#Ben 10 x Reader
cipheress-to-k-pop · 4 months
yin & yang pt. 4
Pairing: Ben Tennyson x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3.7k words
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Summary: You were an unlikely pair, everyone could see that. But what happens when you get a glimpse into a future where your differences were too much for you to bear?
A/N: Once again just a silly little self-indulgent fic. Hope you enjoy!
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Ben groaned in boredom, laying his face against the dirty tables outside Mr. Smoothie. Not even the smoothie, cheekily titled banana-fantana, was able to cheer him up like Gwen had been hoping.
"What's up with you?" Kevin asked, drinking his soda that he got from a nearby vending machine, after he had refused a smoothie four times.
"I miss (Y/N)." He mumbled, pouting.
They shared a glance over his head. Gwen ushered for Kevin to speak but he shook his head adamantly, mouthing that he wanted no part in this and crossing his arms.
Gwen glared at him.
"Speaking of (Y/N)—" Kevin began, all too quickly.
Ben finally raised his head from the table to look at Kevin and his friend bit his tongue, turning back to Gwen with wide eyes and beckoning her to speak.
"Uh, it's not that we don't like (Y/N)—we do! She's a great addition to the team and a good friend even—and um, Kevin?"
The man in question gave her a wicked glare before Ben turned to him and the murderous expression on his face was wiped away, "Gwen's just concerned that you might be—how did she put it—'acting like a lovesick fool'."
The look he got from Gwen was in stark contrast to the pig-headed grin he was bearing.
"What are you talking about?"
Gwen finally sighed, placing a hand on his shoulder, "We all know that you have this crush on (Y/N) but—and I mean this in the nicest way possible—but don't you think it's time that you start, you know, trying to get over her?"
He raised a brow, "Why on earth would I do that?"
"It's nice that you like her so much, but you know what (Y/N)'s like; she's driven and focused and her career as a Proctor is the most important thing to her—not that that's a bad thing! It's just—well—someone like that doesn't really seem like the type to date or be into relationships, you know?"
"That's not all what she's about. I know it doesn't seem like it but she's actually really sensitive and sweet."
They shared another glance, unconvinced.
"Guys, I'm serious! We have something between us!" He defended, unconsciously clenching his fist, and crushing the half-full smoothie cup in his hand.
Gwen let out an irate sigh.
Growing up, she had only heard of how smart she was from everyone surrounding her—her parents, her grandfather, even Ben—and yet whenever she tried to explain something to people, they tended not to listen.
If only Ben would listen to her now, he'd be able to avoid so much pain in the future. Whenever she tried to gently nudge him, he'd never listen so this time she took a more direct approach and yet, he still wasn't listening.
"Ben, please. I can tell that you're actually falling for her but honestly, where do you even see this going? Do you actually believe that you're going to get married and have kids or something like that?"
"Gwen, I'm just sixteen, it's way too soon to be worrying about something like that!"
"So, you're just going to date her until it becomes a problem?"
Ben rolled his eyes, standing from the table, "How about you mind your own business and keep your nose out of my relationship. I don't have to sit here and convince you of anything."
Kevin watched him walk away before letting out a low whistle, ignoring his girlfriend's glare, "I told you that was a bad idea."
Ben kept a single hand on the wheel as he drove the two of you over the museum, where you were supposed to meet Gwen and Kevin for a mission. You had long stopped reprimanding him for not driving with both hands since he began throwing tantrums and claiming he couldn't focus if your fingers weren't intertwined with his free one.
The roads were empty at this time of night anyway.
"Hey, did Gwen talk to you about anything? Me, specifically?" Ben brought up and you immediately picked up on the slight squeeze of his hand in yours but didn't comment on it.
"Not lately, no. Is something wrong?"
Ben let out a relieved sigh, "Nope, nothing at all."
You raised a brow at this, staring at him with suspicious eyes. He eventually caught on to your prying gaze and immediately attempted to change the topic, pretending like you didn't notice his futile attempts to do so.
"That's a pretty necklace, where'd you get it?"
You rolled your eyes, watching as a cheeky grin grew on his face at your response. He was not hiding his giddiness very well, but how could he? You, his beautiful girlfriend, whom his cousin said was a monotonous emotionless dead-end (she didn't actually say this, but Ben was offended all the same), was wearing the necklace that he had gifted her.
It was fairly simple, a thin chain with a small pendant with a gemstone. He knew you wouldn't wear something that was flashy or too gaudy, so he settled for something he knew you'd like.
And the sight of you wearing the necklace even though you usually insisted that any accessories that weren't a part of the uniform could sometimes hinder the mission was completely worth the hours of time spent staring at different necklaces that all looked the same and troubling his mother for advice until she hurled a wet sponge at his head.
When he was responding to the distress signal on his Omnitrix at the museum, Ben wasn't expecting to get attacked by a bunch of ninja that seemed to appear out of nowhere before disappearing into thin air.
You stared at the green tablet in the crate as you wondered just where you had seen the artifact before.
"It's the Hands of Armageddon." You explained, going through your database quickly to pull up all the information the plumbers had on it, "It's an artifact that was secured by the plumbers more than 2 centuries ago. It's said to be a crosstime gateway created by the Chronians, but we have yet to prove that. It's virtually indestructible though. The Plumbers have had multiple attempts and they all resulted in mass disasters."
You turned to Gwen, "The vision you saw was probably an alternate dimension—"
"Right as always, young (Y/N)."
Before the flash of light behind you could even disappear, you were pointing a gun at it, only lowering it when you saw Paradox emerge through the blinding light, accompanied by someone you'd never met before and yet, still recognized.
"Who's your friend?"
Ben stared at him with apprehension before realization struck him, "Are you?"
The man responded with a startlingly deep voice, "That's right, Ben, I'm you—only even more awesome."
You were hardly surprised, the man before you was a splitting image of your boyfriend and you averted your gaze to hide the oncoming heat to your cheeks at the sight of his beard and his stronger build. He certainly grew up nicely.
Ben 10k and Professor Paradox didn't waste any time and began to explain just what problems the group of you had somehow managed to get stuck in once again. As the four of you heard their explanations, you heard a slight sound coming from the back of the museum.
Ben 10k raised a brow at you, opening his mouth to say something when you shushed him again, with a fierce glare this time. It was only a second more before you were swerving around to point your gun at another intruder, a woman this time, who was pointing her own gun at you.
Your mouth dropped open in shock, faced with an older version of yourself.
She looked like you, that much was obvious, but she was also different, much more womanly than you were, with more rounded curves and a more matured face.
Recognizing her younger self, the you from the future lowered her own gun and placed it back into her holster, taking a look around the room and registering just how many faces were there.
"What the hell is she doing here?!"
She raised a brow at him, lips pursed in annoyance, "Excuse me?"
Paradox sighed, "I apologize for this, Ben, but this involves her future as well."
He gritted his teeth in fury, rolling his eyes, "That's just great."
You spared a glance at your boyfriend, whose face had fallen so far it looked like he had just had his heart broken.
Gwen sighed, whispering something that had only been audible, to him and you watched as his face fell deeper, "I tried to warn you, Ben."
Professor Paradox was one of the most infuriating people in the entire universe. You had gathered as much since the first time you had the displeasure of meeting him, but he seemed intent on reminding you exactly why you disliked him.
He spoke in riddles, appeared and disappeared as he pleased, never made any sense but expected everyone to listen to him with no explanation whatsoever.
And so, it didn't help your opinion of him when the cargo hull of the jet began rumbling, signalling intruders, that he was all too quick to disappear without bothering to help fight them.
You cursed out his mother in your head as he vanished within a flash of light, pocket-watch in hand and a quippy remark on his lips.
The ninjas began appearing out of nowhere and despite there being the five of you, you were confined to a small space, and they multiplied like pests until the whole hull was full of them. It obviously didn't help that Ben 10k chose then to transform into humungousaur, taking up the remaining of what little space you had.
You didn't even have enough time to come up with a good strategy before you were being attacked with multiple opponents at the same time. It didn't take much to disarm one of them, now using their own swords to attack them.
There were too many and they just kept appearing. Your eyes bounced around the room, trying to figure out how to get the upper hand in such a cramped space.
Your older self, having the same idea, sprinted across the room, disarming as many soldiers around her as she could. Although, there was something odd about the way she moved.
She was at the same strength level as you were. After 20 years, shouldn't she be more adept than you were? Ben was capable of using his arsenal of powers without even transforming into any aliens, but she didn't display any remarkable feat of strength.
It was almost as though she wasn't able to. An injury perhaps? Maybe she was still recovering? You bit your lip, slashing the sword through another ninja. If you could find out what caused it, maybe you could prevent it from happening to you.
