#please limit requests!
junkratswifey · 2 years
Guys, I am so sorry for not uploading in 973638752862972757683236 billion weeks, I was busy with eating disorder treatment! I'm happy to be back, and I just have one request!
Anyways, I love you all, and thank you so much for bearing with me!
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sinister-inchworm · 3 months
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hey guys what's up
For those who don't know, you can swap game logos in your steam library with custom ones by right clicking the steam banner and clicking "Set Custom Logo". As far as I know Steam accepts both .png and .jpeg formats (there's ways to get gifs to work as well, but that gets a bit technical so it might be best to look at a guide for that)
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along with that you can also adjust the position of the logo as well as set custom backgrounds!
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championsandheroes · 8 months
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You're going to regret being mean to me when I get super powerful and cool, Minthara D< Just watch me romance Astarion again and know that it could have been you if you hadn't called me an abomination.
… and yes, obviously I'm romancing her in another playthrough with an evil drow. As if I wouldn't be batting my eyelashes at a mean drow woman.
We've got a support system for drow lovers over at Patreon, society6, and redbubble. It's... mostly talking about how much we love drow though.
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x-gon-give-it · 9 months
Okay, look look, I wanna write things but I don't wanna work on any of my bigger fics right now, because long plots, lots of work, yada yada yada.
But I wanna write SOMETHING, but I don't know what, so like, if anyone has any Spider-Man prompts, Spideypool prompts, general Spidey ship prompts, please do send them my way. I want to practice writing one-shorts and short fics (5,000 words tops) and everything in my folders is planned out as long fics.
Please help a starving writer out (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) I told myself I wouldn't go get food until I wrote at least 2,000 words but I need something to write.
Thank you
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astrabear · 1 year
A writer friend of mine posted this on Facebook:
A FB friend made a post asking if writers have any sort of ethical or moral responsibility regarding our writing. Most of the answers were about our only responsibility being to the "truth" of the story and characters, or the like. The following was my response. ---------- I guess I'll be the voice of dissent. As writers, we *absolutely* have a responsibility to the culture and times we live in--or rather, to the people who share them with us. Any piece of fiction longer than a short story (and many short stories as well) has a socio-political message. It may be minor, and it may well be unintentional, but it's there. It's there in the decisions we make about what characters to spotlight, and how we portray them. It's there in the attitudes we don't even mean to express. It's there in our choice of what struggles to showcase, and why characters on different sides of the issue make the choices they do. You can choose to craft your message deliberately, or not. But it will be there. It is our responsibility to be aware of what we're saying, and if what we're saying is harmful to people, to choose to say something else. If (to choose some random examples) your survivalist ammosexual turns out to be right, and his way of self-centered violence is the correct way forward? You're saying something that speaks to issues our society is facing right now. If your villain is Black or trans, and your heroes are all white or cis? That's a message. In a world of true equality, it might not be, but in this world? In a world of persecution and hate crimes and laws of deliberate oppression across multiple states? It's absolutely saying something. And what it's saying is harmful. It literally contributes, however small your audience may be, to a greater harmful attitude and world view. As a writer, you own that. And as writers, I believe we have an ethical and moral responsibility not to make things worse, if we can't make them better. And if doing harm is the only way you can be "true to the story"? Then you damn well tell a different story. As humans, our obligation is to our fellow humans, the marginalized most of all. Being a writer or an artist doesn't change that; it only changes how we go about it.
Me again. Now, this author writes novels and screenplays (Ari Marmell, he writes mostly fantasy with some sci-fi/horror, many of them have audiobook versions, some have been translated into other languages, see if your library carries anything but don't pirate minor authors who barely make enough to get by please) but this is the crux of the conflict I see in fanfic discourse.
And I don't know if it's possible to have constructive discussion between people who agree with these underlying principles (that everything communicates a political viewpoint, that what you put out into the world becomes part of a larger system of beliefs and values, that you are responsible for the effects of your work) and people who disagree with them.
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We're at 300+ followers already--?
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I did not expect to be writing for Astarion, let alone BG3 at all, so this is a massive surprise---
As such, I'll open up requests for a little while(?) My inbox has always been open for anyone to say anything but if you'd like to request for a drabble or a one shot, feel free to send me what you'd like to see!!
And if you just want to share your thoughts on anything bg3 related, or would just like to ask me about stuff, feel free to do that too!!
Again, thank you so much for the support and I hope to keep serving the fandom for a little while longer :.DDDD
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angelcloves · 8 months
guys can you be gentle with me for a bit im barely hanging on here
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jakeperalta · 1 year
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they are sisters <3
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"There were some people who really resented me for starting this band. 'How dare you fucking start another band.' They asked me like, 'Why did you carry on and make music that sounds like Nirvana?' And I said, well, wait a minute, what do you mean? Like loud rock guitars, and melodies, and cymbals crashing, and big ass drums? 'Cause that's what I do! That's...I mean that's..I was in that band...and this is..like that's what I do! What do you want me to make a fuckin' reggae record? The first couple years, I really felt like I had to explain and defend what I was doing. Because, first of all, you're just a drummer, and what, you're trying to sing? And, also you were in Nirvana, so what the fuck is this shit? So there's..you..just get to the point where you think, you know you think...fuck you people!" - Dave Grohl - Back And Forth - 2011.
