#pledge for special needs children
howcouldmuffin · 29 days
First Choice IV
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[ Chapter 4 : My Fate, My Choice ]
Born a princess, freedom eluded you, and choices were never yours to make. Yet now, your destiny rests in your own hands.
WARNING : NSFW, Targaryen incest, Non-canon, SMUT, Sex Content
AN : I feel that my descriptive skills aren’t at their best right now, but I hope you understand what I’m trying to convey. Enjoy the read. Love.
CONTENTS : Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
please be kind to me English is not my first language.
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You find that the daily life at Dragonstone bears a curious resemblance to your experiences in King’s Landing. You rise with the dawn, don your attire, and attend to the myriad duties within the castle walls. Though not as frenzied as the capital, the routine here is one you manage with ease, and its simplicity brings a certain satisfaction to your days.
On some occasions, Jace will take you upon Vermax, and together you traverse the boundless sky. The thrill of observing the world below from such heights, with the crisp air caressing your skin, offers a sense of freedom that the gilded cage crafted by your mother never could.
The sweeping expanse of water below is breathtakingly beautiful. As you gaze down from Jacearys’s back, held closely by Jace, you ponder whether the life of privilege behind the walls of the Red Keep, with its attendant duties of marriage and children, is truly what you desire.
“Is there anything special you would like to eat today?” Jacaerys’s voice brings you back to reality. “I shall instruct the servants to prepare it.”
“No, thank you.” you reply. “Let them busy themselves on another day.”
“Our wedding shall be the grandest affair in all the Seven Kingdoms, and every soul will be in attendance.” Jace declares as he guides you back to the castle. The mighty dragon, capable of bearing two, carries you swiftly through the air.
Soon, you find yourself seated before your vanity, the maid combing your hair. Her head bowed, she reminds you of a time when you, too, had been a young girl at a celebration with your family—something your mother once remarked upon, noting the beauty you possessed but struggled to wield.
“Lift your head, please.” you instruct the maid.
“Yes, Your Highness.” she replies, hesitating briefly before complying. Her youthful face is charming, and you offer her a reassuring smile, striving to ease her discomfort.
“I believe I have encountered you before.” you say. “The little girl in the red skirt.” You recall selecting her as a maid and her brother as a soldier for the castle. They had lost their mother to either disease or cruelty; you are uncertain.
“Do you remember, Your Highness?” Her face shows astonishment and disbelief, with tears beginning to form.
“Do not cry, I have no intention of reprimanding you.” you say, turning to face her. “The girl who clung to my skirt, her face stained with tears because her brother was departing.”
The tears flow freely now, and the maid’s hands tremble as she drops the comb. She remains as tearful as she was years ago. Rising from your seat, you gently wipe her tears away with a cloth.
“Now, tell me, how did you come to be here, Zia”
Regaining her composure, she recounts that after you had her brother join the castle guard, his skill and cleverness won him favor among the nobles, which improved their fortunes. When it became known that the princess’s personal maid was still needed, they hastened to request the position from Vidah, who granted their plea.
“Vidah should have informed me.” you muse. “Well, I shall rely on you. I can be quite particular.” You retrieve the comb she dropped and hand it back to her, resuming your seat at the vanity to continue her grooming.
“I am greatly honored to serve you, Your Highness.” she says, her hands working carefully through your hair. “Without your intervention, my brother and I might have been doomed to a life of servitude. My brother pledged that, given the chance, he would dedicate himself to the Queen. Whatever you require, we will do anything for you, Your Highness.”
You smile at the steadfast loyalty she and her brother offer. Ruling through fear may eventually lead to a more formidable ruler; maintaining loyalty is far more advantageous. You pause, reflecting on this thought, as the maid awaits your response.
“Is something troubling you, Your Highness?”
“You said that if I needed anything, you would fulfill it, did you not?” You turn to her. “Anything at all?”
“Even our lives, if it comes to that.” she replies earnestly.
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The sound of the bedroom door closing reverberated through the stillness of the chamber as you sat engrossed in a book at the antique wooden desk. Your attention was absorbed by the delicate prose on the pages, and you barely noticed the figure entering the room. The atmosphere was thick with a sense of nostalgia and intimacy.
A soft, lingering kiss brushed against the nape of your neck, and a warm embrace enveloped you from behind. You felt the familiar presence of Jacearys, whose arms had become your sanctuary.
“What treasure are you lost in this evening, my love?” His voice was a gentle murmur as he settled into the chair beside you, his proximity radiating a comforting warmth.
“Just a novel of mundane adventures.” you replied, closing the book with a slight sigh and lifting your gaze to meet his. “Do you require anything of me?”
“I merely wished to see my betrothed.” he said with a smile that seemed to light up the dimly lit room. “May I?”
“Always.” you responded, placing the book aside and rising to draw the heavy velvet curtains, which filtered the moonlight into a soft, diffused glow. The room, bathed in a silvery luminescence, was now perfect for intimate conversation.
As you turned back, Jacearys stood so close that his presence seemed to envelop you entirely. His eyes, deep and mesmerizing, held an allure that made your heart quicken. His nose, sharp and regal, and his lips, full and inviting, formed a visage that seemed straight out of a bygone era.
At last, your lips met in a kiss that was both tender and consuming. Jacearys’s touch was gentle, his kiss an exploration that was neither hurried nor hesitant. The sweetness of his lips was intoxicating, a flavor so enchanting it felt as if you could easily become lost in it. The kiss deepened as you both savored the precious moments, exchanging affection with a fervor that seemed to transcend time.
“We should not indulge further.” you whispered, your breath mingling with his. “It would be scandalous if the maid were to discover us in such a state.”
“We are betrothed, and thus bound by no such constraints.” he replied, his voice carrying an undertone of playful defiance. “Yet, I shall wait with patient anticipation for the day when you are ready, ready to share your life with me.”
His words filled you with a profound joy, a flush of warmth spreading across your cheeks. With a soft smile, you leaned forward to place a gentle kiss upon his cheek. He paused, a glint of mischief in his eyes, before returning your smile with one of his own, both tender and teasing. The moment was so perfect that you found yourself reluctant to imagine anything beyond it.
“You should retire for the night, my princess.” he suggested with a loving tone.
“And you should take your rest as well, my prince.” you replied, a hint of playfulness in your voice.
“May I request the honor of sharing your bed?” Jacearys asked, his gaze earnest. “I long to hold you until the first light of dawn.” You considered his request for a moment, your thoughts drifting between anticipation and propriety.
“Yes.” you finally agreed, your voice soft and inviting. “But only for the purpose of cuddling.”
“By your command, my princess.” he responded with a grin that spoke of contentment. He lifted you effortlessly, his touch gentle as he placed you upon the grand, canopied bed. The quilt, rich and heavy with its intricate patterns, was drawn over you both as he settled in beside you.
Under the cover of the thick, warm blanket, you felt his embrace close around you. The world outside seemed to fade away as you nestled against him, the weight of his arms a reassuring presence. The room was filled with a serene tranquility as you both surrendered to the comfort of each other’s closeness, drifting into a restful slumber as if the night itself was a protective shroud, keeping you safe from all that lay beyond.
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You find yourself in the vast and echoing kitchen of Dragonstone, a grand but unfamiliar space adorned with intricate tapestries and polished copperware. Despite the opulent surroundings, there is an intangible quality about the room, a subtle hint of its true owner that resonates with you. Having taken it upon yourself to prepare tonight’s meal for both the prince and yourself, you’ve decided to forego the usual bustle of the servants, wishing for an evening that is both intimate and personal.
Your skills in the culinary arts were honed under the meticulous guidance of Oliver, the head chef, who once admonished you with a half-hearted smile, "As a princess, you need not trouble yourself with such matters." Yet, your resolve was unwavering. You yearned to impress your mother with your cooking prowess, despite Oliver’s grumbling about how your insistence often interfered with the proper functioning of the kitchen.
As you meticulously arrange the ingredients and set about your task, the grand kitchen’s silence is broken by the entrance of Jacaerys. He strides in with a casual grace, his presence commanding attention. Leaning against the stone countertop, he casts a curious gaze over the assortment of fresh produce and exotic spices laid before you.
“I hear you are in the midst of culinary creations.” he says, his voice a blend of amusement and intrigue. “What feast do you plan to conjure for me this evening, my love?”
“Perhaps a succulent roast accompanied by a fine vintage of wine.” you reply, glancing up with a playful smile. The sight of his own smile, a beacon of warmth and affection, lights up the room and chases away the shadows of your apprehension. As you begin the labor of love that is meal preparation, Jacaerys offers his assistance, his eagerness evident in his frequent inquiries about how he might lend a hand. You allow him to partake in simpler tasks, finding his presence both a comforting and delightful addition to your culinary efforts.
The dining table is set with understated elegance, a reflection of your desire for simplicity rather than grandeur. Soft candlelight dances across the polished surface, casting a warm and inviting glow that enhances the romantic atmosphere. As you both settle into your seats, the conversation flows effortlessly, delving into reminiscences of days gone by, misunderstandings that once marred your relationship, and the myriad events that have shaped your journey together.
“I once believed you harbored ill feelings toward me, much like your brother.” Jacaerys muses, his tone tinged with nostalgia. “You avoided meeting my gaze, and I wondered if there was something I had done to offend.”
“That was not the case.” you respond with a chuckle. “Aemond was astute enough to perceive my secret admiration. I avoided his barbed comments by keeping my distance from you. Yet, despite my attempts at discretion, I could not help but watch you from afar.”
“It’s curious.” he says, his eyes meeting yours with a glimmer of vulnerability, “that while you were discreetly observing me, I was also watching you. I admired how you appeared to light up in Aemond’s presence, how you seemed to find joy in the simplest of moments.”
“There is an odd kinship between us.” you reflect, a hint of melancholy in your voice. “We share the burden of feeling misunderstood, of fighting for a freedom that often seems just out of reach. In our pursuit of it, we have learned to grasp at every opportunity, no matter how fleeting.”
He sets his spoon down with deliberate care, his gaze never leaving yours. With a gesture both tender and resolute, he reaches out, clasping your hand in his. The sincerity in his eyes surpasses the most extravagant words, his commitment to you clear in his every expression. “Tonight, as my wife, your freedom shall be secure. No force shall ever take it from you again.”
You place your own spoon aside and return his gesture, your fingers intertwining with his. The gentle caress of your thumb against his hand speaks volumes, your heart swelling with gratitude. Your smile, genuine and heartfelt, conveys the depth of your emotions—an affirmation of the life you are beginning together.
“Thank you, my prince.” you say softly, your voice imbued with heartfelt sincerity. “Your promise is a gift I have longed for, and it is more precious to me than any grand feast.”
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You and Jacaerys are ensconced in the warmth of a lavish bath, the soft steam enveloping you both in a sensual embrace. The two of you are bare, the intimacy of the moment heightened by the way you lean back against his broad chest. Your hair is neatly pinned up, leaving your shoulders exposed to the gentle caress of his large hands as they trace soothing circles along your skin. His lips graze the back of your neck, your shoulders, and your cheeks, creating a cascade of tender kisses that leave you shivering with delight.
“I am so happy to be living this life with you, my prince.” you whisper, your voice filled with genuine affection.
“I am happy too.” he murmurs close to your ear, his breath warm against your skin. “And we shall be happy together forever.”
“Though it may sound selfish, I can’t bear the thought of returning to King’s Landing.” you confess. “I want to stay here with you, where it’s just us.”
“My princess is becoming a bit spoiled.” he teases with a chuckle. “First, we must be wed, and only then can we truly live the free life we desire.”
You don’t quite agree with the practicalities of his statement. Shifting in the water, you turn to face him, your eyes locking with his. You lean in slowly, your lips meeting his in a tender kiss. The connection is magnetic, the way your bodies seem drawn together is palpable. But this time, it is he who pulls away first.
“Are you sure this is what you want?” he asks, his voice laden with a mix of concern and desire.
