#please accept crappy sketch
gjdraws · 10 months
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thank u @mybrainishealthy for gracious jjk info
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Being Karasuno's Manager
Manager is an Artist
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Karasuno x GN! Manager
Warnings: pure fluff
A/N: This is an Anon request!
🎉 Please Like, Share, Comment to support my writing 🎉
I feel like Karasuno is one of those super accepting teams
Like they will literally hype you up no matter what you do!
Like they are just so happy to have you as a manager YN 🥺
So when they discover you can draw 🤚🏻
It's all over
You mostly draw Manga panels but you also freestyle
They first find out when you start doodling on the sheets you take notes on for practice
Imagine little Hinata's jumping, tiny Tanaka's growling 🥰
Even imagines from that weeks Shonen Jump!
The team loves them
They add flare to the notes
Yachi and Kiyoko utilize your drawing abilities fully!
Remember when Yachi had the idea to fundraise?
Yeah instead of taking a picture, Yachi asked you to draw it
"You- you want me to draw Hinata jumping?"- you say
"Yeah! I mean I can take a still photo and you can use it for reference. I just think it would really make it so unique!"- Yachi says excitedly
"I mean- can I draw it with a little flare"- you say
Yachi agrees and you go to work
You spend the night drawing different renditions of Hinata flying to bring to the team 🪶
They walk into the gym to see you hanging up the drawings
"Hey YN- HOLY CRAP"- Daichi says 😲
"YN did you draw these? They are amazing!"- Asahi adds
"I did! I want you guys to vote which one we should use"- you say, smiling 🙂
"Wow Hinata, YN managed to make you look normal"- Kageyama
"Shut up crappy-yama! You're just jealous YN drew me instead of you!"- Hinata
"AM NOT"- Kageyama says getting in Hinata's face
"ARE TOO"- hinata 😝
Literal children YN istg- 🙄
When it comes time for training camp, you pack your favorite sketch book and drawing medium
During breaks, you sketch the guys in their element
Kuroo and his blocks
Kageyama and his flawless sets
Noya and his gorgeous receives
Akaashi and his beautiful face 🥰
Bokuto and his emo modes 😐
Literally by the end of training camp, YN has enough drawings to create a Manga
I mean 👀👀👀👀
You spend your nights at camp adding things to your drawings
The details you create YN 🥲
The final day at camp, you cautiously approach the guys at the BBQ
"I uhh- I wanted to give you these"- you say blushing
Bokuto, Kuroo and all the boys look at your drawings
"Holy crap YN you did these??"- Kuroo says shocked
Akaashi 👉🏻😐 wow amazing
"YN you are so talented! Thank you for these"- Kai says as you smile
"Hey YN if you ever need a new school, Fukurodani always has an opening"- Konoha adds 😏
"YN WOULD NEVER LEAVE US"- Noya and Tanaka growl
"YN seriously look what you started!"- Daichi
You 👉🏻 👁👄👁 🧍‍♂️
If only you weren't so talented YN, none of this would have happened 😅
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shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
Rebuilding Family
Summary: Y/N and Spencer were college sweethearts at Cal-Tech but once Spencer got accepted to the FBI Academy, he ended things deciding it was not fair to make Y/N wait for him. When they meet again years later, he discovers something unexpected.
Pairing: Spencer x Fem! Reader
Chapter 10
You were packing up your stuff as students filed out of the lecture hall, it was your last class of the day. As you were walking out towards the parking lot, your phone started to vibrate in your bag. It was the school.
“Hello?” you answered.
“Hi Y/N. It’s Mrs. Flynn. I was just calling to let you know that Jo is now waiting inside with me because she was getting cold outside,” she informed you.
“Spencer’s not there?” you questioned, looking at the time displayed on your phone.
Pickup time was fifteen minutes ago.
“I’m on my way. I’ll be there in ten minutes. Sorry for the inconvenience,” you opened your car door and set your bag down in the passenger seat, turning on the ignition.
“No worries, I have to reorganize the classroom library anyways so I was already planning on staying after.”
Once the call ended, you tried to call Spencer but it went straight to voicemail.
“Hey Spencer, I don’t know if you forgot but it was your day to pick up Jo. I’m getting her now,” you said as you reversed out of your parking spot.
Minutes later, your phone rang again. Expecting Spencer’s contact to show up on screen, your brow furrowed when the name read “JJ” instead.
“Hi JJ?” you said, more of a question than a greeting.
“Y/N, Spencer has been shot. I already told Will to go back to the school to pick up Jo. You should get here if you can. He’s in surgery now but there has been no update since he went in,” JJ explained.
“Oh my god. Okay, I’m turning around now. How did this happen? He didn’t mention he was on a case?” you pulled into a random parking lot to turn around.
“Well technically, we weren’t. We had a lead on a possible local case and we went to interview a potential witness who could give us some more information. We realized too late that he was the unsub. He thought we were on to him and shot Spencer in the leg while trying to escape.”
You had silent tears running down your face.
“I’m five minutes out” is all you could muster and then you hung up the phone.
You ran into the ER doors to find the rest of the team in the waiting room. You were glad you went to Rossi’s dinner party now or else this would have been a much more awkward first meeting.
“Any updates?” you asked frantically.
“No,” Derek sighed, “But no news is good news.”
You took the empty seat in between JJ and Penelope and put your face in your hands, not wanting everyone to see your tears.
Two hours of crappy coffee and vending machine snacks as your only source of sustenance later, a doctor emerged from behind the double doors.
She had a completely neutral expression that you couldn’t read but then again you weren’t a profiler.
“Dr. Spencer Reid?” she asked, glancing down at her clipboard.
All of you stood and desperately crowded around her.
“Dr. Reid is in stable condition and awake. The bullet went into his thigh but it wasn’t through and through. He will need to be on crutches for about a week or so but luckily the bullet wound is near the edge of his thigh rather than the middle, meaning recovery time will be shorter,” she explained.
There was a collective sigh of relief along with a few “thank god”s.
“Although he is awake, I don’t think it’s best if you all go in at once since he is very drowsy. He has been asking for a Y/N?” the doctor looked around at you all.
All eyes fell on you. You collected yourself, grabbing your purse and following the doctor down the hall.
“I’ll let you know how he is,” you told everyone before you disappeared past the double doors.
The doctor guided you into a room at the end of the hall. You thanked her quietly and she nodded in acknowledgement, leaving you two alone. Spencer had his eyes closed but his hospital bed was inclined so he was sitting up slightly. You briskly walked over and took the seat right beside him. You took his hand in yours and squeezed it lightly, combing his messy hair out with your fingers.
As you were softly massaging his scalp, you heard a light groan. You retracted your fingers immediately as Spencer began to open his eyes.
Once Spencer took in his surroundings, he quickly sat up completely in bed, letting out a yelp of pain.
“Jo...it was my turn to pick up,” he said frantically.
“Hey, look at me, Spence. It’s okay, she’s at JJ and Will’s. You were shot in the thigh though so you’re not going anywhere. Please lie back down,” you assured him.
He nodded his head, relaxing a bit and looking down at his hands in his lap. He seemed to be processing something in his head.
“You called me ‘Spence’,” he stated.
Shit. That was twice now. It keeps slipping.
“Sorry, I-,” you began to ramble some apology that you didn’t even know where you were going with it. Luckily, he stopped you before you could further embarrass yourself.
“I didn’t say it was a bad thing,” he spoke softly as he looked up at you, tears threatening to fall.
“I was so scared, Y/N,” he sobbed.
You swiftly pulled him into your embrace, tucking his head into your neck as you began to gently stroke his hair again.
“It’s okay, let it out. I can’t imagine what that was like. I’m so sorry you had to go through that but you're safe now, I promise,” you whispered to him.
“I was so afraid I was going to abandon you and Jo again. It hurt worse than the actual bullet,” he muttered into your neck.
You removed your hands from his hair and cupped his cheeks, forcing him to look up at you.
“Spencer Reid, you did not abandon Jo in the first place so there is no ‘again’. Second of all, you would have died a hero saving lives and I would have made sure Jo knew that and she never forgot her Daddy or how much he loved her,” you spoke earnestly, never breaking eye contact.
