#please do not misunderstand....
puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 293
Jason takes a deep breath. He takes a deep breath, in for ten seconds, out for eight, and just takes a minute before looking again. Nope, there’s still the strange quartet of orbs in the box of what should be stolen weapons (What, the government had enough, honestly) that gave his workers the heebie-jeebies. 
Which is not the vibe he gets from them. In fact, he’s actually kind of concerned with how much he has to beat the Pit back with how quickly it lurches to latch onto the… Well they’re not gems, and he’s a little wary about touching them at first, but the Pit does seem to settle when he does.
Alright, he can deal with this. It’s not like he has several heads in a duffel bag that needs to be delivered or a tiny assassin child back in his safehouse (Seriously Talia, why was he the preferred babysitter?) or an entire gang in Crime Alley to deal with. It’ll be fine. 
He would like to curse out his past self, because there’s now four babies in his safehouse that appeared to have fucking hatched from the orbs. Goddamnit. 
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mikkiina-mikina · 2 months
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I've always wanted to do animations... I might reconsider tho 💀 my respect for animators just broke its limit.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
Every time someone refers to dinosaurs as "lizards", when a) dinosaurs are archosaurs, not anywhere closely related to lizards in the slightest (birds, however, ARE a form of dinosaur) and b) lizards are their own uniquely adapted thing that isn't just "generic reptile", I take 260 million points of damage you know, the amount of time its been since dinosaurs and lizards shared a common ancestor
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wabart · 6 months
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possibly a light study to come idk
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electrozeistyking · 3 months
Allow me to explain: I want to watch any and all Murder Drones episodes blindly without knowing or seeing anything on them. In fact, that's how I enjoy watching this show. Why, you may ask?
Because that's how I first watched the pilot.
I knew literally nothing about it. I didn't know who voiced in it, what it was all about, who created it... nothing. I just saw a thumbnail for a show that had to do with robots on the internet, and decided to watch it on a whim.
I was blindsided by everything. The first thing I did when N spoke was to very loudly exclaim "MICHEAL?!" And you know what? I enjoyed what I saw! It may have taken me two separate occasions to finish, but I enjoyed my experience watching it!
Did I know episode two came out? I was hyperfixating on something else at the time, so I only found out about it months later. And like with the pilot, I knew nothing about it. I hadn't seen any teasers or anything on it, so once again, I was blindsided by everything I witnessed. So on and so forth, for each and every episode.
It was easy for me not to see anything, because I didn't have reliable internet at the time. Therefore, I was completely unaware of release dates, I didn't see any teasers, I didn't see anything for any episodes.
Obviously, I could not avoid the one featured in GLITCHX, so it was unavoidable and is therefore the only exception to this rule. I am willingly choosing to commit to how I watch these next episodes, because it's been an enjoyable experience for me to get slapped in the face by every episode of this series so far.
And I'd like to keep it that way.
Okay, this is turning out longer than I meant it to be, so let's get to the point I wanna make: while this is the first news we're getting in a long while and it's certainly exciting, I am purposely trying to avoid seeing it so I can continue enjoying it this way.
Anyway, here's N playing the trumpet as an apology if I came off as aggressive at the start there. :3
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wait shit was it murder drones related i blacked out when i wrote this
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cocoa-belle · 1 year
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Personally, my favorite part of the finale was when they finally got a cat (delusional)
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alarrylarrie · 1 year
Something SO fascinating about Harry’s music videos from this album are that none of them focus on him in like, a concrete way?
In As It Was, which I would argue is the most “Harry” focused- I think it was very much gender coded, plus all that super cool Matrix allegory (which in itself is also gender coded lol)
Then in Late Night Talking, it’s very much about Harry as people observe him, as they speculate and project their fantasies onto him, etc.
MFASR is about him as an object, about a commercial product, about him being seen as good when he’s useful, etc etc.
And now Satellite is the story of Stomper, the little robot that could, and is a metaphorical representation of loneliness, isolation, longing, and so on.
I’m just saying it’s interesting.
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sygneth · 23 days
I have always admired people who could write one fic or draw a comic for years because I am living in a constant fear of not finishing what I have started. Not in a 'maybe something terrible will happen to me' way, but simply knowing myself and that after a couple of months or years, I will catch a new fixation and finishing the old story will become hard. And yeah sure, I have heard people say "You don't have to finish if it doesn't interest you anymore" or "It's your art and you decide what it will be about" and I fully agree, but I still love those old things I came up with you know? I still love these characters and I want their stories to be told, but at the same time there already are new characters with new stories in my head and I want to tell them too.
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stormyoceans · 3 months
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MY DUDE...........MY MAIN GUY........................
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t-u-i-t-c · 3 months
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Bakuage Sentai BoonBoomger
The Driver Won't Stop
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ciderjacks · 1 year
why are the takes in this fandom so bad do you people even like what you’re watching actually are you even watching the show Where Are You Getting These Insane Person Takes
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byun-slug · 5 months
So it caught my attention that some people were asking if particular Roblox users or groups are me, or a product was made by me.
No, I didn't at all. I don't make ANY kind of profit using my TDoI(The Devices of Infection) AU stuff.
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And all of those users or groups that people showed to me were not even me nor the group I've made. I'm not even playing Roblox regularly in the first place, and I turn that game on only when my friends asking to play together, nothing related with my TDoI(The Devices of Infection) or TF2 AU stuff at all.
