#pls dont come for my ass i tried my hardest
gymleaderroark · 4 years
idk if its been said before but i genuinely cant stand when people try to argue that archie was trying to do shit for the good of humanity. ive seen him portrayed that way and its like? what would give u that idea? absolutely nothing in either rse or oras ever suggests he wanted that lmao... he cares about the wellbeing of water pokemon immensely and that is his canonical driving force, he doesnt give a shit whether the damage from kyogre kills the entirety of humanity and he explicitly states it AND its his endgame anyway since he says that humanity are essentially ruining the world for pokemon. hes not heartless by any means and he loves his team to bits!! BUT he has a huge dream and he views the general public as an obstacle to it. hes a loveable character and really charismatic (moreso in oras id argue) who is super multilayered but his driving force has nothing to do with liking people at all lmao, even if it would be fitting to his personality to think that. i feel like it undermines his entire character to think that its the case? it may be the case for the grunts but if anything theyre mainly just ocean enthusiasts and jolly dumbasses who enjoy the kinship of team aqua and if anything i doubt they wouldve been told the deeper layer of the plan as even shelly tried to advise archie against going ahead with it after doing her research at the weather institute. she also says (oras)"cant you see that the world you dream of and the world that kyogre will create are two completely different places?!" to archie showing that he absolutely has not been honest to even her about his actual intentions, and they have a friendship that goes back yeeears. he's only told her the superficial truth of his plan not the bit thats like weelll-i-also-kinda-wanna-kill-everyone lmao.. BUT LIKE THIS ENTIRE THING brings on the question of WHY DOES HE SUDDENLY CHANGE HIS MIND SO QUICKLY WHEN IT COMES TO IT??? it makes absolutely no sense going along with his meticulous work to ensure his plan works and that nobody gets in the way of it AND on top of that he manages to pull it off (in sapphire/alpha sapphire canon). one minute hes basking in the glory of wahoo i did it boys and then the next hes begging to protag to fix everything?? i really doubt its because he suddenly realised people are actually worth saving cause that makes absolutely no sense. generations does a brilliant job in visually showing how destructive kyogre truly is for both people AND pokemon. i have 0 doubt that he realised as hoenn and its pokemon were being fucking ripped to shreds by kyogre that hed made a huge mistake. but not only this, im pretty sure he wouldve felt guilty as hell seeing how panicked his his admins and team were and wouldve felt guilty as all hell for lying to them and also manipulating them to help him achieve his dream. i think thats why when hes saying (oras) "save us... the world... and kyogre" to the protag hes truly referring to himself and his team (potentially the protag) when he says 'us', 'the world' being pokemon and the nature they live in and kyogre as in save it from its primal reverted state. SO YEA i absolutely refuse to believe he was ever doing it for humans, even after he changes his mind!! TLDR: archie never liked people and didnt even in the aftermath of kyogre stop portraying him like that i BEG
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1990jeevas · 3 years
goth kid headcanons, gimmie. -Batz 🖤💜
cracking my knuckles and snickering gayly lets go
-ends up being the shortest goth by the time theyre all in high school (with the exception of firkle who is still in middle school, but he is also taller)
-hello trans dude. i see u. he/they/it + neos
-listens to evanescence more than he'd like to admit
-his favorite color is teal but it doesnt look good on him so he sticks with red and purple, both of which he likes and looks good in
-he is absolutely horrendous when it comes to dying his hair despite the fact that his hair is the hardest to dye and maintain out of all four of his friends. you'd assume he wouldve learned at some point after years of having it done but he is just Clueless. henrietta is the one who bleaches and dyes it red, michael helps with buying him stuff thatll maintain the color longer, firkle reminds him when he needs a touch up. his hair would be a mess without them.
-writes to fruitiest poems about michael but like. in the most gruesome ways possible? like they are very gorey but in a romantic way. michael finds them endearing. firkle would be lying if he said he wasnt a bit concerned.
-going off that ^ pete is a hopeless romantic and his love language is gift giving. he's always getting the homies shit they dont need but he knows they want and it's gotten to the point where they have to not say when they like things just so he stops spending money
-has a big sweet tooth (which is basically canon, have yall seen how much sugar he puts into his coffee?) but he pretends he doesnt
-is very bad with expressing himself verbally so he writes long ass essays when he is upset or needs help or whatever and gives them to the goths
-the groups resident slur sayer. stop calling ur boyfriend a faggot in public before u get ur shit rocked pls-
-is on honor roll and he is embarrassed by it just bc south park gives them like. t shirts and shit as a "reward"? it's weird as fuck.
-wants to be a piercer when he gets older, has given firkle and pete a couple piercings
-has a stick and poke of a cat on his ankle from craig. it was an odd experience but he still likes it.
-his favorite movie is donnie darko. he does not understand the plot At All.
-even tho giving (+ recieving) compliments makes him uncomfortable, he tries to give them to his friends bc he knows they all get shit from other people for various reasons and he doesnt want it to affect them. he hopes it balances out or smth
-him and henrietta have best friend necklaces made out of resin encased bugs
-has broken his nose at least twice in a moshpit
-really likes collecting rocks <3
-is the mom friend but like. an aggressively caring way.
-is naturally a blonde but she dyes her hair black. only her family and the goths really know
-also on honor roll but she is very proud of it <3
-she is tall!! like 5'11" ish!!!
-is the laziest when it comes to doing makeup out of the four of them. literally just puts on bottom eyeliner then Goes. meanwhile pete and firkle are out here doing a full face every morning and michael is color correcting his eyebags just to REAPPLY MAKEUP OVER THEM.
-wears rings on every single finger bc she likes the jingle jangle
-always writes personalized stories for each goth during the holiday season
-really good at math but hates doing it
-resident mean lesbian <3 just wants her boys to shut up so she can think about Girls
-does the whole groups nails every week for funsies
-her room has an oogie boogie shrine that freaks michael out. he is not a fan of the big bag man. thinks the movie mightve given him a lasting fear of Just oogie boogie.
-has somehow befriended kenny wendy and pip. they are her normie exceptions <3
-weirdly good at fps games considering she doesnt like them
-threatens everyone. sometimes he means it. he is like the worlds shittiest chihuahua that just barks at everyone and you can never tell when he's gonna actually bite.
-trans dude no2. he/it. maims cis peo-
-listens to n unhealthy amount of metal music in his free time
-very into candles and incense, it drives pete crazy bc he has a sensitive nose
-the other goths have never seen his house bc firkle thinks his parents would be very weird about him having only older friends
-has a soft spot for shows like beyblade digimon and adventure time
-once watched all of switched at birth by himself just so he had something new to complain about everytime he met up with the goths. they offered to watch with him and he gave a very firm no.
-wants a pet opossum more than anything
-love language is being way too protective of ur friends who are way older than you and can handle themselves
-big dnd nerd
-in dire need of a regular sleep schedule but he also hates sleeping bc it feels like "wasted time"
-doesnt like asking for help but he tries to anyways bc he knows it makes the others happy
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Keeping Up With Seijoh Ep. ∞
a/n: this made me tear up a bit ngl bc haikyuu always hitting us with ‘theres no next year for us’ typa bull like BLS TAKE PITY ON MY SOUL AND STOP TIME AND KEEP MY BOYS TOGETHER :(((((((
it has an infinity symbol bc this is in the future so there isnt really an episode number 
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
the third years coming back to seijoh the following year for a surprise visit, and watching over practice cuz they were in town for break. being impressed on how kyo has calmed down (a bit), kunimi actually giving a sh-, yknow the deal. just the growth of their kouhai makes them 🥺🥺 but THEN- Y O U walk in with the team’s bottles n the small gasp that comes out of your mouth when you see them. they GAWK cuz you’re maturing SO well (stfu oikawa- my eyes up are here) and just 🥺🤲
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oh god here comes the tears
it was something you knew was coming since yanno, third years and all that
but you were so sure you had more time left before it happened
didnt you just join the team and met them like yesterday?
nope love you met nearly a year ago
and they made quite an impact on you in the short term you were together
so during the day of graduation
it wasnt really a school day since it was mostly for third years and the whole ceremony but kouhais could come so they could send off their senpais
you already called each third year the night before, nearly 2 hours per boy, to talk to them and cry with them so you didnt have to cry during the day
but ofc
you were sobbing already when you saw your captain walk up and get his tube with the diploma inside
they tried to remain strong as they sat in their seats but a single glance at you and the team at the stands above, the tears were already either forming or full out slipping
i know yall finna beat me up for this but im not really familiar with the other third years in the team bc theyre not really shown in the anime or manga that much so i dont have a good grip on their character so can we pls pretend theyre not in here?? omg pls dont kill me though
the ceremony felt like a long time for the seniors but when it was finally over, they ran out of that building and yall did too and you bolted yourself into the arms of your captain
oikawa held you tightly against him and he didnt care about being seen by his fangirls, who were waiting outside for him, or the others who wanted to have you to them too
‘i love you, y/n-chan’
he mumbled and you nodded
‘mhm. i love you too, oikawa-san. i love all my boys’
iwa ripped you away from him and your face was buried into his chest
but it didnt last long since the others got a little impatient and just joined the hug turning it into a group hug
‘i dont want you to leave!’
kindaichi sobbed and kunimi sniffled, holding on tighter to the backs of his senpais
even kyo was sad but hes a tuff boy so he easily hid that behind his usual frown and glare
after seeing their parents and reassuring them they would be home soon, you started your trek towards your usual hang out spot
the second and first years were walking ahead of you while the third years fell back in step with you in between them
mattsuhana flanked your left while iwaoi were at your right
the tears were now gone but sniffles still filled the area and everyone was still down in their spirits
you held tightly to the warm big hands of iwaizumi and the soft touch of mattsun’s hand as if you were clutching your life-line
but you knew no matter how tightly you held on to them, they would still go and eventually leave you behind
the ramen shop was filled with another round of tears as everyone realized that this would be the last time seijoh og would have ramen here
kindaichi sobbed while kunimi aggressively shoved noodles in his mouth to hide his hiccups
you refused to eat because you were so sad that you were scared you might end up throwing it all up later so you settled on relishing your time with the boys
oikawa was busy talking to yahaba and telling him tips and tricks for next year while iwaizumi was consolling the others who were crying
that left you to harshly wipe off the tears and focus on the jokes that matsuhana were telling to help and lighten up the mood
‘think of it like this! you won’t have oikawa and iwaizumi fighting anymore!’
that kinda made things worse
geez makki stfu!!!!
you bursted into full tears and you sobbed, loudly and freely
you wheezed and then continued to cry
everyone flinched and got startled at the sight of you crying
theyve seen you cry before but not this intensely and sadly 
you wailed
everyone is so used to seijoh antics that they didnt even bat an eyelash when everyone started crying
‘damn it, i was trying not to cry!’
iwa growled and buried his face into his hands to hide the pain in his eyes
‘come here, y/n-chan’
mattsun cooed while sobbing and you went straight into his arms and his arms tightly wounded around you
he pressed kisses on your neck to calm you and he whispered promises to keep you from thinking that you would be alone
the boys were all still crying even when you paid for them and at the exit, everyone wouldnt let go of each other
ngl it was a weird sight of seeing these boys just hanging on and hugging the others and you were tightly pressed against makki’s chest 
‘dont cry, y/n-chan. we’ll be here, always. just a 4-hour ride to tokyo’
he promised but you shook your head
‘--too far’
you mumbled and he was able to make out a few words and he laughed
‘i swear you’ll see us in a few hours’
it took a few words of assurance from makki and eventually mattsun and iwa joined
oikawa stayed back because he already wanted to walk you home and iwa knew you were the one that was the hardest for oikawa to tell his plans to
waving them good bye, you fussed and made sure everyone was not crying anymore
‘you text me the moment you get home, all right? and kyo-san, let the food in your stomach settle before-’
‘before i take a bath-yea i know’
he rolled his eyes but he smiled lightly before hugging you
‘go home now, y/n’
he pushed you towards his captain but you pulled away one last time to give each boy a kiss on the cheek
their lips trembled, especially the third years, and wanted to keep their tears in but they rocket launched to space
yanno that one part in season 1 when kiyoko told them to work hard and then they just snot-rocketed and cried
oikawa interlaced your fingers as you both walked towards your house and it was quiet
you were sus bc it was too quiet and oikawa would usually be either skipping, humming a tune, or just yapping his ass off
but right now
he was quiet, slouchy, and,,,, not oikawa
you looked up to see his face and you knew it wasnt just the graduating part
it was like,,,, he was nervous
you squeezed his hand and that got his attention
‘oikawa-san, whats wrong?’