You nod firmly, your gaze unwavering. “I am sure.”
Without another word, Jacaerys closes the distance between you with a sudden, impassioned kiss. This time, the intensity of the moment is heightened, a fervor that feels almost like riding a dragon in its thrill. He deepens the kiss, then begins to explore the contours of your neck with his lips. The delicate blush of his kisses leaves a trail of warmth across your skin, each touch a testament to the profound connection between you.
As the bath's gentle warmth continues to surround you, you lose yourself in the sensation of his touch, your bodies intertwined in a dance of love and longing, creating a symphony of intimacy that feels both timeless and entirely your own.
In the steamy, dimly lit bathroom, the mood between you and Jacaerys is electric with anticipation. The air is thick with the intimate sounds of your breathing, the gentle splash of water, and the soft, muted noises of your kisses.
You feel the growing stiffness beneath you and instinctively begin to move your hips, gently rocking back and forth to create a slow, deliberate contact. The rhythm is intimate and sensual, each subtle motion amplifying the connection between you. The sounds of your kisses and the soft splashes of the water become louder, blending into a symphony of intimacy.
Jacaerys's mouth moves restlessly, expressing a deep-seated desire. He trails kisses along your body, his lips brushing and exploring every curve with fervent attention. His touch is tender but insistent, each caress a testament to the passion and longing that you both share in this secluded haven.
“Jace, I’m ready.”
"Be patient, my love." he responds, his tone tender yet commanding. He begins to use his fingers, sliding them slowly into you, which makes you lose your balance slightly. He lowers his head to your neck, his warm breath mixing with your soft whimpers and gasps, sending shivers across his skin.
His fingers move rhythmically in and out, his thumb grazing your clitoris, heightening your pleasure. The sensation is almost overwhelming, and you can feel his nails grazing your body, leaving a red mark as they press against him. Your hands reach up to his hair, tangling in the strands, pulling him closer, your grip gentle but insistent.
The intense sensation of his added finger and the deliberate strokes circling around
your clitoris nearly elicited a cry of pleasure. His tongue danced provocatively over the erect nipple on your chest, biting it gently. The sharp sting of his teeth was a delightful pain when it came from Jacaerys, adding an edge of pleasure to your experience.
"Now you're truly ready, my love." he murmured, withdrawing his fingers.
"Position yourself on me."
Obeying his command, you adjust yourself carefully, the rigid pressure of his desire urging you onward. You slowly lower yourself onto his erect shaft, the feeling of him filling you entirely is a blend of anticipation and satisfaction.
"Jace-" you moan softly, the bliss evident in your voice as you feel him fully enveloped inside you. He holds your hips with a firm, guiding grip, gently urging you to take all of him.
You manage to settle fully onto him, feeling the fullness of his size stretching you. The sensation is almost overwhelming, as if your body is being stretched to its limits.
Your inner walls tighten around him, desperately trying to adjust to his considerable girth. His hands gently cradle your face, his fingers tenderly brushing against your cheeks, his touch soothing as he removes the cloth binding your hair and tucks it behind your ears.
"If you're ready." he whispers near your ear, his breath warm and intimate, "you can begin to move."
You respond with a kiss, the moment filled with shared passion. As you start to move your hips up and down slowly, you feel the connection between you deepen. The rhythm you find is a blend of your efforts and his, each movement bringing a new wave of sensation. His hands leave your face, finding their place on your hips, guiding and controlling the pace with a firm yet gentle touch.
The initial discomfort of your first experience begins to transform into a pleasurable tingle, each stroke of his cock hitting your g-spot with precision as you glide up and down. The blend of pain and pleasure weaves together, heightening the joy and intensity of your shared moment.
The sounds of water gently sloshing in the bath, mingled with the soft echoes of your shared intimacy, create a symphony of passion in the dimly lit room. Outside, the maid might be oblivious to the intensity of the moment unfolding within, her routine entirely detached from the fervor within these walls.
But the distraction of external concerns is fleeting, as Jacarys draws your full attention back to him. Your hips move with an unpredictable rhythm, driven by the bliss of your union. The sensation of making love with him overwhelms you with a deep sense of fulfillment and joy.
"I feel so good, it's as if I'm close." he murmurs, his voice laden with satisfaction.
"Me too." you respond, your breath catching with the intensity of your feelings.
Your heart races, the tension building as your body tightens around him. The pleasure you're experiencing is intoxicating, your mind drifting away as the only focus becomes the insatiable need for him. In this moment, nothing else exists but the profound connection between you, a yearning that consumes every thought and sensation.
At last, the culmination of your shared passion arrives, and you both reach the peak of ecstasy simultaneously. The intensity of the moment sends waves of pleasure through you, leaving you utterly spent. As you collapse against him, your body feels languid and weak, enveloped in a profound sense of euphoria and relief. You feel his warmth and the intimate sensation of his release mingling within you, a tangible reminder of your union.
He cradles you gently, his embrace tender and reassuring amidst the afterglow. His voice, now softened by satisfaction, carries a hint of playful affection.
"It's time for bed, my wife." he murmurs, his tone a promise of quiet moments yet to come.
The warmth of his body and the comforting cadence of his voice invite you to relax into the serene closeness of your shared space, marking the end of a night filled with intense connection and unspoken promises for the future.
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You find him resting in your arms, his slumber deep and tranquil, his breath a gentle rhythm against the night. The moon’s pale light spills through the draped windows, casting soft patterns upon his serene countenance. He will remain in this restful state for many hours, long enough for you to embark upon the vessel bound for Driftmark. Far from this place, far from him.
Throughout your time together, the prince has bared his soul to you with a candor that once warmed your heart. Yet, the solitude afforded by your present circumstances has bestowed upon you a rare clarity. In this quiet, you have come to discern your own desires, your own truth. Despite the love you hold for Jacaerys, you have realized that a life of queenship is not the destiny you seek. It is a mantle you never wished to don, regardless of the depth of your affection.
A gentle rap upon the door serves as the herald of your departure. With swift and measured motions, you ready yourself, your attire meticulously chosen for the journey ahead. Zia’s careful preparations have made your flight possible. You are poised to leave behind all that you know, to seek the freedom you have longed for.
You approach your husband one final time, a pang of sorrow in your heart. Bending low, you place a tender kiss upon his brow, a silent adieu to the man you once envisioned sharing your days with. His unawareness of your departure, induced by the powerful sleeping draught you secured, adds a poignant note to your resolve.
“You shall be the only husband I ever claim.” you murmur, your voice thick with emotion as you brush away the tears that have stained your cheeks. The gravity of your choice is profound, yet it is a path you must follow for your own peace and liberation.
Zia leads you through the grand corridors to the quay where a small, waiting boat is moored. Her brother stands ready, his manner respectful as Zia whispers final instructions. The air is thick with anticipation.
“Let us not tarry.” you urge, urgency in your tone. “Should we delay further, we risk discovery.”
“Thomas, attend to the princess’s safety with the utmost vigilance.” Zia commands her brother, who acknowledges with a nod.
“I shall fulfill my duty with the greatest care, Your Highness.” Thomas assures, his voice steadfast.
You board the modest vessel with a sense of purpose, accompanied by a handful of soldiers who, though unaware of your true identity, are tasked with ensuring a smooth escape. Their presence, albeit limited in number, should suffice to deter any potential hindrance.
As the boat sets forth, gliding silently away from Dragonstone, you cast a final glance at Zia’s retreating figure. The image of Jacaerys, his face a fixture in your memories, lingers in your thoughts. The life you leave behind is one not of your choosing but of circumstance. Yet, as you embrace the path of your own making, a sense of liberation accompanies the uncertainty.
In a life where you were often the second choice, never the foremost, you now make a decision wholly for yourself. The journey ahead is both exhilarating and fraught with apprehension, but it is yours to command. As the boat progresses toward Driftmark, you are filled with both trepidation and hope. For the first time, you are not merely following a course dictated by others but charting a path of your own.
Tomorrow, you will embark on a new chapter, one where you are the mistress of your own fate. The voyage has only just begun, but for the first time, you are in command of your destiny, casting aside the shadows of the past for the promise of a future of your own design.
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As the past is immutable and beyond our reach to alter, one must inevitably decide what is truly desired. In the end, you have arrived at your own resolution. — [ END ]
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tag list : @r3va-dwme @ladyofvelaryon @mckennah123 @ericasabe @yohanseyebrowmole @mah1644 @miksde @staarflowerr @tempo-rary-fix @melsunshine @chlmtfilms
242 notes · View notes
yourmomsawh0r3 · 3 months
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anthony bridgerton x wife fem reader
Anthony Bridgerton prided himself on being a man of honor, a man who upheld the duties of a husband with unwavering dedication. Since the day he and Y/N had pledged their lives to each other, his commitment had never wavered. However, it was only during these most trying times, when Y/N was unwell, that the depths of his devotion truly came to light.
The morning had dawned grey and dreary, mirroring Y/N's increasingly pallid complexion. She had awoken with a heaviness in her chest, a fever clouding her usually bright eyes. Anthony, ever perceptive, had immediately sensed that something was amiss. By midday, it was clear she had fallen ill with the flu.
From that moment, Anthony had taken it upon himself to nurse her back to health. He insisted on doing everything himself, waving off the maids and servants with a determined hand. His wife was his responsibility, and he would see to her care personally. He stayed by her side, offering comfort and support. When she was sick, he held back her hair and rubbed soothing circles on her back. When the chills wracked her body, he fetched warm blankets and held her close, whispering words of encouragement and love.
Anthony found himself taking on a role he had seldom played to this extent: that of the primary caregiver for their twin children, Emma and Edward. With Y/N needing all the rest she could get, Anthony was determined to manage both his duties as a viscount and his responsibilities as a father
One evening, after a day filled with overseeing estate matters and ensuring Y/N had everything she needed, Anthony turned his attention to the children. It was time for dinner, and he decided to handle it himself, much to the surprise of the household staff.
In the kitchen, Emma and Edward sat at the large wooden table, their eyes wide with curiosity as their father attempted to prepare a simple meal. Anthony’s culinary skills were still rudimentary, but he managed to prepare a meal of roast chicken, potatoes, and steamed vegetables. The children watched him with amusement, occasionally offering unsolicited advice.
“Papa, you’re supposed to stir the gravy,” Emma pointed out with a giggle.
“And don’t forget to taste it,” Edward added helpfully.
Anthony chuckled, taking their advice in stride. “Thank you, my little chefs. I’ll make sure to do just that.”
Once the meal was ready, they sat down together and enjoyed their dinner. Despite a few mishaps like slightly overcooked potatoes and a gravy that was a bit too thick the children ate heartily, delighted by their father’s efforts. Anthony found himself smiling more than he had in days, his heart lightened by their laughter and the joy in their eyes.
After dinner, it was time for baths. Anthony led the twins upstairs, running a warm bath in the large clawfoot tub. He carefully bathed each of them, laughing as they splashed and played in the water.
“Papa, make the boat go faster!” Edward exclaimed, pointing to the little wooden toy floating in the tub.
“Alright, but only if you promise to keep the water in the tub,” Anthony replied with a mock stern look.
After the bath, he wrapped them in fluffy towels and helped them into their nightclothes. The bedtime routine was a cherished ritual, one that Y/N usually took part in. Tonight, Anthony was determined to make it just as special. He read them a story, his deep voice bringing the characters to life. Emma and Edward listened intently, their eyes growing heavy with sleep.
When the story ended, Anthony tucked them into their beds, kissing each of them on the forehead. “Goodnight, my loves,” he whispered. “Sleep well.”
“Goodnight, Papa,” they murmured in unison, their voices drowsy.
As he left their room and gently closed the door, Anthony felt a profound sense of satisfaction. Despite the challenges, he had managed to care for his children and his wife. Returning to Y/N’s side, he found her already asleep, her breathing steady and peaceful. He sat beside her, watching over her as she slept, feeling an overwhelming sense of love and responsibility.