"Stay out of this, (Y/N)!" Ben 10k snarled, voice booming through the room and causing slight vibrations in the metal due to his size.
You paused for a second, sharing a glance with your boyfriend, who seemed equally surprised. Your future self, unbothered, continued to stampede through the other opponents until she reached the switch to the hangar and flipped it open.
Immediately the hangar opened, and you braced yourself, holding onto Ben's car that had been strapped down. Ben had the same idea, holding onto the handles and pressing his front against your back, making sure you were both anchored down.
The ninjas flew out of the jet, the vacuum of wind deeming too much for them and you watched them disappear, one by one, as they capsized through the air before the hangar door finally closed again.
"What the hell were you thinking?! That was so incredibly reckless—"
"Stop talking to her like that!" Your Ben interrupted his future self, wedging himself in between your future counterparts and glaring at him, "You're acting like an ass instead of apologizing! If I were you, I'd be on my knees begging for her to take me back!"
"Take me back? What are you—We're not broken up!"
Ben's eyes widened at this before he turned to your future self, "And you'd stay with someone who'd treat you like that?"
The woman in question sighed, placing a soothing hand on his shoulder, "Try not to be too upset, Ben. He's not usually like this. He's just mad—"
"I'm not mad at (Y/N)." Ben 10k argued, crossing his arms and everyone raised a brow, they clearly didn't believe him. Your future self merely gave him a blank stare before he caved.
"Alright fine, I'm mad at you." Hardly a surprise, "Need I remind you that we just left our son all alone at our home that was just attacked by a bunch of ninjas?"
Ben's jaw dropped open hearing that. Our son? He had a son? With the love of his life no less? This whole time he thought that there was nothing but disappointment and heartbreak for your future together but now he's finding out that he had a family with the girl he was in love with?
Funny that it was only this morning he was claiming that he was too young to be thinking of such things and yet, the thought had his heart swelling.
"I checked on him before we left, no one even made it to the hallway outside his room. Besides, when we go back, we'll be taken to the exact moment we left, not even a fraction of a second later. Kenny will be fine."
"It would be nice if you could show some concern at least." He huffed, "You're not even worried about the fact that we just left our newborn alone. All you're thinking about is this mission and you're putting yourself at risk."
Future you rolled her eyes, sighing as she took a seat on ship, "Here we go again."
"Oh, forgive me for worrying about my wife. Where do I get the audacity?" Her husband shot a glare at her.
Gwen's eyes flitted between the two of them, only able to see the similarities between their relationship in the future and also in the present. Her cousin apparently got married and started a family with the girl she didn't think was good enough for him.
Would Ben still not be able to see what a mistake he's making, even after a decade? Or was she the one who wasn't able to see clearly?
"(Y/N), you just gave birth five weeks ago and you haven't fully recovered. You're supposed to be taking it easy, not fighting some crazed time traveller. "
No wonder she was moving at a slower rate than usual, she was still in her post-partum recovery. For a woman who just spent the last 10 months of her life growing and then providing for a living, breathing human, she fought impressively well. You mentally patted yourself on the back.
"Firstly, I can take care of myself. Secondly, Paradox didn't ask before zapping us back here."
"Fair enough but I want you to be on the sidelines for the remainder of the mission unless absolutely necessary." He folded his arms, giving a firm stare that meant he was being resolute. Your future self held his stare for a second before coming to the realization that not much would deter him.
She sighed, "Fine."
A pleased smile made its way to his face as he leaned down to kiss her forehead, "Excellent."
"You're a lot of work, Tennyson."
"Right back at you, Tennyson."
You spared a glance at your boyfriend, choosing to keep the information that you found his impish grin at the thought of a future with you adorable a secret and instead asked, "Did you really think that we had broken up in the future?"
His brows went toward his hairline, "You didn't? They were practically at each other's throats the whole time."
"Firstly, they're each wearing wedding rings, and second," You walked over to your future self, reaching for her collar and pulling out a familiar chain from underneath her shirt, "I saw this the second she got here."
Ben blushed, "You still wear it? It looks a little different though."
"I replaced the gem." She explained, toying with the pendant.
"It's her son's birthstone." "It's my son's birthstone." Both (Y/N)'s said in unison and the others gave you a bewildered stare.
"How'd you know?"
You shrugged, "Because that's something I would do."
Once again, you were all left in the middle of the desert at night after Paradox abandoned you one again and you continued your line of curses about his entire family in your head as you trudged back to the jet to call a team of plumbers to get you home as well as begin repairs to the jet that was damaged in the fight.
Kevin followed you closely to try and see if there was any way he could repair it just enough to get you back to Bellwood. Ben was about to enter as well when he was stopped by his cousin, who seemed sheepish enough that he immediately knew what the conversation was going to be about.
"I owe you an apology, Ben. I'm sorry for not trusting your judgment and for thinking the worst of you and (Y/N). You both make a cute couple."
He nodded, "It's okay, I didn't exactly have faith in my own relationship when I immediately concluded that they had broken up."
"I'm sure the conversation we had this morning didn't help either, don't feel too bad about it."
He nodded once again and they dissolved back into silence before she gave him a teasing smile, "So, a son, huh?"
His cheeks went warm, and he gave her a look mixed with both embarrassment and a little bit of pride, scratching the back of his neck with a meek chuckle, "Yeah, I always pictured myself as a girl dad though."
Her grin went even wider, and she laughed, "I thought you said you were too young to think about things like this?!"
*Exactly Twenty Years Later*
Ben peeked his head into the nursery to greet his beautiful son that was most likely asleep after being fed and changed, only to find the room empty and crib missing.
His mind knew that if his son wasn't in his crib then he would obviously be in the arms of his mother and yet, as he sped to your shared bedroom, he felt a slight panic thrum through his veins.
Everyone had brought this to his attention time and time again; that he had become extremely high-strung when it came to his family. Especially since you had gotten pregnant. It was only when his son was on the way did he realize just how fragile everything was and how quickly it could be ripped away from him.
He passed his arm over the sensor at your door, it immediately recognizing the signal from his Omnitrix and unlocking the door before entering, finding you settled on your bed, Kenny clutched close to your heart.
You watched him cross the bedroom in long strides and settle on the mattress beside you, saying nothing about the clear distress that you had seen on his face when the door opened before it was flooded with relief. You understood; you had felt the same way, which is why you had rolled your son's crib into your bedroom so you could keep a close eye on him for the rest of the night.
You turned your gaze back to the baby in your arms, gently tracing his features with the tip of your pinkie finger, watching with a deep fondness and adoration as Kenny's little face would scrunch up every time you caressed his button nose.
"He's okay, right?" Your husband questioned, needing your reassurance for the last bit of worry for his son to evaporate.
"You think I'd be sitting here without a care in the world if he wasn't?" You murmured, not lifting your eyes from his precious face.
Ben chuckled at this, "Yeah, like that time he got the hiccups, and you couldn't sleep the entire night because you kept checking on him in four-minute intervals?"
"What if his little diaphragm got fatigued?" You mumbled; brows furrowed at the thought. Constant hiccups were painful to deal with as an adult, you could only imagine how painful it would be for a baby who didn’t know what the pain was or how to communicate his pain to his parents.
Ben didn’t respond, already having been through this conversation with you the very night it happened.
The two of you continued to watch your son in silence, finding every single little breath he took interesting as you continued to graze your finger over his skin, now tracing the outline of his little lips, the bottom lip tucked tightly into his mouth as he slept.
Ben shifted closer to you, taking the two of you in his arms and pressing a kiss to the side of your head as one of his arms came to support yours and bear the weight of your son as well.
"I'm sorry for saying that you didn't care about Kenny and only the mission. I know you worry about him more than you express, and I appreciate everything you do for the both of us."
"You were just lashing out of worry." You replied, leaning against him, "It was the first time we both left our home without him, even though we didn't technically leave him alone for a second. I felt uneasy about it as well."
"Regardless, I shouldn't have said that you didn't care, Kenny and I know you love us."
"I do."
You quietened down immediately when your son took a big breath, slightly stirring before he fell back asleep, the littlest smile on his little face.
Forever Taglist:
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samdeancass · 9 months
Ben Tennyson Dating a S/O Who Is Musically Gifted (Ben 10 Headcanon)
Requested by Anonymous
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Ben found out about your talents by accident.
He turned up to your house to surprise you but was stood outside your bedroom door mesmerised by you.
You stopped as soon as you noticed he was there.
“How long have you been standing there?”
“For a while. I never knew you could play violin, or sing for that matter! Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“I-I didn’t want to. Truth is, I don’t think I’m very good. I only do it to keep myself occupied. 
