#plural headcanon
salty-an-disco · 2 months
*thinks about how there's several different versions of Hero who acts a little different depending on which route you take him through–*
*thinks about how the Hero that appears in the middle of the final battle describes himself as being 'all of them'*
*thinks about how all those different Heroes might not have been able to completely integrate themselves into a single individual*
Conclusion: Hero would develop a system (a median system, to be more exact)
Yep. This was the main reason I started drawing different variants for Hero in different chapters and givin' them different names, everyone can go home now /lhj /silly
Anyway, since I already drew all the guys, might as well talk about them in the context of Hero being a system
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(note: I've semi-recently found I, myself, am a system, so a lot of this is me processing this stuff and trying to puzzle things out through my blorbo. shout out to Hero for making this discovery a lot easier to digest. that means a lot of what I'm writing here comes from my own experience and perspectives. Also, I'll be calling the different Heroes 'facets', as that represents better what they are to him)
Since they all come from the exact same source (forms through Chapter I), they don't really see themselves as all that separate or different people. The different titles are more nicknames than anything, they're all 'Hero', just– from a slightly different angle and with different roles/priorities. Hero doesn't hear distinct voices in his head like Quiet, he's more like Shifty, in a way, having their feelings and different texture affect his behavior.
Hero is vaguely aware of these different facets, even giving them those titles as a way to organize and understand himself, but doesn't worry too much about it. That's just how he is.
As for the different facets and their role within the system–
– Hero: Host; front-stuck – Technically speaking, his route would be the Stranger one, as that's where he spent the least amount of time in Chapter I and didn't develop any other identity besides 'Hero'. Not necessarily the 'original', and would rather not worry about that lest it triggers another existential crisis, but is definitely the 'main one'. The main face that's always there. Behavior and thought-process can change depending on other facets present.
– Savior: Protector/Persecutor – Formed when his will power was broken and subdued by someone far stronger. Is intent on not letting that happen again. Very headstrong and certain of himself; he has to be, or else their willpower will break again. Mainly appears to help deal with threats much bigger than them. (Fun fact: in warped AU, he and Hero were fused together)
– Champion: Physical Protector – Formed by a desire to fight and persevere against an opponent that can kill you. Very strategy-minded, focused on better ways to get out of a confrontation alive. Will always try to get out of battles with the least amount of injuries to the body possible. Does not like confrontation, but will go through it if it means survival. Appears anytime there's a need to fight and/or survive. Often alongside Savior or Fledgling.
– Liar: Social Protector/Caretaker – Formed when forced to betray someone you previously intended on helping. Despite the title, Liar is very aversed to lying, and despises when others are being dishonest. Why play these weird games that just makes things more difficult? Can't we just be blunt with each other and makes things easier? Appears when the host feels judged or like he's being given an unfair assumption during a social encounter, or later on, when the host is thinkin' back to a certain social situation that didn't go to well. Helps process those leftover feelings and make sure the host is doing well emotionally and socially.
– Fledgling: Protector – Formed when made to feel cornered by a dangerous creature and clawed to death. Similar role to Champion, in theory, though he appears, more broadly, when the host starts feeling cornered in any way. Which doesn't happen solely in physical fights. Very helpful when appearing to deal with a physical threat, not so much when the threat is more emotional or social.
– Dashing: Emotion Holder/Uplifter – Formed from a desire to do nothing but good to someone else. Not as positive and optimistic as his paired voice during The Damsel, but still makes sure the host knows doesn't forget there's always a bright side and some hope to hold on to. Makes sure the host is taking the time to appreciate the things and people he love and that he isn't getting to caught up in worries and anxiety.
– Accomplice: Memory Holder/Cheergiver – Formed when despite your misgivings, you put your trust in someone else. His role is more vague than the others, but is generally there to give support to those outside of the system. Makes the host take a step back and let someone they trust take the reigns, for once.
