#idk I swear massive disclaimer
just-rogi · 2 years
Are you Marxist?
Right now I’m a teacher- and I know that isn’t the answer that you wanted but listen-
Ideologically I don’t care what we call it, I will support my kids getting food every day and my classroom being funded so the kids can have the materials they need.
I will support any programs that complete fund public transportation, and which will actually put roofs over the heads of the people I pass on the street every day. I support the radical dismantling of government programs like the military and the police and the redistribution of those funds. I support the private dismantling of monopolies and large corporations hoarding wealth and food and homes.
I support not having to work myself to the bone every single week- coming home so dead tired that I fall asleep in my work clothes at 7:30 because I feel my body breaking from the five day/ eight hour work week. I support the death of the landlord class and the model, by which, a public City of Boston employee who works 40 hours a week for the city can’t afford to actually LIVE in the city on my salary (I have four roomates)
I support the complete reconstruction of the Forster care system, which in many cases takes children from loving parents for lack of funding, rather than just giving the parents access to food and clothes and a home to call their own and raise their children in. As wealth isn’t an indicator of morality and responsibility, and certainly not a reason to separate children from families who love them.
I support free and accessible educational for the brilliant black and brown children I see every day who have been barred from higher education due to the costs of privatized education- I support the fully funded public schools, community centers, libraries, and museums as safe spaces for all people of all ages to go, as knowledge should never be only accessible to a certain class.
I support gutting the private medical and pharmaceutical industry and instead building up public healthcare in which people will have access to medication which they desperately need without having to pay thousands of dollars. Where people can access mental health care, elder care and senior homes drug and alcohol abuse care (and yes that includes safe sites to dispose of sharps, and inject drugs without fear of dirty needles and ODing I know for whatever reason people can’t stomach that one) , rehabilitation for addiction, mental illness, and eating disorder without being in crippling debt for life. As a kid I had to ration my inhaler as they were close to $100 USD each. As an adult I want to make sure that no child - or person in general- has to do that with something that they NEED.
Everyone deserves to live in comfort and dignity, and no one man or company should have the power to sway politics or hoard property, food, or medication while the people are in need of care.
I have read a little bit about communist theory, and know all The Hits (hello communist manifesto), and yeah ideologically I suppose I agree with a lot of it on the surface level, but frankly I’ve read a LOT more about Socio Emotional Leaning, and teaching phonetics to ELL students, and textbooks on Ancient Civ as that is how I spend my whole day.
It would be arrogant and ignorant to call myself a Marxist, as I am know knowledgeable enough about the difference between Marxism, or Marxist Leninism, or Maoism, or all the nuances between the different communist and socialist political and ideological movements. And frankly, at this point in my life I don’t care about the label that you use- I care that food gets on my kids lunch trays and that they all have a warm bed to go home to and a place to learn and all their health needs met. Weather that is achieved by voting or by revolution, I don’t care. Weather it’s the marxists that get it done or the Maoist’s, I don’t care. Fuck if the Democrats were advocating for all that I’d be first in line to the polls (though even now please still vote, both in national and local elections- not voting is used to silence you and is a tool of the oppressor).
I really honestly don’t know shit about anything, and it would be sooooo much easier to give you a sound bite and respond “FUCK YEAH MARXISM BASED!!!!” With gif of a hammer and sickle flag…. But that feels reductive and unrepresentative as I honestly and truly am not intelligent enough about the subject to talk about it at length. What I am knowledgeable enough about is working full time in public education in a low income school. And working for a non profit organization in rural communities. And volunteering to get my boots dirty doing non profit work during what little free time I have. I know a lot about the world that I WANT to make better and if Marxism can get it’s shit together all the better- but a revolution WONT just be peacefully standing around discussing ideology. It starts in your classrooms and food banks and your streets. So I suggest that any real Marxist get themselves a pair of practical shoes.
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ilguna · 2 years
Tacenda - Alternate Storyline (f.o)
Summary: you’ll never truly be free from the Capitol.
Word Count; 15k? idk - edit, nearly a full fucking year later, it’s 55.7k lmfaoo 
Warnings; swearing, death, torture, malnutrition, starvation & dehydration.
NOTES: This is the entire storyline of what would have been the story if I had liked where it was going. Good thing I didn’t go with this lol.
Disclaimer: You won’t be missing anything from chapters 1-3 because nothing really happens. The only thing that could be considered significant is Cecelia asking reader about her body and how she’s feeling. Cecelia asks this because she’s been pregnant three times before and although pregnancies differ for everyone, she was just taking a guess. Other than that, there’s nothing else you need to know.
-- Chapter Four --
It took a little longer to get out of bed this morning, like it had on the train. Finnick sat next to you the entire time while you explained over the nausea. You told him your theory that it’s because you’re stuffing yourself, because it’s logical. All he did was continue to brush your hair out of your face and suggested not to eat as much.
Which was the thing. You ate a light breakfast, stayed hydrated throughout the day. Then you ate healthy snacks while you were getting ready for the parade. And then once again, when you got into the apartment, you ate slowly and tried not to shovel it in too quickly.
Normally you eat as quickly as possible because you won’t fill up as quickly. If you’re taking your time, then of course you’re going to be full faster. And you didn’t even eat that much last night either. You thought it would give you a stomach ache right after eating, but there you were, the morning after.
When you had gotten up, you then noticed a pain in your achilles on your feet.
There’s blisters lining the back of your feet because of the heels that you were forced to wear during the tribute parade. Laurel knew what she was doing when she gave those massive shoes to you, and you have to give her props. Her revenge was silent, but lasting. You’ll have these for a little while.
Unfortunately for her, you know a couple of ways to keep them from getting worse. The first thing you did at brunch--since you and Finnick had gotten up a little later than expected--was complain to Elysia and Mags until they told you to shut up. Elysia told you she would find some healing cream for you to use. But in the meantime, you would just have to deal with it.
To not make them worse, you’ve decided against shoes today. You’ll still be wearing the training outfits that are provided. You had a choice when it came to a top, a sports bra, a tank top and a full-sleeved shirt. You decided for the sports bra, since it wasn’t as uncomfortable as you thought. Plus, the leggings they’ve provided are high-waisted on you. You’re not showing as much skin as you thought you would.
Finnick didn’t really have a chance when it came to what to wear. He slid on his sleeveless tank top and the leggings that he was provided. It was either sleeveless or full-sleeved. Leave it to your husband to show off all the muscle.
After you guys were dressed--opting for a shower after training--you and him said your goodbyes to Elysia and Mags. You two will see them at dinner, but not in-between. They’re sponsor hunting, they’re going to start tying down people.
As you and Finnick head down the hallway, hand-in-hand, he starts to head for the elevator. He knows the plan for today, this is just to throw off anyone that might be watching.
“Let’s take the stairs today,” you tell him, letting go of his hand as you bounce around in the hallway giddily, it’s all an act, “As a warm-up. We can’t just go in there without stretching first.”
“We’re going down the stairs, not up,” he says, but there’s a smile hinting at his face.
“All the same to me!” You smile at him.
You go to grab the door first, but Finnick isn’t having it. He practically pushes you out of the way so he can get there first. All so he can open the door for you, what a dork.
“Thank you.” you chirp, skipping into the stairwell, he follows you in, and even makes a point to pull the door shut entirely.
You guys go down about two flights of stairs, and you’re breathing a little heavier than normal. You have to slow, fanning your face, “I don’t know what’s the matter.”
“Come here,” Finnick holds your hand until you’re at a landing part. He presses the back of his hand to your forehead, and frowns, “You might have a cold.”
Even though you won’t be able to feel the heat yourself, you do the same as him, trying to feel just how hot you are, “That’s weird. I guess we’ll have to talk to Elysia about that too.”
“It’ll probably pass, just take it easy.” he tells you, and just like that, you guys go a little slower.
At the bottom of the staircase is Haymitch, staring up at you guys. You motion for him to go up the couple of steps to where you are. This is mainly to get away from the door, there’s two peacekeepers out there. If they hear anything, they are going to report it. The smart thing to do is get away from the door, and stay quiet.
“I came down the stairs.” he tells you two, “They don’t know I’m in here.”
“Same as us.” Finnick nods.
You lean up against the wall, fanning your face since the humidity in the stairwell isn’t the best. It’s making you feel like you’re overheating, like heat stroke, which you’ve had before in the summertime from being on the boats for too long. The only problem is, you haven’t gone outside since yesterday during the parade. These next few days, you’re going to be inside.
Almost as if Finnick knows that something is up, he wraps an arm around your waist. If you fall, he’ll keep you from collapsing against the cement. Although, being pressed up against his body is making all of this worse. You don’t complain though, you’d rather have his arm around you than not. It’s a safety net.
“Katniss is stand-offish.” Haymitch begins, and you can’t help but snort. Neither of you interrupt him though, “She’s difficult to work with at first, but the more you talk to her, the easier she’ll be.”
“But why?” you ask, “We don’t mind being in an alliance with her, but what’s your motive of making one for her?”
He lowers his voice considerably, “A rebellion.”
You and Finnick share a look, and just right there is enough communication. He gives you a look of ‘this is happening’ and you tell him ‘our time is now’. Just in that one little look, an understanding has passed through you two.
“We’re in.” Finnick says for the both of you, shocking Haymitch, “What will it take?”
Haymitch is shocked, “That’s… it?”
You tilt your head, “The districts are going nuts right now. Just at the mention of it, four goes wild. Now’s the time to do it. What do we have to do to help?”
And just like that, Haymitch launches into his explanation. Starting from the beginning, and how the berries had angered Snow. Katniss and Peeta’s families were on the line, and so they were trying to do everything they could to quiet down the districts. Including a marriage to appease the Capitol to prove that the action was done out of love, rather than resistance.
Haymitch tells you that there’s talk about it everywhere, and people are looking at her. He believes that she can be the face of it. She can get people moving behind her, but a few things need to happen first.
She needs to stay alive. An alliance acts in her best interest, but since she’s stubborn, she won’t be making it by herself. She might suggest a few people that she might like, but other than that, it’s one thing or nothing. The worst thing about it, is that Katniss can’t know that any of this is going on.
Haymitch is supposed to be ‘saving’ Peeta, and not her. Since she was ‘saved’ the first time around, she wants it to be Peeta’s turn. But Peeta doesn’t like that, and he’s already acting with Haymitch to make it look like they’re working in Katniss’s favor. It’s unnecessarily complicated, and you’re not too interested in that.
To boil it down, you and Finnick will spread the word a little bit, bring in people that might find this to be a good idea. Keep it from the careers because they can be difficult. They love the Capitol because they spoil them. So, telling them would result in the destruction of the plan.
Katniss can’t know that any of this is happening. You have to pretend that none of this is happening. Haymitch will give Finnick a bracelet as solidarity with you guys, since you’re going to be the main part of the protection. You’ll show it to Katniss inside of the arena, and just like that, hopefully she’ll put the puzzle pieces together and allow you to help her.
The last part of the plan is keep her alive long enough for them to take her out and take them to District Thirteen. You called Haymitch a lunatic, because everyone knows what happened to thirteen for being rebellious. If they’re still thriving, then you guys would have seen them by now. But all he had to do was tell you that they have a gamemaker in on it already.
That was convincing enough. If a gamemaker is in on this, the plan will be much easier. They have more insight than you guys do. Haymitch can be unreliable, but you asked if he’s sure that Plutarch is trustable, and he told you yes.
After that, you split. Haymitch went back upstairs to get his tributes, and you and Finnick left the stairwell together, hand in hand. You made a comment while passing the peacekeepers about being tired, telling Finnick that you don’t feel that well and you hope that it passes.
It wasn’t until you entered the actual building, when you started to feel better. The entire building has AC like you wouldn’t believe. It was only a couple of minutes before you completely forgot about it entirely.
You and Finnick spend a moment, finding people and choosing wisely. Unsurprisingly, he wants to have a chat with Johanna, and you decide that you might as well see Cecelia again. Her and Woof are sticking together it seems, they’re sitting around the bug station.
That’s a good thing to touch up on. The dangers that might be hiding around inside of the arena. There’s so many possibilities and dangers that the arena holds, that it just makes you overwhelmed.
First, it’s fish, and the type that live in the fresh water, or salt water. Next are the types of leaves, is it ivy or not. The trees, do they burn smoke easily? The berries and the chance that they’re poisonous. And this is all to be paired with not having the food, or the iodine to make the water safe. Not being able to skin rabbits and cook it properly so you don’t get sick.
Finnick taught you CPR one of the times on the train while you were teaching tributes before all of this--of course. That goes right along with first aid. You’ve gone as far as to recreate the creams to show the tributes which ones mean which. What’s healing, what’s supposed to be used on your weapon, and so on. You teach them how to stitch, and create stents and the list goes on.
It’s so simple to overlook something like bugs. When you’re so worried about literally everything else.
Cecelia offers you a big smile when you sit beside her. Watching as she and Woof easily identify the types of bugs. You keep the conversation light, and then you begin to enter in the keywords.
“How would you feel about an alliance?” you ask, she looks up, “This can go for you and Woof.”
Woof smiles, but Cecelia looks a little confused, probably wondering what’s bringing this all on. You almost can’t believe that she thinks that you wouldn’t invite her into an alliance with you and Finnick. She’s practically your best friend, for her not to be in it would be stupid.
“Sure, is Finnick fine with this?” she asks, going back to the bug game.
“Actually, a few of us are okay with this.” it’s a hint that there’s more than one of you, “it’s sort of a protection plan.”
Cecelia nods, thinking about this. You hope that she’s smart enough to get this. She’s raised three kids that have spoken in cryptic ways when they’re toddlers. It can’t be that hard to decipher the double meaning in words. You had to go through this all with Alyssum.
“Behalf?” she asks subtly.
“Katniss.” you tell her, “Girl on fire, it’s quite a brand isn’t it? It’s almost like she’s trying to set the Capitol ablaze.”
Her eyes flicker to yours the same time that Woof does, “Is that so?”
“You don’t think so?” you’re hoping that isn’t a no.
You watch as Cecelia’s face slowly holds a smile, “I do think so. Count me in.”
“Me too.” Woof tells you.
“More info to come.” you mouth quietly, and they nod slightly, “Nice seeing you guys again.”
Again, before you leave, Cecelia reaches out, taking your wrist, “How are you feeling?”
Your frown is quick, “Are you on about the same thing from yesterday?”
“It was a simple question.” She dodges yours.
There’s no reason to lie, “I think I’m coming down with a cold or something. I’m more tired than usual, and I feel nauseous when I first get up.”
Her face twists for a second, you can’t catch what it’s about at all, because it’s quick. She’s mastered a poker face from having kids for so long, her face smoothes over and it makes you doubt that it had even happened.
“Maybe you should see one of the medical staff,” she suggests, “They’ll give you something so you’re not sick when you’re in the arena. Better to get it when it first starts, right?”
You nod slightly, and she releases your arm, “I’ll see them after training or something.”
“Yeah, take care.”
Normally, when you get a cold, they’re not even that bad. Your body is hot but you feel cold. You just spend the time in bed, but you know you can’t do that exactly. The people around you will know something is up, and it’ll ruin how they see you. Not so scary when you’re dying in bed from a cold.
Deciding that visiting two people is enough, you go ahead and head over to one of the knife throwing stations. As you get closer, you can see that they have projections now, it’s not just dummies anymore. They move, and get closer, and throw virtual weapons.
“Perfect.” you laugh, stepping up to one of the stations.
At the programming, you go ahead and make it the hardest possible. You select your weapon, keeping it at knives. It’ll be easier to throw than spears. Spears, you have to get your hands right on the hilt before throwing it. As for knives, you’re literally picking them up and throwing them.
You go ahead and pick up a few, feeling them in your hand. As a test run, the program automatically gives you one to start with. You have to find your footing first. You’re not in shoes, you’re barefoot. It’ll be easier for you to slip, since your feet aren’t gripped like the bottom of a shoe is.
However, you’ve been training for months for this exact moment. It might have been in shoes, but you haven’t fallen in a long ass time. You’ve always caught yourself, gradually becoming less clumsy as time goes along.
You throw the knife, being careful as to watch how it flies through the air. It hits the hologram in the middle of the chest, and then the blocks crumble. Just like that, the game has started, and they’re coming at you. For a moment, you’re overwhelmed, because you need to find a pattern for it.
Then, it all comes to you. They come in twos to three’s. You can hit them the first time if you aim for the chest and above. You’re typically hitting them in the head, getting them down the first time around. But on the off chance of missing it the first time, you always have an extra fourth knife in your hand.
You take them on at one at a time. The closest one is always the easiest, you get them out almost immediately. The second one is a little harder, you lean forward a bit more for this one. And the final one, is the one you’re needing the fourth knife for. They’re farther back on purpose, and they don’t come any closer past the half-way mark.
You throw with more force, allowing your body to move forward with the momentum that you build. The knives rest between your left hand’s fingers. You’ll grab the handle, flip for the blade, and then chuck.
The game is over before you realize it. There’s no more people coming at you, it’s just the playing field in front of you.
This is when you’re able to see that you’ve successfully hit the wall, that’s over twenty-five feet away from you, hard enough to get the entire knife into the wall. The ones that weren’t tough enough to make it through, dented.
“Damn.” Finnick’s voice is smooth, he whistles slightly, “That was good.”
You turn slowly, because you’re feeling lightheaded. You can suddenly feel the sweat pouring out of your body, feel it running down your face. You place your hand down to steady yourself, but it does nothing, it’s almost like an anchor.
Your body feels like it’s been set on fire.
Finnick jumps immediately, catching you before you can hit the floor. You have a tight grip on his shirt as he pulls you closer, up against his body, “Breathe, honey.”
You try to match your breathing with his. You’re so tired. You’ve never felt this tired and useless before. You’ve never been so incapable of doing this that requires physical activity. You’re frustrated and angry and embarrassed.
Finnick fans your face, occasionally feeling your forehead. There’s a pair of footsteps though, coming up to you guys. As soon as they bend down, you’re able to see that it’s Johanna, “Everyone’s staring.”
“I can imagine.” you tell her, trying to take deep breaths, “I don’t know what’s happening.”
“It’s okay.” Finnick tells you, “Can you stand?”
You nod, “I just need another minute, I’m sorry.”
Finnick cups your face with his free hand, since the other is cradling you against his body to keep you from slipping. Your grip on his shirt has loosened, since he does have you, “Don’t apologize.”
It’s another minute of Johanna squatting by you guys, talking to you as if everything is normal before you can get up again. She gets you up, giving Finnick a chance to stand. As soon as he’s on his feet, he’s holding onto you.
“You should go back to the apartment.” he tells you, “Rest.”
“Finn, these are the symptoms of heatstroke.” you shake your head at him, “The heat, the dizziness, me nearly passing out.”
“It can’t be that.”
“It can’t be a cold either.” you two have stopped in the middle of the place, staring at each other, “I’m not coughing or sneezing. My throat doesn’t hurt at all.”
He nods slowly, “We can talk to Mags.”
“She’s out sponsor hunting. My best bet is here. I’ll take it easy, tie knots or whatever. I just can’t leave.”
Finnick doesn’t like this. He clearly wants you to just rest for the rest of the day. It’s probably scary for him, to see you weak so suddenly…
You look at Finnick to see the desperation, “Finn, it’s not Typhoid.”
“It’s the symptoms.” he tells you, and you can see the tears in his eyes at the mention of the sickness, “you have the symptoms of it.”
“The food and water here aren’t infected.” you tell him, shaking your head, “I can’t be sick like that again. Everything back home was fine too.”
“Are you sure?” he asks.
“Finn, if the water was infected, then we would have known a long time ago.” You say, and he takes a moment to think about it, “I just need something relaxing to do for a while. I promise not to put myself out like that again. I didn’t even know I was tired until I looked at you.”
Finnick slowly holds into you again, “Relaxing? How about some fish hook making?”
You smile a little bit, “I can do that. The ones I make are pretty cool.”
“We’ll see about that.” It’s clearly a challenge.
You and Finnick sit at the station for a while. The both of you stand side-by-side, twisting the lines in and out. You’ll occasionally add a bit of decoration.
Finnick never stops glancing at you periodically. Even when Katniss and Peeta have entered the building, his eyes are on you. He’s paying attention to you, watching to see if there’s any change of expression. Maybe pain, or if you pale suddenly.
You glance up briefly from what you’re doing to see that Katniss is heading your way from Beetee and Wiress.
“Fire.” you mutter, going back to what you were doing. This makes him look up though.
“Katniss, welcome.” Finnick laughs.
“Don’t be an ass.” you tell him, taking a step back from your hook. Finnick does the same, and you compare the two, “Yeah, no I definitely won.”
Finnick’s face twists, “Bullshit.”
“Look at it!” you laugh, motioning to what’s in front of you, “Clearly I have better taste. Don’t you think, Katniss?”
She’s a little surprised that you’ve drug her into this conversation, but it’s all in good fun. You’re hoping that Haymitch wasn’t too right on the whole uncomfortable thing. She’s got the whole country on lock with how she’s doing things. She acts awkward, but there’s more to her.
Katniss moves around the table to stand behind you and Finnick. He crosses his arms, raising an eyebrow at your new judge. While you on the other hand, are grinning like an idiot at Finnick. You know who she’s going to pick.
“Sorry, Finnick.” Katniss says, “Hers is pretty good.”
“Pretty good?” you ask, “You’re telling me you can do any better?”
Her face flushes briefly, “Well--no…”
You bump her shoulder slightly, “Just messing with you.”
She smiles, and looks up to where the careers are. You can’t help but to follow, expecting them to still be throwing knives and practicing together. Earlier, Enobaria was actually fighting with a peacekeeper that’s made for dueling with. Now, she stands with the rest.
Almost as if this is what they were waiting for, you watch as Cashmere dramatically collapses, Gloss holding her.
“Fuck you.” you hiss, face scrunching up as you look back down to the hook. You’re shaking your head, braiding some twine. You manage to move your finger the wrong way, pricking your finger on the hook.
“Hey--” Finnick takes your hands in his, still distracted by what’s going on.
You look up again to see that they’re still playing it out.
You’re not going to let this happen. Fuck all of them for thinking that they’ll get away with this.
You yank your hands from Finnicks, clenching your teeth and narrowing your eyes at the four. As you walk over, they seem to notice your presence. Almost robotically, you tilt your head, and then crouch down to her level, getting in her face.
“Does this make you feel special?” you ask her, “Are you so mad that your spotlight has been taken away, that you’re getting down on dog shit levels?”
Her mouth opens like she’s going to say something, but you’re tired of it. Tired of everything that you’ve been through these last few years. You don’t want to be here, you don’t want to be mocked. You don’t want to feel weak. They can’t take away your confidence, pride and dignity.
“You think you’re hot shit because you’re a fucking career,” you raise your voice a little bit, might as well let the gamemakers up in the box hear this. Might as well let everyone in here hear, this, “But here’s the stone cold fucking truth, I am too. Finnick is a career. Katniss is a career. Peeta is a career. Johanna is a career. Wiress and Beetee, Cecelia and Woof, Seeder and Chaff. Everyone here is a fucking career because we won our games.”
You stand up now, “You’re thirty fucking years old, you’re too old to be mocking people like a fucking toddler. Pick yourself off of the floor and realize what a bitch you look like for doing this in the first place. No one in here is impressed, except your little fucking circle.
“This won’t raise your training numbers,” you motion to the gamemakers, “You just showed them how childish you are. And you know what? Children don’t win the games. And to that I say, good riddance to you and your book club.”
There’s silence, and then Cashmere hisses, “You’re going to be the first--”
You laugh, “Save it for someone that cares, princess.”
And then you look to Brutus and Enobaria, “You two are perfectly capable of winning the games on your own, and yet here you are, hanging around the two people that will bring you down. Genius move on your part.”
“We work well together.” Enobaria defends.
“We’ll see about that in the arena.” and you look to Cashmere and Gloss for a final time, they’re sitting apart now, like two scolded children, “Grow up, seriously.”
You take your time on the walk back to Finnick and Katniss. You’re happy that no one had made a move to back you up. You confront people on your own, you don’t need any shadows.
“Sorry about that.” you say to Katniss, “They’ve got a shooting range off over there.”
With the small motion, she looks over, “Oh.”
“I’ve had enough of this place for today.” you’re mostly telling Finnick, “We should probably find some medical staff. Get me checked out and everything.”
“You sure?” Katniss asks, “You taught me how to make fish hooks, I could teach you how to shoot?”
You smile a little bit, “I’ll stick to throwing things. Tell Peeta I say hi.”
After Finnick says his goodbyes, you wave to Cecelia and Woof. Then to Johanna, because she’s your friend, unlike what you were thinking only yesterday. You might have only talked to her in passing, but you, her and Finnick all click together pretty well.
It’s like what you and Finnick used to be. Barely talking to each other, but now you’re married to him. The chances of Johanna being your best friend might be more likely than you thought.
After Finnick had taken you over to the first aid area, which is basically a doctors office, you made him go back to the training area. Even if it’s almost done for today, you’d rather him get his last few hours in. After he talked it through with the doctor, making sure that you wouldn’t be allowed to go back to the apartment without assistance, he finally agreed to go back.
He gave you a kiss before he left, and since then, you’ve been sitting on the leather couch they have. Eventually, you kept complaining about how hot you were, so they went ahead and got you water, as well as a folder to fan yourself in the meantime. They told you it shouldn’t be too long before they’re getting results back.
You trust them, they know what they’re doing, they have these jobs after all. And you’re surprised that they don’t look as garish as everyone else in the Capitol. For a little while, while the results first started pending, and for the part they didn’t need to supervise, someone came over to you and talked for a little while.
They told you that you’re brave for volunteering for Annie. And then they proceeded to compliment you and your fighting style. They say that they’re definitely going to sponsor you, and ask if you can pass Mags their information. You’re not stupid, so you clearly accept, and spend most of the time with them, listening about how they loved your games.
They clearly think all of this is flattering to you. But it’s all the same in your eyes. They’re picking and choosing favorites just like how you said they would. You might love to have them around from time to time for their company. The reality is though, you can only tolerate a couple of Capitol people at the moment.
The first is your prep team as a whole. Cleo, Leo and Beth, and Laurel. And the only other person is Elysia. You wouldn’t count Finnick as being someone from the Capitol, except he doesn’t stay here anymore. Here’s been here every year for a few weeks, the same as you have. And as far as you know, he’s never had the desire to come back since he was finally able to call District Four is home.
He does express to you that the secrets around District Four aren’t the same as here. You know this too, he’s told you everything he learned while he was being passed around. Finnick’s right about it not being the same thing, but he needs to come to realize that four isn’t like that. You have each other’s backs.
At some point during the whole gushing about your games bit, they finally had to go back into the back room. You acted as if you were disappointed for politeness’ sake. But the silence was finally enough to ease your headache and allow you to clear your head from all the thoughts suddenly screaming at you at once.
You’re mostly just thinking about back home and how your family must be taking all of this. You’re hoping that they’re taking it easy, and sticking together as usual. You hope they found the letter that you wrote to them that was sitting on your dresser with their names on it.
It was instructions on what to do when it comes to certain circumstances. You told them that Annie has their backs, and she’ll make sure to do her best when it comes to things. You told them that she might seem unreliable, but Annie is their best friend as much as Caspian’s family is.
The most important thing in that letter that you wrote, was the signs that you might not make it out. Of course, you want them to keep their chins up and have as much hope as they can spare for Alyssum’s sake. But you warn them that the second that your death is confirmed, they need to get the shit out of the house as fast as possible.
The last thing that they would need, is for them to all be in shock about your deaths, and for them to completely overlook everything in the house. It won’t be until it’s taken away from them, when they’ll realize that they’re just lost precious items. Your old clothes, jewelry, souvenirs, whatever.
You’ve thought ahead, you’ve taken the precautions of everything, and you’re just hoping that they fall through on it all.
You wish that you could call and talk to them, but it’s restricted since you’re a tribute and not a mentor anymore. The chances of getting away with it isn’t so slim, but you’ll pay for it later inside of the arena. Or maybe your family back home will pay for it. Because you won’t even realize that it had happened, and to them it would be a nice welcome home gift.
For you to go home to no family.
You wouldn’t put it past the Capitol.
However, if you ever go home to your family gone, you’re raising hell, and you’re raising it well. They would have every single idea on what fucking hit them because you would make it no goddamn secret.
You would tear through their people like they’re water.
A pair of feet makes you look up from where you’re staring at the white brick wall. When you look over, you see that it’s the doctor that had done the urine test. She holds an ipad in her hands now, looking down at the screen as she scrolls through it.
You know what it is, because it’s similar to the device they use in the betting room, the one you use to scroll through the gifts you can send down to the tributes. Those ones are much bigger than the one she’s holding right now. The one she’s holding is portable, and it looks lighter than the bigger one.
“Well, the results have come back,” she tells you, you figured as much. She pulls up a chair, sitting down and crossing her legs. The doctor looks more grief-stricken, there’s something wrong, “I would suggest asking us to call Finnick here.”
It’s bad news, but you figured as much. With the symptoms you have, it could hinder your performance inside of the arena. Slow you down, make you take more precautions. If Finnick knows what’s wrong with you, it’ll just be a gateway to say ‘you should have stayed at home. Had you done that, then we wouldn't be in this situation’ and honestly, you don’t need that from him. You know what you can and can’t handle.
You’ll take the news by yourself, and depending on how bad it is, you’ll tell Finnick. You’re not opposed to holding secrets from him. He might see that you’re hiding something, since that’s what he used to do. Pick people apart for secrets, but you can hold your ground.
“I don’t think I will.” you tell her.
She nods slightly, looking down at the ipad, “Okay, that’s fine. Before I can tell you though, I have to give you a disclaimer.”
The doctor sits up a little taller in her seat, “The information I’m about to tell you is completely confidential. I’ve reported it to the people that are required to know. This includes President Snow, the gamemakers and the people that overlook the rules. I’ve already gotten back the confirmation that this will not change how the games go, and they will keep on track without any delay.”
You hate to say it, but it’s scary news then. If she had to report it to the gamemakers and all of them, then that means you’ve found a loophole in the system, but it wasn’t enough for them to cancel it.
“This information will not go past anyone else. You are obviously allowed to tell whoever you want, however. But I’d recommend not going around and telling everyone.” she pauses for a moment, taking a deep breath as if this information also hurts her, “Normally, this would be good news. But in your circumstances…” she trails off, not finishing her thought as she flips the tablet around so it’s facing you.
It takes you a moment to search the screen, not sure what you’re looking for at first. She doesn’t say anything, letting you figure it out. Your eyes go from the top of the app, down to the bottom, reading all the negatives for all the tests that had been made. You’re about to tell her that you don’t see anything, until you reach the bottom.
You can feel the blood run from your face almost immediately. Your body goes rigid, but your mouth opens anyway. You exhale once, and that’s enough confirmation for her to know that you’ve seen it.
“Congratulations, Missus Odair.” she turns the tablet back to herself, her face is as grave as your entire face feels. You wonder if your heart's still beating and when you’ll finally collapse from a heart attack. It feels like you’re weightless, when her next words leave her lips, “You’re pregnant.”
-- Chapter Five --
Had you waited a couple of days before stuffing yourself full and making yourself gain weight, it would be much easier to see the baby bump. It’s very, very small, but it’s there. You’re only at three months, which is hell of a long time to go without noticing your period, but you had completely overlooked it.
You were so stressed out about the reaping coming up, it slipped your mind. And it’s not like you follow it strictly either, it comes when it comes, and it goes when it goes. You’re really just here for the ride of it. But you suppose in this situation, it would have been very helpful to know ahead of time.
You’re not stupid. If you had known that you were pregnant before the reaping, you wouldn’t have volunteered at all. And you might have even gone around and begged the other guys in the district to volunteer for Finnick if it came to it. You know you said earlier that you wouldn’t have done it for a goddamn thing, but pregnancy is different.
This is yours and Finnick’s child you’re talking about. Finnick would want to be there, and you would too. It would be a selfish thing, because you’re a selfish person. You would have done anything to get them to volunteer over Finnick in this case.
You’re sure Mags would have volunteered over you in a heartbeat. Not like she wouldn’t have originally, she sees you, Annie and Finnick as her kids. And she would be doing it in good conscious too, since she’s also saving the baby’s life. No doubt, later on the Capitol would try to paint her as some hero for it, but deep down she’d be appalled still.
The rule stands. A pregnant tribute still has to play in the games. Which means, if you had been pulled, extremely pregnant and all, they would have had to take you, unless someone were to volunteer over you. In your opinion it’s sickening. Imagine having to give birth to your child early, inside of the hunger games with absolutely no medical help.
It’s a gruesome picture, but a pregnant lady laying dead on the ground because some other heartless tribute had killed her. And the Capitol would let it happen because to them, it’s good entertainment. There’s nothing you absolutely fucking hate more than the Capitol.
Anyway, as the doctor said, it was all confidential. She wasn’t required to tell Finnick, it was just the people that would be in control of the games and what would happen in them. And since this information had gotten to Snow, he took it upon himself to do something--as some people would call--generous.
Fortunately for you, they do have medication that can lower the side effects of the pregnancy. No more heat flashes, less intense fatigue and dizziness. No more waking up in the morning feeling like you’re going to puke out everything you ate the night before.
First, you’re getting the meds free of charge for your entire duration inside of the Capitol. For five days, you’ll be able to train and act as normally as possible. No one will know what has happened unless you feel like telling them.
Second, you won’t be provided the meds inside of the arena--unless you have a couple of sponsors that are willing to send them down. This path would require you not only telling Elysia and Mags that you’re pregnant, but also a couple of rich Capitol sponsors that have connections, which means they’ll blab their mouths to everyone about how you’re pregnant.
And that is no way to get word back home that you’re pregnant. Because you can’t call your family at all, the only person that can is Mags. Once again, you’re not going to tell her this, because you’re going to get your ass whooped. You may be a grown adult, and she may be elderly, but she’s not past putting you in your place for a second time.
Note that the first time was for volunteering. She might not speak, but her writing is different when she’s angry, and it conveys the message pretty well. She’s not happy that you jeopardized your future, and if she knows that you’re pregnant… she might just kill you before you even make it into the arena.
Back to the original topic, this is when Snow’s generosity comes in. He’s decided to give you a head start, and on the day that the games start, he’s allowing you to take the final bit of pills. You won’t be able to smuggle any into the arena, but at least you’ll be able to move freely without pain during the most important day of the games.
You made sure the doctor sent your thanks to him, and after that it’s been thinking and radio silence since.
You’re stuck on the dilemma of telling Finnick or not. You know that he should know so that when you are inside of the arena, he can keep a better eye on you. But on the other hand, you don’t need him worrying. The entire reason why you volunteered in the first place was so you’d be able to protect him whenever you’d need to.
It would defeat the entire purpose if he’s holding onto you, and protecting you, rather than working together. Plus, you’re not too thrilled about the conversation that’ll happen after the news. He’s clearly going to rub it in your face that you should have just stayed home, and what will happen if you are killed inside of the arena now.
You’re not ready for that conversation, because you weren’t expecting that conversation. It wasn’t something you’d taken into consideration. A few months ago, you weren’t feeling the same things you’re feeling now. The doctor told you it was from the stress, and you can’t argue that.
For now, you’ll continue eating as much as possible, and if Finnick comments on the weight--which you don’t think he will--then you’ll tell him it’s because of the food that you’re eating. It’s logical, he knows that it is, so he’ll likely brush it off after that.
You take another look in the bathroom mirror, lifting up the tank top to take a look at your stomach again. It’s a slight different, but it’s there. At first glance, you would easily look over it as if it’s not there. You’re lucky that you’re only three months. If it were any more, then it would be obvious.
You drop the fabric and pull your hair out of your face. When you’re satisfied with the look, you go ahead and leave the bathroom. You told Finnick to go ahead of you almost an hour ago because there were some things you needed to take care of. When in reality you didn’t want him looking at the medication that you’re taking.
Finnick has scrolled through the medication pages and their uses in the betting room plenty of times. By now, he’s got to have the names as memorized as you do. Even if some of them are mixtures, there’s no way that he hasn’t got them down by now. Or at least he’d recognize the name and drive himself crazy, trying to figure out the use for it again.
You leave the apartment barefoot again. You want to opt for the staircase, because it feels good to be able to move around without feeling dizzy again. But you see no harm in the elevator. You punch the button and wait patiently for the doors to open.
It’s at least a minute before the doors emmit the noise, and they open. As soon as they crack open, you can see that it’s not empty, but it’s not full either. You’re happy to see that it’s the District Twelve crew all together. Including their district rep.
“Mind if I step in?” you ask.
“Go ahead.” Peeta motions, you move in, and take a look at the buttons to make sure they’ve got the training center button pressed.
After that, you sort of just press yourself against the bars, crossing your arms. You look over the rep, trying to recall a name, but when you can’t, you shrug it off slightly. She’s not really any of your business anyway.
“You’re missing shoes.” she tells you.
“I realize.” you smile, “I’ve got blisters on the back of my feet because I pissed off my prep team, casual me.”
Haymitch laughs first, “Yeah? What’d you say to Laurel?”
“Some comments about her age and complexion, all in good fun of course.”
The doors open up again, and Haymitch lets you know that this is their stop. Him and the district rep step off, and suddenly you’re left alone in the elevator with Katniss and Peeta.
“No Finnick?” Peeta asks.
You raise your eyebrows, you haven’t actually held a conversation with Peeta yet. You know that Haymitch said that Katniss was difficult, and not necessarily Peeta. But you wonder how that can be if they’re together. Sometimes opposites attract. Most of the time, you stick to someone close to you in personality though.
If you can’t beat them, join them.
“He’s training already,” you tilt your head a little bit, “Told him to go ahead of me. I had a few things to take care of.”
“Feeling better?” Katniss asks.
You nod, “I should be in tip top shape by the time the games do roll around.”
It’s a lie, but they can’t call you on it. They have no clue what’s going on behind closed doors. It could be your downfall, or it could be the exact blockage you need to make sure you’re not vulnerable.
The elevator doors open, and you’re the first to step out.
“I heard you wouldn’t mind being an ally…?” you’re not sure if it’s a statement or a question.
Since you’re in front, you glance at them over your shoulder slightly to see their faces to decipher it better. Peeta is obviously curious, he wants to know why probably. As for Katniss, she’s interested but she’s trying not to show it. She can hide her emotions well, but not good enough.
You shrug your shoulders slightly, “I’m sure there’s a lot of people that wouldn’t mind being partnered with you two.”
“Thanks to Katniss.”
This part you haven’t heard, you slow down somewhat, which is an indication for Peeta to keep going. Katniss doesn't look too thrilled that he’s pursuing this conversation. She doesn’t like to be shown off it seems. Let people know of the skills she has, which is smart.
Except for the fact that everyone here has shown off their skills one time or another. Everyone has their part for what they’re known for. Especially with Beetee, Johanna, Katniss and Peeta. As well as yourself, Finnick, Enobaria and you’re sure there’s more. Some people are known for less important reasons, like Gloss and Cashmere for being back-to-back sibling wins.
“Everyone had watched her shoot yesterday. Even the careers.” Peeta sounds somewhat ecstatic.
You shake your head, “Don’t get too excited about the careers. They backstab, it’s who they are.”
The doors to the training center open. It turns a few heads, one of them mainly being Finnick. He’s standing over by the throwing area, holding a spear in his hand. Then, he turns back to the hologram and throws the final one.
After that, he hops off and starts his way over to you, “Honey!”
You laugh, “Hey, Finn.”
You hug him, and he spins you around slightly. He kisses your forehead, and then pulls away, looking at Katniss and Peeta, “Ah, got some private time in?”
The punch to his arm is hard. Finnick laughs, rubbing the spot, “Ran into them in the elevator, is all.”
“Same thing.” He tells you, again looking at Katniss and Peeta, “We’ll see you two later.”
“Yeah.” Peeta waves, you take Finnick’s arm and pull him away, towards the holo stations.
He sees your eagerness, but he’s not forgiving of what has happened yesterday, “I take it you’re feeling better?”
“The medicine that I have been prescribed has gotten rid of everything so far.” You smile, “I thought it wouldn’t hurt to train some.”
“That’s not taking it easy.”
You look at Finnick, “I know you weren’t there, but the doctor said nothing about that.”
He squints at you, trying to read your face easier. For this, you give him a bigger, brighter smile as you skip up to the platform. If he can’t get a look at your face, he can’t find that you’re hiding something.
“What else did the doctor say?” He asks, waiting at the bottom of the steps.
You program the game, setting it to two people. And since you’re a little too eager to throw spears again, you select that too. The difficulty is pretty easy since you’re also unsure on how they’ll be able to go through the air.
“Well, since I am ill, they had to report it to Snow and the gamemakers.”
There’s an audible inhale from him, and you look over to see his eyes widened. He’s clenching his teeth. The look on his face is a mix of things. Confusion, betrayal, anger, shock and surprise.
You shrug slightly, “It could affect how the games go. I didn’t have a say in it or anything, she reported it before I even knew. And there’s more to it, too.”
He moves forward, coming up the steps when you hold out a trident for him to hold. Finnick weighs it in his hand, eyes still locked on your face until you give the last bit of information.
“Snow has decided to be generous and he’s going to—“ you drop your voice a little quieter, “—allow me to take the medication the morning that the games start. Laugh like I said something funny.”
He does this easily, the intensity that was there before is gone, and he looks carefree. When Finnick turns his back to everyone else though, he doesn’t look like that anymore. You wish you could have your old Finnick back. Before he was worrying over you.
You wish you could go back to yesterday, when you didn't know this information. Convinced yourself not to see the doctor, and just take it easy instead. No one would be involved.
You’re always at a disadvantage. And this is especially the case, since whatever the gamemakers decide to do, you have to take. You have no word on what will happen.
“That’s not good, (Y/n).” He says, he looks grave.
“I know.” You tell him, starting the holo game, “Believe me, I’m the one that’s paying the most.”
“Maybe after a couple of days, you can just stop taking the meds. I feel like they aren’t… good for you.”
The words blurt from your mouth without a single thought put to them, “I can’t.”
Finnick pauses for a moment, missing his turn to throw. You do it for him, quickly grabbing another to get yours too. After this, he picks up his pattern again, “Why not?”
You laugh slightly, “The doctor told me not to.”
“Since when do you listen to the Capitol?” he asks.
Maybe you are a bad liar after all. Because you never listen to the Capitol, you always do things your way. If you don’t want to take the medication, then you won’t. Or you’ll take half-doses. You’ll never follow what the Capitol has to say directly, because they don’t understand.
Lame excuse but, “Because this is medical.”
“You’re sick, a passing--”
You look at Finnick, “Finn, they had to tell the gamemakers. Which means two things. One, it isn’t your typical regular cold, or two they’re worried that I won’t be healthy by the end of the week.”
He’s quiet for a moment. When the final hologram disintegrates into blocks, he places the extra trident back into the holder, “Look at me.”
You turn, slightly confused, “What?”
“Are you actually sick?”
You can’t hesitate, “Yes, Finnick. You saw it for yourself, what is this about?”
He squints at your face, “What’s the meds that they’re giving you?”
You shrug, “Some antibiotic.”
“Then you won’t mind me looking at the bottle to see if we could cut the doses?” He asks.
He’s trying to catch you, he has an inkling that you’re lying. Bad news for him, the bottle is hidden, he won’t find it. You took the extra mile just in case he were to do something like this.
Finnick hunts for secrets, and secrets hide behind lies.
“Go ahead.” you tell him, “But I’m not cutting doses.”
Finnick scowls, “What if it’s addictive?”
“It’s not.” you finally snap at him, “You wanted me to see the doctor yesterday, and now that I have, and I’ve gotten the proper meds from it, you’re against it. What’s with you?”
He lowers his voice, “No one goes from bad to good as fast as you did.”
“Finnick, it’s a bug, it’ll go away faster.”
His patience has run thin, “What did they do to you? What are you hiding?”
“I’m not hiding anything!” you suddenly shout, you watch as a few people turn their heads towards you guys.