Anthony knew that this period of illness and extra duties was temporary. But he also knew that the bonds he was strengthening with his children and the unwavering support he was providing to his wife would have lasting effects. He was more than just a viscount; he was a father and a husband, roles he cherished above all else.
The next morning Y/N had scarcely managed to keep any food down, Anthony decided to draw her a warm bath. As she soaked in the tub, her skin flushed from the heat and the fever, he asked softly, "My love, are you hungry? Is there anything you might be able to eat?"
Y/N, feeling a bit better in the comfort of the warm water, nodded. "Yes, actually. Some chicken noodle soup sounds wonderful."
Anthony's heart swelled with determination. "I'll make you some," he promised, his voice gentle but firm.
Leaving Y/N to relax, he descended to the kitchen. Anthony was a man of many talents, but cooking was not one of them. Still, for his beloved wife, he was willing to try anything. He rummaged through the pantry and the icebox, trying to recall the recipes his mother had taught him in his youth. He found some chicken, carrots, celery, and noodles, setting them all on the counter. With sleeves rolled up and a furrowed brow, he began his culinary endeavor.
As he chopped vegetables and attempted to cook the chicken, Y/N, feeling somewhat better after her bath, decided to venture downstairs. Dressed in her nightgown, she moved quietly, drawn by the sounds of her husband clattering about in the kitchen. Peeking around the corner, she couldn't help but stifle a laugh at the sight before her: Anthony Bridgerton, Viscount, and head of the Bridgerton family, struggling to decipher a recipe.
Her soft laughter reached Anthony's ears, and he turned, a look of surprise and concern on his face. "My love, what are you doing out of bed? You should be resting."
Y/N smiled, stepping into the kitchen. "I couldn't stay away. I had to see what my wonderful husband was up to."
Anthony sighed, a mixture of exasperation and affection. "I was trying to make you some soup," he admitted, gesturing to the array of ingredients and half-prepared food. "But I'm afraid I'm not quite as skilled as the cook."
Y/N walked over to him, wrapping her arms around his waist and leaning into his chest. "It's perfect," she murmured. "The fact that you're doing this for me means more than you could ever know."
Anthony kissed the top of her head, his heart swelling with love. "Anything for you, my dear. Now, let's get you back to bed, and I'll bring the soup up once it's ready."
With Y/N safely back in bed, Anthony returned to the kitchen with renewed determination. He worked meticulously, and after some time, he finally produced a pot of homemade chicken noodle soup. Carrying a tray carefully, he made his way back to their bedroom.
Y/N was propped up against the pillows, looking exhausted but content. Anthony set the tray down on the bedside table and gently ladled some soup into a bowl. He brought the bowl to her, spooning a bit of the fragrant broth to her lips.
Y/N took a tentative sip, then smiled up at him. "It's delicious," she whispered. "Thank you, dear”
He smiled back, relief and love evident in his eyes. "Anything for you, my love. Anything at all."
In the days following Y/N’s initial illness, their twin children, Emma and Edward, had been kept at a respectful distance, watched over by their governess and the ever-watchful staff. Anthony, concerned for their health and their mother's, had made it clear that the children were not to disturb Y/N until she was well enough.
However, as the days stretched on, Emma and Edward’s longing for their mother grew more intense. One sunny afternoon, the twins approached their father with wide, pleading eyes.
“Papa, can we see Mama?” Emma asked, her voice small and hopeful.
“Please, Papa,” Edward echoed, tugging at Anthony’s sleeve. “We miss her.”
Anthony knelt down to their level, his heart aching at the sight of their earnest faces. “Your mother is still very sick,” he said gently. “She needs to rest so she can get better.”
“But we can be quiet,” Emma promised. “We just want to see her.”
Y/N, overhearing the conversation from her room, felt a surge of love and longing for her children. Gathering what strength she had, she called out softly, “Anthony, please. Let them come in.”
Anthony turned to see his wife sitting up in bed, her eyes tired but full of determination. He hesitated for a moment, then nodded. “All right. But you must be very gentle and very quiet, do you understand?”
The twins nodded eagerly, and Anthony led them to the bed where Y/N waited with open arms. Emma and Edward climbed up carefully, nestling into the crook of her arms. Y/N hugged them tightly, her eyes closing as she breathed in the comforting scent of her children.
“I’ve missed you both so much,” she whispered, kissing the tops of their heads.
“We missed you too, Mama,” Edward said, his voice muffled against her nightgown.
Anthony watched the scene, his heart swelling with a mix of emotions. He climbed into the bed as well, wrapping his arms around his family. They all cuddled together, the warmth of their closeness driving away the chill of Y/N’s illness.
The day was spent in a cocoon of love and comfort. They read stories, played quiet games, and simply enjoyed being in each other’s presence. The twins were careful to be gentle, their usual energy subdued by the understanding that their mother needed to rest.
As the afternoon turned into evening, Y/N’s strength began to wane, but the happiness of having her family close gave her a renewed sense of hope and determination. She looked up at Anthony, her eyes filled with gratitude.
“Thank you, my love,” she said softly. “I needed this.”
Anthony kissed her forehead, his voice tender. “Anything for you, my dear. And for our children.”
As they sat together in the fading light of the day, Y/N turned to Anthony, her eyes shining with gratitude. “You are my rock, Anthony. I don’t know what I would have done without you.”
Anthony took her hand in his, bringing it to his lips. "And you are my heart, Y/N. As long as you need me, I will always be here, by your side."
like and comment pookiesssss🫶🏼
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goryhorroor · 5 months
What are some underrated horror films? I have watched all the popular ones and need more! Thanks!
mentally prepare yourself because im ready to give a gumbo list (this has been sitting in my inbox because i had to ask all my friends and this is the list we came up with):
curse of the demon (1957) the serpent and the rainbow (1988) paranoiac (1963) the old dark house (1932) countess dracula (1971) golem (1920) haxan (1968) island of lost souls (1932) mad love (1935) mill of the stone women (1960) the walking dead (1936) the ghoul (1933) tourist trap (1979) the seventh victim (1943) ganja & hess (1973) dead of night (1945) a bay of blood (1971) let's scare jessica to death (1971) alice sweet alice (1976) the deadly spawn (1983) the brain that wouldn't die (1962) all about evil (2010) black roses (1988) the baby (1973) parents (1989) a blade in the dark (1983) blood lake (1987) solo survivor (1984) lemora: a child's tale of supernatural (1973) eyes of fire (1983) epitaph (2007) nightmare city (1980) slugs (1988) death smiles on a murderer (1973) intruder (1989) short night of glass dolls (1971) the children (2008) alone in the dark (1982) end of the line (2007) the queen of spades (1949) the housemaid (1960) tormented (1960) captain clegg (1962) the long hair of death (1964) dark age (1987) the crawling eye (1958) the kindred (1987) the gorgon (1964) wicked city (1987) baba yaga (1973) 976-evil (1988) bliss (2019) decoder (1984) amer (2009) the visitor (1979) day of the animals (1977) leptirica (1973) planet of the vampires (1965) lips of blood (1975) berberian sound studio (2012) a wounded fawn (2022) matango (1963) the mansion of madness (1973) the killing kind (1973) symptoms (1974) morgiana (1972) whispering corridors (1998) dead end (2003) infested (2023) (this just came out but im adding it) triangle (2009) the premonition (1976) you'll like my mother (1972) the mafu cage (1978) white of the eye (1987) mister designer (1987) alison's birthday (1981) the suckling (1990) graveyard shift (1987) messiah of evil (1987) out of the dark (1988) seven footprints to satan (1929) burn witch burn (1962) the damned (1962) pin (1988) horrors of malformed men (1969) mr vampire (1985) the vampire doll (1970) contracted (2013) impetigore (2019) eyeball (1975) malatestas carnival of blood (1973) the witch who came from the sea (1976) i drink your blood (1970) nothing underneath (1985) sauna (2008) seance (2000) come true (2020) the last winter (2006) night tide (1961) the brain (1988) dementia (1955) don't go to sleep (1982) otogirisou (2001) reincarnation (2005) mutant (1984) spookies (1986) shock waves (1977) bloody hell (2020) the den (2013) wer (2013) olivia (1983) enigma (1987) graverobbers (1988) manhattan baby (1982) evil in the woods (1986) death bed: the bed that eats (1977) cathy's curse (1977) creatures from the abyss (1994) the dorm that dripped blood (1982) the witching (1993) madman (1981) vampire's embrace (1991) blood beat (1983) the alien factor (1978) savage weekend (1979) blood sisters (1987) deadly love (1987) playroom (1990) die screaming marianne (1971) pledge night (1990) night train to terror (1985) the devonsville terror (1983) ghostkeeper (1981) special effects (1984) blood feast (163) the child (1977) godmonster of indian flats (1973) blood rage (1980) the unborn (1991) screamtime (1983) the outing (1987) the being (1983) silent madness (1984) lurkers (1988) forver evil (1987) squirm (1976) death screams (1982) jack-o (1995) haunts (1976) a night to dismember (1983) creaturealm: demons wake (1998) the curse (1987) daddy's deadly darling (1973) nightwing (1979) the laughing dead (1989) the severed arm (1973) the orphan (1979) not like us (1995) prime evil (1988) the monstrosity (1987) dark ride (2006) antibirth (2016) iced (1988) the soultangler (1987) twisted nightmare (1987) puffball (2007) biohazard (1985) cameron's closet (1988) beast from haunted cave (1959) the she-creature (1956)
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bones4thecats · 4 months
Having Children With Their Fem! S/O
Characters: Aku, Father, Vilgax and Lord Garmadon Inspired By: Random Thoughts A/N: I know that a couple of these characters either don't like kids or just feel basically nothing for them, but this is just something I had to write! ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Operation Zero and the Lego Ninjago Series and mentions of abandonment and divorce ⚠️
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»»—————————————-   Aku  —————————————-««
👹 Aku prided himself on being a heartless being made of consistent darkness. But, when it came to you, his longtime wife who was created by a similar amount of energy, he was fairly fair
👹 He has always been focused on furthering his rule of the pathetic mortals in which he despised to the point where it led to him having seven girls with a woman called the High Priestess, though it was with his magic, he did not do anything disgusting in his opinion with her
👹 Despite knowing he felt nothing towards the woman and only viewed the girls as his personal soldiers, you couldn't help but feel inferior to the Priestess, she has done something that you possibly never could with Aku. Though, you did treat the girls as your own, since their mother seemingly could care less
👹 The one thing that made Aku think of having children with you was seeing you pick up a small group of baby aliens from a clan that wished to be relocated to Earth and begin to tickle them with one of your long claw-shaped fingers
👹 As the aliens left after hearing their conditions of living on his and your planet, Aku looked to you and motioned for you both to return to your personal chambers, which you did willingly and without fear
"My yang, I noticed how you looked at those young Vadaquians with a... warm and wholesome stare. That is completely unlike the lovingly evil woman I married and pledged loyalty too. So, if I may question, what is your issue?"
👹 You sighed and lowered your shoulders before shifting into a tortoise and hiding yourself inside of your shell before announcing it was dumb and he could just not bother himself with your issues
"Y/N, you're my wife of hundreds of years. I decided myself if I wanted to handle your thoughts and worries when I laid that shadow-bonding ring around your finger. Now, what is it your worried about?"
"It's just... you know the girls. I just... I want something like that."
"And that can be arranged with swift ease."
"Wait- really? You'd do that for me?"
"I would do anything for the woman who allows me to feel something other than hatred."
👹 And that he did. Just 9 months after the events of Samurai Jack's return and renewing the top-hunted foe to be the time-traveled man, you welcomed a young boy, whom Aku named Oni
👹 You smiled and lightly ran your hands against the baby's long trio set of horns that matched his fathers as his large pure-white eyes opened with tiny specks of white fire erupting from them. When it came to appearance, he took after his father, though your color scheme popped more than the Shogun of Sorrow's
"Ah, there is my little boy and woman!"
"And there is my stubborn husband."