he suddenly stopped and your linked hands caused you to also stop so you watched him stare down at his shoes and you blinked at him in confusion
‘y/n, tell me to stay’
he,,, sounded like he was begging
desperate to hear you say it
‘why should i?’
you asked and he finally lifted his eyes to stare into your eyes
he gulped before further explaining himself 
‘coach got me a volleyball scholarship’
he whispered and your eyes widened before you launched into him for a hug and pulled back to cup his face
‘oh my god! tooru! a scholarship?! im so proud-’
‘in argentina’
he finished and your eyes dimmed, the lifted corners of your lips falling into a frown
you stuttered and pulled your hands away but he grabbed them, placing them back to his face 
‘but if you dont want me to go, i wont-’
‘NO! what?! tooru, its your dream! you and iwa-san wouldnt stop talking about that match with argentina and-and you want to go there! dont you dare let that slip away!’
you scolded frantically however oikawa’s face scrunched before he started crying
‘i-i can’t! y/n, i’ll be alone! its so far away! far from iwa, far from you-’
then you reached to your tippy toes and kissed his nose then leaned back with a big smile
‘no matter how far, ill always be right here. im always going to be here, waiting for you’
you mumbled and oikawa hiccuped then leaned his forehead against yours, eyes clashing that was so full of love and fear
‘then dont you worry, y/n-chan. oikawa-senpai will work really hard and he will come back and make you happy’
he whispered and you pulled him even closer to give him the biggest hug
‘im looking forward to it’
truth to be told with guilty conscience, the third years havent really been in touch
yes theyve called and messaged but there wasnt a normal kind of communication, especially with oikawa
but they decided to go over there during a simultaneous week break for universities in tokyo and iwa, makki, and mattsun pressured oikawa to fly back to japan just for a week to visit
‘iwa-chan im so broke righ-’
‘fine, we’ll see y/n ourselve-’
bahahaha im sorry i love oiks so much its not even funny
they agreed to not tell anyone, even coach, to surprise you all and to see your faces of surprise bc mattsuhana are little shites and they love to mess around
it was a normal day during practice
yahaba was teaching some first years how to serve while watari was giving exercising tips on how to bend their knees without shrieking in athritis
kyotani was doing jump serves while kindaichi and kunimi tried to block him
it was a normal day
the former third years knew the ins and outs of the place and oikawa still had his keys of the gym since he never gave it back so they were easily able to sneak in
they sat on the bleachers and observed everyones growth which really blew them away and took them aback by how much they improved in little time
like kunimis actually huffing and throwing a mini tantrum bc hes so into it and hes mad he didnt get that block right
they also noticed the larger amount of new recruits and based on their practice, it looks like they would be in good hands for the next few years
however, the true shock settled in when this happened
kyotani cursed loudly when the ball hit out but yahaba scolded him for saying a bad word in front of the first years
‘kyotani, dont say that anymore! its not good to teach the babies bad words!’
he ranted and the college boys shared a look of caution and fear, bracing themselves for kyotani’s normal screaming and tantrum for being called out
but they were the most surprised when the bleach-haired boy simply glared at him and turned away to go pick up another ball to hit
‘did,,,, did kyoken-chan-’
‘was he just calm right now?’
‘oh my god iwa-chan kyoken-chan got abducted by aliens!’
their eyes were wide and their attention snapped towards the bleachers where indeed, their 4 fathers sat
kindaichi screamed and he NYOOMED towards the stairs but kunimi grabbed him by the collar
‘come down here, senpais!’
yahaba urged and coach and naoi shared a look of initial shock but then transformed into happiness
it was nice to see the family together again
they quickly turned into a dog pile with the hugs that were given around like kyotani actually giving iwaizumi a hug and makki and mattsun affectionately ruffling everyone’s hair
the other first years were just staring in awe at the legendary third years of seijoh that theyve heard so much about
‘everyone, these are your seniors!’
yahaba presented and the 3 third years became very flustered but ofc attention whore oikawa soaked it up
‘yes, hello, my little disciples! you are my legacy so work har- IWA-CHAN!’
he was cut into his famous line when his best friend bonked him for being too self-absorbed again
‘waaa, l/n-senpai was right’
some first year mumbled at the scene and their ears perked up at the name
‘where is she?! y/n-chan!’
oikawa shouted and looked around
okay no but you actually walked in just in time, carrying the crate of water bottles, focused on not dropping them so you didnt really see the others
they were silent not because they wanted to mess with you and see how long youd figure out that they were there
they were silent because of how BEAUTIFUL you became
you gained a few inches and your hair is now longer with your baby fat slowly melting away and you were also finally showing your growth with your body
the eyes that used to gleam with childish innocence was now mature and poised like a perfect lady
even the way you walked with a crate made it seem like a ballet performance with the grace at every step and the flowery aura you exuded
you have turned from a ridiculously cute and pretty girl to a beautiful goddess
‘my god’
iwaizumi mumbled, flushing red and turning away to hide his fluster
oikawa whispered and he gulped, not remembering how strikingly attractive you are
‘have mercy’
makki whined softly, clutching his heart as it started beating fast and made his stomach feel all funny
did they act like this back in the day?
mattsun doesnt have control so he ran forward and you were just putting the crate down when you were lifted off of the floor and twirled around
so like yahaba waved off the others to go back to practice so its like not awkward to be standing around and see this happening
there was only one person who did this to you
you shrieked and you giggled happily as he put you down so you were able to hug him properly and eventually, catching sight on the others behind him
your gasp made them smile widely and you pressed a hand to your mouth to hide the shock and your overjoyed laugh
if they could take a picture of this and remember the amount of love your eyes held and the pure unfiltered happiness that swirled in those orbs
it was like they felt themselves falling in love with you all over again
‘oh my god everyone’s here too!’
you ran to them and jumped at the awaiting arms of iwaizumi and he was still the bara arm babie you remembered
‘i missed you, doll’
he whispered
‘hmmm,,,i missed you more’
he let you go and you skipped over to makki who engulfed you in his arms and you felt his soft brown hair because you remembered he loved it when you ran your fingers through his hair
‘youve grown! so much! you got even more beautiful!’
he exclaimed and you giggled, bashful at his compliment
‘hmm~, no i didnt’
he gave you a deadpan look and you chuckled before scurrying away towards the one you wanted to hug the most
he definitely got more toned and he got taller too
you didnt have any time to react since he grabbed you and squished you against him
‘youre here, oikawa-san’
he nuzzled his head against your neck
‘mhm, im here now, y/n-chan’
he placed a kiss on your nose and you scrunched your face but there was a big smile that was clear
then oikawa’s eyes trailed from your face to your,,, ahem,,, girls
‘jesus, y/n-chan really grew, huh’
he complimented and you blinked confusingly before trailing after his eye’s gaze and it landed on your chest and you punched him
‘urusai, oikawa-san! my eyes are up here! youre so perverted. pervert oikawa-san’
you pouted and moved to seek comfort in the arms of makki
‘hmm, oikawa’s perverted as usual. i think it got worse with all those argentinian women’
makki teased and mattsun joined to poke fun at their captain
oikawa whined and told iwa they were making fun of him to which his own best friend betrayed him and starting teasing him too
you simply watched on and your eyes watered, your sniffles catching their attention
‘eh? why are you crying, y/n-chan?’
oikawa asked while approaching you to wipe your tears with his thumbs
but you shook your head with a teary smile
‘n-nothing-just,,,, i missed you guys. an-and im so happy because its like our f-family’s back together and i just-i-’
you cried but it was out of happiness and their hearts warmed
ofc they felt guilty because they were aware that they werent as in touch as they shouldve been so you probably felt lonely and casted aside without any contact from your boys
but they know now to make sure you feel loved and cared for because as you keep saying, they were your boys
they were a family
seijoh is a family 
and you love them 
but they love you more
a/n: okay im sorry this is probably trash and all over the place and im crying and stressing but ive been writing in between my college alg homework and its been so hard like WHY IS NUMBERS SO HARD LIKE WHAT-?! but this has kinda been the baby of my break time and relaxing few minutes bc i procrastinate too much and i want to do something i like before i actually go insane and i promise PROMISE that once everything is cleared up i will edit this and im already working on the other requests so expect a few to be out by the end of the week or something like that!!
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faorism · 3 years
needing the au to drop wherein i can commit to writing a historical au,, because since i first watched the db cooper job my mind went straight to OT3! OT3! OT3! (unlike with the van gogh job, since i aint playing with that fucking lieutenant)
one day maybe one dayyyyy i will sit down and i will write the ot3 into that episode's story. so, it'll be the backgrounds for the characters in the flashback (so, stephanie ritter, steve reynolds, and reggie wilkins), but with the necessary personality adjustments (parker, eliot, and hardison respectively). basically, vintage ot3 with some hot as hell aesthetics and secrets and avoiding as much as possible producing copraganda.
so. my thoughts. what i see happening. and this got super long so im throwing this under a cut. and for ease i will call them by their modern day canon names except when making a point.
first, general thoughts about the characters.
and so: steve to eliot. nothing much here on the surface. eliot still volunteers, too much an indoctrinated white man to have been forcibly drafted. so its still one man gone to war. one man come back. eliot would had been noticed early in training for his ability to pick shit up, and they teased at maybe sending him to a special unit. maybe they do, or maybe they don't because they just need to funnel fuckers to the jungle. the vietnam invasion was a terrorist imperialist venture and there's no romanticizing from me about anything done being at all valorous or special or brother-in-arms'y. and eliot commits war crimes under the american stars and stripes instead of just to keep moreau's champaign running. but also maybe moreau is eliot's superior. he certainly would have been rewarded for this ruthlessness. (eliot of course strove to impress moreau because there aint an eliot spencer who wasn't that man's dog at some point, i!!!! dont make the rules). eliot's friend died and eliot's gone off to carry out his wishes and moreau lets him because he Knows eliot is gonna come back. whether its to come back to the same squad, or follow him into deeper spy shit for the military, or to fuck off and go private. then eliot meets parker.
now. stephanie to parker. beth plays normal so well im mad at her, but there's something edgy and strategic about stephanie that i think parker can grab onto. i feel that maybe she was kind of a thief still, but there's more realism to this world so archie wasnt a super secret spy with lasers to practice with, but just a guy with sticky fingers whos a little bored and wants a protege. parker is good really good at what she does, and not having to deal with lasers makes me easy. but she's into scams that are less grifts and more Catch Me If You Can slight of hands. she's always looking for easy money (she was into lifting cars at one point! literally she follows where the crime is). she's doing something in an airport and someone tries to recruit her as a flight attendant because she's got the Look. and yall, flight attendants? that shit was like being a model and an astronaut and a time traveler back then. and according to a teacher i had, who once worked as in the f.a. union, those ladies back in the day were rad and queer and free spirited and runnnnning shit. i think, yes, it's a Job which i think we might resist placing parker into. but! of the jobs, at the time, i really see her rocking it during the time period. (also come on, the opportunities to swindle distracted people of their shit would be endless. they would just think they dropped their stuff in the airport! not that it was stolen.)
finally, reggie to alec. i think hardison will be the hardest to translate. even tho i admittedly listen to a lot of true crime podcasts, i dont know much about fbi life and also definitely don't know about it historically. part of me desperately wants to put him somewhere else even if it does have to stay within the fbi. i might cheat and make him like a Q(uartermaster) to 007/00s like in james bond, and he's like UGH this is horrible god i hate working for the fbi but they will give me funding so...... anyway, here's this totally cool [radio term]. that said, if hardison is stuck in the fbi, why he ends up there is that he is a fucking savant when it comes to research and the man can put together a presentation like no one else. that white man gets all the credit for profiling but it was hardison who goddamn was the google of the microfilm days. reggie felt super square but that might be because he had to deal with mcsweeties db cooper shit day in and day out for years. hardison is more himself. and definitely still a nerd. alec would be into dime fantasy novels and comics and ham radios and oh god he also would be into star trek like the original star trek as it came out and he would be into the zines yes! yessss. omg. also he plays a mean arcade cabinet. but he's mostly well adjusted but lonely. his colleagues dont appreciate him because fbi esp during that time were fucking wilding out and racist as hell aaaaaand im sorry im srry im trying so hard to have fbi hardison make sense but also! acab. ANYWAY.