Spencer’s eyes softened. A second later, his lips were on yours again. This time, however, you didn’t pull away. Life was too short and this was already complicated as is, what’s the harm.
You basked in the familiarity of his lips locking with yours. Once he finally pulled away for air, he rested his forehead against yours.
“Go out with me. A real date. No more college dorm dates with takeout,” he smiled.
“You know you didn’t have to get shot to ask me out, right?” you teased.
“I thought I needed a grand gesture,” he beamed, chucking lightly.
“Yeah, Spence, I’ll go on a date with you.”
His lips found yours once again.
“Jo, are you ready?” you called out from the kitchen, packing snacks.
“Mommy, I’m already at the door!” she exclaimed.
Jo was eager to go see her Daddy at the hospital. You would spend the day there until he was discharged and then he would live with you guys for the week. You insisted on being there to take care of him while he was healing. You didn’t want him hobbling around all alone in his apartment.
When you walked out to the front entryway, there was a stack of various toys and books that hadn’t been there when you came down the stairs.
“What is this?” you gestured to the pile, amused.
“Daddy has big boo-boo so he needs stuff to cheer him up,” she stated.
“I don’t think we are going to be able to bring all this. Plus, remember Daddy is coming home with us later today. So here’s what we will do,” you handed Jo her dinosaur backpack, “You pack all the stuff you can fit in this bag that you think Daddy needs right away and the rest of the stuff can wait.”
Jo made quick work of sorting through her massive pile, trying to decide what would make her dad the most happy.
“Daddy!” Jo excitedly screamed, running towards the bed.
“Jo!” he returned with the same sentiment.
She was unable to get up on the bed herself so you had to lift her up.
“Remember what I said, careful with Daddy or he won’t get better,” you reminded her.
“You can sit her on my good leg,” Spencer patted his right thigh where you gently set Jo down.
“We brought you loads of stuff, Daddy,” Jo chirped, looking over at you.
You revealed a box of donuts from your bag and the coffee tray you had been holding. You handed him a chocolate frosted donut with sprinkles and Jo a strawberry frosted with sprinkles. The two ‘cheers’ed their donuts before biting into them.
“Jo also brought you some things to cheer you up,” you handed her her backpack.
First, she promptly pulled out a pink Disney princesses band-aid and stuck it on Spencer’s already bandaged thigh.
“You need that so it doesn’t get infected,” she repeated Spencer’s words from when she fell at Rossi’s dinner party.
“Thank you, princess. What would I do without you?” he kissed the top of her head as she rummaged around in her backpack some more.
She set up her five favorite dinosaur toys on his tray table in front of them, glancing up at him for approval.
“Perfect,” he smiled, nodding.
Next, she pulled out a piece of paper that had been colored on.
“Who’s this?” Spencer asked, looking at the three stick figures doodled on the paper.
“That’s you, that’s Mommy, and that’s me,” she pointed to each of the sketches.
“Aw, that one is definitely making the fridge,” you smiled.
Finally, Jo took out her Magic Tree House book that she was currently reading. She needed help with some of the words but either you or Spencer or the both of you would help her read it every night.
“You already finished the last one?” Spencer picked up the new book that was next in the series, examining it and smiling proudly.
“And I didn’t need help with a single word on the last chapter,” Jo beamed.
“You’re so smart,” Spencer kissed her head again, “let’s see how far we can get on this one before we can go home.”
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torgawl · 2 years
bea you’ve killed me with that post. i’m dead. please accept this crappy sketch. i’m going to go cry now.
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I can't believe you drew it and they look so fond and they're both smiling and there's a little heart and gojo's nose fits get the space between geto's nose and forehead so perfectly and the way geto's hand holds gojo's waist i'm- deceased. departed. gone. kicked the motherfreaking bucket. i'm legit shaking rn AAAAAA
please take all my love and appreciation as a thank you for bringing this random thought to life
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Instant Connection // Male!reader x Alex
Summary: Reader finds the blonde-haired drummer from the surprise performance at the spirit rally to be cute. So cute he gained your full attention at a school function you could barely tolerate, especially when Carrie and her clones performed some over the top number.
Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff, this is a male!reader
Words: 1.3k
Pairing: male!reader x Alex (JATP)
A/N: For all the guys that don’t get represented enough in fandoms. I really hope I did this justice and didn’t insult anyone because that wasn’t my intention.
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Blasting music from your phone bought with the hard-earned money you sketched out a new season concept. Feet kicked up on the bench your focus on your hand smoothing over the paper in the latest sketchbook. Music was as loud as it could be to block out another performance by Carrie and the Mimics or whatever they were called. A tap on your shoulder brought your attention to one of your best friends, Nick.
“Hey, man. Guys are meeting up after school?” Nick spoke leaning down from his bench level, “I know it’s been weird with your switching to baseball but-“
“Don’t you have a new leash to pick out with Carrie? You should get pink to make her pop culture rip off.” You spoke, pushing one hand through your short locks of hair settling your gaze on Nick, “Besides Jason just doesn’t like that I’m into guys.”
Jason was a close-minded pig that had harassed you after seeing you miss another guy like it wasn’t 2020. You didn’t regret leaving the lacrosse team other than losing time with your best friend. Nick was by far the most accepting out of everyone.
“What did you think?” The bubbly tone asked, leading you to see that Carrie had snuck into the general vicinity of you. You had nothing really against the girl, you were flattered when she had pursued you romantically before clicking with Nick, “Hey Y/N.”
“Carrie.” You spoke, placing your art tools into the opened backpack at your feet. Climbing to your full height, you started out the door with the bag slung over your shoulder.
You were halfway to the door when the keyboard came to life on stage, unexpectedly causing some students to slow their movements. Turning to the stage, there was a girl nervously sitting scanning the room. Julie Molina was a childhood friend with a passion for music, although it was locked away after she lost her mother.
“C’mon Julie.” You breathed stepping closer to the stage just as she gained the confidence to play. The pride was growing, but It altered with the sudden appearance of three very attractive guys playing alongside her.
“Whoa.” Nick spoke, stepping up beside you in complete surprise, “Julie’s playing again.”
You mutely replied, meeting the gaze of the blonde-haired drummer having the time of his life with energy so breathtaking. God, you had a thing for blonde guys. The drummer met your gaze with an electric gaze that you swore caused goosebumps.
“Of course it’s the blonde guy.” Nick snickered shoving his shoulder against your side as you were taller than the lacrosse player. The entire school crowded around the stage as everyone lit up more than they had in years. Music wasn’t like this anymore, and you actually enjoyed it.
“Damn they are good.” You breathed scanning the three guys boosting Julie into performing, “It’s about time.”
Nick nodded, “It’s nice to see she’s getting back to normal.”
“Go, Julie!” You shouted with cupped hands earning a surprised look from the Latina girl having the time of her life on stage. Julie hadn’t realized how much she missed performing until this moment where everyone connected to the music.
You, like everyone else, gasped when Julie walked right through the guy in the cutoff muscle tee with the arms of Adonis. Yet no matter how attractive the guitar players were, you couldn’t help but gaze at the blonde.
“What the hell?” Carrie’s preppy voice demanded with her closest backup dancer right beside her enjoying the show more than Carrie.
“Just let it go for now.” You told the dirty blonde haired girl pleading she let the moment be precisely how it should be. Not stained with jealous, toxic and pitiful feelings as it had also been with Carrie on the subject of Julie Molina.
“Seriously? Y/N, you’re my friend! My best guy friend! You should be on my side!” Carrie demanded crossing her arms as the song started to come to an end.
“Uh, no. I’m Nick’s friend, and you happen to be part of the package.” You snorted crossing your arms stretching the denim jacket with some paint marks. You found Carrie to be amusing but over the topmost of the time.
Ignoring the scoffs and words from the popular Wilson you took in the last bit of the song before they bowed and the band disappeared. Your eyebrows raised as the startled expression of Julie’s face while the school whispered among itself.
“Holograms?” Nick spoke, shaking his head as he joined his lacrosse friends in heading to the hallways of the school.
Catching the tail end of Julie getting back into the program, you waited for her, “Congratulations, Julie.”