Finnick squints, “Tell me.”
“Tell you what?” you ask, “What do you think I’m hiding?”
You turn back to the settings on the station, hoping that he’ll drop it, but he grabs your hand before you can make any changes. You look at him to see that he’s dead serious. You haven’t seen him like this in a very, very long time.
It’s not often that you push Finnick past his limits. He’s a very patient person, and he’d rather talk about it than get mad. But since you’re refusing to talk, and he thinks--he doesn’t know just yet--that you’re hiding something, it’s getting on his nerves. You never keep things from him, and it’s the same way around.
“Don’t make me see the doctor.”
“Is that a threat?” you ask him, yanking your wrist from his hand. You even stand up a little taller, because he’s not going to intimidate you.
“She’ll tell me.”
You shake your head, “She can’t tell you anything because it’s confidential. I told you what you need to know.”
“What about Elysia and Mags?” he asks, “Or Laurel?”
“Haven’t talked to Laurel since the last time I saw her, same goes for Elysia and Mags. Drop it, Finnick.”
“Who else knows, then?”
“No one, Finnick.” you seethe, “Drop it.”’
“You’re unbelievable.” he shakes his head, “What if it concerns me?”
“As of right-fucking-now, it doesn’t.” you tell him, “And it won’t ever concern you, because it’s a fucking cold.”
“It’s a bullshit lie, (Y/n).” Finnick turns, taking the steps, “Don’t talk to me until you come clean.”
You cross your arms, “Then I guess this is goodbye.”
And just like that, you turn back to the settings, turning it to one, changing it to throwing knives, and turning up the difficulty. You hate the hormones already. The doctor told you it’ll be high before it drops off, and you hate that she’s right about this.
“Uh oh, trouble in paradise.”
You’re just about to start the training session, but you look over to see who it is anyway. You’re face to face with Gloss, who’s looking smug.
“Go away, monkey.” He doesn’t budge, and you sigh, “What do you want?”
He smiles, “It’s never too late to start an alliance with us.”
“I literally told you and your sister off yesterday, did you not learn from that?”
Gloss laughs, “You’ve said and done worse to us.”
You tilt your head, taking this into consideration. He’s not wrong, “Doesn’t mean I want an alliance, I’ve already got one.”
“With Finnick? Be reasonable, that just went to shit.”
“He’s my husband, he’ll fall through.” you squint at him, “I don’t know why you’re asking me, when there’s literally anyone else you can choose from.”
“Careers got to stick together, right?”
“I told you yesterday that everyone in here is a career.”
He laughs again, “You think Woof is a career? What about Beetee and Wiress? They don’t know how to fight, not like us. They don’t have a chance at winning.”
“Bullshit,” you tell him, “They won the first time around.”
“Have you seen the mental state of Wiress?”
You roll your eyes, you’re not interested in this conversation. They’re stuck up and overly confident as usual, there would be no point in joining them. They pose as much as a threat as everyone else does. The chances of them getting their hands on you as fast as possible is likely. They’ll try to hunt you down on the first day.
The only thing you’ll get out of an alliance like this, is not being in their path. You’ll be able to hunt with them rather than against them. Hell, you might even be able to convince them to steer clear of a few people. Like, redirect their path…
You look to Gloss, and there’s a clear change on your face, because he stands up a little more, “What do I get out of this?”
He smiles, “Well, the only thing you’re probably interested in is for Finnick, right? Well, we spare him for you, if that time has to come. If you die early… there really wouldn’t be a reason to save him anymore.”
“Good enough for me.” you stick your hand out, “Shake on it.”
Gloss tilts his head curiously, but he goes ahead and does it, “Welcome in.”
“Don’t expect me to spend time around you guys.” you tell him once he releases your hand, “I’ll strategize with you guys a few days from now.”
“Before the interview, I’m sure.” he nods, “I’ll let the others know.”
Gloss then heads down the steps, away from you. Your eyes drag along the room to see who else has just seen the exchange, and it’s no surprise that Finnick and Johanna have their eyes on you. Finnick’s mouth is hanging open a little bit, clearly he didn’t expect you to turn around and do this. Not even five minutes after the end of the fight.
You turn to the station, looking at what you had just programmed. Then, you press cancel, turning everything off. You head down the steps calmly, even though it feels like a thousand pumps of adrenaline is running through to you. One glance at your new alliance and you see that they’re already smiling.
Cashmere waves, you do the same.
It takes all your power not to say anything to anyone on your way out. You wait until you’re outside of the room, the doors are shut, and you’re the only one in the long corridor besides the peacekeepers.
And then you let out a long breath of air. You continue your way to the elevator, but you’re mostly focused on getting yourself to calm down a bit, because that was a huge betrayal that you just did.
Everything right now has to change. Everything that you had been planning originally is out the window.
You press the button to open the doors, and they open pretty quickly. You step inside, press the next button that will take you to the floor where the prep teams are going to be.
“This is a smart decision.” you tell yourself, taking deep breaths, “You’re doing this for everyone, even if they can’t see it.”
The doors open, and you hold your head a little higher as you walk out. It won’t be far down the hall, since you’re District Four. You count the doors as they come, and you don’t knock when you come to your stylist’s room.
Inside stands Elysia, Pleurisy, Laurel and Mags.
Pleurisy jumps slightly, “You can’t be in here!”
Ignoring her, you step into the room and shut the door behind you. You still don’t get a chance to speak just yet, though.
“It’s good timing, actually,” Elysia starts, “We have a question to ask anyway.”
You nod, thinking they can get this out before you completely crush everything in one foul swoop.
“For the Quarter Quell, Caesar has suggested that we double up on the interviews,” Elysia comes a little closer, “For example, you and Finnick could be on stage at the same time, if you want.”
“No.” you tell her, “That can’t happen.”
Laurel squints, “Why not?”
There’s no turning back now, “Finnick and I aren’t in an alliance anymore. Which means that I don’t want matching outfits, and I don’t want to be associated with him.”
Mags face twists, and even though the words are hoarse, she shouts, “What did you do?!”
“I’m with the careers.” you tell her.
They’re all hesitant now, they have no idea where this is coming from. This is out of the blue for them. They don’t even know you had seen a doctor yesterday.
You have catching up to do, you suppose.
“Finnick and I had a disagreement, I went to the doctor yesterday because I wasn’t feeling well. The doctor had to report it to the gamemakers and Snow. Finnick thinks that there’s something wrong with the medication, but there is nothing,” you shift your feet slightly, “We fought about it and then he told me to not talk to him until I come clean. Unfortunately, that means I’m not talking to him for a very long time.
“And there’s no point in being in an alliance with him and everyone else if there is going to be no communication. So, I joined the careers because I want a chance at winning.” you swirl your hand in the air, “And he can’t give me that anymore.”
Laurel looks annoyed, “Did this just happen? Don’t you think you should think things through more?”
“Are you still married?” Elysia asks.
“Still married, just happened, and the decision is final. Change the outfit, I don’t want matching colors, styles, nothing. Don’t put us on stage together.”
“Does Finnick know about this?” Pleurisy asks.
“He knows about the alliance, I assume. I haven’t told him directly just yet, because I can’t talk to him. So pass on whatever information you please.” you shrug, “Create a rumor, for all I fuckin’ care.”
Then, you go ahead and leave the room. The door shuts, you check both ways, and it’s perfect timing. Haymitch is heading down the hall.
“You and I need to talk.” you tell him, he raises his eyebrows, “Now.”
He follows you into the stairwell. You don’t stop to talk, instead you start going up, and he catches on pretty quickly. You walk a little heavier, making sure to stop your feet a little louder.
“I’m joining the careers.” you tell him as quietly as you can manage, “Everyone in the center knows this.”
Haymitch pauses for a moment, “Why would--”
“Because I’m planning on redirecting the careers during the games.” you tell him, pausing too, “This stays between me, you, and Plutarch. No one else needs to know this, not even Finnick. He thinks I’m mad at him, and it needs to stay this way. If he tells you that I’m with the careers, play along.”
“You know this means that you’ll be forced to kill your friends, right?” he asks, “Chaff, Seeder, Woof, Cecelia…”
You stomp your foot loudly, emitting an echo, “You want this rebellion to happen? I’m sacrificing everything I have right now. My friends, my marriage, and my family. I’m all in, all I’m asking is for you to not get cold feet.”
He nods, “And what happens when you’re not where you need to be to get out?”
You look at the ground for a moment, “That’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.”
-- Chapter Six --
The day you two fought, was the first time you had slept alone in five years.
You can’t say that you slept that night, in fact you can confidently say you didn’t at all, because you were busy making a bigger and better plan on how to get the careers to trust you. It wasn’t easy, because they were convinced that you would pass on all this information to Finnick, but just by your body language, they could see that you weren’t lying.
Finnick has not said a word to you, like he promised. But that doesn’t mean he hasn’t been talking to Elysia and Mags. They told you last night at dinner--after you had showed up nearly two hours late--that they passed on what you said. Which had explained the yelling, and the crashing noises before and during your dinner.
He still stares at you when you come into rooms. Almost like he’s waiting for you to turn to him and tell him that it’s all just an elaborate joke. Then his face will get sad and he’ll look everywhere but you for a while. He doesn’t want to swallow it, and you trust that he won’t.
The thing is, to him this looks like this is so easy to you. Like you’ve been waiting for a way to get out of the alliance in the first place and do this. He has to be thinking that you didn’t want to be in it, but you had agreed for his sake or something. Finnick can see your poker face, and he can see how content you are.
He can see that it was easy to let Elysia and Mags pass on the news. That you not only turned down the chance to appear on stage together, but you had messed up the coordinating outfits. Especially after it was your idea in the first place, to look like you two go together. Instead, you told Laurel to make it prettier, shinier, something a career would wear.
You’re blending, and you’re going to do it well. You thought that you wouldn’t ever be able to pretend again, since everyone knew your tricks from your first game. But you’re not playing damsel, you’re playing the betrayer. You’re leaving behind everything that you had made just to join the careers. And the best part, is that they’re all believing it.
You haven’t talked to anyone outside of the careers since. Katniss and Peeta stare as if they can’t believe you told them not to team up with the careers, only to go ahead and join them. Like you were pushing them away for your own agenda--but you’re glad you did that anyway.
Cecelia has tried to talk to you to see what’s up, but you brush her off. You know that it’s sad to know that this is how your best friend will remember you, a stone cold bitch only looking out for herself. As for Johanna… she nearly fucking tripped you while you were walking by her.
You’re quick on your feet, but that could have ended badly for several reasons. The first one being, you’re still pregnant, whether you like it or not. You still have to look out for yourself. No one else knows that you are, so they can’t be extra careful around you and knock off the behaviors. They’ll see it as a ‘boohoo’ sort of thing. You don’t need pity, you need power.
You hope that Finnick will be able to forgive you. You hope that if Finnick makes it out of the arena, and you don’t, that Haymitch will tell him everything. That you were doing this for him, for everyone as you always are. You’re selfish for the right reasons, and he should never believe that you would do something like this.
In that case, you should probably tell Haymitch that you’re pregnant too. But you might end up saving that for the very last minute. Like morning-of-games last minute, because it’s not something you want him to be taking into consideration all hours of the day.
You look over yourself in the mirror for a final time, pulling your hair into a ponytail while you’re at it. Today is the private training session with the gamemakers. And unlike everyone else, you’ll be trying extra hard to impress them. Since you’re already assuming that your score is going to be pretty low.
You think that they’re going to think that you’re weak from the pregnancy either way, and so whatever you do, you’ll just be impressing them a tiny bit. But doing trick shots is better than not doing anything at all. You’ve got a couple of things down your sleeve as usual.
You leave the bathroom, being sure to bounce on your feet a bit more because of the shoes. You started wearing them again today, you’ve been walking around with them all morning to break them in. They’re still a little tight, not quite shaped to your feet--you’re sure that they would have been had you been wearing them all this time.
Finnick is sitting on the arm of the couch, staring at the tv. It’s Caesar, talking about how today is the training sessions and the time in which you guys should come back to see the scores. Or rather, the time everyone back home and the Capitol should tune in. You could always sit down too out of curiosity’s sake, but it’s not required. You could play it as a mystery.
Typically, the scores are used among the tributes to figure out who’s the most deadly. It’s like putting a target on your back. When you had gone in the first time, and gotten a ten, it was good for sponsors, but on the other hand, the other tributes either had to steer clear or make you an immediate death. It might have been what secured your stance in the alliance back then.
But now, it’s just for the sponsors. You know personally that you have never gone after anyone based on their scores, and you don’t plan on starting either.
“She’s here,” Elysia tells him.
Without a word, he gets up from where he’s sitting. Though, he does sigh as if he’s unhappy with it. You’re sure that he would have preferred to show up earlier, and without you if it was possible. But the two of you need to show up at the same time so you’re not holding back everyone.
“See you later,” you wave to Elysia.
“Score high!” She says cheerfully, but her face is dead serious. She holds up her left hand, and uses the right to tap on her left ring finger.
It doesn’t take a genius to know what that means.
Your eyes go to Finnick, already ahead of you. You nod at Elysia, mouthing a ‘thank you’ and then you follow behind Finnick. Once you’re out the door, you’re tempted to break off and go down the staircase, but you remind yourself that you show up together.
You press your lips tightly together once you’re inside of the elevator, biting back the tears from the idea that he isn’t wearing his wedding band. Not talking to him and joining the careers is one thing, but taking off the wedding ring is another.
The doors open, Finnick goes first and you let him so you have time to wipe away the stray tears. You pinch the sensitive skin on your forearm as you walk. It’s enough of a distraction, and the tears stop immediately. A second later, you’re stone faced.
The lady outside the room takes note of your presence and then allows you to go inside. You’re not the first to arrive, but not the last. There’s plenty that still need to arrive.
Finnick sits on the inner seat as required, and you sit on the outer. You find yourself fidgeting with your mothers ring as you absently stare at the wall. You haven’t even noticed that Cashmere is calling your name, until she pats your knee slightly.
“Are you okay?” she asks, even when you do focus, she seems so far away.
“Out of it,” you tell her, “I think I’m getting sick again.”
You do feel nauseous, but that could always be because you’re nervous and you ate too much this morning. You were hungrier than usual, and by the way Elysia was staring, you were clearly eating more than usual. You couldn’t help it really, your stomach felt like a bottomless pit, and even now, you’re still kinda hungry.
No, you feel lightheaded and dizzy and disassociated.
It has to be because you’re ruining everything around you all for something that might not work. You’re putting everything you have on the line for a rebellion that two districts for sure, won’t back up. You’re having a huge milestone right now, and the worst thing about it, is that your husband doesn’t even know.
Finnick has always been so excited at the mention of a baby. You and him wanted to wait for a while to get settled. And before the games had been announced in the winter, you had brought up the talk of a baby. He was ecstatic and encouraged it. But then the games were announced and you had to stop all together.
Everything you’re doing has suddenly become ten times harder because it’s changing Finnick.
Finnick glances at you, almost as if he’s reading your mind. It has to be from the sick comment.
“Do I need to get someone?” she asks.
“I’m fine,” you tell her softly, “Thank you, though.”
She drops it. The moment that Enobaria and Brutus arrive, she launches into conversation with them. You listen to it as best as you can since there isn’t anything else to do. Occasionally, you’ll pull off your wedding ring and stare at it. As if it’s suddenly lost all meaning. But thinking about it that way makes your throat tighten and then you’re putting it back on again.
It’s almost a relief when they start calling names, starting with Gloss. You wish him good luck, and he’ll thank you. A few minutes later, he comes back, wishes you guys luck, and the process repeats with Cashmere, Brutus and Enobaria.
Soon, you’re sitting in a room surrounded by enemies. You keep your eyes forward, trying to calm yourself down before you hyperventilate. To distract yourself, you think about Blaire, and Cas and Mac. You think about how your fellow tributes back then had told you, that you were so damn lucky to have him.
You swallow thickly.
“District Four, Finnick Odair--”
You move out of the way for him, closing your eyes as he brushes past you. You don’t open your eyes until the doors are shut, and even then you have to close them. You lean forward, hiding your face in your hands for a moment.
You’re so ridiculous. You’re so stupid for thinking you’d be able to do this without breaking down at least once. Now that the barrier has broken, you can expect another one as soon as you get back to the apartment.
It’s sickeningly quiet inside of the room. A few people talk to each other, but it’s very hushed. They don’t bother to go above a whisper to not disturb anyone around them. Eventually, you raise your head again, out of your hands.
You hum to yourself quietly, needing some type of distraction. It’s almost a relief when the automated voice comes over again.
“District Four, (Y/n) Gallows--”
You stand, moving around where you had been sitting, and start towards the doors. They open, revealing Finnick on the other side. You don’t even look at his face, knowing how awful you must look right now. The doors shut behind you soon, and then you’re left with the gamemakers.
Silently, you make your way over to the throwing range. On the way, you hoist up a dummy in one arm, and bright purple pain in the other. Once you get past the twenty feet, you drop the doll, use the paint for targets on the forehead and chest, and then make your way away from it.
They have a little moving cart with things on them. Like the paint, with brushes, some rope, all sorts of shit. You take a moment, digging through it, and you’re stumped for a moment. Kinda mad that there isn’t anything to be used as a blindfold.
Then, you decide that your time is short in here, so you rip your tank top--which fills the still air painfully--and move on. You then grab the two machetes that are offered. You’ve only practiced this move with knives, but you’re sure you can pull this off either way.
You then look to the gamemakers, “Ready?”
A few nod, others motion for you to get it on with.
You line yourself up properly, memorizing the way it looks, then you pull on the blindfold, which surprisingly works better than you thought it would. You take in a deep breath to steady yourself, prepare the machetes.
Then, banking on luck, you throw the both of them.
Once you hear the thumps from the dummy, a few people even gasp and start clapping before you’ve even pulled off your blindfold.
And to your surprise, you’ve managed to not only get the chest, but the forehead too, which wasn’t marked at all. Masking this up, you smile at yourself proudly, and even pick up a few knives for fun.
Not throwing all four at once, you throw them one at a time quickly, alternating between the head and the chest. But on the very last one, you get the crotch perfectly. You dust off your hands slightly, turning to the gamemakers.
“You’re dismissed,” one of them tells you.
“Thanks.” you bounce slightly, heading for the door. This is when they play the automated message again, letting the guy of District Five know that he can head inside.
Unsurprisingly, that felt fantastic to do.
You bounce your way through the waiting room, knowing that eyes are following you on your way out. The next set of doors open, allowing you to leave, and then you start your way to the staircase. It’s a long way to run back up the staircase, but you’ve got the adrenaline pumping anyway.
It feels nice to exercise again, it’s stretching your legs more. Since you’ve put on all this weight, it’s been harder, but it doesn’t mean that it’s stopped being nice to do. You’ve definitely lost some of the pounds that you gained from training so hard inside of the training center, but it’s all the same.
Before you know it, you’ve gone up the four flights. Once the door is open, you can see into the hallway, which means that you can also see that Finnick is standing there with Pleurisy. She peeks around him curiously from the door opening, but at the sight of you, she goes back to Finnick.
She favors him, because he’s her boy, y’know? Just like how Laurel favors you, because you’re her girl. You know Laurel better, and Finnick knows Pleurisy better.
You don’t say anything to either of them, heading inside of the apartment. You slam the door a little harder than you mean to. Because of this, you can see Laurel and your entire prep team jerk their heads in your direction.
“My bad.” you admit, “What’s this about?”
“Your scores, mostly.” Laurel says, when you go up the steps you can see that Elysia and Mags are here too, “Which will be airing later.”
“What’s the other part of it?” you ask, crossing your arms.
Laurel doesn’t hold anything back, “Finnick has decided to change his district token.”
You don’t know if you’re supposed to act surprised, Elysia had already warned you earlier, “Okay, and?”
Mags holds out her hand, which has Finnick’s ring in the middle. You take it from her, pinching it between two fingers.
“He’s forfeited the ring.” Cleo tells you nervously, “He doesn’t want it anymore.”
You laugh too, “And what am I supposed to do with it? Is this his way of divorcing me?” It’s silent in the room, and you quirk an eyebrow, “You’re kidding.”
“He didn’t necessarily say that.” Elysia defends, “He just said that he won’t be needing it.”
You look down at it, “Guys, I can’t take it into the games with me.”
The door opens behind you, a few eyes look past you, but they quickly land on you again.
“You could always fuse it with your own…” Beth suggests quietly.
With those words, you want to crush the ring in your hand, “I’m not melting my mother's ring to this. He’s the one forfeiting it.”
You turn suddenly, seeing Finnick going to his room, “Hey, jackass!”
“(Y/n)--” Laurel warns.
Finnick doesn’t stop, so you follow behind him, “You call me unbelievable when you’re handing me the fucking ring back without saying a goddamn word to me! Are you suddenly incapable of telling me this is over?”
“I know why the token changed.” you tell him, because you do.
It’s probably the thing with the alliance. Haymitch said that he was going to give you two something anyway, so that’s not what you’re mad about. You’re mad that the words ‘forfeiting’ and ‘not wanting it anymore’ have just come from the mouths of a couple of Capitol citizens rather than him.
“This is how you want it?” you can feel your eyes begin to water, throat closing in, “You want it like this?”
He stops now, “You’re the one that ended it.”
“How? Those words never came from my mouth.”
Finnick turns towards you, “The second you started keeping secrets, (Y/n)! The second you made an alliance with the careers! You’re not stupid, you’re not blind! You knew what you were doing the second you did that. Don’t act surprised when I’m suddenly uninterested in you.”
“I’m not keeping secrets.” you tell him slowly, “I have never, ever kept secrets from you! Stop accusing me of it! This is your fault! Not mine!”
“You can’t lie to me.” he says, “You can’t. I see through your facade like glass.”
It’s like going in circles, “I can’t do this.”
You go to leave, but then you turn back to Finnick, grabbing his hand harshly and planting the ring in his finger, “If this is over like you want, you’re the one calling quits, not me. Go ahead and get rid of it, I don’t care. It’s yours.”
You let go of him after that, heading to your room. The door opens automatically, and shuts automatically. You lock it, and then you head straight to the shower, locking that door too. You turn the water up too hot, and strip yourself.
You place the ring in a drawer so you don’t have to look at it. Then, you sit in the middle of the shower floor and let the hot water melt your skin.
You stand several feet from the couch, arms crossed as you stare at Caesar’s face. He introduces the scores as he does every year, and how they work. He tells you guys that footage won’t be provided later on, since it was private.
Then, he starts with Cashmere first. You’re content with what your fellow careers have gotten, tens and elevens, no lower. There’s no surprise with what they’ve got, you guys have been training pretty hard for the last couple of days. The gamemakers are watching during those times, and it’s partially what makes up the scores.
Wiress and Beetee get eights. Soon enough he’s introducing District Four.
“(Y/n) Gallows, with a score of,” he smiles pleasantly, “Eleven.”
Elysia jumps at the number, “How?”
“That’s all I need to see.” you tell them, turning around and beginning to leave to allow Finnick be out there with them. It was hard to even convince yourself to stand there, even if his back was turned to you and all.
On your way out, you can still hear Caesar, “Finnick Odair, with a score of ten.”
-- Chapter Seven --
You sit at the edge of the bed, head hanging as you stare at the carpeted floor. You can’t bring yourself to get off of the bed. You want to stay here, and not get ready for today. You’d rather just sleep for the rest of your life because it’s not worth it anymore.
You know that you’re still doing this for Finnick, because even if he thinks that you’re over--which is a quick decision to make, when it’s been only two days--you’re still doing this for him. You’ll always be doing this for him, whether you like it or not. Because the love of your life, and sometimes you have to make sacrifices.
Even if you wanted to, you can’t tell Finnick what you’re doing. It’s too late to change anything, and if he did get rid of the ring like you told him to last night, then it’s going to make him either incredibly guilty or mad. You’re impressed that he’s figured you out so quickly, but that doesn’t mean you’re happy about it.
If you were to ever tell him, it would be a whole list of things. The first is that everything you’ve done so far is for him. The second is that you’re pregnant, and the pills are the only thing that’s keeping you from feeling all those effects. If you weren’t taking the meds, then you would be so sluggish and you’d weigh them down, which is just another reason why you can’t be with him in the arena.
Supposedly, you two were supposed to act like guard dogs for Katniss and Peeta. Johanna was going to round up everyone else Katniss had wanted an alliance with, which was originally you, Beetee and Wiress. Now that you’re out of the picture though, Finnick is going to have to corral them without you.
With the careers, they’ll be able to protect you. They’re smart, they’ve got high scores. They’re going to expect you to be able to do everything on your own, but the reality of the situation is that you were all show inside of that private session. There is absolutely no way you’ll be able to pull off anything nearly as impressive like you did in there.
Anyway, the third secret is that you’re going to be redirecting the careers. You’re going to try and convince them to go after the nobody’s like the morphlings, and the outsider districts. Say that you guys should save the alliance going on with Finnick, Katniss and Peeta a moment to simmer.
You need to settle in on the first day anyway, get used to your surroundings before doing anything drastic like trying to wipe out the stronger tributes. You all have to get used to killing the people around you again, which is easier said than done. You’re about to kill people that have done absolutely nothing to you, and you even made a friend out of them at some point.
There’s a couple of knocks at the door, and then it slides open to reveal Elysia. She’s a little apprehensive at the start, until you look up at her. You must look so tired, because her face twists as she hurries over to you.
“Did you even sleep?”
“No.” you tell her, “It’s not everyday you tell your spouse to throw away a ring.”
You get out of the bed now, not bothering to stretch as you drag your feet to the dresser. She doesn’t move from where she was standing, probably staring at you now. Wondering what the hell you’re thinking now, since you’re the one that started all of this. You told them you don’t want to be associated with him.
“Don’t you think you’re taking whatever plan you have, a little too far?” she asks quietly.
“I have to.” you tell her, “It’s not just for me anymore. It’s for everyone.”
“What happened to being selfish?” she asks, “Thinking for yourself?”
“Even if I wanted to, I can’t.” you hold the clothes over your arm, “It’s too late now. I’m going into the arena like this.” Then, you turn to look at her, “This may look like a mess to everyone, but it’s sorted. It’s how I need it to be.”
“Then tell me or Mags, please. We’re the ones getting sponsors for you two. I’ve been telling them that you guys are going to stick together, and now that has changed.” she shakes her head, “What are you planning?”
“Just, trust me.” you tell her, “I know what I’m doing.”
“Look at what it’s done to you.” Elysia motions, “You look like hell.”
You don’t say anything back to that, “I’m going to take a shower and then we can go down to my prep team. Or I can go alone, I don’t care.”
“We should probably go over etiquette again.” She tells you, “How to answer questions and all of that.”
“We can practice that while I’m getting ready.” you tell her, “Since it’ll be hours long. I’m going to take a shower now.”
She nods, leaving the room. You head into the bathroom, stripping and then getting in the shower. You wash it so they won’t have to, and you scrub your skin until it’s red, not really realizing you’re doing it.
When you’re tired of standing there, you get out and dry yourself off. You slip on the tank top and sweatpants that you pulled out for yourself. Trying not to rip the brush through your hair, you stare at the ring absentmindedly, noticing how it reflects the light pretty easily.
Then, you tie all your hair back and out of your face. Not only to keep it from knotting, but because you don’t feel like having it hang in your face. You’ll have all night for that.
Finnick is sitting at the table when you get out there. You take your usual spot, eating slowly, and even stopping yourself before you’re too full. The silence is deafening and it’s driving you a little nuts. So, you get up early, tell Elysia that you’re heading to the prep team and then take your time getting there.
You take the elevator, no staircase today. There’s no one else that steps on, it’s just you all the way down. So, you spend this time asking yourself meaningless questions as if Caesar would be asking them. It’s a fun exercise, especially when you have this ever-growing hatred for the Capitol right now.
Before you know it, you’re being let into the room. No one really says anything, not after last night.
Beth, Cleo and Leo all talk about meaningless things. How excited they are to hear what some of the tributes have to say. They might not have been born for tributes like Woof, Chaff and Seeder, but it’s always thrilling to hear what they have to say anyway. With the technology that the Capitol has,they have the ability to go back and watch some of those games.
Not Woof, or Mags for that matter either, those are the beginning games. Mags was the eleventh or something, right in double digits. Which is pretty old, and understandable to think about. Your ancestors in the districts were still developing styles and the techniques on how to get things to the Capitol.
You bet that by the time the twenty-fifth games came around, they had the ability to film it better. Less fuzzy cameras, more of them maybe. The Capitol is always changing and coming up with better technology. For example, the building that you’re sitting in right now.
It’s a brand new fucking building, run off of exclusively power. And it sucks up so much of it, that some of the holo stations were messing up. A person would disappear for a second, and then reappear. They’d throw their weapon and it wouldn’t show up again, but you still wouldn’t lose the game either.
The Capitol had used up pretty much all of their resources to make a bigger, and safer building for the gamemakers when they watch you guys in their area. They made better apartments, faster elevators, they upped security. All because they could and they had the technological advances. Which is why you were also so paranoid about them listening to you.
If they can hide cameras literally everywhere inside of the arena, with microphones so good that they pick up even the quietest whisper, then what stops them from doing the same inside of this building? They could hear every single conversation that has possibly gone on. And the elevators are the best bet on where the cameras and microphones could be.
They’re not expecting their tributes to go down the fire escape staircase. Never in your life would you expect something like that, so why should they? Those staircases are dirty, the railing dusty. It shows that no one has been in there for a while. Just in case people do run through there, you don’t grab onto the railings to show someone has gone through.
However, when you come out of the staircase at the bottom of the stairs, there’s still two peacekeepers, which defeats the purpose of not holding onto the railing anyway. But still, it’s an extra precaution, just in case you can get that higher standpoint of ‘you have no evidence that I was inside of there’. No fingerprints, but shoe prints. Though, anyone could have ended up making those.
Leo eventually gets on the topic about training scores, which is when they really start to gush. You know only the beginning numbers, and they know that. Which is exactly why they probably started talking about it in the first place. They don’t have the numbers memorized by any means, but they can give you a general idea of what it’s looking like.
The morphlings scored averagely, still in the same range as Wiress and Beetee. If you recall correctly, theirs were eights or nines. You really don’t expect anything better from a bunch of drug addicts, you’re actually kind of surprised that they hadn’t gotten anything lower.
Johanna and Blight had gotten ten’s. Beth says that Johanna should have definitely gotten higher, with the way she won a few years ago. Everyone had been getting ten’s and eleven’s, so it’s hard to believe that Johanna wouldn’t get nearly as high as you did.
District Eight is Woof and Cecelia. Woof scored low, there’s not much he can do anymore. He’ll be an easy target to take out inside of the arena. Probably won’t make it past the first day, as you’ve said before. There’s not a chance for him. As for Cecelia, she got a nine. You can’t say that you didn’t see that coming either.
District Nine and Ten between them only have one ten, and it’s the guy from nine. After that, it’s nines and eights. Chaff and Seeder get tens, and then finally, it’s District Twelve.
“They both got twelve.” Cleo scoffs, “Twelve! I can understand Katniss, but Peeta? Be realistic, they must have bribed them or something.”
“Peeta hardly looks like an eleven.” Beth laughs quietly, pausing from doing your nails for a moment, looking at you, “Don’t you think, (Y/n)? I mean, you have spoken with him, right?”
You nod slightly, trying to recall any sort of memory of him training inside of the center. But you can’t, he spent most of his time going from station to station learning skills. There had probably been at least once or twice he was doing something, but you never saw it.
“A ten would seem right on him,” you tell them, “Maybe even lower.”
Leo sighs, “Weak, I knew it.”
They go back to chatting after that, hopping from topic to topic. You stopped paying attention after the numbers that everyone had gotten, mostly stuck on why they had both gotten twelve’s like they did. Katniss is understandable, she’s very capable with a bow, but you wonder what happens when you take that away. What else can she use?
As for Peeta, you have no idea what his specialty is. Everyone in the arena is going to have something, so what’s his going to be? You have spears, Finnick has tridents, Johanna and Blight have axes. The careers have knives and swords, Katniss has her bow. But what will he have?
The only time you have even seen him wield a weapon was when you were watching their hunger games, and that was a sword. That was when he was still going around with the careers, and even then the sword wasn’t his. It really belonged to the boy from District One.
Peeta has to be completely incapable of knowing how to fight. It’s always been Katniss that was killing people, Peeta doesn’t have a goddamn number on him, you think. Which is nuts. How do you go the whole hunger games without killing someone? Not even one person? There’s no way you could have done it.
There’s only one real reason why both Katniss and Peeta have gotten the highest number possible. The gamemakers or Snow have rigged it again. It’s not for sponsors, it’s so the other tributes will take it as a threat and head after them first. But with that logic, at least half of the arena will be targeted in this way. Your head has a bounty on it, just the same as everyone else.
Although, it is no secret that Snow isn’t happy with Katniss and Peeta. It’s why the whole rebellion is being planned in the first place, right? Because Katniss has riled up Panem, and she’s ready to wipe the fuck out of the Capitol. Of course, as you’re sure you’ve said earlier, it will be no easy thing to do. The Capitol won’t sit and take it.
Sometime after your nails are finished and Leo has started on your makeup, Laurel and Elysia show up. Elysia tells you that Mags has decided to sit with Finnick instead. You can’t help but to be a little irritated over this, but you can imagine that Elysia has mentioned what you said this morning, about how it’s a plan you can’t just stop on.
You hope that Mags isn’t passing that information back to Finnick too. You need him to stay mad at you, so he does not want to come and try to find you during the games. You want him to stay with the others, and you want him to keep them as far away from the careers as possible.
The only way to keep this going, is if you stick to your plan by having the careers on reigns, and not telling him this. Knowing Finnick, if he had been let in on this plan, he would want you to try to come and find him or vice versa. If you guys are split up inside of the arena, then that means any cannon could belong to you or him.
He still cares about you, there’s no doubt about that. Finnick probably didn’t take any pleasure in forfeiting the ring in the first place and saying that he ‘didn’t want it anymore’. Finnick has been nothing but loving these past couple of years, and this is the first time you two have really fought. You never shout at each other, and sleep in different beds.
There’s a difference between a disagreement, and a fight. Disagreements was like when you volunteered to be here. It’s not something he liked, but he could get past that. But you joining the careers in an alliance and turning your back on literally everyone, now that is a fight.
You always knew that Mags secretly favored Finnick more than you.
“Why did you volunteer?” Elysia asks, almost trying to mimic Caesar.
You’re standing now as your prep team finishes the last few things. Elysia heard that there will be no sitting this year, and it’s all standing. So, you’ll be standing for nearly an hour behind the tributes getting interviewed. Because of this, the heels you’re wearing aren’t sky high, but they aren’t too short either.
You flash a smile, “I originally had done it because I believed that Finnick had needed my help with the games,” and then you tilt your head off to the right, “But now I believe I did it because I want to win.”
Elysia doesn’t like that answer and you can even see Laurel pause in the mirror. You think they’re about to leave it be, but Laurel shakes her head, “Change that answer.”
“It’s my opinion--”
“It’s fake.” Laurel squints at you, “You don’t actually believe that.”
“You want me to go on stage and say what I’m actually thinking?” you ask her, “No one will want to hear it, and all the sponsors that are left, are suddenly gone. I’m not going to produce some fucking sob story, but the games will never be cancelled. And none of them deserve one anyway.”
It’s silent in the room now, Elysia has given up on the questions and she eventually leaves too. The prep team finishes up everything, and soon enough you’re being brought to step into the dress. Not a single word comes from any of them as you step into the blue dress, something that is very similar to what you wore your first time.
The dress is beautiful as always. It’s the same color blue from the first dress you wore. And it’s also floor-length, which means that you’ll be having to pick up the front in order not to step on it. When you look at yourself in the mirror, you’re proud of what Laurel was able to make on such short notice.
“Thank you.” you tell them, catching the prep team’s notice, “You guys will never understand how much I appreciate you guys. You have been here since the beginning, especially when I’ve been difficult.” and then you turn to look at them, “I love you guys, seriously.”
Cleo sniffs, and tries to wipe underneath her eye, but it doesn’t work. Beth hugs you very gently, as well as Leo to try and not ruin anything that they’ve just finished. When they’re done, Laurel looks over you, “I don’t have to say goodbye just yet, I have tomorrow.”
You laugh, and she smiles, “I guess it’s time for me to leave?”
“Oh!” Cleo says, “Energy shot, from Elysia.”
Cleo hands it over, and you take it immediately. You might not look tired anymore, but you still feel like you’ve just risen from the dead, even all these hours later. Thankfully, Elysia has your back no matter what as usual.
Leo opens the door for you, and you leave the hallway and start your way to where the stage is going to be. It’s not right around the corner anymore, you have to go quite a ways before you finally get there.
You hold up the dress in the front, but you’re acutely aware that the back of the dress is dragging against the floor. You trust that the floor is clean, because you don’t want to suddenly have the dress gathered in your arms, afraid that it’ll ruin the natural flow of the wrinkles.
The interviews have started already, and you know this because at one of the corners, there’s a tv with Cashmere and Gloss on the screen. Cashmere is fake crying, as Gloss is trying to raise some reaction from the crowd as well. Somewhere around the corner, you can hear someone crying as if it means something to them. It has to be a Capitol citizen, likely a prep team.
The sound of boots throw you off, and you turn to see where they’re coming from, and it’s behind you. You should have minded your own business, because now you’re staring straight at Finnick. Once you realize, you cross your arms, letting go of the dress as you stare at the screen.
He stops beside you. From the glance you got, the both of you have two very different styles going on. You’re in this dress, it’s garish and long, and very beautiful. Laurel calls it the ‘goddess’ style. It makes you look wealthy, but not in the Capitol terms. Your skin may not be dyed blue, and your hair isn’t crazy colors, but you still look like you run something important in the Capitol.
You look like a darling, as you always will be.
As for Finnick, he’s got a buttoned down white shirt that’s tucked into a light blue-green pair of poofy pants, and of course then there’s the black boots. He has some necklaces hanging around his neck, but that’s about it.
They definitely did it, and they did it very well.
It’s quiet between you two for a while as you watch what happens during the interview. And then he speaks, “You know, it’s not too late to appear on stage together.”
“It is.” you say, “And it’s not like I would want to do it anyway.”
He looks at you, “Why are you being like this? Why have you suddenly decided that you want nothing to do with me?”
“I thought you weren’t going to speak to me.” you remind him bitterly, “How are we supposed to have an alliance with no communication?”
“So you team up with the careers?” he asks, you can see where he’s coming from. It’s a bold move, an overreaction, “What sense does that make?”
You jerk your head at him suddenly, “I’ve always gotten along with them better.”
“You get along with everyone.” he disagrees, “Not just careers, and you know that.”
Gloss and Cashmere are up. Enobaria passes in front of you, and on the way, she gives Finnick a judgemental look. Finnick laughs at that. Behind Enobaria trails Brutus, but he doesn’t follow her onto the stage.
“Let me go on stage with you.” he asks again.
“No, Finnick.” you tell him harshly.
“You don’t want your brothers and sister to see us together a final time? They’ll know something is up--”
You look at him, “You know nothing about what I want, or my motives. So what if they see us apart? We don’t have to be attached at the hip.”
A brief silence, and then, “That’s not what you were saying when we first got here.”
“Things have changed.”
“It didn’t have to,” he insists.
“You’re the one that forced it,” you remind him again, “You’re the one that insisted I was holding onto something. You didn’t want to talk to me.”
Finnick sighs, “You didn’t actually think that I would ignore you for long, be honest with yourself.”
“That’s because you were expecting me to crack and give you some bullshit lie. But when you figured out that I was stubborn, you realized the mistake you made,” You look at Finnick, “And you still haven’t even apologized just yet.”
“There’s nothing to apologize for.”
You laugh, shaking your head, “Even after all of this, you still can’t come to terms with it. Get over yourself Finnick, you were wrong, and you’re still wrong.”
Finnick looks directly at you, the buzzer on the stage has gone off again, Brutus moves to get ready to go on as soon as his name is called. You and Finnick are caught in your own little bubble.
“(Y/n), I’m never wrong.” His face is dead serious, there’s no amusement.
You match it, a little mad that he’s so good at this, “Then you’re accusing me of being a liar. And to that, I say fuck you.”
You hike up the dress, being sure that he isn’t stepping on it, before you head over to where Wiress and Beetee are already waiting. You stand tall in the heels that you’re wearing. You can easily see over Wiress’s head, and you’re a little bit taller than Beetee. You’re mostly just meeting his eyes.
You quietly watch the interviews, watching how everyone has corresponding outfits so far. But when you look at Wiress before she heads on stage, you notice that her and Beetee aren’t matching at all. And it’s about to be the same thing for you and Finnick. One more elegant than the other, but the both of you have a way with words.
It’s no surprise that everyone who has been on stage so far are trying to be persuasive, they want the Capitol to change their minds. You might all be enemies as soon as you step into that arena tomorrow afternoon, but tonight you work as one team. With only one goal, to get the citizens of the Capitol to see that this is no hunger games that they should enjoy.
Wiress is gone soon enough, and Beetee is up. He mentions something about being able to change these games. If it was put in, then that means it can be taken out. And he’s so right, but it’s not good enough. The buzzer goes off a couple minutes later.
The cheering gets louder when the crowd realizes who they’re going to see next. You take a deep breath to calm yourself down.
“Good luck.” Finnick tells you.
And just this once, you decide to be nice, “You too. No love poems.”
He cracks a smile, “Can’t promise that.”
“(Y/n) Gallows!” Caesar yells.
You pull up the dress in the front while you go up the steps. The second that you’re in sight of the crowd, you smile widely, letting go of one side as you wave. This is a much bigger interview place than the first time. There’s more people, and they surround you from every angle.
And you can’t deny that the stage doesn’t look absolutely gorgeous. The Capitol had really gone out of their way to make sure you guys look like royalty.
Caesar gasps when he sees you, helping you up the final steps. When you’re able to stop, you let go of the dress so it can fall back into place.
The crowd is still pretty loud, so you two wait for them to quiet down some before starting. Even then, you’re still waving slightly, smiling brightly, and pointing some people out. You make them feel special, acknowledging one at a time.
“You look absolutely gorgeous.” Caesar compliments, you turn to him with a bright smile.
“Thank you, Caesar. I have to say the same about you. The purple hair this year really is different. A new trend?” you suggest, there’s a wave of cheering.
“One can hope!” he laughs, “I do have a question, though.”
You move for him to continue, and he smiles.
“I have to ask, why you and Finnick didn’t come up here together!” he looks surprised, and some people from the crowd yell out too, “You two are still deeply in love, aren’t you?”
“Of course we are, don’t suggest something so heinous!” you widen your eyes, shaking your head, “I just thought that the Capitol would love to see him by himself for the final time.” you look out to the crowd, knowing that your expression has gotten a little darker, “It really was a waste to crown all of us over these seventy-five years, only to take it away.”
And then you look to Caesar, “I mean, to think of our families! Our houses will be taken away, and they’ll be plunged right back into the classes they came out of. Don’t you think that’s selfish?”
Caesar’s mouth is open for a moment, like he doesn’t know what to say to that. So, you continue and look back out, smiling widely, “I hope I win, for the sake of my brothers and baby sister.”
He’s seem to have recollected his thoughts, “Well, you did volunteer, after all.”
“I did!” you nod, “But I did it for Finnick. I thought it would increase at least one of our chances at making it home to my family.” and this is where you really decide to cut out the kind act, “As you guys should know, he doesn’t have any family left. After Snow had killed them for all of your guys’ pleasure.”
You look at Caesar, his mouth is open again.
“It really is a shame that you take away all this shit from us.” you shake your head, “First you took my father, from making him overwork. Then you took my innocence and my ability to sleep soundly at night. Of course, you have to assign a Quarter Quell like this. Now my two brothers and sister are going to have another two missing people in the family, and they’re going to have to go back to living in that shack.”
You look out at the crowd again, “You can change this. You, the Capitol can decide that you don’t want this anymore, at any given time. You can protest and say that you don’t want us, your favorites to head back into those games. And if you don’t want to do it for yourselves, then do it for us.