second, the relationship
i think it would be fun to play with what it means to have parker/eliot start off first and bring in hardison afterwards. (if white collar is your thing, it would be like this canon divergent ot3 fic wherein peter burke is the last to join in.) i feel they would be Super Intense esp since they are carrying this big ass secret. kind of broken and dysfunctional and there's the passion and the commitment, but i think there's also a tenderness that's super hard for them to achieve? and i think there's a way that hardison plays such an important part in who they are and how they are. like, sure i think parker/eliot would have joy but they won't have levity. they would have compassion but they won't have gentleness.
eliot meets hardison after being recruited by nate. i think they get close because while nate and eliot have an interesting and compelling mentorship/friendship, nate is still eliots superior; sometimes its nice to complain about your boss, as hardison will say to eliot to try to make friends. i think hardison and eliot would become legit friends and not just work buddies because they are just not cut out of the same cloth as the rest of their colleagues. they grab beers after work. after hard days, hardison cajoles eliot into going to the arcade. they are friends. real real truly deep best friends, in a way hardison didn't think he could have with a fed and eliot didnt think he would have after his friend died. but also? they are like "buds" who are buds who are desperately tryna to cross any lines because there's a.... tension? an UST between them they dont know what to do with.
parker meets eliot by way of a "lets have my friend for dinner, he's a blast." and immediately immediately hardison is like... wow this woman is beautiful but like, really attracted to her personality. and parker things hardison is kinda dorky but cute dorkie? anyway, they have a puppy love situation growing. and it keeps growing until bam. eliot and parker are like. are we into alec???? fuck we are aren't we.
i think stephanie and steve would never tell reggie (even if somehow they were to be a thing). but parker and eliot? hell yeah they tell hardison. eventually. after a while. sooner than maybe they should. the tension if they should say something is one of the things that build up as UST between them for so long; parker and eliot know they are carrying this huge thing. two huge things. eliot being db cooper and also their massive crush on him.
if i could control myself to stick to a pwp, it would be another christmas. maybe the christmas nine (more?) years down the road. the damn snow grounded hardison's flight back to his nana's, and parker and eliot hear this and invite him over. the egg nog gets flowing and parker eventually is like,, fuck this. and comes onto hardison. and hardison would be like wow wow what but... idk, free love and swinging were In The Thoughts And Minds Of The People. he still checks in with eliot who is like. her body, man; i aint gonna tell her what to do. and for a sec hardison is like, man is this a cuck situation? i guess i can be for it but also...... aint mad if i aint alone. and eliot is so grateful and idk. i just want them all to be happy and having fun and no one to be left out. and yeah i am kinda brushing over a lot of the racial politics which, in a more developed fic rather than a pwp, would definitely need to be brought in; but idk that needs to just be in the bedrock of whatever plot is going into this.
it takes a lot of maneuvering of their lives but they make it work and eventually hardison is a keeper of eliot's secret too.
(apart from the historical aspect, another reason i probably won't actually write this is because i know myself. i would want to do worldbuilding. i would follow eliot and alec to their jobs, but i wouldnt want to write outright copaganda. the grit/realism i would be comfortable with would take a level of research i dont think i can commit to. but if someone wants to take this up or if you figure out a way around this issue, pls do i wont be mad)
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not-ur-normie · 4 years
The demon brothers as a kpop group (+ Diavolo)
Hey there! This is my very first headcanon thingy, so i would like to apologise for my bad english, its not my mother language. Also, it was so long ago when i last wrote anything similar in english, so once again, sorry. 
Anyway, i really wanted to write it, so let me know if you like it! + If you want general group headcanons with them as a kpop group, pls let me know it as well! (Or a similar one with Simeon, Luke and Solomon, hehe) Love! 
The demon brothers as a kpop group (+Diavolo)
DIAVOLO - The CEO of the company - It was the main goal in all his life to see Lucifer shining on stage - Okay, not, actually he only knows Lucifer since a shitty survival program - I mean, Lucifer is already hiper super extra giga mega beautiful in his eyes, but! Lucifer! on! stage! is the main Lucifer - So he maid a company for him - Lucifer was like 'wtf dID U DO' (okay, he didnt say it in this way, but-) - He is an understanding boss - Doesnt plan to debut any other group, so his company wont suck lol - Has all the money only for the bois - Altho he is really kind and understanding, he expects the guys to work extra hard do achive success - Sometimes goes to variety shows with his group and acting like a proud dad around them - Fans say that he is the 8th member of the group - Has his own fansites - Sometimes does modelling (has a duo photoshoot with Lucifer which he is extra proud of and some of its pieces are on his wall in a big canvas) - Fans ship him with Lucifer (not suprising) - He bought two houses next to each other. One is his and the other is the guys'. - Has a cameo in one of the mvs of the group - Does acting, has a lots of main roles - He is POPULAR
LUCIFER - Leader of the group - Also dad of the group (i mean if you dont count Diavolo) - He and the others participated in a survival program, but didnt make it - Got kicked out of their prev company - Thats when Diavolo became a fan of him and decided on founding one for him - Lucifer only agreed on joining if his teammeat could go too - Most popular in the group - Does everything Diavolo asks him to do - Makes the guys practicing till morning - Barely sleeps - Also does acting - Really bad at doing fanservice - Extremely caring towards fans - Always makes sure that the fans are doing okay, writes short messages on fancafe, uploads pictures (never about himself) on ig and twitter and reminds fans to take care of themselfs - Staying up super late to read fancafe letters from fans - Gives special attention to communicate with fans - However... He shamlessly blocks fans who upload meme pics about him or hurt his pride - HE IS SERIOUS - Thanks to this, fans never EVER mock him - Has a solo album - Won against his own group once in a music show (Levi said how it was not fair and Satan was pissed) - Never dyed his hair and never will - According to some poll, he is one of the most handsome men in kpop - He hates fanwars and when there is one, he tells the fans to stop  - He also hates rumors
MAMMON - He wanted to became a worldwide idol so he can get more money - Actually he was really bad at everything when he joined that survival program - Fans started to love him bc of his hard work (((for the money))) - Always forgets their own choreography - The whole fandom jokes about how stupid he is - He is always truly offended and scolds the fans on vlive - Fans make memes out of him and love dissing him - Fans think he is super cute and he is loveing it - LOVES fansigns but always blushes if he needs to hold hands with fans - Tries to act tough anyway - Cries in every. fkin. concert. (giving birth to new memes lol) - Once made a "joke" about how fans should donate him money instead of giving presents and it became a HUGE scandal, Lucifer and Diavolo deadass wanted to kick him out of the group - Does vlive a lot bc he loves talking about everything: how he bought a new car, new shoes, how he wanted to prank Lucifer with Satan and how they failed blah blah and so on - He is that member with zero lines, but has fair screentime - Modelling and super popular - Tried acting bc "he is too good at everything" but failed (he is not too good, but too shy lol) - The loudest member - Variety shows love him thanks to his idiotism - He says he is the "cutie sexy" member of the team - Once a fan started crying in front of him at a fansign out of happiness and Mammon was so touched he started crying as well
LEVIATHAN - His nickname is Leviachan for a reason - Fans know how much of an otaku he is so they always buy him anime related stuff and LEVI IS TRULY HAPPY ALL THE TIME - He even post about his presents at twitter and ig - Does gameplay vlives - Also has a youtube channel where he uploads every kind of videos: gameplays, gameplays, anime reviews, manga recommendations, gameplays, videos about his Ruri-chan collection, gamplays... and more gameplays - Uploaded a video where he and Mammon tried to snake into Lucifer's room to film him while he is asleep, but got caught and Lucifer started to shout at them - He needed to deletet it bc Lucifer wanted to kill him for publishing it - Fans didnt reupload out of fear from Lucifer - Shy at fansigns but compfy with old fans and fansites - Doing cosplay - At the begining he was reather shy on stage, but since he got used to it... aegyo all the way - Loves when they promote in Japan - In variety shows when the mcs ask him about his hobbies he always ends up talking too much, so to others need to stop him - According to fans, he has e-boy vibes - He is the one who posts everything thats happening with them on twitter, so the fans really ALWAYS know whats up whit the guys - Once accidentally tweeted out their hotel room numbers and fans found them (Lucifer was hella angry)
SATAN - Mom of the group, even if he hates it - Like if Lucifer is the dad, no way that he is the mom - Also prince of the group - Has good vocals but can rap too - Writes lyrics - Started acting bc he was sure he is better than Lucifer - Won an award for his main role in a detective series - Has a whole collection of books bought by fans - Gets angry easily which is the reason why fans often mock and make memes about him - Reads the messages fans send him and replies; sometimes its only a heart, sometims its advice or kind words - Came up with the groups greeting - According to the other members fansites, he is so handsome that its hard to not take pictures of him - Thanks to this, all the others fansites have at least two posts about him - Fans going insane when he starts smiling - Plays the guitar - Multilanguage king - Cant do fanservice - Literally hates fanservice - Once in Weekly Idol, him and Lucifer needed to hold hands and say nice things to each other after the others told the mcs how awkward their relationship is - That was the worst moment in his entire life - Wanna do a solo album, but didnt have the chance yet (Diavolo promisd him tho) - He has th best fashion sense after Asmo - Has a cat in the dorm and the fans love it like its their own - He has a great memory, so he remembers the names of the fans who attended their fansigns at least two times 
ASMODEUS - Main vocal of the group - Self claimed visual of the group - He posts the most, almost everyday - Loves doing make up - The most fashionable member - A big ass diva - Went to king of masked singer but didnt win it - Has a solo album - He loVES FANSERVICE, HE LIVES FOR IT - With members, with fans, it doesnt really matter - The best at fansigns, he is so direct - Hold hands with fans, gives hugs, let them touch him - On the groups YouTube channel, he has this special segment called "Asmo cam" - He shows whats happening in backstage during promotions - Designed their debut album's look - Also designed the lightstick - Complains to the stylists if he dislikes an outfit - MCing - Reads the fanfictions fans write about the group and teases the members with it - Doing shower vlives, where there is only voice, so the fans can hear him singing in the shower (he also brags about how beautiful he is and how unlucky his fans not seeing the full beauty of his body) - If a fan post about him saying dirty things, he will reply with even more dirtyer stuff - Most of his fans are hard stans
BEELZEBUB - Maybe i am headcanoning it wrong, but for me Beelzebub is a rapper - The only reason he is not part of the aegyo line bc he never does aegyo but naturally cute enough for fans to cry over his cuteness - He is so sad that fans mustnt give him food in fansigns, but Diavolo is against it out of fear of some antifan trying to poison them - Mukbang videos - Mukbang shows love and hate him at the same time - Eating everywhere and everytime - He even eats at the middle of concerts - Fans have a bunch of memes about him - According to fans, he is like a big puppy who must be protected by all costs - All cool and serious on stage, all cuddly and cutie off stage - Main dancer of the group, always helps with the choreographys - Has an own restaurant, where fans can buy his fav foods... And there is a lot of that - One of the sweetest bubs in fansigns, he is easygoing and thanks to this its not hard to talk to him - Fans dieing to see him take off his shirt, but it havent happend yet - In one of his birthday lives Mammon dropped his cake out of accident and HE WAS SUPER SAD - Most of his social media post are about food. What he ate, whats he wanna eating, what he recommends eating, notes to fans to dont forget to eat - Fans never tell him to dont forget to eat, bc they know he wouldnt - Fans ship him with Asmo and Belphie - Loves tours bc he can eat a lot of delicious food around the world
BELPHEGOR - Devil maknae - Makes fun of his hyungs, but loves them endlessly - Sleeps in backstage all the time; while his make up is done, while his hair is done, why waiting for rehearsal - Lucifer has the hardest time with him if it comes to practice - I mean, Belphie deadass can fall asleep the middle of some choreo - Didnt love doing agyeo, but fans are over the moon if he does, so he is doing it often - He doesnt have a fixed role in the group, sometimes he sings and sometimes he raps - One of the best dancers, but he is too lazy to show his full potential - He often falls asleep while doing vlives - Once in an ig live he told the fans that it doesnt bother him that they have haters, bc he hates the haters as well - He barely posts on social media; if there are pictures about him, they are mostly from the other members (especially from Beel) - He has a super big pillow he got from a fan to his birthday when he was still a trainee and this is his favourite pillow - He is the one with zero solo activity, bc if he has free time he reather sleeps than going to shoot something
Feel free to add anything that comes into your mind!
