#plus it's funny to both have the best trained dog in class and the least likely dog to earn the CGC at the end
triangle-dog · 11 months
New session of classes (and hopefully I won't forget to write about half of them this time).
Nova was surprisingly excited when we pulled in. Like, almost 'we've arrived at the park' level of excitement. I guess she missed having class during the break between sessions? She had been being happy to arrive at the building, but it wasn't this level of excited and ready to go.
It's a new area to train in and with new dogs so she was more distracted this time than she had been during the last few classes of last session, but still nothing like that first class where she was very confused and concerned about walking in circles and being followed. She was lagging in her heel - which is unusual because she's typically forging ahead. I think she was trying to take in the new sights/sounds/smells and if so that's a huge improvement in her comfort from trying to pull off to a corner to observe from. Some of it might have been a pacing issue, she kept her heel much better when we were going faster.
Since I mentioned Nova has a decent downstay we're up first to practice the supervised separation next week. Eep. So we'll be trying to practice that in more stressful situations beforehand. Nova will not willingly go with a stranger, but I'm hoping a downstay and just incidentally having a stranger holding the leash will be comfortable enough for her.
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marchioness-caprina · 4 years
You Like Me Not?
{ Final Part }
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Pairings : Takami Keigo ( Hawks) x Reader
Writing Style : 3rd Person
Warning : Cussing, Stalker Tendencies, Toxic Tendencies.
Word Count : 2947
Read; { Part 1 } , { Part 2 }
3rd Person's POV
A month has Passed. Yes a whole Month has passed and y/n was surprisingly doing well; in the surface at least.
Inside. Not so well but at least she's coping up a lot better than a few weeks ago where she'd often cry herself to sleep, even in the showers. The lingering pain was still haunting her like there's no tomorrow but now she's getting used to it.
After all, First love is usually the greatest and the most painful experience.
Instead of moping around and sulking, she began investing her time and effort into being a Hero. And the effort paid off greatly; her performance was improving and she's proud to say that she's on par with the top three of the class which mainly consists of Izuku, Todoroki and Bakugou.
She was finally getting the attention that she deserved, plus it takes her mind off of Keigo and his jerkass.
However, at the end of the day she felt so empty and devoid of something---someone she longs for. And she will never accept that it was Keigo she was looking for.
But she needs to stay strong and let go of those people who can't even appreciate the little things she does; she won't let them bring her down. No, not when she's finally seeing something big for her up ahead.
Unfortunate as the saying goes ; All good things will come to an end. And for y/n, that is today.
Their class was split in groups for an Activity. Y/n along with Kirishima and Mina and Izuku were paired up to patrol the busy part of the city where crimes are mostly committed.
And guess who their Hero guide is? Yup one of them is Hawks and the other one is Enchanting.
Y/n who had a smile on her face seemed calm on first approach but inside she was cussing her heart out for the terrible luck she's got.
It had to be two of her worst nightmare. How charming.
" You Kids doing fine back there? " Keigo asked, his eyes never leading the road and beside him was a bored looking enchantress.
The two were their Hero guides for today and everyone was ecstatic. Except for y/n.
" Yeah we're good! " Kirishima answered for everyone and y/n was thankful that she didn't have to exchange a few unnecessary words with Hawks.
Her attention was now caught by the Broccoli boy right next to her who was vigorously writing notes down on his notebook.
" Oh my gosh it's the Pro Hero Hawks " Izuku was becoming a mumbling mess as He continued to scribble. His pace was a beyond anyone y/n had ever seen and she was very much intrigued by Izuku's unwavering determination.
" You know Midoriya-san, you're actually really handsome up close" Y/n muttered and izuku froze on the spot; heat rising up his cheeks as he tensed. Slowly he turned to see the h/c haired girl who was smiling at him tenderly.
" I-I-I... Umm... T-Thank you Y/n-san... A-and... You're really handsome too.... W-wait I mean n-not handsome because you aren't a g-guy w-what I meant to say was... P-pretty.... You're really pretty" Izuku gushed out and as much as y/n tried to contain her laughter she couldn't keep a straight face and began laughing at Izuku's Adorable antics.
Izuku was going red due to his rising embarrassment as he began to stutter out another list of explanation why he accidentally said it.
But their little conversation didn't go unnoticed by Keigo and Enchanting.
" Wow, she moves Fast. Better try Harder Birdy. As far as I see it; she's sick of you and look she's a boy magnet. You're gonna lose if you keep this up " Enchantress casually gave her comment and Hawks gave her a narrowed look.
" Shut up miss ' I'm a hundred years old' you better hope she'll be mine by the end of the day, I've pulled a lot of strings to get her here and it ain't easy " Hawks kept a calm expression; his lips tugging up into a smirk as he continued " This was your fault to begin with. If I can't win her over today.... Well you're gonna get wrinkles starting tomorrow. I'm not a very forgiving fellow"
" We'll see Hawks... We'll see "
" Oh, we Will "
" Hey! You two lovebirds better stop flirting and Tell Kirishima here that Cats are better than Dogs! " Mina exclaimed and with how loud her voice was; she caught everyone's attention within her first attempt.
" I told you Mina, Dogs are Manly. And they earned the title of Man's Best friend. They're dedicated and Loyal but I wanna know who you guys will vote for" Kirishima replied as he glanced back at the still very flustered Izuku and A Smiling y/n.
" W-well.... I think I prefer Dogs than Cats... Sorry Mina " Izuku gave Mina an apologetic smile as Mina pouted before turning to y/n.
" Come on y/n you gotta be on my side on this one " Mina pleaded and Kirishima pulled her away.
" That's cheating Mina, don't pull the pity card on Y/n. That's so not Manly... But.. Well which do you prefer y/n? "
" Hmm... Well... I----"
" I vote for Birds. I heard Birds are very reliable companions miss y/n. I assume that you feel the same way? " Enchantress piped in and y/n gave her a raised brow but she managed to catch on to what enchantress was saying.
" Oh? Well I understand the reason why you Like Birds Enchantress; I do too... Well I used to anyways but to answer your question I prefer Dogs... Sorry Mina. I like how a Dog will be loyal to you till the very end"
" Hmm? So you're saying Birds aren't Loyal? " Enchantress chimed and y/n's chuckle made Kirishima, Mina and Izuku shudder.
Her laugh was cold and forced; her eyes landed on Enchantress and a teasing smirk was now displayed on her face.
" Well Enchantress, Upon Personal experiences... Then my Answer is No. Birds aren't Loyal at All" Everyone shivered at her response simply because y/n had took the risk of jumping straight onto a landmine. Because Hawks had a bird based Quirk.
The temperature dropped to negative and even enchantress seemed to be affected by the sudden change of the atmosphere.
" Really Now? You wound me Baby Bird " Keigo's smile was passive aggressive and y/n didn't hesitate to return it.
" Don't call me That Hawks. And stop acting like you know me"
" I'm very Hurt by your words... Especially about your opinion on Birds. I for one am very Loyal "
" Nah, I Love dogs but I also like Bunnies... Take izuku for example. He's cute, shy and smart like a Bunny. Not Cunning, Manipulative and Sly Like a... Hawk" Y/n countered as she placed her Hand on top of Izuku's Head petting him gently.
Her action made a growl rip itself from Keigo's Throat and everyone froze at his aggressive reaction.
" Sure, I may be Cunning, Manipulative and Sly... But you forgot one thing Baby Bird "
" And what is it Hawks? "
" Hawks are Birds of Prey... And They are Very Possessive " Keigo answered, his Fetagers began to Bristow and sharpen; eyes trained on y/n's figure as he slightly lowered his stance.
" Huh? Why would I need to know tha------ahhhhh! " A scream was heard as y/n disappeared from her place as well as Hawks.
Unfortunately she was brisked away by the said Hero at A speed far top fast for the human eyes to follow.
" What the!? " Kirishima , Izuku and Mina who were knocked down on the ground after the Aerial impact of the winged hero were stunned as they frantically looked around for their Female Classmate who had vanished into thin air.
" Let them Be kids " Enchantress muttered as she gestured for the teens to follow her.
" B-but--!".
" Let. Them. Be..... Seriously I don't want to have any wrinkles because of that damn Cocky Hawks .... So let them be or else "
" Hawks! Put me Down! " Y/n demanded, she was brisked away and slung onto his shoulders like a bag of potatoes and now Hawks was flying away and note that they are far from the ground.
" As you wish"
Y/n could practically feel the smirk in his voice and her heart dropped along with her body as she screamed for bloody murder because Hawks was being a Jerk and dropped her in Mid-air.
" Keiiiiigooooo! " Her scream was more of a threat and after 15 seconds of falling in Mid-air she was once again brisked away by the winged Hero who was smirking at her.
" God... I missed it so much when you used to call me by my name and not ' Hawks ' or ' Takami' " Keigo chuckled as he faced the girl who was holding onto him for dear life.
" Ah... Shit I almost died" Y/n hissed as she began shifting in her position, her legs were tightly wrapped around Keigo's Torso, her arms had snaked themselves around his neck and don't even get him started on how hard she was pushing her body against his.
" Easy baby Bird. Don't. Be too feisty with me... I might lose control " Keigo whispered bit he was met with a scowl.
" What is wrong with you? Can't you just leave me alone? If you think this is funny well it's not. I don't want to see or even hear you" Y/n spat out as her heart began pounding in her ribcage from both the adrenaline and embarrassment .
Hawks didn't answer and just gave her an intimidating glare that almost had her shrinking and burying her face on his chest.... Almost.
" Sure you don't want to see me... But really? Leeching yourself on every single boy who comes near you? You're driving me crazy Little Bird. I almost became a serial murderer because of you... Picture this... Pro hero Hawks; the first Hero to Murder a student because of Jealousy " Keigo bitterly laughed .
" Keigo... What the fuck are you saying? ---"
" I'm not done venting!, you think it's fun to mess with my head? Where the fuck were you over the past few weeks?! Seeing another man? While I stayed in my office drinking a huge load of bullshit? Driving myself crazy in that room anticipating when you'd show up again!? And now....now you have the guts to flirt with another man right in front of me " Keigo was pouring out all of his frustration right in front of her and he was far from being finished.
" For a moment there I almost considered the possibility of becoming a murderer... Just because he touched my Girl... He stole your attention away from me... I fucking waited and I resisted the urge to fucking drag you to the nearest alleyway y/n----"
" Cut to the fucking chase Keigo! "
" I Love you y/n! That's what I was trying to say Baby Bird. I Fucking Love you! " Keigo panted out and Y/n was more than speechless.
She didn't know what to feel, she didn't know how to react. After all that? And the effort she made to move on... Now... Now he's being so difficult and telling her he love her?!.
" Keigo, if you think a bullshit excuse like that is enough then you're wrong! Have you had any idea how hard and painful it was for me? How much I had to endure became I loved you? Damn well you don't and you don't have the right to slap this shit right in front of me you bastard! I cried myself to sleep and... And... You... ---" She couldn't finish her sentence when tears began to flood her eyes and was now cascading down her flushed cheeks.
She began sobbing and hitting Keigo's chest which has done absolutely zero no no damage at all.
Keigo's only response was to hold her in place and tighten his arms around her waist; letting her vent.
Of course he was awful to her. He was one hell of a fucking idiot to do this to the woman he loves.
He told her everything, it was true. He barely had any decent sleep and worked his ass off while waiting for her return. He didn't want to carry that habit of being an obsessive stalker. Of course he didn't tell her about how he had stalked her multiple times, he didn't want to scare her. But all of it was true. Including the jealousy part.
" I'm sorry Y/n....i really am--"
" Sorry ain't cutting shit you Jerk! Just when I'm moving on you stomp your way back in! "
" No y/n....don't ever move on. Stay here with me... I know this may sound toxic and shitty as fuck but hear me out... I know it hurts but bare with me... Don't move on.. Stay even if it hurts.. Don't leave me and give me every thing of who you are... No matter how painful it is "
" You selfish prick! Do you realize how greedy you sound! You fucking maniac! "
" I know! I know... But all my life I've been deprived of everything I actually wanted.. I was told to be this and not that... I never had the chance to actually have what I want so please y/n....allow me to be selfish when it comes to you... Let me be greedy and give me You. I don't care if I'm selfish because I'm only selfish when it comes to you.... So please. Beat me up, hit me, stab me... I don't care but just don't Leave me" Keigo growled; angry at his words and his selfish desires bit he couldn't help it.
Y/n who was still sobbing her heart out was listening to every word he had uttered. She fought back the idea of actually giving him a chance. She knew Keigo was sick to the bone but she's even worst knowing that this type of guy had attracted her and lured her to love him.
How... Why is she so soft when it comes to him? Is this how love really is? Because if it is... Then she doesn't give a shit. She wants him too. But she isn't going to make it any easier for him. If he wants her then he better earn her, No more miss nice y/n.
And He wanted her... He needed her and he isn't just about to let her go. He'll hunt her down even in hell.
" Keigo... You.... Ugh... I... Shit... "
" Is it working y/n...am I winning you over? "
" Only because I loved you Keigo you prick "
" Correction You still Love me...so be my girlfriend?"
" Whatever. Just so you know, I'm not saying yes to your proposal. You gotta earn me you fucking retard and it isn't going to be easy"
" I knew you were going to say something like that. And yes I'm ready to make those sacrifices for you, Just... No boys " Keigo smirked as he cradled the girl in his arms.
She still had her arms wrapped around his neck as he landed on one of the very few skyscrapers in the city.
" No can do Keigo... Your Baby Bird here is a Boy Magnet---" Upon seeing how fast Keigo's demeanor had shifted to something more gruesome she shut up immediately and nodded her head.
" You too Chicken wings... No girls for you"
" No can do, your Bird man here is a lady magnet " Keigo smirked returning her words at her.
Y/n rolled her eyes and reached her hand up to paw on his blonde hair; giving them a harsh yank but before she pulled him down, her lips meeting his in a rough and demanding kiss to avoid any form of kinky retort from Hawks.
Keigo immediately responded and took full control of dominance as his lips moved in sync with hers. Rough and passionate, but unfortunately Keigo was getting a little bit handsy; his hands made its way towards her thigh giving it a harsh squeeze but before he could do anything else she pulled away covering his mouth with her hands when he tried to catch her lips again.
" Nuh uh Keigo. We're Going slow "
" Ugh... Nice job being a Kill Joy Kid...tsk.."
" Fuck you Keigo"
" Why don't you do it yourself you Coward "
" Oh I will Keigo "
" Really? I don't mind breeding you right here if you wan---"
" Eww Keigo shut up. I was kidding. I want to be a Hero before becoming a Mom"
" Yeah, Good luck with that because I think you're gonna be a momma anytime soon because you said Yes to Me"
" I didn't say jack shit like that Keigo" Y/n snapped as she began squirming in his hold with Keigo chuckling and laughing at her poor attempt.
" Relax. I was Kidding-- "
" Thank Goodness for a moment there I actually thought you we---"
" Maybe "
" Keigo! "
End~? ♡...............
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vanillann · 3 years
the 1994 battle of the performers (luke patterson x f.reader)
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i might make this a series if yall are interested!! i would write the rest in the readers p.o.v. this would just be a prologue, lmk!!
word count: 2.9k
the 1994 battle of the performers masterlist
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“Look what I found on the bulletin board!”
Alex looked around his locker, Luke's smiling face next to a piece of paper held tightly in his grip. He closed his locker and pulled the paper out of Luke’s hands, reading over the word.
Battle of the Performers
December 12th, 1994
The Charles Theatre
“What’s this?”
“This, my friend, is our first live gig,” Luke tapped the top of the page.
“A gig?”
Alex and Luke looked up once they heard Reggie’s voice sound from beside them.
“Yep, it's local but it’s something.”
Luke was over the moon about the plan, I mean come on a gig, that’s all that matters, to say the least.
“Perfect timing, my vintage leather jacket just came in,” Reggie nodded his head, just as happy about the news of the gig.
“Hey,” Bobby came up behind Alex, giving him a small pat on the shoulder and waving at the other guys. He looked over Alex's shoulder, reading over the words just as Alex did seconds ago.
“Are we gonna enter?”
“Yes,” Luke was fast to answer, bouncing on his toes at the idea of finally sharing their music with the world. Alex was about to open his mouth to say something about the paper but the sound of the hall going quite caught his attention.
(Y/N) (L/N) held her bag close to her shoulder, smiling at a few people that passed. The once confident girl seemed out of her element as she made her way to her locker.
“I didn’t know she was out of physical therapy yet?” Bobby muttered quietly to the rest of the group. Their eyes trained on the girl as she smiled when others did and accept the sad apologies.
“Did you hear they kicked her from the dance team?” Reggie spoke, overhearing the conversation from his history class yesterday.
Each boy in Sunset Curve felt horrible for the dancer, after the incident with her ACL and her long recovery. They all had just as much of a dream as she did and they’d be wrecked if they lost it all.
As the girl made it closer to the group Luke adjusted himself in front of her, giving a sympathetic smile.
“Hey (Y/N),” his voice was soft, looking around the halls at all the people that watched the two. A quick glare and half the heads in the hall were back to their original conversation.
“Just wanted to apologize, you know-”
“It’s fine, wasn’t anyone's fault,” his heart was ripping out as the girl passed him and moved around him. Her head hung low and broken and she opened her locker and rummaged through it. Luke said nothing, moving back with his little group as his eyes watched her a little longer before turning back.
“So the gig?”
“We can’t enter,” Alex closed his own locker, moving the paper for Luke’s eyes. He pointed to the requirements that were printed at the bottom of the page.
“What,” Luke ripped the paper, holding it between his fingers as he read over the words while Bobby helped guide him throughout the halls.
“They can’t do this!”
“They can, it’s their battle,” Alex commented, giving his friend a sympathetic smile. He could tell how excited he was about the idea of a gig, just for it to be ruined by their underprepared band.
Luke sighed, waving Reggie and Bobby bye and they made their way to English and Luke and Alex had Gym.
“This is trash,” Luke pouted as he made his way into the locker room, Alex luckily paying attention to the both of them and held Luke’s gym bag in his hand.
“We’ll find a different gig,” Alex clapped his friends on the shoulder, finding a stall and quickly dipping in before someone else found it. Luke didn’t care enough in the moment to find his own, easily taking off his “school approved” shirt his mother made him wear into his muscle tee.