“Show us mercy.” you emphasize the words.
The buzzer goes off, signaling your time is up, which really is perfect timing, but you can’t leave it at that.
“Reed, Mox and Alyssum. I know you’re watching this, and I want you to know that I love you guys. And I’m sorry that it’s going to end like this. Don’t give up.”
Someone breaks into tears in the crowd, you ignore it and head to where you need to stand on the stage. You go up the steps, passing the careers, who nod at you individually. And Beetee smiles, because you might have left the alliance that fuels the rebellion, but you’re reliable after all.
You fold your hands in front of you, watching as the crowd comes back to life at Finnick.
Caesar comments on how comfortable Finnick looks, and he says that the boots are still a little tight from how brand new they are. Caesar tries to keep it light, not wanting to dip back into the mess that you have made, but it’s too late. Finnick shares the same opinions.
“She was right, you know.” Finnick says, “My parents and siblings are gone. But that doesn’t stop her from being my family. And my heart goes out to her brothers and sister tonight, because they are about to lose two very important people in their lives.”
The rest of the interview seems to go smoothly, until Caesar mentions a poem. Finnick smiles widely, and you know that cameras are suddenly on you. You shake your head slightly, but tilt your head. You knew it was coming.
“Tonight, I stare at the moon,” he starts, there’s a few screams, “I think of her gently. She is the love of my life, and I hope she thinks the same of me. We’ve gone through everything together, and this is just another obstacle. I trust her with my life, and she trusts me with hers.
“If I die tomorrow, then I hope she knows that it was for her. And I hope that she gives her all to continue on. For us. My love, I’m sorry it has to go this way.”
Then his buzzer also goes off, and he says his goodbye before heading up the staircase too. Passing everyone, and then stopping beside you. He takes your hand in his, and you make no move to remove it.
The next few tributes are boring, they make their attempts. When Johanna gets on the stage, she resorts to shouting at the Capitol. You laugh, because it’s funny to you. Everyone is handling it very differently, and that’s just how it goes. She’s still yelling by the time the three minutes is up, but she marches over to where she has to stand, crossing her arms.
Cecelia makes a speech out to her kids and husband, which has the crowd in tears once again. And everyone after that isn’t as important. They say what they have to, make false promises when it’s due, and then they move to where they need to stand.
And then Katniss is up.
In a full white wedding gown, she sparkles in the light. The sight is sickening to you, but she says that it was courtesy of Snow, which makes it ten times worse, but it also makes sense at the same time. Snow would do something like this.
Then Caesar asks Katniss to twirl for everyone to show off the dress. She moves forward a little bit, and then starts. The dress bursts into flames at the bottom, the more she spins, the more it goes up. It turns a dark blue color.
“Oh my god.” you laugh.
Katniss raises her arms, and then Finnick can’t help but to laugh too. Caesar can’t get what bird it is, but all of you know instantly, “A mockingjay.” she says.
You can see the look on Snow’s face now.
Katniss’ time is up not too far after, and she takes her spot at the end of the second row. Next to her will stand Peeta.
The beginning of his interview is to say the least, boring. It’s a slow start on all of them, and considering that you’ve practically watched all of them by now, it’s awful. Your feet are starting to hurt from standing here for an hour.
Caesar brings up the wedding, how it won’t happen. Peeta’s response is to tell Caesar that it did happen, but that’s a bunch of bullshit in your mind. Not only are they teenagers, but they also have traditions in their district with marriage. Every single one does.
Peeta sprouts bullshit, you can tell by Katniss’ body language that she’s a little uncomfortable and she wasn’t aware of this. It’s what happens when you have to lie through your teeth. But you’ll give him credit because he is trying to throw off the whole games as the rest of you are.
“--and I wouldn’t have any regrets at all… if it--if it weren’t--” he stutters.
You squint.
“If it weren’t for what?” Caesar asks.
A small pause, like he’s hesitant to say it, and then, “If it weren’t for the baby.”
Your hand loosens around Finnick’s as the crowd begins to scream at it. They’re clearly unhappy with the news, and Caesar tries to make an attempt to calm them down, but it doesn’t work. He encourages Peeta to go back to where he needs to be with the rest of you.
Peeta hugs Katniss when he gets to her, and then they calm down somewhat.
“What a load of shit.” Finnick laughs.
“It’s got the crowd riled.” Beetee mutters.
You can’t say anything. Because even though Peeta had just done that, it won’t mean anything for you guys. The games won’t be cancelled, because it wasn’t cancelled when it was figured out for you.
“The games will continue,” you tell them both, Finnick glances at you, but you can’t bring yourself to look at him, “They won’t stop it.”
“You really think--?”
“I know.” you don’t elaborate after that.
You watch as the bottom row links hands, which means that the top is going to too. You and Finnick are already holding on to each other, you just tighten your grip with him a little more. Then, you reach over for Beetee.
Once everyone is linked, you hold your arms up.
Caesar clearly doesn’t like this, because it gets the crowd louder, and angrier. He motions for you guys to cut it out, but it’s no use.
Just for tonight, all of you are allies. All of you guys are one.
Then the lights cut.
-- Chapter Eight --
Despite the apology being in the poem, you didn’t find it good enough. You’d rather it be said to your face, with no double meaning. Because what he said out there last night, could be taken two ways. One, he was apologizing to you, for starting this fight. Or two, it just belonged to the poem, as if he was apologizing that you two were in this mess again.
And another reason why you didn’t accept it, is because you don’t know which one it’s supposed to be either. He didn’t take the time after the interviews to tell you. Not like you would have ended up accepting it anyway, for the plan’s sake. But still, it would have been nice.
Last night you managed to sleep a lot easier, no problem at all. No nightmares, no waking up periodically, you slept the entire night through. Even though there was a festival going on below you, and you and your husband still aren’t on the same page with this. Even though the games start tomorrow, and you still have a gigantic secret on your hands.
It’s hard to believe that this is your life.
You roll out of the bed, being careful not to actually get on your stomach. Once you’re on your feet, you stretch. Touching your toes, cracking your knuckles and back. You do anything to get your heart rate to rise. It works, and you keep standing, moving around the room consistently to see what happens.
No nausea, which is a very good sign. And no lightheadedness or dizziness or anything. Then again, you’re not exhausted like you had been the first time so you’re not going to be getting the full effects.
Satisfied that you’re still doing okay, you go ahead and take a shower. When you’re done, you pull on some meaningless clothes again since you’ll be changing as soon as you get to the tunnels. You don’t have your wedding ring, you had to hand that off to Laurel, but she’ll be giving it back to you when you get to her.
You take the last of the pregnancy medication that the doctor had given you, hoping that it’s effects will be in full swing by the time you get to the arena this afternoon. You don’t want to be in a weird half-point. The beginning of the games is a very crucial moment, depending on where you start.
The careers have been planning to run to the middle when they get the chance, but they’re a little apprehensive because you’re all going to want to run. Especially people like Finnick, Katniss, Peeta, Johanna and so on. You’re not going to be the only ones with the idea.
Which is why Cashmere said she would settle to get there second, since there’s always duplicates of weapons, and you all just agreed with her. This just means that this year you’re not going to be the first to get there, high on adrenaline and making the first swing, not caring who it is that gets hit.
While you pull all your hair back, you sit on the side of the bed that faces the big window. You stare out, seeing all the brightly colored people and how they interact with each other. They’re all excited, for them it’s a fantastic anticipation. They have hours before they need to worry about sitting in front of their television so they don’t miss the beginning.
Everyone, the Capitol and the districts will be watching to see who makes it past the first day. The thought of that makes your stomach turn sickeningly, you hate the whole idea of it. Your siblings back home will be watching yours and Finnick’s every move. The note you had laid out for them said that you had volunteered for Finnick. But the second that the games start, they’re going to see something different.
Once you’re tired of staring, you finally get off the bed and head out of the room. You’re expecting to see Elysia, Mags and Finnick at the table, but it’s quiet. No one is here, it’s just you.
Out of confusion, you look to the nearest avox, “Did they leave?”
She nods slightly.
“Did they say where?”
She shakes her head.
It’s your turn to nod now, and you move over to the table, “Can you get me something other than stew?”
She heads away from you, leaving towards the kitchen presumably. You look over the table carefully, hoping for some sort of note, but again you come up with nothing. Disappointed, you sit in your regular seat, hands folded in your lap like some scolded child.
It’s hard to believe that you’re doing the right thing when everyone around you is saying the exact opposite. Your brain is telling you that you’re still on track for the original plan, that this isn’t for you anymore, it’s for every oppressed citizen in the districts. But how far can you go before it’s too far? Where it’s the point of no return and you’ve ruined your relationship with Finnick? With everyone?
You won’t even get to say goodbye to Mags or Elysia.
The avox serves the food and you thank her quietly. You eat silently, playing with the pancakes she’s given you. You eat as much as you can bother, before the food tastes bland and your pancakes are too soggy to eat anymore. You leave the plate, thanking the avox again.
“I’m going to visit someone.” you tell her, looking around for some pen and paper. You find it on the coffee table in front of the tv. You write a small note, “Hand this to them if they bother to ask, please.”
She takes it from you, and you head out of the apartment right after that. On the way to the elevator, you rub your stomach slightly, trying to feel a difference. Of course there is none, but it’s still crazy to think about.
You take the elevator down to some random floor you haven’t been to yet, and just go with it. You wander the twisting halls, noticing when you end up in the same place again. Sometimes you’ll catch conversation on the arena, and when you wander around the corner, you can see it’s Capitol citizens.
They don’t realize it’s you at first, but soon enough they’re heading over to talk. The first things out of their mouths are an apology, and how much they regret the games now. You tell them it’s too late, because it is. You know that they’re only regretting it because Katniss is supposedly pregnant.
You wonder if you should have come clean with everyone you could tell, instead of keeping it to yourself. Have them tell all the people around them to keep the information spreading. Soon, the whole Capitol and some districts back home would have known, and maybe it would have been enough to stop this.
Or, it could have completely backfired in your face. You take the picture with the citizens before you leave, and make them promise that they’ll try to sponsor you and the other careers in the arena. Before they can ask what your plan is, you leave them, take the elevator to a new floor, and start over.
This time, you’re careful to avoid people. You don’t want conversation, you want time to yourself. You could have easily had that inside of the apartment, but it feels good to stretch your legs and see something new. The calm before the storm, a lot of calm.
Even as you try to avoid people, the peacekeepers are inevitable. You take advantage of them, asking them when you will have to leave the building for the hovercraft. It starts off with an hour, and then the time really starts to tick down. You realize you should get back to the apartment to say your goodbyes now, but you ignore that thought.
Another half hour of walking around passes. At some point, you sit on the ground for a few minutes, just to give yourself a break. You take a breather then, telling yourself that you’ll get up and continue going on in a moment. But one minute turns to five, and you lose the will to get off of the floor altogether.
You start to think about the baby again while you’re sitting on the floor. All the things you’d like to do with them if you make it out of this alive. Teach them the traditions of District Four, introduce them to their dad. Show your siblings that they’re uncles and aunt.
With little to no struggle, you get off of the floor and begin your way to the doctors place. Down the elevator once again, you don’t mess around. You begin to regret wasting so much time walking around on the floor when you could have been getting every ounce of information possible out of the doctor.
When you enter the room, the nurse that you made friends with, looks up almost bored. And then, she sits up taller, “(Y/n)! Everything okay?”
“Yes,” you tell ehr, “But I have a question.”
She leans forward, “What’s that?”
“Is it possible to figure out the baby’s gender? You told me I’m at three-four months, right? They should be developed enough by now?”
She checks her watch, making sure she has enough time, “I can definitely do that for you. Come on back.”
The nurse brings you into the room where the doctor is. This place is like a nurses office from school. They have the main room, and then two others attached. One being a privacy room, and the other being where they keep medical things, you assume. Defibrillator, heart monitor, some medication, maybe.
The doctor is confused at first to see you back, but the nurse explains the entire situation. They’re quick on their feet, saying that you have a little less than twenty minutes going on. You came in with plenty of time to spare.
They get you to lay down, they bring the ultrasound monitor, the gel isn’t as bad as they say it is, and soon you’re hearing a heartbeat.
You clamp down on your lip to not cry.
“Finnick still doesn’t know?” she asks.
“No.” you tell her, “I didn’t even see him this morning anyway, so it wouldn’t have mattered.”
She moves the device around, her eyes trained on the screen. You’re fixated too, mainly because you’re seeing your baby right now. To think that in the future, you’ll be able to tell them that they have been in the hunger games, they just weren’t born yet.
The doctor sighs fondly, freezing the device where it is, and looking at you, “Congrats, it’s a boy.”
You can’t help the small smile that comes over your face, “Is there any way I could get a picture?”
“Yeah!” and then you wait for her to do her thing. You lay your head down, staring at the ceiling, trying to keep back the tears, but it’s too late.
“I’m sorry,” you tell her, “It’s so pathetic.”
“You didn’t know.” She tells you, “It’s easy to overlook it, I’m sure you were stressed.”
You were, “How much time do I have left?”
She looks at the time on the tablet she has nearby, “Ten minutes or so now.”
“Okay,” you laugh, watching as she wipes off the gel with a towel, and then she hands over the pictures. You hold onto them tightly, staring down at them because they the most important thing in the world.
She lends a pen to you, and on the back on the pictures, you write lightly.
‘Finnick,’ you start, breathing in rigidly, ‘if you get this, then that means that I haven’t been picked up. It’s okay, my love, don’t blame yourself. I knew that this would happen, which is why I took the chance with my plan. I know it was a dumb thing to do, especially since I’m pregnant, but I still wanted to be the one to look after you. Since I still owe you for all those years of you staying in the Capitol. I’m sorry that I couldn’t tell you in person, and please don’t go blaming Haymitch either, I gave him these pictures just before the games. It’s a boy, Finnick. He’s going to look so much like you. I love you, no matter what.’
Then, you tell the doctor you have to be off. You wave the pictures slightly on your way to the elevator, hoping that it’ll get rid of the sticky effect of the front. In the elevator, you test it out slightly, and when you decide that it’s good enough, you fold the pictures. First, the ends in, and then in half. Just to make sure that no one can see it.
Your writing is the first thing that’s seen, and that’s fine. You don’t care if anyone else reads it, life’s too short for that.
The elevator stops on the twelfth floor, and you jog your way to the tribute’s apartment. You hesitate for a second, knowing you’re probably ruining a moment, but you knock anyway. It’s a moment before the door opens, and when it does, you’re met with the district representative.
“May I speak with Haymitch, please?” you ask softly.
You’re sure she only says yes because of your politeness. You don’t bother to peak in, Haymitch shows up at the door a couple of seconds later. You do see Katniss and Peeta looking over curiously though.
“Give these to Finnick if you’re not able to get me.” you hand them over, and Haymitch looks over it curiously, “You can look,” and while he opens it up, you continue, “Wait until he’s in a safe place, a private room preferably. I don’t want him breaking down in front of everyone. And then wait a while before checking in on him.”
Haymitch doesn’t know what to say at first, “These are real?”
“Yes,” you tell him, “refold them how I had them, and then keep them someplace safe. You’re the only person outside the gamemakers, and Snow that know. I found out the first two days in.”
“We need to head out!” the rep tells Haymitch, getting impatient now.
Haymitch refolds them, and then tucks them into a pocket on the inside of his jacket, “I’ll do my best to get him out, (Y/n).”
“He’s first priority.” you tell him, opening your arms for a hug, Haymitch squeezes you tightly, “And please, please don’t let him blame himself. Tell him my plan when he’s ready.”
When Haymitch lets go, he nods, “Good luck in there.”
“I’ll be doing my best.” you tell Haymitch, and then you head off to the elevator.
The second that you get inside, your hands start shaking uncontrollably. No matter how hard you try to calm yourself down, it seems to make it worse. So you let the tears come in the short time span you can afford them, and then you wipe it all away after. You fan your face and squish it and even force a laugh on your way out of the elevator.
In the hallway waits Elysia, Finnick and Mags. Clearly unhappy that your arrival has been so late.
“What were you doing?” Elysia is snappy.
“Maybe you should have asked the avox, she would have handed you a note.” you tell them, holding the elevator, “Are we leaving or not?”
You guys all leave together, getting to where the hovercraft is. Except, you all break off at some point. Elysia can’t come past a certain point, and it’s only a little further when Mags can’t go either. She hugs the both of you, but lingers on Finnick longer. Because of this, you’re still when she does end up putting her arms around you.
You thank her for helping you through your games, and then you leave for Laurel after that, not sparing Finnick a single glance as you go. Down the hall, you see Laurel, and she sees you off to your hovercraft, telling you that she’ll be in the halls waiting for you.
The hovercraft isn’t necessarily hovering, it’s on the ground. Normally they’ll send down a ladder while it’s in the air, you’ll step on, they’ll send electricity through it to freeze you and keep you from jumping off, and then pull you up. But they don’t do that this year, and you can only assume it’s because you’re pregnant.
You’re soon inside and sitting with the other district girls. You’re a little surprised at first to see that there aren’t any boys, since they normally differentiate with genders a little bit. But you suppose they’ve switched things up entirely this year. The medical staff inside go around with the injectors, stuffing needles into forearms and pushing in the trackers.
The woman comes around to you, and you hold out your right arm without a second thought. Then, you laugh, “Funny how the first time it was in my left arm. Wonder if it’s still there.”
The woman doesn’t find it as funny, and that’s fine with you, they all have bland humor anyway. She warns you before she pushes the needle in, and you don’t even flinch when it happens. She pulls it out, the tracker beeps, and then she moves on to the next opinion.
The ride over to the arena is short, and you decide to spend the entire time over there, thinking of baby names. Making yourself feel worse about what’s happening. You like the name ‘Finn’, for obvious reasons, but you could never name a baby that close to Finnick’s name. Not only because that’s your nickname for Finnick, but because they’ll get confused all the time.
There is one thing you know that you want for sure; to have the name relate back to District Four. No matter what happens, even if the rebellion falls through, District Four is your home. They could tear apart the Capitol to make it appealing to the district citizens, but you would never take the bait.
You grew up with the ocean. You grew up on the water, in a boat. You learned how to tie knots and fish. You had some of your greatest memories on a boy, and even as you got older, you never complained about wanting to be on land.
The ocean is a vast thing, but it’s beautiful. It holds promise, it’s never ending. You would do anything to even live on the water. You’ve heard people talk about houseboats before, and you gushed whenever you had the chance to cut in.
You’re thankful that you don’t get seasick, you have a strong stomach when it comes to the waves. Which is one of the first reasons why you think it’s a good idea. Because you’re not going to regret it later on.
Soon, you’re where you need to be, above the tunnels. You can’t help the ladder thing now. They freeze you in place, lowering you in, and then they release you. The other girls follow after, but you’re not sticking around.
Laurel takes you to where your pod will be. You can feel the anticipation building in your stomach now. Like a ton of butterflies have suddenly been released. And it’s now, when you can confidently say that the medication is in full swing. You’re not lightheaded or dizzy. Even if your heart is beating a thousand times a second.
Inside of the room, she shuts the door. Then, she hands you a plate of food and water, “Don’t make yourself sick.”
“I won’t.” You tell her, eating slowly. You drink the water plentifully, and she refills it quickly.
You can hunt inside of the arena, so you’re not too bothered by that. You could starve for a couple of days and turn out fine. Water on the other hand, is very important. They’ll likely have a water source around, like they do every year. This is mainly because one year, a long time ago, the arena was a desert. All the tributes had died off slowly, due to dehydration.
It’s the last thing you would want. Since the water sources can be hard to find at first, if you’re not familiar with your surroundings. After everything gets started inside of the arena, you’ll have to try and convince your alliance to get water.
“Thank you,” you say, “For everything.”
“I’ll be rooting for you,” she tells you, “And you’re welcome.”
There’s no advice she can give you now. Once you're done eating, she then helps you into your outfit for the arena. And the fact that it’s more or less of a wetsuit, makes you nervous.
“A jungle, maybe.” Laurel suggests, “This is supposed to help with humidity. Won’t be worth much in the night time, you might end up getting cold from how breezy it is.”
You put your boots on with ease, and spend the last few minutes kicking them around. You slam your toes into the concrete, and then the backs of the shoe too. Then the sides, and repeat. You’re trying to make them comfortable. They’re tight around the calves for a reason though, probably to keep them on better.
And then the god forsaken voice comes over the intercom. You and Laurel lock eyes, and when the voice is done telling you that there’s a minute left, you hug her. She holds onto you tightly, and before she forgets, she pulls out your wedding ring.
You slide it on to your left ring finger, where it belongs.
Laurel makes some last touches. Readjusting where things are supposed to be. Then the thirty second warning is announced.
“Hopefully, I’ll be seeing you on the other side.” You tell her, she laughs slightly.
“Continue being stubborn and you might just make it out.” She tries to joke, but Laurel seems grave, “I’ll miss you.”
“I’m not dead yet.” You remind her, “Don’t think like that, don’t jinx me.”
She smiles, “I’ll be sending you gifts, even if you don’t deserve it.”
You go ahead and step into the glass pod, “I’ll be waiting, then. Make sure they’re expensive.”
Just before it shuts, she says, “Anything for you.”
The countdown begins as you’re sent up. A faint feeling of claustrophobia kicks in, but it’s gone as fast as it came. Especially when a familiar smell takes over your nose. Almost enough to knock the wind out of you immediately. The one thing you still dream about at night.
The salt of the sea.
-- Chapter Nine --
The sun is blinding at first, taking away your eyesight, but it doesn’t stop you from smelling the salt, and hearing the sound of birds chirping nearby. You blink quickly, holding out your hands to steady yourself, you can’t accidentally fall off this podium, you’ll be exploded into a million bits.
You get your eyesight back quickly, and you almost instantly freeze.
It’s a jungle alright. There’s very healthy, green vegetation. It’s already hot in here, and that can be because of the sun, or because of the terrain that you’re about to be in for the next couple of weeks. However, the trees and wildlife that live in them, isn’t the most important thing here.
In the middle is the cornucopia, but what separates you and it, is a vast amount of water. When you look behind yourself, you see that it spreads all the way out to the beach. But you don’t have to swim, there’s a path of rocks off to your left and right. However, the problem is that you’re not the only one in this slice of water, there’s a tribute off to your right.
You look at him, and the both of you lock eyes. You’re not normally territorial, but just the thought of him hitting the rocks before you, is a little annoying. You’re a fast swimmer, no matter the circumstances, but that won’t stop him from him jumping at you as soon as the gong sounds.
Things could go two ways right now. He could go for the rocks off to his right, and leave you alone and try to head to the middle or retreat off to the trees. The rocks do lead all the way to the beach, it’s a fast escape if you don’t want to be caught in the crossfire of the bloodbath.
Or, he can jump at you. You could try and dive away from him, but for all you know, he has a strong jump, and could get to you easily. The only way to eliminate this problem, would be to go after him instead. And with the way he’s eyeing you, you might just have to make him your first kill.
You look around a little more, noticing that the time is starting to count down already, making it’s ticking noise as it goes down. You can see Cashmere is placed right next to Katniss, and on the other side of the rocks, is Brutus. She’s been purposely placed there to put her at a disadvantage, there’s not much you can do for her now. She’s pretty far away from you.
All you can do is hope that she’s a fast swimmer, and she can run faster than they can. You don’t focus on that too much, you spot Enobaria and Gloss, somewhat close to each other. Your eyes flicker up to see that there’s less than five seconds left.
You prepare your body, taking one final sweep of who’s nearby, and that’s when you see Peeta. He’s not next to anyone prominently dangerous like the careers, so he should be able to take care of himself. He’s going to need to learn how to take care of himself anyway, with that twelve on his head.
The gong sounds before you know it, you’re throwing yourself off of the pedestal. Instead of going away from the guy next to you--who you recognize now as the male morphling from District Six--you go towards him. Which completely ruins his plan, because he was clearly expecting you to go away from him.
Your body slams into his purposely. You make sure your shoulder is the first thing that hits his chest, getting rid of all the air in his lungs. You take in a deep breath before going under the water.
Opening your eyes, it stings a little bit from the salt, but you blink away the pain. He clearly hadn’t been expecting this, now that he’s under you and all. But you wrap your arms around his chest, locking his arms to the sides. You cross your arms in an ‘x’ motion, and then you wrap your legs around his.
And with all the power in your body, you clench your teeth tightly, and squeeze your arms as hard as you can. It’s a moment of shock from him, and when you’re not getting the results you want, you yank your body back a little bit while you’re squeezing.
A flurry of bubbles suddenly come from his mouth all at once. You keep pulling, knowing that this isn’t the end, there’s more to come from him. And you’re right, because he takes in a mouth full of water. Realizing his mistake, he begins to thrash, but there’s no use for it. His arms are by his sides, his legs are locked in place thanks to you. And you’re behind him, so he can’t just bite you or anything.
He does try to throw his head back, but you’re smarter than that. The more he struggles, the more he takes in water. You guys are sinking pretty quickly, but you take your time, letting him get all of it out. It’s a few more seconds of agony until he stops. Only then do you let go.
There’s still a fight in him, he was trying to decieve you, but there’s nothing he can do now. You’re surprised he isn’t passed out by now. Ending it all for him, you place one hand on the under part of his jaw, and the other on the side of his face. Then, you twist quickly, breaking his neck.
After that, you kick your legs immediately, using your arms too. The surface isn’t that far off, you’ve gone deeper before. You’ve been through worse scenarios. Being in the deep part of the water is the least of your worries.
Your right hand is out of the water before your head is. You use this as motivation, kicking your legs a little harder, pushing yourself. When your head breaks through, you take in a huge gasp of air, trying to settle out your lungs. You take a moment to get used to your surroundings, afraid that you’ve gotten turned around.
Your back is to the cornucopia now, and you twist your body so that you’re facing towards it. Then, another look to your right, still worried about Peeta. This is when you can see that Finnick and Katniss are standing there, helping Peeta up onto the rocks. He catches you, and sputters to tell the other two that you’re there.
You turn, swimming away from them, trying to get to the rocks before any of them have a bright idea to throw or shoot something at you, “(Y/n)!”
It’s Finnick, but you don’t listen. Your hands touch the rocks, and it’s a hot burning sensation. They’ve been sitting in the sun all day, and since they’re black, they absorb the heat a lot better. Despite this, you push yourself up onto the rocks, taking your time with getting up. Your eyes go to Finnick to see him motioning for you to go to him.
In this time, you can see the glint of gold on his wrist, his token. You shake your head at him, “No.”
And then you turn towards the cornucopia to see the rest of the careers there. You start jogging away from Finnick, and even though he’s yelling, an arrow whistles behind you. A very close call, your eyes widen considerably, and being careful with where you step, you run a little faster.
There’s no more arrows, it was a warning shot though. Telling you to keep away from them. But Katniss and Peeta have to be so confused with what’s going on. You went and saw Haymitch earlier today, and they know this. Though, you’re not making any attempt to try and make yourself an ally of theirs.
She might just think you’re feeding information to the careers. She’ll end up telling Finnick something, if she ends up trusting him later. Tell him that you had seen Haymitch earlier, or she’ll probably end up keeping it to herself. You saw inside of the training center that her and Finnick didn’t get along very well.
In the middle, you’re greeted with Cashmere holding out a spear for you. You take it, thanking her.
“I’m impressed,” she tells you, you five stand there, staring at Finnick, Katniss and Peeta’s retreating figures, running along the rocks for the trees. It’s a good thing that they had gotten something from here, they’ll need it to defend themselves against anything that might be out there, mainly mutts, “Thought you were going to turn on us for a moment.”
“I’m smarter than that, thanks.” you shake your head at her, a little smile on your face.
You guys can hear the sound of feet, which causes all of you to turn back to the cornucopia. It’s time for the real bloodbath. There’s only one body sitting out here, and it’s the guy from five. As you go by his body, you can see the three puncture wounds, it’s a kill from Finnick undoubtedly.
A cannon goes off, and it’s not because of any of you guys. You’re just beginning to see people come into the middle. It has to be from someone that ran, or maybe Katniss or Finnick.
You swing around the spear slightly, getting used to the metal feeling of it again. It’s still heavy, even if it’s hollow in the middle. The ones back home are mainly wood with metal on the tip. Homemade, mostly. You guys are rich enough to buy from the Capitol--or rather the districts nearby--but would rather choose to have something homemade. Or not expensive.
Cashmere heads for the actual cornucopia, leaving you four to handle the people coming on. They come one at a time, some holding weapons from the displays that are littered around. Others come with nothing, hoping for something from the actual cornucopia. A specialized weapon maybe, like a trident, spear, knives, bow. Rather than the swords that are offered up. It’s as rare as the flu, which is not at all.
Enobaria starts running at someone, the same time as Brutus does. You swing the spear in your hand again, trying to get a feel for it still. But you’re out of time, so you shove the weapon in one of the displays and pull out a sword instead. They’re much easier to use in this sense, and they’re not too far off from machete’s.
You swing the sword now, and it’s always like it was meant to be for you. A cannon goes off, and you look over to make sure that it’s none of the careers. You wouldn’t mind having them killed, but you’d rather keep a count of everyone that goes down. And this time, it’s a girl that goes down thanks to Brutus, “Nine.”
You start to recognize the faces now. With Enobaria is Cecelia, and she has a sword in her hands. But she’s not trained in it like you guys are. You wish she would have just ran, because there’s no way you can save her now. Enobaria catches Cecelia at the tip of her sword, and Cecelia falls.
There’s a feeling of danger that spikes through you, so you swing the sword in your hand. You know that it can’t be any of the careers, because they’re all occupied with someone, and you had just been looking at them. By the time your head has turned to see who it is exactly you’ve just swung the sword at, the person is already decapitated.
You stumble back slightly, a startled scream leaving you. You catch yourself before you fall, but your eyes are glued on who it is you just killed. Her body falls to the rocks like deadweight. It’s not graceful, it’s not pretty. The blood flies through the air, and lands where it needs to. Her head rolls slightly.
You press your first to your mouth when you realize who it is. The woman from ten has just suffered the same fate as the girl you killed in the cornucopia back during your games. Both times you’ve swung impulsively, out of fear that you would be the one killed first.
You hate parallels. You hate them all.
“Are you alright?” Gloss asks, holding onto your elbow to steady you.
Your mouth hangs open slightly as you try to find the words to tell him that you’re fine. But your mind is dragging you back ten years, wanting you to see how disgusting you are. You could be in the jungle right now, running with Finnick, you would only have one kill on your hands, but now you have two.
You’re still a murderer.
He doesn’t wait long, and moves on quickly. You hold yourself where you are, because you have to look to Cecelia, even though your mind is in a completely different place right now. Her dead body’s eyes are locked on you, she’s long gone, the cannon must have gone off while you were worried about the girl from ten.
It’s like she had looked to you for help just before she died. Only to see that you’re amongst your enemies, that you’re working against all of them. You were the one to recruit her to that alliance, and now you’re on the other side.
How can you live with yourself?
Another cannon goes off, you look to see who it is now, and it’s Seeder. She’s facing the other way, thankfully. You don’t know if you can handle another person staring at you.
Gloss moves to help you, and you let him. All five of you gather inside of the mouth of the cornucopia. Cashmere is digging through backpacks and some of the boxes. While the others grab a hold of a weapon of their choosing. You know that you should probably go and grab your spear, but make no move to do it.
“Got the girl from nine.” Brutus tells you guys.
“Cecelia.” Enobaria looks distracted, digging through backpacks too.
You sit on one of the boxes, “Male morphling and the girl from ten.”
You remind yourself that it was out of self-defense. That you’ve gotten no pleasure from killing either of them. Had you not killed the male morphling, then you would have been dead right now. Or the girl from ten, she was clearly coming after you, and you did what you had to. You’re doing what you have to, not what you want to.
“No one.” Cashmere snickers, a few of the others join in and you force a smile.
“I got Seeder.”
“We should probably get our stuff and go.” Cashmere says, pausing for a moment to look at you guys for input.
“Head for Katniss and them?” Brutus suggests.
This is what you’re here for, “Don’t you think we should save them for last?” they look at you now, “I’m not just saying that because Finnick is with them. We should let them run, think that we’ll go after them first and hunt down everyone else instead.”
Enobaria nods along, “Smart.”
“I did stab Beetee when he was back here.” Gloss motions, “Johanna dragged him out.”
“Yeah, I think I saw that.” Enobaria nods, “With her district mate and the crazy chick. Beetee was bleeding like hell though.”
You shrug, “So we let nature take its course, or we could speed it up a little bit.”
“There are others besides them too,” Cashmere says, “Literally all of the outsiders too. Finding the girl morphling might be smart, she’ll try to hide until the end of games and win again.”
You shrug, “We can always try for all of them.”
They all agree that they’re good with that idea. You dismiss yourself for a moment while they sort of the supplies. They’re going to try to keep it all to one backpack so you’re not all carrying one separately. There’s no reason for five people to be hovering and picking out things as the time goes on.
Instead, you go ahead and throw the sword into the water, watching as it spins in the air, and then falls. The water swallows it, and lets it sink. You grab the spear that you had been given originally, and carry it with one hand as you head over to Cecelia. Her dead eyes are locked on you as you approach.
There has to be so many eyes on you right now. The careers are always the pack that’s promoted the most, because you guys are most likely to win. And since they’re all inside sorting out the boring shit, you’re the only source of entertainment they have right now.
You’re about to show your true colors.
You close Cecelias eyes, and bend down far enough to kiss her forehead softly. No tears threaten to pour from your eyes, but you do frown at the passing of your best friend. You then sit with her for a second, staring off into the trees with a tilted head, feeling out of it again.
There are many parallels that you have tolerated up until now. The reaping mornings, volunteering and standing there for everyone to see. You could deal with sitting down to watch the tributes get introduced for the first time, and dealing with the mornings on the train.
Arriving at the Capitol train station, getting ripped apart by your prep team, and seeing Laurel again in that setting. Having your outfit introduced and standing on that chariot as Capitol citizens screamed your name because they were happy to see you again. And what came after, all those days up until the training.
You could honestly care less that you’ve just teamed up with the careers again, that you’re the one that’s sticking with them as you did the first time around. You know that Finnick has had no loyalty to these guys, it’s not like he’s betraying you and running off with Katniss, it’s the other way around. You’re the one leaving him this time.
And you can’t be mad because of it, because it was your choice. You’re doing what you have to, to survive. It’s not pretty by any means, and it’s not the smartest move. They’re like a pack of wolves, they’ve known each other for a long time. And you might have introduced yourself to them before hand, but you guys had a falling out.
You were pretty surprised when Gloss had approached you like that in the training center. That he was so quick to offer you an alliance, almost like he wants to continue pulling you from Finnick. Even after all these years, even after your wedding, it seems like Gloss can’t come to terms with the fact that you’re not interested, and you’ve never been.
Then again, it could have been Cashmere’s idea to invite you to the alliance. You and her were pretty close for a while, she knows how you think about things. You learn quickly, you process things faster a little more than they do. You act on instinct, clearly. You’re more of a shoot first, ask questions later type of person.
Merciless is how they used to describe you sometimes. When you have your mind set on something, you do almost anything you can to have it go your way. Like Annie and Paslee, you were so dead set on getting one of them to win, that you had left them to make sure Finnick would stay. You sacrificed thousands of dollars, not even sure if the pills would work.
They were smart to invite you, but they hadn’t thought everything through. You might act mad, and cold towards Finnick, but you’ll always have an underlying motive. It was for the betterment of Finnick. He would have tried to see you, sneak away or something and it’s not what you need.
If you act cold, then there is no warmth, right? You don’t give him a reason to think that you want him around, and he won’t want to. He’ll get irritated, and rather be alone with other people. He’ll throw himself at his own goals, and that’s Katniss and Peeta right now.
You were right to tell Haymitch of your plan, and not anyone else. You trust Haymitch with more than you probably should, and you know this. But he also knows that you are throwing everything you have in right now. If Finnick is where he needs to be, next to Katniss or Peeta or whatever when the time comes, Haymitch will pick him up. And he’ll do it for you.
Anyway, back to the parallels, killing the woman from District Ten has thrown you off completely. You weren’t prepared to see her, you were expacting literally anyone else. You were just hoping it wasn’t someone like Cecelia or Seeder. You just didn’t want it to be someone part of the alliance that’s trying to save Katniss.
You wish all these people had, had half the brain to know that they shouldn’t have come to the cornucopia. They’re victors, they know what entails in the bloodbath. Even if you’re running at the careers all at once, you’re going to get knocked down. You guys are way more prepared than your regular person.
Hell, just look at Gloss and Brutus! Brutus had volunteered for this willingly, and there’s no secret on why. He’s gigantic, he’s been training just as hard as you have these last few months. You’re sure Enobaria and Cashmere have been doing the same, but muscles on girls just don’t show up the same like they do on guys.
You look over to Cecelia again, she’s relaxed, all of her muscles are soft. She doesn’t have a care in the world anymore. She doesn’t have to worry about how to survive anymore, her fight is over. It’s painful for her kids and her husband, you know it. But it’s better this way, she didn’t die too painfully, it seems like Enobaria had been merciful.
There’s blood around her body of course, it runs between the rocks down the slope and into the water in front of you. She’s not bleeding as heavily anymore, but you’re sure that before the water had been a cloudy brown from the amount of blood that was running.
“We should probably get going.” Gloss tells you.
“Yeah,” you sigh, pressing your hand to Cecelia’s forehead, “I’m sorry, friend.”
You push yourself up after that, letting Brutus lead the way. Enobaria offers an apology, but you tell her that it’s the hunger games. It’s kill or be killed, Cecelia is in a better place. She won’t have to suffer through these next few weeks like the rest of you will have to.
One at a time, you take the rock path to the trees in the general direction that the people like the morphling had run. In front leads Brutus, then Enobaria and Cashmere, Gloss had fought you for the very back, but you insisted that you’d be able to take care of yourself if anyone were to sneak up.
No one will, you just wanted to look at the cornucopia for a final time. See the bodies of people you had once considered your friend. You’re glad that you haven’t become a traitor to them, that none of them had died by your hands. And if you can help it, you’re going to keep it that way.
The hovercraft comes as soon as you guys are gone. That’s also when the cannons go off too to signify how many people had died in total. They might have done a few cannons already, but they’ll do it all over again to make sure that everyone knows. The bloodbath cannons can be confusing.
You count them in your head as they go, and it comes out to be seven. Seven people in total during that short timespan, had died. Two of them being by you, and one presumably by Finnick. You hope that he’s holding up better than you are, and he hasn’t begun to slip back into his mind.
You fidget with your ring nervously, mostly following behind everyone. They’ll talk to each other, and every now and then you’ll insert some sort of input to keep them from actively starting a conversation with you. You mostly just want to be left alone right now.
You kinda just wanna run away from them. Away from Finnick, the Capitol, the districts, the cameras. You just want to sit somewhere private for however long it takes until you can get a grip on your mind again. Because it’s run, and you just wanna follow behind it. Cradling it between your hands and singing it a lullaby.
This must be how Annie felt when Paslee had been decapitated right in front of her. She hadn’t seen it coming at all, and it scared her so badly that it sent her in a spiral. Her mind ran likes yours is now. And she hasn’t had a grip on it since.
You hate to say it, but you don’t want to end up like Annie.
At some point, they think they’ve found tracks, so you all split up into groups. You volunteer to go alone, since it will give you time to think, and they allow this to happen. Enobaria goes with Brutus, and Cashmere with Gloss, respectively.
You step over everything carefully, being sure to make sure that no one is blending in with the trees or the bushes. You wonder how Blaire was able to do it in that woods arena, since it was just trees. The bushes were thin and easily see-through. He wouldn’t have lasted a second had the other tributes seen him.
You think about Blaire everyday, unfortunately. He’s always there in the back of your mind, and sometimes you have dreams about him. They’re so spread out, that when you do have them, your first worry is if he’s been fed, if he’s been fishing like you had taught him. And then when you do get to him, he’s fully fed and welcomes you back.
He normally shows up on nights when things have been particularly hard. You thank him for saving you every single time, and he tells you that he’s sick of hearing it. You and Blaire will sit there in silence for forever, unless there's something important that’s happened that you feel obligated to tell him.
Blaire showed up the night before your wedding and you told him all about it. All of this might seem crazy, but surviving the hunger games was nuts. You were left with basically nothing after. You have this gnarly scar on your back, you used to get flashbacks of killing someone while you were making dinner. Nightmares were a constant.
Blaire showing up in your dreams is nothing compared to all of that. An old friend, even though he had been seen as an inconvenience at first, he’s not anymore. You’re glad that you hadn’t turned out to be the one to kill him in the end. That someone else had done it for you, and it was a person that you could get revenge on.
You killed Lennox for both you and him. Because you owed him your life.
The sun starts to fall quickly, and somewhere during that time, you’ve met up with the careers again. You all are on the same page with finding no one, and decide that you might as well spend the night in the cornucopia. Classic careers, stabilizing the middle because it’s the only thing that keeps them alive.
You’re glad that old habits die hard.
Gloss and Cashmere offer up fresh water that they had found while exploring. You all get your own canteen, and you drink your water slowly. You make sure to put a little more iodine in the water before you start, though. Gloss had tried to assure you that they’d done it already, but you tell him that one round of Typhoid is enough to make you careful for the rest of your life.
You start a fire for them, Enobaria gathers more dry wood, Brutus skins a rabbit, and Cashmere and Gloss tell genuine funny stories to ease up the tension between you guys. Sometime during this, you finish your water, and go ahead and grab more for everyone while you’re at it.
When you return, the food’s done and they’ve left plenty for you. As you eat, you notice how they’re not afraid to get loud. Cashmere has a constant smile on her face, and Brutus tries not to look amused when he really is. The corners of his mouth will turn upright at a funny part, but he’ll shake his head and look down to keep the brooding act up.
Enobaria competes with stories, and Gloss tries to embarass Cashmere the best he can. It’s during all this, when you tell yourself that you’ve always gotten along with these four. You could butt in at any time, and they would gladly shut up to get some of your stories too. You all come from different districts, different experiences and you guys know none of the same people. And despite all of that, you click together so easily.
Some of the stories you’ve heard before from them, but you guess that they’re telling them again for the sake of the Capitol or their friends and family back home. When they’re tired of it though, they ask you for some of yours, knowing that they’re just as good.
You try your best, telling them the little things like when you had been reaped in your first games. You tell them that you had wanted to run so badly, but figured that you would get caught. None of them can relate to this, since they were either picked or volunteered for their roles, and you bash on that a little bit to get a few laughs from them.
Sometime while you’re eating, the anthem starts, making all of you guys look up. This is when you’re able to see that they’re starting the memorium for those who have fallen. You all shush each other, Gloss pushes Brutus slightly to get him to quiet down, and before Brutus can retaliate, Enobaria steps in and places her hand against Brutus’ chest.
The fallen tributes start, beginning with District Five. It’s obvious that the careers and yourself aren’t dead, but it’s nice to know that Wiress, Beetee and Finnick are safe too. The next after that is the male morphling from District Six. You drop your gaze until he’s gone, trying to tell yourself that it was self-defense.
Next is Woof, following shortly is Cecelia, they’re from District Eight. An entire district has been wiped out of the games already, and it’s only been the first day. You hadn’t even got to see Woof at all. Next is the male from District Nine, he wasn’t at the cornucopia, so you wonder if Peeta did end up killing him after all. The girl from nine also shows up, so that’s a second district wiped out.
You’re not prepared for it. To see the girl from ten, so the moment she pops up, you’ve hidden your face in your hands. You press the heel of your hands against your eyes until you see stars, trying to erase the image before it’s burnt in. A hand rubs your back slightly, and Cashmere tells you that it’s her.
“She’s gone.” Cashmere tells you, stopping. You remove your hands, glad to see a different face, but it’s not much better to see Seeder up there.
The anthem closes out slowly, the sky going dark again.
Eventually, the fire starts to get low, and you guys agree to get back to the middle. Sometime on the way back, Enobaria says that there’s no way that you’re allowed to keep watch over them in the night time.
