#plot driven stories
seefasters · 11 months
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svtskneecaps · 10 months
see everyone worried and fretted and panicked and yet quesadilla island looked at pepito and went
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#qsmp#qsmp pepito#this post is not about roier's parenting i PROMISE you don't need to defend your cubito#this is literally about pepito being bobbled between caretakers#bad etoiles foolish forever bagi pac and more that i just haven't seen#just. people who have shown an interest and desire to hang out with pepito and keep pepito safe#pepito went to find parents and look!! look!!!#listen. listen. to me the qsmp is about love. not mystery not roleplay not drama not plot.#the qsmp is at its ABSOLUTE best when it is People Talking To Each Other#purgatory was AMAZING for me as a bolas viewer bc if bolas was in the server THEY WERE IN A CALL they were CONSTANTLY talking and i THRIVED#people adopting each other into their fake families in the most middle school childlike wondrous form of love there is#when you like your friend so much they're your fake spouse. your fake child. your fake parent. your fake sibling.#eggs and parents that's LOVE tubbo and fred that's LOVE tazercraft and walter bob that's LOVE; cellbit and roier; phil and missa#baghera and bad and forever; bad and bagi; pierre and maxo; maxo and EVERYTHING his son his daughter his partner the theory bros#favela six that's LOVE LOOK AT THIS FUCKING SERVER EVEN ELENA WHO WE'VE KNOWN FOR AN HOUR IS ABOUT LOVE. HER PARTNER IS HER DRIVE.#jaiden's story is driven by LOVE the hole from the love of her son and chasing cucurucho's 'love' in return it's LOVE it's UNDERSTANDING#there's so much love and i'm biased to my povs but holy shit i will repeat it until y'all roll your eyes seeing me on the dash#like NOT THIS ANIME POWER OF FRIENDSHIP BULLSHIT AGAIN no i'm right u can't fight me#block game brainrot#shut up vic
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pointlessjey · 10 months
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Goodbye spaceguy chapter 2 releases tomorrow!
In the mean time, you can read the first chapter here!
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emsylcatac · 1 year
You know how in irl scandals when a famous rich white man is revealed to have done something really really bad, whatever it is - and despite the amount of proof, people are still split between turning against him or supporting him and thinking the scandal is a fraud
Imagine that if Gabriel is revealed to be Monarch and not some self-sacrificing hero. Fashion events in Paris will still be made in Gabriel's honour despite the revelation. Some people will call that out, outraged that a terrorist & child abuser is being honoured. Some will say you gotta separate the man from the artist. Others will say it's all lies and a wild conspiracy, because "Ladybug said so and she wouldn't lie to us", or because Gabriel always was an "honest man and would never do that". Another part might mistrust Ladybug, while others might defend her. Some might wonder if Adrien's part of it all, some might defend him. Some won't care at all about any of this and will just happily live their life now back to normal.
And "Lila" (whoever her name is) will look at all this mess and have a lot lot of fun 😊
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your-highking · 8 months
unpopular opinion vielleicht aber ich mich störts null dass Tatort Saarbrücken mehr sad drama als Krimiplot hat. Ich seh da einige Beschwerden zu? Gimme all the sad gays, idc about logic! So langsam sollten sich die Jungs zwar mal zusammenreißen und zusammenkommen, ja, I'm for that! Aber realistische Cop Story? Couldn't care less!
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hypermascbishounen · 2 months
There's a deep irony in Berserk being so admired by people who really really hate what Berserk is about on an emotional level, but especially when writers want to take influence from it. Because Berserk is very strong thematically, and someone who can't acknowledge subtext is going to whiff on emulating anything good.
#And by that I mean that like many of its influences and descendants the plot is fundamentally driven by toxic gay shit lol#Listen there's just no beating around the bush here: you either understand this type of story is super emotional#That the softness and hope and love for humanity is vital connective tissue between the edgy violent dark setting#And that at its core the queerness is *central*#Or you will just end up creating something toothless and cynical with tokenizing bullshit at best#You cannot make that lightning strike twice if you're too scared to even write that shit as ACTUALLY core to the plot#You don’t have to make your shit gay to be good you just have to understand if your major influence was gay and why#So that you respect subtext and thematic writing and emotional resonance in writing in general#And maybe understand that if you also want credit for pushing the envelope you get where the real standard is#This is one of those things I see in equal measure in dudebro homophobes and supposedly progressive queers#No that wasn't “bait/delusion” it was barely subtext and if you go into writing with that attitude you're going to write shallow shit lol#I genuinely believe when people lament about reading comprehension they're actually talking about willful ignorance#Because willfull ignorance *does* cause a need to deny reality to a point where it warps your ability to understand information#Having difficulty comprehending text from a learning disability or improper teaching#Has fucking nothing on someone whose deliberately trained themselves to rationalize away anything uncomfortable#Tag rant over but this shit really is a plague and you can see it so starkly when it comes to Berserk#An undeniably respectable work from a place many envious little goblins that covet it do not actually respect
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waitineedaname · 2 years
I really love how much mp100 stands out against other shows of its genre with its finale. there isn't some final boss, there's no grand fight between good and evil. it is, like the show has always been, about emotions and self acceptance. the finale barely involves fight scenes in the traditional sense, like I wouldn't call the encounters with teru and ritsu fight scenes since neither of them intend to hurt him, and even the fight with the suzukis ends not with someone being defeated but rather with an emotional break through. the final conflict is resolved not with violence and defeat. it's resolved with honesty and compassion and self-love. I can't get over how deeply kind this series is
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showtoonzfan · 1 year
Before Hazbin get greenlight by A24. Any thoughts?
