#plus I was literally a minor
I just feel like a total failure tonight. A loser. I’m feeling bad about my age, not having a job, I have no partner, no kids, not even a pet, two friends have not responded to my last communications and one has left me on read for over a week even though both of my messages were about specific dates for getting together, and I’m three months away from getting my license because this driving instructor wanted to use a particular testing site and didn’t mention ahead of time that I might be booked up for months. So because I can’t drive myself anywhere I can’t get 1) an eye exam that’s overdue, 2) a general check up, 3) a dental check up that I haven’t had since 2013 (yes, I know this is ridiculous) and 4) drive myself to a (hypothetical) job. I can ask my mother for help but 1) this is humiliating, 2) she doesn’t want to even utter the word dentist out loud because of her trauma and/or she wants to micromanage where I go for treatment, 3) doesn’t even know I had an exam and a pap smear in 2018. These are things I want and need and in my eyes, about my own self, I feel beyond worthless. 
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leupagus · 1 month
Say what you will about Martin's writing style (and I've said plenty) but I do think he's got the White Walkers' mythos worked out for a future book and IT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO NICE IF THE SHOWRUNNERS HAD DONE 1/100TH OF THAT WORK SETTING THEM UP
Gus: I am mad all over again that there was absolutely zero explanation given as to why/how the Night King operates or how his powers work or why he chose now to attack or ANYTHING ELSE
Gus: on the plus side it means I get to make up a whole subplot that, not to brag, I'm comfortable saying is at least as good as anything D&D could've made up IF THEY HAD EVER EVEN BOTHERED
Gus: but like - okay so craster's infant sons get sacrificed to the Night King, who them magics them into White Walkers as babies
Mardia: Yep yep
Gus: so does that mean there's a white walker nursery
Mardia: Omg
Gus: do they have to change diapers
Gus: is there a white walker daycare center
Gus: how does the night king TEACH his lil adopted monster babies
Gus: is there like storytime around the - well not fire
Gus: does the Night King remember what it was like to sit around a fire?
Gus: does he miss being a human and all his rage at the spell the Children of the Forest put on him to kill the First Men has curdled his brain?
Gus: what was he DOING for like 8 millennia, just hanging out?
Gus: did he get really good at ice fishing?
Gus: where the fuck do they get their snazzy outfits from
Gus: are there white walker tailors
Gus: what's the currency situation
Mardia: Lololololololol
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who drew this bc it looks like a Kirby OC circa Kirbys dreamland 3 era who smokes weed because he has chronic pain and not Kuya the nuca guy who has a habit of manipulating people because he thinks it's fucking hilarious
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kindheartedgummybears · 5 months
you wanna know what??
I am
of overmasculinized werewolves!!!!
D I S G U S T I N G ! ! !
#i am TIRED of seeing all these manly man werewolves that are all copy and paste white boys#I am TIRED of seeing all these woman werewolves being butch and masculine(also mostly white) or submissive!!!#I WANNA SEE SOME PLUS-SIZE WEREWOLVES I WANNA SEE SOME BLACK ASIAN LATINO MIDDLE EASTERN NON WHITE WEREWOLVES!!!!! THAT ARNT F3TIZIED!!!!!#I WANNA SEE A G I R L WEREWOLF THATS INTO “G I R L Y” THINGS!!!!! LET THE WEREWOLF BE A SLVT!!!!!#LET THE WEREWOLF BE IN THE TRADITIONAL CLOTHING OF ITS CULTURE!!!!#AND RIP AND TEAR AND MAUL AND CRY IN THE MORNING AFTER DOING ALL OF IT!!!! RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#no but fr can we werewolf fans like. actually sit down and reflect on the inherent misogyny of werewolves??? ESPECIALLY IN MEDIA#like. almost EVERY. SINGLE. WEREWOLF. in movies and shows and stuff are always a buff white man with anger and trust issues#and on the rare occasion that there *is* a woman werewolf shes always either over masculine or “weaker” than the “stronger alpha male” were#olf and only seen as a mate. AND shes always “calmer” and “maternal” and “calms the alpha male down🥺🥺”.AND she never has an actually good#werewolf form its always either wolf tail and ears or full wolf. or if it *is* actually a decent werewolf her transformation is offscreen.#like whyyyyyyyyyyyyy are people so scared to make women go ape shit?????? werewolves are NOT pretty creatures!!!! STOP MAKING THEM PRETTY!!#(lmao jk we know why they're so scared hashtag male gaze)#like yes. werewolves ARE pretty but not in the “dog show 30k$ poodle” kind of way i see some people making them(not that that's bad tho)#AND ALSO LIKE. ARE WE JUST GOING TO PRETEND WEREWOLVES LITERALLY WEREN'T MADE FOR WOMEN AND MINORITIES???#like. once a month someone turns into a raging bloodthirsty unstoppable beast driven by the moon and instincts with an insatiable hunger an#need to hide away from people due to them wanting to kill you or fearing you simply because you're a werewolf. they don't know you. they ju#t see you as a creature that might hurt them. constantly being hunted down to be killed simply for existing.#WHAT PART OF THAT SCREAMS: “ah yes. White man.”#IK theres going be people(men and pick mes) that see this post and think “this bitch is overreacting” and tbh idc.the girls who get it get#the girls who dont dont.#anyways shout out to Ginger Snaps trick or treat and every other piece of media or fan piece with disgusting non-f3tiszied woman/poc werewo#i love yall#*smooch smooch*#Werewolves#Werewolf#Lycanthrope#Lycanthropy#Werewolf AU#Yeah. Im tagging that too. I see yall.