“And why not?” Gloss asks.
You drink some more water, smiling to yourself because you know the exact reason why. Enobaria gives you one look, and she starts laughing when she sees your face.
“Come on, guys! She killed like two careers this way!”
You hold your finger up while you swallow your water, shaking your head. You’ve caught the attention of the others.
“No, on the first night of the games, I was up when muttations came. I killed her out of mercy so she wouldn’t suffer.” You put the cap back on the canteen, “However, I will admit that I did kill another career when he was sleeping, but that was because he was giving me the evil eye whenever we were all together.”
“See!” Enobaria motions, the others laugh slightly.
“I was afraid he was onto me!” You defend, “He had to go.”
“Well, I guess she is out of the picture.” Brutus agrees.
“I’ll take watch.” Gloss offers, “No big deal to me.”
Everyone settles in their spots inside of the cornucopia. Gloss sits at the mouth of it so he can be the first to be attacked if someone does end up sneaking up here with you guys.
While everyone else is trying to fall asleep, you spend the time digging through some of the boxes, curious on what they’d have to offer you guys in an arena like this. It’s mostly things to hold water, and start fires. In the back, there’s a coil of wire that you recognize. You tuck it a little farther back, knowing that it’s meant for district three.
It’s not hidden by any means, he’ll be able to find it, you’ve just moved it so the careers won't have the bright idea to throw it in the water so he can’t get it. You can imagine this is why Beetee was here in the first place. He killed plenty of people with the wire when he won his games, he might have been thinking that he would be able to do it again.
You’re starting to get tired of digging through them, when a certain orange bottle catches your eye. You drop everything that you’re holding instantly, digging through the box violently. You cover the label so that only you can see it. When you’re sure that it’s the medication you need for your pregnancy, you plunge it back into the box and fight to get the sticker off of the bottle.
It takes a moment, but it comes off on one piece. You stick it to the bottom of the box, and then cover everything you can on top of it to hide it. Then, you close the box and sigh, rattling the bottle a little bit when you bring it to your chest.
Gloss looks over, squinting slightly, “What is that?”
“Remember how I told you guys I was sick?” you whisper back to him, and then you hold up the bottle, “It’s my prescription.”
“How can you tell?” he asks, turning to face you a little more.
“What the tablets look like.” you tell him, opening up the bottle.
You pour one into the center of your palm, moving it around. It’s the familiar oval shape, the same baby pink color. You put it in your mouth, then put the lid back onto the bottle before taking a drink of your water.
“I’ll be going to bed now.” you tell him, “If you get tired, I’m not opposed to taking a shift, I promise not to kill you guys.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Gloss laughs slightly, “Goodnight.”
You wave a little bit, before laying down on the sleeping bag you had found. It’s too hot to actually sleep inside of it, so you set it up as a pillow instead. You turn your back to the wall of weapons so you can face the box instead.
You might hate Snow, but he’s been very kind to you.
“Thank you.” you mouth, wondering if he’s still awake.
You don’t owe Snow a single damn thing, so this might be his way of apologizing to you. Either way, you’ll take what you can get and be graceful about it.
“Goodnight, Finnick.” you close your eyes, “Goodnight Reed, Mox and Alyssum. Sweet dreams to you all.”
-- Chapter Ten --
The sound of crashing makes you sit upright, your hand flies to where your spear sits. Your eyes widen as your head snaps to the mouth of the cornucopia. It feels like a shot of adrenaline has run through you, you don’t feel like you have just woken up at all. It feels like you’ve taken a shot of that energy supplement that Elysia used to feed you.
It seems like you’re not the only one that was woken up. Brutus is already on his feet, sword in hand as he leaves to go take a look outside with Gloss. However, Gloss looks distracted, like he’s counting something.
“I hate the gamemakers.” Cashmere complains, she looks grumpy.
“Tell me about it.” Enobaria says, “It has to be the middle of the night.”
“A night of sleep is too much to ask for. I hope they don’t do this every night.” Cashmere says back.
Brutus and Gloss come back with nothing. The gong sound has stopped, and it’s just silence. Cashmere sighs, falling back against where she was sleeping, while the rest of you sit there for a moment.
“Twelve times.” Gloss tells you guys, he goes to open his mouth, but the cornucopia shakes slightly at the strike of lightning.
You push yourself up, tired of sitting here and doing nothing. You move out there with the guys and wander around until you find the spot where the lightning is striking. And there’s absolutely no surprise when you see that it’s the biggest tree in the arena. You stand, staring at waiting for it to stop.
What’s the motive of striking a tree? Hell, why would you want to make a gong sound twelve times in the middle of the night?
“It’s midnight.” you say, shoulders slumping, “They’re letting us know that it’s midnight.”
“And what’s the point of that?” Brutus asks.
“Fuck if I know.” you shrug, the lightning stops, and the arena returns back to it’s calm state.
Unfortunately, you’re still wide awake, and you don’t find yourself needing to lay down at all. You’ve gotten your full night of sleep already, and you’d rather sit out here on a box to make sure that no one sneaks up, than try to go back to sleep.
You look at Gloss, “My turn to watch, go to bed.”
Brutus gives you a look, “Yeah, right.”
“I could have killed Gloss while he was taking watch, if I’d wanted to.” you cross your arms, “There’s no reason why I shouldn’t.”
“Why are you so insistent?” Enobaria asks from where she’s still sitting on the ground.
You look over the three that are staring at you intently, thinking that it’s a good question and they’ve caught you, but they’re wrong. There’s several reasons why you don’t want to go back to bed.
“Well, for starters I’m not tired. I’m sure you guys don’t want to do it. And I don’t want to test my luck. I had my dreamless sleep, I’m not going to push it.” then, you move and sit on the box, leaning your spear against the wall as you cross your legs, “Go ahead, I promise I’ll wake you if there’s anything worth knowing.”
They don’t really look like they want to fight it, so they accept it. Gloss finds a spot near his sister, and Brutus resumes his spot behind a pile of boxes, much like you had done. Gloss thanks you for this, but you brush him off and stare out at the water instead.
The next hour is filled with silence. You spend the time watching the trees suspiciously, waiting for someone to come out of them. At some point, you get tired of that, so you get up and stretch your legs instead, getting a better feel for the arena. You might have just gone into the trees and wandered around there, but you didn’t see how big it actually was.
It’s huge. The arena is shaped like a bowl, the outer, and bigger part of the arena is the trees, obviously. Or rather, the jungle. The trees hold vines, there’s small ones mixed with bigger ones. They have stable branches, that anyone with a mediocre set of tree climbing skills, would be able to go up. There was one pond of water, it was small, but that was where Gloss and Cashmere had gotten the fresh water from.
The second ring is the beach, and it goes all the way around. It’s small though, only a few feet wide. You could walk from one side to the other in a couple of seconds. Finally, is the circle of water that surrounds the cornucopia. The cornucopia sits on a big rock, and there’s paths of rocks that lead out to the beach. Those paths divide the water into twelve seconds.
Which is weird for a few reasons. As you sat on that rock, you wondered if it had any connection to the fact that there’s twelve districts. You wonder why they chose to put two to every section, rather than splitting it into twenty-fourths to hold everyone. Also, the midnight thing, the twelve sections.
What have the gamemakers set up, exactly?
You get up to stretch your legs again, and while you’re up, you decide it wouldn’t hurt to take a pill again. You know that it was only a few hours ago that you took once, but you literally never know when something is going to happen. And the fact that it takes so long to take effect is the part that really gets you.
You take the pill and sit back onto the box. As you try to go back to some serene mindset, finally getting a grip on yourself again, you hear a cannon. You look to the careers first to see if any of them have jolted awake, but to them it must be background noise. No one sits up, but Brutus does end up rolling over.
You stand, confused as you move out to see where the hovercraft comes from. It’s claws lower into the trees, and pull out a single body, clearly. The body looks to be male, which sends a strike right through your chest as if you’ve been stabbed. But then again, the body is a bright red. They’re covered in blood.
That means that there has to be another death that follows, right? You stand in silence for the next few minutes, but there is nothing. A few minutes turn to ten, and then twenty, and you find yourself going to sit back onto the box again. You pick at your fingernails slightly, but stop soon enough.
It’s not Finnick, you need to calm down. Sit here and calm yourself down again.
The silence resumes, and you curl your legs under yourself to sit up a bit more. You’ve run out of positions to sit in, and to be honest, there weren’t very many to begin with. You’re just about settling into your position, leaning your head against the uneven walls as boredom finally takes over, when a single scream fills the air temporarily.
You can pinpoint where it came from exactly, it’s not too far off from here. Thanks to whoever it belonged to, Brutus sits up now.
“What happened?”
“It wasn’t from me.” you tell him, eyes still locked on where it came from. It was a girl that had screamed, which could mean plenty of things, and could belong to nearly any girl inside of here, “I think someone’s been caught.”
You and him sit together, waiting for a cannon like you had before, but there is nothing. But from the place where the scream originated from, you can see the cloudy white fog surrounding the trees. The weird thing about it, is it’s staying in it’s slice. It’s clearly gamemaker-produced, but it’s weird how it’s moving, it should be spreading throughout the trees.
“What the fuck?” you ask, watching as it continues to go down.
“Is it going to come here?” Brutus asks.
“No,” you tell him, “I don’t think so.”
Brutus sighs, and you hear him moving and then it’s quiet again. When you look, he’s turned his back to you, trying to get some more sleep. You can imagine how annoyed he is to be woken up every couple of hours. You’re just glad that it wasn’t everyone again.
You’re also surprised that he didn’t have any motive to go out there and kill the person that had screamed. You suppose this is a good thing, but it’s so out of character. He might just be tired from running around all day yesterday, as all the others are.
The careers aren’t normally used to overworking themself until they break. Which could be a good thing, you’re not supposed to work yourself until the point of exhaustion. But if you never know how it feels to run around on only three or less hours of sleep, then when the time comes, you’re not going to be prepared for it.
That makes sense, right? If you never know how it feels to be tired, and work while you are, then you won’t know how to act when you finally are. They need all their hours of sleep, while you on the other hand, are so easily ready to take what you can get and don’t complain at all. You could have gotten thirty minutes of sleep before the lightning started two hours ago, and it would have been perfectly fine to you.
You take what you can, and run with it. Then, you get some more, and run again. It’s a rinse and repeat sort of thing. If you get a full night worth of sleep, that just means you’re losing out on some time during the day. And it’s not like a full night can get you very far anyway. You get nine hours of sleep, and you can only be awake for another nine or ten hours before you’re tired again.
It’s a few hours after that, until they all start waking up, prepared for the day. The first one up is Cashmere, surprised that you haven’t dozed off at all. It’s only a few minutes later that Gloss is sitting up, disoriented and asking what time it is. The sun starts spilling into the cornucopia, and that’s when Enobaria gets up, kicking Brutus.
Cashmere and Gloss volunteer to get water for everyone, and you thank them on their way out. Enobaria remarks something about a ‘peaceful’ night, and you don’t tell her that wasn’t the case just yet. You wait until Cashmere and Gloss get back, and then you break the news that there had been a death an hour after the lightning storm.
As you’re explaining what you saw, the chiming of a sponsor gift stops you. Enobaria catches it, and you can see that it’s pretty big. Think the size of a basket. She sets it down in front of you guys, and you watch from your spot on the box as they open it up.
It’s a breakfast, filled with rolls, a stew, small thermos cups and a few other things. This is what the sponsors call a ‘care basket’ because not only does it have food inside, there’s medicine too. Something that the cornucopia doesn’t normally hold. Gloss grabs a hold of that first, and goes straight for his calf.
You remember him explaining that he had gotten shot because of Katniss. He wasn’t quick enough to dive into the water like Enobaria. You had completely missed all of this, and they were surprised. You hadn’t seen any of them reach the middle, or saw the first two deaths.
You were underwater, choking a tribute that had wanted to kill you, to death. You were under there for a while, and the water was apparently sound proof. When you came above the water, you didn’t know how much time had passed. And it’s a crazy amount of time to go without breathing, especially when they say it had to be at least three minutes.
Adrenaline, you suppose. Because the use for it isn't for fighting. It’s not a flight or fight thing, it’s more of a survival thing. Adrenaline is used to keep you alive, which is why you’re a lot stronger, and you’re awake a lot faster. Whatever you need to survive in that moment, which includes holding your breath for three minutes or more.
Another gift comes in shortly after, and this time you catch it. When you open it up, you can see that it’s directed towards you, and you’re sure to let the others know. It’s from Mags, and when you pull it out, and hold it in your palm, you’re utterly amazed.
“No fucking way.” you drop the metal onto the box, stepping away from your alliance for a moment.
The hilt of the knife is specially crafted. It’s got starfish, and barnacles and vines wrapped around it. There’s a clear place where the hand is supposed to go, and it’s made out of a pattern of waves. It’s decoration, very beautiful, handcrafted. You’ve seen these types of things on the monitor before.
It’s almost like a district token. Every district has something that represents them. Whether it be clothes, or jewels or livestock or electricity, they’re all beautiful. The knives represent what the district is about. They’re unique to every games, and normally they’re little trinkets that the Capitol citizens buy--souvenirs. They do this to show that they were loyal to a certain district throughout the games, even if their tribute hadn’t won. However, those ones are normally fake, plastic.
This is very real. The blade is sharp, and you resist the urge to test just how sharp. These things have a little trick to them, and you search for it for a long couple of seconds. You can hear Enobaria and Brutus fighting over who gets a bigger portion of the stew, when you find the button.
The blade flies out, extending into a sword, which shuts up their conversation quickly. You can’t help the smile that comes over your face as you turn the weapon over in your hand. You swing, and slice and feel the weight of it. It’s light, easily movable, and the thing is probably so damn durable. It’s portable, it’s throwable. It’s perfect.
“Thank you!” you shout, “I love it!”
You press the button again, watching as the blade retracts to its original place. After this, you go ahead and sit next to the others, thanking them for saving you some. You eat, and resume telling them what had happened in the night. They agree that if the guy that had been carried away this morning was covered in blood, that no one else had died alongside him.
Who else’s blood would that be? It couldn't be his, he was red from head to toe. And if it was someone else’s they would have died too. Something weird is going on with this arena.
It’s the Quarter Quell, so you expect it to be extravagant. But there had been so much shit that had gone on during the night, starting with the lightning.
A cannon goes off randomly while you guys are eating, and you watch as the hovercraft collects her from the water. You suggest that she drowned, but you know better. The water had been completely empty before, no one was hanging around at the beach.
At some point, they’re all ready to start getting things going. You convince them that you guys should head for the other side of the cornucopia, since you tried in front of it already. They agree, Cashmere goes to pack the things into the backpack, and you go ahead and throw the pills inside of there too, telling her that you’re not taking the chance with being sick.
After that, you all set off. Just before you get into the trees, you check to make sure that the three figures are still on the beach, and you didn’t just screw whoever it is over. But you see that the number has doubled, so you know that you can done the right thing.
You guys wander the trees aimlessly. The heat of the arena keeps you guys from actively running around. You’re already sweating like pigs, fanning yourselves with anything you can afford. You’re drinking a ton of water, and you guys are out of water before you know it. When you come upon a spring, you reload, put the iodine into the water, and then keep going.
During this, you’re messing around with the knife. You extend it into a sword at some point, and you’re swinging it at the leaves. It cuts through the thickest things with little to no problem. Eventually, you get bored of it though, worried about the blade becoming dull, so you retract the blade an hour or so later, and just spin it in your hand instead.
Gloss has the audacity to ask you if you know any tricks, and you look him straight in the eyes and tell him you know more things than his little academy has ever taught him. Not to mention, you’ve been training for today, and you let them all know that too. That when the games had been announced, you were on top of working your muscles back up, as well as Finnick.
Brutus laughs at you for letting yourself go in the first place, but that wasn’t the case. You were still strong, but why not be stronger? You brag that you could carry one of them if it came to it, and that’s when Enobaria starts to complain her feet hurt, cheekily. You take this opportunity, and carry her on your back for a good hour after.
“You really are prepared to win the games, huh?” Cashmere eyes you.
“Don’t go and betray me now.” you squint at her, “I’ve shown nothing but loyalty, especially when I could have killed you all in your sleep and none of you would have a clue.”
“The cannons would have probably set us off.” Enobaria says.
She wants to be let down, so you let her, continuing with the conversation, “Yeah, right. Come on guys, all I would have needed was four throwing knives and you could have been history.”
After that, they seem to shut up. It’s a couple of more minutes of silence, and then a scream fills the air. They go to run at it, but you grab them before they can. A sick feeling in your stomach makes you hold back from going towards where the girl had screamed.
Your gut feeling was right, because a huge tide comes out of nowhere. The water is up to your calves, and you hold onto a smaller tree, arm hooked around it. A few seconds later, a cannon goes off, and a blast of air comes out of nowhere.
“Don’t move.” you tell them, “Hold on tight.”
The water begins to break formation of the slice, spreading out a little bit. It goes straight towards the middle, and when the worst of it is gone, there’s only a tiny bit of water left over. It hits your ankles now, and it’s not powerful at all. A few more minutes, the water has run dry and the hovercraft has collected the body, a girl you’re guessing.
You guys walk around for a little bit longer. Taking a break every now and then because you’re breathing heavily. At some point Gloss gets tired of the suit so he rips it so he can let his torso breathe. You’re unsurprised when Brutus does the same, a little medical fact pops in your head at that moment. That men’s body heat tends to be a lot more than girls are. It makes them uncomfortable.
An hour or two later, there’s another lightning storm at the big tree. It’s around the same time when you’re all thinking of going back to the cornucopia. You can’t really argue, you guys have been out here for hours, you just hope that whoever was down at the beach have already visited the middle while you were gone.
Not to mention, you kinda wanna go back too. You’re starting to feel the fatigue from not sleeping, and you wouldn’t mind a nice nap right around now. It’s not from the pregnancy, that you can be sure of. You’ve never felt better. Had the medication not been in those boxes, or had you stopped digging through them like you wanted, you wouldn’t have found them at all.
And you would be tired, and nauseated, and begging to sit in the water for the entire day. You would be able to convince everyone that it’s the same symptoms of heatstroke, but you wonder how long they would have bought it for. When one day turns to five days in a row. Yeah, things would have been getting pretty fishy to you too.
You guys head up the same way you came, facing the back end of the cornucopia. It’s halfway along the rocks, when you realize that you guys aren’t alone here. You can hear the faint sound of a couple of voices.
You close your eyes for a second, damning yourself to hell for this. But it couldn’t have possibly been your fault. You gave it plenty of time, four, five--maybe even six hours. It was plenty of time for them to get in and out of there. You guess that they don’t really have a hurry to be in since it was empty.
But come on, at least Finnick had to be smarter than this. To know that the careers would definitely return, it’s where they reside. They secure the middle, and they thrive off of it. Then again, there’s always the chance that they had just gotten here, and in that case, you can’t complain. You can’t complain at all.
Suddenly, you’re all ducking down to make sure you’re not known. Cashmere takes off the backpack, and sets it in the middle of the rocks. There’s no way to avert this, you can’t convince them to turn around, because even you have to admit that this is a perfect opportunity to attack. Gloss heads in first, Cashmere right behind him, going to the left. Brutus and Enobaria follow to the right.
You follow Gloss and Cashmere, hoping that this isn’t a bad decision you’re about to make. You hold the knife in your hand tightly, finger over where the button is. As you get closer, you can make the voices more distinct, clearly hearing Peeta, Katniss and Beetee. Finnick says something quiet, but it’s all drowned out by one person. Wiress.
You get below the rocks, eyes flickering between Gloss and Cashmere, and Brutus and Enobaria. You hate watching your husband like this, with absolutely no clue that you’re here. This is why you would have been needed, because while all of them are staring at the ground, drawing out a clock, not paying attention at all. You would have been multitasking.
You ‘accidentally’ tap your knife into the rocks, hoping that they’ll hear it, but they don’t. Not even Cashmere looks at you. Gloss suddenly gets behind Wiress, pulling her head back and stabbing into her neck. It cuts off the nursery rhyme that she was singing, and it alerts the other almost instantly.
The cannon goes off, Katniss pulls an arrow from her quiver, not even giving Gloss enough time to react and get out of the way. He takes the silver arrow to his heart, that cannon goes off next. In retaliation, Cashmere jumps up, running towards them.
You stand now, mouth open as you watch Johanna shove Katniss out of the way. The axe flies from her fingers, getting Cashmere in the chest. Her cannon is instant, and since there’s so much attention where you are, eyes suddenly hit you.
Katniss raises her bow, and you push the button, watching as their faces change at the sight of the sword now. Brutus, on the other side of the cornucopia yells, throwing a sword in their direction, which takes the attention away from you immediately.
Finnick jumps to get Brutus, fighting him off with his trident. Katniss pulls an arrow from her quiver, and just because you can’t let the last two careers distrust you, you pick up the nearest knife that isn’t yours, and throw it.
It knicks Katniss’ finger, and she hisses out in pain. Johanna and Peeta look at you at the same time, and your motion is quick, a finger to your lips as you turn to run. They don’t move after you, instead going for Brutus and Enobaria, who have begun to retreat too.
You take a different rock path than they do. You head straight for the backpack, knowing that the meds you need are in there. Behind you, you can hear Johanna yelling for Katniss to stop. Just as you scoop the backpack into your arms, you can hear an arrow whistle past you.
You hit the rocks, stomach landing on the backpack, thankfully. But it doesn’t stop the rocks from being jagged. You look behind you with wide eyes to see that Johanna is holding onto Katniss’ arm. It’s also in this moment, where the middle begins to spin.
“Oh shit.” you mutter, pushing yourself up as you begin to run towards the beach, afraid that the rocks will start moving too.
It’s only a few feet of the rock that’s attach to the cornucopia. You pause for a moment to watch it spin. You notice how they hold on, and Finnick looks over his shoulder for a brief moment, and you know he sees you through the water that’s getting kicked up.
You have to keep going, especially when the weapons begin to fly into the water. You collapse the knife again, glad that you didn’t have to use it, and then you run towards Brutus and Enobaria are waiting. They help you off of the rocks, Brutus thanks you for stalling Katniss’ arrow, and you guys head back into the trees.
They still trust you, that’s all that matters. No other cannons go off, and you guys take inventory of the backpack once again, since Cashmere was the one that was keeping track of everything. You drink water, and eat as much food as you can spare, but in all honesty you’re hoping that Finnick is okay.
“I didn’t hurt him,” Brutus tells you, “It’s Enobaria you have to blame.”
“He dodged the knife just fine, if anything it’s a papercut.” Enobaria reasons, looking at you, “He’s alive, and he’s still your kill.”
You resist the shudder that wants to go through your body after that comment. The idea of killing Finnick has never crossed your mind, and it never will. You won’t put any thought to what she just said, and you might just end up killing her for it. No one kills Finnick, not even you.
You guys stay close to the trees, watching as the group stays at the beach. You all theorize on what they might be up to. Since they had come up with that clock theory, but Brutus says it can’t be anything good. Beetee has a wire that he nearly died for, and everyone knows how he won his games.
“Then we stay off the beach.” you decide for them, “And if you want, we can even hunt them down later tonight. Or wait for tomorrow.”
“We’re outnumbered.” Enobaria tries to reason.
That’s a great reason why you guys should do it. So you can watch them both get obliterated right in front of you. Then you can come clean to the others what you had been doing the entire time. Finnick will welcome you back with no problem, and Johanna seems to have caught on.
“So?” you challenge, “When has that ever stopped us?”
The argument is good enough for them.
You guys wait a while, watching them at the beach, until they eventually all go and hard up to where the big tree is. You guys don’t move from your position for a little bit, giving them a head start. You hydrate some more, refill on water, and then decide to go ahead and go and follow up.
It’s a long walk up there, hours at least. It’s only thirty minutes or so into you guys hiking up when the anthem starts for the fallen. You hadn’t even realized how late it had gotten, how the sun is falling behind the trees a lot faster now. You all take a moment to watch.
The first to appear is Cashmere, right after her is Gloss, Brutus seems to breathe through his nose a little heavier like a bull. He’s not happy that they’re gone, and you shake your head to blend in a little bit. You’re secretly so damn ecstatic that you only have two to babysit now.
They might be the most difficult to round, but they’re easy to please. You’ve already taken over the spot of leader, and they’re following behind you with no question. You don’t know if it’s because they trust you, or you are as authoritative as people say. Elysia used to say that your confidence was a little off-putting at first.
The girl from District Five shows up, following is the girl from six--the other morphling. You’re surprised to see Blight, but when Chaff follows, you’re even more confused, “Did we miss a cannon?”
“Probably some time while were eating.” Brutus says, you nod slowly.
The anthem drops off, and soon you guys go to start climbing again. You know you have a full night ahead of you, that’s nothing but exercise. You take another pill, knowing that it has been over twelve hours since the last time you took once. You trail behind Brutus and Enobaria mostly, not too interested with being on their ass the entire way up.
It gets hotter the longer you guys climb, and you watch as Enobaria pulls off her top so she’s cooled down. She sighs in relief the moment it’s off, and then offers to unzip the back of yours. You want to say no, but you end up saying yes too, because it’s so goddamn hot.
It’s a lot cooler the second the top is off. You tuck your knife into your belt that you hadn’t really realized was there, and you spend the rest of the time climbing in silence.
There’s already been what? Sixteen deaths? Eight remaining? You three, Beetee, Johanna, Peeta, Katniss and Finnick. Did you miss another death?
“Did the guy from ten die?” you whisper to them.
“Yes.” Enobaria says back to you.
You must have blanked then while you guys were eating. You hadn’t even realized that two were dead. There’s really just you guys left in here. Which is why things are suddenly so important.
The sound of two voices stop you all with no warning. You lean towards where the sound is coming, and it’s Johanna that’s speaking. You all ease out to where they’re walking down from, and Brutus has the bright idea to step on the wire. Sadistic, because it scares the absolute shit out of them.
Katniss pauses, just as Johanna does. They can’t see you guys because you’re still hidden by the trees. Katniss mutters something about it being caught, squinting her eyes. Then, Enobaria cuts it, and the wire goes flying towards them.
Just as they flinch, Enobaria and Brutus rush out of the trees. As a distraction, Johanna hurls her axe at you guys, making you all jump out of the way. A second later, Katniss’ scream fills the air, and then it’s silence.
“Where’s the cannon?”
“Fuck the cannon, go after Johanna!” Enobaria shouts.
You let them go after her first, as you go to check on Katniss. You lean over the ledge slightly, Katniss’ neck is covered in blood and you can see that her arm has been cut open. It doesn’t take a genius to know that Johanna has just cut out Katniss’ tracker.
Her eyes are wide as she stares at you, her fingers twitch towards her bow, but you shake your head, “I’m friendly, Katniss. Just checking to make sure you’re alive.”
A yell makes you turn your head, and you don’t say another word to Katniss. You get up, heading to where they all had ran off to. You drop the backpack into a place where it’ll be hidden, and it makes it ten times easier for you to climb around now.
When you get to where Johanna is, Brutus and Enobaria are standing over her.
You pull out the knife, pushing the button for the sword, and you swing with no hesitation, straight at Brutus. Enobaria, you can take in a fight, it’s Brutus that’s the real threat. The sword slices right down his back, and it’s exactly what you need at the moment.
In the distance, you can hear Finnick yelling for Johanna. Enobaria turns towards you, but you catch her sword with yours, keeping her from doing anything. Brutus falls, a cannon going off because of it. He’s dead because of Johanna.
Enobaria, seeing that you weren’t on her side, makes a run while she has the chance. You go to go after her, but it’s literally no use, it’s only you guys left. You help Johanna onto her feet, and even go as far as to wipe some of the blood off of her face. Admittedly, it smears a bit, but for the most part, it’s gone.
“Thanks.” Johanna says, “I was beginning to think you wouldn’t fall through.”
“I’m a good ally.” you tell her, smiling a little bit.
Enobaria isn’t gone.
She jumps from the top of the ledge, heading straight towards you guys. You swing your sword at her, cutting into one of her fingers. Johanna steps in after that, swinging her spare axe easily.
Enobaria will make a jab, Johanna will dodge, and sometimes even you’ll get a swing or two in. She’s clearly overwhelmed, you wonder if she wishes that she had ran instead of coming back. Because the two of you, clearly weren’t going to follow after her.
She thought she would be able to get the jump on you guys. Your back was the part that was facing her. You’re sure she was going to take the term ‘backstabbing’ quite literally had you not turned around. But then again, you saw the way that Johanna’s eyes had widened a little bit, Johanna would have knocked you out of the way if you hadn’t done it yourself.
She’s more fond of elbowing people to move, rather than jumping in front. It’s effective, it can get the person you’re protecting on the ground, but it’s also painful as hell. To be bumped that hard. You saw the way she did it to Katniss when she was going to kill Cashmere. It wasn’t pretty.
The fighting feels like it goes on forever. You don’t know how Enobaria does it exactly, how she’s so easily dodging but also coming so close to getting hit each time. Johanna is clearly getting frustrated, and her swings get faster and heavier. With metal-on-metal, sparks begin to fly.
A storm starts brewing out of nowhere, “Midnight?”
“Yeah,” Johanna grunts.
Enobaria lets in an opening that she shouldn’t have, and that’s when you get the tip of the sword right up to her throat. She pauses where she’s at, eyes slowly widening. You try to catch your breath, eyes and arm locked on her. You can’t move, or she’ll be able to run.
The sky begins to make the sound like it did right before lightning would strike. Very faintly, you can hear more yelling.
“You’re such a--” Enobaria starts.
“You guys were a bunch of idiots.” you tell her, “You should have seen this coming.”
The lightning hits, shaking the ground. Johanna suddenly grabs you and yanks you away from Enobaria, and you’re about to complain when you look up at the sky. Enobaria does the same, and you watch as the forcefield on the sky turns dark.
-- Chapter Eleven --
The restraints on your arms and legs are the first thing you feel when you finally manage to drag yourself out of unconsciousness. You want to open your eyes, to look around and see where you are, but you know where you are already. It is no mystery, and it is no nightmare as you were hoping.
So, you lay still, keep your eyes shut and breathe carefully. You can hear the faint sound of voices, shoes against metal flooring. There’s a screaming down the hall, pain or just resistance, you have no clue and you hope that you’re not next.
As for in your room, there’s a steady beeping, the heart monitor. Which is why you’re so insistent on not moving or breathing any faster than you have to. Taking it in and breathe it out on a beat, and it’ll keep the monitor from alerting the doctors. You’re sure that they’re hooked up to it, and they’ll get an alert if it notices any changes.
The light above you has to be a bright white, because you can see it through your eyelids slightly. Right above you, you can imagine. There’s an AC unit in the corner, and you know that because you can feel the air circulating the room, especially on your thighs.
You’re likely wearing a hospital gown, since it cuts so short. Your arms are also feeling the same draft, so it makes sense to you. Your hair is let down, you think. You can feel it against the back of your neck. You make no move to double check, afraid that there are eyes on you after all.
There could be someone sitting in the room with you, or standing over you, and you can’t hear their breathing over the beeping of the heart monitor. They’re being very quiet on purpose, which is why you have to be very, very careful to not show that you’re awake.
You don’t want to open your eyes, you don’t want to twitch your fingers or turn your head or test just how many restraints are across your body. You lay here in place, breathing in, and breathing out. Breathing in, and breathing out.
You spend this time of silence and stillness, trying to remember what had happened last. You remember the arena, and you remember stabbing Brutus in the back, or cutting him at least. It was a move to save Johanna. She killed him, Johanna had finished him off.
Then Enobaria ran, you think. You and Johanna had a moment to yourselves to collect and make friendly again, but Enobaria came back. You stopped her, and Johanna had stepped in to protect you. But every now and then you’d help too.
You remember hearing yelling, but it wasn’t from any of you. Now thinking about it, it could have ended up being Peeta, looking for Katniss just before the dome had come down, which is what happens next. The storm brewing overhead, and you have no recollection of looking at it, because you were so set on making sure Enobaria didn’t move.
Then the lightning struck, onto to be shot back into the sky, right? You remember watching the sky turn back, which was also when Johanna yanked you away from Enobaria for some reason. The sky came crumbling in, Enobaria ran, and it was just you two for a moment.
And then you tried to get out when the hovercraft came. Johanna found Peeta, knocked out against the rocks. The rocks must have moved beneath him when the lightning struck, because he very clearly hit his head against the rocks on the way down. He was bleeding, and Johanna asked you to help her.
All you wanted was Finnick in that moment, so you ran to him. Up the mountain, hoping to make it to him in time to be pulled out. Only, when you got there, he was already so high, so you tried to jump, and Finnick nearly had you. You saw the pain in his eyes when he missed, and watched as he left you behind.
You waited to make sure he was safe in the hovercraft, a part of you hoping that they’d save you, too. But they must have run out of time, because they were gone right after that. This is why you went back to Johanna and helped her take Peeta into a cave space.
Then she broke the news that it was useless anyway. You guys still had the trackers in your arms, and the peacekeepers were already heading towards you guys. You remember making the last minute decision to throw Peeta’s machete instead of your sword. It got a couple of the peacekeepers. Johanna and you had fought off as many as you could manage, but you were overpowered.
You weren’t awake for long after, they knocked you out pretty quickly. After that, it’s blank.
How many days has it been?
The automatic doors to the room open just then, and you can hear a couple of voices. The first being a doctor, and another being someone less important you can imagine, speaking directly to someone who’s already in the room with you.
“President Snow,” they greet, “has there been any sign of her waking up?”
You breathe steadily, thanking the heart monitor when it doesn’t stutter when you realize that Snow has been staring at you this entire time. You’re a good actress, you’re bad at lying but you can act. And that’s one thing you’ll take to the grave with you.
“No.” he says.
“Would you like us to force her?” the doctor asks, it’s a male. You can imagine he’s staring down at the tablet in his hands, “A shot of adrenaline will get her up quickly.”
Don’t do it.
“I think we’ll wait.” he says, you want him to get up and leave so you can take inventory of the things around you. You want to fight your way out, no matter how useless it’ll be. You want to get out of here, “It won’t be too long before she’s awake. We have time.”
“Hopefully she’s nothing like Johanna.”
“I imagine she won’t be.” Snow says.
They wrap up their conversation, and leave the room. Everyone except for Snow.
Silence, except for the heart monitor.
“I know you’re awake.”
No skips, you’re an actress. You’re an actress. You’re an actress.
“You can’t lay there forever.” he tells you.
“Don’t you want to know about Finnick?”
You know where he is already, in safety. He’s with Katniss and Beetee and Haymitch. He’s in safe hands, and soon he’ll get to see that picture. Finnick will be mad at himself for a long time, but he’ll be fine. If anything, he’s probably beating himself up over the fact that you’re here.
“Or your family?”
The monitor stutters, and Snow chuckles.
You can play this off, and so you open your eyes to the bright light, and then look to Snow in the corner. He tilts his head, placing the bookmark back into his book, closing it. He stands, coming towards you.
“I don’t know what you want from me.” you tell him, “I know nothing.”
“I doubt that.” he says, stopping just above you, “You knew that they were coming.”
“I knew of the plan,” you admit, “I knew that we would be protecting Katniss, but I didn’t want to do that. That’s why I went with Cashmere, Gloss, Brutus and Enobaria.”
“But you turned on them, didn’t you?”
You squint at him, “Have you ever actually been in the games?” it’s a rhetorical question, he can’t answer it, “No. So, you wouldn’t know how strategy works. I had to kill Brutus, for my own survival.”
He shakes his head, a little smirk on his face, “You forget the part where you and Johanna had your moment?”
“We’re friends.” you spit back at him, “You know what those are, right?”
He’s not amused at your hostility, “I suppose now that you’re awake, we can begin the interrogation.”
“I don’t have anything to tell you.” you remind him, “I know nothing.”
“You know more than you say you do.”
He goes to leave, but you struggle a little bit, “Tell me about my family. Tell me about District Four.”
The doors open but he pauses, “Maybe if you’re cooperative.”
He starts leaving again, “You son of a bitch! You motherfucker!”
The doors shut behind him, and you place your head against the bed. The heart monitor has sped up considerably, no longer at a calming rate. You try to slip your wrist out of the leather restraints, but they’re on too tight. You’re forced to lay here, staring at the ceiling.
You’ll kill Snow yourself if you find out that he hurt your brothers and sister. The second that you get free of these, he’ll be the first person that goes down, because they’re innocent. They’re innocent people, they had no clue what was going on.
And for that matter, you didn’t really know much either. You’re telling the truth, and he can’t see that. He wants to believe that since you knew at least a tiny bit, that you’re repressing more than what you’re giving up. But you knew the basics of the plan.
It was a protection of Katniss and Peeta. You guys were supposed to keep them alive against everyone until Haymitch and Plutarch would be able to get them out. You didn’t stick along for long enough to know where they had headed in that hovercraft. You know the three tributes that are on there, just as well as they do.
You lay here in silence for a while, listening as your heart monitor slows down again back at it’s regular pace. You wait and wait for someone to come in and get you, but he must be purposely waiting now. He wants you to drive yourself crazy about it.
Eventually, you stop moving and struggling and you end up staring at the ceiling light without realizing it. When you notice the little spots across your eyes, you go ahead and look towards the glass doors to see what’s happening in the hall. It was perfect timing, this is when you’re able to see someone struggling.
They’re screaming, and doing anything they can to not be brought wherever they’re being drug. It’s a girl, short black hair, resistant…
“Johanna!” You yell, trying to sit up again.
She looks to where her name was called, “(Y/n)?!”
“Johanna!” you yell again, wondering if you could rock the bed and get it to knock over.
“Don’t tell them anything!” She yells, “Nothing!”
And then they yank her away from your door, taking her down the hall. She doesn’t stop screaming, calling them names, swearing, you can hear one of the peacekeepers yell at her to stop. She doesn’t though, she creates a commotion the entire way to wherever they’re bringing her. Eventually, it’s too far away to hear anymore.
Don’t tell them anything…
You don’t know that much, and she has to know that, right? She doesn’t know how much you do know, which is why she’s telling you to keep your mouth shut. You wonder if you’ll be able to play pretend for a little while longer. Finnick was one of the three that was taken to wherever they were headed.
Which means Snow is going to assume you know more than you do. And you can play that off. You can act like you know more than you do, and he’ll have no choice but to buy it. Why? Johanna won’t speak, and Peeta knows nothing, and so you’re the best bet.
It’s not too long after that, when you hear the marching of more peacekeepers. The doors open automatically, and you can see that they’ve doubled the number from two to four.
A doctor leads them in. She unhooks the things from your heart, takes out needles and the first restraint she shows the peacekeepers how to work, is the one connected to your foot.
She’s an idiot.
The second your foot is free, you slam it against her chest as hard as you can manage. The tablet drops from her hand, shattering on the tile floor. She hits the wall behind her, and the peacekeepers move in at you almost instantly afterwards. They hold your limbs down, making sure you can’t surprise them anymore, releasing the restraints.
Then, they hoist you off of the bed, and make you sit on your knees. You go to struggle, but they pull your arms behind your back. They slip something around both of your wrists and then tighten it. Handcuffs.
The peacekeepers grab the bend of your elbows, pulling you up and onto your feet. You put your bare feet in front of you, resisting their dragging as best as you can. They get you out of the room and into the hallway, which is when you can see Snow.
“Cooperate.” he reminds you.
“Fuck you!” you spit all the saliva you have in your mouth at him, and you’re satisfied when it sticks to his suit, “Go fuck yourself! Rot in hell, you unholy son of a bitch!”
The peacekeepers are a little rougher with you as they pull you down the hallway. You still struggle, and try to kick the peacekeepers in front of you. You get your legs tangled with theirs, you try to twist your body. You do anything you can to make it ten times harder for them.
In one of the rooms you pass, lays Peeta on the bed. He’s staring wide-eyed at the door, clearly not ready for this. You wonder if he’s just woken up too, or if Snow’s already seen him and he’s tried to tell Snow that he doesn’t know anything.
“(Y/n)?” he asks.
“Get off of me!” You scream, turning your head from him, kicking your foot up and knocking into the back of one of the peacekeeper’s helmet.
They’ve had enough of you, they each grab a foot and continue walking. This doesn’t stop you from kicking and screaming the entire way down the hall. It would have been much easier had they kept you on the bed and wheeled you down to where you need to be. But they’re not that smart.
They go around corners hundreds of times, all the hallways look the same. You could get lost in here, it’s like a fucking maze. You try to remember the directions they take, but eventually give up because there’s no pattern to it. For all you know, they could be taking you in circles just to throw you off.
Thirty minutes later of you kicking and screaming, and they’ve finally brought you into a pristine white room. White walls, white tiles, white ceiling. A white chair in the middle of the room, with a bright white light above it. New white clothes that they’re going to force you to wear, you can feel it.
In the room stands a single avox, a woman. They drop you on your ass, uncuff you, and then leave the room. There’s only you and her in here now. You stare at her as you slowly get off of the floor.
“Don’t touch me,” you warn her, “Don’t drug me, don’t move towards me.”
It’s not her fault that she’s being put up to this, and that’s why you’re warning her. You don’t want to hurt her, but you will. You’ll do anything you can to be in this room alone. Hell, you’re not opposed to strapping her to that chair in the middle of the room.
She picks up the clothes that are sitting on a white marble cart. The lack of color is beginning to hurt your eyes. You knew Snow normally went white, because it’s the closest to his name, but it’s moronic. Just like how dressing you up in blue is moronic. Just because you come from a district of water, doesn’t mean you have to resemble it.
Without stepping towards you, she tosses them. They slide to your feet, and you look at them in disgust.
“Did Johanna come by?” you ask, it’s a yes or no question.
She nods slightly, but her eyes keep flickering to the right.
You look that way to see a camera. It’s got a red blinking light going, and it’s trained on where you stand.
“Well,” you start, “As I’ve always been told, you’re made to serve. You answer questions and you do things as asked. They can’t get mad at you if you’re following the rules.”
She nods a little bit.
“Are there any other victors here?”
She nods.
“Mags? Annie? Enobaria?” it isn’t until you’re done speaking when you realize that you should have asked one at a time. But despite this, she nods, “All three?”
Again, more nodding.
You turn to the camera, “You brought Annie into this? You’re fucking psychotic, Snow! Let them go! They have nothing to do with this!”
You pick up the clothes that she had tossed towards you, angrily. You pull off the gown, letting it sit by the door. You pull the scrubs on, despite hating every single moment of this. You’ll be easily identified with or without the gown on.
The doors open behind you, and you turn to see more peacekeepers.
You back up slightly, not wanting to get too close to the avox. You make a swipe for their batton, but they grab a hold of your wrist before you can get away from them. And just like that, your other wrist is in a different peacekeeper’s hand. They drag you over to the chair.
It isn’t a doctor that stands in the doorway, but it someone much different. He tilts his head at you, like he’s assessing you. Then, he nods a little bit, “You’d look fantastic in a dress.”
A stylist.
“You tell Snow I’m not playing dress up for him.”
He laughs, shaking his head at you, “You’ll change your mind, I suggest you do it before we have to.”
Your face drops, “What the hell does that mean?”
He waves, leaving the room as he takes notes. The avox and the peacekeepers all leave the room. They shut and lock the door. The restraints on this chair are a lot tougher than the one on the hospital bed.
A spraying noise starts, and you think it might be from outside, until a sweet smell comes over the room. You look over to where you feel the air coming from, and it’s almost like a fog. A cloudy pink fog coming over the room.
You breathe in again, recognizing the smell. It’s the same as a medicine they have in the districts. It’s mostly used when someone is in pain when they’re sick or something.
Normally, it puts people right to sleep.
They’ve turned it to a fog that you have to inhale, smart. Unfortunately for you, that means that the pain is about to begin.
-- Chapter Twelve --
The crack of the whip makes you flinch against the wall, squeezing your eyes a little tighter. For these past few days, you’ve been begging for it all to be one big nightmare. That any second you’re going to wake up in your bed, next to Finnick in your victor house in District Four.
