#ples like me uwu
skeletonsonparade · 1 year
Hanna Cross
okay here we go >:)
First impression: okay tbh when i first read it i was very worried i was gonna end up not liking him because of his high energy (idk how else to describe it sorry this sounds rlly dumb :()
Impression now: i ended up liking him a lot!! hes my babygirl hes just like me <3
Favorite moment: ouuygh probably the part in the third arc where he makes paper cranes with {…}. either that or when he sticks up for {…} when theyre with ples.
Idea for a story: uhmm uhh uhhhhh im not too confident in my writing to actually write anything out but i had a like. t4t platonic slowburn thing with him and veser on the mind.
Unpopular opinion: this is probably gonna sound super dumb/specific but i dont like it when (older) fanworks portray him as like. innocent uwu babyboy whos basically helpless without {…} like hes a grown ass man!!!
Favorite relationship: romantically? i think he and {…} are cute they have nice chemistry. platonically i think he and conrad bounce off each other really well.
Favorite headcanon: hes trans AND autistic babey!!!!!!
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emeraldbabygirl · 2 years
Roses & Sugar
Genre: 50’s/60’s au uwu, retro summer things, another feel good story cause I need that haha plus lil smut bits
Warnings/ kinks: slight moments of sexy times, if you don’t like kissing and mayhaps uNpROtecTED hand holding then don’t read ples
Length: 3236 we’re counting words again? we’re shOOK
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Being the early bird you were you got dressed and entered the kitchen to make your husband and you some breakfast before you started your day. There was a lot to do in preparation for this weekend and you didn’t have time to waste. Tying your apron around your dress you got to work cooking up the eggs and bacon. The smell of bacon and the sounds of the sizzling put you in your own calm world until you felt a hand snake around your waist and a pair of lips on your neck. “Good morning gorgeous.” your husband Kyubin called to you in his raspy morning voice. 
“Good morning darling. How’d you sleep?” you asked as Kyubin grabbed a mug from the cupboard and began pouring himself coffee. 
“Just fine. Breakfast looks good babe.” Kyubin planted a kiss on your cheek before making his way to the dinning table. You absolutely loved the way your kitchen looked. You were in love with the pale blue tile flooring and how the big glass door leading outside made the kitchen feel so much bigger and let in so much more sunlight than when you were living at your last location. Other than the beautiful kitchen that you spent hours and hours of cooking and baking in, the house itself was stunning as well and the backyard; filled with beautiful flowers and a lovely vegetable garden. Not to mention the amazing car of Kyubin’s, his 1957 Chevy Bel Air sat in the drive way in front of your home and the beautiful aqua color fit right in with the home and the beautiful flowers all around the yard. 
Bringing Kyubin his breakfast first you sighed audibly as Kyubin had this morning’s newspaper buried under his nose. ”Must you do the crossword while we eat?” you asked sitting down in the other seat. You sat in silence and ate your breakfast while Kyubin ignored you. “Kyubin please. I fixed you a nice breakfast this morning and you won’t even look at me.” you pouted looking at the back of the newspaper Kyubin was so interested in. 
When the paper came down Kyubin was smiling at you. “I’m sorry dear, I just get so caught up in these crosswords. Thank you for breakfast by the way, it’s as delicious as it looks. Kyubin leaned over to kiss you on the lips and you smiled into it. When he pulled away he gently pinched your cheek before swiping his thumb across your bottom lip. You went back to eating and talking about the morning and other random things like stopping at the drive-in theatre or going to the malt shop when the weather gets warmer and fun activities you plan on doing over the summer. 
“How’s your rose garden coming along this year?” Kyubin asked taking a sip of his coffee. 
“Oh they are doing wonderful actually. I’m surprised as it’s barely June.” you replied happily. Your roses were the best in the neighborhood as everyone talked about them every year. You’ve entered so many competitions and have won every year. You had the best roses in the town, possibly even in the state. “Are you entering the competition again?” Kyubin asked. You hesitated before you answered. You wondered if Kyubin would be unhappy with your decision. You poked at your eggs for awhile before putting your fork down. 
“Well, um..” You wipe your hands on the napkin that laid over your lap and clasped your hands together, your eyes glazing over as you daydreamed. “I was thinking about entering my rose in this month’s edition of better Homes and Gardens. I just think they look so beautiful and I have the information of the editor and if I make up my mind they’ll come to our house and take pictures and I’ll get a small interview and I just really want to do that so bad.” When you finished you wait for Kyubin to respond. He was quicker than you thought. 
“I think that’s a marvelous idea darling.” You were shocked at his words. 
“Really? I can do that?” you asked. Kyubin nodded and grabbed your hand bringing it up to his lips. “Of course, your roses are the best and you deserve to be interviewed and have them in a magazine. You work so hard every year. I think your roses deserve a break from the competition as well don’t you think?” Kyubin smiled at you and you couldn’t help but smile wide. 
“Oh Kyubin this is wonderful I can’t wait, I’ll call the editor right now. Oh there’s so much to do.” you were about to stand up but Kyubin lightly pushed you back into your seat. “Sit and enjoy your breakfast first. There’s plenty of time to arrange everything. Besides I was thinking about taking you out today.” 
“Today? Oh but Kyubin I have so much to do today, I have the dishes and vacuuming and the drapes need to be steamed and I’ve got the vegetable garden and the flowers to tend to and oh Kyubin I must stay home I have so much to do.” You quickly stood up and took your plate with half your breakfast and your glass to the kitchen. You heard a chair scoot back on the tile floor and you turned to see Kyubin walking towards you with his plate and mug. 
He placed his dining ware on the counter before grabbing yours out of your hands. You looked up at him and he gently cups your cheek with his hand. “Y/N let me take you somewhere special today. You’re always so busy around the house you deserve a day off.” Kyubin lightly rubbed your cheek with his thumb. You smiled thinking about leaving the house and going somewhere fun with your husband. But you had so much to do. 
“Oh I don’t know Kyubin.” your hands went to your plates and put them in the sink and your body was just automatic as you began to wash the dishes. “I just have so much to do you know that. Book club is this Saturday and I need to clean house and I need to go to the market as I need ingredients and of course I must stop at Nancy’s she needs a cup of sugar. She’s in charge of the baking this month. I need at least one day just for shopping and one for cooking and preparing the food. I must stay home Kyubin. Plus I found a gorgeous aqua fridge in the paper and it’s got the icebox on top of the fridge and I must have it pre-ordered as it’s coming out next month and I’ve been saving like crazy for it.We need a fridge and this one we can get rid of the old icebox and the fridge and plus it’s just so much more sleek and new and it will match your car. I just can’t Kyubin. You know how it is. I’m sorry.” Kyubin leaned over next to you and turned the water off. In a moment your hands were glued to his muscles. Why Kyubin used every second out of his day to turn you into jelly with how handsome he was you never knew and it totally distracted you which worked to his advantage. 
You stood there, your hands in the sink covered in bubbles as Kyubin’s fingers rested under your chin turning your head towards him. The morning sun shone in and lit up his face and it made your stomach turn with butterflies. He smiled, “Today is Wednesday. You don’t have book club til Saturday. You still have two days to prepare. I can help you if you need. Please let me take you out. The whether is perfect for a drive. We’ve both been so busy I would love to take you out today. Forget all the house work and all the plans and let’s just get away. Please?” Kyubin took a step towards you and put his face next to your ear. You could feel his hot breath on your neck. “Don’t make me beg darling.” 
Your eyes widened and your face grew hot. Kyubin was such a rude man when it came to inappropriate things. “Kyubin you know I can’t. I’m sorry. Can I take a rain check?” You turned him down. It was too early in the morning for such things and you had far too many thing to get done. You had already wasted time just standing with Kyubin. You let out a sigh as you felt Kyubin leave your side without saying anything. You felt bad for disappointing him but you knew your schedule. When you finished the dishes you went on the next chore. Upstairs you changed the bedsheets and opened the curtains. You looked out at your yard down below. The sun was shining on every inch of the yard. Your flowers looked gorgeous as always and the vegetable garden was full and should probably be harvested. You looked at the neighbor yards and saw the children playing with their dogs or the adults enjoying the sun or having parties on their patios. You signed and left the bedroom to grab the vacuum from the hall closet. You started upstairs with each room then into the hallway making your way downstairs and into the living room. 
When you turned the vacuum off you heard rustling around in the kitchen. You poked your head out from around the corner and saw your husband in there doing who knows what. You shrugged and went back upstairs. You changed from your dress into a cute top and some high waisted pants and headed downstairs. You choose you go out the glass doors as they were closest to the shed where your garden supplies were. You stopped in the kitchen again and Kyubin was still there. 
“Kyubin what are you doing?” you asked watching him assemble something. The kitchen was covered in all kinds of foods and containers. You rolled your eyes knowing you’d have more dishes to do. Kyubin looked up and smiled at you before going back to what he was doing. “I’m going to tend to the garden Kyubin.” you said going out leaving your husband to whatever shenanigans he was doing. Making your way to the shed you had to slow down and take in how perfect the weather was. The sun was warm and there was a gentle breeze. The grass was a beautiful green and the sky was a beautiful blue with the perfect amount of clouds. You had to take in how beautiful your yard really was, the flowers you planted and other plants were growing nicely and you noticed even the animals seemed to be having fun. The squirrels were chasing each other across the yard, the bees and hummingbirds were out and it made you wish you would’ve said yes to Kyubin’s request. 
