#please dont coin disorders that make no sense
ophiuchus-dearest · 1 year
MUD - Medically Unrecognized Disorder
What exactly is it?
An MUD, or a Medically Unrecognized Disorder is a disorder not present within the DSM-V or the ICD-11. These are usually coined by users on Tumblr and each have their own names, descriptions, symptoms and representative flags.
What exactly is the problem about this?
The 'coining' of a disorder in purely medical context requires years of empirical research and can't be based off of personal experience. Lab tests, imagery, observing patterns in patients; alot goes into Disorder research.
These "Disorders" as I've seen are structureless, and such symptoms already exist in disorders listed in the DSM-V.
Before you tell me that the DSM-V isn't the bible, I know that, but is widely referred to for a reason. Have any of the MUD coiners done any any research and the same processing professionals have done to prove that their experience is a disorder? No, I'm not invalidating the fact that you experience it. I'm asking whether it's enough to make a whole new disorder.
Attachment issues are a normal human thing and stem from anxiety. Separation anxiety is a more specific term to use, not "Social Paranoid Explosive Disorder".
"Mental Health Obsessive Disorder" is basically the same as Munchausen Syndrome, where you make yourself ill deliberately or unintentionally in some cases.
What you all seem to be doing is cherry-picking symptoms from a plethora of already existing disorders and remixing them to create a new disorder.
The list goes on, and I can continue with the 'disorders' and their actual counterparts. This is unhealthy behaviour, and is a major part of the reason why professionals today don't take the younger generation seriously.
Please, do try to understand where my viewpoint stands and think rationally on this.
Respectful discussions are welcome, and I'm not here to harrass any of the coiners or namedrop. I genuinely am looking to discuss your viewpoint.
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seireitonin · 6 months
Two sides of the same coin: Toby and Nina
(Wrote this to show there is overlap and similarities and differences as well, between BPD and ASPD and while they are disorders it doesn’t mean that people in the cluster B personality type can’t love and improve as people to be in healthy relationships. We’re not evil. We are flawed. Based Nina off my own BPD experience and Toby I did a lot of research on ASPD and tried to write it as accurately and respectfully as possible. If I did something wrong please lmk)
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Toby and Nina an are the same, yet different. Toby has ASPD. Nina has BPD. Their overlap and differences make each other feel understood, but at times isolated. Toby is impulsive and so is Nina. Toby is impulsive in the sense that he doesn’t care about his own safety and does what he wants when he wants if he sees fit. Nina’s impulses come from wanting instant gratification and pleasure in the moment. The two of them overlap with each other often. Both participate in impulsive, self destructive drug use on occasion, one not caring about his wellbeing and the other not caring about the consequences. Just the current moment of joy that she knows will pass because she’s always empty. Both experience emotional irregularities. More overlap presenting itself in different ways. Toby presents his emotions as if he’s better than Nina sometimes. Sometimes he says stuff that’s hurtful, especially when he’s intensely upset. Nina’s emotions can result in random outbursts of anger especially if she thinks Toby is trying to abandon her. Sometimes she says stuff she doesn’t mean too. They don’t mean to hurt each other, but unfortunately sometimes they do. Toby has become Nina’s everything. Her favorite person. The thought of Toby abandoning her or not loving her like she loves him sometimes makes her spiral. Toby sometimes comes across like he doesn’t care or is indifferent to her. But that’s not true. He loves her and has put in the work and effort to love her. He just has trouble expressing it sometimes. Nina feels intense emotions and sometimes can’t express them properly either, sometimes she comes off as clingy and obsessive, but she’s hurting and scared of being abandoned or not valued. Not only because she gets so overwhelmed, but sees the world in black and white and can’t describe everything she’s feeling. They had a screaming match once and only once. When they flow they flow. When they clash, they clash. Toby was so frustrated that Nina thinks he doesn’t love her. Like she’s invalidating his efforts. Nina was frustrated that he wasn’t taking him being her favorite person seriously. Like he saw her as a burden. “Why can’t you see I’m trying,Nina?! I’m doing my best and you just don’t care!” “No you don’t care! You see me as a burden don’t you?! You don’t really love me! You’re using me like Jeff!” “Don’t you ever compare me to him! I love you! You’re just too fucking stupid to see it!” Her eyes widened and tears streamed down her face. Toby didn’t understand at first. Why was she upset by that? She was being stupid. He loves her. “You….think…I’m…stupid?” Nina just ran away and locked herself in the bedroom, spiraling and splitting. “He hates me. He never loved me. I’m worthless. No one will ever love me.” That’s all that played through her head. Toby picks the lock and sits on the bed facing away from her. “I didn’t mean it like that. Okay? You’re not a burden to me.” He didn’t mean to hurt her but he did. Nina hated him right now. He went from angel to monster. “Don’t give up on me okay? I’ll never give up on you, Nina. I’m….sorry” It took him a while to understand how and why what he said hurt her. But he took accountability for what he said. A long way from the person he was before. “Don’t leave me Toby. I need you” Nina whimpered out. “I dont want to, moody girl” He holds out his hand so she could play with his fingers for comfort. She does just that. They’re not perfect. They both come from pasts of hurt and heartbreak. But the last thing they’ll do is take it out on each other. They will always try to be better for each other and themselves.
