#pls don’t take me too seriously
just-rogi · 2 years
Are you Marxist?
Right now I’m a teacher- and I know that isn’t the answer that you wanted but listen-
Ideologically I don’t care what we call it, I will support my kids getting food every day and my classroom being funded so the kids can have the materials they need.
I will support any programs that complete fund public transportation, and which will actually put roofs over the heads of the people I pass on the street every day. I support the radical dismantling of government programs like the military and the police and the redistribution of those funds. I support the private dismantling of monopolies and large corporations hoarding wealth and food and homes.
I support not having to work myself to the bone every single week- coming home so dead tired that I fall asleep in my work clothes at 7:30 because I feel my body breaking from the five day/ eight hour work week. I support the death of the landlord class and the model, by which, a public City of Boston employee who works 40 hours a week for the city can’t afford to actually LIVE in the city on my salary (I have four roomates)
I support the complete reconstruction of the Forster care system, which in many cases takes children from loving parents for lack of funding, rather than just giving the parents access to food and clothes and a home to call their own and raise their children in. As wealth isn’t an indicator of morality and responsibility, and certainly not a reason to separate children from families who love them.
I support free and accessible educational for the brilliant black and brown children I see every day who have been barred from higher education due to the costs of privatized education- I support the fully funded public schools, community centers, libraries, and museums as safe spaces for all people of all ages to go, as knowledge should never be only accessible to a certain class.
I support gutting the private medical and pharmaceutical industry and instead building up public healthcare in which people will have access to medication which they desperately need without having to pay thousands of dollars. Where people can access mental health care, elder care and senior homes drug and alcohol abuse care (and yes that includes safe sites to dispose of sharps, and inject drugs without fear of dirty needles and ODing I know for whatever reason people can’t stomach that one) , rehabilitation for addiction, mental illness, and eating disorder without being in crippling debt for life. As a kid I had to ration my inhaler as they were close to $100 USD each. As an adult I want to make sure that no child - or person in general- has to do that with something that they NEED.
Everyone deserves to live in comfort and dignity, and no one man or company should have the power to sway politics or hoard property, food, or medication while the people are in need of care.
I have read a little bit about communist theory, and know all The Hits (hello communist manifesto), and yeah ideologically I suppose I agree with a lot of it on the surface level, but frankly I’ve read a LOT more about Socio Emotional Leaning, and teaching phonetics to ELL students, and textbooks on Ancient Civ as that is how I spend my whole day.
It would be arrogant and ignorant to call myself a Marxist, as I am know knowledgeable enough about the difference between Marxism, or Marxist Leninism, or Maoism, or all the nuances between the different communist and socialist political and ideological movements. And frankly, at this point in my life I don’t care about the label that you use- I care that food gets on my kids lunch trays and that they all have a warm bed to go home to and a place to learn and all their health needs met. Weather that is achieved by voting or by revolution, I don’t care. Weather it’s the marxists that get it done or the Maoist’s, I don’t care. Fuck if the Democrats were advocating for all that I’d be first in line to the polls (though even now please still vote, both in national and local elections- not voting is used to silence you and is a tool of the oppressor).
I really honestly don’t know shit about anything, and it would be sooooo much easier to give you a sound bite and respond “FUCK YEAH MARXISM BASED!!!!” With gif of a hammer and sickle flag…. But that feels reductive and unrepresentative as I honestly and truly am not intelligent enough about the subject to talk about it at length. What I am knowledgeable enough about is working full time in public education in a low income school. And working for a non profit organization in rural communities. And volunteering to get my boots dirty doing non profit work during what little free time I have. I know a lot about the world that I WANT to make better and if Marxism can get it’s shit together all the better- but a revolution WONT just be peacefully standing around discussing ideology. It starts in your classrooms and food banks and your streets. So I suggest that any real Marxist get themselves a pair of practical shoes.
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retroautomaton · 4 months
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keferon · 2 months
*clasps your shoulders gently and looks you straight in the eye*
Keferon. Please read Ninth by Kyn on AO3. I think you would love it very much. It has a large chapter count, but don't be intimidated, it's very easy to get into. It is currently unfinished, but is being updated regularly.
You are the seventh person that recommended this fic to me so ahahahaha yeah
I’m doing great Help I hate some parts of it but I love the other parts I’m spinning in the blender
…..I made the moodboard….