After picking the perfect looking vegetables and pulling a few weeds you returned to the kitchen. Kyubin was no where around so you washed the vegetables and placed them in the fridge. You were about to head back outside when you stopped to look around the kitchen. All the things Kyubin was playing with were nowhere in sight; the sink was empty, the containers and food was no longer on the counter. You had no idea what Kyubin was up to. The phone ringing startled you out of your thoughts. 
“Hello? Oh Nancy, I’m so sorry I was busy in the garden I will be over there with the sugar right away. Huh?” As Nancy was talking your wrapped the phone cord around your finger half zoning out. Nancy was saying something about the book club or a poodle on fire at the bakery or something you weren’t paying attention because Kyubin came downstairs and when his eyes met yours he licked his lips and winked at you. “Oh I’m sorry Nancy I was just distracted. I just have a lot on my mind. Oh but I have exciting news for book club. Yeah, Kyubin just wants to take me somewhere today and I am just too busy. Listen Nancy I’ll be over in a bit with your sugar. Yeah, okay I’ll see you then.” 
You sighed placing the phone back on the hook. You suddenly felt overwhelmed with all the things you had to do. Come to think of it you seemed to always feel like that. Kyubin was right, you were always so busy with housework you never had time to sit and relax. Maybe you could drop the sugar off later? Maybe on the way to somewhere fun with Kyubin? That was if you could find him. He seemed to have disappeared. 
After coming back from Nancy’s you went back to your rose garden looking for dead roses to get rid of and good ones to cut off and take into the house along with the other flowers from the garden. Flowers always made a lovely center piece. Perhaps you should bring that up in the interview as well as how you decorate your yard. Surely talking about more than just your roses would be a good idea. After you clipped what you want you went to turn around when you were picked up and spun around the yard bridal style. You let out a scream of surprise before you were set back down. Kyubin’s hand were gripping your hips his smile letting you know he was up to something. 
“You scared me!” was all you could say as you walked back to the house. You screamed again feeling Kyubin’s hand squeeze your ass. “Kyubin what is with you today?” you asked beginning to laugh. Kyubin said nothing but kept goofing off. You ran to the house, him chasing you not being able to hold back your laughter. You placed your freshly cut flowers in a vase with water and placed them on the table. Kyubin’s arms wrapped around your waist and his lips started kissing at the back of your neck. “We’re going out right now and you can’t say no.” Kyubin’s hands roamed down to your thighs and around to knead your ass. “Kyubin, if you want to take me out than why are you fondling me in the kitchen? If you wanted sex you could’ve just said so.” 
Kyubin started laughing. “Tempting as you look so, dare I say foxy in those pants but we are going on a picnic right now. I’ve already loaded the basket and blanket into the car and all I need is my beautiful wife to get in the car.” Kyubin’s words were different then his actions. “Kyubin I told you I can’t go out today and I certainly can’t have you kissing my neck like that, you know it drives me wild.” Kyubin spun you around so you were face-to-face with him. “I’m using my lips to convince you. Come on please? It’s such a lovely day. Let me take you out.” You sighed. “Ok, let’s go have some fun.” You smiled kissing your husband on the lips. You ran upstairs to grab your sun hat, glasses and purse and joined Kyubin in the kitchen. He grabbed your hand and you two made your way to the car.
The car ride was nice as you went past many streets and through the town. The sun was shining making this outing feel perfect. All the trees and flowers you past looked stunning, there was a gentle breeze that made the temperature just right. Pulling the bright red lipstick out of your purse, you applied it at a stop. You could feel Kyubin’s eyes on you and you turned to him and smiled. “I have to look good Kyubin, even if it’s just the two of us. Besides, you love the red stains on your shirt.” Kyubin chuckled to himself as he hit the gas and you two were off once again. 
The place Kyubin picked out was absolutely stunning. Green grass everywhere, plenty of trees for shade and a beautiful pond in the center of the area. You couldn’t wait for Kyubin so you took off running towards the water, untying the bow on your hat as you did so. You two found the perfect spot right under a big tree with the perfect amount of sun and shade, and close enough to the pond that you could watch the wildlife. 
“Goodness Kyubin this place is perfect.” Kyubin helped you set up the blanket and unload the basket and you both ate the food that Kyubin made and conversed. You took your hat and shoes of and unbuttoned your shirt just a bit. “Kyubin give me your handkerchief please.” Kyubin watched you stick the cloth down into your shirt to pat at your skin. “I’m a little warm. Hand me that flask please dear.” Kyubin did what you asked and watched you wet the cloth and lightly dab around your chest and neck. You heard him clear his throat and fumble around while you tied up yoru hair with the extra ribbon from your purse. You smiled up at Kyubin as his face was deep in a crossword page again. 
“Kyubin love, the food was delicious. Why don’t you get off that puzzle and enjoy the weather huh? Let’s play in the pond or something huh? Kyubin.” Kyubin was either teasing you or legit ignoring you. A smirk spread across your face while you devised a plan. Standing up to stretch as if you were going somewhere you quickly snatched the paper from Kyubin’s hands and ran as fast as you could across the grass. You heard Kyubin shout behind you and that only made you scream in delight. You made a sharp turn around a few trees and ran back to the big tree. Kyubin was on your tale and he came to the tree. You waved the paper above your head giggling. “Come on love, you had your face in this thing all morning and you wanted a picnic.” Kyubin and you ran around the tree a few more times laughing and carrying on when you let out a yelp and fell to the soft grass with Kyubin on top of you. 
Your arms were above your head letting both your hands and the newspaper lay in the cool grass. Your eyes met with Kyubin’s and you were both breathing heavy. Kyubin’s eye looked down to your lips and back up to your eyes. His thigh came in between your legs and his hands swept some of your hair away from your face. When his lips crashed into yours it was messy but needy. You kept him waiting all morning and all day and it was just the two of you right now. 
His hands traveled up and down your thigh and up to your hips and your fingers found home in his hair. You were quietly moaning for him and he was delivering. You just hoped you didn’t get too carried away. His mouth was all over your neck and chest and his hands were going wherever. 
You gasped as one of his hands gently squeezed your breast. “Kyubin,” you spoke up trying to at least get him to look at you. “Kyubin what if someone catches us? And I need to get home I still have so much do. Kyubin stopped his actions and looked down at you sighing. “You are so tense and stressed about preparing for the weekend that you can’t even enjoy this picnic love.” Kyubin placed his hand against your cheek and smiled. “Just relax, let me take care of you today. It’s just me and you today okay? Let’s have some fun yeah?” He was waiting for you to respond as his thumb rubbed your cheek. “Ok Kyubin.” you nodded and Kyubin smiled pressing his lips to yours, a bit more gently this time and his hands resumed their previous actions. 
I FUCKING CHANGED IT TO AQUA SUCK MY ASS ABOUT IT I argued with myself about the color of the car because I wanted something that was sexy and spoke to me in a kb way so red but then that wouldn’t match if the fridge later on becomes blue. Which I’m not writing about as I never really decided the house but I’m going for a teal or aqua color with white trim, very vintage but then my mind also thought yellow and and black & white themed, like tilted floors and then a red fridge to match the red car. Let’s pretenD EVERYTHING is great and this paragraph isn’t as pointless as it is uwu
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khanna420 · 2 years
BUT!! before you read, please take note that:
• this is just my headcanon about satan's personality, or how i see it.
• here you can see things he'd like, as an intellectual.
• this was just made for entertainment, and most of these things mentioned on his POV are basically from my POV 😭.
• this is my first ever post and my first ever time being on tumblr, so yes i apologize if my writing or style (?) is still amateur.
•ples tell me if i should immediately stkop doing these "povs" or if I should do more because i lack awareness. 🤡
also i am very sorry for the chaotic caps lock above that makes me sound like a 9 year old who just consmed a lot of candy and caffeine and has suddenly gotten the urge to make something up and tell the whole world about it. (ignore that whole thing please)
SATAN'S POV (actually just my pov of satan's💀)
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I tend to like straightforward and honest people, I appreciate them.
More especially if they give me enough space, or time to be alone. Having someone to share things that we're common with is also not a bad thing.
I can see that I have anger issues, I just find it *annoying* for people to state the obvious..and brag about it.
Logical people are also not that bad, they are mostly factual, in my opinion. I think I'd get along with them pretty well, if I'd even want to.
I would really enjoy a quiet place, that gives me all the time I need as a break. Or a world where I get to do everything I please.
I'd absolutely like people who are open and fun. I'm quite happy with people who support my goals and objectives in mind.
I may come off as an asshole who doesn't care about feelings at all but.. Yeah I am an asshole who doesn't even focus on his own feelings and such, but I do know what I despise and what I adore.
i hate Lucifer i hate lucifer i hate lucifer
People often say that my hair smells like musty fungy dandruff.. but I know they're just jealous of my beautiful gorgeous silky blonde hair that makes people who are specifically 5'2 under, get on their knees for me and kiss my tall ass slender juicy legs.
i love cats uwu
i am not a robot
I show emotions too..like anger 🤡
i am on catrijuana
i have been overdosed with the cuteness of my widdle cute kittens and their wap 🤤
*growls* 😭
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lemontwst · 4 years
— anonymous asked: Can we get uhhhh male mc topping azul, with a side of breeding kink and extra slutty azul? I just want that octo man begging for nut. Thank you in advance uwu
content warning: m!reader  |  mpreg, heat cycle, (light) degradation, mentions of voyeurism, azul being a needy bitch.
