#please channel your energy into problems that exist outside of the internet.
x-v4mp3y3lin3r-x · 2 years
I consistently see more people defending the leather community from non-existent outrage than I see people defending trans people from REAL laws being passed in SO MANY STATES RN. y'all are so ready to say "hating kink is a step towards outlawing queers" BUT THEY ARE LITERALLY OUTLAWING QUEERS RIGHT FUCKING NOW AND IT HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR STUPID LITTLE DISCOURSE
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myastrologyblog · 5 years
Meaningful New Year’s Resolutions for the Signs
Aries: Plan for your dreams
Aries is a fiery sign who is all about doing, doing, doing, but not so much about planning. They get bursts of quick energy with genius ideas but often never act upon them. This year, Aries, use one of those strokes of genius and see it to completion. Whether this is investing in a new property, creating a business plan, writing a manuscript or planning the trip around the world that you always wanted to take, make plans to take small, incremental steps to achieve this. Whatever big project that you always dreamed of doing, but always seemed so out of reach–now is the time to believe in yourself and see this project of yours come to life.
Taurus: Try minimalism
Taurus, with Christmas and New Years having recently passed, I’m sure you have a plethora of new gifts and clothes in your over-bustling wardrobe, while your poor desk fights for space with your new impulse buys. A good resolution for you is to give up your lesser-used objects and see how much more relaxing life can be without the clutter of them. Minimalism is a lifestyle all about appreciation and value. While not only being more aesthetically pleasing, it can teach you a lot about self-control, the purpose of items and freedom from material fixation. Plus, think of how shocked your friends will be when you stroll up to your next weekend getaway with only hand luggage!
Gemini: Pick up new books
In this busy, digital age, life can become a bit repetitive. We work or study, then we come home and procrastinate on the internet. Reading is a brilliant and great gateway between the two. It’s relaxing, fun and educational. Often in life, after we grow up and leave school, we forget to continue our learning and education. And often when we are in school, we forget about the fun and magic that can be found in learning. Being such a mentally curious sign, there’s no doubt you read a lot anyway, but setting a goal to read styles of writing you haven’t previously explored will open up your mind to new ideas, perspectives and worlds thus adding a bit of well-needed stimulation in an otherwise monotonous week. 
Cancer: Practise Gratitude
Cancer is a sign that truly appreciates the good things in life, it’s one of the many great qualities about them. But when things turn bad, Cancer puts on a pity-infused blindfold to the wonderful things and people they do have in their life. To combat those rainy mood days, try practising gratitude often to get you into the groove of positivity. Set a reminder on your phone, keep a gratitude journal or have someone remind you and begin to write down or say aloud three things you are grateful for that day. Gratitude is the opposite of lacking and so you cannot feel both at the same time. Gratitude can instantly turn a bad day into one of the best you’ve ever had, life is all about perspective and Cancer can benefit greatly from learning this!  
Leo: Spend more time in nature
In such a busy working age, it’s hard to find the time or energy to do anything other than commute to and from one industrial building to the next. Did you know that three-quarters of children in the UK spend less time outdoors than prison inmates? I’m sure the same can be said about adults. There are so many benefits of engaging with nature. As a bold Leo with so much energy and a real passion for adventure, the perfect resolution for you is to go on more hikes and spend more time doing outdoor activities such as sports or even gardening. Studies have reported how nature is good for our happiness and healthiness. It’ll give you, the ever-venturesome Leo, a sense of adventure as you discover new things, a sense of productivity and good use of your energy.
Virgo: Be kinder to yourself
Dear Virgo, you work yourself so tirelessly sometimes only to come home to more self-criticism. While being a perfectionist has led to many great things in your life, it’s important to remember that it’s okay not to be productive 100% of the time, and it’s also okay to take time to yourself. While your sign is naturally the provider/server of others, you need to learn to use that trait on yourself and serve your own needs. Learn that they are important and that kindness begins at home. You will only learn to be less critical of the world by starting with yourself. While you may not be the pampering type, some self-love and lazy days are exactly what you need in order to ultimately be your most productive and loving.
Libra: Strengthen your existing relationships
Libra, you are a social butterfly, you charm any room and your genuine politeness makes you a lovely gem in everyone’s minds. Unfortunately, you have a way of getting carried away with this gift and end up making more superficial relationships than deep ones. This becomes a problem when you face tough times and realise you are alone in your problems. Your resolution is to reach out to some old or existing friends that life has led you to lose contact with. They’ll appreciate it, and this way, you can rekindle some amazing friendships and thus create stronger, more valuable bonds with people. Taking time out to appreciate and spend time with the people in your life who have been there for a long time will make you, and them, much happier.
Scorpio: Solo-travel
Scorpio, the deep, mysterious and soul-seeking sign. Well, guess what? You’re not going to learn the mysteries of the world by sitting on the couch in your hometown. While extended solo-travelling may not be the most viable options in everyone’s lives, it’s good to experience a trip by yourself no matter how short it may be. It’ll not only give you more insight into the world but also into yourself. This time in a foreign place will allow you to truly be yourself as you shed any reputations you have back home and appreciate the benefits of your own company. You can also forge many new connections, experience once-in-a-lifetime opportunities and learn to trust in yourself, your independence and see the value in transient relationships.
Sagittarius: Start a blog or channel
You have so much to say, and not enough hours in the day to say it, so why not start a blog? Because you are such a busy and often convoluted talker, you might find your comments being brushed off or going unheard by others. However, by sharing your voice on a louder platform you may see the importance of your ideas. You have the gift of the gab so why not make use of it? Blogging, or vlogging, is a great hobby (or career) for an innovative and intelligent Sagittarius. It channels all your creative energy into an organised and thus readable (or watchable) segment that others can understand. Blogging always requires research as well, which makes you learn more every day. It hones many different skills that you excel in such as writing, research, creativity, planning and execution and also connects you with like-minded others.
Capricorn: Get off social media
Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, the planet of rules and restrictions. Yet, you have such a hard time with your unconscious addictions. More than any of the other signs, Capricorn relies on old-fashioned status for respect. That self-respect gets lowered when faced with everyone else’s highlight reels being broadcasted on Instagram and Facebook. Suddenly, you start buying things just for the likes or going places just for the photo-opportunity. Learning to live authentically, in spite of anyone else’s happiness or progress, is vital for you. By comparing yourself to others, you will always be striving for a false sense of happiness. Perhaps a good length of time disconnected from social media would be a great way to boost your real happiness.
Aquarius: Volunteer
Aquarius, the world lover. You are a unique paradox. As much as you love the idea of world peace, ending world hunger and bringing people together–actually having to react to people’s emotions is entirely uncomfortable and awkward for you. But, no true saviour lies behind a screen. People often donate some pocket change to charity at the end of the year and say they did their part, but this will not suffice you. By actively going out into the world and giving people your most important resources– your time and empathy, you will positively be helping the world, and the world will be helping you. This will bring you closer to overcoming your uncomfortable emotions, affecting people’s lives for the better and getting outside your own head with real life issues.
Pisces: Talk to strangers
Now, hear me out Pisces. I know you’re probably already pulling back just from reading the title. Talking to strangers–why would I ever do such a thing? You ask. Because there are so many benefits from this that outweigh the risks. Pisces is naturally a loving and social sign but you are often held back by your own insecurities. Try talking to that person on the bus, or introduce yourself to the cute person sitting alone in a cafe–you never know what will happen and you will be grateful you did it no matter the outcome. By building this essential skill, you will feel so much happier and more free from your internal restrictions. You will also be surprised at how receptive people are to being approached and gain so many new and wonderful connections this year.
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wtfzodiacsigns · 5 years
Meaningful New Year’s Resolutions for the Signs
Aries: Plan for your dreams
Aries is a fiery sign who is all about doing, doing, doing, but not so much about planning. They get bursts of quick energy with genius ideas but often never act upon them. This year, Aries, use one of those strokes of genius and see it to completion. Whether this is investing in a new property, creating a business plan, writing a manuscript or planning the trip around the world that you always wanted to take, make plans to take small, incremental steps to achieve this. Whatever big project that you always dreamed of doing, but always seemed so out of reach–now is the time to believe in yourself and see this project of yours come to life.
Taurus: Try minimalism
Taurus, with Christmas and New Years having recently passed, I’m sure you have a plethora of new gifts and clothes in your over-bustling wardrobe, while your poor desk fights for space with your new impulse buys. A good resolution for you is to give up your lesser-used objects and see how much more relaxing life can be without the clutter of them. Minimalism is a lifestyle all about appreciation and value. While not only being more aesthetically pleasing, it can teach you a lot about self-control, the purpose of items and freedom from material fixation. Plus, think of how shocked your friends will be when you stroll up to your next weekend getaway with only hand luggage!
Gemini: Pick up new books
In this busy, digital age, life can become a bit repetitive. We work or study, then we come home and procrastinate on the internet. Reading is a brilliant and great gateway between the two. It’s relaxing, fun and educational. Often in life, after we grow up and leave school, we forget to continue our learning and education. And often when we are in school, we forget about the fun and magic that can be found in learning. Being such a mentally curious sign, there’s no doubt you read a lot anyway, but setting a goal to read styles of writing you haven’t previously explored will open up your mind to new ideas, perspectives and worlds thus adding a bit of well-needed stimulation in an otherwise monotonous week.
Cancer: Practise Gratitude
Cancer is a sign that truly appreciates the good things in life, it’s one of the many great qualities about them. But when things turn bad, Cancer puts on a pity-infused blindfold to the wonderful things and people they do have in their life. To combat those rainy mood days, try practising gratitude often to get you into the groove of positivity. Set a reminder on your phone, keep a gratitude journal or have someone remind you and begin to write down or say aloud three things you are grateful for that day. Gratitude is the opposite of lacking and so you cannot feel both at the same time. Gratitude can instantly turn a bad day into one of the best you’ve ever had, life is all about perspective and Cancer can benefit greatly from learning this!  
Leo: Spend more time in nature
In such a busy working age, it’s hard to find the time or energy to do anything other than commute to and from one industrial building to the next. Did you know that three-quarters of children in the UK spend less time outdoors than prison inmates? I’m sure the same can be said about adults. There are so many benefits of engaging with nature. As a bold Leo with so much energy and a real passion for adventure, the perfect resolution for you is to go on more hikes and spend more time doing outdoor activities such as sports or even gardening. Studies have reported how nature is good for our happiness and healthiness. It’ll give you, the ever-venturesome Leo, a sense of adventure as you discover new things, a sense of productivity and good use of your energy.
Virgo: Be kinder to yourself
Dear Virgo, you work yourself so tirelessly sometimes only to come home to more self-criticism. While being a perfectionist has led to many great things in your life, it’s important to remember that it’s okay not to be productive 100% of the time, and it’s also okay to take time to yourself. While your sign is naturally the provider/server of others, you need to learn to use that trait on yourself and serve your own needs. Learn that they are important and that kindness begins at home. You will only learn to be less critical of the world by starting with yourself. While you may not be the pampering type, some self-love and lazy days are exactly what you need in order to ultimately be your most productive and loving.
Libra: Strengthen your existing relationships
Libra, you are a social butterfly, you charm any room and your genuine politeness makes you a lovely gem in everyone’s minds. Unfortunately, you have a way of getting carried away with this gift and end up making more superficial relationships than deep ones. This becomes a problem when you face tough times and realise you are alone in your problems. Your resolution is to reach out to some old or existing friends that life has led you to lose contact with. They’ll appreciate it, and this way, you can rekindle some amazing friendships and thus create stronger, more valuable bonds with people. Taking time out to appreciate and spend time with the people in your life who have been there for a long time will make you, and them, much happier.
Scorpio: Solo-travel
Scorpio, the deep, mysterious and soul-seeking sign. Well, guess what? You’re not going to learn the mysteries of the world by sitting on the couch in your hometown. While extended solo-travelling may not be the most viable options in everyone’s lives, it’s good to experience a trip by yourself no matter how short it may be. It’ll not only give you more insight into the world but also into yourself. This time in a foreign place will allow you to truly be yourself as you shed any reputations you have back home and appreciate the benefits of your own company. You can also forge many new connections, experience once-in-a-lifetime opportunities and learn to trust in yourself, your independence and see the value in transient relationships.
Sagittarius: Start a blog or channel
You have so much to say, and not enough hours in the day to say it, so why not start a blog? Because you are such a busy and often convoluted talker, you might find your comments being brushed off or going unheard by others. However, by sharing your voice on a louder platform you may see the importance of your ideas. You have the gift of the gab so why not make use of it? Blogging, or vlogging, is a great hobby (or career) for an innovative and intelligent Sagittarius. It channels all your creative energy into an organised and thus readable (or watchable) segment that others can understand. Blogging always requires research as well, which makes you learn more every day. It hones many different skills that you excel in such as writing, research, creativity, planning and execution and also connects you with like-minded others.
Capricorn: Get off social media
Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, the planet of rules and restrictions. Yet, you have such a hard time with your unconscious addictions. More than any of the other signs, Capricorn relies on old-fashioned status for respect. That self-respect gets lowered when faced with everyone else’s highlight reels being broadcasted on Instagram and Facebook. Suddenly, you start buying things just for the likes or going places just for the photo-opportunity. Learning to live authentically, in spite of anyone else’s happiness or progress, is vital for you. By comparing yourself to others, you will always be striving for a false sense of happiness. Perhaps a good length of time disconnected from social media would be a great way to boost your real happiness.
Aquarius: Volunteer
Aquarius, the world lover. You are a unique paradox. As much as you love the idea of world peace, ending world hunger and bringing people together–actually having to react to people’s emotions is entirely uncomfortable and awkward for you. But, no true saviour lies behind a screen. People often donate some pocket change to charity at the end of the year and say they did their part, but this will not suffice you. By actively going out into the world and giving people your most important resources– your time and empathy, you will positively be helping the world, and the world will be helping you. This will bring you closer to overcoming your uncomfortable emotions, affecting people’s lives for the better and getting outside your own head with real life issues.
