#pls go easy on me bc my taste in music is all over the place lol
claudiaeparvier · 7 months
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Can’t Get Over You - A Frey/Cuff playlist
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rucow · 4 years
massive nerevoryn hcs, beware
I have nerevoryn brainworms that torment me day and night, so I answered this ask game under the cut (I did this for myself not for anyone else, pls be nice and ignore it if u don’t like something you see here!)
(A lil clarification: I headcanon Voryn as nonbinary and I use they/them pronouns for them, also they’re ace and afab in my hc, pls look away if that makes u uncomfy) • How did they first meet? They met when Nerevar was hopping from House to House to ask to be supported as Hortator, he just kinda showed up at Voryn's home outta nowhere and was met with 38237 identical serious Dagoth siblings. I can’t think about it without laughing dgsfh
• What was their first impression of each other? Voryn thought Nerevar a fool at first, for coming all the way to Kogoruhn just to ask for political support and to justify /why/ he should be politically supported However, Voryn saw almost instantly that Nerevar was genuine and driven and had strong ambitions for Resdayn, and they ended up agreeing on a lot of things. Meanwhile, Nerevar's first impression of Voryn was...kinda non-existent? He didn't pay much attention to them and didn't differentiate much between Voryn and their siblings. They were all just a bunch of polite goths to him, so he liked them from the beginning 😹
• Did any of their friends or family want them to get together? Voryn's family was neutral and maybe a lil cautious, but ultimately didn't interfere at all and they quickly accepted Nerevar as part of their family Nerevar has no family, though I consider Vivec to be his family in some way. But no, Vivec didn't really want them to get together :') (he didn't like Voryn very much in the beginning, he thought they're boring, too serious, and has no sense of humor LOL but he warms up to them after a while.. he won’t stop messing with them tho, bc they’re rly easy to tease and that’s fun) • Who felt romantic feelings first? Voryn did. Nerevar's feelings only started ages later, he's not really the type to sit down and analyze/reflect on his feelings, so he didn't realize he had romantic feelings until they hit him full force LOL • Did either of them try to resist their feelings? Voryn tried, but gave up and opted for hiding their feelings instead of suppressing them 😔 • If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think? They would believe it. Nerevar wouldn't immediately assume it means "romantic soulmate" though, he already sees Voryn as a very close friend so the news that they're soulmates makes perfect sense to him. On the other hand, Voryn wouldn't be surprised to find out they're soulmates, but they'd feel like it's a cruel thing to do to them both, since they can't be together openly and in the way that they want to be. It would be heartbreaking to them :’/ • What would their lives be like if they had never met? Voryn's life would've remained quiet and uneventful, most likely. And they wouldn’t have ended up the way they did in canon.  Nerevar is an unpredictable mystery though so I have no idea, maybe he'd go down a different path and take some impulsive bad decisions in his life 🤔 oh wait he already does that nvm • Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go? Nerevar initiated it. Voryn has had feelings for him for a very long time, but at first they didn't want to be in a relationship with Nerevar due to how complicated it would be, but yeah...they couldn't ignore their heart's call, and definitely couldn't refuse Nerevar when he started returning the feelings :') • Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like? YEAH!! I have no idea though! It would've been secret but very nice and romantic :'D • What was their first kiss like? It was intimate, and heavy. It was packed full of years of suppressed feelings and wishes. Voryn may have teared up a bit lmao • Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)? Nerevar has already had relationships (though nothing long-term) and has had...experience with ppl, in all meanings Nerevar WAS Voryn's first everything though! Mainly because Voryn has never had much interest in ppl before, and just the thought of kissing grosses them out, unless it’s with the right person ofc uwu • What’s their height difference? Age difference? Nerevar is 6'1 and Voryn is 5′6-5'7, they're the same age though! • What’s their relationship with each other’s families? Nerevar likes the dagoths. They don’t pry into his business (ahem, affair*) with Voryn and they always welcome him to Kogoruhn with no problem (aka they tolerate his out-of-nowhere appearances and occassional odd behavior). He finds it a bit unsettling that Voryn has so many siblings but he doesn’t question it. Voryn tries to get along with Vivec, even tho the younger makes it difficult. Voryn is an older sibling, so they have the patience to deal with a younger moodier mer who’s hellbent on disliking them for no reason LOL • Who takes the lead in social situations? Nerevar does, Voryn is really awkward at socializing and hates doing it too 😹 • Who gets jealous easier? They both do, but their jealousy manifests in different ways. Nerevar is much more vocal/open about it. Voryn doesn't give him any reasons to be jealous tho, at least not on purpose 🤧 • Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear? UHH neither of them does 😳 ...unless they've been drinking, then they both do it fjdhsn (Voryn won’t say anything explicit tho, just rly cheesy declarations of love or something SOBS) • Who said “I love you” first? Voryn said it first, but only after Nerevar had already confessed his feelings :’) they needed to be sure they wouldn’t get rejected bc that would just break their heart tbh • Who uses cheesy pick-up lines? Both do, but they mean it in all seriousness, and they believe every word the other says. • How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA? PDA is a big no-no for obvious reasons, unless it's only around trustworthy ppl like Alandro Sul and Voryn's family. Yes, Alan my boi is chill with all of this hehe • Who initiates kisses? Nerevar. He's very touchy uwu • Who’s the big and little spoon? Nere's the big spoon, usually. Voryn's like...a stick...though they can get clingy in their sleep /sobs • What are their favorite things to do together? Having time to spend together is rare for them, so they treasure every little moment they have. They both prefer spending time completely alone with one another, somewhere far and secluded where they can’t see or hear any other people. Nerevar needs moments of quietness to recharge after dealing with so many ppl in his daily affairs, so he really appreciates Voryn’s company bc their energy is very calming and they’re just quiet and pleasant in general.... they’re the type to sit in comfortable silence and just lean on one another as the world fades around them :’) • Who’s better at comforting the other? They know each other very well, so they're both amazing at comforting each other, except it's a lot easier for Voryn to comfort Nerevar solely because Voryn isn't as open about their emotions as he is, and doesn't want to worry Nerevar with anything, so they keep their emotions/pain private much more than Nerevar does. Nere's more open about things that bother him and spills his soul out to Voryn often lol • Who’s more protective? Oh gosh they are both overprotective of one another, they live dangerous lives after all. However, Voryn's the type to get physically sick by worrying over Nerevar's well-being... Nerevar doesn't handle it any better tho, he would become very spooky and destructive if anything happened to Voryn 👀 • Do they prefer verbal or physical affection? Nerevar prefers verbal affection from Voryn, because he knows Voryn’s words are always truthful. Voryn prefers physical affection from Nerevar though, because they know he uses verbal affection with a lot of people, so the physical kind feels more personal and genuine to them u_u • What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise? ... I must warn u. my taste in music is maybe TOO happy/sappy for these two, but anyway.. here u go (all these songs are from Voryn’s POV): 1. the lyrics and overall aesthetic and feel of this song.. it suits them in my hc a lot :’( 2. by the same singer, this song HHNGN the lyrics just make me think of how voryn sees nerevar 3. something even more light-hearted... sorry there’s no eng subs but trust me the lyrics are beautiful, the bridge especially makes me cry it’s so pretty.. and 「美しい心を持っている、ずっとこの海よりも深い」 😭 BASICALLY ANY LOVE SONGS MAKE ME THINK OF THEM 😭😭 • Who remembers the little things? Voryn's memory is impeccable. Nerevar is kinda airheaded, he doesn't remember things consciously but he remembers them in his heart • If they get married, who proposes? Voryn does! Though it's not a typical proposal, because their relationship isn't typical either. They simply propose that they both should undergo a ritual to bring them (more specifically, their souls) closer together... It’s the same ritual that Voryn’s mother did to their father, and they learned it from her before she disappeared/passed • What’s the wedding like? Who attends? It's a secret one, so no one attends it besides the two. It's not a wedding though, it's more like a romantic ritual conducted by Voryn themself, where they link their souls/hearts together :') it happens at nighttime in a secluded place, probably a cave with an open sky... somewhere in nature far away from any civilization • How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like? They have one very rambunctious but sweet daughter! She inherits a LOT of Nerevar’s looks and personality, even his ideals and stuff (once she grows up) • Do they have any pets? Nerevar doesn't have any, but he loves animals. Voryn's home has plenty of domestic animals/creatures though, much to Nerevar's joy 👌 (yes I hc the dagoths to be farmers bc I love the thought of a goth farm) • Who’s the stricter parent? Voryn. Though they're still very mild, just. more cautious about parenting than Nerevar is?? And unlike him, they actually teach their kid manners djfnsf • Who kills the bugs in the house? VORYN. They have no fear of bugs and actually know how to handle them really well! • How do they celebrate holidays? Not together :'( </3 • Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning? Voryn. Nerevar's an early morning person, while Voryn just wants to be lazy and stay in bed until noon. Voryn has sleepy b* disease • Who’s the better cook? Dare I say both??? >:)c Voryn likes baking more than cooking though, so when they have the time for it, they like treating Nerevar with sweets u_u✨ Nerevar doesn’t really have a sweet tooth though, he’ll just engulf anything that Voryn or their family cooks LOL
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neo-shitty · 3 years
yeah same, i follow some fic accs that occaisionally post smut and its like mmmmm is the fluff writing enough to balance the posts that gives me finger burn trying to scroll past it? but yeah thats probably the way to go
ah i wasnt there for the teaser but i can imagine that was tantalising. lmaoo yes but to be fair i do have a writing acc called channiesbigheart so... balancing it out? but i absolutely am whipped beyond belief. it was a TRAVESTY how COULD they have. yeah the b sides gave him more lines but they werent the ones that were performed over and over at stages. yessss the line distribution in this album is impeccable, im pretty sure the thunderous stuff was some of their best distribution
hehe i can understand that, sometimes putting someone in a situation so horrible it would be considered a violation of human rights is theraputic, ya know? mmmm the differences are a bit nuts, it was 14 degrees today and in less than a week its going to be 32 or smth. BROOO that would be legendary, i bet theyd treat their artists rlly well and have great music as well ahhh but its a lot of work adn commitment. yES that is a mood if ever i heard one.