As well as The Devices of Infection/TDoI stuff is my personal project. I've never made ANY kind of clan relations or asked people to join the team or the project or something. It's literally my personal animation I work on whenever I have free time to do. I don't have ANY plan to make or collab with others' AU for this project.
I would like to keep my TDoI stuff as on my own only instead of collab with others. It also means if you have seen anyone who involved their project with mine, that's NOT what I was participated or asked at all. It was done without asking me anything about it.
It also caught my attention that people uploaded my official channel to their Roblox profile. I'm not sure if that affects to the other people as well but If you find any user or the group that have YouTube channel directly to my channel and even marked as "My Channel" or trying to impersonating me, That is NOT ME at all.
Like I said, I play Roblox only whenever my friends asked me to play that game so I don't and won't have any plan to advertise my AU or animation stuff in Roblox at all.
And if anyone who did it and reading this to impersonate me, I would like respectfully ask you not do to it. I don't want to get any kind of misunderstanding.
Thank you for reading. Have a good day.
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shibaraki · 6 months
idkidk it’s hard for me to sufficiently emphasise just how deeply plagiarism has affected me and the way I post. I think for anyone who has dealt with plagiarism or had their ideas lifted, there is a bit of a bruise that never really goes away? it can totally sap the joy out of not only writing but engaging in the community—having similar concepts is not a crime and can be a great way to connect with others. now it just makes me extremely wary and stirs up a lot of unpleasant feelings. I know it’s nice to have two cakes and you’ll all eat it happily but if the other person has used the exact same recipe I’m going to feel a bit shit. hell the other person might feel shit about it too idk 💀 this is poorly articulated ksksks
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kelin-is-writing · 1 year
if dabi d words after how much he has suffered and endured, i’m dropping this fucking manga istg.
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another thing that confuses me about the feminist debate around „pretty privilege“/beauty bias is that i see the same women say „attractive women face problems because they’re attractive“ but „beauty is subjective/not tangible“ like which is it? because either there are attractive women and they face issues or attractiveness is not relevant because its less tangible than other (more severe) dimensions of inequality. and do they really face these issues due to being attractive or because theyre women? because i dont see attractive men face the same issues. i would call it misogyny.
its possible to face misogyny and yet have advantages in other regards - from what ive gathered regarding attractiveness this is mainly related to social acceptance, attractive people having an easier time fitting in and making friends and being treated preferentially on the job market (with the infamous exception of women being denied for being „too beautiful“ which i would again attribute to misogyny rather than attractiveness). which can help build self-esteem and mental health (which does not mean attractive people cant develop mental issues for other reasons) and impact material reality.
dont twist my words now because beauty bias and white supremacy are not even in the same realm and also cant be separated because racism influences beauty ideals and perception, but if you can acknowledge that white women profit from being white, and lightskin women profit from that compared to darkskin women, while still facing misogyny for being women, it should be possible to imagine that attractive women profit from their attractiveness but it can „backfire“ because of misogyny, like it can for white and lightskin women respectively (for example when they are fetishised for their whiteness or being white passing). misogyny is inescapable but it doesnt mean there arent different positions within the system of patriarchy. consider that misogyny even backfires on men despite them having male privileges (for example being sanctioned for being feminine). and if you can acknowledge that fat bias exists it should be possible to acknowledge beauty bias too?
im a bit sad how the debate is going because i see a lot of potential for solidarity here, but for that we first have to acknowledge that there are differences, that attractiveness or lack thereof does create inequality, but that we are more connected because we are women than we are separated by attractiveness. women sharing experiences how they are treated because of their looks is so important. attractiveness is weaponised to separate us. and i would also like to see acknowledged that attractiveness is not just femininity (sociocultural) but it plays a huge part. guess i just miss some more nuance because i see a lot of takes that either claim attractive women dont face misogyny or less attractive women dont face misogyny when in reality misogyny just takes different forms.
i feel like a lot of backlash comes from the difficulty of distancing ourselves from beauty as value, even as feminists. its just not socially acceptable to call someone unattractive. the experiences of average looking and unattractive women are often dismissed because „no woman is ugly“ while the experiences of attractive women are dismissed because the empty promise of beauty was drilled into our heads.
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prettyboybun · 6 months
Long story short, I don't have any clean underwear today, except... a cute little black pair of panties.
I got them specifically for kink play in the bedroom, but push comes to shove, I gotta wear them today. Underneath my rough punk get up, I've got this little secret.
Naturally, I can't help but thinking about someone finding out I've got them on. Hopefully, another punk who's much stronger than me. He catches a glimpse when I reach down to pick something up, my shirt riding up my back just enough for him to see the lace.
He catches me alone and pins me against a wall, somewhere secluded. He starts mocking me, unzipping my fly and palming at my tdick beneath the flimsy fabric. His hands are rough, calloused and firm, and he's telling me what a delicate little kitty boy I am, beneath all that leather I dress in.
He crashes his lips into mine, and I kiss back just as firmly, biting at his lips and growling. Eventually he takes me off the wall and pins me with his full weight beneath him on the ground. He shoves his hand in my underwear and shoves his fingers inside me, given that I'm plenty wet for him already. He curls and uncurls them inside me quickly and bites at my neck til I cum, grabbing onto his thick leather jacket.
He kisses me again, and asks if he can put his number in my phone. I nod breathlessly, we exchange info. He stands up, pats my head, and bids me farewell, leaving me leaking inside my pretty lil panties
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