#please heed that warning yo
syn4k · 1 year
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musings upon the paradox of hope; being an Ashes webweave
@SICKOFWOLVES / Soft Science, Franny Choi / Untitled poem from our poetry document / In the Absence of Hands, Yours will Hold Second Best / Glowing by The Oh Hellos / morningsaidthemoon / (i'll tend to the flames, you can worship the) ashes
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daydadahlias · 1 year
Omg do you have any fave sex work AUs? I love those too! Doesn’t matter which fandom.
ok if you're saying it doesn't matter which fandom I am in fact going to direct you to my literal holy grail: Filthy Lucre. this was THE fic for 16 yo Jess. and honestly it still holds up as one of my fave fics of all time.
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lesbesapphic · 8 months
Lavender Haze
A Roommate WandaNat x Reader au
Summary- You were in your freshmen year when Wanda and Natasha took an interest in you. Now in your junior year, you are their roommate but things aren't as simple as they seem.
Behind closed door, you become their plaything. Sometimes it works in your favor and sometimes it doesn't. Only time can tell if you will survive this toxic arrangement or not?
Warning - choking, humiliation, slapping,  reader in trouble, wandanat are toxic as hell, they love reader in their own way but not much, dom/sub undertone etc
Please don't flag my post. I have added ratings!
A/N-- Hello Everyone!
I hope you all are doing great! I am really excited for you all to read this and hopefully you all will love it as much as I loved writing it.
Feel free to send me ideas and your thoughts about this!
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You were sleeping peacefully in your bed, one leg draped over the big panda stuff toy you got yourself last summer. Wanda and Natasha had mocked you for it but you didn't care, the purpose of the toy was very clear, being squeezed to death. Every night when you had it in a suffocating grip or one leg draped over it as you drift to sleep, you would mentally flip a bird off to the couple with whom you shared this three bedroom duplex apartment.
"What the.." You panicked when you were lifted off from the bed and in the air, flaying your arms, you tried to find the ground, your toes brushing against it slightly. Before you could make much out of it, you were dragged outside and toward the kitchen, you knew it was Natasha and the glimpse of her red hair confirmed it. She had quite a habit of manhandling her way around you. They both do but Natasha was more efficient at it.
Your sleepy eyes caught the other half of the couple sitting on the kitchen stool, her fingers tapping against the screen of her phone. Natasha dropped you on the floor, not too gently. "Ow.. fuck yo-" Before you could even finish the sentence, the back of Wanda's hand collided with your cheek. Instantly tears welled up in your eyes, the sleep long gone.
"2." Wanda simply reminded you of the number of chances you have left before you get in serious trouble and you ignored the uneasy feeling that creeped up your stomach at the thought. Her weird rules about unnecessary swearing somehow only seemed to apply on you but not her own girlfriend who had a mouth of a sailor when she would be in her zone. Sometimes you wondered was it because of her frustration of not getting her way around Natasha that made her double down on you.
You ignored the strawberry blonde in front of you and took in the smell of cocoa in the kitchen, "What is it? Ooh pancakes- Ouch, Natty Please." You whimpered in pain when fingers tangled in your hair, tugging on the roots, you hand instantly wrapped around Natasha's trying to ease the tugging but your strength was nothing compared to hers.
"I came to make breakfast for your ungrateful little ass and look what I found!" Natasha turned your head toward the sink and you whimpered more at the sight of the dishes from last night than at the burning in your scalp. Natasha had told you to do the dishes and you had snapped at her, promising to do it later but you never got the time as Wanda had grabbed you to watch a movie, falling asleep there in her arm as she would massage your scalp. You wanted to blame Wanda but knowing that it would not only earn you a good smacking from Natasha but Wanda too.
"I am sorry. I will do it now." You pleaded hoping she would let go off your hair now but the woman hardly paid a heed to her grip, instead decided to reward you with a condescending look as she stared you down, "You lack too much of the cognitive ability to remember a simple task, Darling. I hardly doubt you have the motor coordination to perform it." Natasha mocked and Wanda snickered from behind you. You ignored the way your eyes started to tear up, hoping to hold it back before they could prey on it as well.
Natasha noticed the tears in your eyes and feigned a warm smile, slowly leaning in toward your ear, "For now, I will handle it and later you will pay me back by doing the only one thing you are good at." She pulled back and watched the look of embarrassment tinted with desire on your face, just as she expected. "A pretty little slut." Wanda chirped in and your face went a shade darker, you avoided Natasha's gaze when she chuckled at the remark made by her girlfriend.
"Go wash up and come eat breakfast." Natasha patted your cheek, gently urging you to listen and you nodded quickly, anything to get you away from the duo. You went to dash out of the kitchen but before you could make even three proper steps, a hand grabbed the collar of the hoodie you were wearing, pulling you almost over the counter, you almost choked on your own saliva, "Forgetting something?" Wanda asked, one of her sculpted eyebrows raised in question and you felt timid under her strong gaze before leaning in and placing a kiss on her cheek, earning a pleased smile from her that left you giddy. "Good. Now shoo." Wanda let go and you made your way out to the washroom.
You would always greet Wanda with a kiss on her cheek in the morning, it was sort of a part of your routine now and as well as Wanda's and God forbid if someone messes with her routine. It was a moment of affection that was not frowned upon by neither her girlfriend nor her. Never allowed to touch those lips though, you weren't complaining either. You were fine with how things were between the three of you.
You were in your first year when you met them in the orientation programme. They were your seniors and after hanging out a few times, they offered to share their place with you when they learned that you were looking for a place to rent. Except they refused to take the rent as the place was owned by Natasha. Every month, it would take a whole lot of begging just to get them to take your share of the rent. It was a nice place. You had your own room. Your own space that they rarely invaded. You didn't exactly recall when you became a part of their arrangement, but it happened after a few months of you moving in with them.
You walked back into the kitchen, Natasha was working on her laptop in front of Wanda, while she talked to her about some upcoming event in her department. For a moment you stayed in the doorway, not sure if Natasha was still annoyed at you. Wanda patted the stool next to her when she noticed your presence and you instantly made your way over there, your eyes fixated on the plate of pancakes in front of you.
You let out a groan, the first bite melting in your mouth and you couldn't help but do your little dance at the sight of the three more pancake stacked in your plate, you couldn't wait to devour them all. From the corner of your eye, you could see Wanda looking at you but your focus remained on the cakes, "This is really good." You told Natasha, never failing to complement her cooking and she gave you a soft smile before replying to Wanda's question. They were talking about the upcoming fests in the college, being part of various clubs they had been pretty busy. You didn't care much about it and focused on your breakfast.
You were putting some orange juice in your glass while taking a bite of the pancake but the jug bumped into the glass, not expecting the jug to be heavy and you watched as the glass started wobbling a little before falling in your lap. "Oh shoot." You panicked at the dark spot forming on the white hoodie, your eyes widen in fear when you realised that it belonged to none other than Natasha. Wanda instantly took the jug from your hand before you could make any more of a mess. "Y/N!" Wanda grabbed some tissues trying to soak up the spilled juice and you stood there in fear and it was proven right when Natasha's hand grabbed you by your ear harshly, "Didn't I tell you that you can't eat in my clothes?" Natasha asked, her eyes flaring with aggrevation and you winced closing your eyes both at the pain and as well as her expression.
"I-I would have worn something else but you woke me-"
"Oh so now it is my fault?" She twisted your ear a little more while simultaneously pulling you up along and you stood on your tippy toes to avoid the pain. "Answer her, silly." Wanda's words broke the silence as she threw the dirty tissues on the slab. "I should have made her clean it with her tongue." Natasha twisted your ear one last time before letting go of it with a push.
Your hand instantly shot up to rub the pain away with tears once again welling up in your eyes, the morning kept getting worse for you,"That would have definitely work with her." Wanda agreed as she swatted her hand away from your ear, giving you a pointed look which turned into a sadistic one as she took notice of the teary eyed look on your face. Things would take such fast turns whenever you were with them. One moment it would be peaceful and the next they would be pouncing on you about something.
"Off." Natasha gave out her command and you slowly fiddled with the hem of the hoodie, knowing very well that she would not even allow you the privilege of going to your room and changing. "Now." Wanda reinforced her order and your hands pushed the soft yet wet material off yourself, instantly goosebumps raising on your skin.
Natasha took the material from your hand, "You are not allowed to wear anything till Monday. You can stay like this only." She told you sternly and you opened your mouth to protest, "But I am sorry Natty, I really didn't mean to. I change out of it before breakfast everyday!" You whined at her declaration and gulped when the two of them raised one of their eyebrows at the same time.
They both sometimes subconsciously seem to mimic each other's action and you wanted anything but have the attention of the duo in a negative sense like that, any other day you would love to have them dotting on you.
"Don't you think your mouth is running a little too much today?" Wanda asked harshly, her hand grabbing your cheeks in a vice grip and you struggled to get out of her reach. "I-I am sorry!" You pleaded through your teary eyes and Wanda let go of your cheeks and moved onto your neck, "Apologise to her." She turned your head towards Natasha and you felt your cheeks reddened at the way you were getting treated. You didn't dare to complain about it, knowing that your ass was on line.
"I am sorry, Natasha..Please forgive me." You apologised hoping she would change her mind. She couldn't be serious about something like that but then again it wasn't the first time she had come up with something outrageous to punish you.
Natasha hummed in acknowledgement, you could tell she was still upset as she sighed, "Not until Monday. I don't want any whining from you. You don't deserve this privilege until you learn some etiquettes." She further added and you nodded quietly watching as she left the room to wash the clothing, leaving you alone with her strawberry blonde counterpart.
"It's you own fault." Wanda drawled after observing you from her position on the stool for a while and you wanted to snap at her and let her know that you already know but decided otherwise knowing she would jump at the opportunity to punish you some more.
"I know." You muttered successfully holding back the sass from your statement and Wanda stared at you for a few second, trying to figure out if you were being sassy or genuine. Her eyes ran down your body, deciding whether you were worthy enough for attention or not.
"You will catch a cold if you keep wearing this." Wanda's finger hooked onto the strap of your bra pulling it a little before letting it snap on your shoulder, making you wince at the sharp sting causing a satisfactory smile on her lips.
"It's not wet." You pushed her hand away a little harsher than necessary and Wanda instantly took notice of the fact. "Huh." She let out a scoff, probably at your audacity and you watched in shock as she picked up the almost empty glass of your orange juice and tipped it down on your chest. "What the..Wanda.." You tried pulling away but her other hand held in your place, halting your movement, all you could do was squirm at the feeling of the liquid dripping down your chest, your nipples hardening by the cold temperature of the liquid.
"Is it wet enough for you?" She asked over her shoulder as she turn to place the glass away, not wanting to risk another damage perhaps. "Off." The familiar order hit you again and you took a sharp inhale, feeling a wave of arousal mixed with fear hitting your senses at her tone.
You got a moment to yourself when Natasha came back in the kitchen, her eyes falling to your wet chest a little confused but one glance at Wanda whose eyes were clouded with lust, her own expression turned into a familiar one. "Do we need to repeat everything today?" Wanda asked, using her sharp nails to turn your face toward her. "You are really getting on my nerves, Detka."
When you realised that your pleading would only fall to deaf ears, you reached back with your hands to slowly unclasp your bra, your bare chest presented to their hungry gaze. "Much better.. isn't?" Wanda asked and you looked up at her, the feeling of humiliation turning your your cheeks a bright shade of red.
"It is." Natasha answered while, her gaze fixated on your bare chest. You reached forward to cover your body but she grabbed your hands and pulled you closer, your upper half colliding with her covered body but you made sure to not stay touching with her not wanting to ruin any more of her clothes and face her wrath, although a part of you wanted to move closer to the warmth of her body.
You started into Natasha's eyes when you suddenly felt Wanda behind you, effectively trapping you between the duo. You felt much smaller next to them especially when you had literally no clothes on compared to them. "Let me go." You whispered softly but Natasha chose to ignore it as she leaned forward a bit, "Do you really want that?" She asked, her finger lightly tracing down your cheek to jaw which you immediately clenched when Wanda's hand cupped your breast, softly squeezing the flesh.
When Natasha started leaning in more, you closed your eyes thinking she was going to kiss you but it never occurred as she kissed Wanda whose head was next to you and you didn't understand the unfamiliar emotion that hit you. Of course she wasn't going to kiss you. They have never kissed you. Before you could ponder more on the thought, it vanished the moment Wanda pinched your nipple and you let out a whimper which was covered by Wanda's moan to Natasha's kiss.
Natasha's hand grabbed you by your hip to turn you around while she continued kissing Wanda, the sight had you mesmerized to even care about how they were again manhandling their way around you. Now you were looking up at Wanda who had her eyes closed as Natasha devoured her lips. You shuddered at the chill going up your spine. Natasha's hand started playing with your chest. "N-Nat.." You moaned softly only for it to become a whimper when she squeezed your hardened nub.
"Shh." Wanda pushed her finger on your lips, quietening you as Natasha moved to her neck. It made you feel small. Insignificant in their whole dynamic but once again you hardly had time to process the emotion as Natasha pushed Wanda back on the stool to sit. Her whole neck was covered with bite marks. Some of them were freshly made by Natasha while others were fading away,   You have never seen Wanda without them. Natasha had always been on the rougher side between the two of them. More territorial.
It reminded you of the time when you had accidentally in your lust bitten Wanda too hard, creating a similar mark which Natasha hadn't appreciated at all. All week Natasha had been so rough with you, Wanda had also notice that and took special care of you that week. It was perhaps the first time you had witnessed the softer side of Wanda, maybe that was the reason you had more of an inclination toward her than Natasha.
"Gorgeous.. isn't she?" Natasha whispered in your ear, one of her hand placed on your neck, her fingers holding your head in place to look at Wanda. Her other arm was wrapped around your waist, completely trapping you against her warm body.
You slowly nodded your head as much as her hold allowed it. Wanda's cheeks were flushed, she was staring into Natasha's eyes and you felt as if you were a mere spectator of the show rather than a part. "Why don't we put that tongue to a better use? Huh?" Natasha asked or more like stated and before you could even make up your mind, she pushed you down on your knees in front of Wanda, putting your hand on Wanda's shorts before moving her hands to her body.
You looked up at Wanda for permission and she raised her hips, letting you slide the material down her smooth thighs, you abandoned the clothing and ran your hand up her calves to her thigh that convulsed under the touch. Wanda instantly moved her hand into your hair, her grip tight, tugging on your roots. You started at her for a moment and the realisation of how stunning she was hit you again. She was an epitome of elegance despite of being in such provacating position, she still held the gracefulness of a Queen.
"Play nicely." Natasha whispered to her and her grip eased at little and you were glad for it, no way you could please her with her tight hold on you. She placed her foot on your shoulder and your eyes met her, you knew what she wanted and never the one to deny her , you started placing kisses up her calf muscles, slowly sucking the skin while making sure to not leave a single mark for Natasha to find out later, you moved upward, worshipping every inch of her just as she desired.
You finally came close to her wet center, the sight had you dripping in your own panties. You slowly started placing kisses on her inner thigh and around her pussy but never where she needed you the most. Wanda's nail dug into your scalp and you winced at the pain, you could feel Natasha's leg on your back as she went closer to Wanda effectively muffling her whine with her lips. You would have teased her a bit more but Natasha's hand forced your head in and the last thing you wanted was to piss her off some more.
You parted Wanda's thighs a bit more and licked your way up her folds and was rewarded with more of juice that gushed out of her, groaning in pleasure when you heard her let out a muffled moan of your name, you placed your lips on the bundle of nerves where she needed you and started toying with it. Your teeth lightly grazing it before sucking. Her thighs started convulsing and you moved two of your fingers to her entrance, slowly sliding them in, the wetness allowing you in with ease. You started moving you fingers while your tongue moved around clit, sucking and nibbling here and there just how you learned it from her girlfriend.
It wasn't long until Wanda had your head crushed between her thighs as you pushed her over the edge, while she used your face to ride out her orgasm pulling Natasha in for another kiss, wrapping her arms around the redhead's neck, she hardly cared about the pain when she bit her lip, it only seemed to enhance her high. "N-Natasha.." She gasped for air when her girlfriend pulled away.
You could finally breathe when Wanda let go of you, your cheeks and mouth was covered in her juices and you licked your lip, slowly tasting her, it made you thirsty for more before you could lean in again to satisfy your thirst, Natasha's hand curled around your hair pulling you back up on your feet. "Let me have a taste as well." You assumed that she would be going down on Wanda again but what she did was unexpected for you as well as Wanda who was staring at you.
Natasha pulled you up to her lips with her hand that was still in your hair and you instantly got on your toes to ease the pain, her tongue licking her way from your jaw to your mouth before finally placing her lips on yours. Your eyes widen and you let out a small gasp that was enough for Natasha to slide her tongue in, you hardly knew what was happening before she pulled away with a satisfied smirk playing on her lips.
"So heavenly." She turned to look at Wanda whose face was still flushed but held an emotion you couldn't separate from the lust on her face. "Why don't we take it back upstairs?" Wanda asked, her breathing and her both in control now. She glanced over at you, a predatory smile falling on her luscious lips at your still surprised look, clouded with arousal.
"I thought you wouldn't ask after the number she did on you." Natasha stared into your eyes while her hand that held your neck moved to your jaw, her thumb tracing your lips that were swollen from her biting before sliding it in your mouth. You wrapped your lips around it, your tongue playing around her thumb as she pushed it deeper. You allowed her. Anything to get back on her good list.
"Why don't you care more about what I am going to do with you than what she has done on me?" Wanda asked in a sultry tone as she gracefully got off the stool and out of her shorts, her tshirt coming down to her mid thighs covering her up. Natasha's thumb stopped pushing in and she let out a raspy laugh, turning slightly to look at Wanda.
"Oh really?"
"Really." Wanda traced her fingers up Natasha's arm. "We can just throw a vibe in her and see how long she can last.. while we talk 'business'?" Wanda suggested and you whimpered around the thumb in your mouth at the thought. Business. That was what they used to tell you when they would spend the whole day in their bedroom. That was before, when you weren't a part of their little game.
"Sounds perfect. Doesn't it Y/N/N?" They both chuckled when you shook your head at Natasha's question to you as if your opinion mattered to them. As if it has ever mattered to them. "How cute." Wanda removed Natasha's hand from your mouth and she slowly traced her fingers down your hair, pushing them forward, the hair strands touched your sensitive nipples.
"Do you think I have forgotten about the little tease you were being earlier?" She asked while a faux sweet smile remained on her lips and you gulped softly, shaking your head 'no' when she raised an eyebrow and she gave you a full smile, patting your cheek not so gently but each touch only seemed to fuel the fire within you. "Good-" She was about to say something when Natasha cut her off with a glint in her eyes that sent a shiver down your spine.
"I have a better idea."
To be continued.
Hope you all loved it! I would love to hear your thoughts and will really appreciate it if you reblog and support me! <3
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atzfilm · 8 months
— 『 𝐖𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐋; 𝐨𝐭8 』 [3] (M)
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— 𝚠𝚘𝚗 • 𝚍𝚎𝚛 • 𝚠𝚊𝚕𝚕, adjective. having someone who serves as a pillar in your life, who offers a sturdy place to lean in times of trouble. somebody you find yourself thinking about constantly and are completely infatuated with.
❝humans were such strange creatures. wretched in their mere existence. none of the eight were ever truly interested in them until they found you. they just find it strange that despite their status and rank, you'd rather spend time with your lover. that isn't much of a problem, though. one they can fix with ease.❞
〘ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ, ᴍʏᴛʜ, ꜱᴍᴜᴛ, ꜰᴀᴇʀɪᴇꜱ〙(m.list)
— pairing: ot8 x reader, mxm (this chapter); yunho x reader; 10.9k
— note: this is a yandere fic. sensitive topics such as manipulation, gaslighting, murder, and other topics involved with the genre. please heed the warnings and read this work of fiction while keeping this in mind. also note: these chapters are very much introductory of each character & their roles, so smut is further down the line ♡.
CHAPTER WARNINGS: murder, manipulation, blood, torture references, dark magic, kidnapping, emotional turmoil, injuries, descriptions of gore, needles
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Chapter 3:
The days seem to drag on. Rarely do you run into anyone else in the home. Awake at early hours of the morning, grab something from the kitchen, stay in your designated room throughout the day. It's a routine you've made for yourself; none of the Unseelie bother you. They leave you alone to your thoughts, even Wooyoung, surprisingly. So here you are, peeling off the skin of an orange as you sit on the balcony. Tossing it to the ground below, taking slow bites. Do the townspeople worry? Now that you're gone, do they wonder what happened? Has anyone seen the aftermath of your shop – back door ripped from its hinges, bookshelves broken, piled on top of one another? Do they care?
Has Soobin come back yet?
Your eyes move to the loud steps on the porch to the left of you. Yunho stands there with someone. You're not too sure, you've never seen this faerie before. Height matches Yunho's, arms crossed as he speaks. You can't hear what they're arguing about, their eyes flicking up to you. You pause in your eating. Yunho nods, a small smile on his lips. The other doesn't say anything, giving you his back. He leaves the house behind, ignoring the yells of Yunho. Your teeth almost puncture your bottom lip at the sight. You expected him to walk through the barrier they've created, but his clothing shreds in an instant, body disappearing from view. The pieces slowly float to the dirt.