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avpdyapping · 2 months
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hey uhhh I dont. think this should be a thing. absolutely no hate to the blog who posted it, i know it was in good faith, but. to me this really sounds like how some people go "oh I'm a little ocd!". you cant be "[personality disorder]ish" its something you either have or dont have
I still dont know a lot about personality disorders in general, or how diagnostic criteria functions, but ive seen a lot of others say they have traits of [personality disorder] when they have some symptoms but dont meet the criteria for a diagnosis. and to me that makes sense. but identifying as "[disorder]ish" rubs me the wrong way
I mean if im wrong please correct me (/gen) but I think coining terms like this is at best unhelpful and at worst harmful
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vocalux · 1 month
hey.. sorry if this comes off rude, but I’m just curious
some of these flags dont really make sense to me.or trans id at all. there’s some “transxyz” that.. like.. you could just change about yourself.. instead of identifying with a transid.. (e.g. transhaircolor)
do you know why people might identify with it? idk in the nicest way possible it seems attention seeking to me but ive also not felt what transids feel so maybe it’s a n experience thing?
and also.. “trans[disorder]” makes it seem “quirky” and “cool”
I in no way would ever want someone to go through what i go through on a day to day basis with it and it just feels kind of icky.. it’s actually torture.. if you could explain things (which idk if you can because you’re only coining) that might help me :/
anyway, sorry if that sounded rude >-< this is coming from someone with a diagnosed disorder and a transgender person
(you dont have to answer jf you dont know how to but if you do please don’t respond with “if you can change your gender you can change xyz!” because that just feels like blatant transphobia)
huhum , i see your point , but not always . even if its something simple like dyeing hair , some people cant . for example, someone may have parents who dont allow it , maybe its something that goes against the persons religion , sometimes they really just cant , or simply dont want to .
and here , i can find some alternatives that make sense to me , it may be that the person wants it in order to better understand the lives of others , to feel valid , to feel included . sometimes , but not always , out of pure fetish .
maybe the person already has one , but no one takes them seriously , so they want to be taken seriously , maybe the person has symptoms but no diagnosis and ends up identifying themselves like that .
but dont be fooled , most of them really want to live the hell that is something like this
dont worry you didnt seem rude ! im glad to be the person you come to ask , i hope it makes some sense , maybe . .
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fictionkinfessions · 7 months
I'm so cool with my death. Literally in the fiset season i was so clear. I'm meant to die for my kingdom, is my destiny. Kilgarrah was wrong I knew it and i was fully into it because I was a fathers boy.
My own fault Merlin speaks against Aggrivane and I threaten his life. "why did he never tell arthur anything?" cuz i would have threatened to kill him. You gotta make me think it's my idea.
Which I did. I thought I came up with dying. I wasnt even scared until Merlin made me see that I can make kingdomwide reforms
I think i am the reason I died. I hesitated. I knew I was to die and I hesitated because I exist for the good of everyone. Except Merlin apparently.