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It's funny how some people are so disgustingly stubborn, clinging to their past with bleeding fingers even as the iron grows hotter and hotter under their touch and the chasm stretches deeper under their dangling feet.
Funny how, even as his heat renders him a mindless wreck, panting and shaking with anticipation as you finger his asshole, the only thing Azul can think of is that he won the game.
"Ah….(y/n)......" he quietly calls out to you, clinging to the edges of the table with nervous hands as he feels your long fingers slide in and out.
“That’s enough, I’m ready...” Azul spreads his ass for you in an uncharacteristic display of impatience. Fuck, he just wants you inside him already. He’s waited so long and fought so hard to be the one you fucked through this heat cycle—not Floyd, not Jade, but him, that having his prize so close and yet so far is driving him to the brink of insanity. 
You give his ass a little pinch and he squeals, embarrassment flashing scarlet across his cheeks. He has some nerve giving you orders when he’s the one laying on a table in the middle of his prized bar with his ass spread and his dick leaking. 
He was so impatient he didn’t even let you take him to the bedroom.
“Don’t come crying to me if this hurts, little idiot.” You stare at his cute little hole with mild disinterest on your face. It is stretched, and wet with his saliva, but it doesn’t look like it’s good enough, and you don’t really care about hearing an endless string of whines and complaints once Azul’s crazed brain comes off of whatever high his heat has sent it into and he realizes his ass hurts.
“I won’t, I promise, just—please…!” Azul is on the verge of tears, frustration almost taking his breath away as he struggles to keep himself from drooling like bitch in heat while you slowly take that cock he reveres like it’s a saintly relic out of your pants. You can be so cruel sometimes. So completely heartless in front of his desperate pleas and so enchantingly mean...
“Well…” you’re suddenly hovering over him, your hands on either side of his face and Azul stops breathing entirely. 
“...since you asked so nicely.” 
It’s too much. Your handsome smirk and that velvet-like voice, your eyes that burn with nothing but malice and a lust for destroying everything in your path... Azul is so in love, and he knows Jade and Floyd are too, which makes the way your cock teases his entrance that much more satisfying. 
And then you push inside with a single thrust and the pain that suddenly tears him apart is so mind-numbing Azul almost cums on the spot, eyes squeezing shut as he wraps his arms around your neck and locks his ankles behind you, pulling you closer to him until he can feel your strong heartbeat on his.
There’s something to be sad about the way you go slowly at first, like maybe you’re not all bad. Maybe you care about your lover’s well being, and maybe you want to ease him into a sweet, romantic rhythm fit for the kind of sex you’re having, the kind that leads to children being conceived.
But Azul knows better.
He can feel it in the way your hips slooowly pull back until you’re almost out of him, and the way your dick scrapes against his prostate when you slide back inside just as slowly. It’s agonizing. He’s in heat and you’re torturing him, planning to drag this out for as long as you can if it means getting Azul more addicted to you than he already is.
Fuck, he’s in love.
“Ah... please…" he places needy kisses on your ear, cheek and jaw, his slender legs pulling you closer to him but it's still not close enough—he doesn't have enough limbs to hug you properly so he greedily tries to keep you in place while he savors the hardness of your cock, "Harder-- do me harder (y/n), please…" 
You chuckle against his pulse point and Azul gasps loudly, frantically arching his body into yours, "Really, Azul? Even when I'm giving you my children?"
Shame pools in his stomach and it's delicious. Not like when he was bullied—no, this is something stronger, more vicious and intimate and it makes Azul blush all over with need.
"I'm—ah! So—sorry I'm a…" he pulls away, shaking so bad he has trouble moving, and looks into your eyes, glasses crooked and eyes blown with lust, "I'm a...useless octopus—slut!" His tongue lolls out when your hips snap back into his hard, his eyes dart to your lips and you know he wants you to kiss him so fucking badly, "I'm your—empty-headed—octopus bitch! Please hurt me more, master! Fuck me harder—please!"
... He's gotten so good at saying it just like you taught him. To think he was so shy at first! With how desperately his dick is throbbing and leaking at his own dirty talk you'd think Azul was born to say stupid, perverted shit like this.
His good behavior is aptly rewarded when you grab his arms hard enough to bruise and slam him down against the table, your thrusts picking up a ruthless rhythm that leaves Azul delirious.
He's a drooling, whimpering mess under you. The mixture of pain and pleasure shatters his consciousness into millions of pieces. It's not seeing stars, it's more. It's feeling everything at once at maximum sensitivity—your powerful, commanding scent, your sweat that drips on him and makes him want to lick it off like a pig, your hard cock that throbs with every heartbeat, lodged so deep in his ass he can feel it hit that special place that needs to be fertilized over and over again...
He's being bred like he was meant to. And it's you. You, you... you you youyouyouyou—
Azul cums with a high pitched whine that echoes across the lounge, loud enough to be heard from outside the room. His body stiffens and arches into you, elated at being pinned down in such a submissive position. His cum splatters against your abdomen and his, the action completely useless to his mother-like biology. His body is not made to give eggs, not even this inferior human shell he carries around.
It's meant to take them.
Azul slumps down, completely boneless. His eyes dazedly find the ceiling as he enjoys the feeling of coming down his high while still being fucked like a whore.
Tiny, delighted moans leave him as you continue to rail him, his tongue sweeps his lower lip as if he's tasting you in his mouth and he does his best to respond to your movements even though he's so utterly exhausted.
"Aah...it's.....coming…..." his eyes go down to where you two are connected and he sighs dreamily, "Shoot it all—inside me… ple—ahn! …..please make me your wife! I'll give you...ah….the best children…way better than Jade or...Floyd's…." He smiles a lewd smile, hearts in his eyes as his body jolts and recoils from the force your thrusts.
It's coming... it's coming….comingcomingcomingcoming—
Azul throws his head back and goes cross-eyed when you finally explode inside him, filling his tight passage to the brim with hot semen. His hole clenches around you instinctively and his entire body shakes with a dry orgasm as the foreign sensation of being impregnated pushes him over the edge again.
Azul chokes back a sob, feeling like he just touched the gates of heaven after a grueling climb up purgatory. Tears stream down his face as he shakily touches your forearms, hoping to be blessed with one of your hugs.
And he is blessed today—or maybe a part of you just took pity on him—when you roll your eyes and envelope him in your arms, laying on top of him in that way that makes Azul's submissive body tingle with delight and his legs spread to accommodate you.
“... I don’t think...once is enough…” his hug is borderline demanding as he keeps you inside him, making sure not to spill a single drop of your precious genetic material. “We have to...make sure…” he chuckles, the sound airy with exhaustion even as he tries to convince you to fuck him again.
“What if Floyd and Jade walk in?” You smirk against his neck, knowing exactly what he’s going to say next.
“Then let them watch. I won’t let anyone interrupt us.”
... He sounds so pompous and so incredibly possessive you can’t help but laugh.
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babypinkhearts · 4 years
Hey, I’m new here and I like your Blog soo much. So I was wondering if I may ask about a scenario of Killua where he rescues his crush from drowning because it can’t swim. I imagine how soft and worried he is when his crush is out of danger uwu
aw, yes! you got it! thank you so much for your kind words! <3
pairing: killua zoldyck + reader
warnings: mention of drowning, mere death experience - overall fluff
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to be clear, getting in the water was never part of the plan.
idealy, you were hoping to just sit on the sides and converse with the rest of your friends while they enjoyed the ocean.
countless peer-pressuring brought you to realize that your initial plan unfortunately wouldn’t work out with them.
your lack of making independent decisions brought you here.
right into the depths of the water, stuggling to stay afloat.
the dangers of the waters aren’t talked about enough. sudden waves draw you in, leaving you with no chance of escape.
that is, unless you have the ability to swim.
a skill you lacked.
you had never been taught how to - yet you were aware how necessary it was to learn.
it was your fault that your lungs were currently screaming for air, your body proving useless as you attempted to resist the ocean’s waves.
when you had initially gone in, you had kept a safe distance and stayed at the shallow end. though, as time went by, you found yourself subconsciously following your friends as they slowly descended deeper into the ocean.
it hadn’t been until your feet were no longer touching the ground, that you realized you were in trouble.
the timing was inconvenient for you.
it seemed as though the second your body was no longer in contact with the ground, the ocean made it it’s mission to submerge you.
strong waves had immediately came in, dragging you as you helplessly paddled to keep your head above.
your heart beat against your chest - the pressure becoming alarming.
god, you were terrified.
you tried your best - relentlessly moving your limbs as you sucked in as many breaths of air you could get before another wave struck you.
where was everyone?
you felt lightheaded.
the sun beamed down on you - it’s rays only adding to your stuggle as you helplessly blinked, your vision blurry.
your eyes stung - the salt water only adding on to your anxiety.
you managed to say one word before another wave hit, succesfully pulling you down once more.
you gasped, coughing as you submerged for a quick second.
your throat was stinging, a result of unintentionally swallowing the water.
you were cut off as another wave hit, aggressively sinking you the furthest that you had ever gone.
panicked, you moved your aching arms, trying your absolute hardest to quickly get to the surface.
you felt dread creep across your body as you slowly realized that your weak paddles might not be enough to get you out of this.
your movements had almost completely tired you out, your body only having enough energy to weakly kick your legs.
the pain in your chest was only getting progressively unbearable.
you need air.
ignoring the stinging, you opened your eyes.
a mistake.
your stomach dropped.
black circles surrounded you - the more you blinked, the more would appear.
as each second went by, you found it increasingly difficult to keep your eyes open.
the surface seemed so far...
you felt exhausted.
almost as if you could sleep.
the pain...
did it stop?
it was quiet.
peaceful, almost.
yet, traces of eeriness lingered.
your eyes were closed.
you could make out some light from behind your eyelids.
the water...
you weren’t in the water anymore.
a chill ran down your spine.
why was it so cold?
you felt like you were freezing.