There's no reason for you to be shocked at all since they are Unseelies, but seeing someone dissipate, just like that?
What have you gotten yourself into?
"He's having a moment, no need to be alarmed," Wooyoung says. You jump at the sound of his voice, looking to the side of you. He sits on the railing, leg swinging. "Mingi doesn't like to be put in a situation he can't take control of. Yunho just told him about you staying. He isn't exactly happy about it."
"I didn't choose this," you murmur.
Wooyoung shrugs, "And that's what makes him more angry. You didn't choose to stay so he can't be angry with you. He trusts us, our opinions. So when his own thoughts conflict with ours, it's a lot for him. He then turns into that raven and leaves for a while."
Wooyoung turns to you. His clothing is loose, a brown, sheer robe draping over his lean frame. The shoes are long gone, tan skin shown. You can see the outline of his chest, the transparent material not leaving much to the imagination. If you squint, you're sure there's tattoos decorating his skin. But you look away after the brief silence, not wanting to let your eyes linger on him longer than they have to.
"We're having a harvest celebration soon," he begins. "Other faeries and Unseelies will be joining."
A party at a time like this? And while you're out and about in the hallways? Unseelie aren't tolerant of humans from what you can see. This occasion will only lead to terrible things.
"Tonight," he smiles. "Right in our dining hall and parlor. It'll be fun. Happens once a year. You should join, pretty."
"A human celebrating with faeries? Sounds like a recipe for a disaster."
His grin widens, "Even better, no? Everyone in our spark will be there. You'll get to see all of us at once. Instead of avoiding us at every chance you get like you've been doing for the past couple of days. We've all noticed by the way."
"I'm here for Seonghwa’s tests and nothing more. I don't have a reason to go to that party."
"But you do, solaris." The nickname slips off his tongue with ease, as if you didn't yell at him days prior for it. Again, another silly mistake on your part to think he'd ever stop. "Trust me when I say it'll be advantageous to not try to avoid this one. Luck won't be on your side." He waves, sliding off the banister. You look down to see if he landed but he vanished from sight completely. Another thing you haven't exactly gotten used to. Knowing they're Unseelies is one thing, but seeing the magic first hand is another. You stand up from your spot, stomach growling.
This time of day is what you dislike the most – the Unseelie are roaming, doors opening and closing, laughter echoing through the hallways. Instead of it being comforting it only causes you anxiety. Their promises of not hurting you fall on deaf ears. You don’t doubt that whenever they are finished with their experimentation, they will end your life. It is mindless for you to even stick around here.
“Not like I have much of a choice,” you murmur, glancing at your bedroom door. A soft knock startles you, but you walk to it anyway, swinging it open. Seonghwa stands there, eyes flicking over your attire before meeting your eyes. The Unseelie provided you with sleepwear – which you vehemently refused. So you soaked your own clothing in soapy water last night and let it hang dry until early dawn. It’s more than wrinkled, still a little damp from the lack of sunlight in the forest.
“You didn’t take the clothing.” he states. It’s not a question, so you don’t bother answering. His eyes narrow. “You look unkempt.”
“You would say that even if I wore what you gave me.”
“Being stubborn will only get you so far, human. Here,” he holds out a small container, filled with breakfast food. Why it bothers you that he did not deny your words is beyond your own comprehension. “I need you to eat before I pull more samples. Having you faint is not ideal.”
You hesitate. The rules you’ve written down play over and over in your head. The first one on the list that you have no choice but to break. Do not eat what they offer. You take it from him, thanking him quickly. He merely shrugs, turning on his heel.
“Follow me. Close, please. The others are around all late morning into the afternoon and I’d rather not have any distractions pulling you away.”
You take his word for it, sliding an apple slice between your lips as you follow. A loud crash echoes around the hallway and Seonghwa glances to the side for a moment. His brow quirks in irritation, looking back at you. “Ignore him, he’s starting trouble again.”
“I’m not,” Wooyoung’s loud tone echoes through the hallways and you definitely take the advice of Seonghwa, stepping a bit closer to him. Seonghwa enters his lab, holding the door open for you. You step inside and he takes the key from the lock immediately, slipping it into his pocket as he closes the door. He sees the questions in your eyes, and nods.
“If I didn’t we’d have another surprise guest. Yunho will be back soon, so while we wait we should continue with testing. Please take a seat across from that table,” he points further into the room. Just like his library, the lab is neatly organized, books of equal height shelved next to each other, binders of what you can assume is research, labeled and placed in height order. Vials line the wall as you sit, Seonghwa’s steps silent as he sinks in the seat across from you. Between the door and you sitting he somehow changed his clothing, a lab coat covering his attire, sleeves lifted and gloves stretched over his fingers. He holds out his hand, palm up. You place your hand in his, and he thanks you, reaching for the syringe.
“I didn’t think I’d need more blood from you,” he starts, pulling off a tab. He curses to himself, placing it on the table and reaching for a small alcohol pad, wiping off your skin. “But one of my spark took some blood off my shelf, mistakenly with your sample as well.”
You’re not too sure how to feel about your blood being stolen.
He senses your perturbation as well, continuing. “We prefer not to conjure blood curses unless absolutely necessary. Despite us being Unseelie, the process to perform creates a heavy burden on our bodies. As to your blood and well, human blood overall, we use it to aid in potions and other things. Nothing with much substance. San used it to assist with something he was practicing with Yeosang.”
“Your explanation only makes me worry more.” And you haven't the slightest idea on who these people are that he's mentioning.
“No need to, we can’t truly bind you to anything if your mind and soul are not willing,” he lifts a tub, inserting another into the holder. His hand holds your arm, eyes glancing at your upper arm. You cannot see it, but something wraps tightly around it, lifting your skin. He presses his finger against your vein again, before slowly sliding the needle beneath the surface. The pressure is gone as you watch him fill the vials.
“Wooyoung told me you were displeased with the nickname he uses for you,” he glances at you, placing another tube in the holder. “You should be thankful. It’s rare that he cares for something enough to create one.”
“Is it necessary? My name is y/n, nothing more,” you say. “My partner didn’t even call me anything other than my name.”
"He never used nicknames with you." He states matter-of-factly.
"He always thought they were a bit silly," you murmur. You notice Seonghwa gaze lingering on you in the silence. "What? Is that so strange?"
Seonghwa furrows his brows. "Not quite. But I've seen how humans interact. How they create nicknames for ones they are fond of. It seems strange that your partner of several years wouldn't make up something endearing."
His observation makes your thoughts muddle. Soobin cared for you in ways you can’t quite describe. Did it ever bother you that he only called you by your name? Not at all. But the more you dwell on it, the more your stomach turns. You decide to change the conversation. "Are you saying you are fond of me, Seonghwa?"
“I’ve never used a nickname for you.”
You widen your eyes, “Did an Unseelie just lie?”
He scowls. "I’m not lying. Why would I call you anything else?"
“You call me human almost every time you see me. Is that not a nickname?”
Deadpanned, he continues, “Calling you what you are isn’t exactly what I’d consider a nickname, y/n. As I have said before, you are just an experiment.”
"And if I weren't?" you tease, leaning forward. "What's the first thing you think of when you see me? An annoyance? Irritating?" It's only a way to poke his buttons, but he just stares at you, thinking. Quite hard. The silence is long enough that you lean back, clearing your throat. "I was kidding."
"I wouldn't be able to call you anything other than beautiful, y/n, if I were so fond of you. You are kind and merciful, proud and resilient. Human words cannot describe it. I can see why your former partner adored you; it's hard not to."
You're not sure what else to say, his words more than shocking. He cannot lie. He believes everything he just said. And that scares you.
"You're afraid," He says simply.
What a hard question. "This. What you just said."
"I can't see why. Beauty comes in many forms," he explains, sliding out the needle. He grabs a small square of gauze, pressing it lightly into your arm. "It would be foolish of me not to see it in you. Have you forgotten that before all of this that us two were friends? Even if it was manufactured by me at the time, it shouldn't be surprising that I feel this way. I've seen how you've interacted with other humans. You are kind, patient, soft spoken. You fear what you cannot predict, but you don't let it stop you from continuing. Even now, you are worried about a bookstore that is not even yours. I am not lying when I say that I find your existence beautiful in itself. Humans are often selfish. But you, you seem the opposite."
He places a bandaid over the hole, "Done for now."
You nod slowly, holding your arm close. Seonghwa pushes the food closer to you, standing up and taking the vials. Not often are you left speechless. From what you know, what you've read, Unseelie do not love the same way as humans. He probably doesn't understand how words like that could affect you. Yes, that's right. It's an objective look, an affirming statement. Nothing more than observations.
Seonghwa moves to the door, opening it. Yunho enters, resting his jacket on the coat rack. His eyes relax when they meet yours, waving. "There you are, pretty girl. Sorry for my late arrival. Our meeting lasted longer than deemed necessary. Quite annoying," he glances at Seonghwa. "The tests are what we talked about, correct?"
The two of them talk to each other, but your mind is stuck. Glued even. How could he let those two words just slide from his lips? Pretty. Girl. No. Your mind is playing tricks on you, you decide. Yunho is kind, sweet even. But that? That.
You can't even begin to fathom the reason.
You're pulled out of the depth that is your thoughts, Seonghwa waiting. "Do you feel faint? Should we wait until you've eaten more? You look as if you've seen a specter."
You shake your head. "No. I'm good. Perfect even." The grin you plaster on your cheeks must be horrendous, Seonghwa’s lips forming a scowl.
"We'll continue, then. You would think that a human being able to lie meant that they could perform it with ease. That doesn't seem to be your case, though."
This time you frown. "Thanks for that, Seonghwa."
He shrugs. "Truth hurts. Yunho will perform his tests now with you. I'm not needed for this, so I'll be in my library. Hesitate to bother me, please." He exits, tossing the key to Yunho. Said man locks the door, turning to you.
"Is he always this grumpy?" You ask.
"Unfortunately yes. Shall we begin?"
The test is simple.
Yunho holds out his hand, you take his. His eyes rest on yours as he tries to listen to your thoughts. It's easy enough, not much that you need to do. The others have said it failed previously, so it's very likely that it may fail again this time around. The likelihood of it does not settle your heart though. It still thumps against your chest as it always does when any of them are around. A defense mechanism, sure. No way for you to control it. Your palms aren't free from the nerves either, clammy. You wipe them on your pants for the nth time.
"If I can listen it'll prove enough. My perception abilities only go so far. I'm not as majikly inclined compared to San or Mingi. Rarely do I ever use it, I won't linger longer than I need to."
"Do you promise?" It may be an empty one, but you must be sure. It'll help your heart stop hammering against your chest.
"Of course. A test now and nothing more," he assures you, palm resting on the table, waiting for your hand. The moment is slow, your palm dropping onto his. He lets his long fingers curl into yours. "Look at me, pretty girl."
"...Can I talk?" You ask, and he nods.
You meet his gaze. The brown of his eyes and hair begin to slowly change. Brown darkening into a deep burgundy, lighting up the more you look at him. The situation is strange in itself, but his eyes are still kind.
"Why do you call me that?" You ask.
His lips quirk, "Pretty girl?"
Your fingers tighten slightly in his hold, before nodding. "Yes. That."
"I overheard the conversation between you and Seonghwa. How your former partner never called you anything special. I thought it was… weird, I suppose. Since I first saw you, I thought you were pretty. And," he glances away from you for a moment. Your mind must be playing games – pink begins to dust his cheek. No way. He wouldn't be blushing, would he? No. Just a trick of the eye. Probably because of his red hair. "It's the first thing that came to mind when I saw you sitting here waiting for me. I couldn't help it. I do find you pretty, y/n. It shouldn't be that strange to you."
You use your free hand to rub the frown lines on your face. "Ah. No. I'm just surprised, that's all."
"I mean, Yunho…" It's hard to explain when he's looking at you like that.
Guilt begins to rise. You shouldn't be this way. But the more you listen to him, the more wrong you feel. It's only been a few months without Soobin. Entertaining someone, especially a faerie, an Unseelie… you can't. Not when you really haven't moved past your ex-boyfriend. You still think of him daily. No matter how warm someone else looks at you, you just can't. Not now.
"I hope you keep that nickname to yourself," you say. "I don't think I want to hear it from you."
"Oh," you don't notice the change in his expression. It's subtle. Brows slightly arching, an irritated twitch of his lips. It disappears when you look at him. "I never wish to make you uncomfortable."
"You don't make me uncomfortable," you state this plainly, sure to keep your tone neutral. "But I'm just not used to things like that. I hope you understand."
"I do," he nods. "But if there comes a time when you're not so hesitant, please tell me. I wouldn't mind calling you that instead of your name, y/n."
It's no surprise his simple words make your heart skip a beat.
"Okay. Thank you for listening to me," you say. His head tilts, eyes still on yours.
"No need. Still can't read those thoughts of yours," Finally looking away, he sighs. His fingers slip from yours, the warmth gone. "I guess we'll have to try something else. Or just wait and see what Seonghwa has found."
Just like that. You pull your hand back into your lap and enclasp your fingers. Hoping that same warm feeling will come back somehow.
"What will you do when you find out?" You ask.
He thinks. "Figure out a way to stop humans from having your trait, ability, whatever it may be. Your existence is one thing. If you're one in a billion, a slip in the evolution process, then that's fine to us. We just can't have it happen over and over again, you see. But I'm sure you know the reason why. You're not a selfish one."
He stands, adjusting his shirt. "You didn't eat much. May I…?"
You look at the assortment of fruit Seonghwa gave you, most just picked at. You nod, expecting him to grab the ones you haven't really touched. Instead, he takes one of the apple slices you've bitten already, sliding it between his lips.
"Tasty," he grins. "You taste good."
You can't control your blinks, confusion etched into your features. No, you couldn't have heard that right. No. So many thoughts cross your mind, many not too appropriate for the situation you're in at this very moment. Yunho grabs another fruit you bit into, humming. "Sweet."
Your eyes widen.
"Something wrong?" He asks, darkened eyes staring unrelentingly. The air in the room feels denser, thickened with his mere look. You can't look away even if you want to, fingers digging into your pants.
"I put the samples away," Seonghwa enters the room. Yunho breaks eye contact with you and you let out a long breath, chest throbbing from how hard your heart was racing. Yunho's expression is back to how it usually is, soft eyes following Seonghwa’s walk. As if he did not just freeze you into this very spot. If Seonghwa notices anything he doesn't say a word, grabbing his fleece off a chair and sliding his arms inside.
"Hongjoong wants to see you." He looks to you, gaze roaming over your clothing. "I would prefer if you wore something more appropriate when meeting him. Dressing as you are now is a bad look."
"He wouldn't care if she wore nothing, Seonghwa," Yunho shrugs. "You know that. And there's nothing wrong with her attire now. You cannot expect her to scroll around with those horrid faerie clothing you've given her. None of it fits properly."
"I said that I would prefer it. Hongjoong is a different character," Seonghwa rolls his eyes. "But it doesn't matter. He wants to see you now, so there's no use in trying to change. Come, human. Yunho, San needs you to help with the decor. Jongho is having another fit."
Yunho's jolly expression breaks for a second, an irritated twitch in his brow. "Has he broken the lighting again?" He nods, a groan escaping him. "Perfect." He bows his head at you before leaving.
"Come," Seonghwa turns to you. "Or would you rather help with the mess?"
"I'd rather not be here at all."
Seonghwa cracks a smile, "Don't we all?"
You stand from your spot. Just as you're about to leave, Seonghwa hesitates. You cannot utter a word because he starts first.
"Take his words with caution. Hongjoong is a character to say the least. Though most of us are straightforward with our words, Hongjoong likes to play a lot with it. You cannot be sure of what's next to come out."
"What are you telling me this for? To run?"
He turns around. The solemn expression makes your own mask slip. "If needed, yes. I will not be far unless someone pulls me away. But on the off chance that I'm not around, don't waste time to leave. The barrier is gone right now. You'd have a better time escaping the woods than staying with him."
"He's your leader, no?"
Seonghwa nods, "And this is why I'm telling you what I am. Be careful, y/n. You are a mere rabbit in his eyes. Nothing more than that."
Seonghwa’s words repeat over and over in your head. A mere rabbit. Prey. You're not foolish to know that your stay here is temporary. Hiding your anxiety at the situation is what you've done, what you've been doing. But having to pretend in front of the leader, holding back your fear? You don't even know what he looks like.
Why did Soobin make you go to that stupid festival?
He is just on the other side of that door. All you have to do is knock. That's all. Your hand hovers over the wood.
The door swings open. You expect to see someone standing there but instead, there's no one. You slowly enter, glancing back. Seonghwa left you alone to deal, unfortunately. Just as you move out of the door's proximity, it closes itself, locking. You can help but let out a low laugh. Mythical creatures being real is something you'd never wrap your head around. The hallway is dark, luminescence peeking from underneath a door further away. You take another long breath, before opening it yourself. Immediately, your eyes move to him.
He is Unlike the others, that you can see. When you first learned of him, you thought he would be stern, rigid. Instead, you stand at the doorway to his spell room – a clap echoing as he stares at the table filled with vast ingredients.
"Finally," he breathes. "Took three hellish hours. Ah," He pauses.
He turns to you, wholly black gaze blinking away into a softer brown. The sight isn't terrifying in itself – it just scares you that you cannot distinguish him from another human, aside from his quiet beauty. He hides his potions away, leaning against the tabletop. You do not say a word in fear of upsetting him. He seems to notice this, head tilting as he stares at you.
"Oh, so you are the dear, pitiful human that has gotten my spark all ruffled up? What to do with you?" He smiles.
It is all but friendly.
His stature is on the shorter side compared to the rest of the Unseelie you've met thus far, about Wooyoung's height. His black hair is wild, strands scattered about, some tucked behind his ears. A seemingly permanent sly smile coating his lips. You can see why he's their leader. Charisma oozes from him despite having said no more than two sentences. Two sentences that have left you utterly speechless. Choosing your words carefully, you finally speak.
"I've heard some things about you," you say. A sleek brow of his lifts at your words, daring you to continue. You take the challenge. "Hongjoong, leader of your spark."
His grin is slow, eyes flicking between yours as it widens. His tongue drags across his lips, playing with the piercing hooked into the bottom one. A quick glance and you see several – studs lining his ears, fingers covered with golden jewels. A small amulet resting on where his pulse beats on. "In the flesh. Humans haven't seen me in centuries. You should be proud to even grace my presence, my pretty star." He glances behind you. "Everyone else seems interested in you as well. It took many of months to finally see you for myself. I have to admit, I do see the unwavering appeal. Ordinary looking, but there's something," his eyes roam over your outfit. "Your aura, maybe. What do you think, Mingi?"
"I think we should get ready, Hongjoong."
You tense up at the deep voice, looking back. Well, looking up. Mingi stands not a breath away from you, barely giving you a glance as you stare up at him. His golden clothing is as wispy as Wooyoung's, sheer against his chest and darkening as it flows down. You take a step to the side to bring some distance between the two of you, heart racing. You're only startled every time one of them pops up. And from the disappearance act you witnessed earlier, Mingi can make himself do it with ease. You would expect someone of his size to at least make a bit of noise when he enters a room. His blonde hair is neatly slicked down, mossy green markings starting at the curve of his jaw, covering the rest of his body. Mingi clears his throat and you look away from him.
The tales didn't mention that Unseelie were all unnaturally beautiful. Though it does make sense. You can't see how humans will follow them to their deaths otherwise. Even you, knowing what you do, are already falling without trying.
Falling for their traps, you correct yourself. Nothing more than that.
"Ah, and I assume that she will be joining us?" Hongjoong glances at you. "It'll be a very interesting gathering."
"Chaotic to say the least," Mingi sighs softly. "We should just lock her in her room until sunrise. The others will smell her, but there will be spells and other spoils to deter them. I'd hate to have to care for the human all night."
"I'm not a child," you frown.
Mingi does not bother looking in your direction nor acknowledge your response, "Wooyoung should watch her, not I."
"Neither of you are watching her. Yunho will be by her side most of the night."
Mingi's eyes widen briefly, "Hongjoong, is that the best choice at this time–"
"Take her back to her room to get ready," Hongjoong turns to you. "We've prepared a few outfits for you to try. It'll help you blend in more with the rest of us. If any are unsatisfactory, I'll have Yeosang conjure up another. Until you are satisfied with your choice."
You shake your head, "Not needed–"
"I want my star to shine bright tonight, y/n. You will not be dull when everyone else is watching. I bid you adieu–" He giggles. "I've always wanted to say that." He looks back at Mingi. “We’ll talk after you drop her off and get ready yourself, there’s much to do to prepare."
"Hongjoong…" He sighs. The leader does not bother saying anything else, turning back to his assortment of potions. Mingi finally looks at you. "Please follow me."
"I know where my room is," Your words are neither heard nor acknowledged, Mingi disappearing back into the dim hallway. You follow after swiftly, his pace much faster than yours.
You stumble after him through the hallways, passing by your designated room. "Hey, Min…"
He stops. His steps are quick, barely a breath away from you. You step back as he steps forward, your back hitting the wall. Anger resides in his eyes as he stares down at you. "You do not utter my name. You do not acknowledge me outside of forced interactions by one of the others. We do not speak to each other unless absolutely necessary. Do you understand?"