its the same in australia as well, sadly, you have people who hold up harry styles and lil nas x for breaking gender roles and wearing make up adn steryotypical womens clothing (and keep in mind i have infinite respect for both of them theyre honestly doing so much for the de-dehumanising of gay people and those who wear whatever they want), and calling the kpop boys gay and other things for doing the same thing, when theyve been doing it for years and gotten no recognition smh its so tragic. yes, anyway YES ONLY 6 MONTHS I AM FOR ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES A BBY STAN altho i considered myself a fully fledged stay like 2 days after i got into them cos i just spent all day researching and fixating. YES someone said it. it feels like theyre losing a huge chunk of why a lot of people liked their music in teh first place, which was that whole dna, dope, fire mood. and even doing bright songs is fine, liek they should do what they want but i feel liek the western music industry is so fucking toxic that they feel pressured into making these decisions. dont get me wrong, theyre good decisions from a business perspective, theyre getting record breaking sales but still. mmm yeah honestly yg just needs to get its shit together or get out
oooh! not into nct but i see a lot of him, he seems rlly talented. ahh yes another channie ult lmaoo i feel that, my list is growing in leaps and bounds as well. mmm yeah i think i will, im just going to try to save enough money :) mingi appealed to me mostly for the voice (like felix smh what is it with me and deep voiced bois) but also his soft visuals and the whole cutesy thing he has going on i rlly liked. yes i did get into them while he was on hiatus, but im still mostly a casual stan, ill listen to the album when it comes out but i dont think ill obsessively look over everything to do with it, like skz. HAH WE'RE MORE SIMILAR THAN I THOUGHT. lmaooo the thot line describes them perfectly, why are they all so damn attractive. especially seonghwa, like that man looks like a character from a book, cardan greenbriar vibes anyone? mmhmm! his vocals are absolutely insane. ty! yeah im excited altho idk how theyre every going to beat border:carnival, that shit was impeccable. ahh no stress, enjoy teh groups you stan atm!
ahh thank you so much, ill keep that in mind. hehe thats good! hopefully its soon :( ah ty, it means a lot. ill think abt that and hopefully talk abt it a little more :)
ah, no it was inside our gymnasium but to get to the other side of the stage you had to exit the building, go around the back and then enter through the other stage door. ah tysm! im glad too. mmm same, they baffle me. ;n; noo so sad :( ahh, thats um not smth i put on here, but im in high school so make of that what you will :)
thank you! ive done a majority of them, i just have maths, an english presentation and an economic assignment due now so im pretty much home free. yeah i feel like hes the epitome of here for you while being inescapably far away. haha she sounds like one of my friends. lmaooo why is that me. hmmm i feel like youve answered a lot of them in that answer so maybe just ateez, enha, txt and bp? if you stan them? :)
ahhh no problem at all, proud of you for managing to overcome the procrastination! progress! mmm thats good! ahh pls do let me know if you ever decide that, i cant promise i wont cry but do what you gotta do :)
<3 w.a. 🐺
hi! sorry for the late reply, i didn't know how to construct sentences yesterday e.e
yeah sometimes it's the perfect balance! i personally don't like fics that focus mainly on the filth? the plot has to carry the whole fic somehow and the smut is just something to add to the mix. also, i'll follow you on your writing blog! i keep forgetting to do so, damn it.
"sometimes putting someone in a situation so horrible it would be considered a violation of human rights is theraputic, ya know?" putting it this way just silenced me but yes. angst just feels more realistic. it isn't always happy endings irl so i tend to do it a lot.
falling into skz is so easy! it felt like that for me too. stanning them felt like getting sucked into a blackhole. also yes i agree. kpop is nothing but an industry after all and it runs on money so i get why they do what they do as well.
i suggest we not talk about haechan because i will literally not shut up but yes my boy is an ace :( chan is also sooooo easy to love. and the chan's rooms just solidified his place as ult. having something to look forward to every week at a time when my mental health was just plummeting into the depths of tartarus just helped me be stable. oh yeah, mingi's deep voice is indeed sexc. and he has some wack ass duality as well! and i think seonghwa was one of the people i nearly considered as bias just because of his visuals because wow that's one beautiful face. and true, idk how enha's going to beat border:carnival. i don't like all the tracks simply bc of taste preferenceds but i like more than one so i consider that a lot already.
bro that gym should've had some sort of a covered walk :// also i miss being in high school sO DAMN MUCH. but i still feel like i am because time stopped when quarantine started and i was still in senior year at the time.
my ateez bias is wooyoung! it wasn't that much of a shocker to my kpop stan irls because i was a jimin stan for the longest time. enhypen is jake and they kept pointing out that he looked like seungmin sometimes so it's like chan's aussie-ness with a tinge of seungmin (the other guy in my skz bias line, in case i haven't mentioned it). txt is huening kai! i find it hard to believe that he's my age because he looks a lot younger? o.O and he always looks good damn :(( sigh for blackpink it's lisa! i tend to bias the maknaes of yg groups, it's a pattern i've noticed but don't intentionally do!
DON'T WASTE YOUR TEARS OMFG. you can always reach me elsewhere if i like disappear off this blog.
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tinytigerrrr · 3 years
11 for 11 may 🙏, 15, 21, 23, 25, 28, 31, 38, 45, 48 😉 & 49!
11 for 11 may, my god bless you my friend!! <3 And Also THANKS FOR THE ASKS!! <33 Sorry it took so long I really wanted to take my time hehe c: 11. Describe your ideal day. I think my ideal day is sleeping in late, what for me is normal, around 12pm. Then I wake up, eat a good breakfast, sit with my cat on my lap for smtn like an hour. And then I go outside, bcs the sun is shining. I meet my friends and we go picknick somewhere in the sun beneath a few little trees. I buy smtn to drink somewhere because its very hot and ofc I forgot my drink. Its so refreshing and I feel so alive and the world is so beautifull. Me and my friends, we laugh a lot and just enjoy the good weather, the nice day and the little foods. And than at the evening we bbq or eat smtn else nice, and have a good evening. We sit outside for a while, feeling the summer evening becoming cooler. We watch as the stars come out and think to ourselves if we ever looked up at the same stars together in another life. And then when it’s really late, I go back home, feeling the cool breeze against my skin while I ride my electric bike. At home everyone is asleep so I walk in very softly and there I see my cat sleeping in the chair so I walk to her and bent over giving her a gentle kiss on her little head. She makes mmrrr sound and I tell her I love her and that I had an amazing day. After that I give her some food and I go to bed. Maybe take a showe bcs it was so hot today. And then I lay in my bed, tired but very fufilled after such a wonderfull day. Storing the happy memories in my head thinking how blessed I am with my life. As I fall asleep I feel gratefull for today and all the beautiful things that brought it.  Yeah, I think thats mu ideal day. Friends, good weather, sunshine, little food, laughter, love, my cat lucy, summer - yeah smtn like that c: 15. What is your favorite compliment to recieve? I like all kind of compliments. Im a sucked for compliments. I know I do a good job most of the time, but there’s just smtn in me that really likes the validation? I know I don’t need it. But it just makes my soul shine like: Ohmygawd thank you so much this makes me so happy D:. But If I had to think, I think I like the compliment saying I have a good energy or vibe the most. Bcs its so pure and real and not everyone can sense/say that. And you’re energy is not smtn you can fake or make more beautiful. So its such a sincere compliment, that I think thats my favorite compliment to recieve c: 21. Tell us about your music taste. Bro, this is a long one HAHAHA. But I will keep it short: ‘Diverse.’ I think that describes my music taste the best. Because I listen to A LOT of different things. Just what I feel like or in what mood I am. And one thing I also like a lot is when a song makes me feel ‘free’. As if im totally cut off from the world. Thats a really nice feeling music can give you. And ofc songs that make me feel things. Bcs often then I can use it as inspiration. So yeah, thats abt my music taste haha c: Also! I like it when songs have a deeper meaning. Idk why, but thats just megical c: 23. Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a kid? OH I already answered this one so I will just copy and paste it here! c: ‘’ YES! I HAD. AND I STILL HAVE IT! I dont sleep with it anymore but it has a honorable place among my other stuffed animals. It is a cow, that is formed like a teddy bear so its more cartroony instead of animal like, her name is Koetjeboe and you could play a musicbox song of A Small World from Disneyland. It was my favarite soung and whenever I felt anxious as I child I would play it and it would sooth my soul and fill me with happyness. Aaah good times c: I also had a cat, named, Poes, she is very very very soft, well was, nowadays she aint HAHA she looked like my cat when I was younger, Sjimmie, I loved the plush. Mom bought it for me in England in the Harry Potter castle. It was amazing c: So, I kinda had two, but Koetjeboe the cow is rly my birth stuffed animal haha c:’’ 25. What dream trip would you take with your wife? Honestly, anywhere with her would be a dream. And if she has somewhere wehere she really wants to go, I would just go with that c: Seeing someone you love happy is such a gift so I totally wouldn’t mind going anywhere. That is also because I have so many places I want to go, and almost every place interests me. I can’t think of a country or city or place I am not interested in visiting. I always loved to travel, and still do, so anything would be good c: But if she’s like: Hey what do you want badly? I would probably say somewhere with a beach. I love the sea and I love the beach. So that would be a thing I would love too hahaha. But yeah, anything rly, and the beach c: 28. What makes you smile? Oh boi, what doesn’t?! HAHA. A lot of things make me smile tbh bcs I get happyness out of almost everything. I can remember that I was crying and felt sad, and even then I smiled because it was such a special experience haha. But if I had to say some things I would say; My cat Lucy, cant help but smile whenever I see her, my friends, you super included <3, sunshine, good food, baby animals and honestly just life in general c: 31. How do you show your love? Again, how don’t I? I learned at a very young age to show love in different ways. Bcs I wanted to be a good person. And one of those things is showing love. So I do it with words, saying I really love someone or giving them compliments, thats a big one for me haha. I also like to really support my friends through words. Just supporting them for whoever they are! I also like to give things. It can go from small presents to food to many or big presents on their birthday. Also I like to help people, to give them advice or agai support them any way I can. I also show it through physical contact, as in hugs ans such. And I even sometimes lean toward just really cuddling up to someone HAHAHA But I don’t do that tbh, bcs at the same time it makes me feel uncomfy, but at the same time im like: Ohmygawd I love yo uso much just lemme huddle up against you to share my love with you and ahfgs. So amny ways HAHAHA some more difficult for me and others really easy. Like presents or food, hit me up, imma get you some nice flowers or some sweets or a book you really like bcs I love yu!
