#please lmk if anything’s wrong!!
thetisming · 12 days
amatonormativity: a romantic partner should be the most important person in EVERYONE'S life
NOT amatonormativity: MY romantic partner is the most important person in MY life, but i understand this is not the same for other people
allosexnormativity: EVERYONE should have sex and sex is something EVERYONE needs/wants/should want
NOT allosexnormativity: I PERSONALLY enjoy sex and love having sex because it makes ME feel good, but other people dont feel the same and that's okay
platonormativity: having friends is important for EVERYONE and EVERYONE needs/has/should have friends
NOT platonormativity: having friends is important to ME and I PERSONALLY love having friends, but there are people who dont and theres nothing wrong with that
faminormativity (is that the word?): family is important for EVERYONE and EVERYONE needs to have their family
NOT faminormativity: family is important to ME and I PERSONALLY need my family with me, but other people dont feel the same and i understand that
lovenormativity (again, not sure if this is a word): EVERYBODY feels love and there's something wrong wiith you if you dont
NOT lovenormativity: I PERSONALLY feel love and love people, but not everyone does and that's completely okay!
NOT amatonormativity: i dont have friends/have any desire to have friends, i am happy with other relationships/no relationships at all
NOT platonormativity: i dont have any desire to be in a romantic relationships, and i am happy with my platonic relationships
NOT allosexnormativity: i like hooking up with people and having one night stands or friends with benefits
NOT faminormativity: i care about my family deeply and am close with family members
NOT lovenormativity: i feel love for people i care about
it's not normative to personally enjoy something, so long as you respect that other people simply arent like you and aren't going to like the same things as you. taking down normativity is a two way street, allos and aspecs need to do it. support your local aros, aces, apls, afams and other aspecs today! remember to challange all normativities, and to not enforce other normativity by saying how bullshit other normativities are!
nothing is universal. romance is not universal. sex is not universal. friendship is not universal. family is not universal. love is not universal. nothing is universal.
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updatingranboo · 9 months
Ranboo’s boundaries
Since I know some people really like to have a specific thread of boundaries, I thought I'd throw some together for Ranboo just for quick reference!
Ranboo's boundaries are not on a rule by rule basis, they prefer people use common sense. This list is not exhaustive.
Ranboo’s overall ask is to be kind! When you are interacting with people inside and out of the community, be kind first. Be good people and be respectful.
Don't do anything that would hurt Ranboo or anyone else in the community. That means no racism, antisemitism, ableism, homophobia/transphobia, sexism, general bigotry etc.!
If there’s something that ranboo has done that makes you uncomfortable, please call it out. Ranboo encourages being corrected and wants to know when he’s made mistakes. He is a human and he WILL make mistakes. They will always apologize and try to do better.
Ranboo is an adult and can speak for himself. if he has an issue with the way something is being done in the community, he will speak on it. especially when it comes to fanart, don’t harass artists on the specific ways they draw ranboo. If they’d had a problem with it previously they would have said something.
Again, Ranboo is an adult. You don’t have to baby them. He can swear and drink and stay up late like any other adult can. He knows how to take care of himself.
Ranboo also doesn’t need to be defended. People are allowed to not like him, and trying to fight people who don’t like him is unhealthy, pointless, and paints the community in a bad light. Uplift the good instead!
If someone is being weird or makes a mistake, don’t dogpile them. Politely correct them, and if they continue to push things block and move on.
Don’t mention Ranboo in places they aren’t relevant. Don’t chat hop to ask their friends about him, DM his friends to try to get in contact with them, just in general don’t view his friends as extensions of him. They are all incredibly talented people and doing that just hurts Ranboo and his friends because it makes them not want to make content together!
Ranboo is fine with all compliments as long as they aren’t explicit. they are fine with all gendered terms. He uses he/they pronouns and is nonbinary and gay. They aren’t okay with shipping.
Ranboo is strictly against AI content, including AI generated art and voice covers. Support artists!!
If you are intentionally going against these restrictions it will result in a ban in chat, which means a ban from watching all streams, as well as crossbans to all of their friends chats. Ranboo doesn’t ban on genuine mistakes, but if it’s repeated behavior their mods have full authority issuing bans.
Again, be kind. If you are kind, patient, and respectful, and you listen to criticism and try to be the best person you can be you are doing everything right! Happy boobing ❤️
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catcze · 7 months
Hello Catte !
Do you think Wriothesley would date someone who is asexual ? (Someone who feels little to no sexual attraction or desire to have sex) I kinda have the feeling that he wouldn’t as an asexual myself 😭 What do you think ?