It’s going to be the day of the Quarter Quell, only you’re not going inside of that arena. No victor is being chosen to go inside, it’s the unlucky teenagers once again. They’re going to be forced to kill each other, and endure their share of torture, instead of you guys again.
In this timeline, you know that you’re pregnant, and so does Finnick. There’s a crib, baby toys and all the supplies you’d need for a baby down the hall in the empty room you never knew what to do with. It looks perfect. The walls are blue, the floor is carpet instead of wood to be gentle on the baby’s knees.
You and Finnick have come up with a name for the baby. Every couple of weeks the district’s doctor will come down from their office and come and see you to make sure you’re healthy. Or you might insist to go on a walk with Finnick right up to their door. They’ll greet you kindly, and the check up will go fine, and say that the baby is healthy too.
Mags is excited to be a grandma, since she was like a mother to you. Caspian’s mom is so insistent on a baby shower and she tells you that she’ll invite a couple of people and not too many, but you know that she’s going to invite all of the district in her excitement. Annie congratulates you, and jokes about being an aunt.
Reed and Mox and Alyssum are ecstatic. Reed complains about having a baby in the house again, but deep down he’s happy for you. Happy to see that everything is finally smoothing out for you. You’re no longer having nightmares, you’re singing, and cooking and fishing just like you used to. All those habits that you got rid of are suddenly back.
Mox had cried when he had gotten the news. He hugged you so damn tight, and told you that it’s perfect timing for you guys. He spins you around and you have to remind him that you get dizzy a lot easier. He’ll apologize and set you back onto your feet, but later on in the day, he goes down to the square and brags to everyone there.
Alyssum can’t keep her mouth shut about it long enough. She tells all of her friends and teachers. They’re happy for her, and for you, and for Finnick. Alyssum comes home and draws pictures for you guys to nail up on the wall for the baby. She suggests baby names for you guys, and pretend pouts when you turn her down.
And Finnick, he’s so happy. He’s letting up on the nightmares, he’s no longer looking over his shoulder. He’s so protective over you because he wants to make sure that you’re okay every step along the way. He helps you up and down the stairs, to and from the bathroom and stands there in the shower to make sure you’re okay.
He ties your shoes, and pulls on your jeans and kisses you every chance he gets. Finnick will beg to touch the bump when you claim that the baby is kicking, and he’ll sit there, completely amazed for a while. This is the time when you know that everything will be okay, because Finnick is okay. He has a healthy distraction now, and he’s going to protect the baby at every chance he has.
No one in the district is mad at you in this fantasy. The parents have finally forgiven you, and they’re taking their own precautions. You teach the classes to the kids around you, and you see them blossom more each and every day. You joke that before they know it, they’re going to beg to go inside of that arena, and that’s the day you’ll damn yourself to hell.
All you want is to be happy. All you want is to have your normal life back. You want Finnick back in your arms, and you want to be able to hug Reed, Mox and Alyssum again. You want to see Mags in the mornings as you give her breakfast, and you want Annie to come to you for help when she needs it.
They crack the whip again, and you press your forehead against the cold tile wall. Your lip trembles slightly as you readjust on your raw knees. You look down at what you’re kneeling in, and all you can see is the blood. The mutt scar on your back now has friends.
Your whole backside has friends. They don’t want to touch the front because you are pregnant. You fear that you’ll be in here long enough to give birth, and they’ll take away the baby the moment that it’s out. You won’t even be able to see him.
You hope they save you soon. You want to be free again.
“All you have to do is tell us what you know,” the man says, “Then we’ll stop.”
It’ll never stop. If you ever do tell them anything, it’ll never be enough. They’ll think you’re lying because you’ve been so resistant for so long.
“You won’t,” you croak out, your throat burns from being denied water for so long. You shake your head against the wall, “You won’t ever stop.”
Another crack, you press yourself against the wall a little tighter. As if that’ll ever get you away from them. No matter what, they have access to you. Moving towards the wall does nothing. It decreases the chance of you hitting it when they strike you, but that’s about it.
“Tell us, what are they planning?”
You can feel the urge to cry, and you press your lips together, shaking your head. A tear slides down your cheek, just as you hold onto the restraints a little tighter, preparing for the whip.
A door opens behind you, “That’s enough for now. Snow wants her for an interview.”
You shake your head, “No, just leave me alone.”
“Get her cleaned up, we can’t have her bleeding on camera.”
“Why?” you ask, “Why me?”
There is no answer, the doors slide shut for a moment. The man cracks the whip for a final time, making you flinch again. His boots get faint though, as he leaves the room. The doors open, and they stay open for a long minute before they shut again.
It’s medical staff. They warn you before they do anything to your back. First, they wash it down, and then they clean it, which is the worth part about it all. By the time they want to do stitches, your back feels numb and you just sit there silently. You can feel the needle go in, as they pull at the skin.
They wipe it down for a final time and warn you not to move too harshly. It’ll tear out the stitches. It’s not like you have much motivation for it anyway. You move a little bit, and it hurts like a bitch. It’s not worse than the whippings, you’ll give it that. You can’t help but to wonder how long these will last.
They’re going to take you, and present you to the Capitol, but what happens after? If you’re cooperative, will they finally stop this? Or will they just continue on with what they have to? You have to ask this question, because it’s important. You have to know if you’re going to undergo another couple of days of this.
The peacekeepers let you down from the restraints attached to the wall. They don’t move to cuff you again, which you’re thankful for. You take the time to rub at your wrist, seeing how red it’s beginning to look.
The moments you’re not free, you’re tied up against someplace. And since all they like to do is whip, or inject or play back sounds of your family getting hurt. You have all the time in the world to try and resist to get it all to stop. It hurts, it’s messing with your head.
It’s worse than the hunger games. You’d rather go back in that arena and kill thousands of girls from District Ten by beheading. Because at least then you know that time will fix that. But this? You’ll have these scars forever. They won’t go away, they won’t fade, they won’t become a happy memory.
You’re going to remember hearing Finnick scream your name for the rest of your life. How he’ll blame you for not being there fast enough, or not helping him. But then he’ll beg you to save him, or put him out of his misery. And you don’t know how they’re doing it, because they don’t have Finnick, but the visuals--too realistic.
You can see him choking on his own blood. Or reaching up at you while he’s drowning underwater. Or he’s the one hanging from the rope, and you refuse to cut him free. You watch as Katniss, as Peeta, as Johanna, as Mags and Annie and Enobaria and Cashmere kill him over and over and over. Until you’re screaming turns to sobbing and you’re the one begging for it all to stop.
It happens every single day. And on the days they’re not using Tracker Jacker venom, they’re whipping you. And they’re playing those sounds back to you, until it’s engraved in your brain. Until you’re hearing it when the sounds stop. You clamp a pillow over your ears in the night time as if that’ll fix it at all.
Sleep is the only form of escape you have, and it comes in short bursts. Either they wake you up, or your brain does it before they have the chance to. You’re sleep deprived, exhausted, hungry, and you hurt. It all hurts so much.
The sound of heels makes you look over to where it’s coming from. You wait, curious to see who it is, and then Elysia rounds the corner.
“Elysia!” you gasp, going to push yourself up, but you slip on the puddle of blood that’s still under your knees.
You catch yourself before you hit the floor too hard, and the next time you get up, it’s a lot slower. Elysia doesn’t flinch when you throw your arms around her, hugging her tightly. The stitches on your back stretch, and it hurts your skin like hell. But Elysia is hugging you back with just as much enthusiasm.
“We’ve got to get you cleaned up.” She tells you, “Let’s go.”
She pulls you out into the hallway, behind you the peacekeepers move to follow. Which means that you guys aren’t going to get complete privacy, they’re going to follow to make sure that you guys aren’t up to anything bad. And to make sure that you don’t go ahead and tell her anything.
Elysia takes you around the corner and to a very familiar elevator.
“Where are we?” you ask her quietly.
“The training center.” She tells you, holding onto your arm a little tighter, “It’s the only place for you guys.”
The peacekeepers step onto the elevator, and they press the buttons before you’re allowed to. They then move behind, and you watch as the numbers above the doors continue to go up. First floor, second floor, third floor, and the fourth. It stops, the doors open, and Elysia guides you to the right, towards the apartment.
“Is Laurel and the prep team okay?” you ask her quietly.
“They’re fine,” She assures you.
“Have you heard anything about Mags?”
“Enough.” A peacekeeper orders, but Elysia shakes her head anyway, it’s a no.
Elysia opens the apartment door, and right inside stands Laurel, Cleo, Leo and Beth.
“Oh my god,” Beth covers her mouth.
Laurel looks over to glare at her, being the first to move down the stairs, “Hello, (Y/n).”
She looks past you two at the peacekeepers, “We’re going to go shower her in private.”
“We have strict orders.”
“Then stand outside the bathroom door.” Laurel tells him, then she looks at you, “Let’s go.”
You follow them to the back half of the apartment. And to your surprise, she doesn’t turn right, to where your bedroom is. She goes left.
The doors open, and the peacekeepers decide to stand outside the bedroom door instead, which is good enough for you guys. All of you get into the room, and then the metal door shuts. This one is not see-through like all the others that you’ve seen so far.
Cleo moves to take down your hair, as Laurel and Elysia want to pull the shirt over your head. You tell them that you just got stitches, which is when they pause. Beth finds a pair of a scissors in the bathroom, and they cut the fabric instead.
Cleo, Leo and Beth decide to stay in the room after that, while Laurel and Elysia bring you to the shower. You sit on the floor as Laurel washes your hair.
“Have you seen Mags at all?” you ask, “Annie, Peeta, Johanna?”
“When’s the last you saw them?” Elysia asks.
“I saw Johanna when I first woke up, and then Peeta shortly after. I know Mags and Annie are here because…” you close your eyes, “I heard Mags screaming, at least, there’s a difference between her and Johanna… and then Mags eventually went quiet--I think they’ve killed her.”
It’s quiet, and then Laurel speaks, “Well, I can tell you we’ve seen Peeta.”
You sit up a little bit, “You have? How is he?”
“He was… fine in his first interview.” Elysia gets out slowly, “But the most recent one has been bad.”
“Bad how?”
“Tired, skinny, tortured.”
You hate the Capitol.
When you finally stand to wash the blood off, the water runs red. Elysia has to step away while it happens, and you tell Laurel she can take a moment too. Not sure if that look on her face was queasiness or not. She doesn’t take the chance, and instead apologizes that you’re going through this.
After the shower, you’re dried off. Cleo does your hair while Beth and Leo wax your legs and armpits. There’s no time for a second shower, and you quickly find out that Leo isn’t allowed to put makeup on you either.
“Why?” you ask, “Why are you guys allowed to go through the trouble of waxing, and cleaning, and doing my hair only for you not to do my makeup?”
“They want you to look like you do now.” Elysia tells you, “Here, look in the mirror and tell me what you see.”
She wipes down the foggy mirror with a towel, and you can’t help but to stumble back at the sight of who is reflected. That girl standing in the mirror looks nothing like you, but at the same time, it does.
She’s skinny. You can see the places where her skin has sunken in, revealing more bones. You’re able to see her ribs, and her collarbones stick out painfully. Her face is much skinnier, and her cheekbones pop out a bit more. There’s purple bruises covering her skin, and you can see the places where the whip went over her shoulder.
Her skin has lost color. Her eyes are purple circles, there’s cuts and bruises and the shadows don’t compliment her anymore. She looks nothing like you, but she is you. And you’re going to appear in front of the Capitol, and presumably the districts too.
Finnick will be able to see you like this.
This is the first time he’ll be able to see you, and you’re going to look tired and malnourished. When you twist your body to the side, you wince. The bump is obvious now that the weight has dropped considerably. Anyone watching will be able to tell that you’re pregnant.
“Why can’t Peeta appear again?”
“I don’t know.” Laurel tells you, “Maybe they’re giving him a break.”
“There are no breaks.” you tell her, “There are never breaks. It has to be something else.”
You spend the last of the time thinking over this. Why would you appear instead of Peeta?
But the first mystery to solve is Peeta first. He’s here instead of Katniss, so he has to suffer in some way too, right? Even though Katniss and Peeta being in love was an act, you can remember the way that Peeta had protected Katniss. And Katniss had protected him right back.
So, they’re using Peeta as torture to her? Does that make sense? They’re trying to make the rebellion stop, but the only way they can do that is if Katniss stops, right? And if she won’t do it, then Snow has to force her hand and make her see that her actions have consequences.
Yes, that makes sense. Seeing Peeta be hurt is like leverage. They’re almost trying to convince her to change her mind. She stops, they stop. Only, they won’t. They’ll continue hurting Peeta for as long as it takes, because Snow is just like that.
It’s funny how you haven’t seen any of these interviews just yet, and they’re planning to throw you into one.
Anyway, you being up there instead of him. Weird, but not completely unusual, you suppose. Your theory, and the only theory you have is building off of the last one and the hurting Katniss. Since she didn’t budge when it came to giving up the revolution, that means they have to turn to you.
Because not all of her actions affect just her, they can hurt you too. They hurt Johanna, Annie and it hurt Mags. There’s a great possibility that you’re going up tonight to spark something inside of Finnick. This will be a test to see if he will try and force Katniss’ hand to give it up.
The only problem with that is that he was on the front lines when it came to getting Katniss out of the arena. You hope that since he’s come this far, that he won’t just give it all up for you. And you also hope that Katniss’ stubbornness doesn’t waver just because you’re on screen and she’s suddenly feeling empathy towards Finnick.
They finally have you step into the dress. It’s white, and lacy. It’s thin-strapped and the top part of it is a deep v-neck. The plunge goes all the way to your high ribs, where the connecting part is. The bottom half goes to about mid-thigh and a little bit higher. Following the dress is the whiet flats that are given to you.
They slide silver bracelets onto your slim wrists. White necklaces, and diamond earrings you think. Anything that resembles the color white, and makes you look like you belong to the Capitol.
“They’ve allowed highlight.” Leo comes into the room, pulling out a brush and a ‘pallette’ for a lack of a better word.
He applies it to your nose, and your cheeks and a little bit to your forehead.
When you look in the mirror again, with the whole completed look, the first word that comes to mind is ‘pet’ and the one that follows is ‘disgusting’.
“I look like a monster.” you tell them.
“We know.” Cleo says, “It’s what he wants.”
“You have a vague outline of a script,” Elysia hands over the paper, “Don’t go off track, no matter how tempting, please.”
“That’s for your own safety.” Laurel says.
You nod, looking down at it, “Caesar’s interviewing me?”
“Who else did you expect?”
You shrug, looking over the paper as you guys leave the room. Outside, the peacekeepers have doubled, and Elysia, and the others aren’t allowed to follow you. You want to say goodbye, but when they start yanking, you stop resisting.
They take you into the elevator, and you guys go down for a little bit, and then you step out and they take you to a room you’ve never been in before. The room is bright, there’s lights shining onto two chairs. Caesar sits in one of them, he looks calm, and like he did before the games.
There’s a few cameras around that are pointed at the seats. Everyone turns to see who’s come into the room, and there’s a lot of eyes on you all at once.
“(Y/n),” Caesar smiles, standing up and going to give you a hug.
You jump back, holding your hands out while shaking your head, “No, you don’t get to hug me. I’m not an old friend, not anymore.”
This doesn’t ruin his spirit, he holds out his hand towards the chair, and you’re sure to keep as much distance as you can get between you and him as you sit in the chair. This is when people come in and readjust the way you sit. This one particular girl comes in and continues to remind you to keep your chin up so that they’ll be able to see your face clearly.
You cross your legs, sitting back comfortably but tall. You’re reminded to smile every now and then, but they’re not forcing that on you. When you can’t seem to keep your head up, the same lady snaps her fingers and demands the choker. As soon as you see what she’s talking about, you tell her that you’ll be better about it.
It’s a choker alright, and there’s a pointed area on it. Specifically designed to stab you each time your head falls too low. You make a point to keep your chin up a little higher after that.
You’re allowed to read over the basics of what you’re supposed to say, there is no particular rush. You try to focus on what you’ll be saying, but figure it’s pointless as soon as you’re distracted by the fact that several people are staring at you. You toss the paper aside, literally, and tell them you’re ready to start.
The lady comes back with a white rose that reeks of perfume, and tells you to keep it in your hands. After that, she gets behind the camera with everyone else, and they countdown.
Caesar introduces what you guys will be talking about, which is the rebellion. But he doesn’t call that, he calls it an ‘upbringing’. It’s almost like he has certain keywords he’s not allowed to use. As if Snow doesn’t see this as a rebellion, but a little bit of resistance. And in that case, Snow is blind and you hope that this blows up in his pathetic fucking face.
Cameras aren’t on you just yet, they’re mostly focused on Caesar, “But today we have a very special guest. Someone who we haven’t spoken to just yet.”
You raise your head a little bit, but make no move for a smile. Your eyes bore into Caesar's face with hatred. Even if you were to force a smile, it would look like you’re pissed. Because you are. You’re about to be shown off to the entire country while you look like shit.
You move to cover your belly, hoping that won’t draw more attention to it.
“Today we’re here with (Y/n) Odair.”
Funny way to introduce you, as Finnick’s wife rather than Gallows, which they’ve been using this entire time. You did end up taking Finnick’s last name, hoping to escape the truth of yours. And it had worked, no one used Gallows unless they were addressing your siblings.
But the Capitol still insists to tie you back to it. Like you’ll never be able to run away from it. However, this one time they need to introduce you as an Odair, to appeal back to Finnick. To catch Finnick’s eyes and ears and draw him in that much further.
“It’s been a while since I’ve heard that last name,” you try to be light, but your tone is anything but joking. Caesar laughs anyway, trying to be charismatic as usual, but he is no nice guy to you.
“Yes, since we usually call you by your last name. Which is quite unique, don’t you think?”
You nod, “I like Finnick’s a lot better, though.”
“I bet that’s true,” he laughs, “Now, onto the more important topic. You know that Finnick and Katniss reside inside of District Thirteen, don’t you?”
You didn’t, “What about it?”
“So straightforward!” he doesn’t laugh this time, “It must have been heartbreaking when they took Finnick out instead of you, wasn’t it? You were so close to them, and yet they decided to just leave you there, especially when you’re--” he motions slightly, mostly at your stomach, “--pregnant.”
This motherfucker.
You raise your head back up, tilting it a little bit. So much for confidentiality, now the whole nation knows.
“It wasn’t his fault,” you begin, sitting up in your seat again but making sure that your legs stay crossed, “I kept it from him, I kept it from everyone except for one person. So, he can’t be blamed for not being able to catch me when I did try to get to him. He did his best, and I don’t hold that against him. It’s my fault that I didn’t make it there in time.”
“Who else did you end up telling?” he asks.
This is nowhere near the script, the whole pregnancy thing wasn’t on the script, the asshole. It’s Caesar, you suppose he doesn’t have to follow anything that he doesn’t want to. But either way, this wasn’t planned. They want your raw reaction.
“Haymitch Abernathy.”
Caesar laughs, “You entrusted a drunk with that information?”
“Haymitch is reliable. He’s consistent--besides being drunk. He’s smart, and I’ve known him since I won my games. I knew I could trust him with that information, and I hope that he’s already passed on the ultrasound pictures along with the note that I had for Finnick, already.”
They don’t know about any of this. They won’t know what’s on the note, and they can try to get to the doctor, but she doesn’t know either. They can fucking interrogate you until they’re blue in the face and you wouldn’t care. Because the note is worthless, it’ll further them in no way.
“And if this is the first Finnick’s hearing about the note and pictures, Haymitch will give it up soon enough. After all, I did give him very specific instructions.” you switch the legs that are crossed, twisting the flower in your fingers, “Anything else?”
“Yes, plenty more,” Caesar sits up in his seat now, “I must ask, how you feel about what’s going on. You do know that Katniss is to blame for all of this, right?”
He’s a moron, “No, she’s not. She had no idea what was going on.”
“But now she does,” he reasons, “You’ve seen the videos that they project, interrupting interviews like the one I had with Peeta last week?”
It was that long ago?
Peeta has had two interviews, and they’re either several days apart, or they’re a week apart. Which means that you have been in the Capitol for almost three weeks. Or maybe four, if you are going by the week intervals. If you’re going by days, then it might be two or three.
“No, I haven’t,” you’re bitter, “I haven’t had any connection with the outside, much less been allowed to watch broadcasting. I have no idea what you’ve spoken about with Peeta, or the things that District Thirteen may or may not have shown.”
“I’m sure they’ll show you later--”
Static suddenly fills the room, but the beginning of it sounds exactly like a whip. You flinch, covering your head with your arms and you stay like that until you can get your heart to calm down. You want to place your head between your knees and just stay like that until this is over, but it doesn’t happen.
Your head raises as you look to the screen behind the camera. There, you can see Finnick’s face. Covered in tears, cheeks red from crying. There’s hope in his eyes, he wants you to see him, and he’s gotten his wish.
They have timed this perfectly.
He’s gone as quick as he’s come, but it’s enough for you. Some guy behind the camera tells you guys that it’s under control and that there shouldn’t be any more interruptions.
“It’s time we wrap this up,” Caesar says, “Is there anything you want to say to the districts that are watching?”
From behind the camera that’s pointed towards both you and Finnick, someone holds up the cards that you had tossed. They want you to tell everyone to quiet down and quit it. The only problem is that they don’t listen to you, they listen to Katniss.
You look at the camera, “To the districts that are still active--” there’s no way that some of them have made it out of this completely functional, “And District Thirteen, I would advise you to think your actions through thoroughly. Your actions have consequences. If you move, then the Capitol will move right back.
“Be strategic. Stay safe. Stand strong.” They don’t look happy with your message, and you see they go to cut the cameras. Your words will already get you in trouble, you might as well jump into the deep end now, “Finnick, I know you’re watching this now. I love you, and I miss you. Don’t be afraid, you’re safe right where you are--” you can see the peacekeepers coming at you, and you keep your eyes glued to them, “Don’t worry about me, Finn. I can take care of myself.”
They step into the picture, moving around Caesar, and this is when you decide to drop the ladylike act. You kick the groin of the closest one to the door, jumping out of your seat. They all make a grab for you, but you shove the camera away from you hastily, slipping past all their fingers.
You take off down the hallway, and you can hear the boots of every peacekeeper in the vicinity behind you. You try to remember what you can about these halls, and soon enough you find the fire escape staircase.
You go to yank the door open and head down, but you slam right into a different peacekeeper that was waiting on the other side. The ones behind you yank you back, away from the staircase. Their grips are hard, and they drag you behind them.
You should have gone for the elevator.
-- Chapter Thirteen --
They took it too far after the interview. They were so upset with what you had done, that they took the ‘actions have consequences’ comment and threw it back into your face and spit in it too. They took everything you had said and turned it against you, to show you that they’re still in power.
Actions do have consequences. And because you told them to stay strong and stand tall, they had to tear you down in retaliation. They can’t let you be confident for too long, they wanted to rip down everything you had built in the last couple of hours. And they wanted you to sit and wallow in it.
They strapped you back against the chair, and instead of injecting tracker jacker poison like you expected, they did something much worse. It made the whippings, starvation and tracker jacker poison look like child's play. Like a warm up to the real nightmare that stood behind.
They wanted you to get used to everything else, so when they finally pulled this move on you, it would do some real damage. And congratulations to them, because the tears still haven’t stopped, even though you’ve got a pounding headache. Your throat is raw from the initial screaming, your face stings each time a new tear falls, and you’re so damn thirsty.
Every time you close your eyes, you see it all over again. The doors to this room aren’t see-through. There was no warning that this was coming, not that a warning would have done much anyway. It’s still a gunshot to the head, with warning or without. There’s no way you can tell someone that they just killed a different person because of what they said.
And you wouldn’t change a goddamn thing you had said on that broadcast. It was live, they got to see you kick the peacekeeper and make a dash for the door live. It’s okay with you, because they know that you still had fight left in you. You might have looked like shit, with all that weight gone, and little to no muscle, but you came through.
Now, there’s not so much fight, though. You’re exhausted, they haven’t let you sleep just yet. They’ve fed you since the interview, they’re at least consistent with that schedule. You have a feeling that they’re not exactly doing it for you, though. They’re mostly doing it for the baby that you’re carrying.
It’s not like they’re really making a difference. They still give you tracker jacker poison, and they don’t lessen the doses when you tell them just how dangerous it is for him. They laugh in your face, and they tell you to keep your fucking mouth shut. And at this point, you’re willing to give in, as long as no one else has to die because of your actions.
They came in here, with one hand on each of her arms, and tossed her into the room with you, and then left. Not a single word on what was happening, they didn’t tell you that she was already dead. They just threw her in and left.
Mags’ dead body still lays in front of the door. Her head isn’t turned towards you, thank god. But you can still imagine the look of milky white dead eyes. You hope that they’re not open, and they at least closed them to give her rest. She didn’t deserve what they did to her.
And it couldn’t have been good. She can’t speak well, so she can’t tell them that she didn’t have information to hand over. But of course they had to have assumed that since you and Finnick had a hand in the arena falling apart, that she would have some idea about what had been going on.
You and Finnick had already discussed keeping it from her because you didn’t want her to get involved for this exact reason. In case you guys were caught, and she would be dragged into it. You thought it would be for her safety, but it turned out to be the reason why she’s dead.
There’s a small pool of blood around the space where her head had cracked from hitting the tile when they threw her in. At that time, you had thought that she was still alive and you begged for someone to come in and save her. But a couple of hours later, you’d see that her chest wasn’t moving at all, and realize that she was dead all this time.
It just made the tears come a little harder. Your screams and pleas had fizzled out to nothing, and instead you cried in silence. Your fight against the restraints had stopped and you slid down in the chair in defeat. Eyes shut, head turned away from the camera and away from her as you wished that none of this was happening again.
You didn’t even get to say goodbye. You didn’t get to tell her how sorry you are for all of this. You didn’t get to apologize for holding secrets and for shutting her out like that so suddenly. You didn’t get to apologize for not thinking about her feelings first, and being so selfish like you always are.
You didn’t get to apologize for getting her killed. The last time you two had talked was the day you decided that you didn’t want to be in an alliance with Finnick anymore. The only time you guys had communicated after that was in the arena when she sent that sword in, and even then, that was a gift from Laurel. She had told you when she was showering you, that it was an expensive gift, and she kept her promise.
You couldn’t have cared less who had gifted you that knife. Or why she had done it, or why she picked her timing and all of that bullshit. You care now about making sure that they aren’t the next people that are hurt. You hope that Snow will take mercy upon his own citizens and not try to kill them or torture them to get back at you.
And that can go the same for your family too. Because there’s no doubt that he has his hands on them. If Annie wasn’t saved from District Four, then that means that neither was Reed, or Mox or Alyssum. Snow probably grabbed them while he could.
It’s sick to say, but you’re just glad that he hadn’t tossed in your older brothers as punishment for what you did. You can imagine that’s what will happen next, though. If you’re not compliant for the rest of your stay here. If you try and resist, then they will toss in your brothers, or your sister.
Then you will have much darker blood on your hands. Your own family will be at the fault of your actions.
The door opens, and there stands peacekeepers. The lady from the interview comes in with a cart too. You watch as the peacekeepers grab Mags by the ankles and drag her out of the room. Her gray hair has turned a shade of red from soaking in the blood for the past few days.
She leaves a trail of red behind her. They walk out of sight, so you then look to the lady standing at the cart.
“Snow is giving you a second chance.” she tells you, “Don’t fuck this up.”
“Why?” you ask, leaning forward, “What for?”
She doesn’t answer your question, and you can’t answer it either. What would be the benefit of seeing you live? You’re no one interesting, you’ve been out of the eyes of the Capitol and the districts for a while now. Back when you had won you were relevant, but that was all because of Finnick.
An avox comes into the room and the doors shut behind him. He comes over to you, undoes the restraints, and then motions to the cart. There would be no reason to shower you off, you guess. You’re not covered in blood like you were last time. You were whipped last night, but they had quite literally hosed you off instantly after.
The cold water was painful in your wounds. Since they felt white hot, and that water felt like it came straight from a stream in winter. The two conflicting temperatures had just made the entire wound feel like it was on fire. They took notes of this, you know it. They love being able to hurt you.
You step around the blood, the avox turns away as you pull on the new baby pink dress. It’s black flats this time, and there’s no jewelry. You haven’t seen your mother’s ring in weeks, and it’s starting to worry you on what they did to it. Finnick could throw his away without guilt because it wasn’t attached to either of your parents.
However, yours is important. It’s the last thing that you have of hers. You don’t have her dresses, or her necklaces and other rings. That one engagement and later her wedding ring, is all you have of her. And since it was with her every single day, even after your father had passed, you want it back. You want it to be with you.
You should have asked Laurel or Elysia if they had seen it at all.
You pull your hair into a ponytail, not knowing if it’s smooth or not. It won’t matter to them, though.
Once you’re dressed, the avox goes and knocks on the door. The peacekeepers come in, and they handcuff your arms behind your back. You stare at the blood streak that leads down the hallway absently. There is no struggle and they don’t know this. You’ve kicked, and screamed and tried to bite them, and last time you ran.
For all they care, you’re going to try it again. Which is why they grab your ankles and walk you to the elevator. Your head falls back as you look off to the side, and you can see someone being moved rooms. It’s only when they resist, and you hear them shout when you see it’s Johanna.
“Jo--” you go to yell, but the peacekeeper is quick to shut you up.
She looks over anyway, shaking her head at you, and then she’s pulled into the room. She’s been through a lot more than you have. She’s just as starved as you are, her hair is shaved off, and she’s got scabs everywhere. She looked wet, so you’re guessing they’ve been using water against her.
Whatever works, you guess. You get whippings, and cuts and she gets drowned in water over and over. You wonder what Peeta has to endure. You wonder what Annie is getting, if she is. You haven’t heard her scream at all, while the other two on the other hand… when you’re not yelling for help or begging them to stop, they are.
You’re brought right back to the room from before. They release you from the handcuffs long enough to put them in front of you instead. The lady puts the white choker on your neck.
“Behave.” she warns you, and then she cocks her head to the side.
At the sight of the same man that gives you whippings, you nearly trip over your feet trying to get away from him. One of the peacekeepers catch you by your arm, but you’re still trying to get out of the room. Tears cloud your eyes once again as you shake your head desperately.
“I can’t do this--I can’t do this, please,” your voice breaks, “Don’t make me do this.”
“All you have to do is tell the districts to stop fighting, (Y/n).” Caesar tells you, “Ask Katniss and District Thirteen to stop this, and you can go back to your room.”
“Fail to do this and the next person that gets hurt is family.” the man tells you.
You flinch against the wall when you see the coiled whip in his hand. Just for his own pleasure, you watch as he lets it fall to the ground. You try to put your head down and sink to your knees but two things stop you. First is the choker, forcing you to keep your head up, while the peacekeeper yanks you back up to where you need to be.
“Are you going to cooperate?” she asks.
You blink the tears from your eyes and you want to shake your head but the dangerous look in the man’s eye tells you that he won’t hesitate to do it right here in front of everyone. And he won’t stop until you agree and get the lines right.
“Yes,” your voice is different, it doesn’t even sound like yours, “Yes I’ll ask for a cease fire.”
“Good.” the man says, and then he motions towards the chair.
You’re careful when you walk over, and you notice how peacekeepers stand in front of the door. And the woman behind the camera nods at the guy who’s in charge of the broadcast.
The guy with the whip plays with it slightly, a smile on his face as he locks eyes with you. There’s a countdown, and you don’t pay attention to it much, too afraid that if you tear your eyes away from him, that he’ll hit you with it.
Caesar’s voice scares you when he does start speaking, and you place your hand against your chest to settle yourself.
He doesn’t fuck around with telling them that you’re back and you want to tell them all something. He says something along the lines of ‘she’s been begging to appear again for this’ and then the cameras turn to you.
You swallow thickly, your eyes flickering to the whip, “End this, please. It’s not just you guys who are being affected anymore, it’s us too. What I said last time was wrong, putting down your weapons now is your best chance.
“It won’t be easy, but Panem can be put back together. Snow is willing to forgive the districts that give up quicker. But those who resist…” you trail off, head dipping slightly as you try to pick up on your train of thought.
The choker stabs you, and it makes your head jolt up.
“What happens to those who resist, (Y/n)?” Caesar asks.
You look at him with wide eyes, and then back to the camera, “They’ll all be killed. Every single one of you will be killed because you’re not--you’re not--” you shake your head, “You’re ruining the nation.”
There’s a snap, which makes you jump. A sob leaves you suddenly as you cover your mouth from being startled like that. You want them to cut the cameras, to finally let you go again, but the lady is snapping more and motioning for you to keep going. You can’t help but to curl in on yourself.
“I beg you to put down your weapons,” you sob, “Please, for us. For the people you’ll end up--”
The power then suddenly cuts, and you’re all left in darkness. You’re not sure if it’s relief or terror, but your sobs are louder and you pull your knees to your chest. You collapse in on yourself as the camera crew tries to figure out what’s happening.
Placing your head on your knees, you shake your head, “I want to go home. I want my family back. I want my life back, please.”
They take you back to your room, get you into the chair and leave. You know you’ve done your job well enough when there's silence in the entire building for a long time, and no one comes for you.
You slam your head against the headrest, though.
You can’t imagine what they’re thinking.
-- Chapter Fourteen --
They come in, they feed you, and they leave. They come in, take you to the bathroom, and they leave. They don’t speak, they don’t release you, they don’t torture you. They come in, they do what they have to do, and they leave the room until they need to come in again.
It’s always been avoxes. It’s not like they can speak anyway, but they don’t answer questions at all. They come in, do what they have to, and leave the room without another thought to it. Sometimes they’ll come in with medical equipment to take your temperature and test your reflexes, and only once have they actually used an ultrasound machine.
The baby is healthy, his heart is beating strong. Your bump is pretty prominent now, seeing as it’s been a few weeks. You’re four and a half months in, maybe. You don’t know how long you’ve been in the Capitol for. All you know is that you lost track of time a while ago.
You were three and a half weeks when you first found out, spent a week in the Capitol and two days inside of the arena, so that’s another week, right? And it’s been at least two, maybe three weeks since you’ve been here. Which levels it out to four and a half months, maybe a little less or a little more.
It feels like you’ve been here an eternity. The days begin to blend together when you’re doing the same thing everyday. When you’re not allowed to sleep or see the outside. The only time you get a hint of when it might be night time is when there’s an absence of doctors. But even then, there’s always people coming to check in on you.
Two hour intervals is what you heard. The avoxes come in every two hours to either feed you or take you to the bathroom, and then they leave. And in that case, you’ll never get to figure out when it’s day and when it’s night. You sleep when you can, which has been all the time for this past day.
Ever since the lights went out yesterday, it’s been particularly quiet. You overheard that it was the entire Capitol, and it wasn’t just this building. There’s still a little bit of power circulating, but it has to be directed to one place at a time. This means that something had happened to District Five.
They’re in charge of the power. It’s funny, how you were just telling them to lay down their weapons, and they made a move like they did. It’s a great way to say ‘fuck you’ but you can imagine that it was pre-planned. Your appearance was literally perfect timing.
Shortly after you came back to the room, Peeta went out though. You could hear him in front of your door, asking to not be put on air. Which is also weird that they went from you to him so quickly. In the same exact day.
You’re not sure what time he had returned, because you haven’t heard him talking at all. He might have said something he wasn’t supposed to inside of the room that got him in trouble, but there’s no way for you to tell. There’s nothing in this room besides a chair, and a camera.
No tv to see what is and isn’t broadcasted. You can’t see what they use Peeta for, and you can’t see how the districts respond. If you ever get out of here, you’ll have a lot to catch up on.
You close your eyes, wishing that the lights overhead were automatic so you’d finally be able to sleep in the dark again. But as your head falls and turns away from the light, it’s dark enough for you to doze off again.
The arena is dark when you open your eyes. The ground is damp, and you look to the sky to see that it’s night. The moon is the first thing you notice. It’s full, a sign of something new, change.
Even though it’s night, and not easy to see, you can catch the dark clouds still swarming the sky. It’s just rained, and by the way that the clouds are moving, and the rumbling of thunder with no lightning, it’s not finished just yet.
You push yourself off of the grass that you were laying in. You notice how you’re not soaked, but completely dry. You still wipe off the grass and clovers that have stuck your outfit when you stand.
Looking around, you squint, looking for something. Any sign of where you are, or how you got here. It isn’t until you hear the sound of rushing water, when you turn towards where it’s coming from.
You start towards it, tucking your hair behind your ears as you get closer. The sound of rain makes you cover your eyes with your hand. There is no water that falls from the sky, but you can still feel the pelting against your jacket.
You stop when you get to the sand, and you drop your hands to your sides too. Staring off into the water, your shoulders slump slightly. What is it that you’re looking for?
“You know—“ the familiar voice starts, you jump three feet into the air at the break of the silence. You spin around to see the dark haired boy you’d been searching for, “I made an effort to sit by you when you woke up, and you still wandered here.”
“Blaire!” You laugh, heading towards him.
He takes your hug in gratefully, but you can’t press your body against his much. Confused, you look down to see what’s between you, and it’s the baby bump. It’s made its way here after all.
“Congrats, again.” He motions, tilting his head slightly, “A boy, was it?”
“Yeah,” you press your hand against the bump, rubbing it slightly, “I’m happy it isn’t a girl that’s first.”
He raises his eyebrows at you, “Huh., and why's that?”
Blaire moves past you, going to sit on the wet sand. You follow behind him, taking your time, “Well, it’s tradition in my family that it’s a boy first so they can look after everyone that follows.”
“Bogus tradition to me.” He helps you sit, “I had an older sister.”
“You can’t tell me she didn’t look after you,” you look at him disapprovingly, and he has a smile.
“She did, you’re right.”
“I know.” You smile back at him.
He sighs suddenly, drawing a picture in the sand. You stare out into the water, a little amazed by how the moon reflects off the water. You’ve seen it before, of course. But it’s still cool to see every time.
“Well, let’s cut to the chase, because we both know you won’t be here long.” He says, you can see him glance up at you, but you don’t look at him, “What’s going on?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
He laughs, “Now that is new! Do I get to talk about my problems for once?”
“You have none.” You remind him, “What would you even have to complain about? You’re dead, you don’t have to live through mounds of shit anymore.”
Blaire frowns, “You do need to talk it out.”
You shake your head, pulling your legs in so you’re sitting criss-crossed, “Blaire, just this once I need to keep it to myself.”
“That’s not why you’re here,” he tells you, and you know he’s right, “You come here when things are overwhelming. You come here to talk to me instead of literally anyone else because you’re afraid of being a burden.”
“Shut up.”
“I’m right, you know that I’m right.”
“I don’t want you to be right,” you say, “I, for once, want to come here without a single worry in the world and enjoy everything that goes on here.”
He laughs, “Do you see the place? It’s been storming for several days straight, the pond-lake is about to flood!”
“It’s already flooding.”
“Just tell me what’s happening so you can go back to Finnick, or the games. Whatever it is.”
“The games have been over for weeks,” you shake your head, “It lasted two days.”
“What?” He asks, you finally look at him.
“The rebellion has started. I’m being held captive in the Capitol while Finnick sits in District Thirteen.”
“Wait, slow down. Rebellion?” He asks, and you nod, “And thirteen was destroyed—“
“Apparently not.” You look at the sand to see the picture he’s drawn. It’s a clock, “Why did you draw that?”
“Huh?” He looks down to see what you’re talking about, “I don’t know.”
You shake your head, rubbing your temples when a sudden headache comes on, “They’ve been torturing me the entire time. I’m surprised I’m not as skinny as I am out there.”
When there is no response to him, you look over to check to make sure that he’s okay. A scream leaves your mouth almost immediately when you see Finnick instead of Blaire.
He holds a whip in his hands, “Hi.”
“Finnick—“ you start, “No, you can’t be here--this is my safe place.”
It uncoils--
“Hello? Missus Odair?”
You jolt awake, pushing the pair of hands away from you. It’s bright in the room, white, you blink quickly, trying to get your eyes adjusted quicker. Being woken up from a dream turned a nightmare isn’t easy.
“Huh?” you ask, squinting because it still stings your eyes, but you can see the people in front of you.
Black, dressed in all black with helmets and guns. They stare at you hesitantly, almost as if you’re going to snap.
“What’s going on?” you want to move away from them, but they’ve almost got you surrounded on this chair.
“This is a rescue mission,” one of them tells you, “We’re from District Thirteen, we’re here to get you out of the Capitol.”
“Oh,” you say, nodding a little bit. You notice how you’re not strapped to the chair, but there’s still purple and red marks on your wrists, “Okay, did you get Peeta, Johanna and Annie?”
A different one smiles, “Yes we did.”
“Okay,” you say again, carefully getting out of the seat. Your legs are sore, and you wobble a little bit, “This isn’t a hallucination? This is real?”
“Yes, it’s real.” he tells you.
They help you stand for a moment while you come to terms with your surroundings. This is not the same room that you fell asleep in, it’s completely different. The hallway in front of you looks nothing like the other one.
You notice the cart off to the left, and head straight for it, curious on what the Capitol is giving back to you. You nearly cry when you see your wedding rings. Yours and Finnick's sit on this trolley. You turn back to the men.
“Sorry, can one of you hold onto these?” you ask, and they take them, “Don’t lose them, they’re our wedding bands.”
And then you turn back to unveil what’s sitting underneath a silk white cloth. You pull it out carefully to see that it’s the knife from the games. Either they’re teasing you, saying that you can’t escape what you came from, that all of this will stay with you, whether you like it or not. Or it’s a gift.
It was from Laurel and Mags. You pick it up and hold it to your chest and turn back to the other two that stare at you warily, “I’m ready to go now.”
They usher you into the hallway with the others. The second you step in, Annie has thrown herself at you for a hug. You hold onto her tightly, telling her that everything will be okay now.
Johanna laughs at the knife, “Still playing pretend?”
“Mags is dead,” is all you say back to her, and it’s enough to get her to knock it off.
They lead you out the way they came in. You pass by the rooms the others had been sitting in, as well as a bunch of cages in a single hallway. Annie asks what those could have possibly been used for, and your answer is ‘anything’. Avoxes, you guys, mutts, other unfortunate victors.
At some point they want to stop guiding Peeta the way they are, so you step in quickly. Johanna rolls her eyes at you, but you know she’s glad that you’re doing it for her. Peeta doesn’t jerk away like you expect him too, he’s mostly quiet and lets you do what you have to. Redirect him, sometimes your hand will drift up and down a little higher than you mean it to. You don’t even touch his back fully, it’s more of a hovering.
They get you to the courtyard, a place you haven’t been. And then that’s when they send wires down for them to reattach themselves. Peeta is the first that’s grabbed and starts to head up. You’re grabbed by some guy with dark brown hair who tells you to hold on tightly, and you do. Johanna and Annie follow back accordingly.
Once you guys are up and inside of the hovercraft, they shut the doors and begin to leave.
You lay against the floor, trying to ‘ground’ yourself--you’re in the air, above the Capitol--and tell yourself that you’re fine. This is the end of it, you’ll be home soon.
And then one of the people upfront finally say, “They’re online, their defense is online.”
-- Chapter Fifteen --
The hospital that they have set up in District Thirteen is much different than what they have back home in four, and what they had in the training center. Granted, it was a makeshift hospital in the training center, it was mainly used to torture you guys and it wasn’t meant for much more.
It’s not a pristine white in here, and you’re glad that it isn’t. The walls are blue, the floor is dirty from years of walking on it. The nurses and doctors are nice, and when you set down guidelines on what they can and can’t do, they told you that everything is up to you.
They had already checked your blood pressure, your temperature, your hearing and your reflexes to make sure that they were still in check. They did your hearing, your seeing and all while that was happening, checked up on the baby. They gave you an updated picture to stare at and keep you calm while they gave you some vaccinations.
When you all had arrived in here, Peeta was taken to a different room almost immediately, which makes sense. He looks the worst out of all of you, even though you and Johanna are pretty bad yourselves. The only lucky one out of this bunch has turned out to be Annie, and even then sitting inside that room without anyone to talk to had done a number on her.