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#chapter 37#of 120 or something#I must be like 90k words in haha#large word count is not an intimidation. It’s an invitation haha#I love the fics that I can’t read in just one hour:)#I gotta say I don’t enjoy the concept of making robots into organic life#it’s just my preference#seeing them as humans or animals or whatever feels so fucking wrong#the concept itself drives me off#like. Strongly#But at the same time. This fic isn’t about them being ‘haha cute organics’#it’s ‘oh god. I was turned into something I’m not’#instead of teeheee they’re fluffy#it’s please free me from this fucking nightmare. please let me be myself again.#idk how to explain. I resonate I guess#it often feels very disturbing but the characters are also disturbed#So now I’m kind of stuck reading this fic because I just can’t stop lol#just politely skipping the parts that make me too uncomfortable#also#the body horror is….damn. Impressive. I didn’t expect to read about grotesque fleshy creature turning itself inside out#it’s not even aesthetic or symbolic#it literally looks like a fucking nightmare. Which is impressive also.#the flesh is g r o s s#the beginning got me struggling and skipping#but the intermission is currently ruining my sleep schedule#oh fuck….I usually send my posts to the authors of the fics I read…..but I feel like I might offend the author of Ninth if do this……..#there’s a tiny chance they’re following me….if it’s true then I wanna tell I’m sorry pls don’t take this seriously#your fic got me waay out of my comfort zone#huge points for writing Ratchet. Drift in this fic is…the grossest fucking thing I could probably imagine but Ratchet doesn’t even hesitate#he helps him and he cares for him. Which is…..imma be real my first instinct would be to set Drift on fire to end his misery
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rhiannons-bird · 10 months
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sugarpasteltmnt · 2 months
what if I got silly with it. what if I just. got silly. what then huh. what would you do. if I just got a little silly with it. just a bit silly. w. what if I g—
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daezedglownut · 4 months
Ok, so Spock has those nictitating membranes. You guys ever wonder if he sleeps with his eyelids semi-open with those membranes showing like a derpy napping house cat..?
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hasello · 11 months
Don’t know if this was asked or if you have already answered it but what are the ages difference /age groups of the turtles in the cousins au?
I did make a post with some info about the AU, it’s linked in the pinned post if you wanna learn even more! Here’s the age chart, tho 😊
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TO BE HONEST It’s a tricky question, cause even tho I totally like the bigger age gaps when they’re younger, I honestly don’t know if I like it when they’re older, cause it would make Orange 15 and the oldest turtles like 24 which is just 🥹 THEY’RE OLD, my kids are old
And this au is mostly just for fun, never planned any big story with it, but I do want it to make at least some sense SO, maybe I’ll figure it out at some point.
For now, I don’t know if I should go with some excuse like: the fact that they’re still from different dimensions somehow made the time work different and as teens they’re not THAT apart in age? Maybe they haven’t a seen each other for like a year, but in other dimensions it was more years?? Idk lmao
…or maybe I should just suck it up and let my boys grow 😭 IDK honestly, what do y’all think?
