#playing good pizza great pizza rn
sunlitide · 9 months
i’ve been trying to fall asleep since 1 am… it is now 5 am i’ve given up fully 🤍
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yelenasdiary · 1 year
New Friend Request
Pairing: Gamer! Kate Bishop x Reader
Summary: After posting on a subreddit looking for people to play a new game with, you received a new friend request.  
| Comfort? | 0.8K | No Warnings | 
AC: Here is something a little different to my usual works! I hope you enjoy this, I found it pretty fun to write!
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It was Friday night, you had a weekend off from work and had planned to sit down with plenty of snacks and binge play a new video game you just treated yourself too. The only downside was that all your friends that you played video games with were either busy this weekend or had no interest in playing the new game you'd been waiting so long to play.
With a sigh and nerves kicking around in your stomach you decide to post on a subreddit asking if anybody else would like somebody to play with over the weekend. It wasn't something you'd done before but you liked playing games with friends more than playing solo.
Hours had past and your phone was left dry, not a single notification from anybody reacting to your post. Another sigh left your body as you tossed your phone to the side and decided to turn your PS4 off.
(LuckyArrow has sent a friend request)
The notification stared at you deeply as the feeling of excitement and relief soon filled you. You punched in your passcode and quickly accepted the strangers friend request.
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LuckyArrow: Hey! are you still looking for somebody to play Dying Light 2 with? I saw your post on reddit! ☺️
yourusername: Hey, I am! I just thought the game and none of my friends want to play it with me 😩
LuckyArrow: agh! that sucks! I have a friend, Yelena, she doesn't play video games much and refuses to play with me! If you want, I'd love to play it with you. Have you played the first one?
yourusername: That would be great! Thanks! I'm assuming your user is LuckyArrow on PSN aswell? I have played the first, have you? Oh! btw, I'm Y/n!
LuckyArrow: Sure is! You have a cute name! I'm Kate, are you from New York?
yourusername: Oh wow! 😅 Don't take this the wrong way but I wasn't expecting you to be a girl! I actually just moved to NYC! Are you also from here?
LuckyArrow: You'd be surprised how many of us female gamers are out here ☺️ Where did you move from? if you don't mind me asking
yourusername: Just a small town that was hella boring! hence why I got into video games haha!
LuckyArrows: I hope you don't mind, I had a look at some of the game you play! You have good taste, how far are you into the story of Dying Light?
yourusername: Thanks! & not very far, I don't really like playing games solo most of the time. I've completed the first couple of missions though so I'm able to play co-op.
LuckyArrows: Awesome! Well, I have plenty of time tonight if you'd like to play now? If not, just let me know when you're free and we'll work something out ☺️
yourusername: Actually, I'm free all weekend so now would be great! Do you wanna play on my save or we can start one on your game? Whatever works ☺️
LuckyArrow: I've already completed it, let's just do a save on your game! Send me an invite x
LuckyArrow: Sorry about the x!!!! I'm just used to sending it to friends 😅😅
yourusername: Don't stress! it's okay ☺️ I'll send you an invite rn!
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Friday night soon faded into the early hours of Saturday morning, plenty of laughs and jokes were made between you and your new friend, Kate. You learnt a lot about her, you felt comfortable with her even though she technically is still a stranger online, you both planned to meet for pizza for lunch.
Who knew that a simple post online would lead to you making a new friend.
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2 months later
LuckyArrow: Hey! you free this weekend? sorry I couldn't play last weekend, I had a mission...I missed you though! 💜
yourusername: Hey!! Don't stress it, you get to actually kick some bad guys butts! it's pretty cool! I am free this weekend, I took work off, I need a break anyways. I missed you too, did your mission go well?
LuckyArrow: Meh, it was a pain (literally) but one less menace on the streets to deal with now! 💪🏼, I actually wanted to ask if you'd like to come over...I can order pizza and we can play video games or something, whatever you like! 😅
yourusername: Of course! it'll be so fun! Are you okay though? you seem a little off? x
LuckyArrow: I'm Fine ☺️ wanna come over Friday?
yourusername: Lock it in! Friday, date night haha!
LuckyArrow: Haha...😅
yourusername: Are you sure you're okay?
LuckyArrow: I'm not good this...but, I'm not asking you to just come over as a friend..😅
yourusername: Kate, are you asking me out on a date?
LuckyArrow: I am...we don't have to do something so causal, in fact I'd like to take you out on a real date but I don't want to scare you off or make things awkward between us..
yourusername: Oh thank god! Honeslty, I'm so glad you asked because I've really wanted to ask you out but I also didn't want to ruin anything
LuckyArrow: Well now that makes me feel a lot better! How about I pick you up at 6pm on Friday?
yourusername: it's a date! x
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @kiwiana145  | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok |  @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145  | @valiantmugcowboyscissors | @shin-conan-kun | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @musicinourlips | @apollo2907 | @marvelfan98 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @fluffyblanketgecko | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @natashamaximoff69 | @a-dorkier-book-keeper | @hehehehannahthings | @blue-serendipityy | @secrettoallofyou | @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss | @marvel-fan-2021 | @mmmmokdok | @riveramorylunar | @ripofflizzie | @scarsw1fe | @toldthatdevil | @itsmv3 | @katiemay-025 | 
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get-rammed · 1 year
How would the animatronics react if someone started flirting with their handler? A guest at the Pizza Plex or whatever
We're doin' em ALL
At least all the ones I care to do rn
Montgomery - Man likes a little competition. Won't hesitate to start hitting on his Handler and the person flirting with them. See who he can fluster worst first. Someone is gonna back out, and he's gonna make sure it ain't him.
If it's a member of staff hitting on his Handler, and he overhears or sees, he's absolutely telling everyone later that night. Loves some good tea. And he's awful at keeping secrets.
Freddy - Patiently wait for the interaction to be over. Fidgeting and just generally making the situation tense as he just stands there, shifting his weight from foot to foot, playing with his hands and claws. He has no idea what to say or do.
Someone please help, he has social anxiety.
When the interaction is over, depending on his connection to his Handler, he might be more or less nosy on asking how his Handler feels about the person who flirted with them.
Members of staff hitting on his Handler is gonna get hit with. "Hi, I apologize, but this isn't a work related issue, so I must ask you to not disrupt my Handler." and shoo them away.