“Thanks Y/N.” Julie murmured with a content smile that slowly faded as Flynn came into her view, wearing a sullen expression. Reading the room, you fled to your math class across the school, leaving the best friends alone.
Around the corner you found three guys lounging, guys from the performance which was odd given they were supposedly holograms. You could confront them, but if you were late Mr. Bryan would have your head, so you pushed it to the backburner.
“Stupid fucking calculus,” You muttered walking around the trio barely looking at them on your walk. Your shoes slapping the linoleum flooring the cool janitor had freshly waxed before the school year; he was a tap dancer too.
You could, however, feel the gaze on your retreating back.
“He was eyeing you up.” Reggie poked Alex as they watched you turn a corner from their view. Alex jolted out of his thoughts with a faint blush and feeling awkward that Luke had seen that.
“Oh shut up.” Alex rolled his eyes glancing to where you had left his view. Luke had a smile at the apparent crush Alex had on a guy in a denim jacket with paint splatter, “I’m dead. He’s not.”
“He might be dead inside.” Reggie supplied earning deadpan looks from his bandmates already done with his jokes, “Okay time to shut up.”
Even as Julie came around the corner startled at the sight of them as usual, you couldn’t leave the blonde drummer’s head.
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Alex was excited with the new revelation in his life following playing The Orpheum; they were taking a small break. Julie and Luke were still writing songs, but Alex was exploring the city. He was humming when he bumped into a person. Standing close to his height was you. A guy that made his heart flutter and his palms sweat; it wasn’t like this at the beginning with Luke.
“Hey Alex.” You grinned amusedly as his cheeks matched the pink shirt he wore, “I was wondering when I would get to see you again.”
“Uh…you wanted…to see me?” Alex stuttered blinking at your sentence taken aback at the straightforwardness you had.
“It’s that not okay?” You trailed off. Your eyes then widened, “Oh god, you aren’t gay, are you.”
“No! Gay! Me!” Alex practically shouted frantically shaking his head further embarrassing himself in front of the way he was almost in love with as this point. You thought it was adorable, “I mean, yes, I am gay.”
“Cool. Wanna go out sometime?” You questioned nerves coating the sentence as you waited to hear his response. The adorable, shy smile appearing on the blonde drummer’s face before he hesitantly grabbed your hand.
“How about now?”
“I’d love to.” You replied tugging him after you with your hands intertwined just as much as your hearts were starting to. Alex would figure out a way to tell you about the whole ghost thing, but for today he wanted to be a regular guy on a date with a cool dude with a paint-splattered denim jacket.
I’m just tagging those who asked to be for Luke just to get this out there since there is no little fics for Alex 🥺
@safehavenmuse​ @siennanoelle01​ @whiterose291​ @mell-bell​ @blackhood5sos​ @ficrecsideblog​ @ifilwtmfc​ @deadpoolgirl23​ @crappy-unicorn​ @sunsetcurve-h​@elioelioeli0 @lovesanimals​ @popcrone818​ @lolychu​ @deepsleepnat @tenaciousperfectionunknown @aunicornmademedoit​ @just-a-writer-here​ @simp4reggie​
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Here’s a verse where Kira is in a monster vs. monster hunter world. Monsters are just trying to live their life and most (not Kira) try to just avoid humans if they can help it. Monster hunters hunt and kill any monster they see (so who’s the morally correct one?)
Kira’s a siren. There are two different types of sirens; Sky Sirens, who have wings and roam the sky and mountain regions, and Sea Sirens, who have tails and lurk in the waters. Both devour unsuspecting travelers, and both hate the other race. Kira, however, is both. Her mom was Sky, her dad was Sea. As a result, neither race would accept her and both hate her since she’s an “abomination” in their eyes.
She was abandoned as a baby and was soon found washed up on a beach. People who trade monster parts cut off her wings to sell and then sold her to the government, where they performed tests and experiments on her. She had to wear a muzzle to keep her from singing, so anything covering her mouth is a trigger for her. Also, whips. She finally broke out at 12 and went on the run. She murdered a Sky Siren and stole her wings, which are torn up and messy from the battle. But they still work (Sky Sirens can steal others’ wings if they lost their own).
Sirens, whether it be Sky or Sea, can conceal their abnormalities for a limited amount of time. They can look human by retracting their wings or turning their tails into legs. Also, they can turn their eyes to a normal human color instead of the inky blackness that they are. As a hybrid between the two species, she has the advantages of both so she can conquer both air and sea. She can make her legs turn into a tail in water, and she can make her wings appear on land/in the air. However, since she’s only half of both, these effects don’t last as long as for other sirens. Sea Sirens can spend their entire lives underwater, but Kira can only last a little bit over a week. Sky Sirens always have their wings (unless they conceal them to look human) but Kira’s will fade after 2-3 days of continuous use (if she makes them go away for little while, then her “timer” will reset and she can summon them back).
She often disguises herself as a human to eat. She���ll act as a singer and when people go backstage—lured by her siren’s voice—, she’ll lead them on and take them out of the venue only to devour them. She can control human minds with her voice, on accident that is. Any word she says will hypnotize, so she’s usually silent otherwise.
Here’s a sketch page of what she looks like (PLEASE DONT MIND MY CRAPPY HANDWRITING, I WROTE/DREW THIS YEARS AGO and my handwriting really hasnt improved much LOLLL)
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bigbatlittlebat · 3 years
hi! I know you have allt of these so please don’t rush! take your time:)) anyways, I would love a romantic match up with one of the batboys, if that’s okay!:)) I use she/her, am 5’7 and am a leo sun, pisces moon and capricorn rising. I’m actually swedish but I’m completely fluent in both english and swedish. I also know some french and german. I have brown hair cut in sort of a shag, blue eyes, a round/oval face, freckles and moles everywhere. I dress kind of like if you took a euphoria and 70s warderobe and just dyed everything black haha.
So, hobbies! I love writing, sketching and reading, I love romanticizing my life, going on picknicks, biking, going to parties and just being by myself reading fanfics and fantasizing/ daydreaming
I really want to study abnormal psycology, international relations, poly sci, criminology and behavioral science just because it interests me and I want to understand how the world works, not necessarily because I want to work with it. I’m really into Criminal minds so It’d be really fun to work for maybe Interpool. Oh, and I’m also a big language person so I really want to learn as many languages as possible.
A fun fact about me is that I’m a total adrenaline junkie but still I’m such a coward. Like I love extreme roller coasters and things that raise my adrenaline but at the same time I’m too scared to go swimming in the deep ocean or even go up on a roof because I’m scared.
I would say I have two or three major character traits that I currently really identify with. Firstly, I hate being bored, I need to constantly be kept on my feet in a relationship. Like, I hate the idea of settling down and living a normal boring life. I need excitement, adventure and fun. Usually people say that people who are ”up in the clouds” need a down to earth partner who can ground them but I’m the exact opposite, I need someone who will soar the skies with me and be as ”up in the clouds” as I am. This trait has kiiind of caused a tad bit of committment issues so whoever I date need to accept that I might get really scared all of a sudden and want to just run. So I’ll probably want to start the relationship with a casual hookup, excitment and tension filled relationship rather than something tender, lovey dovey and serious.
Secondly, I’m kind of a dreamy person. This connects into the whole fun loving personality aspect, I love dreaming and romanticizing my life.
I also love taking care of people, I don’t know if it’s some sort of saviours complex but I just love it when people cry and I have to comfort them. Or when they’re hurt and I have to help them, or when they just need help and I get to help them. Giving advise, comforting and just helping.
Another kind of important aspect to me is that I LOVE enemies to lovers and tension filled relationships. This ties into the whole excitement loving thing, I just adore the idea of me and a hypothetical partner starting out as mortal enemies and rivals but then we can’t take it anymore and give into our feelings. Also I love arrogance hehe.
Although I feel like I’m describing myself as very not tender and loving and such, I’m still a sucker for fluff and I’m super sensitive, my love language is touch and I literally die when people touch and play with my hair or caress my cheek or just pepper my face with cute little kisses. Also I have a tendency to ramble about things I’m really passionate about and usually people just think I’m annoying and interrupt me and such so I need my partner to really love when I ramble like that and think it’s cute! I also kind of need constant validation because I’m convinced people hate me, find me annoying and will leave me.