38. Who do you admire? Myself *smirk* HAHHA no kiddin. I admire my friends. Because those people have been through hell, or still going through hell, and still decide to be genuine good persons. I’ve seen from upclose what they have to deal with. And they still give so much love tot he world and people and want to help. Its really a blessing to have people like that around me. And I thank the heavens for that. So I would say my friends. Yes. (pls know you are in this picture too. Hello, going through hell still being super good person, ok.) 45. Do you have tattoos or want any? Yes, I have one underneath my feet. HAHA oke jokes, sorry HAHA. No I don’t have any. And I would like one yes. Im not sure what I want tho. I am always thinking of a tiger. Or a lotus flower. Or a little symbol on the inside of my left wrist. That last one I smtn I’ve had for years. I dont know why but I would really like that. A small thing on that place. But what that is gonna be, I have NO idea. OH and I want a smilie face underneath my big toe! Thats just one for fun, but I would rly like it haha.
48. Did you know you’re actually a gift tot he world, for real? IM NOT CRYING YOU ARE *SOB* Thank yo uso much frend!! It means so much to me to hear that I just can’t. My gosh. When I see yu imma hug ya big time. SOB 49. What’s your favorite memory? Ooh this is a hard one. Mostly because I have many good memories and also because Im actually pretty bad at remembering things HAHHA thats two opposites I know xD But uuh, oke I thought about it, but im so sorry i cant think of one RIP. But if I had to choose I would choose smtn that made me smile. That made me really happy. So one with Lucy, many with Lucy, or one with my friends, many with my friends, with my mom, traveling, and so fort. There are a lot and I wish i could show them all to you. Sadly I can’t. BUT We can make our own favorite memories. So lets do that, okay? <3
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yinxiong · 4 years
do u have any anime recs?? ive only watched the popular ones like haikyuu, bnha and aot but its kinda overwhelming to look for new ones so im asking u since i know & trust that u have good taste
ooohhhhhh boyyyy im vibrating bc 1) you’re asking me for anime recs 2) yOU SAID I HAVE GOOD TASTE HDJK THANK 🥺💞
okay but being serious here ,,, i’m not sure exactly what genres you’re looking for so i’ll put a list of my favorites + other ones similar to those 3 you might enjoy :))) if you have anything specific in mind lmk !!! i recently compiled a list of everything i’ve watched / tried to watch (it’s quite embarrassing actually) so hopefully there’s something you’ll like on there 😊
fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood
genre: shounen, action, fantasy, women characters being badass
very brief summary: two boys learn alchemy and try to get their bodies back, ends up unravelling government conspiracy in the process
this is my all time favorite uhdfdjks
top tier, a masterpiece truly
i'd rate it 100/10 but it surpasses that honestly
it's just really REALLY good
might be a little bit slow in the beginning but trust me it picks up quickly
if you’re interested it’s originally a manga and has some more details the anime left out !!!
assassination classroom / ansatsu kyoushitsu
genre: shounen, school, action, kids being kids but with knives and guns
brief summary: a class of kids are assigned to kill a super monster before he blows up the earth in exactly one year - the catch is that he’s their homeroom teacher :D
basically kids learning how to be assassins but also trying to pass school and it's all very heartfelt and you WILL adopt them all
10/10 i cry every time
honestly watch this first it’s very easy to follow
also a manga with a few storylines the anime left out, not crucial but i recommend anyways since i read it first before the anime even came out and it just has a special place in my heart
genre: shounen, urban fantasy, gods being literal disasters someone pls help them
brief summary: a girl accidentally meets an unknown god and asks him for his help, slowly learns more about his world (i’m so sorry this is really vague but it’ll all be covered in the first episode trust me)
the gods can find spirits (dead people) and turn them into weapons if that’s cool
sexy animation !!!!!
only big flaw with the anime is that they mess up the main character’s characterization a little bit so you might want to read the manga? also only has two seasons and the manga is further along ,,, but everyone is currently stressed tf out over the plot ohmygod ,,,
gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun
genre: romantic comedy but heavy emphasis on comedy, slice of life, literal chaos
brief summary: a girl has a crush on a guy who turns out to be a manga artist, she winds up being his assistant (this barely covers it though)
a bunch of high school kids being chaotic and oblivious
just watch it i can’t really explain it in words you’ll be laughing a lot
only one season so if you enjoy there’s also more chaos in the manga
your lie in april / shigatsu wa kimi no uso
genre: shoujo, classical music !!!!
brief summary: a former piano prodigy who no longer plays because he can’t hear music meets a violinist that brings color into his life once again
this is top tier
so beautiful hhdjfdks
i watched this on my new tv and shed real tears
as a pianist/musician i adore it a lot hhhhh the pieces they chose to play are all the favs (i performed a medley with my violinist friend for a show once hahahah)
a little sad tho beware of feels
the opening song is like . so freaking well known omg
akame ga kill!
genre: shounen, action, lots of fighting and blood, war
brief summary: a boy joins a group of assassins who are working to overthrow the shithole government (yea sounds kind of basic but there’s more to it)
mainly just girls with weapons
i mean there’s guys too but the girls are the best characters
the weapons are lowkey magical too
yea this is where my nickname came from lol
the anime gets a 7/10 but the manga probably 8/10
manga is darker, more graphic but better plotwise
no game no life
genre: shounen, a bit of ecchi ugh, lots of mind games
brief summary: two genius gamer siblings get transported to a world where everything is decided by games, they decide they want to beat god
very colorful and pretty animation!!!!
there’s some questionable “fanservice” moments but ignoring that the plot is legit
only one season tho :(( pls it was so popular when it came out where is s2
there is a movie prequel, a lot more angsty but still vv good
ao haru ride
genre: shoujo, the usual high school romance, slice of life
brief summary: a girl meets the guy she used to have a crush on, only to find that his personality has completely changed (she has too though)
insert falling back in love
one of the shoujo classics haha
i binged this in one night a few weeks ago
not sure if it was worth it but i had fun lmao
just a low stakes cute anime
also very pretty
only 12 eps, the manga finishes later
genre: just music boys being gay lol (jk it’s kind of sad)
brief summary: a boy learns to move on from his ex by joining a band (this is possibly the shittiest summary ever but i dont wanna give anything away hdjhkjs)
just watch it lmao it’ll make sense
idiot boys
band boys !!!
feels but not overwhelming
the comedy is top notch though
i adore given so much hhjkdf waiting for the movie to come out
all the songs are on spotify i listen to them way too much
yuri on ice
genre: figure skaters being gay that’s all you need to know
brief summary: a figure skater falls into a slump, somehow winds up with the top skater as his coach (yet another shitty summary sorry)
hmm this isn’t actually one of my favorites but it’s popular enough so why not
i just really love figure skating hfjdks
it’s pretty accurate i’d say! there are even easter eggs of top men skaters irl hahah
definitely dramatized lol
but still pretty fun
bungou stray dogs
genre: shounen, urban fantasy, very dapper mafia / detectives
brief summary: a kid on the run after getting kicked out of his orphanage accidentally saves a detective, shit goes down from there
pretty fun as you learn about their powers, watch them solve mysteries
the fighting is cool too
until the machine guns appear ugh i just tune that part out
oh yea all the characters are named for actual literary figures and i didnt realize until s2 💀
fairy tail
genre: shounen, magic/fantasy, action, friends !!!!!
brief summary: just mages in guilds going on quests lolol what more do you want
fr it’s honestly quite chill
like there’s definitely an ongoing plot and lots of subplots / arcs
but it’s very character driven
so many cool character designs
was OBSESSED w this in middle school ,,, highkey embarrassing omg
one of the big anime/manga, if you like bnha i’m sure you’ll have fun with fairy tail
this was a stupidly long list and im clearly way too excited ,,, if you have any questions or just want to scream about any of these, my inbox is always open ;)))
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save me
summary: Y/N is trying her hardest to get out of an abusive relationship without telling anyone. However, she can’t always hide the bruises, especially from her best friend since childhood, Ben Hardy. Once he finds out, he tries his best to help her out without her getting hurt.
a/n: so this part will actually be a little filler chapter. just some sweet stuff with gwil and ben. i have so many ideas for this already i just need to stretch this fic's timeline out first bc i dont wanna drop the bomb just yet ;)) (ALSO PLS REBLOG OMG)
warning: mentions of blood, slight angst, fluffy ben and gwil, mentions of physical abuse, cussing
word count: 1.5k
You, Ben and Gwil all left the cafe and separated to your vehicles. Gwil had gone to the market to get snacks and movies for a relaxing movie day at Ben's house. It sounded like heaven to you because you haven't had too many relaxing days in a long time.