Your fear is a good enough answer for him. He moves back, gesturing to the door behind you. "Yeosang prepared your outfit in a different room since the others are lurking around yours right now. Get dressed, Yunho will be here promptly to explain how to act properly in front of the other faeries." He leaves you, dissipating right in front of your eyes. You can feel how your heart beats against your chest. You blink, hand reaching for the knob and turning it open. You close it behind you, back against the wood.
It's too much. All of this is just. too. much.
"What is your goal?"
"I am just trying to have a successful gathering. Is that too much to ask for, Mingi?" Hongjoong stares at the potions on the table, deep in thought. "She will be here for quite a while anyway. It's better to show them that we have everything in order rather than attempting to hide her."
"You told Seonghwa you did not care for her and wanted her gone. And now you're compromising Yunho's sanity because you want to get back at us, is that it?"
Hongjoong’s brow twitches at Mingi's words. "You know I would never put you in danger. Any of you."
"Then why are you now?"
Hongjoong finally looks away from his table, eyes flicking up to Mingi's. "You question me?"
He sighs, rubbing his face, "I just want to know your reasoning. You know well what he means to me."
"I am beginning to wonder," Hongjoong steps closer to Mingi. He lets his hand rest on his cheek, thumb rubbing the skin slowly. Mingi's eyelids flutter at his touch, leaning into it. "If any of you truly trust me. Yunho has been so misguided, removed from modern society. We all know how he tore that Seelie apart. It wouldn't have happened if he had the chance to leave, to experience things like us. We isolated him to the point of inner destruction. Him keeping by the human’s side is a test, yes. One of self control. I need to see how he will fair when he is beside someone he desires and yet cannot have. I have to test his temperament before I decide what to do next, Mingi. This is for him."
Mingi covers Hongjoong’s hand with his, "I trust you. I just have one more question."
"Speak it."
"What is your plan? With the human?"
Hongjoong bares a sliver of his teeth, black irises only deepening. "Everyone is enthralled with her. It's my chance to have my own fun."
You stare in the mirror at yourself.
Right as you pulled the slacks over your finger, it adjusted itself to your body. The Unseelie you've met have only worn sheer clothing around you and this is no different. It would make you uncomfortable if you didn't see how it clearly hides sensitive parts of your body, leaving it to the imagination. Still, it is unlike you. You're used to something different. Your pile of clothes next to the bathroom door is all the more alluring as you gaze at yourself. Heavy bags beneath your eyes from lack of sleep, hands that are endlessly shaky. You look tired.
A light knock on your door pulls you away from those pesky thoughts that were soon to move to your Soobin. You clear your throat, giving yourself a look once more before rushing to the door after a second knock.
You open it to Yunho. He looks cleaned up, hair neatly tossed, a small curl resting on his forehead. He wears an outfit very similar to yours but much more sheer and revealing, your face glued on his. His flicks over yours briefly. You think you see a light blush coating his cheeks.
"Faerie clothing suits you," he says softly. "I will respect your wishes and not say anything more."
You let out a breath, "You think? I feel like it looks silly."
True shock coats his face, "No. You look fine. You," He struggles with his wording and you can only smile at him. He sighs, rubbing his cheeks. "You are … breathtaking."
“You’re flattering me,” you look away from him, quickly coming up with something else to pull him away from those thoughts. “When is the party?”
“It started an hour or so ago,” Yunho says simply, taking in your shocked expression. “They are all awaiting your arrival, y/n. It should be quite fun.”
If your heart could sink any further, it would. “Waiting? I’m not a special guest, I just found out about this tonight. I –” You barely ate breakfast, but it feels as if your insides are about to come out. It only makes sense that Hongjoong would catch you off guard like this. It makes complete sense, but why would he? Does he expect you to fail this test, or whatever it is?
“You’re letting your thoughts run from you,” Yunho says. “Don’t leave yourself behind.”
“I don’t want to do this,” you admit. “At all.”
“Neither do I,” he sighs simply, glancing behind him. “But it’s out of my control. This Gathering of ours has been planned for months on end. Hongjoong loves masquerade balls to discuss important matters with other Unseelie and Faeries. In fact, pardon me – ” Yunho steps inside the room, closing the door behind him. “Wouldn’t want unsavory ears to listen to my words.”
You notice the masks in his hands now, “Masquerade?”
“Yes, a lot of faeries are shy without it, believe it or not,” he glances between your eyes. “Do you mind if I place yours?”
You shake your head, and he smiles. He takes his time, making sure it fits comfortably over your eyes before tying it in the back. “Too tight?” he asks softly. His lips barely hover over your ears as he asks. With a quick swallow, you shake your head. “Perfect.” He ties it with ease, moving back. Somehow between that time he’s put his over his eyes, looking over you once.
“Unrecognizable?” You tease.
“I’d recognize you in any room. As Mingi told you, I'll explain briefly what will happen. Since you are the only human that will be there, eyes will follow you. I won't be leaving your side all night in the event one of them tries something unsavory. And though I will be watching, please don't hesitate to tell me if you feel that something is wrong."
"Is this dangerous, me being around them?"
"Our spark isn't dangerous, but many others are. We all use humans in many ways, y/n. We as a species aren't the kindest to yours."
You're glad he's explaining it all to you. But it doesn't lessen your fear at all. "You won't leave me alone?"
"I won't. Be yourself, y/n. It'll go well. Shall we go?” he holds out his arm. You slip yours beneath his with ease, fingers lightly touching his sleeve. His outfit isn’t transparent like the rest you’ve seen, a solid satin blue. Still it leaves nothing to the imagination, securely fit to his body. Your nerves catch up to you as you walk through the hallways to the opposite side of the house you haven’t been to yet. All doors are ajar, many attendees you have yet to set your eyes on. Most shift their gaze to watch Yunho escort you to the main hall. All of this is too much too soon, your nails sinking into his arm without you noticing. Running is not an option. No matter how much you want it to be.
No matter how close he stands to you, how much they speak to you, you are alone.
“Hey,” Yunho stops walking. You look up at him. “You’re holding on a bit tight there, y/n.”
You look at your grip, noticing that it’s tight enough to break skin. Just as you begin to pull back he covers your hand with his free one, shaking his head. “Hold on to me if you need to. It doesn’t hurt.”
“I’m sorry–”
“I just want to make sure you’re okay, that’s all. Hold on to me, y/n. I’m here.” You feel the stares, feel them glued to your back as you look up at him. “Hear me?”
“…Yes,” you whisper. You close your eyes for a moment. “Okay. We can go.”
He squeezes your hand before letting go, moving forward. The gazes are still burning into him and yourself, but you pretend not to notice. Ignore how much it bothers you. How silly it is – trusting an Unseelie, a man you barely know. How much you’re relying on his arm to steady yourself, his words to keep you calm. How with just a few months, you’ve let someone else other than Soobin help you.
You enter the grandeur hall.
It’s massive; chandeliers hang from the high ceiling, jewels and cold everywhere you look. Tables filled with faeries speaking amongst one another, laughter throughout the area. Yunho pulls you forward through the crowds. He seems to command a presence here – faeries without prompt giving him a pathway. They continue to talk but you hear whispers in languages you cannot understand. The word human sticks out. Still he pulls you along to the front of the room. There a banquet table sits, nine seats lined side by side. Hongjoong sits in the middle of the table, literally. He rests himself on top of the table, legs cross as he speaks to an unfamiliar faerie in front of him. You barely get a chance to look at the rest sitting there, one at the far end startling you. He stares at you with such disgust, a scowl seemingly permanently carved into his face.
“You’ve made it,” Hongjoong says, tilting his head around the faerie to look at you. “And how lovely you are.”
“I would say the same, but it will only boost your ego.”
The faerie in front of him widens their eyes. Hongjoong smile slips, waving them away. They leave without a second thought. He stands, brown eyes dissipating within an instant. The black stares at you as he moves closer. You shift your body towards Yunho, his head slightly shifting to the movement.
“You will hold your tongue in front of me,” Hongjoong says. “Do you understand me, human?”
“Yes.” You say, looking away. Not missing a beat, his smile slides back.
“Perfect, I hope you enjoy the rest of the party. It will be more than entertaining. I must leave now to tend to the other guests. Please let the others introduce themselves to you – we all will be seeing a lot of you for quite a while.” He bows to Yunho. Yunho bows, stepping to the side to let Hongjoong mingle.
“You could draw blood from that fearsome gaze of yours,” Yunho whispers, nudging your shoulder. “Even I am petrified.”
“I, sorry,” you say again, sucking in a breath. “Sorry.”
“Stop apologizing for your expressions y/n. Hongjoong was just…” he thinks for a moment. “You know of his status, no?”
“He is the leader of your spark.”
“Yes, but he is not only the leader of the eight of us. He is the head of Unseelie, y/n. There is not one faerie within this room who would defy him. So those words in front of another faerie, challenging his status at an event,” he quirks his brow.
Oh how you wish you could crawl out of your skin. You turn back, watching as all the masked party guests bow as he passes, his laughter echoing around the room. Charisma oozes from him, yes, but so does pure unrivaled power. A passerby gives him a glass and he takes it within a breath. You look at Yunho.
“He’s going to kill me.”
Yunho snickers, shaking his head, “He will entertain himself with the others. Worry not.”
“Solaris!” An irritating familiar voice echoes through the hall. Without a second to beat he throws his body into yours, wrapping his arms around you. His giggles echo around you, squeezing quite tight before letting go. He pulls back, the same grin still on his face. Wooyoung steps back for a moment, eyes flicking over your attire. “As always you are a beautiful sunset.”
“You cannot calm yourself even at a party?” Yunho frowns. He feels the emptiness of your arm since you’ve let go to steady yourself from Wooyoung’s attack. The absence of your warmth is not comforting. Only annoying him further. You seem not to notice at all though. Between your exasperation at him slamming himself into you, Yunho can see the tension in your shoulders ease. He just wishes that he were the one to do it, not him.
“My pretty solaris is shining, Yunho,” Wooyoung sticks his tongue out at him. “I cannot believe that Hongjoong made him your bodyguard when I am here!” He sighs, sitting in the spot Hongjoong once was. His mask rests on the top of his head. He holds out a drink for you and you take it, eyeing it.
“Is it alcohol?”
“Faeries do not really enjoy it since we don’t get intoxicated like humans. And it tastes disgusting,” Wooyoung murmurs. “This is a tonic of concentrated fruits. Sweet, but does nothing to humans.” He encourages you.
You trust his words only because you know he cannot lie, taking a sip. It’s sweet, but not off-putting. “Tasty,” you point out. Yunho takes the other resting on the table, sitting next to Wooyoung. He widens his eyes, digging in his pocket.
Yunho smiles at you, “I almost forgot. Hand.”
"Hand?" You shoot him a quizzical look. He holds out his to you, waiting. You're sure he'd wait forever until you place yours upon his so you do so, his large hand covers yours entirely. At first, you feel a soothing feeling across your skin. The warmth rises in temperature, just enough to the point where it's bearable, but sweaty. He stares at your enclosed hands. With a small whistle, they begin to illuminate in the dark, swirling around your skin before disappearing into the air. His eyes flick to yours, a sunset staring back at you.
"Pretty, no?" He grins, squeezing your hand once. "It took me a bit since I'm not an expert at majik like the others. Yeosang helped me with the spell, and San helped me cast."
Their names mean close to nothing to you now. You're very sure they will in the future, though. Close future, from the gazes around you.
"What's it for?"
His grin widens, then. "To impress a pretty human. And it will help me keep an eye on you if you ever leave my sight tonight. I will take it away once this gathering ends."
You tuck it in your front pocket.
“You’ve made it,” Wooyoung says, looking behind you. You don’t exactly need to guess who it is, the quiet movement enough for you to pinpoint. His conversation, well, threat, from earlier is enough for you not to acknowledge him at all. Instead, you move a bit closer to Yunho’s side. “You said you hate parties.”
“I do,” his deep voice murmurs. You take a quick glance at Mingi. He avoids your gaze entirely, hands tucked in his pockets. “But Hongjoong insisted. No matter how much I tell him my presence here will only put the others on edge.”
You look behind him. Still the eyes are on yours, but you see others observing Mingi. Many look away quickly. How much fear does the Unseelie resonate?
“They would be on edge anyway since they are in our residence,” Yunho shrugs. “y/n’s presence along with ours brings more questions than answers. None are brave enough to speak about it though. Secures our status.”
You speak, “Even if they asked, I have nothing to say.”
Yunho smiles, “I can pick one thing you’d be able to shock them with.”
Ah, right. Resistant to faeries. Your eyes flick over to one Unseelie who sits at the table. He’s beautiful, to say the least. Black hair in wisps, resting at the bottom of his neck, silver jewelry wrapped around strands. A peak of what looks like a birthmark on the side of one of his eyes, stretching to his temple. His brown eyes are not looking at yours at all, focused on your lower face. As you stare, it looks like he’s watching your lips. You look away.
His head rests on his hands as he watches you speak to Wooyoung. Your words are quick, annoyance drawn on your face when he twists your words, often vulgar. He only laughs at the expression, continuing his rant. Yeosang himself and the others are used to his antics, his quick words and joking tone. He quite honestly thought you'd be deterred by it, but you match his wit in an instant, sometimes causing Wooyoung to falter, skip words. Yeosang can't help but grin, eyes steady on yours. You look to the side, meeting his interested gaze.
"Yeosang doesn't speak much," Wooyoung starts. "Especially when I'm talking."
"Maybe because you can never stop," Yunho hums from behind him.
"Nice to meet you, Yeosang," you hold out your hand. Yeosang's brows furrow at the gesture. Humans are often disgusted with faeries, especially one of the Unseelies. You extend out your hand with such ease, well, it makes him confused. The time must have passed long enough for it to be uncomfortable, your hand sliding back away.
He reaches out before you place it back on your side, his fingers gripping yours softly in a quick shake.
Your skin is quite soft, he thinks.
“You are not afraid of me,” he states, his hand dropping from yours. “Why?”
“Should I be?” you question. It lingers in the air, eyes briefly moving to Yunho’s for assistance. He merely shrugs, your gaze moving back to Yeosang’s. “I’m not immediately afraid of an Unseelie. Not anymore.”
“That’s delightful! It’s all me, by the way,” Wooyoung grins, interrupting. Mingi meets his eyes for a moment, gesturing to the side. He sighs, hopping off the table. “I would love to mingle more, but Hongjoong needs me. I’ll see you all soon enough. Yeosang, he needs you as well.”
“Just a moment,” Yeosang waves him off. He pats his pocket, putting out a small map. “Can you read this?” he holds it out to you. He seems insistent on it, gaze sharp. “Humans are able to, not Unseelies.”
“Oh…?” You take it from him. You can read it easily, some words more advanced than you’re used to, but it’s all legible.
“Now is not the time, Yeosang,” Mingi murmurs, rubbing his eyes beneath the mask. “Not at a party.”
“It is just for a moment. If she knows, then she’ll be able to assist me. So, human?” Yeosang asks, turning back to you. “Can you understand the writing?”
A threat.
That's his first thought as he stares at you across from the room. The reason why the others are on edge, wary. A human with a strange allure. He would have eradicated you immediately if it weren't for their affinity towards you. His frown only seems to deepen when he sees Yeosang's lip quirk at something you've said. His eyes widened at the look, silent shock. His friend isn't one to attempt to grow closer to anyone. In fact, he's even more surprised that Yeosang is here in the first place. The Unseelie hides in his room often, rarely interacting unless necessary. The smile on his lips confuses him.
His fingers dig into his forearms. Despite how exhausting it is to be around you, he can't help it. The looks you send the others, the shaking of your hands as you point to the map. The smile that is barely there.
Why is he aching to touch you?
“Sulking in the corner is not a good look,” Jongho appears next to him, arms crossed. “You know that she can see you. You’re not so far away to go unnoticed.”
“She’s infuriating,” San frowns, watching as Mingi pulls Yeosang away from the rest of them, into the direction of Hongjoong. “Why bring her around all of these faeries? Some are bound to realize that she is not like any other human. I don’t doubt that they might already know. What is the endgame, the solution? Why is he doing this?”
“Hongjoong has a strange way of thinking,” Jongho says, watching you with the others. “But he is wise above many. It took me a while to determine exactly why he would introduce a human to this world of ours. And I’ve finally figured it out.”
“Don’t keep it to yourself.”
“Not even a small guess?” Jongho frowns.
“Fine,” he sighs. “He wants to show them that our position will not be challenged nor should ever be. If we have a human captured that is not affected by any of us and still fears us, yet joins us on these events. They will see where we stand. They will start to question if we know of more, if she is a halfling. So many inquiries and yet all are too afraid to speak up. It will keep them subdued for now. Delay their anger for the incident from the other night. Distract them enough to keep it calm.”
"Is there any news on the Seelie?" San asks.
"Much. Yeosang and Wooyoung are on their way to take care of it. They will be gone for quite a bit until it's solved."
San watches Yeosang leave the room after Wooyoung. The Unseelie seems to sense his gaze, turning around to meet it. Neither of them say anything, but Jongho sees San's expression shift. Worry. Yeosang merely nods at the look, disappearing from view. It is what he has always done to calm him down. But San's worry just continues to pile on as it continuously has.
"We should have gone with them too," San murmurs, looking back at you. "A trio at least. If one of them were injured the other one wouldn't be able to leave."
"Hongjoong made the call. It will be fine."
"As fine as a human resistant to our charms waltzing around faeries that want to consume her, fine? Something will happen tonight."
Jongho grows serious at his words. "Have you seen it?"
"No. That's the issue Jongho. I can feel everyone else's in this room. But with her, there is nothing. Not even a hint. That only happens for me if the person is destined to die suddenly. If that doesn't worry you, I don't know what will. It makes me think of that movie, the one with the blood sucking faeries. How the main character couldn’t penetrate her mind because she had a shield."
Jongho deadpans, "You really need to stop consuming human media. It's making you lose your mind and credibility."
San sends him a toothy grin. "You're just upset you don't understand my references."
"Oh I do, a little too well unfortunately. There's only so much of it that you say that won't stick. I'm still upset you made me watch that movie. What was it, Dracula?"
San looks away, momentarily distracted. "Yes! We should watch it again."
"And this is why Hongjoong didn't tell you to go with them," he murmurs, easily maneuvering out of San’s shove. "In all seriousness, I am worried. You cannot witness the future because she is in it. I don't like the odds." Jongho looks to the side, eyes narrowing. "So much for the delay of anger, especially since some uninvited guests arrived."
"Stay close and don’t say a word," Yunho stands up from the table, shifting you behind him. Mingi turns around, relaxed expression tightening. You can’t quite see over their shoulders, most of the crowd hiding your view from what’s exactly going on. Mingi's hand slips to his side. You notice the handle of what you can only guess is a sword, his fingers wrapped around it as he stares forward. The crowd is hushed now, bated breaths. What exactly are they facing, and why is everyone on edge?
The familiar smooth voice of Hongjoong breaks the silence, “You show yourself here?”
“We were not invited, we presumed it was just a mistake.” The person responds slowly, deliberately. Yunho’s arm wraps around your shoulder, pressing you tightly to his side. “We heard that you have a human within this area.”
“Is that any of your business?” MIngi hisses. Your gaze shifts to the side, seeing the angry Unseelie that was standing in the corner appear next to Mingi. “You were not invited for a reason, Seelie.”
“Is that the way to speak to your brother?” The voice laughs. Hongjoong appears in front of you in a blink, standing next to Mingi. He does not acknowledge you behind him, but your eyes flick down. His hand waves slightly, as if gesturing for you to leave. Yunho stands still, a slight shake to his head. “You protect it from my sight?”
“Yeonjun, you know your kind is not allowed at these events, why appear? Everyone in this room is disgusted by you,” Hongjoong says simply, a small smile on his lips. “Uppity faeries who believe they are above us all. You stink up the place.”
The air feels tender, your heart beating quicker. No matter how much you try to control it it just hammers on and on. There is little doubt that the Seelie cannot hear you. The Unseelie around you seem to know it as well, all of their hands shifting to weapons that rest on their sides.
“Let me see the human.”
“No,” Hongjoong raises his brow. “You have no presence nor authority here.”
“Is it wise to hide it from me after you have butchered my people? Wooyoung was his name, yes? And Yunho is lucky that I am being so kind despite the massacre that he created.”
Yunho’s hand around you loosens slightly at his name being uttered.
“Seelie attacked the human unwarranted and without notifying us. They were in our territory. It was our right,” Mingi states simply. “He did what needed to be done.”
“Did he? We visited the location shortly after, Mingi. It was utterly drenched and soiled.”
“Enough,” Hongjoong holds up his hand, “What is it that you desire? To see the human? Is that all?”
“That is all,” the Seelie states.
“Fine. Mingi, move. Yunho, let her go.”
Questions rise in Yunho’s eyes. With great hesitance, he lets his hand drop from your arm. Hongjoong slides his hand into yours, stepping forward. Your momentary shock at him touching you all vanishes when you meet the eyes of the Seelie in front of you. You expected the grotesque figure like before, but he is anything but. Matching the height of Mingi, he stands. His hair neon green, slicked back. Small strands brush his cheek as he looks down at you, white eyes alarming. Despite that, he is beautiful. Ethereally so. He holds your gaze, a smirk forming.
“You are the human they have started a war for?”
“It has not come to that, Yeonjun,” Mingi starts, hushed immediately by Hongjoong.