"Hey now! Don't get me wrong, I wanted to be here for the special event, but I needed to get that Samurai fool out of my way again. He almost found the portal back to his time, and if he does..."
"Oni doesn't live..."
"Correct. This is all for him, and us, and I suppose his sisters and their mother."
👹 Chuckling as your baby began to shift his way to his father, the demonic being allow him to sit on his horns, giggling as he acted like the man he has observed for the past few weeks over the small portal that showed him and Jack's fight, but mainly him
"He will be the perfect next generational heir, don't you think?"
"Yes. I do, Aku."
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»»———————- Benedict 'Father' Wigglestein ———————-««
🔥 It was no secret that your husband was far from a child-guy. He constantly provided evidence that he hated kids beyond any kind of recognition. He even hated the children that you two were forced to adopt
🔥 When Benedict married you, he laid it out plain as day that he never planned on having children, and you wholeheartedly accepted that
🔥 But, ever since the Delightful Children from Down the Lane joined your family and therefore home, you began to crave having an actual family. One not bounded by a Delightfulization-Chamber, but by blood and the love you two shared for one another
🔥 And while it was easy to think this all without saying it out-loud, even beginning to wonder about how he would reply was enough to make you want to curl up into a ball and stay there forever
🔥 Thankfully the sound of a five-way synchronized knock allowed you to be free of your thoughts. And you merely sat up from your desk and called to the children to come on inside
"Good afternoon, Mother. Father wishes your presence in his office."
🔥 You smiled at the kids and gave them each a pat on their heads before allowing them to walk to their rooms and get ready for bed. Once each of their doors closed you grabbed your husband's notebook, suspecting that was what he needed
🔥 He has a bad habit of leaving stuff in your room. Honestly he needs a better sleep schedule (not me scolding him when I barely sleep😐)
🔥 While the door to his office opened, you took a deep breath and readied yourself, hoping that his day wasn't filled with a ton of disappointments. You may be his wife, but his anger was something not even you could escape
🔥 You noticed that there was a lack of anything on fire, so, you took the chance to make some small chit-chat while your husband worked away on some papers and beckoned with his hand for you to hand him his notes
"My dear, I've been wondering how your day's been."
"It's been decent, better than normal thankfully."
"Well... there is one thing I've been meaning to speak to you about, if you don't mind-"
"If the children have done something, I swear to-"
"No! No, no! The children have done perfectly well since the last incident. It's just... oh nevermind, it's nothing that important."
🔥 Benedict went from staring intently at his paperwork to looking at your seemingly guilt-ridden face and his yellow eyes narrowed, which was prominent from the darkness of his suit
"Y/N, everything you say is important to me. Well, as long as it has nothing to do with random cravings, because those have been getting worse and worse over the past few days."
"Yeah, about that..."
"I mean, you're acting like how Monty would call and describe his wife when she was pregnant with his boy."
🔥 Oh this was pointless. Reaching into the pocket of your black hoodie that Ben gifted you for your birthday just days prior, you pulled out a small box and laid it down in front of him
"What's this for?"
"Just- open it, please."
"Is this a... pregnancy test? Oh sweet sasperilla, you're pregnant?! But I- we..."
"I understand that you aren't fond of children, so we don't have to have them if you don't want to."
"Do... you want the child?"
"I would prefer to give them a shot at life than to not."
"Then... okay. We can have the child... if you want too. This shouldn't only be my choice, it should also be yours. I may hate children to a degree but, I cannot hate you and your choices."
"Thank you."
"Yeah, yeah. Now, if it's a boy, can we name it Benedict Wigglestein III?"
🔥 The sound of the collected family in the hospital's main room rung freely as the members of the Uno Family and the Wigglestein Family all wondered how you were doing in the delivery room. Ever since your screams stopped, Monty couldn't help but fear you were hurt to the point of possible surgery
🔥 All of a sudden, his brother walked out of the doors with a mixture of both traumatized and happiness written on his face, though it was mainly in his eyes
"Ben? How's Y/N and the baby?"
"I... I have twins..."
"Wait- twins?! Aw! A boy and a girl?"
🔥 Monty smiled at his wife before ushering his brother back into your room and patting his shoulder in assurance. And he couldn't help but chuckle as his brother walked into the room where you and your children no doubt were
🔥 He couldn't be anymore proud of him
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»»—————————————- Vilgax —————————————-««
🐙 While living for many years as a Warlord was something that many only viewed your husband as being, it was his closest allies and people that saw who he was outside of his work; a loyal and caring husband
🐙 As a member of the Chimera Sui Generis species, training for battle was a big part of your childhood. And when you first met your future spouse by training to be top-servers of your planet, he was smitten
🐙 Overtime you witnessed the destruction and new colonization of planets. And since you serves as his right-hand, Vilgax and you would see many types of families, the most common being fathers, mothers and their children
🐙 And seeing the male and female members of the army grow and expand with their families adding more members, you couldn't help but wonder; would this ever happen for you and Vilgax?
🐙 Normally he was busy with his work, so getting a decent time to speak one-on-one with your husband was hard. Nonetheless trying to talk about something so important to both you and your lives together
🐙 You were beginning to lose faith in actually talking to him, but when one of Vilgax's best men came inside of the control room you turned around and recognized him to be the one who always guarded the emergency medic and doctor's zone of the ship
"What is it you need, Soldier Axiomar?"
"Doctor Xiliv has requested her for a quick check-up, since she has been complaining of some stomach issues as of late."
"Alright. Would you like me to accompany you, Y/N?"
"I think I'll be alright... really."
🐙 Giving you a kiss on the forehead, Vilgax focused back on the coordinates of their way to Earth. You just nodded to Axiomar as he lead you to the medical room where Xiliv was waiting
🐙 Deep inside as you sat on the frequently cleaned chair, you knew what the Doctor and Medic were going to say
"Your highness, it appears that you- well."
"I know."
"Do you want us to tell Lord Vilgax or not?"
"He'll find out either way, but I'll tell him, it just makes it easier for me."
🐙 As the large alien walked through the halls to his and your shared quarters, he wondered why you had been acting far more nervous and weary throughout the rest of the day. Maybe you had some kind of illness?
🐙 The sound of the doors opening and closing behind your form made you spin around quick. And Vilgax merely chuckled, from calm and composed to having their guard-up in no time. You really were a soldier by heart
"Y/N. What is it you needed to speak about? It better not be something I cannot fix. Because that would be near impossible. I would destroy the galaxy for you."
"It's no illness. Unless you consider a child an illness."
"Pardon, a what?"
🐙 Despite his initial hesitation in being a father and raising a young Chimera Sui Generis, but after gaining advice from some of his closest allies, some would say friends, he gained the extra bravery to face the next step in life with you
🐙 He stood beside your bed as you chuckled at the sight of your baby girl. Long tentacles in the shape of elongated human hair, a small, pink wrap being around her as her tiny red eyes blinked while giggles rang through the room
"She's beautiful."
"Just like you, love."
"What should we name her?" Doctor Xiliv asked.
"How about Shaviv? It means ray of life."
"It's perfect."
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»»——————————-  Lord Garmadon  ——————————-««
🌋 This guy has never seen himself as an ideal parent. I mean, he literally was bitten by a serpent that made him an evil tyrant in the end and he didn't take a part in his son growing up due to his unfortunate incident
🌋 And while he praises himself on not being the man he once was before, there was always a lingering bit in his heart that stayed away from being corrupted. A piece of the old Garmadon in there. Hidden away
🌋 Over time he switched from evil to good, and that was how he met you
🌋 You were the sister of Ray, the previous Master of Fire before Kai took up the mantle. Growing up with Ray meant you were also trained in the art of being a ninja, though it was with the element of light that you controlled and not fire
🌋 Over the time of them being missing, you raised your niece, Nya, and nephew, Kai, and helped Garmadon's brother, Wu, train them and their friends. And as the serpent-bitten male grew into darker habits, you remained a beckon that he couldn't help but admire
🌋 Once he redeemed himself and helped fight against many enemies alongside you and the kids, he began to get close to both you and your old friend/next-door neighbor, Vinny Folson. And let's just say that the closeness evolved beyond simple friendship
🌋 While Misako was reluctant to accept Garmadon had another lover, she noticed just how caring you were and she began to bond with you with her ex-husband and son. In fact, she was the one to ask if you two were planning on taking the next step from just marriage to having children, much to you and his fluster
🌋 After the incident of the question with Misako. Garmadon told Vinny that you two would be out for a few days and that if he needed something, he could call. And as you two began to travel to a remote and well-taken-care-of cabin just outside of Ninjago, he began to let out a small amount of chit-chat
"Hey, Y/N... I have a question."
"What is it?"
"With what Misako said yesterday... at dinner. I was wondering if- you know."
"If I wanted kids?"
"Yeah... and I understand if you wouldn't! I'm not the best guy to have children with, just ask my ex-wife."
🌋 Spinning his head to look at you, Garmadon watched you with observant eyes as you smiled gently and held his hand with one of yours and his face with the other. And he smiled as you nodded, small tears pricking his eyes as you laid your forehead upon one another's
🌋 The sound of cries erupting from a woman's hands made the people sitting in the waiting room look up in surprise and slight glee. Seven of the large group looked at the nurse and she took them all back, warning them that you would probably need some space
"Is that..."
"It is. Everyone, meet Nisshoku."
"Aw! I have a nephew now! Let's go!"
"Shut it, Ray."
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ladyodium · 2 months
“And when you die?” -Jace Targaryen
“You are my heir!” - Rhaenyra Targaryen
(Spoilers for s2x7)
(Yeah, I’m a hater.)
How is it that Rhaenyra keeps making these horrible choices? I’m trying to figure out how gathering a butch of sliver haired bastards and seeing who comes out with a dragon is a power move?
Not only do you completely shatter the illusion that only PURE blooded targaryens can claim dragons, but you also stab Jace, Luke, and Joffrey in the back. You’ve just proven that anyone can claim a dragon if they have a little to no Targaryen blood.
Jace has every right to be upset. The fact that his dragon hatched for him was the only small thing keeping his world from crumbling around him. He can’t fight in this war because Rhaenyra won’t let him out of fear of losing him. He can’t even advise her to act differently because he’ll get ignored just like how Rhaenyra was ignored by her father when she said an idea.
Now, Rhaenyra has not only cut off her nose, but has caused a succession crisis to arise. Jace was right when he said “and when one of the sliver haired bastards decide they want the throne?” Then what? Jace will have no power to stop them. Jace is a bastard, he knows, we know that, everyone knows that. The only thing keeping him safe is Rhaenyra. Rhaenyra, his mother, is the only blocker for keeping him a prince, an heir. Jace’s world is falling apart and it’s cause of his own mother. That’s terrible.
Jace knows that if or when Rhaenyra dies, he’ll have to fight not only the Greens but his own claim as a bastard. The realm won’t accept him and that’s something everyone needs to understand. Rhaenyra spent too much time shielding them away from the harm and now they are left so much more exposed when she’s gone.
None of these dragon seeds have pledged any loyalty to you, Rhaneyra. They have lived a life completely different from yours. You think they’ll just bend the knee to you once you’ve given them a dragon?! Not everyone is as loyal as Addam.
Rhaenyra you have gaslit your children into believing that they are special because they have dragons and now you’ve just proven anyone can claim a dragon. You also have two PURE blooded children, you think that when you die the nobles of the realm will make Jace king?
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serialadoptersbracket · 3 months
Round 4, Match 4: Kim Dokja vs. Roy Mustang
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Submitted kids:
Kim Dokja: Lee Gilyoung and Shin Yoosung are the commonly accepted ones but you can also make a case for Lee Jihye and Biyoo
Roy Mustang: Edward and Alphonse Elric
Propaganda under the cut!