“Get off of me!” Johanna protests, “Leave me alone for fuck’s sake--”
She tries to push off the people around her, but they’re just asking to take her blood pressure. At some point she had complained that she couldn’t breathe, so there’s a tube around her nose to make sure she can breathe just fine. It’s probably pissing her off that they’re all coming at different directions at one.
You would go over and tell them to get off of her, but she seems to have it handled. She’s her own person, she doesn’t need people to sit on top of her and dictate things for her. If the nurses won’t be as listening as yours are, then they’ll learn from all the mistakes they’re about to make from not leaving her be.
You look down at the picture again fondly. Running your finger over where his head is. Only a few more months now. The doctors tell you what you suspected. Four months and a week. You were off by some, but that doesn’t matter. You were so lost on everything that had happened out here, they can’t even blame you.
You said it on live tv. You told everyone that you were secluded and you weren’t allowed to know what was happening. But despite that they tried to get your opinion on things, which is funny. You’re still mad that you had showed up yesterday, at your lowest point you’ve been in a while.
The sound of the doors being pushed open and then a rapid pair of footsteps makes you look up. You flinch initially, going to cover your face, but you catch a glimpse of Katniss. Eyes searching for someone, her someone.
You settle, untensing your body as you try to go back to swinging your legs and focusing on anything but your back stinging, “(Y/n)?”
Your head shoots up, eyes landing on where the voice has come from. You slip off of the hospital bed, dropping the picture onto the bed as you take off towards him. Finnick meets you more than halfway, being careful not to slam into you too hard.
You squeeze him tightly, pressing your forehead against his chest. Tears start running from your eyes before you realize it, and you’re sobbing in his arms. He holds the back of your neck with one hand, and your back with another, “You’re okay. You’re okay.”
You laugh through the tears, “I know, and I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, please.” he says, “It’s not your fault.”
You pull away from him for a moment, so you can take in his face. There’s fresh tears on his cheeks, and they continue to build up in his eyes. You reach up, cupping his face in both hands as you bring him to your face. You take a moment, just staring at each other, and then he kisses you.
He holds onto you tightly, almost like he’s afraid that you’ll slip through his fingers if he lets go. And when you two pull away, he’s taking in a small breath before kissing you briefly. Finnick kisses your lips, your forehead, your cheeks, everywhere he can get.
You laugh, smoothing his hair back when he finally calms down, “I missed you.”
“I hope.” he laughs, “We have a lot to talk about.”
“I know.” you tell him, and then you pull away from him suddenly, remembering something very important.
“What?” he asks.
“My family? Where’s Reed, Mox and Alyssum? Are they here?”
Finnick’s face drops slightly, “No, they aren’t.”
You press your hand to Finnick’s chest, moving him out of the way slightly as you look for Haymitch, he had come in with Finnick and Katniss. Your hand begins to fall from Finnick’s chest, but he grabs it and holds it between his hands tightly, not letting you go without him.
You pull him along as you look for Haymitch. You come to a part of the hospital that breaks into another hallway, which is where you find him. Standing with Katniss, and the same dark haired man that’s holding onto your wedding rings and knife.
“Hey!” you call, Katniss looks over at the sound of your voice, and so does the man, “Can I have my things back, please?”
It looks like he remembers instantly, and he digs through his pockets. The first thing is the knife, which you take and eventually hand off to Finnick to hold for a moment. Then the man hands off the rings too.
“Thank you.” you tell him, “I won’t forget this.”
You slide your ring onto your left ring finger, noticing how it’s so loose now. Your fingers are a lot more slender than they were before. It’ll take a couple of weeks, maybe even months to build back up into a healthy body weight, but you look forward to it.
You stare at Finnick’s silver wedding ring for a moment, slowly moving it over to him. It’s in perfect condition. There’s scratches, of course. From the years of wear and tear, and it looks like it needs to be polished too. Otherwise, it looks as good as it’s supposed to.
“Oh,” Finnick’s voice is soft, and he slides it onto his ring finger, “So much better.”
You laugh, but turn and catch Haymitch before he goes, “We need to talk.”
“I’ll be out in a minute,” he tells you, and then he cocks his head towards the room that Katniss has disappeared into. You get on your toes to see better, and you catch the back of Peeta’s head.
“Yeah, that’s fine. Good luck.” you tell him, and he nods before going in with Katniss.
You and Finnick head back to where you were before, sitting at your bed. You have to move the second pair of ultrasound pictures for you to sit, and Finnick even helps a little bit. Once you're sat down, he passes over the knife, still checking out the handle.
“Hey--isn’t that the special ones from the Capitol? The souvenirs?”
“Yeah,” you laugh, turning it over in your hand a little bit, “It’s real too.”
“It can’t be--” Finnick starts.
Just to prove him wrong, you hold out your forearm and slide the blade along it. It stings a little bit, since you’re quite literally tearing your skin open, but just as you thought, blood starts running.
Finnick isn’t as amused, he grabs the white sheets on the bed and presses it to your new wound, “You didn’t have to--”
“Honey,” you shake your head at him, and he quiets down a little bit, “A cut like this is nothing compared to the healing wounds on my back.”
His face twists, “What?”
Before you can tell him, there’s a loud crash from the back hallway. You spin the knife in your hand, bringing it up as you flinch to protect yourself. Finnick is so incredibly lucky that your thumb had missed the button, because he would be speared right now.
“Hey--” Finnick takes the knife from your hand, placing it on the bed behind you, “You’re okay.”
More crashing, but Finnick doesn’t make a move to see what it is. He almost protects his body with yours. You take deep breaths for a second, and then you look over to Annie to see she’s staring at the floor. This would be you, you and her would have so much in common right now if it weren’t for Finnick.
You look down at the ultrasound pictures, “It's a boy.”
“I know.” he moves some hair out of your face, “It was a little cruel to get a picture and a note rather than you telling me face to face.”
“I didn’t want to come back with a baby bump and say ‘surprise’!” you laugh breathily.
“We need a stretcher!” a voice yells.
Finnick moves out of your way so you can see what’s happening. It’s a long moment before they come back with the person. You sit up a little more when you see that it’s Katniss.
“What happened?” you ask.
“Peeta.” the dark haired man says, “He tried to strangle her.”
You slump, shaking your head as you look down at the ground, “I should have warned you about that. They used tracker jacker venom on us. I guess I might have been a little more resilient.”
“You’re sure?” a local doctor asks.
You shrug, “I don’t see why he would hate Katniss so much besides that. It’s used to mess with the brain, I used to read about it.”
Finnick nods, and then he moves back over to block the view. He pulls you against his body for a hug. You wrap one of your arms around his waist, trying to make him feel like he’s being squeezed. Even if you had both arms, it wouldn’t be the same because of the bump.
You two sit there in silence for a while. He doesn’t say a word to you, and you don’t say anything back to him, because there’s nothing that needs to be said. You’re safe, you’re back with him. You’re in his arms, and you won’t be going anywhere for a very long time.
You’ll be able to take these next few weeks or months and just relax. You can get used to these people around you, and you can fit into their schedule somehow. You’re sure that you can be helpful with at least something. You didn’t train endlessly in the most useless things now to just be seen as a nobody.
You’re a jack of all trades. Just the same as Finnick is.
A nurse approaches you two, “You can go now, we’ve got all your information on record. Come back if you have any concerns.”
“You don’t need to watch her overnight?” Finnick seems worried.
You wouldn't be able to stay in this place overnight. It might not be blindingly white, and it’s no replica of what they had in the training center, but the two are still comparable. You wouldn’t be able to last more than a day in here without going absolutely insane.
“She’s healthy,” the nurse assures him, “She will be given specially portioned food to work her up to what we normally eat, and she should come back every couple of days to check up on the baby, but other than that, she would have no other need to be here.”
Finnick nods slowly, and before he can say anything else for you, you shake your head, “Actually, there is something. Can we go into a private room for it, though?”
“Of course, just give me a moment.” she tells you, and then disappears into the hallway.
“There’s something else?” he asks.
“You’ll see.” you assure him, getting off of the bed, taking the knife and handing it off to Finnick. The nurse comes back and shows you the way to the room. No windows, it’s at the end of the hall.
You don’t sit down for this, you wait until the door is shut and then you approach it like how you approach scared kids, “It’s no reason to freak out, it doesn’t hurt much. I just can’t see it for myself, and since we’re already here, you might as well check it out.”
“Okay,” she nods, and she’s probably not expecting what you do next.
You’re very careful with the way you take off the gown. Slowly, one by one, you take off the buttons. And then, you toss it to the bed. The stitches stretch mildly, and you hold in the hiss you want to let out, because it could be much, much worse.
You turn your back to them, tilting your head to the side slightly. You can hear someone gasp.
“Oh my god, (Y/n),” Finnick says, “How…?”
“They had to punish me somehow,” you say, listening as the nurse goes through the cabinets for some disinfectant or something, “for being involved. For telling you guys to stay strong. They thought that they could get me to calm the districts down. He wanted me to tell you guys that this isn’t what we need, that we’ll overthrow the balance.”
“I’m going to touch your back,” the nurse warns you.
“Do what you have to. They stitched me up so I wouldn’t bleed on camera.” you laugh bitterly, “I can imagine how nasty they might look.”
“Not the cleanest.” the nurse admits, “But they’ve been done by someone who has an idea on how to do it. I’m going to clean some of the blood and then disinfect the ones that look fresh.”
“Sounds good to me.”
Finnick comes in front of you, looking you over.
“How does it look with the bear mutt scars?” there’s a smile on your face, “Cool?”
He doesn’t find this funny, “This should have been checked out first.”
“I almost forgot about them.” you tell him, “Of course, I can feel the stitches each time I move but I don’t really acknowledge it anymore.” you dip your head down, tilting your head to the side so your neck cracks, “I know that they’re there, but unless I’m being actively whipped, then there’s no reason to think about them anymore. You should have seen me strapped to that chair--”
You stop suddenly, the smile on your face dropping off. You close your eyes, shaking your head, because you can feel it coming on. You don’t want to see it again.
But there she is, laying dead on the floor. Hair soaked in blood. The streak she left when she was dragged out of the room. How pale and lifeless her body was.
“(Y/n)?” Finnick sounds worried, he’s directing your chin up, trying to get you to look at him, but you’re lost, “Hey, you’re okay. Whatever it is, it’s okay.”
“It’s not,” you whisper, “It’s my fault.”
“Nothing is your fault.”
You suddenly focus on Finnick, and it’s the same moment that the nurse warns you about the stinging right before it happens. Fortunately for you, it’s not the same white hot pain that you had gotten from the whippings, but it has the same sting. Like a bad aftertaste.
“Stop!” you arch your back in, clenching your teeth at the sting, “Stop.”
It’s all too much. Seeing Mags dead on the floor and having a sting like that. It feels like punishment all over again.
“I’m sorry--”
“No, I’m fine.” you close your eyes, taking in a deep breath, “I’m fine, I was just surprised. Try again.”
She does, and this time you’re much more capable of taking it. You look to Finnick now, trying to steady yourself before you deliver the news. There should be a time and a place for things, but you have to tell him before you forget and he tries to mention it in a giddy moment.
“There’s this one this that is my fault,” you begin slowly, holding up your finger when Finnick tries to interject, “I’m not some saint, they had to make me pay after what I said to you guys.”
He waits patiently, and that look of innocence in your eyes is what pains you the most. Because he’s not ready for this.
“Finnick, they killed Mags.” you wait for your own tears to come but there are none. You watch Finnick’s face almost emotionless because you’ve cried all your tears. You screamed, you fought, you begged. You beat yourself up that entire fucking time, and you’re still tearing down your inner walls.
“They…” he looks confused, shaking his head.
“She was already dead when she was thrown in my room.” you tell him, “She wasn’t… I don’t think she suffered. She didn’t have any wounds from what I could see.”
Except the one on the back of her head, and that was because they had literally thrown her in like a ragdoll. She cracked her head on the floor, and continued to bleed until there was nothing left.
“I’m sorry.” you tell him, and then for the rest of the time, you bask in every sting, every pull at the wound, every single pain you could get out of it. Eventually you’re clenching your hands, and the cut on your arm has stopped bleeding.
Finnick looks so gone. He moves for a towel and holds it against where your arm is bleeding, but eventually you have to take over.
“You can go, Finnick.” you say, “You don’t have to be here, I can have someone else show me the room.”
“I--” he tries to tell you no, the words won’t come out, though.
You’re still here, protecting him as always. Like a shield, only you fail miserably at your job. At trying to make sure that he doesn’t feel like this. Worried, sad, lost, hopeless, angry. And yet, you take every single arrow to the heart and still pass on the information to him as it comes.
You’re the one that gives him the bad news. A grim reaper, and you just don’t stop.
You bite back the tears, feeling how swollen your throat is getting again, it won’t be long before you’re crying, “I’ll be fine. Go, grieve.”
Finnick looks like he wants to take the offer, but there must be something in your face that changes his mind, because he shakes his head. His face wipes completely clean, and his eyes are no longer innocent. He’s focused, determined. He wants to stay here, for you.
“You don’t have to be fine,” is what he tells you, “I’ve had my time of grieving, you’ve given me plenty of time. It’s your turn now, my love.”
The nurse finishes up in this moment, and she tells you that you’re free to go whenever. She tells you that you should remind the doctor or nurse you see next time you come in for the baby check up, since it’ll be on your record but they won’t ask unless you mention it.
And then she leaves the room to you and Finnick.
“I’ve cried my tears.”
“Stop being strong for once,” he says, cupping your face, “I can be that for you. It doesn’t have to be permanent, or it could be forever if you want. Because I’m here for you, just like you’ve been here for me. I know you think you owe me, but you don’t.” he pulls you in for a hug, only going around your neck because your back is completely exposed right now, “I love you. And I’ll never stop loving you for who you are. But you need to give yourself a break, for all of us.”
-- Chapter Sixteen --
Finnick pulls you tightly into his side, “It’s only for a few minutes.”
“I’m not bothered by the people, Finnick.” you mutter.
The entire place just seems to throw you off. You’re not bothered by the fact that they live underground, or that they all dress the same and eat the same, and have the same space for rooms, because that’s how it should be. Everyone has things distributed equally to avoid fighting.
However, that doesn’t always work, and some people are going to end up despising each other, whatever. Coin has things running as smoothly as she can, considering this place is just one big bunker. And there’s a bunker under this bunker. It’s weird, but you guess that’s how reinforcements work.
Anyway, you’re bothered by the fact that Katniss is still a teenager, and they’re using her as the face of their rebellion. The girl is sixteen or seventeen now, she’s still a child. Sure, the districts are looking to her for help, because it was her act of defiance, but at the same time, it’s completely bullshit.
She has no idea what she’s doing. Haymitch, Plutarch and Coin are using her as a pawn. Coin had set limitations and rules for getting you guys out of the training center when the first opportunity came. Finnick had to tell you all of this to catch you up on how things run, and since you haven’t looked at Coin the same.
It’s because District Thirteen was angry at Peeta for asking everyone who’s fueling the rebellion to stop. He wasn’t being tortured before that, but he was after, and they all still held that prejudice against him. And because Coin likes to keep her people happy, she didn’t necessarily agree with Katniss’ terms at first.
The fact that Katniss had to threaten Coin to get you guys out of there, pisses you the fuck off. If it weren’t for Katniss, then you wouldn’t have been out of there yesterday. If she hadn’t demanded that what you guys said while under control of the Capitol was forgiven and you would be treated as normal, then you would have something against you right now.
So many people would have a right to be angry at you for begging and pleading the same way that Peeta had.
Coin isn’t as perfect as she seems, and you can see right through it. She tries to put on the good guy act, but it still looks like it’s too tight for her. She’s not conforming to it well, there’s something else she’s after, and you’re not too thrilled to be the first to dig it up.
Coin walks up to the microphone, you pull Finnick into you a little tighter. People around you are clapping and cheering. You try to block most of it out.
“Good evening,” she begins, “Yesterday, I authorized a covert rescue mission inside the Capitol. I am pleased to announce that the victors have been liberated!”
The cheering and clapping around you resumes. You tilt your head and wince at the volume, Finnick presses a kiss to your forehead.
It reminds you of the train stations, and the tribute parades, and the interviews. The non-stop cheering that they gave because you were there to fight for their pleasure.
“Let this day mark a historic change, with the Mockingjay and the victors beside us, we have sent a clear message to the Capitol. That we will never again endure injustice.” more cheering, “Today, a day on which we reunite family--” she looks over to you and Finnick. You can feel Finnick lay his head on yours slightly, and you try to force a smile, “--friends, and loved ones.
“Let all of Panem come together. Not to battle for the amusement of the Capitol, but to join hands in this fight!” cheering, again, “Let today be the day we promise never to give up, never to give in, until we have made a new Panem. Where leaders are elected, not imposed upon us, and where the districts are free to share the fruits of their labors and not fight one another for scraps!
“This new Panem is on the horizon, but we must take it for ourselves. The road there leads through the sharp mountains and deep ravines of District Two.” Accurate, they’re the closest to the Capitol. And as you said before, it will be a hell of a rebellion because it will be impossible to fight over mountains like those. The Capitol is tucked away perfectly.
Coin continues, “There, in the heart of Panem's steepest mountain range lies the Capitol’s principal military facility. We can conquer this stronghold, because we are one people, one army, one voice, because today is our new beginning. Today, we have freed the victors. Tomorrow, Panem!”
She lifts her arm, and you almost cover your ears when you hear everyone erupting into cheering again. It’s overwhelming. You mess with Finnick’s wedding ring slightly, since you can’t wear your own. He doesn’t seem bothered by this, knowing that you need some sort of distraction.
The crowd then goes in sync for the cheer that District Thirteen. A hoo-rah sort of thing with their fists and shit. You and Finnick don’t do it, instead you two almost stick out like sore thumbs.
Soon, the crowd is dispersing, going back to where they need to be to continue their jobs and whatnot. You and Finnick have nowhere specific to be, and you’re going to take advantage of it.
“We need to see Haymitch,” you say, grabbing Finnick’s hand as you begin to pull him to the elevator.
“Why?” he asks, “Don’t you want to sit down and relax?”
“I can’t.” you tell him, “I can’t relax. I could hardly sleep last night.”
He laughs, “That explains a lot.”
You glare over your shoulder, “Just because we’re married doesn’t mean you don’t have to stop being a gentleman, dick. We’re going to see Haymitch to talk about Reed, Mox and Alyssum.”
In the elevator, you close the guard railing and Finnick presses the button. He knows this place a lot better than you do, he’s been here for a couple of weeks.
“Please tell me you’ve considered the fact that they’re not…” he doesn’t say the word.
“They weren’t in the Capitol.” you shake your head, “And they’re not here, so they have to be in District Four. If Snow could get his hands on Annie, then he could have gotten his hands on them too. Unless, he couldn’t.”
“Where else would they go?” he asks, “They would have checked Caspian’s house too.”
You smile, “Here’s the thing, my mom and dad had plenty of friends around the district. People who used to check up on us. I’m taking a bet that they’re hiding them right now.
“That lady that was in that broadcasting room with me said that my family was next.” you shake your head, “But they would have gone for them first. It’s exactly what they’ve done in the past. They killed your family, they killed Johanna’s family…”
It dawns on Finnick, “You’re right.”
“I know I am.”
The elevator stops, and Finnick pulls up the railing, and then takes your hand as he guides you around the floors to where Haymitch may or may not be. You ask about the control room, but he says that suggesting it to Haymitch first is the smartest move. Then you guys can go ahead and propose it to Plutarch, not Coin.
Of course, she runs this place, she’ll have to make all the decisions in the end, but you don’t want her in on the rough draft. When you propose it to her, you want to be ready to give her the information that she needs. Whatever that may end up being, you don’t know just yet.
You and Finnick stop outside a particular hospital room. He tells you to wait out in the hall for a moment while he goes in.
You know that your family could very well be dead already, and you’ll be going through all this trouble for nothing. But you try first and you’ll give up way, way later down the line. You stick to a plan, because being indecisive will get you nowhere.
There’s plenty of people that they could have gone with. Reed is smart, though, he wouldn’t have just gone with Caspian’s family. Everyone in the district knows that your families are close, connected. Even peacekeepers know this, so to go there would be an automatic bust.
It can’t be Annie’s family or Mags’ house, because again, you were seen around there all the time. Those houses had to have been searched up and down, along with Finnick’s. The peacekeepers take no chances, you bet that if you go back to your victor house, you’ll see that it’s ripped apart.
Broken glass, vases, cupboard doors ripped off the wood. Couches turned upside downs, beds ripped from their posts. Curtains would be ripped, floorboards pried, they wouldn’t leave anything unbroken. Their job would be to wreck it and make it obvious if anyone has been there.
The same goes for your old house. The tv is probably broken, the tub is moved from its place, the old mirror is shattered, your parents wardrobe is nothing but splinters. Anything and everything would be gone forever.
There’s probably a few fishermen that they might have gone to see. If Reed is smart, then he would have split up too. Reed would go one place, Mox would go to another, and Alyssum to a different place. More specifically, someplace where she feels most comfortable. Reed would probably let her pick, and then he would have gone to that person to make sure it’s okay.
Finnick comes out of the room with Haymitch and Plutarch.
You peek around them now, since you weren’t being nosy before. And just as you had suspected, it’s Katniss’ room. The doors behind her shut, and you focus on Haymitch and Plutarch. However, you’re suspicious again of Finnick because that took longer than it needed to.
“I have to ask your guys’ opinion that will eventually turn into a favor.”
“Okay,” Plutarch nods.
“As I’ve told everyone by now, my two brothers and sister aren’t in here or in the Capitol. I have a feeling that they’re still in District Four.”
Haymitch’s face twists, “Didn’t they grab Annie from your district?”
“They did, but I had made a few precautions before volunteering for the games. Granted, I didn’t know a rebellion would be happening, so I couldn’t tell them what to do in that case.” you vaguely motion with your hand, “But my oldest brother is smart, he would have gotten them somewhere safely.”
“It’s possible.” Plutarch says, “So what’s the favor?”
“Can you guess?” you ask, eyeing Finnick slightly when he starts to shift nervously, “I want to get in contact with a few people, and you have the resources to do that, don’t you?”
He makes a face, “I haven’t been able to talk to my associates in the Capitol in awhile.”
You pucker your lips for a moment, “Well, lucky for you, we’re talking about District Four, not the Capitol.”
“It’s dangerous,” Haymitch finally says.
You tilt your head, “Getting us out of the Capitol was dangerous. What I’m asking, is a few phone calls.”
“That would escalate to getting them out, right?” Plutarch asks.
“No,” you tell him, “If they’re alive and safe, then I am completely fine with leaving them in four.”
“And if they’re not?” Haymitch asks.
You bite your lip for a moment, “I want to at least say goodbye. You’re underestimating me. I won’t endanger people on the possibility of getting them out.”
Plutarch shakes his head, “I can check later—“
“Cool.” You nod, “Send someone for me when you do. Because I’m not going to let you lie to my face later.”
And then you look at Finnick, “I know you didn’t tell them to tell me no. Don’t act like a child.”
“It’s… it’s a possibility that they’re alive, okay? But I just got you back. You need to slow down.” He reaches for you, but you pull away from him.
You hold up a finger, “Do not tell me to slow down. I did not come back from the Capitol to be treated like a child and be told to slow down.” You look at Plutarch, “We will be doing everything we can to contact District Four tonight. And you will be sending someone to get me, because if you don’t?
“You’re going to see what real fucking hell looks like. I have done my part, I have suffered enough, and you guys owe me. And it will be a very long time until you don’t owe me anymore.”
You look at Finnick, “Don’t follow me.”
You turn and head towards the fire escape staircase. It’ll be hell going down it, but you need to be anywhere but here right now. You need somewhere quiet to sit until you’ve collected your head.
You can’t fucking believe he just said that to you. He just told you to calm down when your family is missing. You have no clue where they are. They could be dead and you don’t have a goddamn clue.
Their bodies could be buried next to your parents. Snow could have tortured them the same as they did you. They could have died by the worst fucking fate. Right alongside Annie and Caspian’s family. They all could have edited together because they were associated with you in some way.
And you just wouldn’t know.
You’d rather find out now. You’d rather know, right fucking now. So you can have all of your traumas tied together in a little bow like a bouquet of flowers. Hand it all over at the same time, so you can swallow the gigantic pill.
Because, let’s recap on everything that you have gone through the last couple of weeks. The hunger games, two new brand new deaths on your pretty little hands. Being in the hands of the Capitol. Being whipped, and poisoned and humiliated. Then there comes in Mags, and here comes your family.
You just want them to be somewhere safe. You want to be able to actually close your eyes at night without another worry. Because you’ll know that they’re all in their different safe houses. That there are people looking over them, and feeding them, and telling them updates.
They haven’t heard or seen anything from you. They need to know that you’re okay. That you’re someplace safe and you’re recovering. So they can settle down and relax just the same as you are.
They are everything you have. They come first. They have to. You’d love to believe that you would be able to solely survive off of Finnick if they died but it’s just not realistic. If all three of them are dead, you’re going to be shattered, into a hundred thousand little pieces.
After that, there’s no putting yourself back together. And despite this, you have this itch to know if they are okay or if they’re dear. It’s like running in circles. One train of thought that leads you absolutely nowhere.
Just to hear their voice would be a relief.
You get to the floor with the actual hospital pretty quickly. It makes sense for it to be split up, since they need to have plenty of rooms and all that bullshit. Plus, Johannas room is kinda secluded.
No one wants to put up with her. But you do. You know you can handle her, and if anything, her presence is going to be something else.
You and her have a similar personality. A fire, a flame that ceases to be put out. You could take away all that oxygen and you would still survive.
You stop a nurse along the way and she tells you the room number. She warns you about Johanna’s behavior and you tell her that she’s not much to handle.
You knock on the door once before opening it up. Johanna looks like she’s going to snap your head off, and then she relaxes considerably.
“Look who it is.”
You shut the door behind you, “Distract me.”
She raises her eyebrows, “What? Are you going to fight someone? Let them get their ass kicked, everyone here is a bunch of assholes anyway.”
“I wish I could.” You sit in the chair, “But Finnick would find a way to overpower me. I’ve got a tumor attached to my body.”
She laughs, “Finnicks got on your nerves? Has your honeymoon phase finally run out? I have a list of complaints and I’d be happy to start at any time.”
“Go right ahead.” You motion, “I’m sure it’s got to be good.”
Johanna opens her mouth for a moment, and then she closes it. Like a fish gasping for air, it looks like she’s lost what she’s wanted to say.
“Why are you here?” She asks when she’s recollected her thoughts, “I know it’s not to bash on him.”
You take your time explaining everything to her. Letting her know every bit of your opinion and view about the situation. And then you agree with Finnick to some degree, but she stops you before you get too ahead of yourself.
“You’re right, don’t doubt that.” She rolls her eyes, “Any sane person would worry about family like that.”
“So, I’m not going crazy, thanks.”
“Or we’re going crazy together,” Johanna muses, “Have you ever thought about asking Annie if she ever saw your family?”
You shake your head, “No, and I have a reason for that too. Because Reed, Mox and Alyssum would have been out of that house at the first sign of trouble.”
“You know they made everyone stay in their houses when the cameras got shut off to the games, right?” She asks, “They couldn’t have left.”
“They can’t hide in a victor house.” You try to reason, “They’re all built the same.”
Johanna snorts, “Yeah, and crawl spaces can be built too. Don’t be so narrow-minded.”
“I would know if they tried anything like that.”
“Did you end up sealing your basement, then?” She asks, “Every house has a basement.”
“And an attic.” You sigh, “Four floors, with six rooms and three bathrooms. With an office, and a place to sew and even a closet space!” You lean forward, “Did you know about the closet space?”
Johanna laughs, “How were our house tours the exact same?”
“The district reps are all the same. Mine had tried to be upbeat for me after I got mad at her.”
“This has got to be good, there’s endless possibilities.”
You smile, shaking your head, “I got annoyed at her bombarding me and then I mocked her accent.”
“Oh!” Johanna leans back against the pillows, “That’s a good one.”
“It was right after we had won the games. I was up and moving around and trying to talk to Mags…” you trail off for a moment, playing with the navy blue jumpsuit, “And it just came out.”
“You should see how many people I’ve pissed off.”
“I’m sure it’s a very long list.” You muse.
“I’m surprised you’re not on it.” She taps her fingers against the metal bars on the bed.
You look at her, confused, “I have no reason to?”
“You do. With me directing the nurses on you and all. Making them think that you knew more than you did.” Johanna gets quiet for a moment, “I’m sorry about that.”
“Apologies don’t look good on you.” You tell her, “And it was a strategy. They would have come after me either way. You just made it better.”
“All decoration, no filling.” She nods.
-- it ends here --
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boilingheart · 2 years
it is waaaayyy too late in the night for me to be staying up and drafting cracked theories about where wavelength gets his powers from and why it's an organic fusion reactor that naturally grows in his intervertebral discs that powers his suits and why he has needles in his back
maybe not a fusion reactor 100% 1:1, but at least some strange organic mockery of the form. basically the discs in his spine are generating mass amounts of energy and creating plasma which is what wavelength uses to power up his suits and fire beams and fly, etc etc
he's basically a walking battery, generating energy at all times because of the reactions going on in his spine. unarmored, it's useless, unless given means to channel and redirect the energy (the wavelength suit, the needles in his lumbar vertebrae)
because fusion reactors generate *so* much fucking heat (150 million degrees CELSIUS so just suspend some disbelief with scifi bear with me) it may be possible that mark does not actually suffer the drawbacks of being cold blooded (as he is now part reptile)
reptiles, lizards, are cold blooded animals, which means they cannot generate their own body heat and need to seek out external heat sources. however, with the fusion reactor theory, he might actually be just fine and create his own body heat thru unorthodox ways
BASICALLY wavelength's power is an INSANE amount of plasma he figured out he could harness. the discs aren't harmful to his body or QOL, he might just get jittery or have higher appetites (fusion power requires a LOT of fuel) or run a higher body temp
problem: if he were to ever break his back, it could mean accidentally losing his power, or worse, literally fucking exploding 
(the explosion, however, would not be massive, but likely more similar to an MRI quench in severity. just starts smokin) 
that said, he'd die instantly lmao
PROBABLY AT LEAST IDK this is just shit i've thrown together cause i fell deep into a rabbit hole and i don't even know how i GOT here i swear a minute ago i was looking at a boba place's menu next thing i know i'm learning about the ITER tokamak and thinking about my blorbos
again it wouldn't be 1:1 with the fusion reactors. it'd be just something similar, and something organic and small scale (since intervertebral discs are like, 4 cm in diameter and realistically in theory a working fusion reactor would have to be 21 ft in diameter)
also also, tho all his discs would probably be generating energy, the lumbar discs are the thickest ones in the spine bc it supports the bulk of the body's weight, so it seems more logical to put the needles there and siphon energy from the lumbar region
disclaimer: i'm not a scientist i just have adhd
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
i am sorry if this sounds like i'm sending this in bad faith i know it sounds a bit rude but i swear i'm not trying to be. i'm genuinely curious about your reasoning behind this. (im a dorlene fan myself and idc about rosekiller).
don't you think it's a bit hypocritical shipping dorlene but saying you hate rosekiller bc they're nobodies in canon? i mean, arguably we have more canon info on barty than any of the other three together. or is there more to it that i'm missing?
lol no worries i will do my best 2 answer <3
so, a hypocrite/hypocrisy is essentially telling people that u think they should behave in a certain way/conform to a certain moral standard when u urself do not. if i was telling people, "you shouldn't enjoy shipping characters when there's very little canon info about them," and then i shipped dorlene, that would be hypocritical. but i'm always very clear that i'm not trying to enforce any standards on what people should or shouldn't ship, and that when i'm ranting about ships i hate it is simply my own personal preference + me having fun being a hater on my silly little tumblr blog, y'know? like, i usually throw in a little disclaimer somewhere going "ship what u want, it doesn't matter, i just don't like this ship, etc etc," just bc i know people get weird about their ships in this fandom and it just. genuinely does not matter 2 me if there are people out there in the world shipping rosekiller. like u do ur thing! just....do it far away from me lol.
also, i mean. although all those characters don't have much canon information, there are pretty significant differences in the canon information we do have about them. i usually just don't really get into this as a reason bc i don't want it to sound like i'm moralizing, becase, again, i genuinely do not care and do not think it's like...morally bad if someone wants to ship rosekiller. but! for the sake of explaining why i, personally, love dorlene + hate rosekiller, here are some differences:
in canon, the only thing we know about evan is that he's a death eater who blew off part of moody's nose (? i think. or was it his eye?) before moody killed him. that backstory holds....zero interest to me. i don't find it compelling. and if ur just plucking the name out of that and erasing all canon backstory...well. i also do not find that compelling.
similarly, while barty crouch jr. has more canon info than any of these other three characters, everything we know about him is that he is a very avid death eater and clear villain. personally, i'm not that interested in exploring his character! i think there's certainly potential for a story about how he got to that point, sure, but....idk. i'm not really interested in it. and i'm even less interested if, again, we're just erasing all that canon info and making him an oc....like, sure, go ahead and do that if u want. i just don't want to!
marlene's canon backstory is that she was a member of the order whose entire family was murdered. dorcas's backstory is that she was a member of the order who voldemort killed himself. what got me interested in them as characters was the headcanon that tied those backstories together, that dorcas went hunting for revenge after marlene's death and ultimately voldemort had to take her out because she did so much damage. i thought that was interesting! i found it compelling! it planted a seed in my brain that grew an entire massive story, and now i will love those characters forever simply because i spent so much time playing paper dolls with them in my head.
also, if ur handing me two blank-slate pairs of characters to ship, and one says GAY and one says LESBIAN and the rest is all fill in the blanks....well call me crazy boys but i'm gonna pick lesbian every time i think. that's just the way we roll over here at rollercoasterwords.tumblr.com <3
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fairycosmos · 3 years
i swear having followers is sometimes so. weird. like you say something, or you enjoy something or dislike something and people just think that’s your entire life. like you don’t have any other thoughts or are incapable of nuance or critical thinking. they just think they know every thought and the basis of your personality based on one post you made saying “i enjoy this because i think it’s fun” and act like you’ve murdered their entire family in front of them because you didn’t acknowledge the criticism/bad thing about whatever in your whole online dairy blogging career. like pleaseeee some people just don’t understand that other people also have brains.
i totally agree it's bizarre lol. like the internet has just completely decimated the idea of boundaries TBH it's actually a severe problem and sadly i reckon it'll only get worse and worse. the way people choose to behave online, the continuous and casual crossing of the line, is not normal nor is it something our minds have evolved to be able to deal with. i think it's an extension of the whole parasocial relationship phenomenon, the way we see each first and foremast as flat one dimensional content creators (even just regular ppl existing online!) who should only have thoughts that can be condensed into a palatable little soundbite or tweet or post. more than that, whose thoughts MUST be perfectly explained and executed and performed periodically, from every single possible perspective regarding the subject matter, with a million disclaimers beforehand, so some complete stranger doesn't read their post with no context and in bad faith and deem them a fucking abhorrent person for it lmfaooo
we've really simplified our perspective of everyone but our own selves, and for what? yeah it's a good idea to engage critically with the media we consume and i will always do that/encourage that but like. we also don't owe random people constant analysis's of everything we engage with, just so they don't fill in the gaps of their shallow perception of us with crude projections and assumptions. to think anyone is owed that is just crazy. it is a crazy way to live and it will drive us all mad in the end. it's exhausting, even. super entitled. everyone is so sure that it's ok to treat strangers online like you would a friend, but i'm not sure why. even i do it, and i don't know why - i guess because i grew up doing it and now it's second nature? but idk. as an adult, it's obvious that social media is a massive paradox. it's the most impersonal yet hyper-social space on the planet, and communicating with strangers on here is not the same as talking to people you know in person. ultimately IDK when it became normal to demand the time and energy of people you literally have never met before, for completely innocuous reasons? it shouldn't be so hard to grasp the fact that we all are all fully fleshed people living complex lives farrrr beyond what we share online and yet here we are
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wrenhyperfixates · 4 years
Opening Night
Pairing: Loki x reader Summary: When Loki scores the lead in a production of West Side Story, the two of you become fast friends. You help convince him to face his fears and invite the Avengers to see the show. Warnings: a bit of innuendo, fluffy, and extremely self-indulgent A/N: It isn’t necessary to know the plot of West Side Story to read this, but I still recommend you guys check it out. They made it into a movie that’s pretty much the same as the stage version. And if you’re interested in the songs I used in this, they’re here and here. Also, idk if this is common knowledge, but a stage manager is the person in charge of tech, set changes, and all that jazz. Theater has always been a huge part of my life, so I definitely wrote this with myself in mind but I hope you can all enjoy too!
Permanent Tag List: @lucywrites02​​ @frostedgiant​​ @lunarmoon8​​ @twhiddlestonsstuff​​ @lokistan​​ @lowkeyorlokificrecs​​ @gaitwae​​ @whatafuckingdumbass​​ @castiels-majestic-wings​​ @kozkaboi​​ @cozy-the-overlord​​ @birdgirl90​​ @myraiswack​​​ @mythicalgarlicknot​​ @what-a-flammable-heart​ @mlqcikemenmc​
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Disclaimer: Picture not mine.
He looked so beautiful up there on that stage, you thought. He almost didn’t get the part either; Auggie, the director, had been worried that putting the God of Mischief in the lead role would be bad for business. You’d fought for him, though, and you’d been right; tickets were nearly sold out once people found out an Avenger was performing. Besides that, Loki was extremely talented, and you were certain no one else could have carried the role quite so well as he had been. It was a definite plus that he had become a very close friend, too. And you maybe, just maybe, had a tiny crush on him.
“It’s getting late,” you said once he finished singing, applauding as you walked out of the wings. Everyone else had already gone home, so it was just you and Loki. He’d wanted to stay and practice a bit more, and as stage manager, you had to stay to lock the place up. “Are you ready to head out?”
He looked out at the empty seats in the audience of the community theater. You wondered why he hadn’t tried out for off-Broadway, or even Broadway itself; he was certainly talented enough. Somehow, he didn’t see it. You could still remember the look of excitement on his face when you officially met him for the first time. How he’d told you he hadn’t been expecting the lead role. It hadn’t been what he’d tried out for, after all. You assured him that in this production of West Side Story, it was a clear choice who should play Tony. Him. Your friendship moved rapidly after that.
“I do not know, darling,” he replied. “Opening night is this week, and I want to make sure I am as good as I can be. If you would like to lock up and leave, I can just teleport home.”
“No. If you’re staying, I’m staying.” He smiled as you put your bag down and sat on one of the wooden blocks you’d painted weeks before. “Don’t you think you should give your voice a break, though?”
“Ah you forget darling, I have the stamina of a god,” he replied with a wink. You averted your eyes, hating where your mind went after that statement. “Besides, I have been resting it at home.”  
“Fine, but I swear if you lose your voice, I’m not helping you break the news to Auggie,” you giggled.
He chuckled, “Fair enough, darling.”
Convinced that he could handle it, you let him play the track and start singing. As he practiced his part from the Quintet, he walked over and knelt before you. You were certain the expression of complete adoration on his face was just good acting, but it still made your heart flutter. As the music crescendoed, he stood up and offered you his hand, taking you to center stage. He kept singing to you the whole time, his hand coming to caress your cheek as was dictated by his choreography. Again, you knew that’s all it was, but the butterflies in your stomach didn’t care.
As the song ended, he didn’t immediately move to turn off the music like he usually did. Instead, he stood where he was a minute more, one hand cupping your cheek, the other on your waist. A kiss most certainly wasn’t supposed to happen here, but you swore he started to lean in towards you. Afraid to break the spell, you didn’t say anything. When the next song started playing, he came out of whatever trance he was in and moved back, clearing his throat.
“Sorry,” he apologized, the faintest of blushes coloring his cheeks. “I just got lost in the song, I suppose.”
“Oh, uh, yeah,” you replied, rocking back and forth on your heels, disappointed. “It’s fine, I totally get it.”
After turning off all the lights, the two of you finally left, stopping for a coffee on the way home, as had become tradition. You laughed as he told you a story of his childhood on Asgard, animatedly waving his hand about. Waiting for a light at a crosswalk, your phone chimed, and you checked it.
“Shoot. I got to go, Loki,” you informed him. “The copy place finished with the playbills, and I should run to pick them up before it closes. I don’t wan’t to hold you up, though.”
“Nonsense,” he said, changing direction to walk back the way you’d came. “It would be my honor to accompany you.”
You made it just in time to pick up the box, which was heavy enough that you swallowed your pride and let Loki carry it. Since it was cheaper to just fold and staple the pages yourself, you had quite a bit of work ahead of you. Sure, you’d get the rest of the crew to help you tomorrow, but you wanted to get a jump start tonight. You told Loki as much when you’d started the trek back in the direction of your apartment, and his answer surprised you.
“Why not come to the Tower? I can help you put them together,” he offered.
“Oh,” you replied, the butterflies in your stomach returning. “I wouldn’t want to impose.”
“It would be no trouble to have you, darling. Really.” It was already dark out, making it hard to see, but you were pretty sure he was blushing again. “It is much closer than your home. Of course, there is no pressure to say yes.”
You shyly smiled at him. “Thank you, Loki. That’s very generous. I would love to come.”
The smile he gave you could have lit up the whole city, it was so bright. It was probably silly to be so happy that you could make his face light up like that, but you couldn’t help it. That was when you realized that your little crush had turned into something much, much more. You were falling in love with him. You were convinced it was unrequited though, so you wouldn’t say anything. You just hoped that you’d stay in touch once the show was done and rehearsals stopped.
Everyone knew of Avenger Tower, of course, but few had ever been inside. You marveled at the massive lobby as he led you to a private elevator that said “Avengers Only”. It made sense, you thought, that they should have their own if they lived here. And of course it was so high tech that it had to scan his eye to start working. He chuckled a little at the amazement on your face, thinking you looked absolutely adorable.
“Ok,” he whispered as you stepped out of the lift. “I am sure most of the team is asleep by now, so if we just slip past and-”
“Brother!” Thor boomed, cutting off Loki. “There you are! You’ve been gone all day- Oh. And who is this?” he asked, noticing you.
You introduced yourself, and Thor shook your hand with a firm grip. Even though you’d already known Loki for months now, you were still freaking out a little at meeting another Avenger. Really, how many civilians could say they knew not one, but two superheroes? You nearly lost it when Iron Man and Black Widow rounded the corner.
“Hey, Reindeer Games. You made a friend,” Mr. Stark said. Then he wiggled his eyebrows and added, “Or maybe something more.”
“Oh, shove off, Tony,” Nat said, flicking the side of his head. “You’re ridiculous.”
You introduced yourself to the newcomers, and they asked you to call them by their first names. The only other time you’d been this star struck was, unsurprisingly, when Loki had shown up at the audition. You looked over at Loki, who seemed rather uncomfortable. Though you wanted to chalk it up to him just being nervous his two worlds were colliding, you could tell there was something more to it. You worried for a second that he was embarrassed of you, but you didn’t really think it was that either, certain that notion was just your insecurity getting the better of you.
“Well, we should be going then,” Loki said, ready to retreat to his room.
“Oh, come on,” Tony replied. “That’s no fun. Why don’t you guys join us for a drink in the kitchen?”
You were tempted to say yes, but Loki shifted the box in his hands, reminding you of why you were there in the first place. Besides, if Loki wasn’t feeling up to it, you didn’t want to subject him to socializing. Not to mention an evening alone with him sounded absolutely magical.
“No, it’s fine,” you answered, and Loki sent you an appreciative smile. “We’ve got work to do, anyway.”
“Oh?” Thor questioned. “Does it happen to have something to do with the mystery box my brother is carrying?”
“Actually, yes,” you told him with a smile. “See, they’re playbills for-”
“For the show that they are a stage manager for,” Loki interjected, looking absolutely panicked. “That is all. No more questions needed.”