“Oh but it has, Mingi. Unless you provide me with a small favor.”
“No,” Yunho says between his teeth, standing by your side. “I will not allow you to take her away.”
“Why? What is so special about the human? Why are you risking your people for its existence? Does it have something I cannot see with my eyes? Or does it have to deal with her being resistant to our charms?”
Hongjoong shrugs, “Whatever do you mean?”
Yeonjun’s smile drops. “I have coerced her to let go of your hand several times but she looks at me as if I’m a ghost.”
“How unfortunate that not every being will drop to their knees for you. You must truly be disappointed.”
Yeonjun merely rolls his eyes, hands tucked in his suit jacket pockets. He glazes over the crowd, stepping forward. The crowd backs up from his movement until they can no longer. He stands in front of a small child, bending down to stare at them. “I can read between the lines, Unseelie leader. I can see how you avoid my inquiries. So if you will not allow me to take the human, perhaps I will take one of these other things for my use.” Just as he is about to touch the child, you move forward slightly. Hongjoong’s grip on your hand tightens tenfold, a bruise imminent.
“Let the child go,” you say.
Yeonjun turns around, grin widening. “Oh, she speaks. It is all too bad, though, you did not speak up quickly enough.” He raises his hand. All of your gazes turn. An adult faerie rises in the air. Before any of the Unseelie next to you can move, Yeonjun snaps his fingers. You look away from the sight, a cry falling from your lips at the mere sound. Flesh splatters across the walls and guests, their cries much louder than yours.
“Yunho, go!” Hongjoong says above the shouts of the crowd. “Take her out of here,” he lets go of your hand, throwing your body into the trembling Yunho’s. You look at him, eyes glossed over. His eyes flick up to yours, shaking his head.
“I can’t.”
You barely get the chance to convince him to go, Yunho grabbed by a Seelie in the crowd. This one as horrid as the others you’ve witnessed. You look around for an escape, the ajar door too far away for you to go. So instead, you turn to the side, shoes sliding against the hardwood as you navigate around everyone running every which way. The sound of bodies exploding fills your ears, tears running down your cheeks. It is all too much to take in now, but your body does. It barely holds itself together as you push through the people. Someone grabs the back of your shirt, dragging you to the floor. Your head slams against it, eyes losing focus.
“This is your fault,” The Seelie spits, stepping harshly on your hand. It grabs your face, pulling you up from the floor. “My people have died for such a silly little human. You have started a war, don’t you know this?” You look down, leaves slowly rising from the floor. The moist leaves begin to rise, wrapping around your wrists.
“I didn’t.”
It drops you to the floor, turning around. It’s too late, another Unseelie appearing. He grips its neck, slamming it against the wall. "Beg."
His grip on its neck is tight as he holds it up against the wall, other hand stationary on his side. His eyes narrow as they stare into the Seelie's. You can only stare, hands still entangled in the tightened seaweed. His lip curls, a glint in his eyes. The Seelie makes no attempt to utter a sound. He hums, fingers digging into its neck.
"Look away, y/n," his voice is softer as he acknowledges you, eyes flicking to the side. "Unless you want to see its death." A crack echoes in the air just as you close your eyes. The body makes a loud thump, hitting the concrete. He steps to you, pulling the leaves off your wrists with ease. He wraps his arms around you, lifting you off the ground. You hiss at your wound pressing into him slightly.
"You can open your eyes now," he says. "Sorry about that. Didn't expect any of them to be hanging around you when there’s a lot more chaos to be dealt with. Thought we killed them all off, to be honest," he glances behind him.
His gaze moves to yours. Blood covers your cheeks, scrapes and scabs already forming. His expression hardens, until you look into his eyes. He should be angry right now. furious that your presence has led to this. But perhaps Mingi was right.
There's just something so strange about you.
You flinch when he tries to touch you. He pulls his hands back promptly, holding them up in defense. “Hey hey, I’m not a Seelie. You saw me earlier, didn’t you? I was talking to San, the guy that was shooting daggers across the room. I’m with Hongjoong, y/n. My name is Jongho.”
His name sounds vaguely familiar. You nod, and he helps you up. The screams have died down now. You keep your gaze on the floor, the smell already rising. You wouldn’t have guessed how familiar that scent of death would be. Jongho pulls you along, navigating you around the bodies and blood, and out the door.
“Yunho…?” You murmur, thinking back to how he was grabbed by a Seelie. “Is he okay?”
“Fine. Poor guy who grabbed him though, he’s shredded to Hell,” Jongho snickers, turning down a hallway. “Seonghwa isn’t in the lab, but one of us will be around soon. Stay there for a bit while we deal with this, okay?” Jongho stops in front of the door. It’s already open. You still haven’t looked up from the floor, too overwhelmed with what you’ve just witnessed. “Hey y/n, you okay there?”
“This is all my fault, isn’t it?”
Jongho does not answer. He pats your shoulder once, "We will solve this. Stay quiet." He closes the door, leaving you alone.
“Is Yunho alright?” Jongho enters the room, glancing to the side. His nose wrinkles at the devastation surrounding the area. Tables flipped over, masks scattered about. Dead faeries in pieces. No one answers him. Hongjoong stands in the middle of the room, staring down at a body. Jongho begins to look around and spots Yunho in the corner. He’s still, gazing down at his trembling blood drenched hands. Mingi is near him, crouched in front of him as he whispers. Jongho isn’t particularly interested in hearing anything he has to say, moving closer to his leader.
“We looked weak in front of them all,” Hongjoong says. “Pathetic.”
“It was the best choice at the time-”
“Was it?” He looks at him, brows furrowed. “Was it a good choice to allow a massacre to happen because they wanted a human? Our people saw me defend it over everyone else. They will remember this day.”
“They know the stakes well enough. They understand that you had a reason for it. Anyone with eyes could see that she is different. That’s why Yeonjun himself wanted her so badly-”
“You should have given her up,” San grunts, lifting a table back into its place. “Now we have to deal with Seelies following us wherever we go. It will be a hindrance.”
“I already have Yeosang and Wooyoung dealing with that,” Hongjoong waves him off. “But I have lost favor. It will take a while to gain it back.”
“We are all faeries, Hongjoong,” Seonghwa’s hand hovers over a body. It slowly dissipates, his gaze shifting up to look at his leader. “We took the risk in keeping her because we know of the influence she has. Despite what I have been saying, I do think it is best to keep her around. At least until we find the cause of her resistance. Once we do, that information would be more valuable than anything that has happened tonight.”
Jongho frowns. “Life is less valuable?”
Seonghwa shrugs simply, “They will be remade. It is nothing.”
“You’re beginning to sound like the Seelie,” Jongho murmurs, his spark’s gazes shifting to him. “We are to be better.”
“We are Unseelie, Jongho. We are nothing better. But speaking of the human,” Seonghwa stands, wiping his hands on his pants. “Where is she?”
“In your lab.”
Seonghwa’s eyes seem to widen comically, pushing past Jongho.
"What's wrong?"
Mingi looks at Jongho from his spot, “None of us looked around to see if it was clear, Jongho. You may have just killed the human. All of this bloodshed for nothing.”
Several of the others follow behind Seonghwa, Jongho running after them. He arrives at the lab just as Seonghwa slams open his door. The sight startling to behold. Seelie blood coats the walls, tables destroyed and medical supplies scattered about. But it is almost the least surprising thing in the room.
In the middle of the carnage sits you, fingers wrapped around the handle of a dagger Seonghwa stored on the wall for decoration. Wounds cover your body, leg twisted at an odd angle. But your eyes are away from them. Glued to the pieces of Seelie below you.
“y/n?” Jongho whispers.
You hand trembles at the sound of his voice, dagger dropping from between your fingers. You look up, passed Hongjoong and Seonghwa. Directly at him.
“I didn’t mean to.”
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A/N ::: 😳. Iiiii ... Ok. So I'm never this creative to think of such things like ... oh, idk. Kafka likes to roleplay with his girl - kinda fucked up things. Like, being a little rough in bed. Both ways - roughing and being roughed up. Idk. I just totally see him being the best fucking husbando/boyfriendo ever. Sorry Draken, Chifuyu, Mitsuya, oh god, and Baji. ANYWAY. Yeah. This Kafka stuff just keeps oozing from my fingers and I'm in no hurry to stop. I hope you guys enjoy this!
C/W ::: Roleplay (on the rougher side - not violent, per se - but not like petting a kitten either ... no pun intended), unprotected P->V, hands-on stuff, a little tossing of the other person around but like I said, I don't think it's like, too too rough. You've read this far, heed the warning if you think this won't be for you =). That's why we put them here!
WC ::: Under 1,200 (I'm coming back around, you guys!!)
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You bite your bottom lip as Kafka growls against your skin. His words and his tone are harsh, but his touch … it’s painfully soft. The slight pressure of his mouth, the rasp of his tongue against the sensitive skin of your neck. It makes your stomach flutter, and your eyes roll back.
He breathes heavily against you as he moves his mouth lower, to your shoulder, then down, across your collarbone and back up again.
"You're sending me really, really mixed signals here, Kafka. You're mouth is literally saying one thing while your body does another."
"You don't say," he says.
"I do say."
He huffs and lifts his head to look you in the eyes, his own dark, pupils blown wide. "What do you want me to say?" he says, his voice low, rough. "That I like you?
"I mean, yeah. That would be nice. But maybe a little consistency first?"
"I like you," he says, "But I also hate you. So I don't know. What should I do?"
You try to shimmy away from him but his grip just tightens and there's no way you can get out of his arms.
He leans in, his breath tickling your ear and you shiver. "Do you want me to let you go?" he whispers.
"What I want is ..." You sigh, "What I want," you say slowly, "Is for you to get over yourself." You take a deep breath. "I know that you want me, at the very least. Why are you being so gentle and rough with me at the same time?"
He huffs. "It's complicated," he says. "I like you. I do. And .... But ..."
"But what?" You ask.
"But nothing. It's not important."
He looks down again at your body pressed into the mattress. His hands sliding down your shoulders to your elbows.
You try to wiggle your wrist free from his large hand. You want to grab him by the chin and make him look you in the eye, but he still has an unreasonably tight grip on you.
He glances at you through his lashes, his mouth curled into a devious smirk. "You want something, little one?"
You shout, "That's it! That's it! I've had enough of your patronizing. You're gonna get it now, Kafka."
You can feel your temperature rise and your willpower falter. Mustering every tiny little ounce of strength you have in your much smaller body you flip him over so he's on his back. Though you have a feeling that he went willingly. You don't care though. You're just happy that the tables have turned - in your favor, too.
For now, anyway.
You squat over him on the bed and straddle his torso, placing your knees on either side of his ears, careful not to put too much pressure on his chest.
He laughs at you and asks why you're not putting your full weight down on him. "You think you're gonna hurt me, you little fly."
You see him smile at you, a sharp-toothed grin. "Come on," he says, "You're not going to hurt me. I want you to give it your best shot, though. G'head."
You lean forward, putting your full weight on him and he laughs. "Oh-hoh, now you've done it," he says. "You should not have done that."
The laughter stops and his eyes narrow as you press your hand to his cheek, running your thumb across his bottom lip. He leans forward, trying to bite at your fingers and you pull your hand away, making him growl again. This time in frustration, you’re sure of it. 
You place your hand on his throat, pushing him back down onto the bed.
"Enough," you say, your voice low, barely more than a whisper. "It's time to stop playing around."
His eyes widen as you lean in, pressing your mouth against his. He stiffens at first, but then relaxes, his mouth opening under yours.
His tongue brushes against your lips, and you open for him, your own tongue meeting his.
You can taste the sweetness of his mouth, and the taste makes you hungry for more. You press closer, your teeth clicking together as you try to deepen the kiss.
Kafka wraps his arms around you, pulling you closer as you continue to kiss. You feel his cock harden against your thigh and you moan.
You press your hips down, rubbing against him, his cock sliding against your pussy through the thin black lace of your underwear.
You break the kiss, panting, your body is on fire.
Kafka groans as you begin to rock your hips, grinding your pussy harder yet against his cock.
"Fuck," he whispers, his eyes glazed over, his lips swollen from your kiss.
You reach between you, grabbing his cock, squeezing it tightly as you stroke it, your hand sliding up and down his shaft.
"Do you want me?" you ask, leaning in, your lips brushing against his.
"Yes," he says, his voice rough, his breathing ragged. "Fuck yes."
"Then," you say, kissing him deeply. "take me, Kafka."
An animalistic sound escapes his throat as he flips you over onto your back, his body pressing you down into the bed.
You moan as he pushes his cock inside you, stretching you open. He fills you completely, his cock buried to the hilt in your pussy.
He begins to move, his thrusts slow and steady as he fucks you, his cock sliding in and out of you. Your walls squeeze him tightly.
You wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer as you rock your hips, meeting his offerings.
You look up at him, face flushed.
He looks down at you, his expressions are intense, but he never shifts his focus. His movements become harder, faster. Almost desperate in his attempt to navigate this fare.
You gasp as you feel him hit just the right spot, making your vision blur. You dig your nails into his back, clinging to him as your orgasm hits you like a surprise wave. Despite knowing full well what the outcome of this would be, the result never ceases to amaze you.
He never ceases to amaze you.
Kafka groans, his thrusts becoming erratic. As he fucks you through your orgasm, he approaches his own.
He slams his cock into you one last time, his body going rigid as he begins to cum, his cock pulsing heavily as he fills you with all he's got.
You cling to him, your bodies pressed together, your heart racing as you both come down from the almost violent release of energy.
Kafka rests his forehead against yours, his breathing ragged.
"You are amazing," he whispers. "Absolutely … fucking ... amazing."
You smile and kiss him softly, your fingers stroking his cheek. "I almost believed you for a minute there, Kaf. Your growly voice is super sexy, but my god. I thought you were a little pissed for a second. Let's do this again. Soon, mm?"
You lift his chin to take stock of his face and you know you'll never tire of seeing his kind eyes looking back at you. "Hey, I love you, you know."
You can't see it, but you're pretty sure he's blushing. The heat radiating from his face against your shoulder washed up like a sunrise; It was slow, but you felt every little prickle of warmth overtake everything it touched.
He buries his face in the crook of your neck, his lips brushing against your skin.
"I love you too," he whispers. "You know I do. You know I'll never stop, yeah?"
You smile and close your eyes, letting the near total darkness of the room wrap you both up in a blanket of promises.
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@southside-otaku @kazutora-kurokawa @katkusuo
@supersecretsaga @trevengersprincess @reiners-milkbiddies
@arlerts-angel @darkstarlight82 @bakubunny
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turbulentscrawl · 6 months
Reminders of the Horror
Being exposed to bad things all the time makes one a bit blind to them. Sometimes, they need a more severe reminder of the truth.
Warnings: descriptions of gore, reader death, hurt (and only a little comfort)
Emil (& Ada)
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You said you’d get him. Rescue him from the chair. Ada trusted you, and look what you’ve done with that trust.
That’s what you think as you lay bleeding on the ground at Emil’s kicking feet. Your ears are ringing for some reason, and the soil is pulsing beneath you, but somewhere beyond the tinnitus you can hear Emil crying. Screaming, shouting. You can’t see yourself, but you can feel the wounds. Between that and Emil’s reactions, you know it’s bad. Robbie’s axe, you think, had just about split you in half. Your stomach feels light, like it’s gone hollow, and it hurts more than you can fathom.
“Get up, get up, get up,” Emil is chanting in the most terrible, agonized voice. “You’re okay, you’re okay, please get up!”
You try to heed his begging. One of your hands twitches, shakes, finds his ankle. Somehow your fingers crawl your palm up the length of Emil’s leg, to his knee. You push there weakly, trying to haul yourself up. A hopeful-sounding laugh breaks through his sobs when you nearly get propped to your elbow. He raises the leg you’re braced against, trying to get you closer, but his foot kicks into your wound and you collapse onto your side with a pitiful cry. Spayed across the grass there are your blood and guts. If there was anything left in your cleaved stomach, you might have thrown up at the sight.
“No no no no, I’m sorry—I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean too,” Emil cries, screams. “Ada! Ada help them!!” You didn’t even hear her approaching. Everything is fading in and out, you’re yo-yoed in and out of a dark tunnel. There’s a humming sound, a whine in the dirt, after a few seconds you realize it’s yourself moaning in dying pain.
“I’m sorry, It’s too late, Emil. We need to go,” you barely make out what she says.
“No, Ada—” Emil is sobbing, barely able to step over you for his hyperventilating.
“We’ll see them back at the manor, I promise. All will be well,” she coos. Her hand pats you twice before everything seeps into black, with a gentleness you hope means your mistakes are forgiven.
Andrew Kreiss
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The window lingers above you, the sky beyond it, all of it an abstract frenzy of shaking movement. Alva’s electric-charged face emerges from the window frame, looking down at you with a pitying frown for a few long moments. Andrew’s face appears then, cutting off him and everything bright above, and dragging you very suddenly down into warm darkness.
“H…hey. Hey, do you hear me?” he asks, voice strained with held-back tears. It’s too dark to make out anything but the tunnel’s exit, but you feel Andrew’s gloved hands carefully touching your throbbing skull, getting caught in your blood-soaked hair. “God, that’s…it’s bad. That…fucking bastard.”
You recover from your stun enough to piece together what had just happened. Alva was chasing you up the Hullabaloo tent stairs, and landed a shock of polarity right as you vaulted the upstairs window. It had stunned you, and instead of dropping back to the floor, you fell uncontrolled to the cobblestone below. And you’d landed right on your head.
“It was…accident,” you slur, trying to give some comfort. Alva leaving you two be now was testament to that, you muse.
“I don’t care if it was an accident!” Andrew shouts. “Your…your head is wide open. I think…I think this is….” Andrew drifts off, tracing his fingers around one aching spot on the back of your head. You lose his sense of touch in a particular area, but don’t understand what that means, exactly. Your face feels a little stiff where the blood is beginning to dry. “I can’t fix this.” The pain grows more and more unbearable as he talks.
“Don’t go,” you whimper, before you can stop yourself. You try to lift your arms at all, to grab onto him, but they’re dead and twitchy at your sides.
“I’m not! I’m not going anywhere, you idiot,” Andrew says. His words are followed by a snotty-sounding sniffle, and a bone-crushing hug as he spoons you in the dark, claustrophobic tunnel. The match continues above, producing a myriad of fading sounds. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry….”
Andrew speaks right into your ear, but his voice slips into the far-off distance.
Luchino Diruse
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Luchino’s hand is gripping your throat, but neither of you are having any fun with it this time.
Hot blood—your blood—seeps between his clawed fingers no matter how much he tries to stifle it. He’s trying his best, he really is, but crushing your windpipe in the process would hardly help, would it?
“I’m going to patch you up, just hang on,” he says while hanging over you. His voice wavers. Beads of sweat roll down his face. Grimness lines his sharp features, not due just to the mangled state of your jugulars, but to the fact that his alternate-self’s teeth had been the ones to rip them out.
Even in your bloodless haze you can guess what’s going through his mind. Luchino is proud of his research, mostly proud of his physical changes, and quite friendly with the “evil reptilian.” So why did this happen to you? Everyone knew a predator drive came with his evolution. No one knew that meant so little self-control that he’d ravage his own lover…and then, worse, leave you there.
“Lu—!” You try to call his name, but the shredded muscles of your throat spasm and cramp. Blood chokes and bubbles behind your lips, runs from the corner of your mouth.
“Stop—stop talking,” he snaps in a whisper. “Conserve your oxygen.” But that’s already long-gone, you think. The sky overhead is a whirlpool, the ground beneath you swimming.
You reach up with a shaking hand and cup his scaled cheekbone, drawing his eyes away from some gauze he’d produced. (You both knew they wouldn’t help, but Luchino never did dismiss the impossible.)
“Sss…’kay,” you manage to croak out. He didn’t do this. He couldn’t have stopped this. You need him to know that before you vanish for a while. His face crumples up with displeasure…and then starts to slacken. His hands loosen too and the blood flows freely. The corners of your vision grow fuzzy as Luchino leans down and gives you a soft kiss.
“We’ll talk about this more later. I’ll see you tomorrow, dear,” he says, voice ushering you to sleep.
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dreamdaddymorpheus · 2 years
Don't Blame Me | Dark!Morpheus Headcanon
pairing: dark!morpheus x human!reader warning: dark themes, yandere tendencies, major gaslighting a/n: a continuation of this request and an actual attempt at a headcanon this time. honestly idk how i got here lmao i was trying something new but the writing style is just all over the place :'D i might just stick to what i know but it's done so have it anyway fml you can actually pinpoint the exact moment i gave the fuck up lmao
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Morpheus, true to his word, will never refuse you – bar leaving him. That isn’t to say he won’t bargain with you in exchange for your affection. You want freedom to explore The Dreaming? Sit on lap for an hour every day. You want to visit your friends or your family through their dreams? Grant him a kiss. You want to visit the waking world for a day? Spend an entire day with him.
You are to address him as ‘Husband’ or ‘My Love’ at all times. He won’t accept any other terms and if you don’t want him pouty and sulky for days you will learn to oblige him.
He will never force you to lay with him against your will. He will be very tactile with you, of course, run his fingers through your hair, brush his thumb over your lips, pepper your shoulders with innocent kisses – but he will heed you without question as soon as you say ‘No’.