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sems-diarie · 4 years
hi!! ofc i would be here haha!! a matchup for Haikyuu, Demon Slayer and MHA if thats possible 👉🏻👈🏻 (if anything u can choose one i dont mind!) okay so im straight lol i love me some hot anime men, my zodiac sign is taurus! my personality type is ENFP! i can be either really loud and happy, outgoing, bubbly to rly chill, quiet and kinda like dont talk to me thanks! theres no in between! im pretty short standing around 5’2 and i can beat someone up if they mess with me or my pals! okay love u!
love you more! and i’m always happy to see you in my ask box 😌 even tho i only had enough in me to do one, i hope you like eet 🧚🏾‍♀️✨
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𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝒞𝒶𝓁𝒸𝓊𝓁𝒶𝓉𝑜𝓇 𝐿𝑜𝒶𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔...
𝓡𝓮𝓼𝓾𝓵𝓽𝓼! ✧♡
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both of you would whoop some ass for your friends and when that side of you comes out to protect him, Nishinoya falls in love with you so hard it’s like he’s been hit by a BRICK
someone tried to come for noya while Karasuno was on a timeout—you can’t even remember what they said; all you know is that it made your mouth sour—and you tore into them so loud, the entire stadium went quiet
he’s been chasing after you with heart eyes ever since
the both of you together is a disaster for everyone involved. pls use your inside voices
you hype Nishinoya up before AND after games!! it doesn’t matter how it goes; win or lose, you thought he was amazing! and you know he‘ll be even more amazing in the next one!
you’re just as bright as he is—in terms of personality LMFKS—and that shine the two of you have is recognized by everyone who’s ever been blessed to see the two of you in action together
you are the smol, sunshine-y couple of karasuno high!
noya is always ecstatic to be around you. if he’s playing a game at 200%, if you come into the stands, he’s automatically granted an energy boost of 30% every 45 seconds
that being said, when you’re just in the mood to chill, he’s down with the vibe
when you don’t want to talk, noya assumes it’s because you aren’t feeling well, so he’ll try his hardest to make you laugh
noya is all about that touchy-feely action. he’ll be yanking you around by the hand or arm everywhere he goes. it’s where he feels the most comfortable: touching palms with you
he likes to muzzle into your neck, and will purr when you cuddle back. cue the heart squeeze because that’s fucking adorable
he gets you into trouble!! well, more like, you follow him into trouble
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brightokyolights · 5 years
always repost the rules
answer the questions given to you by the one who tagged you!
give 11 questions
tag 11 people
I was tagged by the lovely @davidfors5 thank you so much  😭 😭 😭
1. fave character from each remake and why?
Skam Austin: Poonam Para. I know that she’s a side character and honestly i was close to saying Jo, Kelsey or Shay but she’s my fav. I think i just see a lot of myself in her and i like how she’s a completely new and different character. She’s funny and upfront and unique and I feel extremely understood and I hope we get to see more of her.
Skam France: Imane Bakhellal. Again i was really close to saying Yann or Lucas but i think just purely because of how much i can relate to Imane and understand her she’s my fav.
Druck: David Schreibner. While i definitely relate to Matteo the most and love Amira to no end, David is hands down my favourite. He’s such an icon and he especially makes me love Druck so much. I can’t really explain why he’s my favourite so much, this one is really more of like i feel it in my soul that he’s my favourite and that’s why.
Skam España: Joana Bianchi. I... I wanted to say Amira or Lucas because i love them so freaking much and this one was honestly the hardest for me to decide but it is Joana. I don’t know what it is but i just deeply care for her so much.
Skam NL: Liv Reijners. Although i really do love like all the NL characters. Liv i decided to pick because she can sing and i love her style and she’s strong and independent and i feel like she’s a really unique noora and i just. love everything about her. I can’t find a single fault  🙈
2. fave musical moment?
Skam: håper du har plass playing when the girls go to get Sana, i think we all cry every time and i still listen to that song to this day
Skam Austin: honestly… cloutie 4 lyfe go listen to clout from grandma’s closet on soundcloud i stg their talent… is unparalleled (honorary mention, when Megan’s upset and crying and goes to see Marlon and they play the fricking meme song and stop it at “run.” i die every time)
Skam France: what else could i say other than when Lucas played ‘i love you’ on the piano like chills lich rally chills luv (honorary mention how the music goes all soft the first time Lucas sees Eliott, again iconic)
Druck: this is hard like i kind of just wanna say whenever they’ve ever used a song it’s been absolutely perfect, i think i’ll say during the first kiss clip though when they go to hold their breath and the music with the water sound effects like aaaa ded
Skam España: the last clip when they go to kiss and ‘I Follow Rivers’ starts playing like... it’s just perfect like everything comes full circle and im CRYING
Skam NL: another remake that always picks perfect music, i think my fav is whenever Liv goes to the mic to sing like i love her singing voice so much
3. if you could make your own season, who would it be about and what would happen?
I have thought about this so much it’s almost funny lmao. There’s just so much potential with Skam and then if you factor in the remakes like... absolutely spoilt for choice omfg. I’d love a Jonas season because he’s great but i really dont know what it’d even be about, Mahdi is another character i’ve always felt immensely interested in and i would love to know more about him. In the middle of typing this i’ve come to a decision actually lmao. Two words- BALLOON. SQUAD. They are literally my favourite thing about og ever seriously and Elias is my favourite Skam character. So idk maybe a season about them? and maybe about their friend group and how they’re all drifting apart or brotherhood or like healthy male friendships where they are there for each other and shit or about Even becoming friends with them again or IDK. but i know i’d have loved a season centered on them and if i had a greater mind i’d be able to come up with a good plot for them too lmao.
4. rank the sanas ( I’m evil I know )
This is literally the worst question I’ve ever seen and yes you are evil
Sana, Amira TM, Amira N, Imane, Zoya, Esra, Imaan.
5. fave season from each remake and why?
Skam Austin: Unpopular Opinion but i really loved season 1, however, I think i have to say season 2 because of how fucking well they developed all the characters like giving the cast input into the story was the best decision Skam Austin could’ve ever made. Also, Clout From Grandma’s Closet? like need i say more
Skam France: I only watched 3 and 4 and my fav is 3. Very good homage to OG with the story telling and made me absolutely fall in love with Lucas and Eliott. Like I went through the same motions as i did when i watched OG and it was nice to be reminded of that. Also liked the small changes they made like the Polaris thing that was iconic
Druck: SEASON 3. what an emotional fucking roller coaster. They had me hooked every single minute of the day and still do now. I love Matteo and how they changed the story up like im still pissed about the pacing kind of but honestly i loved season 3 and still rewatch it. the music was perfect, development of the characters, the softness. everything was just so good
Skam NL: As much as i love Liv I have to say season 1. it was goregously done, i loved the aesthetic and Isa is such a realistic and relatable character. Also her moments with Kes and Lucas and the moments with the girl squad, like it was just a really iconic start to an awesome series.
Skam España: I’ve only watched season 2 but i know even if i watched season 1 i would still say season 2 lmao. Honestly there is not a SINGLE thing they did wrong. like the story was perfect, the honour they did to og, how they switched the relationships up. it genuinely was just fucking perfect (except the whole panphobia thing. if that comment wasn’t said spain would have the best remake)
6. What’s your opinion on s2? what do you like and dislike the most? which remake made the best s2? (españa doesn’t count)
I am going to be truthful here and say that when i was first watching OG and watched season 2 I did like it but after growing up a bit and reflecting I now honestly really dont. like i’ve tried to avoid that season in remakes as much as i can (i’ve failed and the only noorhell i’ve not seen is frances one). I think what got me at first was the whole like layers thing to William. how there was more to him and also like the typical fanfic tropey moments between them. what i like about season 2 is the SA storyline, like that is an extremely important topic that needs to be talked about more so i like how it brought light to that and also how they show Noora handling the situation and how the girl squad are and i <3. What i dislike is how William uses Vilde and is so manipulative and ANNOYING omfg. Like i can’t explain how much his entitled rich ass frustrates me and how broken down Noora is by him.
7. what representation would you like to see in Skam (other than more wlw)?
Honestly i’d like to see more ethnic minorities tbh, especially like maybe some east asian people? I want skam to be the type of thing that no matter who you are you can see yourself represented in it and while the remakes and og do an alright job of it, i’d love to see more. i’ll say this this til the day i die- REPRESENTATION IS IMPORTANT
8. what country would you like to see a remake and why?
My biased ass is screaming Skam Scotland because like i would be able to relate to it so much and I’d love it with my entire soul but also just somewhere where the majority of the population isnt white. would be lovely for it to be in like India or Pakistan maybe so that I could personally relate to it but honestly anywhere with POC would be an absolute WIN for me. i suggest Skam Scotland where the girl and boy squad are south asians/east asians + black with the good ol’ token white friend! Hire me
9. fave head canon?
Honestly any (head)canon that says anyone is not cishet is like 👌 
10. sort characters into Hogwarts houses
I was going to do the characters from all the remakes when i realised... they’re all essentially the same each time I- anyways lmao
Hufflepuff -  Magnus, Even, Chris, Vilde, Mikael, Yousef, Linn
Slytherin - Sana, Isak
Gryffindor - Mahdi, Elias, Eva, Adam, Mutasim, Eskild
Ravenclaw - Jonas, Noora
This is mostly based off pure gut instinct idk
11. tell me your best crossover idea
How all the remakes seem to have the girl squads going on summer roads trips I kinda had this thought that maybe like the groups in each of the different remakes and og decide to go on a big friends holiday and everyone ends up in the same place and they all meet. none of the isaks really get along with each other, all the evens of course become best friends on the spot etc etc. i just want everyone to automatically become best friends im not good at coming up with ideas for these sorts of things sorry lmao
For my 11 questions:
Which remake/og sqaud do you think you would personally fit into the most?
What is your favourite remake and why?
What is objectively the best remake and why?
Opinions on each of the girl squads?
Favourite hairstyle out of all the remakes? (this includes any hijab styles of the Sanas)
Who do you think from og/remakes would have a youtube channel and what would they post about? (not including hei briskeby or lucas rubio’s yt channel)
Pick someone you think is underappreciated from og/remakes and explain why you think they should be appreciated more
Favourite outfit/clothing item?
Which character do you think is most similar to you?
Do you like the Eva season (season 1)?
Insert your own question that you’d like to answer!
I will tag @thedavideffect @pansexualevenbech @2ndbest @joanascris @hufflepuff-ish @matteoluigiflorenzi @liveterna2 @bbibbicole @xxrps @happoa @eleaha but don’t do this if you don’t want to! and if you see this but i haven't please go for it i would’ve tagged everyone humanly possible but alas i had to pick 11 lmao but i love reading different peoples thoughts so yeah. pls do if you want to <3 
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isaksforelsket · 5 years
But serious question, do you have writing tips? Because I finally tried to write something yesterday but I don’t know how to go about the story. I don’t know if I’m making the characters sound human. It’s just such a mess gkdngd
Ah goood, i dont even feel qualified to give any sort of advice cause i dont think im any good lmao
but when it comes to the characters sounding human and realistic i just take inspiration from real life, like people around me, myself, or things that im attracted to, for example, in my fics even is the person that im attracted to, so some of his actions (smoking, being cocky) are just traits that i personally find attractive and these are the things that would make me look at him and go ‘holy fuck yes sir pls wow’, just like isak has some of my traits or to be more specific, i just took the traits canon isak had and amplified them. isak is shy?? ok in my fic he blushes all the time, and stutters sometimes. isak being confident?? ok here’s isak wearing tiny ass shorts in front of even, bending over in front of him and swaying his hips. isak is stubborn?? ok in my fic he will refuse to admit he’s slept with even purely cause he doesnt want to tell the guys that they were right and he thinks even is hot as fuck. so for fanfiction specifically, i just observe and analyse the actual characters, take their traits and either minimise them or amplify them depending on what the fic is like and what i want the characters to be like.
or sometimes even other sources of media such as shows and movies etc. i try to imagine every single interaction, every single thought the characters have-- which is why sometimes some characters can be self inserts, cause i just kept thinkiing like ‘what would i say, what would i find funny, what would i do??’ but just try to imagine witnessing that interaction, or imagine if you were watching it in a film, does it look and feel real? if not, read it again and try to pinpoint what exactly doesnt feel natural in the scene. is it the dialogue, the description or something else? 
aaand going about the story... listen i genuinely dont plan everything out, i know which direction i want the story to go in, but i dont have all the chapters planned out, only like the big events or the plot points, everything in between i come up as i write it.
personally, im a much better editor than i am an actual writer, so i tend to just write everything out with as many stupid shitty words, as many mistakes or as many repeated words as i want, i do that first to know where i want the chapter to go, cause for me that’s the hardest part over and done with, i know what i want it to be like, and then i just go through it, i edit everything, i search for synonyms so that i dont repeat words (although i still do that) and i try to make everything coherent
writing takes a lot of practice, personally i feel like im already a bit better than i was when i first started and this wasn’t even that long ago. but like i still read some things that i wrote at the start and go ‘oof ok that could’ve been a lot better’, but it doesnt matter. it’s fanfiction, it’s fun, if you enjoy writing then have at it, figure out what tropes and hc’s you like, write the characters whichever way you want even if they’re completely different from what they were like in the original material. it doesn’t matter, writing is meant to be fun and entertaining, so as long as you’re happy doing it, it doesn’t matter if it’s perfect. because honestly, it probably wont be perfect at first, but if you had fun writing it then it doesnt matter at all.
if you want some actual good advice on writing, i used to watch Jenna Moreci a lot, like all the time, so you can check her out if you’d like, and the @ao3commentoftheday blog tends to have some really really good advice!