Christ, that was a whole psycoanalysis of my entire personality haha, I hope it’s not to long! Anyways, I just want to finish this off by saying that I really love your page, it makes me really happy and when I’m on it, for just a few minutes in my life, I can just relax and think about things that make me happy instead of all the stress. So thank you! I hope you have an amazing day:))
I am no longer doing these in any kind of order because that is stressing me out so I'm just doing the easiest ones in my inbox tonight. Also thanks hun I really like when my crappy little tumblr blog can brighten someone's day xx...
Damian Wayne (Robin)
Okay love the vibes I'm getting here first off. Secondly I know I just did him but also all then enemies to lovers stuff and arrogance you talked about just screams perfect for him! Because he probably starts off as a massive dick to you like taking the piss but then eventually it gets pretty romantic kind of teasing that's more mutual
Neither of you really think its serious at first until it gets a little too domestic and you both realise that you're like in love with a capital L
Would 100% push you to try swim in deeper parts of pools like showing off how well he can swim in the deep end but laying off if you start to get a little too worried and being there if you need any help swimming. Cue cutesy pool moments <3
While he can be pretty down to earth, yeah I think if he met someone who was like you and up in the clouds, it would be that push to make him let go a little bit and be more like you can be.
Yeah Damian would play with your hair and cuddle you and do all that cutesy stuff but not until you're both in a super close relationship because he would be so scared of frightening you off. Him playing with your hair while you watch TV and he thinks you're too distracted to notice but you do.
Think all those gentle ways of showing love that often go unnoticed because he wants to be able to have some aspect of his life done with some kindness
Side note: Yeah I think it's clear I had too much fun with this one
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pitviperofdoom · 4 years
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please accept this crappy fanart-sketch for your fic Yesterday Upon The Stair.
<3 your writing!!
This isn’t crappy at all! Thank you for sending it!
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Please accept this crappy hanako sketch 👐🏼
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eryiss · 4 years
Request: Portrait of a Lightning God
Summary: With a crappy job and no financial support, Laxus needs money. On Bickslow and Evergreen's advice, he goes for an audition to model for the reclusive painter Freed Justine. A man he knows nothing about, but finds himself enthralled by. [Fraxus One Shot]
This was part of a prompt based request thing I'm doing, based off of a request where Freed is a painter and Laxus is a model. It was made by Tumblr user: @alex-is-wily. I hope you all enjoy and if you have a request please leave a comment or maybe go to the ask box.
You can read this on FanFiction, Archive of our Own, or under the cut. Hope you enjoy it ^.^
Portrait of a Lightning God
Laxus couldn't quite believe he had resorted to this.
He was standing in an art studio, with another man looking him up and down. This was a situation unfamiliar to Laxus, and one far from his comfort zone. The man inspecting him didn't seem to be at all bothered by Laxus' discomfort, either because he had been in this situation before and was used to it, or simply because he was the type of man who didn't take other people's feelings into account. Laxus hoped it wasn't the latter; if this went well, the two men would be spending a lot of time together.
That was the nature of being a painter's model.
The whole thing was Bickslow and Evergreen's idea. Since leaving college, Laxus had been unemployed and using his family's money to get by. Apparently Makarov had gotten sick of that and cut him off. The only job Laxus had managed to get hadn't paid well, just enough to keep him in his apartment and eating. But it was unstable. His friends' solution was to pick up some extra money by modelling.
He had immediately discounted the idea, but they had been prepared; very prepared. They'd found an ad online from a painter needing a model for an upcoming painting. They had done a background check on him; the artist was respected, and previous models had only good things to say. They'd even gone so far as to contact him so they could get a better understanding of what Laxus would actually need to do. Apparently it should take four sessions, it would happen in the countryside, and would involve no nudity; Evergreen apparently knew that would have been one of Laxus' first questions.
There was no reason to say no. Annoyingly.
So now he stood in the painter's studio, allowing the man to inspect him. Laxus wasn't entirely sure what the inspection was for, as he had already sent the man pictures of himself and had been accepted for the job. Based on the multiple poses Laxus had been told to make – all just different ways of standing – he assumed this was a brainstorming session.
"Cross your hands in front of you and look down," The painter instructed, and Laxus complied.
He had looked into who the man was. His name was Freed Justine, he was a growing name in the art world (if the articles about him were to be believed) and apparently favoured landscapes to anything with an actual person in it; there was obvious exceptions, but not many. His private life was something of a mystery, apparently, and he had gained the reputation of a recluse.
Laxus hadn't accepted that and had also gotten in contact with one of Freed's previous models; a woman named Mirajane. She spoke highly of him, both as a painter and as a person, and had encouraged Laxus to try it out. From their conversation, Laxus surmised he was a good man, but could be standoffish. He was certainly seeing that.
A small hum broke Laxus' thoughts.
"I think that might be it," Freed said, apparently to himself. "You can relax now."
Laxus did so and looked behind him towards the painter. He had walked to a drafting table and sketched a quick figure in the same pose that Laxus had just taken. It only took a few moments and was nothing more than a series of lines and ovals, but it was certainly Laxus; the blonde couldn't help but be impressed.
"You said that you're free on Wednesdays and the weekends, correct?" He asked, looking towards Laxus.
"Yeah," Laxus nodded. "The other days I start at eight and finish at five."
"Okay. I'll email you the time and places ill require you, and I'm sure we can discuss our meetings further that way," He stood up and reached into his back pocket, pulling out his wallet. Laxus frowned as he picked out a selection of notes and offered them to him; it was around a hundred dollars altogether.
"I didn't think I was getting paid for today?" Laxus asked; not yet taking the money.
"I need you in certain clothing; a black exercise shirt and black jeans. I could attempt you guess your sizes, but this seems easier," He offered the money again. "Make sure its high-quality fabrics, and if this isn't enough tell me and I'll reimburse you for what I owe."
"And if it comes under?"
"Consider it a bonus," Freed shrugged. "I'd appreciate it if you got them quickly, though. Ideally I'd like to start on Saturday."
"Sure," Laxus nodded. "There anything else you need from me?"
"Not today. As I said, I can email you with the details of where you'll need to be and when," Freed placed his pencil down and looked Laxus in the eye for the first time. He was smiling a little. "I look forward to working with you, Mr Dreyar."
"Err, you too," Laxus muttered awkwardly.
Freed didn't walk Laxus to the door, but the blonde didn't care. As he walked, he played with the money in his pocket absently; this was the most disposably income he'd had since being cut off. And definitely too much for what Freed had wanted him to buy. He decided that he would buy the clothes immediately; he'd use some of the remaining money on getting a pizza or something for his dinner. It would be great not eating something not from a microwave.
After leaving the studio, he thought about Freed. Mirajane had been right; he could be blunt and seemingly uncaring, but he wasn't exactly rude. And logic dictated the more time they spent together, the less awkward it would be. It wouldn't be nearly as bad as Laxus had expected it to be.
The guy had a nice smile, too.
If it hadn't been obvious from his studio, Freed had an incredibly keen creative eye.
This was the only conclusion Laxus had made when he first saw where he would be modelling. He had managed to find a small, private lake outside of the city. It had an old wooden dock on it which, which looked at from a certain angle, stood directly in front of a large mountain. He had managed to find this location, and gotten permission to use it, within three days. It was… incredibly impressive to do so.
After Freed had explained what he wanted Laxus to do – stand on the edge of the dock in the same pose he had done in the studio – the blonde had asked why he hadn't organised a location beforehand. Apparently he had, and the original idea had been to paint him on the top of a city rooftop, but Laxus was better suited to a more natural environment, as he was a more earthy figure. Laxus didn't know if this was a compliment, an insult or just an observation, so he decided just to ignore the comment and do what the painter wanted.
That had been over an hour ago, they hadn't spoken since.
Laxus hadn't known any creative people in his life, so didn't know what exactly to do. He had decided that he would remain quiet, staying in the pose, as this was safe. Freed seemed level headed, but artists could be volatile and Laxus didn't want to risk angering the man. His work has staff rescheduling and Laxus knew he was at risk, so money was tighter than normal.