You will never escape him. The sooner you realize that the sooner you’ll see you are, in fact, the one with power over him. He will do anything to please you and gain your love again.
If you have yet to accept him, he will be extra possessive of you and any being he sees to be closer to you than him will be perceived as a threat to his position in your heart.
You learned this the hard way after visiting a friend through their dream and openly expressed how much you missed them. It wasn’t particularly intimate or affectionate, but Morpheus had been most displeased.
“What more must I do to gain even a sliver of your affection?!” He roared then. You remember walking into the heart of his palace to see him sat at the bottom step of his throne, eyes shining with resentment and his lips pursed petulantly. “I have disappointed you, I admit, in keeping you here but what can the waking world give you that I cannot?”
You stared at him in disbelief. Disappointed? Does he truly think you are merely disappointed? “You know what will make me happy.”
Rising to his full height to tower over your from, Dream of the Endless hardens his countenance as well as his heart in the face of his love, “Freedom? You think freedom will make you happy?” You hated the clear mockery in his voice as though you were asking for the impossible. “Very well then, my love.”  That should have been the first red flag. Morpheus has never once relented when it came to the subject of your freedom. He bends down to plant an open-mouthed kiss on the top of your hand, his eyes never leaving yours.  
The King of Dreams then moved his open palm close to his mouth. He merely returned your look of confusion with a small smile before he exhaled a deep breath, sending a flurry of sand your way. The last thing you heard was “I exist only to serve you.”
Then…freedom. You remembered waking up in your bed, in your room, in your flat. It was bliss. Things were as you left them. You had your friends and your family. At first you feared Morpheus would make himself known to you again and rob you of the joy mundane life brought you. But he never came. Not even in your dreams. That should have been the second red flag.
Things remained the same for a long time – until it wasn’t. It started with little things, like your friends having dreams of you being unkind or inconsiderate. Silly things like that. At the beginning they would share it with you, and you’d all laugh about it. But the dreams would persist, later extending to you being violent to them. Then they’d wake up with physical evidence. What if they weren’t just dreams? They’d all wonder to themselves.
It wasn’t much different for your family – only their dreams would be memories of you. At first, they’d recognize the little changes made in the dream, but they’d experience it each night that eventually it would subconsciously replace their memory and perception of you.
Like that time you went swimming with your cousins when you were all teenagers and one of them almost drown through no fault of yours. Well, now it was your fault.
Or that time your grandmother fell down the stairs and you were definitely at work when it occurred. Well, someone recalled seeing you at the top of the stairs, looking down in delight.
In time your family and friends would slowly turn against you no matter how many times you would try to refute their claims. No, you did not try to seduce your sister’s fiancée. No, you did not hit your nephew. No, you did not kill the neighbour’s cat.
You felt everyone’s stares and heard their whispers, in your hometown; at work; in your building. You felt the weight of their judgement.
“I didn’t do it! I didn’t do any of it!” But the more you insisted the more it sounded like the ramblings of a mad woman. “You have to believe me!” They didn’t believe you.
Your family later institutionalised you, thinking it for the best. Poor Y/N. What happened to her? They’d gossip amongst themselves.
It was when you were sitting in the middle of a padded room with a straight jack forced upon you, a punishment for your misbehaviour, that you finally called out to Morpheus. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry”
“Oh, my beloved wife” you heard him say not long after, voice far too sweet to be genuine but  you didn’t even care to notice in your grief, “What have they done to you, my sweet” you’d feel a ghost of a hand brush down your cheek, “The Dreaming weeps for its Queen, as do I. Mortals do not deserve you.”
“Please, Morpheus, I want…to go home.”
You thought you heard him purr, but Morpheus had yet to show himself. “Is that truly what you want, my love? I do not want to deprive of you of your…freedom.”
“I was wrong.” You could only continue to sob, so utterly betrayed, “I-I thought they cared…I thought they loved me.”
He materialized in front of you then in a swirl of sand, clad in his glorious robes of black, “Oh, but none could love you as much as I.” He bent down to cup your face in both hands, “Let me worship you, my Queen, as you rightly deserve.”
If you enjoyed this you might enjoy Fire on Fire, a Morpheus and Scarlet Witch!Reader. Very 'you and i against the world' with a dash of 'villain will sacrifice the world for you' vibes lmao (morpheus is not a villain, but he could be for you 👀)
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violetbranwen · 9 months
Murder Daddy Kinktober 2023 Day 11 Boss/Employee Max Phillips x Reader
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This blog is a 18+ space, Minors, do not engage. If you are under the age of 18 you are not welcome here. Please heed these warnings and the warnings put in place on each individual fic and chapter. Your reading and consumption of my work is your responsibility but I will endeavour to mitigate any discomfort for you, the reader, as possible. Once again, this is a 18+ space and minors should not interact.  Specific Warnings: Failed SA on Reader, followed by a swift kick to the balls, Vampires, blood drinking, vampire bites, unprotected PiV(Please wrap it up), slight dubcon(reader isn't drunk but has been drinking), mild threat to reader (vampire sex yo.), blood loss, Max is a softdom, let me know if I missed anything! Graphic made by me Thank you again to @wannab-urs @pastelnap and @patti7dc for proofing for me, you absilute babes are so good to me Read on AO3 Please consider checking out my ko-fi or patreon if you want to support me!
Working for Max Phillips is easily one of the best, and worst jobs you’ve ever had. The hours are long, the work thankless, but you’ve achieved more in the last six months than in any other job. And the salary is more money than you’ve ever earned.
The only thing you don’t like about working at Bleeding Ink is the party culture. Everyone else in the office loves to go out and get hammered, Max included, and it just isn’t your scene. Never has been, and you doubt ever will.
But this weekend is different, it’s Halloween and you are willing to make an exception for your favourite holiday of the year. You put your hair into a simple up-do, apply a little lip gloss, and step into your white tennis shoes before checking yourself out in the mirror.
Your dark jean shorts, green apron, and white t-shirt with the Merlotte’s logo screen printed over your heart.  You smile at yourself in the reflection once more before grabbing your purse and heading to the bar. You try to ignore the excited energy building in your gut at the thought of seeing Max out of hours.
Max watches you from a booth in the back, all night he’s been paralysed by how much skin you have on show. He can barely keep his fangs in his mouth, they keep extending of their own accord, like a teenager popping a boner just at the sight of you. He’s furious with himself, he prides himself on his restraint, he hasn’t fucked you in the six months you’ve worked for him. He takes that as a personal achievement, especially with how close the two of you work.
“Get it together asshole.”
He grumbles under his breath as he runs his palms over his face. He’s dressed in a black suit, with black trousers and a red tie. He wants to be out on the dance floor, where you’re currently grinding against Lisa from accounts. He watches with reverence at the way your body moves to the rhythm of the song playing as you knock back another shot.
What he sees next sends him over the edge.
“I said no.”
You try to shove the stranger away as he tries to shove his hand down the front of your shorts as his lips suck aggressively over your pulse point. Lisa has disappeared into the crowd and suddenly you don’t recognise anyone around you. You’ve only had a couple of drinks, but you suddenly feel incredibly vulnerable.
“Don’t be such a bitch.”
The stranger grabs both your wrists and starts to drag you towards the toilets at the back of the bar. You don’t hesitate to act as you plant your feet before yanking him back towards you, eyelashes fluttering up at him as you dart your tongue out over your bottom lip. The sudden compliance makes the douchebag pause just long enough so you can aim your kick just right.
He drops like a sack of shit, howling out as he holds his bruised manhood. You feel the adrenaline spike in your blood stream as you try and back away, terrified of what will happen when he gets back up.
You turn and run face first into another male body but before you can so much as start to apologise your eyes go wide. It’s Max. You almost groan at the way his broad hands hold you steady, the way his fingers press into the flesh of your biceps. But you swallow it down, pretending like you weren’t thinking about how nicely those fingers would feel pressed elsewhere.
“You ok there, sweetheart?”
His voice washes over you, calming you instantly as you throw your arms around him. You’ve not so much as bumped fists with Max since you started working for him, you’ve tried to keep your feelings at bay. Living by the motto of don’t shit where you eat even if you have it down bad for your cocky playboy of a boss.
“Yeah, can you walk me home?”
You ask as you glance warily at the man still cradling his crotch, you know he’s not going to be happy once he can stand again. You also don’t feel like staying out anymore, the whole incident souring the night completely.
“I’ll do one better, I’ll drive you.”
Max offers his arm to you, and you loop yours through it without hesitation, you weave through the throngs of party goers. Once outside you realise how cold it's gotten and start to shiver as you make it to the parking lot.
Max says as he drapes his suit jacket over your shoulders. You slip into it gratefully and flash him a nervous smile.
“Thanks, and I’m sorry you had to leave the party.”
“It’s ok, I wasn’t really feeling it anyway.”
Max shrugs and you narrow your eyes at him as you reach his black Audi. He opens the door for you, and you get in with the grace of a wounded gazelle, falling into the expensive leather seat with a huff as you wait for Max to get into the driver’s seat.
As the door shuts behind him you feel the atmosphere change. Max tenses in his seat, hands gripping the steering wheel as he tries his best to fight the urge to pull you onto his lap and have you.
“Max,” You start, placing a hand on his forearm as you turn in your seat to look at him, “You ok?”
“Fine, just, fuck, you looked really good tonight and seeing that asshole ruin the party for you, to see him touch you like that. It got under my skin.”
“Hey, it’s ok,” You rub your thumb over his wrist as you try and placate him, “You know I’m not much of a party gal.”
“I know, but I just wanted you to have fun tonight, I was really looking forward to seeing you.”
Max winces as he realises what he said, turning to look at you with a pained grimace on his face.
“Max Phillips, the boss who can barely look at me when I work in the room next door, wanted to see me? Now that I don’t buy.”  
You tease as you narrow your eyes at him, trying to figure out his angle.
“It’s complicated, I’m your boss, I didn’t want to be that guy.” Max shrugs as he finally turns to face you, his dark eyes sombre as he tries to keep them fixed on your face, he can’t risk letting his eyes trail down your body right now. It’s already torture enough that he can hear your heartbeat amping up with each passing moment. It’s taking every shred of will power not to just eat you alive. Literally.
“I mean I’ve seen you fuck Ashleigh from HR on your lunch breaks, heard her too.”
You shrug and the look of horror on his face is almost comical. You’d laugh if you didn’t feel a pant of shame for revealing that titbit right now.
Max finally releases the steering wheel and jams the heels of his palms into his eyes.
“Hey, Max?”
You say softly as you place your hand high up on his thigh, you can see the bulge in his suit trousers and you’re done being subtle.
“Do you want to fuck me in your car?”
Max peels his hands away from his eyes and looks at you with something between shock and excitement. Then you see it, as he opens his mouth to answer you, the sheen of curved fangs slide out from his gum line.
I fucking knew it.
“I don’t think-!” Max starts but you cut him off, a devilish smile spread across your lips.
“Do you know who I’m dressed as Max?”
You know he does.
“Sookie Stackhouse, from the Southern Vampire Mysteries, of course I do.”
“Why do you think I’m dressed like her?”
“Because you have excellent taste in smutty literature?”
He still hasn’t noticed his fangs are out, yet his speech isn’t altered at all, which you feel is pretty impressive judging by the size of them.
“Oh Maxie, as much as that’s true it’s not that,” You smirk at him as you climb over the centre console, “Your fangs are out.”
You settle on his lap as he freezes beneath you, you trace your fingertip over the curve of each fang, slowly, before leaning in to place a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth. You close your eyes for a moment and inhale his musky cologne as you brace your hands on his shoulders.
“How long have you known?”
“Since I walked in on you hiding a fucking IV bag full of blood in your desk drawer, like, on my first day.”
Max groans as he balls his fists at his sides, not daring to touch you, he’s starving and so horny he doesn’t think he could control himself if he let go right now.
“Max, if I’ve gotten you all wrong,” You breathe against his lips as you press down against his erect cock, “I’ll get up off your lap right now, let you drive me home, and we won’t speak of this ever again.”
“But why?”
Max’s question pulls you out of your lusty-haze and you lean back, looking down now into something you never thought you’d see. Max Phillips, looking vulnerable.
“Why what?”
“Why do you still want me?”
“Because Maxie, in the six months I’ve worked for you, I’ve not once felt like you would hurt me, even knowing your secret. If you wanted to hurt me, you’d have done it already.”
There’s a flash of realisation that illuminates Max’s dark eyes. It’s quickly replaced with a darkness that makes your spine tingle.
“I’m taking you home, no way is our first time going to be in my fucking car.”
You smile in triumph as you try to move back into the passenger seat. But a firm hand on your hip pins you in place.
“I didn’t say you could move.”
Your eyes go wide as you see Max look up at you with a look that just screams “try me”.
Max starts the engine, leaning around you before pulling you closer as he backs out of the lot. Your head falls to his shoulder and you smile to yourself as you feel him move under you. With every turn of the steering wheel and shift in gear you can feel his body shift under you, his hard cock pressing against your core. None of it is deliberately sexual, but being pinned so tightly to him makes your cunt throb with every movement. You pant and whine at every turn, baring your neck to him wherever you can.
By the time you arrive at your apartment you can’t keep your hands off one another. You storm through to your bedroom and let Max throw you down on the bed. You’re still in your costume with Max’ suit jacket over your shoulders.
“So, dressed like a fang banger to get my attention huh?”
Max taunts you as he undresses himself slowly, revealing a scarred but beautiful tapestry of tan skin and tight muscles.
“And what were you dressed as? Yourself?”
You give him a roll of your eyes as he snorts at you, as if you’re the one being ridiculous.
“I’m dressed as a hitman, you know from the video games?”
“And it’s just a coincidence you could literally just wear whatever you had in your wardrobe?”
“Fuck you’re bratty. Where’s this attitude in the office? Would make work so much more fun.”
“Because, unlike you, I can pretend to be professional for eight hours a day, unlike Mr fucked-Ashleigh from accounting over his desk last week-Phillips.”
“Fuck me, do you see everything in that office?”
“I’m head of IT and cybersecurity Max, I know everything, including the fact that you haven’t changed your password from Bl00dLuvver2012 since, well, twenty-twelve.”
“You’re insufferable.”
You chuckle under him as you pull your t-shirt over your head and reveal the white lace bra you put on especially for him. His eyes go wide and his mouth hangs open at the sight.
“You need to take your sticky note off your monitor, I also know your social security number and your home address. How have you survived this long Max?”
His eyes narrow at this and you watch as his demeanour changes at your incessant needling. You don’t see clearly what happens next, as Max’ movements are a blur. Your shorts fly to the other side of the room and suddenly he’s naked on top of you, pinning your arms above your head as his naked cock rubs teasingly against your lace-covered cunt.
“By shutting up nosy little brats that get too close to the truth.”
His voice is lower, darker as his lips hover over yours, fangs so close to your bottom lip as you whimper. Arousal floods through you and you can feel the slick between your legs, soaking the lacy thong as Max grinds down into you.
“Go on then, shut me up.”
You arch your back, pushing your breasts forward as you tenderly run your tongue over his right fang. The way Max shudders over you, combined with the breathy grunt that escapes his lips, tells you to do it again. So, you do, moving to the other one, tracking the curve up to his top lip before pulling him in to a soft, tender kiss.
Max forces his tongue into your mouth, claiming it as he pulls your panties to the side, transferring your pinned wrists to just one of his broad hands. A thick finger glides through your folds, smearing your slick all over your clit as he hums in approval. He pulls away from your lips to look down, marvelling at the sight of your glistening cunt as he toys with you.
“You going to let me fuck this tight little hole? Let your sleazy vampire boss ruin you?”
“Max please.”
“Please what? Tell me what you want and remember your manners.”
Max looks down at you with a face like thunder, betrayed only by the way his lips curve up into a devilish grin as he sinks a finger into you. You whine as the thick digit presses deep inside you with ease. If you weren’t so wrapped up in the moment, you’d be a little shy about just how wet he’s made you before even touching you properly.
“Want you to fuck me, need your dick inside me. Sir.”
Max kisses you again as he lifts you up by your waist with his free hand, angling you just right so his cock notches at your core. His mouth is ravenous, tongue crushing against your own as he lets go of your wrists, moving his other hand to grip your hip.
“Good fucking girl.”
He punctuates the statement with a snap of his hips. You cry out in a strangled wail as he fills you up completely. His dick is fucking perfect. He’s snug inside you as he just stops shy of your cervix, letting you get used to the intrusion as he nips at your jaw, leaving tiny red marks on your skin as he moves up to your neck.
“Touch yourself.”
He growls and you comply, almost without thought as you drop a hand to your clit, rubbing tight circles around the swollen bud. Your other hand trails up Max’ muscular back, nails scraping along his firm skin and he hisses in your ear as his dick twitches inside you.
“Careful there, get me too riled up and I might just bite you.”
It’s a gentle scolding with a very serious warning behind it but you don’t care.
“What if that’s what I want Max? What if I want you to fuck me and feed on me?” You whisper against the shell of his ear as your hand reaches the crown of his head. You hum contentedly as you feel him seize up, his entire body going rigid.
“I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop, I meant it when I said I didn’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t,” You breathe as you pull hard on Max’ short hair, “I trust you Max, with my life. Bite me.”
The only response you get is Max pulling almost all the way out of you before thrusting in so hard you see stars. He’s unrelenting as he fucks you, pleasure rocks through you as you continue to rub your clit as every snap of his hips has soft mewls and whines slipping past your lips. Max leaves open mouthed, sloppy kisses over your pulse point and you know you’re not going to last long at this rate.
As you’re about to come you feel it, the sharp scratch of his fangs as they plunge into your flesh. It’s everything you ever imagined, pain like nothing you’ve ever known. It’s like being spanked hard, yes, it hurts, but the pleasure that floods you engulfs the pain, morphing it into an acute burn of pleasure that sears through your body.
You come around his cock as you feel him feed from your neck, his thrusts don’t falter as you choke his cock, if anything fucking down into you harder than before. His thrusts get harder, faster, somehow deeper as your vision begins to blur. You’re so lost in the pleasure of it all that you don’t even think about the fact he’s been feeding for too long.
You’re lost in the firm cocoon of Max’s entire existence. His lips on your skin, his fangs in your neck, dick buried inside you. You could die here, and you wouldn’t even be mad about it.
“Woah, hey, stay with me,” He mutters your name so sweetly you writhe as you feel wet lips on your ear, “That was dangerous of you, next time you feel like things are slipping away you tell me yeah?”
Max’ voice is thick with desire but the fear spliced into his tone makes you blink a few times, it grounds you as you look up to see Max’ brow crinkled with worry. You smirk up at him almost drunkenly as you lean up to lick the blood from the corner of his mouth. Your blood.
“Yes boss.”
Max makes a noise like he’s sighing, though you know that’s physically impossible, but it only makes you smile harder. His fangs retract into his mouth, and you smile at the restraint he’s showing.
“You got another few in there for me baby?” The pet name makes you clench around him and you nod enthusiastically.
“Good, because I can go all night.” He says with a cocky grin and you laugh as you shake your head incredulously at him.
“You’re so fucking cheesy.” You swat his shoulder and he responds by capturing your lips with his, your blood lingering on his tongue as you meet his enthusiasm. He fucks down into you hard and you can feel another orgasm reaching its peak.
Cheesy or not, Max Phillips is anything but a liar. By the time your bodies still, the sun is coming up and you fall back against the sheets, freshly showered and wearing one of Max’ t-shirts and a pair of his sweatpants. You never thought he would even own sweatpants, but here you were.
“Hey Max?” You ask sleepily as you snuggle into his side, mind reeling a little as you fear this was a one-time thing, that now he’s had you that’s it.
“Hmm?” He asks as he traces patterns on the arm draped over his chest.
“I want to do this again, not now,” You say as Max raises a hopeful eyebrow at you, “My pussy needs a break, but I don’t want this to be a one-night stand y’know?”
“You really think you’d be rid of me that easily?” He pulls you against his chest, strong arms hemming you in as you bury your head in his broad chest, “You’re not going anywhere, and if you want, we can talk about a future some other time, but right now you need to sleep.”
“Good.” You say softly, your heart fluttering about the thought of a future with Max.
You lie in silence for a while, your breathing the only sound as Max lays there almost impossibly still.
“Do you sleep?”
“Not really, but I can kind of power down, like going into standby, why?”
“Just curious.” You mutter as you realise he’s staying in bed with you for your benefit. And that makes you feel safe, protected, special.
“Now sleep, you really need to get some rest, stubborn girl.”
“Mm, but I’m your stubborn girl.”
Max doesn’t respond except for pressing a soft kiss to the crown of your head and pulling the blankets over you both. You’re asleep in seconds, dead to the world, as you still can’t believe you just fucked your boss. The vampire bit, unsurprisingly, doesn’t bother you at all, which leaves an amused smile on your lips as you fade into the warm embrace of sleep.
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petersbaby · 2 years
Stepbro!eddie installment #4
*disclaimer that you are 18*
Warnings: stepcest, masturbation (male and female), oral sex (f receiving), fingering
It was a Friday night, meaning your parents were out doing whatever it is middle aged couples do, and your stepbrother Eddie was supposed to be doing some nerdy shit with his friends in one of their basements, probably. You decide to light some candles in your room and you close your blinds.