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pa-pa-plasma · 4 months
okay i just marathoned the entirety of ATLA live action & i might do an actual review of it explaining my thoughts more in depth, but the TLDR version basically boils down to this:
if you want to watch Avatar: The Last Airbender, just go watch the 2005 cartoon
#i was trying to keep an open mind & all that cuz of OPLA (my beloved) but. holy shit it was actually worse than i expected :/#like what were they thinking. did they use AI to write this or are the writers just like. really shitty#notes: they linger too much on random bullshit & refuse to move character development along#they tell when they should be showing & when they DO show it's for stuff that benefited from brief environmental storytelling in the OG#the plot drags so hard it was basically stagnant#there were some fun things but like. those things could've been funner if they'd been given the time other useless stuff was taking up#they changed so many minor details that really don't matter in order to make them more important#but this failed spectacularly because now there's just. stupid bullshit clogging up the plot??#instead of having 10 minute monologues 3 times an episode about plot irrelevant things#they should have taken a page out of the original's book & kept minor details to a minimum & focused on ACTUAL PLOT#SO MUCH CGI. LIKE I KNOW THEY NEED IT BUT COME ON. EVEN THE CHARACTERS?????? WHO ARE JUST STANDING THERE????????#they were given 8 hours & almost all of it was Aang angsting (lol) over being the avatar & not practicing actual bending#& then they ended the plot too early so they had to fill in the last like 20 minutes with something else#so they made up random lore that literally makes no sense. & overexplained all of it to the point i was blanking out from boredom#i think this is why i didn't enjoy Korra. they over explain the spirit world stuff & avatar powers & bending#that plus i just don't vibe with the aesthetic#being a writer is a curse because when i dislike something it's because i know exactly what went wrong & why#it's always with the analyzing & the judging & the internal note taking#even when i really try i can't just enjoy shit for fun
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girl-bateman · 6 months
Every day I am reminded that 90% of my problems would be solved if I actually listened to my intuition like ever
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kanerallels · 3 months
I'm starting a new Ides of March tradition where I reread the March chapter of The Wednesday Wars every year on the Ides of March
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matoitech · 1 year
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quick redesigns for some old ocs today, i still plan on playing around w their designs more, especially gadgets cuz im not very committed to the markings, but im happy with the general directions so <3 
bonus of their new designs vs old designs under the cut cuz the comparison is fun
while not the OLDEST designs bcuz gadget started out as a gray wolf, the left is still from years ago, and theyre characters who always had very basic designs since they werent major ocs and i just didnt mess w them much or have a lot of ideas for them. maybe drawn when i was in high school or something? regardless fun for me to see
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i only realized i had old art of them moved over from my last laptop onto this one after i had drawn the new dirk design and was pleased to see that my memory of ‘i think he was plain red and yellow? or something?’ was correct
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jasontoddssuper · 6 months
Bleach did more for anti-military propaganda by having Ichigo hate the Soul Society so much he never even considered joining it and instead ended the series by settling down in his hometown with his autistic pastel girl bestie to raise a happy family and help out in his birth one's clinic than the entierty of Fullmetal Alchemist did
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alyona11 · 6 months
Ngl the last 2 dw eps were actually fun and it's so surreal for me to actually feel interested in what's happening
But good lord, dw fandom is so annoying, like people cannot have fun at all
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nixotinix · 9 months
fic update!!!
alright you little rascals!! i've mentioned a couple times here that I'm working on a new Jackson Jekyll/Holt Hyde centric fanfiction. Well, it isn't done, not by a long shot. But I am proud to report that it is my longest by FAR. Just chapter 3 is longer than Mortify Curiosity (my prev fic). So, to hold you fiends over, I'm posting a little bit of info about the fic here so y'all can decide if it's a good read for you before it even comes out!!! Said info will be below the cut ^^
Starting off with the basics!! Here's a screenshot from the AO3 draft with the title, tags, and summary.