“Oh, that’s so exciting!” Nat smiled. “Are the tickets available yet? Can we come see it?”
“No, sorry, it is sold out,” Loki replied before you could, an expression of utter befuddlement on your face. “Maybe next time. Now, as we said, we have work to do. Alone.”
“Hey, it’s alright, Reindeer Games,” Tony said, winking, and ushered the others away. “I get what you’re saying. You two kids have fun now.”
Loki’s face was burning from embarrassment as he led you to his quarters. Your mouth dropped open at the sheer size of it. You guessed that after the lobby it shouldn’t have surprised you. Besides how vast it was, it somehow screamed Loki. The green furniture with black and gold accents. The numerous floor to ceiling bookshelves that didn’t have a single inch unoccupied. The carefully crafted decor, often featuring snakes subtly carved into it. And you were completely surrounded by his scent that you could never exactly figure out, but was very distinctly his.
You were brought back to reality by the light thud of the box on a table. As you walked toward him, Loki kept his eyes averted, focusing on taking the stacks of paper out. Standing beside him, you worked in silence for a few minutes until you couldn’t take it anymore, and finally had to ask what was on your mind.
“So, uh, what exactly was all that about?” you inquired.
“Oh, they are just very animated people,” he replied with a shrug. “And Stark is, well, Stark, so he has basically no filter. I am very sorry if they bothered you, darling.”
“That’s very sweet, Loki, but I didn’t mind it at all, actually,” you replied, folding the first playbill together. He snapped his fingers and a couple of staplers appeared on the table. “That’s not really what I was talking about, though.”
“Oh? Whatever did you mean then?”
“Please don’t play dumb,” you begged. The light clicks from the stapler filled the silence of the room as you waited for him to reply. When he didn’t say anything, you sighed. “I mean, why didn’t you say you had the lead in the show that these are for? In fact, why haven’t you told them about it already?”
He shrugged and made a noncommittal mumble, focusing on the repetitive task in hopes of distracting himself. You stopped working in favor of resting your hand atop his. It made Loki stop, too, and he finally looked you in the eye.
“Look,” you began. “You obviously don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to; I understand, and I’d never want to pressure you into something that would make you uncomfortable. But I know you bottle a lot of things up, and that’s not really healthy. So if you do want or need to talk... I don’t know, I guess I just want you to know that I’m here for you.”
Then you hugged him. The simple action seemed to startle him so much that you feared it was unwanted and you’d been too forward. But when he hugged you back, you could feel the gratitude in his embrace, easing your worries. It was like he was holding onto you for dear life. As if you you were a lifesaver, and he was adrift at sea. It was a tense sort of desperation leaving his body, you realized, as he sank against your touch. You gently rubbed his back as his head nuzzled into the crook of your neck. You’d always thought he might be touch starved, but now you could feel it in the way he practically molded his body against yours, obviously trying to make the most of the contact. You wondered if that may have something to do with why he kept West Side Story a secret. Maybe he’d been neglected too many times in his life, now thinking the things he does don’t matter to anyone.
“I suppose I am just scared, darling. Scared that they would not want to come, that they would make fun of me, that I would fail in front of them,” he sighed. “Perhaps it is silly. I am sorry.”
“Oh, Loki, there’s no need to apologize. I meant what I said, I’m here for you.” You didn’t think it was possible, but he held you even closer. “Everyone gets stage fright from time to time. And you’ve never even performed before. Whatever the reason, it’s still perfectly valid and understandable.”
“Thank you, darling,” he sniffled, and you realized he was crying.
Leading him over to the couch, you sat and continued to hold him. You whispered and cooed calming things in his ear. He tried to apologize for the tear stains marking your shirt, but you were having none of that. Everyone deserved a good crying session every once in a while, and you told him as much, encouraging him to let it out.
“Better?” you asked, wiping away the last few tears from his cheeks when he did finally calm down. There were some stray locks of hair sticking to his wet face, and you brushed them away, too.
“Mhm,” he nodded. He looked so fragile in this moment that you wished there was something more you could do to help him. “Thank you so much, darling. I think I needed that.”
You were worried that kissing the tip of his nose would be too intimate an action, but you couldn’t help yourself. You were very happy when he preened under the attention. “You’re very welcome, Loki.”
“I must ask, you are not going to tell them, are you? That I have the lead, I mean.”
“Well, no.” You ran your fingers through his hair as he sighed in relief. “But you should.”
“Do I have to?” he asked, giving you puppy dog eyes that made you chuckle a bit.
“I mean, it’s not required. I think you’d feel better if you did, though.”
“I suppose.”
“From what I can see, they love you, Loki,” you comforted him. “They’re your family, don’t you think?”
“How is it that you always know what to say?” he smiled up at you.
“I guess I’m just magic,” you laughed. He made to get up, but it seemed like it was a chore to tear himself away from you. You gently pulled him back down to you. “You don’t have to get up. You know, if you don’t want to.”
“I do not, but we hardly put any of the playbills together.” Even as he said that, he cuddled into your side. “I feel guilty taking up all our time.”
“Believe it or not, I’m perfectly happy to spend our time like this,” you reassured him, reaching for a blanket and covering your bodies with it. You’d been so concerned about Loki’s well-being that you hadn’t really contemplated the situation you were in. Now you couldn’t help but wonder if this snuggling was a normal thing for friends to do, or if it were a sign of something more. “I’d much rather help you through whatever’s on your mind than put together some playbills. There’s still plenty of time for that.”
“Thank you again, darling,” he hummed as both of you began to doze off, tired from a long day of run-throughs. As sleep claimed you, though you felt it must have been a dream, you swore you heard him whisper, “I love you.”
The rest of the week leading up to opening night was so hectic, you barely even had a second to dwell on that night with Loki. It was probably better that way, for if you had thought too hard about that morning, waking up in each other's arms, you were certain your heart would burst from happiness. So, no, it was better that you were focusing on the show.
“Guess who, darling,” Loki whispered in your ear as you reviewed the script in the wings, making sure everything was set for top of show.
“Loki,” you smiled, spinning to face him and throwing your arm around his shoulders. One of his arms encircled your waste. When you stepped back, his other came around from behind his back to present you with a bouquet of flowers. “Thank you so much! I actually have something for you, too.”
You grabbed the arrangement that you’d bought and gave it to him. You nearly melted under his soft gaze as he expressed his thanks. His makeup was already done, accentuating his already striking beauty. A large part of you wanted to lean forward and kiss his plump, pink lips.
“I have some news,” he declared. “I have told my fellow Avengers about the show. Sort of.”
“Sort of?” you asked, cocking your head.
“Well, I left tickets and a note for them to come tonight.” He nervously shifted his weight. “They do not yet know that they will be watching me perform, though. It was too hard to tell them, so I figured why not show them?”
You beamed at him. “That’s wonderful! I’m so proud of you. You’re going to do amazing.”
There was a slight hesitation behind his eyes, as if he was contemplating something very carefully. “Darling, there is something I have to tell you.”
Just as he opened his mouth to speak again, the director burst into the wings. “There you are, Loki. I’ve been looking all over for you. Mic checks in five,” he said.
“My apologies, Auggie,” he replied before turning to you and resting a hand on your arm. “We’ll talk later, ok? Have a good show.”
“Thanks. Break a leg,” you nodded as he left, agonized by not knowing what he was going to tell you. You noticed Auggie giving you a look. “What?”
“I swear, you two better kiss before this week is over,” he muttered, leaving the wings shaking his head.
The remainder of the day passed in a blur, and you could hardly believe that it was already time for the show. You’d peeked out before it started and noticed the Avengers sitting in the front row. Those tickets had been sold out for weeks, and you smiled, realizing that Loki had wanted to invite them all along. He just needed a little push to actually do it.
Before Loki walked out onto the stage, you gave his hand a little squeeze. Despite how nervous you knew he was, he gave his best performance yet. After his first song was done, you glanced out at the audience to see the Avengers already giving him a standing ovation. You could see in his eyes how taken aback he was. He waited around in the wings until your set change was done so you could share in his joy. He gave you a quick, tight hug, absolutely radiant.
The rest of the show went perfectly, and Loki stunned the audience every time he stepped on stage. You were beyond happy for him, especially when he received thundering applause during bows. He came and hugged you again as soon as you finished closing the curtain.
“Loki, you were amazing,” you told him.
“Thank you, darling. And your set changes were flawless,” he complimented you in return. “I cannot believe the first show is done already.”
The two of you talked for a minute more before he had to go change out of his costume. You looked out from the stage a little bit later to see the Avengers hugging him and giving him more flowers than you could count. Even from a distance, you could see happy tears welling in his eyes. It made you grin uncontrollably to see him happy like that.
Later that night, you’d told the rest of the cast and crew to go ahead to the diner to celebrate without you, that you’d catch up later. You wanted to stay behind and touch-up a set piece that some paint had slightly chipped off of. Suffice it to say, you were a little startled when a voice cut through what you had presumed to be an empty theater.
“Always you. Every thought I’ll ever know,” Loki began singing his part from Tonight, walking down the aisle towards the stage. “Everywhere I go, you’ll be. All the world is only you and me.”
You chuckled as he ascended the stairs and took your paintbrush from your hand, setting it down on the tarp. He skipped to his next part in the song and began twirling you around the stage. After hearing so many rehearsals, you knew the words by heart and joined in, singing the duet with him. When you reached the dialogue breaking up the song, you stopped dancing, both panting a little.
“Loki,” you laughed. “What are you still doing here? I thought you went to the diner with everyone else.”
“Yes, well, you were not going to be there yet, and I have not had the chance to tell you what I have wanted to all day.”
“Oh my goodness,” you gasped. “I nearly forgot about that in all the excitement of the day. But you have my full attention now. What’s up?”
“I love you,” he said plainly.
You weren’t convinced that this wasn’t a dream or a hallucination of some sorts. But no, he’d said it, clear as day. He loves you. Loki loves you. It was shocking, to say the least. Of course, it was completely welcome, though. In your surprise, you took long enough to formulate a response that his smile faltered a little. His worries were erased when you kissed him, however. The god responded immediately, kissing you back with just as much passion as you did him.
“I love you, too,” you told him just as simply as when he’d said it to you.
After finishing up in the theater, you exited the building. Once outside, Loki couldn’t resist kissing you again before meeting up with the rest of the company. And, being the fluffy sap he was, he absolutely had to tell you he loved you again, this time referencing the show.
“Te adoro,” he said.
You beamed at him again. “Te adoro, Loki.”
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syubub · 4 years
Disclaimer: tarot is speculative and to be taken with a grain of salt.
Let's begin. The long awaited Koo reading.
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To start, koos energy is a really rich, solid purple that is kinda pearlescent? It hard to explain but it kinda looks like this
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So thats pretty neat. Most of the time the way I see energy it isn't ever really opaque so that was new for me. Another thing that was new for me was when I went to, essentially, connect to koos energy there was this like glass door looking thing and, it sounds nuts I know, but I left an offering of energy at the glass thing? Kinda like leaving flowers outside the door and then he removed the glass thing and connected his energy with me.
Now its even weirder because his soulmates energy was already with him so I didn't even need to connect with his energy in order to connect with the soulmate. His soulmates energy was just this white sparkly blob standing by him (I tend to see the boys when connecting with the energy because I already know what they look like) and immediately his soulmate was "chatting" with me. I was surprised so I was like, "do you have any messages that you want to say?"
The messages I got were
You'll see
Open your arms to love
Carry the burdens as a badge
Afraid to lose you
Cool cool cool. I think his soulmate is aware of all the upheaval that he's been doing on a soul level recently. I talked some about it in this reading x and kinda this one x I think his soulmate is being very encouraging. (Also, I think his whole upheaval really had to do with him not feeling like a person? Idk thats just the vibe in getting. Its like he needed to learn how to feel again and learn that he can have true and authentic love)
Now the open your arms to love thing is cute because I also wrote down, "He's suffered enough" and "Love is hard for him" (I swear to God I heard a tiny little "hey!" From jk in the background lol)
His soulmate is very aware of the struggles he's been through and is going through and is very understanding that he needs patience. So cute.
Keep in mind the reading hasn't even started yet. We still hanging on his little energy platform chatting and his Soulmate is like, "I don't know him" ... I didn’t even ask that yet but oki. So they don't know eachother. And again, out of nowhere his soulmate wanted me to know that their hair is blonde. Awesome. This could mean that their hair is blonde when they meet or that's just the natural color.
I was like, dude, I haven't pulled cards yet. And his soulmate was like, "no shit"... soulbae has jokes. I was like, "You're funny" and they were like, "You can write that one down too"
His soulmate and him definitely have witty banter and they tease eachother a lot.
Now, some freaky shit. I was like cool I'm gonna do the reading now, its awesome that you're connecting with me personally and it'd be great if you could just continue to help me through the reading. And they were like, "yeah no prob" and then dissolved into my energy? Idk. Wtf. His soulmate was like cool I'll help out for sure and gave me a massive direct link. That hasn't happened before. Neat.
On to the actual cards finally! So, for the cards that represent Soulbae are, kid you the fuck not, The Lovers and knight of wands rev. So. This person is very passionate and driven. A little scattered and impulsive but with the lovers card they are very sure of the choices they make. Very honest and open in communication. Also the fucking lovers card. Soulmate shit.
Now. For personality I drew 2 of swords rev. Death, hermit and knight of pentacles rev. Now. I think this person is elusive. A wrote down "no one quite knows" so I think this is the type of person that has never ending depth. They are ever changing yet always the same? They are kinda blocked off and hard to get to know. You have to earn their trust for sure. Also definitely a perfectionist. Can get bored easily too. I also got slave, knight rev and bully. This person is very strong willed and might have some past trauma that they've yet to let go of. Has probably been in some shit relationships because they tend to have "delusions" about romance (more so i get the feeling that they had high expectations that would never be able to be fulfilled? Like they have a tendency to plan everything out in their head and if it doesn't go exactly to plan then its not good enough.) This person might also be stuck, not moving forward because they have too much faith that everything is just gonna magically work out. Probably spiritual.
Onto the relationship now. We have THE LOVERS AGAIN, 9 of cups, wheel of fortune and king of wands. So much contentment. Its fucking destiny. Its the most beautiful, strong, loving and influential relationship. It is what you dream of as a kid. Theres so much honest and open communication in this relationship. UGH its so fucking good. They are in love and its fucking destiny thats divinely guided. Thank you for coming to my tedtalk.
We have the pillar of light, sisterhood of the rose and the age of light. They are going to accidently make eachother fucking woke im cackling. They help eachother become more intune with ~spiritual shit~
Now for this person's sign. Air sign with some fire. I think there might be gemini in there somewhere.
Now for career. I'm confused as fuck. Maybe a life coach? Could also be a personal trainer? This person is really successful and does whatever they feel called to do? I'm not really sure?
Now for where they're from. Oki oki oki. This person has probably moved a lot as a kid and probably enjoys travel a lot. They value the knowledge that the wold has to offer!
Message from his soulmate to him: simplify your life, you think someone is lying (they are) and time to let go. Theres something that he is holding onto (some fake friends perhaps?) That he needs to let go of. Theres also a message of slowing down and resting. Life has been busy for him and he needs to... simplify...
Now we have, balance masculine and feminine energies. Koo needs balance in his life. Him and his soulmate balance pretty well in terms of energy!
For the little homemade cards we have, serendipity and focus. This is his soulmate saying, "hey, focus on the now. Keep doing what you're doing and we'll meet when the time is right" I also made a note that they could possibly meet at a concert (I don’t think it would be a bts concert.)
For descriptors we have: older, masculine, outgoing, long hair, light hair (remember when I said blonde earlier), outgoing again. So this person has masculine features. I also made a note of dark eyes that are like, dark brown grey? And a fit and built body. Also dresses like Koo but a bit more professional or classy. Like classy emo.
Now I also pulled a fortune from my bowl of fortunes and got, "you don't get in life what you want; you get in life what you are." He needs to focus on bettering himself.
Cool cool cool. Now we have Defend to the end , the worth while. This card talks about seeing things for what they really are. Not being swayed by gilded things. Its about learning to love and choose love. Not being afraid of fear. Living your truth. To fight for love and honor and ditch the shit that isn't genuine or doesn't come from a place of love. Its about standing your ground even when its hard. Not compromising yourself.
Overall koo and his soulmate have such a cute and loving relationship. Koo has worked really hard on a soul level and physical level. He's betting himself and he's learning about genuine love. His soulmate couldn't give less shits about whether or not he's famous. His soulmate sees him for who he is, who he really truly is at his core. He doesn't need to protect or keep his walls up. He's open and honest with his soulmate and they are both focused on growing and becoming better people.
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Without You
Rating: T
Genre: Fluff/Angst
Word count: 8569
Summary: Simon is severely injured and out of commission. Baz has trouble coping. Based on "you’re in a coma and I confess all my feelings only for you to wake up" request.
Read on AO3
AN: Heyyyyy, my peeps. Long time no fic. Long story short: I started antidepressants and they fucked with me hard. They wiped out of my energy for weeks, I could barely get out of bed. But now I've adjusted and I'm mostly back to myself, and I plan to get through the requests :D There's actually one request before this but that one was gonna take awhile so I thought I'd post this one first. I'm still iffy on some parts of this fic, but hey it's done. That's more than I can say for most of my writing recently lol. Hope you guys enjoy it :D. Disclaimer: Idk exactly how a coma of this length affects someone. Don't take what happens here as fact please.
It starts as a normal day. (Well, as normal as mine can get.) Snow wakes me up at an ungodly hour, banging around like a frenetic ping pong ball. I growl and burrow deeper into my blanket pile. Why does he always insist on doing this? I swear, Snow forgets that other people exist in his little world.
He makes a particularly loud bang, equivalent to gun shot to my sensitive ears, and my patience snaps. I bolt upright and glare at his back.
“Would you keep it down?” I hiss. “Some of us actually want to sleep.”
Snow whips around so fast he nearly trips. I’m taken slightly aback. He looks like a frightened rabbit caught in the headlights. I’ve never seen him so frantic and afraid. Even his breathing is strange, rapid and shallow. What could scare the Chosen One so badly?
“I gotta- I-I can’t,” he stutters, like the adorable numpty he is. Snow is bleeding magic, making the air feel thick and smokey. We stare at each other for a long drawn out moment. Then he just leaves, dashing away in a flurry of bronze hair and untucked clothing. I’m left in the rising dawn light, feeling thoroughly perplexed.
Is Snow okay? He looked so helplessly terrified. Part of me wants to run after him, ask him what’s wrong, maybe try to help. But I know he wouldn’t tell me anything. Actually, he’d probably yell his bloody head off at me.
“Whatever,” I groan, flopping back down. And I let myself drift back off to sleep.
The entire room shakes, flinging me back into consciousness. My eyes fly open and I bolt upright. Flecks of plaster rain down from the sky like a light dusting of snow. The stones are still vibrating slightly. Crowley and Merlin and Methuselah, what the ever loving fuck was that?! Has the Mage completely lost his mind and decided to test nuclear bombs on the Watford grounds? As if he needs another bomb with Snow-
Wait. What if... No, he’s the Chosen One, he’s fine. I don’t need to worry. He was probably just panicking like a moron earlier. That explosion was...fine. He’ll be okay...
Fucking hell.
I dash out from bed, throwing on my jumper and shoes terrifyingly fast. I grab my wand just in case. As I’m running down the steps, I wonder how I’m going to explain this, dashing towards Simon bloody Snow with a racing heart and fear in my eyes. But I don’t fucking care. He might be in danger. I can’t leave him alone, I can’t, I just can’t.
The second I’m outside, I see the towering smoke coming from the Great Lawn. It’s a massive plume blacking out the sky. My undead heart is roaring in my ears as I run towards the smoke, not caring about any fire within. When I reach the edge of the spot, all the breath leaves my lungs. Flames cover the grass, burning so bright my eyes hurt. In the middle of the inferno are two silhouettes. One is kneeling, and the other is laying limp on the ground. Maybe I’m imagining, maybe I’m terrified, maybe I’m just projecting, but I swear the person on the ground has a mass of dirty bronze curls.
I raise my wand up and yell, “make a wish!” The fire goes out with a rushing pop. Grey smoke still trails off the blackened ground. I wave through the thick cloud, focusing on the two silhouettes. And when I step through, my heart sinks right to the ground.
Simon Snow is on the ground, eyes closed, laying limp with his head on Bunce’s lap.
“What happened?” I ask, voice shakier than I want it to be.
Penelope Bunce’s head whips around. Her face is streaked in ash and tears, hair a tangled mess of fading purple. Unsurprisingly, she looks utterly shocked.
“Baz?” she says. “What are you doing here?”
“I heard the explosion, what else?” I snap. “What happened? Why was the Lawn on fire?”
Bunce glares at me, but I see the way her lip trembles. She rubs her forehead, streaking ash across her skin. “It was a group of ogres. Simon spotted them from his window then sent a messenger bird to me for help. Then we came here. They were under the Humdrum’s control, completely vicious. Simon and I couldn’t hold them off. He was getting tired and scared, so...”
A few tears fall down her cheeks. She places her hand over her mouth, trying to control her rapidly increasing breath, trying to say what I already know. There’s only one thing in the World of Mages that could’ve made such a concussive sound. And this time, I heard two.
I step forward, getting a clearer view. Snow is spread out across the ground like an exhausted starfish. Eyes closed, head lolling to the side, covered head to toe in dirt, blood, and ash. His sword is still laying on his open palm. I can hear his breathing and pulse with my vampire ears. Thank fucking Crowley, he’s still alive. But from the weak sound of both, I’m not sure how long that’s going to last.
“Fucking hell,” I whisper.
Bunce nods solemnly. “I tried to wake him up, but he’s out cold.” She sniffles, and I can’t help but feel bad for her. “Is this good enough for you, Basilton? Finally getting rid of the Chosen One like you want.”
I take a deep breath, trying to calm the storm in my mind and heart. I can’t lose control right now. I can’t react to her fiery but justified words. Not when Snow needs me.
Quick as lightning, I kneel down and scoop Simon up. I don’t go for a full on bridal carry, that’s a little too obvious. Instead, I sling him over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes, his sword falling to the ground, arms hanging down my back. He’s incredibly light with my strength. I have to force myself to not think about how close he is right now. This is absolutely not the time and the place for that, dammit.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” Bunce shouts, shooting to her feet.
“What does it look like?” I hiss. “I’m getting him to the nurse’s office.”
“Why would you do that?! You’re on opposite sides of a bloody war!”
Because I love him far more than my own reputation, I think. But I can’t say that out loud of course. I never can. “Because I don’t want the Mage to find a way to blame this on me and my family.”
I start speed walking across the grass before Bunce can respond. I don’t need more questions right now, I need to get Snow to help. His torso bumps against my back with every step. A stupid part of me hopes the simple vibrations and movement will wake him up. But he stays completely limp.
Crowley, Snow, if you die, I will kill you.
“He went off twice?” Nurse Keswick asks Bunce. She nods, gripping Snow’s hand tight. He’s laying on the bed, wrapped tight in a blanket, hooked up to a heart monitor and breathing tubes in his nose. It beeps steadily, every blip reminding me he’s still alive. But his closed eyes and frozen body say he’s not going anywhere anytime soon. Bunce is by his bedside while I lurk in a dark corner, though I desperately wish I could sit there too.
“Yeah,” Baz replies.”One right after another. I’ve never seen it before. The first time was like pulsing waves, but then the second was like...like a bloody nuclear bomb.” She squeezes his hand tighter. “His magic exploded out into a big dome with a mushroom cloud after. All the ogres were incinerated on the spot, along with a lot of the grass.”
Ms. Keswick nods along thoughtfully, making notes on her clipboard. “And he fell unconscious after the second one?”
Bunce’s face crumples in distress. “Yeah. I cleared most of the fire around us, then tried to wake him up with magic and just, y’know, shaking. Nothing worked.”
“I see. Any dizziness prior to today?”
“Did any of the ogres hit him particularly hard?”
“Not that I saw.”
“Didn’t hit his head after going off again?”
“He was already unconscious before he hit the bloody ground,” Bunce snaps. Her brows pull together, matching her scowl. If I were Ms. Keswick, I would back away very slowly. Other than the Humdrum, the scariest thing in the Magical World is Penelope Bunce’s wrath. I know. I’ve been on the receiving end of it for years.
Ms. Keswick clears her throat and jots something down on her sheet. “Alright. Well, there isn’t anything physically or magically causing Mr. Snow’s unconsciousness. At least not normal magic. From what you said, it seems to be caused by an overexertion of power.”
“That’s not a thing,” I say coldly. Bunce glares at me over her shoulder, rightly assuming I’m just being my usual snarky arsehole self. But really I’m concerned Ms. Keswick is just making up a diagnosis because she doesn’t know what else to say. I don’t want Snow to suffer because of a wild guess.
“Not usually,” Ms. Keswick says slowly. “But Mr. Snow’s magic does tend to be unusual. He’s not like other mages. It’s very possible he used too much magic and...burnt himself out in a way. I just can’t tell you for sure.”
I scowl deeply. Bunce scoffs at me. I know what she thinks, that I’m upset he’s not fully dead. If only she knew how my entire world is shattering.
“Will he wake up?” Bunce asks.
Ms. Keswick’s eyes soften with sadness. She holds the clipboard to her chest. “I have to be honest, I don’t know. No spell is working. I think we just have to wait and see.”
Bunce’s face falls. It’s only because of my years of practice schooling my expression that I don’t look the same. My heart is beating so loud in my ears. I want to rush over and shake Snow awake. But that won’t do any good. Snow will stay asleep, possibly forever. I don’t even want to consider that.
The door bursts open with a bang so loud I jolt. The Mage stomps in, hand on his sword and fire in his eyes. He’s so enraged he walks right past me.
“What happened?!” he barks at Ms. Keswick and Bunce. Fucking prick.
“It was ogres,” Bunce says, sounding more than a little annoyed. “Sent by the Humdrum. Simon went off twice and passed out. I tried to wake him up but nothing worked. Ms. Keswick says we just have to wait and see.”
The Mage looks even more furious. Bastard probably doesn’t like his favourite weapon being out of commission. “Have you tried every spell, Ms. Keswick?”
“Yes, I have,” she replies. I commend her for staying calm in the face of his anger.
“I doubt that. I will try myself. Everyone leave.” He looks right at me, eyes thin blue slits. “That includes you, Mr. Pitch. I don’t even want to know why you’re here.”
I scoff, crossing my arms. “Neither I nor the Families had anything to do with this.”
“I never said that.”
“You never had to.” I push off the wall, hands linked behind my back. “I’ll be taking my leave.”
The Mage nods stiffly. He turns back to Bunce and Ms. Keswick. “As should everyone else, like I requested.”
Ms. Keswick nods and walks towards her office. Bunce frowns as she goes out the exit. I follow behind her. Before we leave, I glance over my shoulder, looking at Snow’s face one last time. I’m not sure when I’ll be able to see him again.
Bunce and I walk down the hall together, me a few steps behind her. She’s stomping so hard it rattles the floorboards. If she weren’t here, I would be doing the same. I’m so damn frustrated. None of us have any idea what is going on, none of us can seem to help, and Snow is just stuck there, unable to wake up. I’m quite used to feeling helpless when it comes to Snow, but this is far worse.
“Hey.” Bunce stops and turns around. Her mouth is thin line and her voice has an edge. I cross my arms, awaiting a verbal lashing. “It feels weird to say this, but...thanks, for getting him here.”
Well, didn’t expect that. I hope Bunce can’t see the small smile on my lips. I do have a reputation. “You’re welcome. I must say, I’m surprised to hear that from you.”
“Yeah, so am I,” she chuckles in morose sort of way, rubbing up and down her arm. “I know you didn’t do it for any altruistic reasons, but still, it’s good you did it anyway. Though this doesn’t change anything.”
“I know.” She nods, then turns around and walks away. I stand still for a long moment, trying to recollect myself. I know exactly what you still think of me, Bunce. What Snow will still think of me when he wakes up. If he wakes up...
I press the heels of my hands hard into my eyes. Pitches don’t cry, dammit. I take a deep breath and recollect myself. It will be okay. It has to be. Otherwise, well, I don’t know what I’ll do.
It’s been fourteen whole days, and Snow still hasn’t woken up. I’ve tried to ignore the anxiety that fears to it’s way through my stomach, but it gets worse with every passing second. During the day I hide it well, going about my business as usual. But at night, I spend hours laying awake, just staring at his empty bed. Having Snow there was torture, but him not being there is absolute fucking hell.
“Do you think the Chosen One is really out of commission for good?” Niall asks through his sandwich.
“Who knows,” Dev replies. “Either way, the Mage’s side is shitting their pants in fear now that their favourite weapon is gone. The Families are elated.”
Crack. Niall and Dev both jolt. Fuck. My knife nearly made it through the plate and onto the table. I could’ve goen further. Damn vampire strength. I put my utensils down calmly and pick up my teacup. “Yes,” I say evenly, “they definitely are. My father and aunt sent word that they are quite pleased.”
Luckily, both of them act like nothing happened. Good men. Niall nods as he eats his salad. “They’re finally off our backs, and we didn’t even have to do anything.”
“Very true.” I push at a piece of chicken a bit too hard, nearly sending it off my slightly cracked plate. But I quickly regain my control. “So who do you think is going to win the FA cup this year, gentlemen? My money is on Manchester.”
Dev scoffs and rolls his eyes. “You always say that. I’m betting on Liverpool.”
“And you always say that!” Niall points at him like it’s a devastating accusation, though we all know Dev’s incessant loyalty to Liverpool. My personal theory is that it’s just because he loves the Beatles.
He and Niall start arguing about the ability of football clubs, and I just sit back. I don’t have the energy for a rousing football debate. Or anything else really. It feels like every ounce of myself is going into worrying about Snow. There’s nothing left for the rest of my life.
We finish lunch, and I pretend I’m going to the library. But the second Dev and Niall are out of sight, I walk towards to the infirmary. I’ve been trying to get there since that first day, but Bunce is by his side almost every bloody hour. She would yell my ear off if I showed up. One thank you does not a friendship make. But I want to see Snow, dammit. And I know for a fact Bunce has a major test this period, while mine is totally free.
Just as I’m turning the corner, I run head on into someone. We both yell as we fall on the floor. Once my vision comes back into focus, I look up, and meet a pair of wide brown eyes.
“Oh, hello Baz,” Agatha says nervously. “What...what are you doing here?”
I gulp down the small lump in my throat and recollect myself. “I could ask the same of you, Wellbelove.”
She starts collecting her books, staring intently at the ground. “It’s my free period, and I’m going to see Simon.”
“I thought you two broke up.” Agatha freezes up. I wince slightly at my own sharp words. I didn’t mean to be that harsh. But part of me is still angry at her for hurting him. They’re disgustingly cute relationship was agony for me, but Snow was happy. That’s what matters.
Wellbelove sighs, standing with her back straight. I do the same, clutching my bookbag strap tight. “Yes, we did break up a few weeks ago. But I still care for him.”
I raise an eyebrow. “I’m not sure Snow believes that.”
She nods in a strange, solemn way. “No, I don’t think he does. But I do. I just couldn’t be what he wanted. Simon wants me to be his happy ending, the person waiting for him when all this insanity is over. I want to be someone’s right now.”
My annoyance dissipates, and I feel like a right prick. I clear my throat and look down at the floor. “I see. That’s...understandable.”
“I’m glad you get it. Simon didn’t.” I raise my eyes slightly. Agatha is gazing at the door in a forlorn sort of way. Like a gothic heroine gazing out from her balcony. “I know I did the right thing, but it was hard.”
“Most right things are.” And so are the wrong things, as I’ve learned from experience. They just tear you apart inside in a whole different way.
“Too true.” She smiles slightly. “But I’m glad I did. It was worth the risk. I’m happier now. I only wish Simon was awake so we could at least try to make up. I don’t want to lose him even more.” Her bottom lip trembles, and even though we aren’t even close to friends, it still breaks my heart. “I just want him to be okay.”
My chest feels tight at her words. Before I can stop myself, I’m nodding, and I can feel my face fall slightly, my sorrow bleeding through. I quickly school my expression and straighten up. But Agatha is looking at me, first with shock, and it slowly fades to pity. It stabs me in the gut so sharply I immediately look away. Yes, I’m pathetic, but no one needs to know.
I clear my throat and look away. “I should go. Studying, and all that.”
“Right.” She smiles softly. I can’t tell if she’s being kind because I’m so pitiful, or just because she’s nice. I don’t want to find out. So I turn my back and walk away. Snow is still stuck in that room. It’s stupidly poetic and over dramatic, but if I have a heart, it’s stuck there along with him.
I’ve been frozen for hours. I just keep staring across the room, staring at his bed.
It’s still a complete mess. At first I didn’t want to touch his things because I prefer not getting my ear yelled off when Snow comes back. Now I can’t bear to do it, to erase the most obvious sign of his presence. Looking at the crumpled sheets reminds me he used to be here. He was here, where I could make sure he was alive and okay.
He’s still alive, you dolt, my rational brain reminds me. But not in any way that really counts. I want him to be laughing, snarling, yelling, living his damn life. He should be here. It’s not fair. Simon Snow doesn’t deserve to be in a coma.
What I wouldn’t give for him to wake up.
What I wouldn’t give to have him in my arms.
I didn’t get to see him yesterday. And I feel like if I don’t right now, I’m going to catch fire and burn to a crisp.
I throw my quilt off and swing my legs over the side. I don’t even bother putting on shoes. After slowly descending the stairs of Mummer’s house, I tiptoe through the halls. Luckily, I’m very good at being totally silent while sneaking through Watford. It finally pays off to be like a ghost.
Eventually, I reach the nurse’s office. I press my sensitive ear to the door. There are no footsteps, no muttering, no sound except that incessant beeping I remember. With a shaky hand, I turn the brass knob, and step inside.
The moonlight pours in through the window, a silver stream perfectly illuminating the bed. I cautiously walk forward. Every step feels like I’m walking on knives. Snow is still there, obviously, a perfect sleeping statue. But he looks so different. That’s probably because he’s lost quite a bit of weight. A feeding tube can only do so much, I suppose. His cheekbones are more prominent, pushing through his pretty face. His skin looks paler too. It’s lost a lot of its golden luster, more of a pale yellow now. He looks so...empty. My undead heart shatters.
There’s a chair next to the bed. I suppose that’s where Bunce has been spending every minute she can. I sit down slowly, like it’ll bite me  I want to touch him. I want to feel his skin, just in case I may never be able to again. But I hold back.
“Hello, Snow,” I say, unsure if I’m really talking to him or myself. “You’ve been here for quite awhile, huh? The window isn’t open. You’re probably overheating, you human furnace.”
I’m not an idiot, I know he’s going to wake up just because I’m talking. But how I wish his stupid blue eyes would open right now. I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t help it. I reach out and lightly brush the back of his hand. Crowley, his skin is colder than his namesake. A choked sound is wrenched from my throat.
“You moron,” I hiss, “how could you go off like that unprepared? Just bring your stupid sword to fight an entire pack of ogres? Bunce was there, I know, but you two were still not enough. You should’ve thought it through more. You should have...” I take a deep breath, holding back tears. “You should have asked for my help. I could have protected you.”
My mind goes back to Wellbelove’s words. How she was scared, yet took the risk anyway to be happier. I wish I could be that brave. And...maybe I could, at least while he sleeps.
I swipe my thumb over the back of his hand, feeling every single bone in it. “You never would’ve asked me though, because you still think I hate you. But the truth is, I don’t, Snow. Not in the way you think.” I hold him tighter, tighter than I ever have before. Wet drops slide down my cheeks. Fuck, I really am pathetic. I’m a stupid blubbering mess, all over this ridiculous, brave boy. “I despise what you do to me, but I can’t despise you, Simon. You’re too strong, too clever, too incredible to hate. You’re the best person I’ve ever met, so much better than my horrible undead arse. You don’t deserve to be stuck here.” I press my fingers harder into his chilly palm. It’s all I can do to keep from falling apart.
“I know you’ve never listened to me once in our years living together, but I hope you make an exception this time. Please, wake up. The World of Mages needs you. I need you. I can’t bear to imagine a world without you in it. I don’t care if you still hate me forever. You should get to live and have your happy ending.” I reach forward and brush away a tangled mess of curls from his forehead. Because I’m a constant disappointment to myself.
“I hope you wake up, because you’re the best thing in existence. And because...” I take a deep, powerful breath, pushing the words out of that deep dark place I’ve hidden them for years. “Because I’m absolutely, hopelessly in love with you, Simon Snow. And losing you would be worse than dying again.” I lightly brush his cheek, barely touching him, but it’s enough. “So wake up, you bloody numpty. You’re not allowed to die. I won’t let you.” My voice cracks. I fall forward, pressing my tear filled eyes on my hand. “You can’t leave me yet.”
My breaths come out shaky, like a rattling old air conditioner. I haven’t let myself cry these entire two weeks, holding in every ounce of horrible, tangled despir. But they fly freely now, streaking down my cheeks. I can’t live without Snow. He’s my hopeless love, my stupid reason to live, my sun. If I’m not crashing into him, what am I doing? I’ve considered dying by his hand, but never him going before me. I can’t lose him. I don’t how to lose him and not lose what little is left of my soul as well.
A weight falls on top of my head. It’s cold, bony, and splays out over my head. A hand. I bolt upright, and I’m immediately met with plain blue eyes and a soft smile, like it takes Atlas level amounts of effort to just to pull his mouth up.
“Hi,” Snow says, voice raspy from disuse, yet somehow still the most beautiful sound.
I stare at him slack jawed for a stupid amount of time. I swear, my brain has turn to thick gruel. Simon Snow is awake, looking at me, smiling. He’s okay. And I’m holding his hand.
Immediately, I shoot back, sitting up ramrod straight, hand very far away from his. I probably look like a panicked deer. “Hello, Snow. You’re up. I’ll...go get Bunce. She’ll be very thrilled.”
I start to stand up, but the slightest brush from chilly fingers, and I freeze. I look over my shoulder. Snow is frowning in this pouty puppy dog way. He looks so unbelievably vulnerable and scared.
“Baz,” he wheezes, “don’t leave me alone, please.”
Crowley, did he really have to say that? It sends a sharp pain directly through my chest. I immediately fall back into the chair. “Okay, I won’t.”
He smiles again, making me almost sigh with relief. “How are you feeling?” I ask. I hope he doesn’t notice I’m shaking like a leaf.
“Like shit,” he chuckles. It brings a laugh out of me too, small and breathy.
“Laying in bed for two weeks will do that, Snow.”
“Yeah, true enough.” He takes a rattling breath. “I thought Penny would be the one here when I woke up. She’s been here a lot.”
My eyes widen slightly. “You know that?”
He nods slowly and winces. It obviously hurts him to move. “Yeah. After a few days, I could hear everything, I just couldn’t, y’know, open my eyes or move.”
Oh fuck. I can feel whatever little blood I have rush to my face. I hope it’s not too noticeable. There’s only so much embarrassment I can take before I explode. “Oh...everything?”
“Yeah,” Snow sighs, “everything.”
He turns his head towards me. I see his wince again. I start to reach forward, like I want to what, comfort him. No, I’m not allowed to do that. I’ve never been allowed. Why the fuck do I think I can? Snow looks at my hand strangely, between confused and awestruck I think. I quickly pull my hand back into my lap.
“Sorry,” I whisper, looking very pointedly down.
“Baz, I-I told you, I heard you.” His eyes narrow slightly, as much as he can right now. “But this isn’t some plot, right?”
My blood starts to boil and a scowl nearly split my face in two. Of course in his own mind, it’s reasonable for him to ask. But I just poured out what’s left of my pathetic heart to him, even though I thought he couldn’t hear. It was the most truthful I’ve ever been in my life. And he thought I was lying.
I push my chair away. “Well, I won’t bother you with anymore of my plots. I’ll go get Bunce or Nurse Keswick now.”
“No, Baz, wait!” Snow sits up, and immediately starts coughing. His entire body convulses with the force of them. I’m immediately standing at his side
“Don’t get up, Snow.” I gently hold his upper arms and help lower him back onto the sheets. My thumbs press right into his humerus. Crowley, he really is all skin and bones right now. It hurts me in such a horrific way.
He gestures to the cup of water on the bedside table. I immediately pick it up and bring the straw to his cracked lips. Snow drinks deeply, shoulders relaxing. He ends up drinking the entire thing, then falls back on the bed. I put the cup down and sit, all thoughts of leaving obviously out the window.
“I’m sorry,” he says. “I just, I had to ask. I heard it all, but part of me just...can’t believe it.” Our eyes meet, and a shiver runs down my spine. “I never knew you felt like that.”
I stare at my lap, fiddling with my shaky fingers. The world is closing in, shrinking to just me, the lonely lovesick vampire who has never dealt with his feelings. Except Snow is here too. And a part of me wants him here, and another part desperately can’t handle him right now. Snow overwhelms me, always has. He rids my brain of any logical thought. It’s horrible, and I love it. Just like him.
“I made sure you didn’t,” I whisper. “I made sure no one did.”
“Yeah, I kinda guessed that.” He smiles softly again. No matter how weak he is, it’s still such a pretty smile. “For how long?”
I take a deep breath and squeeze my eyes shut. I hope I don’t look too ridiculous “A long time, Snow. Almost since we met.”
I look up slightly. Snow’s eyes are bigger than saucer plates and his lips are slightly parted. Part of my brain supplies an intense image of my tongue between those lips, tracing the inside of his mouth, feeling every crevice. He just woke up from a coma, Basil, get a hold of yourself.
“That’s...a long time...”
I snort in a very undignified way. “No shit, Sherlock.”
“You don’t need to be an arse,” he mumbles.
“I do when you state the absolutely obvious.”
He pouts in that ridiculously adorable way again. Snow really is a giant, sword wielding, explosive puppy dog. “Why do you always go for the lowest blow? Especially if you...care about me like that.”
I gulp. Did the coma make him more articulate somehow? Maybe it rattled some of his brains loose. “Because I’m not supposed to. You know that, Snow. We’re enemies.”
“But what if I like this better?” He blurts out. His cheeks immediately go rosy pink, body a bit too iron deficient for bright scarlet.
My eyebrows furrow together. “What is this?”
“This. What we’re doing right now. Talking, being nice, not being arseholes. And,” he smiles sheepishly like a cheeky schoolboy, “I liked what you had to say, before I woke up.”
My first reaction is to blush. And my second is to scoff and stare at the wall, which is boring, but at least not his beautiful face. “Like having your ego stroked, Snow?”
The room is completely silent for a few long, drawn out seconds. I keep my eyes on the stone wall, analysing every line of mortar. Anything to not look at him. But then I feel something tepid brush over my hand, making my whole body jolt. Snow’s fingers are laying atop mine. It’s something I’ve wanted for so many years. It’s overwhelming in the best way.
“I thought about you.”
My eyebrows shoot all the way up to my hairline. “What?”
He keeps smiling, like that’s an answer. “While I was stuck here, I thought about what you were doing.
“You mean what I was plotting?”
“Yeah. And I missed you.”
I scoff, leaning back in the uncomfortable chair. “Sure, Snow.”
I keep looking at the wall, though I can’t bear to remove my hand from under his. But suddenly, I feel something slowly curl around my long fingers. I whip my head around. Snow is actually holding my hand, even after I insulted him. And when I look up, he still has that smile, despite how much strain it obviously causes him.
“You called me Simon before,” he says.
Surprisingly, it makes me laugh. Because he’s just so ridiculous, and adorable. “That’s what you care about?”
“Uh-huh. I like when you call me Simon. I like you being here, just the two of us. I like all of this better than us fighting.”
Merlin and Morgana, this is too good to be true. Simon Snow is awake, and he knows how I feel, and he likes this better than fighting. I don’t know what to do. My brain is overloaded with information and emotion, and I don’t deal well with the latter. I need to recollect myself before I do something irreversibly stupid.
Snow yawns loudly, mouth wide like a boa constrictor swallowing its prey. The analogy seems apt, honestly. I feel like Snow has swallowed me whole.
