#please become my sugar daddy lilia
merakiui · 2 years
sugar daddy lilia :oo i'd love to hear your thoughts if you wanna share!!
(also sugar daddy dottore you're so right and you should say it)
I have so many thoughts!! Thank you for letting me share them!!!! :D
I feel like sugar daddy!Lilia would give you the most obscure gifts on top of a regular allowance. You would receive some very antique/medieval trinkets and some beautiful (also antique) jewelry regardless of whether you wear jewelry. He just likes seeing you wear shiny things, so even if you aren't much of a jewelry person at least wear it when you spend time with him. He'd want you to give him your company and time most of all. Sex is also an idea, but he won't pressure you into anything you aren't comfortable with. But if the thought ever crosses your mind, you're encouraged to share it with him. He's always willing to hear you out. ;)
He's especially happy when he introduces you to Malleus and you befriend him. Malleus probably ends up becoming your second unofficial sugar daddy based off of witnessing Lilia's treatment of you. But he's mostly quiet, and you'll receive gifts in secret. Most of the time you assume it's Lilia surprising you, but some of those things are from Malleus. He's fond of the way your eyes light up when you see the things he's placed in your mailbox or on your doorstep or on your windowsill. Lilia's aware of this and has no issue allowing Malleus to spoil you, so long as Malleus is content and happy with it. Lilia won't mention it yet, but you're one of the few people to invite Malleus to outings and for that he is very grateful.
As kind and generous as Lilia is, there are some things that are strange about him. He pops in and out of your house despite not owning a key, and he always makes sure your fridge and food cupboards are fully stocked. He prefers it when you spend the night at his place and he's always willing to let you stay for more than just the night. He's even proposed living together a few times, but you insisted that you didn't want to be a burden. He knows you could never burden him, but your independence is also important so he won't force his ideas on you. Most nights, when you're alone at work or out with friends, you're certain you catch sight of blood-red eyes. And when they disappear, you can feel them crawling up your back like spiders.
But you're certain Lilia wouldn't be watching you. He has his own life. It's funny how he always seems to show up at the right moments, though, especially when those moments pose danger to you.
(sugar daddy!dottore is also a very fun thought to entertain hehe.)
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Diasomnia Dating HC: What are they like in a relationship?
Malleus Draconia
This boy, this sweet sweet boy
I can just see Malleus doing everything and anything thinking it’ll make you happy
Want something to drink? Has 50 different bottles in his arms within three seconds
You make a small comment about how something looked nice? He bought it and is now gifting it to you the next day.
He’s definitely more stiff as a lover, not really used to affection, so please be gentle with him
Once he warms up to your affection, expect to have a gloomy dragon on your hands after a day of school
All he wants is to love you and be near you
Lilia Vanrouge
(this and the next one are joke bullet points) I highly imagine and stand by the ‘Sugar Daddy by day, E-girl streamer by night’ headcanon for Lilia, it just feels right with his character and personality.
I also imagine he’d be blasting Corpse music at like, 3 am, just for the hell of it. Specifically ‘E-girls are ruining my life.’ Also because he finds it funny
(serious) Now, Lilia’s been alive for a long, long, long, long… long, LONG time. He’s got dating experience.
He knows the do’s and don’ts of relationships, but I believe he’s never been with a human before, so it’s a new ballpark for him.
I feel like he’d try to do old fae courting actions, and they’re odd but still endearing, somehow
Just because you’re his partner though, that doesn’t mean you’re off-limits for his pranks. In fact you’re probably more likely to be the victim of these jokes.
I’d like to think he’s a gentleman during school in the halls but he’s definitely hanging onto your arm in some way, shape, or form.
100% games with you, you’re his duo
Just don’t let him cook. God please don’t let this man near a damn kitchen
Nap dates
100% no questions asked, a majority of your dates will involve sleeping
Being raised by Lilia, he definitely will be a gentleman to you, a very sweet and doting lover
Since animals are drawn to him, you can expect a lot of cuddly critters interrupting your outdoor dates every now and then
His favorite place to nap would become you after a little while, whether it’s your thighs, chest, or on your shoulder. He just loves being able to doze off with your hand running through his hair, welcoming the lull that came over him.