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Like with Mortify Curiosity, my other chaptered fic, I'm finishing this fic COMPLETELY before posting. I know the sting of an unfinished fic, and I wouldn't do that to you.
For some other info: chapter count and chapter titles, plus word count if the chapters are finished! -- -Chapter 1: What is sought is most often found, if it is truly sought -- Word count: 5,141 -Chapter 2: You know all the right moves; use them -- Word count: 7,411 -Chapter 3: Keep in mind the deadline is closing in -- Word count: 12,968 -Chapter 4: His affections, like ivy, were the growth of time -- Word count: ??? -Chapter 5: Confront what frightens or offends you -- Word count: ??? -Chapter 6: That child of Hell had nothing human -- Word count: ??? -Current total word count: 27,739 Just warning y'all, do not expect the other chapters to be as long as chapter 3. I literally do not know what possessed me to write an almost 13k word chapter it just. kinda happened. Chapter 4 is currently sitting at a cool 2,220 words, and I haven't really gotten into the nitty gritty. So it'll probably be a long one too.
Finally, just for you guys, I'll give you a little excerpt from the opening. You'll probably have to click to read, but this is the first 550-ish words. Enjoy ur little snack hehe
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i'll reblog this post when the fic comes out so yall can find it huehue
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fatestouch · 10 months
Gods & Domains
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Cecil: God of Night, “Lord Nyx”
Main Domains: Night, Chaos, Balance
Minor Domains: Magic (though not so much to step on Hecate’s toes), both Merciful and Painful Death, Performance, Family
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Cari: God of the Stars, God of War
Main Domains: Stars, War, Bloodlust
Minor Domains: Wrath, Negative Emotions, Laughter, Song
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Mercury: Messenger of the Gods, God of Death
Minor Domains: Children, Childlike Innocence, Logic, Art
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plushslug · 1 year
My therapist telling me to get involved in the online disability community for support VS all the other powerchair users hating people with eds VS all the people with eds not being nearly as disabled by it as I am
Wow good advice I feel so at home 👍
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oflgtfol · 5 months
stop lmaooo i just got my official transcript so i can submit it for the grad program im going for and. helppp i didnt realize it would show my failed attempt at a physics minor. HILARIOUS it pops up for a single semester and then disappears immediately after. you'll also see how fall 2022 my semester gpa was a fucking 2.0. hell yeah
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sanstropfremir · 5 months
✨🎥! Forgot to say, I have a wedding in April but no dress/suit/clothes. I’m desperately looking but every single day I’m more disappointed in the quality of the fashion industry. Even the most basic thing is shit quality and cost 5 times what it should. So yeah, if anyone has recommendations on clothes (not necessarily for weddings or events, but in general) that are good quality, let me know
i know how you feel, affordable decent clothing is fucking impossible right now. honestly my best advice is thrifting/secondhand. idk what the situation for that is like in spain so maybe it's not possible, but it's always worth a shot, especially if you've already been looking for a while. it does obvs take more time than shopping new bc you have to sift through racks, but you're more likely to get a good find of better quality for a more reasonable price. my general thrifting advice (honestly this applies to any clothes shopping also) is first look for the colour and shape that you like, and then look at the material content. this is very important. do not look at brand that means nothing. always always always check the material content on the tags. ideally you want to be looking for garments that have 100% natural fibres; wool, cotton, silk, linen, rayon/viscose (yes it is natural despite the name). if you can't find 100% than something with an 80/20 ratio or more (to the natural side) can also be a safer bet, but my rule of thumb is the more polyester is in a garment, the worse it is in every way.
my general advice for wedding attire is unless you need black tie, don't worry about trying to find a full suit or a really fancy dress you're only gonna wear once. get a good pair of dark formal trousers (black/grey/navy), wear a dress shirt or a formal blouse, and throw on a nice tailored jacket that's in the same colour family. is it technically only semi-formal? yes, but who does true formal weddings and actually cares about sartorial rules. in this economy? psh. some visual aids:
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it's a great combo for any 'events you have to look nice at' because you only have to buy individual pieces, you don't have to buy them all at the same time, and they can be reused for other events. just find out what the colour theme of the event is and get yourself a shirt or tie/pocket square/scarf/other accessory in that colour and you're good to go. also do not forget a good pair of shoes. this is also very important; always have a good pair of shoes.
hopefully this helps! i'm sorry i don't have better recommendations on where to actually go to buy stuff/what to buy, but i haven't shopped new in......quite a long time. but at least having some tips to go by should help. and tbh sometimes you do gotta cough up the money.....BUT only ever cough up the money for something that is 100% natural fibre and is a piece that will get use outside of a single event. otherwise you just gotta be patient and keep looking; if you are patient things have a way of coming to you.