I hope you have a great day/evening and are feeling well ! (Don’t feel pressured to write this, if you don’t feel comfortable with it and if you do, I can wait for as long as you need, since I adore your writing and characterisation of Wriothesley ^^)
Hi sweetheart !! Honestly? The way I interpret Wrio's character is someone who is just so genuinely enamored with you and is eager to show that to you in whatever form you're comfortable with, you know? If you feel no desire to have sex, that's a-okay with him. Wriothesley is the kind of guy who makes sure that he knows your boundaries and how far you're willing to go, and will always always always respect those.
Elaborating on that a lil but in a relationship, Wrio would be so communicative, yk??!? Like, this guy is not embarrassed about the things that he wants, and right now all he wants is to make you the happiest person in the world, and make sure that you'd be comfortable in a relationship with him. He definitely definitely does some research beforehand and he comes to you with a list of questions that he wants to ask to make sure that he's messing up as little as possible. It's so cute, because he lists them on a little notepad and everything hjadkjn He has a couple of questions, such as where on the asexuality spectrum you fall on, any hard boundaries that you want to establish, what you are and aren't comfortable with, and all that. He gives you his whole attention without a single ounce of judgement, and for the things that he deems particularly important, he writes those down too. SIde note, but when he's flipping through his notepad, you swear that you see a page where he's listed down things that you like, such as your favorite drinks, food, and colors, and it kinda makes your heart melt a little ♡
And !!!!! he always makes sure that you know that he'll listen to you ?!?!? like wtf he's such an absolute green flag HAHHAHA If you ever feel uncomfortable with anythingggg ever he will always listen to you. If you're in a situation with him and things are veering in a direction that you don't really like, you literally just have to say the word and he'll do everything in his power to make the circumstances more comfortable for you !! Just;;; listen listen listen i just love him so much and i genuinely believe that if you get in a relationship with this man, he just wants to make you as happy as can be. If your relationship has little or even no sex, it doesn't impact him in any way— all he cares about is that you're safe and comfy with him, and as long as he's fulfilled that, then Wriothesley is as happy as can be.
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frogs-in3-hills · 2 years
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franziska is very popular with children
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qingxin-dream · 9 months
so… i did a thing! 🤭
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i wrote my first character on c.ai for wanderer! you can chat with him HERE as you travel to fontaine! <3
he is entirely based upon his canon personality and some of my fics! my wanderer ai is currently unlisted bc i’ll probably tweak his code as needed. i’d love your feedback on him!! it’s hard to strike the right balance with his character.
the ai will be available only for a few days before it’s private again. once he’s ready, i will post him publicly! :)
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(art credits: @/mery_skeb on twitter)
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bittersweetbeet · 1 month
You know in regards to the hc that Chosen is selectively mute and knows some sign language, I actually am learning sign language right now so I know a thing or two about the language!
One of the things we’re taught is that sign language is a very expressive language. It relies on things like body language and facial expressions to convey the tone of which one is “speaking” and also helps with context.
Interestingly enough though, Chosen is one of the less ‘expressive’ characters in AVA from what we’ve seen. He’s more stoic than anything, so having to communicate through a language that leans very heavily on body language and expressions is rather ironic lmao
He’d basically sign the way that he would sound if he spoke; sort of monotonous and in short phrases rather than full sentences. Like he usually doesn’t emote much when he does sign so it’s like he’s speaking in a monotone way. And whenever he does feel comfortable enough to talk, it’s in short phrases and spurts.
Hope that makes sense lol
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starflungwaddledee · 3 months
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alright. look, we're going to go into this because i genuinely want to think you didn't mean harm by this, but it's unacceptable to use this sort of manipulative phrasing. especially with strangers, some of whom are kids.
this is not a call-out. i've hidden all names except my own. i just need to address this post i was tagged in, and don't want to add it onto the end of the original post. i could also have done this privately, but i want this to be here for the other folks who were @'d. i won't @ anyone else who was mentioned in this post, but many of us are mutuals, so if you see this post and you're feeling at all stressed out or bad, i recommend just clicking through because i'm going to go into this.
firstly, and i'm going to make this transparent, person who @'d me: i don't think you're being malicious or did anything purposefully bad. i don't think you intended harm or that you are "a bad person". i don't have a single negative thought about you as a person. i don't make this post to be mean. i truly think you made an earnest mistake that could easily have hurt others, and i am stepping in with the hope this can be avoided in the future! per my usual boundaries on reassurance seeking, i will not reassure about this further.
secondly, the post that you tacked this onto IS important and a helpful resource, and it is great to bring attention to it. we should be doing everything we can to not only defend against, but actively fight back against generative AI. many people cannot access the most commonly recommended tools (myself included), so a resource like this is fantastic and i'm glad to learn about it and share it! i don't speak for anyone else, but i've said before that i personally don't mind being tagged in resources that could help me or others and i'm usually happy to share them, especially if i think the latter
but, assuming that you are genuinely well meaning and don't know better, you need to know that this is not the way to go about it. i don't mean mass-tagging, which is fine in times like this imo, i mean your written add-ons that actively guilt trip every single person you tagged.