Is glad to have someone understanding of his sleepy and dozing off moments, feels bad if he accidentally nods off while you're talking or he’s helping you with something. Your presence just makes him feel so comfortable!
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r0zez-in-bl00m · 3 years
~ 𝓒𝓻𝓾𝓮𝓵 𝓽𝓸 𝓫𝓮 𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓭 ~
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Chaotic parents
🦇Lilia Vanrouge x fem!reader, WORD COUNT : : 2K
Description- Lilia's wife comes for a visit but leaves a trail of destruction behind.
Placed under the cut for length!
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It was yet another quiet day at the dormitory founded on the elegance of the fairy of thorns. The morning was greeted by Sebek and Silver’s bickering about whose training routine was better while Silver occasionally dozed off leaving Sebek to jerk him awake every single time with his thunderous voice. The dorm leader of Diasomania, Malleus, stared out of the window in the common room, finding the outside world much more interesting than the leather stiff book he had read a countless number of times or the ongoing talk across the room.
Yes, it was indeed another normal, boring day for the residents of Diasomania. Well, far too normal.
The one-sided quarrel between Sebek and Silver ended abruptly when the sound of an explosion came from the kitchens (did they even have that?), breaking the second-year’s slumber instantly as he looked around quizzically. “WHAT WAS THAT?!?!” Sebek thundered, the obvious surprise plastered on his face as he faced Silver. The second-year shrugged his shoulders as a response as he removed Sebek’s hand on his dorm uniform. “Maybe the old man is in the kitchen again,” Silver said, staring at the hallway to the kitchen worryingly.
Silver knew how experimental his father was in the field of culinary arts. The variety of weird, foul-smelling dishes he had tasted (and dreaded) as a little child was a prime example of it. As the knight had feared, not soon after, Lilia stepped into the common room, his clothes a little burnt, face covered in soot, with a burnt dish in his hands. “Oh my, this stew took longer than I had anticipated!” He said as he dried the non-existent sweat off his brow. Sebek retracted the moment the blasted dish’s smell reached his nose. That dish could barely be categorized as food, let alone be eaten under normal circumstances. Was the dressing covered in slime and worms?
“I-I see . . . it’s an excellent looking dish, Lord Lilia!” Sebek complimented, but his reaction betrayed his words greatly. “May I ask which stew is it?”
‘Better not ask if you don’t want to be the first victim Sebek,’ Silver thought but refrained from speaking it out loud. Sebek was always too fond of his seniors. The old fae, on the other hand, seemed giddy and unusually excited to tell Sebek about his extra special dish. “Well, it’s my specialty dish which I only make on the rarest of occasions, and mind you it’s really hard to persuade me to make this dish even if you ask a million times,” Lilia giggled while continuously shoving the otherworldly stew at Poor Sebek’s face.
Who would be in their right mind to actually persuade Lilia Vanrouge, the most horrible cook humanity has ever seen?
Lilia’s body shivered from giggling as Sebek guessed various stew names he had known. In defeat, Lilia finally disclosed the name, “It’s my legendary ‘slimy beef casserole’!!”
Silver almost choked at the name of the dish alone when he thought he was about to doze off again, finding it hard to breathe as he stared at Lilia as if he had grown another head.
Malleus, from his window, had his ears perked up as well at the unusual excitement. “Beef-Tomato stew?” Malleus questioned, “Don’t you usually make it for-”
Before he could finish a puff of green smoke encircled the room completely. Silver’s dread turned horrendous as his aurora eyes traveled up to see the person coming out of the clearing green fog.
Those (e/c) eyes, that hair tied in a ponytail, and the familiar scent of raspberries. Hauling the heavy travel bag in her hand, the apparently young-looking girl smiled brightly and exclaimed brightly, “Family reunion!!” tackling Lilia to the ground, eliciting a chuckle from the latter. All the while Silver pinched the bridge of his nose in worry.
Indeed, it was going to be a long day.
“All I had heard that it was a famous school for kids with magic, but I didn’t know that its campus was this big!!!” His mother chirped happily, skirting around here and there like a newborn baby bird. It had taken everything for Silver to not sink and die. To actually think that his own mother would show up at the school where he and his father were studying, and in summer clothes on top of that. That tank top concealed under a modest button-up shirt wasn’t doing her any favor. He had to persuade his stubborn mother to wear something modest enough to not get any weird glances.