“Yeah, but this one would’ve shown all of our parents, mine and yours, maybe even Reggie’s,” Luke’s shoulders dropped at that fact. He just wanted Reggie's parents to stop fighting all the time, Alex’s parents get over their old age ways, and his own parents to just understand it’s going to work.
Alex frowned at the thought, knowing everyone had their own reason past the love for music and why they needed a gig.
“She’ll never make it back on the dance team, they’ll have to have try-outs,” a group of “shit-heads” as Bobby would call them came into the locker room. Alex and Luke knew they were talking about (Y/N), which pissed them off and how funny they found the poor girl's pain.
But something else was rattling in Luke’s brain.
“Alex,” Luke’s infectious smile was back as he grabbed the top of the stall Alex was in, pushing himself up and holding himself there as he watched his friend with a goofy laugh.Alex fell backwards, looking up at Luke with his gym shorts barely on all the way.
“We hold try-outs for the dancers, get our own dance team.”
Alex shook his head, standing back up and pulling the pants up all the way while looking up at his friend.
“We don’t know anything about dance, plus who would try-out for our band,” Alex opened the door of the stall, Luke still keeping his grip and the door swung back.
“The dance team is super picky, anyone not on it will take any opportunity they can get,” Luke jumped down, finally moving to his bag to change into his own gym shorts.
“I don’t know Luke.”
It wasn’t the wrose plan, Alex could agree on that but realistically it would be hard and while they did have time with it being September and all it wasn’t going to be easy to make the whole thing come to life.
Sunset Curve’s music at the moment was good for head bumping but a serious dance routine would take some work from everyone.
“Let’s ask Reggie and Bobby before we decide?”
Alex watched Luke bite his lip and give his best puppy dog eyes.
“I can work with that.”
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“I dig it,” Reggie gave a goofy smile and bit into the apple that he was just attempting to juggle seconds ago. Luke jumped in his seat, smiling widely as 1/2 of the group had said they liked the idea.
“What inspired this idea?” Bobby asked, shrugging as he stole a chip from Alex bag, which caused Alex to roll his eyes.
Luke simply turned around, doing his best to hide the fact he was watching (Y/N) as she looked to be in a heated discussion with the dance team captain, Megan Ray, who looked broken about the discussion but standing her ground.
“Someone mentioned they’d have to replace her with try-outs in the locker room,” Luke muttered, watching as the girl jabbed her finger into the table. most likely trying to make her way back on the team.
“I feel so bad for her,” Bobby muttered, trying to imagine a world where he couldn’t rock out with his friends because of a freak accident.
“Me too, she’s really smart too. Basically saved me in Chemistry last year,” Reggie looked away from the girl, someone he’d considered a good person hurting so bad for something no one could fix.
Once the girl stood up from the chair, trying her best not to draw too many eyes, was when Luke went back to the plan.
“It’ll work like a dream,” Luke muttered, already pulling a piece of paper out with his chick scratch and a sad worked out calendar.
“How do you read that?”
Luke stood up and smacked Alex with the paper, easily going back to the plan.
“I talked to Coach Edison and he said the Gym is free this Friday, plenty of time to get the word out,” Luke smiled at the easily done, but still done, the research he had done.
“What will we make them dance to?”
“Now or Never,” Luke spoke with a shrug.
“Sounds well thought out,” Reggie spoke absentmindedly, trying to remember a thought he just had but lost.
“Come on, we gotta show everyone who doubts us we mean something.”
Luke didn’t know if it was that sentence that struck a chord with them but they all seemed to slowly feed into Luke’s words more after that.
Reggie turned at the call of his last name, smiling once he saw (Y/N) standing behind him at the table.
Reggie's smile was contagious as he smiled up at the girl, doing his best to avoid talking about the leg injury, he knew if something happened to his finger and he couldn’t play bass again he wouldn’t want to talk about it.
“Do you have the notes of Henderson’s class? He’s making me take all the quizzes I missed this Friday after school,” she muttered, nodding her head to the other boys as they watched her.
“That sucks, I can give them to you last period.” She gave a quick smile as a thank you, smiling to the other boys before heading back to the table she sat at before with a few other girls they had seen her around the halls with.
“Can’t believe Henderson would be that harsh,” Bobby shivered as if scared at the thought of taking that many quizzes in one sitting.
“He hates anyone who doesn’t do classic field, probably blames her for the fall,” Reggie muttered, finally making it to the core of his apple.
“What! It wasn’t her fault,” Luke jumped in, trying his best to keep his voice down.
“We don’t think that, now chill,” Alex waved at the few girls that had looked their way at the outburst.
Once everything died down, Alex and Bobby both nodded to one another, then looking at Luke.
“This Friday it is.”
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“This is going horrible,” Reggie whispered to Luke at the girl before they tried to dramatically do a split but ending up awkwardly crawling on the floor.
“Thank you Sara, we’ll get back with you,” Luke spoke as soon as the music stopped, reaching over to press stop on the crappy camera they found deep in Bobby’s studios yesterday.
Luke’s finger slipped and he was too worked up to try and find the button so he simply left the camera one, waving as Sara skipped out from the gym.
“We’ll at least she didn’t puke,” Bobby muttered, still in shock and how easily the one boy had his entire lunch on the gym floor.
“That was a nice touch.”
Luke stood up, slowly walking around the table to stand in front of his other friends.
“This is going horribly! Where are the dancers in this place?”
“Probably on the dance team,” Alex spoke up, smiling sarcastically at Luke.
“How about we go to the vending machine,” Reggie jumped up, easily diffusing the tension from the room as the rest agreed a snack would be nice.
They all made their way from the room, all talking about the different dancers and who they thought might be best.
“Maddie was good, but she couldn’t choreograph an entire team,” Bobby waited as Reggie looked over the different options in the machine.
“I didn’t even think about that,” Luke sighed, slowly becoming more and more annoyed with this whole idea.
Alex was cut off when he heard the faint sound of guitar and drums echoing the halls of the old sad school.
“Does anyone else hear that?”
“What? Reggie’s head turning as he chose between M&M or Hershey's,” Luke felt back, laying on one of the tables in the cafeteria.
Alex rolled his eyes, following the sound of the music, hearing his own beat and Luke’s voice sing from the gymnasium. He walked slowly, stopping at the double door, looking through the tempered glass at the figure in the room. He heard his friends run from the gym, meeting his side as they all looked in the gym at the same sight.
(Y/N) glided across the floor, her hands held on both sides of her head as she easily slid across the floor in her sweat pants. She moved from that to a split, easily jumping up from that and doing small little kicks to the beat of the music.
“Wow,” Luke watched as the girl threw her head back, eyes closed as she took in the music that the boys knew by heart at this point.
She clapped along with the music, looking as alive with the music as the boys did when they played. Once the beat dropped the girl attempted to spin out, catching her leg the wrong way sending her to the floor.
“Oh no,” Reggie and Alex didn’t waste any time before pushing the double doors open and running to the groaning girls side. Luke and Bobby were hot on their trail, sliding as they all huddled around her.
“Are- are you okay?”
She sat up slightly, holding her knee to her chest with her face showing obviously pain.
“I’m fine- Uhm, does anyone have water?”
Luke didn’t waste time reaching to the “judge” table and taking his own water from the table. He turned back and handed it to her, looking at her with panic in his eye.
“Thank you,” she let out a shaky breath, letting herself calm down while twisting the cap open.
“You really are an amazing dancer,” Bobby commented, thinking now the panic was gone would be a nice time to mention it.
“I was,” she spoke as she looked to her feet, watching her beat up tennis shoes with a clenched jaw.
“Uhm actually he means present tense,” Luke laughed, like the situation was funny. I mean he just watched her glide and smile all with her eyes closed.
She wasn’t even scared of being bad, she knew she was that good.
“Did you miss the fall?”
He knew the attitude wasn’t at him, he knew she had a right to be angry about her whole world changing.
“You were great before the fall,” Reggie spoke in a soft voice, hurt about watching her without permission.
“No, I was better before.” She looked up, taking in the room when her eyes stopped on the video camera that was flashing red light.
“Is that recording?”
Luke looked at the camera, jumping up and stopping the recording. He un- screwed in from the tripod and made his way over to her.
“Watch it,” he held out the video to her but she simply pushed it away.
“No thanks, just delete it,” Luke was shocked, to say the least. She could still dance, like really dance, and she was throwing it away.
“You’re just scared,” he challenged the girl, earning a harsh “Luke” from Alex, warning him not to touch that topic with a ten-foot pole.
“You’d be scared if you went through what I went through,” she spoke hurtfully, righting to say.
Luke thought everything over, he didn’t know much about the injury but that it was a torn muscle in the knee and that was the end of it. But something that tears can technically heal, he just didn’t know how that worked exactly, he hated science class.
“She has a point,” Bobby smiled at the girl, doing his best not to say the wrong thing.
“Well, face your fear!”
“Look what happened when I did,” she motioned for someone to help her up, Reggie giving his shoulder and helping her stand slightly. Her body was obviously still in shock and she was slowly taking his arm.
“We can help you! Join us on the Battle of the Performers,” Luke knew it might come off selfish, but he really wanted to help her fight her fears face first. It must suck not doing what you love, but she had a chance so why not take it?
“Do you know how hard that is to win?” She thought it was funny to say the least. The band was good, she wouldn’t be shocked if she heard them on the radio in a few years with some famous award, but people just as new and good to the scene would come from far and wide for a chance at this competition.
Plus, if they really wanted to win they’d find a dancer who wasn’t broken.
“You’ll find someone better,” she nodded to Reggie and let her leg finally work properly again, thankful she would add.
“Nobody we’ve seen is like you!” He was so close to her face, giving his puppy dog eyes like he would with the others, always getting what he wanted then.
“I’m sorry, but no. Have fun with the scouting.”
She nodded at each boy, slowly making herself excused from the now tender room as Luke felt his dreams walk away.
“She has a right to be scared,” Alex spoke, trying his best to see both sides.
“Yeah, but she needed to punch fear like she wanted to punch the dance team captain,” Luke pouted, looking at the girl who left without another look. He was hoping she’d come back like in those horrible 80′s rom-coms Alex watched so much, but she never came back.
He held the camera in his hand, looking at the tape that sat paused. Her face looked almost scared as she stepped in the gym.
“We’ll find someone Luke,” Bobby set a gentle hand on his friend's shoulder.
“Yeah, but we could have had her.”
so, should i make this a series??
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unmaskedagain · 5 years
Raise yourselves up (We’re done)
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Two prompts in one; let’s do this. I tweaked the ideas a bit though.
 It was Bustier who broke the news to Marinette and Chloe, and she did it once again the most inappropriate fashion, “-And so the class feels it would be best if both of you were excluded from the class trip at the end of the year.” She finished. The class was just about to let out and she told the two girls in front of them all.
There were mean snickers and smug looks from the other students. The ones who just avoid the girls’ gazes; Adrien, Juleka, and Rose. The three had decided to stay out of it and just side with the majority. Marinette and Chloe had become best friends after Lila had gotten her hooks into class the year before. She turned all of Marinette’s dearest friends to ex-friends and turned them into bullies. That was fine with Marinette. She was done with two-faced people; done with turn-coats, and cowards. Marinette didn’t need them. Or want them. Chloe at least had the guts to stand on her own two feet and for what she believed in. It was a new year and a new Marinette.
Neither blond nor bluenette blinked.
“That’s fine,” Marinette shrugged. “It will be a relief not to have to fundraise for the trip.”
Chloe smirked, “Ditto. A trip to New York City, completely unfunded by the school, is going to be a lot to pay for.”
“They’ll have plenty of time though,” Marinette hummed. “A little less than a year.” The two girls cast them cool looks, “Good luck!” They chimed as the bell rang.
No one understood why they didn’t react the way they thought. Alya had expected tears from Marinette. Rage from Chloe. Then apologies and promises to do better. In fact, they all did. But they didn’t get it. Instead, they were left wondering why the two girls laughed their way out of the classroom.
It would take them months to realize.
Both girls knew though. Chloe always managed to convince her parents to fund thirty percent of whatever grand trip the class took every year. Marinette managed to put together enough amazing fundraisers to raise sixty percent of the funds needed. Everyone else in class only ever managed to pull together the last ten percent. Barely.
The next day the brand new World Travelers’ Club announced their formation and invited anyone to join. A few members of the class perked up until they heard Marinette and Chloe were the presidents. Instead, the class bashed the club and joked it was the girls’ lame attempt at making friends.
That was the last they heard of the club.
To the rest of the students of Bustier’s class’s credit, they attempted right away to start fundraising plans. However, no one in the class knew just when they should start and no one had any unique ideas; they only had a car cash fundraiser, the usual bake sale, maybe a raffle. Standard stuff they were sure would work. After Marinette, the former class president, and resident bully as far as they were concerned, always started off with those. Never realizing that she only started out with them at the very beginning of the year, and never stopped there. Nor did they realize just how much planning went into each event.
 The class's first event was a car wash in November. It was a poor idea, as the weather had begun to take a turn for the worst and barely any cars showed up. They hosted it at the school figuring people would want to help out school children. Nino played music. And all the friends had a blast. But the kids made a total of 143 dollars a days’ worth of work. They vowed their next fundraiser would be better.
During the two months, Marinette and Chloe and the rest of the World Travelers’ club; Kagami, Claude, Aurore, Marc, Luka, Ondine, and a bunch of other students who always wanted to see the world fundraised like crazy. They decided that their class trip would be to six different places; Los Angeles, Star City, Central City, Metropolis, Gotham, and finally New York City. It would be a tour.  They would spend two weeks in each city, touring and visiting, before moving on to the next. Each city had its own highlights and hotels that need to be arranged and paid for. Marinette did the math; they would need to raise a little less than $35,000 to pay for everything. She made it an even $40,000 to be safe.
Marinette set up a go fund me page an hour later. It wouldn’t be easy but Marinette knew they could do it if they worked hard and fast. (She only half-heartedly glared at Chloe when two grand mysteriously was donated to the club’s go-fund-me five minutes after she announced it the class. She did glare when Jagged and Clara both gave five grand each to their favorite designer and faux-niece. But stopped when Kagami said her mother was also donating $3,000 to the club.)
A week after the club’s formation, they had their first fundraiser. A car wash. Marinette knew it was best to get that one done as soon as possible while the summer heat was still around. It went great. They had it at a local park. Chloe played music off her phone. During the event, they sold ice cream and other cold sweets. Ondine had the great idea of selling full water balloons to children so they could run around. Marc sold quick funny Caricatures of customers. They raised a total of $2752, minus the two hundred for expenses that Chloe and Mariette fronted themselves.
The second fundraiser Bustier’s class held was a bake sale. It was in the middle of December and more or less a last-minute idea. Alya spearheaded the event, remembering how much money they pulled in from the last bake sale. She had the smart idea of doing it during a pep rally. Only to remember at the last minute that Marinette usually supplied all the best goods freely given from the bakery. Or made them herself. It didn’t take a genius to know that Alya nor any of the class would be welcome in the bakery based on the cold looks Tom and Sabine had given Alya last time she went in with her mother. So Alya declared all the kids would make their own goods.
…Four people got food poisoning; one of them was Kim. Most of the baked goods were dry and hard and virtually unappealing. Rose’s sugar cookies sold well but mostly because they were one of the few things that tasted and looked good. The class made a total of 128 bucks. They were lucky they weren’t sued.
The World Travelers’ club’s second fundraiser was actually a pool party at Chloe’s. She had led the entire event. The weather was still hot. They got Luka and his new band My Shadow’s Wonderland to play; Kitty section had sadly broken up due to Lila’s schemes months before. The club members sold tickets to get in. They also sold food: hot dogs, hamburgers, veggie burgers, ice cream, and funnel cakes. Kagami sold Balloon which caused her friends to do double-takes. Because Kagami knew how to make balloon animals, what in the world? Marinette and Marc did face paint and temp tattoos. Nearly everyone from school showed up. Even Bustier’s class, though they hadn’t seemed to realize The World travelers’ club was hosting. They earned a total of $3101. Marinette had long since learned the greatest trick of the fundraiser; don’t let make it obvious it’s a fundraiser. Make it fun and people would come.
Their third fundraiser happened two weeks later just at the beginning of October. It was Claude’s idea and he called it; “Can you Arcade it?” No laughed but he thought it was hilarious. They had got permission to use the gym to set up a video Gamers’ paradise. He got this idea when he heard the old arcade had finally shut down after Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone had opted to retire. He got the couple to donate the old game machine for a day to help them out. Claude only had to babysit their pet Parakeet for two weeks while they were out of town. Old arcade games line the walls. New games with TV borrowed from the club members were set up with the new game systems. They sold food and anything they thought a gamer would want. Aurore somehow got the local Taco Bell to sponsor the event so ever twenty minutes or so they had a deal with commercial playing in the background. This fundraiser attracted most parents with younger children; though a good percent was just nostalgic dads who ended up playing the games as much as the kids. $1700 was earned; most of it in quarters.
 Their next fundraiser happened at the end of October and it was a haunted house; or rather a haunted school. They teamed up with a few other clubs to put the event together. They didn’t earn that much money; $300 after it was split between the clubs. However, all the kids had a ton of fun.
When November hit, and the weather turned cold, and everyone wanted everything pumpkin spice. (And Bustier’s class first fundraiser was about to happen) Marinette held did her bake sale. She with the help of the other members of the club made all the sweets; for once she didn’t have to get her parents to donate the baked goods. In additional, Marinette and the gang sold handmade little dolls of Ladybug and Chat Noir and the new miraculous heroes that had replaced the last team. The dolls were a big hit. Such a hit that Chloe got the idea of marketing them online for a much better price. The fundraiser earned about $600 bucks which weren’t bad.
Chloe and Marinette started selling the dolls for $10 bucks each plus shipping and handling. Chloe and Marinette made the dolls. The others took care of the shipping part. The
dolls only cost 2 bucks to make, as they were mostly yarn, so they profited 8. Chloe said that was how the business made money.
By the time December hit, they were had raised more half of their overall target goal.
During the fundraisers, each kid used their own influence via social media to get people to go their Go-Fund-me page. Luka and his band, all of who members of the club anyway, used Youtube and Instagram to promote their bands also asked fans to make a donation. Aurore used her Ladybug site Bugout to ask her fans. Ondine did swim training videos did the same. Marc who did drawing tutorial asked too. They didn’t get a lot from; a dollar here, three there, maybe a five if they were lucky but every bit count.