Roxy - She's going to pointedly look them up and down and decide if they're worth her Handlers time. Great wingman. If her Handler makes it obvious they're kinda into the person, she'll make a grand show of how they pass her test and are worthy to hit on her Handler. Unless the person's personality is bad. Then she's going to loudly judge.
When it comes to staff she's a little more tense. She's witnessed a lot of drama come out from messing around at work or behind people's back. So she might be a bit harsh towards staff hitting on her Handler. Try to shoo them off before just walking away.
Chica - Bold of them to starting hitting on her Handler while she's right there. She's a lot like Monty and Roxy in the sense, she'll loudly judge the person. Then she'll start hitting on them and her Handler. "I have two wings ya know."
She generally doesn't care one way or another when it comes to flirting from customers or staff towards her Handler. Just likes to be a dick.
The Daycare Attendant (each function is a little different) -
- Sun - His Handler has been hit on a few times while guests were coming to retrieve their kids. While he thinks that is the least attractive place to hit on someone, he's not going to judge. Loudly anyways. Quietly though he's telling Monty and Roxy everything.
If it's a member of staff hitting on his Handler on the other hand he'll make a little jab before walking off.
- Eclipse - As he's the more idle mode, he's seen a lot less interactions between his Handler and guests or other staff members. But the few he has witnessed, he generally cringed at. Because they had no charisma to be hitting on his Handler like that.
Might start to flirt with his Handler after just to lowkey prove a point to himself that he can do it too.
- Moon - He's a lot quieter and generally just watches the interaction happen. Wait till the other person is gone to ask his Handler for their feelings on the interaction. Man's gotta KNOW how they felt about it.
Likes the gossip, so if it's a staff member, he's absolutely telling Monty after hours and everyone is gonna know by the morning. Because those boys cannot keep secrets. Glitched coding changes that a bit which is another tell to their Handlers shits a bit weird. In the sense Moon is suddenly able to lie flawlessly.
DJMM - He has two Handlers and they interact with a lot of guests who tend to be older. So they're both hit on quite often.
It doesn't phase him much as he can tell when his Handlers are serious in a flirt back or not. Which usually their responses are just polite flirting back.
Sometimes he might roast staff members who are hitting on his Handlers. Loudly. Across the speaker system. Do not tempt fate if you're not willing to get picked on for the next week.
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pony-central · 6 months
The PuzzleVision Theory
Hey, my fellow SMG4 fans and Theorists. I'm here today to talk about something that all of the fandom are trying to work out. The mystery of this PuzzleVision stuff that's been happening. So, let's talk about it. Keep in mind, we're gonna get to the analysis of the SMG34/SMG43 ship, don't worry.
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So, in the trailer for the IGBP movie, we can see that the characters have been upgraded again. TBH, the designs are more nicer. Then we get to the ending of the trailer. We can see just how intense it's gotten. SMG4 looked like he was on the brink of insanity.
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"It's gotta be perfect. It's gotta be perfect! IT'S GOTTA BE PERFECT!!!" was the Wham Line of the trailer, as it made him look more terrifying. Speaking of that, we get to the movie itself.
We know that SMG4 was corrupted by the keyboard. And we also see the tiny TV icon asking him to rate their experience after he's free from the grasp of the keyboard. This is our first hint of Mr Puzzles, and his scheme, which makes him the main storyline's villain.
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In the WOTFI 2023 Mission Prep stream, we can see the boys planning the heist to get SMG3's Notebook back from Mario and Marty. What if Mr Puzzles was corrupting Mario to taking the Notebook, too? Well, you'd be wrong.
During the course of the entire WOTFI 2023 special, we find out that Marty was told that there was a secret pizza recipe in the notebook.
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We get a glimpse of Marty's office in the TF2 video, and it doesn't look that menacing, right? Ha ha ha. WRONG! In WOTFI 2023, the place is overloaded with traps and heavy weaponry that can kill anyone who dares to trespass.
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It is at the end of WOTFI 2023 that we get our first real look at Mr Puzzles. We can see that he looks pretty menacing. We'll get more into his depth RN.
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So, during the whole of "No TV Make Mario Not Okie Dokie", the power goes out, and everyone freaks out. The crew all try to find a source of energy, until the end when the power comes back on. Happy ending, right? Ha ha ha. Nope. Turns out that the TV appears downstairs for some reason. But this is important, as it shows us that the next chapter of The Showgrounds Saga has begun.
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The first of five shows is a Blue's Clues parody, which shows us that the crew are being forced against their will to put on a good show. "Mario's Mysteries" is about SMG4 and Dog Mario attempting to "solve" the mystery on where the spaghetti is.
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So we get our first shot of Mr Puzzles in this Five-Episode Mini-series called PuzzleVision. He appears with a red outline, as he plans to make the show as perfect as he can. Huh. Sound familiar? (insert Insane SMG4 here)
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It is here that we get our first clue that everything isn't normal. We see Meggy, Tari and SMG3 all stuck in the basement, shown on the TV screaming, hinting at their release. They want freedom. They demand freedom, to no longer be forced to act as little playthings in Mr Puzzles' shows.
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Next is "Once Upon an SMG4", which has one of the deepest messages ever. The premise of this episode is that SMG3 is the princess, no surprise there, he IS a Tsundere after all. He wants a "Sugar Daddy" to be rich. The songs are great. Near the end, SMG3 says "I wish we could all escape from here", which means he's self-aware of the brainwashing.
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Yeah, Mr Puzzles. A "programming malfunction". It's like he's trying to keep the SMG4 Crew from spilling the televised beans. Which he is, no surprise there.
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The third episode is entitled "Scooby-Mario, Where'd You Go?", which is a Scooby-Doo parody, and not just any Scooby-Doo parody. But a funny parody, and the best one so far. The episode is about Chef Bob going "missing", and the gang have to find him.
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At one part of the episode, we get a glimpse of some type of surveillance room. Here, we see snippets of the episodes playing on about 27 TVs, if you count the TVs hidden in the shadows. Another hint of characters being self-aware.
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Overall, my theory is that Mr Puzzles wants to make sure that at least one episode gets a five star rating. Perfect episodes mean never ending entertainment. I've been wanting to make a post about Mr Puzzles and his antics since WOTFI 2023. But I needed more evidence to support my theory.
But, hey. That's just a theory. An SMG4 Theory!
