#please spread this!
ectogeo-art · 1 year
Garashir Wedding Registry
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Announcing the Garashir Wedding Registry, an ao3 prompt challenge collection for marriage- and wedding-related Garashir fanfics!
I got married a few weeks ago, and my wonderful friend @wanderingwriter87 wrote me a Garashir fic, a slight complication, as a wedding gift! My spouse saw how happy I was after receiving this gift fic and joked that we should have made a wedding registry that just asked for various fanfics, and I was like "...okay, hold on a second, that’s actually genius" lmao!
So! I’ve decided to use the occasion to humbly request/encourage some Garashir (well, mostly Garashir*) marriage fics from the fandom! (*My two most cherished cursed rarepairs, Sloanshir and Siskarak, will also appear briefly in the prompt list as well, so just scroll on by those prompts if you only are interested in Garashir lol. But, because of who I am as a person, my cursed rarepairs are actually always secretly Garashir anyway, so I've made that a stipulation in the collection too haha!) There is absolutely no pressure to write anything for this, I just thought it was a very funny concept to have fanfic wedding registry haha, so please only join in if it seems like fun to you! And despite the shameless self-indulgence of it all, I truly do hope this prompt challenge brings joy to not only me but to the rest of the Garashir community too! Every day is a good day to celebrate Elim Garak and Julian Bashir's undying love! May these prompts inspire you, and may any contributions to this collection delight you! <3
Click here for more info and the (very minimal) set of rules, and click here for the list of prompts (sorry that the non-Garashir rarepair prompts show up near the top... I wanted them at the bottom but I can't seem to fix the order now that I've posted the prompts lol). Feel free to message me via asks or DMs if you have questions or need help with adding a fic to the collection! <3
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feluka · 2 years
Robin, an Egyptian trans woman, seeks urgent asylum due to her being in danger because of her gender identity. Details in the link.
Please help support her financially so she can escape the country safely.
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mychal-is-ok · 2 years
Hey guys! Just wanted to let everyone know that from July 18th (Monday afternoon) to July 23rd (Saturday morning), I will be away at camp! No phones are allowed, so I won't be able to talk to you guys :( BUT my queue is stocked up, and I'll be back by Saturday afternoon, so I will be back before you know it! I'll miss you guys <3
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sumechiayuu · 3 months
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@/folkoftheshelf on Twitter has made a thread of fundraising links for Gazans. I’ve transferred the links here, please boost them as the conflict is worsening:
Help Ahmad Hassan and his family escape Gaza
Help Halla Morshed’d family escape Gaza
Help Dr. Yousef Alsweisi and his family escape Gaza
Evacuate Sohad’s family out of Gaza
Help Donia Tanani and her family escape Gaza (they are close to reaching their goal!!)
Help Zinh and her family escape Gaza (they are close to reaching their goal!!)
Help this Gazan family rebuild their lives (they are not close to their goal as of writing)
Help the Zack Family
Help Hala Jad and her family (they are at a 1/3 of their goal)
Help Walid and his family escape Gaza (they are close to reaching their goal!!)
Help Mariam Radi and her family (as of right now they are not close to reaching their goal)
Help Maha Abu Shammala evacuate the family from Gaza (they haven't met their goal as of writing)
Help Ronza Alaa and her family (they haven't met their goal as of writing)
Help Noor and her family evacuate to safety (they haven't met their goal as of writing)
Help Manar Abuqata get his family out of Gaza (goal hasn't been met as of writing)
Help Farah save her family
Help Ahmad’s family escape from Gaza to Egypt
Help evacuate Mohammed Harara’s family out of Gaza (they are halfway through their goal!!)
Help Dana and her family escape (they have almost met their goal!!)
Help Anas’ family escape from Gaza (goal has not been met as of writing, note that the money is in krona, 1 usd=11 krona)
Help Ibrahem Ra’fat Daher and his family evacuate Gaza
Help Hakam Albalawi save his family (goal had not been met as of writing)
Help Tabseem AbuJamie’s family evacuate (goal hasn't been met and only has two donations as of writing)
Rafah Masterpost
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themirokai · 1 year
I got this comment on a story from my Other AO3 Account this morning.
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(Info redacted because I prefer keeping these accounts separate but no one follows me on the side blog I have for that account.)
The story was posted almost a year ago and is relatively “popular” by my average statistics even though it has tropes and themes that are big turnoffs for a lot of people (hence separate accounts). This popularity is undoubtedly because it’s a Marvel Loki story and that fandom is massive.
