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some of the new movies are just boring. I’ll forever be a 2000’s girly
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misseviehyde · 1 year
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Alison and her friends weren’t exactly popular at school, but that really didn’t matter because they had each other.  Every weekend the nerdy girls would meet up at Alison’s house to play role-playing games where they could escape from their average lives for a few hours and enjoy pretending to be someone else. 
Recently they’d been experimenting with some different games and Alison had found a weird one in a charity shop called ‘Clique’.  It was a game all about role-playing as hot, popular girls and the winner was the character that managed to become head cheerleader and draw all the others into her clique.  Alison thought it would be ironically fun to play.
She’d followed the instructions and customised the game to fully reflect their own school.  The other girls laughed delightedly as she showed them the board with its accurate reflection of their schools room plan and they settled down to play.
As the Games-master, Alison wouldn’t be role-playing herself, but she would be supervising everything else.  She shuffled the deck of character cards, fully based on real girls from their school. She had picked the girls she hated the most - the ones that were her bullies and universally popular.  They were all total spoiled bitches, vain, beautiful and rich.  They were certainly perfect characters for this game. Turning to her best-friend Lauren she offered the cards and Lauren hesitantly picked one.
“Oh no, I got Ashley,” laughed Lauren as she examined the card, “she’s such a nasty bitch, I’m not sure I can play her.  She’s always picking on me because of my weight.”
Ashley was the nastiest of all the popular girls and their defacto leader - pretending to be her was going to be weird.  Lauren tried to adopt an exaggeration of Ashley's resting bitch face and the others all laughed.
 “Then again... it would feel good to lose some weight and stop being a fat loser," she sneered.
Lauren gasped and clamped her hand over her mouth. "OMG - why did I say that?"
"Wow you sure got into character fast,” laughed Alison.
"Guys ahhhhhhh something is wrong," groaned Lauren, the smile dropping from Alison's face as her friend backed away from the table.
Lauren was tugging at her clothing and she seemed to be fighting with herself. Her face was twitching and her eyes rolling up in a mixture of pleasure and pain.
"Ohhhhh fuck, I can hear her voice in my head, her memories in my mind. What is this game? What is it doing to me?"
Lauren stretched and the others watched in horror as her skin began to ripple and move. Bones cracked as fat shifted and she moaned helplessly.
All the fat on Lauren's body began to move to her tits and her ass. Her small breasts began to swell up as her face became prettier and her hair whipped back in a tight bitchy pony-tail.
Ashley's familiar features replaced Lauren's as expensive makeup shimmered over her features and expensive manicured nails pushed out of her fingers.
Her loose fitting clothing tightened, a tight green halter neck wrap-top snapping tight around her massive new tits. They jiggled enticingly in their new slutty hammock.
Somewhere in town, the real Ashley was fading from existence as the games magic removed her from reality.
Meanwhile Lauren looked down at herself in shock as the changes slowed. She was now gorgeous and physically every inch the spoiled mean bitch that Ashley was.
"Oh my Gawd," she gasped in Ashley's insulting and superior voice. "I totally turned into that bitch."
Alison looked down at the game in shock. It was magic. It had actually turned Lauren into Ashley.
Lauren was touching herself with a mixture of fascination - but also desire. She clearly liked how her new body felt and she grinned as she checked out her reflection in a mirror. She pulled out a mobile phone - Ashley's device - and using her fingerprint to unlock it grinned as she saw she now had access to all of her former bullies accounts.
Sitting calmly at the table - Lauren grinned at her friends.
"This isn't so bad. I could get used to this," she chuckled. "In fact I think you should start calling me Ashley. I never liked that dorky name Lauren anyway."
"Lauren, we have to find a way to turn you back to normal," gasped Alison.
"Fuck that," grinned Lauren-Ashley nastily, "Look at me... I'm stacked and I'm beautiful. Oh and rich too. Why would I want to go back even if I could. This game is awesome."
Lauren could feel the words coming out of her mouth but it was like someone else was speaking them. Her massive new tits were hard and a deluge of wicked memories and knowledge was flowing through her mind like an expanding oil slick.
Ashley's memories were like a film, covering up her own and sinking deeper and deeper into her soul.
Why fight this? It feels so good. This loser Alison can't be allowed to stop me.
Grabbing the Clique board, Lauren-Ashley pulled it towards her and laughed. "I'm taking over as Games Mistress bitch."
Pulling the deck of cards out of Alison's hands she began to search through. "You know why they call this game Clique? Because you win once you convert the other players into your followers OR eliminate them from the game, you win and this becomes permanent."
