bugsinthebayou · 3 days
i think we split a slimecicle on that flight
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molabuddy · 7 days
fictive appears who identifies more with the way u draw their source character than official images: yeah ok understandable
fictive appears who very much does not identify with the way you've been drawing their source character: huh? what?
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cuntyhumanz · 4 months
i love pluralpunk!! there’s nothing more punk than being multiple people and going through horrible things and still standing and sticking it to the world!! nothing like unlearning hard things like how you view your system!! i wish all punks, plurals and pluralpunks a great day and week!!!!
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orphicreveriesys · 9 months
Dear Santa,
This year we have a few requests:
• To be someone's first choice, not their second choice.
• Someone who cares for *all* of us. Not just *some* or *one* of us. *We* deserve better.
• a hug for everyone who's struggling this season
To all my fellow plurals, whatever struggle you're facing is valid. *You* are valid. You are seen, and you are loved. Keep your head up, you're doing just fine ❤️
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bitepire · 4 months
One delightful thing about being me is that I can truly write some crazy tier shit in the tags of peoples' posts like "my real face doesn't exist in the mortal realm" and it's just objectively true. I'm not shitposting when I say these things, I'm simply not human and my real form doesn't exist in physical reality. I think I'm a lot further from human than many people think. And you know what? It rules. And when people click on my tags to see who the crazy bitch was that's writing that shit, perhaps I'll widen their reality a little.
Probably not, but eh, a vamp can dream.
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solarpoweredwolf · 3 months
you too can be an introject of a 2m50 dissociative robot. if you try hard enough. you thought being plural was complicated enough but how about introjecting someone who's ambiguously a system
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arachnidcrawl · 2 months
Other nonhuman/alterhuman folks or nonhuman alters in systems, anyone else have negative phantom feelings? I feel like those aren't talked about enough. Like yeah sometimes it is just feeling like you have ears or a tail, but sometimes its something more uncomfortable.
For instance, (description of mild body horror/decay under post break)
I'm all itchy right now because I'm used to my skin peeling off/flaking and I'm used to that itching like all hell. Mostly annoying now because in this body nothing actually comes off, but its still weird to me that I still get that feeling even though I'm in this body now.
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thegardensystem1 · 10 months
hmmf, as much as i enjoy getting "out" i am...frustrated...by my lack of claws or fangs or wings, and im so...SHORT! how DO you people manage?
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the-biornicles · 4 months
holy shit we just learned about 4th person pronouns (link). that’s so us
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sonicaspeed123 · 3 months
I see. We call our sections of the innerworld "Lands" or "Biomes" depending on who you're asking. They function like those in Minecraft, where each place is entirely unique in its own right. The "center" of our world is the Unfinished Fields, where the Cabin, our front, resides. Oh, and Shadow wants me to say that he found a place reminiscent of the landscape of Shadow the Hedgehog. He found weapons there. - 🔥
🌪 OOH interesting. Our central location is our fronting room, which is like. Extremely similar to a dentist's waiting room. Really blank with a lot of seating. The walls are super empty and that's where the doors appear! There is One potted plant, and a radio. There's very limited space outside of the fronting room that ISN'T actively created by us, and it's all for utility - the filing room, our concept of memory - the Well, where new alters come from - the Vault, where the really intense stuff goes - all connected by ducts that only our gatekeeper can traverse alone. Ze can drag us along if ze wants to, but that's not usually the case lmao
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cuntyhumanz · 4 months
Blog Intro Post !!
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more under the cut !!
hey i’m wynter / haunt and i use ix / he / they / daze / gore / misc / it pronouns and many more !! but you can just wynter and ix / he mostly. i’m 18yrs old, trans and a lesbian. i’m happily taken by my soulmate who i’m engaged to and i’m not looking AT ALL. i’m a C - DID RAMCOA system, no you don’t get my trauma or life story but i will probably sprinkle in some vents about it sometimes. extremely unwell both physically and mentally, i won’t list them all and you don’t get to see diagnosis forms you weirdos but just keep in mind how i act is because i have PERSONALITY disorders that therefore effect my personality . i’m always up for talking in reblogs or dms and im always happy to make new friends and such!
BEFORE YOU INTERACT!! i will vent and talk about upsetting topics, i might forget to tw sometimes but they’ll all be tagged with my vent tag. i smoke and drink and will likely talk about that as well as the meds and hospital visits i go to. i am schizophrenic !! i experience intense delusions and being reality checked is REALLY DANGEROUS for me, please don’t do that or i will block you😋 . i have NPD and ASPD which majorly shows in how i treat people and how i think and act. i can’t help this, i’m in therapy and working on it so don’t be a dick. i unironically use emojis and emoticons i promise im not being sarcastic or rude i just really type like. i sometimes space punctuation and you’ll definitely notice change in typing style depending on who’s fronting which YOU DONT GET TO KNOW!! we don’t always know and don’t like telling unless we’re close / directly talking one on one .
i have so many interests!! PLEASE ask me if i like the same things as you do because i likely do and just haven’t had a chance to speak about it yet :3 !! ill mostly talk about undertale and mcyt (i don’t support all the creators but its always been a big comfort interest and sp/in) so feel free to ask about specific mcyts you like and we can talk about them!!!
DONT FUCKING INTERACT!! anti m - spec, weird fans of any fandom . i will just block you if i don’t like you or what you say :D i don’t have too specific a dni just be normal i beg.
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windupaidoneus · 1 year
new system split... everybody applaud
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bitepire · 6 months
Dammit. Remembered I had vague plans today of being goth. But that Rat Bastard used the body all day to be a punk faggot. Now it's 9:30 and probably too late to do anything. Ugh.
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solarpoweredwolf · 21 days
nadeko is watching otorimonogatari with friends that nadeko is forcibly dragging through monogatari, in case you were wondering why nadeko made that
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arachnidcrawl · 1 year
Totally normal 10 AM source thoughts
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I keep recognizing people on completely different social media help /lh
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pubby-paws · 9 months
hot women in my head keep sending me messages like "come on just close your eyes for a minute" and "don't you want to come cuddle with us?"
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