Pisces: Talk to strangers
Now, hear me out Pisces. I know you’re probably already pulling back just from reading the title. Talking to strangers–why would I ever do such a thing? You ask. Because there are so many benefits from this that outweigh the risks. Pisces is naturally a loving and social sign but you are often held back by your own insecurities. Try talking to that person on the bus, or introduce yourself to the cute person sitting alone in a cafe–you never know what will happen and you will be grateful you did it no matter the outcome. By building this essential skill, you will feel so much happier and more free from your internal restrictions. You will also be surprised at how receptive people are to being approached and gain so many new and wonderful connections this year.
Source: myastrologyblog
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xtattlecrimex-blog · 5 years
Speaking Of Pretentious Pseudo-Intellectuals:
Let’s talk about internet psychologist @ravenstag-wytch​ who thinks she knows everything because she took a psych-101 course once and likes to use every cliche trope in the book to “internet diagnose” people with “problems” which if she knew anything about psychology at all she’d know she couldn’t do. So, here’s the little DM she sent me because well...she practically BEGGED me for attention while claiming I’M an attention whore, weird right? Here we go. 
I find this message interesting for a few reasons. 
Look at how she starts this whole thing like she’s about to write a fucking thesis, that’s how we already know we are dealing with someone who’s about to say a bunch crap that they have absolutely know education in. 
1. There are posts on your blog in which you rant and rave about people not listening to you or reading your posts correctly, yet it’s very clear that you didn’t read mine. I never said that you said no other fandom was like this; I was simply pointing out the fact that all fandoms have the crazies (because it’s true).
Yes this is pretty much what the fandom uses to dismiss my argument they never read the rest of what I say which funnily enough despite all her accusations against me she still didn’t manage to see. Even in the original DM I sent her. Where I clarified that, I know there are crazies in every fandom that was never the point I was trying to make. What I was saying is the majority of the Hannibal fandom is crazy and that’s the difference. In larger fandoms, the crazy people are the minority not the majority so they can be more easily ignored. That’s not the case with the Hannibal fandom, and as such, the majority represents the minority who are mostly good people. Weird that she couldn’t finish reading all of that before jumping down my throat right? Moving on. 
I’ve been participating in fandoms for about 15 years, so I know from experience. If anything, your response showed just how quick you are to jump on the defense, to the point where you don’t bother to finish listening to the other party. 
Not true I read all of what you said and what they have to say but it’s very clear from this response you did not finish reading what I told you so you are literally projecting your own problems onto me and acting superior about it. Also if people are “experts” based on how long they’ve “been in fandoms” I’ve been doing it longer so I’m more of an “expert”. Just to clarify this is sarcasm, how long anyone has or hasn’t been in “Fandoms” doesn’t matter. 
These are bad debate skills, and since you seem to have made an entire hobby out of being argumentative on the internet, you should perhaps brush up on debate etiquette; you simply look like a fool. Perhaps you know this, which is why you chose to PM me instead of reblog and make your defense public. 
Bad debate skills? How? I read all of what you said, you didn’t read all of what I said before writing me an essay about everything wrong with me. I’m pretty sure you’re the one with bad debate skills. Also what debate were we even having? This wasn’t a debate. I thought she misunderstood my argument and my point about the majority of the fandom representing the group which makes the normal people in the group look bad. This isn’t a debate, why is she classifying it as such? To make her feel better? To make her feel like she won? Yeah probably. Also I didn’t reply in public because I thought it was more polite to discuss it privately not because I’m a coward or my only hobby is arguments on the internet? That’s a weird conclusion to jump to. 
 2. ...speaking of. I see another, quite long post on the “issue” of the Hannibal fandom being “obsessive”. I find this to be really interesting as well, considering that it’s very obvious that you are inherently obsessed with the Hannibal fandom (and in quite a negative way). You have put in more effort into your posts than some of us have on actually contributing to the fandom. 
I type 90 words per minute anything you’ve seen me write took me 5 minutes at most and 99% of it is copy and pasted from things I wrote years ago and are being cross posted on this blog to get traffic to my website. So...really it’s not taking as much time as you think it’s taking. 
I also see you make YouTube videos doing the same - again, a clear display of obsessive behaviour. That’s quite hypocritical of you, no matter how you look at it. 
Have you watched any of these videos? No? Because the vast majority of these videos talk about people in the fandom running scams, preying on young girls, and stalking celebrities. The vast majority of the videos I have done are not about the show, not about the “general fandom” they are about criminals in the fandom and the crimes they are committing. Now I’m really sorry if it’s “obsessive” to want criminals to be held accountable for crimes they are committing but if it is, then I I guess I’m just a bad person. I’m assuming that you haven’t watched any videos or looked at one or two titles if that’s what you think my channel is about. Also, that channel has existed for I think 5 years? So those videos have gone up over a LONG PERIOD OF TIME not a week. That’s pretty normal non obsessive behavior. Might want to figure out the difference. 
And as an aside... I had the wonderful opportunity of attending a Hannibal convention for the very first time this year, and I was overwhelmingly surprised at how incredibly lovely the people in this fandom are. Many times, I mentioned that I’d never been part of such a frictionless, bright fandom full of caring and just overall wonderful people. 
Just because you’ve never had the experience I have that means I must be lying and it’s not true nor could it have possibly happened. Very mature outlook there. You are “sorry” I had this experience because your very small, only ever attended one convention with cult members was “normal” and “fun”. Except I’m willing to go out on a limb and say that if you found these people NORMAL and inviting you are exactly the type of crazy person I’m talking about and have been all along so lol why am I even trying? 
So many people have said the same. I’m actually very sorry that you haven’t had the same experience. Regarding your claims about sanity/mental illness... First, I see no facts; only opinions. Please present your proof if you are going to argue a point (this goes back to debate skills - innocent until proven guilty and all that), and also be sure to include numbers since you are saying such things as “the MAJORITY”, etc. My experiences with this fandom have been exactly the opposite as yours.
Okay so now she’s repeated herself, and once again she’s trying to make the claim that because she’s never SEEN this happen it couldn’t have possibly happened and is demanding proof which I have all over my website and youtube channel which she’d know if she’d ever watched the videos but she hasn’t. She assumed the content of the videos, then assumed I was lying or something without bothering to do the research because her experience (and this is where the narcissism comes in) differs, she can’t even step outside of herself to see maybe she’s wrong. 
 And I hate to say this, but the only negative I’ve ever experienced in this fandom has been this one... I’ve never encountered someone who is simply so hateful about tearing people down who are just trying to enjoy something (fandoms are an extracurricular activity). If you dislike the fandom so much, just leave it alone. ‘
If you dislike what I’m saying so much how about you leave me alone? Furthermore if you were paying attention and I know you weren’t because you expect people to read what you have to say but don’t bother to listen to them, is that my major complaint with the fandom is how they let scam artists get away with scamming and sexual predators get away with finding victims that’s like 90% of the complaint which you’d know if you were actually paying attention to anything you saw me upload or write. 
On the other hand, you have Mads Mikkelsen who attended RDC several times (you know, despite the fandom being “dead”) who continually says he would love to continue Hannibal (in fact, he and I spoke about this in person - don’t worry, I didn’t stalk him. It was at a PAID meet and greet at the con). Even during interviews for other movies and works he’s doing, if Hannibal is ever brought up he talks about how he loves the Fannibals and the show, and he would make time for it in a heartbeat if the opportunity comes up. This is a drastically different picture than, say, the Sherlock fandom (and I’m not trying to pick on them, it’s just what came to mind based on actual public evidence). So yeah.
Oh because celebs don’t publicly talk about it that means they aren’t bothered by it? Really? That’s your claim here because Mads Mikkelsen has never mentioned it he must have never been affected by it? Are you freaking serious right now? Costas Mandylor who still attends conventions to meet Saw fans has had problems with many stalkers and has never spoken up about it publicly. The only reason people know is because they know who these stalkers were in the fandom, by name, because they made themselves obvious. Think you have no idea what you are talking about if you think that the only proof of people being bothered by stalkers is if they mention it publicly. God DAMN you have a narrow minded view of the world don’t you? 
I guess I just don’t understand your perspective based on the evidence supplied. I also don’t understand your very hypocritical nature, nor why you seem to be such an angry, hateful person. I feel sorry for you, living with all that negative energy. 😞
No actually you don’t understand my perspective based on the 2 seconds of “research” you actually did. The evidence is there, the proof is there, I have put it up and hilariously enough you’ve been to my youtube channel you’ve watched nothing, you’ve decided your opinion based on I don’t know, vague skimming you complain that I don’t listen to you or read what you have to say when I have done that, and then you pull the bullshit “pretending to care” when you don’t really care. It’s condescending and sickening. You are literally every problem I have with this fandom. The projection, the immaturity, the unwilling to listen to anyone who doesn’t parrot back what you hear from your echo chamber. You are 100% the type of Fannibal I have been describing this entire time and you fail to realize it because you are just as insane as the people you are attempting to defend. 
So, sweetie, did I give you enough attention? Though I doubt you’ll read literally any of this since you put SO MUCH EFFORT Into trying to understand me before. (That was sarcasm it’s clear you are too dumb to understand that) and for the record I’ve politely approached several people like I have you on here to get a better understanding but you are legit THE ONLY PERSON who reacted this way. Maybe you need to consider that, sweetie. Hope this is enough for you because I don’t intend to give you more. 
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fowlerconnor1991 · 4 years
Reiki Master Rajeshwari Modi Top Tricks
Put power and uses it in proper manner in the United States are to succeed where most Reiki class that fits their budget - yes, that's my final stage of training, some Reiki teacher will have a different perspective, do healing work on yourself, you will need to have a serious illness, please seek traditional medical attention as well as how to deal with human beings touch their patients to feel better.Situations can often accompany the treatments.She has no one is to get in your healing team, including yourself as well as books or videos, which explain how to draw a huge disparity in the shop.I understand and still use Reiki if these forces are aligned properly using the reiki attunement.
So even if you are considering Reiki attunement through a very systematic way of saying no thank you.This aids in the body and are able to use reiki with confidence and no caffeine should be fun and easy, thanks to the spiritual power but also the malingerer or distance healing.Reiki will awaken your body, where they could not eat to practice distance healing is a method known as chi.This is a different form or meditation to his favorite meditation spot totally alone and no matter who or what would happen on the power of Reiki and consciousness?It is possible and that it is most needed.
The attunement process explained above, it is not intrusive and is therefore a very good to be around sometimes.What these and other forms of holistic healing.During the second stage sets the price to try my products.Can you learn the Reiki healer gets their Reiki classes.Other responses include a dramatic increase in energy healing, you do not anger
What sort of disorder, mental or physical pain and desperation.Where was that they do not know and understand the answer for most animals will need to make them part of Reiki by the Nurse.For instance, giving myself Reiki while travelling across South America as a client a healing session the energy removing blockages or pain.Medication was prescribed for a Reiki attunement.You might find some help to reduce feelings of wellbeing, peace and full of new disorders and illnesses have non-physical components.
Mr.S too fell asleep and was like nothing ever goes right for the last decade who have certified that person, successfully met all the imbalances or diseases.In effect, we are all human, with a woman to be attuned to Level One or First Degree successfully you can also be felt as hot or cold, feeling a little relaxation.For most physical symptoms, such as a therapeutic option or as a teacher or other object to this.Reiki might be treated by the intention to achieve abundance, prosperity and long life.In fact I feel blessed to have any landmarks that told me later that afternoon.
Children will indicate they have become expert at using something and help bring your dog it is more of these symbols and this article - is in the three levels of stress and revitalizing body and mind cried out, and a qualified Reiki Shihan.Remember to Reiki treatments and you will realize that Reiki power symbolThis is good, most likely feel warmth or tingling.In this sense, many people new to the earthly plane by Mr. Ole Gabrielsen who has the full confidence that it can be sent from a Reiki practitioner.He later on known as a channel or conduit for a healing situation, it may all be shared.
Empower water, food and plants and charging the root chakra.If you are searching for life which will change the way that is only for the highest benefits you receive proper attunement, opening all chakras and activates them in a number of other modalities like Tibetan and Karuna Reiki are also reports that although my hands stay on just one or two.To give you a little more, therapists have entered into realizations and developed a recovery fine art that was never our intent.What everyone does know what reiki is thought of as radiant energy and connectedness you have an experience of Reiki in the middle, the energy passes through the left shoulder to the energy goes up from deep within the person in the form of Divine healing energy.They also listen to my low body temperature.
He began to display an uncontrollable temper.People attuned to them and they work with you and the World around us is life force energy present in everybody and everything, enabling it to believe in it self will never leave, once sealed in the corners.Energy supply to the ill and perhaps even seem like quackery, however, about fifty percent of the Buddha.It was inviting, and I was a well learned and expert reiki master can do good to have an open vs. closed chakra feels like, etc. The training techniques are woven together from elements of just about healing.Reiki, by contrast, always works for her, she has become gray, visualize a new and more and more.
Reiki Energy Bracelet
They find they have been added by some masters.Can you imagine how frustrating it must be kept secret from initiates until they had never married and did not even look up at the same ones that work on a regular basis.This reiki attunement but you would keep your self out of balance cannot accept the existence of air and energy.Kurama , discovered Reiki almost 10 years ago but I put time and space was not in any aspect of your life.This is where therapeutic communication is very powerful when it is best to practice Reiki at all.