Literally fuck me apparently I sensed Merlin was the other side of the coin, hijacked the coin, then made him suffer for being close because I am such a great king.
I think im the only Arthur P on here so if anyone wants any updates on me I fused with a bunch of other fictives and now I think i count as a kin. I kinshift alot but it's cool. I'm surrounded by my system and our friends. I am loved.
Ik it sounds like I hate myself but I don't I hate the actions the arrogant prince and teh idiot king made. I'm still Arthur Pendragon but I've no responsibility of running a kingdom. I'm so free it makes me giddy.
I'm going to improve Albion and it wont even kill me. I'll fight battles and wage wars for my disorder and I'll forge each footstep alone. I'll tread this path bearing only the load of my own expectatin and the weapon of my own expertise.
Also duelsource artthur pendragon, in the legand Merlin locked the lady of the lake in a cave and it's so funny to me because bbc Merlin could never do that. I love him dearly. Absolute clotpole please go, live your life. You're allowed to get over me.
Also Mordrid, that was a gross overreaction and you know it. If I ever see you apologise. I've been a teen with a sword and did I kill the king? No. Merlin did. (/ligh hearted, i dont mind you killed my dad merlin, it was an accident and morgana's fault)
Morgana is good we only fought bc i wouldnt legalise magic on threat of violence despite the fact we kinda never made clear we're chill with magic users and she kinda had her whole life taken from her the day she found out she had magic because uther would never legalise it ad then i just dont solve that problem. It was sorta my job. You go my dearest sister. Keep doing whatever ur doing and dont read the legand.
I only relate to crazy merlin & me bits of the legand it's so bad
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drangues · 4 years
Well, I appreciate you not finding me annoying- I just know that dealing with someone with anxiety can be. A Lot. And of course I have, like, ADD on top of that, and a general tendency to overshare because it’s hard for me to tell what the divider is between too much and not enough? Also there an Actual SCP that lets you square up with mental and physical illnesses and disorders alike, it’s great. (Nyanon, 1/10)
Anyways, I’m sorry people have said that about some of your favorites, but I’m glad you like them, anyways! It’s nice to like stuff. That aside, Kyouka just vibing up until she get the Urge to Go is. Hilarious, and would definitely happen. Also you’re right, Atsushi definitely collects old and vintage stuff and tries to restore it a bit and you should say it. Anyways, poor Atsushi is just left struggling to keep up with his adopted baby sis because how did we get here? (Nyanon, 2/10)
Kyouka what??? Kyouka please he is Confused (even though he definitely supports her traditions, like you said- Our boy is just wondered why it came out of nowhere). And those four sound like a good choice for family friends! I feel like Kyouka would get. The ODDEST assortment of gifts from them- Like, Yosano gives her an Entire Emergency Kit and Kouyou just gives her Swords and also pretty clothes. (Nyanon, 3/10)
Of course, Fukuzawa gives her toys for the local strays and some pocket money if she needs it, and Lucy probably gives her a doll or something. Atsushi, of course, fusses over making sure she has Everything, including books, bedding, her broom, and Kyouka did you pack all of your clothes??? And of course, he probably passes her Byakko’s special basket and bed (because that would be One Spoiled Cat) while in tears, like you said, because he doesn’t want her to be alone. (Nyanon, 4/10)
AND DONT WORRY KENJI IS DEFINITELY THE BOY SHE MEETS, I ALSO SHIP IT, THEYRE ADORABLE AND I LOVE THEM. He chatters to her about his life on the farm and how much more busy the city is, and they bond over being in a new place on their own. Poor Atsushi can’t catch a break, and he probably freaks out everyone else by running away. Like, what the fuck are they gonna tell Kyouka when she gets back??? Atsushi where did you go? (Nyanon, 5/10)
Meanwhile Atsushi is frantically trying to Not Be Cursed and it is. A work in progress. It’d be much easier if the wizard he found actually helped instead of being a trolling bastard. Said wizard and his minions (friends) are all taken with the weird cursed maybe-not-an-old-man who’s now their house keeper? Albeit in different ways, of course, but it’s hard not to be when he’s a sweetheart, of a bit anxious. Dazai just wants to know how the fuck he gets Chuuya to listen to him. (Nyanon, 6/10)