He walked over to you and wrapped you in his arms, kissing the top of your head. “You’re amazing, Y/N. Never think otherwise.”
Ever since he found out, he always wants you to sing for him. He loved hearing the sound of your voice. It soothed him when he was having a bad time.
“Sing to me, Y/N. I need to hear that beautiful voice of yours.” 
You lay down together on top of his bed, him laying on your chest as you began to sing one of his favourite songs. One that you knew would calm his nerves. What he didn’t know, however, was that you had been learning the chords of the song on your violin as a surprise. 
Ben looked very confused when you left the bed but when you started to play the chords, his smile soon lit up his face. At the end, he had tears in his eyes.
“Thank you, my darling. That was beautiful. I loved it.” 
Ben always tried his best to keep your confidence up by suggesting new songs for you to learn and would always listen when you were ready to play.
You had even began to write your own songs, thanks to the confidence boosts from him. 
At the beginning you didn’t want anyone to know about your secret talents but thanks to the love and support from Ben, you couldn’t wait to share them with the world.
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slowlyfriedkingdom · 1 year
EVERY Ben 10 Theme Song on Guitar!
My childhood fr
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But which version is the best or underrated to you?
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s-escapist · 2 years
Wattpad username ZOMGAy wrote a y/n x Ben 10 au so I decided to draw the gang
Y/n was made to be poc but it was written as black by accident so heres my attempt at imagining black reader
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I like this y/n
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moondust-writes · 11 months
So I am getting back into Ben 10, and I was reminded just how much I fucking loved the series If there are any Ben 10 lovers out there, my ask box is open for you guys! I have been in a huge mood and want to write for the non-rebooted versions (haven't watched the reboot, but seeing all the differences is tempting me too; not to mention kevin just??? looks so cute???? I want to hug him and protect him from all the bad things in the world) Here's a little guide: - OG series is strictly platonic or puppy love situations - UAF is where I'll start doing more serious romantic stuff - OV is just. Angst central but also opens opportunities for a lot of fun dynamics (like alien/human,,,I've personally always saw this one to be in the 18 y/o range like myself for all the characters too, rather than 16/17 like I think I've heard, so I'll be using that as the base)
I should mention here that I only to GN or masc readers! I'm not comfortable writing a she/her POV for a reader insert This is a pro-hating Kai acc too, because I just saw the episode where she was introduced not too long ago and what the fuck idk how Gwen or even Ben himself let them get together in the future after that episode idc how she might have grown, I wouldn't let that slide at all
But just a note, I won't just take reqs for Ben! I also will try to write for others like Albedo, Gwen, Kevin...all them! I haven't properly watched the shows in ages but I gotta research for OC stuff anyway so I might as well use this as a chance to practice and also cause i know i'll have a beta reader for Albedo /j (unless they agree lmao)
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bones4thecats · 21 days
Cartoon Villains Post Tags
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This is the Cartoon Villains Post Tags List. If you wish to find another, go to my Request Form and you may find other parts of my blog!
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᯽ Cartoon Villains ᯽ Disney Villains ᯽ Cartoon Network ᯽ Gravity Falls ᯽ Wander Over Yonder ᯽ Star vs. the Forces of Evil ᯽ SvtFoE ᯽ The Powerpuff Girls ᯽ PPG ᯽ Samurai Jack ᯽ Codename: Kids Next Door ᯽ KnD ᯽ Ben 10 ᯽ Adventure Time ᯽ The Amazing World of Gumball ᯽ Over the Garden Wall ᯽ Villainous ᯽ Lego: Ninjago ᯽ Teen Titans ᯽ Courage the Cowardly Dog ᯽ Dexter's Laboratory ᯽ Ed Edd & Eddy ᯽ Hector Con Carne ᯽ The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy ᯽ Phineas and Ferb
᯽ Cartoon Villains x Reader ᯽ Disney Villains x Reader ᯽ Cartoon Network x Reader ᯽ Gravity Falls x Reader ᯽ Wander Over Yonder x Reader ᯽ Star vs. the Forces of Evil x Reader ᯽ SvtFoE x Reader ᯽ The Powerpuff Girls x Reader ᯽ PPG x Reader ᯽ Samurai Jack x Reader ᯽ Codename: Kids Next Door x Reader ᯽ KnD x Reader ᯽ Ben 10 x Reader ᯽ Adventure Time x Reader ᯽ The Amazing World of Gumball x Reader ᯽ Over the Garden Wall x Reader ᯽ Villainous x Reader ᯽ Lego: Ninjago x Reader ᯽ Teen Titans x Reader ᯽ Courage the Cowardly Dog x Reader ᯽ Dexter's Laboratory x Reader ᯽ Ed Edd & Eddy x Reader ᯽ Hector Con Carne x Reader ᯽ The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy x Reader ᯽ Phineas and Ferb x Reader
᯽ ___! Reader ᯽ S/O! Reader ᯽ GN! Reader ᯽ F! Reader ᯽ M! Reader ᯽ Alien! Reader ᯽ Demon! Reader ᯽ Human! Reader
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vespertineart · 2 years
Realizing just how high-maintenace Albedo would be if he were to actually stay on earth. You know, especially for the basics: the ID, the birth certificate (which would be a hassle to make on its own considering "I'm a clone of an already existing person" isn't a very convincing excuse)
How would the Plumbers deal with Albedo's health?? he doesn't have any insurance so there's no way a hospitql would allow him to just go and ask for medicine. So for a long while I'd imagine he'd be taken care of under the supervision of the Plumbers lol. a newborn child.
Oh yeah, finding a home is a very hard idea to manage especially since most of the money from Max and the Plumbers most likely goes to the Plumbers headquarters for renovations, extra security and whatnot, and booking hotels every 2 weeks is way too expensive. So.....taken in by Ben's mother? Not as a brother or anything, just giving him a temporary home until he's actually had the chance to live on his own (plus he needs to know what it's like to have parents because despite his maturity, he still needs help with everyday human things, so a human mother would be the best thing to have right now)
Clothes? Oh boy. Albedo would not understand the necessity of "mixing and matching" or following "trends." if it were for him, he would pick the most hideous combo ever known to man.
"What's wrong with blue and yellow? I'm dressed up, aren't I?"
he's never learned how to properly brush his hair. let's be honest, even if the Plumber's base somehow, even though unmentioned, had a full shower just for Albedo, he wouldn't know how to bathe correctly. Let's say he knows to "scrub his body" which is just him literally scratching his skin until the black muck is gone is the most he's deduced out of it. What's soap to him? Shampoo? "Oh put it on my head?" okay. then what? Tell him to scrub his head but he wouldn't know how to either. He doesn't know the importance of 'scalp treatment' or 'conditioning' he's just...winging it???? (Ben's mom to the rescue? (Ben would be embarassed))
idk i just think it's a pretty cute idea (which I'm definitely not putting in a shameless self indulgent fanfic not at all nope)
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queenendless · 6 months
Cause imma take a 5 month break from writing JJK when S2 ends.
I got major JJK writers block/burnout.
I miss writing other stuff.
I'm thinking of posting stuff on here besides wattpad and quotev.
Let me know cause this is my first ever poll and it's gonna end in a week.
Hope you read, vote and such.
Thnx u.
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spextr1m · 1 month
Ben 10 masterlist navigation
Ben Tennyson
Headcanons 1
Appearance headcanon
Gwen Tennyson
Not found..
Not found..
Rook (I'll be dead for this)
Not found.
What if/AU! Albedo is twin brother of Ben Appearance headcanons
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luckyflower13 · 2 years
Bro I’m bored someone give me your Ben 10 OC’s and I’ll (try) to draw them
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 11 months
Yin and Yang Pt. 3
Pairing: Ben Tennyson x Reader
Warnings: Torture
Word Count: 3.0k words
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
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A/N: If I'm being completely honest, I'm not feeling that satisfied with this oneshot but it's completely fine. Part 1 of Y&Y was a oneshot that I really put a lot of effort into writing but part 2 and 3 were kind of just self-indulgent strike of the moment passion fics which I shouldn't be finding guilty about. But anyway I still hope you guys enjoy it. Hopefully I will be writing a part 4 because I just love their dynamic so much in this series even though Ben is very OOC lmao.
You crouched down behind a stack of crates, plasma gun clutched tightly in your hand and ducked your head forward, only to be met with a wall directly in your line of vision.
Turning your neck, you made eye contact with the plumber across from you, hidden behind a pillar and held out your hand, asking him in sign if he was able to count the number of victims and criminals.
This mission was one that your squad had been working on for 4 months. A huge trafficking ring that you had managed to track onto their Megacruiser Spaceship.