It was boring, but not difficult work. The post wasn't taxing on his body, and Freed had allowed him a single earphone so he could at least listen to music. It was essentially as expected. He was standing still; Freed was painting him.
"I should apologise," Freed spoke suddenly, and Laxus almost broke the pose.
"Why?" He asked after a few seconds to think.
"I was not welcoming when you came to my studio," Freed explained, and Laxus glanced at him. he was still painting. "When your friends contacted me, they explained this wasn't something you've done before, and you might not be comfortable. I didn't take that into account, that wasn't fair of me."
"You don't need to worry about that," Laxus placated.
"Perhaps," Freed agreed, and Laxus frowned a little. "But still, I apologise. I've been stressed for the last few months and I haven't been the most respectful person."
"Well, don't beat yourself up over it," Laxus assured him. He waited a moment before speaking again. "What's got you stressed out?"
"I have an exhibition in a month, it's in the biggest gallery in town. Well, other than museums, but they hardly count if you're an artist with an actual pulse," Freed explained, and Laxus chuckled. "But it's high profile, and I have to please them to keep in good faith. They want twenty exhibits altogether, and I'm not as prepared as I would like to be."
"You far behind?"
"I've finished sixteen of the twenty so far."
"That ain't too bad," Laxus said, glancing up at Freed again. He still hasn't stopped painting despite their conversation, so it wasn't too much of a distraction. "When did you start?"
"Eight months ago," Freed sighed, and Laxus winced a little. That meant about an average of two paintings a month, and now he had a month to do four.
"That could be worse," Laxus attempted to assure him, and Freed stopped painting to look at him with a slight raised eyebrow. His tone must not have been convincing. "Do you think you can make it."
"I'm sure I can," Freed sounded resigned. "I just don't want to sacrifice quality."
"Well, I'm sure whatever you do, you'll manage to make it good," Laxus was surer of his words now. "From what I've seen of your stuff, you're pretty good. And the critics seem to like you, especially that Jason guy. He just couldn't stop talking about how great you are."
"He' an enthusiastic man," Freed chuckled. "But still, this exhibition is like a test. Artists who had better respect than me tried filling that hall. If it doesn't work, they were classed as over-hyped and forgotten by the end of the month. I'd rather than not happen with me."
"Well, good luck I guess," Laxus didn't know what else to say. But the quiet was deafening. "And you really don't need to worry about upsetting me; I can take a bit of rudeness. I was a pretty big asshole as a teenager, it'd be hypocritical if I was sensitive about it."
"I suppose it would," Freed nodded, before smirking a little over his canvas. "Well, I'll be sure to treat you like dirt then, if that's what you want."
"Can't picture that," Laxus challenged, glancing up again. "I mean you felt so guilty about making me uncomfortable. I mean you must have been worrying about it the moment I left the door, ya might have even lost sleep. But sure, if you wanna upset me, you try your best."
"Don't misinterpret my politeness as being passive. It will not end well for you," Freed warned, and Laxus let out a single laugh. "Unrelatedly, that pose isn't working. You seem to be healthy enough unless your muscles are simply for vanity. Perform a handstand, quick as you can. I'm sure a man like you can sustain it for a few hours."
Laxus laughed, waited a few seconds and glanced at Freed. The artist was looking at him expectantly, no sign of a joke on his features. Laxus broke the pose, a little disbelieving.
"You're serious?" His voice was a little panicked.
A moment passed before Freed smirked again and looked down to his canvas. Laxus let out a little breath of relief before laughing and getting back into the pose. He was smiling this time and hoped that it wouldn't ruin the painting in anyway, because he couldn't seem to fight it. At least he felt a lot more comfortable now.
"Asshole," He laughed.
"I suppose," Freed agreed, and that made Laxus smile wider. "But if you doubt me again, I can assure you I'll follow through with any threats I make. You'll find my desire to be spiteful supersedes my desire to be successful."
"I don't doubt it," Laxus laughed again.
He smiled for the rest of the session.
The more Laxus got to know Freed, the more he liked him.
Over the weeks they had been meeting up for the modelling sessions, they had spoken a lot. Sometimes about Freed, sometimes about Laxus, and sometimes about whatever came to mind. The sessions had lasted hours, so it was hard to remember what exactly all their conversations had been about, but Laxus enjoyed them all. Freed made him laugh, made him feel comfortable, and made him look forward to their sessions together. He loved being around the other man.
He didn't need to go to every session anymore, but he still did. Apparneltly Freed had drawn him first and had planned to do the background after; his usual way of painting models. But Laxus insisted that he be there just in case he needed to make an adjustment and needed him there. It was an excuse, Laxus just enjoyed Freed's company.
Maybe Freed knew this. Laxus didn't mind if he did.
Laxus had grown attracted to Freed and thought perhaps Freed felt the same way. He hadn't spoken about it; he wasn't the type to let his feelings be known. Certainly not when there was a risk of fucking things up between the two of them. Being friends was better than nothing.
But still, the blonde couldn't help but think that maybe something was happening between them. Freed hadn't once questioned why Laxus wanted to be there when he didn't need to be and seemed to welcome the company. They'd gone to coffee a few times, once after a session and once just because Freed had offered. Even as he watched Freed paint, it didn't exactly feel platonic. Though the wine the two were drinking might have contributed to that.
God, were they having a picnic weren't they? This was close to being a date. That was too much to think about.
A he glanced to Freed, he frowned a little. He had noticed that the conversation was somewhat one sided. He had put it down to Freed being engrossed in his work, it had happened from time to time. But previously, Freed hadn't worn the worried expression on his face. His hands hadn't been tensed. And he hadn't drunk three glasses of wine within a two-hour period.
"Okay," Laxus sighed after a while, taking the paintbrush out of Freed's hand. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong," Freed said immediately.
"Fucking lie to me again, Justine. See what happens?" It was perhaps a little confrontational. But Freed could be a closed book when he wanted to be, and Laxus was slightly buzzed from the wine. It seemed to work, as Freed's facial expressions went from challenging to resigned.
"It's just… I haven't had this much trouble painting something in a while. It's bothering me," Freed sighed, looking at his painting.
Laxus couldn't agree with Freed, the painting looked great. Only half of the background was completed, but it was done very well. And the figure that he had been modelling for looked great as well. Perhaps he was just the type of person who was overly critical of their work, although that didn't seem consistent with what he knew about the man. Freed had a lot of confidence in himself and wasn't the type to shy away from his own pride.
"What can I do to help?" He asked; he was better at solutions than sympathy. "I can get back up there and see if that helps."
"Perhaps. Thank you."
Laxus nodded and walked to the small wooden dock. He got back into his pose and didn't speak for a while, knowing that it would help Freed get back into a creative mindset. Glancing up without moving his head, he saw that Freed was painting again, so decided that remaining quiet would be for the best. Freed's deadline from the gallery was getting closer, and it was only fair he did what he could to help him out.
He looked down again and allowed Freed to paint. This continued for a little while – around ten minutes, if Laxus was guessing correctly – until Laxus heard a small scuffling sound. He frowned and looked up. As he did so, Freed shouted.
"Fuck!" His voice echoed as he stepped over his upturned easel.
Freed hadn't sword often, and the visceral tone in which he had said it shocked Laxus. He left the dock immediately and walked to Freed, who had chosen to pace around the small clearing of dirt that he and Laxus had been sitting on. His jaw was clenched tight, eyes unblinking, and breath slightly audible. He was clearly incredibly stressed out.
"Woah," Laxus said, grabbing Freed by the shoulders and stopping him. "What happened?"
"It's wrong," Freed snapped. "When I started it, I thought I had the idea down. But I don't, and I've been painting it wrong basically since we began. This was meant to be the focus point of the exhibit, and it's a conventional piece of bullshit. A child could have done this."
Laxus would disagree, but Freed didn't need that. "Can you fix it?"
"Not without starting over," Freed sighed.
"Well, what exactly would you do differently, what's wrong with it?" Laxus asked. Maybe if Freed explained why he didn't like it; he would figure a way to fix it.