A feeling has built inside of you for the last few minutes, and you can’t quite think of a reason, it was just a random and spontaneous need. So, you slipped off your pants and layed back in bed, shutting your eyes and trying to get to a perfect place of fantasy.
As you rubbed your clit with gentle pressure at first, you moan slightly at the feelings of it being met with your cold fingertips.
Soon after, your hand slipped lower, dipping into the source of your wetness and spreading it around before pushing a finger in. In and out, in and out, and then another.
You were in your own world, only thinking of one thing in this moment: an orgasm. You needed it. It’s been long overdue, you’re so pent up because of how busy you’ve been and not being able to do “me time” on the regular.
Your bedroom door opens almost silently, but clicks shut loud enough to snap you back to reality.
Your step brother was standing there with his giant brown eyes, absolutely enamored at the sight in front of him. You scrambled to sit upright, pulling your blanket over your mostly exposed body.
“Get. Out.”
You were mad because he wasn’t supposed to be here, and DEFINITELY wasn’t supposed to be in your room.
You were more annoyed than embarrassed, you were pretty sure most people masturbated and so you didn’t feel too much shame.
Instead of heeding your warning, the lock clicks and your heart drops.
“DUDE, get out.” You repeat yourself.
“Wait, let me help you.”
The idea of something so forbidden happening was keeping you going, even without touching yourself.
“No, you can’t.. please just get out.”
“Close your eyes again. Do you trust me?”
“No, not a whole lot, Eddie.”
“That’s fair.” He shrugs, “but do it anyways, because I know some part of you would love to have a guy in here with you, replacing your own lonely hand with someone else’s.”
“I’m not lonely and neither is my hand.” You retorted.
“Either keep going while I watch you and jerk myself off, or shut your eyes and let me come over there and help you finish.”
You look down and sure enough he’s hard, even though he didn’t see much.
You don’t think he did, anyway, but he had come in so quietly there was no telling how long he’d been standing there. Heart drops again. He was serious, he wasn’t going to leave.
“Fine, you can watch but you can’t touch me.”
He seems satisfied, so he drags your desk chair closer to your bed and to you and pulls his halfway hard dick out of his pants. You looked quickly back at the door, just to make sure it was in fact locked.
You sighed,and pulled the blanket off of your body, leaving your half naked body on display for him to see.
At this, he starts to stroke himself, completely hard now even more than before. You watch him as he does this, bringing your fingers back down as you moved your fingers in and out of your desperate hole.
“Fuck, you’re so- you’re so perverted”, you tell him.
“Maybe, but so are you. Who were you thinking about? I know you were doing something in your imagination, that’s what gets you off, is fantasizing.”
“That’s none of your business.”
“I think it is, actually, because it was me. Am I right or am I wrong? Say it, who was it?”, he’s speaking to you while still stroking himself faster and faster.
“Say it.”
“Again, full sentence.”
“Fuck, I was thinking about you, please.”
You weren’t sure what the please was for, maybe to just get him to stop making you embarrass yourself. He pumps his cock faster in his hand, groaning at both the feeling and the sight he was seeing.
You were trying so hard while watching him, but you couldn’t get close enough on your own. Maybe it was the added pressure or the sudden interruption.
“I can’t, can’t do it.”
He huffs at your changing mind and indecisiveness. “That’s okay, shut your eyes.” You finally do as he says, you feel and hear him approaching your bed. He grabs your legs and pulls you to the edge of the bed and then you feel his hot mouth against your pussy in an instant.
“Oh, oh fuck, mmh, fuck”, you whine at the sudden sensation, squirming around because it felt so good. He puts his hand onto your lower stomach to hold you in place, bringing the other to your cunt and starting to finger you.
It was infinitely more pleasurable than when you were doing it by yourself. He stays down there and eats you relentlessly until you can’t take it anymore and cum all over his fingers and tongue.
“Oh my god, oh my god, shit”, you cry out, trying to come back to earth, eyes squeezed shut involuntarily this time. He stands up quickly after that, lifting up your shirt to expose your abdomen before jerking himself again but rapidly this time and almost instantly spilling warm cum all over his hand and painting your stomach with it.
“Oh” you comment, not really expecting that so soon.
“I was already close, I’m sorry, you’re just too hot. Almost came hands-free.”
You threw your head back on your bed and try to breathe normally again.
“Next time, you help me.”
You threw a pillow at him. “You wish.”
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lemmetreatya · 2 years
Can i request an jotaro x reader ( i love jotaro omg ) where its almost 3am and reader cannot sleep so they just go grocery store and jotaro go with them , but in the way to the grocery store some "bad guys" come and threaten jotaro and reader ofc jotaro saves us ^^
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My Protector — Jotaro x Reader
contents: mild descriptions of violence, strong language
enjoy 🫶🏾❤️
“Can’t fucking believe this…”
Jotaro mumbled as he currently had his hands within his jogging bottom pockets, his thin long sleeved tshirt no match for the chilly winter night.
“It’s not that bad, Jojo!” Chirped a soft voice from besides him.
You were gleefully warm, body swallowed by the humongous puffer jacket Jotaro passed onto you considering you’d left the house without one.
Despite warning you to wear your own before leaving the house, Jotaro had let you do as you pleased when you proclaimed you wouldn’t need a jacket for a short walk to the store. It’s still him however who had to suffer at the expense of your negligence once you started to complain that you were freezing.
The taller man only looked away from you with a gruff huff regarding your prior comment.
“Easy for you to say.” He mumbled.
The store wasn’t far from where the two of you lived but the trip was still mildly tricky, especially where you had to walk underneath the highway bridge in order to get to the other side.
It wasn’t normally dangerous but regarding it was near three in the morning, you weren’t surprised at the lingering people beneath it.
Normally, these sort of companies would leave you be — allow you to get along your merry day — but it seems like tonight, they had different plans.
“Hey, you two.”
A loud echoing voice called out to the both of you as a shadowed figure leaned off from the wall.
Jotaro’s instant reaction was to wrap his arm around your shoulders and hold you closer into his body.
“Ignore them. Keep walking.” He warned.
Not like you were going to answer him in the first place, but you made sure to heed Jotaro’s words.
The two of you continued to walk but only got to about the middle of the underbridge before the one who initially called out was stood in front of you.
“Yo, why didn’t you answer me? I was talking to you.” He barraged, his demeanour strong.
Your instant reaction was to apologise, seeing as that was your normal way of averting any sort of trouble but it was completely different to Jotaro’s.
“I— sorry…” You mumbled.
“Because I didn’t want to answer you.” He said at the same time.
The man looked between the both of you, his face momentarily displaying confusion before he disregarded your comment.
“I don’t care ‘bout any of that. You got anything on you?” Stepping closer into Jotaro’s vicinity, the man squared up to him.
Maybe the fact that it was night time gave him a spring of boldness because Jotaro was alot taller and broader than the guy — it was clear he had every advantage over him. However, it didn’t stop the man from getting up in Jotaro’s face. Jotaro however refused to let go of you and if anything only held you closer.
“I don’t have anything on me.” He cooly stated.
“Liar. You wouldn’t wander around this time of night without anything on you.” He bit back. Subconsciously, you hugged Jotaro’s coat closer to your body. You knew he had his wallet in one of the pockets.
With a grunt Jotaro cocked his head at the guy.
“So you’re targeting us at this time because you want to take advantage of the fact that people carry things with them at night?”
You could tell that comment slightly threw the man off because he blinked blankly at the two of you before snarling his next words.
“Nobody cares about all of that stuff. Just give me what you have.”
“No. I mean, even if I did have anything on me, why would I give it to you?”
Jotaro was being oddly patient with the man, especially regarding he didn’t post up with positive intentions. You figured the man himself even noticed that Jotaro was only teasing him concerning he shook his head with a confused look.
Seeing as he had stood back and gained a passive stature, Jotaro pulled you forwards with him as he continued to walk about his way.
However, it’s when you felt a tug on the jacket Jotaro lent you that things got difficult.
“Ay, this coat looks valuable. You sure you ain’t got nothing in here?”
It was then you saw Jotaro’s patience snap.
“Get your fucking hands off of her.” He growled.
Any sensible person would see that as a means to back off but this man only saw it as an invitation.
“Oh? So you do have something valuable, huh?”
The man’s sinister grin grew wider as he tugged at the jacket and attempted to shuck it off of you. With a squeal, you motioned for him to get off but his grip was far too strong.
Before you could defend yourself properly, you heard a loud thud connect to the side of the man’s face.
The man swayed to the side, a surprised yelp coming out of his mouth but he didn’t take a hand off of the jacket. In result, the coat ripped.
As you almost fell with the man, you looked over to Jotaro who had landed the hit.
Never before had you seen such rage paint his face. You knew he had a feisty side to you but he was always so calm with you.
Seeing him like this made you wonder just how protective he was.
“I don’t care if you wanna mess with me.” He lunged at the man again, grabbing him by the collar. “But never, and I mean ever, mess with the people I care about.”
The man raised his hand in surrender, face terribly scared but Jotaro didn’t let up. He threw another punch at him which connected with his face once again, this time dropping the man in succession.
As he landed onto the floor with a thud, the man’s presence was no longer remembered. Jotaro wasted no time and took that brief moment to check up on you.
“You okay?” He asked, concern clearly littering his voice.
With a nod and soft hum, you assured him you were fine.
“Yeah, I’m okay. It’s just your jacket though…”
Showing the rip in Jotaro’s direction, you pouted up at the man. You were unscathed but you felt guilty at the repercussions concerning Jotaro gave you responsibility over his jacket in the first place.
“Nah, it’s fine. As long as you’re okay, that’s all that matters.”
The man shook his hand, the pain from landing the two punches finally catching up to him. He placed his other hand on top of your head protectively. Squashing into his touch, your mouth made an automatic pout.
“Of course, I’m okay. But I know you liked this jacket. I feel bad that you’ll get cold.”
Your words were funny concerning not even ten minutes ago your positions were swapped. Now it was you concerned for Jotaro’s warmth.
“Don’t worry. I can always get a new one.”
Sighing through his nose, Jotaro took you under his arms once again before lugging the both of you in the direction of the shops, the concern for the unconscious man non-existent.
“Anyways.” He half joked. “After all that I’m definitely a lot warmer.”
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resowrites · 1 year
The Trees - oneshot.
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Summary: A walk in the woods takes an unexpected turn for Henry and his gf…
Pairings: AU!Henry Cavill x Girlfriend!OC
Warnings: adult themes, angst, relationship difficulties, dialogue heavy, language, mentions of parental loss/relationship breakdown/su!c!de attempt/appetite loss/panic attack/grief, pregnancy loss, child abuse, fluff, pet names, nondescript OC body type/appearance, hastily written/lightly proofread.
WC: 2936
A/N: Welp, this was meant to be uploaded ages ago but the themes and my crippling brain fog (yay) meant it took forever. Take care with this one. I’ve tried to write as carefully/sensitively as I can, but please heed the warnings or skip if you’re unsure (your wellbeing is more important). As ever, please enjoy and let me know your thoughts - R x
My work must not be copied, reposted, or translated elsewhere. Likes, follows, reblogs and comments are thoroughly welcome and appreciated! Gifs/pics not my own. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for visiting!
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The Trees - oneshot.
"How about some toast?"
"I'm good, thanks love."
"Why don't you have some fruit then? Or I can make you a smoothie?" Henry began scanning the fridge for other ideas.
"Honestly, I'm not hungry—"
"You have to eat darling—"
"Please can I go back upstairs? I've got so much work to get through…"
"In a little while, we can go sit in the living room if it's more comfortable but you're at least going to have some tea and rest for a bit. Come on." He gently tried to herd her out of the kitchen.
"… I'm gunna go for a walk."
"What? Ollie come back here, you're exhausted—"
"Just for a little while alright? I can't sit around and do nothing." She stopped by the front door and wound a thick scarf twice around her neck.
"But sometimes you have to do that, or—"
"Or what?"
"Darling, you're not sleeping, you're not eating—"
"Henry, I'm just a bit stressed with work, that's all. I'll be back in half an hour."
"Well, wait I'll go with you, you're not going into the woods by yourself—"
"It's fine, I'll take the dogs. Don't you have meetings?"
"My next one's not for another hour and I took the dogs out earlier so we can leave them here." But Copper was already sitting by her feet, her head tilting in confusion.
"She's a cheeky little bugger, every morning now she sits waiting by the front door for walkies." Henry chuckled. 
"She's getting so big..."
"Tell me about it, soon she'll be jumping up into the airing cupboard like Kal. You know I found the little shit in there again this morning? Can't really blame him with weather like this though, it's brass monkeys. Are you sure you're warm enough?" She hummed back but otherwise, his attempt at conversation had fallen flat. She was still walking slightly ahead, lost in her own thoughts. He tried again. "So what's going on with work at the moment? I thought you were over the first couple of hurdles?"
"Freelancing's not that straightforward, unfortunately."
"Well is it anything I might be able to help with?"
"It's lovely of you to offer but I'll be alright. There'll be other contracts if I don't secure this one."
"That'a girl… how are you feeling at the moment though? In yourself, I mean?"
"Yeah, so what's your meeting about this afternoon?"
"Don't change the subject, Ollie—"
"I'm not—"
"Then can you tell me how you are?" She sighed and stopped abruptly.
"I just did!"
"Well I heard you on the phone this morning—"
"You were listening to my call?"
"No, I just heard the end of it when I came upstairs. Did your therapist need to change your appointment?"
"No, that wasn't them. They've… referred me to someone else."
"What, why?"
"Cos we're not a good fit." Henry waited for her to continue but instead, her eyes remained fixed on the floor. He tried another tack.
"Before I forget, your sister also rang me. She tried to get through but you must have still been on the phone. Your father's funeral is next week, do you think you're up to going?"
"Well, shall we wait and see how you feel?"
"No, I'm not going."
"Why not? It might help you start drawing a line under everything—"
"Henry, my mother doesn't really want me there, she just can’t get away with not asking."
"Well fuck what she wants, you need the closure—"
"There's no such thing."
"Of course there is—"
"No, there isn't. That's not how real life works." Henry waited a beat before responding.
"You know you can talk to me about him?"
"Henry, I said I'm okay—" he stopped finally and waited for her to do the same.
"No you're not, you've not been right for months. You've not even been eating properly since December. I'm really worried Ollie. I want us to get married in the spring, start planning for the future—" something then clicked in her mind.
"Wait, what did my sister tell you?"
"What did she say, Henry?" Her voice had risen in alarm.
"Darling, it was nothing I didn't already suspect—"
"So you know everything? Henry, it was a long time ago, I was desperate—"
"Ollie what are you talking about? We discussed your father but that was it—"
"No, no this can't be happening…" she clasped the sides of her head in shock.
"Whoa, you're alright, look at me." She struggled to stay standing. "Ok, let's find somewhere to sit, come on." Fortunately, they were nearing the wood’s halfway point, which was marked by an old wooden bench. Henry was relieved to see it was empty and promptly sat her down. "There, now. Take some deep breaths darling, slow down for me. Just focus on my hand." He continued rubbing her back until her breathing came under control. She managed to fight off the attack, but only just.
"Can we… go home, please?" Henry pulled a water bottle from his pocket and helped her drink from it.
"Let's stay here for a bit, just until you're steadier on your feet." The next few minutes passed uneasily. "I really wish you'd unburden yourself though—" she scoffed and staggered upwards, turning to face him directly.
"So I can burden you instead?"
"Ollie sit back down. There will never be anything you can't tell me—" but she cut him off.
"Well thanks to my sister, I now don't have a choice, do I? God, I can't believe this..." she wearily took a seat, holding her head in her hands for several moments. "Fine. If you really want the truth I'll give it to you." When she finally spoke again, both her eyes and voice were strangely flat. "My last fiancé and I didn't mutually split. He just woke up one day and decided he wanted out. There were no signs, there wasn't even anyone else, he just didn't love me anymore. It was like the sky had fallen in. The pain was just… indescribable. He loved me like no one ever had before and as the days started to blend together I became convinced that it would always end that way, that the fundamental problem was me. I mean if my own father could stop loving me, what hope would there be for any other man?
"One night, a couple of months after we split, I woke up with what I thought at first was just a stomach ache. How I kept it together in the taxi I'll never know. I vaguely remember bleeding as I walked into A&E but the rest is just a blur of pain and vomit. Before I know it, I'm in a hospital bed being told I lost a sixteen-week pregnancy. I was just so… stunned. I kept asking the doctor to repeat himself. I mean you know what my periods are like and to be honest, by that point I'd already lost most of my sense of time. I hadn't had a single symptom, not one," she paused, "they couldn't tell me if it was a boy or a girl. I asked if I could at least say goodbye… they advised against it. After that apparently, I just kept screaming," she swallowed hard, "the nurses felt so sad for me.
"I remember before I was signed out, one of them asked if my partner was on his way to collect me. I just lied and said yes. She then said to me, 'remember you can always try again,'" she quickly cleared her throat to disguise her voice breaking, "I didn't tell my sister what happened. She pulled up outside my place, made me promise to call her later on and when I got out of the car I realised I was supposed to be getting married that day. I don't know, something inside of me finally just snapped. I don't remember much of what happened then either. One minute I was in my bathroom, and the next I was back in the hospital being told I'd suffered minor organ damage. If my sister hadn't stopped by when she did, worried why she hadn't heard from me, I probably wouldn't have survived.
"Eventually, she managed to convince them to let me leave so I could stay with her. She lives on a beautiful street, lined with cherry blossom trees. My nieces greeted me at the door excitedly, even the sky was bright blue that day. But I never felt more lost and alone than at that moment. In the end, my sister had to take six months off work to care for me, and that combined with the strongest medication my doctor could prescribe, only just helped me pull through. A year later Clare dragged me to that party and… there you were. I wanted so badly not to like you—" she finally broke down, her exhausted sobs splashing tears all over her lap. For her sake, Henry held back his own. Up to that point, he'd resisted interrupting or touching her, but he couldn't bare it any longer. He cupped her face firmly with both hands.
"Ollie, do you love me?"
"More than anything. It's why I proposed. I wanted to do everything with you—"
"Then that's all that matters—" she pushed his hands away.
"No, because we're not equals in this relationship Henry, we never have been and we never will be."
"What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean," she sighed, "you could have literally anyone…" she trailed off, defeated for the moment.
"… You know, when I spoke to your sister, she told me how one night you were late back home from playing with your friends so you hadn't yet done your homework. Your father then locked you out in the back garden for the rest of the night. She said you didn't ask her or your other sister for help because you didn't want to get them in trouble too. You just stayed out there all alone, in the freezing cold. And I wondered to myself, how many times you've felt like that little girl ever since, even in this relationship—"
"She told me she suspected other things happened as well, stuff she couldn't bring herself to talk about."
"You weren't supposed to know any of that!"
"Why not?!"
"Oh God…"
"Ollie please, it's okay—"
"How? How can any of this be okay?!" Her face was so distraught, his stomach sank. He rubbed his eyes.
"… This is my fault. If I hadn't been away so much, kept you closer, none of this would have happened—"
"No, please, this isn't on you—"
"I even bought you the puppy and the cottage because of how guilty I felt!"
"But the distance worked for me too! I could get attached to you but not completely. It felt safer."
"And now?"
"Now it all just… hurts." Henry grabbed her hands.
"Ollie, whatever happened before doesn't change anything. I'm here, alright? You're safe now—"
"Except I don't think I'll ever feel that way completely—"
"I'll still be here—" she flew up from the bench and started pacing, her tears flowing freely once more.
"No, no. You deserve better. Someone who's sunny, healthy… as successful as you. For fuck's sake I don't even come from a normal family. When I walked out in December, it was because I felt I had to. I will always want what's best for you and… I know that doesn't include me." He dashed forwards, clamping her shoulders to keep her still.
"Do you think when we first met, I couldn't see the pain in your eyes? I also saw the decency, the humanity - I knew you weren't playing hard to get for the sake of it in the same way I knew you'd never hurt me deliberately. Let's go to therapy together—"
"You don't have to do that—"
"But I want to! I haven't done enough and you are so worth fighting for - we are worth fighting for. I love what we have because it's real and that's so, so rare Ollie." Her head fell to her chest.
"The doctor who spoke to me earlier was a trauma therapist. I was praying they'd tell me I didn't need their help. The worst of it is, I always thought I was a strong person. What I experienced wasn't even unusual. I mean people fall out of love, lose babies, have breakdowns, every single day. And it all could have been so much worse. But it still nearly destroyed me. I just can't go through any of that again."
"… Did you give your baby a name?"
"No, no… it didn't go that far. I couldn't let it. But in my head, I still talk to her sometimes. I don't know why I imagine her as a girl, it's just what feels right. It's incredible really, she would have been no bigger than the palm of my hand but the love that you feel… the longing." Her voice caught in her throat. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't intend to tell anyone. I just thought that if I failed in her life, I could at least protect her in death—"
"You didn't fail anyone—" he quickly stopped himself and instead pulled her into his arms. "I love you, Ollie."
"I love you too."
Two weeks later.
"Mmm it's warm out there today, look at that sky." Henry slid the cup along the counter. Ollie glanced up briefly from her laptop and hummed. "Why don't we take our coffee outside?" To his surprise, she stood up from her chair.