Most of your squad had been caught up in the hull, fighting off soldiers and freeing the victims while you and another proctor made your way to the front of the ship.
You had already disabled the escape pods on the ship so if they wanted to escape they'd be heading for the docking bay to find a small ship to board.
Proctor Drax held 5 fingers up and then 8 and you sighed; 5 hostages and 8 captors. There was no way the two of you would be able to take all of them down while protecting the hostages.
You pressed down on your plumbers badge, signaling the rest of your squad that you'd require some backup.
You lost hope however, when they began to approach the ship. If you didn't do something to take them down now, there's no telling what they would do to the hostages.
Drax nodded at you and you ran out from behind the crates. Aiming the gun for the ships propulsion jets, you tried to damage them as much as you could to prevent them from attempting to take off.
You were able to damage 3 out of 4 ships before your opponents began charging for you. Your partner and you fought hard, keeping the fight away from the victims.
"Keep back! There are other agents coming, they'll help you!" You shouted, ushering them toward the door but you froze when one of them pulled out a weapon.
They were hostages. Why weren't their hands bound?"
"It's an ambush!" You cried, just in time for them to swing and land a hit against your skull. You gasped, feeling excruciating pain explode through your head, the taste of blood invading your mouth when you bit down on your tongue.
The world began leaning and you hit the ground, vision going black.
You grunted in pain as he grabbed your hair, punching you so hard you felt blood crawl up your throat. You panted in exhaustion. Your body was so weak, you could feel it going limp but every time your neck went slack, the painful grip on your hair would give you just enough stimulation to keep from going unconscious.
"Aw, looks like she's going to faint again. Can't have that." The man smirked before dunking your head into a barrel of cold water.
You gasped at the temperature shock, water invading your nostrils and throat until you were yanked out. You spluttered and coughed violently until your stomach squeezed painfully and you threw up.
Proctor Drax had gone unconscious, taking his fair share of beatings like you had. They kept you awake, on the edge between consciousness and exhaustion, thinking a woman would bend to their whims faster.
"I'm getting tired of asking. Tell us the codes now." He punctuated the sentence with another punch to the stomach and you gasped for air, yelping in pain when he grabbed your hair again to keep you from going unconscious.
They wanted to codes to enter a highly classified part of the plumber's database, the codes of which were only shared with Proctor's or higher for security reasons.
It was highly protected, any hacking attempts were met with layers and layers of firewall while a program tracked their address and they were meant with squads of plumbers. If you gave them the codes, it wouldn't alert anyone, leaving them to get the information they required with no one the wiser.
You couldn't give them what they wanted. You wouldn't. Which meant when they got sick of asking, you'd be killed. Your hands were bound, you were beaten black and blue and there was no possible way for you to escape. At this point, death was a better option than the painful misery they were putting you through.
Your eyes fluttered shut, pain ripping through every muscle in your body. Your mind drifted to Ben and you felt your heart squeeze in your chest at the thought of him finding out he lost you.
Sure, your parents would miss you and mourn the loss of their only daughter but you knew the utter despair and grief that would go through Ben when he found out you were captured and killed.
You had only ever seen him get angry once, when his grandfather was threatened and it was like he was a completely different person. Was that version of Ben what awaited the world? Would he go mad trying to find who did it?
Your bottom lip quivered. You missed him.
You gritted your teeth, groaning as another punch was landed, "The codes, bitch!"
"Over my dead body." You growled.
He smirked, "I was hoping you'd say that."
"Is she still not answering?" Gwen asked, trying to focus on the mana surrounding your jacket. She had been trying for days now but couldn't track you down. You were way too far from her range.
"No! And I'm really starting to get worried. She said she'd be home 3 days ago." Ben panicked, ringing up your cell again while trying to track your Plumber's badge with his Omnitrix simultaneously. But he was disappointed twice when the Omnitrix gave no results and your phone went straight to voicemail.
This wasn't like you. You were ordered and punctual. If you said you were going to be there at a certain time you'd always be there 5 minutes early. And if on the off chance during a blue moon, you managed to be late, Ben always received a text explaining why.
But they had been unable to contact you for days and it was stressing him out.
"You don't even know what the mission was about?" Kevin asked and Ben sighed in frustration.
"No, she said it was confidential and that I wasn't allowed to know anything. All I know was she was supposed to be back 3 days ago!" He was pacing back and forth, biting on his thumb in nervousness.
He didn't know what to do, this was the first time someone was too far out of Gwen's range. He knew absolutely nothing about the mission and he didn't even know who to contact.
He heard the sound of rings in the background and thought Gwen was trying to call her again when he heard someone pick up.
"Hey grandpa have you heard anything from (Y/N)? She was supposed to be home 3 days ago and we're not able to reach her." Gwen asked and Ben felt his stomach sink in slight disappointment. He thought you had been the one to pick up.
"Uh, kids you might want to sit down. You're not going to like this."
The three of them shared a glance and Ben felt his stomach fall farther.
"The Plumbers have an extremely fortified database that contains a lot of sensitive information. Information that's so sensitive it would mean chaos if anyone ever got their hands on. It's so classified that no one other than Proctors or higher are able to access it."
His brows furrowed. What the hell was he talking about?
"Thing is, this database is so fortified and protected that, as a failsafe, the plumber's created a decoy and decoy codes have been given to every proctor in case of a hostage situation. And, the thing is, (Y/N)'s code was activated 4 days ago."
He stood up so quickly that his knees hit the table with a loud smack, "(Y/N)'s been taken hostage?! We have to find her!"
"Not just her, kid. Another proctor has also been abducted along with her."
"Then we have to go after them! Who was it?! Who took her?!"
There was a deep sigh on the other side, "Ben, I'm sorry but I don't know and if I did I'm not at liberty to tell you."
"What do you mean?"
"The protocol is: if the decoy codes are ever activated, the agent is abandoned. The plumbers are not allowed to go after them."
His heart felt like it had stopped in his chest and his throat closed so painfully that he felt tears bubble in the corner of his eyes. He stared at the phone sitting on the counter for a few moments, trying to understand just what his grandfather told him and wondering if he had heard him wrong.
This couldn't be happening. It was supposed to be an easy mission. You had assured him of that before you left, squashing his worries with a few reassuring words and kisses. How could this be happening?
You were taken hostage for god knows how many days and now his Grandfather was saying that he would never see you again? And that he wasn't even allowed to try looking?
It felt like the world around him was crumbling to pieces, the ground beneath him shaking as tremors went through his body.
Finally, he choked out, "W-What?"
A small nagging voice began poking the back of his head, eventually making it's way to the forefront. Gwen's magic; the magic that flowed through every living being in the universe, couldn't track you.
What if you weren't out range? But you were--?
It felt like he had gotten punched in the stomach.
"I'm sorry, kid. (Y/N) knew what she was getting into. She's on her own."
The floor was in absolute chaos. The members of your squad were running back and forth like headless chickens that were caught on fire. Ever since you and Proctor Drax had been captured, they had been trying to track you.
A couple of magisters had attempted to follow when you were taken but they shot them down and then lost them in an asteroid belt. Since returning back to plumber base, they were going crazy trying to track you, process the criminals that they did manage to catch and try to find the families of the victims they had rescued.
Not to mention that they were down a couple magisters since they got injured during the fight.
It was hard though, the ships that were used to abduct you and Proctor Drax were the most common in the universe, which made them impossible to track. It would be even more difficult to track you if your captors dumped the ship at any rest stop and stole another.
Which was most likely what happened.
They were stretched thin as it was but then something worse happened.
Your decoy code was activated and they were told to give up on the search for the both of you. A lot of them protested, they didn't want to give up on the search for their commanding officer but they were shut down.
They had to give up and abandon you and Proctor Drax.
Then, something even worse happened.
Legendary Ben Tennyson, the wielder of the most powerful weapon in the entire universe, came storming into their office and grabbed the closest Magister by the collar.
Ben gritted his teeth, "Where is she?! Where is (Y/N)?!"
"We're not at liberty to divulge that information, Mister Tennyson." The magister stuttered, trying to squirm out of his grip. They had all heard the stories of what he was capable of and they did not want to be on the receiving end of it.
"You're going to tell me, or I'm going to beat it out of you."
"Ben, stop!" He was pulled back by his cousin, pink threads wrapping around his body and yanking him away from the magister. He struggled in her grip, reaching for the his wrist when his hands were pinned down.
"Gwen, let go!"
"Calm down! You can't threaten them into telling you where she is!" She yelled, pulling him back into an empty room so they could talk. She still didn't let up with the restraints, keeping him firm in her constraint.
"So, what? You want me to just give up on her?! Like hell!"