#diligence and perseverance are so key to any kind of shopping but especially thrifting#tbh these are fundamental tips for building a wardrobe in general so if that's a thing anyone's been thinking about:#always start with good trousers and good shoes#all these photos are from the sartorialist's blog btw if you want more fashion inspo check it out#fashion tips#answers#text#✨🎥 anon#also i know that most people's level of sewing skills are not good but dont be afraid to get something thats not quite perfect#minor things like sleeves too long you dont like the buttons etc. rolling up sleeves is an easy fix and will give you a bit of character#and sewing on new buttons is a very very easy to learn skill and is very useful to have when one inevitably comes loose.#plus its way cheaper to buy/find new buttons and you can play around with styles#trouser hems as well if theyre too long you can neatly roll them up and give them a good press and no one will know#if you happen to have access to a sewing machine or are just a determined hand stitcher#there's an easy way to take in the fit of a formal trouser waistband#but thats a bit long to put in tags so if someone wants to know ill do a separate post#also for thrifting if you know the demographics of the areas you're shopping in look for secondhand stores where a lot of older folks live#you're much more likely to find good quality bc older garments are better made#also if you have large enough feet to wear men's sizing or are on the verge (40/41/42) you can often find very nice dress shoes so so cheap#that can also be another post if ppl want i will talk about shoes for literally ever
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I downloaded an app that I think is meant to be used for like, detailed food tracking or something, but I instead really just wanted something with this format (color coded calendar days) so I could put in one single simple entry a day to kind of rate my day overall (based on physical health symptoms).. which..... looking back over it for the new year since when I first started tracking.. 9 "good" days in about 9 months, so roughly one good day a month LOL...
#A neutral/yellow day is if I felt sick or had any symptoms (nausea. joint pains. headahces. etc.)#to a distracting degree for at least an hour or more at any point in the day - YET it was not so severe or so distracting#that i was completely unable to get anything done. An orange day is if I was so sick or felt so bad#that I completed absolutely nothing that day because my primary focus was basically spending the entire day on whatever#was wrong with me or recovering from that. And a green day is a day that - even if maybe i had a few aches or pains - I was never any#noticable or distracting amount of sick - PLUS - i also got a reasonable amount of things done.#If I don't feel very sick yet I also lack the energy or mental wellness to complete daily tasks then it still counts as a yellow day.#So I guess like.. Yellow is if health was ok but focus was bad OR focus was okay but health was distracting. Green is BOTH focus and#health were mostly okay for a majority of the day with no major setbacks. And Orange is zero focus whatsoever because health is too bad.#There are also 5 categories. the worst is a super dark red and then best is a super bright green but I don't like using them#You have to select a bright red (x_x) emoji face to classify your day as dark red. and I dont like the implication of a 'dead' person face#because of my ocd lmao... it makes me afraid it's some habringer of death (if I select it for that day then somehting terrible will happen#the next day or whatever lol) *** *** *** - so I never use that one. I also feel like the MOST extreme categories should be reserved for#super extreme circumstance like.. I would only do a dark red day if I was literally hospitlaized or something. And same with the bright#green days like.. that would imply I guess that i was both suuuuper productive ANd had basically no symptoms at all all day. like a#Very Very Good day. and I just think that's not even possible. no day ever goes by without me feeling at least a little sick or achey at#SOME point lol... A day with NO headahces or issues or etc would be.... wow... mythical occurence..#I have definitely gotten worse as I got older but even at like 15 or 16 years old I used to take ibuprophen a ton (I dont anymore of course#for stomach reasons lol) and remember having various minor problems here and there I was bothered by a lot#AAANYWAY.. also I count 44 'bad' days ghb... that's losing like.. at least one entire month of time a year.. maybe this is why I have so mu#much trouble getting things done and finishing my projects. BUT thats the point and why I wanted to track that. to like.. see it all laid#out at the end of the year. Maybe I could even compare years. Even though I started late in 2023. It'd be interesting to have a#yearly record of how many good vs. bad vs. neutral days I had in any given year.#(app is called 'Moodflow' on android phones. in case anyone sees this and asks. though I cant vouch for it or any of the features or anythi#ng since.. again. i literally ONLY use the one single feature of rating calendar days. I look at nothing else on there. And I keep my data#off and phone in airplane mode basically at all times so I never get ads on apps. Sometimes i'll mention liking some puzzle game or somethi#and then someone else is like 'yeah i love it but OMG so many ads' and I'm just like.. yeagh.... not for me lol.. but sorry to you. that#sounds annoying certainly..) ANYWAY.. auuugh... a sea of yellow neutrality. better than a sea of orange though. so :'3c
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