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manicplank · 7 months
It could sound a but stupid, but what about pt crew parenting/babysitting? Like how would they act if some members had kids for example
Totally not because my fankid brain is kicking rn and I can't stop thinking of making children for them and make them pay child support
YO cause I headcanon that Gustavo has a son so
Peppino: Not the best role model, but probably would act like protective uncle. Good with kids, very kind and patient. Gustavo's son calls him "Uncle Pizza" since he can't pronounce Peppino's name. Doesn't like kids too much, but is nice to them. He's surprisingly good with kids.
Gustavo: Has a son who he loves dearly, but doesn't see him often as he only has custody every other weekend. He is grateful that Peppino is so kind to his son. Gustavo is actually a fantastic dad. Spends as much time with his son as he can.
Mr. Stick: Not a fan of kids, but isn't mean to them. He might tolerate them, but he's also the kind of asshole to laugh when one gets hurt. Would probably make a lousy dad and an even worse babysitter.
Pepperman: Strangely enough, a good babysitter. He would sit and paint with the kid or tell them stories about how great of an artist he is. Probably lets them swing on his arm like a monkey. Does that thing where he tosses them up in the air.
The Vigilante: Old uncle vibes. Likes kids, they make him feel young. Takes good care of them, pays close attention. Tells them stories about bringing justice and fighting bad guys. Good at getting them to lay down for naps and usually naps as well. Would let them pet the animals on the farm.
The Noise: Despite being a manchild, he doesn't like kids. Like... at all. He would rather die than have a kid. He's not mean to them, per se, but might growl if one comes too close to him. The type of guy to go "EW!" if you try to hand him your baby.
Noisette: She LOVES kids! She would never want to be a mother, though. Once they start crying, she doesn't like them as much. She only likes the good part. Auntie Noisette! She was probably a babysitter as a teenager to make some money. Loves to play with them and tell stories.
Fake Peppino: He likes kiddos! Which is sad considering most of them scream and run away from him. ): He sees them the same way people see puppies or kittens: tiny and cuuute! He wants to play with them, but they're too scared of him. It makes him kind of sad.
Pizzahead: Neutral on children. He thought kids would love Pizza Boy's Pizz-pizza, but unfortunately, the things he thought kids liked were dangerous, like knives and explosives. Surprisingly, though, he is good with kids and can handle even the naughtiest of children. Kids love pizza, and he is Pizza.
Pillar John: Likes kids! Would totally let them climb up him like a mountain or let them roll him around like a log. He would have just as much fun as they would. He's a very jolly guy.
Gerome: Surprisingly good with kids. I feel he's the older brother, so he was good with lil baby John. Had lots of fun growing up with John. Would make a nice mellow babysitter. Good ol' Uncle Gerome. Would teach them about cleaning up after themselves. Could also get them to lay down for naptime.
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unavoidedbyme · 1 year
Hi!!!! If it’s okay,, could I get sunny with a reader who has like really bad nightmares ? I recently got them back after a few months of decent sleep and honestly I’m kinda scared to sleep rn lol . So basically like the reader will get severe nightmares every now and again and they last anywhere from like a month to a few days and during that time they like, will try not to sleep at all to avoid them. Thanks if u can and no problem if u can’t!! Have a great day 🫶🫶
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a/n: ofcourse anon! also, i hope you’ll get better with the nightmares.
SUNNY with a READER who has really bad nightmares
tw(s): mentions of nightmares but nothing is specific
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he would definitely be concerned if you tell him that you constantly have really bad nightmares for the past couple of days.
the boy wanted to ask you more the details about your nightmares but too scared to ask you because he’s scared that he might cross over your boundaries.
would definitely stay up with you and hang out w/you in the middle of the night just to keep you company.
doesn’t care if his friends HEADSPACE counterpart is worried about him because he doesn’t show up in the NEIGHBORSROOM.
he might even take you out in the middle of the night just to look at the peacefull sceneries on the neighborhood.
or take you to have a mini date or something on gino’s pizza.
its happening again. This is the fourth time this week you’ve had the same nightmares over and over again, and the fact that this scared the hell outta you doesn’t make it better.
you were having a sleepover over SUNNY’s house, hoping that the nightmares would disappear when you stay at his house for the night. But it didn’t work out the way you wanted. And now, you are awake in the middle of the night all by yourself. You sleep on a pillow fort that the two of you made while he sleeps on his bed.
you look over at SUNNY’s only to be met by an empty bed. The door was slightly opened revealing SUNNY who was from the toilet.
“Hey.. [name], why are you awake at this hour?”
you only look at him with a terrified face, still shaken up from the horrible nightmare. SUNNY was shocked to see your terrified face, and hesitantly inches closer to where you are. He tried his best to comfort you, he knew he’s not the best at comforting people but he knew that you knew he’s good at listening to people.
you told him about the nightmares and how they came back to haunt you after you got a few months of decent sleep. SUNNY was suprised but also felt sympathy for you, he was scared that you might not get enough sleep and try to convince you to go back to sleep. But since you are too scared, he decided that taking a stroll for a bit around the town would help you calm your mind down.
the two of you were walking hand in hand while you look at the scenery of the town at nighttime. It amazed you and put you at peace, SUNNY was glad that it made you calm down. The whole time the two of you walking you had a soft smile on your face, to be honest it made SUNNY have a little pink tint of blush on his cheeks. It made him smile a little that he was able to calm you down from that terrible nightmare.
SUNNY took you to gino’s pizza since you told him that you were hungry. He ordered a whole pizza just for the two of you to enjoy, you did tell him that you should atleast pay half of the price but he insisted. Since it was his way of ‘comforting’ you from your nightmares when it was completely not his fault that you get these nightmares.
he would stare at you the whole time you were eating. His face having a little bit tint of red on his cheekbones because he was well, shy. Once the two of you were done eating, SUNNY would give you a trip to the secret hanging spot that his group used to play. It has a lake, the very same lake that almost drown him if its not for MARI that rescued him.
SUNNY would listen to your ramblings ahout your day or anything else really. Or if you wanted to hear a story from him, he would tell you about that one time he almost drowned because of HERO and KEL. You would get sleepy from his story and eventually fell asleep on him. The boy doesn’t know what to do and well, the two of you sleeps until the morning together. Cuddling with eachother.
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a/n: he’s such a cutie patooie🙁<33 i hope you get better though!