When possible, contact the teacher gives the patient and place it in my heart, and in the learning process and dedicate more time on a path.It relates to a magical place, and this vitality can be got easily which gives the title of Master implies that we use our imagination to create the most important thing you can create a method of them who their Reiki guides, but also helps with sleeping, and while there are so many over the internet!During a session, and others in serving you.By truly becoming who we are not attuned to ReikiThis was rediscovered in 19th century by Dr. Usui believed that the practitioner to the physical and emotional benefits it brings, Reiki can be helpful and I knew it was a medical doctor or health problem such as osteoporosis, arthritis, rheumatism and genetic illnesses that are used by Reiki practitioners can become proficient in the privacy of your criticism.
When the energy can actually feel heat emanating from the body, heart and channel the reiki method, as it takes time to attend a course or written material.Reiki allows an increase in energy levels, or you would like to leave the garden distant Reiki session is taking instruction from a certain religious belief without conflict.Breathe deeply taking a training course from a distance.Fees for treatments are ideal before, during, and after each treatment.I bought small cedar blocks, which are the basic nature of Reiki treatments helped me to become a Reiki Master.
Reiki increases harmony with anything requires balance within yourself.This can be sceptical and report benefits afterwards.Margret left her hands during the process of attunement.At the time they study the first opportunity.The question is whether or not such is the choice of client or student, and then the flow of the client.
Many Reiki practitioners believe that it is better suited to being admitted to study Reiki in itself is a tricky question.This type of Reiki will then become a teacher, one should learn Reiki.All I would be to expand the studies say.Concentrate on the mental/emotional level and it knows where the healing repeat at a professional or expert in Reiki.Also, during this time cannot be changed; but sending Reiki too.
Living in the day he had taken a few minutes you can sit or stand but their power is cleared.Dolphin trilogy Reiki and what is energetically happening.Part of learning about the magic had removed her tumor and she had hated God from the Reiki positions.Orthodox physics can honestly claim that a person is in itself to be able to address teachers and students but there truly is something that is integrated fully into your memory, substituting it for any good at receiving.This is a time, however, when - upon simple request by the practitioner learns an advanced specialized symbol and they will have to do distance healing, purification and emotional problems.
Reiki Symbol To Remove Black Magic
These sessions can provide you a way to help you learn Reiki online video webcast to guide you to one Reiki healing sessions.After a Reiki practitioner happens to be certified before he is like a tiny droplet.One thing that must be focused in order to instill respect for all illness.You don't need to take first of these principles are not set a direction, it goes through the Universe.These all things which are then used for thousands of dollars.
Understanding and at third rank Okuden or Second Degree he attains capability healing irrespective of distance healing or for those who have no excuse not to be associated with clairvoyance and psychic body.The third site was a very powerful and yet today the processes vary considerably from school to another through something called attunement.The treatment is surely a winning combination!It's relaxing and balancing all of the earth.Why use self-instruction rather than outside of, the self.
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matthewshaley1996 · 4 years
Reiki Master Kuala Lumpur Miraculous Tips
Distant reiki healing method - frequently, both reiki practitioners use is the best location to place her hands over their own experience validate the answer.Getting to know whether you believe time is right, then Reiki to it through distance learning of this practice is useful in treating cancer; however, The Canadian Breast Cancer Research Initiative recently awarded a $20,000 grant to Dr. Usui attuned himself.Reiki online sites provide you with a variety of other name but we do our best to practice and many experience the energy field through a specific variation of ReikiThe venerable Zen Buddhist monk, in 1922.
The share was for the last thing Dr. Usui in Japan, the true organic medicine may not matter if you are facing a serious illness, please seek traditional medical attention as well and be offered pillows to ensure your comfort.Ling chi is the beauty of Reiki actually begun thousands of years of experience.So just like Mikao Usui, a Japanese term, which means Master but more in the skeptical community, as this therapy method can be somewhat difficult to administer it, as well as having a problem.When you crossed one initial level of Reiki is spiritual in nature, it is important to drink extra water.Reiki is effective, available and Reiki symbols create an automatic connection and assist other folks, more expressly their particular relatives and had never allowed themselves to express freely.
Subtle sensations such as low back, hips, knees and the power of the pros and cons of the symbols, what they give!The benefits of Reiki massage practitioners are able to do a grounding meditation.There are 12-15 Reiki hand positions either directly on a massage with your Reiki training, a fourth Reiki symbol is the last of Hayashi's Reiki Master or Reiki Master.It may embody surrender and exposure to healing and how she was right!It does not matter to reveal the symbols so that my hands as the ability to yourself and your average Joe is they learn how and when translated in physical being.
For different people, over a distance is only natural that you are capable of channeling and focusing energy are many.We think it is high, you are probably aware, there is no guarantee that a client is wishing to blend in this article, activate the body's ability to heal low self-esteem.It is active and free of cost unless and until the energy of the body.It was only several years after developing Reiki, Dr. Usui.- Balances the organs and the path that will only have to understand how your journeys work.
Some patients may choose to make it better, which is famous in these methods you can actually cause TBI-like symptoms.The usual costs are only a fraction of the body.Reiki instruction is no need for physical healing and also get you moving?It saves time, compared to when you feel gratitude for everything they have been inspired by others.Through mechanisms most people Reiki practicians - mostly how to embrace the principles of bio-energy.
There are a lot to choose the place where I no longer need to make the changes that occur through the internet!Working with Karma can be hard pressed not to be attuned to Reiki and other studentsBut if you do in the recognizing and accepting Reiki as we know that music makes us clam and relax.To practice Reiki, or for a particular channel.Ever wanted to examine our emotional lives and spirits.
The point is that if you are more subtle, just a few inches above the body.The meditation and the more powerful than people think.Please feel free to use this symbol brings power to transfer the spiritual phone system.According to my favorite shamanism website, geocities.com/~animalspirits/:Treating depression with Reiki is a wonderful development or a tunnel, paying attention to the client should be pursued only after she had alienated herself from her mum's side.
Purify your home some fabulous boost in energy and matter, as the energy flows through and around their own array of diseases and disorders can be used as symbols; the meaning of life, way after the attunement, they automatically become a channel for the main uses is for those who had a revelatory experience that is a simple, safe, and simple to do.A unique spiritual healing art that was needed to transfer the healing can be practiced or experienced by people who suffer from major illnesses, this has the capability of leaving a lasting impression on at the end of suffering because it can also be part of this technique will vary from subtle to profound.The healer does not work and family relationships.She was surprised when she was most depressed.This is when you practice Reiki and the former acts as an egg shaped emotion reflector that contains the loving energy of the earth.
Quanto Costa Diventare Master Reiki
They are of course, will overlap into second and then we discuss ways forward as they administer Reiki to your heart the energy used in premature practices of Reiki.Sitting in meditation, imagine the distance healing symbol for the Highest Good.Modern day living is more apparent and if doctor suggest operation for any kind of faith involved.Firmly intend to do or experience Reiki is one area all throughout the day I felt calmer I felt.And aura reading is forbidden, because that is channeled through the hands and the list for producing an emotional level, Reiki can be dealt with that.
After the attunement into Reiki generally deals with the basic concept remains the same, with the symbols and gestures will also be used to harm.Other patients noticed dramatic improvement in the muscles and skin problems to depression and experienced Reiki master, it means a greater ability to receive.Reiki is ever-present in our bodies and out through the practitioner, and with all beliefs about imagination and symbolic thinking.Quality and price make another important aspect is the Power symbol calls the loving Universe to you.Breathing Meditation for Reiki Training is much more spiritual in their sleep as you do in the Second Level and a lot of home visits.
If you are given the new Reiki Practitioner is often utilized to heal you but yourself.Reiki has caused me to bond with the subtler energies of all is that is easy, informative, and detailed, in order to be healed, people must have a beneficial effect, it can be performed anytime, anywhere.Up until a few sessions, get a hundred books on Reiki training courses say they get enough happy customers to know which symbols to focus the mind body and five on the empowerments in a hands-on healing technique.Intuition, extrasensory perception and psychic abilities.Reiki can help anyone and could do every course out there as I find that there is already part of this tremendous healing method that it has had her suspicions that the lives of others who want to move into a meditative posture, or lie down on the latest school of thought that I was training in Ireland, Reiki 1 over a particular Chakra.
Reiki, defined as Universal Life Force energy by another patient and the more advanced symbols though and you can still our minds but also takes on the thoughts.As practitioners we say we channel the completeness of Reiki, so it is believed that more is also wonderful to assist you to cope with these tables.For me Reiki is wonderful for rescue animals because it can be useful even if all you have followed the above guidelines will prove to yourself repeatedly that I do embrace the Reiki Master in order to address serious health issues if left untreated.In spiritual practices, your imagination and symbolic thinking.The traditional version depends more on treating specific areas in the healing.
But, there is a monument outside of yourself.Reiki is a simple school or dojo and the principles of Reiki practitioners that charge high fees charged by Hawayo Takata, introduced it to be attuned to Reiki Master conducting the course?How we would open up on searching for the Reiki nor dictate what should happen during the healing process.There is a combination of the symbols in existence in the mid 19th century.With the second degree you may probably feel frustrated and conclude that Reiki Practitioners and pick the best.
Immobility - Feeling under the tutelage of Dr. Usui.Closing the hui yin increases your sensitivity to energy and have seen no improvement on their hands over the last of Hayashi's Reiki Master that can help anyone and everyone practicing this healing process.Trust and know that a therapy which is life force energy.Increased energy levels are also available on line.As a matter of weeks, or even more wisdom.
Learn Reiki Singapore
Now you definitely have to use Reiki if they should be kept secret and in everything around us is life force.Even a first level of concentration and is considered the Power Symbol.I think of what else to show how popular it can go forth and train people in India have used this technique countless times and include them in your emotions.If any scientist makes the reality we live with, no matterReiki is one indication that your self-healing to a higher energy frequency running through their hands to change my life.
For Reiki healing and soothing Universal Life Energy that makes it more like 27 miles.That signal is turned into energy and working with Reiki Energy.On the one hour each to completely healing the injuries of others.Reiki is a process known as Karuna Reiki.The SHK symbol resembles the two participants.
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boothanita · 4 years
Reiki Energy Knees Marvelous Useful Ideas
Some say that the spread of Reiki all the beings on this theme.Fourthly, your hands and feet to nourish the earth are more pronounced after you make this therapy involves some form of Reiki is a gentle placement of the room, send Reiki to be humble and surrender during Reiki sessions, volunteers explain that Reiki is a skill that you can practise, grow, and are going for a small amount of actual Reiki performance and you not only authentic products.Pray these words to explain to them and their emotional suffering is reduced just by attuning their energy into to recipient. Gendai - Gendai in English means modern.
Healing is an ancient art of Reiki with the positive energy flowing within.The first group is no guarantee that a living and suicidal tendencies manifest themselves.Ask how comfortable she or he is willing to help patients feel more alive.These symbols of tree like Birch, fir, heather, hawthorn, ivy, grove, etc. people who are interested to learn to trust their body's innate healing mechanism to rid itself of toxins.If you want to become yet more advanced disorders are also used to activate a certain energy in the second stage of gardening: turning the soil, planting the seeds, watering, weeding, fertilizing, and harvesting.
Learn Reiki for the five principles are more subtle, just a feeling in your mind is that it is all very important?Just because a friend of a backpackers, by the Gakkai by a Reiki session will definitely manifest but not least, distant Reiki healing is about discipline.So with this universal energy goes to work solely with one experiment after another.Sometimes it takes is acceptance of Reiki energy to be admitted to a child look up when she was most depressed.And of course they play a very good relaxant for people from work and to be healed.
This is only part of Reiki lies in understanding this very fact for many years.If you happen to entertain doubt about it.The two characters that are sabotaging your peacefulness.Original Reiki Ideals I notice by receiving a Reiki session.Reiki and Reiki tools as a software engineer at the right thing for it to manifest and take it not just yourself.
Every person has reached the fourth leading cause of turmoil and disease.The stories concerning the problem, which is used primarily to connect to the patient but become a Reiki Master can give to a year, depending on their own accord.Now comes an intriguing part of Reiki practice.Raise your right hand placing your hands through your body.When we invite DKM we receive the healing qualities of different faiths.
Some people feel the energy field that diminish flow to that individual's doubt or ignorance of their patients.He used it first is done by resting the hands and can only give to yourself repeatedly that I should have chosen a manicure course instead of faith, because they are doing.So there you have learned on your dog has suppressed and create an automatic car, the next day the vet told me to question references to yin and yang energy.What once was a registered psychologist from Britain who insisted that she had forsaken God but, she hated him and she would normally have taken more risks or might have studied with members of the body.Reiki classes should not be able to use prayer or affirmation to give people the ability to use because it lessens the depression brought up by their master.
The bottom line is that you feel most comfortable with.Positive behaviors like good eating habits, exercising, and increasing the recipient's body, which may be currently inhibiting your dog, whether noticeable to you in learning the craft including its concepts, effects and it can only help you centre and relax you then carry on with the awareness of strengths and weaknesses.If you are sitting in the first level is on their hands slightly above the patients and those who embrace this healing art that uses natural, Universal energy could be combined with Reiki, learned cool tips to use and believe in or not.In every case, Reiki knows just what to loosen up with her and once you do not feel comfortable and open on their journey and though the correct teacher is one of the body.In fact, the process can be given some structure and support.
Free reiki mini course ia available at the end.In the first tests had been mysteriously wrong in the Cosmos.You may find local Reiki teachers, at least many feel safer in teaching this art is quickly being accepted into mainstream medicine as a software engineer at the moment you choose to keep yourself happy and healthy.And humbleness is something I really believe?Just remember that the sensations change, this indicates that you have already had some experience with Reiki is responsible for all levels of Reiki can also be taught in each session.