“hey... i got you something to eat...”
you flinched at the sudden voice.
something beside you hit the floor, a loud crash accompanying it.
for what felt like an eternity, it was silent.
you felt the need to move, your anxiety rising.
yet, your body felt frozen, only allowing you to move your fingers.
“please - tell me i didn’t imagine that.”
footsteps were audible, the sound coming closer to you.
they stopped beside you.
suddenly, a hand pressed against your cheek, cupping it gently.
you held your breath, a bit frightened from the contact.
you recognized the voice, their soothing touch comforting you as you hesitantly opened your eyes.
the extreme brightness of the room prompted in you closing them again immediately.
“oh my god - you’re awake.”
his tone sounded relieved - a sigh escaping his lips as you felt him rake a hand through your hair.
you gulped, recalling the past events that had happened when you were previously conscious.
you almost drowned.
it felt like a miracle that you were alive.
clearly, you had passed out from lack of oxygen and exhaustion. there was no way you had gotten out by yourself.
who had saved you?
you slowly opened your eyes again, finally letting them adjust to the harsh lighting of the room.
you were met with a familiar blue gaze.
his eyes were narrowed - his expression bitter.
the atmosphere in the room grew intense. you found yourself subconsciously cowering into the bed, trying your best to avoid his gaze.
dread crawled across your skin, not recognizing the unreadable look on his face.
with hesitance, you attempted to reach out to him.
“killua...” you whispered, your voice slightly wavering in anxiety. your throat ached, not allowing you to speak any louder.
killua dodged your touch, shaking his head. with widened eyes, you pursed your lips, masking your hurt as you gently placed your arm back down, nodding in acceptance.
his buidling anger was only beginning to show. it wouldn’t be long until he finally broke.
you watched as he sat beside you on the bed, his head tilted at the floor.
his hair covered his eyes.
without facing you, he lifted his chin, looking toward the wall in front of him.
you heard him exhale deeply.
“you’re an idiot.”
your eyes widened at his blunt words. shaking your head, you tilted your head in attempt to look at his face.
“you heard me. you’re an idiot.” he interrupted.
unexpectedly, he turned to you, lifting his head as he stared at your face.
“who willingly goes into the ocean without knowing how to swim?”
you blinked.
“i guess... that’d be me.” you sheepishly mumbled, rubbing the back of your neck.
killua huffed, closing his eyes in irritation.
it annoyed him.
the fact that when he merely looked at you, all his anger had diminished.
in his mind, he had been planning a whole lecture to give to you. though all those thoughts had been easily erased - his main focus converting into checking if you were alright.
“thank you, by the way.”
killua shook his head at your words, confused. “for?”
you smiled at him, raising a brow. it was an attempt to lighten the mood - only in hopes that killua would get the message and calm down.
“i mean... it was you who saved me - am i wrong?”
it was your best guess.
from what you vaguely remembered, you knew killua had been the closest to you when you had been trapped underwater.
it’d make the most sense that he had been the one to get you out.
to your luck, killua slowly nodded.
“yeah. it was me.” he confessed, closing his eyes.
you softly smiled, “i figured.”
guilt was still evident in you. it was your fault that he had to go through the trouble of rescuing you.
you sighed, “i’m sorry for being irresponsible... i should’ve told everyone i couldn’t swim.” you chuckled, rubbing your arm. “i guess i just wanted to ignore it and have a fun day with the rest of you.”
with a trace of hesitance, you lifted your arms once more. you were afraid to be rejected again - yet you still had slight hope.
“forgive me?” you softly asked, holding your arms out for a hug.
killua blinked, staring at you.
in all honesty, he had forgiven you the second he knew you were safe.
seeing you struggling in the water was something he’d never want to witness again.
he cared about you - even though he showed it terribly.
you were surprised to see a small smile form on his face.
it was barely visible, but it was definitely there.
“fine.” he mumbled, accepting your hug.
he relished in the way you held him, one of your hands reaching to caress his hair gently while the other rubbed his back.
he found himself nuzzling into your neck, immediately becoming addicted to the warmth your body radiated.
you hummed in response, your eyes closed. killua had never been very affectionate - you were using this time as wisely as you could.
you felt him squeeze you, his breath against your neck causing shivers to run down your spine.
“i’m teaching you how to swim tomorrow, go it?”
you could already imagine his frustration while he would be teaching.
nonetheless, you nodded, a small laugh leaving your lips.
“alright - got it.”
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philomenafm · 4 years
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ive done sm switches bt. she is the one. she is the one i love. trust me. ples. this is an old intro n im frankly. too lazy 2 read it bt. i love her a lot shes very good please like her
wildflowers in your hair and bare feet against moss, binoculars and maps, madonna beating out of half-dead speakers in a half-dead van, whipping wind, jumping off cliffs and rolling down hills, a bandaid wrapped around each finger, cryptic bumper stickers and cryptids in the woods, facing the sun and letting the rays hit you, counting stars late into the night, dancing naked in the woods with nothing but fire to light your way, mismatched socks and lucky ribbons, hoarding a box of special treasures, shoplifting and diner-dashing, bleach against roots, pink sweaters paired with ripped fishnets and slip dresses with knock off uggs, willingly wearing crocs, glitter stickers, fungi and feeling one with them, lying down and decomposing, they’ll find us in a week. they’ll find us in a week.
full name: philomena brontë carmichael
nickname(s): philly, phil, etc.
b.o.d. - april 20th, 2000
label(s): the amaranth, the halycon, the neophyte, the wanderer, etc. etc.
height: 5′4″
hometown: woodside, ca
sexuality: demisexual
pinterest ( & her family pinterest b/c they’re my most developed family uwu)
favorite song: wonderfully bizarre, bendigo fletcher / we can be defined by the things we want / i’ll be a life full of free haircuts from the one that i love / we’ll collect fallen out teeth in a candy jar / mice for the backyard peregrine falcon reservation.
a middle child belonging to christopher and imogen carmichael - two stanford professors. christopher specialized in british literature whilst imogen specialized in the classics. hence the name.
the order of siblings goes as such: lysander, elektra, juno, philomena, and twins orion & valora. the deal was that everybody had a greek (or in juno’s case, roman) first name and a middle name inspired by a piece of british literature circa 1800s and under. a family of nerds, if you will.
so, clearly - right off the bat, their parents are … eccentric. they’re both in love with their respected topic, and with each other, and with their kids. the carmichael family is a happy family.
they each have their own quirks and whatnot - though philly’s always been particularly dreamy - even as a child, she’d spend hours watching clouds or caterpillars or the leaves blow in the wind rather than play with other kids. she wasn’t a shy kid - she just had her own interests.
hardship doesn’t hit the family until philomena is five and starts having splitting headaches. they’re slow at first - but as soon as she’s seeing spots and unable to walk in a straight line, doctor appointments are made.
it doesn’t take long for them to discover the tumor, though the official diagnosis of malignant ependymoma comes a month later.
it’s grade ii but slow-moving, small enough to not be as much of a threat as worried, but big enough where removal is necessary. philomena earns a scar and brings it in for show-and-tell. for two months afterwards, philly’s at radiotherapy monday through friday.
they’re lucky - philomena’s considered cancer-free by the next year. she’s babied at first - handled delicately, as if she could break if touched - but with five other children … it doesn’t last for too long.
and life continues as normal.
her personality doesn’t shift much over the next few years - she’s awfully independent for a kid, and awfully quiet - when she speaks it’s about faeries and bigfoot, about how the sky is so blue and if you listen quietly, you can hear the leaves whisper their secrets to each other. this is not odd.
she’s close to all her siblings, but she idolizes her older sister - elektra. elektra’s six years older and dyes her hair whatever colors she wants. elektra bought a knife off a seedy guy downtown. elektra threw away all of her heels and renounced god. elektra is god. her music is loud but it’s not heavy - it’s florence and the machine.
they’re opposites - elektra’s boisterous and feels loudly, philomena’s softer and feels…less. when elektra sneaks out, philomena keeps watch. they are a duo.
philomena is smart - but she’s fifteen and hates school. hates sitting inside all day. hates the same routine - day after day - it’s all the same. her parents’ routine is the same, philly feels contained and she wants to live.
elektra’s twenty-one and just bought a brand new spanking (used but not falling apart) 19-something volkswagen … van - using her entire savings account. she says she’s tired of routine, she’s leaving the next day.