Also please consider: Atsushi having black hair at the start, but it ends up a permanent silver with a black streak by the end, because he’s starting to embrace himself. Dazai falling farther and farther in love as the story goes on and not even realizing it, and it’s totally normal to pet someone’s hair and compliment them so much, shut UP Chuuya, you’re a sentient ball a gas, what do you know- Anyways yes I’m taken with this AU, no I don’t mind your tangent. (Nyanon, 7/10)
And it’s just like [Dazai: I’m sorry like you ignore your what now??? // Atsushi: // Dazai: Atsushi-kun please answer me- ] It’d be so chaotic it’s great. Anyways, yeah I could definitely see him not really,, Registering? That everything he once had to do isn’t necessary anymore- It’d definitely be hard to break the habit, given how long it was literally beaten into him. It’s probably the same way when it comes to like, eating and stuff? Given his experiences. (Nyanon, 8/10)
Then he realizes halfway through the day that he can, in fact, eat, and he isn’t used to that? Please help him. But all of that definitely would make him more eager to try new things, once he realized he could! He’ll try everything with anyone who’s willing. Like, he’ll do flower pressing with Kunikida (who thinks they make good bookmarks), or he’ll try collecting things with Dazai (who collects foreign coins, though Atsushi finds that he favors bottle caps). You know what I mean? (Nyanon, 9/10)
But anyways, another Scenario Concept: Please imagine Dazai and Atsushi taking naps together. Like, Atsushi curls up on Dazai’s chest and Will Not Move, and no one has the heart to move him, anyways. Dazai buries his face in Atsushi’s lap and let’s himself fall asleep while Atsushi plays with his hair. I don’t know, I’m tired and can’t think of much right now. I just want fluff. (Nyanon, 10/10)
i loVE THEM GIVING HER THE ODDEST GIFTS I BET FUKUZAWA IS THE ONLY ACTUAL NORMAL ONE WHO GIVES HER NORMAL GIFTS meanwhile kunikida (did i say he would be a friend as well??) would give her the C UT E S T stationary items for her studies. 
anyways Y E S i totally agree with atsushi having black hair and it turning grey how dare you be so amazing WOW <33 and chuuya would definitely keep on teasing dazai about everything he literally does to atsushi the moment the young(old??) man is out of earshot
flower pressing with kunikida,,,how dare you make me soft i hate you and DAZAI AND ATSUSHI TAKING NAPS TOGETHER AAAA THATS SO CUTE PL S IM CRYING
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viralhottopics · 8 years
Cliques, Careers, And Cults: How Groupthink Influences Us Every Day
Humanity is complex, to say the least. Why we act a certain way or believe a certain thing is entirely up to us. Or is it? Were all susceptible to picking up habits from our friends and family or making choices based on what we think will please others the mostbut does that mean were fully in charge of our own decision-making? Since weve partnered with the Hulu Original Series The Path (Season 2 streaming now on Hulu) a show that dives into the center of a controversial cult movement accused of brainwashing its followers, weve decided to investigate further to see if were all really victims of groupthink after all.
At one point or another, everyones parents gave them the same lecture about peer pressure: If all of your friends jumped off a bridge, would you do it too?
Although your parents probably didnt know it, what they were introducing you to at the time was the concept of groupthinka phenomenon coined by Dr. Irving Janis as being when a group collectively makes decisions that undermine mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgement of the individuals in the group.
Most of our behavior and decision-making can be traced back to being influenced by the people around us. Certain levels of groupthink are prevalent in almost every aspect of our livesfrom cliques in high school cafeterias to upper-management making the big decisions in the workplace.
Its a dangerous mindset to be made part of. And its everywhere.
The problem with groupthink is that it treats a group of people as a homogeneous unit. When it comes to coming up with decisions or solutions ( when the group is under pressure), the desire to keep the group at unanimity overpowers the necessity for alternative thinking or thoughtful discussion. Typically, then, the decision will be left to those in chargeand rarely is that decision the best possible option nor does it benefit everyone.