Kim Dokja:
1. “In the first scenario (where you have to murder something alive) his first priority is to make sure Gilyoung makes it out alive (by giving him the grasshopper before letting others know about it), and when the future version of Yoosung (41st round) is going to cause havoc his first plan is to basically the past (his present) version of her so they would have her on her side (he takes her in as his incarnation- if that isn’t an adoption idk what is); Biyoo is literally the soul of 41st Yoosung that he WENT THROUGH AN UNDERWORLD TRIAL to get her back and she is legally his child. Lee Jihye is more like the older sister-teenager of the group be she’s still adopted by association and Han Donghoon is a kid who was hypnotized and exploited by the ‘prophets’ and Kim Dokja saved him and became someone he trusts in- which is basically adopting. Mia is YJH’s little sister but with the family dynamic all of KimCom has she’s basically adopted too. This man is someone who believes the worst in himself but gives all these kids someone they need and in return they are the family he’s never had.”
2. “He saved Lee Gilyoung on the subway when he was orphaned at the time the apocalypse started even when he didn't need to and kept him by his side and fed him at his own expense and believed in him and taught him to be strong when no one else had really done that for Lee Gilyoung before.
MINOR SPOILERS AHEAD (pretty vague):
Shin Yoosung was a character in the world of the apocalypse that occured (long story, won't explain here lol) and she was supposed to be destined to become a monster that would destroy Seoul and the two people other than Kim Dokja who knew this wanted to kill her when they found her to prevent her from becoming that but Kim Dokja refused to kill her and physically stood to protect her and then he later became her sponsor (uhhh it's a whole thing in-universe but basically pledged to back her and help her ig) and the stigma (a special power thing that can be gained through a sponsor) he gave her was based in him protecting everyone in their group and his love for all of them.
Both Shin Yoosung and Lee Gilyoung are extremely attached to Kim Dokja and have on at least one canon occasion slept clinging to either side of him.
LESS MINOR SPOILERS AHEAD (though not terrible ig and still mostly vague at least):
Biyoo is. well she's Shin Yoosung actually but also not. So basically y'know that monster future Shin Yoosung was destined to become? so that monster version of her from a different timeline was sent backwards and sideways in time (idk how else to describe it jskdfs) and nearly did destroy Seoul as prophesied but Kim Dokja tried to save her—and he nearly did but then a shitty dokkaebi (they're like admin streamer people. idk would take a while to explain) did a shitty thing and forced her to be 'evil' and then she had to be killed ;-; but Kim Dokja promised to get revenge for her and after that he went and beat up the asshole dokkaebi who did that so badly that he gained a legendary Story. And then he traveled to the Underworld at risk of his own life to retrieve her soul and put that into a dokkaebi egg that he personally hatched. And she lost her memories for the most part but could still sense a bit what he'd done for her :') and so yeah she became Biyoo and is somehow both adopted and originally parented(?? idk saying biologically is. doesn't feel quite right lol) by him.”
3. “Bro is THE DAD of the group”
4. “Adopted his kids so hard that they’d do like anything for him they love him so much”
Roy Mustang:
1. “This pathetic cringefail loser of a man managed to raise and guide two traumatized children into becoming well-adjusted adults. He also gets bonus points because those kids end up saving the world from disaster.
Also he's hot sometimes”
2. “He has two(2) sons!!!!! Weird little traumatized children!!!! He's also soooo dad shaped(a mass murderer)!!!! He such a loser too!! I love him so much I wanna chew on him <3”
3. “ok i'm not into fma buts its a popular source and my oomfs r into it and i hear a lot about them. like top five things i hear about whenever i hear them talk about fma. hashtag war criminal family swag”
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 2 months
CRA notifies Jewish National Fund it will revoke Canadian charitable status
Story by Ari David Blaff
The Canada Revenue Agency has notified the century-old Jewish National Fund that it plans to revoke the group’s charitable status in Canada over support for military infrastructure in Israel, a decision the JNF says it will challenge in the courts.
The CRA did not respond to a request in time for publication. JNF CEO Lance Davis directed the Post to the organization’s public statement and contemporaneous newsletter to its supporters.
They added that their appeal intends to show the CRA’s findings are flawed, that the federal body’s procedures are unfair and that there “is a reasonable apprehension of bias in the audit.”
JNF had an earlier run-in with the CRA following a financial audit showing that donations from the organization were used to build military infrastructure for the Israel Defence Forces (IDF). The CRA said the move ran afoul of Canada’s Tax Code concerning supporting foreign militaries.
The CRA has cracked down on other Canadian Jewish charities in recent years, citing similar concerns. In 2019, Beth Oloth Charitable Organization had its charitable status removed for distributing funds aiding the Israeli military.
“Canadian charities are not allowed to fund foreign militaries,” Mark Blumberg, an attorney specializing in Canadian charity law, told the Post by email. “Clearly, there were previously some compliance issues,” Blumberg, creator of CharityData.ca – the largest national database of Canadian registered charities – added. He cautioned that it is difficult to draw conclusions from JNF’s announcement “without reviewing the letters from (the) CRA combined with the letters from the charity to CRA.”
Disenhouse pledged that JNF Canada had worked, and remains committed, to addressing the CRA’s earlier concerns and has strived to avoid a revocation of its charitable status.
“Similar to other charities that support the needs of children, workers, and vulnerable communities we would expect CRA to work with, not against, our charity,” Disenhouse said.
In a statement on Thursday, Shimon Koffler Fogel, CEO of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, said his group “is supportive of JNF.”
“CIJA remains hopeful that JNF and CRA will ultimately identify a constructive resolution, permitting JNF to continue its important work ranging from relief from poverty to environmental reclamation,” he added.
National Post
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gilded song, hollow promise
After arriving in Valinor, Míriel feels aimless. Weaving does not make much money, and she cannot find a purpose. So she starts by healing in the palace, and becomes Queen Indis's birthing healer. It all begins to go awry when, only hours after Indis's youngest child Faniel is born, she passes into the Halls of Mandos, and Finwë is three days away. To save the child, Míriel forms a parental bond with her.
trigger warnings: none
for best results (and notes!), read on ao3!
After her family and the rest of the Nelyar her mother's kin arrived to Valinórë, Míriel was aimless for a while. She helped her sister Méliel and law-sister Lónissë in assisting Rúmil in his specialization, but Míriel has nothing to do.
She weaves, for a while. But unlike in a world where she could have made it so, weaving is not a great art of the Eldar - it is only used in clothing, which Míriel dislikes making. And so Míriel has nothing, really, to do.
Except become a healer. Míriel was a healer in Cuiviénen, when she could spare her weaving of the necessary clothing. She enjoyed it, undoubtedly, as a thing she'd do when times grew hard.
(She had been a warrior, too, and a formidable one, but in Cuiviénen, they did not need another warrior, no matter how good Míriel was. They needed a healer.)
But Míriel was also a good healer. And times were sparse, with children being born as Valinórë's health set in, and so Míriel found herself healing.
That is also how Míriel found herself as the palace healer. Queen Indis, having her second child, needed a new healer, and she recognizd Míriel from Cuiviénen.
"Us Cuiviénen elves must stick together," she told Míriel, and hired her on the spot.
And so Míriel delivered Ñolofinwë, then Írimë, then Arafinwë. She served as primarily the palace's birthing healer, but she also served all who came to the palace in need of one.
Which is how, when she served Queen Indis for the final time for the birth of her newest daughter, she knew something was wrong. Each pregnancy had taken more out of the queen, and although Míriel worried, it was not her place to tell the queen to change something, and so, as a commoner, she said nothing.
(Míriel also developed a silent, steady dislike of the king. He had attended, of the four children of Queen Indis she had delivered, only Ñolofinwë's birth. Míriel also saw his favouritism, and for all it grated on Queen Indis, she could not deny that the queen also chose her own favourites - notably, Calwanossë. Míriel wanted children, wanted children so much, and she vowed she'd never treat her children like that. Míriel also pledged that she would give her hypothetical children better names.)
But Míriel was experienced, and as soon as she delivered Vanissë - as the queen named her immediately - Queen Indis was feeling weak.
She slept, with her eyes closed. Míriel went into panic mode.
Six hours later, the queen woke up. She headed towards the Gardens of Estë, carried by the Maia Sendallë, and said none would attend her. She had yet to even form a bond with Vanissë.
Queen Indis did not come back, and Míriel heard of it eight hours later by message of the Maia Sendallë, that the queen would sleep and wake up perhaps yéni later.
Finwë was away, in Taniquetil, in Valimar, something of that.
Míriel looked at the baby she was holding in her arms and feeding cow milk. She turned to her dear friend, a co-healer by the name of Mélatirmë.
"I will form an emergency bond with the child," she told Mélatirmë. "It is necessary. Taniquetil is three days away by the fastest horse in Valinórë. If not given a bond, Vanissë will die."
Mélatirmë only nodded. "Do as you must."
And so Míriel formed a bond with little Vanissë, and suddenly, she had a child she needed to support, needed to love.
Three hours later, Míriel still holding Vanissë, she allowed the queen's other children to meet their new sister and gave them the news wishing her voice didn't tremble.
(She didn't speak of the parental bond with Vanissë. They didn't need to know that burden.)
Ñolofinwë was angry, Calwanossë complating. Arafinwë was too young to care, and Írimë... nodded, like she didn't care.
(Míriel realized Írimë had already realized her mother preferred Calwanossë and her father Ñolofinwë.)
Three days later, Finwë arrived. He demanded to see his daughter and wife immediately, for he had only heard something had gone wrong with the birth.
Míriel was escorted to see him, carrying Vanissë along the way.
"Your wife sleeps forevermore - or for yéni - in the Gardens of Estë. According to the Maia Sendallë, Queen Indis will not wake for many yéni, at the very least. This is your daughter, whom your wife named Vanissë. I have formed a parental bond with her to ensure her survival, but otherwise, you will not see me around, as I may have to quit the palace as a birthing healer."
Finwë left immediately, not acknowledging Míriel. She finds out later he goes straight to the queen's old rooms; Míriel does not think anyone sees him again for months, only hears that the others have taken to leaving food outside his door, knocking thrice, and saying "Food is ready, my king", and the food will be gone by morn.
But on the bright side, her new position as the nursemaid of Vanissë - the poor girl has not even an ataressë, they are using Finwiel - comes with many benefits, most of all Vanissë herself. She is a delightful child, and even though Míriel knows it cannot last, she enjoys the feeling of raising a child. She loves Vanissë, for how foolish and futile it is.
(Méliel warns her; as sisters, twins nonetheless, they have always been close, and Méliel fears. But Míriel does not. That is where they differ: Méliel knows when she has lost the game, and Míriel will always keep fighting until she has won. Lónissë worries too, Míriel has known her since Cuiviénen, and, after Méliel and Míriel's parents died during the Great Journey, they only really have each other and Lónissë.)
In those months, though, Míriel's work takes off. Suddenly, she's recieving commissions from even High King Ingwë, and Finwë has still not formed a parental bond with Vanissë. If she leaves her job, Vanissë will die, and she is a child. Míriel will never allow it.
(She also gains the epessë of Serindë.)
Finwë holds Vanissë's naming ceremony a month after he finally leaves the queen's chambers, a bonds with her the night before.
Faniel, he calls her. A terrible name. Míriel wants to yell at him for it, but he is her king. To name her for the hröa of the ainur is either disrespect at a high degree to the ainur, or an ill-thought and foolish name.
Míriel does not speak of her anger on Vanissë's behalf. Even Vanissë is a terrible name. If she had to name the girl, golden locks like amber caught in sunlight, fading to a deep, dark black, eyes a green-gray, she would call her Helyanwissë, rainbow, or something suitably fantastical. Rilyalaurë, Quilëlillë.
And so Míriel continues to take care of Vanissë, continues weaving, until one day, the king calls her to his office.
"I have never thanked you," he tells her, "for keeping my daughter Faniel Aranel alive."
"I only did what any other would," Míriel says, bowing deep. "Finwë Noldóran, aranya, none would let a child die."
"Perhaps," the king says, "but you of all chose to take the burden. And for that, I have a deal, that could be a reward. If you choose not to take it, I will devise an alternate reward."