So there is obviously an algorithm or a bot scrubbing ao3 statistics and leaving this comment on fics that meet a certain metric with the main character of the fic inserted into the comment.
I had a little time to kill this morning so I decided to investigate further. And y’all this is so predatory. Come on this journey with me. It made me mad. It may make you mad.
First, if you go to Webnovel’s website, you HAVE to choose between male lead or female lead stories before you can go any further. WTF?
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And that’s weird, but this gets so much worse. This is basically a pay-to-read site that has different subscription models. Which… okay BUT! The authors don’t get paid! Look at that comment again. They’re promising a supportive and nurturing community, but zero monetary compensation. It’s basically, “post your stuff here so we can get paid and you can get… nice vibes?” I mean look at this Orwellian writing:
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Using the phrase “pay-to-read model” in the same sentence as “qualitative changes in lifestyles for authors” deliberately makes you think that you can get paid and maybe even make a living on this website. But that’s not actually what it says and authors will not receive one red cent.
Oh but wait, the worst is still to come. In case this breaks containment (which I kind of hope it does) this is where I mention that I’m a lawyer in the US.
I don’t do intellectual property or copyright law but I do read and write contracts for a living. So I went to look at their terms of service. It was fun!
Highlights the first, in which Webnovel gets a license to do basically whatever they want with content you post on their site. This is how they get to be paid for people reading authors’ writing without paying them anything.
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Highlights the second, in which Webnovel takes no responsibility for illegally profiting off of fan fic. This all says that the writer is 100% responsible for everything the writer posts (even though only Webnovel is making money from it).
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Highlights the third which say that by posting, the author is representing that they have the legal right to use and to let Webnovel use the content according to these terms. So if a writer posts fan fiction and Webnovel makes money from people reading the fan fiction, and the House of the Mouse catches wise, these sections say that that’s ALL on the writer.
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So that’s a little skeevy to start off with but the thing that is seriously shitty and made me make this post was that these assholes are coming to ao3. They are actively recruiting people in comments on their fan fiction. And they are saying they are big fans of the character you’re writing about and that they share your interests.
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They are recruiting fan fiction writers and giving every impression that you can make money from posting fan fiction on their site and hiding the fact that you absolutely cannot but they can make money off of you while you try, deep in their terms of service which no one but a lawyer who writes fan fic and has some time to kill will read.
I see posts on here regularly from people who don’t understand how this stuff works, don’t understand that they (and others) can not legally make a financial profit from fan fiction. And there are tons of people who will not take the time to dig into the details.
Don’t deal with these bastards. Fuck Webnovel.
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PSA for Across the Spiderverse:
Do NOT see the new Spiderverse movie if you have any form of epileptic condition or conditions affected by bright lights and rapidly changing colors.
I will not be spoiling the plot or anything happening in it, but it is important that people know, because ohhh my god the AMOUNT of flashing lights and rapidly changing colors from beginning to end was so rampant that even I, a non-epileptic autistic person, got a severe headache and wild overstimulation. They do not give a warning in theaters at all that this movie is NOT epileptic friendly from the literal beginning with the beginning credits - which is so, so sad!
This is a beautifully made film, it's wonderful, it's amazing, but unfortunately, it's not a good time for anyone super affected by bright flashing lights in rapid succession, especially those seizure prone.
I wanted to put this out there BECAUSE there are no theater warnings. Idk if anyone else has put it out there, but it is SUPER IMPORTANT!!!
I wish you all a lovely day and hope they eventually have a remaster that will be much more friendly to epileptic and other people affected by bright, flashing lights.
(EDIT: Changed all text to plain text for screen readers! Sorry about that, my bad!)
SECOND EDIT: please do not fight in the comments of my post please... if you guys wanna talk stuff out in DMs, that is a-okay and not my business but I directly get notifications for everyone's comments and replies- including people fighting in the comments.
I understand that some theaters have warnings in them. Mine did not, and many other peoples' did not. It seems to be a theater by theater basis, so please understand that is where I'm coming from. If you had a warning in your theater, that is wonderful! And I'm very grateful that ya'lls theaters had warnings! That is a great sign. But please under stand that mine and many others' theaters don't have warnings.
Please take any arguments off my post, it is not meant to be grounds for heated discussion, just a warning for people who are photosensitive or epileptic. Thank you.
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dirtcube · 9 months
Minecraft Wiki is independent again!!