"if you weren't convinced by the idea of being a good person" and "I do hope anyone I @'d isn't a bad person" in particular.
you may not have realised, but these are profoundly manipulative and cruel things to say. regardless of how you intended them, they are inciting guilt in the reader, and especially in the people who you actively called to come and look at it. here's what it sounds like:
"hey! you! yeah you! come look at this!! come closer! now, do what i ask you to do, or you're a bad person."
there are a million and one reasons someone might not reblog something. being tired, offline, anxious, even needing to run a specifically professional blog with exclusively your art on it for your own financial survival which makes it hard to reblog important posts like this; none of those are bad.
in this case, only one thing makes them a "bad person", and it's "they're pro-generative AI and did not reblog because they want to hide this information to ensure they can continue stealing from creatives".
i'm fairly confident you don't actually think anyone you tagged here has that point of view, or that you really have any doubts about their stances on generative AI. in fact, of the folks i recognise here, they're all independent creatives, sharing artwork with fandom for free on the internet. they are the victims of generative AI, and like most of us, are facing a terrifying future and are already desperate to find a way to defend/fight back.
you do not need to use manipulative language like this to get us to care about this sort of content! this affects us all, content creators and content consumers alike!
in future if you want to direct folks to something like this, which is super helpful and it was good of you to do!, you can just @ them so they see it. you can even say something like "this is important and some reblogs would sure help to boost it!". this is still a call to action, but without the manipulative phrasing, just in case they cannot act for any reason.
in the end, guilt tripping people like this, intentional or otherwise, is dangerous.
at best it will make them feel like shit and they'll feel forced to reblog + share from you out of guilt rather than just believing in the cause. and sometimes it feels like it's most effective, especially when things are urgent; but in my opinion the risk of harm is just too high. because at worst, you could accidentally send someone into a negative thinking spiral. you can never know what people are going through offline, or outside of your spaces, and how something like this will hit them.
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beesorcery · 3 months
naddpod + d20 pcs organized by campaign, dm, in-game race, class, subclass, and multiclass !! first sheet is d20 2nd is naddpod
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synonymroll648 · 1 year
from a vibes perspective, i totally understand why so many people look at keefe and go ‘this guy would be the male equivalent of a wine aunt when he’s older’. 
but. but. 
taking lore into consideration, in my heart, he’s terrified of alcohol (even if he tries really hard to hide it). because. like. his first exposure is almost guaranteed to be through cassius, and cassius canonically threw a glass extremely close to him at least once when he was, like, 8. maybe cassius wasn’t always extra nasty when he was drunk, but there’s gotta be a correlation in keefe’s brain between risking getting seriously hurt (emotionally or physically) and alcohol consumption that’s really hard for him to shake. 
#tw alcohol#tw child abuse mentions#lmk if there's more trigger warnings i should put#i have a thing for hurt/comfort lmao#kotlc#keeper of the lost cities#this is brought to you by:#that one fic my brain started writing internally where it's sophie's 21st bday and she's like man i#have saved the world so many times we've all lost count. i want a fucking drink#and keefe's internally like OH GOD OH FUCK in a bad way but externally he's like yeah babe whatever you want!!#and then she's like. i don't wanna do anything super stupid though. and drinking alone is super stupid when you've never drank before#will you stay w/ me? please?#and keefe's like. i cannot say no to that face#so he spends the night doing an increasingly bad job of hiding how bad he's freaking out#because sophie is a safe space and alcohol is not safe and he doesn't know how to deal w/ the two colliding#ESPECIALLY since sophie's just getting dorkier and sweeter as her filter goes down instead of throwing insults or objects at him#(i feel like sophie would be the kind of drunk that's very impulsive and says EVERYTHING that comes to the forefront of her mind#and stellarlune was more than enough to prove that she sees keefe and a lot of the time her brain just goes hnnngh soft little tortured#artist. MY soft little tortured artist.)#yeah but even intoxicated sophie can tell something's wrong even before he flinches super obviously at an empty glass falling over w/o#breaking. and so she's like nah man it's hurt/comfort time and he's like BUT YOUR BIRTHDAY and she's like do you really think i'm#gonna just let go of the fact that i know you're stressed? i'm not a dickhead keefe#so yeah it ends in cuddles. because of course it does#keefe sencen#annnnd out of the drafts this goes. post!