"No one's saying you have to give up! But this isn't the right way!"
He snarled, gritting his teeth and thrashing in her grip, feeling part alien even though he hadn't transformed yet. This emotion was new, he had never felt anything like this before.
Pain that was so intense, so overwhelming, so painful, that he couldn't do anything other than scream and get angry. Because he knew that if he broke down, he'd never be able to put himself back together again.
"Let go, Gwen. I have to find her." He said, calming down.
"I know you do. But it's been over a week since she was taken. Her code was activated 4 days ago and we haven't heard anything from her yet. What do you think these crooks are going to do with their hostage, who is a highly deputized agent of the plumbers after they got what they wanted? Let her go?
His lip quivered and he squeezed his eyes shut, shaking his head. Ben wanted to cover his ears, not wanting to listen to the cold slap of reality that Gwen was determined to give him.
"I don't want to believe it either, but we might have to come to terms that (Y/N) is de--"
"NO! SHE'S NOT DEAD!" He screamed, finally letting the tears he was holding at bay go. Once the dam had been broken, he couldn't keep it all in anymore, grief rushing out of him like tsunami waves.
The restraints holding him let go and he was reduced to a sobbing pile on the floor, holding onto his cousin in a death grip as he wept and wailed into her shoulder. She cried too, hugging him close and running her fingers through his hair to calm him down.
"I can't lose her." He whispered in between gasps but Gwen didn't reply and instead rubbed circles on his back, coaxing him to let it all out.
Two hours later, Gwen sat on the floor of the Plumber's satellite, Ben sleeping soundly in her lap after crying himself to a point of exhaustion. She watched him carefully, using her powers to manifest positive emotions for him, hoping he wouldn't have any nightmares.
She was just about to wake him up so they could go home when alarms starting blaring and red lights began flashing. Ben, now startled awake, and her immediately ran to the other room.
"What happened? What's going on?" Gwen asked the Magister that had previously been threatened by Ben.
"As if this day couldn't get any worse! We have an unauthorized ship flying toward us." He groaned, typing in something before he pressed and held down on the intermission button.
"Unauthorized vehicle, you are approaching Plumber's Base 2. You are not authorized to land here. Turn back now or be arrested upon landing for trespassing on restricted grounds." He spoke, voice so commanding that it was a stark contrast from the pitiful whimpers he had let out when Ben had his collar.
There was a beat of static before they received the vehicles transmission, "Don't engage. This is Proctor Drax. Have a couple officers ready to process the arrested criminals."
He didn't have to say anything else, they were all marching out of the room and toward the docking bay, with Ben following close behind them
Time seemed to slow down to a stop as he watched the ship land and his heart beating was the only sound he could hear. There was a cruel voice telling him not to get his hopes up. The fall from that much higher would only hurt more.
He swallowed painfully, watching the hatch of the door finally open and then came Proctor Drax, looking severely injured but Ben couldn't let his gaze linger on him, eyes darting instead to the figure behind him.
He waited for the figure to come out of the shadows and was once again disappointed when a handcuffed criminal made his way out of the ship. And another one in handcuffs followed him. And another.
13 criminals. All there are accounted for stalked out of the ship and towards the barrage of plumbers that were there to receive them.
And then nothing.
Ben clenched his jaw shut. Trying hard to keep himself from shedding anymore tears. He'd do that when he was in the comfort of his bedroom. He turned to leave when another figure finally limped out of the shuttle.
You looked like you had been put through hell and back, sporting a black eye and split lip, paired with a stream of blood that ran down the side of your face and then over the handprints on your neck.
You limped down the stairway, grimacing it every step you took when you froze, red-rimmed eyes meeting his own teary green.
"Ben." You breathed, your body so broken and bruised that you couldn't tell whether you were moving toward him or if he was moving closer to you.
But then it was all okay because you were caught in his arms and finally smelling the comforting scent of his deodorant. You were in so much pain, you had constantly been in so much pain for so many days that now that you were finally safe and in his grasp, you allowed yourself to shed a couple tears, burying your face into his shirt.
"Missed you. So much." You whispered shakily. He was holding you too tight, you could feel numbing pain go through your broken ribs but even then you stayed in his embrace as you heard him sob softly. He needed this just as much as you did.
"I missed you too."
You were together. Everything was in balance. Everything was okay.
Forever Taglist:
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samdeancass · 1 year
Ben Tennyson Meeting Your Parents (Ben 10 Headcanon)
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You and Ben had been dating for a few months so you decided it was time for him to meet your parents.
“C’mon Ben, I’ve met your parents and it went really well. I want you to meet mine. It’ll be fine, I promise.”
“Oh, alright. But you best buy me a Mr/ Smoothie after.” 
You squealed with excitement and flung your arms around his neck. “Of course, I love you.” He smiled at your excitement and pecked your lips. “Love you to.”
Ben had tried to be excited on the days leading up to the meeting but all he could think about is the things that could go wrong.
He didn’t want to tell you about any of it but you knew that something was wrong with the way he was wringing his hands together.
“Alright, spit it out. What’s the problem?”
“Problem? What do you mean? There’s nothing wrong.” You raised an eyebrow at him and moved your gaze towards his hands which were, indeed, wringing together.
He sighed and slunk his shoulders. “It’s about me meeting your parents. What if they don’t like me? I mean, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I don’t ever want to lose you.” You walked over and cupped his face in your hands. “You have nothing to worry about, they’re going to love you. I’ve already told them all about you. Well, apart from the part where you turn into different aliens and save the world every week, but we’ll get there soon enough.”
You both walked up the pathway of your parents house, hands entwined together. Ben smiled at you before knocking on the door, squeezing your hand.
When your parents opened the door, they immediately welcomed Ben with open arms and his anxiety completely melted away.
They made him feel like part of the family, as if they’d known him all their lives. 
It turned out that Ben was worried about nothing. Your parents absolutely adored him, and so do you.
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bitter-coffeecup · 7 months
314 notes · View notes
zepskies · 1 year
Break Me Down - Part 10
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Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x Female Reader
Summary: You’re a private investigator by trade, but now you happily sit at a desk — leading a surveillance team at Supe Affairs. After managing to end Homelander in New York, Soldier Boy escapes custody. You are recruited for the manhunt, joining Butcher’s team.
Truly, you joined the S.A. for the right reasons. But after you become his accidental hostage, Soldier Boy will break down every single one of them…
💚 Break Me Down Masterlist
AN: Song inspo for this one is “Caught In the Balance” by Toto!
Word Count: 5,300 Tags/Warnings: Violence, hints of past trauma, hurt/comfort, angst, and a (mean) cliffhanger...
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Part 10: Caught in the Balance
“Christ on a cross,” Ben muttered. 
He was just trying to start his morning with some huevos rancheros. 
He hid behind a mask of impassiveness, while his stomach turned at the sight of the open cooler Frank had been forced to show him.
Saul’s bloody severed head was stored inside. Ben had asked for a report on the man’s reconnaissance mission, but this was a bit thorough. 
“Black Noir took out his entire unit,” Frank informed him. His tone was stoic, as usual, but his dark brown eyes betrayed his solemnity.  
Ben shook his head and peered inside. “I fucking figured…yep, that’s Noir’s handiwork all right.”
The cut was clean at the neck—sliced by a blade. 
Unfortunately, that was when you entered the kitchen in search of breakfast. Ben looked over at you, taking in your matching purple pajamas with a hint of a smile. Your hair was a bit messy, your face still tired with sleep. 
But when Frank swiftly snapped up the cooler, you still raised a perceptive brow.
“What’s that?” you asked. Ben shared a brief glance with Frank.
“Just some steaks for later,” Ben replied. You didn’t look convinced, sniffing the air with a grimace. 
“Is that why it smells like a meat locker in here?” you said. 
After you grabbed a mug of coffee, you took a seat at the far end of the kitchen island. It left an open seat between you and Ben, and he noticed the distance. 
“What’re Saul and Loco up to today? Think they’d be up for some Texas Hold’em?” you asked Frank.
He shook his head and tucked the cooler under his arm. 
“They’re on a job,” he said.
You warmed your hands around your coffee mug and nodded. “Ah, yeah. Trying to figure out how Black Noir pulled a Lazarus?” 
Both men stared back at you, confirming your assumptions. 
“You do realize this begins and ends with your buddy, Stan Edgar,” you said, turning to Ben. “Vogelbaum was his chief geneticist, the Head of R&D during your time. But Stan was the Steve Jobs to his Wozniak. Together they created Homelander.” 
Ben didn’t know who the fuck you were talking about there, but he got the gist of what you were saying.
Stan had played him from the beginning; he’d masterminded what went down Nicaragua, replacing Soldier Boy with Homelander, creating him in some petri dish with Ben’s DNA.
