#please reblog but DONT repost! thx
bsdwherearethedogs · 2 years
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don't speak
couldn't decide which one i liked better so here's both!!
click for better quality and all that
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impostorsshow · 6 months
Hello, Welcome to my blog! Here's a rundown of my featured tags and the main content on this blog! This is a silly focused blog, so I only post/reblog content about controversies/politics every once in awhile, and only if I think it's super important. Feel free to send me an ask about my opinions, but don't expect a super in depth answer
#Art - I only tag my personal art with this, and as I'm an artist this is a pretty big chunk of my blog aside from reblogs
#[fandom here] ranch dip - this is my tag for posts that are only interesting if you like whatever topic it is, ex: #original ranch dip which is for any OC content and #obj ranch dip which is for object show stuff. I don't tag any of my #reposts [reblogs] with ranch dips!
#talk talks - anything that's my own posts - it used to be for whenever I'm ranting and it's a long post, but it's fucked up because I used to put it on reblogs so just dont go near the beginning of the account
#talk talks?? - for reblogs that are me talk talking it up in the tags but it's kind of fucked up because I used to put it on og posts but I can't be fucked to clean it up, see avove
#search for smos - this is cherubpuppets object au but I'm THE ONLY ONE THATS POSTED IN THE TAG SO I GUESS ITS MINE UNTIL SOMEONE ELSE MAKES FANART >:[
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[I think dni lists are stupid and just put a hit list on you but. I like user boxes. That's my persona don't steal it please thx]
I mostly post about whatever hyperfixation I have at the moment or whatever game I've been playing recently, which of writing right now is Ask Goldie Anything, though I've also been known to post Zelda content, with scattered posts of Hatsune Miku and I dont ever really post about it but i reblog alot of varied stuff from hyper specific stuff my mutuals post to random memes I laughed at. my asks are always open if you want to request for me to talk about something or draw considering i dont have a bank account to take commissions yet and I dont have very much motivation to draw on my own, here's a few of my favorite art pieces showing off my range of art skill
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By the way, I have alt tags with little rambles about the art on most posts, the exception being whenever I'm A. Too tired to add them or B. The image is already explained somewhere else in my post :] pretty pretty please check if there's an alt tag on posts, if the alt tag is two paragraphs then the second paragraph is always the ramble, and a few other artists do this as well
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a-kuma · 3 years
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King Is Not Easy - Emperor Ji Man (Zhang Yijie)
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mdzsartreblogs · 3 years
hey for the noob, what's a repost? why are they bad? what's the diff btwn 'reblog' and 'repost'?
thx for explaining!
I'm glad you asked!
Basically, a repost/art repost is when someone posts a piece of artwork they didn't create and then posts it on their own account, usually without crediting the original artist. This often makes it look like the person who reposted it IS the original artist, and any attention, likes, reblogs, followers, etc., all go to the reposter, instead of the artist who actually created the piece.
Example 1: I go on Pinterest and I find a piece of artwork and I go OH WOW THAT'S PRETTY I NEED TO SHOW EVERYONE I'VE EVER MET so I download the piece of art work, make a brand new tumblr post, put the art in that post, and go HEY LOOK AT THIS ART.
Example 1 is a repost.
A reblog, on the other hand, is basic Tumblr functionality in which any old blogger hits the "reblog" button and kinda..."passes forward" from the original poster. When you reblog a creator's work, they still get the notes, followers, etc. - it's still clear that they're the person who actually created the piece of artwork.
Example 2: I'm scrolling my dashboard and I see someone with username person12345 say, HEY EVERYONE I MADE AN ART DO YOU LIKE IT? And I think to myself, YES I DO, so I hit the reblog button.
Generally speaking, reposts are *highly* frowned upon and considered extremely rude. If you didn't make something yourself, don't post it unless you have express permission OR the original creator has something like "Reposts allowed" on their account (which is rare but does happen. Even an authorized repost should always have credit to the original creator attached to it; "Credit to the owner" is not credit. The reasoning is that, firstly, artists put a fuckton of work into what they create, so for someone to just take it post it somewhere else is kinda fucked (like, imagine if someone did that with a fanfic!). Secondly, a lot of artists rely on sales to their shops, commissions, etc., to get income - but when work is reposted without naming them or without linking them, they lose out on all of that.
Reposting on this website ranges from completely innocent "oh oops I didn't realize that wasn't nice" all the way through intentional attempts at theft/taking credit from original creators. If I had a nickle for every time someone called me a bitch, asshole, or crusader for suggesting they not repost, I'd be able to buy, like...dinner.
Generally speaking, posting work you DID make yourself is awesome, as is reblogging from artists who post their own work.
I could go into a LOT more about this, but tbh it'd kinda be reinventing the wheel. Instead, lemme grab some existing resources that can add more information to this, if you want to know more.
@dont-repost-art is a cool account dedicated to spreading information about why reposting is bad. It's not really active anymore but if you just scroll through what they've reblogged in the past you'll still get some good info.
How to Spot Art Reposts: a long post I wrote a bit ago, discussing art reposting, why it's bad, and how to recognize signs that piece might be a repost, with an emphasis on danmei fandoms on Tumblr.
Flow Chart: Can I Post This Fanart?