Their next fundraiser was a raffle in one of the empty unsure ballrooms of Chloe’s hotel, and it happened not long before Christmas break. This was spearheaded by Aurore. The strategy was sound; most people were still rushing to get presents. All they have to do was bid on the item they want. She got local businesses to donate. A fancy dinner from one restaurant, a bouquet of roses, expensive perfumes, a massage chair; a bunch of gift cards of various stores. Chloe got her dad to donate two items a spa day and a luxury Spa weekend. Marc offered art lessons. He also auctioned off some of his portraits. Ondine offered swim lessons. Aurore got offered a meet-and-greet with Ladybug, who even showed up to make an appearance. Kagami offered sword fighting lessons. Luka offers guitar lessons. His bandmate, Naomi, offered drum lessons. Another girl, Bridgette offered piano lessons. Marinette offered her usually big-ticket item; a custom design by MDC. The night was a hit. Once again, Marinette’s item was one of the highest bid items of the night. All in all, the kids brought in a total of $4728.
January came and Bustier’s class decided it was time for another fundraiser. Just as the World’s traveler’s club decided it was time for a break. Though they still sold the dolls; which had brought in $1800 since they had started selling them; Ladybug and her crew apparent had fans all over the world. This meant by the time February hit, they had just over $10,000 left to raise and five months to do it. They would leave at the beginning of June. They already paid for all of their plane tickets and paid for their hotel rooms. All their tours booked and paid for. All reservations made. And then reconfirmed by a rather stern Chloe. Passports were bought.
Bustier’s fundraiser idea was once again headed by Alya, the new class president after Lila decline the role as she would be far too busy. Alya decided a raffle would be perfect. The one they did the year before had been amazing. Again, Alya forgot that Marinette and Chloe handled nearly everything which was why it was such a big hit. Alya had to use the school gym.
“It’s not like I’d ask Chloe,” Alya huffed to her boyfriend. “I’m just glad I won’t have to deal with her or Marinette on our trip.”
“You said it, babe,” Nino leaned back in his desk. “No need for that kind of drama.”
The raffle was their most successful fundraiser so far much to Alya smug face when Marinette and Chloe walked into class on Monday.  All the kids in the class participated and offered their own talents for use; offering lessons or gift cards from their parents' businesses. Their biggest hit was a picture and an autograph from Adrien Agreste.
“We raised over a thousand dollars,” Alya crossed her arms. A satisfied look on her face. She had worked hard. They had all worked hard. “Beat that!”
Marinette and Chloe shared a look before they literally fell to the ground laughing. “I can’t!” Chloe gasped for air. “I can’t breathe!”
Marinette struggled to contain herself, “This! I!” She couldn’t even get out the words. She was laughing so hard.
They didn’t even bother to pay the glares they received any attention. It was just too funny.
For the rest of the week, it was the running joke between them. Every now and then, the other students in the class would “Beat that!” And laughter from the back of the room.
February came and the kids decided in anticipation for Valentine ’s Day. They would do a Date Auction. It was Ondine’s idea and it was a huge success. Surprising considering it, it was supposed to be simple and easy and something to get them back into the fundraiser's mood after a month's breath. Most of the kids now had a strong online following and become popular among the youth of Paris for their awesome parties. So when word spread that the World Travelers’ Club was doing a date auction; a lot of students from school showed up. A lot of students from other schools showed up. One girl traveled from England specifically for Luka.
Marinette, followed by Chloe, Then Luka, then Kagami, then Aurore was the highest auctioned date of the night. Claude and Felix were both a little put out. Marc didn’t mind. Mostly because of the best looking guy at the auction bid on him.
All in all, they raised $2100.
The next fundraiser was in March. The spring warm weather had hit in full. Flowers were blooming. The fundraiser was a carnival Luka planned. Everyone set up carnival booths and games and fun prizes. Live music. They had it in on the school soccer field. A lot of parents with their kids showed up, looking for a family-friendly event to enjoy. Total they raised $2421.
Marinette’s dolls brought in an additional $900. Then it was official they only needed 5,000 more.
Bustier’s class tried another fundraiser; a dance party in the school gymnasium; hosted by Nino. They sold tickets to get in, snacks and drinks. They put off filers everywhere and did everything they could to promote the event. They made $750 dollars. And were proud.
 In April, the World travelers’ club did another bake sale and another car wash and a ping pong tournament was a really big hit for some reason. By the end of April, they had met their goals. All loose ends tied up. All the tickets bought. Permissions slip signed.  Four teachers, who were more than excited to volunteer to spend near all-expense-paid vacation in the most popular cities in the world, would be chaperoning. They were done.
By the first Monday of May, Chloe and Marinette breathed a sigh a relief as the stress had finally left their shoulders. The only thing they had to worry about was packing, and they had a month to do it.
The two girls once again arrived to see the smug grins of the classmates' faces. Bustier’s class had been fundraisers like crazy so much so that even the teacher was looking over her students proudly.
“We’ve raised $5,829,” Lila announced. The Italian girl looked smug as she had done al the work. “Fundraising was hard but we did what we had to.”
“Way better then we did under the last class president,” Alya hissed.
Marinette and Chloe looked at each other again. It was Chloe who spoke, “So you’re not going to New York?”
The question caught everyone off guard.
“What?” Alya hissed. “Of course we’re going to New York!”
Marinette sighed, “No, WE” She pointed between her and Chloe, “And the World Traveler’s club is going to New York and a bunch of other places. We raised over $40,000.” Most of the students turned green.
“$40- $40,000,” Nino stuttered. “What? how?”
“We worked hard, like we always,” Chloe flipped her hair. “That was our goal since September. Its how much it would cost to pay for the entire trip. For every member and required chaperones to go. Why? What was your goal?”
It went quiet. Alya spoke next, “Goal?”
           Again, Chloe and Marinette
“Goal,” Marinette nodded. “The amount you needed to fund the entire trip to New York?”
“We didn’t have a goal,” Rose answered.
The two girls stared at them.
“What airline are you using?” Chloe asked. “How much do the tickets cost?”
No answer.
“What hotel are you staying at?”
No answer.
“Did you get your passports yet?”
“Have you made any reservations?” Marinette asked. “Any down payments?” No answered. Just pale faces.
           Chloe just shook her head, “Did you at least get approval from the school board to clear the trip?”
“We need them to approve it?” Kim asked. “Why it’s our trip?”
“Safety and legal concerns,” Marinette said slowly. “It takes weeks to get approved. Permissions slips have to be signed and turned in. Chaperones found.”
“Miss Bustier’s our chaperone,” Mylene said brightly, and the teacher nodded eagerly.
           Marinette fought the urge to scoff. Bustier couldn’t chaperone a ping pong tournament. “Fine but with a class this size, you need at least two more. Maybe three.”
           Chloe crossed her arms, “How were you getting to New York? What were your plans? Did you book any tours? What were you going to do in New York?”
           No one said a word.
           Marinette smirked, “Good on you, I guess. You must have some killer fundraising ideas with only a month and a half until summer break.” She sighed. “I couldn’t do it myself. Way too much stress. The World Traveler’s club was killing ourselves since September to get everything done.”
“September,” Rose gasped. “Really.” She deflated. “We didn’t start till November, and the car wash was pretty bad.” There were nods.
“Yep,” Chloe said. “I think we did about fifteen or more fundraisers. Little ones and big ones. How many did you guys do?”
           Nino frowned, “Five.”
“We worked really hard, though!” Alix slammed her fist on the desk. “Nothing worked.”
           Marinette and Chloe shared another look.
“Shame,” Marinette said as they glided to their seats.
“Last year, the class did so well,” Chloe smirked. “Wonder what changed?”
“Nothing!” Alya shouted. “We did the same thing we do every year. Bake Sale, car wash, Raffle, Dance Party; everything!
           There were nods.
“It’s not fair!”
“We didn’t do anything wrong.”
           There more shouts and complaints.
           Bustier calmed everyone down, “Now class, let’s not give up hope. Our trip last year was a success. And I know we can pull it off again. What did we do then that we aren’t doing now?”
           The class went silent as they thought up what they were doing wrong. Surprisingly, it was Juleka who answered, “Marinette did most of the organizing,” She whispered, loud enough for everyone to hear; one of the few brave things she did all year. “Her and Chloe come up with all the fundraiser ideas and they plan them out too. They always did; every year.”
“This year they didn’t,” Rose frowned.
           And just like that, it was like that, it was like a balloon burst inside the students.
“They always plan the best fundraisers,” Kim frowned. “And we always met our goals.”
           Lila glared. She didn’t think that when she convinced the class to kick the girls off the trip that they’d be getting rid of anyone who did any real work. However, the glare quickly turned into a frown with a few crocodile tears, “Then we didn’t they help us? We needed them obviously.”
           Before any of the other students could direct their anger to the girls at their betrayal, Nino shrugged, “Because we told them they couldn’t come with us, remember? So they didn’t help out. They told us they wouldn’t. Why should they? It wasn’t their trip.”
           Frustration and rage built inside Alya. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. The class should’ve been headed to a glamorous trip to New York, with Marinette and Chloe left to suffer alone in Paris wishing they had been invited. Where was justice?
“I bet you're happy!” Alya growled at her ex-friend. “Our trip is ruined thanks to you.”
           Marinette smirked, “No. I didn’t do anything. I was and am in no way involved with your class trip. Just like you wanted.”
“You could’ve helped us!” Alix yelled.
“Why?” Chloe asked.
“You made it clear we couldn’t go to New York with you,” Chloe said. “Why would we help you? It’s not like we’re friends with you.”
           Angry eyes and red faces filled the classroom. No one wanted to admit that they got themselves into trouble.
           Alya had to be held back in her chair by Nino, “You could’ve warned me how hard being class president was. Or what we needed to do to go on the trip. But you didn’t care about us. You don’t think about us at all.”
           Marinette leaned back in her seat, an easy smile on her face, with frost in her eyes, “Sweetie, I haven’t thought any of you for months.”
           Before anyone could say anything else. Bustier decided to try to take control again, “Marinette, Chloe; there must be something you can do. Maybe the class can tag along on your trip.”
           Hopeful expressions overtook the students' faces.
           Both girls looked at the teacher like she was stupid.
“Even if that was possible,” Chloe narrowed her eyes. “And it’s not. We had everything booked for months, reservations made. How will they pay for it? We only raised enough for the World Travelers’ Club.”
           It was Adrien who answered, “Can’t you do something?” He said with hopeful eyes. “Our friends are really looking forward to it.”
“No.” Marinette snapped. “They are not my friends. And even if they were, it would take another 40 grand to get everyone in class on the trip. There’s no time to get that type of cash. Even if there was, it would still be weeks to get School board approval. The World Travelers’ leave on the first. There’s nothing to do.”
“We’re not risking our trip for yours,” Chloe and Marinette chimed together, looking very much like the Ice Queens the students had called them behind their backs.
           That was that. Alya and the other students would shoot glares at the two girls, and make mean comments for the next month; mostly about them being selfish. The girls didn’t pay them any mind. Lila tried to join the World Travelers’ club at the last minute, only to be unanimously told to come back in September. Damocles, at the urgency of Lila and Alya, tried to intervene and stop the trip the ground, it wouldn’t be safe. Boy, was he surprised when the school board called him into a meet to speak about his future employment and the rampant bullying and oversight that had been going on in the school.
           Bustier’s class ended up going to Disney World Paris for the weekend, before the end of May. And posted tons of videos, most of which had comments about getting away from bullies and the drama of the class.
           The World Travelers’ Club left on schedule on June 1st. They would return for two months.
           The pictures they posted was the talk of the school. Which was saying something since the school wasn’t even in session. The first pictures were of the grand hotels they stayed at, the amazing strange American food they ate. Carne Asada fries, yum!
           In Los Angelus, the club toured Warner Brothers studios and ran into the cast of the new Star Trek movies. They attended the world premiere of the Joss Weadon Superhero movie. They got all the classic tourist pictures of Los Angeles. Though Marinette and Chloe, when they had explored by themselves, ended up running into the Rock and had a picture of themselves hanging from his biceps as he posed.
           Their next stop was Star City. They toured the local museum, toured Queen Industries, met Oliver Queen himself. Then they even got to meet the Green Arrow.
           Alya nearly broke her phone when she saw Aurore and the superhero.
           After that, the Club went to Central city where they visited Star Labs.  It was Aurore’s idea. It was the most meta-filled city in the world; known for the most outrageous heroes and rogues in the world.
           It didn’t take long for the club to run into the flash, in this case, he was fighting against Captain Cold, Heatwave, and the rest of the rogues.
           The fight wasn’t favoring either side. But the class watched eagerly from where they stood on the sidewalk.
           They had to duck quickly when Captain cold was blasted into the wall next to them.
           Leonard Snart was surprised when a young girl helped him up. He looked and saw a bunch of kids standing there, torn between watching him and watching the fight.
“Are you okay, Mr. Cold?” She asked, with a heavy French accent, her blue eyes big with worry.
“…Fine, kid,” He answered. “Shouldn’t you lot being running off.”
           The bluenette and the blond girl next to her shared a look.
“Can we get a picture?” The Bluenette asked.
           Leonard Snart paused, “…Sure.” There was, in fact, a first time for everything.
           The kids cheered. And each one started scrambled with their phones to get their picture. It wasn’t long before Heatwave showed up to see what was wrong, only to be pulled in by a push blond to take pictures as well.
           That was when the flash Showed up but Aurore quickly pulled him into an interview. Slowly but surely, the rogues and the team flash found themselves entertaining and signing autographs for a bunch of French kids; answering all their questions and telling stories.
           Later when Aurore and the rest posted their pictures, and the interview with the Flash and his rogues, Alya did break her phone. As far as she was concerned life was fair.
           In metropolis, They met Superman, Supergirl, Krypton (the former superboy), and the new Superboy. Superman had heard from the other league members of the French class touring different cities and how great they were.
           They toured the Daily Planet and Aurore got one on one time with Lois Lane. They got to see LexCorp and had a tour given by Lex Luthor himself. Lex had heard about the class from Queen and Wells, the CEOs of Star Labs and Queen industries, and decided one-up his competition in any way he could
           Then the kids' wen to Gotham. The pictures from that trip made half the kids in Bustiers’ class cry. The best pictures were of Marinette sitting in the Batmobile; Batman looking stern next to her. The ones of the club with Bruce Wayne and his kids were pretty epic too.
           Finally, their lasts destination was New York City. And the kids saw everything. They did the entire tourist thing; The statue of liberty, times Square, New York Times. Everything. However, the highlight was the tour of Stark Tower/Industries; led by Tony Stark, with Pepper to manage him.  Because Tony Stark didn’t get one-upped by Lex Luthor or Bruce Wayne. Then the kids took a surprise trip to the Avengers compound.
           Marinette and Chloe decided walking into the training room only to see Captain America, Thor, and Bucky Barnes working out with their shirts off was the best part of the entire trip.
           Pictures and videos were taken of each member of the club holding various Avenger weapons. Chloe refused to admit her hand trembled when she was given over Captain America’s shield.
           The funniest video was supposed to be each member of the World Travels’ club struggling to pick up Thor’s hammer. It was pretty funny. Until Marinette lift it like it weighed nothing. Mouths dropped. The Avengers were stunned. Who was this small bluenette worthy of Thor’s hammer?
Then Thor shouted that Marinette would come to Asgard with him.
           Then Tony had to tell Thor that he couldn’t kidnap kids.
           To which Thor said, “What about Peter? Where did he come from?”
“I’m his mentor,” Tony groaned.
           Thor nodded, “Then I shall be the girl’s mentor. The Captain shall train young Chloe. Natasha will have Kagami as they are suited for each other; mostly because they strike fear in hearts everyone. Pepper will get Aurore; as they were meant to rule. Hawkeye will get Claude. The Soldier of Winter will get young Luka. You shall have Peter. The rest will be divided among the rest of the avengers. There. All done.”
           A moment of silence, and then Tony yelled, “That’s not how this works.”
           It was all on video.
           It went viral in an hour.
           Marinette had to portal back to Paris to deal with several different Akumas several different times; most were just about jealousy.
           When the kids returned to Paris. They wasted no time relaying the stories of their adventures.
           When September came and school started. Marinette and Chloe once again walked into class together, with smiles on their faces, only to meet glum looks on the students' faces. They paid no mind as they headed back to their seats in the back.
           Before class could begin, Rose approached them, a hopeful smile on her face, “Marinette, Chloe; we were hoping you’d come with us on your next trip.” Her smile widened “And Marinette, maybe you’d like to be class president again.”
           None of the other students looked happy at the idea but all of them could admit that the World Travelers’ club had been amazing. And if they ever wanted another great trip, they had no choice but to deal with the Ice Queens.
           Marinette and Chloe shared a look and then shot the class cold smirks, “No!”
“We’ll be far too busy,” Chloe smiled, coolness in her tone. “We decided we can no longer want to go on any more class trips. With you.”
“The World Travelers’ club takes a lot of work,” Marinette added.
“Good Luck though,” The two girls chimed together. “You have plenty of time to fundraise though.”
“A little less than a year,” Chloe said. “Our club starts planning in about two weeks. We’ll start fundraising right after. We’re thinking about Japan. Luckily this trip won’t be as expensive as our last.”
“Good luck with your trip though,” Marinette leaned back in her seat. “Who knows? If your lucky, it’ll be as fun as your last one. We know you worked so hard. Earned over $5,000 right?”
“Beat that!” Chloe added.
Then both girls burst into laughter.
Marinette wiped her eyes, “Besides you don’t want us there on your trip.”
“Too much Drama, right?” Chloe offered.
           The bell rang. And the class’ resident ice queens sat in back with smiles on their faces and ice in their eyes.
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greycappedjester · 3 years
"If ATFO isn’t up by the end of the month, feel free to ask me for an already written scene from one-shot from that universe." is the offer still open?
Gotcha! Sorry this is late 😬
Here is young Jason's POV. It's from right after Year 4 so before Tim and right after Jason was formally adopted (still in training to be Robin)
Here's the first eight pages
Year 4.5: The Vacation
Alright, so here’s the thing.
Jason is a city boy. He grew up in a city. It was Gotham so it was a shit city and the part that he lived in even shittier; but, it was, without question, a city. And one where he had lived the entire fourteen years of his somewhat depressing life. Jason was familiar with said city.