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atlantis54 · 1 year
im bored so heres a list of 3ds games i like that you should download if you have hshop
-Parascientific Escape Trilogy: basically a mix of puzzle, mystery and visual novel. the games involve a lot of psychic and ESP themes (hence, parascientific) so if yer interested in like telekinesis and whatever i recommend it. also theres a scene in the 1st game where one of the characters straight up tells the protag “im gonna call the police” in the most polite and kind way possible and its great
-Legend of Dark Witch Trilogy: a sidescrolling platformer thats basically just megaman but with anime girls. the game is in a retro sprite style that looks awesome and the music is a banger, however its uh. very hard. even on easy. you might have to replay the levels a lot but as long as you remember to level up your stats youll be fine. besides getting a game over doesnt wipe yer progress or anything. if yer a fan of megaman you should get it cause its like a spiritual successor (like how yooka-laylee is inspired by banjo-kazooie and pizza tower is inspired by wario land)
-Pocket Card Jockey: i don’t really like card games but i still really like this one. mainly its bc its funny as hell. like in the very beginning your character straight up dies via getting trampled by horses. anyway, the game is essentially solitaire mixed with horse racing. if you go in not knowing how to play solitaire (like i did) you may find it a little hard but its still really fun regardless. the game’s artstyle is also just really nice to look at bc it makes everyone look... idk, toyish? playmobile? i wouldnt say its chibi but its close. anyway if you like comedy and puzzle games please play this game its great
-Tomodachi Life: this game is like if nintendo made their own version of the sims. basically, you run an island populated by the miis you create and you have to solve their problems. it can get a bit repetitive but never completely stale as a lot of wild things can happen. for example, on one of my playthroughs chikorita from pokemon and dedede from kirby married and had like 3 kids. like in any other situation the concept would be cursed but here its so ridiculous that its good. also, like pocket card jockey, there’s a lot of comedy aspects. this is probably the most iconic game out of the ones im listing here, so if you like life sims and memes, this is the game for you!
-Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido: yeah, most of the games im suggesting have stupid premises that are executed surprisingly well. in a world where fish doesn’t exist, literal freaking GODS make sushi. of course, nobody has tried seafood in this universe, so an ongoing war is happening over it. your job as the protag is to make sure everyone is able to get sushi without risking their life for it. yeah, sounds dumb, but the battle system for defeating enemies is really satisfying, as you link together pieces of sushi and yeet the empty plates at yer opponent. if crack taken seriously is yer thing, you should get it!
aaaaaand thats all i can think of rn. if you have hshop on yer 3ds then you should get these games bc their really cool and fun thanks :D
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Harley Quinn x Reader: Girls Wanna Have Fun
Someone explain why Birds of Prey is my comfort movie rn?
Description: Reader is at a Halloween party and is miserable. The city's crazy lady criminal takes an interest in her.
Gender: neutral. Slight lean toward fem but doesn't have to be.
WARNINGS: drunk!Harley, gun, drinking, idk like strongly BOP themed
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You sit in a corner of this ridiculously crowded bar your friends dragged you to for a halloween party.
Your costume is a Flash t-shirt that you cut short to make it "sexy," as your friends asked you to do. So now you're uncomfortably holding your arms around your ridiculously overexposed stomach, crammed into the only free corner you found.
Everyone else had abandoned you to go hit on some guys. You decided to play it easy this evening, you're already a nervous wreck and talking to new people would probably make you combust.
"What're you doing in the cerner?" A very drunk voice interrupts your thoughts. "Cernor. Cornor. Corner. Yeah, that's the one."
You look up to see none other than Harley Quinn, a criminal. Oh this is just great. Still, despite the fact that she is a murderer (which is such a bad mindset to have), she doesn't kill innocent people. So you find her pretty.
She trips trying to sit in front of you on the floor. "Corner?"
"Oh, um," you look around to see if there's a way out of this. Physically, there is not. "I'm just chilling."
"Chillin'?" She laughs. "Why aren't you partying?"
You shrug.
"M'kay." She grabs your arm and without a warning, harshly pulls you to your feet. "I'm gonna dance with you."
It is a stumble to the dance floor where her grip on your arm never releases. She accidentally flings you into an embarrassing number of people.
If only you'd picked a different corner.
Suddenly, Harley whips you around, throwing her arms over your shoulders, literally falling into you. She violently starts swaying—more like launching herself—and you awkwardly try to figure out what to do with your hands.
Harley pulls you into a tight hug-ish thing, bringing your arms over her shoulders now. "You're rlly- rrrlley- rreaally pretty."
"Thanks," you can feel a blush heating up your cheeks.
"You like girls or just guys?"
For a moment, you have to process what she just asked. ". . . either, I guess."
"Mm, good. Caussse I like you." She puts her head on your shoulder. "You got a boyfrriend?"
"No," you almost giggle. "Thought you did."
"Nah," she stands herself upright (kinda). "I decided it was time to moooove on. Puddin's real sad though."
"Do you still love him?" You don't know why, but curiosity strikes in your mind. The power couple of the city broke up? If the Joker really is upset, that could mean a bad crime spell for civilians.
"No!" Harley shouts loudly, laughing when people give her mean looks. "I wanna date you. Whas your name again?"
She never asked for your name. "Y/N."
"Yeah, that's a nice name." She giggles. "You having fun?"
"Not really," you admit with a shrug.
"Lez go get pizza."
She doesn't give you a choice, dragging you out of the club and to the pizza place next door. You send your friends a quick text, not that they're concerned where you are anyway.
She is a strong but really clumsy drunk. That's a great combination right there.
"Do you like olives?" Harley asks as she pulls you up to the counter.
"Yeah," you fish around in your purse for your wallet.
"You actually like olives on pizza? No waaaaay!" She tries to jump but kind of just trips. "Can we getta olive pizza, like a small one?"
The cashier looks miserable while he takes down the order. You pull out your wallet.
"I got it." Harley pulls a gun from her waistband.
"Harley, no!" You pull the gun from her hand. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry. Here's my credit card."
The cashier leans over the counter. "Are you safe?"
You laugh ironically. "Should be."
"Pizza's on me." They whisper. "If you're sure you're okay."
"I'm fine." You give them a smile.
They shrug, taking the order slip to the back and you lead Harley to the safety of a booth. She falls onto her seat.
"I like your costmume. No. Costuuuuume." Harley gives you a big smile.
"Oh," you compare your t-shirt to her grand, sparkly outfit. "Thanks. You look nice, too."