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johnnysseocute · 6 years
Enemies to lovers - Lee Donghyuck
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Warnings lot of cursing, a little kiss, FLUFFF !!
A/N: this is unedited but its kinda cute i worked hard pls enjoy
when donghyuck hates someone he HATES them
its just the gemini in him
like it didnt take much for him to hate yoy either
you and mark shared a class so ofc when you and him started hanging out around the dorms and shit he wasnt having ut
walking around with your cute laugh and beautiful smile HYUCK WAS NOT HAVING !! IT
so when you tried to introduce yourself he was weirdly distant and a little rude
which was confusing a bit to you bc you couldve sworn you were smiling your winning smile to try and win him over but he wasnt won over
and from then on the glares and bumping began in the halls
and from then on you couldnt stand him
you had no idea what his problem was all you knew was he had a sly comment whenever you said anything and continuously glared daggers into your skull
so fuck hyuck ! AAAAA I HAD TO
you and your mutual hatred for hyuck made it a lil awkward for you guys to all hang out
like mark or any of the other dreamies wanted you to come over to the dorms they wpuld always have to go through the petty arguments yall had Y/N v hyuck !!
and one day after a huge argument over some dumb shit it was over what movie to watch smh mark sent donghyucks grumpy ass into the room to have a talk with him
"i dont even know why you hate them they've literally done nothing to you"
mark was right but he still sat on the bed w his arms folded pouting ITS VERY CUTE MIGHT I ADD
so mark knowing hyuck continue
"y'know yall are very similar i bet thats why you hate them so much, its like when little boys pull little girls pigtails on the playground bc they have a crush on th-"
and mark laughed bc he knew he was right and he knew donghyuck knew too so his work was done
"come out when your ready to be civil and apologize"
but ofc while mark was giving hyuck his mini talk jaemin and jeno sat you down and told you they hated seeing their best friends hate each other
so somehow with the help of jaemins very convincing smile you agreed to hang out with hyuck ... alone
so when donghyuck came out to apologize you said sorry too and offered the cute little 'friend date' idea jeno came up with
before donghyuck could say he would rather die mark stepped saying he agreed setting a time and date so you two can finally get to know eachother
you guys met up at a local cafe to study
and at first it seemed like it would be a complete disaster
but you both showed up trying your hardest not to be complete asses
you both ended up ordering the same thing which hyuck laugh a little
maybe mark was actually on to smth abt the similarity thing but he would never admit to mark being right
"wow maybe your laugh isnt annoying"
your comment making you both laugh
you guys continued the lil study session it getting more bearable over time
finding out abt that you guys have some of the same interests
like music, tv shows, movies ALL KINDS OF SHIT
yall were just clicking and it was surprising but nice
and it was almost time for you to go hone so hyuck panicked and said that he didnt understand a certain section of the notes so he asked of you could teach him it "even though your still dumb as shit"
he made sure to add so you wouldnt ofc get the wrong idea
"but coming from the dumb ass asking me for help but go off !"
and for the first time both of yohr insults were lighthearted and left hyuck feeling a little fuzzy inside and when you left he just sat there
like what the fuck was he doing he understood those notes he fucking wrote them he just wanted you be there back with him,,,, just the two of you
he couldnt stand being in the room with you but now he wanted to spend as much time with your bitchass as possible
so this continued for a couple of weeks
he continued not to understand things and help you with the things you understand too
his insults began to lose their edge and turned into things like 'u cute loser'
and he began texting you more often and somehow getting more touchy with you, offering to walk you home and playfully trying to hold your hand
mark ofc noticed how he would ask abt you more often and try his damn hardest to somehow wedge you into the convo
"so hyuck hows your study sessions Y/N going ??"
"fine, theyre pretty dumb"
mark turned around to scold him but he stopped bc he saw him,,,,, smiling,,,,, the lee donghyuck was smiling,,,,, all bc of you
and then. thats when mark knew.
buuuuut mark saw right through him, hed known donghyuck for way too long so he pushed him more
"so you dont like anything abt them ??? at all ??"
"i mean they're not that bad i guess. kinda cute and funny and they have the cutest little giggle and they way they scrunch theyre nose an-"
so hyuck went to bed with a lot on his mind and ofc the next day he had to see you
on your study session he was weirdly quiet and wasnt giving you his usual witty retorts to any of your comments so you knew something was off
"hey hyuck is everything alright i know you really cant stand me but if theres something wrong im here to talk"
shit shit shit he didnt mean to blurt it out like that you just looked extra cute that day and you were beong extra sweet and plus you used his nickname AND IT WAS TOO MUCH FOR HIM !!
as he went to apologize and desperately look for a way to cover it up
and he froze,,,,,,
so basically you and hyuck screamed abt you guys liked eachother for a good 5 min until yall calmed down and just giggled
but it was already time for you to go so you asked him to walk you home in the quietest voice and his heart dropped
like yes !! you cute bitch !!
and he actually held your hand this time swinging it and lifting it up to kiss your hand every once in a while just to hear your giggle
and it was sooo nice to actually be able to express how he felt abt you
and once you reached your house, you gave him a quick peck on his lips holding his face in your hands
"now i want a real date you cute loser"
"whatever you say you adorable dork"
and with that donghyuck was off with the brightest smile on his face
until he remembered he would have to see tge dreamies and all their smug asses
but for now he'll just bask in the fact that the cutest person to walk the earth just kissed him
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vitosscaletta · 6 years
Shit I already sent you a million ask about this otp ask thing but you should do hmmmmm all of them for your courier and benny adsfgh
BICH I LOVE U and thank u so much i love this meme a lot so i really dont mind getting more asks for it ;) 
(pls don’t @ me if this is ooc. benny has like the most inconsistent characterization ever so i’m trying to make do with this bs)
i’m gonna put this under a readmore cuz it’s getting too long!!
Who is the most affectionate?
They both are but in their own way. i feel like benny would actually be.. p affectionate but tries to play it cool?? meanwhile isabela just holds hands whenever they’re in public lol
Big spoon/Little spoon?
bela is the big spoon… (this is canon!!!!!!! “hold me, will ya?” PROOF)
Favorite non-sexual activity?
watching the same 3 old movies over and over again together, playing cards (Bela sucks at it), visiting all sorts of places around the strip, playing golf in the penthouse of the lucky 38 which doesn’t really end well
Who is most likely to carry the other?
Benny has to carry her :^) she’s not strong enough to lift him :/
What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
for bela it’s his smile… that damn smirk that makes her go weak in the knees (the reason she fell for his ass in the first place!!)
for benny it’s her weird looking nose….. it’s cute
What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
o well considering they tried to kill each other it changed drastically… Benny falls for her pretty quickly lol so he tries to be act all charming.. and fails but she’s into it!!!! (yes she thinks his cringy ass lines are hot). She has him wrapped around her finger lmao but it’s the same the other way around?
Bela is a romantic at heart and benny is the only one with the same weird old world obsession as her so she’s all “we’re soulmates… it’s fate babey! :’)”. honestly she’s as much a fool for him as he is for her!!! two clowns!
Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?
we all know benny has a billion cringy nicknames for everyone (”Pussycat”, “babe”, etc….) but in more uh… intimate moments it’s “Bela” lol. She calls him “Benjamin” when she’s teasing him :/
Who worries the most?
uh Benny, She’s dumb and constantly gets herself into trouble. 
Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
neither, Benny thinks he does but he orders the wrong thing and she pretends it’s what she wanted :/
Who tops?
usually Bela lmfao. they switch sometimes tho.
Who initiates kisses?
both :^)
Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
it’s usually Bela but Benny does this too
Who kisses the hardest?
Benny -_-
Who says I love you first?
isabela says it (too early) while they’re in some ugly little restaurant on the strip
Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first?
u h benny probably
What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
bela’s parents are ded and her friends all think its weird bc he shot her lol. swank thinks it’s odd as well but he and bela are buddies so it’s cool!!!
Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
Benny lol and Bela is into it. she loves that romantic shit!!!
Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
honestly? i can’t see either of them being good at cooking lol
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
take a wild guess!
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
they both do they’re embarrassing!!!
What would be their theme song?
the ultimate benny/courier song in general is “I can’t decide” (which i got from your playlist hehe…)
honestly my main inspiration for their relationship was hollywood’s dead (some unreleased lana song) cuz bela is a dumbass and sees him as this ~~ sexy, classy 50′s gangster.. the sort of man that’s described in the song :’)
Who would sing to their child back to sleep?
Bela lmao. She’s a singer, she has a good voice
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Bela does her usual traveling or explores the strip cuz that’s her favorite place. Benny just…. does his job i guess.
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“One hour to go until I find out if people are actually keeping me, or if they're all just being assholes and wanting to blindside me.” - jev
HOH: Brianna NOMINEES: Jev & Kiki POV: Nathan FINAL NOMINEES: Jev & Kiki EVICTED: Kiki (4-0)
I feel this could be the end for me this week, considering I named Brianna as renom last week and she has nominated me previously it's not looking good for me. However, last week after naming her renom, I did send her screenshots from Nathan of him throwing her and Aria under the bus to me just incase she stayed, so I purposefully threw him under the bus for this exact reason and I'm just hoping the move will pay off and there's even a slight chance she'll nominate him and keep me off the block. I'm also hoping she'll recognise that I didn't consider her as one of my initial noms and only named her as replacement because I was put into a shitty predicament last week by Nathan and his veto win, but who knows. I'm extremely proud of the game I've played but it'd suck to leave at F7 after getting this far.
So....its been a bit huh,...sorry about that yall pls just take this anaylsis of everyone left k thanks <3
Looking at the whole of his game this man has been targeted since prejury yet his social connections and physical prowess has kept him safe this long- typically this would lend itself to a very strong underdog story but at the same time his attitude this game has been very rocky as he's threatened to quit or just give up multiple times before which may decrease the amount of respect the jury has for him. At this moment in time he can be categorized as a big player due to his numerous fights which could gain jury respect because it does show that he wants to play but im unsure if its enough. In terms of social connections he presents himself as having limited connections with others as he doesnt talk with kiki or jev but has a mutual understanding between him and joshua as they are both big threats/targets leading them to want to keep each other safe. This does bring up complications when trying to eliminate joshua from this game but thats for another analysis. He's constantly threatened the status quo of the house and if it wasn't for his attitude (and maybe the lack of connections to people like kiki and jev) he could be a shoe-in to win. It should also be considered that he has constant correspondence with emma and somewhat of a connections with bri. It should also be highlighted that hes very good at mending bridges considering hes working with someone he previously attempted to nominate (brianna) and had a fight with (joshua) Honestly he's playing a great game and the bitterness visible from kiki/jev does not reflect the jury- its more likely that he can beat me at the end. 
Leaving: f3/4/
Threat: Big/Physical
Winning Chance: 4/5
So most players still left in the game perceive kiki to just be coasting along and honestly their win chances are minimal. I think their social game has been slacking as well as they're typically very hesitant to be honest with their game thoughts so they've failed to secure the connections that they need to get them to the end of this game. Their view on the game is also very confusing as they pretended to not know sides to me and no matter what the truth was it was a very bad look on their part. Also on a more personal note they showed that they're willing to snap as seen yesterday in bri's dms and in the live competition channel. In terms of this vote I have hardly any connection to them and if they won hoh next week i know that i would not be safe unlike jev who i've formed a more honest relationship with. I am slightly worried that im taking out someone with no win chance but my first priority will always be house dynamics and to appease the bb gods, they need to leave.