Really everything in the tumblr search "art reposting" which is full of artists being upset about people reposting their work....kinda says it all
FINAL NOTE: When an artist says "do not repost" they do NOT mean "do not reblog." Please, please reblog artist work, if you like it. Creators are what make this site so amazing, and when their work doesn't get much love, creators get discouraged and don't want to keep creating. When people steal their work without crediting them, they don't want to keep creating. When people treat them like art-producing machines, they don't want to keep creating. NOT reposting, and ACTIVELY reblogging (with a healthy side dose of "saying nice things in the tags") is a great, small, easy way that every single fan on this site can help creators fell all warm and happy and like they should keep making things.
Hope this helps!
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thevalleyoftriumph · 5 years
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rat bastard man. i hate him. _____________
please reblog, dont repost, tumblr killed the quality so Press Image Please, k thx
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burberryhat · 7 years
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i just really like drawing louis ?? — vote !! — reblogging is gr8 but please dont repost anywhere else, thx !
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givememystarsback · 6 years
8 PEOPLE I’D LIKE TO GET TO KNOW BETTER: (please repost, not reblog)
Tagged by @monsieurkeaton  thx 🙈
ONE (name/alias): Aleksandra (AVKa)
TWO (birthday): July 14th
THREE (zodiac sign): Cancer
FOUR (height): 166 cm
FIVE (hobbies): I don’t have any, maybe photography
SIX (favourite color(s)): Pink
SEVEN (favourite book(s)): The Solitude of Prime Numbers, Observatory Mansions
EIGHT (last song listened to): Mozart - Requiem in D minor
NINE (last film watched): Walt Before Mickey
TEN (inspiration for muse): I dont know
ELEVEN (dream job): I dont know
TWELVE (meanings behind your url): uhh nothing (i wrote many times about it, if you are curious you can find it on my tumblr)
And I tag @behind-the-cracking-mask :)
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1queasycrow · 6 years
(please repost, not reblog!)
Tagged By: @somonebeatmetoit yo wassup bud?!
Tagging: @thewillowtree3 @kat3302 @lil-avatar @avatarmuscles @runningfromthecuccos @healerstrength @korra-comics @thefaultinourbiryanii
yo sorry if youve already done this but i have always a bit wanted to do one of these but had no ppl who tagged moi lol
ONE ( name / alias ): Bun? Lex? Crow? whateves ma dudes
TWO ( birthday ): January 21
THREE ( zodiac sign ): Aquarius water kid right here
FOUR ( height ): 5′4-ish
FIVE (hobbies): videogames and punching, also flipping and, jumping off buildings and spinning on ma head, writing stuff drawing things dikin around on my pc
SIX ( favourite colour(s) ): red
SEVEN ( favourite books ): all of Gail Simone’s work, or marguritte Bennet, anything that ties into my other interests
EIGHT ( last song listened to) : idk the jack the ripper dlc sountrack
NINE ( last film watched ): Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny (but rn I’m watching critical role [not a movie i know but it seems relevant])
TEN ( inspiration for muse): oh my god dONT geT ME STARTED. (A few of my life gols kind of inspos who’ve gotten me through some tough times are: Lara Croft, Korra [obvs], Leliana, Wonder Woman, Kuvira, ALL OF THE DRAGON AGE LADIES, Chloe Frazer, Nadine Ross, Black Widow, Evie Frye, Valkyrie, Hermione Granger, Mulan, Éowyn, Mako Mori, Elizabeth Swan,  Ellie Sattler, Emily Kaldwin, Kitty Pryde to name a few)
ELEVEN ( dream job ): Comic writer/artist
TWELVE ( meaning behind your url ): its a dragon age 2 ref
Alright @somonebeatmetoit buh bam thx for the tag this was fun!
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oh-archivist · 7 years
i hate when 'popular hipster aesthetic' blogs have a 'disclaimer' section on their blog about the photos they upload and its just 
'haha idk this isn't mine but hey! whoever took it coolio ima just load it with no credit and tag it as 'mine' so all my 1,00193984k,000 follows know that it originated from my blog and that im the source so i get more followers k thx'
oh and lets not forget the classic
'if this is ur pic and u want it removed or credited message me or if you know the credit just message me mmmmm k thx bai'
like ??? no ??? how about dont repost art (#1) and #2 it's not everyone else's job to find credit for the work your posting on your blog that doesn't belong to you
ONCE YOU POST TO TUMBLR AND SOMEONE REBLOG/LIKES IT. It’s on this site forever, with NO CREDIT TO THE ARTIST. And that version with no credit will cycle around this hellsite and the respective artist will get no credit/representation for their work. It doesn’t matter if you posted someone’s work without credit, it’s gets 1,000,000 notes and then someone calls you out on it and you go back and credit it. That’s 1,000,000 likes/reblogs, is the version of the post that people will see, without the credit. And I don’t know many people who would go to the source on the types of photos I’m talking about just to get credit to the artist, now that you’ve JUST NOW added credit. 
DO NOT REPOST ART. If you somehow end up in a situation of LIFE AND DEATH and someone’s got a gun to your head to repost this art, REPOST IT WITH CREDIT
PS- Don’t remove artist’s captions on their work. No, their captions do not make your blog “ugly” or “not aesthetically pleasing” and besides, your blog being “ugly” or “not aesthetically pleasing” IS NOT more important than credit to the artist or the artist’s caption.
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