Laughing she dealt three cards out in quick succession to the other girls.
She turned them over one at a time. "Sarah, you get to become my best-friend Chloe. Hannah it's your turn to be a bitch too, you're going to become Chelsea. You're going to enjoy being my spoiled rich wing-girls."
Alison watched in horror as her friends began to groan and transform. Bitchy brunette hair lengthened as the former nerds morphed into skinny, mean Alpha girls. Neither was as busty and dominant as Ashley - but they were just as evil. Dressed in matching black crop tops and blue jeans they groaned and giggled as they delightedly touched their new bodies and fell into flank their new Alpha.
"Lauren... no... what have you done?" whimpered Alison as her new bully laughed and reached out to flip over the card she'd chosen.
"I told you nerd, I'm Ashley now. Lauren is gone and I LOVE being a big titted bitch. Now let's see if you enjoy the card I picked for you?"
Alison's eyes widened as she saw that Lauren had picked Ashley's pathetic step-brother Dawson. He was a total loser and madly in love with Ashley. He followed her and her girl gang around and did whatever they told him. Rumour had it that Ashley even made him wear a chasitity cage.
As she felt her body begin to transform and a tiny cock push out from between her legs, Alison wept as the other girls laughed at her.
"Ohhh yes, that's soooo hawt," giggled the new Chlesea as she touched up her mascara. "Turn that loser into an even bigger loser and win the game."
The new Ashley grinned as the last of her old personality was erased and she accepted her new role as Alpha bully. "Looks like I win," she smiled delightedly.
"You always win babe," smiled Chloe. "That's why we're in your clique."
Looking down at his pitiful caged cock, Dawson felt his memories of being Alison fade away and watched as Ashley tossed the game into the trash and clicked her fingers.
"Come on then bitches. We have a school to run."
Like a whipped dog he followed his hot popular step-sister and felt his devotion swell.
He loved serving such a Goddess.
The new bullies would never tell anyone about the game. They didn't care that they had stolen these lives or erased their old ones.
All that mattered was being part of the Clique.
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Fan fiction writing and why you as a reader and writer need to care that what happens now is not right
And here is What The Popular WRITERS from THAT fandom taught me about fanfiction writing, and why I won't try that again
And The 10....More Than 10 Lessons I wish I knew earlier about fanfic writing in a fandom
Let me tell you my story....
I wish I've never posted, and if I knew, how the general new author is being treated around I most definitely would not. Or at least I would think twice....or more times.
I thought, that people are genuinely so supportive, to all and every author, by observing interactions between people.
Turns out .....They. Are. NOT.
* I have seen authors write anonymously to other writers blog, asking for advice, after they have been trying a long time but have been ignored, discarded and etc. despite doing their best.  Trying to get into the writing guild, or telling their pain of being exhausted trying.
I never wrote to another blog, but it's horrible that there is not even a way to tell how disappointed you are. I wrote on mine, but none of my followers gave a f*, neither whoever else from the fandom, so I quit trying.
At the end: I got 2 kind messages from people, who were not even my followers. I'm greatly and forever thankful to them!
But nobody else cared anyway.
That's the most horrible part of it.
After being ignored for long, at the end there is no one to talk to about it.
-- Here what I've learned though. Go there on your own risk.
The following post contains: cynicism, sarcasm and correct facts. With a pinch of salt. If you are under the age that grants EMOTIONAL MATURITY  and critical thinking you may as well skip.
I would advise you to read it if you are a new author and want to post your thing or an author that had seen it with their own eyes....
One of the places I saw.....Not the fandom I come from but you get the idea.....
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SO HERE.....
The 10..... More Than 10 Lessons, I wish I knew earlier about fanfic writing in a fandom
Lesson One
It doesn't matter how good you are.
You might be the finest author out there and write great and all......
and STILL get nothing under your fics ( or 10 to 20 notes mostly likes), no comments or engagement - no matter how good you are.
I say this,IN CASE you posted and got nothing, SO YOU to know that probably, 99,9% probably, IT’S NOT YOU.
That’s how most of the authors ( new authors and not-seen but good authors) GET TREATED IN GENERAL.
Lesson Two
The ONLY thing that matters is, who are your ...."friends".
And to make the right kind of....."friends", you need to BECOME A PROFESSIONAL SYCOPHANT, AND go on popular blogs TO EXERCISE EXCESSIVE FLATTERY, in hopes that you and your fan-fics will get noticed.
The hard truth:
You only become seen and/or  popular if popular blogs - the more popular the better - reblog you and recommend you.