"There's no personality in it. No honesty. There's none of-" Freed cut himself off, before thinking a moment. "There's none of you in it. not really."
"What d'you mean."
"I mean… I decided to stage it here because I thought nature reflected who you were, do you remember that?" Laxus nodded. "Well, look at it. You can't see your face, you're in a pose I chose before I knew anything about you, you're in clothes that I chose for you. It doesn't reflect who you are even slightly. You're supposed to be the focus of the exhibition and I've made it so you could be replaced by basically any man in the country."
That was… a lot. Laxus hadn't known he was important in Freed's exhibition; he really had just thought that he was just the model for one of the paintings. Obviously Freed had thought otherwise, and just hadn't mentioned it.
"Okay," Laxus said after a moment. "We've got a week left. That enough time to start again with a new idea?"
"Don't be-"
"Is it enough time?" Laxus asked again.
"It's…" Freed sighed, thinking. "I could paint something in a week, and it could be good. But I'd have to work almost constantly, and you've actually got a job so… It just wouldn't be feasible."
"I'll quit," Laxus shrugged, and Freed's head snapped towards him. "I'll quit, then I can be here as much as you need me."
"What?" Freed asked, apparently blind sighted.
"The boss says three people are getting laid off at the end of the month anyway. He hates me and I'm not great at what I do, so I'm basically gone already," Laxus shrugged. "Why give them any more of my time, right?"
"And if you're wrong."
"Hate working for the place anyway. This would've been the kick I needed to get out and move on."
Freed waited for a moment, thinking. "Are you sure?"
"I wouldn't have offered if I didn't," Laxus assured, and the tone he spoke left no room for argument.
"Thank you," Freed smiled, and Laxus' stomach flipped.
He would do perhaps anything for that smile.
The difference between Freed when he had his freak out and how he was after he restarted his picture was like night and day. It was almost jarring, but Laxus was loving it. To see him so content, wrapped up in his creativity, was a sight to behold.
Laxus would stay here forever if he could.
There was a clear difference between the first painting and this, particularly in how Laxus was posing. Freed had insisted he wear his favourite outfit, and Laxus had complied. He was dressed in tattered combat boots; the same black jeans he had brought with Freed's money (they'd quickly grown to be his favourite); a purple shirt he'd owned for a while; and his long fur lined coat. Bickslow had seen him before he left that day, and claimed the outfit was quintessential Laxus.
Freed seemed pleased with Laxus' choice and smiled when he first saw him. The only adjustments he had made was requesting Laxus unbutton his shirt, so his stomach and chest were visible, apparently making Laxus seem more in tandem with nature. Laxus had done so without argument.
It was funny. If he had been told that would be his outfit when he met Freed, he would have turned down the job offer without hesitance.
His pose was different too. No longer was he looked down with his hands crossed. Instead his right arm was raised straight into the air and his fist was clenched, and he was looking directly at Freed; he compared it to looking down the lens of a camera. He was no longer standing on the dock anymore, instead he was on the shore of the lake, the water reaching to the middle of his shins. The tail of his coat pooled around him, and the chill was obvious, but he didn't care.
The speed in which Freed was painting was faster than he had in all of their time in the first version of the scene. And all throughout, Freed had been talking and smiling. Laxus hadn't realised that the longer they had worked on the first painting, the more subdued Freed had become. Now, he seemed more alive again.
Laxus was relishing in it.
"So," Laxus asked, keeping the smirk on his face as he spoke. Freed had requested the expression as well. "You gonna let me see anything today?"
They had been doing this for days, but Freed hadn't once shown Laxus what he had painted. With the first version he hadn't been shy of showing Laxus, but apparently this was different. When he had asked Freed why this was, he had been told that this was an honest reflection of how Freed saw Laxus, and that Laxus could see it only when it was complete. Laxus understood why this was but found himself craving an insight as to how Freed saw him.
"Potentially," Freed said, and Laxus' heart quickened. When he had asked before, the answer had been a flat no.
"Really, you're close to being finished?"
"I think so. Close enough that I might show you, at least," Freed smiled a little, and Laxus felt a thrill go through him. "We'll probably have to come back here tomorrow though, to finish on the finer details. So don't expect a day off."
"You're harsher than my old boss, y'know that?" Laxus laughed.
"I take it as a compliment."
Again, Laxus laughed before setting his face into the expression that Freed wanted from him. Even with the arm raised into the air, he hadn't had any trouble holding the pose; although his workouts had suffered slightly on his arm. Perhaps he was being sentimental, but he thought that maybe this was because he was looking directly at Freed's face, and watching the artist's content expression as he worked was hypnotic. The first day he had been posing for hours – with breaks, Freed wasn't so cruel as to keep him still constantly – and it had gone by in the blink of an eye.
That was an issue that plagued them both again, as time seemed to be rushing by. The two kept talking as Freed worked, and Laxus was in a constant battle to keep a smile from beating out his smirk. It was almost therapeutic; a sensation helped by the slight movement of water and the ambience of the nearby insects.
This relaxation broke at the sound of thunder.
Both Freed and Laxus perked at the sudden rumbling, and Laxus looked behind him. Clouds had formed above them, and it looked as though it was going to start raining. Laxus frowned a little at that.
"You think we should call it a day?"
"Probably safest," Freed said, already standing up and removing the painting from the easel.
They were quick to get back to the car, as they felt the first drops of light rain hit their skin. It wasn't heavy yet – not nearly heavy enough to damage the painting – but they both wanted to be sure. Laxus was quick to put the easel and paints that he was carrying into the trunk, securing them so that they wouldn't move around and be damaged as Freed drove. They had done this before, and had it down to a fine art.
But as the rain got heavier, their routine was disrupted slightly. Freed handed Laxus the painting without a word, and Laxus took it without thinking. It took him a moment to realise that, with Freed giving it him, it was also giving him permission to see it. he held it out under the protection of the trunk's door, and his breath hitched.
It was fantastic.
In his hands, Laxus held the only piece of art he truly cared for. He was at a loss for words as he looked at the detailed mixture of colours and inks and paints, all stemming from Freed's talent.
The painting focused on him. He was standing in the lake, arm raised to the sky, surrounded by nature. But it wasn't just a recreation of what Freed had seen. Thunderous clouds had been painted in the sky, almost swirling despite being still. A beam of erratic, powerful looking lightning slammed from the sky, hitting Laxus' raised fist and stammering down his arms. Flicker of lightning danced across any exposed part of Laxus' skin that could be seen and reflected off the lake. The colours around him were somewhat subdued and natural, but he seemed vivid and bright. His eye practically shone on the page.
"What do you think?" Freed asked, and he almost sounded nervous.
"It's fucking…" The words wouldn't come to Laxus. "It's amazing. You erm- You said you wanted to reflect more of me in this one, right?"
"I did," Freed nodded, voice still a little nervous. But he was calm. "When I look at you, Laxus, I see lightning. I- if I'm honest with myself, I see someone sharp, fast, exhilarating, powerful. You overwhelm me, Laxus. You are electrifying in a way that I can't quite put into words. I hope my art can make up for that."
Laxus still held the painting, looking at it with wide eyes. The rain beat down on his back, but he paid no mind to it. Freed thought he was overwhelming. Ironic, considering that was exactly how Laxus felt.
"Does it have a name?" Laxus asked, voice a little hoarse.
"I wish to call it 'The Lightning God.'"
That was the final straw for Laxus. He placed the painting in the trunk of Freed's car, stalked towards the artist and wrapped his arms around him. One snaked around Freed's waist, the other placed on the back of the man's head. He pushed their bodies together and pressed his lips against Freed's into a soft, passionate kiss. The rain beat down on the two men as Freed also moved, leaning into Laxus and kissing back.
That moment was timeless, and Laxus' senses were on fire. He could feel exactly what Freed had described. Everything was sharp and exhilarating and overwhelming and electric. Laxus couldn't have hoped for more.
As they kissed, thunder roaring around them and crackled of electricity lighting up the sky, Laxus saw the accuracy of the painting's title. If Freed thought that Laxus was the lightning in the painting, then Laxus deemed Freed the God. He was the creator, the man who had brought beauty to the world in his actions. What better god could there be?