I was at the one night only show. I saw the Live 3D performance. I still have videos somewhere that I took. I still have the 3D glasses.
Also, I took my time and edited this video myself, so if you want to reboot, just please tag my tumblr.
I went to film school so I'm a fantastic editor. Anyone who would like a nice video edited or one pasted together from other videos all into one? Shoot me a message or click "It's your dime, spill it" on my tumblr.
Anything within reason. No videos longer than 15 minutes.
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grosskelly · 2 years
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ty all for your enthusiasm lol!!! any requests??
(i will not violate the tos or draw OCs.)
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kayzero · 1 year
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FUNNY YOU SHOULD SAY THAT I was just thinking the other day how I should link you if not my general zero escape playlist that I'm still messing around with at least the zwg one since that has far fewer songs by comparison
I also only unlocked the ability to blorbo playlist like a year and a half ago or something?? Because I enjoy losing my mind mostly over lyrics when it comes to songs right and somehow there is not A SINGLE lyrical cover of any major ze music or even fansongs there's only two I could find and I did not like them so I had to make do somehow my brain learnt to project lol
okay listen. listen. listen.
firstly yes send me the zwg playlist i’ll put it on my tv and play it through my earpods and open my word document and think to myself “god damn it Diana why are you so hard to write dialogue for” (FOR THOSE OF YOU KEEPING TRACK! WE ARE NO LONGER GOD DAMNING SIGMA! SIGMA ANGST SCENES AND SIGMA + AKANE SCENES FLOW SO SMOOTHLY AND I’M SUPER HAPPY ABOUT IT! but Diana’s current vlr timeline characterization is making dialogue. stilted. if it’s not one thing it’s another.)
secondly. i was just thinking about how much of a god damn shame it is that i’ve never used the midi keyboard i got for christmas like two or three years ago and i came to the conclusion that i’m just Not A Musician. love music, very capable of vividly imagining choreography and music videos and my current daydream hyperfixation has me pretending that in another life i’m a successful cover artist (and also fully transitioned—less relevant).
but like. that love doesn’t translate into being able to create music. i don’t know what happened exactly but between me giving my first keyboard to my younger sister when she left for college (the musical theater major graduate who also Actually Composes Music) and getting the tiny midi keyboard with no compatible software i have completely lost the ability to even like, mimic music.
this has just been me ranting about something that makes me sad that i can’t stop focusing on (because NOW whenever i listen to FUCKING ANYTHING i am forced to imagine That Other Universe Kay covering the music and having friends) um. i lost the plot.
OH YEAB this is the part where i say “let’s make our own zero escape fansongs” except the whole lack of musical talent thing. HOWEVER (and i say this with zero evidence but that just means i have zero evidence to the contrary) I Fully Believe that if someone were to write lyrics to Blue Bird Lamentation and you were to sing those lyrics it would be beautiful.
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vikingstoner69 · 1 year
Hey guys! My ask box is open no limit on requests just be detailed. Maybe share this so others can send in requests?
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giggly-squiggily · 5 months
Hi! I ask for, Lee! Giyuu Ler! Kagaya or Urokodaki? Plis
Demon slayer requests are closed!
Have a great day!
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philistiniphagottini · 6 months
Hey guys. Look, I don't like making these sort of posts but I'm going to have to, considering the recent influx of new followers. Could you guys please, please read my rules before sending in a request. It's the first post pinned to my page. It is shitting me to tears because I can tell when some people obviously do not read it and I'm going to have to ignore some requests because it is starting to piss me off just how many people are blatantly not even bothering to read through a post designed to help you with what I will and won't write.
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mossfeathers · 1 year
uh people make pinned posts right
Hey! I'm moss, and you can call me moss. or any other silly nickname you've decided I deserve. I'm an 'artist' in the sense that I draw sometimes and post it sometimes. I'm also a 'writer' in the sense that I write sometimes and post it less than sometimes.
My biggest current interest is mcyt, specifically hermitcraft, the life series, empires, and new life! However, i'm also super into the newer Zelda games, Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. and probably other stuff i forgot i like when writing this.
If you like what i post, be it a stupid headcanon or a silly little doodle, please send me an ask! Doodle requests, questions about my thought process on a particularly mentally ill post, writing prompts, anything! I hope to meet some people and make friends in the communities I'd like to join fully :D
don't forget to like and subscribe
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hyungseos-cafe · 9 months
hi all! i have decided to open my cafe again and allow orders (requests) however, i will cut it off at four (4) orders. please consider ordering from me and helping me break out of my writers block.
i also ask that you not order any cold brews (social media au) as i don't have the capacity to work on those right now.
please consult the menu and refresh on how to order!!
thank you,
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