Or if you have many ENGAGED WITH YOUR WORK friends and/or followers.
The catch is....that your followers and/or friends NEED TO CARE ABOUT YOU AND YOUR WORK, and reblog, comment and engage with it.
Otherwise it all empty numbers in a list that does nothing!
Side note: I, personally, would recommend going to REDDIT.
Those people know the truth, and we talk active authors, who fic write 10 years and more. The name of the fandom does not mater, because all this is in every fandom on tumblr.
Yes - it does happen. And no - it's not right but...no one else cares. Except me, and may be someone else I don't know personally.
However - I'm no part of any fandom, and am practically free agent with no moral obligation to sugarcoat s***t.
Here is me, leaving you clues. Anyways, I base that all on research that took a year and a lot of googling....so ...yeah
Back to our program:
So if you want to make....”friends” on the right places......
You need to heavily socialize, leave long sophisticated comments as if it is your day to day highs paying job in case you want to be an author.
sensory overload
social anxieties
making friends is hard for you for one or other reason
anxieties of any kind
and etcetera
You have got yourself a problem.
And now about the writers guild here.....Ah, the writer guild - here what I have seen:
Lesson Next
The Other authors treat you like competition
*If that's not how you got treated - good for you.
In all other cases:
Unless you are in one of their friends circles they won't:
engage with you and/or your fics
even try to help in some way
They will keep to themselves and their groups.
And if you sink - you sink.
They couldn't care less about:
you being new, and needing the most of support only to gain some sort of visibility, other than 20 likes/ notes.
In fact - the less competition with fics, the better
99 % Silent treatment , 1% Else
If you get lucky.....You will know it.
Lesson Four
A lot of authors use their free fan fic writing, as a stepping stone to original books....which would sell.
And that means they try gather a following, that will probably buy their original books only because they were fans of their fic.
You will feel it.
That's why they treat you like competition in a first place.
Otherwise no one, could be so cold hearted, and just ignore cries for help by a fellow writer.
Unless it is a business or about something people need.
Unless you want to get rid of those people, and have less competition.
Not to mention that comment I read under someone's writing "If someday you publish a book I will buy it...."
And then watching that ALREADY HAPPENING as Someone else “published*”a book ( *welcome in the era of self-publishing), and now offered the said book, signed and etc.it as a “reward” in a “follower CELEBRATION” EVENT.
Yeah, it seems.
I will wonder no more why people act like they do.
Well I thought it's for fun....
There is no fun in stepping on others because you need to to do marketing for your (future) writing endeavors.
Some of us were there just for fun and sharing with like minded people.....But ah well.....
Lesson Next and even the last point aside....
As someone else mentioned,  some people may "reject" you simply because they secretly envy you.
Or perceive you as a "threat".
Or simply because...they don’t like you...or your avatar
( *shrug*)
No one however would tell you how they feel, they will "smile and nod" and then stab you in the back.
So BE AWARE.....
A lot of authors will ONLY INTERACT WITH YOU, and your writing, no matter the quality of it, and with respect and consider you, IF YOU ARE A POPULAR  BLOG....especially popular writing blog.
It does not matter how good you write, or what good you do.
You may be a great writer, and a person, and they will still ignore you.
Because they ONLY need the POPULAR BLOGS SUPPORT.
Your support as  not-popular, means nothing to them.
Because, the only way to get higher in "fandom hierarchy" is to ...FLATTER and CATER TO POPULAR  writing BLOGS, in a hope than they will become friendly and/or recommend  your fic.
That's THE ONLY WAY  your fic to be read and seen.
And Unless you have a lot of engaged followers and friends is the other option.....
But the usual way is the fic/ fics to be recommended by others...and most importantly POPULAR OTHERS.
So that that type of writer blogs/ people -
will rather compliment, and flatter a bad  fic and writing BUT POPULAR author, THAN to  tell / recommend  anyone who is NOT.
As those authors aim to get seen themselves that's what they do.
Being  POPULAR  does NOT guarantee a good writing or a GENUINE E PERSON BEHIND THE NAME
That's was the most disappointing of it all.
As I mentioned earlier....
I personally have seen "bad" writers get more notes. attention, a$$ kissing, and love by the fandom than good ones.
And if you ask why....I can't tell you because I don't have a clue.
-- On the questions of how to get into the writers circles--
There is NO guarantee that you will succeed though.
You need to be proactive in "making friends".
IMO - That "you must do this, or that or else" demand, is not a fun thing.  That "making friends because otherwise no one would read, you" is NOT a friendly activity.