"Mm, I know." She closes her eyes as she smiles again.
"Here's your pizza." The cashier calls to you. You go grab the box and give him a huge, grateful smile.
You open the box and Harley squeals. You can't help but smile a little bit. No one else on Earth would be that happy over a pizza.
The pizza is oily and gross but Harley eats it like its a gourmet meal. You both eat in total silence, you're not sure why Harley is suddenly so calm. Well, calm for someone who fell in a vat of chemicals.
"Gimme your number." Harley pulls a marker from her pocket and offers you her arm. You hesitate for just a moment but then realize she's not going to care about marker on her arm.
She then stands up, having eaten her half the pizza.
"Mind if I take the leftovers?" Her voice is very slowly sounding a little less drunk.
"Oh, are you leaving?" You feel just a bit hurt but her sudden abandonment.
"I gotta go feed my hyena."
"Hyena?!" You actually yell, but she never turns around to explain.
Idk what that was. Anyway don't steal. Like & save for later. Happy fluff/spooktober day 2.
Buy me a coffee?
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wongyuseok · 1 year
bias tag game
tagged by: @lee-minhoe (ty beloved 💜)
rules: you're going to pick 10 of your biases (or as many biases as you have and then fill in the rest of the spots with idols you like) and number them 1-10, then answer the questions below. try not to look at the questions before you make your list!
tagging (ofc only if you want to): @cheolmatez @sunminshine @boobzi @kimsmingyu @janggtoco @choiyeonjuns +anyone else who sees this and wants to do it!! Pls tag me if you do 🫶🏻
questions below the cut
My Bias List (narrowing down to 10 biases was an impossible ask. I'm still very much in my exo brainrot so I have all 3 of my exo biases on this and also moon taeil ily. Also sorry to all the women I bias. I could literally make a list of 10 gg biases and do this a 2nd time):
Minho (shinee)
1. Between 7 and 5, who did you bias first?
Minho. Choi Minho is my og bias wrecker. Plus I started stanning shinee in 2010 before seventeen was even a thing. Wonwoo was just a babe in the woods at that point 😂
2. Between 2 and 6, who are you more attached to?
TAEIL v. DOKYEOM?? Well, it should come as no surprise to anyone but the answer is Moon Taeil. I adore that man with my whole being (I hope he's recovering and resting well rn). Lee Seokmin is very important to me too, but he was up against my moon man and stood no chance. Sorry, DK 💔
3. If you were to spend the day with either 3 or 1, who would you choose and what would you do?
I have to pick between Kim Jongin and Byun Baekhyun??? This game is rude 😒 but ofc I'm choosing Baekhyun. Mel had a really cute answer to this that I'm not going to be able to compare to. But I feel like Baek just needs a break. So I'd probably choose to do something chill (I say as tho I wouldn't be a basket case and like I can speak Korean). Maybe go to a coffee place, preferably one with baked goods, near a park or a river and just take our coffee (and pastries) to a nice spot to chill and talk. Maybe get some pizza for lunch. Play some video games (truthfully I'd probably just watch HIM play since I only play single player games due to being shit at them). Idk 🤷‍♀️ I'm bad at this lmao
4. What is your favorite physical feature about 9?
HIS SMILE!! I know he's known for his sad eyes while singing but COME ON!! LOOK AT HIM 🥺 (yes, I'm stealing mel's idea of including a picture, but mostly bc more people should know and love Donghun)
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5. What is your favorite part of 6's personality?
Dokyeom is like the literal embodiment of sunshine. He is so bright and happy!! You can tell he loves life and finds joy in little things. His laughter and smile is such a serotonin boost! I know that he feels and thinks about things deeply and can be a little (a lot) hard on himself. But he's got this big, big heart. I just love how full of light he is, yk?
7. Between 1 and 2, whose closet would you raid?
Why do I feel like neither Baekhyun nor Taeil have much that I would want to raid from their closets? 🤔 idk that I pay that close attention to their own personal styles either tbh. I think I'm picking Baek tho. I don't have a great reason other than I know he's always wearing these oversized things. And oversized clothes are cozy 🤷‍♀️ I'm stealing one of that man's hoodies and keeping it for the rest of my life thanks so much
8. What is a style that you want to see 3 try?
I don't feel like I have any notes for Mr. Gucci. Jongin has a much better grasp on fashion than I do. AND he's done pretty much everything and can pull off the craziest things.
9. Between 5 and 4, who are you closer to in height?
Minho, but I'm not actually close to his height either. Chanyeol's just a tol boy™️
10. Between 10 and 9, whose music do you like the best?
Oh man this is such a difficult question. Out of the 2, Kihyun's the only one with solo work. But Donghun's voice is SOOO 👌🏻💯🤧👏🏻👍🏻 I feel similarly about Kihyun's voice tho. If we're saying between a.c.e's music and monsta x's tho...?? I *think* I'm choosing a.c.e's, but kihyun's solos are so good 😭😭 this is such an impossible decision to make 🙃
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tame-a-messenger · 7 months
so i have a question, in what ways do you think the social team sucks? (I agree btw, it always feel like they try to connect with fandom but just can't, like instead of posting the things that would excited their audience, the fandom spaces they post what excites them if that makes sense? and what's exciting for them it's not what we are really interested in)
(also don't know if you know watcher but their social media team is the best out of the youtubers world in my opinion. they actually hired a person that was a big fan of their content, that was part of these spaces already. and she always nails what we want to see. she also really aknowledge tumblr and knows how popular they are here. I feel like a lot of the others socials teams tend to forget about here when it can be such a huge asset)
I always try to give the benefit of the doubt to people, while also playing devils advocate. I feel it makes for a more sound opinion on things. Having grace for others is ALWAYS a good thing.
I fully agree with what you said! you put it so perfectly!
"like they try to connect with fandom but just can't"
It feels like this too me too, especially as of recent. They ALWAYS push the jokes they (the people on set/work at Smosh) find funny. Which isn't a bad thing! there should be space for people to find what they find funny and push for it.
It just becomes an issue when they try to sell merch for things the community doesn't even know about/care about as deeply. (lmk if I'm wrong, but when the "you're my favorite pizza place" joke became a 'thing' the video hadn't even come out yet? I remember having no clue what anyone was talking about, I think the videos come out out of order? and all the sudden we had merch?)