Leaving: f7
Threat: None, likeability
Winning chance: 1/5
Literally just hand the kid the winning title and pots at this point his control over the game is incredible. He has deals and connections with EVERY single person in this game and I truly feel like he can make the end if we dont take him out here but I can't control nathan at this point. I think he's formed connections to me and nathan through all of us being "big threats" while he has connections to Jev/Emma/Kiki as they were all on the original side and he's somehow escaped the block on someones hoh who he previously put up...this guy is unstoppable wtf. However the entire game IS aware of his skill and its very likely that he gets taken out soon because of this unless he goes on a comp run. I also find it very likely that the jury is rooting for him as he remained respectful with every evictee and had justifications for every eviction beyond just house dynamics and his game has been straighforward with his noms and bold with his connections. Im unsure of how exactly to get rid of him but I believe he thinks we're close (f2 tingz) and I find it unlikely he takes me out although i think hes notices that ive been a bit more closed off this week which is worrying for future endeavors.
Leaving: f6/f5
Threat: Big/Phyiscal/Social
Winning Chance: 5/5!!!!
Out of everyone left I find it very difficult to think of how Jev is playing, I think he's either playing the most straight forward game I've ever seen or his game has a lot of hidden depths. I mean how I view his game as another player is that he came into this game very unconnected but managed to wiggle his way into stable sides and form good connections where they've kept him safe when possible. Once he gained a side he stuck to it and just played an overall loyal game minus the yelling at nathan when he lied to him. I dont think the jury is very bitter at him but I also don't believe that they're super high on him in comparison to people like joshua. In terms of our own connection I think I might be higher on his trust list due to me being very proactive about using veto on him and voting to keep him- i dont think ill be in danger if he wins hoh but nathan sure will :nicolequeen: There is a chance he can beat me at the end just due to not fucking over all of the jury but the chance we make f2 is very small, he represents the utr social player that joshua might be scared of winning 
Leaving: f6/f5
Threat: Balance/Middle
Winning Chance: 4/5
Emma's game is very interesting because its similar to kiki in the fact that she's been coasting or just sticking to her side but she's aware of her flawed gameplay and wants to do better and make moves. However the end is closing end and I doubt she has the time to really make a move although she has been very smart about how she presents herself to others this entire game showing high sense of strategy. I think we're fairly close in a personal and game sense (unless shes just buttering me up for the slaughter as her own big move) so I would love to take her very far in this game. Im unsure of how the jury view her at this point in time but i cant imagine it being very high at this time unless shes manipulating things behind the scenes. At the end shes probably one of the only people I can beat because the jury might want a "big" player to win so she's def an ideal f2 choice at THIS time.
Leaving: f3/f2
Threat: Strategic
Winning Chance: 2/5
First off I love her so much personally she's seriously the kindest person I've met and i absolutely adore her but also her game has been fairly impressive so far. Her actions have been the catalyst for sides to form and big moves being made- however i can say that I had a hand in a series of these moves but received no blowback (or recognition) for them yet and I'm unsure how the jury will view us as a duo or who can lay claim to the moves made. I think some of the jury may be bitter such as Josh c and Nick but at the same time she'll have fans such as joey and jacob so its a very mixed bad and I think we'll be trying for the same votes which is worrying. She's also fairly good at comps and socializing putting her on a similar stage as nathan and joshua although for some reason she never gets the credit :/ Im unsure whether I want her at the end or not but there is a possibility ill cut her...
Leaving: ???
Threat: Social/Comp
Winning: ???
And i think i dont stand a chance tbh, my jury management has been ass but im gonna do my best <3 also sorry if this was mean fsabhfds
So Brianna has let me know that she is more than likely going to put me up as one of her initial nominees, meaning I've had to plead my case to her and severely downplay my game thus far in the hopes that she'll hear me out and by some miracle will spare me from the block this week, I'll insert the plea I sent to her at the end of this DR. I just hope she realises that there are bigger fish to fry cough Nathan cough and maybe even Joshua, although I respect him as an ally too much to even consider throwing his name out to Brianna like that. Worst comes to worst I'll just have to gun super hard for veto and take myself down, then work out the play from there if one of the other hot girls are put up in my place, but I hope Brianna isn't dumb and recognises that there isn't a drop of loyalty inside of Nathan and that she'd be stupid to keep him around another week.
So I asked Joshua if he'd save me if he won the veto, and he straight up said he'd use it on Kiki because he'd "feel bad" since he used it on me the last time me and Kiki were on the block together. It's made me feel kinda shitty because it's kinda solidifying to me that he considers me at least 3rd in our alliance, and that he and Kiki are quite likely a duo together. I have to try my hardest for this veto because I for sure leave over Kiki or the renom.
So... there is a chance, albeit a slim chance, that Nathan may use the power of veto on me. I've tried to butter him up by playing up to his kind of wildcard playstyle by saying that nobody would see it coming and it'd be the gag to end all gags, but who knows what he might do. He said he's considering it and will keep me in the loop just so I know what to expect. If I stay on the block, I know I hopefully have Aria & Emma's votes to keep me on lock, which means I'd only have to convince Joshua or Nathan to keep me, OR sway Brianna to keep me in the event of a tie, which I think is the most unlikely of the 3. Prior to tonights veto, I would've thought I'd have Joshua's vote to stay, but now I think its clear that Kiki/Joshua are a duo and Me/Emma are a duo, so I don't think I'd be able to sway him to save me unfortunately. However the rest of this week plays out, I have a lot of ass kissing to do which I hate but hopefully I can work a miracle
So... considering Nathan has promised safety to me this week I didn't quite expect him to go off on me like that in his veto speech but... I'm just gonna take the high road and not even acknowledge the video in house chat, as much as it sucks I just have to let Kiki run their mouth so hopefully people remain inclined to keep them around over me.
One hour to go until I find out if people are actually keeping me, or if they're all just being assholes and wanting to blindside me. As it stands, it should be 4-0 since all four of them have promised me their vote, but I'm lowkey suspicious about Nathan and Joshua, there's just something in the back of my mind telling me to be wary, I hope I'm just overthinking though
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kxlebcross · 4 years
[ even numbers for the weird asks, pleaseeee ]
me: has to google what are even numbers lol
2. chocolate bars or lollipops? lollipops, cuz after that i can munch on the lil lollipop stick too which keeps me busy lol
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you? i know it totally doesn’t look like that but i used to be the class’ smart kid who participated in all kind of competitons and shit like that, was in the school choir, went to music school... so yeah, i was pretty much your average nerd, but then i grew up stewpid haha
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? a weird mix of tomboy and grunge, depending on the day and actual mood, weather and whatever the hell i got clean lol
8. movies or tv shows? movies - i usually lose interest in every series after like... 2-3 episodes? i only finished like 3-4 deries in my whole life so i guess the number speaks for itself
10. game you were best at in p.e.? i used to be pretty good at volleyball back then, though i was always considered too short to be on the school team haha 
12. name of your favorite playlist? am 4:44 with a little moon emoji, made by yours truly (aka me)
14. favorite non-chocolate candy? i don’t really eat sweets... but when i do i go for sour jellies but idk if that counts as candy haha
16. most comfortable position to sit in? have you ever saw one of those “bisexuals can’t sit normally” memes? pretty much all of those, i always sit in random poses until my back gives in, i don’t have a favorite position tho
18. ideal weather? the summer night’s warm weather with a little breeze, maybe with some clouds... but i usually enjoy rains and thunderstorms too unless i have to go out because then i’m like bruh
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? depends on what i have to write - for school notes i usually use a notebook and/or my laptop; for stories - my laptop or my phone’s notes if the inspiration gets me outside; everything else i’ll just write on random scraps of paper or in random notebooks just to never find them again haha
22. role model? i don’t really.... have one? i rather have a motto to live by but i don’t really look up to anyone tbh
24. favorite crystal? don’t have one, i dunno shit about crystals lol
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather? go out for a nice walk or some drink with my friends, walk my cat outside or just chill on my balcony with a boo while terrorizing my neighbors with a randomly chosen edm playlist
28. five songs to describe you? human by sevdaliza badmind by kuzi scar by foxes throat full of glass by combichrist 5:3666 by machine gun kelly
30. places that you find sacred? uhhh..... i can’t really think of any that would fit here? but i never really step in weird plant formations in forests and shit like that, cuz better be safe than sorry
32. top five favorite vines? i literally only have one favorite vine and it’s the two guys chillin in a hot tub, thats it
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? every seasonal whiskas one because of the baby cats.... but other than that i haven’t seen an ad in ages, i don’t have tv and use adblock on pc haha
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing? i...c an’t remember, it was probably one of the rage comics or trollface comics? can’t really recall tbh it was ages ago
38. lemonade or tea? lemonade, with lots of ice cubes and mint, give it to me pls
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? well in elementary some guy from the older classes took a sh*t then went to one of the classrooms to wipe his ass with the curtains there lol also some other time someone pissed out of the window on the first floor  in high school someone gassed the whole school with pepper spray, but like an insane amount, and everyone went immediately panic mode, police and firemen were called, the whole school evacuated..... and the one responsible for that had to pay like an insane amount of money for the police/fire dept. action haha
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets? pants pockets, i don’t trust jacket pockets cuz they usually dont have a lil zipper to close them up and i’d totally lose my phone if i put it there, im stewpid like that
44. favorite scent for soap? orange-vanilla or some other citrus-y scent
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in? anything oversized will do with some pants/underwear
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? probably a grapefruit, fucking bitter about everything lmao
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? once i laughed at a plastic bag being dragged around by the wind for like 10 minutes while being fucked up drunk... does that count?
52. favorite font? hands down times new roman
54. what did you learn from your first job? that the customer isn’t always right and that apparently i had a knack for putting down tiles
56. favorite tradition? does halloween count? i love halloween
58. four talents you’re proud of having? i’m a really good driver.... and i think that’s it? i really can’t come up with anything else... does being loud and obnoxious sometimes count? and i think i’m good enough with people too... and i think i’m a good listener? idk, i’m pretty useless tbh
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? give me the good old horror and make me the obnoxious side character who rarely ever speaks cuz no one ever asks them anything, that would pretty much resemble my actual life
62. seven characters you relate to? bojack horseman, sal paradise, loki from mcu, wednesday addams, oba yozo from no longer human, richie tozier, holden caulfield
64. favorite website from your childhood? club penguin! i wasted sooooo much time on there, sheesh....
66. favorite flower(s)? i really like succulents and ferns! and cactuses... or anything that’s low maintenance tbh
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? licorice... and also cucumber lemonade, gross
70. left or right handed? right
72. worst subject? i’m really bad with history and physics, i’m just way too dumb for those
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen? around 9-10, i’m pretty much used to all my chronic pains and tbh i don’t like taking pain meds cuz i always have to take double because once i was misdiagnosed and spent almost a year on painkillers so barely anything works for me now... thanks public healthcare
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? fries... i’d love some now, i’m actually hungry 
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store? coffee from gas station, now pretty much all of them have decent coffee machines and the prices are okay too and i definitely trust them more than any boxed sushi ever
80. earth tones or jewel tones? jewel
82. pc or console? i grew up as a pc kid and tbh never had the money for a console so i just got stuck with it haha
84. podcasts or talk radio? if i necessarily have to choose then podcasts
86. cookies or cupcakes? both as long as its witch choccie
88. your greatest wish? let’s be realistic - i’d like to have my own place and little car and cats and i’d be all good
90. luckiest mistake? drunk kissing this one guy from my esports team after telling him i was a lesbian and he told me he had a girlfriend, it was stewpid tho, lets not get back to it
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? sunlight and fairy lights, the latter necessarily in blue, it’s just neat and doesn’t bring in all the mosquitos at summer when i leave the window open
94. favorite season? spring
96. desktop background? some assassin’s creed logo fanart i’ve found on alphacoders
98. favorite historical era? i.... really...... hate....... history...... blame it on my middle school teacher who made me hate it lol
0 notes
bradwillshawn · 7 years
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i know i said saturday but i couldn’t wait (and my iTunes download came early 🙃). plus, i’m actually writing this as a first full listen, instead of a couple listens later, so welcome to how my mind plays out during the first full listen of this album!!!