Now, it seemed Stan was partnering with the CIA to take him down. He’d even brought that cunt Noir back to life to do it. Also, likely, with the help of Ben’s DNA. (Well, probably Homelander’s, but that was still partly Ben’s.)
He couldn’t let that fucking stand, now could he?
His hand fisted on the counter, next to his forgotten plate. His brows fell over his eyes as he contemplated. He knew what he had to do next, just not exactly how he was going to do it.
“I’m gonna have to cut the head off the snake,” Ben mused out loud.  
You watched him wearily, hiding a measure of concern at the darker shift in him.
Ben nodded at Frank and the cooler still under his arm, dismissing him. “We’ll talk later. Take care of that.” 
Frank went with a nod, leaving you with Ben in the kitchen. You frowned. 
“If you go back to the U.S., especially to New York, they’ll have a much easier time finding you,” you pointed out. 
Though part of you kicked yourself for doing so. An idea was forming in your mind, and it could just mean your freedom…
And that was when Ben looked over at you once more. His eyes were guarded, more so than they had been with you of late. 
“Why do you care?” he asked snidely. “You’ve barely said two fucking words to me in days.”
Which was true. You’d been carrying your grudges and your anger, both at him and at yourself, and your own conflicting emotions ever since you’d arrived at this new house. 
The effects of V24 had long washed out of your system, but it still stung—that that poison had saved you. And so had these men, who had kidnapped you in the first place.
Shaking your head, you frowned at him to cover up your ongoing internal circus. 
“Because you’re about to go on a fucking warpath. With, I imagine, a lot of collateral damage in store,” you replied, maybe more sharply than you’d intended. 
Ben’s green eyes were dark and narrowed. 
“There’s that self-righteous fucking tune,” he said. But his next words cut into you like so many knives. “You’ve been a fucking lapdog your entire life. Doing whatever daddy, Vought, or the CIA tells you to do. So remind me, why the fuck do you care so much about what I do, huh?”
For a moment, you were speechless. 
Soon enough though, your shock melted into an angry glower as you tried to hide how much that actually hurt you. 
A harsh breath expelled through your nose. Maybe he expected you to blow your top, like you usually would. Because that had worked so well at getting through to him in the past. 
So instead, you tried to go with what seemed to work before.
“I didn’t used to,” you replied honestly. It seemed to make him pause, a little.
“When I joined the S.A., it was just my chance to break away from Vought,” you continued. “But…I don’t know. The more out of control supes we took off the street, the more I felt good about it. The work that I was doing.”
You let out a sigh, glancing down at your hands still wrapped around your cooling cup of coffee. 
“You were right before, about me. I was part of it too. I helped cleaned up Vought’s messes. I made their supes look good, behind the scenes,” you said. “But I’m trying to do something that matters. Something honest, that actually makes people safer. It makes my family safer.” 
That fell between you two for a while. Ben seemed to take it with his usual stoicism, but you knew him well enough by now. He’d been listening. 
And eventually, he spoke. 
“Then you should be grateful,” he said. “Noir. Stan. Vought. All those cocksuckers…I’m going to take them all out for fucking good.”
Are you, really? You couldn’t help but wonder. He’d been successful with Payback, and Homelander (with help from Butcher and Hughie). 
But Vought was a machine. It had been an institution for decades. A multibillion conglomerate with a thousand and one hydra tentacles of ways to fuck people over…but if anyone was powerful enough to try to bring it all down, it was Soldier Boy. 
Still, power isn’t everything. You thought of how he’d lost control against Noir, and how he’d blown up a hole in your bedroom ceiling and couldn’t remember much about it afterwards. Ben was still a mess. 
But you considered a world where Vought couldn’t create supes anymore, like pop tarts coming out of the damn toaster. You considered what Ben could accomplish, now that he was properly motivated to end his six-month sabbatical. 
And you considered what would happen if you helped him do it.
This is not the time to be reckless, the more rational part of your mind reminded. 
And yet, you just had to continue following the impulsive voice that had led you for weeks.  
“You can’t just run at this head on, guns blazing,” you told him. “Stan’s too smart for that.”
Ben eyed you with guarded interest. 
“You look like you’ve got something in mind,” he said. 
You nodded, though your lips pursed. You hated this idea, even though it had been growing since this conversation began. And you couldn’t even believe you were suggesting it, really. 
“We can get into Vought under the radar, if you let me make a call,” you said. Ben’s expression tightened. Yours did too, with the beginnings of anxiety.
“Who do you need to call?” he asked.
 “My father,” you replied. 
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As Stan Edgar’s Chief of Security, Jon didn’t often receive calls from phone numbers he didn’t recognize. Certainly not to his personal, blacklisted cell phone. He took the call into his personal office and shut the door behind him.
He answered it with a healthy measure of suspicion, “Hello?”
The last voice he expected to greet him was his eldest daughter’s. 
“Hey. It’s me,” you replied. 
Jon’s expression slackened. He sat down heavily at his desk, and your name fell from his lips in disbelief.
“You’re alive,” he said in genuine wonderment. “I thought…I thought you were dead.”
Your response was dry. “Before or after you sent Black Noir after us?”
Jon frowned, shifting back in his chair.
“That was Stan’s call,” he said. “There was no sign of you in any of our reports.”
“Then you weren’t looking very hard,” you said. 
Your tone was matter-of-fact, unyielding. It was so like you that he had to smile. 
“If nothing else, you were ambitious going after Soldier Boy,” he said, rubbing his chin. It reminded him that he needed a shave. “I should’ve known you were still alive…it seems I taught you better than I thought.” 
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On the other line, you had Ben’s cell in your hand while you spoke to your father on speaker. Ben and Frank were both in the room with you, sitting in chairs on either side. Frank suggested this conference room beside the study to conduct the call.
However, you tried not to look at either man while you tried to focus on getting through this.
“I managed to grab a phone from one of my guards,” you said into the speaker. “I can’t reach out to the CIA. They think I’m a damn turncoat at this point. But if you really want Soldier Boy, I can tell you where he’s going to be.”
“…Where?” Jon asked.
You glanced up at Ben before you replied. He gave you a nod. 
“He plans to be in New York in three days.”
“Oh, I don’t know,” you said wryly. “To find Black Noir. It’s all he’s been moaning on about. He’s kind of a simpleton that way. Tit for tat on the vengeance beat.”
Ben gave you a dark look for that one, but you ignored him. 
“Well, I can certainly give him a meeting with Noir,” said Jon. His voice shifted into that calculating tone you knew all too well. “That, and much more.”
“Good. Give him a big enough distraction, and I can lose his crew,” you replied. 
There was a beat on the other line. You and your companions waited, for his agreement, for some kind of confirmation, but he didn’t give you that just yet. 
“Are you all right?” Jon asked. “How’s your sister?”
Your lips pursed. “Clearly, I’m peachy. Are you in on this?” 
“Of course, sweetheart. I’ll help you get out of there, don’t worry,” he said. He almost sounded like a father. It made anxiety crawl up through your lungs, into your throat. 
“It’ll be good to see you,” he added. “What’s it been, a year? More?”
You swallowed your unease. 
“Let me make this clear,” you said. “This is just business. If you want to help me, fine. But don’t make it more than that.” 
There was another pause, a heavy sigh.
“Oh, believe me. I know you wouldn’t be calling unless this was your last resort,” Jon said. 
You tried to swallow, and found resistance. 
“Good,” you said. “I’m glad we have that understanding.”
“See you soon,” he said. You ended the call afterwards. 
Both men had been monitoring you throughout the exchange, but it was Ben’s gaze you felt, hot across your profile. Even now, he watched you behind impassive eyes. You wished you knew what he was thinking. 
Regardless of things you’d said when you were angry, Ben knew too much about you now. There was no way he didn’t see it—how you were putting your all into keeping yourself together. 
You stared back at him, but he didn’t ask if you were all right. He just nodded.
“Are we done?” he asked.
You scoffed, hiding your disappointment, and maybe the beginning of tears burning in your eyes. You blinked past them with an unsettled breath. 
“Yeah,” you replied. “We’re done.” 
Ben watched you get up, and you let the cell phone clatter on the table before you left.
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Late that night, Ben wandered the dark halls of this house. He was trying to familiarize himself, and remember why the hell he bought this gaudy thing. 
It was another big, empty shell that didn’t have much life in it—even less than the last place in Medellin. At least that one had character, surrounded by the mountains and wildflowers. 
This house, while beautiful, felt stale; like an old photograph in sepia tones.
He found himself stopping outside your door. It was late, and he couldn’t hear your TV on, so you were probably asleep by now. If he stood close enough to the door, his superior hearing could just make out your soft, even breaths.