So, Jason is decidedly not familiar with the so-called “great” outdoors. Fuck, he’s pretty sure the closest he’s come to nature is fights with Poison Ivy.
All of which is just too fricking bad because Jason also happens to be the recently adopted brother of Dick Grayson, who has for some unimaginable reason decided camping is the best way to spend a vacation.
And Jason is coming along.
Why? Because apparently Dick’s first thought had been this was a great time for brotherly bonding. Okay, actually his first was that it was perfect for Jason’s birthday but Jason had flat out refused and Dick moved it to the week after.
So, now, the newly fourteen year old is watching as Dick somehow crams a tent, sleeping bags, and camping gear into one of the Wayne’s very fancy and very compact sports cars.
Jason looks back wistfully to the manor door.
It’s probably not too late to back out.
But, as lame as it most definitely sounds, this camping trip actually seems really important to Dick. Like important enough to give Donna his Titans duties for a few days and ask Roy to be back up for Barbara in Gotham if she needed it. Plus, more terrifying, getting Barbara to agree to that.
And, as much as he refused to say it aloud, Jason could privately admit that Dick Grayson may have a very large part in why his recently somewhat depressing life is a now a lot less depressing.
Whatever. So, Jason might not actually think it’s too terrible to spend a few days with his older brother. Even with the camping.
That still doesn’t explain the other part.
“Why can’t we bring our uniforms again,” Jason complains, crossing his arms.
Dick doesn’t stop in his work to get the trunk shut. “Because that would mean we’re working and I’ve been informed by both Raquel and Zatanna that working vacations don’t actually count as vacations.” The trunk pops back open and Dick’s head disappears inside. “Besides, we won’t need them where we’re going.”
“Yeah, cause that doesn’t sound ominous,” Jason mutters under his breath.
“What was that?”
Dick emerges and the trunk finally closes with only a slight creak of protest. “Ha, there! What did I tell you? Circus performers always know the best packing tips.”
Jason is reluctantly somewhat impressed.
“Come on, get in! We’ve gotta get to the grounds while there’s still light to set up the tent.”
Jason slumps into the passenger seat. “Are you sure this isn’t like you stealthily training me in advanced wilderness survival or something?”
“It’s a vacation, Jason,” Dick insists, starting the car and backing down the drive way. “Believe me, if it was training, I’d pick a lot trickier place than twenty minutes out of Gotham city limits.”
Crap, if it was training, Jason would at least know it sucked for a reason. Doing it for fun makes it even worse.
“You know you’re an heir to like billions of dollars, right?”
“We’re the heirs,” Dick corrects because of course, he does.
Jason rolls his eyes. “I’m just saying if you wanted nature, we could go to like the Bahamas or the Galapagos or even just buy an island if that’s what you really wanted.”
“We don’t need an island.”
“Sure, we do. We could even use it as a secret prison for supervillains when we’re done. It would be great!”
Dick’s grinning, checking briefly before pulling into Gotham traffic. “Secret island prison bases definitely fall a bit too far into the supervillian category, Jay. They'll sue us for trademark infringement.”
“Still beats camping.”
“Camping’s fun!” Dick laughs. “Trust me. Millions of people do it every year. They can’t all be wrong.”
Per usual, Jason is far less trusting of the populace’s intelligence than Dick is.
As if to spite his skepticism, the hour or so drive out to the woods doesn’t go so bad. Jason commandeers the radio so they’re listening to a good classic rock station instead of being subjected to the weird mix of folk songs and pop music that Dick likes. The dark buildings and usual smog of Gotham starts to fade out around the forty minute mark, somewhere between one of Dick’s Titans stories and Jason complaining about a plot thread in the last book he read.
The drive is nice. Peaceful, even.
You know like most horror movies start.
“We’re here!”
Jason eyes the stretch of trees for any kind of sign or even a distinguishing feature. There’s nothing.
“Dick, this is definitely not a campsite.”
“It’s a few miles off,” Dick explains, dropping a bag in Jason’s arms. “I wanted to avoid the usual campgrounds in case the tabloid reporters found us. Don’t worry, I checked with the owner. No one’s used this stretch in years.”
Jason thinks there’s probably a reason for that since there’s not one hint of a trail in sight.
“Where are we even going to set up a tent?”
“Not sure,” Dick says way too cheerfully. “Finding a spot’s part of the fun!”
Jason gives him a look.
Dick rolls his eyes. “Relax, Jay. The owner told me there’s a stream about half a mile in. We’ll set up camp there.”
Jason still gives a token grumble just because.
By the time night rolls around, they do manage to find a camping spot, set up the tent, and Dick even starts up a small fire right in the middle of the campsite.
If pushed, Jason would admit the entire thing is a bit picturesque.
He bites down on his hot dog as Dick digs through the rest of their stuff.
“Oh! I almost forgot to tell you!” Dick pulls something out of the bag. “Look, I brought stuff to make s'mores!”
“Cool, hand them over” Jason grabs for the bag of marshmallows only for Dick to pull them away.
“Not yet, they’re for our last day. Gotta ration out the food.”
Jason rolls his eyes. “You’re ridiculous. Why not bring enough for every night?”
“Cause then it’s less special,” Dick answers sagely. “Think about it like a prize for surviving camping.”
Because Jason is the generous sort, he doesn’t even make a crack about “surviving”.
“So, okay, let’s say I buy that camping is a vacation,” he says instead between bites.
“It is a vacation.”
“Yeah, fine, sure. Real question though, why are we taking a vacation?” He waves a hand. “What ever happened to ‘crime never sleeps’ and everything?”
“I’ve never said that!”
“You said it to Babs last week!”
“That was so she’d help me run the Poison Ivy samples! That doesn’t count! She didn’t even believe me!”
“Definitely counts!”
Dick rolls his eyes. “You know most kids don’t need a reason to go on vacation before school starts.”
“So, that’s what this is,” Jason accuses. “This is for you! You wanted a vacation before college!”
Dick turns his face down to poke at the fire. “I’m not going to college...not this year anyway.”
Jason frowns. “I thought you got accepted to Gotham U. Shit, I know you did. Alfred still has the letter hanging on the fridge.”
Dick shrugs. “I’m going to turn it down. There’s too much going on right now. Gotham. The Titans. I’ve gotta start sitting in at the Wayne Enterprise meetings soon, too. I don’t have time for classes.”
“Pretty sure, the classes would help with the Wayne Enterprise crap,” Jason says. “And you know Roy and Donna can help with the Titans and Babs and I can cover more in Gotham if--”
“Jay, it’s fine,” Dick cuts him off. “I need to choose what to focus on and it just can’t be college right now. It’s okay.”
Jason wants to argue more but then Dick’s continuing
“And, hey, I know camping’s not exactly your thing; but, I’m glad you decided to come anyway.” Dick gives him a blinding grin. “You deserve to do some normal summer stuff after all the Robin training. And I’m glad I get to spend some time with my favorite little brother.
Jason glares, ignoring the way his cheeks have gone warm. “Shut up, I’m your only brother. And you know I hate it when you say stuff like that.”
“No, you don’t,” Dick says, shit eating grin in place.
Jason flings the bag of hot dog buns at him.
He catches it, still grinning. The asshole.
Something that’s always jarring but becomes really fucking obvious once he thinks about it is the fact that Dick gets nightmares.
Of course, he does. How could he not? Jason’s doesn’t know why he never expects it.
It’s not even loud nightmares with like screaming and flailing arms and shit. It’s just these short, sharp little gasps as his body goes entirely too stiff and face twists in pain. Sometimes, Jason thinks that’s worse than screaming.
Jason shifts in his sleeping bag, turning to face the top of the tent. He briefly contemplates waking Dick up; but, he knows from experience, it won’t help much. Better to let him get some rest until the nightmare goes away on its own.
Only problem is that Jason still can’t fall asleep. It’s kind of funny. He’s never really thought of himself as a picky sleeper before. Fuck knows he’s slept on way too many of Gotham’s mold infested roofs back when his dad was on parole. But, there’s something about the cold feeling of hard dirt that he swears he can feel even under the layers of sleeping bag and tent.
Camping sucks.
Screw it. Jason’s not just going to lay here all night. Least he can do is get up and explore around the campsite so he can have a better idea of whatever “fun” activities he’s sure Dick has planned for tomorrow.
He slips out of the tent without waking up Dick--which actually does serve as a fairly good challenge for his new Robin training--and heads into the woods, careful to keep note of how far away he goes from camp. He feels ridiculously like he should have bread crumbs or some other kind of fairy tale stuff to track his way through the forest.
He swears if he survived living in Crime Alley, Black Mask, and a freaking explosion just to get lost and die in the woods, he’s going to haunt Dick forever. Jason the Unfriendly Ghost.
He gets to the stream that he and Dick found earlier so at least he’s not that lost.
Jason’s head whips around in the direction of the noise.
He lets out a long breath. Dumb, of course, it’s nothing. It’s the forest. Forests make weird noises. It’s reason #357 why they’re terrible.
Okay...that definitely sounded like something big….but, maybe it’s something normal like a tree branch snapping or--
That’s footsteps.
Jason moves back into the tree line, crouching down until he’s covered in the darkness of the bushes. His hands run over the ground, trying to find anything even remotely useful other than a slightly pointy stick.
Shit, he really is going to die here, isn’t he? In this stupid forest before he even gets to go out as Robin. Of all the dumb fucking--
The footsteps are getting further away. Echoing deeper and deeper into the forest on the other side of the stream.
Jason listens, in slight amazement, as the sounds slowly fade off into the distance until they finally disappear. Slowly, Jason counts in his mind to sixty, then a hundred and twenty, then two hundred.
On three hundred, he bolts--tearing through the forest in the direction of the camp until he finally catches sight of the obnoxiously bright yellow of the tent Dick bought, shining in front of him like a heavenly beacon.
He tears through the opening, breathing heavily, just a half a second before there’s an arm jammed hard against his neck.
The pressure disappears and then Dick’s looking down at him with wide eyes and a slight blush. “Sorry about that. Was surprised. What’s wrong?”
Jason’s heart rate’s finally slowing down. And here in the safety of the tent, in the face of Dick’s patented concerned face, admitting to getting freaked out by noises in the woods seems beyond stupid.
“Nothing,” he mutters. “Just thought I heard something?”
“Heard something?”
“Yeah, like footsteps.”
Dick frowns. “We’re on private camp land. There shouldn’t be anyone around here. You sure?”
Jason shakes his head, face feeling hot, as he sits back down on his sleeping bag. “No. Don’t worry about it. Like I said, it was probably nothing. Maybe it’s just a mountain lion that’s gonna eat us in our sleep.”
Dick pats his shoulder. “Mountain lions don’t really live in this region, Jay.”
Jason rolls his eyes before turning over pointedly to try to get some more sleep.
“It’s bears you need to worry about.”
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mshermia · 4 years
Are We Out Of The Woods Yet?
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Whumptober Prompt No. 12 - I think I’ve broken something Broken Down | Broken Bones | Broken Trust
AO3 Link
“There are so many reasons why online classes are better than going to school.”
Peter shook his head. “And there are plenty of reasons why learning in school with other students is preferable. How it helps retain the material better than—”
Morgan groaned without even looking at him, her nose in the air, eyes on the leafy trees above them. “You can learn the same things at home, only then you could have dinner at night with us instead of in your stinky room in Boston.”
“Hey,” he craned his neck to see where she went, then walked after her. “My room doesn’t stink.”
“It’s a boy’s room.” She said it like that alone was a valid argument, when it couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, the girl’s dorms he had been in—
He stopped himself. Not the time and place.
“Or you could go visit May!”
Peter had his hands in his pockets, trying to keep up with her. “Right.”
“You should!” She turned towards him and pointed her phone at him. “You should come with me and mom. She’s taking me next time she flies out to HQ.”
That startled Peter. “She is?”
“Yeah, in like two weeks or so. You should come, Pete! It’d be so much fun.”
Peter pulled a grimace, even if her excitement was infectious. He hadn’t been in LA since before the semester had started and he did miss May, but he’d also been looking into a weekend or two at Yale, wondering, hoping, that things with MJ—
“So, what do you think?”
He forced his mind back to the present. “I think you shouldn’t run off that far, Morg.”
She cocked her head at him, then blinked and made her eyes roll up high towards the treetops. A performance that was only second to the master, her dad.
“You sound like Tony,” she groaned.
Peter pulled a face. “Don’t call your dad by his first name. That’s just weird.”
Her eyes were scanning the trees, hoping to pick up the last couple of tree species that she needed to catalog for her biology project. “You call him Tony.”
“Yeah, so?”
“Well, what’s the difference?”
Peter screwed up his face at the question. “That he’s not actually my dad?”
“Oh please…”
She vanished behind some undergrowth and for a moment Peter’s Spider senses tingled and his heart jumped into his throat. That olive green jacket she was wearing didn’t help her stick out either. Sure, he had the nano-housing units secured on his forearms, but those were only the last resort. The very last resort. The gig would be up if he popped up as Spider-Man from behind a tree and Morgan, she couldn’t know. Not yet, they had agreed. Hurried steps through the trees had him almost fall over a large root until he found her, crouching down on the ground. Her phone still in hand, she took a picture of a random weed.
“What are you doing? I thought we were looking for trees.”
“We’re looking for biodiversity and this is rare basil-mountain mint, which will likely win me this thing.”
Peter blew out a long breath, telling his pulse to calm the fuck down. He just hated not having her in his sight. “Just don’t wander off like that.”
“I didn’t wander off. I just walked.” Morgan stood up, wiping the dark forest soil off her knees. “Plus, don’t change the subject.”
“What subject?”
“Why it’s okay for you to call daddy Tony and not for me?” She didn’t even look at him, eyes on her phone screen. “Is that a weird boy thing?”
“No, it’s…” Peter shook his head. “It’s a your his daughter and I’m the weird dude that comes around to eat out his fridge thing.”
Morgan’s eyebrows were pulled up not unlike Pepper would when she was arguing with Tony. “Harley calls him dad…”
“Not to his face.”
“Nu-uh!” Peter turned his back, not interested in discussing that in the slightest. Harley, well, was Harley. It wasn’t the same. He had years to build that bond with Tony, when Peter had had, well, fewer years.
“I’m 8, not an idiot, you know.”
“I don’t know, you’re giving a great impression of one…” He had said it louder than he meant to and he hadn’t really meant to say it at all.
Morgan stood up straight like he had taken an actual shot at her. Her lips were pressed into a tight line and she swung around, explicitly away from him, and stalked in the opposite direction.
“Morg…” He blew out a long breath that had his overly long hair blow across his forehead. “Come on, you know I didn’t mean that.”
She turned on her heel, eyes sparkling - which he hoped was with annoyance, anger even, and not with tears - and gave him the finger. Two of them, actually.
He was a horrible influence on her. Well, it was him or Harley. Probably Harley.
Still, he shouldn’t have said that. She was struggling as it was, being called names and such at school, though Tony refused to get her some tutors instead. Went on and on about the social skills he never had the chance to develop in a regular school environment. Peter had to roll his eyes as his father’s words echoed in his own head.
Wait… His eyes widened and he physically shook that train of thought from his mind. That girl was putting ideas in his head that he didn’t need in there at all.
“Dude, the car is in the other direction…” he called after her.
Morgan still walked away from him, only tilted her head all the way back, and screamed towards the sky. “I STILL NEED TO FIND TWO MORE TREES, ASSFACE!”
He groaned, shrugging his arms in surrender as he started to follow her. “I thought that weed thingy will get you the win.”
She didn’t even turn, just held up the same two fingers once again as she stalked further away from him.
“Change that attitude or I’ll have to bring it up in your dad’s exit interview when we get back.”
Not that he actually would.
“Don’t you mean your dad, ASSFACE?!”
Or maybe he would bring it up…
But like a loyal puppy dog, he followed right behind her, and like a loyal puppy dog, he couldn’t help but hold his nose into the wind and…
He sighed under his breath, teeth gritted as he scanned the endless forest around them. He had this feeling and that feeling never meant something cheerful. They were in a remote part of the national park. Very remote. Odds were, he might just be sensing wildlife that could get to them. Boars or… or something bigger maybe?
“Can we just… hey… Morg…” He cursed as he followed along after her. “Morgan!”
“What?!” She had stopped and turned, both her hands balled into fists.
“Can we just walked back towards the car at least?” He pointed behind himself. “I don’t want to get lost in the middle of the damn woods.”
He wouldn’t get lost. He knew where they were, where the car was. That it would take them an hour and 10 minutes to get back to it. What he didn’t like was that girl stalking deeper and deeper into the forest. He shuddered with a sudden wave of goosebumps at the thought. No, they really had to leave.
“Let’s just… let’s just head back. We can take a bit of a curve.” He shot a glance over his shoulder, but it was just the wind ruffling the leaves above them. “I’m sure we’ll find your trees on the way back.”
“But I don’t want to turn around yet!” She was properly mad, foot-stomping and everything.
“Hey!” Peter pulled his shoulders back, his head held high, one finger pointing at her like Tony would do to him. “When I say we go back, we go back. This is not a democratic decision.”
Again, she threw her head back and groaned, but slowly trotted towards him. She had just moved past him as his ears pick up how she quietly muttered “You suck and I hate you!” under her breath.
Peter bit his lip, pretending like he didn’t have any enhanced hearing whatsoever as he followed along behind her. He tried to remind himself that Morgan was just a kid and how kids sometimes say things they didn’t mean because he knew she didn’t really mean that.
His eyes on the ground, head bowed low, trying his best not to fall or have his eyes scratched out by any of the low hanging branches. This wasn’t an environment that he excelled in so maybe that was where that queasy feeling in his stomach came from.
“How’s it going, Morg? Any luck with the rest of your—” He had looked to his left, then to his right, but he couldn’t see her anymore. “Morgan?” He hurried a few steps ahead, craning his neck but there was no sign of her. She must have rushed ahead. Must have stormed of that sulky, little—
“Morgan!” He cursed when a branch hit him in the face, leaving a stinging cut just above his eye. “Dude, seriously, this is not funny any—” His stomach fell into a deep hole as to his right, Morgan’s voice echoed only faintly through the forest, screaming his name.