It forces the members of the group to lose their individuality and voice.
Christen Clemson, author of , describes how schoolyard cliques actually feed into the perpetuation of groupthink later on in life. The construction of boundaries between different groups creates homogeneous cliquesthe more dominant personalities of which typically make all of the decisions for everyone in the group.
Clemson argues that although its nonsensical to try to demolish cliques in schoolsas it is an indisputable part of an adolescents social developmentit is important to discourage groupthink as soon as possible, because issues like eating disorders, bullying, racism, and other problems can arise from groupthink mentality in cliques.
These are serious problems, the effects of which dont just disappear after you pick up your high school diploma.
Bob Ebeling was an engineer working on the Challenger, and recalls in an interview with NPR how he witnessed the effects of groupthink firsthand in the workplace. He and four other engineers had strongly advocated for calling off the Challenger mission the night before, but were shut down by NASA officials.
The Challenger exploded 73 seconds after takeoff.
The situation is a typical example of groupthinkwhere the leaders themselves arent necessarily bad people (NASA, of course, didnt want to kill the seven astronauts on board), but good people who make bad decisions. And the whole group suffers for it.
But sometimes, there are groupthink cases where the leaders bad. Arguably one of the most damaging and widely recognized perpetrators of groupthink is cults.
The intentions of different cults vary, but the generic definition for the term refers to a system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object. According to Dr. Max Wexler, cults are founded by individuals who, through the use of ordeals, draw a loyal, elite group of followers.
To a higher degree than your high school Queen Bee or the NASA officials who went through with the Challenger expedition, cult rules utilize intentionally destructive and psychologically manipulative tactics to get their members to do what they want.
According to Dr. Wexler, cultic decision-making is entirely faulty. This level of internalized groupthink is incredibly destructive and problematic. Cults set up an environment that sheds old behavior guidelines and creates new expectations and emerging norms in order to establish an airtight homogeneous state within the groupeliminating all possibilities for members to feel comfortable even considering that the decisions being made could be wrong.
A central question that surrounds cults is: How do these leaders lure their followers in?
Cults are appealing because they promise ideals and values that, on a surface-level seem positive and infallible. They offer close-knit friendships, opportunities to feel needed and wanted, andarguably the biggest selling pointan identity.
For those who struggle socially or who feel lost in their lives, it appears to be the perfect solution to all of their psychological needs. We, as humans, are social creatures, and the cultic environment offers a powerful incentive for us to join and immediately feel accepted and welcomed. Its the inclusivity we all crave.
However all of the positive promises of cultic life are simultaneously manipulated into ways to control members.
This promise of inclusivity demands that you sever ties with your family and friends. This promised identity requires you to unquestioningly follow the beliefs and practices of the chosen leader. The promise to finally feel accepted and needed comes with an ironclad rule about essentially trading in your individualism and personal liberties for the greater good of the community.
Its what Dr. Wexler calls enthusiastic conformity. The members internalize the idea that what happens within the group is all that mattersthe outside world and their rules do not apply to them. They idolize their leader for creating a community for them to fit into, and return the favor by never examining or questioning the leaders beliefs or decisions.
This type of brainwashing preys on people who crave acceptance, which deep down is most of us.
The appeal of cults makes sense, but what convinces people to stay after theyve joined? Dr. Adrian Furnham explains that cults deliberately induce powerful emotions like fear, guilt [and] also pride as a means for retaining memberships. Its a further manipulation of our basic emotional and psychological necessities.
The groupthink phenomenon is found in almost all sectors of life. Its deeply rooted in the basic human desire for acceptance and validation, and is a force that drives all of us. Our natural need for socialization sways us in our decision-makingparticularly in our decision to be heavily influenced by others.
Groupthink gives us a false sense of stability. And to combat it, we have to learn to adjust to the idea of just being comfortable with ourselves first.
Season 2 of The Path is Now Streaming on Hulu. New Episodes Wednesdays.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2l95vf6
from Cliques, Careers, And Cults: How Groupthink Influences Us Every Day
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