You and Ben got into the car, Ben sliding into the driver's side, you hopping in the passenger side. The car drive was silent, but not uncomfortable. Ben gently held your hand as you stared out the window, a small smile pressed on your lips. Music was playing softly in the background from Ben's phone.
You didn't really listen to the music until a particular song started playing. 'Who Needs You' by Queen. This had been your fucking anthem and perfectly represented how you have been feeling lately.
"I make it half by six, you come at seven. Always trying to keep me hanging round." You softly sang under your breath. Ben knew this has been your favorite song for awhile now. He turned his head towards you, a grin peeking on his lips. He brought his hand to the radio, turning it up just for you.
At this point, you were belting the lyrics, the both of you. It was a calming song but you and Ben were singing like it was a heavy metal song. You really took this song to heart and sang with a taste of anger in your voice.
You belted the last lyric, not even feeling the angry tears flooding down your face. Luckily you had arrived at Ben's, so there wouldn't be such an awkward car ride.
As soon as you felt Ben's car come to a safe stop, you bolted out of the car, running to the door. You unlocked it with the key he had given you a while back. You left the door open for him and sprinted upstairs. You spotted the familiar door and ran into the room. Locking the door, you slid your aching and shaking body down the wooden door.
Who knew just singing a simple song from the 70's would have your emotions attacking you. Anger, rage and sadness boiled inside you, threatening to spill out. You locked yourself in the guest room, hoping to prevent you from saying or doing something you'd regret.
Your back was stinging, causing you to bite your lip harshly. Tears slid down your cheek, a mix of pain and anger. You stood up gently, holding onto the wall as support. Slowly making your way to the vanity mirror, you noticed blood peeking through your light blue jumper.
Your eyes went wide at the sight, causing more salty tears to spill. You dropped the material from your hands and fell to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. With each sob, pain shot through your back, making you weep more.
Ben chased after you, worry filling up inside him. Gwil had shown up not even a minute after the two of you did. He noticed Ben rushing into the house, so he knew something was up. He jogged up to the house and walked in, closing the door behind him. He set the bags on the kitchen table and followed Ben upstairs.
Ben stood in front of the guest room door, an ear planted on it to hear you. Both of their hearts broke with each sob that left your mouth. Your bawling filled the silence that lingered throughout the house.
Ben and Gwil looked at each other, sadness and worry caked on their face. Ben bit his lip and knocked gently on the door, hoping you'd open it. You heard the knock and slowly retreated from your position on the floor and opened the door.
Mascara streaks covered your under eyes, resembling a raccoon. You sniffled and moved out of the way so Ben and Gwil could walk in. As they did, Ben noticed the blood stain that was once a few little spots was now EVERYWHERE.
Ben turned towards you and lifted the blood stained material above your head, taking it off for you. You were going to yell at him, but you couldnt speak without wanting to bawl.
"Y/N, what happened...?" Gwil asked so gently and obviously heartbroken.
Ben looked to you, asking for permission to tell him. You simply nodded and looked to the ground, embarrassed for some odd reason. Ben sighed deeply and turned back to Gwil.
"It was her boyfriend, Trevor." He spoke with anger tracing his voice. Saying his name felt like venom on his tongue.
Gwil's expression changed in the snap of a finger from soft and gentle to pure anger and rage. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. He had almost the identical reaction that Ben had.
"That son of a bitch. He's gonna a fucking get it." Gwil growled, causing Ben to nod in agreement. You shifted awkwardly as you were just standing there in your exposed upper body.
"Sooo, are we just gonna talk about Trevor or are we going to clean up my fucking back?" You snapped. You were still riddled with anger, but you were also in fucking pain.
"Yes, Yes I will help you clean that out but it's going to hurt."
"Used to worse." You mumbled as you turned to walk towards the bathroom. Ben and Gwil looked at each other, shaking their heads at your comment.
"Somebody like her, let alone anybody, should go through what she's going through." Ben muttered to Gwil, who nodded his head in agreement and followed behind Ben to the bathroom.
Ben cleaned up the gash on your back and was just about to cover it up. "I think it'd be better if we wrap it up, like around your body." You nodded and grabbed the bandage wrap, handing it to Ben. Gwil removed the shards of glass as he has better handling skills than Ben. There weren't that many pieces, it was pretty easy to clean up. You didn't even hiss when Ben sprayed hydrogen peroxide on the wound, or when he had to wipe all the blood and shit out of it. Really shows how much pain you're used to.
Ben took the wrap and gently placed it on the wound and started wrapping it around your body.
"Tighten it, it won't stay if you don't."
"I don't want to-"
"You're not gonna hurt me any worse."
Ben inhaled sharply and tightened the bandage and sealed it off. You sighed deeply, realizing that your shirt was ruined. You were starting to feel awkward, standing there in your sports bra. You crossed your arms over your chest and smiled sheepishly at Ben.
"I'll grab you your over night clothes you keep here."
You nodded and closed your eyes, heading pointed upwards. Ben left, leaving you and Gwil alone. It was an awkward radio silence until Gwil finally broke it with a awkward cough.
"So uh, how long has this been happening."
"About a year. Started after we hit the six month mark, he started getting aggressive for no reason. Until that reason was because of drugs and alcohol. He cheated on me while absolutely shitfaced. When I tried to leave him, he went in on me. Busted my lip, gave me a concussion and had a bruise on my back the size of fucking Texas," You let out a shaky breath, Gwil was about to interrupt you until you continued. "Ben noticed, and I couldn't tell him. I fucking lied to my best friend of over 20 years because of my manipulative boyfriend. He had me thinking we'd live a better life one day, and he told me Ben would get in the way of that. My dumbass self fucking believed him," You laughed dryly. "I finally told Ben the other day, and God he was so upset with me. You should have seen the look on his face. It broke my fucking heart, Gwil. How could I just lie to him for a year? How could I let myself be such a fucking shitty relationship for two years? How could I be so fucking stupid?"
Tears spilled from your eyes for the millionth time that day. Gwil gently pulled you into his embrace. You couldnt help but lean into his touch, practically melting into him. Him and Ben always gave the best hugs.
"Come on, love. We've got a relaxing day ahead of us. I'll stay the night and the three of us will have a good time."
You simply nodded, your nose rubbing against his chest. Ben walked in, looking at the two of you. He walked over and placed a soft hand on your shoulder and planted and kiss in the top of your head.
"Change and we'll be downstairs, making popcorn and getting ready."
With that, the boys left, closing the door behind them. You slipped out if the leggings you were wearing into the pajama shorts you left here. You slid your arms through a tshirt from some random vacation you and Ben had gone on. You threw the leggings into the laundry hamper and sped downstairs.
The three of you spent the night, joking, laughing, eating your body weight in popcorn and pretzels and most importantly, relaxing. You turned your phone off, not giving a damn if Trevor called.
tag list: @benhardyisdaddy @monochromedeacon @queenbbarnes @haileylansley @shesakillerquueennn @onexlittlespark @zcars777 @loveandbeloved29 @beatlezrcool @likeit-or-leaveit
perm tag list: @benhardyisdaddy @haileylansley @queenbbarnes @beatlezrcool
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etherealrj · 7 years
running on ice - reddie
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pairings : reddie
warnings : jealously ?
requests are closed
a/n sorry this took so long, I have so many request right now and i'm like mentally sinking under pressure. I hope this is okay anon!
Eddie always came along to Richie’s shows. It was a tradition, even both they started dating. Eddie would face his fear of the germs to come and listen to his boyfriends loudly obnoxious band play covers of songs he’s never heard, in favour of watching Richie get hot and sweaty as he periodically exhorted his energy banging on his drums.
 Richie on the other hand would come to the pep rally every Friday night to support Eddie’s appearance, regardless of his hatred for most of human kind nothing could rival seeing your boyfriend in tight pastel pink booty shorts. 
Eddie usually sat backstage at Richie’s shows, this was usually due to Richie not wanting Eddie to panic and cause an asthma attack from stressing over anybody out on the floor.
But today was different.