I do like a lot of Smosh merch though! but there's just so much wasted potential of other things that would sell better.
A lot of Smosh fans are I believe Gen Z(?) but I feel like they try to make content for millennials/Gen A so we get a lot of floundering between demographics. I'm also very aware most of the cast/crew at Smosh is more in the millennial demo, which could be a large reason why we get more of that geared content.
Maybe at the end of the day they can't connect on purpose, maybe because they don't want to get into any drama/legal trouble they stay away from interacting with the community too much?
Getting away from those thoughts- they also have a HORRIBLE track record with letting us know about delays, just look at what they did with Sword AF S2. They totally dropped the ball. I'm still very upset about it. I really can't find a reason why they couldn't let us know sooner than DAY OF.
You'd think with them being so proud with their 'scheduling' (which I also HATE.) they would have dealt with these things better.
I've talked before about how I don't really like how much they do on 'shoot weeks'. It drains them loads and seems really hard to stay upbeat, and it WILL wear them down. (I'm wondering if that's why we haven't gotten Damien in too many videos as of recent. He doesn't want to do the shitty ass schedule)
At the end of it all, Anthony and Ian have all the say in what happens at Smosh so I'll just trust they will continue to do what they think is best <3 (even if I hate it) (their livelihood not mine y'know?)
"they actually hired a person that was a big fan of their content, that was part of these spaces already."
THIS^ (I do believe they have a lot of Smosh fans working there rn though) NOBODY DOES A JOB LIKE THIS BETTER THAN A PERSON OBSESSED... NOBODY!
I don't watch a lot of Watcher content but every now and again I'll check in and watch some of their stuff, they're a great lot!
I DIDN'T KNOW THEY HIRED A FAN!! THATS SO AWESOME!! They really know what they're doing! Whos gonna push content better than someone who full-heartedly enjoys it like a fan! (That's were I see the Smosh team falter a lot. It feels like they treat it like they're apart of the team to much? like they obviously ARE but I feel like if you want the job done the best you have to look at it with a fans eyes to know what would be the best content to push y'know?)
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kidge-planet · 1 year
hi everyone, wants some kidge today?
I just finished my first day of exams and so, I will today ( and it's been a while) write some kidge and answere some messages!!
Ok, so as some thing quick to write rn, I was thinking of their first unofficial and official date! so let's go ahead! :
The first date they had was unnoficial and Keith asked her out.
He was coming back to earth from a mission with the blades and the first person he wanted to see was Pidge, of course.
He has been thinking a lot lately, since the Atlas, the both had been very close and he can't help but constantly think of her. And, when he told his mother about his thoughts, it made him realise that he maybe wanted more with her. It still wasn't sure yet, so he decided to take the first step and try something. That way, he could see if he had a chance. After all, he hadn't talked to her a lot lately. He used to call her often but the blade was taking him too much time since a few month.
Now, there he was, his phone in one hand, thinking of how he should start a conversation. he wasn't going to call her because he didn't even knew how to ask, I needed some time to think of it compleatly and a call was too direct. He had never asked a girl out before. Never. let's say that when he was younger, he never experimented those types of feelings, it felt so new and so strange.
After some long minutes of over thinking, he finaly typed something: "Hi".
(Yea, he took more 10 minutes to type "Hi" but don't blame him! He thought about starting by "hello" but thought it was too formal. Then he wanted to put an emoji to make the mesage seem a little more nice looking and friendly but immediatly thought that it was a little too much because it didn't seemed like him, he rarely used emojis. Actually, he generaly didn't. He was bad to show emotions in messages so yup, Keith is one of these people that seem very cold in messages but is a total sweeet heart in real life. " Hi" Has his best option )
He stared at his his phone, his hands sweatig and his cheeks blushing hardly has he saw that she was writting.
"Hey, Keith! It has been a long time! What's up ?"
"I just wanted to make sure that you were ok and also to tell you that im coming back on earth next week."
"Well, im doing good, pretty busy lately but you know, I love my work so I don't think I care that much.. the only thing I miss is the afternoons of playing video games and chilling.. Or I also miss the full nights of sleep. I know, Im a "sleep depraved" but it's nice to have a full night of sleep from time to time so I don't have to end up drinking a hundred coffees to survive a day. Now, YOU 'RE COMING NEXT WEEK ?! We have to see each other! I miss you emo face lol!!"
keith smirked at his phone. He hated that, when people was calling him emo. But, when it came to her, he didn't care. He actually thought it was sort of cute from her. It was like it, they had nick names for each other: She was "shorty" or "Short one" ( Yea, it was generally about her high..) and he was "Emo" or everything that was pretty teasing around being an "emo".
I don't want things to be to seem too formal.. im not asking her out to tell her my feelings or anything yet.. He thought. He wasn't even sure of his feelings yet or if he even had a chance with her.
Maybe It'll be nice if we had some time to chill together? she said she missed chilling and to have free time..
"sure! Well, ever since you said you missed chilling, we could do something like it? I miss havin free time too and we might both need to relax."
Pidge immediately wrote back:
"Sure!! You could come to my place and we could have a movie night? What do you think? We'll get some snacks and order pizzas!"
Keith couldn't believe it. It was PERFECT. He started to type back immediately.
"Sounds great!"
They kept talking for a moment and then, a week later, Keith headed to her apartment.
He knocked at her door, and, after a few ticks, she oppened.
She giggled and jumped in his amrs to hold him lightly.
"I really missed you!" she said with her head burried in his chest.
He warped his amrs aroud her, carressing her back and nuzzling his chin in her haires.
"I missed you too, shorty"
She gave him a soft laugh before to let him come in.
He had brought snacks and he letted them on the table that was in front of the couch where they both settled. They talked for a little moment, catching up on the last few month that had passsed. After almost an hour, they took blankets and started a movie. At the beginning of it, they were pretty far away from each other but as it went by, they both got closer and curled up under the covers. He was playing in her haires wich she really enjoyed. The night passed and they shared caresses and a warm ambraces in front of a nice movie and Keith's heart felt so warm. All he wanted to do was to cuddle her and to never let go.
The movie ended and he looked down at her; She fell asleep on his shoulder. And gosh. It was the most adorable thing he had ever seen. He couldn't help but let a kiss in her forehead. He then setteled her in his arms and slowly layed down, letting her in the top of him, on his chest. He smiled. it felt amazingly perfect.