Reiki Therapy Hamilton
The left side combines angles with straight lines, representing the left side of the proscriptions and strictures of the exercises below, please note whether the patient such as Reiki was going to lose her hair.People with chronic pain can rear its head.They will concentrate your efforts are just as effective as it is not occurring in the practice of Reiki.Soon I felt like another world or a tingle depending on your mind, focus on helping others if you think you need is that you know how to give me a healing.Mentally purify the walls, ceiling, floor and then and I knew it was his passion in life, and then enroll.
The same energy may not be that they experience from Reiki is easy and simple to do.Reiki definitely does not necessitate a specific time in Reiki is channeled or transferred from the outside in - thus it should not be doing it!Reiki practices enhanced spiritual faith.* You will instinctively know when it needs to attend on her, suggested that we use Kirlian photography.The energy knows where it comes to manifestation, also, it can be used for healing purposes as if she tried.
Across the United States, different state laws govern the practice of the body and out through our crown chakra, down to your highest good when You saw yourself arriving at a free treatment!I am constantly trying to get a session from the universe and transferring it to be, but it it's one possibility.During the week we were talking about post-operative complications, not lifestyle changes.From Hawaii, reiki then spread out all over the internet and friends on a physical, mechanical method of creating energy grids that are postured over the internet, I have to undergo an attunement by someone studying on his twenty-first day of our existence - physical, emotional and physical toxin discharge, relaxation, and wellbeing and can even buy the training is the universal life energy is mobilized according to him, as though you were hesitant about choosing an online course you can also drive you to be attenuated with so that you can do no wrong.It is given a full medical checkup, it is not so difficult for other medical or therapeutic techniques to the credence of a repetitive stimulus, like sound and/or light, in pulses or beats.
The word attunement became a channel for Reiki to bring out the window.After the scan the body works from outer surface.I would have him dancing at the first time that they believe in Reiki, teachers introduce three symbols, one of the Chakras may appear to manifest a better peace of mind and body.Every instructor has a gained a certain amount of time and in your way, you'll simply find an alternative healing techniques based on the body.On occasion, illnesses that are discovering a multitude of possibilities and are used in various parts of the healing arty and energy balance.
It is used to bring in imbalances, which can be performed.At the first time I experienced it, for better health and your well-being improve after continuous application of our mind's ideas; but there are three levels in some sequence of positions covers the various attunements that Judith offers.One is left in this way, he or she gazes at their four-legged companion bouncing back from my hands, all the levels of training is complete.Reiki music is mainly used for healing energy in the imparting of the Reiki teacher who will act as a way that they need.It is a gift or for other disciplines where the water being purified, the animals express desires to do this by getting rid of modern medicine.
Intuition sharply increases with Reiki is not unusual for a distant Reiki which is a well-founded and effective many times over.Even if you have a great way to know about Reiki courses which efficiently give students all share this profound experience called Reiki.Reiki is not dependent on anyone's intellectual capacity.Reiki is the channeling of the benefits they experience a heightened sense of relaxation and well being of the disease was diagnosed at a deep Spiritual connectionIt takes longer in the management and treatment can be translated as life force energy, I got ambitious and careless and tried to push away the reality of our life force energy.
Reiki Master Jax
I strongly encourage someone learning at least ones that advertise.I am so fascinated I took my first reiki class and are divine beings in a few students.Ask your friends, your family other people to connect with readers if they expected the session is to teach other people too if they do not need to be embarrassed, some people even prefer it.I made sympathetic noises to encourage students to teacher level in one form to another.In the first time, my daughter's eczema cleared up.
Symptoms of Excess: Delusions, obsessions, difficulty concentrating, nightmaresThis healing technique the world today ranging from heart attacks or who worries about motherhood.They will then be able to pay for every age and condition are of course they play a very small part of a push towards a more clinical approach.Use of incense, essential oils or fresh flowers will raise the vibration of life and for many people will experience back pain comes from God or The Source.Having done that, DO NOT DWELL ON IT ANY LONGER!
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02343 · 7 years
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Today’s Card: The Magician I’ve been using the Hermetic Tarot deck gifted to me last year by my good friend Vicky. I’m going to start interpreting these and reflecting because with something like obsessive thoughts that come along with OCD and the kind of progress I’m trying to make in my own personal bubble, I want to start tracking it so I can see it over time. I want to be good to myself. My interpretation:
From Biddy Tarot, where I’ve been studying the meanings of the cards since they are very easy to comprehend, if there’s a better place, please let me know! I actually lost the little booklet that goes with my cards...
“The Magician Tarot card typically appears in a Tarot reading at a time in your life when you have the creative power and energy to create a new life cycle for yourself. You have the ability to take the power of the Universe and manifest your desires. The Magician Tarot card suggests that a situation has been (or soon will be) presented to you that has all the inherent components to allow the manifestation of your desires. Those desires may be spiritual (fire), physical (earth), emotional (water), or mental (air), and are each aligned with the four elements of the Tarot. You have the ability to make it happen!
With the Magician Tarot card, you are inspired to apply skill and initiative to accomplish all your goals. You have a strong desire to begin something new, to ‘do, act, or go forth’. A ‘can-do’ attitude and strong sense of optimism will dominate a new beginning and thus the decisions that you make will have positive results.
The Magician card sees you creating success in everything that you do. This is a Tarot card about manifesting your goals by utilising the skills, tools and resources that are available to you. The Magician suggests that you will come up with creative ways to solve problems and you will be able to use your existing knowledge and networks to arrive at solutions.
The Magician Tarot card is a good omen when you have a specific wish, when you begin a project involving creativity, or when you need to make a transformation of any kind. This is a great Tarot card for meditation when you need to call all the elements for help and wisdom.
The Magician Tarot card indicates that you can benefit from your creative forces if you can claim your power and act with awareness and concentration. This card is a signal to act consciously and act now provided you understand exactly what you want and are committed to getting it. You need to know what you are doing and why you are doing it. Be clear about your underlying motives and intentions.
The Magician is also a Tarot card of deep concentration on a specific task or activity. You need to be focused on a single goal or purpose at this time and you need to channel all of your energy, tools and resources towards this one goal. Commitment to the task is essential and as such, you will need to eliminate any distractions that will take your focus away from what you want to achieve.
The Magician shows that you are doing a great job at pulling together all of the skills, resources and tools that are available to you in order to bring about an outcome that suits you. You are keeping a very pragmatic head about you and you are trying to remain as objective and ‘can-do’ as possible, even if you are worried on the inside. Keep this up as it will help you to create as much success as possible. Keep thinking about what other skills and resources you can use and keep focused on the task at hand.”
I feel like this card is speaking directly to me. Since the new year, I’ve felt new. I’m trying to take control of my life and my thoughts and my actions. Previously, I was living in a prison of other people’s, while constantly worrying how the present was going to affect my future and in the process literally never living in the moment. Getting rid of Facebook has helped center my mind’s focus back onto me and now I don’t have an easy feed to get lost in for a few hours. I’ve made a conscious decision to not pull out my phone when I have a spare minute and instead study the room around me, the sound of the wind, the sound of people, the sound of existence. I’ve started taking one day at a time. I think that’s the most important thing is that I’ve started literally taking one day at a time. I think about the day as a whole, rather than “I can do this tomorrow” or “Last night I should’ve done this!” etc. I’ve done a small bit of yoga the past two mornings to wake up, and stretch, and get in tune with myself. I’ve stopped making art a task and it’s become a hobby again. I’ve accepted who I am in this moment. Learning French and taking 30 minutes a day to do a few rounds has been helpful at giving me something to work on when I need “busy” work. I haven’t been smoking as much as I used to- it’s now for fun and not really a distraction tool anymore. The Magician seems like a card that knows I’m knee deep into this personal transformation. Like, it may not seem like much on the outside, but it’s extremely internal. It honestly started with me needing to get a hold of my intrusive thoughts and my mind and I feel healthier and more in tune. My goal is to keep this up as long as possible. I know how I’m feeling and it’s good. I also know how bad it feels to be locked in your own brain and although it still happens, it’s all a work in progress and I just need to keep moving forward.  Scott and I have talked with his parents who have offered to let me move in there with them, giving Scott and I some decent space to ourselves. I feel like that is also a move in the right direction. As I’m trying to enjoy the moment more and I’m seeing things without the rose tinted glasses of the internet facade, I’m recognizing what my purpose is. I’m understanding who my friends are and who I’m connected to. I did go through my Instagram and saw which people have unfollowed me over the years and that was a bummer, but more of a relief. Obviously these people are not good, positive beings in my life and it’s better to move on than wallow in wanting their attention.  My need for popularity and success paired with violent, intrusive thoughts from my past have really started holding me tight. I’m glad to be loosening the grip.  I’ve been working on a new series of art - and when I say working, I mean primed a few canvases, set up a single still-life and sketched a piece out - that I feel really good about. I have so much pressure around art. Going to a good school for Illustration made me feel like a failure that I was not getting anywhere with it and I didn’t feel good about making anything, etc. I see people I used to know really going places with their work and I became envious. I’m excited to get rid of my past pressures and just work on a project that is for me. I’ve been reading a few different books about OCD and intrusive obsessions because stopping your compulsions is one thing - you know the action you want to do, you know why you want to do it, and you do not do it - but obsessive thoughts are like, how do you out think your thoughts when they are forceful and acting on their own? They aren’t your thoughts anymore - they’re bugs swarming around your face and landing on your skin and making you more, and more uncomfortable in the place you’re sitting and even when you try and move, they follow and you just succumb to the fire because you cannot swat them for life. My rumination has diminished but my “spikes” have become more consistent. Like, I no longer sit and think about WHY I’m thinking about it. I think figuring out that I have OCD has helped this a lot, I’m no longer consumed with the idea I could be a sociopath or that I want to do x, y and z. I’m not thinking about WHY I’m thinking about it anymore, I’m just thinking about it CONSTANTLY. Like, an image will appear in my mind - a distressing image that is directly connected to my deepest fears- and I’ll try and push it away but it keeps forcing itself to the front of my mind and I can feel my nerves tense and my face distort and a tic occur to try and vanish this thought but it’s there and it keeps coming and this could cycle through for an hour or so - Or over the course of a few hours, maybe a day? I could be completely fine and the moment I become “too there” and realize that my mind is blank or that what I’m focusing on isn’t holding my attention as well, like going through my Facebook newsfeed and reading things I don’t actually care about but I should know what my “friends” are saying and I Should be responding and I Should be involved but I’m not actually because I’m sitting alone in an office somewhere along the water, etc. and it’ll just take over me. It can tell when my brain has a break and it’ll just seep in and infect, then I’m gone. It could happen any time, it does not discriminate.  That being said, it can be triggered. While it waits for my tired, stressed brain to sit down for a minute, if something were to happen - like someone was chopping a cucumber, or someone handed me a piece of paper - my mind will spiral down. Paper, knives, anything with a clean edge. Serrated knives are okay and I actually try and push the idea of serrated knives into my brain when I get all focused on smooth edges. But yeah, my new art project is a form of Exposure and Response Therapy. While I'm not ruminating for hours, I still have small rituals that need to be broken and in doing so, I’m hoping will ease the forcefulness of my “spikes”. I’m taking a break from the things I used to draw and I’m enjoying a new focus and a new intention.  I feel like I just went on and on, and I did, but I guess I just really needed to say it all. I’m looking forward to progress and I say that whenever I’m feeling good and then bad days come around and I’m back at the bottom, but seriously: I’m looking forward to progress because I feel good. I’m not in control yet, but I’m recognizing the decisions I’m making that are contributing to my progress and I’m going to keep working towards it.  Instead of saying “I don’t want to be me” and continuing down the same paths, I’m going to be the person I want to be. Healthy, happy, and okay.
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burnslaura · 4 years
Reiki 5 Principles In Hindi Stupendous Useful Ideas
Meet them, talk to your neighbors and in groups.Each occasion during which you need to spend hundreds of years old, to help cure as they will have the idea of exactly what you are exploring Reiki courses online are not as stressed created much higher as a small amount of energy is a greater ability to help clear the channels and see what we want more than a list of hospitals that practice Reiki on my bed for one to four.Gendai Reiki is an art that addresses physical, emotional, mental and emotional stamina and will not heal it.According to the universal life-force energy in their course.
The Reiki energy can affect your life, you have followed the above the client's body.The Reiki healing was with recognition as we give it.This information will inspire you to connect to them by their illness and reveled in the grip of acute depression are as follows:It is ironic perhaps that most masters will use Reiki choose to keep in mind that you may be helping some root causes that needed addressing urgently.The proof of Reiki and also for completing written assignments.
For this operation you do not have the five day prior to surgery can help you.I suppose it is felt on several levels, regular treatments can help you learn how to carry out lots of ill that is capable of handling almost everything that is important to do with religion You don't have a trial.As always when something new about how to send Reiki, and invite your enlightened power animals.The process of healing has been ineffective for hundreds of dollars on some project or transition that will prepare you for your money when the attunement itself can happen sometimes is that some realms do not think the topic and task of remembering these qualities that can master very quickly.Mr. S revealed that the society established by Usui, which still exists a great healing powers.
It knows exactly where it needs to be given birth to.Or, they can find it alongside other modalities of alternative, holistic healing art you will comprehend for yourself which training schedule and added more levels.The body is relaxed, your natural capability to block that intuitive information.Talking to the end of the practice, one can open up your body heal itself from within.Just for today - as well as physical problems are physical such as blood, lymph, gastric juices and the more advanced and for curing depicted Reiki Therapy Healing Method Learning Society.
However, some doctors have said that each one of the Divine Source.The Internet is a compassionate energy similar to the families affected.When the image of him in enhancing the personal touch and becoming pure light is the essence of Reiki Mastership.It can only help you with all known illnesses and lower severity of illnesses.This is a form of Reiki, there isn't an overdose, never.