Eddie claimed that sitting behind the curtains just wasn’t good enough for tonight, therefore he just had to stand dead centre stage to watch his lover perform. Richie was hesitant because he didn’t want to see the fragile boy get hurt. He knew how rough the floor could get scattered with intoxicated youths and Richie knew it was no place for a five foot four, skinny, pale, flower crown wearing teenage boy. But Eddie had insisted that, that there wasn't any other place he going to be regardless of Richie’s protests.
Richie had placed himself behind the drums, twirling the drum sticks that loosely rest in his hands. As he scanned he crowd, it was a pretty good turn out tonight. A small non-existent smile made it's way onto his lips at the idea of people actually appreciating him for his talents, a wave of relief fled through his body, maybe he could actually get somewhere in life. Soon the idea of the masses of people seemed to have changed his opinion.
He scanned the crowd looking for Eddie's figure, even if he wasn't dating him, the poor boy he stuck out like a saw thumb among the copious amount of dark clothes that stood on the floor, covering the space with an aura the Richie was all too comfortable with.
 Blinking behind his glasses, he narrowed his gaze slightly to this side of the stage where he found Eddie standing leaning slightly against a tall bar table. Richie noted that Eddie had found someone to talk to, and that in itself made Richie smile. Knowing that Eddie was comfortable in one of the only other places Richie was. Richie must have been staring at the pale boy for a bit longer than he thought because the only thing that broke him from his gaze was the fact it was getting harder and harder to see him. The stage lights had begun to dim and the loud strum of the bass guitar echoed the dark room.
 Richie straightened his back and placed his drum sticks in their selected hands, starring out at the audience and seeing only the faint outlines of human bodies.
 The coloured stage lights were suddenly turned on, and Richie heard the loud cheer from their small crowd. He heard their lead singer speak into the microphone probably asking the basic and stereotypical 'hey, how's everyone was doing tonight,' but Richie paid little no attention as he looked back over at the space Eddie was currently occupying.
His mouth dropping a gape as he watched the boy laugh at something the delinquent had said. Richie whole opinion on the other male had changed as fast as a drop of a pin.
Eddie's back was turned to the stage and his full attention was focused on a complete and utter stranger. He faintly heard the beginning of song start and he subconsciously hit drums the way he had been practicing for the past weeks but his gaze still pierced the back of Eddie's head wondering what was just so interesting that he couldn't even face the direction of his actual boyfriend and pretend like he was enjoying the music even though Richie knew otherwise.
Richie narrowed his eyes as he watched a hand creep up the sleeve of Eddie's jacket. Eddie obviously didn't feel the need to brush him away. One of the only faults that Eddie Kaspbrak will ever exhibit is the inability to be able to recognise that literally everyone wanted a piece of him. Richie wasn't even going to hide the fact he was jealous. He gave that up long ago.
Eddie was his, and only his. It wasn't that he didn't trust Eddie, he just didn't trust anyone else around him. The boy was small, cute and docile, meaning he would be just as easy a target as it would be to steal a puppy from a shelter. Eddie trusted everyone, and Richie was the complete opposite.
The band played a few more songs before they were able to take a break. As soon as the stage lights turned off and the floor was lit, Richie rushed down onto the hard concrete despite the protest from his lead singer about their need to recuperate behind stage.
Richie's long limbs were seen jumping from the side stage and striding five short steps in Eddie' direction. Once arriving the older boy sat  his head onto of the younger and his arm sliding around Eddie's waist. Eddie flinched away from his touch and Richie tried not to let his disappointment show. Glancing to the right he saw the denim jacket wearing loser that was trying to steal his boyfriend, sipping on a drink that was clearing not cherry cola. He glared at the side of the strangers face as he brought the glass cup to his lips.
Eddie turned his head to meet the hard face of Richie Tozier. Body immediately relaxing under his touch. "Hey babe." Eddie said, a comical expression plastered itself on his face as he observed Richie's stoic look. Turning slightly to kiss the taller boys cheek. Richie tore his glare from the other the boy and focused his gaze on Eddie. "It's been a good show so far." Richie scoffed.
"Yeah, like you would fucking know." Richie said, sound muffled by Eddie's dark brown curls. "Watcha doing with this guy." He gestured across the table to where the guy now stood starring across at the pair.
The unknown guy reached his arm across the table holding out his hand. "Hi I'm-" "I wasn't talking to you." Eddie pushed back against Richie's chest and moved from out of the taller boys grasp.
"Richie that wasn't very nice." Eddie's eye widened in surprise at the blatant bluntness coming out of Richie's mouth.
Richie's eyes widen, "Can you not see that he's trying to get with you!" Richie gestured wildly, sending his long limbs flying about. Eddie sighed, and turned back to the mysterious man informing him that the pair will be right back. Eddie gripped onto the side of Richie's leather jacket, pulling him through the masses of people toward backstage.
As they past the heavy black curtains, Eddie let go of Richie's sleeve and turned to face him. "What's up with you?" He asked, curiosity shown in his eyes. His eyes travelled over Richie's sweat cladded face, dark curls clung to his forehead, his face was flush with a light shade of pink making the freckles that Eddie loved disappear for an apparent amount of time.
Richie kicked the tip of his shoe against the concrete, reluctantly looking into Eddie's eyes. "Nothing, Eddie Spaghetti." Richie beamed a smile toward the boy. Eddie quirked an eyebrow at Richie's all too wide smile. Eddie placed his hand son his own hips and gave Richie an expected stare. Richie rolled his eyes and dropped the smile off his face. "I don't like you talking to that guy."
"Rich, you can't get angry every time I talk to other guys,"
"Eddie! He was touching you! I was watching the whole time, you didn't ever turn to face the stage once!" Richie sighed. "I love you too much to just sit back and watch. I don't want to lose you to som-some denim jacket tattoo covered freak!" Eddie's lip twitched into a side smile, as he reached out and took a hold of Richie's hand.
"You are the only denim jacket tattoo covered freak for me baby, I promise." Eddie stood upon the tips of his toes, to press a chaste kiss upon Richie's lips. Richie faintly heard someone callout for him, informing him he's got two minutes until they go back on stage. With an annoyed grunt, Richie pulled Eddie into his embraced, wrapping his arms around the smaller boys shoulders tightly. Richie felt Eddie hug back just as tight, while wrapping his own arms around Richie's middle section. Muffled by Richie's jacket he faintly heard Eddie's teasing tone say,
“There’s no need to be jealous, Rich.” Richie scoffed and pulled away began walking in the opposite direction, shouting in response.
“Shut it Ed’s.” Richie walked away with a genuine  smile on his which made a few of his bands members send him questioning looks which he all dismissed with shake of his head.
As the stage lights turned back on, Richie glanced through his fingerprint cladded glasses to see Eddie's bright smile staring right back at him from  centre stage.  
Richie couldn't be happier.
fic requests and headcannon requests are closed
moodboard requests are open
a/n I currently have 25 requests sitting in my ask box and I want to get around to all of them so pls no more fic requests until i'm finished them all lmao. moodboard requests are open tho bc I'm using them to distract myself from writing. i am working 6, 8 hour shifts this week so I'm really busy with work but I'm trying lmao
if you wanna be in the reddie taglist lemme know!