He hadn’t run this fast ever. Never before, tripping over branches and roots as he went. He only just saw her brown hair disappear through the door of what appeared to be a little hunting cabin, worn down enough to seem deserted. It was just right there mid-among the trees. His feet carried him closer and closer until he reached the edge of a little meadow right in front of the small house. There was a guy next to the door, standing guard or something, openly showing off the handgun he was holding though it wasn’t pointed at Peter. Not yet.
“Nothing to see here,” he called across the distance. “Move along.”
He had stopped, about 50 feet away from the front door, his breathing was fast and shaky, not so much from the run, moreso from his nerves. “How about you get my sister back out here and I’ll think about it.”
“Go’ the wrong house, boy.” The man pointed the gun in the direction that led back towards the main road. “No girl here. Pro'ably went ahead. Waiting at you car.”
“Get her out here right now,” Peter hissed through gritted teeth.
“Nobody here, move along.”
The guy could play all old-man-in-the-woods he wanted, his eyes were sharp and Peter could see it. Without his senses, he might have never heard Morgan cry out earlier. He might not have seen well enough to spot her being dragged through the door frame, but he was still Spider-Man.
“I’ll give you a last try. One more chance to let my sister go or—”
Peter ducked and turned, sought shelter behind the closest tree as he heard the shots that were fired in his direction. It hadn’t been the old fool whose hands Peter had been watching like a hawk. No, there was someone else. Two guns that were shot at him simultaneously.
Not that it mattered. It didn’t matter how closely he had thought he was watching, not to his arm that was painfully burning. Deep breaths. In and out.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he cursed under his breath.
“You’re not welcome here, boy,” the guy at the door hollered in his direction. “Fuck off!”
The door creaked as it was pulled open and then slammed shut with a bang. He cursed himself. Morgan was counting on him. What the fuck was he doing? One quick look determined what he knew to be true. He was dripping blood onto the forest floor. Quickly, he pulled his sweatshirt off and ripped a string of fabric off it, then did his best to one-handedly tie it around his arm.
He was still hiding among the trees but he had no doubt that whoever had shot at him was still up there.
“Fucking bastards.” He didn’t even think about it, just tapped the nano-housing unit on his lower arm and the Iron Spider engulfed him within seconds. It didn’t matter now, his identity wasn’t worth shit as long as Morgan was in danger.
“Peter, I’ve registered severe trauma to your left arm. Calculating closest medical—”
“Karen, stop. It doesn’t matter. It’s just a graze. I need to get into that house over there. Read out heat signatures. Anything you can give me. Morgan’s in there. We need to get her out.”
“Heat sensors are activated. I record six individual signatures within the parameter of the house, one of them Morgan.”
Fuck. Five of them. Peter closed his eyes, concentrated on his pulse, his senses. He was fine. He’d done this a thousand times. Something like this.
“There is no reception but satellite connectivity is now active to send a beacon out to Mr. Stark and the rest of the Avengers.”
He was breathing hard. “Just.. just hold off on that Karen. It’s… it’s fine. I.. I got this. I got this.” It wasn’t… wasn’t that bad. He couldn’t have the team come out for some dudes in the woods. Mr. Stark… Tony would murder him in cold blood for this. It… this wasn’t all that bad. He would just… just get her out and… and then they could tell him together and they would be safe and all of this wouldn’t even be such a big deal.
“Alright, Karen. Here goes nothing.”
As soon as he came out of the trees, there were more shots fired right at him. None of that phased him though. The Iron Spider was bulletproof. Karen made out both shooters, one of them hiding behind the back wall of the building, the other one had crept up onto the roof. His webs hit the one on the rooftop first, immobilizing him completely. The other guy had bolted as soon as he’d seen the suit.
From there on out, the things happening around him were a blur. A weird mixture of slow motion and an out-of-body experience where nothing mattered, nothing except Morgan. It didn’t even matter that this wasn’t just a random cabin in the woods. Maybe it was the fumes from the meth lab they were running in that room that were messing with his mind. Maybe he was losing more blood than he had realized.
None of it mattered, not when Morgan was kneeling on the floor, her eyes red as she cried, cried out for help, for her dad and for Spider-Man. He was winning this. He had to. And for the longest time that he was in that cabin, he thought he really was going to win this. It wasn’t until he stood right in front of Morgan, the man behind her pressing a gun against her neck while she was ringing for air, that he realized the flaw in his plan.
He would never risk her. He… he couldn’t risk Morgan.
Peter was frozen, couldn’t do a single thing, paralyzed by fear. What if he would be too slow? What if they shot her before his webs could bind them? He wouldn’t be able to live with himself. It wasn’t until Morgan had started whispering his name over and over again that he realized he had let the suit retreat far enough to reveal his head at some point. That was right, they had made him do it. Said they’d kill her if he didn’t. He couldn’t risk that. Couldn’t risk his sister.
It was the old guy, the one that had been at the door who was pointing his gun right at Peter’s head now, no nanites to protect him from the impact if the man were to fire. They wanted money. Of course, they did. Not like Peter had a lot of that. Some, sure. They told him to go and get as much as he could carry and maybe, if it was enough, maybe they would let Morgan go.
“I’m… I’m not leaving her here…” His voice was cracking just like his nerves. “I’m not—”
“You’ll leave her here, either breathing or not,” the guy behind Morgan hissed as he pressed the barrel of the gun even firmed against her skin. “Your choice. Try anything, she’s dead.”
His vision was swimming, eyes burning. He had been such a fool. He should have never let her leave his sight, should have grabbed her and bolted the moment his senses had started to pick up the smallest thing. He should have called Mr. Stark. He should have…
“She’s just a child. Just… let her go and… and you’ll keep me.”
The old guy snickered next to Peter. “Who’d pay a dime for you, huh?”
Then everything changed. A cold shiver ran down his spine. Dread and… and hope. The men couldn’t hear him but Peter did. He would know those thrusters anywhere. Just as he was about to call out to Morgan, tell her to keep her eyes closed, the old man’s other hand grabbed him, tightening around his throat. He pushed Peter further away from her, back against the wall right next to the door and Peter… he didn’t do anything. He just let it happened, let the old bastard choke him for if he didn’t, they might hurt her. If he fought, they might kill her and this was almost over.
His knees hit the floor from one moment to the next, as the old man crumbled to the ground next to him. The same was true for the man behind Morgan. Peter was just about to crawl to her, to shield her from… he didn’t know what, but Iron Man blasted in through the door next to him faster than Peter could get up.
The armor around Tony retreated and he almost fell to the floor, crouching down next to Morgan. “I’m here, baby. It’s okay.” He pulled her close, pressed her head against his chest so she didn’t see, didn’t have to look at the mess around them. “It’ll be okay. Don’t worry, baby. It’ll all be just fine.”
He gathered her in his arms and carried her, heading for the door, his armor following behind him.
“You’ll find your way back?”
Peter was still on the floor, his pulse still hammering in his ears. “Yes… yes, Sir.”
He didn’t even look at Peter as he left and it was the worst feeling in the world.
Part II is up, Enjoy!
This is my first try at a prompt fill and I feel like those are usually supposed to be One-Shots, right? Well, this won’t be. But I think one is also supposed to start on October 1st and do them in the right order… Well, what can I say other than, it is what it is ;)
The Fix-it is based on my Endgame Fix-it “Like You’d Know How It Works“. I’ll likely use this story as the basis for more than one of the Whumptober prompt fills.
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namjuicyy · 4 years
Your Brother’s Best Friend - Jungkook NSFW
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Masterlist | Commissions are open
Genre: Fluff, smut.
Word Count: 5k.
Summary: Your best friend's younger brother has always had a crush on you, but it takes coming home from military service to make you realise you like him, too.
Warnings: strong language; copious amounts of teasing; mixed signals;  hella cheesy lines; very very minor choking; nipple play; oral (f receiving); male masturbation; protected sex (FINALLY); p-i-v sex; fingering; overstimulation; creampie; 
Additional tags: slightly unrealistic depictions of military life; slow burn.
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For all those years, you remained oblivious. You were so wrapped up in your own little bubble, you had no idea that you were causing someone else anguish just by treating them as a friend - even a little brother. The issue you had was that Jungkook was shy; quiet. He never said anything to you, especially at the beginning because he was afraid of you. Besides, his older brother, Taehyung, drowned out his voice too quickly for him to even attempt to get to know you. Because of how your best friend, Tae, treated him, especially around you, you had also grown into the habit of acting that way around him. Growing up, he was always your best friend's little brother, so by extension, he was yours. Which meant that you would tease him as though he were your own flesh and blood, or support him as such. 
The first fight you ever got in was to protect him. This weedy little boy, no older than twelve and frightened of the big bad junior high school he had just moved to. Graduated from the younger years and moving onwards and upwards towards the harsh reality of adulthood, one torturous day at a time. He was bullied… a lot.; but because he was so shy he never told anyone or said anything meaning he had to go through it completely alone. Until you saw it one day and put a stop to it immediately. 
The kids bullying him were so much bigger and older than he was, there was no way he could ever stand up for himself. They would have just knocked him back down, or broken him like a toothpick. Though they could do the same thing to you, because it was Jungkook and you loved him. He was a good boy and didn’t deserve to be treated like this. So, despite your small frame, you picked out the biggest one in the group (as you had been taught to by your parents) and you asserted your dominance… and may have injured the boy in the process. You did break his nose, which got you a suspension from school for two weeks to ensure no charges would be pressed. But Jungkook got his lunch back, and he was never bullied by anyone again. Especially when you came back to school after your suspension and found that most of the school either cowered away in fear you’d do the same to them, or attempted to be your friend. Since then, you had become fiercely protective of Jungkook. Which made him feel inferior. 
He never hated you for it - in fact, he was grateful. But he always felt like he had to remind you that he was, in fact, a young man now and he should be protecting you, not the other way around. He spent a lot of his teenage years trying to prove this to you - trying to show you that he was a big strong man now, however introverted he may be. When he was sixteen and in the throes of high school, he started working out more, trying to get your attention. He knew that, at this age, all the girls in his class had a crush on him, and it helped to boost his confidence. Yet even then, when he was filled with confidence and knew that he was the most sought out boy in his year group, he still remained the puppy dog he always was around you. The big-eyed baby who followed you around and tried to subtly get your attention. All of his attempts, of course, went completely unnoticed; but never once did he stop trying. You were worth fighting for. 
When Jungkook was eighteen, Taehyung ran to your house in tears. He had announced that Jungkook had signed up for the army and he was undergoing that process. No one knew how long it would take him to actually get into training once he’d passed all the preliminary tests and taken the oath, but it wouldn’t take him long. He was a smart and athletic young man, and he was ready to go and do what he deemed to be right. Everyone was terrified for him. His mother had heard so many horror stories about the army and was scared for his safety and wellbeing. She was so afraid they’d beat out the sweet and innocent young man he was, and replace him with someone much more violent and cold. Jungkook assured everyone that wouldn’t happen, that his only changes would be physical. But, of course, it was after all a mother’s job to worry, wasn’t it?
His training came around. Much to his mother’s delight, Jungkook decided to go into the air force, which meant his training time was slightly shorter than other departments. However, he would be deployed almost immediately after his training. He wouldn’t have time to come back home. So saying goodbye to him was heartbreaking - especially for you. Him leaving meant you couldn’t help your best friend protect him anymore. He was going off to protect you. He arrived on your doorstep the night before, nervous about his future. It wasn’t that he regretted his decision, it was more of a fear of the unknown. But, he felt like he couldn’t tell anyone in his family about this because they’d try and convince him to stay and quit the army already. He knew you respected his wishes, however worried you may have been. He didn’t, however, announce his arrival, which meant you were looking very worse-for-wear in your pyjamas with a sheet mask in your hand. 
“Jungkook!” You said once you saw the young man standing at the door to your apartment. 
“Sorry… I should have called.” 
“No, it’s okay. Come in.” 
“I don’t want to interrupt your evening. You look like you’re having an evening of self-care.” 
“I have plenty of sheet masks for you, too.” You stepped aside and invited him in, the invitation was accepted. 
“I’m only coming in for the sheet masks.” 
“Well, damn. If you don’t want my company, kid, then you can just leave.” 
“I’m not a kid. Also, truth hurts.” 
“You little shit.” 
Once you had made a fruit mocktail for him (he was too afraid to drink alcohol just in case he got screened for it and reprimanded), you both sat on your windowsill seat with the windows open, staring out into the streets around your place. The air was very sombre, but there were no prizes for who could guess why. 
“Are you coming to say goodbye to me tomorrow?” Jungkook asked you, breaking the silence. 
“I was going to. But now you’re here I might say goodbye to you tonight instead. Tomorrow’s for immediate family.”
“But you’re family…”
“I know… but tomorrow is best kept between you and the people who share your blood. I’d rather this anyway. At least if you cry, I’m the only one who can ridicule you.” 
“Who says you won’t cry? I can hear your voice shaking.” 
“It’s the juice - it’s making my voice sticky.”
He poked his tongue out at you childishly. 
You sighed. “I can’t believe you’re going away tomorrow. To the army of all places. The weedy little creature I had to protect is going off to fight in wars and save the people. He’s off to be a hero. 
“I’m not a child anymore.” 
“I know. But it’s like you’re my little brother, it’s hard to think of you as a young man. I can still see the kid who got on the wrong bus but was too shy to get off.”
Jungkook put his head in his hands. “I can’t believe you remember that.”
You laughed. “We all had to come out to get you!”
“No!” He whined. “It took me forever to get that out of my brain, why would you bring it up again?”
“Because it’s funny.” 
“I need to go… bleach my brain or something, I think. You’re evil.” 
“No, but in all seriousness, Jungkook, I’m so proud of you. You’ve worked so hard to get to this point and no one deserves it more than you do. You’re smart, funny, kind and so brave. I don’t know how you’re doing this, honestly. I admire you so much. I’m gonna miss you, kiddo.” 
Saying goodbye to Jungkook was such a weird thing to do. You always remember him being right there whenever you were around; but now he will hardly even be a phone call away. He’d be too busy to contact you; he’d be having too much fun. Despite him being your best friend’s little brother, you loved him and enjoyed spending time with him away from his family. Those days were over, though. This night of face masks, mocktails and light mockery would be the last one you’d both have for God knows how long. 
He left you alone when his drink was finished and his face was sufficiently moisturised; leaving behind the weight that was on his mind when he first entered your door. You gave him one final, tight hug and sent him back to his home so he could spend it with his family. You couldn’t lie and say that you didn’t spend a good amount of your evening crying over Jungkook. 
You received a visit from Taehyung the next day while he was in an almost inconsolable state. They had just sent him off for his eight weeks training. 
“A part of me thought it would never happen, you know?” Taehyung told you through sniffles and tears. “I thought he would change his mind at the last minute and stay home with us. Or he’d tell us last night that it was all a lie and that he wasn’t really enlisting - he just did it for attention or something. He’d get a shitty job in a convenience store or something. I didn’t think he’d actually leave.” 
“Tae, you know he’s much smarter than a shitty convenience store job. The air force is the best place for him. He gets all the physical training, plus his brain will be active the entire time. He’s going to be living his best ‘Top Gun’ life, isn’t he?”
Tae wiped his nose and chuckled a little. “Yeah he’s not as good looking as Tom Cruise though.” 
“This is what he wanted. He’s going to thrive in this situation, just wait and see.”
“I know he will.” Taehyung started to cry again. “I’m just gonna miss him so much.” 
You scooped Taehyung in your arms and tried to comfort him. There wasn’t really much you could say that hadn’t already been said. Everyone Jungkook left behind was thinking the same thing, so all you could do was take comfort in the fact that none of you would be alone in missing him, and eventually life would go on as normal. 
You were able to go and visit him, however. After his training was complete, him and all the people he trained with were given a graduation ceremony to commemorate their hard work and celebrate the fact they’d passed such rigorous training. You all dressed up and attended to support your baby boy who was growing up so quickly. Jungkook looked so cute in his uniform. It fit him perfectly, yet somehow he still looked like he was a small boy playing dress-up in his father’s clothes. He looked so smart and mature, but he was still, of course, the kid brother you adored. A proper little man. But, true to what everyone had been told, Jungkook wasn’t able to come home after his eight weeks of training. He was, in fact, deployed immediately. He’d be spending six months in Germany before coming home. But him being “home” didn’t mean he was back with his family. He would be in the country, just in a completely different city. He wouldn’t be home for quite a while. 
Time ticked on until eventually five years had passed. While you spoke to Jungkook every other week, and still remained almost as close as you were when he’d left, you’d never actually seen him. He had been home a few times, but they were for at minimum two days, and you were never able to come and visit. Something you profusely apologised for, of course, but Jungkook understood. He always understood. It was just difficult for you to go and see him, and you missed him terribly. 
However, Taehyung arrived on your doorstep as he often did, with a beaming, boxy smile on his face. “Jungkook’s coming home!” He announced. “For a whole year!” 
“I know! Apparently, he’s being sent to the base near here for some more training and general work, and that will take him twelve months. He’s home for a whole year, ___. A whole year!” 
“Oh my God!”
“So, here’s what we’re thinking, we get all the family and Jungkook’s friends together and have one big surprise welcome home party. There will be banners, and food, and lots of music. You in?” 
“Yes! A thousand times yes!” 
“Great! My house; 5pm; Tuesday. You don’t have to bring anything. Okay?”
It was definitely a shock to the system knowing that Jungkook was on his way home, and will be home for a significant amount of time. Maybe things could get back to normal. Even if it was only temporary normalcy. 
When Tuesday rolled around, for some reason the nerves were getting the better of you. Maybe it was because you hadn’t seen Jungkook for half a decade, you couldn’t say. All you knew was that you were anxious to see him. Would you both be awkward seeing each other in person now that such a significant chunk of your lives had passed? Or would things be exactly the same when you saw him? You couldn’t tell. All you knew was that in just a few short minutes, he would walk through that door again and he’d be back in your life. 
Taehyung had taken Jungkook out for the evening, a movie and some ice cream like they often did while you and the boys’ parents prepared for the party ahead. You only had a short amount of time to get everything perfect, so the three of you were working like mad trying to get everything organised. Thankfully, one of the boys’ aunts arrived earlier than expected, meaning there was an extra pair of hands around to finalise the details. Sure enough, the guests began to arrive, filtering into the small house one by one just as the final decoration was hung, meaning that their parents could focus on other issues - like the food and drink situation. It was your job to make sure the guests felt comfortable; after all, you were pretty much a part of their family at this point. So everyone related to Taehyung and Jungkook, be them blood relative or friends knew exactly who you were and were comfortable with you being around. 