Aside from Silver’s anxiety and protectiveness towards his mother, Lilia was extremely ecstatic.
“My sweet, you hadn’t mentioned that you had taken a trip to the southern islands in your recent letters,” Lilia said, strolling side by side with his beloved, arms linked and fingers intertwined. “Judging by your complexion you sure had a great time!”
(Name) giggled, “Of course, unlike you who would turn into a mummy just after an hour under the sun, I am always up for a swim on a hot summer beach and getting a tan!” She rolled up her sleeves and showed her changed skin color with pride, a smirk adorning her adorable visage.
Silver sheepishly scratched his head, “So, what made you come for a visit mom?” It’s not like he wasn’t happy, of course, no child could ever be sad to see their mother after a long time, but the question was- why now?
(Name) shuddered at the question, as if it was something too painful to talk about. Nonetheless, she shared her part of the story. “Staying in the Valley of thorns with nothing to do but tric⸺ I mean, play with neighbors was getting tooooo boring.” She said, twirling around in her summer dress, “That was when Sebek’s mum suggested me to go on a trip like old times! Gosh, I had missed the sights! But, traveling with my sugar daddy was much more fun, and I kind of started to miss⸺”
Silver’s eyes widened like two satellite dishes as he subconsciously cut of his mother, “Sugar what?”
He heard his father laugh heartily, smacking his arm slightly as if it was normal, “I told her to call me that, cool right?” Lilia asked, his lips occasionally curving upwards. Silver didn’t know what to do in this awkward situation. It was getting hard to keep a poker face when his cheeks were getting redder by the goddamn second. Unlike him, Malleus and Sebek were not even a little fazed by this.
“Nowadays people call their partners with such flowery nicknames,” (name) curiously reminiscence the one time she had heard someone calling their lovers in an odd fashion while at the beach. “Uh! Time flies by.”
Lilia chuckled at his beloved’s innocence, “Sweetheart, it’s good and all that you are learning new things and accepting the changing times, but” he gestured to Silver’s tomato face amusingly. “Other students will notice us, look, even our son is getting all embarrassed even after hearing our romantic exchanges a million times.”
Sebek, initially confused about what the great seven was happening, seeing his fellow guard show vulnerability, screamed at full-throttle, “SILVER!! Be ashamed of yourself!! It’s unbecoming of Young Master’s escort to show his blushing face in public!!!!”
Silver held the bridge of his nose for the umpteenth time. “No one hadn’t even noticed until you brought it up for everyone to hear.” He pointed out to the two first-year students who were curiously eyeing the Diasomania group, only to scramble away laughing when Silver had noticed them.
Pushing all the hue and cry away, the prince of thorns conversed with Mrs. Vanrouge, his eyes glimmering with child-like fondness. “How has everything been in the Valley of thorns, (name)? Well, I presume?” His questions were cute just like his expressions!
The female couldn’t help but smile giddily, “My Prince, it hasn’t been long since your last visit to the land. What more could change in a few months’ time?”
The old fae nudged the prince’s arm a little. “You know Malleus, sweet. Always insatiably curious, this young lad,” Lilia added, earning a glare from the dorm leader. Before he could retort and start one of his ‘I’m not a child’ monologues, (name) asked– “Where are Silver and Sebek?” The other two fairies looked behind them and found the two of them vanished from sight.
“They must have stopped because of their argument again, those two.”
“I’ll go look for them if you’d like,” Malleus offered, but the old man shook it off. “Knowing those two, it’s better if I come too, just in case Sebek takes it to arms and marches on to war,” Lilia said. “(name), could you please wait a minute over here?”
As if she was a child who needed parental consent, (name) pouted at the irritating behavior of her husband only to earn a million mandol smile in return. The promise of getting back in less than a minute had triggered a few options in the female’s mind, none of them were in goodwill. Would she actually be Mrs. Vanrouge if not as much of a trickster as her husband?
A devilish smirk appeared as soon as the duo’s backs disappeared from her sight. Cracking the knuckles of her hands, she gazed around the vacant vicinity.