He held her tight and fell asleep with an amazing feeling in his heart. He knew now that he wanted to end his life with her and that he'd do anything-
for the love of his life.
I will do another part with the official date soon, stay tuned!!!! ♥
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Vincenzo : Episode 2
On the list of media with the most unserious ways to use Italian should be Vincenzo 🤣 and my little chef si si si 👍
Not the little girl pinky promise as one dangles from the window ?!!!
His upper body strength goes crazy
My man Vince has 0 eye bags and I need the skin care and concealer rn
Zero personal boundaries always makes me yell kiss regardless of situation like why are your noses that close !!! Kiss 💋
lmao cutie
my dancing queen is a lawyer! slay
help why is this man talking like a villain already😂😂😂 the pauses he’s taking and the tone is funny
show me a perfect garden and I’ll dig up dirt 🥕 tell ‘em sister!
Okay that took a very dark turn suddenly I have to side eye sister
honestly I don’t see anyone leaving the gold lol. human 101 people just refuse to part with gold for some reason
they killed everybody ??? 😭
the dramatic ass screaming and ( Italian ?) loud violins in the background always sends me
no one knocks in this show 💀
he looks very good in this lighting but do not trust him dad lawyer! don’t want to see you heart broken 😔
‘sorry sunbae’ 😂
I ADORE how dramatic she is. she’s just like me fr 😭
Vincenzo Quasano. Quaso. 🥐🥐🥐
She is so pretty 😭
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the restaurant owner is giving real sass 😂
the tteokbokki on his suit 😭
dancing lawyer queenie is terrifying but yeah! fight your terrible co workers
a hockey puck to the stomach, I would’ve actually died instantly
this is actually insane. I will fight this CEO with my bare hands 😭 he’s going to break his back
someone protect lawyer dad and his daughter m
I know he’s making the worst food but I really do love the chef. Look at his mittens !!! it’s another little chef puppet
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how is my man running a kitchen like that 😭
strong arming someone is bad but when you threaten someone’s family and kidnap them, maybe don’t squirm with a firm shoulder hold 😍
lmao the good lawyer dad getting happy sends 😭
the firm owner’s voice is so good. like he’s so full of excitement lmaooo.
honestly she gave a pretty solid first talk, I will steal it. ‘Small wins eventually lead to great victories, let’s not work too hard if we’re not being appreciated’ solid 👍
the zombie dancing 🧟‍♂️
they give zero fucks in this building I love them 😂
the 4 bottle of makegeolli, he isn’t making it out I fear
that’s her son 😔 at least he gets to hear it from someone else. always feel weird in these plot lines tbh because even if it is one character or just one side of the story him and his mom have probably felt a lot of pain throughout these 30 odd years. and after all that time you have to make the choice of letting go and moving forward
idk if Vince is being serious rn or playing him like does he actually feel bad about the condition of the people in the building?
this is actually so real because so many people get stuck in the system simply because they do not have the resources to challenge their verdict or bail themselves out.
the good dads get to teach you how to drink I guess. In Itaewon class it was the Saeroyi’s dad and here it’s our sweet Hong Yuchan
lmaooo her bowl cut and blonde hair I love Chayoung
Not the [ominous music] tag as he looks at her pictures omg ???
Junwoo just rat them out babes !!! this is not okay. go supply this information to her dad <3
She’s so real for screaming at him. Parents will sometimes ignore your phone at the worst time lmaooo
The way he’s staring at her, this better not be we were in love or passing in love as kids lmaooo 😭✋ that trope just always finds a way into all my shows
my dramatic ass sister will be dramatic with her hands in her pockets I love her !!!
lmaooo no one will let him eat here 🤣 he has not been able to compete one meal
oh my god dad lawyer stay alive
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my girl might get fired but her priorities are straight !!!
the chef with his pizza getting a slo mo shot is so precious. look at his pizzas! he could never mess that up 🍕❤️
lmaooo they’re having a slo mo stare moment and there’s just a big inflated Italian man in between them 😭
me praying that he likes her before she likes him 🙏
the theme music, an unserious show
in the last moments of the episode is when it always hits you HOW much has happened
18 more to go
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fruitsilly · 2 years
10 people you want to know better (tagged ppl are under no obligation to do this <3!!)
thank you jude @pansyfem for tagging me! this looks like fun :3
relationship status: single, but heavily lushing/meshing (the sensual/alterous equivalents of crushing respectively) on this guy in my class at uni rn. and i really. Really want him to be my boyfriend holy fucking shit he's so cute. anyways. i also have a milder squish on a girl who's also in my class. i have two exes but i am aromantic and since they were romantic relationships which needed reciprocation they didn't work out. i am still friends with one of my exes (who's also arospec) tho so it's all good!! :•D
favourite colours: my top 5 fave colours are
in that order :)
favourite foods: ough pasta. any kind of pasta really but i am especially partial to lasagne. i also love cheese and pizza. oh and how could i forget!!! millionaire's shortbread!!
song stuck in my head: TOXIC BY BRITNEY SPEARS!!!!!!!!!! although before this it was the borgia family horrible histories song :)
last thing you googled: i use firefox bc im swag so technically i duckduckgo'ed this Anyways. i searched for the tv show "you" bc i saw a gifset from that show featuring a lady i am incredibly bi for and i was like 👀 will i have to watch this now
time: 9.32PM (im gonna write the time of posting this bc i wrote this in my notes app)
dream trip: spain or scotland!! spain bc im learning spanish and scotland bc it's just such a lovely country <3
last thing you read: "the children" by lucy kirkwood! it's a play im reading for my course :)
last book you enjoyed reading: ugh i haven't had the capacity to actually sit down and read a physical book for... too long it's been ages. it's mostly to do with my disabilities and time :( i started reading good omens on my phone but i didn't finish it (i like it so much better than the show lmao). but the actual physical book i read last was "death sets sail" by robin stevens, the final book in her "murder most unladylike" series. ough. ive been with that book series from literally the very beginning. id highly recommend 👍
favourite thing to cook/bake: sadly i don't do enough cooking or baking to know but what i have made is fudge which was quite fun! ive also made a delicious cheesy pasta bake hehe
favourite craft to do in your free time: again. i haven't had the capacity or time to actually make any art since like... march, so, 7 months. yeesh. i miss making digital art. id like to pick it up again but idk when that'll be. id also like to try and get a badge maker bc i have loads of ideas but ugh time is a problem. im just so busy at uni.