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juniperhillpatient · 9 months
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a very stupid post that came to my brain & demanded to be edited
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catboyidia · 3 months
its june so i wanna share my lgbtq+ headcanons for ffvii characters just for fun, starting with the main playable cast:
(except they’re hcs by an obnoxiously trans gay person that projects onto their faves at all times, spoiler alert: they’re all trans and gay)
- cloud: he/him gay trans man - starting off strong with a gay trans guy (i warned that i would be projecting a lot with my hcs in this post) … but i’ve noticed a lot of other people hc/portray him as a trans man too so i know i’m not alone on this one! i cant explain exactly why i hc like this but i just do, probably cause i like him
- tifa: she/they transfem lesbian - i cannot be convinced that she doesn’t like women considering how she is with aerith and jessie tbh, and i like her so i’ve lovingly hit her with the transgender-inator beam out of love
- aerith: realistically- they/them nonbinary lesbian - i have no basis for this tbh except it just seems right to me! as for my actual hc for her (which is a pure projection, pls bear with me) - he/they gay transman - this is purely my own projection because aerith is really like stereotypically feminine(?) in ways that i am also feminine, so it comforts me to think of her like me if that makes sense
- barret: he/him but willing to test out she/her, unlabeled gender that is not quite cis but he’s only now exploring it and hasn’t quite figured it out yet, bi-curious and experimenting - thats so long but i’m not sure how else to describe it, i feel like he grew up all “traditional” and stuff, and then being a single adoptive dad and being a huge part of avalanche, he probably hasn’t had the time to really think about any of it too much or explore his gender/sexuality, but now he can with being surrounded with others that can help him explore, realize it’s alright to be uncishet, and help him learn about these things
- cid: okay i’m not gonna lie, canon wise he gives me major homophobe vibes (maybe its the raging misogyny that makes me think he’s bigoted in every other way…) but ignoring that he/she nonbinary bi - definitely exploring a lot and isn’t quite set in stone about what he is yet but he just knows he’s not cis or het and with those being more broad and spectrum like labels, he feels most comfortable with those over anything else, and he feels like they’re just right for him
- vincent: he/they transmasc gay - i’ll be honest this is also projection on my part because i love vincent a lot and want him to be like me! also he gives me major gender envy…
- reeve (in place of cait sith): he/him transman and gay - again, i just love him a lot tbh, and i feel like he is the kind of guy that knew who he was from a young age and tried to help out other people that are trying to navigate their queer journeys and find out who they are, i feel like reeve would be a major inspiration and advocate for the queer youth
- yuffie: they/them demigirl lesbian and arospec - she’s definitely still figuring herself out but she has very little interest in pursuing romance, but any relationship she can imagine wanting in her future is with another girl
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whoredmode · 9 months
ok. genuine question and i wanna hear your responses. imagine a hypothetical, standalone saints row game. it can be as connected or disconnected from the canon as you want. the only catch is that you must play as a canon character that is not the boss. think along the lines GooH, but instead of that it’s just. whatever your dream character-specific game is.
who would you want to play as? what would you want the plot of the game to be? specific mechanics? and even though we already have GooH, johnny and kinzie are still acceptable answers for this. you just gotta tell me what you would want the game to be about then.
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chlodoll · 1 year
honestly i’ve had it in my mind that z would be pregnant during the sm4 press tour for so long i’ve convinced myself i went all raven and saw the future 😂 like each interviewer gifting them spidey baby stuff. cute questions about peter and mj having a kid too before they’re done with the franchise…. pls
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msenglishgent · 1 year
why not yell about this here huh
So I’ve been in a metalocalypse rewatch binge on MAX (just finished today) but idk what’s up with the source files they used bc some of the episodes have doubled audio or weird flickering issues in the first couple seasons. Also they were half the time censored and the other not super randomly. Like it would be one episode guitar riff bleeping and black bar on genitals the next full fuck bombs and genitals.
It was bc of this I think this error even showed, but in the pickles rehab episode there’s no censoring on anything, like u see Skwisgaar with full dick n balls out. And you see, then this happened:
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That’s just his beard, like that’s just the asset thrown where they probably would have censored n yea absolutely just a throw away production joke they thought was never gonna be seen or something, but-
I’m just saying if we instead assume he shaved his hair in the shape of his beard on purpose bc that would absolutely just be something they’d do on the show, we have my new headcanon:
✨Trans Man Pickles✨
honestly it tracks with his backstory it tracks a lot, like the leaving as a punk teen flashback? His mom issues? very trans masc coded. any dick seen after one can assume was just off screen bottom surgery.
anyway bc of all this I just have to say;
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this was very gender of him
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rivangel · 9 months
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#newpfp #fixed
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twistedappletree · 1 year
Lan Wangji is truly a Gay Panic Icon™️ because I too would punch myself in the head and knock myself out in front of my soulmate instead of confronting my feelings
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I just revisited wattpad for the first time in what? two years? and woah. first of all, why tf was I so obnoxious??? I clicked on some of the replies in my notifications, and saw my past comments, and I sounded so….ughhhhhhgdvvejzgehg, I sounded like the type of person I’d look down on now. so annoying, so pretentious, I actually can’t stand her. also it looks like I had a lot of repressed anger and frustration in me, wow. I have half the mind to go delete most of those comments. what the fuck was actually wrong with me?
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doctordelicate-touch · 2 months
Hi!! Quick sorry for inserting myself into every single conversation ever!! Okay bye bye!!
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