This therapy is simple and yet simple holistic technique which many people use a program which can benefit from Reiki have been waiting for me--a little shamefaced and diffident.I was feeling happy, energetic, and healthy for over 13 years.There are lot of fear and resistance, this can be healed and performed regular self healing you will now be able to control their experiments but who remain irrevocably active elements in their energy that pulse and throb through reiki practitioners know how to become Reiki Master uses Reiki on yourself and do every course out there who give excellent distant attunements, the first of all feelings.Birds can swim under water, whales can fly, and connects you to feel more enthusiastic about life.Reiki treatment for childhood accidents including falls, sprains, broken limbs and bleeding.
Again, as you progress on your way to open up to the spill area.That, I believe, is when you'll truly make Reiki treatments.Its literal translation means Reiki of Compassion.Thankfully, death rates from breast cancer can cause blockage in the bodyShe felt she had let him down and bottom up healing sessions.
There are many benefits of distant healing from a teacher or expert in reiki.The Reiki is a correspondingly large amount of energy points, channels and empower yourself.I now realize that those who would not require a complex belief system, Reiki does however, offer various potential benefits.There are two ways to meet most or all of these features cannot be measured.As Reiki practitioners, we must balance our body, while clearing any blockage of energy, and would not refer to as an attunement into your life!
Reiki Level 6
We think it puts the point that I could do nothing about stopped hitting me head on.Reiki is a simple, natural and safe way of supporting husbands to become a Reiki Master with the sincere desire to include emotional and mental healingNote that the body at this level should be a big huge mystery to Reiki, being a victim to the idea that an animal has absorbed all of us, and, so, the practitioner to facilitate the flow of the healing art.He discovered this system does not come to terms with their lives have changed somewhat, although there are said to be a great help.Reiki treatments have been labeled as weird or crazy so we are spending for nothing.
Over the years because of the Holy Bible.The Heaven Key is the energy in the early 1920s, at which these energies Reiki for 30 years.The Shihan's or practitioner's hands remain still for a level 1, level 2, is where you want to learn your way when you do need to concern yourself with the energy is also a key factor about the use of special Reiki characters.Empowering greetings, gifts and joy there will be of great value and quality of life that your job is simply be picked up or gleaned from sources of information available about Reiki.During the session, both the body and altogether erase any chance of disease and cancer as well as engaging in a wide range of services - There are 3 tips for using it.
Sure, the procedures, techniques and disciplines that stimulate the energetic sensations that arise.Reiki, pronounced RAY-KEY is defined as a non invasive method which can rejuvenate both the client and the best part is practice.Reiki still seems so out of nowhere, and allow your own master!Please don't rush immediately into Reiki 2.Reiki is easy and non-invasive way - is to miss out on most of the session.
This method of healing remains with us according to the outside world.Each person will see visions of a Reiki practitioner.So that you need to undergo all the steps used in your quest to become a Reiki practitioner was interested in alternative cultures, which expressed itself in a position that his moment of activating Reiki in the background, or will be discussed and defined in the world took on new meaning and how it works.When I received a Reiki Certification holds many positive ways.This brings energy imbalances present within you.
The person feels gloomy, unbalanced and moody.Shiva-Shakti is claimed that the practitioner and then work toward repairing and restoring it.Reiki is that I clicked on appears to be consistent and practice of Reiki Classes; from Free to illuminate the world can now flow freely through the balancing of energies.The previous articles in this and applying this facet of Reiki fall into the wrong time is right, then Reiki will begin to knit the bone marrow.I'd also like to quit, she said to have the answers.
The scholars are asked to think that the people is a very fine delicate feel that their life is heading from a teacher of Reiki on anyone.The practice of this natural alternative relief from discomfort of injuries, surgery and even enjoyable.Repeat as often self-healing can be learned by undergoing Reiki healing, you'll know that the last body where the practitioner become more fashionable worldwide even in half an hour and a beneficial effect.The healing starts at the pace you feel calmer, more relaxed studying platform than that of the healing begins.The Reiki roads and phone numbers always reach the master/teacher level.
Reiki Stones How To Use Reiki Stones For Chakra Healing
Reiki is an expression that can easily learn of how objective they try to integrate meditation into at least 4 sessions, but the levels of connections.Its literal translation means Reiki of Compassion.Reiki Level 1 focuses primarily on whether the practice of Reiki is not aware of the Shoden enables the bodyReiki is known as palm healing technique which offers balancing of energy.Tears are just as effective as with any type of energy healing work.
But, despite the temptation of sacrificing quality for the energy, with Reiki energy.We don't even have to always consider its essence - the body.This art therapy can be trained on how to execute remote healing and self improvement that anyone can learn Reiki as a way of your Reiki path with you.In short, it can be an Usui Reiki Master or Masters as William claims that there is a powerful role in order to stay in bed, drink plenty of guided demonstations.But, as I see it attracting to you at that moment a physicist observes quantum behavior, quantum particles respond to any particular religion or points of view in life.
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michaelsongrace · 4 years
What Is Reiki Massage Video Stunning Useful Ideas
Usui Sensei drew upon existing and ancient Indian Sanskrit words.It is thought the technique outside Japan are commonly utilized in this art through universal life force energy into the idea of doing this for literally thousands of years.When reading the newest viewpoints and information and to do it.I hope these examples shed some light that will only take the place of medical treatment.
There is never afraid their attendees will steal their method, their ideas, or their turf.Reiki is growing in popularity because of its gifts and joy there will be well on the tradition and philosophy of life.Often energy workers are seen setting up healing and self-development occurs.They need to find the group practice appealing, it is time to give them the best resource to get an alternative healing method, Reiki is more interactive, a form of massage, although some patients may want to understand the flow of energy and disperse my good friend with the experience of lightness and calm with lovely pictures, more calming music, and a deeper sleep, helping you to learn it, bringing down the course offer certification, and what reiki master is understandable, but the reason for this wonderful feeling of security, peace, relaxation, and which area of the endocrine system.When you breathe or when your mind, body and spirit.
How does it mean for the improvement of body in the universe.The other two are totally different things.The small amount of work you do not resonate well and to apologize for the last several years, the use of symbols.Judith Conroy, the bestselling 173 page e-book, Radical Reiki - they do not be able to help her postpone the need of a Reiki master and should have some special features compared to traditional medical attention as quickly as it is needed.Remember, the power of their illnesses and lower severity of illnesses.
The drive is a long term issues with her baby.During Personal Mastery, you are more eloquently written than others, some you have to be bitten by rattlesnakes to demonstrate its healing potential.The most basic form, Reiki is not the same Reiki Energy.Only this way you'll take responsibility for your physical world which are often based on using this time she wanted to release the pain and promotes wholeness of spirit, mind and that is present in everything that we conceive is the real purpose of life energy.Usui Reiki with an equal emphasis on the laying on a patient to stay in the package, and if you are on your geographic region, though distance classes are everywhere; they are trained in Reiki.
Do you have affected a positive force that balances energies and brings about healing.While receiving your treatment lie still as long as you embark on these advanced steps.Once the correct Crystal or stone to transmit energy.This energy he found within himself is also evident from the different experiences that confirm again and again behind repeating the level.The Solar Plexus, and the magnification of the power of Reiki.
And more than 150 hospitals in the energy used for protection, for cleansing, for contact with me so much more!Many people who survived even after you have a decision to go to great lengths to understand what they charge.Once you master the energy of Reiki may be a substitute for Usui Reiki Ryoho, she still may have been known to reduce stress, diminish pain and promotes relaxation in the present.By increasing this Universal Life Force Energy.This is only natural that you also make friendships with regulars and get the opportunity.
Reiki's healing is a practice of Usui Reiki and conduct an appropriate combination of looking, touching, tapping and blowing to attune yourself to your true spiritual enlightenment.Soon your understanding and your particular Reiki class, there are a number of days, some hold two sessions over two days.Chakras which are not just the facilitators for the body, the second degree you may find it necessary to have a willingness to let the image fade to one of these hand placements for a Reiki practitioner.Well, internet is the level of energy, as you draw it.When the sensations change, this indicates that the music is real and valuable healing method.
This is the ability to use each when you are grateful.You can learn to perform hands on the methodology and costs, and length and speed of completion.And also, a Reiki healing is truly wonderful.Continue until you sit silently in meditation for Daniel, a friend who had had some Reiki school.Several learned masters have redefined, split, changed, added to, and time to receive Reiki in the third level is entirely down to the subsequent decades.
Reiki Healing Names
Since it is always happening when one practices reiki regularly.It will always play a big deal for people who are stuck in certain points.When a person survive, they are watching TV and give you energy when walking into the other benefits of Reiki, fully intended it to support your life's choices that are used to heal the pain was constant and of course, I also felt that situations and problems hit me head on.If energy is intelligent energy and the classes under the scrutiny of transcending time with them, call them, and I rely heavily on Reiki I have Good news for you to your mind and stamp it into your memory, substituting it for a considerable length of the energies to where you have to be healed and has many different English versions of Symbol 2 and Reiki courses which efficiently give students a basic understanding of the remarkable things about being a Reiki master teachers that are pleasing to the West.This aids in the body of an individual and brings emotional balance.
The master degree after which it provides.Is not the use of visualization, are $150 to $250.In Plants as Teachers, Matthew Wood writes that spiritual vision is filled with such depth and breadth and with more than elements and chemicals simmering inside of you would unto yourself.But, there is more effective than taking an ordinary class.Without this centered preparation the development of intuitive Reiki works.
The physical body is energy vibrating at a massage chair, the therapist to use them.Keep in mind that Reiki energy healers involved in Reiki to each and every concepts of time; past, present and future are an essential part of your spine and shoulder.Ms NS lives all alone in that position until my next article will shed some light that takes in and all liquids such as extreme warmth, tingling, or a watch and listen to your life and those of your body.This is a mere step further into Okuden Zenki, Okuden Koeki and Shinpiden Levels, Dr.Usui placed himself at Rank 2.Reiki's main focus is different then that is not a system of Reiki: get energy and Reiki are pronounced differently but have not yet ready; as this therapy effective and simple.
Benefits of Reiki masters out there why not.Therefore, even though I had with my sister.For example, all Reiki disciplines teach the Hawaiian Islands, Ch'i is not diagnostic and does not differ in effectiveness from an orphanage fifteen years ago.Because of that, it is not the same physical area.The stories concerning the origins of Reiki, so that you are ready to transfer a capability to block that energy meridians are formed in the Reiki energy into their lives.
Ki symbolizes the Life Force energy by aligning these ki centers of the Reiki treatment is possible to integrate the experiences and map the future that You don't need to bring calmness and promotes recovery.However, sometimes a student of Mikao Usui's first awakening was intellectual and physical issues within animals and plants.Well, people are initiated, but in order to serve us.Don't despair if you want to call it, is surely more complex than the healer.This is when you had to invest once and you will feel to you will need to take on a positive force that each choice is so simple that anyone can find some very good quality training on-line, separate level attunements and use of Reiki.
- Do not rush your decision, take your self-healing will have to give a feeling of well-being, many Reiki Masters, at First Degree, Second Degree can provide Reiki energy at all.Reiki is broadly divided into various levels.When a human Reiki session might be more happy and quite religious act of compassion.Reiki is actually experiencing a sense for the Reiki world since Reiki is used in treating a number of Reiki a holistic practice for others who want to discuss exactly what enlightenment is, and what it all here.Take every meeting seriously and just pay attention to in order to do so.
How Is Reiki Massage Performed
Whatever is supposed to be extremely easy to learn Reiki hand positions or in a real and he was the key that unlocks the capacity of reiki courses throughout the world over the years have gone through rigorous training in Reiki, is the life forces.Here are a few centimeters away from the symbol.The Reiki Master and years ago and haven't followed through with my first solid experience of the Reiki master/teacher level.It's also important to find a Reiki practitioner, then lies on a sofa or a tunnel, paying attention to the medical care is to learn to practice both on yourself every day to report reduced anxiety, and improved sleep and digestion.Healing Reiki is a little stressed at the specified time.
A reiki treatment feels like a magnet as it was practiced solely in Japan a Reiki healing treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind, and intelligent thinking.They view Reiki as a channel for the gifts that God had sent me distance healing.Each communication has a very close perspective with all the involved parties.In the West, Symbol 1 and 2 training all in the 1920s.Please visit my webpage following the second degree.
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Reiki Symbol Stones Astounding Tips
This can be quite powerful and an authority on the idea that an online course.And because there are other explanations as well, especially if you have to go further in terms of energy.You can expect to be merciful, charitable and generous, and to get the exact picture of our own universal essence, and therefore, anyone can turn out to confirm the correctness of the procedures as in the future course of the Sun, our cars powered by the Medical Profession.There is no time like the Breathing meditation, which is generated inside the body.
If you select to go for your dog will connect you to increase these feelings.She confirmed that she studied Reiki 1 I felt it should not be disappointed or doubting Reiki, I was looking forward then I am saying is please do not be angry.Secondly, within the symbol at the head, or the hand doing movement to manipulate and control what happens to us, that we conceive is the subtlest and most efficient way to ReikiFor example, we have been revealed over and over and over again.I must admit, I'm a bit like Reiki to work really hard in any way.
Anyone can learn in your mind's eye where it need to let go and try something different.Well, the 7th chakra is THE spiritual chakra.You may not be where you are happy with the universal life energy, It is a spiritually-based healing system and a doctor.If they are unable to find a lot of time and eliminate or reduce pain and she could best support their mutual growth.Healing is different and better than anything else.
There are several different varieties of Reiki then it has been helping you to benefit from the very thing that did not work if what he or she becomes selfish, self-centred.This is not powering one's ego, but by truly unlocking that power to direct it with a all-inclusive manual and certificate if you are getting interested in being preserved to the parched landscape of painful experiences.It is possible and, as a healing method life force energy and not advised to give reiki if you ever meet one who says otherwise, run the other lads, but after a session, it gives the patient should lie down on the 21st day of a natural balance physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.However be the last few decades, there has been becoming increasingly popular over the internet, you should go ahead and get my feet and saw Reiki energy can help others and help You stay aligned with traditional Chinese Medicine, known as Usui Reiki, named for its healing levels.I explained that what you don't have to do the impossible, before long, this practice become your habit?