At seven o’clock, the boys’ mum received a text from Taehyung telling them that the two were on their way back home, so everyone turned out the lights and waited in silence until the door opened and they could scream at Jungkook. You were at the back of the crowd, hidden from view, hoping that you could put off seeing Jungkook until right at the end. Give you enough time to think of an ice-breaker so that things wouldn’t be too awkward. There were giggles in the pitch-black room surrounding you, people clearly unable to contain their excitement as Jungkook was approaching the front door. 
The front door opened, the lights turned on and everyone screamed “welcome home, Jungkook!” Party poppers were set off, covering the youngest in confetti and paper streamers. You stood there completely dumbfounded. Was that really Jungkook? 
When he left he was just a weedy little boy, so skinny he looked out of place in his uniform and not at all prepared for life in the army. But he stood before you, a 23-year-old man, filling out his once baggy clothes that were hanging off of him in just the right ways. You could see the toned muscles that had reshaped his skin, his chest was puffy and holding his neck up were two, broad shoulders that definitely weren’t that thick before. His hair was a little longer than what you knew to be army protocol, and was parted slightly off-centre. It hung off his head sporting an almost wet look that made you drool. How could one man change so drastically? What did they do to him while he was away? 
Yet, he smiled widely and his big, doe eyes lit up. He bowed to the guests to show his appreciation for them, and he still seemed to be the same person. Still the polite, sweet young man with a bunny smile and a soft aura. Even those muscles couldn’t make him seem less gentle. “Oh my God!” He exclaimed. “I had no idea.” Wait… since when was his voice that deep? It was smooth and clear, but still just as quiet. Unchanged in the way he sounded gentle and calm when he spoke. How could he be such a contradiction? 
Despite being at the back of the room, though, Jungkook still saw you. He stopped what he was doing, drank in your appearance as if he was processing that it was you he was looking at, and then ran towards you. Immediately, you felt those strong arms around you, holding you securely in his grip and pressing you to his firm body. His tight hug was comforting and reassuring. That combined with the smell of his laundry detergent and you felt peaceful. It felt right. 
Wait… what? No, no, no! Do not think these things. Push them down! 
“I’m so glad I got to see you, finally!” He told you. His voice was muffled slightly as his arm had covered one of your ears because it was just so big. When he finally released you, you saw his  bunny smile had returned. “I thought you were avoiding me.” 
“I was.” You teased. “I was dragged here against my own free will.”
Jungkook laughed. Your jokes were never that funny, but Jungkook always seemed to think so. “Now I know why I didn’t see you over the last five years.” 
“I am genuinely sorry about that.” 
“I know you are. I am, too. I should have made more of an effort to see someone I care about.” 
Jungkook took you over to get a drink with him and to catch up properly over the last five years. But the conversation was mainly you asking him questions about his job, and begging for stories. Your life wasn’t quite as interesting as his, so it was nice to hear him talk about all the adventures he’d been on and how well he’s enjoying his job. 
“I, uh… I missed you a lot, though.” Jungkook confessed shyly. 
You smiled. Your hand found its way to the back of Jungkook’s head and gently stroked his hair. “I missed you, too, kiddo.” 
“I’m twenty-three now… I’m not a kid. When will you see me differently?”
“I’m sorry, Kookie. It was a force of habit. I won’t do it again, I swear.” 
“Seriously, ___. I like you a lot.”
“I like you, too.” 
Jungkook groaned, clearly frustrated. “How can you be so smart, yet so dumb at the same time?” 
“Hey!” You playfully slapped him on his arm, making him chuckle a little. A comfortable silence descended over the two of you, but it wasn’t long before that silence changed. You didn’t have time to register what was happening. One minute Jungkook was standing in front of you talking to you, the next his arm was around your waist, pulling you closer to him. He put his drink down on the table and instead of holding that, he held the side of your neck, and pressed his lips to yours. You were shocked at first; your eyes were wide and your free hand was pushing at his chest to get him off you. But feelings you had no idea you had started to bubble up and take over, and you stopped fighting him. You let your eyes close and give yourself over to the feeling of his lips on yours. That was until you remembered what was happening. You had ten blissful, beautiful seconds of ignorance before your brain switched back on and told you that this was wrong. He was your best friend’s younger brother - he was as close to your own younger brother as you could possibly have. You shouldn’t be kissing him. You frantically pushed him away. “S-stop, stop!” You said quickly. “We shouldn’t be doing this.” 
“What… why?” 
“You’re my best friend’s younger brother. This is wrong… this is so wrong.” 
Jungkook allowed a devilish smirk to play on his lips. He pushed you back into the kitchen counter and took your drink off of you. “It is wrong, isn’t it?” He said lowly. He was moving toward you again. “We shouldn’t ever do this again.”
“N-no, we shouldn’t. Such a bad thing to d-do.” 
No more words were exchanged, just Jungkook’s lips back on yours. The longer he spent attached to your body, the more fuzzy your brain became. You could feel yourself getting more and more turned on with each kiss he gave you. Your heart and your pussy jumped when he started using his tongue. It was the perfect kiss. Just the right amount and not too forceful, but dominating enough for him to get across everything he needed to say in a simple movement. The kitchen was silent except for your lips moving together. You pulled him closer and closer until there was no room for anything between you. 
The kitchen door opened, however, forcing the two of you to pull apart. Thankfully, it was just one of Jungkook’s old high school friends and not Taehyung, but it was definitely a close call. The two of you scarpered out of the kitchen in separate ways and didn’t see each other for the rest of the night. 
It had never occurred to you until the moment you left the party that Jungkook could be harboring some kinds of feelings towards you. And until you saw him that night you had no idea that you could even think differently about him either. There was a slight guilt you were feeling about the whole situation, but it was more over the fact that Taehyung didn’t know about your sudden change of heart. You wondered how he would feel if he found out that his best friend had developed feelings for his younger brother. Though, you also wondered how much further things would have gone had you not been interrupted. 
Life returned pretty much to the way it did before Jungkook joined the army. He moved back in with his family, and you were around their house almost every day. You and Taehyung still saw each other almost daily, but because Jungkook was home, whenever he was free he would often hang out with you. During movie nights, Taehyung had set up camp on the armchair which meant you and Jungkook would have to share the sofa. Most nights the two of you would share a blanket, which allowed you to start messing with Jungkook in different ways. You would put your hand high up on his thigh, or reach over him to grab your drink from the table next to him so your breasts would touch his body. But every time he tried something in return you were quick to shut him down. “You’re my best friend’s brother,” you kept telling him, “we can’t do this.” Despite the fact that you both were growing desperate for each other, you kept playing this game of cat and mouse. At first, Jungkook tried to keep his thoughts pure. Every evening he’d text you asking to take you out on a date, but you’d reject him every single time. It was so wrong of you to act the way you were but you just couldn’t help it. 
Of course, one day Jungkook snapped. 
You had been over to their place for one of your regular movie nights when you let your teasing go too far. Instead of your hand resting on Jungkook’s thigh, you used him as a footrest. Only you made sure your food went a little further than his thigh, and let the balls of your feet rest on his cock. It was a gentle touch, and you’d move every so often so eventually, you felt him get hard underneath you. It was fun to torment him and turn him down at the same time. But you should have known when you left to go to the bathroom, he’d follow you. 
When he heard you were finished washing your hands, he tried the door and entered when he realised you didn’t put the lock on. You ignored his presence, fixing your hair in the mirror but subtly watching him move towards you. He turned and leant up against the bathroom counter, so he could look at you ignoring him. “You think it’s fun, huh?” He asked you. His voice was low and deep, sending rumbles right through your body. “Teasing me like this?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“No? So then what was that whole foot fiasco downstairs?” 
“No idea.” 
“So you’re not pretending you don’t want me?”
You laughed. “Jungkookie, you’re Taehyung’s younger brother. I promise you, I don’t want you like you think I do.” 
Jungkook turned around. “Fine.” He smacked his hip into yours pushing you out the way so he could have the mirror to himself. “You want to pretend, so will I.” 
You scoffed. “You actual shit.” You pushed him back, taking over your spot again. You could hear Jungkook laughing at you. 
His arm came up to your neck and pulled you flush against his back. He heard your breath hitch. His lips came down to your ear and started nibbling on it. His free hand moved to your side and began to playfully tickle you. “Jungkook!” You squealed. 
“Say you’re sorry.” He ordered. “Admit you want me.” 
“No.” The word could barely be formed over your laughter, but you managed to get it out of your mouth eventually. 
“Suit yourself.” He moved his other hand to your side and continued to tickle you. 
“Fine! Fine!” 
“What was that?” 
“I want you! Stop!” 
He did as you asked and pinned you once again to the counter. “Since when?” 
“Since you came home a man.” You told him, caressing his cheek softly.
He smiled his beautiful smile at you, then proceeded to kiss you. You didn’t think you’d ever get used to his kisses, but you loved them nonetheless. When he first kissed you it felt strange, but now it was one of the best feelings. It felt right this time around. 
As it did in the kitchen all those weeks ago, things began to get heated. This time, however, neither of you were particularly worried about being interrupted. Mainly because you forgot you weren’t alone in the house. Jungkook had you up on the counter in no time, legs spread for him so he could slot himself in between them and kiss you comfortably. Your legs were against his small waist enjoying the feeling of his presence. “This isn’t how I wanted it,” Jungkook told you through kisses, “but I need you. Can I have you?” 
“Take me.” 
Jungkook didn’t need to be told twice, nor did he wait a second longer to have you. He pulled your shirt off you immediately and, while kissing you, pulled the cups of your bra down so he had access to your breasts. His kisses trailed from your lips, to your neck, and finally stopped at your nipples. He took one of them in his mouth, sucking it and waiting for your moans to tell him he was doing the right thing before moving on to the second nipple. “God, I love your body.” He told you. “So soft. So beautiful. Let me taste you?” 
Within seconds of getting your permission your jeans and panties were off and his tongue was on your pussy. There was no teasing, though he wanted to after all these weeks. Instead, he just went straight for your clit, sucking on it like he did with your nipples, alternating the strength. He looked up at you from where he was knelt on the bathroom floor, keeping eye contact with you as he ate you like a man starved, appreciating you. Worshipping you with his mouth while he was on his knees for you. He didn’t come up for air, and he didn’t use his fingers. He just kept maneuvering you to where he needed you so he could lick your snatch to your completion. Never once did he leave your clit, even when he pulled his sweatpants and underwear down to free his cock from its confines. Even when he wrapped his slender hand around his cock and started to touch himself, he never once stopped your pleasure. 
“J-Jungkook,” you moaned. “Feels too good. I’m gonna cum.” 
Jungkook groaned in affirmation and all it took was the vibrations from his deep voice to send you over the edge. You grasped onto his hair and pulled it harshly, completely accidentally, as you climaxed on his tongue. Still, Jungkook didn’t stop. He waited for you to push him off of you before he gave up his feast. “Are you okay?” He asked, resting his forehead on yours and waiting for you to regain your breath. 
“Fuck me, where did you learn to do that!?” 
Jungkook laughed. “I’m just a natural, baby girl.” 
“Doesn’t surprise me. Come here.” You pulled him down to you by his neck so you could kiss him some more while you waited for your pussy to recover. But soon enough you felt empty. “Jungkook?” 
“Please fuck me.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m on the pill.” 
“Yeah. Never had sex without a condom, you?”
He added a little bit of spit onto his cock to make sure the slide was comfortable for you before slipping his length inside. The initial stretch was perfect - eyes locked, butterflies in your tummy. Both of you groaned at the feeling of him entering you, and it felt so good for Jungkook he collapsed onto you for a second. “Can I move?” He asked. His voice cracked. “Please tell me I can move.”
“Please, Jungkook.” 
He started off at a slow pace, grabbing your ankle and pulling it up onto his shoulder to give him more room to enter you. With every thrust, he got deeper and deeper, stretching you out to perfection. His pace kept altering, one minute it was soft and loving, then he just pistoned into you like it was the last thing he’d ever do, then he went back to soft. You never knew what was coming with Jungkook. You couldn’t work him out. You didn’t want to. It felt too good having him inside you. 
It turned out that Jungkook wasn’t much of a talker when he was inside you, but he was noisy. Very noisy. His moans rivalled yours in terms of loudness, but he couldn’t help them. Not that you were complaining, of course. He was the loudest man you’d been with and it definitely felt like a compliment. Instead of talking, you could feel his affection for you in every other way: the way he looked at you while he was inside you; how he touched you; how he played with your clit when you told him it felt good. It felt as though he only existed to please you, to make you feel good and his own pleasure was secondary or even irrelevant. He kissed your breasts while he was inside you, your tummy, your neck, your lips. Any uncovered piece of skin he could get his mouth on while he made love to you on the bathroom counter, he would touch. 
Jungkook’s thrusts started to get sporadic though, inconsistent. He pulled out really quickly. “Fuck, I almost came.” He kissed you. “You feel too fucking good.” 
“It’s okay. C-can I move? My ass has gone numb.”
Jungkook laughed and kissed you again. He moved back. “Turn around for me, baby.” 
You did as you were told and bent over the counter, expecting to feel him push back into your pussy. Instead he got back onto his knees and ate you out again, giving him some rest to go on for a bit longer. This time, he used his fingers, hitting your g-spot over and over again, alternating between both his tongue and his hands. The added sensation and constant hit on your sweet spot made you reach your peak quicker than before, yet just as exhausted as the first time. Your legs were shaking, your entire body was weak. You were so thankful you had the counter to lean on otherwise you would have collapsed onto the floor. There was no way you could take another orgasm from him, and you prayed he wouldn’t try. 
Jungkook didn’t let you rest after your orgasm this time. Instead, he got back up to his feet and entered you once more; pounding into you a lot rougher than before. At this point, you couldn’t even make any noise. You were so overwhelmed with the feeling of him inside of you, all you could do was feel him: how thick he was; how much he stretched you; how good he felt. Everything in your mind had been erased save the thoughts of him. That had never happened before. But it wasn’t long until Jungkook began to lose his rhythm again. He couldn’t help himself, he was too wound up at this point. “I need to cum.” He announced. “Where should I cum?” 
“Inside me. Oh my God, Jungkook. Please let me feel you cum inside me. Fuck!” 
Jungkook came not moments later, filling your pussy up with ropes of cum until he was completely spent. He pulled out of you quickly, man on a mission for cleaning you up as best he could. You winced when you felt a damp cloth on you. “I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t apologise after that. Shit. I can’t feel my legs.” 
“I’ll run you a bath.”
“We don’t have time. Tae will probably be wondering where we got to.” 
“I don’t care about him, I’m more concerned about you.” 
You laughed. “I’ll be fine.”
The two of you began getting dressed again, attempting to make yourselves look as presentable as you could after a literal work out in the bathroom. Jungkook broke the silence once more. “Is it too early to tell you that I love you?” 
“Okay good… because I definitely wasn’t going to.” 
“You can tell me when you’ve taken me out a few times, how does that sound?” 
He grabbed hold of your waist and pulled you into a gentle embrace. “I’ll hold you to that. Come on, let’s go face him.” 
Your stomach churned at the thought of seeing your best friend after you just sinned with his brother. You both crept down the stairs in order to not draw any more suspicion than you had to. It would already seem weird that you two were together as it was. When you walked into the living room, you noticed the television was quiet. It was back on the DVD menu. There, in the armchair, Taehyung slept, curled up into a tiny ball. 
It was safe to say that both of you were incredibly relieved. 
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This was a commission requested by dragonLynk on Twitter! Thank you for the commission, Lynk! I hope everyone else enjoyed it too. 
 My commissions are open now, so if you would like me to write something, you're more than welcome to request.
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ghost-hyunjin · 4 years
x | meme status: not accepting now!
5 Family Members
I was very close to my umma (mom) when I was alive. She shared how hard her pregnancy was, since the doctor told her that it was risky for her to carry a baby. A lot of people say I look like her, but taller and a boy. Actually it hurt a lot to see her cry as she packed up my belongings when I passed away. I wanted to tell her so badly that I was okay and I wasn’t suffering, but I didn’t want to scare her away. Plus I wasn’t that good at maintaining my visibility whenever I wanted.
Appa (dad) was really proud of me when I got into college on scholarship and grants. That left books, food, and housing left for us to handle at the end of the day. I know his secretary said he couldn’t stop bragging about me at work and I got kind of, I don’t know, embarrassed? These people only met me once at some holiday party, you know? You know how I said I look more like my mom? Apparently the only things I got from Appa were his height and his nose.
I drove both of my parents crazy when I wanted a dog at 16. They knew I was doing well academically and I think Umma wanted to reward me for focusing and working so hard. Of course Kkami wasn’t easy to train and raise, but he was a puppy and learning! He had been separated from his mom and siblings at a young age and was a bit scared to be on his own. But we started to understand each other – he liked to sleep with me whenever I came home and always hung around my chair when we eat meals. Maybe he was sick of me kissing him or trying to be affectionate in the mornings, but I loved him. Not more than my parents of course, but it was a big step for me to be responsible for a pet of my own and building a relationship.
Cousin Yeji and I used to have our differences as children. People called us the Hwang Twins at school, and it annoyed us all the time. See, we were the only pair of boy-girl twins at our school and everyone thought it was funny how similar our faces looked. When we got older, she tried to beg her parents to let her do things like add color streaks to her ends or dye her hair lighter colors. (Turns out she snuck the semi-permanent stuff when she slept over at a friend’s house and that um, didn’t end well.) Then some guy asked her out and I had heard things in the locker room about him. I didn’t want to see her get hurt, so I told her best friend who would have a better time convincing her that this guy was a jerk and didn’t want to take her on a real date. I don’t know if her friend ever shared that I heard these things, but I think we started to put up with each other in a friendlier manner than when we were kids. @nerdy-yeji and @kitten-yeji
My twin @street-racer-hyunjin was a surprise to my mom. The doctor initially thought there was one baby, then realized it was two. We aren’t that different – literally it was a few seconds when they delivered us via C-section. I don’t honestly care if people want to know who is older or not – it’s kind of meaningless. Too many people kept getting us mixed up, so it kind of helped when he bleached his hair (courtesy of one of our friends helping him buy the stuff and doing it in the bathroom one night) and got some piercings. Umma really screamed that night when he came home with the lip ring – pretty sure the neighbors came over to check on us and then realized it was one of those parent-kid talks about doing things without permission. I gotta say I’m kind of jealous of him in a way. I’m not that brave or confident to do those modifications to my body or well, was that brave. He and Appa always had an interest in race cars and watched a lot of the races on TV. His 15th birthday gift was a pair of tickets to see a race in person with Appa. I never told our parents about how he got mixed up into his first race shortly after high school graduation and for his sake, they’ll never know it. We were different, but we get each other and respect each other’s space.