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Yahoo!!! No more FANDOM wiki!!! Find the new minecraft wiki at minecraft.wiki!!
I thought it would be good to make a little PSA post with summarised information on why they moved from FANDOM!
Why did they move?
FANDOM is notoriously a bad wiki for both readers and editors alike. This is due to the insane amount of ads, the site layout, the lag, the fact that FANDOM can just take your wiki from you, etc has made the minecraft wiki decide to move
Because of the lack of agency the minecraft wiki has over its own wiki, they had a long discussion and vote with the community on what wiki platform to move towards. You can view both discussions here and here
By moving to a more independent wiki, they can provide a much better and friendlier service.
What's improved with the new wiki?
New site look, lacking the ugly FANDOM yellow sidebar and removing all other unnecessary bloat! This also includes a dark mode option and other custom settings.
Faster load times! I have incredibly good internet, and even I notice the STARK difference between the load times of FANDOM and the official wiki!
Less ads! At the moment they have no ads, but they do intend to have at least one. The placement of which will be discussed with the community to ensure minimal disruption to the user.
Better search functionality! FANDOM's search is notoriously bad at giving you the answers you need. Now they can have a more robust search function that more accurately brings users to what they are looking for.
No age popups- Unlike FANDOM this wiki does not need to know if you're a child or adult.
Anonymous editing has returned! Users can now once again anonymously contribute to the site!
FANDOM refuses to close old wiki's that have moved away, and so they will continue to show up in search domains. The old domains such as minecraft.gamepedia.com and minecraftwiki.net are also permanently attached to the FANDOM wiki.
In order to help the new wiki be successful, you can help out in the following way:
Spread the word!
Don't interact with FANDOM links. The less people interact with FANDOM, the more google knows that people are looking for the official wiki and not the FANDOM one!
Dont use the old links, again for the same reason as above!
And of course, improve the wiki :D! Since you don't need an account to make edits, see what you can contribute!
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liridi · 4 months
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Once there were four children
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[ID: Tweets from Emily 'Soup Lesbian' Gwen (@theemilygwen) on twitter with the following text:
Well, just left a job interview crying because the hiring manager told me they liked my application but were disappointed that I didn't bother dressing appropriately. I tried to explain that I haven't been able to afford new clothes in years but I just couldn't handle it.
That comment and my reaction was one of the most mortifying moments of my life. I thought I put together a decent outfit for the job with what I had, and hearing her say that just destroyed me.
Anyway I'm still looking for work and struggling a lot. Even $5 would help pay for a meal. ko-fi.com/emilygwen
End ID]
Please help Emily Gwen, the creator of the lesbian flag. If you show me that you donated any amount I will draw you something. You can also support them by buying something from their Threadless store!
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fairysexualism · 4 months
tumblr just nuked @milf-adjacent's blog with zero warning, no explanation from staff or e-mail whatsoever. her blog has been a vital resource for documenting COVID-19, and she did nothing ban worthy. she seems to be another target of the transmisogyny being carried out by staff.
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ab--n · 3 months
I have to tell you guys something.
you see these asks?
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They are scams.
They are bots made by scammers to try and make a profit during a GENOCIDE!
If you see these types of asks in your inbox, report the account and delete the ask.
If you really want to make a difference in helping Palestine, do your daily clicks in arab.org! donate esims and use trusted sources when donating.
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metanarrates · 5 months
I haven't seen a lot of coverage in the news about this, but my state has just advanced legislation on a bill that would criminalize trans bathroom use in publicly owned buildings. this could mean up to 6 months in jail and up to $1000 in fees for those convicted.
most alarming aspects of this bill:
-"publicly owned buildings" include airports, schools, libraries, government offices, some hospitals, and most terrifyingly AND explicitly within the bill, domestic violence shelters and rape crisis facilities. transgender people, who are estimated to be almost 4 times more likely to be victims of violent crimes than cisgender people, could become criminalized in the very spaces they seek out to shelter from abuse.
-on that note, the bill potentially threatens federal funding of already-underfunded domestic violence and sexual assault facilities. to recieve federal grants, facilities are required to follow nondiscrimination laws. this law could place the facilities in danger of losing the grants they rely on. this is severely going to impact victims' abilities to access critically needed services.
-the bill legally defines "sex" in a way that has a lot of potential impact across state legislature. according to the bill’s text, HB 257 would legally define a female as “an individual whose biological reproductive system is of the general type that functions in a way that could produce ova,” and a male as “an individual whose biological reproductive system is of the general type that functions to fertilize the ova of a female.” this could effectively end the state's legal recognition of trans people.