“Sooooooooo, what to do next?”
The half-silent walk towards the rendezvous point was broken when Lilia had opened up his mouth to speak- “It’s good that the two of you didn’t wander off too much, it would’ve been far too much troubling to search the entire school.”
“I DEEPLY APOLOGISE LORD LILIA!!” Sebek pleaded, or more like screamed for mercy, “If Silver hadn’t fallen asleep, we would’ve come back sooner.”
“And we wouldn’t have become lost,” Silver added apologetically. “It’s alright, it was all in goodwill and we found you in time before dinner,” Malleus reassured. Sebek seemed to calm down at his lord’s words but nonetheless continued to rant and reprimand himself for being an incompetent vassal and what not.
But it stopped the moment all of them found (name) to be missing. “Didn’t we leave (name) here?” Malleus asked, confused as to where she could’ve gone. “My little honey drop likes to play hide and seek a lot, surely she mustn’t have gone too far!” Lilia reasoned but internally dreaded inside. Something of a horrible memory was coming back to him but he couldn’t place his finger on it . . . .
“Father,” Silvers said, serious, “We need to find Mom before she gets herself into trouble.”
“Yes, Silver is absolutely correct, or have you forgotten what happened during the Queen’s birthday?” Lilia’s mouth formed an ‘O’ shaped as the realization dawned over him. “Right! How could I forget?” (name) had planted a party bomb inside the cake that it exploded and its contents spilled everywhere. It wasn’t that big of a prank but the look the Queen had thrown afterward spoke volumes.
“In that case, the sooner we find her, the better it will be.” At that, the group again moves out to search, the expectancy to loads of trouble ahead humming in their minds.
On the other side, many weird occurrences happened at NRC that day. Students found the cafeteria benches levitating in the air with Rosehearts screaming ‘OFF WITH YOUR HEAD’ at the anonymous person who had hanged him from the ceiling. The Lion of Savannah was in a sour mood all day after it took him 2 hours to remove all the girlish accessories which had magically adorned his hair and chased Ruggie to have the evidence removed from existence. The ever-charismatic Vil Schoenheit seemed to have wanted to pop a blood vessel in his body after finding that someone had let Heartslaybul’s Flamingos loose in the dormitory. The clean-up in itself was a big task, the aftermath even more terrible.
All the while (Name) treated herself to some roasted marshmallows (courtesy of the cafeteria ghosts who mistook her for a child). The female never quite understood why her husband detested such a delectable snack. At the thought of Lilia, she wondered if he was looking for her while she was creating chaos in the school. She giggled at the illustration of his panicked face came to her mind.
Leaving the train of thoughts, she turned her focus back on chomping down the white snack. “Oh, a child has wandered into the campus?” a suspicious voice came from behind her, a shadow looming over her and blocking the sunlight. (Name) immediately turned to see a man with a bird mask glowering from above. The female wanted to scoff at the impudence of the idiot in front of her. Child? She was even older than the ancestry line of the top hat he was wearing. But, still feeling a little devilish, she decided to go with the flow. The headmaster crouched down in front of her, “Are you lost?”
“KIDNAPPER!!!!!!!!” The scream was so hard that it had rendered his hearing senses, which was a first for him given that he had already heard a different variety of screams. “My, dear child you have a loud voice!” Crowley held his head, still trying to shake off the effect, “and I’m not a kidnapper. I may appear suspicious but I’m a very generous person and the headmaster of this school!”
Even more, fun to trick you then.
“Oh really! Then prove it, Mister Crow!” she said faux excitedly.
Crowley cleared his throat, finding the nickname to be cute, “Alright, Alright! How about some ice cream and a little tour of the school?” The female’s mouth immediately watered at the word ‘ice cream’. She nodded vigorously in approval. Suddenly, she felt glad that she came to visit. Having a delicious treat on top of that a good laugh was like icing on a cake. Maybe she could demand a cake too.
“Headmaster Crowley!! Right on time!”
Oh damn.
She dreaded what was about to come next. The sight of her beloved husband with a teasing smile on his face poured water all over her future plans! Goodbye ice-cream.
“Everything has been upside down today . . . . oh, who’s this?” curse his impeccable question ‘who’s this?’