TRACK 1: MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT (FEAT. MARTIN JENSEN) FIRST LISTEN SNIPPET: i remember switching iTunes stores when this single first came out just to listen to the snippet and i was sHOOK by the lyrics FIRST LISTEN FULL: lyrics: YES, melody: YES, vocals: YES  FAVE LYRIC: “so when i call you in the middle of the night and i’m choking on the words cause i miss you, baby don’t tell me i’m out of time i got so much of my lovin to give you”
TRACK 2: ALL NIGHT (FEAT. MATOMA) FIRST LISTEN SNIPPET:  this song came out so long ago that i don’t even remember how i felt with the snippet FIRST LISTEN FULL: it was the first introduction to EDM VAMPS, and i was into it. i remember when it came out, i was on my way to a full study day, and it was all i listened to. the live versions with the puffs of smoke at the beat drops?? YES FAVE LYRIC: “you showed me how to find myself when i needed it the most”
TRACK 3: HANDS (FEAT. MIKE PERRY & SABRINA CARPENTER) FIRST LISTEN SNIPPET: i think the first listen i got was a live video, and i was like um yes???? sing this at big ticket for me in front of all the underage children???? FIRST LISTEN FULL: honestly such a bop, i had it on replay for days. this collab is one of the ones i completely approve of because, even though sabrina was a “disney girl”, her music is a totally different vibe from what you would expect, and this is one of the songs that prove that lyrically.  FAVE LYRIC: “can you just drop that dress to the floor? we can talk until sunrise”
TRACK 4: SAME TO YOU FIRST LISTEN SNIPPET: when they said the album was “moody” this is the song i think of because of the snippet from the album sampler. i understand why they all want this to be the next single. FIRST LISTEN FULL: this song definitely shows their growth musically and lyrically. no wonder they’re so proud of this song, i’m so proud of them. FAVE LYRIC: “i’m checking in to see if you’re ready to love again”
TRACK 5: PAPER HEARTS FIRST LISTEN SNIPPET: my heart was full of warmth when they asked fans to help out with the tour lyric video, and seeing the end result was beautiful. the chorus? help me FIRST LISTEN FULL: THE GUITAR INTRO, INTO IT!! this song is really hitting me in the feelz. fuck it’s beautiful. FAVE LYRIC: “there’s a lot of things that i may not know, but missing you baby is the only thing i know”
TRACK 6: SHADES ON FIRST LISTEN SNIPPET: i actually never bothered watching tour vids of this but THE SAMPLER: A FULL ON BOP GET THIS ON MAINSTREAM RADIO WORLDWIDE FIRST LISTEN FULL: A TOTAL OUT OF THIS WORLD BOP!!!!!!!!!! this after paper hearts tho, total uplift. how can the day version of the album get even more upbeat than this???? BRAD’S RAPPING???!??!?!?!?!?!??! WHAT?!??!?!?!??!???!??!!??!? GET THIS ON THE RADIO ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!! i need a moment after this song; this should’ve gone before paper hearts tbh FAVE LYRIC: “starting up a party on the pavement like i just got paid” (#relatable)
TRACK 7: IT’S A LIE (FEAT. TINI) FIRST LISTEN SNIPPET: super fun song in a super bitchy way. i appreciate them trying to reach multicultural audiences by using a multicultural artist. FIRST LISTEN FULL: the guitar kinda reminds me of bibia be ye ye. this song is so damn sassy i’M INTO IT!! FAVE LYRIC: “could we live ever after? seems like a good idea to me”
TRACK 8: STAY FIRST LISTEN SNIPPET:  i was kinda disappointed that they over-produced the song and changed some of the lyrics because i got so used to the acoustic version they sang at the shows BUT THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THEY DEPRIVE US WITH NEW MUSIC FOR TOO LONG FIRST LISTEN FULL: ok intro givin me the feelz, but then it just picks up and I JUST WANTED THIS SONG TO BE FULL ACOUSTIC, also not used to the lyric changes :( the keyboard’s a nice touch. it’s like a song to play while you’re at the beach during sunset. IMAGINE BEING WITH THE BOYS AT THE BEACH DURING SUNSET AND THEY’RE SINGING THIS SONG. i like the bridge. i feel it just kinda ends abruptly??? but still one of my all time faves. FAVE LYRIC: “you can wear my favourite t-shirt, and we can waste away the days, but only if you stay”
TRACK 9: MY PLACE FIRST LISTEN SNIPPET:  i think this is my fave on the whole album??? FIRST LISTEN FULL: the chorus!!!!!!! the guitar riff reminds me of a song, but i can’t seem to think of it??? a good end of summer song tbh! can u believe they just had to add the “bluesman” STAY THE SAME BOYS, NEVER CHANGE FAVE LYRIC: “look at that face, i don’t ever wanna let you down”
TRACK 10: SAD SONG FIRST LISTEN SNIPPET: I DIDN’T KNOW THAT I WAS STARVING TIL I TASTED YOU DONT NEED NO BUTTERFLIES WHEN YOU GIVE ME THE WHOLE DAMN ZOO anyways, this song got stuck in my head at work after listening to the album sampler, so that’s a good sign FIRST LISTEN FULL: I DIDN’T KNOW THAT I WAS STARVING TIL I TASTED YOU!!!! honestly same chords as starving, collab with hailee steinfeld pls! (someone also mashup staving with this asap) it’s a mature breakup song??? they ended with a really catchy bop. INTO IT.  FAVE LYRIC: “and i know, you know, i know i can’t let it end this way”
JAMES EDITION: I LOVE LOVING YOU this song very much screams JAMES MCVEY: pop/rock but still a hint of country. it’s a cutesie love song, i love it.  FAVE LYRIC: i’m certain there’s a sunrise and the night falls just like they do
JAMES EDITION: HIGHER i’m not gonna lie to you, i’m not a complete fan of james’ vocals as a solo artist,  BUT, nevertheless, i can respect his abilities, along with his strong song writing. this is one of those songs that showcase those abilities really well. these songs are for kirstie right??? ;)))) FAVE LYRIC: if everything’s changing, i need you to know, the hardest decision was letting you go
CONNOR EDITION: ON MY WAY i really enjoy connor’s type of music; lyrically and musically. this is so catchy, and would be a great song for a road trip. can't wait to blast it in my car. FAVE LYRIC: the footprints that i left yesterday are the ones that should be kept as memories
TRISTAN EDITION: ALL AROUND THE WORLD FIRST OF ALL, WHY DOESN’T TRIS SING MORE?? HE HAS SUCH A NICE VOICE????? LIKE REMEMBER HIS VERSION OF CAN WE DANCE? MY FAVE. this song is for ana right??? ;)))))) FAVE LYRIC: i only met her once, and straight away i knew that i loved her
TRISTAN EDITION: COME GRIND WITH ME THIS SONG IS STRAIGHT FIRE!!!!! sayin tris isn’t doing anymore mash-ups for tour and this is all he’s gonna perform, I’M ALL FOR IT!! THIS IS SUCH A TUNE LIKE I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS IS WHAT TRIS WANTED FOR HIS ALBUM VERSION FAVE LYRIC: this love’s a game, come on & let’s play, you don’t have to remember my name
VERDICT: tbh, i had kinda low expectations for this album bc i didn’t really know how to feel about the boys going a more EDM direction, BUT all the songs are total bops??? they’re all different; no songs sound alike in any way (other than sad song and starving, i’m never getting over that), and they all just kinda flow well with one another. i’m glad they took their time with this album, and released something that they’re truly proud of, instead of releasing an album that was half-assed. i appreciate the different editions based on each member; the songs included are very much an accurate representation of them, and something they are individually proud of. i hope somehow, someway they get this album to break into the north american market, bc SHADES ON DESERVES RADIO PLAY!!! this album exceeded my expectations, and did not disappoint at all. 5 STARS!!!!!
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narkik · 7 years
slightly long but relevant explanation of why naraku LOVES kikyou, how she is literally the center of his entire world, how his life is meaningless without her, bc tbh its been 2 years & it blows my mind that some ppl still don’t see this and i am t i r e d
(summary @ the bottom for ppl who don’t wanna read the whole rantTM. if anyone doesn’t understand why narkik is shipped , pls, pls read this)
first and FOREMOST,, i’d like to reiterate that oNIGUMO IS NOT NARAKU. they are 2 entirely different people. kikyou is a different person than kagome, right??? right !!! i could go on about how kagome/naraku parallel one another and how kikyou/kagome & onigumo/naraku are textually compared in literally every fucking way, but that’s whole different discussion
anyway: naraku loVEs kikyou. naraku. all by himself. ??? why??? bc , kinda like how kagome is different than kikyou and loves inuyasha for her own reasons, naraku fell in love with kikyou for reasons entirely beyond onigumo. kikyou lived her human life with as much agency as a human could have. but naraku was literally born for her?? his . literal. entire. body. would not exist. if not. for onigumo’s thirst. in fACt, that was part of the bargain he made w/ the demons !!! like “hey guys, i’ll let y’all eat me alive if you give me a new body, so i can grab the shikon jewel & grab me some kikyou ;)))”
the problem?? naraku was a person of his own. thats why he had 0% issues w murdering kikyou in s1 episode 1, then frolicked around feudal japan for 50+ years w/o worry.
THEN. SHE COMES BACK . suddenly naraku’s Thirsty Human Heart is fuc kin racing, making his hands sweat, shoving warm fuzzy feelings down his throat whenever kikyou makes some snide remark about his body, etc. and he’s like??? “fuck fu ck cfuCk fu Ck” for CHAPTERS ON END. it pisses him off that she has that effect on him, it pisses him off that he can’t just stab her 10 million times, it pisses him off that she Turns Him On even tho she’s made of clay. every cell of kikyou makes him wanna die and he Hates Her Entire Ass. its incredible
fast forward a couple chapters: naraku finally removes his heart. hurray !!!! right ??? n  o p E !! he learns p quickly that the human heart that loves kikyou is the LITERAL GLUE THAT HOLDS HIS PHYSICAL BODY TOGETHER. just !!! let that sink in !!! w/o that love, his bod y actually f cukin cant keep itself together,!!!
thats?? not even the best part???? whats even better is when round 2 of this happens, onigumo’s human heart doesn’t love kikyou; the infant says himself that he did not possess the love for kikyou which caused naraku so much suffering. i think its at this point where these feelings become naraku’s; they’ve evolved from onigumo’s own. bc, a few chapters down the line, naraku realizes that. he doesn’t know what he wants to do w the jewel after its completed. therefore he has no DriveTM to complete it. and the jewel couldn’t have THAT
so naraku has to take back his love for kikyou. why??? bc the bitterness, hurt, and anger that he felt because of it fueled his actions. ALL OF HIS ACTIONS. kagome points this out later -- how he makes every1 suffer by breaking human bonds. the agony he felt from unrequited love fueled everything he did, up ‘til he made his wish on the jewel, whICH WAS FOR KIKYOU’S HEART!!! not for the chance to feel her up, not to fcuk her 5 ways to sunday -- he wishes for her heart. on tOP of thaT, he laments about how they could never be together: not in this life, and not in the afterlife (bc ,, like.. even he knows he’s gonna burn in hell 5ever lmao). idk about y’all, but if i lust after some1, the first thing i ??? dont think of?? is their heart?? or the fact that we couldn’t /be together in life/??? just !! sayin !!
naraku wishes for kikyou’s heart because it’s an echo of what onigumo wanted, yes, and onigumo’s feelings are the reason his Whole Entire Life started. BUT he wishes for her heart bc he realized that he had no other purpose on planet earth other than to love her after completing the jewel. naraku himself loves kikyou bc she fleshes out his existence -- he literally doesn’t know what to do without her. after finishing the jewel, he has no other p ur p o se than to love her. kagome, who asserts her identity beyond kikyou through her love for inuyasha, is able to free herself from the jewel -- but naraku could not. even though he himself fell in love with kikyou, it was in accordance with the circumstances of his creation. inuyasha says “kagome was born for me & i was born for her as well!!” guess what my guys??? naraku was born for kikyou. she’s the literal core of his existence. and they hate each other bc the shikon jewel needed it to be that way. neither of them had any choice in that.
this isn’t even incLUDIng the actual literary narrative structure that parallels inukag OR the fact that narkik is the cyclical repeat of midoriko/magatsuhi a la the jewel’s manipulation OR how the overall theme of ~~humanity vs. monstrosity~~~ rumiko makes in the text is in accordance w/ the fact that naraku is so haunted by love, a human emotion?? i mean !! god !!
anyways , to summarize , can you fucking believe naraku’s entire existence revolves around how he’s supposed to suffer, how his love will never be returned, how he Has No Other Purpose on god’s green earth than to love Kikyou + be hated by her + complete the jewel 2 trap them both inside it???? can you belie ve that naraku was his own goddamn person, tried his hardest NOT to love her, but like how kagome was ~~born for inuyasha~~, naraku was born for kikyou, and had no fucking way out of the fact that he loved her just bc he happened to be the person born via onigumo’s thirst???? bc the shikon jewel squished him into a role and didn’t care about how he was his own person??? and can you believe that in sPITe of all this , naraku fell in love with kikyou for the fact that she grounds his very bEING, that his love for her is the only thing he knows, that at the end of the day he still wished for her heart ??
and no it’s not healthy love, it’s not functional love, it’s by no means good reason to love anyone at all. but naraku’s love is what differentiates him from onigumo, and it exhausts me when i see them being lumped together bc everyone remembers how kagome was different from kikyou?? rumiko’s Whole Entire Point w/ so much of the series was that people are not defined by their heritage, that they are not defined by the people who preceded them, that every1 is their Own Goddamn PersonTM even in the face of some(thing)one reducing you to a role just bc you have similarities to whatever they want to see. naraku was his Own Damn Person, yet he still fell in love w/ kikyou , he wouldn’t exist w/o that love, those inescapable feelings for her define his life, & idk about y’all but this is why narkik is my otp?? i will never be over it, not for as long as i live, and i still can’t believe the most academically consistent/intricate story i’ve ever seen is from a fcukin 90s anime
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seungcheolrk · 7 years
does jeonghan being at university bother you? how much do you miss him? do you ever feel like he's forgetting about you? do you feel like you relied on him too much? (ily abbie pls dont kill me lol)
★ honesty hour!