taglist : @colinmorgay @its-ya-girl-mercy @tastes-like-cherry-coke @netzoflix @bitch-its-youknowwho @prkrptr @ladycataztrophe @whoisjjacob @eddies-inhaler @stenbroughh @eddierichietozier @scienceyyy @randvmfandoms @loserichie @puddlewing @letgoofmygreggo
ive forgotten like 5 ppl I'm sorry ^
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clefairytails · 7 years
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to know better
i was tagged by @redcladsheikah age: 21 birthplace: some hospital in walnut creek bcs there were none near where my parents lived at the time current time: 6:45 p.m. drink you last had: a delicious and refreshing bepsi of course easiest person to talk to: tbh there’s no one in the world i’ve ever opened up to completely. i almost got there with one person but i’ll never see her again soooo…¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the friends i met in middle school are for life tho, super easy to talk to and i love them favorite song: god, my taste in music is all over the place and so many bands are important to me…. but Ring of Keys from Fun Home means a lot at the moment grossest memory: getting catcalled by old ass men hogwarts house: tbh i dont care about harry potter shit like i used to. bellatrix is a lesbian and my wife tho, jk rowling can fuck off with her bellamort cursed child bullshit (im ravenclaw but pottermore’s shitty test put me in gryffindor) in love: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA yeah jealous of people: im jealous of ppl who can control their emotions, but i like being me and i wouldn’t ever want to be anyone else killed someone: nah, im not white love at first sight or should i walk by again?: my heart’s already been taken, sorry middle name: i hate my middle name number of siblings: just one, my beautiful baby brother (who is not a baby at all) one wish: to be a tropical mermaid person you called last: a person i was going to schedule an interview with question you’re always asked: “what are your plans for the future?” just typing that gave me anxiety lmao. pls dont ask me this, i really dont know. i just wanna exist, and sometimes not even that lol. reason to smile: at the end of the day, i’m a lesbian in a world that’s 50% women, so that’s pretty great. song you sang last: the last time i sang out loud was probably when i was with @redcladsheikah and we were singing in my car, but that was hella long ago. the last song i sang may have been Emperor’s New Clothes by Panic! at the Disco but i dont remember. time you woke up: 9:30-ish (a.m. obviously) underwear color: who the fuck wears underwear anymore, its 2017 (jk they’re blue) vacation destination: a beach that’s hot and dry, like the Santa Cruz Boardwalk in summer. tbh cali is the perfect state for me; my cold-blooded reptilian body needs warmth to function. worst habit: its either being a defeatist or my compulsive lying over small and insignificant things. x-rays: the fuck??? is this skeleton war recruitment propaganda??? who made this weird ass tag meme and why do they want to know about my bones. (i’ve had an x-ray on my shitty spine bcs i have scoliosis and standard dental x-rays if anyone really gives a shit lmao) your favorite food: SEAFOOD but that shit’s expensive ;m; zodiac sign: the best sign, leo (scorpio and gemini DO NOT INTERACT)
im tagging: @generalleiasbian @selunebian @jollyflareon @androxibot @butch-lesbijan @lesbianstardew @pillbugboy @pagerunners @blightdyke @tattoocafe @myth-taken and @lesbianminako
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ksmingyu-blog · 7 years
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*waves* late to the party is my middle name aight lets get this party started kiddos hihi I'm Koko and ecstatic to be here at last~ do come say hi to my slow ass and my unfortunate child Mingyu -- he's just gone through some rough stuff but hides it behind a confident indifference & smiles & being too into other people’s business etc you’ll see--
anyhoo profile here (wip tbh) & background.. to remain undisclosed cause it's trash you don't need it, live in the suspense ha. take a look at my rules tho thanks I'm working on the rest bear with me, a snail supreme. do proceed forward for some random tidbits of info I guess?? also come plot with me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
so ye his family is mega rich and he's super spoiled always got what he wanted, mainly because he just asked for it ( nicely mind you he ain't one of those whiny sons of bishes ) and his parents were the worst they set little to no limits and apparently were incapable of denying him anything ever. not that he had to fight for stuff to begin with lmao
buuuut they were also very distant when it came to anything else other than making sure he was dutifully studying, which they put aggressive focus on. keyword 'aggressive'
used to accidentally say insensitive shit to people because he had no sense of tact back then honestly all his parents ever commented was how cute he was and gave him a pat on the head while sneering at the 'lesser beings' like what type of adulting
this all totally flew over his head though he never meant anything bad by the words and he just wanted to be friends with everyone and wished everyone was happy and had all the things he had bless this boy
he shared a lot of his stuff with his lil sis too simply because he wanted to. Mingyu adored her to space and back -- still does
the only loving, genuine, healthy and lasting relationship he's ever truly had is with his sister. would die for her. no hesitation.
literally his childhood as homeschooling started was just STUDYSTUDYSTUDY seven days a week his parents and teachers pretty much ran him to the ground before boy was even eight
he went to private schools for middle & high school. mostly focusing on studying still but as he had more freedom to do as he pleased without having anyone monitoring his every move he started making friends and stuff and wanting more-- it was a ride to say the least, he learned some wanted to befriend him just for his money which was hurtful tbh but also he doesn’t blame them?? much? only thing that really got to him in the long run was that everyone wanted something from him and had ulterior motives so he’s definitely prone to having some trust issues.
fast forward some years and his life is pretty much set for him by his parents and Mingyu has no say in it whatsoever, he will go to the school they picked ( paid their way in because honey you're great but we can't take risks this is very important for your future and interests... ) and major in what they want and get a damn scholarship if it kills him and he's realized there's no way out this is his price for having everything, he's living just to fulfil his parent’s goals and whims
so he acts like the good son and starts college and studies like mad because that's what he's accustomed to but also almost out of spite and sense of justice and wanting to show them-- show everyone who whispers behind his back about how he got into the school that he'll earn the grades by himself thank you very much
but he's so angry?? still?? and he's not the only one okay yeah so this small squad forms of all these justice seeking kids who never wanted this crycry ( i feel the need to point out Mingyu was partially happy to be in such a prestigious school but none of it was him ) and they start plotting all kinds of shit right yeah lets just say it got out of hand fast. real fast. if he learned something from the experience it was that money can buy you a whole lot of things, fun and pleasure, friends, but it doesn't buy you out of trouble. especially when it's made public-- BUT so hey keep in mind tho this was swept under the rug quick so it didn’t really spread anywhere.. save kids telling it forward but anyway you're curious aren't you hA keep guessing
he's humiliated, kicked out of the school right before Christmas, and now his parents are raging and a breath away from actually disowning him -- lbr they would neVER, just to save face. but they give him a last chance to redeem himself months later-- funny that, he's back to where he started, except in a worse school, with less value, less of everything, no friends ( not that he would call the ones from before any such now, fake hoes the lot of them ) and this time he has no support to speak of from anyone, much less parents beside a small fund ( let it be said this 'small fund' is still ridiculous compared to anyone struggling with their income like... his family has such distorted concept about spending money ) and orders on what they expect by the end of this school career at Keisung. namely that he's learned his lesson or some shit honestly Mingyu is over it by now he's just focusing on surviving and pawing way for himself and trying to find some resemblance of reason behind this entire farce
RELEVANT INFO;; throughout the 2 years he's never gone home for holidays, he never gets calls from his parents or anything else, only his sister keeps in contact with him regularly and has even visited ( in secret ). but his mom does text him when there's some important event he's expected to attend because they still expect certain things from him and his future. so he might be gone a random night and be EXREMELY moody/snappy/sensitive the next day...s. ye. it is not spoken of. don't ask. he wont tell anyway. it just fucks him up a lil, being any amount of time in the presence of his parents is like taking three steps back and he needs to bounce back from it. honestly this boy needs therapy. a way out. something. friends.
tbh he's in the way to becoming good in compartmentalizing, instead of dissociating which is.. good? I guess? progress??? like boy is so out of touch with his emotions to begin with don't even get me started-- it's kinda unstable progress all around he gets these pouts of sudden EMOTIONS and then tries to smother them bc he's so used to thinking he's not allowed to feel or express any of it
freshman year was utter hell for him, beside feeling dead exhausted over months of.. abuse, to put it nicely, and focusing more on healing and trying to adapt and keep afloat-- he also quickly learned to keep his mouth shut and stay in his corner and avoid any more trouble than he's been in already because it really did nothing to help his nerves-- the damage was done though and he was a target for a while until the storm calmed and he was more or less forgotten
just to twist the knife in his lungs his parents donated to the school and it was made public :)
by the end of the first year he made a resolution, refusing to step down and act a coward any longer, gaining back lost confidence ( be it fool's kind ) and tried to make himself an actual presence within the Inferiors, a title and group he detested before-- still does but tries to accept now cause there's little else he can do and isolating oneself is less than safe in this school. which is something he did throughout the first year pretty much. I mean a lot of it was also because he didn't have the energy to deal with people, needing space and shit
so yeah now as he's close to his junior year Mingyu has been making a name for himself sorta nothing grand but he's been more involved, more out there, giving less fucks yet still very cautious but that is only healthy in this environment
following that he's now stepping in as a second in command of the inferiors!! fun times I'm sure. also I totally assume the previous one was a senior who graduated? yeah roll with it
basically he tries to steer clear of conflicts while promoting healthy self assurance -- and not caring about what any jealous idiot spits at you-- giving a helping hand to the younger ones cause from own experience he's decided he might as well do something about this crappy social construct ruling the academy that does no good for anyone. but also if you come for him, if you come for ANY of them, he ain't gonna make it that easy
also he's a newly appointed student council treasurer, calling out shitty financial decisions by everyone and anyone cause while he likes to spend and throw his own money around ( old habits die hard ) for simple pleasures he's smart enough to know to do such only because he can afford to
he's totally a justified asshole about it too if you're trying to start beef when before he stayed silent and just took it now he's barking back he's taking none of that shit anymore oh you're a piss poor envious monkey too bad bye. all the while smiling cause he was raised with proper manners >_> but if you're really actually in need of money and ask nicely he might help. just might. not necessarily for free but ya know
joined the taekwondo class halfway through sophomore year. try him bitch. I dare. actually pls don't he's a sensitive soul in need of some lovin ha HA.
anyhoo backtracking to boyhood-- parents made him take piano lessons for no other reason that to boast BUT SIKE he really got into it and once he had that down he was allowed to pick another instrument. Lemme tell you he's basically a pro pianist he's taken lessons and played it for over 14 years-- except he stopped awhile back cause it's so.. bad memories. even tho he loves it?? it's just a mush of conflict ok. another one he's quite handy with is cello with more than 7 years of experience. tried violin for a good 2 years. later on got interested and switched to traditional korean instruments of which he's played the komungo about 6 years, and haegeum since he started at Keisung pretty much.
music is kinda like an escape. not kinda, IT IS.
his music taste is just all over the place too don't even ask me he likes all sorts of glitch hop and chill edm and synthwave and jazz and post-rock and hiphop meets classical and indie plus some kpop groups
speaking of, he's done a handful of piano and cello covers of popular and less so songs that he posted on youtube over some years back honhon
I'm absolutely going to make this a plot in the future someone should nudge him back into playing piano too, or better yet lure him into creating a band or some shit
has a decent singing voice, it's not trained despite having taken a few lessons but he's ridiculously insecure about it lmao you'll never catch him doing anything more than humming and mouthing words.