– Haunted: Caretaker – Formed while spending a good few lifetimes in Nothingness. Not exactly sure what he's supposed to do here, but tries his best to help. Took some pointers from Cold and encourages the host to put feelings aside for now, if only to focus on taking care of the body before diving back into them. The one that knows self-care, and appears when the body desperately needs it.
– Dreamer: Trauma Holder – Formed as you tried to close your eyes and pretend there's no danger just in front of you. This one is Trauma Personified and mainly only appears when the host is triggered. When he appears, it's very difficult for Hero to differentiate reality from delusions, and it feels like he's back in the construct, fighting for his life and sanity.
– Ribbons: ???/Shell – Formed across 4 chapters; as more pieces broke off, very little was left of him. Less of a facet and more a general feeling of Nothingness. That can be useful when the host is feeling too overwhelmed to think. Just kinda makes Hero zone out and shut down when he appears.
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Bonus: what it looks like when some of the facets are close to front. Whether or not Hero will shapeshift depends on how long a facet lingers, and how much they're affecting him. Often, he doesn't shapeshift at all despite the many facets that appeared throughout the day
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howlsofbloodhounds · 1 month
i have a headcanon! i have two actually
headcanon that nightmare is significantly shorter than most sanses. in canon he's around 3'11 I think? but that's bc classic is 4 feet tall in canon. numbers don't matter, I just like the idea of him being very short.
also! hc that he's plural :) looking at his backstory I've gotta hit him with that traumagenic disorder beam yknow /lh
anyways thank you! ^^
I honestly love the short Dreamtale twins headcanons, it’s both cute and funny. Especially if Ink is still somehow the shortest Sans, besides bitties of course.
And plural Nightmare sounds very interesting. I would love to hear more about that hc if you or anyone else wants to share/add on?
{ @yellow-computer-mouse }
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are-they-plural · 8 days
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Reasoning: Has two (three?) separate identity states.
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yourfaviseverything · 4 months
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ENA is plural! (Canon)
Many plural systems relate to ENA, but I firmly believe she is canonly plural. Specific things that point to this are the scene below, where she switches from a very upset and constantly distraught headmate - who reminds me of the very scared trauma holders I've met before - to a headmate who is able to cope slightly more with the situation. Add in the moment in Temptation Stairway where ENA's headmate with the masculine voice switches after the frog kicks them, whichreally reads like a headmate who's trying to protect the system and feign normalcy to me, with the way he(???)'s literally still crying from the other headmate's breakdown but is putting on a cheery voice. ENA's plural.
Specifically, I headcanon ENA as having DID.
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the-bar-sinister · 4 months
As a system, do you have any plural headcanons about Ace Attorney characters?
As a matter of fact, yes!
We actually wrote a whole fanfic about some of them, and are in the middle of working on a sequel to it, right now. The presence of ghosts in the games makes a convenient excuse for plurality!
The Phantom and the ghost of Bobby Fulbright are a supernaturally originating system of two. Bobby's spirit was able to latch onto the Phantom's body and share space with him due to the Phantom's training making it easy for another soul and personality to share headspace.
The phantom didn't originally have a name but eventually starts to go by Robert. They function really well, because Robert is able to help Bobby make more levelheaded decisions, and Bobby helps Robert understand and process his own emotions.
Then there's the "solar system" as we call it-- which is another supernaturally originating system of Apollo Justice and Clay Terran. This is another case where a spirit latched onto a body but in this case Clay was able to do it because of how close he and Apollo were in life. Unfortunately due to Apollo having a full personality/soul, unlike the Phantom, Apollo and Clay have more difficulty functioning smoothly as a system, even though they try to support one another. It is possible that they're headed for a future integration.
Another minor plural headcanons that we haven't explored as thoroughly in fic, and may not:
We headcanon that Phoenix Wright is actually a system of three (Feenie, Nick, and Mr. Wright), but for the most part they aren't aware of being a system, have terrible internal communication and don't notice when they switch.