( tw !! negative thoughts, self deprecation )
“I…” it’s a lot to take in at once, and the short answers, yes, so much that it hurts, all the time and of course I did, seem so easy until he thinks about them — thinks about what they mean, what they say about him. he swallows harshly, wets his lips. his breathing is shaky, uneven, and he thinks about the last couple of months where he has seen him more, and the thoughts of you’re a bother come flooding back until his heart weighs the most it has since jeonghan left. 
let’s take these one at a time. 
does jeonghan being at university bother you? “maybe.” maybe, my ass. “is it controlling of me to say yes? I want… I want him to do the things that make him happy. I want him to study hard and achieve every success he could ever want, I just… he’s so far away. he’s spending his time with people that are far less emotionally draining than I am, and far more fun. he’s making friends with people who don’t lie to him for years, and who are on the same level as him intellectually and emotionally. he’s seeing what he’s missed out on those three years he stuck by my side.” he sucks in a deep breath. “I’m not saying that I think those years of deep friendship mean nothing to jeonghan— of course not. he’s not like that at all. but I just feel like… that patience he’s always had with me will wear thin once he’s had a taste of the easier and better friendships that he deserves. he doesn’t deserve all my problems, but I can’t help but long for him to be here to guide me through them. I guess that makes me selfish.” 
how much do you miss him? his heart aches. truthfully, since he signed with sphere, seungcheol has never felt lonelier. with them both busy, finding time with jeonghan became difficult. finding time to be with jihoon, who was right here with him, was difficult enough; so much so that the younger had found other friends to fill the space seungcheol had left when he signed on the dotted line, and he didn’t doubt that jeonghan had done the same when he went off to university, finally allowed to breathe without seungcheol hanging over his back. “a lot,” is the easy answer, the one that rolls off his tongue, but it doesn’t mean anything, and it doesn’t stop him from biting so hard on his bottom lip that he draws blood, and it doesn’t stop his eyes from watering. “I love him more than anything else in the world, and I hate— it was so hard to adapt to not having him here by my side every day, to hold my hand and tell me everything will be okay when the world feels like it’s collapsing in on me. I still don’t think I’m quite used to it.” he sniffles, so hard that his nose stings and it only makes his eyes water more. “I hate being apart, because I… I make it look like I have everything together; like I know what I’m doing. I could handle it when I worked at the store; it was the same thing, day in, day out. now… now I have to take risks, make decisions I’m not used to making on my own. I need him back… to hold my hand and give me strength.” a pause. “selfish. all this is proving is that I’m selfish.” he shakes his head. “I can’t do anything by myself.” 
do you ever feel like he’s forgetting about you?“I hate to say it, because I… feel like it makes it look like I think jeonghan never cared about me in the first place, and I know he did— does— but… all the time.” this is the question that hits him the hardest. the feeling of being left behind, of being replaceable to someone who could never, ever be replaced in his own heart… maybe this was his greatest fear of them all. it certainly brought him the most heart ache, at least. “I don’t think it’d ever be intentional. I think he’s growing up without me, and it’ll just get to a point where I’m holding onto something that’s a distant memory to him, clouded by all the incredible experiences he’s having whilst away. when we skype… he treats me like we’ve never been apart, but we have, and I can feel it. I can feel how my heart longs for it to be a real face-to-face conversation. I know how disconnected I feel, that I have to hear about his days in vague recollections and not be part of them.” he wipes away one tear, and smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes — in fact, it barely curls the corners of his lips. “but if he does, that’s okay. your next question proves to me that he’s probably better off forgetting about me.” 
do you feel like you relied on him too much?“absolutely.” 
there’s a pang in his heart once more. it stings over the dull pain of longing and worry and fear that he really should be used to by now, but may never be, and that longing comes from the fact that seungcheol is nothing but reliant on jeonghan. he always has been and may always continue to be, too. “that’s where all of this comes from, isn’t it? that I selfishly can’t live without him. that I rely on him far too much to help me through each day instead of letting him live his own life; decide whether or not he wants me in it. does he keep me around out of a sense of duty or pity? will I ever know? probably not, because that’s the thing, too, isn’t it? jeonghan is too nice to tell me I’m a pain, that he’s fed up of me, that I need to stop calling. he’s too nice to tell me I’m holding him back, so I guess I have to take the initiative and let him go myself. I’m getting used to the loneliness, anyway, and I should do, because if I ever debut, I might not be able to see him at all, ever — if he’s still keeping me around by then. I’ve tried… cutting him off before. it’s what… I always do when I’m scared of losing people. I lose them myself because then at least I can convince myself I did what was best for them, but I always go crawling back to jeonghan because I just… I don’t know what life is like without him. I’m too used to having him around, having him support me and hold my hand. it’s about time I stopped being selfish and let him fly.” 
he pats his cheeks dry with his palms, eyes red and puffy, and tears certainly not done yet.
“I guess if you love something, you have to let it go. I hope he’s having fun at university. I hope he doesn’t forget me, but I also hope he doesn’t feel as if he has to be here for me. I hope… I hope he can live the life he wants to, whether I’m in it or not. I hope he’s a little selfish and thinks only of himself and not me, because apparently, that’s what I do.” 
one last sigh. “but I hope that he knows that I love him more than anything else. he’s my soulmate and no matter what, he always will be.” 
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fragiilexa · 7 years
all of the odd numbers
distract me pls
1: Is there a boy/girl in your life?
Uh… nnnoo..? Um this question isn’t spesific enough for me to answer correctly. I’m not dating anyone if that’s what this question means.
3: What do you think of when you hear the word “meow?”
My cat who literally just ‘meowed’ five seconds ago.
5: Are you afraid of falling in love?
No, I’m not. Not really.
7: Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?
Sadly no that sounds comfy tho.
9: Name the last four beds you were sat on?
There’s only three beds in my house & I’m never on other people’s beds so.. those three ig.
11: Honestly, are things going the way you planned?
Well not as planned no. I have learned literally nothing goes as planned. But things aren’t going as bad as I feared & I have a job now so I cannot complain about anything.
13: Would you rather have a poodle or a Rottweiler?
Rottwiler. Poodles… are cute but… jfc they’re so fluffy & they look prissy lmao
15: Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?
Already answered.
17: How long have you known your 1st phone contact?
I don’t have a phone that’s mine, so I don’t have a first phone contact.
19: Would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes?
I have never dated but like… starting up with old friends again… i… dunno… probably ‘cause i’m a weak ass yeah.
21: If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?
If I knew I had the right person I would want to, but ya’ll that marrage stuff needs to be planned again. I gotta find a dress & stuff fam. But I mean, yes I would.
23: How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?
25: What’s on your mind?
Girls are really pretty. 
27: What is your favorite color?
Pink or soft blues or rainbow bc i can’t choose.
29: Who are you texting?
No one at the moment.
31: Have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?
Yeah, usually it has to do with like.. friendships & stuff but I also have a lot of anxiety so it has happened but at the same time I know there’s a lot of times where I have a bad feeling & nothing comes of it ‘cause it’s just my anxiety. 
33: Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
Uh, yes? idk but if anyone did I am bad with feelings so im bad at showing them back lmao okay I suck tbh
35: Say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?
I have… never kissed anyone… :( someone change this. But if the person I wanted to kiss was kissing someone in front of me i’d be sad so.
37: Are you friends with the last person you kissed?
Still haven’t kissed anyone, sigH
39: Has anyone upset you in the last week?
Nah not really. I’ve been annoyed by my Dad but not like, upset just annoyed.
41: Where’s your last bruise located?
There was one on my arm & Idk how i got it but if someone wants to make a new one I mean ;)))) 
43: Last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad?
Yesterday I had a really strong urge to not be home ‘cause I don’t have like, full privacy & it bothers me sometimes.
45: Do you have a favourite pair of shoes?
Meh, I’m not really into like having a ton of shoes so I don’t have a favorite I just have a few & they’re all meh.
47: Would you ever go bald if it was the style?
Uh no my hair is my favorite thing about me lmao noooooooo
49: Does your bedroom have a door?
Yes. I’d die if it didn’t.
51: Do you know anyone who hates shopping?
Lmao my Dad hates shopping.
53: Are goodbyes hard for you?
Yeah. I don’t like them.
55: How is your hair?
It’s doin’ good fam dw. asdfsdg, no it’s getting too long actually I want to get it cut again… but also… i wanna grow it out…. idk.
57: Do you think two people can last forever?
Yeah. I don’t think to people will always be happy together or always be ‘in love’ all the time but I do believe that two people can choose to stay dedicated to one another forever. It’s about choice more than it is about being happy or infatuated all the time. 
59: Green or purple grapes?
61: Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
Yeah. I wish I wasn’t in this state bc distace is a thing and I wanna be cuddling someone right now but sadly!! They’re too far away!! Ugh!!
63: Where will you be 5 hours from now?
Here still, but getting ready to go meet my Mom’s friend for dinner.
65: This time last year, can you remember who you liked?
Yeah. Same person.
67: Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
NO SADLY I HAVE NOT. I should hug my mama :( 
69: Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?
Yep. Happens more than you think. But it’s life yanno? Sometimes things just dont work out for you & you have to take the punches. It doesn’t mean that that world is over or your life is meaningless it just means that you have to take a moment, then start again, or push on.
71: How many fingers do you have?
What an odd question? I have ten. ???
73: How old will you be in 5 months?
I’ll be 22!!!!!!!!!
75: Why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love?
Uh… hmm well idk who… my first love was… it’s complicated and so I don’t know how to answer this question ‘cause my feelings confuse me lmao.
77: Are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago?
No. But I really didnt have many friends then or now so.
79: Is there anyone you know with the name Mike?
81: How many people have you liked in the past three months?
Depends on what u mean by ‘like’ but just one.
83: Will you talk to the person you like tonight?
I dunno hopefully, that’d be lovely if I did.
85: If your BF/GF was into drugs would you care?
I don’t have a signifigant other but if I did I would probably not like that they were into drugs… like, idk pot ig that’s kind of like?? A lot of people do that but anything else would be a harsh no. I don’t even like smoking really.
87: Who was your last received call from?
My work.
89: What is something you wish you had more of?
Money so I could buy people things & go christmas shopping.
91: Do you sleep with your window open?
Not anymore it’s too cold.
93: Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?
Uh… probably lmao but it’s… easier right now not to tell them.
95: You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?
97: Did you sleep alone this week?
Yes. Sadly, again, im in tears.
99: Do you believe in love at first sight?
I believe in intriuge, curiosity, & infatuation at first sight. Sometimes you’re lucky enough to fall in love with that person later, but it’s not love at first sight.
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