It's more like mutual benefits. and that is not a friendship.
It becomes a barter - "read mine I will read yours" kind of deal, or authors gives what the crowd needs, because they do not read otherwise.
Once you go there, once you go to the barter side of it -because it's a barter-a fic material/s for engagement... and it becomes a "business".
Yes, no one pays you ( fanfics must be free copyright and all in mind).
But the time investment still stands. Both sides.
The readers though invests time for enjoyment.
And the writer......THE WRITER DOES THE WORK
THE WRITERS do all the work, including activities such like but not limited to:  
cold pitches = reaching to other blogs* not knowing what the outcome will be * mainly popular blogs*
marketing = bringing your fic to the attention of your readers
design = designing your dividers, mood boards, fic covers and etc.
investing time in it = writing  ( for free *)
And the problem:
if you can’t even get some attention - comments, reblogs, some talk or anything at all on your work - what's the point?
Investing time, no one will return you, in something that gives nothing back? Not a wise "investment"* (* fanfiction is free taking in account copyrights and al that. And should stay that way.)
Also such writing for online posting becomes:
Time wasting activity
It becomes HARD WORK
And hard work for nothing is NOT "fun"
No engagement = no fun
You may become bitter, and quit writing altogether
and etcetera
And it's supposed to be fun.
And as added bonus:  Business is where people would play dirty, if they need to. AND THEY DO.
P:S Don't get me wrong though. I'm sure that some people could find friends like that. But at large - it is not the right way to do it. And in general - not a good idea.
Unless you are (already) popular, or have many friends, or belong to a large group, in which people support each other's writing, mostly  based on personal internal relations and friendships, or have exceptional people/social skills - you are doomed.
That's about it.
And in case you have any sort of social anxiety, get sensory overload  by too much online interactions, or have any other limitation...No one cares.
In general they do the silent treatment.
They may also rather discriminate, and then marking and covering  that up as "I owe no one nothing" if you try to say something. Or they would simply ignore all legitimate complains, or worries you may have.
Unless you are popular, have many engaged followers/friends and etc.  Then you get the special treatment.  
Ah, well. That leads to Lesson Next.
Lesson Next
There is no place where a new, or not so new authors can voice their concerns.Nothing organized and no one will show you to one even if it existed.
You either write ANONYMOUSLY on other blogs, preferably popular, or the fandom may exile you and other pleasantries, if you even try to point a problem.
Otherwise, if you are not popular, and you write on your blog, your posts would most likely:
get ignored - unless you have engaged followers
get no notes - unless you have engaged followers
It doesn't matter how good you are, it only matters if you are at the right place, at the right time.
In other words, AT THE END,  if you have got the lucky, is all that matters.
And if you are lucky, you will know.
--And now and more lessons - fic wise--
The only fics that are being written are x reader content.
Want to write OC?
Tough luck.
You try. Prepare for disappointment.
Don't theorize about it. Don't EVEN think about it.
Unless you are already popular, or have many engaged with your writing friends, or belong to large group in which people support each other writing...sounds familiar ?
My case: I wrote with not described, not named OC btw. I used "she" instead of "you". Got 10 likes, and people not giving a fuck. Based on other fics that were getting 90 and more notes and interaction mine was not bad. Nevertheless. No one cared.
Even popular writers, when writing with characters, and not 'x reader' fics, were getting less notes on their writing, compared to their x reader fics.
No one wants to write what's not popular. And that leads to.....There is No diversity.
Because it would not be read, because the "almighty" readers, who  have the power to "praise and punish" with their attention.
And what for an author would write hours and hours only to be rejected.
Anyways here it is...
And that lead to LESSON NEXT
also know as being seen fanfic author in a fandom. ( also as - Getting more than 99 notes on your writing)
There is no organic, natural interaction.
It's either mutual benefiting friendships
....quid pro quo AND only if you are lucky. A lot of people CAN’T even get that no matter how many times they recommend and read others...
Also servility and sycophancy
or you are on your own.
It's either praises on popular blogs, and in friend circles or complete silence.
But you may get lucky if you like gambling with the unknown. In that case - good for you.
And as winning - being seen and known author - is the one goal here, despite the fact what they will try to make you think.....
They will play DIRTY, if they need to.
Sycophancy, Servility and Flattery  or
How to get into a writers friend circle as a new author
If You want to get in writers friend circle, a.k.a become a seen fanfic author, you do that by exercising general and/or high level sycophancy, servility and extreme flattery on popular blogs.