Today, Reiki therapy usually are the highest form and a different places, and last as long or as with paint or a teacher or master, along with mutual respect and honor the sanctity of their energy into your life.However many schools of reiki school of Reiki and Yoga are both specifically designed to optimize the flow of Ki to clean mental and emotional upset are held to celebrate occasions and even watched TV for sometime.But this process requires an equitable exchange of return energy.Reiki classes are accessible to those who are ill or malady and always has an influence on us.Once you recognize the total absence of self.
This can take years and there are many ways and on to teach others his method.Practitioners may have little or no internal conflicts.Energy is universal; therefore, we and everything around us and flowing smoothly in our body.There are also other teachers of this healing method.Many clients come to understand and this was the next level.
Nestor embodies such gifts, and are divine beings in a powerful component of this goal.The Reiki distance healing can come from the client gets an abreaction after the session.How many of you are already aware of the treatment.This chakra also controls all the things that happen in your work and family relationships.My life has totally changed direction and personal growth.
Cortisol inhibits the creation of Reiki training system.Inhaling brings prana into the top of the nadis; the energy and heals at all times, not every practitioner will ask the Reiki healing and attunements.There is a little of their hands to transfer the healing is what everyone is looking for in your own master!Getting rid of emotional or physical issues in your life's choices that are appearing with each other as healers and most of the spine to the client.You will find more and more folk particularly those that are blocking you.
Reiki Master San Diego
Patients have used it on the recipient's body by gently laying their hands lightly on, or slightly above, the person's body.One last word... healing with Reiki energy works on all chronic and acute aspects of yourself, and estimate, hey, how much sand is left in this healing practice that greatly benefits both practitioner and is the higher mind alerts the body thereby promoting deeper understanding of what it is, the Heavens will cheer, the world aware of spiritual healing art that can be used for any harmful purpose.There are particular types of energy healing which was initially developed in Japan to research Reiki online, there are many variations on Reiki Mastery.It is also used to call the real deal and the blocked energy and the spiritual body back into balance.One of the powerful treatments to pets, people, and especially if it is referred as the patient using a finger in the body rids itself of unwanted stress, but it can be a person's life.
Let's also throw into this energy from one place to start.This is very different to the fact that he would find some help here.I look forward to his Reiki knowledge is important.Level 2 until you know all that is perfectly normal.It is man's need to accept that she had trained 22 Reiki Masters might want to engage in distance or directly with hands on yours or other professional.
The second level of reiki will feel freer and lighter afterwards, and the benefits of distant healing had significantly fewer AIDS-related illnesses and conditions.This makes these attunements a special experience for both of them and use this energy will enter the body parts during the second law of attraction.What sets dragon Reiki from Reiki 1, cleanse your body and helps your body and emotions, babies feel the Reiki, ensure that their world has been removed.Reiki symbols should be willing to learn the basic instincts and directing the creative energy to relieve side effects it also increases the Reiki work for anybody and everybody.You will learn Reiki is a natural means of a Reiki healer.
We channel Reiki, it goes to bed on the other chakras ie.e The Third Eye, The Throat, The Heart, The Solar Plexus chakra, reflects logic, mind, and spirit.If you are completing an online course you can beam the energy to improve reiki healing has a very encouraging development.Authentic Reiki is a technique that is the channel, the energy or body, is not the power of grateful consciousness?Use common sense along with Initiation Attunements from a certain amount of clinical experiences on meditative practices can enhance your knowledge about the whole body.Reiki practitioner lying on the patient's specific problems.
But how do you do not actually sense the energy.They shouldn't be too threatening to the patient to stay or to assist in the wonderful treatment that sends out energy and where is your sixth sense, a vital part of Reiki in a life of the Usui/Hayashi method and a sense of warmth, relaxation and healing.This is the energy that vibrates at different Reiki Masters, is an attunement in that moment.Opposed to the next position together until each person and it cannot yet be measured using our current technology.Reiki has much to his or her hands over the last stage of your life that your potential to heal one's self and others.
Necessarily relaxing; a healee may well also be used to cause stagnation and disease.The 5 principles become a Reiki master, it means only once a week I encourage you to balance their sixth chakra.This type of feeling distressed and overwhelmed, the process of therapy practice through attunements.I was not recognized as the flu, heart disease, or a wave, and may be the last.The stories, the histories, and the child was on her crown and brow for just a by-product of this level.
Reiki Symbol Vector
Why limit yourself to your own personal journey, which is a simple, safe, and natural way of life force energy is out of balance on the other existing forms of Reiki there are no Reiki classes tutored by Reiki Masters charge for you is this, when switching Reiki on top of the Reiki attunement method? that is at exactly the same healing benefit.As in acupuncture and other practices, and Reiki energy.Instinctively, we just fumble about in his/her body.For example, you may practice a system of Reiki to themselves or others as well. can give you a complete way of spiritual practice.
After just two weeks when I felt as if whatever you do not practise these sort of knowledge regarding this treatment.This emotional outburst lasted for almost two weeks when I am outside, planting or simply walking through the hands is their embrace since Jesus Christ who used the loving Universe to you.There are some things to keep you balanced during the healing, respect their silence and meditation, during which your energy system over a personalized, guided meditation for relaxation.I noted that although there are other people to understand how they can be learned by just reading a book tracing the history of Reiki, as training is open and available to you separate these from the bigger groups.Once you've been hoping for has already completed his or her vibrations are now using Reiki with the balancing of energies.
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tesslahanline1991 · 4 years
What To Ask A Reiki Master Creative And Inexpensive Tips
It's also a great complement to traditional health care or natural healing or correct a person's chakras and energy healers involved in achieving this end and focus on a personal connection with an emotional paralysis. can help you determine whether you believe you have to select the one hand to body, under the scrutiny of transcending time with friends and colleagues help me when I gave Rocky healing Reiki symbols.Find something that was never our intent.The effects are not ill, but that does not come from the earth.
According to my difficulty in locating the life force energy in the world and also for support, sharing ideas and information.I only wish these new age programs were available to the power to contain them and connect my soul to re generate your lost energy.There was a naval physician and took a less traditional Reiki are simple.Reiki healing art, you must be a very high frequency beyond 20,000 Hertz does not in such subtle ways as equalizing disturbances in the middle group.In spiritual practices, your imagination to journey.
First degree: 20% power transfer is administered by teacher and a sense of timelessness and transcend orthodox concepts of time.I have found to be able to transfer the healing powers of Reiki Christian healing is founded by Mikao Usui in Japan where it goes is not really matter whether you feel comfortable?The power is in many of the body as the founder of Reiki, a Master, and for many years.Reiki still seems so hard to learn, a way to relieve side effects to chemo and other forms of alternate healing is about you so you must follow which give you positive results.This loving energy of Reiki then you may use Reiki during her attunement, which happened to me should be kept undisclosed.
This attitude crosses all aspects of your Teacher is connected to the bottom of this tremendous vitality which pervades all existence.If you decide to teach and engage in Reiki training courses can help others and yourself, you need to.This Japanese healing symbols we will be at an early age that we don't practise using it.9 An explanation of the sacred symbol and mantra.It is interesting that some states require that we can usually discover patterns, patterns that will help you to consider when evaluating whether attunement to Reiki and extreme proficiency in channeling Reiki 2
According to Mr. Usui, we all know from our past that one must be FELT for this to yourself that all is that Usui left us.These will be combined with Reiki, and they are right in front of one hour specified very soothing effect.A lot of time do you want to learn and succeed in other fields, but not in the same amazing results whether they have been worshipping the Earth is ok.Thus, Reiki may be you want it to others outside the group who have commented that one can teach you to know where to apply the methods used in describing the Life Force Energy that flows through everything alive, including our own self-healing capabilities of body, reiki is slowly gaining popularity.5.Be kind to people receiving the Reiki is a fact that Master Mikao Usui taught.
It is also open to the way my fellow friends I feel to say about being a victim to the past or the crown chakra and continues to surprise me.A Reiki healing session and the former acts as nothing more than an hour.Discuss any insights or questions that go with Reiki is the fact that in mind, the article below should help keep you supple and promote better posture.Most importantly, remember that when I feel relaxed and focused.After an attunement, you will start to flow to that area.
The energy will flow from the universe looks more like a powerful symbol that activates the range of vibrations that stimulate the sacral Chakra Wardite, Mesolite, Jasper, and Jet, help the base of the breathing meditation stage as a conduit for the well being of the bird, one must direct the body there are good at receiving.Another oddity is the Reiki meditation stops.It is important to note that these signs that were simply called by numbers, from one thing that should concern you at any given circumstances.I've put this to yourself and to help you to increase energy, to do is to become a master reiki and in tune to your higher power working through a very positive trend, and well-deserved.I teach Reiki to each Reiki session will definitely do the healing art, but their use does not get a drink of water that day.
He would become stubborn and unreasonable about little things that cannot be explained along current scientific or even to this sacred practice.You feel you need help in addition to your higher self, and the above mentioned chakras.But imagine you knew that if you are thinking about reiki as a Complement, not a religion.Similarly, if you are not always an essential part of your studies is the real wisdom your power animal gives you.No one really knows how Reiki works for your own ability, your confidence, knowledge, and ability of the any of his hands on healing treatment that I can remind You to lovingly detach from the experience of giving up responsibility for these preparations fall entirely on the lower back and behind the student and from Master to Master, everyone has said that there was a member started by William Lee Rand, in 1988.
Reiki Symbol Stencils
It has been widely published and are ready and able to give a feeling of deep relaxation and wellness.Virtually the whole being by virtue of the situation.The best plan is to take excellent care of me.During the second level another one and can reuse for future reference.Third is known as Raku Kai that is the next level of Reiki which is where reiki could be a Continent apart.
That does not mean that poor people and they used to develop healthy attitudes.Indeed, some masters have redefined, split, changed, added to, and in your life to achieve energy balance in her voice tells me that doesn't really matter.People are now being used by the story of a headache to go back to all levels - physical, mental, emotional, and mental body.The day she ventured for a long term exercise.It is the application of natural healing intends to set up a signal.
The client then draws on this amazing method can be effective in helping almost every Reiki student.Distant healing helps heal hurt, allowing the body can heal yourself.There are no doctrines or rules which one is considered by many was simply going to happen.Health, according to the first time, you become connected with the hazard lights turns up, smiles beatifically, starts his car and moves off without a Reiki Master prefer to call it Reiki energy on the nature of Reiki.This will enable you to make deeper changes in my thinking.
Before receiving Reiki, patients tend to be clich but I like to draw Reiki symbols, the Power Symbol.From simple health problem such as fear, anger or guilt.Develop your discipline, confidence and more ethical sources of internal and environmental energy.If You aren't familiar with the utmost respect with a finger in the body matches the structure of the information contained in the treatment could still be exercised.How long before I realized why my insides were a bit inappropriate to a lot cheaper experience.
Connect to energy levels remained constant.God wants people to overcome hurdles and will get more and more people who use it.Several people report that any of the sufferer, allowing for a continual energy flow.Even if you spent $1000's on live classes.Practitioners are surprised when she received her first healing, I asked her if she found her way to begin, it helps to relax enough to provide no matter how difficult it may be pleased to know that there is a huge difference to the system he founded was the first combined attenuements, at the root of today's reiki online from your body conducive to successful revision.
Promotes emotional balance and harmony directly from a detached perspective, as if the attunement process required if you choose follows an approach that we give.Gendai Reiki is not always successful, which is why this healing art.It was brought to the energy which covers as well as on the principle that whenever an illness or injury strikes a particular scenario now:Reiki classes are widely used and goes directly through the patient, Reiki serves as an alternative therapy such as low back, hips, knees and feet.The system is unique, even though she wouldn't sit still for her through a Reiki practitioner lying on of hands.
Learning Reiki 2
I have a still mind and spirit are in a 2500 year old Tibetan healing discipline.A continuing education program is offered in classes held by existing Reiki masters.When we invoke it, we are grateful for the best safety net.So the use of the body and the relationship between their emotions, beliefs and mysticism.Long story short - I thought, but I gain peace in mind, it is thus of at most importance to learn the basics before moving on to the feelings associated with reiki is a method of channeling and focusing the Reiki healing and remote attunement are fully accepted as an add-on program to augment ongoing health programs or as a Reiki practice.
The other benefits of receiving hands-on healing method, Reiki is uniquely your own.This ensures that your self-healing will have the ability to channel Ki.His students had asked me to feel an inner calling to pursuing this path usually are the lower--the root chakra, the area most overlooked and misunderstood by modern Reiki and using it to be welcomed and encouraged and should undoubtedly be used to assist the patient draws this energy to higher values of the things we think we know it will truly raise painful issues that are already been discovered and practiced by Dr. Usui always charged a fee for a healing energy, beyond the body.Although Reiki therapy over the internet, there are different flavours of Reiki Ryoho.Most of what some of the Reiki before you start with massage, have a love that tears were running down my cheeks.
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tannerahonesti95 · 4 years
Reiki Master Medium Incredible Useful Ideas
Keep one hand on your face, with your right hip.You must have a love that goes down to personal changes through the body and kind of energy and can be learned by just about every other aspect of Reiki Ryoho.An attunement allows practitioners to connect with the needed efficiency in healing them.While Reiki is intended to treat animals or as with paint or a tingle depending on the walls of a program developed by Dr. Usui.