Míriel squints her eyes slightly. "Let I hear of the deal."
"Marry me."
"Excuse me, my king?"
"My children need a mother, and Indis - according to Námo - has declared that in all of her years yet she will not come back, until centuries have passed. Of my children, only Calwanossë has aged beyond her majority. Írimë Aranel, Arafinwë Cundu, and Faniel Aranel especially need a mother."
"I see."
"You will gain the power of a queen, and all the riches and luxury you can imagine. Your sister, her wife, and your nephew will also be sent monthly payments and raised to nobility."
Míriel pauses. "I want power. Give me authority, an actual position in court that is not just a silent support at your side."
Finwë raises an eye. "Unconventional, but it can be done."
"It will become the convention, husband."
"Very well."
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orangepenguino · 1 year
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Hey Tumblr friends!
Today, my dear friend Kyle Walters has his first board game launching on Kickstarter! He's poured three years of hard work into crafting an incredible board game called Storyburg, and I really hope you'll check it out.
Kickstarter Launch Details
Launch Date: Tuesday, September 19th at 8am Eastern
Kickstarter Link
I playtested the game from its earliest stages and I really, really want it to be a success. What is Storyburg?
Storyburg is an adventure board game that transports you to a world where familiar stories collide. You can step into the shoes of iconic characters like Peter from Peter Pan, Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz, Alice from Alice in Wonderland, or Little Nemo from Little Nemo in Slumberland.
The gameplay combines elements of dungeon-crawlers, deck-building, and choose-your-own-adventure games, ensuring every session is filled with surprises and excitement.
There are over 300 original illustrations Kyle drew for the game! He's spent countless hours researching all elements of game production and design. It's a beautiful piece of work.
To ensure Storyburg's Kickstarter campaign gets off to the best possible start, Kyle has prepared a special Launch Day Deal available today only. Kyle has assured me that it's important to get as many backers as possible in the first 48 hours of the campaign. It makes the algorithms happy! Every backer, no matter the pledge amount, plays a pivotal role in making this dream a reality.
If you're not an avid board gamer or have budget constraints, even a $1 pledge goes a long way in boosting the campaign's visibility and momentum. If your shelves are too full of games and/or you're feeling extra generous, Kyle has partnered with ComicBooks 4 Kids, a charity that provides comic books and other pop culture items to children in hospitals. If you buy a $1 Pledge (or any Pledge Level) and then choose the ComicBooks 4 Kids ADD-ON, a copy of the game will be sent to sick children and teens in hospitals and cancer centers. It's a wonderful way to share the joy of gaming with those who need it most. I'm truly passionate about Storyburg's success. Not only do I want the best for my friend, but I really think it's a great game. Unfortunately, Storyburg only gets made if the Kickstarter is successful. It would mean a lot to me if you consider supporting the campaign, but even spreading the word would be a great help. Your support, whether through pledging or simply spreading the Kickstarter link, contributes to getting this fantastic game out into the world. Thank you for getting this far. I dislike writing marketing posts considerably more than I dislike reading them, so you can safely know that I really and truly think this is a project worth your attention. If you are able, consider supporting this Kickstarter campaign and help bring Storyburg to life! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or want to learn more. Wishing you a wonderful day filled with excitement and adventure! (Or if you prefer, a fun board game with friends and a nice mug of tea.)
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iamapoopmuffin · 5 months
Powerpuff Girls episodes explained badly
Monkey See, Doggy Do: Everyone is a dog and/or naked.
Mommy Fearest: The girls try to turn some lady they just met into their step-mother and regret it immediately.
Insect Inside: Bugs are gross. Or are they?
Powerpuff Bluff: Cosplay for crime reasons. And to look cute.
Octi Evil: Bubbles trusts in her plush toy when it suddenly starts talking to her like one of those imaginary friends that tells you to burn things. It goes as well as you'd expect.
Geshundfight: There's too many people on this earth, we need a new plague.
Buttercrush: 1 1/2 year old develops crush on 17 year old who uses her crush to manipulate the shit out of her.
Fuzzy Logic: You don't touch another man's banjo. Ever.
Boogie Frights: An endless disco party ends in Bubbles turning off her targeting computer and blowing up the Death Disco Star
Abracadaver: Zombie magician comes to town and does zombie magician stuff.
Telephonies: Crank calls lead to the one moment in the entire cartoon my family constantly quotes, literally any time anyone says 'him' in any context. Also we learn how HIM stays so fit!
Tough Love: HIM farts on the entire city and it makes everyone hate the Powerpuff Girls.
Major Competition: Pretty much the exact kind of thing I'd expect Jeff Bennett to voice comes to town, kicks a puppy and gets praised.
Mr. Mojo's Rising: Mojo reveals he is both the Professor's former pet and the technical other parent of the Powerpuff Girls.
Paste Makes Waste: Be careful who you bully in kindergarten because they might eat a radioactive fly and become giant glue monsters.
Ice Sore: It's a hot summer's day and gee whiz, Blossom sure blows!
Bubblevicious: Bubbles is hardcore.
The Bare Facts: Your typical 'no-one's account is fully accurate as they piece together the story' story, but with crayon drawlings and a naked old dude.
Cat Man Do: Evil cat possesses the professor and does evil cat things.
Impeach Fuzz: Fuzzy becomes the perfect mayor. Crime is down 100%, the Powerpuff Girls now get called to catch pigs.
Just Another Manic Mojo: Mojo Jojo's morning routine ft. annoying children.
Mime For A Change: Clown steps into oncoming traffic, gets covered in bleach, causes an environmental disaster and ruins everything.
The Rowdyruff Boys: Rule 63 the episode.
Uh Oh Dynamo: Kaiju vs murder robot. The city loses.
Stuck Up, Up And Away: Spoiled brat tries to buy superpowers, like Batman.
Schoolhouse Rocked: Teenagers who were abandoned in a dump before ever going to school meet a truant officer who becomes the first person to ever care about them, then go to school and get expelled on the very first day.
Collect Her: This is you, you obsessed freaks.
Supper Villain: Man gets sick of pancakes for breakfast and lives out secret supervillain fantasies. (Second most quoted line of the show in my family is here.)
Birthday Bash: Happy birthday, here's some death. Also why the hell is a 5 year old girl in a prison where every single other inmate is a grown man?
Too Pooped To Puff: When completely exhausted from their constant hero work, the girls tell the city to put a toaster in a bathtub full of water.
Beat Your Greens: These kids are so reluctant to eat the only good green vegetable that vegetable aliens arrive to teach them to stop being pussies.
Down n' Dirty: Buttercup refuses to bathe and it's fucking disgusting.
Dream Scheme: In The Sand Man you play as Sophie Grundler, a girl suffering from insomnia. Exhausted and unable to sleep, Sophie wanders into town to discover everyone else has fallen into an eternal sleep. Wait, wrong sand man-
You Snooze You Lose: Mojo falls asleep, loses some schematics and goes completely batshit insane. Then the girls eat gum that was in Junior's mouth earlier. Then probably get sick from Amoeba Boys germs again.
Slave The Day: Billy, who we thought was dead, pledges allegiance to the girls and Blossom yells at him.
Los Dos Mojos: Bubbles is Mojo now. But twice as hardcore.
A Very Special Blossom: Blossom turns to a life of crime.
Daylight Savings: Actual consequences to these small children having to go out at all hours to fight crime.
Mo Job: Mojo and Princess build a gun and shoot children with it.
Pet Feud: The Professor genetically engineers a neopet that eats everything.
Imaginary Fiend: A child's imagination is a dangerous weapon. And may tell the child to set the school on fire.
Cootie Gras: A kid who never bathes decides to play kiss chase. When that grosses people out, he gets used as a dangerous weapon.
The Powerpuff Girls Best Rainy Day Adventure Ever: The Powerpuff Girls play The Powerpuff Girls.
Just Desserts: Man's supervillain fantasy is adopted by his entire family.
Twisted Sister: The girls create a new sister who is severely disabled and then promptly dies.
Cover Up: Security Blankie the episode
Speed Demon: Back To The Future but scarier.
Mojo Jonesin': Mojo deals crack to toddlers
Something's A Ms.: Sedusa has sex with the Mayor so she can steal shit.
Slumbering With The Enemy: Mojo goes on RuPaul's Drag Race and infiltrates a child's sleepover.
Fallen Arches: Old People Fight Club!
The Mane Event: Blossom gets a new haircut and gets bullied. I like her hair like that though.
Town And Out: The Utoniums move to a new town with real world consequences for senseless property damage.
Child Fearing: Mojo babysits and regrets every decision that led him to that moment in life.
Criss Cross Crisis: Mandatory body swap story from hell.
Bubblevision: Bubbles has sudden sight loss issues and gets ripped to shreds for it. Also there are ants.
Bought And Scold: Princess' dad buys the city and she legalises everything, then gets robbed.
Gettin' Twiggy With It: Neglected trailer park kid abuses a hamster.
Cop Out: American Police officer attempts to kill three children. Nobody is surprised.
Three Girls And A Monster: Well, they aren't adopting it, but they aren't murdering it either.
Monkey See, Doggy Two: Everyone's a dog again except the girls, so they can beat the shit out of things still.
Jewel Of The Aisle: Cereal mascot tries to rob diamond.
Super Zeroes: Cosplay 2 electric boogaloo. Also who the hell trusted Blossom with a car?
Candy Is Dandy: What happens when you introduce sugar to children who aren't allowed sugar.
Catastrophe: Don't shove cats up your arse.
Hot Air Buffoon: The Mayor goes into the sky and punches people.
Ploys R' Us: The Professor sleep steals and the girls profit from it.
Equal Fights: The Powerpuff Girls get brainwashed by a TERF.
Powerprof.: Embarrassing dad becomes superhero just to spend time with embarrassed children.
Moral Decay: Buttercup steals teeth and sells them on the black market.
Meet The Beat Alls: Mojo, Fuzzy, Princess and HIM form a band and live in a yellow submarine.
Him Diddle Riddle: HIM canonically has the power to end the entire world with a flick of his wrist but instead spends his time making the girls solve riddles to inconvenience them for shits, giggles and not having customers Karen their way out of paying for flapjacks.
Film Flam: Fake director tries to take advantage of impressionable young girls and it takes their dad in drag to stop him.
All Chalked Up: Butterfly HIM teaches Bubbles art therapy and then brings the therapy to life.
Get Back Jojo: Back To The Future again
Members Only: Big manly men have their masculinity threatened by little girls, then a giant dick joke from space voiced by Mr Krabs kills everyone.
Nano Of The North: Tiny robots eat your clothes
Stray Bullet: Squirrel with huge nuts becomes super squirrel after small child force feeds him chemicals
Forced Kin: Mojo has beef with some shiny silver dude
Knock It Off: Dexter's estranged uncle or something comes to town, makes a shittonne of artificial children to sell for profit and many of the children die.
Helter Shelter: Bubbles kidnaps a baby whale
Power Lunch: Teenagers with terrible diet have stomach issues.
Superfriends: New kid in town falls victim to peer pressure.
Keen On Keane: Girls, seriously, have you not learned your lesson about setting your dad up on dates with random women yet?
Not So Awesome Blossom: Blossom has an anxiety attack and loses all self confidence.
Power-Noia: The girls eat cheese before bed and have weird nightmares.
Monstra-City: Segregation is right.
Shut The Pup Up: The girls consider beating a dog to death.
Toast Of The Town: Babysitting an old guy who wants toast.
Divide And Conquer: A glorified maths lesson featuring amoebas.
Burglar Alarmed: The girls try to silently deal with a burglar because daddy is tired.
Shotgun Wedding: Fuzzy tries to marry Professor Utonium, then has sex with a pile of mud.
Save Mojo: Vegans ruin everything.
Substitute Creature: Ms Keane is sick and the girls learn they're racist against green people.
The Boys Are Back In Town: Oh yeah rule 63 is back and spikier.