And it does not matter whether you really like what you read or not.
Note : You may, in fact, enjoy popular writers, some are very good. Some of them are genuinely good people too. But you need to be careful.
In the most cases. though.....
You need to:
write sophisticated comments
interact for hours, and as if it is your high-end paid everyday job -- 'cause authors love that s**t,
And if you don't do that - you don't exist, and they will forget about ya.
Also - you need to write ungodly amounts of fiction, BUT only one that fits their taste...otherwise...or ELSE.
And in short:
if you want to be seen as an author, and/or to become popular, you need to do it and be very social about it no matter if you have limitations of whatever kind. Otherwise no one will help.
Though.....There is the downside......
You may never get in one of those circles, no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, and  for one reason or another.
EVEN if you do the sycophancy and flattery and servile stuff.
Even if you sell your soul, it may not happen and have the desired effect, because it's a question of luck.
So - choose wisely. Wanna play roulette with a loaded gun with all bullets present but one?  That's the odds.
Anyways, and in case you don't succeed to enter one of their circles:
Then you get ignored, because no one gives a f***** otherwise.
And you write, create and put efforts and time into nothing.
Unless you don't mind to be ignored, or you create and write nevertheless, and not for any attention.
Side Note: It's not about popularity as such  by the way. It's about a normal amount of attention, every creator needs now and then.
Which you may or may not be.
And even if you comment under other people fics and recommend, you may NOT get anything back.
( I saw many people say that while I was searching ....)
That’s why I said that all that sycophancy and friends with benefits is bad....
It becomes work you need to do for some reason other than enjoying writing and reading fiction and communicating, and it becomes messy.
--Lessons about characters--
Lesson NEXT
The People in the fandom, have and are entitled to a group, fandom-shared, pre-conception of what behaviour certain characters of the actor NEED TO EXHIBIT in the fiction written, in order to be acceptable in writing.
You either write a lot of what they need, want, crave and etc. otherwise - no one reads you, if you do not comply.
And never, in no case, don't you dare to forget. that you the writer MUST, in all and every case, to write ALWAYS and ONLY, with "YOU"......or else.
They punish by ignoring, exercising their "right" to do whatever, and in this case exercising their "right" to ignore, and do the the silent treatment, because what for ill-meant audacity is you- the writer, to offer something for diversity.
( /sarcasm intended. And please think for yourself why such behaviour is UNACCEPTABLE).
It does not matter, if you have an interesting story.
Unless you are lucky, and get the jackpot like that one person I followed.
Or unless you only create what they think the character should be like, and a lot of it.
(Or unless you are backed by a lot of people who love all you do.)
In all other cases - you are doomed to fail.
Here more about the characters.
* Markus Pike is a sweetheart.
I saw a fic about a "bad "Marcus once. It had 42 notes. The usual amount of notes, that this same author was getting on their fics was about 800 and more.....
Next - The EQ 2 character.
Oh dear. I can talk about that for hours. Don't even get me started.....
He is usually perceived as rude and mean. And is always like 99,9 % always dominant. The mean, rude, heartless dominant kind of them.
He usually spits....on things, cheats his wife, bangs the babysitter, calls you a wh******, and he is possessive and all that.
And sometimes he is abuser and that kind of thing. And sometimes there are fics about him being submissive. And they allllll ( except some) are in some sort of Pit.
And that's it.
No other men on tumblr.'s fanfiction All Dominant. The rude kind. All into BDSM dynamic. That's it.
Side Note: I don't have problems with dominant characters!!!!! And I don't have problems with personal preferences and kinks.
I do however have problem with the lack of diversity. Because there is NO diversity.  
People from the dominant spectrum, come in varieties as  everyone else. Also people as a whole are different.
Lesson Unless you follow the unwritten rules of THAT writing fandom, you are doomed as new writer.
Or unless you get lucky...whatever you have, and get.
Have an genuine author need to write something out of love or whatever ?
You better be popular, or have a large friends and/or followers circle.
And last, but not least:
Cliques everywhere
Wanna genuine high-school rejection feeling?
You are on the right place.
So that's that.
If you did any of those, and you've succeeded, you are probably:
already in a writers friend circle and you "enjoy" fics and friendly talks with your writer friends
and/or are seen author.
Good for you. Congratulations for things working ot in your favour
Welcome to The Void of The Ignored -- We don't have fun here.
-- Thank you for reading my observations and  for the utmost patience. Thank you for not getting offended by my cynicism and sarcasm. My intention is not to "offend".  I don't like to be rude.