And, as the painting had clearly proven, beautiful things happened when you mixed lightning and a god.
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all-or-nothing-baby · 5 years
Tumblr media
@winchester-reload, did you mean something like this?
Okay, so my 11 year old has taken my art supplies bag to his Dad's with him, as he's been using it a shit-ton more than me of late... but it meant all I had left to art with was his crappy ancient pencils, erasers and felt tips (lol) that he doesn't even use any more-- hence the horrendous quality of this sketch. Meh, I tried.
BUT I am at least thanking the Gods of Art that I finally - finally! - managed to draw something! Cuz oh man, I've been struggling for the l o n g e s t time.
So anyways, Jackie,
...thanks x 47631 for your incredibly random random inspiration. Please accept, as meagre payment, this unworthy piece of your very own Jackie Digmann fanart.
Huzzah...? Yeah, huzzah! *grins*
(P.S. promise I'm not a psychopathic murdering stalker, this was just a pure and happy accident!).
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theprodigypenguin · 5 years
TCC Headcanons (part three)
Next part~ I want to dabble more in the other Potter-Weasley kids, so if/when I do a fourth part, I’m going to add some of them. I did a bit of them here, I’m really loving Fred, or the version of Fred that’s stuck in my head, but yea. I’m having fun making these, they’re pretty relaxing.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
While attending school, Scorpius had a tendency to talk to the ghosts at Hogwarts; pretty much all of them.
He even became decent friends with Myrtle and would talk to her about bullies and how to deal with them.
He's an angel honestly and even Helena Ravenclaw loves him.
When he got on the train to Hogwarts for his fifth year he gave the Trolley Witch a homemade friendship bracelet to apologize for jumping out of the train the year before.
For the next three years on the train he would talk to her and hold conversations with her whenever she stopped at his and Albus' compartment.
He learned her name and asked her to tell at least one fun story when she was with them (he especially enjoyed the stories about school-age Dumbledore, Newt Scamander sneaking animals onto the train, and the Mauraders, just everything about them).
At one point he bought candy off the trolley and gave her a piece to enjoy because she sells them all the time but she should also be able to enjoy them once in a while.
She didn't eat it of course (idk does she even eat) but she keeps it in her pocket at all times and never takes her bracelet off.
Whenever Scorpius started regularly visiting the Potter's after their fourth year he would always end up washing dishes and doing random chores simply because he's just that sweet and nice.
And Albus would end up roped into the work because Scorpius is showing him up around his parents that's not cool.
Ginny: Al can you take the trash out please?
Albus: In a minute mum.
Ginny: I bet Scorpius would take it out when I asked.
Albus: Gimme the fuckin trash bag.
Scorpius and Albus commandeered the sofa under the window in the Slytherin common room during their second year.
By then no one wanted to sit with them anyway so no one ever took their couch and didn't go near it.
Even passing dumb rumors like "if you sit there you'll be cursed as Voldemort's trump card forever" or "that sofa saps all your magic, if you sit there you'll turn into a squib like Potter".
The window looks out into the Black Lake, and Scorpius has taken to trying to communicate with the merpeople who occasionally swim up to the enchanted glass.
Mainly he communicates in pictures, drawing the merpeople and holding his sketches up to the window so the merfolk can enjoy them.
He's not as good an artist as Albus of course but he tries.
And on occasion the merpeople will leave little gifts for Scorpius sitting on the window sill just outside in the water.
Of course Scorpius can't reach them, but it makes him happy to see the little collection of rocks and snails sitting there.
During their first year, Scorpius started getting pushed into closets and locked in.
A group of older Gryffindor's (friends of James), would steal his wand and lock him in for hours until someone found him (usually Filch or Neville).
He never mentions the names of the students so they never get in trouble.
And teaches himself a bit of wandless magic so by fifth year he can open the closet door without his wand.
James is the oldest but acts like quite a goofball the majority of the time.
He has a lot of trouble telling people "no" because he likes being helpful.
He wears his heart on his sleeve and bursts with positive energy, which draws people to him.
Has a bit of trouble taking things seriously.
He has excellent grades, and becomes Captain of the Quidditch team during his fifth year at Hogwarts.
Laughing is his favorite thing to do, and can usually be heard above the roar of voices in the Great Hall during meals.
He especially enjoys making other people laugh.
Everyone who meets him likes him, even the people who don't like him seem to respect him enough to tolerate him.
He's friends with pretty much everyone, which is stressful at times because sometimes he just doesn't know who he can talk to.
Having a lot of friends is nice, but it sort of blinds him from knowing who can keep a secret and who can't, so there are very few at the school who actually KNOW the real James Potter.
Teddy is one of the only people who knows him for him, and accepts him for it, and encourages him to be exactly who he is.
One of his closest friends is his cousin and dorm-mate Fred (jr).
Goofball he may be, if James is angered, he is absolutely terrifying.
Almost scarier than his mum when she's mad (and that's fucking petrifying).
He teases his siblings and cousins to death, but honestly loves Lily and Albus more than ANYTHING in the world, and would die for them without any hesitation.
He's a Hugger™ and tends to cling to the people he embraces (basically incapable of giving a normal hug, but most people don't care).
Lily returns all of his very frequent embraces, and clings to him as much as he clings to her (they do that cute penguin walk where they sway back and forth and shuffle because they don't want to let go).
Albus, on the other hand, tries desperately to escape whenever James hugs him, so usually he ends up hugged from behind and drags James along down the hall or room trying to get away.
It never, ever works, there is no escape, so he ends up just standing or sitting with a murderous expression on his face while James snuggles him.
His hugs with Fred consist of him throwing himself into Fred's arms so he's being carried bridal style (or Fred jumps into James' arms, one of them usually ends up being carried for some reason).
Hugs with Teddy are similar to hugs with Lily, but almost more tender. He likes keeping his arms around Teddy's neck and standing on Teddy's shoes to make himself tall enough to reach his shoulders.
James and Albus used to be very close, before Albus was sorted into Slytherin, when they were younger.
They'd all fall asleep curled on the couch together.
James would give Albus piggyback rides if he ever so much as stubbed his toe.
After a nightmare Albus would toddle into James' room and cuddle with him.
He loved to cook with them, despite how terrible Albus was at it, and ate every burnt cookie they offered him.
Lily adores him honestly, and secretly, Albus does as well, because James is an amazing brother.
At one point in time, the Gryffindor Quidditch team was absolutely dominated by the Potter-Weasley clan.
James - Captain and Chaser
Rose - Chaser
Louis - Chaser
Roxanne - Beater
Fred - Beater
Hugo - Keeper
Lily - Seeker
They were one of the best teams to come from Gryffindor and didn't lose a single game.
Teddy LOVES singing.
I honestly imagine he sounds something like Nick Jonas.
He can also play any instrument that's put in front of him.
He likes covering modern muggle bands (Imagine Dragons, American Authors, Panic! At the Disco, Nick Jonas, Adam Lambert, Louis Tomlinson, The Script, One Republic, etc) but also makes his own music and enjoys older bands like ACDC, Bon Jovi, etc.
Scorpius gets along with Mrs Norris and even does his best to start up conversations with Filch.
At one point Albus, somewhat desperate, confides in Filch about people calling him a Squib and asks for advice (cuz who else would even understand).
Filch gives crappy advice though.
Teddy's "Moon Sickness" consists of mainly migraines.
They start off small but grow worse with age.
They can be so bad he vomits, gets nose bleeds, or blacks out entirely, and can remain unconscious for days at a time.
We only have three confirmed godparents but here is my complete personal take:
James - Ron and Hermione
Albus - Neville and McGonagall (that's what I fucking said 👌)
Lily - Hagrid and Luna (fucking fight me about this one I fucking dare you)
Scorpius doesn't have godparents, but Albus said they could share Neville.
Harry is Teddy's only official godparent, but he calls Ginny his God-Mum because it makes her smile.
Harry and Ginny are also Rose's godparents.
George and Angelina are Hugo's.
Percy is Fred's (junior) godfather (George felt it was absolutely necessary).