100% not surprised Huskerdust is planned to be canon lol. Anyway, I know nothing is set in stone since this was just a pitch episode Bible before it got picked up, but I think it’s safe to say these pitches give us a good idea on what the show will be like. Despite Viv claiming the show would be story focused (what did I tell you, she’d get it backwards lol) these pitches are clearly more filler + character focused, so more of a character driven show with no overarching narrative. Seems like mainly Viv was going for a “wacky hijinks ensue” vibe for Hazbin, cause none of this gives me story driven, I wouldn’t be surprised if her vision for the structure was similar to Always Sunny in Philadelphia, since she loves that show and stated that the OG version of Hazbin was like it. It also seems that she’s doing the same thing she did with Helluva, where there’s a serialized A plot and a filler B plot, which….whoo boy that makes me scared, knowing how she writes this stuff in Helluva, we’ll see how that goes. 😬
It’s a nitpick but it also bothers me on how not ONE of these episodes actually have to do with redeeming a sinner…ya know, the main plot for the show? However I do know that normally the first seasons of a show tend to relax and be filler + character focused before it dives into the serialized stuff. Still, you could have gotten so many unique and funny scenarios with the idea of various sinners coming to the hotel.
It’s also clear that some of these episode concepts moved to Helluva lol, as well as the episode where Charlie has a meeting with the Deadly sins definitely won’t happen since Viv confirmed that they won’t appear in HH and only HB. There’s also an obvious cutoff, I’m assuming the “Issues” were the planned comics Viv had in mind before she scrapped them all entirely. However wouldn’t be surprised if the comic ideas went into the show too. Aside from that there’s nothing really wrong with this pitch, only giant thing noticeable is that it’s clearly more character/filler driven. No matter what the story is, I just hope Viv actually planned this shit out this time, instead of merely having loose concepts in her head and writing as she goes lol.
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leahjcastle · 11 months
how to build a character-driven story: an essential tip ⚜️ (wattpad: leahjcastle)
first, you design their personality. the traits. the essence. and from the essence, which is their point of convergence, you have all the answers.
my intention with each book was to psychologically explain why they were the way they were. it’s like building a case study.
like what kind of background story makes a man turn out rational, controlling, fearful, introspective?
or what kind of story explains one's impulses, explosive emotions, rage, passion, straightforwardness?
the events naturally surge once you have their essence clear in your head. for instance, i wanted Cade COLD. i wanted Traviz HOT. so their stories revolved around their respective essence.
start from that premise.
Cade's life was cold in every sense. socially, physically. it was a world of hierarchy, rules, expectations.
Traviz's life was hot in every sense. brimmed with emotions, with too much love and too much revolt, dance, hyperactivity.
the environment shapes who you are.
so whenever you’re writing a character-driven story, don’t obsess over plots. no. have their traits defined to a point it is natural to spot their background story (a collection of experiences that range from core memories to trauma).
my books: S.CHORIANS 💙 https://books2read.com/u/bPXR07 and RED PARALLEL ❤️ https://books2read.com/u/3JpAeQ you can read them for free on my Wattpad (link pinned on my page).
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everysinglepheel · 7 months
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screenshots grabbed from this video
my favorite gen 6 quote dfgsfdg the writing in this game was definitely an experience
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taffingspy · 5 months
RS3's story problems these past few years is a great example of "boring characters cannot carry a good plotline"
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t4tadrienette · 1 year
You can say anything, but the Awakening movie shows exactly why Miraculous is a show and not a movie, okay that's all
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myimaginationplain · 1 year
after getting back into AT as an adult, I've come to realize that it was also "guilty" of most of the same sins that people religiously hated SU for, and now I'm just mad lol
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staraxiaa · 1 month
chromatic (kirishima fic) update
how it started, chromatic v1:
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how it’s (maybe) going, subject to change:
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ive just started part III btw
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the-owl-tree · 9 months
society if sparkpelt was actually a nuanced character who struggled with upholding firestars legacy as a child prodigy and the crushing expectations it put on her and that constant stress and trauma affected her relationship with bother of her surviving children esoecially after the loss of her mate and one of her kits and the narrative was sympathetic to finchlight, nightheart. and sparkpelt in equal measure as it explored how the way a society perceives a person can affect their interpersonal bonds
The way in which the writing team tries to make it seem that Alderheart is unfairly overshadowed by his Good Hunter Sister despite being in a high rank that commands enough respect that his leader father would share and entrust a top secret mission to him is very funny, but also arguably sets up more of a shadow over Sparkpelt. The whole Clan comments on how much she's like Firestar, but in the end, she's falling behind in comparison to the achievements of her family.
Just a crumb of plot for her, writing team, just pretend you give a shit about her as a character instead of recycling your favorite trope of shitting on a less than perfect mother character please. I want just a little sippy of some sort of look at her as a character.
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speaking of Charis actually, [3rd fic in the Overmorrow series that doesn’t have a name yet] has like an entire page, probably more, dedicated to Ephemer being disgustingly in love with her. And that’s just in his own thoughts, not even taking the rest of the fic (10k words or so, we’ll see) into account. I’m truly standing in the depths of my own gooberization now.…
so yeah that’s how that’s going ☺️
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