knows what it is.
She looks for something to say, but her mind is blank.
Shoko offers Satoru a final pat on the shoulder before walking away. As she's always done.
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noroi1000 · 2 years
Hi ! Could I request a oneshot of where it's set during shoko,geto n gojo's highschool time and it really doesn't have to be a character x reader but reader is their classmate and basically they're having a volleyball match with the opponent school but reader doesn't want to play bcs she goes "nah im too pretty to sweat in this terribly hot weather so count me out" sassily even tho she's really good at athletics n combat but then this annoying player of the opponent team plays dirty and hurts one of member of his opponent team ( mean shoko's highschool team bcs there are students of other classes playing ) n the one who played dirty makes annoyingly cocky for gaining a point which annoys the reader so she's goes aight time to humble this pathetic loser and starts playing in exchange of the injured player and does same thing to him which he did to injured player but she does it in a way that makes it seem it's totally his fault to play badly n they lose a point n basically reader practically all by herself obliterates ( not literally ) the opponent team and win by quite a considerable which leaves everyone shocked bcs they didn't know she was this good and when they ask how she's like she just wanted to have a little fun lolol.
You can ignore this one bcs it's quite silly lmao i just had this idea when i was listening to yeat n felt 10x powerful
The ball flies
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a/n: no paring, no warnings, it's just a friends playing volleyball. And some bleeding nose...
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"(y/n)! Why don't you want to play with us?"
You looked at your sweaty friend who sat next to you on the bench.
You handed him a bottle of water for him to drink.
His black sleeveless T-shirt that had always been loose began to cling to his muscular stomach.
"Today I feel too nice to play in this heat. I don't want to play today."
You replied looking at the dark haired man.
You played volleyball very well.
Additionally, you were able to position yourself in your team.
So why on that particular day did you have to not feel like playing? You don't know it...
Even though you like matches that are mixed, you didn't want that today.
In mixed-gender matches, you were able to use the fact that you had three tall guys on the team, as well as the three of you. You, Utahime and Mei.
Shoko always sits on the bench because she doesn't like to play outfield often. Even though she can do it somehow, she mostly took care of you when it came to any injuries. And also before matches, it protected your muscles so that there would be no damage.
You have become the representative of the school.
Even though there are more people who can replace someone on your team, the main deputies are Shoko for you girls and Haibara for the guys.
Even though boys rarely give up the game.
Well, maybe Nanami doesn't feel like playing sometimes...
But Gojo and Geto are always happy to crush some opponents.
Sitting next to Geto while he was resting during the break, you only thought about why he was so sweaty.
Well, your matches don't look like those in elementary school.
He's one of those who run in circles just to hit the ball.
Especially now that in the setting this time he also had to deal with the side on which Shoko was standing. Neither of them want to lose.
Especially when they're playing the worst assholes...
Three girls and three boys.
You're a sophomore in high school, and everyone has respect for you because you won the inter-school championship last year.
And well, in addition, you can't say that Satoru and Suguru are very good at school.
If girls from other schools don't fall in love with them, others come and have some problems with them.
It was enough to straighten them out a bit. Besides, you've never heard of these two losing to anyone. It doesn't matter what.
They are good at everything...
"Where's Shoko?" You asked looking around for her.
You only saw four people with black clothes, and one in white - Mei.
She always liked to stand out...
"Did you see how that girl hit the ball right at her?" Geto asked, wiping his neck with a small towel.
"The first year? Yeah. I saw it. I didn't think she could do that slant with the ball. Besides, if she didn't jump, she wouldn't even reach the ball.". Besides, she tripped Utahime under the net. I don't like foul play..." You laughed.
"The ball hit Shoko in the face, and her nose is bleeding." he said.
"She broke her nose?" You stayed widening your eyes slightly.
"We don't know that. But she can't play. Unfortunately, you have to go on the field." He smiled.
Satoru walked over to you with the same smile.
"Where's our champion? Will we win this?" He crouched in front of you. "Retaliation for Shoko's nose."
He gave you his hand.
"Your hands are sweaty." You pointed out laughing.
"Yeah yeah..." he muttered and stood up.
Suddenly, he bent down again and grabbed you, throwing your body over his shoulder.
"You're all sticky!" You screamed feeling his sticky skin on your skin.
"I know~. And now you're going to change into your clothes." He laughed and started walking with you towards the dressing room.
You couldn't look at the girl who smiled proudly as she looked at the scoreboard.
She was laughing, pointing there.
It pissed you off.
A freshman who thinks she can beat you with foul play...
Guess it's some kind of joke.
"Oh? They put another one on the field? Aren't you afraid of getting your hands dirty?" She laughed at you.
You were in the middle.
Between Satoru and Suguru.
You waved to Shoko as she was sitting on a bench with a band-aid on her nose.
Hearing that, you looked at her hands. Freshly washed after half the game.
You didn't even say anything about it.
You just took your place as Nanami stopped on the serve and hit the ball.
Mei bounced the ball back to you when it came back to your half and you bounced it back at that girl, aiming at her.
"Revenge for Shoko, bitch." You growled softly.
The ball hit the girl in the side of the face, and it fell to the ground, giving you one point.
Nothing happened to her.
But the next time you could have had the ball, you didn't want to miss.
As the ball flew towards Satoru, you ran towards him and jumped up placing your hands on his shoulders to be higher.
You wrapped your legs around his chest quickly, and hit the ball with all your might.
Aiming at that girl again.
The ball hit her in the middle of the face.
Soon there was blood from her nose.
Revenge for Shoko!
Of course, you weren't accused of doing it on purpose.
The ball often hits players.
The girl left the field crying.
You started to be very ahead of your opponents in the number of points.
Until at the end, there was no chance that they could defeat you.
Your game caused many people to believe their eyes.
You did it because you were bored sitting on the bench anyway.
You could have had fun, and also avenged your friend's poor nose.
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