Pee Pee G's: Mojo breaks into the girls' house and pisses on their bed. He faces absolutely no consequences for this.
Boy Toys: Boys don't like girls, boys like cars and weapons.
Seed No Evil: Frozen caveman steals sunflower seeds. This one feels like a really shit fever dream.
City Of Clipsville: The show runners take the absolute piss out of every fanfic writer in the fandom.
Lying Around The House: A lie gains sentience and fucks shit up.
Bubble Boy: Bubbles steals Boomer's clothes, identity and family.
A Documentary: Guy stalks children and tries to record videos of them.
Girls Gone Mild: Karens ruin everything. Again.
See Me, Feel Me, Gnomey: Jack Black a gnome creates communism through the power of music
Curses: The girls learn how to swear.
Bang For Your Buck: Kids compete in a life or death struggle to earn enough money for ice cream.
Silent Treatment: Silent movie kidnaps man and steals his voice.
Sweet 'n' Sour: Plushies rob entire city and get away with it because they're cute. Also they hate children.
Prime Mates: Brainless monkey ruins everything. Just like Twitter.
Coupe D'Etat: Sentient car is a homewrecker.
Makes Zen To Me: Buttercup joins a peace cult.
Say Uncle: The girls adopt a sasquatch and Utonium does not recognise his own brother.
Reeking Havoc: How do you fight a giant fart? Asking for a friend.
Live & Let Dynamo: Kaiju Robot is back and is committing crimes for fun.
Mo' Linguish: Mojo teaches a class at an adult education centre. Sadly it is not street dancing for self defence.
Oops, I Did It Again: Normal little girl AU
A Made Up Story: In which makeup is evil
Little Miss Interprets: Bubbles ruins a surprise party
Night Mayor: Another weird cheese dream but this time it's the Mayor dreaming about having relations with pickles
Custody Battle: HIM and Mojo have a messy custody battle in the middle of Townsville and both lose.
City Of Nutsville: Bubbles swallows a bee and squirrels kill everyone.
Aspirations: Sedusa takes advantage of a group of teenagers who have been abandoned by their mothers and also never gotten laid while also turning them into criminal masterminds.
That's Not My Baby: The girls find an abandoned baby and decide caring for it will convince their dad they're ready for a hamster
Simian Says: Mojo takes over the show
Sun Scream: PSA: Wear sunscreen.
City Of Frownsville: Man with terrible depression develops machine that cures his depression by giving it to everyone else
West In Pieces: Back To The Future 3, the wild west one
Crazy Mixed Up Puffs: Oh god they've fused
Mizzen In Action: Pirates of the Caribbean but less interesting
Roughing It Up: The Professor takes his kids on a camping trip and becomes rival dads with Fuzzy
What's The Big Idea?: The girls are made giant and it's a whole mess.
Nuthin' Special: Buttercup has no unique abilities. Any she had before are no longer unique.
Neighbour Hood: Children's TV show demands money.
I See A Funny Cartoon In Your Future: Gypsy and goose steal things along to a terrible rhyming narration.
Octi-Gone: Bubbles holds a fancy dinner party hostage to solve the mystery of the murder of her plushie, the one that told her to burn things.
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numbknee · 2 years
Enough of the suffering thru the asks abt all the other cartman ships, what abt your brain rot? 🥺 what *are* your thoughts on kyman?? Go ham dude
ooooh dear... where to begin with the kyman brainrot....... I guess I’ll start at the beginning. VERY LONG POST under the cut. this is basically my kyman meta magnum opus lmao
I’ve talked about this ad nauseam before, but I really, REALLY didn’t want to get into south park. I had only ever watched like 2 full episodes before 2021 and I simply did not understand the appeal. I just thought the draw to the show was the shock factors: gross-out humor, children swearing and committing violence, and blatant bigotry played for laughs. I didn’t understand how it could be so popular other than “well I guess there are lots of horrible people out there who like this horrible show.” 
I grew up in a very WASP-y town and had peers in elementary/middle school who learned about the existence of antisemitism and other bigotries through south park. because kids are stupid and don’t understand satire, many of them took it at face value and were able to have shittons of words added to their vocabulary to put people down and insult them. it was horrible tbh. and I hated the show for that, even as a young kid. I personally wasn’t perfect by any means but even as a snot-nosed, extremely sheltered little white girl I knew that you just shouldn’t do that shit. our school system in particular lauded the “golden rule” constantly (we had to do a school-specific pledge after the pledge of allegiance every day... yeah I know, very american) and I was like “cmon, you guys can’t even follow that ONE RULE to be a semi-decent human being?? really??”
anyway at the end of 2021, my younger brother asked me to watch the post-covid specials with him and he was very excited about it. I was immediately hesitant, especially because in recent years he has become alarmingly incel-y and took a hard turn to the right while I became a leftist. I reluctantly agreed to sit through it to try to understand him more because, even though his political ideology sucks ass, he’s still my brother and I do love him. 
so I watched the specials, and I came out the other side of it shell-shocked with how surprisingly good the writing was. THIS stupid show, the show that all this time I thought was bottom-of-the-barrel comedy, was... GOOD??? particularly regarding CARTMAN?? 
the only things I knew about cartman going into it were the following: he’s fat, he says the name “kyle” weird, and he’s a horrible antisemite. and they made him grow up to be a freaking RABBI. it completely caught me off guard and *gasp* actually made me laugh???? what???? 
there were plenty of other things I loved about the post-covid specials, like my depressed ass relating WAAAY too hard with stan, the extremely on-the-nose satire of the state of advertisement/capitalism with the stupid “denny’s applebee’s max” restaurant chain gag and all the old people being shoved into a giant prison retirement home once they aren’t productive anymore, kenny getting sick of the gang’s bullshit and writing “FUCK THESE HOES” on a beloved childhood photo, butters become a snake-oil salesman for NFTs, kyle being told to “think like a kid” and like 2 seconds later realizing they need to look up kenny’s ass. I could go on but you get the point. 
I liked it way more than I thought I ever would. and obviously, I often find south park funny for different reasons than my brother does because matt & trey are very good at toeing the line of appealing to both sides of the american political spectrum, but it’s become a point of bonding between us in the year since I started watching the show and I’m grateful for that. 
of course, since i’m terminally on tumblr and ao3, I also started to dive into the fandom of south park. I had heard about the whole creek thing years ago and waved it off as a stupid gag but then I realized wait, holy shit, there’s actually a GIGANTIC shipping culture around south park??? at first I got into style because of the interesting concept of post-covid kyle and stan reconnecting after decades apart and not being the same people they used to be but trying to make it work anyway (I even wrote a fic about it ahahaa...) 
but after a while I got tired of the ship because as I watched the rest of the show, I realized their relationship just wasn’t as interesting as I thought it would be. like they’re best friends but... why? because they’ve known each other forever? they both like video games? they make fun of cartman together? the fact they’re “super-best-friends” is kind of taken for granted by the show and the audience, but imo matt and trey never really explore the intricacies of their relationship very much. y’all can disagree with me on this but idk, all I know is that I got bored with style as a ship after like 2 months.
while scrolling through ao3 and tumblr, I ran across kyman fics/fanart for the first time back in february or so. at first I was appalled because... why the everloving fuck would you ship the blatant antisemite with the jewish kid??? really???? isn’t style a much better choice??? but sheer curiosity got the better of me, so I did what I always do when I’m curious about a ship: select for fics with kyle broflovski/eric cartman, sort by kudos, and read the first result (or in this case the second because the first had creek as the main ship). y’all know which fic that is if you’ve even slightly gotten into kyman. it was interesting, but I personally didn’t see them as the actual characters from the show in that fic. they were fandom versions of kyle and cartman, with their personalities changed enough to fit the standard mlm shipping dynamic that’s popular in fandom spaces (particularly regarding dom/sub aspects). I’ve seen it happen in plenty of other fandoms so I wasn’t surprised, but I still couldn’t see how it could possibly work if one were to use their canon character depictions. 
all the while I was making my way through episodes of the show cuz it’s long af, and over time I became more and more intrigued with kyle and cartman’s relationship. cartman quickly became my favorite character in the show because of how fucking complex and layered his personality is (see my tags on this post), and though kyle despises cartman in countless ways, he still is the only one who consistently tries to find goodness in him, tries to make him change for the better, saves him when no one else will, and remains his friend despite everything. it’s a remarkably complex dynamic.
little hints of kyman started creeping up on me: cartman being frequently queer-coded as a closeted gay kid. kyle getting extremely jealous of cartman and heidi’s relationship. both of them on separate occasions saving the other from death or injury without wanting any credit for it or lording it over each other. “we've been through a lot together, and... maybe that alone doesn't make us friends, but it makes us something” 
needless to say, I started to get it. and then I encountered the straw that broke the camel’s back: “know your enemy” by elsen on ao3. I’m not exaggerating when I say I’ve read that fic probably over a dozen times. it was shockingly well-written and so in-tune with the style and tone of the show that I was like “is this person spirit-channelling trey parker or something wtf???” and all of a sudden, I could see how, in a different universe, kyman could actually be an endgame ship. 
what sold me on it the most was how in-character it seemed for cartman to be a repressed, denial-ridden sub, especially regarding his desired relationship with kyle. there’s plenty of canon evidence that cartman has a secret crush on kyle (see this vid by johnny 2 cellos), but there’s no way that kyle could reciprocate those feelings, right?? imo kyle would probably rather die than enter a romantic relationship with cartman where he had to submit to him all the time, but if cartman would want kyle to be dominant over him??? where kyle has control and is able to curb cartman’s problematic behavior as he sees fit??? that opens up a whole other door of possibilities.
I think what kyle wants more than anything else in the world regarding cartman is for the goodness he sees deep down inside him to come to the surface, and for kyle to be the one to guide him (or force him when necessary) to becoming a better person through love and patience and inherent understanding of his fucked up little head??? I can definitely see kyle wanting that (especially since I see kyle as a repressed, denial-ridden sadist/dom lmao; see this post for my thoughts on that). 
it was all downhill from there. I found tons of other cool kyman shippers on tumblr and twitter whose writing and fanart helped suck me in even more and I’ve been stuck in kyman hell ever since. special shoutout to the asker for her kyman analysis posts that inspired this fic I wrote! love u boo <3
ANYWAY that’s how I became a whore for kyman lolololol ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ have a nice day everybody
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mageofseven · 1 year
Nesting with Birdie: A BarbMams Love Story
Chapter 7
Taglist: @astroseuss @zarakem @fcxyviixen @brielle043
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The pride demon was with the prince in his room, sitting on the bed with his head in his hands.
"I overstepped..." Lucifer shook his head as he spoke in a low voice.
Diavolo grimaced before letting out a sigh and sitting next to his boyfriend.
"That...you did." The prince agreed.
"I shouldn't have said that..."
Still, the redhead reached out to rub his boyfriend's back.
"You most definitely should not have."
"Diavolo, that not helping."
Dia leaned in and kissed his cheek.
"My Light, you let your anxiety get ahead of you once more." The prince explained. "This led you to make a hurtful mistake, but not an unfixable one."
"I just wish none of this was happening." He lifted his head to meet his boyfriend's eyes. "I don't want Mammon to face the struggles ahead of him."
"I know, my Light." Dia pulled his boyfriend into his arms. "You cherish your brothers so deeply, Mammon especially."
Lucifer loved all of his brothers dearly, but Mammon held a special place in his heart.
The rest his younger siblings were given to him to raise upon their creation; Mammon was not.
Mammon was Michael's responsibility, one the other man could not handle. His treatment of the small, frail looking child was repulsive. When Lucifer discovered how Michael treated Mammon as a child, he couldn't look at his former friend and brother the same way.
Luckily, Lucifer was more favored by Father than Michael was and as a result, Lucifer was given custody of young Mammon.
Just like with the rest of his siblings, Lucifer pledged that he would always protect his newest brother.