naturally, philomena stows away in the back and isn’t discovered until they’re two states away and she’s got to pee. elektra nearly crashes the van in shock.
it’s an argument - philomena vs. elektra, then them vs. their parents, then their parents vs. the school, the state - it’s an ordeal. philomena switches to an online program in the end.
it hurts christopher and imogen - lysander’s not having any of their nonsense, juno’s betrayed and alone - the twins are twins. in the end, it’s alright. the carmichael family is a happy family.
philomena and elektra take their time - it’s not a road trip, it’s their new life, permanently on the road. they stop and explore often - they do odd jobs in whatever town they settle in. they dine-n-dash, they shoplift. they survive in their own way.
during particularly desperate times, they two resorted to identity theft & credit fraud - getting away with it only by ditching the cards once they’ve made it out of state.
she drops out of high school officially when she’s seventeen - they have to drive all the way back to california to deal with the wrath of their parents and to deal with paperwork, but it’s done. philomena doesn’t know what path she wants in life - but it’s not that.
it’s during this time that the episodes occur - philomena’s outside her body, philomena’s wrapped in cotton, her memories are not her own. she’s looking in the mirror and she doesn’t recognize herself. they take shelter in a city for six months, long enough for her brand spankin’ new therapist to figure out what’s wrong with her. she’s diagnosed with depersonalization / derealization disorder - they think it’s stress. philomena doesn’t get stressed. they think it’s trauma. she laughs - she never laughs.
there is trauma though, deep-rooted but somewhere inside - you just have to look for it.
you. just. have. to. look. for. it. look for it. look for it. look for it look for it look -
you were ten and she was thirteen, an off-trail hike in familiar woods in a familiar town, safe and familiar. it was your idea, to stray from the carved out paths, down creeks and up hills and round, and round again. you’re the one who spotted the scarf first, sticking up from the dirt and dancing in the wind like the beginning of reincarnation. it was not reincarnation, it was discovery. it was ruin. with curiosity drawn, you skidded down - with compliance, followed juno, followed your sister - clumsy in her steps and tumbling down quicker than you. you saw the corpse, but juno felt it. decaying flesh and maggot.
and she left juno, just like that - just five years later, when juno had finally gone to the end of her wits. philly up and left. abandoned her.
philomena and elektra leave the city after that therapy session. they do not return. she’s always been good at hiding her secrets.
three years later and her parents want philly to have a higher education - desperate for it, really - worried for her future. it’s a battle that she loses, getting her ged and applying to a local college in florida in shameful compliance.
they’re there for a year until philly gets (expectantly) expelled from the community college & the two of them are banned from the town they’d residing in up until that point. they don’t talk about it - but boy, was it one hell of a time.
they found refuge in preaker, a town that seemed to suit them well - it suited elektra’s desire to travel up and down the east coast, and it intrigued philomena enough to the point of her being content with staying. soon after, philly officially transferred to yates for her freshmen spring term & theyve been here since.
(whenever anna brings cillian uh. he’s in here too he’s been traveling w them fr like 3ish years. i just cannot rewrite atm KDSGLSDKLGKFGHLKSL bt hes here. n hes sexy. n we love him. bro3tp)
OH. hey yeah the secret. errmm. tht’s on cillian. philly just hid the evidence. no they didnt kill someone yes they did no they did not <3 yes
personality & facts.
she’s quiet but she’s confident - her voice sounds like rustling leaves, if leaves smoked a pack of cigarettes a day.
often underestimated - philly’s petite and looks like she’d fall over if a plastic bag blew too close to her. she’s independent - for the most part. elektra is the only person philly takes orders from.
has always been considered odd - weird, strange. still talks about the trees as if they’re listening, as if they’re old friends. she’s vague and doesn’t elaborate on the things she says.
believes in pretty much any superstition you throw her way. luck is very important to her. if you ask her if the earth is flat, she’ll say probably. believes strongly in bigfoot and the lochness monster. has personally seen aliens, and loves ghosts almost more than herself.
she can be amusing - whether you ‘get’ her or not, her outlook is often bright - she talks about the negatives the same way she talks about the positives. can be seen as naive or gullible, but she’s plenty smart. even if half of her education has come directly from google.
philly doesn’t laugh. a smile, yes - often, in fact - not always reaching her ears, or bearing teeth - but these are not indicators of her happiness. philly is consistently content. she thinks many things are funny - she still will not laugh.
her voice is often monotonous - she doesn’t sound dreary, she sounds far-away. her voice carries. her emotions are often unknown to others.
is apathetic in most situations. she’s hard to bother - she’s incredibly patient and enjoys the company of most - tolerates them at the very least. it’s hard for her to express her emotions, because she feels them so little that it’s very nearly not worth it. her affection is not verbal - it’s small touches and gestures of kindness, love in her own way.
is a fan of knock-knock jokes and bad puns. she won’t crack a smile while telling you them, nor does she expect you to laugh. she just enjoys them.
she owns a motorola razr covered in puffy stickers - hasn’t ever had a smartphone. she’s a fan of emoticons. her favorite is :o)
has a lot of bruises and scratches and scars - she’s often getting herself into pickles. there are always, at the very minimum, three bandaids on each hand.
she has insomnia, so she’s awake often. is often seen wandering town - even when she shouldn’t be, even when it might be dangerous. her intuition is delayed. when she does sleep - her dreams are vivid and fantastical.
keeps a box of memories - sentimental bits and pieces she’s picked up over the last few years. there are a lot of buttons and postcards, but any teeny tiny object will do.
her style changes every week - most, if not all, of her clothes are thrifted. one week she’s baby spice and the next she’s lydia deetz. she combines pieces from different styles often - she looks like a barbie clothed by a child. she feels most comfortable like this.
will either patch-up the clothes that get too worn or reuse them in some way. sometimes donates the clothes she gets tired off - isn’t minimalistic, but she’s learned to keep only a small amount of possessions.
the only consistency is her lucky ribbon - it’s pastel yellow and silky and as thin as a shoelace. she ties it onto her outfit of the day, everyday. if she loses it, she’s lost. elektra has a matching ribbon (& so does leo fowler eyes emoji)
has no problem with minor theft - she only takes bare minimum, puts herself and elektra first and that’s how it’s always been. she tries to be good while in preaker / yates - would hate to be forced out by mobs with torches and pitchforks
currently living in calloway while elektra stays in their van, florence - sometimes philly stays there during the weekends.
they used to live in motels on the occasion, the cheapest room, and more often than not they’d both go home with strangers for a comfier bed and a hotter shower.
it was a common occurrence - she didn’t sleep with them - but somehow, she weaseled her way into their homes anyway. has come out mostly unscathed, on most occasions. this has been a practice ever since they’ve been on the road.
really, truly - has not slept with anybody, had her first and only kiss at thirteen with a frog. this doesn’t bother her. edit: her first & only kisses hv been w leo fowler. this is important
will consume anything you put in front of her - isn’t picky.
listens to whatever they’ve picked up along the way but she likes instrumentals the best. her second favorite genre is 1990′s and 2000′s top hits. they’re nostalgic for her. third favorites? florence, of course. fleetwood mac. the bird and the bee.
loves storms - will go out in the rain and will risk her life for it.
owns a pair of roller-skates and is often skating rather than walking. unless she’s on grass - then she’s walking barefoot.
has many hobbies, and gets bored of them often. her favorite hobby is welding. she’s not certified.
also, juggling.
also, accordion.
the kind of girl who’ll do any job you give her. odd jobs are her favorite jobs. babysitting is her least favorite - but she does it anyway. has lost children before. have they ever been found? not by philly.
dyes her hair blonde often and cuts her own hair - bangs included - finds it cathartic, likes the itchiness of bleach.
everything she does is often in pursuit of feeling free, alive, and meaningful.
( like her frequent visits to the woods, late at night when the moon is high and full. it’s freeing to dance around a fire, stark naked in the cold. builds immunity )
comes and goes wherever she pleases, nothing & nobody can stop her. she knows to respect nature. exudes natural trust energy <3 dont know wht tht means but
the trust expands to animals as well, she has a certain knack for getting them to like her. has too many ‘pet’ rats that reside with her, alongside a baby raccoon & a few crow pals. has a new animal companion everyday, but she doesn’t contain them or force them to stay. edit: she hs a tabby cat named pail, now. named in honor of her mother, bucket.
leaves her window in calloway wide open because of this, because her window is conveniently right besides a tree with sturdy branches. good for animal smuggling, sneaking in and out, hiding, etc. etc. world is her oyster.
though her room in calloway is ??? frankly a mess ??? already ??? usually keeps most of her possessions in her memory box but she’s also turned her room into a mini labyrinth of knick-knacks. very cozy, but very nest-like. think of howl’s room from howl’s moving castle.
wanted connections.
how did you get in here ;; someone whose room she perhaps crashed at late at night, mysteriously. she refuses to explain where she’s come from. she’s gone before you wake. they could literally not know her at all she’s just sleeping halfway under their bed like <3 thank you <3
ma’am this is a wendys ;;  someone who sees her constantly <3 doing outlandish shit <3 bc lets b real. shes weird. shes a weirdo. why do u think she wears the same hat everyday. (she doesnt wear hats often) anyways. they probably dnt even like her? just think shes very strange?