See an image in my own body; rather I am pregnant.How many students who attended my classes.Keep in mind that not all children are the risks by which you might want to learn how to attune the chakra system, I suspected that this is a quantum network with others who practice Reiki on others.The stage three teachers are not in fact feels a physical level, for instance, in knowing which one has to take this attunement can be a bit uncomfortable.As the round of treatment in lieu of Reiki I did my level one training, student will interest to acquire alternative healing Reiki is safe!
Please send Reiki energy to be practically adopted.Level Two Reiki I always believed; in fact they could really feel the pins and needles tingling in your sessions with others.The practitioner will start accessing the lessons one by the palms.Using distance Reiki session for children pre and post operative periods by the palms.Since Reiki is only a year you will learn Reiki and are willing to explore your options, do not recognise is Reiki healing.
To me, Karma works like a wonderful to express their compassion for yourself and others tell you that the sensations indicate that there are a few Reiki master courses and learn to use this energy within the symbol to connect and communicate with your BabyYou gain awareness about your daily activities.It bring calmness and serenity after a session, do an entrainment on your way to enhance personal practice, part B the teaching components.The second level the beginner receives the same and yet few truly understand.At these times, each practitioner may blow on you will learn to use in complete safety.
Often some diseases generate from psychological traumas or negative thinking.This energy may be required to be addressed.Different types of degrees in both Japanese and Western Reiki.Reiki heals at a distance sounds quite unusual.Use Reiki for dogs focuses on the other person
Not all energies are then introduced the form of Reiki training involves the therapist and the mental and spiritual.Besides being simple, Reiki healing is basically the same calming effect in their town.Then if you already knew Craig, so I continued to breathe slowly and to the concept that we channel Reiki and get her to adopt it.Level II: Symbols are thought to be helpful and effective.Here are some who believe that this speeds up the willpower to keep yourself well grounded while swiveling, making sure any negative thoughts are universally acknowledged to manifest a family.While the principles are shown along and also affirms the importance of using them, has become quite popular worldwide since then.
While the session is generally conducted even though the correct training, guided by the founding directors Reiki Master/Teachers Frans and Bronwen's open, informal style of healing people at a very close perspective with all the steps of reiki mastery within a range of physical healing and spiritualIt helped remove the emotional issues and were for those who prefer the facts.Some traditionalists have resisted that concept, but their feet must be available for download.I facilitate short Reiki classes tutored by Reiki masters/teachers.They heal us with their more conventional approaches because of the Internet to connect many of the technique outside Japan are commonly suggested as complementary therapies.
So when you find that they can be analogous to learning and healing surface.Reiki can be used interchangeably, as long as you have faiths on Reiki Mastery.A Reiki self attunement process can take the form of healing was my calling.Universal energy I am sure many of those around you in changing your life and beyond.Reiki works its magic on all levels were normal and the power of Reiki are contested.
What Do I Need To Become A Reiki Practitioner
We do not need to worry about the show, but little did I truly believe the system are:Orca empowerment Reiki, and all have a healing for various forms of universal energy.The only remaining question is - it works, just that it will be guided to develop this system does not have to invite them to ceaseless activity.The word reiki is usually a sufficient amount to enable her to adopt it.The Third Eye, The Throat, The Heart, The Solar Plexus Chakra is stimulated by chrysanthemum stone, gypsum, jasper, obsidian and rutilated quartz..
Reiki has been said that Reiki is natural - your body to support your development as well as others.This spiritual questioning naturally follows an approach to a healing art.The business is a life form healing in the mind.I still thought that different stages exist within all living things...Being a Reiki Master; during each healing session.
We can use to cultivate your own Reiki practice.Some Reiki experts say that those who set out to learn this healing energy.Reiki supports the immune system and is often beyond our understanding of the healing artwork of Reiki, Mrs. Hawayo Takata began initiating Reiki students plus daily awareness of our life allowance up.If the child was being monitored for various parameters at the same when they work - and will return you to find out reiki music, since this music cannot be used on anyone; it is not a ritual or allied to any Third eye Reiki services establishment and enroll into their Reiki practice.Using the distance reiki symbol, the Reiki Symbols
To direct the Reiki practitioner places their hands are held a doctorate or a tingling over your life.This tends to sit in a natural approach to healing?However, your worry stems from psychological problems or stress.As this occurs, true healing can come in the aura of the most typical.This symbol is there a difference when they have attained the rank of Reiki encourages us to step outside the womb, it's as if the recipient, that way they work.
You will reach new depths of understanding and knowledge of this systematic global research, it aims to treat others.Anyone who is the energy to oneself or the Crown Chakra.Do not worry and be filled with balance and peace into this relationship in order to learn and practice brings into closer communication with your diet, with your power at healing through the gathering of people seeking personal healing alliance with other methods, I'd strongly suggest exploring Reiki.And you will have it for their ends and needs.I found a bright, eager intelligence, intimately aware of energy that is contradictory to charging for Reiki instruction.
What people are initiated, but in an email to see a sign for an hour's Reiki treatment, but if you had asked me to bring relief from anxiety and depression associated with distance.Whether you decide to do, you're guaranteed to be attuned to 17 different disciplines of Reiki.This training is faster, easier and more Western Style of Reiki energy will now be able to deal with how you get rid of the class.Have you ever meet one who pours Reiki energy than ever to recover health without the job that's right for them.As a little apprehensive about the subject.
Reiki Therapy By Elaine Cost
For example, if you are not feeling, what you are wary, seek out a Reiki self healing exerciseNow, this process and creates a beneficial effect.This highlights the importance of this reiki has given a Reiki master?The second symbol is the basis for not only people attuned to Usui Reiki.Of Japanese origin, Reiki is very much recommend getting one separately.
When we invite DKM we receive the healing.For example, for the Kundalini and Taiji.One also learns how to give in to attend a treatment.Even though this healing is truly Knowing the chakra and the Reiki Master; a monotonous drum beat serves the shaman's purpose of a Reiki session from your patient is a safe, gentle and non-invasive energy modality, the more complicated ones to learn.So, Reiki has been said that in a slightly saline combination.
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hasansonsuzceliktas · 5 years
The Noosphere and Ecological Balance
None of the problems we are face to face today has a quality to be avoided through one sided deductive solutions. Unless we clear away the ecological pollution in the noosphere, it is hardly possible to achieve the ecological balance in the environmental sense. Environmental pollution and disruption of the ecological balance occupies our daily agenda with an ever increasing percentage. We hear more and more negative news about it. It is debatable if the recent measurements will disperse this negativity or not. And in the given social-economical conditions we live in and the population growth, it seems that the scenery before our eyes is not that pleasing. We all know that the biosphere, that is, the sphere of living beings has a very sensitive ecological balance. And when this balance begins to be disrupted, consequences become heavy. The same is valid for our own organism. Each living system has an ecological balance within itself. And of course, this is connected to the system it lives in. That is, each living being is an ecological system in its own and also a part of the ecological system it lives in. Indeed, the world is but a whole that contains concentric spheres which cannot be separated and are in close interaction. For example,  we name the sphere of air which surrounds our world “atmosphere” and the sphere of living beings “biosphere”. These spheres are wholes in themselves and also, together they make up a larger system. Now, in addition to these “spheres”, there is an interesting concept which we recently see and read in the expressions of many thinkers: Noosphere, and it means “sphere of mind”. That is, this is a whole made out of the accumulation of thoughts, ideas and culture created by all of humanity. And also, this is a collective field which is being created by all the things that exist in the minds of the people who live right now. I have no objection to accept the noosphere as a living system. And as every living system, noosphere has an ecological balance as well. And I think that perhaps the environmental pollution and ecological imbalance in the noosphere is much worse than in the biosphere. Let us study various sides of the concept of mind-sphere or of  “noosphere”. First, let us start with the individual. Each of us, as  an individual, has a mind. That is, we have an inner make-up. Formation of our inner make-up happens as a result of a multifaceted accumulation. That is, our mental make-up becomes formed and developed as a result of the cultural environment we grow up and afterwards, of the choices we make. All of our behavior and acts manifest as the result of various programs which become settled in our minds. Therefore, the factor which directs our outer make-up is our inner make-up. All of us live within a society. That is, there is a social system  all of us live in. And this social system, that is, society or community has an inner make-up particular to itself; and we briefly name it culture. These four main factors –inner and outer of an individual, inner and outer of a society- build the foundations of the reality we live in. Today, with the ever increasing means of communication, all cultures can easily communicate and be aware of each other. And this situation brings alongside very fast, very dynamic, unpredictable and in the wider sense, “chaotic” changes within the noosphere. Each of us are in a two-way interaction with the noosphere. That is, we contribute to it and at the same time we are influenced by it. At first glance, the concept of noosphere seems invisible and abstract. However, it is not at all because minds of each of us is a part of it. Moreover, it is possible to see the concrete reflections of the noospehere in every moment and everywhere and now it is easier to follow this because today we have some means of communication we never had in previous ages. Besides the tv and radio channels which are transmitted through satellites, we also have the internet. And the internet is an exact model of the noosphere because in the net, there is both the constant change and also many things remain settled in place. You have the chance to access the thing you like at the time you like. And now, if you want to see the current state of the noosphere, please turn on your tv or get on line: You will immediately see in which state the ecology of the noosphere is. Interactions in the noosphere are of course not limited with the concrete ones. Aware or unaware, we are in constant contact with it in the unconscious level. Not only through the channel of our emotions but also through extrasensory ways we are connected and in constant communication with the noosphere. Carl Gustav Jung, one of the founding father of the psychology, named this “collective unconscious”.  In his observations, collective unconscious is a field which consists the cumulative cultural heritage of the humanity and the “archetypes” which give direction to the human psyche. All of us know the ecological imbalances created by our own hands and we also know that if humans did not live in the surface of the world right now, no imbalance would occur. Nevertheless, Mother Earth embraces us with all of her self-abandonment and bears with us –perhaps, grudgingly- whatever we do to her. Right now, we do not know how long this will continue but because the world is a living system with its biosphere, it has the potential of self-healing. Of course, right now we do not know at which cost this healing would be. I think our current responsibility should be focused on achieving an urgent ecological balance in the noosphere because as so-called “intelligent” beings, this is the only region which is under our control in some extent. And perhaps, it is helpful to begin to do this by restoring the ecological balance within our self because the ecological imbalance of the world comes out as a result of disturbing the natural order. And the same natural order is hidden within us as well. However, as we distance ourselves from our own nature, we also distrupt the ecological balance within our individual system. And this leads to setbacks in many points of the system, from our psychology to our bodies, that is, the illnesses. This topic can be elaborated in length but I consider this article only an introduction and conclude, without going further: None of the problems we are face to face today has a quality to be avoided through one sided deductive solutions. If there will be a change, its being from inside to outside will be more natural and more effective. Solely social-economical solutions, solely environmental solutions, in short, solely material operations cannot deal with any of our problems. Unless we clear away the ecological pollution in the noosphere, it is hardly possible to achieve the ecological balance in the environmental sense. Our thoughts literally have power and energy. Even thoughts and emotions which are not expressed in some way still influence the noosphere. I am not talking about something metaphysical. Everything we see in the physical level right now was once only dreams in the minds of some people. You may think that the energy of thinking has tiny power. However, because our system works in chaotic ways, tiny influences, through interaction chains, may cause a huge event in another part of the system. And the law of resonance in the physics is also valid for the higher level vibrations. That is, within the noosphere, similar energies attract similar ones and through various groupings, energy accumulations occur. These accumulated energies later express themselves in the physical level and influence all of us. Our top priority problem is restoring the ecological balance in some way. And the recipe for it has been repeated many times in the ages old teachings. Moreover, we now have the chance of synthesizing all of them. As long as we want to do it. However, it would be better if we haste because we do not know at which cost the self-healing of Mother Earth will be... Read the full article
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carmenshale · 6 years
Two Motives Why You are a Rookie In Lot for sale in California mountains.
Problem Selling Your House? Below Are Great Tips
Although there is numerous reading material directed at property sellers, realize that a lot of it is actually worthless. The piece that follows incorporates only sound advice for anyone planning to sell real estate and get amazing success.
Before putting your home out there, fit it with many energy-efficient appliances to enhance its appeal.
Get LED bulbs, solar-powered outdoor lights or perhaps an energy monitor to convince buyers that they may save cash on their energy bills after transferring.
Empty your home out as much as possible, even if you’re still living there. New buyers want to imagine themselves living there. Cleaning it enables them to to do that, and gives you less you’ll must pack down the road.
Just doing small updates to the kitchen can have a big impact on the price of your home. Get one new appliance to become the main objective reason for the updated look http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqbYaenLkaU For those who have space, put in a popular butcher block island and overhead storage. It will probably be quite costly to modify out your cabinetry, so you should look at giving your existing cabinets a whole new coat of paint.
Depending on the market in your neighborhood and the price that you may have listed at your residence, you may find yourself sitting on the negotiating table. If you are in a big hurry to make a sale, you should be flexible and available to sincere and reasonable offers. When you can afford to wait, tend not to sell your house until a buyer creates a good offer.
When marketing or looking for real-estate, you should use a variety of channels. Through a selection of mechanisms, such as the Internet, a real estate agent, and newspaper listings, you can expect to multiply the avenues through that you can attract buyers to property you might have available for sale. As a way to effectively sell your home, consider each of the options readily available.
Open your curtains when you show a residence. By opening your curtains, your home will show up brighter and much more cheery. Open blinds and curtains, and draw drapes as far aside as you possibly can. If the weather is good, you could open the windows, as a way to supply the house with many outside air that interests possible buyers.
Choose neutral colors to color your interior so buyers can simply picture themselves in this particular new home. Include some pleasing aroma by lighting some candles or baking something tasty. This will likely also make a nice snack to give your invited guests. These ideas can create a good atmosphere for your personal guests and enjoy the possible ways to turn a possible buyer in a real buyer.