"That sounds nice." Henry smiled and led her into their garden, with Kal and Copper following closely behind. What she didn't expect to see, opposite the bench that was tucked away in her favourite spot, was a newly planted cherry blossom tree. He sat her down carefully, waited for the dogs to lie down beside her, and then went to fetch something from the base of it. When Henry joined her again, he was holding what looked to be a clear container.
"I've planted this tree so that, every time you miss your daughter, you can come out here and spend some time with her." He carefully removed a small notepad and pen from the container. "And whenever you need to talk, you can write it in here, put it in the box and leave it by the tree for her." She was so overwhelmed at first she couldn't even look at him. When she did, tears spilled down her face.
"I… I don't know even know what to say… I can't thank you enough. Not just for this, but for everything—"
"You will never need to thank me, darling, ever." She chose her next words carefully.
"I know I've struggled to tell you often enough, let alone show you how much I appreciate it, but you're a good man. The best I've known. And just because she was my first," she glanced towards the tree, "it doesn't mean she has to be my last."
"Yeah. I mean, it might be difficult—"
"Then I'll do everything I can to make it easier."
"... You know I'd marry you right now if I could?"
"Then why don't we?"
"Well, why not?"
"But... I'm not even dressed nicely!"
"Stop it, you've never looked more beautiful. Right, we've got the dogs as witnesses so come on," Henry gently pulled her to her feet, "let's get straight to it."
"Are you sure? Everything's already been arranged?" His heart lept at her playful smile. How he'd missed it.
"That one's for the well-wishers, this is just for us. Are you ready?" She smiled and nodded. "Good. Then I, Henry Cavill, take you, Ollie Hadden, for my lawful wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. I will love and honor you all the days of my life." Henry removed the promise ring from her right hand and slipped it onto her ring finger. She swallowed back her tears, smiling.
"And I, Ollie Hadden, take you, Henry Cavill, for my lawful Husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. I will love and honor you all the days of my life." She then moved his promise ring to the correct hand. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing," Henry brushed the tears off his cheeks, "that's just the first time you've called me your husband." They beamed at each other and finally kissed. In the end, he didn't know how long they'd stood holding each other, but when he glanced down, she was gazing at the tree.
"When you're ready, come inside and I'll make you some lunch." Henry then kissed the top of her head and disappeared into the house with both dogs trailing after him. 
She took a seat on the bench, picked up the notebook, and wrote several lines. When she was finished, she carefully put the container back in the same spot. It was when she glanced up that she noticed small buds on the tree. Soon they'd be open and before long the garden would be strewn with blossom. She couldn't think any further ahead but for the moment she didn't need to. For once her mind had fallen silent and she was content to rejoin her husband.
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To be updated on when I post please follow @resowrites and turn on post notifications.
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welcometololaland · 1 year
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Fic Rec Friday Round Up - Part 1
Thanks to everyone who participated! I have a list below of the fics that people either tagged me in or tagged #fic rec friday. If I've missed anyone (or tagged anything incorrectly), please let me know.
This week's theme: a fic that made you cry / feel all the feelings.
Please read at your own discretion - heed tags and ratings on each individual fic (particularly this week as I see some fics have archive warnings that apply). Keep yourself safe friends!
a bleeding sun on a silver screen by @hoediaz
Further Than Blood (Or Than Bones) by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
In the Gray You are Golden by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
911 Lone Star
"I'm doing it, shut up." by @irispurpurea
'til death do us part by @morganaspendragonss
A home isn't always the house we live in by @liminalmemories21
Among my stillness was a pounding heart by @tailoredshirt
anger has told me her real name is grief by @alrightbuckaroo
Blood on the tracks, fire in the hills by thenorthface
broken glass by @irispurpurea
every beat of you, every measure and note (series) by @fortunatelydecaffeinateddinosaur
Fire Island by @carlos-in-glasses
From The Sidelines by @iboatedhere
haunted by the ghost of you by @strandnreyes
Hold On I Still Want You by @sleepyfaceandsnark
How to Woo a Texan by @ao3theskyisblue
i've been thinkin' 'bout you, do you think about me still? by inconocible
if my wishes came true, it would've been you by @ravens-words
in uncertain terms by @iinryer
it's just around the corner, darlin' by @strandnreyes
quédate un segundo más by @morganaspendragonss
oh, take me back to the night we met by mooshkat
Our Unforeseen Forever by @ao3theskyisblue
Magnetic North by @paperstorm
Missing Moments (series) by @paperstorm
No fix for the fixer by @goodways
porque yo voy a quedarme by @morganaspendragonss
say a solemn prayer, place a poppy in my hair by @strandnreyes
Secret Moments In A Crowded Room by @strandnreyes
Seven Ways (Back to You) (series) by Lolaland
shape-shifting in an endless sleep by @terramous
Silence and Gloom by @wandering-night19
sweet nothing by @strandnreyes
Ten Digits Away by Dekka
The End of Me by @howtosingit
The Five Stages of Afterwards by @karaxuno
The future's overdue by @paperstorm
The kind you can't get away from by @heartstringsduet
the meetings for those in my wake by @morganaspendragonss
They'll Find Another Son to Love by @karaxuno
threadbare by @safeashousespdf
time, curious time by @strandnreyes
Two hearts gone black and blue by @paperstorm
Under the surface by @paperstorm
we've never slept six feet apart by @terramous
when i'm like this, you're the one i want by @thebumblecee
where the empty space is a saving grace by @maxbegone
Wings Are Frayed by @iboatedhere and @pragmatic-optimist
Check, Please!
Hard Enough by 2012bookworm
it drops with the gravity of the rain by shellybelle
Mother's Weekend by @petals42
row upon row by medric
To Every Single Kid I Used To Be by @the-lincyclopedia
Good Omens
A Nanny? In MY Summoning Circle? by pukner
thicker than water by @mirilyawrites
sea, swallow me by officecowboyy
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primalsouls · 1 year
Inner Visions
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i'll protect you from
all the things i've seen
tighnari x gn!reader
themes: general (for now)
warnings: mention of death, description of a death (poison mushrooms), ooc Tighnari (heavy possibility), let me know of any warning...
summary: Tighnari saw his life flashed before his eyes, once again, but it wasn't from the newly growing poison mushroom he had almost taken a bite out of.
notes: written after the Archon Quests. but im so forgetful 😭 i also did finished his story quest... but probably forgot about that, too lmao so ill definitely look into all that haha also tried to do a little layout thingy for this fic lmao
⌑ reblogs & feedback are appreciated here! ⌑
✿ some reader info ✿
has a third eye - uses to see future visions when activated, atm the third eye is a ◉ᵕ◉.... third eye is closed one haha...
a "deity"
third eye makes them lose energy
wields a polearm mainly but can use more than one weapon - hand-to-hand combat mostly preferred
more will be added once i remember haha
(divider (c) firefly-graphics)
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A new series of poisonous mushrooms began to invade one of the cave systems in the Avidya Forest. As one of the Forest Rangers in the sea of grand trees, Tighnari took it upon himself to seek these new species out and pray to the Dendro Archon for the empty-headed adventurers to heed his warnings and lectures about these fungi once he got his hands on them and study them before anyone else come across them. 
"Master Tighnari, are you sure you could handle this on your own?" Collei asked, worry laced within her tone as she watched the fennec fox-hybrid ranger prepare himself a travel bag with all the necessary equipment he needed. Tighnari nodded his head towards the question, not sparing the green-haired girl a look as he dug through some cabinets for empty jars.
"Of course I can, Collei. These new specimens are a true hazard for anyone less experienced than me." Tighnari answered, stuffing the empty jars he found in one of his cabinets carefully into a new travel bag. Collei pouted. Brown-green eyes finally spare a single look towards her, a soft sigh leaving his lips as he slowed his movements. "I promise I won't try anything rash." He added, turning his body to face her completely. "And if I do need any help, I'll let Iraj know as he is near the cavern, afterall." Tighnari reassured the young girl before returning back to his preparations. 
Despite the reassurance she received from the forest watcher, Collei's mind was still not at ease. There was a deep feeling inside her chest, urging her to stop the other vision user from going to investigate the mysterious mushrooms. Though, part of her believed Tighnari would be fine. He was the forest watcher after all, having to study the forest and its ecosystem. There was no reason to doubt him. "Alright… Please be careful, Master." Collei said quietly, bowing her head before leaving the hut of the fox-hybrid. 
Tighnari let out a deep sigh. He appreciated Collei's concerns. She wasn't the only one worried about his sudden decision to investigate the growing problem within the Gandha Hill cavern. Aether and Paimon were the first to come across the fungi when they entered the cave for some lousy treasure. They were thankful Tighnari caught sight of them before they ventured further into the cave. 
It was the horrendous smell that caught Tighnari's attention when he first entered the cavern after spotting the traveler and his small flying companion head in. Just from the sight of it above the cliff looking over the ground of the cavern was enough to tell it was a new species of poison mushrooms along with the nauseating aroma.
"Hopefully this scarf could keep the smell away." Tighnari muttered as he picked up the two travel bags he prepared, pulling the scarf over his head, careful with his long ears, and pulling it over his nose. 
"Tighnari! There you are! Collei said you planned to go investigate the weird fungi we found. Do you need help? Aether here can come along!" Paimon exclaimed as she floated over to the forest watcher with the traveler walking up behind her, an apologetic look on his face. Tighnari winced at the loud voice of Paimon, his ears twitching down in displeasure. 
Shaking his head, he waved the duo off. "No, no, it's fine. Like I told Collei, this is a mission for me rather than those inexperienced. We don't know what the mushrooms and their effects do, which is why I have to be the one to check on them. Please, I appreciate your concerns but I would rather you guys stay safe here than follow me through with this investigation of mine." Tighnari stated firmly, giving the pair a small smile. "Just stay here with Collei, I promise I'll come back before the night falls." With those words out, Tighnari didn't wait any second longer and headed down the path leading towards the entrance of the Gandha Hill cavern. 
"Alright, Iraj, if anything happens in Gandharva Ville, please come get me." Tighnari said, looking over his shoulder towards the forest ranger who gave a firm nod. "And if anything happens to me, keep an ear out." 
"Yes, Master Tighnari! I'll do my best." Iraj declared with another firm nod.
Tighnari gave him a quick nod before turning to the entrance of the cavern. "Here goes nothing…" He muttered under his breath. 
The path leading to the ground of the cavern was shorter than he thought it would be. Tighnari peeked over the cliff. There they were. The new set of poison mushrooms huddled together in the small pool of water in front of the cliff. With careful steps, Tighnari made his way down to the ground level of the large cave. He looked around for any other potential threats in the area, his long ears seeking out for any small sound. Determined there was no other danger, Tighnari set a camp a few yards away from the pool of water. The equipment he had brought was set out nicely on top of a blanket beside the notebook and pen he brought to document any behavior from the fungi. 
With a huff, Tighnari sat on the rug he set up. He wanted to take the scarf off but he doubted he would be able to handle the stench of the fungus. Despite the short travel between the cave under Gandha Hill, it still exhausted the fox-hybrid out. It didn't take him long to rest well, either. Tighnari stood up from the ground and walked over to the starting crowd of the fungi after picking up his pen and notebook. "Hm… Aside from the horrible stench, it stands out with a rosy pink cap and a lilac stem. It seems to be covered with moss as well." Tighnari told no one, his eyes shifting between the notebook and the mushroom as he scribbled down his observations. 
"I wonder…" His words trailed off as Tighnari placed his pen and notebook down beside him. A gloved hand reached down and plugged one of the mushrooms out of the ground. Pulling the scarf down to his mouth, Tighnari grimaced at the aroma of the fungi invading his personal space, trying his damndest not to gag. "C'mon, Tighnari, tough it o-out…" He said through gritted teeth. His tail swung to get rid of somewhat of the stench as his hand neared the mushroom towards his slightly parted lips. His eyes were squinted. The top of the fungus looked weirdly spiraled. 
A flash pierced against his vision. Tighnari let out a yelp as he dropped the mushroom and quickly got back on his feet after backing away hurriedly from the small group of fungi. His eyes were widen with alert, his body tensed as he held his bow out to defend himself. He panted, his heart ready to jump out of his throat as it raced against his chest. 
"Wha—what…" Tighnari swallowed dryly as he glanced down at the mushroom he took out. There was no bite on it, so why did he see his life flashed before his eyes. Did the terrible smell finally get to his head!? Was he hallucinating from it? Tighnari was confused but upon closer observation he noticed the mushroom was pierced by a sharp… point of a trident… What?
Tighnari tensed his body once more. Where did the trident came from? There was no one here but himself. His fingers tightened around his bow. His ears were high alert for any sound.
"My, that was a close one, wasn't it?" An unfamiliar voice said above him coolly. Tighnari whipped his head around, his wide brown-green eyes landed on a figure who sat on the edge of the cliff. A frown creased his features. The forest watcher kept his weapon, taking a step back away from the new intruder. 
"Who are you!? In fact, what are you doing here!? This area is off limits at the moment." Tighnari stated, his eyes narrowed towards the figure. 
"What a strange way to say thank you…" The new face said as they raised a hand and snapped their fingers. Tighnari blinked as he glanced at their hand and towards the silver trident, which was no longer stabbing the mushroom he had in his hands moments before. "You should be lucky I was around the area to stop you from eating that deadly fungus." They added, hopping off the cliff and huffed when they landed a few feet away from Tighnari. Confusion swimmed in the forest watcher's eyes towards their words.
"What are you talking about? Were you the one who attacked me with that weapon?" 
"Attacking is a strong word… I like the word helping more."
Tighnari scoffed, not a single trace of his weapon being lower down. 
"Once again, who are you? Why did you atta—"
"Whatever! Why did you do that!?" Tighnari was growing frustrated. The figure tilted their head to one side, their disinterested eyes staring at Tighnari unnerving. 
"You were about to eat a deadly mushroom. I've saved you from meeting your end too soon." They stated with a shrug, a bored look on their face. Tighnari frowned. 
"How do you know they're deadly? What if it would just upset my stomach?" Tighnari retorted, his weapon faltering a bit.
"I've seen it… Your body wouldn't be discovered until further into the nighttime. By the time they find you, you'll be nothing but a wide eyed, purple lifeless body with moss growing out of your mouth." They said, their eyes glancing down at the mushroom which had slowly died out, withering away. Tighnari stared at them with a disturbed expression on his face. 
The forest watcher couldn't believe what he was hearing. There was no way any of that could happen. Letting out a laughable scoff, Tighnari put his weapon down. "Hah! Ye-yeah right… There's no way that would happen. What, did you—did you try it yourself and come back to life?" He mused, not believing a single word that came out of their mouth. The other stared at Tighnari, leaving him feeling uneasy. 
"No, I'm not stupid like you." Their words caught Tighnari off guard, his perplexed frown increasing further. "I figured you won't believe me… I've planned to just save you from your early fate and create a diversion to throw you off but I decided to stay and let you know what happened instead… I regret it now." They added, looking over at his small campsite. "By the way, Tighnari, do you always go around eating strange mushrooms?" Hearing his name rolled out their tongue made Tighnari freeze on the spot once more. 
"How do you know my name? I've never told you…" Tighnari said quietly, raising his bow once more. 
"Ah, how rude of me…" Ignoring his question, the figure crossed their arms over their chest. "I'm (Name)." They said with a small grin, . "And I can see your future." 
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theficblog · 2 years
HEARTS [chapter two]
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Pairing: Jeno x Reader [ ft. Jaemin, Haechan, Jaehyun, Mark, Chenle, Jisung ]
Prologue: As the sun rises after a steamy night, Jeno decides to ignore you. This could be a great opportunity to rely on people you love, even in the middle of family drama, nostalgia reignites.
Genre: Angst + Fluff 
Wordcount: 3,237
Warnings: Language
▶ Previous  | Next
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The feeling of waking up in a frigid bed, the same bed that had been smouldering with sultry sensations the night before drenches you from the inside, as if hollow. 
You woke up feeling the same way; the covers were chilly and empty. This atmosphere was in stark contrast to the intense night with Jeno. He sure was mad enough to be behaving like this. This was the first time he left you alone in the morning. In less than ten hours had already shown you a side of him that you had never expected to see but looking at it from the other side, he wasn't the one entirely at fault, you thought to yourself. Had you been in his shoes, you would've reacted worse. 
You thought about how you would face Jeno again, would he even talk to you ever again? Maybe there was some way or the other that you could make him understand. Was this why everyone called you out for taking advantage of him? Why would you let him into your heart if one day he ultimately had to leave? Jeno was indeed jealous, but friends don't get envious of another person and then fuck the hell out of them, friends don't cry over this.
Again, that's complicated.
You managed to get yourself out of the cold bed, turning on the music, it was the only way you could allow yourself to forget the blunder you had gotten yourself into.
Nevertheless, you continued to check your phone, hoping to receive a missed call from Jeno or at the very least a text from him.
On the other hand, you paid heed to the texts you received from your mother, Haechan, and even Chenle, whose party you skipped. You felt bad for your friend, he had been preparing for it for months only for both you and Jeno to not show up.
You stepped under the hot shower, allowing every single drop of water to slip down as though it would rinse off all your troubles, taking you away to some utopian world. 
Walking to the class felt empty without Jeno, there was no hand to hold, no daily morning glares. Only the crisp fallen leaves on the concrete pavement greeted you. 
Your eyes recognised Chenle, he had been walking ahead of you all of the time but your useless thinking offered you no time to take your surroundings into mind.
You gave him a shoulder tap. "Chenle!" You yelled. 
"Don't talk to me. Where were you last night?" He was complaining.
"I just- you know" You failed to give him an exact answer, trying to respond vaguely. 
"And even Jeno. Y/N please don't tell me you two ditched me last night just so that you could fuck." He said.
"Why would I do that? Chenle, I'm sorry." You continued. "I'll let you know soon enough."
"Yeah?" Sarcasm was voiced out of his words.
"Okay stop now, you little sulky being." You teased him and he stuck his tongue out. Just like that, he lifted up your spirits, even if it was for a minute or less.
"Isn't Jeno coming with you today?" He asked.
"Oh. Well, I think that he must be skipping the class, maybe he's at the football ground." You justified.
"Are you sure everything is okay?" He questioned, again.
"Of course!" You put a smile on his face, gesturing with your arm as you reached the lecture hall. 
Jeno was still nowhere to be seen in the scenario. He appeared to be genuinely intent on ignoring it. You couldn't stop wondering how Jeno cracked the code. Who could have told him? And why would they have done it to you?
You glanced ahead, the fluffy-haired boy in front of you kept giving you the look time and again. You suddenly experienced profound enlightenment, and it was him. Of course, it was him.
"Haechan!" With your foot, you prodded his chair's back.
"Not in the middle of a damn lecture." He reverted, shutting you up.
"Why would you do this, you filthy piece of crap?!" You were essentially shouting at Haechan in a certain cafeteria section.
"You could've picked up your phone when I called you." He rolled his eyes and made an effort to defend himself.
"As if that would change fuck!" You spat out these words harshly in his face.
"I'm so sick of being your guys' mutual friend." He was being too much.
"Y/N are- are you crying?" Haechan softened his gaze. He looked at your face more closely, lifting it up with his chin.
"You are not!" He cried.
"Real bitches don't cry!" You pretended to flip your hair, making the two of you laugh.
"I really did not mean to tell him, he just overheard when I was talking to your mom." He continued. "And then I had no time to explain, he just ran straight to you."
"Hmmmm." You nodded back, processing every bit of information he was providing you with.
Lee Haechan.  Your best friend since you were born. It was like this friendship was passed onto you two by your mothers, they had been best friends since their younger days, and it was more than just a coincidence that you and Haechan were brought into this world almost at the same time. Growing up was a shared experience; you had always been together from kindergarten to university. 
"When we grow old, we should build a cottage in the woods, far away from the city." Little Haechan of seven suggested.
"But we won't get any TV there." You reasoned, disapproving of your friend's suggestion.
"Old people don't watch that stuff. Look at Granny." He pointed out.
"Maybe we can, but you are annoying."
"Then give me my candy back, you little pony!"
He knew your deepest secrets, even though there was a non-stop contest of bickering, teasing and earning out the filthiest words of curses from one another, friendships like these were hard to come by. He was all you could need, a friend, a nemesis, a free dating advisor, a personal frustration dustbin, well, what not?
"Maybe I should go and see him at the field." You thought of earning a nod of approval from Haechan.
"I would say NO if it was some other chap but then you both are in love so my opinion would differ." Haechan stated.
"That's YES in simpler words." You crossed your arms, shaking your head. "Lee Haechan. Such a pain in the ass." 
The field's green grass was being blocked from wilting freely, and the raucous movements of spiked shoes were making it worse. The sun shone brightly above, but it wasn't as gentle as the winter sun or too scorching to make you sweat.
He was positioned in the middle, drenched in sweat with his thighs exposed. On his pale forehead, his untamed black hair was haphazardly scattered.
"Pass!" He yelled in the middle of the match.
"Jeno did it!" A wave of cheer rose like an ocean, everybody rejoiced as their star player secured another goal for their team, winning the game.
You thought your wait ended with the game too.
"Jeno?" He turned to face you when you waved your hand at him, and you held his gaze for a considerable amount of time.
And then he looked away. Ignoring you.
This was enough, even when you were ready to make amends, get him seated and tell him everything, he decided to ignore it and this made you furious. Picking up your bag, you walked out of the field.