im literally going to dissect you ;;  someone who. wants to figure out philly. pick at her brain. wear her shoes. kind of in the same category of above in this general like. ur fkn weird. bt they wna figure out why <3 they wna play therapist <3 jokes on u she hates therapists
liddle thief in the night ;; someone who has caught her stealing. or dining n dashing. either/or. perhaps both. she steals a lot :/
oh like. friends n stuff ;; of any closeness. ppl she talks 2 conspiracies with, ppl she goes on late night walks with, ppl she explores with, ppl she steals with, ppl she smokes with, etc. etc. ppl who bring her out to parties cos they like her funky little ways when she gets drunk n tries to climb atop everything <3 
thts nice. anyways ;; this is fr like. literally anything unrequited. philly doesnt like <3 a lot of ppl <3 In That Way. so its basically just. ur muse thinks shes very neat n she thinks ur muse is very neat bt platonically. she doesnt do hookups or anything n if she does i tend 2 like. run purely based off of chemistry even with. most of her connections in general.
uuhh. anything ;; HLKDGKSDLKGHLKSFDSHGKFD i nvr rly hv a lot of connections up fr philly bc shes like. a very unpredictable muse n i think its usually better to just. throw her in! n see wht happens! we cn still plot obv n come up w some fun things bt fr the most part shes very organic
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makeouts-abandoned · 4 years
ornage, plastig bag, por ple, chokeing, graiy, top 10, concussion pride uwu
ornage: BITES YOUR ARM OFF plastig bag: Your Flesh. Hand it over por ple: smirk emoji chokeing: ur budy (Frend) graiy: you mkae me feel like conk creat top 10: we should make minecraft lets plays together concussion pride: im not typing that out
im gonna use this as blackmail when i become a streamer/youtuber so i have proof of u saying youll make content with me<3 i love u
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haikyupid · 4 years
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Order from Lunatrix B,
Hey there! First of all THIS IS SUCH A GOOD IDEA! I can only imagine the time and dedication it took you to think this through and make the orders! (Also I am lowkey so shy doing it off anon like AAAAH) May I please order a Dalgona Matchup Latte? (If it's possible to go with more than one drink then it would be nice to have the Strawberry hearts frappineccino as well!)
So I am an ENFP capricorn and my enneagram is 7w8! My behaviour with other really depends on my mood and on their personalities so other's image of me goes from "wow she is so friendly" to "wtf she is so conceited and manipulative". But most of the time people describe me as crazy, outgoing and bubbly! Since my height is on the shorter side and my cheeks are always red and freckly, I look younger and more innocent than I actually am.
I'm adaptable, super spontaneous and hate overthinking stuff. Also I am shortsighted lol but I don't really like wearing my glasses in public, they make me look so serious and studious when LOL no. I don't really care now but when I was younger I hated the 'honor student' label it gave me. I am a TROLL, super sarcastic and my sense of humor is hard to understand for some people since it's super ironic and kinda dark sometimes.
I have many hobbies and love learning new skills but the most important ones to me are definitely drawing/painting, cooking/baking, piano, reading, acting, swimming, travelling and learning new languages (I am fluent in 5 and learning 2 more). I used to be super passionate about martial arts and reached a black belt but had to stop due to health issues 😭. I'm ambitious, mischievious and cunning. I laugh super easily and smile a lot! I laugh at really inapropriate times, and since I don't cry easily my friends and family call me insensitive oupsii.
I have a super flirty personality but since I do it unknowingly or ironically sometimes, when people take it seriously I freak out and run away. I am hella oblivious to people flirting with me though like even if I notice I go nah there is no way they are serious, so when cute guys confront me about it and say it straight out all my confidence crumbles I BECOME SO SHY and speak in tiny font (and deny it like haha wow you're funny).
 I am really honest about my 'positive feelings', like I compliment people a lot and am the type of person to text others saying that I am happy to have them in my life, that I had a great time hanging out, etc. But I SUCK with my negative feelings?! Like I just ignore them and never voice them out. Friends and family sometimes blame me saying that since I never confide they feel like I put a wall between us and that our relationship is kinda unequal since they tell me everything (I am a really good listener) but I really don't do it on purpose... I kind of feel obligated to be the 'strong' one who does not really feel anything...
I am sorry this is so long, thank you for taking the time to read it! Good luck for all your other orders i'm sute you'll do great!)
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Thanks a lot for sending in your order here at Kyupid's Love Shop. One Dalgona Matchup Latte coming right up!....... where’d the side effec— oh, here it is! I matcha with ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
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➞ this relationship thrives on the fact that you’ll both feel like you’re on top of the world when together; but honestly though, boring is not a part of this couple’s vocabulary like whew— (lemme be a part of this, ples, like i’ll third wheel)
➞ don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t mean that you and nishi are immature (it’s actually quite the contrary) it’s just that you both don’t feel that societal pressure that most do, you’re both just so free and that’s not something the majority of the population can afford
➞ so to say that you’re both beyond lucky to have found each other is a huge understatement; this be the type of relationship that iconic romance anime movies are based off on 
➞ nishi will be the first one to make a move for sure, like bby did not even hesitate for a second — i want it, i’m gonna try to get it typa man
➞ it won’t even matter if you push him away or if he has to court you for a year or so, he’ll only stop if you actually say that you’re not interested but i mean WHO in the world would reject him?! 
➞ your looks will definitely remind him of a tropical paradise he’s visited, which is what he feels whenever he’s around you, so best believe this man won’t let his walking paradise go; he’ll probably also call you his lil’ firework
➞ he values the fact that you both can view the world the same, but if there’s a difference in your viewpoints, it doesn’t lead to arguments like most do, but instead having each side doing their best to understand one another — nishi is the type to be very open-minded and always fights for what’s right, i also get that vibe from you
➞ nishi is up for anything; so when he found out about your abundance of hobbies, he will bombard you with questions about them, your advice to get the hang of them, and always asking if he’s doing them right 
“look babe, i tried to draw something for you!”
“aww, yuu, this cow looks so cute.” 
“...it’s a baby bear, but thank you so much, baby, it’s definitely an improvement from the last one. i love you!”
➞ he has a very innocent type of humour... maybe sometimes perverted, but that’s not the point— so if he does find one of your jokes to be too dark, he will ask if you’re okay, but he definitely won’t be like ‘wtf is wrong with this betch?’
➞ you two would always be traveling whenever your schedules allow you two; and you guys would always be learning something new! surfing, atv riding, bungee jumping, hunting, fishing (durh), learning some catch phrases in the place’s native language, cooking their national dishes, and so so much more
➞ with nishi, there’s never a time where you’ll be bored, everything will just be perfect when you’re with him; literally you’ll both be the couple who probably doesn’t even plan their days unless it’s like something so important
➞ ‘there are some flowers you only see when you take detours’ type of life motto/vibes
➞ oh, and you always complimenting him and telling him how much he means to you? mans could die from to much heart palpitations... uwu, just pure uwus
➞ he’s not very romantic all the time, so most of the compliments he’ll be giving you will be like:
“baby, you’re way cuter than this. you’re the most beautiful person i’ve ever laid my eyes on. you’re perfect!”
“...but you’re holding a fish i— y’know what, thank you... now can you throw it back in the water, please?”
➞ loves, and when i say loves i really mean it, when you wear your glasses, but he definitely will be cheeky and say, ‘oh, sorry, i didn’t know this was the library. i was looking for my very beautiful girlfriend... oh, that’s you? well you look a lil’ too gorgeous to be her’ but foreal, pls wear you glasses more often, he literally melts when you do
➞ he’s always telling you that he loves you; and when he’s in another country, expect photos and vids from him that look like those tinder fish-boys (idek if this’ll make sense to you) but he has the most beautiful smile a man could ever have and such a sincere paragraph of how much he misses and loves you to follow along with it, that it doesn’t even matter anymore that he looks like a dad
➞ a relationship that make the people around you, whether they’re strangers or not, go ‘they’re the main characters’ — to them you two were in your own beautiful world, and no one would ever dare to interfere with a love so magical and true
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Kyupid hopes that you enjoyed your Dalgona Matchup Latte! Here’s the view from the top of the world with your out-of-this-world relationship with Nishinoya Yuu: he always does things that end up turning you as red as a tomato, but he doesn’t even intend to, mans is just naturally smooth... so you either malfunction or just straight up push him away; when he wants you to listen to his 3 AM thoughts/honestly just some weird shet he probably does all the time with you; when he tries to make you talk about how you’re feeling when he knows your ‘i’m fine’ reply is a straight up lie; and when he finally comes back from one of his trips around the world, just wanting you to be safe in his arms again.