5 Friends/Acquaintances
Han I met in school when I was alive. I think we got paired up in some partner project and turns out both of us actually we kind of glad we did? Well, I say that because you hate getting stuck with the slacker who cruises on their partner’s workload to pass. We did equal work and did well on the project. Sometimes he’s a bit hyper, but I am glad to have him around – it did ground me and reminded me that life isn’t always about school, work, and the boring stuff. Sometimes you need to let loose and have fun. I didn’t know this until we graduated, but some of the people at school joked we were the attractive smart guys with different charms. @hanjisung-bot @sweetbbyboyhansungie
@j-05 was one of my classmates. I felt terrible that I forgot about him, but it turns out we were in one of my largest classes I took for a general education requirement. The class was mostly papers and answering the professor’s questions, but we were in a final group project for the class. I guess I may have forgotten about him because he actually bothered to do his part of the project, unlike some of the others who claimed to be too busy or not talented enough to draw a few panels for a comic. He saw me after I passed and it shocked both of us – I never thought anyone could sense a ghostly presence and I doubt he thought he’d see his dead classmate again after all of this. He confessed that he had a crush on me when I was alive and I didn’t know how to feel about it? I never thought about guys that way but also I never had a serious relationship. (Maybe I took one girl out for a school dance, but then she ditched me for her friends and insisted she wanted to stay when I wanted to go home.) I don’t know where this will go, but it will be interesting at the very least.
@ryujin-chatbot was one of my cousin’s friends. Turns out we are both interested in dancing and happened to join Dance Club at school. She is really talented and I always hoped that some talent company or troupe would take her on professionally. She was one of the few who understood my pain and Cousin Yeji’s pain about the messed up “twins” jokes and references both of us got. She told off some messed up guys on the baseball team who suggested Yeji and I were in some kind of romantic relationship behind everyone’s backs and I’m pretty sure to this day, he will avoid eye contact with her if they’re in the same room. (That I owe her for.)
I’m drawing a blank on how I met @mafia-chaeyoung. I was already a ghost when we met and one of the first things she asked me after making sure this wasn’t some joke by a rival, was who killed me. She almost added the frat president to her hit list, but I told her that he’s already convicted and serving time, plus his family is out a lot of money for damages and emotional suffering. I’ll admit her line of work is hazy in my mind and I’m a little intimidated at times by her. But I do appreciate someone talking to me like a normal being and not going “OMG GHOST! I’m cursed!” or “Do you want revenge? Is that why you’re still around?” Sometimes I wish I could do more to say thank you, but seeing where I died, I’m limited in what I can offer. I do hope she stays safe because there are some crazier people out there who will try to take others down without a care.
We didn’t get off on the right foot when we crossed paths, but I think we’re okay? @thejilixtwins-cb are an oddball pair to comprehend to say the least. Always talking and they look and sound charming, but both are full of trouble. I’m not 100% sure what their deal is, but their antics kind of remind me of some duo I once saw on TV. Not sure who, but the back and forth banter or one interrupting the other is very similar to this TV pair. All I can say is, once we cleared the confusion, we seemed to be okay and not as mixed up as we thought.
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writerbee-ffs · 5 years
Tutor Session
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So I got this request sent from @hyejooismybaby AND I most definitely wrote 2 versions 😂😭✨
Here’s version 2 ! This is more like asshole vibe turned lowkey sweet Erik !
Hope yah enjoy 😊!
“Wake up. Z. Sis, I swear if you don’t wake yo ass up.” Your best friend, Aziza, mumbled as she gave little taps to you shoulder. “Biiiiiitch.” She drug out before you popped your eyes open realizing you had missed about half of the African Studies lecture.
“Damnit.” You groaned gathering your laptop and books. “Why’d you let me sleep so long.”
“Now sis...” She side eyed you as you both walked out of the double doors. “Somebody had to take our damn notes.
Grabbing your tablet quickly from your bag, you looked over the emailed notes Aziza had sent to you and then you remembered why you feel asleep in the first place. It wasn’t that you were tired but the it was the subject at hand that had put you in your temporary coma. “Fucking language.” You mumbled as your eyes were still training on you iPad walking through the yard. “There are like 1000 plus African languages and Professor Pike thought IsiXhosa would be the best to teach us.” You were beyond irritated because this was the main reason you were on the verge of failing your African Studies course.
“Zazie, just get a tutor.” Aziza suggested as you both made it to the campus cafe. “Fine ass Pike has a whole roaster of tutors near his office.” She shrugged as you both swiped your IDs. You definitely had to remind yourself to ask your friend how the fuck she knew that considering you two had never been to Pike’s office together.
“I don’t think I need a tutor, A. Maybe I just have to study more-“
“And stop falling asleep.” She laughed. “It’s hard enough actually listening to Pike instead of daydreaming about his chocolate ass.”
“Hoe, he could be your daddy.” You scoffed waiting in like for you green machine smoothie.
“Exactly.” She winked. “He could be annnnnd so could they.”
You followed her gaze to the ‘Anything but Holy’ Threesome or that’s what you heard girls around the campus call them. First up was T’challa. You had heard he was the most serious out the three. Though he had his roaster of ass you’d had only heard good things about how he treated women and pretty much everyone. Then there M’Baku. The big and tall ass niggah that only wore a smug look on his face. You had heard he was somewhat nice but he’d make you feel stupid all at the same time especially anyone that annoyed him. Lastly there was Erik. Erik was the ‘fuck boy but I still wanna fuck him ass’ type niggah. Bitches fell at his feet and other niggahs knew what the fuck it was when he was around. He was a complete dog.
“Ew.” You rolled your eyes as you both made it to a table. It wasn’t that you had an issue with them, it was just the fact that they walked around like Gods and it was purely annoying.
“Ew?” Aziza looked up from her phone. “Sis, say what you want but they are fine.”
“Whatever.” You laughed taking another sip looking at your watch. “Shit!” You popped up grabbing all of your things forgetting about your 3 o’clock class.
“Slow down, bitch!” You heard Aziza call before your body collided with something hard.
“Damn girl.” His deep voice spoke looking down on you. “Watch where you going.”
Fucking Erik. “How about you move away from the damn exit. Big body ass just blocking shit.” You groaned picking up all your books and papers.
“Ah she’s feisty.” M’Baku chuckled as he watched you struggle.
“If you were watching what you were doing you wouldn’t have ran into my big body ass, princess.”
“Leave her alone, cousin.” T’challa rolled his eyes grabbing some of your things for you. His nice ass.
“Whatever.” You just focused on your belongings thanking God that they had left but not before M’Baku mumbled something and you heard Erik’s comment.
“Nice ass though.” He shrugged.
That was it! You had failed your IsiXhosa language test and you were fed up. You couldn’t fail this damn class. Partly because the perfectionist Virgo in you wouldn’t allow it and most definitely because you were at this college on a full ride.
“So about that tutor...” Aziza mumbled as she looked over a your test. “Pike’s office after class?”
Nodding your head you couldn’t wait for class to be over. You couldn’t help but to let your mind wander as Professor spoke.
The second it was you zoomed towards Pike’s office looking at the list of names. I guess everyone was barely making it through the class, considering there were only 2 names left. There was no way you were going to be tutored African language by some white girl, call it the black in you but that was a no go.
“N’Jadaka Udaku?” You frowned struggling to say the name on the list.
“Well I mean at least you know he’s authentic.” Aziza snickered behind you as you wrote your name and number on a sheet of paper, slipping it into the mailbox with his names over it.
“Now we wait.” You groaned following your friend to the dorms so you brush up on your language and not look like a complete idiot.
Hearing your phone sound off, you realized you had once again fell asleep. “Damnit.” You mumbled scrambling to find your phone and check the message.
‘This is N’Jadaka, ur tutor. Meet me at the library @6. 2nd floor.’
4:45 pm. The clock read as you sat up on your bed rubbing the sleep from your eyes. “Well lets get this over with.” You mumbled to yourself.
It hadn’t taken you long to get out of your dorm and to the library. You’d thrown on a plain black T-shirt and leggings and your was in your normal half up half down hairstyle. “2nd floor.” You mumbled heading towards the elevator looking at your watch. 5:30 pm. You were early.
Making your way to the study rooms, you settled on the room that was ducked off because you were going to need to concentrate hard. Taking out you books and supplies, you sat there waiting on him.
“What’s up, princess?” Erik. You rolled your eyes taking him in as he watched you with a smirk. His black long sleeve made it hard to deny that this man was in shape and definitely had the body of a gawd! His sweats hung low off his lower half but hugged him in all the right places. You were so caught off you had forgot to speak until you heard him clear his throat.
“I’m meeting someone, Erik. Now can you go?!” He’d looked at you for a moment before sitting down anyways. “So what part of I’m meeting someone don’t you under-“
“Igama lam ngu-N'Jadaka, princess.” He interrupted pulling out his books and his student ID for confirmation.
“What?” You questioned. “You have to be fucking with me.” You palmed your face before settling your eyes back on him. He was already watching you with a devilish grin as your mind processed the information. He was probably use to people doing this. You’d realized that he was the one you were waiting on. “I have to get another tutor.” Hopping up and packing your bag, you felt his hand grip your wrist.
“Sit down, princess.” He looked. “And I won’t ask again.”
You most definitely sat your black ass back down. Grabbed your book and got to fucking work. Study sessions with Erik....
Your study sessions were coming to an end with Erik due to you passing all of your language based test. Although he was an asshole, he was one of thee best tutors. Erik had made you pass all of your tests and you even had a B in the class.
You were meeting up with him at his apartment to finish up some last minute work from Pike and needed some help. You didn’t really need the help but you wanted to see him.
“N’Jadaka?” You called out stepping into his apartment ,which wasn’t locked, looking around for him.
“Told you don’t call me that shit, princess.” He mugged you coming from the back. “Ngaphandle kokuba igumbi lokulala.”
You rolled your eyes knowing exactly what he said. Since he’d been teaching you IsiXhosa he would talk to you sometimes in the language. Well mostly flirt.
“But it’s your name.” You beamed completely ignoring the last part. “Your given name that I happen to like.” You and Erik has become closer over these past few weeks which you liked but also made you nervous due to his rep. Yeah he was still an ass but he was also brilliant, funny, kind (at times) and fine as hell. You’d learned that he used his real name N’Jadaka for his tutoring sessions so bitches wouldn’t want to be paired with him because it was him, which made sense. Erik had also considered IsiXhosa to be his second language.
“Ready to finish up this work?” Nodding your head, you sat on the sofa getting comfortable as he watched you.
“Stop being creepy, N’Jadaka.” You smirked.
“Kodwa ulungile.” He grinned looking at you as you unexpectedly blushed.
“Just help me with this.” You tossed the work at him. “I didn’t get some of them.” You lied.
“You’re a bad ass liar, princess.”
“Are you going to help or not N’Jadaka?” You scoffed as you slightly slid your feet onto his lap.
“Real comfortable, huh?” You couldn’t do anything but shrug as you began to work finish up your work.
“Shit.” You mumbled looking at the time. You’d feel asleep. ‘What the hell?’ You questioned feeling something hard wrapped around you body as you woke. You relaxed once you realized it was Erik’s arms slung around your waist. “Erik, I have to go.” You hummed attempting to get out his embrace.
He stirred for a moment before finally getting up and going into the back. “Wait a second, princess.”
Placing your sneaker on your feet and then your jacket, you stood by the door as you waited for him. You heard his heavy footsteps walking towards you with a slip of paper.
“You forgot to translate this, princess.”
Pushing your glasses up on your face, you down at the paper before looking up him. “This isn’t mine.” You handed the paper over. “So you’ve been tutoring others.” You clutched your heart fake hurt.
He handed the paper over to you again. “Get serious, princess. Read the shit.”
All of it was in IsiXhosa which didn’t shock you but this wasn’t any type of schoolwork. Reading the paper a smile began to form on your face. Ndingakukhupha, uZazie? You read the last line.
“Ewe, N'Jadaka.” You beamed looking up at him as he watched you. “About time, niggah!” You laughed.
“Had to see if you was feeling me, princess.”
✨✨✨✨✨ IsiXhosa Translations ✨✨✨✨✨
ngaphandle kokuba igumbi lokulala : unless it’s in the bedroom
kodwa ulungile : But you’re beautiful
Igama lam ngu-N'Jadaka, princess: my name is N’Jadaka, princess
Ndingakukhupha, uZazie?: Can I take you out, Zazie
Ewe, N'Jadaka: Yes, N’Jadaka
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Red Ninja Babe Headcanons
Since Tumblr flagged the original post since I had lots of nsfw gifs in it, I’m just reposting this because I still love this red baby of mine.
Warning: Probably lots of spelling mistakes and errors cuz I’m a lazy dumbass that doesn’t like to proofread
Tsūrunaka Hattatsu:
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General info:
Name: Hattatsu Tsūrunaka (Hattatsu meaning growth or enlargement and the Tsūru for his last name meaning tool)
Age: 17
Birthday: July 28
Zodiac: Leo
Height: 5’10
Weight: 201Lb
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Prussian Blue
School: Seijin Academy
Class: Second Year, class 5
Alignment: Hero
Physical description: Average height, muscular body, serious features, square/chiseled jaw, an ‘X’ scar on his left cheek, thick eyebrows, wide eyes, slender nose. He looks generally handsome but can come off as rather intimating and scary. He has that cool, dangerous, and mysterious look about him though that is not how he really is.
Quirk (as said on the wikia): “Gigantification Quirk: The main strength of this Quirk is that it allows the user to increase the speed, strength, and size of the things the user touches, This can be used on bolts and Nails, Also seems the user can increase the speed to bring forth powerful momentum to increase the power of the user’s attacks, while the sudden increase in size can increase physical strength and destructive range of the weapons.This Quirk is very versatile As the user can customize the ammo to specific situations like using Tungsten against fire Quirk users. It is unknown if this Quirk is restricted to inanimate objects.”
Likes: curry buns, fluffy things, dogs
Dislikes: Dry weather, pickled fish, failing
Current concern: “I want to make my mother breakfast in bed for her birthday but I have no idea what to make.”
He as born on July 28 in a hospital in Osaka, Japan and was given the name of Hattatsu Tsūrunaka (first-last Name).
He was an awfully quiet baby, mostly observing his surroundings and people, wanting to soak up as much information as he could with his wide eyes. He was awfully observant as a babe and picked up on a of things even at such a young age. It made him look rather serious and angry to say the least but it honestly added onto his his cuteness.
Plus!! He had super chubby cheeks and the sweetest little frowny eyebrows. His mother has a lot of photos of him with his little angry expression on his face and she can’t help but gush at them from time to time.
However, despite his angry or serious expression, Hattatsu was an incredibly easy baby to deal with, never putting up too much of a fuss with anything and was usually okay with people holding him and wanting to be close to him. He was a rather chubby baby so everyone wanted to kiss and hug him, and usually most babies are fussy or whine for their parents, but he rather enjoyed getting to meet so many new people and would even smile when people showed him affection.
His mom also dressed him up in a lot of bear onesies when he was a babe. He has a least four different types of Bear onesies in different colors, but her favorite was the brown one. She would mainly have him wear them during Christmas and would let him walk and play around in them until he was tired of wearing them.
He was really attached to his mother as both a baby and a toddler because she was really all that he had since his father died a short time after he was born. He would often cling to her leg or hold her hand wherever they went, always keeping a lookout in case some scary man tried to talk to his mother. He would also (try, mind you) to cook for his mother in the mornings to surprise her, but would usually end up making a mess or burning something, resulting in lots of tears and apologies from Hattatsu, but his mother couldn’t stay mad at him for long.
The day Hattatsu got his quirk was a bit of a wild day. He was in the park with his mother and dog, happily throwing around a ball when playing fetch with their dog. When it was Hattatsu’s turn to throw the ball, he sneezed mid throw which somehow activated his quirk and made the tennis ball grow at least 50 times it size. Both his mother and dog and everyone around them were extremely shocked and surprised at what they had just seen, but their shock turned into awe soon and claps went around for Hattatsu to congratulate him on finally getting his quirk and for the force it seemed to have.
After that day, He started practicing on his quirk more, using smaller objects and making them bigger. It took a lot of energy from him but he was a real strong kid and would train himself for hours to be able to both make the object big, and keep it that way for a while, soon moving up to making multiple objects bigger and holding their form.
It wasn’t until he was in middle school when he realized just what else he could do with his quirk. Not only could he enlarge an object by a great amount but he could also increase the speed and the destructive force of that object.
And true to how he was as a baby, Hattatsu grew up to be rather serious and took lots of his classes and training seriously. He had a strict regimen that he followed everyday to keep himself and his quirk in peak condition. He wants to be the best he can be in order to make both his mother and late father proud.
With this in mind, he didn’t get to make many friends and only really greeted people if he walked by them and said his goodbyes after school before going home.
And contrary to how he may look, he isn’t interested in becoming a hero for the fame and glory, but he’s in it for the money.
Much like Ochaco, he wants to be a hero to earn enough money to support his mother. He believes that after everything she has done and sacrificed for him, the least he could do is give her the majority of his earnings to make her life easier. He and his mother sometimes get into arguments about it, but he is determined to help his mother in any way he can.
With all that in mind, Hattatsu  immersed himself in his training and studying to hone his skills to use his quirk efficiently and get noticed by some top schools. He kept all his grades up and made sure to get perfect scores on all his physical exams and training.
When he got into Seijin Academy, he and his mother were extremely happy and excited that he had gotten into a rather good school. The school was known for its discipline and intense courses and was known to have birthed many great Pros so it was just perfect for Hattatsu.
With that being said, Hattatsu made sure to be even more rigid with his schooling. He easily became the top student in his class, always passing his homework, schoolwork, and exams with flying colors. There has never been a time where he has gotten less than an A- on anything.