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samseaaa · 4 months
my lil muslim self had the most self indulgent thought jenekdjje. idk how religion goes by way of like… idk let’s just pretend for a second that the abrahamic religions exist in ninjago.
I’m not a hijabi but during ramadan i do cover my hair so my thought was like maybe the hypothetical reader and Lloyd are study buddies and it’s the first day of ramadan when he comes over to study and the reader answers the door with hair covered. Idk i think he’d be so curious.
I don’t see much Muslim reader content on here so i have to fill the gaps myself. I just wanted to share :))
I love this, this is so adorable! He’d absolutely be so full of questions and would keep asking more and more about reader’s religion until the study date’s totally forgotten.
He’d probably ask something along the lines of “do you want me to cover my hair, too?” He wants to be involved as much as you’re willing. He might even ask to join in on the evening prayer, “but only if you’re comfortable with it!”
As soon as the sun goes down you know his next big ninja mission is to get you some food!
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thetisming · 12 days
reminder that whenever i make a post about a community that i am not a part of, i welcome all criticism from people who ARE in that community and i will change any wording that i did wrong. i dont want to offend anyone, so if you think i did something wrong in an activism post please let me know! being offensive is never the goal at all and im open to criticism so that i can learn and edit the post :)
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minhyukie · 2 years
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monsta x revival week five: favorite stage 161229 minhyuk's bad girl good girl special stage + youtube comments (fancam cr.)
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deathfeigning · 8 months
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breaking news: this little baby snake uses her own body as a blanket when she sleeps
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orrsoared · 8 months
The Boston Bruins are raising money for Lewiston. If you can, please donate or if you can’t at least share. You can donate: here
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lizardbraining · 3 months
This tweet keeps me up at night
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avisisisis · 6 months
So my brain basically functions only because of angst so I made some kind of AU??? about what could happen with Nuwa if she appears and stuff
I've always liked body horror and all that dark stuff so there's gonna be some of it here! It's not very explicit though. Just some small things that might point to it happening
So. It starts with Nuwa finding MK!! Or MK finding Nuwa first idk. Nuwa starts to like MK (PLATONIC) and MK really loves hanging out with Nuwa! So everything is great. They're some kind of friends or at least allies
However, Nuwa is still, well, a god, and MK is a mortal (as far as she knows at least). She may like him, but she can't care for him the way a mother would care for a child. She doesn't even know she's technically his mother yet!
So shit happens, blablabla, and Nuwa finds out MK is the little stone monkey she carved all those years ago. She gets very excited to see that her attempt at creating such a powerful lifeform like SWK actually worked and immediately goes to tell MK, who has some very mixed feelings about this
Eventually MK starts to sort out his feelings on all this and wants to have some mom and son bonding time! Just to see what'd it be like. Nuwa of course accepts, saying that she'd love to run some tests on him to see how alive he is and how stone he is. Nothing bad yet! Things are great!
So Sun Wukong finds out while MK is gone w Nuwa. He freaks out because "ohh shit why why why not AGAIN--" and speeds off to her lab or whatever she has to find her and MK. Turns out they're not there, but what is there are some very disgusting attempts at creating some kind of Monkey King clones?
So of course, Sun Wukong is disgusted. And also mildly traumatizing because there is a lot of beings who look so much like him and are literally mutilated. They have blobs all over their bodies and what they are is clear: failed attempts at creating a being as powerful as he is
He goes to explore a bit (ignoring how disgusting the whole scene is, because nope he is not dealing with the emotions this brings right now, MK needs help and he's gonna get it!) and finds some other failed attempts at life! Except that this time, they're not him. They're MK
Now, they don't all look that much like MK. Some of them are just broken stones and unhatched eggs. But the similarities are very obvious and easy to see and SWK does not like that
So basically, to summarize, Nuwa was going crazy while trying to find a way to create a weapon as strong as the Sage himself. There were many failed attempts (she first started by trying to make actual clones, then continued by making stone eggs which melted very painfully when they were born) but eventually, she finds a way
Nuwa realices that cloning the Monkey King won't work, but that maybe, just maybe, if she made something similar to him, it'd come to life safely. So instead of trying to create a second Monkey King, she decided to make some kind of weird sibling for him
MK wasn't the perfect being she wanted (that was obvious because while the egg she made was stable, it wasn't radiating the power Monkey King has), but he was the closest she got to creating actual life, so even if she decided to let him live, he was thrown out and ended up in FFM. Nuwa doesn't check on him because he's not the one she wanted. Or maybe she accidentally threw him out by idk, kicking him or smth and straight up didn't know he exists
So now MK has to deal with knowing that he's just a failed experiment and that he has thousands of siblings who didn't make it and died in painful and horrible ways. Hooray!
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