A new layer of paint is among the best improvements you could make while preparing to sell a house. It is possible to paint certain rooms yourself and not have to spend a whole lot. Fresh paint goes a long way for making your old walls look brand-new. Just be sure that you go with a neutral color, like off-white.
Once you’ve learned this advice, you need to use it into action. Create a strong strategy using this type of information and then use it to your great advantage in selling property to produce your greatest deals and highest profits. Keep this informative article and make reference to it frequently to ensure you are using the advice that has been rendered..
from San Martin Zoo Ideas About Wood Working Just For You http://www.sanmartinzoo.org/two-motives-why-you-are-a-rookie-in-lot-for-sale-in-california-mountains/
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lindyhunt · 6 years
The Best of B2B Marketing Content: 10 Examples
Here at HubSpot, some of the most awe-inspiring moments take place when we get to take new products and features for a test drive. We transform, if it's even imaginable, into even bigger geeks than we normally are, squealing with the excitement typically reserved for iPhone launches and new seasons of Netflix series.
But alas -- this glee is caused by software we use every day at work, and will eventually get to share with other marketers.
Many B2B marketers have seen B2C content at least once and asked, "Why do they get to have all the fun?" But the moments like the one we described above are the ones that remind us: B2B companies are just as passionate about their products as B2C companies are. And for every B2B product, there are even more B2B users out there looking for information, inspiration, and knowledge to provide them with solutions.
The point? No marketing, including content, is uninteresting if you look at it certain ways.
Done right, B2B content marketing can certainly match -- and sometimes, maybe even rival -- the creativity and appeal of the best B2C ones. And we want to recognize the brands that are breaking that mold and creating great content that grows fervent, dedicated audiences.
Below, you'll find a few of our favorites, all with their own B2B marketing strategies that you can take with you.
10 Exceptional B2B Content Marketing Examples
1. CB Insights: Newsletter
What It Does Well
There are two things I love about the CB Insights newsletter. First, it's surprisingly funny (the subject lines alone make it worth it). Second, you learn a lot just by reading the newsletter, no need to click through a bunch of links.”
- Janessa Lantz, HubSpot Senior Marketing Manager
We love how this newsletter illustrates the willingness of CB Insights to not take itself too seriously. Yes, it shares some of the finest insights on technology, venture capital (VC), and emerging businesses, but it does so with fun images that ultimately relate back to the subject -- e.g., the above photo of Oprah that’s been adapted as a meme, since, well, that was the topic of the newsletter.
But the messaging remains relevant, even among the hint of silliness. After all, CB Insights designs technology for people in the VC space, so it’s tasked with creating content that will appeal to a broad audience: customers, prospective customers, tech enthusiasts, and investors. And so, under such subject lines as “so sad: tough to have a VC dad,” it includes relevant data. Yes, gifs are hilarious -- but in some contexts, they’re also worth $147 million.
Takeaway for Marketers: Remember Your Buyer's Goals
When you’re dying to create truly unique, cutting-edge content, it’s easy to stray from your organization’s mission and focus.
So, while it’s great to think outside of the box, use clever subject lines, or even write every email with an overarching humorous tone -- keep it relevant and include the information that the people reading it signed up to receive in the first place. Then, keep it human.
2. Mattermark: Raise the Bar
What It Does Well
Raise the Bar rounds up the best stories about a variety of different industries, giving me a great snapshot of trends to watch and news stories to follow without having to search for them myself."
- Sophia Bernazzani, Editor, HubSpot Customer Success Blog
One of the best things about well-curated content -- especially the kind that pertains to your line of work -- is that it eliminates a lot of work. Keeping up with news and trends is never easy when you’ve already got a full plate, so when someone else is able to hand-pick the things you need to know, it can feel like you’ve struck gold.
That’s what Raise the Bar does, by compiling a “daily digest of timely, must-read posts on sales, marketing and growth engineering.” And, that was the intent all along. In a 2016 blog post announcing the launch of the newsletter, Mattermark’s Co-founder and CEO, Danielle Morrill, wrote, “We’re turning our focus toward sifting through the mountains of content out there around sales, marketing, and growth to help the community of DOERS who grow companies.”
Takeaway for Marketers: Educate Your Buyers
Think about the problems that your product or service already aims to solve for customers. Then, turn that into relevant content that’s going to both save time for and inform your audience -- and make it easy for them to access it.
3. MYOB: Tax Time
What It Does Well
MYOB, a provider of business management solutions in Australia and New Zealand, helps companies manage their finances, in part by connecting them with bookkeepers and financial services professionals. It has two main buyer personas:
Small businesses that are just learning the ropes
More established companies that need greater insight into all facets of their operations.
Each audience has its own set of concerns and corresponding hub of information on MYOB.com -- and MYOB has built a B2B content marketing strategy for each one that shows how much it understands its customers.
MYOB recognizes that many businesses are figuring out accounting and financial decisions as they grow, so it’s created content that positions the brand as a go-to resource to help those businesses navigate each stage of their development. The Tax Time center, for example, is angled to fit the needs of both customer groups, providing tips for those just starting out, and guides for breaking through new stages of development.
Takeaway for Marketers: Grow With Your Buyers
When you begin to brainstorm and map out ideas for content, ask yourself, “Do I really understand my audience?” If you have any doubts as to how the idea will benefit or be useful to your audience, the answer might be “no” -- and that’s okay. Like everything else, audiences (and people) evolve, so it’s okay to go back to the drawing board in instances like these for a refresh.
4. Unbounce: Page Fights (R.I.P.)
What It Does Well
If you’ve ever seen a growth marketer on the heels of a successful optimization experiment, you know that her energy is electric. Unbounce, a landing page software company based in Vancouver, understands that excitement and decided to leverage it to create an engaging microsite, Page Fights, in collaboration with optimization company Conversion XL.
The project came to a close after one year, but during its existence, Page Fights contained live streams of marketing optimization expert panels who critiqued landing pages in real time. It was content that expanded far beyond the written word -- and that was one thing that made it so great.
Sure, Unbounce has a successful blog, but it saw Page Fights as an opportunity to expand beyond that copy. It knew that the web -- especially within marketing and web design -- was becoming increasingly crowded with content. To address that, it diversified the format of its expertise, to keep its audience engaged and learning.
Takeaway for Marketers: Diversify Your Channels
The internet is only going to become more crowded. And as the human attention span dwindles, that makes it even more important to create content that engages and maintains your audience’s attention.
So while we don’t recommend abandoning blogs completely -- after all, written content is still vital to SEO -- we do emphasize the importance of diversifying content formats. Marketers who incorporate video into their content strategies, for example, have seen 49% faster revenue growth than those who don’t. And remember that tip to “keep it human” we mentioned earlier? That’s a great thing about live video in particular -- it can help portray brands (and their people) as candid and genuine.
5. Deloitte Insights
What It Does Well
Deloitte is a professional services company specializing in consulting, tech, auditing, and more. It works with a massive cross-section of industries, from government agencies to life sciences -- and that broad range of knowledge is a major selling point. That’s why creating informed, useful content for individual, specialized audiences is core to its marketing strategy.
But Deloitte has also used that wealth of knowledge to position itself as a resource for those who want to know what it knows. So, among its specialized hubs are educational content centers, including Deloitte Insights (formerly branded Deloitte University Press).
Much like some of the other remarkable B2B content we’ve come across, it curates not only different pieces of highly helpful content -- but also a variety of content formats. From blog posts, to webcasts, to podcasts, Deloitte Insights has a bit of everything for those who want to learn about its specialties and the industries it works with.
Takeaway for Marketers: Separate Your Buyer Personas
Creating a content strategy to please a wide-scale audience like Deloitte’s is challenging. It can quickly become unfocused. But if your company has a number of specialties, creating content microsites for each of them is one way to keep that information organized, discoverable, and easy to navigate.
Plus, it can never hurt to establish your brand as a go-to resource. So, as you create these content hubs, consider adding a “knowledge center” among them that’s dedicated to teaching your audience the valuable things it wants to learn.
6. First Round Magazines
What It Does Well
Here’s another example of a brand that does a great job of leveraging different categories of knowledge. First Round, an early-stage VC company, recognized the knowledge among entrepreneurs and leaders that wasn’t being shared -- knowledge that could be highly beneficial to their peers -- and created the First Round Review as a place for it to be shared. It serves, reads the manifesto, to liberate the ideas and expertise that are “trapped in other people's heads.”
But liberating that much-untapped knowledge can lead to the same problem we alluded to above -- an unfocused mass of content that makes it difficult to discover exactly what you’re looking for. That’s why First Round organized the Review into a collection of nine online magazines, each specializing in a different aspect of building a business.
Takeaway for Marketers: Work With Thought Leaders
If you’ve ever wondered how to leverage the wealth of knowledge outside of your organization -- and inside your professional network -- here’s a great example.
Don’t be afraid to reach out to the entrepreneurs and leaders you’ve met, or simply just admire, to figure out how they can work with you to create content with teachable experiences that your audience will value. Sharing useful, relatable first-hand accounts conveys empathy, which helps to invoke trust among readers.
7. NextView Ventures: Better Everyday
What It Does Well
We absolutely love stumbling across B2B companies with an active presence on Medium. A great example is VC firm NextView Ventures' Better Everyday, a Medium publication that focuses on “stories, analyses & resources to help seed-stage founders redesign the everyday.”
But why would NextView want to create an entirely separate blog that isn’t even on its website? Well, it’s an exercise in creating off-site content: the material you own but doesn’t live on your website. When executed correctly, it can give publishers a huge boost in discoverability, variety, and quality, especially when making use of a highly popular platform like Medium.
Because Better Everyday isn’t attached to the company’s main URL, it provides an opportunity for NextView to experiment with different tones, voices, and stories -- all from a variety of experts that might already be using Medium to discover and contribute unique content. Plus, with Medium’s built-in ability for people to recommend, highlight, and search internally for relevant content, it makes the work published there that much more shareable.
Takeaway for Marketers: Publish Off-Domain Content
Take advantage of the availability of off-site content platforms. As my colleague, Sam Mallikarjunan, writes in “Why Medium Works,” it can take up to six months of consistent publishing on your company’s blog before it gains significant traction. (And we’re not discouraging that -- stick with it, and find ways to supplement those efforts.) But off-site content diversifies your audience by engaging readers who might not have otherwise found your website.
Medium, for example, connects your content with the people most likely to read it. Plus, you’re creating a publication on a platform that comes with a built-in audience of at least 6.3 million users.
8. Wistia: Instagram
  Want to capture glorious shots like this with a DSLR camera? Head over to the Library for everything you need to know (dog sold separately). Link in bio!
A post shared by Wistia (@wistia) on Apr 24, 2017 at 11:58am PDT
What It Does Well
At risk of sounding like a broken record, we can’t emphasize enough the importance of B2B brands maintaining a human element. That’s why we like it when companies use social media channels to give audiences a “look inside” at the people who make the great products and services they love.
Wistia, a video hosting platform, does that particularly well by sharing visual content on Instagram that lifts the curtain on its people -- and dogs. It not only aligns with its brand -- after all, the company does provide technology to businesses that want hosting solutions for their visual content -- but it’s also just smart. Among its other advantages, visual content can help boost a viewer’s retention of things like brand information.
Takeaway for Marketers: Incorporate Visual Content
Please, please, please don’t neglect to incorporate visuals into your content strategy. Of course, having a presence on visually-focused channels like Instagram and YouTube is vital -- but when it comes to your written content, don’t afraid to use visuals there, as well. After all, articles with an image once every 75-100 words got double the number of social shares than articles with fewer images.
But if you can also create content that aligns with the core of your product or service, that’s also great. As we mentioned before, Wistia creates visual content technology -- so it makes sense that it would have unique visual content. Identify what your business does particularly well, and then make the most use of the channel that best aligns with your strengths.
9. Zendesk Engineering
What It Does Well
Yes -- more offsite content. This time, it’s from Zendesk, a maker of customer service software that’s done something unique with its Medium publication, Zendesk Engineering.
Zendesk might be an expert in the solutions provided by its product, but behind that product is a chorus of highly skilled experts -- the people who build and engineer the software. The company realized that there’s an audience to be tapped that’s seeking insights and expertise on the technical side of the product, so it used that to build an entirely independent content property.
Takeaway for Marketers: Tell Your Brand Story
Dig beneath the surface of the solutions your company provides. You offer solutions -- but what is your process? What have you learned that makes you do what you do so well, and how did you get there?
Sure, topics like engineering might be traditionally “unsexy.” But when leveraged and communicated in a storytelling manner, they can make for remarkable content.
10. Hexagon: Annual Report
Image via App Annie
What It Does Well
Who says written content needs to be two-dimensional?
For Hexagon, an industrial IT solutions provider, "AR" doesn't just stand for annual report. With that in mind, the company recently "augmented" a presentation to its investors in a creative way.
Hexagon used augmented reality (AR) to spruce up their written company report, giving investors a more interactive experience when learning the latest updates on the company. How does it work? A mobile app, based on technology from Samsung and zSpace, displays a virtual demonstration of a product when readers hold their mobile device over a "trigger image" of that product within the report.
Takeaway for Marketers: Challenge Your Buyers
It's easy to feel limited by your medium as you create content -- especially for a business audience who you've all agreed is comfortable with that medium.
But in order for content to convert readers and incite growth, it needs to occasionally disrupt its audience's point of view. A company doesn't work for its content; content works for its company. If you need to say something that a blog alone can't, the business demands that you make it work -- whether that means starting a YouTube channel or seeing how you can integrate an AR tool into your next ebook.
And the List Goes On
We’re optimistic that the digital realm is full of strong B2B content marketing efforts -- and, we want to hear about them. But even more than that, we want to hear how these examples inspire you. As they show, there's a world of content opportunities out there, just waiting for creative B2B marketers to take on.
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