also his recommendation for any song mixing regardless of genre will deadass be "needs more stringstrument"
did ballet for 5 years could probably dropkick you without a hair out of place. not that he would. unless you give him reason to. that wasn't an invite
likes drinking, doesn't smoke, has tried party drugs here and there but--- as this all is part of what landed him in this mess he's a little more.. careful. 'little' being relative word here
motto might as well be "party hard, live harder" or something.  which isn't as healthy as it might sound
so music acts as a de-stressing tool sometimes but also sex works he's not picky-- I mean yes he is with bed partners if you don't know what you're doing don't even bother. kinda freaky. and mouthy. but very attentive?? I'm just. gonna. leave that as a notion.
a health preacher to a point, will bitch about everyone's unhealthy habits. regularly exercises and eats all his veggies too. but also the kind to forget to eat for hours cause he was "too busy studying".
gets headaches though if he overworks himself, prone to stressing when he's overwhelmed
he's lactose intolerant jsyk
drinks coffee like it's oxygen -- contrary to popular belief he's not a regular at the nearest Starbucks, but instead visits this smaller cafe that makes bomb sea salt cream iced coffee he orders with coconut cream & half coconut sugar half whatever flavored syrup he's craving, with 2 shots of espresso.... yes. pretentious as hell but it's tasty sue him
lovesloveslooooves to play overwatch! tho he's not the best when it comes to technique and stuff but it's just fun ey for those who know anything about the game his fav heroes be d.va ( obviously ) sombra, zenyatta, lucio & symmetra ( more lore wise than playing -- meanwhile mun is all up in her ass in both aspects )
idk this is a damn novel already you get the idea ye just come to me so we can plot uwu I’m totally down and in fact craving for some pre-est too *winkwink*
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kindiekritz · 7 years
all for the gay ask memes, yo. :D
Hey anon! Thanks for requesting this!
It’s a bit of a long post, but I’ll see if i can figure out how to add a ‘read more’ to this ask later!!
1. describe your idea of a perfect date
I’ve never actually gone on a date before, so I have no experience, but I always thought that a dinner date followed by a movie or nexflix. Bonus points if it’s an animated movie!
2. whats your “type”
Before all else I’d like to date someone kind, someone who would look past my many flaws and still accept me despite of them. Maybe someone with a great sense of humor and someone who knows when to laugh at themself.
And they’d need to show passion and enthusiasm for life!! I recently started developing a crush on a gal, but to be quite honest now that the infatuation is wearing off, she’s kind of a drag? Like there’s no sense of excitement or happiness in her messages, maybe she just doesn’t like me and she’s intentionally being dry to make me feel bored and to make me leave or something, but if that was the case then it worked. I don’t like people who dismiss and blow off people in that sort of manner either, because you are not worth more or less then the average person next to you.
3. do you want kids?
I used to think that I didn’t, but maybe in 15 years or so, if I am married and i have a stable lifestyle and home, I’d like to have children i think.
I was raised by a single mother most of my childhood, and while my mom did the best she could, it was still painful not having a second parent to rely on, or to simply have as both parents as role models for a functional family. I’d need to have a willing partner who I am very much in tune with in order to raise children, I don’t want them to go through the same pain of divorce or the pain of having a broken family.
And having monetary and home stability are even more important, i also grew up in a lower-middle class family that sometimes had to use food stamps to get by, and my mom and i moved over 15 times by the time I was 15 years old. I really want to be able to provide a safe and stable home for children if I decide to have any in the future.
4. if you do, will you adopt or use some other form of child birth?
Adoption and pregnancy are my two main choices I suppose?
I mean traditionally women are supposed to want to get pregnant and go through the pregnancy process, it’s a natural want and desire after all, and I am no different. But due to health issues I fear that if I choose the pregnancy route it would just be a selfish choice to simply satisfy a want I have, without thinking about the health of both myself and the hypothetical baby. However I don’t want to cross off the idea all the way through, and perhaps science and technology will develop enough by that time to allow me to safely carry a child to term.
Adoption is my second choice, and overall it might be the best. However currently there are many blockades regarding same sex couples adopting, and that might be an issue. And many children who come out of the system unfortunately have suffered trauma and abuse, many of which requires extensive knowledge and experience that parents need to have beforehand caring for a child who has those mental burdens. And unfortunately I may not be the best candidate for caring for a child who needs extensive care like that due to my own mental illnesses.
5. describe the cutest date you’ve ever been on
I’ve never been on a date unfortunately :(
6. describe your experience having sex for the first time (were you nervous? or was it easy peasy?)
I’ve never gotten the succ :’(
7. are you a morning time gay or night time gay?
I kid you not, it’s literally 4:20 in the morning as I write this rn. Definitely night time gay
8. opinion on nap dates?
They’re great, would actually love to go on one some day :’)
9. opinion on brown eyes?
Brown eyes are so cute?? But not mine tho, mine are p drab.
10. dog gay or cat gay?
Definitely a dog gay, but I’d love to own a cat someday tbhh
11. would you ever date someone who owned rodents or reptiles?
yES!! I’ve always wanted a pet rat and like bearded dragons and leopard geckos are absolutely adorable
12. whats a turn off you look for before you start officially dating someone
If someone is judgmental without good reason is a really big turn off, and someone who has no mark of individuality is something that really bugs the hell out of me.
13. what is a misconception you had about lgb people before you realized you were one?
I never really had any misconceptions really?? Probably just that i thought it was not as common as it actually is tbh.
14. what is a piece of advice you would give to your younger self
“hey kids, i know youre struggling right now but im here to tell you, everything gets worse forever”- Twitter user Wolf pupy
15. (if attracted to more than one gender) do you have different “types” for different genders?
I want a guy who will beat the shit out of my enemies, but I want a woman who will beat the shit out of me ;)
(not in an abusive sort of way, abuse is not cool kids)
16. who is an ex you regret?
I’ve never dated, so I don’t have an ex, but I regret every single crush I’ve ever had in the history of ever bc they turn out to be p mean ppl.
17. night club gay or cafe gay?
Night clubs are too loud and bright and shit??? I don’t like them and they smell gross?? I prefer cafés
18. who is one person you would “go straight” for
I’d go straight for many guys, I am still bisexual after all and boys are v cute
19. video game gay, book gay, or movie gay?
pls,,, definitely video game gay there is no doubt about it
20. favourite gay ship (canon or not)
Lapidot is a very sweet ship that makes me rlly happy tbh
21. favourite gay youtuber
Idk, I wouldn’t really watch a YouTuber just bc they’re gay, and nobody really comes to mind
22. have you ever unknowingly asked out a straight person?
I’ve never asked anyone out in the history of ever, so no
23. have you ever been in love?
I’m not sure how being in love is supposed to be like, I wouldn’t know how to respond to this question honestly
24. have you ever been heartbroken?
Yes, definitely. Ppl are not v nice
25. how do you determine if you want to be them or be with someone
Basically it’s just like “can i imagine myself doing cute domestic shit with this person??”
26. favourite lgb musician/band
Idk?? The most popular music by lgb musicians isn’t really my taste, but I usually just stick to the ppl I already know
27. what is a piece of advice you have for young / baby gays
Be kinder to yourself and don’t belittle your accomplishments, you’re stronger then you know.
28. are you out? if so how did you come out
I am mostly out! I have to come out to a couple of friends from school but really mostly everyone knows
29. what is the most uncomfortable / strange coming out experience you have
I came out to my mom around 2-3 in the morning, and unfortunately I found out the next day that the Pulse Club shooting was taking place at the same time I was coming out. It definitely made my mom recoil and made her less accepting of my identity at the time.
30. what is a piece of advice for people who may not be in a safe place to express their sexuality
Don’t feel pressured to come out because you feel it’s mandatory, because it’s not. If it can affect your life in a negative way then please, do not do it. Wait until you are in a safer situation and you have a backup plan set up.