-the bill demands that trans people who DO use bathrooms in publicly owned buildings must have undergone both gender reassignment surgery and have had their birth certificate changed. this has several issues, obviously, but the biggest one I want to highlight is that this opens the door to potential genital inspection by law enforcement if someone is accused of being transgender in a bathroom. in addition to any other indignities suffered by being harassed by cops when trying to use the restroom, it is completely possible for law enforcement to now demand to see whether someone's genitals are in compliance with these laws. it's an unconscionable and humiliating invasion of privacy.
-the bill requires trans students to develop a "privacy plan" with their school in order to arrange access to unisex spaces. if unisex bathrooms are unavailable, the student can be granted access to a sex-designated space “through staggered scheduling or another policy provision that provides for temporary private access.”
-the bill allows the state’s attorney general to impose a fine of up to $10,000 per day on local governments that don’t enforce the bill. in essence, any government that isn't sufficiently committed to enforcing these draconian laws may face massive fines until they have reached the attorney general's standard of enforcement.
this is one of the most unbelievably severe anti-trans laws that have ever been proposed in the united states. it would effectively ban trans people from participating in public life, harm nearly every single victim of domestic violence and sexual assault who seeks services in the state, enforce criminality on random trans people in bathrooms, and open every single person who could be potentially accused of being trans up to a wave of harassment and discrimination from both private citizens and law enforcement. I'm not being hyperbolic when I say that this law would literally force me and my transfemme fiancee to flee this state.
the law's been fast tracked to an insane degree through the legislature. similarly to the anti-dei bill currently making its way through, it's only been a week since it was introduced, and it's already passed the house, and is now up for vote in the senate. if it passes both sets of votes, the only thing left in its way is the governor's decision to veto.
please share this post. make as much noise as you can. if you live in utah, please call and email your district senator as soon as possible. it doesn't matter how late you see this. the bill is up for vote this week (1/23/24 at the time of writing) and we need to do whatever we physically can to protest its passing. we've already moved past the opportunity for public comment on the bill, but a few organizations have called for a rally at the capitol steps on thursday (1/25/24) at noon. if you are in the salt lake area or are able to make it there, please consider attending. wear a mask and bring a sign. we are stronger together.
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britcision · 1 year
Guys I have spoken to teens on this website and it never occurred to me before but
How are the kids finding us these days
Y’all seeing the memes and posts on other platforms and just following over? Are we “cool” again? I’ve only been back since mobile was a feasible option but I find this fascinating from an anthropological perspective
I’ve got a decade on most of my cousins and I doubt any of them have even heard of tumblr but they’re hitting 20s now so have we looped back around?
Guys is tumblr retro????
Please do not tell me your actual age just give me the vibes
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bruciemilf · 11 months
Hold the fuck up what do you mean Bruce wanted to kill the joker after he killed Jason but the Iran government and superman held him back
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 11 months
Alright people…it’s A N G R Y time! 😡
A boy was kicked out of a New Jersey movie theater after using the bathroom with his mom. This instantly made me angry because some people with high support needs do need help using the bathroom sometimes.
According to this report:
The incident began when Gallinaro’s son needed to use the bathroom and she took him into the women’s restroom. There is no family restroom at the Cinemark in Hazlet, according to the lawsuit.
“My son is not equipped to go into a men’s bathroom in a public setting alone,” Gallinaro told NJ Advance Media last week. “I took him to the women’s bathroom.”
There were other women in the restroom, some of them mothers, she said.
“Right away, they see he’s with me. They pick up why he’s in the bathroom with me,” she said, noting that she noticed one woman “looking at me smiling.”
The 59-year-old manager of the movie theater wasn’t as understanding, the suit alleges.
The manager angrily approached and “shouted blatantly discriminatory remarks” toward the mother and the 15-year-old, the lawsuit alleges.
“A grown man should not be in the women’s restroom,” the manager said in the crowded lobby, according to the suit. “This is not a transgender bathroom.”
Even though there were no other complaints, the manager allegedly ordered the Gallinaros off the property and directed an assistant manager to call the police, the suit states.
This is complete discrimination. Please reblog this to help spread the word. This can’t keep happening.
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queerautism · 2 months
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@TownTattle on twitter: Susanna Rustin is apparently the Guardian journalist approaching trans people for an interview about DIY.
She’s a card-carrying TERF. Do not engage with her.
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