He knew you were pissed at him, but really, he thought you were being a bitch about it. 
I fucking saved her, he thought sourly, and not for the first time. She should be fucking grateful I lifted a finger.
But then, he remembered just how pale you were when he found you in the helicopter, after the blast, and after he made his escape. Ben saw how wide your eyes got when you saw what had hurt you—that giant fucking piece of wood embedded in your body.
He remembered the sound of your scream, blood on his hands. He could feel your life slipping through his fingers…and for once, he wasn’t okay with letting it happen. 
So he stopped it. Or at least, he ordered Frank to do it. 
And afterwards, Ben couldn’t believe how you turned on him. That you were actually angry at him for saving your life!
What kind of idiot are you. He’d wanted to grab you and shake you until you saw good sense. 
You were stronger on V. You were powerful, almost his equal. And Ben could admit, if only to himself, that he craved that: having an equal. 
When he’d had Countess, that bitch, he thought he had his life sorted. He’d figured he had time to settle, to have a family…
But now that life was gone. His asshole team was gone. What the fuck was left?
Ben leaned against your door, as if he could brace against the depths of thoughts he hadn’t allowed himself to fall into since he left the U.S. 
Still, he couldn’t help but think…after he became a supe, he’d reveled in standing alone, in the spotlight. When did it start to get harder?
Just then, his sensitive ears picked up on something: your breath hitched. He paused, listening closely. Soon enough, he heard a whimper. 
Ben debated for a few seconds, but he decided to open the door, quietly twisting the knob and pushing it open. His eyes found you in the dark, curled in on yourself on the bed.
He drew closer until he reached your bedside, and even heard your pulse starting to race. His lips drew into a frown as he read the distress in your features. You were dreaming, and whatever it was, it didn’t look pleasant. 
Ben hesitated, but he kneeled by your bed and carefully slid your hair away from your face. You were an angry, stubborn, mouthy little thing. He could just hear your voice now.
You still haven’t even apologized!
The audacity you had, to demand shit from him.
But then, he almost sighed when he realized he was glaring down at your sleeping form.
What the fuck’re you doing, anyway? He shook his head at himself and got up to leave, but your voice stopped him. 
It was a pained whimper, a shuddering breath. Ben’s attention shifted back to you as he watched you tighten in on yourself, your hand curling into a fist that pressed against your throat. He didn’t know if you were trying to choke yourself, or fend someone off—
And then, Ben had to struggle against a firebrand of anger under his skin. 
He finally realized what you were probably dreaming about; who you were fighting, even in your sleep.
He regretted letting you call your father. Maybe he even regretted pretending he didn’t notice…how talking to your dad had clearly fucked with you. 
But he wasn’t about to show weakness. Not in front of his men…
With a quiet sigh, Ben reached out and soothed a hand over the top of your head. His fingers slid through your loose hair, stopping when they reached some tangles. Slow and careful, he repeated this. Until finally, your breathing seemed to ease up.
He unclenched your fingers out of their loosening fist, and he absently stroked his thumb over the back of your hand. You’re one deep sleeper…
You sighed and shifted in your sleep, resting your cheek easier on the pillow. Your brows were still knitted, but after a while, even your face relaxed. 
Ben placed your hand down, giving the back of it one more tentative swipe. 
And then he left, shutting the door behind him with a quiet click. You never woke up to catch him.
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A helicopter took you from the house to a private jet with Ben, Frank, Loco, and a few other hired men for the mission. You sat across from Ben, both seats facing one another. Your eyes were narrowed as you watched him accept a glass of whiskey. 
“Where’s Saul?” you asked. Ben gave you a side glance, and with a quiet exhale, he answered you. 
“He’s dead.”
You nodded through your sad, angry frown. You’d had a feeling that was what he and Frank had been hiding the other day, but you hadn’t wanted to face it.
“Black Noir?” you asked. 
Ben nodded and sipped at his whiskey. “Yeah.”
“Do you even care?” you asked. Ben eyed you a bit sharper, but he didn’t comment. 
“A couple of knocked banks didn’t get you this jet, on top of everything else,” you remarked, gesturing at your surroundings. “Where’s the money coming from?”
He’d bought back at least two properties from Vought, along with all the other shit he’d likely been blowing his money on for the last few months. 
Ben sipped at his drink. You imagined it was hard for him to cross his legs in his super suit, otherwise he might’ve, to complete the air of asshole-ish nonchalance. You’d decided to dress comfortable, but prepared in yoga pants, sneakers, and a matching activewear jacket. 
“Why do you think I settled in Colombia, of all places?” he asked you. His lips curved into a smirk and he shot you a wink. “Best drugs in town.”
His assets were frozen by the government, which meant he’d gotten the money from somewhere…
Your face soon fell as you realized your own stupidity. The shady characters he’d recruited, not just Frank, Saul, and Loco, but other men too that would occasionally traipse through the house. Plus the mysterious “jobs” they would routinely disappear on, sometimes for days on end. 
Ben had infiltrated a drug cartel. 
“Frank and his men were the muscle for some hot-shot kingpin, until I cut the head off the snake,” Ben revealed. “Which is what I’m about to do to good ole’ Stan.” 
You crossed your arms with a deep frown.
“Every time I think I’ve got you figured out, I discover a new scum-ridden layer,” you said. 
His lips quirked humorlessly. “Disappointed?” 
You just shook your head and looked out the window of the jet. 
“Mostly in myself,” you replied. 
Ben didn’t show how your words sunk into him. He continued drinking. 
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Hours later, you all arrived at JFK Airport in New York. The jet landed far enough away from the larger commercial planes, but somehow that made you even more nervous. 
You felt like you were stepping out into the Wild West as you disembarked from the jet and landed on the concrete ground of your home city. 
Ben’s presence burned behind you, guiding you with a hand on the small of your back. Frank and Loco had the bags (and weapons). But before you could ask where to go next, Ben paused with a thoughtful frown on his face. 
You opened your mouth to ask what was wrong, but then you heard it. A thin whistling in the air that couldn’t be attributed to an aircraft.
Ben pulled out his shield from its sheath on his back, and with his free hand he grabbed you, yanking you into his chest. He all but dragged you several steps away from the jet and then kneeled to cover both of you when a missile soared overhead.
It speared into the jet, destroying it with an epic explosion that seared across Ben’s back. He felt the heat, but it only singed the back of his neck without even burning his skin. His suit and helmet protected him from the rest, just as his shield and body protected you. 
You could claim to hate him all you wanted, but your hands were braced against his chest as you leaned into him. And when you looked up, your eyes were wide with shock and fear. 
“Go,” he ordered, pushing you towards Frank. You went with him, but you still looked back at Ben as worry undeniably claimed your heart. Loco and the rest of his team stood behind the supe.
Meanwhile, Butcher had appeared on the tarmac. With a rocket launcher, naturally. 
He wore a smirk along with one of his customary, glaring Hawaiian shirts and long black trench coat. The hem of it fluttered as the wind blew between the long span of distance between him and Ben. 
“So the CIA’s partnering with Vought now? How does that fucking work?” Ben remarked. 
Butcher was joined by Hughie, Kimiko, and Frenchie, and then entire units of CIA and SWAT teams piling out of several armored cars.
“I’ll admit, you’re a tricky bugger to track down,” Butcher said. “But consider this your debt to fucking society paid in full.”
He launched yet another projectile from his gun. You gasped, but even though Frank pulled you towards the airport building and away from the fight, you still craned your head back to watch Ben bat away the missile with his shield. It landed far away, spilling concrete where it hit and shaking the ground. 
Then a warning star bolt hit in front of Frank’s feet, stopping both of you short. You looked up and found Annie and M.M., the latter with an impressive gun in both hands.  
“Stop right there, motherfucker,” M.M. ordered. “Time to let her go.”
“You okay?” Annie asked you. You had to smile, despite yourself. 
“Yeah. It’s good to see you guys,” you said. Frank’s hand tightened on your arm, not enough to hurt, but enough to keep you from leaving his side. He was stronger than usual once again, with the help of V24. He wielded his own gun trained on M.M. 
“Step aside,” he ordered.
Annie pursed her lips at shot a star bolt at him. You took your opportunity and kicked at the back of Frank’s knee. It made his grip falter just enough that when M.M. jumped in to fight him, you scrambled away and Annie took your hand. 
While the two men fought, you finally noticed the black sedan the pulled up on the tarmac behind you. The tinted driver’s window rolled down, revealing your father in black sunglasses. 
Annie followed the path of your gaze in confusion. “Who the hell’s that?”