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Thanks very much for ordering — Kyupid hopes to see your cuteself again at the shop in the future! Have a magic-filled day ⁀➷
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an: henlo, i hope you didn’t mind too much that i bombarded your dm’s with questions 😅 thank you so much for being patient with me!
i didn’t know what to do about the url thing, so this was what i resorted to in a short amount of time, i hope that’s okay with you. i almost lost your submission twice, huhu. also, is the gif working??? tumblr’s being a bitch again, so idk if it’s working and i’m freakin out.
btw, now i can’t stop being jelly over this ship like— this is too cute and i feel like this kind of relationship only exists in movies 😔
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palimpsestofevents · 3 years
This needed a long time but I'm curious :3
5. What is your favorite scent?
10. What is something you find romantic?
12. Is there anything in particular making you happy or sad?
15. Which do you prefer:a museum, a night club, the forest or a library?
16. If you could be doing anything you like right now, what would it be?
18. What makes you attracted to the person you like right now?
20. Are you holding on to something you need to let go of? If so then what?
25. Is there something you have dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?
27. What are two things that irritate you about the same sex?
59. What top 5 things always brings a smile to your face?
70. What is your ideal partner like?
83. Do you like when people play with your hair?
88. What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?
89. If money wasn’t an issue, what top 10 places would you travel to? (You get to stay at each place for a week)
100. Would you ever go sky diving, bungee jumping , cliff diving, wing suit gliding, parasailing, snorkeling, or other extreme activities?
Thank you, appreciate the commitment uwu
5. I don't really know. I love the smell of fresh coffee, lavender and gas stations.
10. Sharing. Whether it be food, fun facts about your special interests or music you love. I learn a lot about my connection with a person through what they want to let me be a part of, and what they want me to include them in.
12. I'm sad I can't move out until March. What makes me happy, dear, is you uwu
15. That'd heavily depend on my current mood and who I'm with. I have to admit I fucking miss raves, but overall I'd choose the forest.
16. I'd be cuddling and kissing right now and uhh theoretically maybe some other related activities later 👉👈👀
18. So so much. Like everything about her fascinates me. Her laugh melts my heart, her selfies blow my mind and listening to her talk about anything and everything is my favorite thing to do. I'm starting to believe in a perfect match and every minute we talk gives me 60 new reasons to do so. The way our convos go from serious to funny to cute to 👀 without the topic really changing just makes me happy. You make me happier than I've been in many years. uwu
20. Not anymore, I think. I mean you could count smoking 🙈
25. I want to see the aurora borealis with my own eyes and I haven't done that yet because I don't have a car. Or a license. Or money. Or the physical condition to take on such a journey without any of those things.
27. Let's be honest, men are fucking disgusting and I can't even count the times I've been ashamed to be one. That's all I have to say here.
59. Getting a small gift that made them think of me. Coffee. When you text me :b getting a compliment from the person I want it from. Snacks.
70. My ideal partner would be obsessed with me, while still not forgetting to prioritize themselves. A woman with an appetite for sex that matches my own (I'm sorry). I want to be able to learn from and with one another. Grow together and grow for each other. I want to hold weird deep conversations between fucking the shit out of each other, no matter if it's 3am or 3pm. I want someone who lets me support them when they need it, and who supports me when I need it. I wanna be able to laugh with them even when we're naked.
83. Yes I love being touched, ples gib touch
88. Either "I hope she's awake and texted me" or "shit I wanna go back to sleep" heh
89. I don't think I have that many specific places I want to see but yeah. Norway, your house, and wherever you would want to take me uwu
100. If I could afford it, I would like to do all of that at least once in my life
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emeraldbabygirl · 4 years
I will be adding to this when I complete something, if I complete something and I’ve decided it’s gonna have my fanfics, reactions, a few lists that I’ve made and I’m putting my fake snaps in. I’ll definitely be editing it a lot because I can guarantee I won’t like the way it turns out. Also if there’s no link yet that just means I either haven’t finished it, because it booked a 5 year stay in my drafts or I have the idea but it hasn’t been written yet. Especially with Vanner and Great Guys, I wanna write for them but it’ll take some time uwu. Also also, most of my fanfics do not have titles because although my three brain cells are working hard 25/8 thinking of titles for fanfics is not something that’s in their job description
Note: some of the links are there when I go to edit the masterlist and then when I save it doesn’t show up and some links show up when I go to edit them and not when I save them. I’ve attempted to fix this problem multiple times and it’s too frustrating so I’m not bothering with it anymore.
Gimmie Kithes Jeup Ples uwu
Imfact scenario 1
Imfact scenario 2
Jeup boyfriend AU
Jeup fluff
Ungjae soft blurb
VAV smut blurb uwu
Competition Part 1
Competition Part 2
Competition Part 3
Competition Part 4
Jacob smut Part 1
ACE smut
Lou Shower Sex smut
Leathers and Lace: a Lou birthday/holiday smut
Cursed: VAV horror fic Part 1
Cursed: VAV horror fic Part 2
St.Van Birthday/Holiday fluff
St.Van car wash smut
St.Van pool party smut
Field Mouse part 1
Field Mouse part 2
Please Don’t Give up on Me
Delicate: A St.Van smut
VAV reaction to you in bodystockings
VAV reaction to you calling them a bottom bitch
VAV reaction to finding you asleep in the shower standing up
VAV reaction to you shivering because you’re cold
VAV reaction you being upset
VAV reaction to you being in little space and scared of a thunder storm
VAV reaction to catching you masterbating
St.Van Sugar Daddy AU
Lou Sugar Daddy AU
Ziu Sugar Daddy AU
Jacob, ACE, Baron Sugar Daddy AU
Ayno Sugar Daddy AU
VAV: the full Daddy Analysis
VAV as videos on pornhub uwu
Dream Ayno
Great Guys
Dongin blurb
Horyeong oneshot
Great Guys and their kinks
Hanse smut
Victon reaction to food falling into your cleavage
ATEEZ reaction 1
Seonghwa Holiday fluff
Seonghwa smut
Seonghwa soft blurb
Hongjoong au
San - Innocent smut
Come Here Flower
Shownu Holiday fluff
Shownu fluff
Vanner reaction to you moaning/liking it when they spank you as a punishment
Kain smut
5Zic smut
Seunghoon blurb
Brat: A Kim Sehyoon smut part 1
Brat: A Kim Sehyoon smut part 2
Brat: A Kim Sehyoon smut part 3
Jin blurb
Cheeky: Dojin smut
Angel: Laon smut
Don’t Get Caught: A Hyunjun smut
Hyunjun smut 2
Incubus Hyunjun
Chahun & Seunghyub 1 teaser
Chahun & Seunghyub 1
Chahun & Seunghyub 2
Expensive: Seunghyub smut
N.Flying reaction: you take them to a Pow-Wow
Shy: Eunho smut
UNVS reaction: you grab their shirt
UNVS reaction: you beg them to touch you
2Z reaction:
Close Up: Model Sangwook smut
Harry June fluff
CNU smut
Chance & Haru 
A Rock and a Soft Place: Tree line fluff
Are You Jealous - Zuho smut
Underwater: Mill Mafia AU
Emperor Wonhyuk smut
Moodboard fics:
The Rose: Jaehyeong smut
ATEEZ: Yeosang The Heathers AU
Oneus: Leedo smut
24K: Daeil (Bigone) smut
SF9: Rowoon fluff
Fake Snaps:
Target 1 2
Imfact 1
Bigstar 1
Great Guys 1
B.A.P 1
Vanner 1
B.I.G 1
Noir 1
Black6ix 1
My Daddies:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
My Moms:
Part 1
Part 2
Shitty Snapchat Memes: I’m still making these but not adding them to my masterlist so if you want to see my recent memes you can search the tags; ‘shitty snapchat memes’ or ‘homemade memes’
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
VAV x Kirby x Spongebob memes
Actually Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 ft. Kirby
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sensesdialed-aa · 4 years
( anon uwu ) HOW SNARE YOU SENJOY A SNARACTER I DONT SNIKE? The snudacity of this snitch ( snail bitch ) to ??? Snenjoy??? ( snail enjoy ) sneter snarker????! ( anon / this is satire )
“anon” @retroincarnated​ // i’m so sorry i’ll go to jail for my war crimes against the sanctity of snomics ( snail comics ) right away sir
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    ple a s e no im so snorry for having fun on my blog and snenjoying a snaracter because others personally don’t like them it was snrong ( snail wrong ) of me i’ll snever do it snagain please dont make a snallout ( snail callout )
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stoiicist · 4 years
um MY url
let me love you oh god ple ase just let me love u
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Do I Follow Them?: bree i will follow u anywhere 
Why Did I Follow Them?: u are SO fun to write with i literally have a blast and just get so energized by your presence on the dash whether its your beautiful writing or your funny lil ooc posts throughout the day
Do We Role Play?: YES and i love the dynamic khalid and reyna have they make me asndanfjdsnfjanf
Do I Want To Role Play With Them: forever and ever uwu
An AU Idea For Our Muses: i know nothing about fire emblem but i would make an FE au for you ;_;
A Song For Our Muses: all my brain is coming up with rn is hold it in by jukebox the ghost bc it touches on holding back inner thoughts/feelings n they both do that to an extreme lmao
Do I Ship Our Muses?: khalid vc, making fun of her probably: we look like such a couple here haha / reyna vc: a couple of bestiesssss :-)
What I Think About The Mun: my reason for living
Overall Opinion: i am so full of love for you. truly my rp experience would not be the same without u and i am so lucky that you are my friend!!!!!!!!!
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kyukun · 5 years
Okay but actually, I'm seriously happy I found your account like? Your writing? Godly. I could never. SaiOu? A Blessing. Your writing plus SaiOu? I'm in heaven, sign me the fuck up.
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temptaestions-blog · 5 years
tag some of your mutuals as bts members and tell why they remind you of that member!