But to point out things that need fixing
In conclusion -
I don't think that this way of behaviour is welcoming to new authors or authors who may have limitations - like social anxiety, sensory overload for one reason or another, or anything else on that note that makes it harder for them, to be authors under your ruler ship.
I personally won't ever post fan fiction online, especially in this community.
But if you, whoever read this all, think you can handle the rejection and the pain that comes with it - You are welcome to try.
Your time, your life.
And If you are lucky, you may have it better.
I however won't do that again. I only felt like my duty to leave a warning.
Because no one warned me, and I needed counseling because I got PTSD because of all that ( and not only). That's what they told me.
So my rating personally:
- 10000000 stars Would NOT recommend.
Disclaimer :
As I mentioned, that's how I was treated and what I saw. Also apparently, that's a standard way in which the writers on tumblr behave as a whole. ( by doing some research you find some very interesting and unsettling things. )
P:S I put so many disclaimers and side notes, because the last time I tried to states something politely, that was my opinion, and my feelings, with me being in a state of depression because of that "fine treatment" no one warned me about,  it was taken as "offense" - which it was not.
See my rules of online conduit and behaviour here. Ones I adhere to, and I never go against.
I believe in common courtesy, thank you.
I apologize, if that is too old-school to you.
That resulted in me being dumped by my EX-fave, content creator. Because their bestie got "offended", that they were no longer able to use my deleted content for their fic. And they were a heavy user of  my content. I wonder though, and what if I was the one who had 2000 followers, not the other way around....what it would be then?
And for the record - I DON'T PARTICIPATE IN friendship triangulation. Whoever wanted that, was NOT me.
Also - I won't tolerate to be "punished" for having an opinion.
One, stated in not rude manner. I ALWAYS try my best not to be rude.
But seriously, some people get offended, if you do not think like them, and that's childish at it's best.
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On some very serious level, it’s just not solarpunk if it’s not about a community taking action to make the world a better place. Individualism: it’s just so wrong. It’s fair to say that, not just in solarpunk, but in our cultures, “community” is right up there with “children” as an idea of something inherently good, moral, and wonderful. Community is worshiped as an answer to our problems. But Christina gets a sinking feeling every time she reads a solarpunk story that idolizes community.In this episode, Christina tries to figure out why she’s so suspicious of community and so afraid of being suffocated by the rules, regulations, and norms of community. Join us for our Season 5 closer in which she and Ariel peek at community’s darker sides, like infighting, conformity, the potential for ostracizing people who don’t conform, and the fact that the existence of a community automatically creates a them.
Links: https://www.newyorker.com/news/on-religion/losing-a-beloved-community
Important announcement: We will be going on a short break for August, but stay tuned for season six in September!
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cupids-fiction · 3 months
i’m so sorry to be the one to tell you this but your star wars/marvel/d&d obsessed “golden retriever” bf is not a nerd he is a geek
the scale is
neil degrasse tyson -> either of the green brothers -> brennan lee mulligan
you do not choose where you fall it is assigned by a higher power we cannot comprehend
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amiranne · 1 year
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Raya, Denahi & Moana - The Rockers ⚡🎸🤘
Raya lives with her dad in Mt Komorebi. Loves going on hikes and is part of the Scouts, where she met Denahi, Kenai, Peter Pan and Namaari. She has a big crush on her but at the same time they hate each other, so...
Denahi shares his bedroom with his little brother Kenai and lives with his older brother Sitka and animal friend Koda in Copperdale. He cherishes meeting with his besties Moana and Raya to complain about the world and listen to Rock music.
Moana is also going though her rebel face: grungy clothing, black eyeliner and nails, protesting at rules and being loud, but at the end of the day she’s a great friend who deep inside just wants to make her parents and granny proud in Sulani.
Check the other Disney High School characters here: x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x
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apilgrimpassingby · 24 days
Christian Groups as High School Cliques
Roman Catholics are goths because of memento mori, gory art of the Crucifixion and inventing Gothic architecture.
Orthodox are theatre kids because they're the most high-church and elaborate - theatrical, you might say.
Lutherans are mean rich girls because they're high-church and have a reputation for being mean and unfriendly to other denominations.
Methodists are activists because they were the principal campaigners against slavery in Britain and elsewhere and are deeply involved with charity work today.
Reformed (Presbyterians, Dutch Reformed, Continental Reformed) are nerds/geeks because they're very rationalistic and well-read.
Non-denominationals are the kids who drift from one clique to another, for obvious reasons.
Baptists are loners because their theology is very individualistic.
Evangelicals are rockers because they invented Christian rock.