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bloodywaluigi · 6 years
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Waluigi Month 2018 - Day 05
My good buddy @beshamaru made a few great requests. Here’s the first one, though I didn’t actually get around to doing proper line art on it. Please accept the crappy sketch which I just coloured straight into instead. I’m sorry! :’D
(And yes, Tumblr sometimes sucks in so many ways! xP )
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rosevoisa · 6 years
fiona faraweye please n thanks
   𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓  𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔,    always  accepting.
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girls  just  wanna  have  fun,   by  cindy  lauper.   in  my  own  little  corner,   from  cinderella.   i’m  a  believer,   by  smashmouth.   changes,   by  david  bowie.
lol  one  place?   more  like  where  does  she   not   fall  asleep.   it’s  one  of  her  special  talents  to  fall  asleep   anywhere.   but  also,   you  can  probably  find  her  dozing  in  the  mud  pit  a  lot.   it’s  cozy  and  if  she’s  gassy  enough,   also  bubbly!
bowling.   don’t  underestimate  her.   she’s  got  twenty  years  of  teaching  herself  the  best  moves.
honestly  like……..   literally  all  of  them.   she’s  fascinated  by  emojis.
an  absolute  monster.   super  angry  and  irritable.   will  probably  bite  your  head  off  for  breathing  in  her  general  direction.   
steaming  hot  coffee.   black  with  a  few  shots  of  cream.   nothing  too  crazy,   since  she  got  used  to  simple  in  her  tower.   but  she  has  been  known  to  go  and  get  something  wild  at   farbucks   now  and  then.   #treatyoself
it’s  pretty  simple,   but  fiona  honestly  likes  to  just  go  for  a  long  walk.   it  reminds  her  that  she’s  free,   living  a  life  she  wants  to  live  instead  of  being  cooped  up.   if  she   feels  especially  crappy,   she’ll  go  for  a  little  trip  back  home  and  do  some  good  ol’  retail  therapy.   just  walking  around  her  kingdom  in  the  thick  of  all  the  people  cheers  her  right  up.   the  retail  therapy  is  just  a  side  effect  of  her  poor  impulse  control.
honestly?   a  typical  princess.   the  one  whisked  off  into  the  sunset  by  her  knight  in  shining  armor,   having  an  extravagant  return  home  to  her  castle,   going  shopping  in  town,   having  parties.   one  day  she’d  take  over   far,  far  away   and  become  as  kind  and  wise  a  queen  as  her  mother,   as  well  as  endlessly  in  love  with  her  prince.   she  grew  up  always  believing  she   would   have  that.   even  after  twenty  years  stuck  in  her  tower,   fiona  held  onto  that  belief.   it  wasn’t  really  until  she  met  shrek  she  realized  that  life  wasn’t  for  her  after  all.
warm  weather.   not  sweltering,   but  pretty  warm.   maybe  a  little  breeze.   she’s  so  used  to  it  being  cold  from  living  in  such  a  high  tower  for  most  of  her  life,   and  fiona’s  gotten  pretty  sick  of  it.   
fiona’s  range  is  a  bit  inconsistent,   but  can  be  most  accurately  classified  as  a   mezzo-soprano.   if  notes  aren’t  too  high,   she  can  sing  alright.   not  particularly  strong,   but  she’s  good  at  singing  an  airy  lullaby  or  put  enough  emotion  into  a  chipper  song.   anything  too  high  or  too  low,   however,   and  fiona  has  a  tendency  to  uh.   overreach?   lots  of  voice  cracking.   ears  bleed.   birds  blow  up  and  die.   it’s  not  a  great  situation.
in  childhood  and  in  her  tower,   she  doodled  herself  and  her  imaginary  prince  a  lot.   after  she  doesn’t  doodle  quite  as  much,   but  she’ll  doodle  herself,  shrek,  donkey,  and  dragon.   and  eventually  lots  of  dress  sketches  when  she  starts  up  that  fashion  business  xo.   fiona’s  p  much  a  solid  stick  figure  artist  tho.
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crownshattered-a · 3 years
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Monster Verse Info:
Here’s a verse where Kira is in a monster vs. monster hunter world. Monsters are just trying to live their life and most (not Kira) try to just avoid humans if they can help it. Monster hunters hunt and kill any monster they see (so who’s the morally correct one?)
Kira’s a siren. There are two different types of sirens; Sky Sirens, who have wings and roam the sky and mountain regions, and Sea Sirens, who have tails and lurk in the waters. Both devour unsuspecting travelers, and both hate the other race. Kira, however, is both. Her mom was Sky, her dad was Sea. As a result, neither race would accept her and both hate her since she’s an “abomination” in their eyes.
She was abandoned as a baby and was soon found washed up on a beach. People who trade monster parts cut off her wings to sell and then sold her to the government, where they performed tests and experiments on her. She had to wear a muzzle to keep her from singing, so anything covering her mouth is a trigger for her. Also, whips. She finally broke out at 12 and went on the run. She murdered a Sky Siren and stole her wings, which are torn up and messy from the battle. But they still work (Sky Sirens can steal others’ wings if they lost their own).
Sirens, whether it be Sky or Sea, can conceal their abnormalities for a limited amount of time. They can look human by retracting their wings or turning their tails into legs. Also, they can turn their eyes to a normal human color instead of the inky blackness that they are. As a hybrid between the two species, she has the advantages of both so she can conquer both air and sea. She can make her legs turn into a tail in water, and she can make her wings appear on land/in the air. However, since she’s only half of both, these effects don’t last as long as for other sirens. Sea Sirens can spend their entire lives underwater, but Kira can only last a little bit over a week. Sky Sirens always have their wings (unless they conceal them to look human) but Kira’s will fade after 2-3 days of continuous use (if she makes them go away for little while, then her “timer” will reset and she can summon them back). 
She often disguises herself as a human to eat. She’ll act as a singer and when people go backstage—lured by her siren’s voice—, she’ll lead them on and take them out of the venue only to devour them. She can control human minds with her voice, on accident that is. Any word she says will hypnotize, so she’s usually silent otherwise.
Here’s a sketch page of what she looks like (PLEASE DONT MIND MY CRAPPY HANDWRITING, I WROTE/DREW THIS YEARS AGO and my handwriting really hasnt improved much LOLLL):
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mememickey · 7 years
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New DR commission sheet!
Some Rules:
I’ll only be accepting payments through PayPal
I don’t draw NSFW (Nude, porn, or gore of any kind)
I don’t draw Mecha (I’m just not good at it, I wouldn’t want to charge you for a crappy drawing of a machine)
I need to know if you don’t want the image uploaded to tumblr or twitter
If you need the image by a certain date, I require at least two weeks notice
If you are interested, send an e-mail to [email protected], or dm me on twitter, mickey_manic. You can send me a message over Tumblr to check my email, but please do not harass me about it.
I require payment up front.
I will send an invoice with the needed information.
If, for any reason, I am unable to complete the commission (i.e. sudden health issues, computer problems, etc.) I will provide a full refund.
Talksprites and Pinups will be transparent, while Headsprites will have a single color background. You are more than welcome to give me a preferred color.
HALF-BODY SPRITES - Comes with 3 simple expressions
HEADSPRITES - Comes with 4 simple expressions
FULL BODY SPRITES - Do not come with any additional poses or expressions. 
BUNDLES (limited slots)
I do offer bundle sprite packs for a large set of sprites. The price for these will have to be coordinated depending on the amount of sprites wanted, simple expressions and/or poses, and the complexity of the design. If a bundle is what you want, then please message me over Tumblr or Discord so we can discuss the price there.
While images are preferable, whether through dollmakers or art, I can make do with a written description. If that is the case, I ask that you at least provide some color references (skin tone, hair & eyes, etc.) so I can make the drawing as accurate as possible.
I will send preliminary sketches for you to review.
ALSO, this is more about me, but if there are any details that a dollmaker cannot accurately represent (this character has droopy/diff. color/narrow eyes, hair is x color with a x highlight, birth marks, body shape, beauty marks, scars, symbols, tattoos, etc) then don’t be afraid to tell me! Like I said before, I want to stay true to your characters!
If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me!
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