“This is a child I found roaming the gardens,” Crowley explained. “And by what do you specifically mean by ‘upside down’, Vanrouge?”
“You’re requested in the cafeteria, there you might get what you need, for the time being, I can look over after the child,” The damned fae knew what he was doing and was enjoying every bit of it! He smiled, showing more teeth than required, his magenta orbs glowing, “We will have lots of fun, won’t we little one?” It sent shivers down her spine and marked as the queue that she had overstayed her visit and best be off now.
With a puff of smoke, she vanished into sight, leaving the headmaster confused as the green air cleared. “What just happened Vanrouge?”
Lilia smiled peacefully, exhaling a sigh of relief, and said, “Nothing, absolutely nothing.”
“Father, you’re going to mail the stew?”
“Yes! She came for a visit but forgot her favorite dish. I hope that the Thorn delivery service can handle the stew, the worms bite a lot.”
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merakiui · 1 year
Hiiii~ Mera! I've wanted to ask you if you by any chance have any Malleus thoughts?? 👀 👉👈
I may have a few hehe!! :D please accept these very assorted Malleus concepts that have been floating around in my brain.
✧ sugar daddy malleus in ancient times in which he’s the mysterious being of the deep, dark forest everyone tells you to stay away from. but that same mysterious being is leaving lustrous gemstones and exquisite pieces of jewelry on your doorstep or at the entrance of the forest for you to take, always even more generous each time. and in return, you must provide him with something of yours (usually he’d like something from your hobbies, whether a poem or a sketch or a wood carving and so on). one day he’ll steal you away, but until then he provides generous sums for you to continue living comfortably. after all, he’s quite entertained with the lovely art you produce! he must know more.
✧ omegaverse in which, by order of lord malleus, guards silver and sebek free you (and plenty others) from an alpha who had been keeping you captive for various reasons. without a place to live or a madol to your name, lord malleus allows you to live within his castle under the condition that you must earn your keep. sebek doesn’t trust you, but silver thinks everyone deserves a fair chance and though it may be dangerous for an unmated omega and an unmated alpha to coexist, especially when said alpha is a very important ruler, you’ve proven to be a very diligent servant to malleus, always so determined to pay him back for his generosity. malleus has grown rather fond of you in the time he’s gradually beginning to know you, and before long he’s inviting you to take a stroll through the palace gardens with him or to join him for evening tea or to accompany him to the grand library so he may find a book he’s been looking to read. and eventually your heat will sneak up on you, and who better to assist you with it than the lord you serve? :)
✧ a very awkward fwb dynamic in which both you and malleus are horribly inexperienced in romance, so your dynamic essentially becomes one of fwb—by which if malleus gifts you a bouquet because you’re his dearest friend (he is madly in love with you) you hurry to return his goodwill with some of your own. there is no sex in this fwb (yet). the two of you are just always trying to return the other’s kindness and are so worried about forgetting to repay favors to one another or else you think it’ll look rude and malleus fears his favorite child of man will become offended. the benefits in this friendship is essentially just lots of courtship gifts that neither of you realize are courtship gifts. both of you are always friend-zoning each other, too. T_T lilia just wants you and malleus to kiss already.
✧ ceo malleus who is very bad at using technology, so you (his secretary) help him out and handle much of the tech work for him. naturally he has to repay you by railing you behind closed doors in his office (and maybe even knocking you up if you’re capable of having children hehe).
✧ you’re making a wish on a star in hopes that the sky above will answer it. but when you wish for a companion/lover/friend/a horned fae prince who is very tall and can sing and is very handsome and keeps a tamagotchi and is also lonely so he needs a friend (this last one is very specific;;;;), you don’t expect said fae to appear and offer companionship. he may or may not have been watching you for months now, waiting for the right moment to appear before you at your windowsill. but when you’ve made such a curious wish, how can he possibly stay hidden any longer? he adores you too much. <3
✧ arranged marriage in which you’re betrothed to malleus in a marriage that’s meant to serve as the first stepping stone in uniting humankind and faekind and putting all previous disagreements to rest. you think you’ll be fine so long as you’re courteous and obedient, but your fiancé seems to like you a little too much. :)
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