Anabaptists (Amish, Mennonites, Hutterites, etc.) are weird religious kids because their theology places a high priority on retreatism from the world.
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caioverso · 1 month
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Some pics
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tazzy-the-eighth · 11 months
Briant Stein| Oswin J. Blue Horns| Princess Arianna
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- 17 - 16 - 17
- Jock - Jock - Mean Girl
- Popular - Loner - Popular
- B. Ball Captain - Basketball team - Cheerleader
- Scorpio - Virgo - Aquarius
And now for the rest, meet the new (and one familar) faces of Misery High, completing my student roster. The Jocks and the one less lonely cheerer, saving face, Princess Arianna.
(Briant and Oswin are my OC's).
(Click to learn more).
Oswin, son of Jezebelle. Is the runt of group when it comes to his basketball team and a no show as far as all other student/ school activities go. Preferring to be alone, he shares classes with Jimmy, who preferes to be in his space. Quiet and blunt. He's the most out of place given he's the least extravagant.
Briant Stein, charming and charismatic, is the captain of Misery High's Basketball team. The second most popular guy in school and the school's own dreamboat, usually being followed around by a group of girls. Helpful, strategic and smart. He loves a team player.
Princess Arianna, a one off as far the original is concerned, a mean girl as far as the school is. Prim and perfect, a monstrous pain. Is as passive agreesive and spiteful as they come. So long as you acknowledge her throne, you'll be out of harms way, just don't touch the crown. Cheerleading with Jimmy, is more than enraged he rules the deck.
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break-the-glass-block · 2 months
I don't know who needs to hear this but:
Your 👏Friend 👏Group 👏Should 👏Not👏 Be A 👏Hierarchy👏
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Writing for fandoms like.....
And the truth:
Not all “popular” writers are that good, and not all not popular writers are bad.
But unless people get more exposure and the popular blogs are willing to recommend people for the mere fact of those people to gain visibility nothing’s gonna change.
So please, recommend and support  -- not ONLY people you like or know but also people who need help to be seen
And at the end everyone deserve to find their people.
Which could only happen with group effort .There is no other way.
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movieloversposts · 2 years
10 Things I Hate About You (1999) 9/10
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In an attempt to fit in and finally embrace the teenage social life, Cameron (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) decides to help Bianca Stratford (Larisa Oleynik) out by hooking up the school's bad boy, Patrick Verona (Heath Ledger), with Bianca's older sister, Kat Stratford (Julia Stiles). For five hundred dollars, Patrick must date Kat so Bianca can be with Cameron. Will it work or is it too good to be true?
I've heard about this movie,and apparently it's one of those that you need to see before you die, so I thought, why not?
It's the typical high school movie, with drinking, lots of teenagers making out, drama, and the stress that is high school itself. Heath and Julia portray the enemies to lovers couple, at each other's throats 90% of the time. It's also worth mentioning that this a modern retelling of Shakespeare's The Taming Of The Shrew (and two of the characters in the play, Bianca and Katherine, are also in this movie, too! Kat is just a shortened form of Katherine, although Kat Stratford's full name is Katarina)
It's funny; it's an interesting plot also involving fake dating, which is a trope that's not seen too much in romance movies these days. Most tropes are enemies to lovers, or the good girl with the bad boy (classic).
There's several one liners, mainly said by Kat, and some notable iconic scenes, one involving a Notorious B.I.G song. And I'm sure everyone knows the line, 'Not even a little bit, not even at all'.
I would watch this if you don't want to think too much, as the plot is easy to understand, and it's also relatble to some people, especially in high school, when relationships are all the norm. Some people, like Bianca, just want somebody to date, because everyone else seems to be dating someone.
But just a lesson: You don't have to date someone because everyone else is. It's okay to be single, as long as you are happy with yourself either way.
We also see a young Joseph Gordon Levitt, who hasn't aged. He plays the adorable guy with a crush on a girl, who just wants to be with her. Heath Ledger's character is easy to hate, but there are moments where you like him. Julia Stiles's Kat is very easy to hate, right from the start, but over the course of the film, her softer side shown, mainly to Patrick.
I would rewatch this film, given the chance. It's relatable, funny, iconic, and worth the hype, even inspiring the song, '10 Things I Hate About You'.