Saturday's rising sun marked the inception of the college break. Everyone had their bags packed, moving out of their dorms, filled with enthusiasm and joy, getting to meet their families again, unlike you. It was not like you did not want to see them, but knowing beforehand what would be the scene created once you reached home blew away the joyful flame.
On reaching home you were greeted by the grey and white concrete walls that had been adorned with all and every kind of antiques that could have been obtained. The golden lighting and wooden interior blended well with the minimal colour scheme.
The hallway displayed statues of men and women, that must have taken years to be sculpted, named in a language you could not even comprehend. They claimed that each held a deeper significant meaning behind them. Lies. They were only for the pomp and show.
The garden had already begun to bloom with the season's flower, as if nature had embraced it, not far from where a dozen cars were lined up in a perfect colour gradient, as if they would serve a purpose greater than mere transportation. 
This was home. However, a house without any emotional ties was merely a fortified building. Your parents provided you with everything you would have ever needed within the premise of this mansion that they had built, but only if they cared about more than just the money.
"You changed these?" You said, running your hand up and down the fabric of the couch, which seemed novel to you.
"I had to, and for once, would you not stop concentrating on the unimportant things?" Your mother reprimanded you while averting her gaze from the other women. They displayed clothing, decor, and jewellery catalogues while wearing all-formal attire. Getting rejected nine out of ten times by your mother. 
"It's serious! When it comes to the wedding of my sole daughter, I cannot compromise at this level!" She gave a firm reply. She had a look of exasperation on her face, but she never screamed since that was not proper behaviour in a sophisticated household.
Envy, hate, and despair, all disgusting feelings, would always be communicated with the classiest of words and a curve of the lips.
"We are not getting married!" You objected.
"You'll do. Very quickly" She returned the smile.
"This is pointless." While maintaining a fixed look on the ground, you muttered.
"Do you mind if we take a moment's break?" Your mother requested the ladies' leave.
"If you're here you would want to go and get the fitting of your dresses before it's too late." She asserted. 
"What? What kind of dresses?" You questioned. 
She sighed, resting her face on the back of her hands. "Clothes. This can't be something you wear all the time." She looked at you and commented on your attire. The loose-fitting jeans.
You pouted, rolled your eyes, and made the decision to leave the room.
"Your brother would be there to greet you." She spoke from behind, knowing that if that were the case, you would never decline.
"Bye!" You yelled.
"Baby!" A man in his late twenties, dressed in black trousers and a half-sleeved silk shirt beamed at the sight of you. He spread his arms out, his fingers gripping the car keys. 
"I'm not a baby!" As you hugged him, you cried back.
"Fancy jeans." He complimented. 
"Say that in front of mom." You made a joke, and he laughed.
"Hop in." He motioned towards his gleaming carmine Rolls Royce
Jaehyun was the best brother anyone could ask for. Given the five-year age gap between you two, it was very natural for him to be overly protective of you. Then, whether it was the toddlers who wouldn't play with you or giddy crushes from high school, he got them all covered. It was like a tradition for siblings to attend the same school and his reputation and achievements never allowed you to cause any trouble and have the fun of your life. Thank heavens!, Jaehyun never went to the same college as you.
"I saw our childhood pictures in the living room, the ones hung on the photo wall." You rejoiced.
"Oh, the one in which I'm holding you in my arms is my favourite. You used to be so tiny." He was smiling throughout. 
All of these memories were still present before your eyes, still vivid.
You still remember Jisung, your first crush in middle school.
"Y/N I like you a lot." With white flowers in his hands that he had personally selected from the school lawn and a tone of pink decorating his cheeks, he admitted.
You returned his smile while considering his colour scheme. The roses didn't spread very far.
"Jisung I`"
"I don't want you to respond with anything. I don't believe I'll be able to manage it." He spoke.
"Huh?" You were perplexed.
"Actually, I'm terrified of your brother. He is frightful, as are his buddies." Jisung spoke hastily. "He has already warned me twice."
"He won't harm you or any-"
"Please accept these; I like you a lot. Bye." He hurriedly said goodbye before departing. 
This had been your very first romantic experience. 
Back in the present, you were enjoying hearty talks with your brother who was in the driving seat. The last me you came back home, he had been handling business overseas so it had been quite some time since you last saw him.
"Remember Jisung?" You questioned.
"Yes, of course." He chuckled. "I recall Sungchan as well." He spoke.
"He was, without a doubt, the boldest. I have no idea how we maintained our relationship for five weeks." Your hands were covering your face.
"It's love, dumb." As he spoke, he suddenly became more serious. In a split second, the smile vanished from his face.
"Right." While your thoughts were still focused on Jeno, you hummed in agreement with what he stated.
"What about Jaemin all of a sudden?" You inquired. The past two had been a whirlwind, all thanks to him.
"Did mom not tell you?" Jaehyun answered back with a question.
"Mom told everyone but me." You turned your face away, gazing out of the window.
"Aww don't be pouty." Jaehyun pacified you by pinching your cheek with his free hand.
"Why am I being asked to marry a person I don't even know?!" You yanked his hand away in fury. "I am twenty-three! I know how to make decisions on my own?!" 
It seemed like one was being imprisoned in a gilded cage to be attached to someone like this. The ties of marriage would take away all of your independence, goals, and feelings, and they would do the same for your eventual spouse. Of course, everyone in the family would claim that it was done for the sake of tradition, but everyone understood that it was really just a way for the business to increase profits, and perhaps the kids were simply there to help with capital expansion. Life couldn't always be seen through rose-tinted glasses, where marriages would be fixed when they were only crawling babies and stayed in love for the rest of their lives. When your cousins and the rest of your family had to go through this, it looked so simple, but when it came to you, it seemed as if your heart had fallen into the abyss. There was no longer a choice to delay. You were a bird in a cage.
"If it were all up to me I'd never make you go through this." Jaehyun calmed you down with a visible tone of pain in his voice.
The car stopped and you got out of it. A ride that started with reminiscing about the happy days ended on a heavy note.
"Ms Y/N, Welcome! Your mother already visited last week and selected these for you." A man dressed in a suit gestured towards a silver clothes rail. 
"This would fit your body type just well." Another lady who had been helping you all along complimented you, and you grinned unenthusiastically in response. You were in some ways your mother's daughter. It was challenging to let go of the characteristics that were ingrained in you when you were a baby. Okay, so perhaps they vanished while you were with Haechan.
The colours, the shapes, everything about the clothes your mother picked out for you didn't go well with your sense of style. None of the designer labels could match the appeal of personally picked clothing. Nevertheless, you thanked the group for their time and effort. All the boxes were carried behind you by two men.
"We're done." You signalled to Jaehyun, who had seated himself on a couch outside the fitting rooms.
He hummed, toying with the car keys. 
"Wait." You blurted out, moving towards one of the racks.
"Daeun would look so adorable in these!" You grinned as you held a pair of small, fluffy, cushioned shoes that could have fit in your hand.
"Aww look at them, this is the cutest thing I've seen today!" You were drooling over the shoes as you held them out to him.
"She would!" His black eyes appeared to sprout hearts, and a soft smile spread across his face, illuminating it and revealing his dimples. Jaehyun prioritised his love for his daughter above everything else despite what had transpired.
This made you look at him and rewind five years ago. He was married out of his choice to some decent girl from a house as wealthy as yours, and your family had known for generations. She embodied all that a beautiful lady could be until she decided to leave everything behind for her lover. Despite all that Jaehyun had today, there was still an empty void in his life, of love. He only loved once, never daring to open his heart to anyone else. Inside he was happy for his wife, for she could enjoy the privilege of love, if not for him, his heart only belonged to one person. He did not love his wife; in contrast to her, he did not flee. He had before experienced the lightning-like ache of heartbreak.
Your life had always been modelled after Jaehyun's. His life was a sort of blueprint for yours.
"Mark?" As soon as you entered the home, you exclaimed, giving him a bear embrace. "Many years! What are you doing?"
"Have been busy, haven't you?" Jaehyun said, excusing himself after the short meeting.
"Yo! What is happening?" When he first heard the news from your family, he was shocked.
"Oh don't ask!" You sighed dramatically. 
In the evening, you and your cousin Mark sat down at a coffee table and you poured out every single idea that had been weighing you down the previous week.
Mark did not frequently visit because his father had a successful business in Canada. He was far away, yet you always managed to remain in touch.
"Is he known to anyone in the family?" He asked in a reassuring yet serious tone.
"You are the very first. I'm not even sure whether he feels the same way about me." After exhaling, you gave your head a shake as if to dust the troubles away.
"Don't stress out too much over it; sometimes it's best to let things happen naturally and go with the flow; everything will be alright in the end. You are aware that I am always available to you." He gave comfort.
"Do you want me to cry?" You said.
"Mark, Hello!" Haechan walked into the room, it was pretty common, he was like the family's son. 
"Hey, buddy!" Mark fist-bumped him.
"I talked to him before, he said.."
"What did he say?" You queried. 
"He-he doesn't want to see you." 
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amethystina · 2 months
I recommend holding back on Word of Honor if you're worried about having too much already, because that it a rabbit hole that you go down way too quickly and is too good to escape :)
P.s. I love all your works! Thanks so much for them and all you invest into them!
To be honest, that's no guarantee I will end up in that same rabbit hole x'D I mean, yes, I'm hesitant to watch it because there's a possibility I'd get really invested, but I'm also a fickle bitch who can react in the oddest of ways to certain media.
Like, The Untamed? LOVE that drama. Hands down one of my absolute favourites of all time. I love the world, the characters, the story, the relationships, the aesthetics, and pretty much everything about it.
And yet, despite all that, I have zero interest in writing or reading fanfics, reading the book, watching the animated version, or digging through lore/meta/theories. I am so perfectly satisfied with the story I got through that drama that I have nothing I want to add or expand on.
Despite loving the source material to absolute bits, I never really joined the fandom and probably never will.
Please don't think I'm saying this to be edgy or contrarian, though. It's just that if the drama is good and entertaining enough (which I've heard that Word of Honor is) I might just end up with no desire to explore it further. That's not to say that the dramas I'm writing for now are somehow faulty or incomplete, but rather that, in those, I felt I had something to add. I felt like I wanted to see how those stories would continue.
And maybe I will with Word of Honor, maybe I won't, but I've learned that I can't judge my reactions based on what everyone else finds interesting. I seem to have a completely different set of requirements before I find myself interested enough to engage with a piece of media.
I mean, the fact that I decided to write a fic that will probably end up being 100k for a fandom that has a total of 19 works at the moment (even fewer when I started writing) says a thing or two about how unpredictable and unusual my urges can be x'D
That said, thank you for the warning! If I end up not heeding it, I give you permission to tell me "I told you so" ;)
And thank you so much! I'm so glad you like my fics 💜 I admit I'm currently quite frustrated with them since I am, once again, stuck on editing. But, with some luck, I'll be able to post it tomorrow.
It's a oneshot all you bloodthirsty Devil Judge fans will hopefully enjoy. If nothing else because it's Yo Han's POV and you all seem to love it when I write that xD
Take care, darling! 💜
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
Anon who asked for BTAS Penguin angst
I lied
I'm a dirty liar
I don't like angst, not anymore, you are too good at writing it
Please provide a happy ending I'm rolling on a puddle of my own tears that was too good I'm genuenly hurt I will never be the same I'm begging for a happily ever after I'm a huge baby I'm so sorry 😭
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A/N: See? We should be careful what we wish for, huh? Lol but honestly I’m so glad I hit the mark, it was my first time writing unforgiving angst and I’m glad it caused enough damage to request a happy ending rip. Also, I’m combining this request with the two others above, because one wanted a happy ending as well, and also I honestly don’t see Oswald coming around to redeem himself unless someone rustles his feathers. (Also not gonna lie, the split-second idea for BTAS Riddler to turn into “mr. steal yo girl” for a minute was so strong, but I will restrain myself lol)
Trigger Warnings: none
Word Count: 1.9 k
BTAS Penguin x F!Reader - Don’t Leave Me Alone (Leave Me Alone Pt.2)
It had been a few weeks since you walked out of Oswald’s life for good. A part of him wanted to believe you wouldn’t heed his words, and would eventually come back around, like you always had before. 
Unfortunately, that never happened. 
He kept a low profile since you left, not feeling up for his usual heists and schemes. His gang would come by and he would instantly turn them away. The Penguin had huddled himself up in his desolate studio apartment. 
Until someone came knocking on the door. Oz sighed but made his way to the door. After taking a glance into the peephole he was surprised to see a tall figure with brown dress pants and a long sleeved black shirt. Even without his signature mask and green suit, Oswald reconized the man. 
“Edward? What’re you doing here?” 
“Good evening, Oswald, mind if I pop in for a moment?”
Oswald never had any grievances with Ed. He respected him as a fellow rogue. Cunning, methodical, and intelligent. However, he wouldn’t claim the two to be the best of chums. 
“U-Um…I suppose not, but I wasn’t expecting…well company..” Oswald wasn’t sure what compelled him to let the enigmatic man enter. Whether it was the self-isolation finally getting to him or just a desire for something different to happen but not require much effort. 
“Oh, don’t worry about that, my friend. I’m simply here to check in on you. You know, we all missed you at the latest poker game.” 
Ah, that’s what he usually did today. 
“Oh, right…must’ve slipped my mind. Did you show that Joker what for?” 
Ed scoffed. “Of course, and just as a suspected he hid a card up his sleeve, that absolute cheat!” 
Oz chuckled at that, some things don’t change. Although he wished he could change some things. 
Oz walked back over to the sofa and took a seat. Ed decided to sit in the arm chair across from the sofa on the other side of the coffee table. 
“Oswald, you must know we’ve noticed your absence in…other events…has something happened? Have you actually reformed?”
“Bah!” Oswald remarked. “Nothing of the sort…it’s just…nothing’s piqued my interest is all.” 
Ed nodded, but could sense there was something more than that. “And..what about that little chickadee of yours that’d come around, Y/N, was it? Has she come by in awhile?”
Edward jumped out of his skin when Oswald slammed his fists down on the table. Ah, so that was the issue. 
“...guess it’s safe to presume she hasn’t…” 
“No…I…I sent her away, for the last time.” Oz lamented. 
“What?” Ed’s eyes widened in shock. To have someone love you unconditionally, that’s something everyone wants. Rogue, hero, or civilian…and The Penguin threw that away? 
“Oz…w-why? Why would you send her away?”
“Because I won’t be taken a fool! Not again, not like Veronica did!” Oz argued. 
“Oswald, in the city we live in…in this world we live in with superheroes, super villains, metahumans, and aliens…you truly think everyone you interact with is just another Veronica Vreeland?”
“No Edward…” Oswald sneered. “Not just everyone, anyone that even conceives and acts upon the notion of…loving me.”
“My argument still remains. You really think anyone that loves you is another Veronica?” 
“Yes I do!” Oz growled. “Don’t you understand, Edward? I’m not handsome! I’m an atrocity that only his mother could love.” Oz put his head in his hands.
“And someone else could love, but how can they show you if you don’t give them the chance?” 
“Why? Why should I? If it just ends the same?” 
“Ozzie, are you telling me you’ve broken all space and time continuum to see into the future? You’ve been holding out on me.” Edward jested. 
“Grr, no you riddled fool! I know so, history has shown me nothing but failure and heartache!” 
“Hmm…yes history, tell me Oswald. How long did these failed relationships last?” Edward inquired. 
“Bah…no more than a week or two. I’m surprised Veronica kept me under her thumb for so long…”
“Weeks, so never say…months, years?” 
Oz quirked an eyebrow to the rogue. “What are you getting at Edward?”
“Oh, nothing. Just how history does tend to repeat itself, but there’s usually a pattern. And it doesn’t seem to me that dear, Y/N is falling into that pattern.” Ed shrugged. 
“Oswald, from one intelligent man to another. Don’t tell me what you think you know…tell me what you want?” 
After a moment Oswald sighed. “I want Y/N back…” 
A moment of silence hung in the air. You were always there for Oswald, for much longer than weeks. Most people would be bored of him, disgusted even. They couldn’t keep the act up anymore for more than say a few weeks. Not without them giving up or him finding out. 
He never found that out about you. You never hid anything, you were open and free to him like a dove. A sweet, gentle, loving dove that saw something in a cold blooded penguin. You were there for him when most weren’t. You were there for his birthdays, Christmas’s, when he was released, and you even made sure to put fresh flowers on his mother’s grave when he was gone. 
Months…years…when most couldn’t stand him for a second let alone a week or two.
Ed smirked slightly as he noticed Oz’s face go from contempt to clarity. “Poor Y/N, how awful it must be to love someone who refuses to be loved…” 
Oswald found himself panicking now, oh God, what had he done. “Edward…oh Edward…what have I done.”
“Its not too late, my friend.” Edward stood up and put a hand on his shoulder. 
“Oh, please it’s been weeks! She’s long forgotten about me!” 
Ed shook his head. “Frankly, my friend, I beg to differ. See a little bird has told me that Y/N has been frequenting the Gotham Zoo. She seems awfully compelled by the penguins there.” 
You were mentally and emotionally kicking yourself. 
This is so stupid. I need to forget about him, he clearly thinks so little of me.
It was just so sudden, so abrupt. He pushed you away, yes, but he was never particularly so harsh with you. Which made your mind think of possible scenarios that happened before that fateful encounter. 
Reaching, grasping for anything to try and go back to talk to him. 
Anything to get rid of this stupid knot in your chest that tightened every time you thought about him. Probably explains why you kept coming to the zoo, maybe hoping to bump into him. 
I know I can be a lot…If he wanted space or something…he could’ve just said so. I just, I feel like there was something more. Unless, maybe I was just too much.
You sighed as you sat on the bench across from the penguin exhibit. You couldn’t help but smile as they waddled and swam around without so much as a care. For a minute you didn’t mind the concept of just being an animal living out their lives on display at a zoo. It’d be a lot less complicated than out here. 
“Umm, i-is this seat taken?” 
You nearly break your neck at how fast you snapped it to your right side. Before your very eyes, there was Oswald Cobblepot. You may have thought of the idea of bumping into Oswald at the zoo, but the actual possibilities of that happening and what your plans to do after the fact…that never crossed your mind. 
You stared at the man for a minute before realizing he asked a question. “Uh..uh no..you can have my seat, I was just leaving.”
“Please, Y/N, stay.” He insisted. 
“And why should I?” You snapped, immediately covering your mouth with your hand. Not expecting to snap at him like that. Although you couldn’t be blamed, not after how he treated you. 
“Y-You have every right to be cross with me. I’ve been absolutely terrible to you, dreadful. You can walk away at any time, but please…can we talk? Hear me out and if you still wish to leave you can.” Oz took a seat next to you. 
“What is there to possibly talk about?” You chuckled half-heartedly, trying your best to keep your tears at bay. 
“Well, I for one have lots too, but I will be frank. I…I. I know this won’t heal everything, but I do want to truthfully and fully from the bottom of my heart want to apologize to you. I…I should’ve never said those things and treated you so harshly. Not after everything you’ve done for me. All the times you were there for me, even when I acted like I didn’t want you to be. I was just…so scared of what I was feeling. I was trying to push those emotions down and push you away in the process. To prevent heartache, despair, things I’ve experienced more than not.”
“I was selfish, Y/N. Just thinking of myself and protecting myself, I didn’t even stop to consider your feelings. I thought them for you, put these false pretenses and ulterior motives on you. And I know it’ll do very little to remedy that, but I-I truly am sorry…” Oswald started sniffling in the middle of his apology. 
You handed him a small tissue from inside your purse. “Here, I needed one myself.” You giggled softly as you began wiping the tears from your own eyes. 
Oswald immediately forgot his next words and grabbed the sides of your face in a panic. 
“I-I’m sorry. I-I didn’t mean to make you even more upset!”
You couldn’t help but laugh softly, the crease of your cheeks causing some more tears to fall. You put your hands over his to keep them on your face. This is by far one of the sweetest gestures, Oswald has made towards you. Truly showing that he wants to show his true emotions instead of combat them. 
“Oswald, I-I’m not upset, far from it. I’m over the moon!” You smiled up at him. “This is all I could’ve wanted. I only ever wanted you to see that you deserve love!” 
Oswald smiled back at you. “I was so petrified at the notion, I didn’t think I could believe it…but deep down I’ve always wanted to.”
“Will you? This time?” You squeezed his hands in yours as you move them from your face to your lap. 
He took one of your hands into his wedged hand and brought your knuckles to his lips. “Y/N, my darling Y/N…I would want nothing more.”
You tackled him at that point into a strong warm embrace. Oswald laughed as his hat was knocked off his head and he had to catch himself to straighten you two back up on the bench. Your arms were wrapped tightly around him, fingers coursing through his black hair. 
“I love you, Oswald.” You whispered in his ear, before kissing his cheek.
He embraced you, squeezing you tight when you whispered those words. 
“And I love you, Y/N…and from this day forward I will never ever take you or your love for granted.” 
Meanwhile a little ways down from the penguin exhibit. A trio were witnessing the couple patching things up. 
“Aww! Eddie, you did it! You got them back together!” Harley squealed.
“Hush, child. They’ll find us out. I must admit Edward, this was quite impressive.” Jonathan commented. 
“Oh it was nothing, Professor. He just needed a little push in the right direction.” Ed shrugged. He smiled at the two as they began laughing and conversing the day ahead.
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