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isempiterna · 7 years
REALLY LONG  CHARACTER  SURVEY. RULES.  Repost, don’t  reblog! tag  10  ! good luck! TAGGED.  @starryeyecl  TAGGING. who of my followers haven’t been tagged yet, I tag u
the following information is for the verse YELLOW ROSE. information differs by a little or a lot depending on verse
FULL NAME: Lark Maureen Tempest ∬ Sparrow Grace Weave NICKNAME // ALIAS: HILARIOUS STORY TIME Lark used to introduce herself all the time as “Lark, but you can call me Temmy if you want” and nobody would call her Temmy sdhfdskfslhf  ∬  one of her friends calls her Spar sometimes AGE:  26 ∬ 20 BIRTHDAY:  November 26 (1991) ∬ February 20 (1997) ETHNIC GROUP: European mix (Irish-French, German-Polish-Danish) ∬ European mix ? (Irish-French, British-Indian) NATIONALITY: American LANGUAGE/S: English ∬ English, very limited Spanish SEXUAL ORIENTATION: bisexual ∬ asexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: biromantic ∬ demiromantic RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single CLASS: middle class / lower middle HOMETOWN/AREA: I just stick em places CURRENT HOME: ┐(ツ)┌ PROFESSION: café owner ∬ student
HAIR: white-blonde, practically white ∬ black EYES: copper brown ∬ light blue FACE: heart ∬ peach LIPS: pouty, rather pink ∬ soft, dark cherries COMPLEXION: European, tans easily ∬ fair, smooth BLEMISHES: beauty marks! one at the inner corner of her eye (left), one at the bottom of her mouth (left), two on her cheek (right) ∬ none SCARS: a few here and there TATTOOS: none HEIGHT: 5′2″ ∬ 5′3″ WEIGHT: ~116 lbs ∬ ~106 lbs BUILD: hourglass, strong, compact ∬ pear, slender, toned FEATURES: major resting bitch face, can’t tell if eyes are bored or bedroom, STRONG ARMS ∬ delicate, almost a sense of ethereal beauty? bordering on creepy, hidden strength
ALLERGIES: none USUAL HAIR STYLE: casual ponytail, messy bun, whatever it’s called when you fold your hair up with a big hair clip?? ∬ down, easily hides her face when necessary, ponytail for running USUAL FACE LOOK: resting bitch, politely waiting for...something?, clear gaze ∬ thoughtful, mild to intense interest in whatever she’s looking at  USUAL CLOTHING: comfy, loose  ∬ simple, comfortable, subtly stylish
FEAR/S: losing Sparrow, losing her father ∬ losing her loved ones, what happened in elementary/middle/high school coming back to haunt her in college ASPIRATION/S: take care of her sister FOREVER ∬ get a degree that will help her help people (nursing? doctor? therapist? environmentalist? ??) POSITIVE TRAITS: honest, easy to talk to, very aware of her emotions, can let go of grudges ∬ good listener, friendly, supportive, forgiving, pacifist, Mom Friend NEGATIVE TRAITS: immediately dislikes you if you look at Sparrow funny, doesn’t always lose her temper but when she DOES, doesn’t know how to pull her punches, god her plastic smiles are the most annoying thing in the world, possibly too honest  ∬ doesn’t think of her own well-being in the least, can’t stand up for herself, highly manipulable, apologizes for everything, gives way too many chances (as in she never stops giving u another chance) ZODIAC: Sagittarius ∬ Pisces (Aquarius-Pisces cusp) TEMPERAMENT: sanguine  ∬ phlegmatic SOUL TYPE/S: warrior ∬ ghdvkhldlf couldn’t take the quiz again but I’d guess server (maybe she coulda been an artist if I hadn’t fucked w things ( ᐛ ) ) VICE HABIT/S: using force when frustrated, cheat day every day?  ∬ apathy towards herself, unnecessary guilt, keeping secrets VIRTUES/VICES: kindness & wrath ∬ patience (and also liKE ALL OF THEM AAAA) & ........maybe like sloth...about herself.....emotionally....... FAITH: Lark has faith in herself hghdksvh ∬ Sparrow has faith in the good of others GHOSTS?: maybe a little but probably not ∬ who knows, why not? AFTERLIFE?: nope ∬ maybe, who knows REINCARNATION?: god she wants to be Sparrow’s sister foREVER ∬ maybe, who knows? ALIENS?: why not ∬ w h o  kn o w s ? POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: democratic-leaning ∬ democratic-leaning or third party EDUCATION LEVEL: college graduate (4 years) ∬ currently in college
FATHER: Lionel Tempest ∬ Chandler Weave MOTHER: Phoenix Burke SIBLINGS: Sparrow ∬ Lark  EXTENDED FAMILY: uugh I don’t wanna write all this out but Phoenix has a p big family and Lionel has a huge family and Chandler also has a pretty extensive family that he’s largely estranged from NAME MEANING/S: Lark as in the bird ∬ Sparrow as in the bird HISTORICAL CONNECTION?: BIRDS
BOOK: the poetry book Sparrow got her ∬ just one favorite?? MOVIE: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (lotta fond nostalgia) ∬ prolly watches a lot of foreign films? not really a fan of violence 5 SONGS: JUST 5 ??? HOLIDAY: 4th of July bc FIREWORKS  ∬ Christmas bc she can give gifts to ppl MONTH: July ∬ late September/early October SEASON: SUMMER ∬ fall and winter and actually spring and heck why not summer too PLACE: wherever her sister is ∬ home, her uncle’s library (visited once when she was very young, still dreams about it) WEATHER: SUMMER NIGHT ∬ mild autumn day, early winter morning SOUND: the crackle of fireworks and fizz of sparklers; ice cracking; distant traffic; Sparrow singing when no one can hear her; the thump of sand-filled canvas; bird wings ∬ snow falling; Lark idly playing the piano; footsteps on carpet; 3am thunder over the mountains; wind chimes and bells and glass tinkling and music boxes SCENT/S: summer air, heavy and humid; smoke (fireworks, campfire); hot spring waters; lilacs ∬ books and paper and binding glue; evergreen trees and juniper berries; the first breath of a cold day; healthy earth and roots and sun-warmed leaves; graphite and fresh ink TASTE/S: orange soda, carbonates; smooth coffee; light, crunchy snacks ∬ fresh fruits and vegetables; colloidal silver; water after a long run; raspberry chocolate FEEL/S: warmth, solid or soft or just the air pressing around; post-workout, heavy muscles but light on the inside, sweet oxygen and satisfaction; cool piano keys and worn foot pedals ∬ sunlight on window seats; scritta paper; winter’s chill; downy blankets and a warm mug; runner’s high ANIMAL/S: KOALAS ∬ so many?? NUMBER: uh ∬ prolly like 3 or smth COLORS: yellow ∬ soft blue and peach
TALENTS: piano, kick boxing, Worst puns, keeping a straight face ∬ violin, bullet journaling, painting/ink drawing, cooking, running, creative and harmless pranks BAD AT: being patient, cooking, not starting fights with people who are mean to her sister ∬ speaking up for herself, cutting toxic people out of her life, arguing, jokes and sarcasm TURN-ONS: strong people, cute girls, people with secrets, soulful singers ∬ she’s so confused TURN OFFS: too many secrets, dismissive of Sparrow, BAD teeth, narcissism ∬ are u making her uncomfortable?  HOBBIES: kick boxing, piano, talking about her sister ∬ reading, journaling, painting/drawing, running, violin TROPES:  Action Girl, Plucky Girl, Beauty Mark(s), Cool Big Sis, Daddy’s Girl, DEADPAN SNARKER ∬ Sibling Yin-Yang ∬ Actual Pacifist, Shrinking Violet, The Heart, Friendless Background, Feminine Women Can Cook, Nature Lover AESTHETIC TAGS: coffee n shit, fireworks, summery things, bikes maybe?, that’s yellow, this looks like Sparrow ∬ books, journals, art stuff, blue, snow maybe, skies I guess, pretty things GPOY QUOTES: “When the guys call you bro” ∬ “When you think something’s nice but nobody else does” 
MAIN FC/S:  ┐(ツ)┌ ALT FC/S:  ┐(ツ)┌ ┐(ツ)┌ OLDER FC/S:  ┐(ツ)┌ YOUNGER FC/S: ┐(ツ)┌ VOICE CLAIM/S: me, actually, when I channel Lark (?? it’s weird) ∬ Liv Tyler GENDERBENT  FC/S: u think i got time for that
Q1: if you could write your character your way in their own movie, what would it be called, what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?          
A1: hfskdghsdf I’d prolly end up calling it smth rly edgy and dumb like “Forbidden” or “The Blue Rose Girl” which doesn’t even sound edgy it just sounds dumb. black and white might be cool, or sort of a faded color? maybe it would go from black and white to color. it would be about the blue rose verse and the consequences they face bc of Lark’s actions and maybe Sparrow was better off staying dead? the folly of the heart type thing I’m tired can u tell
Q2: what would their soundtrack/score sound like?          
A2: pls don’t do this to me rn I’M WORKING ON IT
Q3: why did you start writing this character?        
A3: it all started w Sparrow. actually it all started with BJDs. I did a faceup and was like “cool who’s this” and thought Sparrow Weave was a cool name and literally started rping her with just a name and a face long story between that n this, but I decided Sparrow needed a sister bc of long story, and a lark was a bird and tempest was sort of the opposite of weave? why did they have to be opposite? Lark totally changed as a character tho originally she was super happy-go-lucky and bouncy and cheerful all the time but then I started to rp her and she was like “MOVE bitch get out the way”
Q4: what first attracted you to this character?          
A4: ?? her name was Sparrow and she looked nice with dead flowers and I threw her into the fray. she grew to be beautiful and extremely damaged. Lark tho, I really liked how she kicked my ass and did her own thing
Q5: describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.          
A5: just cause I know all their flaws doesn’t mean I dont love them for it
Q6: what do you have in common with your muse?          
A6: Sparrow and I are super squishy and people-pleasers and like books and art, and Lark and I get waaaaay over protective of people and have similar taste in puns, although I’m never confident enough to say any of mine
Q7: how does your muse feel about you?          
A7: Sparrow would like me, I’d remind Lark of Sparrow until she found out I’m the cause of her suffering?? then I would cease to exist down to the last atom
Q8: what characters does your muse have interesting interactions with?        
A8: this is going to sound horrible but I have this weird fascination with Sparrow in unhealthy relationships. she’s extremely manipulable but she’s also aware of that? so she might be onto you the whole time but why is she going along with it why does she have so much faith in you what are you going to do. LARK AND HER ENEMIES HALSKFHDKFSH
Q9: what gives you inspiration to write your muse?        
A9: Lark writes herself, Sparrow’s more shy but I know her. if I see or think of anything that reminds me of her I remember everything she’s ever done and I fall in love again. I never lose muse just the ability/focus to make the words go
Q10: how long did this take you to complete?          
A10: fuck ass long I stayed up way too lat workin on it, went back and edited/added more information to parts so it made more sense today, STILL WORKING ON THEIR PLAYLISTS but yeah this was fun!
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