“Annie,” you squeezed her hand. “You know I’m your friend, right?”
Her brows furrowed, especially when you let go of her. “What’s wrong? What’re you about to do?” 
“I need you to trust me,” you said. 
You knew she didn’t understand, nor did she want to let you go. But you ran away from her, towards the car. She meant to follow you, but Frank held M.M. at bay long enough to aim a few well-placed bullets between you and Annie. 
It stopped her long enough for you to climb into the black sedan before it peeled away, speeding around to the private gate of the airport. While you caught your breath, Jonathan’s gaze peered at you through the rearview mirror, after he lowered his sunglasses. The car was empty except for you and him. 
Good, you thought. That meant he was the only one you had to watch closely.  
“Are you all right?” he asked. 
“Just fine,” you breathed. “Where to now?”
“Let’s get you to safety,” Jon said. You nodded. And when his focus was back on the road, you discreetly retrieved a tracking device from your pocket and placed it on the side of your seat, hidden from view. 
Ben had given it to you before getting off the plane. 
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The device was small and flat, with a smooth back that would attach to almost any surface. 
You rolled it experimentally between your fingers and looked up at Ben. His face was harder to read than ever.
“Why are you trusting me with this?” you asked. 
Ben’s lips quirked wryly, but there was little humor in it. His hand, half-covered by his glove, reached up to brush your chin. 
“I’m not,” he replied. “I expect you’ll jump at the chance to get back with Butcher and your asshole friends. But either way, I’m gonna find out if you were worth it.” 
You frowned up at him. It was hard to believe that for all you two had been through together, this was really how it was going to be from now on. 
“If I was worth saving?” you challenged. 
He didn’t answer you, but his hand fell away from your face.
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The car soon made its way out of the airport and onto the open road. There you were greeted by the familiar highways and approaching skyscrapers of New York City. You would be relieved to be home (almost), if you weren’t so tense. 
“I need to see Stan Edgar,” you told your father.
Jon’s gaze met yours in the rearview. 
“I have intel that he’ll be interested in,” you said. 
“Okay, and that is?” he asked.
“About Supe Affairs, Soldier Boy, take your pick. But it’s the kind of information you don’t play Telephone with.”
“Mr. Edgar is a busy man,” Jon started to say.
“And you’re his Chief of Security,” you cut him off. “Who’s wiping his ass while you’re here with me?”
Jon sighed. “Always with that fucking mouth. Do you want me to relocate you? Put you in a safe house until we finish dealing with Soldier Boy?”
And give your father abject control over your life? I think not, you glared at the thought. 
“I want to speak to Stan. I don’t care if it’s here, or Vought HQ, or in the middle of Times fucking Square. Take me to his damn office,” you demanded. 
Maybe Ben had rubbed off on you a little. 
“Or pull over right now, and I’ll make my way to the Tower myself,” you said. Jon came to a red light and had time to regard you in disbelief.
“Jesus…all right, let’s see if Stan will see you,” he said.  
You let out a breath and finally allowed yourself to sit back in your seat. When the light turned green, Jon took the correct fork in the road that would lead you to Vought Tower.
And before you left the car, you made sure to grab the tracking device from the side of your chair, carrying it with you into your bra.
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It was strange to enter this building again. You had worked here for five years, but it had been a year and a half since you’d returned. 
It was still as busy as ever in the halls. Though you noticed the ratio of employees to tourists was about 30-70. It was incredible what taking out Vought’s golden psycho could do to a company’s profits.
Now they just needed to put the final nail in the coffin. 
Jon led you to the elevator, and all the way up the Tower to Stan’s office. You had only been to this room once, when you were hired, but it was more or less how you remembered. Very spacious, minimalist furniture in a desk and a slim couch set, complete with a long glass coffee table. 
But Stan was nowhere to be found. You frowned. 
“Where is he?” you asked. Suspicion and awareness pricked at your spine. 
You turned around to face your father, just in time to slap away something metallic headed for your neck. 
It was a syringe. You watched it spin across the floor, and you glared back at him incredulously. He had enforced his will on you before, but he’d usually managed that with his hands, not with drugs. Maybe Vought had changed him too.
“All right, easy,” Jon said, raising placating hands. He drew closer as you backed away from him. 
“I had a feeling Soldier Boy let you go,” he said. “That you’d probably planned this little bait and switch with him from the beginning.”
Heat made your cheeks flush as you glared back at him. Your father quirked a smile.
“Despite what you’d like to believe, I know you better than anyone,” Jon said. 
You begged to differ on that…but part of you knew he was right.
“You did what you had to do with Soldier Boy. I understand,” he said. “Playing both sides of the game was smart. But I’m going to make sure you’re safe.” 
“By sedating me?” you shouted. Your voice quivered, both with rage and fear. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” 
He knew that you’d tried to play him, but his mistake was thinking you’d been playing Ben too. 
“Later we’ll talk. When you’ve calmed down,” Jon said. 
He reached out to grab your arm, but you evaded him. He called your name in warning.
You just got into a defensive stance. And the next time he tried for your arm, you snapped back with a fist to the bridge of his nose. It sent Jon’s head back with a grunt. 
When his hand came back bloody from his nose, his demeanor shifted, from placating to stern. His cool gaze met yours, and you stared back at him stubbornly, poised for a fight. 
“You little brat,” he said, wiping his nose again. “I fucking pulled you out of the fire, and you’re being difficult. As usual.”
“You didn’t save me,” you retorted. Emotion burned in your eyes, but your anger (and a frisson of fear) allowed you to clamp it down. “You never have.” 
You shot out a preemptive strike, but your father surprised you by grabbing your wrist. And he backhanded you hard enough to make you see stars. 
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AN: 🫣 Welp, we're back in the U.S. SB is storming the castle, but at what cost...
Next Time:
A moment later, Frank patched through while he struggled and fought.
“She needs help,” he said gravely.
Ben took his hand off the comm, gritting his teeth. Black Noir was still waiting on him, attuned to Ben’s every move as the other supe brandished one of his blades.
Shit, Ben thought. He needed to end this. 
Right fucking now.
Keep Reading: PART 11
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bones4thecats · 21 days
Cartoon Villains Characters
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This is the Cartoon Villains Character List. If you wish to find another, go to my Request Form and you may find other parts of my blog!
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᯽ Bill Cipher ~ 👁️ ᯽ Lil’ Gideon Gleeful ~ 🔮 ᯽ Summerween Trickster ~ 🍬
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᯽ Lord Hater ~ ⚡ ᯽ Commander Peepers ~ 💡 ᯽ Lord Dominator ~ 🌋
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᯽ Ludo Avarius ~ 🐢 ᯽ Thomas ‘Tom’ Lucitor ~ 👿 ᯽ Rasticore Chaosus Distastervaine ~ 🐊 ᯽ Toffee of Septarsis ~ ☄️
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᯽ Mojo Jojo ~ 🐒 ᯽ His Imperial Majesty ‘HIM’ ~ ❤️ ᯽ The Rowdyruff Boys ~ 💀
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᯽ Aku ~ 👹 ᯽ Demongo ~ 👻
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᯽ Benedict ‘Father’ Uno ~ 🔥 ᯽ The Delightful Children From Down the Lane ~ 💐 ᯽ Grandfather ~ 🥔 ᯽ Knightbrace ~ 🪥 ᯽ Mr. Boss ~ 💱 ᯽ Stickybeard ~ 🍨 ᯽ Count Spankulot ~ 🦇 ᯽ The Toiletnator ~ 🧻
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᯽ Vilgax ~ 🐙 ᯽ Kevin Ethan Levin / Kevin 11 ~ 👾 ᯽ Hex ~ 🪄
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᯽ The Lich ~ ⚰️ ᯽ Ice King ~ 🧊 ᯽ Gunter ~ 🐧
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᯽ Rob ~ 🛡️ ᯽ Julius Oppenheimer Jr. ~ 💣
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᯽ The Beast ~ 🏮
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᯽ Black Hat ~ 🎩 ᯽ Demencia ~ 🦎 ᯽ Dr. Kenning Flugslys ~ 🥽 ᯽ 5.0.5. ~ 🧸
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᯽ Lord Garmadon ~ 💣
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᯽ Slade Joseph Wilson ~ ⚔️ ᯽ Trigon ~ 👑
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᯽ Katz ~ 🐈‍⬛
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᯽ Susan ‘Mandark’ Astronomanov ~ 🔭
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᯽ Kevin ~ 🚲
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᯽ Hector Con Carne ~ 🐻 ᯽ General Reginald Skarr ~ 🎖️
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᯽ Nergal ~ 🖤 ᯽ Boogey Man ~ 😱
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᯽ Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz ~ 🔫
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