Then everything happened with Lilith and he lost his sister. This only made the older brother grip onto the others more, especially Mammon, who he still saw as that tiny abused boy in Michael's home.
This was also why his punishments for his brothers, especially Mammon, were so 'creative'. Lucifer refused to lay a hand on his brothers that wasn't soft or at least purposeful and guiding. He would never beat them, marking up their skin and shame them into hiding them or lock them up for a day or two without food; he will never, ever treat them the way Michael treated Mammon.
This is why Lucifer punished the way he did. In his mind, tying his brothers up and leaving them to hang for awhile was like a forced time out, one that he could guarantee to have them fulfill their time while he could continue with his other responsibilities.
Diavolo knew this story and therefore understood how delicate all of this was for his boyfriend.
One of the sad parts about all of this was that Mammon believed the very opposite; the poor younger brother believed that because he was never originally Lucifer's, that he was never his brother in the same way the others were that he wasn't loved as intensely as the others were; he was like the only adopted kid in a big family, worried their parents don't love them as much as their 'real' children.
Mammon has always seen himself as 'less than', long before Lucifer came to his rescue. That was one of the driving forces that made Mammon try to be a big support to his older brother, his second in command. He wanted to feel like he was on even footing with their other brothers, mattering to Lucifer just as much.
He always did though. Lucifer has long cherished Mammon as his brother, has long seen him as just as much a part of his family as Belphie, Asmo, Levi, and the rest them.
"How do I fix this?" The pride demon asked softly.
Dia gave his boyfriend a small kiss before meeting his eyes.
"Try to calm yourself and accept your brother's decision. You may see that defenseless child when you look at him, but Mammon is indeed a grown man and stronger than you think. Succeed or fail, just love him and be there for him."
Lucifer sighed.
"I'll also need to go apologize."
"Not just to Mammon, my Light."
The Avatar of Pride nodded.
After all, he didn't just hurt his brother with this; he also hurt and disrespected his old friend.
The look in Barbatos' eyes, the tone of his voice...he's never seen the butler act like that before; at the same time, he couldn't blame him.
Mammon may be his brother, but he is Barbatos' love, his partner and the person carrying his child; of course he's going to be fiercely protective of his boyfriend
And Lucifer was grateful for that. He was grateful that Barbatos, a man that he trusted so much, is the one at his brother's side.
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drbtinglecannon · 2 years
(I haven't watched the leaked episode, if you did, please do not post any spoilers. You will be blocked if you do.)
King!!! King is back!!! Unfortunately it comes at the cost of him obviously being the Collector's servant basically. At least he still has François.
King also reads a book about the Collector, similar to how the end of S1 he read a book about Belos. It's an easy way to add lore to the show, and it calls back to another time he did so
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Not only do we get curly redhead Lilith, but she has a pixie cut now too!!! Her glasses are gone tho :(
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All of the Coven Heads (but Terra?) got turned to puppets ;___; as have most other citizens including Hooty, Principal Bump & the other Hexside teachers, and some of the other student body like the grudgby players
Also Eda does not seem to have a prosthetic like most people predicted, which makes me wonder what happened to Alador
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Mattholomule grew the worst facial hair lol (I am certain the 😑 expressions everyone made in that last promo image was at Mattholomule). Skara is there too!!!! And Barkus (maybe we'll get a gustholomule moment)
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Eda can still lose control of the Owl Beast in Harpy mode -- and I can't blame her considering the circumstances. Her eyes turn fully black in that inky drop motion like back in s1
I wonder if her short hair affects the look
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Huntlow moment 💚💛
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Dana was right, sparkly is a good word to describe this episode.
I'm not sure how I feel by the idea that almost all adults got captured, it does feel specifically like The Collector (a child like God) did it on purpose, but it still is kinda :/ to know most of my fav supporting cast are puppets now to conveniently write them all out of the episode so as to keep the cast from bloating. Like I get why it was done but I'm still salty about it
The Coven Heads (again except maybe Terra?? Idk why she wasn't there? Did she pledge loyalty well enough to not need to be puppetfied? Did she escape? Die? Lol could you imagine) all have slight whimsical features added to their designs, as with everyone who got puppetfied, but for once they're all moving & working in tandem haha. Raine's close up not only killed me, but gave a good callback to when they got captured by Kikimora then "brainwashed" for weeks afterwards. The parallels of Raine pretending to be an enemy vs now they are but completely against their will. Bah. I'm dying, I'm afraid to see Eda's face in that scene. ;__; I'm really unhappy to have any Raeda fluff or bonding during this special (or suggested to have happened in between KT & FTF) robbed from us, but angst is classic Raeda vibes so I'm not surprised
I did also notice we didn't see any hints of Amity, Gus, or Willow's families at all. All we know is Eda & Lilith seem to have escaped puppetfication. I have a feeling Hooty took the puppetfication blast for Lilith in that moment
I'm stoked about Lilith having red hair again, and I was not expecting her & Eda to both cut their hair short! Everyone's getting hair style changes!
This will definitely be a Collector lore heavy episode, if only for the fact King was reading that book about them. I wonder if there used to be more children of the stars, and where the others went/are if there were
And lastly I'm at the photo cap but Belos is there too. He is using glyphs to burrow into some area, and he's killing the wildlife as he goes. Y'know, classic Belos behavior. I wonder if he's trying to get to where Caleb's mangled remains are, and if so what the plan is from there. I doubt Belos will play a large part in this episode as it seems very heavily focused on The Collector instead, which I'm fine with as I figured the final confrontation with Belos was gonna be the last special, what with him being the main villain of the show.
Despite any hangups I have I'm very excited to see the special! I know Dana & the crew worked hard on it
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reapersynth · 1 year
hiiii!! if this isn't weird could you give us a lore / backstory / choices rundown for ember <3 her design is SO cool, I'd love to hear more about her!
teehee id love to !! she's currently eating the functional half of my brain like a black hole rn!!
(tw for domestic abuse in the second paragraph btw)
backstory ;
(this is still in development buuut-) formerly married to a dickwad of a noble sorcerer who essentially kept her as a pet :( she got curious one night and snuck into his study where she was coerced by a strange magic book that branded her left eye (her black smoky tattoo), imbuing it with the power to see enchantments and magical properties but at the cost of. well. everything. the book was destroyed after she received the brand her husband was furious when he found out that she "ruined" the magic he was hoarding for himself and attacked her with the intent to kill. he burned her badly on the left side of her body but she managed to escape and fled the city, leaving everything behind. she found solace in a church of mystra who took her under their wing, and she ended up pledging her life to mystra's service, becoming a cleric. her storm sorcery isnt solely from being a cleric of mystra bc she knew some magic before, but it's greatly bolstered by it, and she has access to more powerful invocations and healing magic bc of that! she spent most of her days traveling wherever the clergy sent her, as well as sometimes aiding paladins or groups of soldiers as a healer. somehow she ended up in baldur's gate and began to call it home.
morality ;
ember started the campaign as neutral good but that's definitely prone to change (if it hasn't already lol). while she tries her best to help those in need and has a soft spot for children, she has no problem with killing and can be equally destructive as she is gentle. she protected the druid grove but had no issue with slaughtering anyone who got in her way at the goblin camp & did the same at grymforge. she brought nere's decapitated head to the myconids. she also cares deeply for astarion (platonically) and wont let anyone lay a finger on him. she's also falling hard for gale rn but doesn't want to admit it and gets VERY flustered whenever there's any flirting between them fhfjfkf. she's deeply concerned for gale's whole netherese orb situation and after speaking with elmister she's begun to have some... doubts about mystra but is trying to rationalize them. she cares deeply about the whole party for sure but astarion, karlach, and gale are her besties atm !! she believes the tadpole powers are gifts to be used and trusts the dream visitor out of a hunger for power/control, as well as the desire for all of it to have "meaning" ie. she hasn't turned into a mind flayer yet so she must be special/chosen and is willing to eat out of the hand of anyone who affirms that belief. it doesn't help that she's beginning to develop some not-platonic feelings for this mysterious visitor either </3 she prefers intimidation to using honeyed words and is very defensive of the entire party. she takes charge on the front lines as a tank with her brutal maul weapon and is like. always covered in blood lmao
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The college that regulates Manitoba's physicians is apologizing for its current and historical failure to respond to Indigenous-specific racism in the medical profession.
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba (CPSM) said its responsibility also extends to the racist actions and inactions perpetuated by physicians, residents, medical students, clinical assistants and physician assistants.
"We accept this responsibility, and we apologize," said the statement, which was delivered by college representatives at the Special Chiefs Assembly on Health Legislation, hosted by the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, on Tuesday.
"CPSM apologizes to First Nations, Métis and Inuit children, families, and elders for the racism that has occurred in their medical care, whether it was in the care they received, or should have received but did not. We apologize for the intergenerational trauma, suffering, poor health outcomes, and death that this has caused."
Action needs to follow words: college
It also stated that a pledge to stamp out racism wouldn't be enough.
"Recognizing racism in ourselves will neither be comfortable nor easy. We will ask and intend to be guided by Indigenous physicians, scholars, elders, and knowledge keepers along with the legal and ethical requirements to provide respect, dignity, and equitable health care for Indigenous persons in Manitoba."
The apology comes four months after Indigenous leaders and politicians signed a declaration to eradicate anti-Indigenous racism in northern Manitoba's health-care system.
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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hel-phoenyx · 8 months
Feminity was a weird thing, now that Lycarn thought about it.
She didn't have much time to really know what that was. Little, she didn't have many dresses, her parents choosing clothes that were practical and comfortable for werewolves. She didn't have a single memory of her wearing something nice.
After the rags came the armor. At the Blood Mood, there were no dresses. Dresses were impractical. Dresses were not suited to kill. Dresses were for mothers so nothing could block them from giving birth, or allowing the children to hide under the cloth. Dresses were not for women if the women didn't give birth.
So Lycarn wore armor, and didn't look twice towards the mothers. She didn't want children, so she wouldn't be wearing dresses. They were not for her.
Still, there was that feeling back when Savannah used to cut her hair. Aside having a light head, seeing her locks on the ground while she only kept two or three inches on her scalp sometimes made her chest tighten.
But what good could hair do ? It was only protective when she wolfed out, and otherwise only decorative or downright bothersome. She had no use for hair. So she didn't keep it.
No one was cutting her hair back in the prison.
No one was cutting her hair when she ran away.
No one was cutting her hair before she stood in front of the Silent Princess, a woman with long hair and dresses and no children that she bore.
The people in Silent Moon were weird, wearing dresses or pants or armor or even more extravagant pieces of clothing for the only reason they wanted to. Keeping their hair long or short or styling it in every way possible just because they could. Lycarn couldn't understand why they would do useless things, wear useless outfits. she herself didn't feel safe if she wasn't protected by leather or metal.
Better kill than be killed.
She did stop cutting her hair.
On travels, no occasion to lose yourself in the useless. Her armor was necessary, when she crossed paths with other travellers, armies, thieves, she needed the protection.
She kept her hair long.
They said hair holds memories. Lycarn didn't need it to remember.
She still kept it.
They said it was beautiful. Lycarn didn't know what beautiful is. Beautiful was useless. Beautiful was deadly.
She still maintained it.
And then there was that boat. Where she stood before a dark elf, in armor and long hair, and was called special. Where she felt the look of the blind angel on her and her hands on her skin, and was called soft.
Special she knew. Soft she yearned for.
Today she stands in front of the women she gave her whole life to. An angel that found beauty in the low world, the doctor that healed hearts and wills alike, and the empress she pledged to protect. Her body wrapped in that uselessness she found so pathetic and is now so comforting.
One step. Two steps. A hand picking up the corners of the dress, showing the cloth embroidered with moonlight. A move of the head, for her hair now so long maintained in a tight hairdo to move around her.
"Do you like it?"
Her question was only met by smiles.
"You look beautiful."
Beautiful never was the word she was looking for.
But now that she heard it, heard it in their mouths, those mouths of those people she admired, she couldn't leave dresses behind.
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