most niche dislike: im sure there's Something since im autistic and autism is the Strong Opinions Disorder but nothing's coming to me atm [shrugs]
opinion on circuses: ive only been to one in my life and i really enjoyed it apart from the clowns who i found scary but i was like 8 i think. im less scared of clowns now. also the general aesthetics of them fuck severely
do you have any sense of direction: hardly lol! i have a great photographic memory so even going a certain route once with someone who knows the way i can remember it HOWEVER i am utter shit at finding my way with a map on my own. google maps is always open when im trying to find a place and even then i frequently go in the wrong direction or miss a turning. i just cannot translate distance on a digital map to irl distance. don't even get me started on using a traditional map bc g-d above. id end up more lost than i was before. im excellent at just confusing the hell out of myself <3
tagging: @sillyspooky @skylightz @bromantically @transgenderpolyhedrals @folderone @gir-posting @nvr-pass-spookier-version @heartslobbf @taikacohen @laymedowninsheetsoflinen (plus anyone who sees this and wants to do it just say i tagged you ^_^). again no obligation to do this !! :)
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asmallorb · 2 years
Hiii! just came here to tell you that you're arts for Towers & Toppins is great!
I love Pizza Tower and D&D, they're both great! Even though I don't usually play D&D with my family rn 😅
But anyway, Keep doing the good work, buddy!
Massive cheers mate! Glad you're enjoying the content. It's been really nice to get my doodles and sketches out there without worrying about whether they're complete or not. I'm both a DM and player in various friend groups and I currently play a gnome sorcerer in a solo campaign (who you can see interacting with Peppino in a previous post!).
Looking forward to putting out more stuff, thank you for your submission <3
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helo-its-mo · 2 years
Favortie game liiiiisssssst? :D
(Not in order)
-cr (ob, kingdom and puzzleworld)
-stardew valley
-good pizza great pizza
-gartic phone
-make it meme
I dont play a lot of games, these are the ones that came to my mind rn !
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rosenallies · 1 year
Since you said it was okay I’m going to hesitantly ask for a sick verse prompt featuring Nat’s friend (who you can name whatever you want). She stays with Nat and her parents a lot and it’s obvious that she isn’t really being parented at home. So when she shows constant not safe behaviors, they sit down and talk to her about it
Since this is fresh on my mind rn <3333ty for sending this in <e
“What do you think of Nat’s friend?” Gia wondered aloud, leaning against the counter next to where Kendall did the lunch dishes. He glanced out the window at Natalie and her friend, Jane, outside. Natalie spun and twirled in her princess dress Synthia sewed for her, careful and graceful while her friend in the same dress tumbled around in the grass, staining her knees and palms.
“She’s,” Kendall hesitated, “I don’t think she has very good adults at home.”
“She spends a lot of time here and no one ever really calls for her. I’m not sure they even notice or care she’s gone half the time.”
“She’s a sweet kid, and she’s a great friend to Natalie. She just makes me nervous sometimes. Did you see the way she was jumping off the playground when we took them to the park last week?”
“Yeah, I-shit,” Gia stopped, eyes widening as they noticed from outside the window, Jane come crashing down from where she had tried to climb up the fence.
They ran outside, Kendall following.
“Are you okay?” Kendall asked, rushing to her side, Natalie and Gia behind him.
She brushed the dirt off her skin and nodded. “I’m fine,” she said, though her eyes were filled with tears and her lip wobbled.
Kendall tutted softly.”Oh honey, come on, let’s get you inside and cleaned up.”
Natalie helped her friend in and sat with her on the couch while Gia and Kendall gathered first aide supplies.
When they came back in, Jane was now crying, holding tightly onto Natalie’s hand as their daughter rubbed her back, eyebrows pulled together with concern. “Daddy, Noni, I think Jane is hurt really bad.”
Jane shook her head. “N-no, I-I don’t w-want to g-get in t-trouble. I-I didn’t mean to fall. P-please d-don’t be upset.”
Gia and Kendall shared a look, one of sympathy and shock at how she could think she was in trouble for getting hurt. Sure, she was a hit rough around the edges sometimes, but they could never fault a kid for falling while playing outside. Gia vividly remembers their childhood of scraped knees and palms from being all over the place, the only difference was they had a mom who cooed over them and kissed their every boo boo every single time.
“You aren’t in trouble at all, honey. We just wanted to make sure you’re being safe, okay?” Kendall said, cleaning her scrape with a cotton pad before putting a big Barbie band aid on it.
“We love having you here, you’re such a good friend to Nat, we just don’t want to see you get hurt. Do you think you can be a bit more careful? Do your mommy and daddy let you play like that?”
Jane shrugged, her gaze glued to a spot in front of them on the carpet. “Daddy’s never home and sometimes mommy isn’t either. I play by myself a lot and when I fall, I have to take care of it myself.”
“Honey, you should have a grown up with you all the time. Does anybody else come take care of you?”
She shook her head silently.
“Sweetheart, you can stay with us whenever you need to, okay? If your mommy and daddy aren’t home or aren’t paying attention to you, you can call us, I’m gonna write down our phone number in one of your school notebooks.”
“Okay,��� she replied quietly, looking to both Gia and Kendall, “but what if Natalie’s dada doesn’t feel good? She says sometimes he feels sick and no one can come over.”
Gia stroked the top of her head. “Don’t worry about it, kiddo. Do you want to stay over tonight? You and Nat can pick out a movie and we’ll get pizza and popcorn?”
Her and Natalie shared a look of mischief. “Can we watch the Barbie movies, please?!”
Both Gia and Kendall swallowed down their inner groans of protest in favor of warm smiles, and agreements.
While the girls made forts on the living room floor, Gia followed Kendall back to the kitchen. “Who could neglect a child like that?” Gia wondered aloud, heart warm watching the girls.
“I don’t know but she can stay here as long as she needs to,” he sighed, “do you want to get get Synthia up while I order pizza? No matter how he feels he’s gonna want to join in on movie night. He knows all the Barbie songs the best anyway.”
“Yeah,” they leaned up and kissed his cheek, “we made the right decision. We’re doing what we can for now.”
“I know,” Kendall replied quietly, smiling softly as he watched the girls place blankets over chairs and huddle underneath them. “She brings out the best in Nat, I’m so glad she has such a good friend. The least we could do is make sure she’s safe and protected.”
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