“You should rest, Snow,” I say. “You’re probably loopy from...something. Bunce will want to talk your ear off in the morning. Certainly have to have your strength for that.”
His fingers tighten on my hand. He’s so weak it’s barely a squeeze, but it makes me stay anyway. “You’re running away.”
How Snow says that so pathetically yet resolutely all at once is astounding. And it breaks my heart a bit more. “I just need to rest. And so do you.”
He frowns deeper. “Are you going to pretend that none of this happened? Make me feel crazy?”
Well, I had thought about it. But...I don’t think I can now. Not with the way Snow is looking at me with those big plain blue eyes. He destroys all my walls. He makes me feel so weak. I hate it, but I want to love it.
“How about,” I say slowly, “we talk later, when you’re not just emerging from a coma? Okay?”
Relief obviously washes over Snow. His weak body melts into the mattress. It’s good to see him relax. “Promise?”
I chuckle and shake my head. “What are you, five?”
“Please, Baz?” he asks, already drifting off to proper sleep.
Crowley, I am so weak. But maybe I really could learn to love it. I grip his hand tight, but not tight enough to hurt. His skin is warming up. He’s starting to feel like himself again. “I promise, Snow.”
He smiles as his eyes slide shut. He’s immediately asleep. Snow always looks beautiful, but smiling in his sleep, he looks positively angelic. Usually he’s curled up in a knot, whimpering and crying. But not tonight it seems.
I put his hand over his stomach, and exit the little nurse’s room. I walk back to my room in a daze. My brain is still playing catch up. Simon is awake. He’s coherent. He heard every stupid thing I had to say and he liked it. A grin spreads across my face, dopey in the best, most ridiculous way.
He’s okay. And maybe for the first time ever, so am I.
It’s been another week and a half of Snow-less agony for me. He has to recover from quite a bit, I assume. An ogre fight, a massive going off, and a two week long coma is bound to do some damage. That’s all I know though. It’s not like Bunce is giving me daily updates on his condition. I want to go see him, desperately, but I also think he needs time to think. He needs to get his head on straight. I know he was worried I would pretend none of that night happened, but I’m more worried he will. Snow will get all his mental faculties back and pretend I never confessed my stupid undying love. Objectively, that would be best, I suppose. There’s no chance at all for us. Still, it would hurt.
“Baz? Baz? Baz are you listening?”
My head snaps up to see a very confused Dev and Niall. Shit, right, we’re supposed to be studying. There’s a test next week. A world still exists outside of Simon bloody Snow.
“Um, yes,” I say, looking back down at my extremely wordy textbook. “History of the first magical war, right. Who was the instigator?” I raise my head again, trying to look as bored and passive as my father. But both my friends still look monumentally concerned. I frown at them. “What?”
“You okay, mate?” Dev asks. “You’ve been off these past couple weeks.”
Niall nods. “Yeah, totally. Ever since the Chosen One went into a coma...”
Crowley, I hope I don’t have enough blood to blush. It keeps happening, and I hate my thoughts being out in the open. “Coincidence, my dear Niall. Finals stress has been a bastard.”
It’s an easy lie, a believable one, but a lie all the same. And unfortunately these boys have known me since I was in diapers. They look at each other briefly, then back at me, both with an expression of deadpan disbelief.
“Is it cause you actually put him in the coma?” Dev asks.
I immediately snap my pencil in half. Just one hard press of my thumb and the little stick is dismembered. Both Dev and Niall jolt. I can’t blame them, I would be shocked too. I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and put the pencil down.
“Where,” I say slowly, carefully, “did you hear that?
“Um...around,” Niall replies. “People heard you were there when he went off. Some people are saying you egged him on until he blew up...”
I press my lips together and take another long, deep breath. I need to calm down before I explode. It makes sense, considering what I’ve let people think about me. But the fact that people think I’m responsible for hurting Snow, when I actually tried to save him, is so much more painful than I thought it would be. I don’t want people to think I hurt Simon. I no longer want to be known as his enemy. Crowley, I’m tired of being his enemy at all.
“Baz? You okay?”
I look up at them again. I’m not sure who said that, but both my friends look incredibly concerned. They’re good men, really, underneath all that sarcasm. I nod once.
“I’m alright,” I say, “and that’s not what happened. Snow went off on his own.”
“Okay,” Dev says. “Are you sure you’re alright though? You seem weird.”
“Yeah. I’ve just got a lot going on.”
Niall leans forward on his forearms, brows all scrunched together. “Y’know you can can tell us shit, right?”
I lightly drum my fingers on the table, creating a low rattling sound. I know he means well, but that’s not true. How could I tell them about Snow? How I’ve been in love with him for years? How I accidentally confessed and now he may want what I want? I can’t. Right?
“I know,” I say. “And I’ll tell you if there’s anything to tell.”
“Okay, good.”
Dev smiles, closed mouth and reserved, but there’s a genuine kindness in his face. “We’re always here for you, mate.”
Niall nods and smiles along with him. My eyes narrow slightly. Who are these people and what happened to Dev and Niall? They’re being too nice. We’re always arseholes to each other. They keep smiling. Maybe they’ve been hexed or something.
Or maybe...they know something.
No. No way. They haven’t possibly have figured it out. If they have, they would be yelling at me, they would hate me. That’s what I’ve always expected. But maybe, just maybe, there’s a chance it’ll be okay. Maybe I don’t need to be so terrified.
“Thanks,” I say slowly, then flip up my book, focusing intently on the little black words. They make my chaotic world melt away for a moment. My panic dips ever so slightly. Simon is awake, he’s okay. And for the first time ever, maybe I will be too.
I’m laying on my bed, having my fifteenth existential crisis of the past three and a half weeks, when the door starts to open. I immediately bolt up like I’ve been electrocuted. It opens further, and every creak of old hinges sound like a thousand decibels to my ears. Soon, a tawny face peeks through, which makes my slow heartbeat skip. And when he smiles, it stops completely.
“Hey,” Snow says.
“Uh, hi. You’re back,” I say, like a useless idiot. Way to go, Basil.
“Yeah. They finally freed me.” He steps in, and I see the cane in his left hand. It’s dark red wood with a curved brass handle. It’s probably the most posh thing I’ve ever seen him with. He leans on it heavily as he walks in. His legs still look very shaky, like thin branches in the wind. He stumbles on the dip in the wood floor. Immediately I’m on my feet, rushing to his side. I catch his arms, and suddenly realise what the fuck I just did. My eyes meet Snow’s plain blue ones, wide and wondering. I have to actively stop myself from getting lost in them. We stare at each other as the seconds stretch out. I finally come back to my senses, then clear my throat and look away.
“Are you alright?” I ask.
“Y-Yeah,” Snow says.
“Good.” I take a step away, putting a respectable distance between us.
Snow steps forward, still leaning more than slightly on his cane. He sits heavily on his bed with a sigh. I sit on my own, legs pressed together, hands in my lap. I probably look like my father, far too respectable and reserved to look normal. I feel like I’m one bad moment away from falling apart or jumping out the bloody window.
“How are you feeling?” I stare at the dark wood floor. I don’t think I can look at him right now.
“Better,” Simon says. “Penny’s been helping me with moving. My muscles got all funny after two weeks stuck in a bed. But I can walk now, at least with a cane. And I can eat solid foods, thankfully.”
I chuckle quietly. “Back to scones?”
“Soon, hopefully.” I flick my eyes up for a moment, and unfortunately see his big dopey grin. My dead body melts into a white hot puddle. Damn Snow for being so painfully adorable. I have to look down again before I really do defenestrate myself.
“That’s good for you, I suppose.”
There’s another stretch of silence. Long, tension filled, agonizing silence. It makes want to eat my own skin. The image is horrifying but accurate. My tongue feels heavy and any ideas for a sentence is utterly idiotic. I’m not used to being at a complete loss for words. Is this how Snow feels all the time? It’s terrible. It gives me a new brand of sympathy for him.
“So,” both Snow and I say at the exact same time.
I look up, and he’s looking back. We stare for a moment, until Snow makes a very dignified snort. It’s like a high pitch hog. My eyes go very wide.
“Sorry,” he giggles. “Sorry.”
“Uh, it’s fine,” I say.
He keeps giggling and snorting. And it’s so stupidly ridiculous, that I laugh as well. I’m quieter and more controlled, as usual, but I’m still laughing. Snow makes a few more snorts, and it turns into a full blown howl. Head thrown back, hand pressed to his stomach. It’s so beautiful and free, so different from when he was in that bed. Before I know it, I’m howling too. It’s the loudest I’ve laughed in my entire undead life. Our sounds fill the tiny room so perfectly, and it’s absolutely glorious. Bloody hell, why haven’t I felt like this before? Why can’t I feel like this all the time?
Slowly, we start to calm down. The room returns to its usual tranquility, only the sound of birds outside the window accompanying us. Snow and I look at each other once more. He softly smiles, and I smile back.
“I still like this,” he says quickly, like he’s trying to get the words out before he stumbles.
I fiddle with my shaking fingers. “Do we even know what this is, Snow?” He shrugs, making me roll my eyes. “Have you ever noticed half your sentences are shrugs?”
“Yeah,” he chuckles. “I mean, I don’t know what this is yet. But I meant what I said before. Whatever this is, I really do like it better than fighting. Don’t you?”
I press my lips together, holding my tongue back before I say something stupid. Simon is still smiling, still looks hopeful. I know I shouldn’t want him, but every fibre of my being is crying out for Simon Snow. He offers out his hand, palm up, shaking ever so slightly. It’s so unbelievably kind, just like him.
“How can you even trust me? After everything?” I whisper harshly, because if I’m anything, I’m self destructive as fuck. Happiness and I aren’t allowed to mix, right?
“I’m not sure I fully do, but...” he shrugs and holds his hand out even farther, wiggling his fingers as much as he can. My pulse is faster than the speed of light.
Crowley, I hope I’m not doing something irrepreably idiotic.
Ignoring every sensible part of myself, I reach out and grab his hand.
Snow grins, brighter than the sun he resembles. He slowly laces our fingers together, probably waiting for me to pull away. But I don’t. For once I don’t run away. I let myself take a risk, on the smallest off chance I can find happiness. With Simon Snow.
“I want this too,” I say before I get scared. “I’ve wanted this for a long time.”
Impossibly, Simon grins even harder. I’m going to go blind from his light. “I know.”
I raise a curious eyebrow. “How long have you wanted this?”
He shrugs, and I sigh in exasperation. “Yeah, sorry,” Snow giggles, “not the answer you’re hoping for, I guess.. I dunno when, Baz. I don’t really think about things I can’t do anything about. I just know that I want this now. That’s what matters, right?”
I sigh again, but tighten my grip on his hand. “Yeah, I suppose it is. I don’t know what we’re going to do though. There’s a lot in our way.”
“That’s been true about our whole lives, innit?”
I have to nod. “True enough.”
Simon stands up, legs buckling slightly. I grab his other arm and help him turn. He sits himself next to me, so close our legs press together. His warmth shoots up through my body, spreading like a wildfire. I’d gladly burn because of him.
“We’ll figure it out,” he says with complete confidence. “I’m the Mage’s Heir, you’re a Pitch. Between the two of us we can come up with something.”
Bloody hell. He’s so willing to just barrel forward with no plan. It’s ridiculous, yet oddly inspiring. Snow doesn’t need a plan. He just wants us to be happy. The frantic part of my mind can’t handle, overthinking and over-analyzing everything that could go wrong, which is a lot.
Simon keeps grinning. I feel warmer than I have in my entire life.
Fuck everything. I just want him.
“Okay,” I sigh.
Simon’s eyes widen. “Okay?”
“Okay, I’m in. You’re an idiot, but you can have...this, if you want.”
Now his perfect, pretty lips fall open, Crowley, is he trying to kill me? “Really?
I roll my eyes out of pure habit. “Do you have cotton in your ears? Yes, really, you nump-”
And then he kisses me.
The whole world comes to a screeching halt. I’m thrown into near catatonic shock, frozen as Simon bloody Snow pushes his scorching lips against mine. His right hand cups my cheek, calluses scratching my smooth skin in the best way. I’ve never known this kind of feeling. Literally. This is my first kiss. It’s warm, soft, and made a thousand times better because it’s him, Simon Snow. Simon Snow is my first kiss. He’s still kissing me.
I’m living a charmed life.
I stay frozen for longer than I should. Crowley, could I make it more bloody obvious I’m a kiss virgin? Eventually, I let my eyes flutter shut and raise a shaky hand to cup his cheek. It’s just as soft as his lips. I tilt my head ever so slightly, and so does Simon, slotting us together even more. He does this wonderful thing with his chin that makes my thoughts melt into putty. This can’t be happening.
Snow reaches back, brushing the nape of my neck, moving up to weave his fingers in my hair. Then he clenches his fist tight and jams our faces even closer together. I inhale sharply in shock.
Bloody hell, this is real.
I pull away a bit too suddenly. Snow blinks open his blurry, pupil blown eyes. His lips are red and swollen. Could he look anymore like an image from my dreams?
“Sorry,” he says. He’s out of breath. It’s amazing.
I shake my head. “No, it’s fine. It’s just, well, you recently came out of a coma, and you’re still recovering. Maybe you shouldn’t be engaging in any...strenuous activities.”
Simon smiling and starts giggling. It’s utterly adorable. “Aw, you do care,” he says between snorts.
“Obviously.” I lean forward, tapping our foreheads together. It’s a stupidly romantic teen thing. I love it. “I care for you far too much, Simon.”
Snow slowly runs his thumb over my nape and brushes our noses together. “I care about you too. Definitely more than I thought I did.” He grabs my hand, putting it between us. “We’ll make this work, Baz. We’ve both gone through Hell. This will be a piece of cake.”
“And you do love cake.”
We chuckle together, holding each other’s faces, holding each other’s hands. There might be slightly less in our way than I thought, but there’s still a lot. But this is all I’ve ever wanted, and I’m going to fight like hell for it. I think Snow will too.
“We can do this,” he sighs, hot breath caressing my cool skin.
I hold Simon tight. I almost lost him once. Never again. “We can.”
Snow and I sit there for a long while. And for the first time in my miserable unlife, I feel at peace.
AN: Hope y'all enjoyed that :) Tbh I feel like this isn't my best work but I'm still proud of it. The fact that I was able to write at all was an achievement. Also I love angsty overthinking Baz lol, and the ending was super sweet imo. I hope to get back to more regular posting soon. Thanks for being patient. See you peeps again soon :)
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titleleaf · 6 years
A Short And Shitty Guide To  Generic European Historical Smut Oil
MASSIVE disclaimer: This is not a how-to guide for actual, real-life sex. It really, really isn't and you shouldn’t use it as one. Lots of stuff in this post is used as lube without issue by lots of people, but fuck with that shit on your own time. I’m just dicking around with potential identities of Generic Medieval Fantasy/Georgian Era/Pre-1800 Fuck-Oil that the generic historical top carries on their person in a handy bottle/phial at all times. Info on skin-safeness/membrane-safeness in this post is approximately correct but please sweet baby jesus don’t take my word on this before you put anything on your ARM for a swatch test, let alone on your goodie bits. 
historically-attested lubes that don’t sound... terrible for your butt/vag
"sallet oil"*-- that is, olive oil
"oil of lillies"*-- that is, olive oil compounded with the non-yellow parts of lily flowers, i guess this means floral scented oils like the dreaded LAVENDER SCENTED VIAL OF OIL are plausible at a certain point but also like, this isn’t Edens Garden in here, it’s a butt, don’t start talking about undiluted essential oils or anyone with a cursory familiarity with sensitization will flip their shit
"oil of sweet almonds"* -- that is… yep, sweet almond oil
* : These three lubes are attested in a 1672 letter from Arthur Stanhope to his nephew, describing them as aids to PIV intercourse. [Bodies, Sex and Desire from the Renaissance to the Present, p. 144.]   Unfortunately this is documented from the penetrator's perspective, as a means of facilitating penetration, period, and not as a means of making sex more pleasurable for the individual being penetrated. It’s gross. It’s bad. It’s not great. 
On that note...
menstrual blood (if your character menstruates, dandy!)
definitely around pre-1850, might not murder your butt
pomade, c. 18th century and after -- these generally incorporated animal fat (beef, mutton, or pork tallow; spermaceti) and I suspect they’re the ancestor of Generic Romance Novel Hero “Cream” 
tallow or other animal fats (see: pomade)
whale oil (...idk. Since it's edible, maybe? Moby-Dick fandom, get back to me on that.)
butter (you know what, cool)
clarified butter (people on the internet swear by this one but uhhhh I don't love it, is your otp really into pretending to be a sensual griddle)
grapeseed oil (skin-safe, edible)
apricot seed oil (skin-safe, edible if amygdalin removed)
rosehip oil (skin-safe, but the oil causes diarrhea and vomiting if eaten so yikes)
borage seed oil (skin-safe but like rosehip oil, likely poisonous by mouth so yikes yikes)
neat’s foot oil (the actual made-from-animals kind) 
and I mean... spit (have your historical top really go to town)
Oil-based or fatty lubricants aren't latex-safe in a big big way but feel free to combine them with your hero’s linen or animal-skin condoms as your pornographic heart pleases. 
extant lubes, not attested, not advised
 linseed oil (this shit is pungent and self-igniting, so not fun for the boudoir; the Material Safety Data Sheet on a modern version mentions that it's a mucous membrane irritant and that exposure may cause skin drying/cracking, which is not desirable for the butt region)
castor oil (buddy no, what the fuck)
 egg whites (I've encountered a few modern users vouching for this one, but it seems like it'd dry out in a jiffy and… yk… meringue)
There used to be a LJ/DW post like this for uhhh Prince Caspian fandom, iirc -- Google wasn’t letting me find it until now but it’s still in my bookmarks, thank fuck! ineptshieldmaid’s “Appropriate Narnian Lubes, redux” circa 2008! I owe that post a debt of gratitude for my ongoing obsession with this topic. 
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amicicidalgambler · 5 years
What about Razia's Shadow pisses you off? Disclaimer: idk what that is yet
God, here I fucking go again.
Razia’s Shadow is a concept al8um 8y some 8and that I don’t think exists anymore that’s supposed to 8e a musical. The two male leads are played 8y the lead singer of whoever the fuck those guys were, and the other parts are played 8y singers from a 8unch of other 8ands in the same genre, including Casey Crescenzo and 8redon Urie.
It has a two act plot, with the first act centering around an angel, Ahrima, who is in love with some chick that doesn’t matter and feels underappreci8ed or whatever. He gets talked into destroying his creations 8y a spider over the course of a villain song, which fucks up a huge portion of the planet. As punishment, he’s 8anished to staying in his fucked up half forever while every8ody else moves elsewhere. However, an oracle comes over and tells him that one day two people will fall in love and fix it or whatever, so it’s fine.
That piece of consol8ion gets passed down as some sort of prophecy, and then we move into the second act. The Fucked Up Half is now a kingdom, The Dark, which is ruled 8y two 8rothers, the younger Adakais and the elder Pallis. Adakais h8s his jo8 and 8eing overshadowed 8y his cooler 8rother, which in his mind means he has to 8e the chosen one. He tells this to his 8rother, and Pallis says “If you run off and marry some chick I will fucking find you and I will fucking sta8 you with my sword, I swear to fucking god, don’t fucking test me dude.”
So o8viously he does it anyways. He elopes with this princess chick from the Not Fucked Up Zone who matters slightly more than the last one, 8ut she starts getting sick 8ecause Adakais is tainted 8y the Fucked Up Zone’s Fucked Up-ness or whatever. He chooses not to tell her what’s happening, and takes her to an incredi8ly skeevy 8ut legendary doctor. In another villain song with more spiders he tells them that he can cure her, 8ut as payment he wants to keep her as his servant forever. The chick o8viously says she won’t, 8ut Adakais, without considering any other options or implying that he has a plan, says she has to.
Then Pallis 8usts in, and says “WHAT THE FUCK DID I TELL YOU, DUM8ASS,” 8ut decides to tell the chick that her new hus8and was lying 8efore he gets to sta88ing. Adakais says he meant to tell her, really, and this shouldn’t change their love, 8ut Pallis interrupts him with a wife sta88ing attempt. Adakais takes the hit, this is surprising somehow, the fucking end.
So 8asically all that pisses me off a8out it is just that Adakais is a massive idiot and a jackass. Like he 8ases his entire life path on this prophecy he’s 8een told 8ecause he’s 8ored, and wraps up a princess in it, 8ut decides to just not tell her anything a8out that even when she’s literally made sick 8y 8eing around him. And then even though he’s 8ased his entire life path on this story a8out an angel getting manipul8ed 8y a spider to ruin everything, he’s like “You have to sacrifice yourself to the spider doctor who definitely means well! It’s the only way!” and then fucking dies 8efore we even see how that pans out. Good jo8, idiot.
Plus it’s 8een a while since I’ve listened to it the whole way through, 8ut I don’t think that anything even externally confirmed that he actually was the chosen one? Like the plot went as the prophecy said, 8ut mostly 8ecause Adakais explicitly tried to follow it and 8ecause Pallis decided to work on reuniting the world’s zones to make it up to his sad 8etrayed princess wife or something.
It might’ve just all 8een cosmic coincidence 8ecause Adakais h8ed his jo8.
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ugh-really-why · 5 years
Endgame review that is really more of a Rant then anything else because Fuck you Marvel.
Disclaimer: I hate pretty much everything about this movie and am still pissed enough that there is going to be a lot of cussing. Also, this is going to contain spoilers. 
Let’s start with the character that I had the most hope for walking into this movie. Tony fucking Stank. I read the spoilers so I knew that he was going to get a heroic death. I also knew that he hesitated to save the world because he got his happy ending. 
I didn’t realize how much I would hate him for every word that came out of his mouth. Tony Stank really doesn’t give a shit about anyone but himself. He gets his happily ever after so fuck everyone else. Oh and he’s guilty over losing Peter so he’s going to blame everyone else even though he’s the one that split up the Avengers by locking up half of them in an underwater prison. He’s the one that had a way to contact Steve, knew about the attack because of Bruce, but was too petty to make the damn phone call. But nope it’s all Steve’s fault that he decided to go to Titan and fight Thanos there instead of regrouping with everyone else. He fucked up, but Tony can’t admit that so it’s on everyone else. Piece of shit. 
then Scott comes back five years later with an idea, but nope Tony can’t help save everyone because he’s got his precious little girl. Fuck everyone else who lost their families. At least the picture of Peter and him exists because otherwise, he wouldn’t have done shit. Oh and he insists that they keep the five years since the snap intact meaning that he’s robbing half the universe of five years of life because why the fuck not? Alright, I get him not wanting to lose his baby girl but I also don’t care because fuck him, fuck him so badly for not giving a shit about any of the other people in the universe. He’s such shit. Like honestly the only decent thing he does is die, oh and his conversation with Howard was interesting because it proves that Howard never physically abused Tony. Sorry stans, guess you can’t use that as an excuse anymore. 
Now the character that I love the most who was screwed... Steve. God, he’s fucking pathetic in this movie. Like where the fuck was his obsession with Peggy in any other movie that he was in? Where the fuck was it because this movie implied that it had been something that he had been holding onto for the fourteen (okay thirteen years) that he had been in the future, even though on screen we saw him moving on... No, he’s been carrying that stupid ass compass around with him since he woke up from the ice, just didn’t have a reason to pull it out until Endgame. Such fucking bullshit. He’s so damn pathetic when it comes to her in this movie. Not that she’s much better... Still having a torch for him in 1970 after he had been dead for 30 years. Super fucking pathetic. Like omg, they knew each other for a max of two years, kissed once, and had like five total conversations. But nope the love of his life, poor Sharon she was completely screwed. (I am so going to write out a fic where Steve goes back to the love of his life and finds out that she’s a pale comparison to the actual love of his life). Honestly, if you wanted a Steve that was hung up on Peggy still, having him move on was stupid, and this should have been set up in the previous movies instead of feeling completely out of the blue. Oh and as everyone else already has said, his ending completely ruins a lot of the great lines from the previous cap movies, such as his conversation about a situation going south, or the price of freedom. And it completely invalidates his relationship with Bucky, which was already kind of ruined in canon by Civil War. They owed the characters so much more. Oh, and they had to fuck over Steve’s other best friend. Like honestly, fuck you for what you did to Sam and Steve’s relationship. Just fuck you, Russos. I did like Sam getting the shield (course the question becomes how? because it was destroyed in the battle with Thanos, but who cares about that?) Oh and what happened to Mjolnir? because Steve was traveling with it to return the stones. Like the whole can’t move past the forties shtick is so boring and so old. 
Course for Steve to still be stuck on Peggy they had to ruin her. I can’t get over the disgust I feel for a woman that married another man, had children with him, to still be into a crush she had at 19... when she’s in her 50′s. it’s all kinds of gross. And sure I adore stories about sweethearts finding each other after a long time, but not when they are in committed relationships with other people. We all knew Agent Carter wasn’t worth anything to the MCU but this proves it. 
Bruce was just fucking annoying. Granted, I am not super fond of Banner in general, but Professor Hulk was cringe and annoying and no thanks. I swear I wanted someone to punch him every time he opened his mouth. The only time he was not incredibly annoying was when he talked about Natasha, course they played up the romantic angle for the two of them without ever addressing the issue of him ditching her for years. Like he still held a torch even though everything about the relationship was fail. 
Thor was just sad. He’s an alcoholic that has lost all confidence in himself, gained a ton of weight, something that is mocked throughout the movie and is afraid to fight. Until he talks with Frigga (not gonna lie that was a cool scene) but seriously the way they made Thor pathetic was just sad. Oh and so much mocking of his PTSD by pretty much everyone. I guess not being a dick about PTSD only applies to Tony. 
Natasha, I actually liked the majority of her plotline. Though that being said killing her off was incredibly stupid if the Black Widow movie is a real thing. I really liked her relationship with Clint, the way that she was helping coordinate the recovery, and the way she was willing to risk everything for a chance to fix things. She had a lot of personality, and I do remember why I adore the character again. I’m also glad that they didn’t put major focus on Steve/Nat. Oh no to make Steve’s storyline work he couldn’t be closely tied with anyone so no real friendships in the present for Steve. Nope, just taking advice from Stank to live life and thinking the only way to do that was to go back to Peggy...
Clint was the only one whose storyline I didn’t massively hate. I liked the way they showed his relationship with Natasha and how both of them care so much about each other. We really got to see them being family in this movie so that wasn’t terrible. And it was powerful to see him lose his family (it wasn’t like the other dusting, they were there and then gone the next second... a much better way to show everyone being gone imo then that dumbass over the top speech by Peter in Infinity War.) And his scenes after returning with the soul stone, and the fight against Thanos were kickass. Also seeing Lila Barton have her daddy’s talent for shooting arrows was terrific. Clint is a great father, and I loved the hints of it and his love for his family in this film. He just wasn’t enough to redeem the bullshit for me. 
Wanda...barely in the film but kickass during the fight. It was great to watch her go head-to-head with Thanos, and having the call back to Infinity War with Okoye when the girls were trying to get the iron infinity stone glove away was great. I’m down for an all-women team-up movie a billion times more now then I was before this movie and I already knew that I still wanted that. Course now I would try to figure out how to pirate it because FUCK MARVEL. 
Sam, idk. There were things I liked. Him becoming Captain America (if you are going to screw Steve like this, I’d rather Sam then Bucky any day of the week). His on your left and reaching out to steve over comms when he so desperately needed that little push to keep fighting. I despise the implication that he doesn’t know Steve because of his freak out about the past, and the fact that Steve was keeping secrets from him even though other movies have shown that to BULLSHIT. 
Bucky, Steve fucked him over because he was too obsessed with Peggy to give a shit about his BFF being tortured by Hydra. It’s fucking gross and totally goes against who Steve is in the rest of the series. I did like the hug, seeing him shooting Thanos's army and the easiness between him and Sam. Other than that eh. 
Valkyrie was awesome in the movie. I don’t like her much because of the slaver thing, but she was really great for her five minutes, two of being a leader and three of fighting (and I’m only sort of joking)
Nebula- I’m not sure I understand why Thanos and his people were about to see what future Nebula’s memory system knew And I wasn’t super into her babying of the shithead but other than that I liked the character. I wish they would put more emphasis on the sisterly relationship she’s building with Gamora. 
Rocket- didn’t really like the way that he mocked Thor’s issues. However, he was a fun character. 
Rhodey- He was annoying at the beginning but I liked the fact that he didn’t follow Tony’s example and say FUCK THE WORLD. And I did enjoy some of his lines at the end of the movie. such as the way he addresses the fact that he’s disabled with Nebula, creating a connection between them. (much better than the condescending way that Tony talked to her at the beginning). And I liked how the disability impacted him negatively during the final fight. It was nice to see something that is actually a medical necessity. 
I did like the final battle. It was well done and I enjoyed the different fighting styles, bring back dusted characters, seeing who fought with who, and the devasting strength of Thanos. And the way that Carol really turned the tide. Tony’s death scene was incredibly dumb... Honestly, someone get Peter as far away from these kinds of fightings as possible because the kid doesn’t know how to handle shit. 
There is probably so much more to add to this but honestly, I’m tired and it’s already long af. This movie sucks, be prepared for it to be worse then you expect, if you wanted to see Tony actually be a hero without having be convinced other people matter. If you wanted to see Steve continue with the path that he’s been on since Winter Soldier and suddenly decides that he’s more into Peggy than he is anything else. If you wanted to see more of Ragnorak’s Thor. If you wanted more for Natasha then her death, something that only bothers me/Odin with actual issues. 
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hollenius · 6 years
I'm so so sorry but I have to: Werner for the character meme (and/or Chuck McGill, if you can't think of anything!)
What the hell, I'm gonna do Werner AND Chuck
Fav thingabout him: He is so sweet; if I had a German uncle or grandpa or something, I'dwant him to be mine. He obviously takes his work very seriously too. He(initially) seems like a very cautious, careful sort of guy...unfortunatelythis attitude does not extend to all aspects of his life.
Least favthing: He's too sweet, dammit. His naivete and trusting nature made megenuinely angry, because I couldn't believe anyone could be so stupid aboutanything when he seemed fairly smart about everything else. I don't think youhave to be "street-smart" to understand that breaking out of an enclosedcompound without permission isn't the sort of thing you'd be allowed to getaway with. I was annoyed at how he felt like a plot device at the endthere--that he just existed to force Mike to have to kill him. It's a fault ofthe writing more than the character. Everyone could see the end coming from amile away, which is (as far as I can remember) unprecedented in the series.Even things that were heavily telegraphed and seemed obvious usually carriedsome sort of unforeseen twist, i.e. everyone thinking the lantern was going tobe involved in Chuck's death, but not knowing it was going to be a suicide. Thesecond they showed Mike building up a relationship with Werner, everyone knewexactly where it was headed. Also, this is a weird pet peeve, but I hate how healways called Mike "Michael". Bro, you've been working with him formonths, you are the only one who calls him that.
Fav line:(agh, unfortunately I can't recall any because I don't have any way ofrewatching season 4 at the moment. I love that he was courteous enough totranslate into English that he felt like he was going to throw up in the bumpyvan ride.)
brOTP: Him& Mike as cute old man drinking buddies.
OTP: Werner& his unseen wife, I guess. (That phone call before his death was so sad. I hope nothing happens to her, but this is the Breaking Bad Cinematic Universe, so bad things often happen to innocent people.)
nOTP: idk,Werner/Kai? I haven't really seen him shipped with anybody so I can't say Ihave any strong opinions on the matter.
randomheadcanon: (again, I need to rewatch all of season 4, because I remember thestory arcs, but not enough of the little details in dialogue and stuff.)
unpopularopinion: I have to admit, I don't know enough of what the popular opinions onWerner are to know what an unpopular opinion would be. I liked him, I just wishhis character arc felt less contrived and that he was treated like less of adevice. I also have seen some people in some places comparing him to Walt,which doesn't really make sense to me, because personality-wise they're justtoo far removed from each other. (Then again, people were even comparing dopeyPryce to Walter White, which was also a stretch!)
song Iassociate w/ him: I...I have no idea! Sorry. (So long, farewell, aufwiedersehen, goodbye?)
fav picture: the cute little drawings @callmcgills did of him! (Also, ugh, the shot where he is, uh, shot...is beautiful. Depressing, but cinematically beautiful. I’m not posting that here though.)
Fav thingabout him: Honestly, as a fellow cowardly, anxiety-ridden, socially maladroit, perfectionistolder child, aspects of him are extremely relatable, frightening as that may beto admit. (My younger brother is of the slacker/moocher variety, rather thanthe con man variety, though.) I don't agree with everything he does, but I understandwhy he does it. (This is actually pretty similar to my attitude towardsSkyler's actions in Breaking Bad--I don't necessarily agree with her decisions,but I mostly understand why she acts the way she does.)
Least favthing: I think he should've been willing to at least put Jimmy on some sort ofprobationary path to HHM after he landed Sandpiper. HHM was under no obligationto hire Jimmy after he passed the bar (a lot of fandom seems to feel otherwise,which makes no sense! I don't think any other firm would've wanted to hireJimmy either!) Jimmy probably would've still managed to screw something up, butat least then if Chuck wanted to officially bar him from working for HHM forgood, Jimmy would know why, and what it was that he had done to cause that. Itdoes no good to punish someone if he doesn't even understand he's beingpunished, which is what the whole issue is in the first place with Chuck goingbehind Jimmy's back and using Howard as the perpetual bearer of bad news.
Fav line:"Because if there's one thing kids love, it's local printjournalism."
brOTP: lmao Chuck is bros with nobody except his space blanket, and his ol'sipping-scotch-and-chortling companion Howard, before that relationship gotdestroyed...
OTP: ...althoughI must also confess a SHAMEFUL desire to ship Chuck/Howard, because it's gotsuch a messed up power dynamic, because they've known each other for at least18 years, because Howard's clearly still so much in awe of Chuck (which Chuckprobably enjoys), and because neither of them seems to have any other friendsor close relationships. (Are we ever going to learn what's up with Howard'swedding ring? Even my mom thinks Howard is gay at this point! And what's upwith papa Hamlin? Did he die? Retire?) Canon-wise, I'm actually really curiousabout Chuck & Rebecca's relationship, because I have to wonder what it washe did that caused her to divorce him, but not bear any particular grudge oranimus towards him afterwards. He was clearly really upset about the divorce,but doesn't bear any ill-will towards her either. She doesn't appear to enteredinto any new relationship after the divorce either. It's all very mysterious.
nOTP: I can'ttell if this person was serious or not, but I swear I remember seeing someonepropose some theory that Kim had fucked Chuck at some point, and that's gonnaget a BIG NO from me.
randomheadcanon: oh god I've got like five hundred of them at this point. Themassive infodump that was Chuck's obituary in the season 4 premiere contributedto a lot of them, I think. I imagine Chuck's freshman year of college, at age14, was absolute hell for him. He was so proud to get accepted to an Ivy Leagueschool, but had been upset it wasn't a more prestigious one, like Harvard,Yale, or Princeton. (He had applied to them and had a few interviews, but unbeknownstto him, he had been heavily penalized in their byzantine admissions proceduresbecause, despite his sterling academic record, they didn’t find him outgoing or athleticenough.) His parents put him on the train to Philadelphia by himself, with afew suitcases, a map, and $50. He had no problems getting to the university,but was pretty overwhelmed right off the bat by the fact that everyone else wasolder and wealthier than him; he had dealt with this to some extent in high school, butnot to this degree (I headcanon his fictional alma mater, Francis Xavier HighSchool, as a typical Jesuit all-boys preparatory school that draws heavily fromupper-middle-class suburban families). Here he was, a literal child, thrustinto the adult world, and the world of the elites, at that. He probably feltself-conscious about things he hadn't even realized he could feelself-conscious about before, and spent at least a couple nights sobbing intohis pillow, and praying that his roommate couldn't hear him. He made a coupledesperate attempts to fit in, with a relatively low level of success (e.g. goingto a party and trying to impress people there by playing piano, only to get abeer spilled on him instead), before deciding it wasn't worth it and he wouldthrow himself singlemindedly into his classes and extracurriculars. He had hisfirst-ever panic attack sometime during his first semester, and wound up at thecampus doctor's office because he had convinced himself he was having a heart attack.On being told he was physically fine, he was indignant, but all the same, henever told his family about the incident, or anyone else either. Somewherearound this time, he also gets a letter from his parents, telling him he'sgoing to be a big brother in a few months, and won't this be exciting for him?(He wants to tell them his life is too exciting for him as it is, but saysnothing, instead writing back that he is sure having a younger sibling to helplook after will be the greatest experience of his life. He almost convinceshimself that he means it.)
unpopularopinion: I DON'T HATE CHUCK. (The most unpopular opinion of all!) He's myfavorite character on the show, with the obvious disclaimer that saying acharacter is my favorite doesn't mean I approve of all the character's actions,etc. Also, I know he's just a fictional character, but I'm still pissed offabout people celebrating that he killed himself & saying they hope it waspainful & stuff like that. Like, how much of an asshole do you have to be?What a horrible thing to say.
song Iassociate w/ him: Burning Down The House j/k, probably Faure's Sicilienne,because I too, cannot play it on piano without screwing up
fav picture: Not a picture, but I can’t resist.
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RP WIP ZONE for when the WiFi mcfucking dies or is otherwise unreliable(same anon, had to retype this bcs tumblr ate it the first time. It’s not as good) It’s definitely a pretty complex topic to be sure. I do think people should be able to explore whatever topics in fiction that they want (with some erring on the side of caution to have some taste/respect and do research if it’s something they’re unfamiliar with) but it’s a massive gray zone with a really blurry line between ‘exploration’ (1/?)
and just being like “well I’m writing this bcs I can’t do it IRL so fiction it is hehehoo I wish I could tho” . I see your point abt wanting to put something online to be heard rather than venting in a private diary but my worry with that is like,, a retraumatization issue? Like they’ll accidentally open themselves up to be hurt again (like some bozo telling them that their vent fiction is hot/sexy/generally being gross at them) or something else unintended but unpleasant. And for the (2/?)
‘writing a bad character from their perspective where they’re Right’ thing that’s totally valid; it doesn’t/shouldn’t take a genius to figure out that just because THEY think they’re right doesn’t mean YOU do. It’s interesting to explore fucked up mindsets but it’s again a matter of knowing what you’re doing and getting into. I’m fairly sure I lost the point I wanted to make in this response but I hope something got across? Cheers, and good day!
oh and yeah Disc Horse = Discourse but like written differently (but same general intent tho)
Lol so Disc Horse is kinda like.  “I am here to discuss The Tea but not in a wild way,” like a sort of reassurance that we’re here for Civilized Discussion If Possible before we even get started by making it sound somewhat sillier/more gentle.  Or I guess that’s how I’m reading it haha.  Thank you for clarifying!!
ALSO RIP WIFI. . .god my wifi was acting a fucking mess like last week so I Know That Feel Bruh.  Akhursgb nonetheless, it’s good to me!!  I honestly do appreciate that we’re having a Talk this way haha maybe because rambling is something I do well.
[there’s a cut here--now and then the cuts and their content go away and I feel the need to say that in case somehow it makes it look like I didn’t answer the question at all hhahaha lol]
It is absolutely complex, yeah.  Like even I don’t wanna be too liberal with it because then people think they can get away with things, but I also feel like it shouldn’t be restrained. . .it’s more like ‘I don’t trust people,’ yeah lmao I.  Feel like there’s probably an element of ‘therapeutic escape’ even when it’s a matter of ‘I can’t do this IRL so I’ll write it instead’--outletting and all, but yeah at that point it’s like. . .the respect matter comes into play real hard with something like that.  The outlet is good, way better than actually going out and doing something, but.  The way you say it and handle that fact overall is.  Important.  It’s good to be honest but there are things you don’t yell from the high heavens.
And oh wow I didn’t even consider the retraumatization aspect. . .yeah that’d be. . .I’d love to say ‘they could say it’s a vent/trauma/recovery outlet type of writing and ask that people be careful in their commenting’ but, again, people cannot be trusted lmao. . . .harsh as it is to say, those’re kinda the risks one takes putting things online or being online in general. . .of course it’s not deserved or justified, but. . .that risk is there.  But lately it’s begun to occur to me that some people may not know about that risk/threat. . .like what’s simple internet knowledge and stuff to be aware of to me isn’t something everyone has in mind/considers. . .hhh that des complicate the idea yeah, the idea can definitely get questionable to bad when that’s an issue.
Yeah!!  I think that way but I’ve absolutely had people misinterpret that my character has this interest or mindset means I do too, and I know it happens now and then to others too. . .that’s why IC=/=OOC is like my #1 rule lol I SWEAR I AM NOT A CRIMINAL I JUST PLAY THEM ON THE INTERNET AND KNOW HOW TO USE GOOGLE.  But there’s also anxiety issues and like people with problems perceiving reality. . .so while it shouldn’t be an issue, now and then it is and now and then not entirely at the fault of the person having that issue.  ;w;;;  But I guess that’s why we have those disclaimers here and there I suppose. . . .
BUT YEAH I think I follow what you’re saying!!  Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me, friend!  /o/  It’s good to see/hear other people saying ‘it’s a gray issue’ when I often see other people saying “nope you just can’t do that” lmao then again. . .that happens on the internet, you’ll often see the loud and protestable content before other things. . .hopefully someday there can be some measures in place to make these things. . idk safer to do and portray, easier to obscure from those who need it hidden away, and so on.  Until then, publishing these things will definitely hold a risk factor but. . .it’s not usually anybody’s fault in particular as long as all measures have been taken.
You have a good day(or. . .have had a good past few days. . .and a good today and tomorrow just to be sure I cover that period of time.  And y’know what, have a good upcoming week too lol) too!!  o/
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transcerat0ps · 7 years
IM JUST GONNA KEEP SENDING U THINGS. Les amis decide unanimously to take a weekend off. Some on their own some in little groups. Lack of communication means they accidentally all check in to the same spa.
this is so ridiculous im love you
disclaimer. i know not a lot about spas. 
they’ve been planning a massive protest for months, and over the last few weeks have spent soooo much time in each other’s company, falling asleep in someone’s living room, surviving off take aways and leftovers and snacks and have barely done anything but planning and organising and as much as they love each other they all just want a break
so they all decide they’re gonna have a chill weekend and everyone’s gonna do what they need to do to recharge their batteries
and a few of them, like ferre and jehan and feuilly, just really need to spend some time alone, and just relax and maybe read the books they haven’t had a chance to or just have some peace and quiet 
a few others, joly, bossuet and chetta, cosette and marius, just want to spend time with their significant others because recently they’ve only seen each other as part of a group and that kinda sucks. eponine and grantaire haven’t had a gossip day in forever. 
bahorel, courfyerac and enjolras just like going to the spa okay? it’s fun and relaxing and their favourite place is super nice and the staff are friendly and it’s a small(ish), local business and they always have really random, deep chats and it’s GREAT
(everyone assumes everyone else is doing something much more pretentious. jehan is probably off wandering in the countryside and finding abandoned graveyards and ferre is ticking a few more places off his list of must see cultural sites. cosette and marius are probably in some small cafe somewhere staring into each other’s eyes. jbm would surely use this time to go on a roadtrip. for some reason no one thinks bahorel, courfeyrac and enjolras do stuff as a group? and if they did it would probably be something badass like graffitiing government buildings) 
and yeah, they love everyone but they’re all really looking forward to doing something that isn’t being stuck in a room with the same 12 people and talking about posters and police presences and who they need to email
so they don’t realise right away that they’re all in the same building? because they’ve planned different things to do and they aren’t looking out for each other? the suspicions start to spread though
grantaire sees jehan’s jacket in a locker room. it could only be jehan’s jacket. no one else has that many patches and sequins and bits of random material. ferre sees a glimpse of enjolras’ hair out of the corner of his eye. courfeyrac swears he can hear bossuet laughing somewhere. it all gets spookier until marius sits down next to enjolras in the sauna and nearly screams. 
idk if this is what you were looking for but i love these silly nerds
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