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systemheadcanons · 4 months
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Vanitas from Vanitas no Carte is a system who also has BPD. He is also transmasc and arospec and ace
"vanitas from vanitas no carte is a system with almost total amnesia between switches and is at least mildly dissociated at all times. he has absolutely zero clue he's a system, but knows he has a dissociative disorder of some type, not that he'll ever admit that. oh also he's transmasc, has BPD, and is arospec + ace. yes i am projecting.
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queerplatonicpolysho · 6 months
oh yeah tsukasa, saki, and touya are all systems. send tweet
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sophieinwonderland · 7 months
Hey, just popping in to say that, I personally headcanon Mob and Shigeo/???% from Mob Psycho 100 are traumagentic system! Shigeo takes over Mobs body directly in the anime multiple times, when Mob gets knocked out under high stress events. Not to mention Mob blacking out when Shigeo fronts and not remembering anything, as well as Mob being able to see what Shigeo is doing in the final season when he takes over his body. Also, the different opinions the two hold about certain people in their life, such as Mobs younger brother and mentor! Not sure if I’m allowed/supposed to do this but I saw other people putting in their headcanons in your ask box so I just thought I’d pop in and share my personal plurality hc too :)
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one plural headcanon i have that i've never seen anyone talk about (i googled it and nobody else seems to have noticed) is frank reynolds from its always sunny in philadelphia.
he canonically has an alter called froggy who we find out about in an episode where he visits the psych ward he was incarcerated in as a kid.
he misremembered froggy as being a separate physical person until decades later a psychiatrist tells him that froggy was him
id be interested to see if any plural sunny fans agree with this or if anyone can think of any other evidence of frank being a system
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your-fave-is-plural · 2 years
Raph from rise of the tmnt is plural (headcanon)
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[ID: Raph from Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles over the plural flag. End ID.]
I dunno if you're anon from before, but I'm SO sorry for taking so long on this! I also figure I'd answer straight from the ask just to make it easier on myself. Thanks for the request!
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are-they-plural · 9 days
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Reason: When he pulls the Four Sword, he splits into four of himself with distinct identities and personalities.
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yourfaviseverything · 6 months
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Ghost / The Knight from Hollow Knight is a mixed-origins system!
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manyminded · 1 year
yk that ep where Princess Luna came back for (a thinly veiled Halloween knock off) and kept speaking is old English and using we/us pronouns for herself because she didn’t know how to act after so many years of being on the moon
that was SO plural coded of her I think. She came out of dormancy didn’t she
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systemheadcanons · 4 months
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Hatune Miku is a member of an OSDD-1a system who are collectively intersex
"we like to think that she would have alters for each of her most popular songs+the other vocaloids!!"
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starry-bi-sky · 3 months
DPXDC CFAU Headcanon: Ghostspeak Edition
Ghosts in the Infinite Realms who saw Jason and Danny together called them "luzdra", a term in ghost speak that directly translates into the words "shared soul". It's literal definition is; "two ghosts with a bond so deep that it was as if they had split their souls in half and given one to the other", but in general it just means two ghosts with a profound, indescribable bond.
Luzdrus is the singular form of the word, and refers to only one ghost in the bond. While "luzdra" is plural and either refers to both of them together, or the relationship as a whole. It depends on the context of the conversation and who they're saying it to.
There is no romantic, platonic, or familial connotation behind the word. It just means "someone who shares a deep bond with someone" and can be between anyone.
It also does not mean soulmate, and if you say that you'll be corrected. Soulmates implies that their bond was destined by the universe, luzdra are two people who developed and built that bond themselves. It's a relationship forged between two (or more) people.
Some of Danny's rogues -- like Kitty and Johnny, who might've seen the two together and are possibly luzdra themselves -- still call him 'luzdrus' even after Jason's disappearance from the Zone. Danny doesn't know how to feel about it.
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voiarc-draws · 2 months
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*hits them with the plural beam* anyway
(headcanons under cut)
victim is a monoconscious median system
chosen & second have a psychic link. and that’s pretty plural to me. they can’t read each others thoughts (yet, it would take practice to learn how) but there is emotional bleed & memory bleed. they also share mental disorders
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