Tae- @la-vie-en-tae my social butterfly who loves art. She's very friendly & kind just like Tae(#^.^#) . I burst into uwus whenever I talk to her ily💕
Jimin- @taespetals + @hugseoks these two are all about flowers & rainbows. They both are creative always smiling & cheerful the babiest I wanna squish them & wrap them in blankets O(≧∇≦)O
Yoongi- @hyuunwoo Tara!!! The 'T' in Tara stands for talent 😤 She's a pro at everything! How do you do that?!😭😭😭 people may think she's cold but in reality she's a softie & girl is savage af lol
@bbydonghyunie Homie G reminds of Jungkook & Hobi! At first she seem like a quiet person but in reality she's a walking meme 👁👄👁 literally. She's my sunshine, her antics always makes me smile. She's bickering with Hailey 24/7 & loves to tease us. She makes me want to slap the shit out of her but at the same time shower her with my love idk how she does that. Jerk
@bitchynightmarepost Jin & Joon!! Hailey LOVES food & would sell her soul for food I don't blame her & whenever I'm sad she makes these dad jokes which are cringeworthy btw & laughs at her own jokes. If anyone tries to hurt her loved ones she won't hesitate to shoot shut them up & whenever I need advice she's there for me, always supportive. She lovessss animals & nature 💫
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parti-pooper · 5 years
Headcanons for Stendy Family?
Alright, Anon! The time has come! OvO/ I don’t know if these are the kinds of headcanons you had hoped for - but I hope you can enjoy them anyway. uwu
Stan proposes to Wendy on the night of a wedding reception. Drunk. After puking. With no ring. Seeing his friends get married that day made him get mushy, and so he downed a bunch of liquid luck in the hopes of getting up enough courage to ask her to marry him. He thought it’d be romantic. Cue Wendy having to say nope after watching her beautiful, beloved boyfriend eject his guts and slur, “Wen-dyyy I larvuI lff fugignk larvaruu youuu,, marr meh ples marr meybeb…”
Wendy tells Stan what he did the next morning, and he gets embarrassed as he explains his thoughts last night. Wendy asks if he was genuine, and Stan says yeah, he really was. “Ask me again,” she says. “I don’t know,” he laughs nervously, “I’m kind of scared you’ll say no again.”  He pulls at his hair anxiously and averts his gaze, but she grabs his hand and makes him look into her eyes. “Ask me again,” she says, and he can’t deny her. “Okay, uhm… Wendy, I love you. Will you marry me?” He winces, pained, while he waits for her response. She smiles easily. “Yes.”
And that’s how Stan proposed to Wendy, drunk, and then proposed to her again, hungover. Still a better love story than Twilight.
They have a winter wedding. It snows on the day, and so Wendy and Stan both have white flakes in their black hair in all their wedding photographs outside the church. His horrible friends make dandruff jokes, but Stan and Wendy are so happy, they can’t even care. They’re shivering and smiling the whole day long.
Wendy keeps her last name, which Stan is disappointed about after all of those years writing Wendy Marsh in the margins of his notebooks, but he respects her decision.
They honeymoon in Hawaii. They’re a basic bitch couple, at the end of the day. (Butters sets them up, btw. Mahalo Rewards Card, biiitch!)
They were living together even before marriage, so they just continue to live like that for the first year of marriage. It isn’t long before Wendy gets pregnant though (Marsh men move fast, f.y.i., they end up being the first couple in their group of friends to have kids) and they quickly realise that their one-bedroom apartment probably isn’t the best place to raise a kid.
They end up moving to a cramped little house in a different area of their city. Stan wanted to move somewhere with a big backyard and a nearby park and quiet, safe roads for his kid to play in, like back where he grew up. But they had to stay in the city while Wendy finished her PhD.
It’s hard to make ends meet while Wendy’s working on her thesis and a part-time job while pregnant (with all of the discomfort that implies), and Stan’s trying to make enough money for the both of them doing whatever job he can. It’s a very poor time for them. There’s a lot of stress and a lot of arguments break out between them. They go to bed angry sometimes.
…But they always make up eventuality. It’s the hardest nights that make them cling the closest.
Stan and Wendy end up getting two babies for the price of one. They find out they’re having twins, and their stress just doubles.
They work themselves to exhaustion trying to save up enough money for their stork delivery, taking extra shifts at their work. They sleep whenever they’re not working. They forget to eat. Some days, they don’t even see each other. When they do, they can’t even muster the energy to just talk.
Sometimes they forget what it’s all for.
They remember again when Wendy finally gives birth, and they have their beautiful twin daughters. Stan holds one in each arm, and cries the whole time. Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny arrive pretty much instantaneously, being that over-dependent surrogate family they’ve always been to him, and all just hug the ever-loving shit out of Stan and coo over their new nieces.
Wendy gets a visit from all her girlfriends, too. Bebe, Nichole, Red, Heidi, Annie, and more, all come bearing gifts like the Wise Men at Jesus’ birth.
Having twins is no fucking party. Have you ever tried to soothe two babies crying at once? Stan and Wendy can’t take turns; they both have to get up in the night when the babies cry. The sleep deprivation is real, you guys.
Wendy has to take time off from her part-time job due to maternity leave, and she has to finish her thesis from home, so she stays and looks after the twins in the day. Stan goes to work all day, and then he takes over at night when he gets home.
Sometimes Gran’pa Randy and Gran’ma Sharon will take the kids off their hands for a weekend just so that Stan and Wendy can catch up on some fucking sleep. Stan has never loved them more than when they do that.
The twins grow up to be absolute terrors. Neither Stan nor Wendy know where they got their mischievous side from, but boy did they get it. Like, why are they so determined to stick pointy things in power outlets? Why do they constantly want to put small objects in their mouths? Why don’t they want to wear diapers? Why do they like to scream at the top of their lungs when their mom is working? Why do they think the wall is the best place to draw on with crayons? (Uncle Cartman is so proud, btw.)
Stan and Wendy swear up and down that they are never having another one. Never, ever. Nope. Not a single one. Two is more than enough. No.
Two years later, Wendy is pregnant again.
She’s finally finished her PhD though, so they think it’s finally time to move to that huge house with the big backyard in a nice neighbourhood like they always talked about.
“No, Stan, we’re not getting a dog too. We barely just got the girls potty-trained, and we still have to take them out on leashes. That’s all the dog we need right now.”
She gives birth to their son, Thomas, not long after. And thank goodness, he inherited his father’s quietness and is not as unnecessarily loud as his sisters. He also inherited his father’s sensitivity, however, and he cries at near-anything. A very fussy baby. He lives in his daddy’s arms, and he is literally, actually scared of his own shadow. His big sisters bully him a lot.
But they won’t allow anyone else to bully him. Like their mom, they stand up against any tyranny (that isn’t their own). Also like their mom, they are ferociously intelligent, and their parents fear them for it.
All three children have the same black hair and blue eyes as their mom and dad and grow up to be the absolute spit of their parents.
When Stan and Wendy look at their children, they quite literally forget all those years of hardship they went through; because what is that suffering, now, compared to this bliss?
Stan is such a sappy dad, in fact, that he writes songs about his children, for his children, and sings to them on his guitar.
Then the girls try to steal his guitar and almost break it with their careless strumming because they can’t appreciate nice things when they’re, what, six? Seriously, Stan, what did you think would happen?
But they quiet down and listen when Stan sings them a lullaby at bedtime.
Also, Stan is a pretty big push-over. His kids just need to bat their baby blues at them and he’s wrapped ‘round their tiny fingers. An ice-cream? You got it, honey. A pony? Anything for you, sweetie. What’s that, now? The assassination of the US president? Just hold on, cupcake, I’m on my way to D.C. right now.
I swear, Wendy “Don’t Fucking Test Me” Burger is the only force keeping that family from falling to the whims of their terrible twins and the wants of their infant son.
She makes sure they brush their teeth and eat their greens and look both ways before crossing the street. She has full folders of their medical and dental history organised in chronological order. She already has a college fund set up for all three kids that she keeps money flowing into monthly. She helps them with their homework (mostly Thomas, the girls do fine on their own). She’s a fucking scary force of nature, man.
…But maybe she lets Stan get that dog one day.
Uncle Kyle, Uncle Cartman, and Uncle Kenny visit often, and bring their own kids when they have them too. They reminisce while watching their children run around, playing and fighting, like they all used to do as kids. And they spoil Stan and Wendy’s children absolutely fucking rotten, and that doesn’t fucking help, guys, stop bringing the girls candy when we’re trying to teach them that locking their baby brother in the pantry is bad!!
Anyway, they’re a beautiful fucking family. I’m happy for them.
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controlledhues · 5 years
❤ + me *poses with a magikarp* (cuz everyone is doing this uwu + only if you wanna)
send ‘❤’ + a url & i’ll write positivity / what i think abt them.
Where do I start? HUHHHH WHERE DO I? Should I compliment your skills as a writer????? As an artist???? AS A PERSON? Because holy heck you are an amazing human being?!?!?! Always being there to make meus happy and always with very good content from M. Idk I guess you’ve already noticed that I read and like all the HC posts from him and it’s because I really  really like to read about him!!!!! You are one of the people I look up for and makes me want to improve my own content.
So yea... ples follow Duke for more high quality content eheheheh  
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