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misslittleoverthinker · 3 months
Movie Cliques vs. ACTUAL High School Cliques
Movie Cliques
Band kids (also art kids)
My High School Cliques
The uptight skier kids
The kids who snowboard just to get back at the skier kids
Kids who you just KNOW will get you a v@pe in under an hour if you need it
Overachievers (they all hate each other cuz they're competitive)
Starbucks girlies (they're either soooo toxic or really nice)
Runners (our only good sports team is track and field)
The odd loner or two (and its so easy to be jealous of them, like there is NO drama for them.)
anybody have these cliques as well? I know they're rlly specific lol :)
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spacedreamerz · 2 years
Gord Vendome Headcanons!
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Gord is practically a fashion guru.
 He can put together an outfit for just about every circumstance.
Gord puts a lot of pressure on himself. He doesn’t want to let his parents.
He finds poor people very interesting. 
His father kind of runs his life. Gord does whatever his father tells him to. Even if he doesn’t really like it. 
He fakes his trans-Atlantic accent to sound more sophisticated. 
He’s working really hard to get into law school.
He studies a lot. 
He knits himself and his friends scarves.
He does embroidery. 
He likes to make pillows with cool little designs on them.
Secretly, Gord quite likes baking. He’s really good at it too. He makes stuff for his friends and tells them that he got the dessert from a high-class bakery. He doesn’t tell his friends about his hobby since he thinks they’ll make fun of him for doing a “poor person’s hobby.”
He’s an excellent student.
Derby can be a bit mean to Gord. 
He’s quite perceptive.
He likes listening to jazz and 50s-60s music. 
He sings a lot and rather well. He kind of has a 50s Paul Anka-type quality to his voice. 
He can play the violin.
He totally used to be in Boy Scouts when he was younger.
He likes creating collages.
He collects ceramics.
He’s at Bullworth due to his family having a bit of a history there. His parents, great-grandparents, and great-great-grandparents have attended Bullworth.
Though he thinks it’s bad to gossip and talk about people, he does it a lot.
He has a Lipizzan horse named Lady. he got her when he was 14. His father has a friend that owns a horse ranch and he first saw Lady when he and his father were visiting. He immediately fell in love with her and told his father that he wanted her. His father and his friend talked it over. Then, Lady was officially his. He doesn’t get to see her much though since he’s busy a lot. Though he tries to visit her every weekend.
He’s a rather organized person. Like he has planners and everything.
He’s a bit of a neat freak.
He thinks smelling good is VERY important. He does not joke about his cologne. In fact, he has a huge collection of cologne.
Gord likes to swim. He refuses to go to a public pool (because of poor people germs), but he luckily has a pool at his house. He’s an amazing swimmer. 
Personally, his favorite time of year is autumn. He thinks Autumn has the perfect weather and the most beautiful scenery. 
Gord LOVES the beach. He’s been to Hawaii multiple times with his parents and he fell in love with the waves, sand, and the sound of the ocean. He wouldn’t mind living in a beach house. 
Gord’s rather interested in interior design and architecture. 
He’s a boss at Badminton. Like he could probably win a championship.
Gord has a diary that he keeps up with. He chronicles his day-to-day life to alleviate some stress. He started doing this when he first came to Bullworth.
He started boxing when he was 10 just to have something to do with his friends.
His dad allows him to drink wine, so he sometimes hits up a vineyard (that Derby’s dad owns) with his friends. 
Lola had been pretty attracted to Lola since he first saw her, though he didn’t act on anything. Lola noticed him too, and that’s when everything went down. 
He really cares about what his friends, especially Derby, think about him. 
He finds himself oddly attracted to the lower class people. This upsets him since he knows that his dad will never approve of him dating someone that’s lower class. 
Outside of Lola, Gord has had another partner. Let’s just say the relationship didn’t end on a good note. It just ended with Gord heartbroken and being depressed for like a month. 
Gord can fluently speak French and Spanish. He can also speak a bit of German.
He actually lived in France for about a few months when he was like 8. His mom was on a business trip. He had begged his mom to let him come.
He collects and buys a lot of vintage things. 
He’s an affectionate person.
He has rather high expectations for himself.
He takes rejection really hard. Though he tries his best to brush it off, it never really works.
His dad has put a lot of pressure on him to attend law school.
He likes looking at stars. He thinks they're really pretty.
After what happened with Lola, Gord is kind of traumatized. He's nervous to date anyone lower-class again.
Part of him would like to associate more with the lower class if it didn't hurt his reputation.
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🌴 My dash is full of cliques who only interact with each other and nobody else. You send them memes, they ignore them. You message them, they ignore it. You have a thread with them, their enthusiasm is non-existence. The only way to join the clique is to kiss their asses with positivity memes. I wonder if those people know how cliquey and unapproachable they come across.
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