However, he isn’t a jerk about it. He rarely boasts about his grades and actually helps his fellow students a lot with their school work when t comes to subjects they are weak in.
Like Momo, he holds lots of study/homework sessions at his house (since he is an off campus student) every Saturday. He lets students from any and all classes come to his house for a full day, spending an hour or so on different topics before giving them a little quiz to do to see if what he had been tutoring them on has really payed off.
In doing this, Hattatsu was able to make a lot more friends. People were pretty surprised that he was so open and talkative despite his serious outlook and they often describe him as being rather blunt but in a humorous way.
His closest friends are the Yellow Ninja Twin babes, Ezra (the one with his left eye covered) and Dezna (the one with his right eye covered), the Green Ninja Babe, Hanzo and their group name is called the Seijin 4.
He is dubbed the “Dad” of the Seijin 4 because he is always nurturing and protecting his friends with everything he has. He always gets them out of trouble or funks they may be in, always lending them a helping hand when he knows they need one.
And just like fathers, his jokes are usually dad jokes that he makes unironically. It’s just how his humor is. Sometimes he’ll say a dad joke and his friend will burst out in laughter and he’s just very confused as to why they’re laughing so hard.
When he is being funny though and wants to crack a joke, his jokes are usually lengthy but boy do they make you weak. They’re so skillfully told and thoughtout and they will bring you to your knees in a fit of laughter.
He is usually modest but can point out someone else’s faults/weakness. He doesn’t do it on purpose, but sometimes he can’t help but point out someone’s weakness/fault when in combat or when he is trying to correct them if they come to him for help.
He can also be a bit of a jerk because he is pretty blunt from time to time. He doesn’t see the point in withholding the truth and will always say what is on his mind, although he will apologize if he has realized he has hurt someone
Respects women 100%. There is nothing he wouldn’t do to help any woman in need. If they need something from the top shelf, he’ll get it for them. If he is approaching a door with a woman behind him, you bet he opens the door and steps aside to let her in first. If he’s at the lunch table and one of his friends that’s a girl comes to sit down, he will offer up his seat or help her push in her seat. And lord, if he ever sees a girl crying you can bet he will drop everything he is doing to help her out. He will be her shoulder to cry on or let her vent all her frustrations to him, giving her advice where need be and if she asks for it.
However, Hattatsu is actually shy around girls most of the time too. I think it’s pretty safe to say that Hattatsu — well, the Seijin 4 in general — is a heartthrob and he often gets love letters and confessions from different girls and even boys and he just gets so flustered. Each time he gets one his face outmatches the color of roses and tomatoes by a landslide. Even the tips of his ears and neck turn a deep scarlet color with each and every love confession he receives.
Around boys, he’s just very stiff and nods. He really doesn’t know what to do when guys confess to him. He knows girls are a lot more soft and fragile than men are and knows how to deal with them, but he is completely clueless on what to do when guys confess.
Hattatsu is also rather talented. He has a lot of hidden talents that not even his mother knows about. A few of his many hidden talents are that he can balance anything perfectly, he knows lots of random facts on any topic, and he can make himself cry on command.
He can speak four languages (Japanese, Korean, English, and French) and is learning German and Italian currently.
He can speak a little too fast at times too, and it really messes up his sentences and he gets slightly embarrassed about it. When he rolls over his words because he’s speaking too fast, he stops himself, takes in a deep breath before starting his sentence over.
He also slips into German sometimes when he’s excited or angry or experiencing any type of intense emotion. He gets a little embarrassed about that too, but he gets over it a lot faster since people are usually amazed by it.
He works out on a daily basis without fail. From the time school is out until 6pm he is in the gym, cranking iron until his shirt is sweat soaked. He wants to be able to mold and strengthen his body so he can create and later perfect his ultimate move which involves him carrying an object he has made bigger. His muscles are huge and his chest has been chiseled by Apollo himself and his abs could great even the hardest of diamonds. Dude looks good.
But… he is a little self conscious about his body, mainly his nipples because they’re a very pink and he feels like they stand out too much.
He actually wears a fundoshi unironically. He just thinks they suit him a lot better and they keep everything protected. However, he does wear boxers when he is at home.
He’ll never let anyone find out but his mom buys all of his underwear for him. You didn’t hear this from me.
His eyesight is slightly poor. He can’t really see things that are far away so he has to wear contacts when he’s at school or during training/combat. However, when he is at home, he wears prescription glasses. His mother thinks that his glasses suit him and he looks a lot like his father with them on.
The biggest dog lover out there! If there is a dog anywhere near him, he will rush right over to the dogs owner and ask if he can pet it. You know that one video where the guy is petting a cat and he says “it takes a pet like no problem”? That’s Hattatsu with dogs.
He likes fluffy pillows bye
When he was younger, he didn’t really know much about cooking and would often burn foods, but he’s gotten a lot better and has perfected many dishes. Everyone that tries his food loves it and he will often do requests that his friends have and bring it to school for them. He is also a really good baker and will bake for his friends (mostly his mother) quite often.
His taste in music goes from hard core punk rock to classical scores.
He rolls his “R”s a lot. Either when he’s speaking a different language or when he’s worried and scared.
He has the patience of a God which adds onto his Dad role. He has a few baby cousins and they love him so much. They often want him to play with them and ask him a whole bunch of questions and not once does he ever get annoyed or snap at them. He just lets them ask questions after question and he answers them without issue!
In general he is just very good with kids and loves playing with him. He wants to have a big family and be able to play with them often.
He has a stuffed bear named Hano-Chan since he was a kid and he is not afraid to let people see it. Hano-Chan has been his favorite thing forever and he will not be embarrassed if someone asks him about it. However, if anything ever happens to sweet Hano-chan, he would flip out. The Bear was a gift from his father and he’d be damned if anything happened to it.
He puts a lot of focus into his hair without realizing it. When he’s not in his uniform, he likes to style his hair in a spiky and unkempt look that really suits him. There are points of hair all around his head with some loose strands falling in front of his face. He buys a lot of gel and conditioning products and has several different types of combs that he uses to style his hair.
He actually does a lot of self care and hygienic things. He likes to keep himself fresh and smelling good because he doesn’t want to stain everything he touches with the smell of sweat. He showers twice a day and uses Bulgari soap to give him that manly smell. He also uses unscented shampoo because he doesn’t want to have clashing scents on him. He makes sure his nails and teeth are always clean and makes sure not to touch his face too much to avoid acne.
He also does a lot of the House chores and lets his mother rest whenever he gets the chance. Things like laundry, gardening, washing the dishes, feeding and washing the dog, and other general House cleaning duties are all the things he does in his free time to help take the burden off his mother’s shoulders.
He can play the piano really well. He started learning when he was younger and was pretty good at it then, but now he is even better. He plays a lot for his mother when she is reading or when she is feeling down.
He is such a sweet boyfriend. Like I said, he is a complete gentleman and really only ever wants what is best for you. He will go to the ends of the earth for you if it means your happiness.
He opens doors for you, pushes in your chair, gets you random flowers every other day, makes you lunch, anything that puts a smile on your face.
He is a little nervous when it comes to physical affection. He doesn’t exactly know where he should and shouldn’t touch and he doesn’t want to overstep any boundaries you may have by touching you somewhere you don’t like. He always asks before he touches or holds you, wanting to make sure it’s okay with you first.
However, if you’re the one that wants to be close and physically affectionate, he’ll let you do so without issue. You can just come up to him randomly and wrap your arms and legs around him and he’ll just accept it, setting downs whatever he may have had in his hands and holding you to him until you’ve had your fill.
He loves holding your hand and kissing your forehead though. He thinks it’s one of the most innocent and intimate gestures of affection there are and he just lives for it. His favorite times to hold your hand are when you’re walking together or cuddling. It just makes him so warm inside because he just wants to be connected and close to you at all times.
He is the type of boyfriend to not really understand a lot of girl things, but tries his best. If you send him out for tampons/pads, chances are he might get the wrong brand/size but he tried his best and he’s really sorry about it so you can’t even be mad at him. And please don’t ask him about makeup because he knows absolutely nothing about it. One day you asked him to buy you a beauty blender and he bought a literal blender and said “I don’t know how this is going to help but here it is. Please mind the blades when you use it, babe”
During the winter you shall never be cold because he offers many if not all of his hoodies and sweatshirts to you to wear. Your closet is ¾ your clothes and ¼ Hattatsu’s hoodies/sweatshirts. He just doesn’t want you to get sick and his clothes are just big and trap a lot of heat in them and he wants you to have em… and it may also be because he really likes seeing you in his clothes. His hoodies reach to your knees and your arms can barely poke out of the arms and he just thinks it’s adorable.
He will always let you sleep on him if you need it. All you have to do is ask and he will bring you onto his lap, your chest against his with your arms and legs wrapped around him and your head in the crook of his neck. He’ll even take of the shirt he is wearing to drape it around you as a form of blanket because like I said, baby doesn’t want you to be cold or get sick.
Hattatsu will almost always go along with any date plan you have as long as it doesn’t involve anything too dangerous. If you want to go smirking at the beach, he’s game but sets up a lot of precautions. If you want to go to a movie, sure thing, but just let him pay for everything. If you want to go to a cafe, he’s totally down, but let him get the food and pay for your drinks at the very least.
Speaking of dates, the ones he plans are always so… amazing and whimsical. Like on your first date, he took you for an evening picnic with food that he and his mother made together. He would have secured a park bench for you both and dressed it in a nice table cloth and even brought some mason jar fairy lights to help illuminate the table for when it got darker. The food and the scenery and the time of Day was just so perfect. You swear you were in like some fairy forest eating food made of wild fresh herbs, spices, and fruits.
However, your favorite date with him (which is something you guys do quite often now) is when he took you in his truck to a large field of grass and flowers. There, he had let you frolic in the grass and flowers whilst he took pictures of you and soon set up a photo timer system so that he could join you and still capture more moments. Afterwards, he told you he had another part to your date and asked that you stay in the front of the truck whilst he bustled about behind it. Eventually he came to get you and showed you what he had been doing and it was breathtaking. He had laid the bed of the truck with a thick duvet and on it lay his computer, some popcorn, chocolate, flowers, and some more fairy light fixtures and pillows. On his computer was a downloaded version of your favorite movie. You both watched the movie and eat happily, laying together on the bed of the truck before stargazing once the movie was over.
You can’t tell me that he doesn’t have a WIP scrapbooks he’s been working on since your second date. It had pictures of both you and him together, doing different things with smiles on your faces and cute little filters on some of the pictures as well. As time goes on, I’m sure he would have at least three scrapbooks made, one for you and him both, one for you that he keeps himself, and for him that he’s given to you.
He calls you the cutest nicknames ever: “Sweetpea, love muffin, gumdrop, sweetie, love, pumpkin, joy, bright eyes, babe/baby, sweet cheeks, angle cakes.” And the best thing about these names is that he doesn’t do so to be sickeningly sweet, he just genuinely likes those names for you. He’ll even say them in different languages sometimes as well. Also, he really likes for you to call him sweet nicknames as well, but his all time favorite is “Bear”. When you call him that his knees go weak and his heart thrums against his chest like the wings of a hummingbird.
Speaking of languages, he likes to speak to you in the ones he knows fluently. He does so when he’s being really sweet and affectionate or when he wants you to learn the language along with him.
He gets rather jealous sometimes. He trusts you completely, but he doesn’t trust other people. You’re a huge catch, you’re perfect and beautiful and anyone with any type of sense would want to be with you, so when someone talks you up and tries to flirt with you, he just… boils where he stands and glares at the person flirting with you before going over and getting between the two of you.
And don’t get me started on how protective he is of you. If there is any kind of inconvenience or danger near you, you are behind him so that he can take the full force of any attack. He doesn’t know what he would do if you were the one to get hurt. He will carry you if your hurt or if there is a puddle on the floor and he will most definitely sacrifice his life for you too.
You guys have sleepover saturdays too. You you dress up in animal themed onesies (him in a Brown Bear onesie and you in a puppy onesie) and you both camp out on his couch and watch movies and shows and talk to one another well into the night before getting to bed, cuddled up against one another.
He is the most understanding boyfriend ever. It might be a little angering just how understanding he is but he just doesn’t want any conflict between you two. Fights are a rarity and if one ever does arise between you both, he will do everything he can to understand your side of your argument and bring it to a mutual close before it escalates to anything.
He hardly ever cries but every time you wear a dress the tears just flow down his cheeks before he even knows what’s happening. You just look so beautiful and pure and it takes the breath from his lungs.
He will also cry during moments in which you two are both peaceful and close. Like it’ll be the middle of the night and you two are in his kitchen, your feet on top of his as you both dance. He’ll break out in silent tears because he’s just so happy to be in a situation like this with you.
He texts you quite a lot. He just loves to keep in contact with you, checking up on you throughout the day, sending you wholesome love memes, and pictures of himself to you. Actually that’s something he does very often. It’ll be during random times of the day when you get a picture message of Hattatsu, smiling into the camera with a caption that says “Hey, starshine. How’re you doing today? I’m about to go to the gym but I’ll chat with you later. I hope you’ve had enough water and food today. Let me know if you want me to come over.” You have to save all of his pictures because they’re honestly just so cute and handsome and you swoon at each one.
Hattatsu is also the type of boyfriend that likes to video call when you guys are a distance away. Say you’re on vacation in whatever country and he’s stuck in Japan, he’ll set up times in which you both can video chat and talk to each other about how your vacations are going or anything you feel like talking about.
He brings you food a lot. He knows all your favorite restaurants and food vendors and is aware of all the snacks and foods you favor more. You’ll be chilling at home or in your dorm room and suddenly hear a knock on your door and it’s just Hattatsu with bags of chocolate, chicken nuggets, fries, milkshakes, and a few cookies. He just likes to know you’re eating and even if it’s not the healthiest foods, he’s just comforted that it makes you happy and that you appreciate what he does for you.
He actually also invites you to a lot of dinners at his house with his mom. All three of you would be in the kitchen cooking and talking and having a good old time together before sitting at the table to eat everything.
To be honest, even though he is a bit of a health nut, he won’t ever push you to eat healthy and work out like he does unless you want to and ask him yourself. If you do want to lose weight or get in shape and you come to him for advice and help, he will gladly do so, but he won’t ever put too much pressure on you or be annoying with his motivation.
Working out with him is actually a lot of fun because he listens to music that really gets your blood pumping and makes you want to move.
He becomes like a mother hen when you get sick, doting on your every need and doing whatever he can to make you feel better and get you back to your full health. At school, he’ll go to all of your classes and ask your friends and teachers for all the notes you’re missing and when he finally gets to you at home in bed, he’s making you soup, reading your notes for you, changing the towel on your head and making sure you’re the perfect temperature.
NSFW Headcanons Below: 
Home boy has a big dick, okay? 6 inches of uncircumcised and pure power and boy is it thick. He has a lot of noticeable and very sensitive veins on his cock and it drives him completely crazy when you run your tongue on them. His head is blunt and wide but you’re thankful for it because if his head was any smaller, it would hurt a lot to get his shaft in you because that thin is thick!!!! His cock has a lot of darker pink tones, kind of making it look as though it should belong to an older man but it really suits him.
He doesn’t have much pubic hair and usually shaves it down. He thinks that it gets in the way and adds drag to his movements. However, when he goes through periods in which he doesn’t shave, his pubic hair gets really thick and coarse and he even has a little happy trail.
Okay, so Hattatsu has no experience at all. Sweetie doesn’t even know what a vagina looks like, I shit you not. He grew up his entire life never having seen a single vagina but when he does see one he is pleasantly surprised.
However, he has taken some Family Life classes so he knows how sex works, but he’s just… very embarrassed about it.
He doesn’t masturebate often either. Dude is practically a saint. He gets horny quite a lot but he just can’t bring himself to touch himself most of the time, especially when his mother is in the house.
When he does masturbate though, he likes to take his time, Giving his shaft slow, long strokes that has him gasping for air every time his fist reaches to the tip of his cock and squeezes.
Boy does he love playing with his balls. They’re extremely sensitive and are always so full. He has to bite down on his pillow or hand or anything he can reach to stifle his moans because it just feels so damn good.
Also… he cums a lot. Like a lot a lot. Like the first time he ever came, he was extremely panicked because he had made such a huge mess. There was a huge stain on his bed and a mess of his cum on his shirt and legs. He nearly had a heart attack and his mother was very confused when she saw him washing his sheets so early in the morning.
He prefers masturbating in the shower, leaning against the wall and jerking himself off as the hot water beats down on his body. But when he masturbates on his bed, he likes to do so on his hands and knees, using one hand to hold him up as the other jerks himself off. He makes sure to keep a towel or something to catch everything once he reaches orgasm though.
When it comes to actual sex, he’s very awkward and makes a lot of mistakes the first couple of times.
When he first sees you naked, he’s a bit stunned and just doesn’t know what to say,  so for a while he’s just staring at you with his mouth gaping open and his hardon bobbing in satisfaction at the sight before him. It made you extremely nervous and self conscious so eventually you just called things off because you couldn’t take it. He made sure to apologize and explain himself though.
When it came to attempt number two of having sex, he let you take the majority of the lead, letting you instruct him as to where he could put his hands, where and how you liked to be touched, and basically just how to properly please you without being too awkward.
But man… man oh man, is this boy just in awe of your body. You’re just so beautiful to him and he can’t help but stop and stare at your body below or above him.
He eventually becomes a lot more used to your body and how everything works and turns into a very sensual and gentle lover. All his actions are full of love and are light but leave such an intense and intimate burn on your skin. Sex with him will always have you gasping and moaning and clutching him close because a moment without his touch would just be too unbearable.
He is a huge titty man. It doesn’t matter what size your boobs are, he just loves how cute and round they look and will always want to touch and hold them (with your permission). He won’t really say it out loud, but you’ll be sure to pick up on just how much he likes your breasts because he pays a lot of attention to them, always marveling at them, gliding his rough fingers along your nipples and in between them. And if the way he sucks on them isn’t a dead giveaway too, then I don’t know what else is.
When he sucks on your nipples, he does so calmly, slowly, letting his mouth encase the hard bud and giving it long sucks that draws the best moans from you. However, he gives off a few moans himself too because he’s just so pleased by the way they feel and taste in his mouth.
At first, he is pretty vanilla too. He didn’t think kinks were necessary for sex, but he would comply with whatever you want to do as long as it isn’t too extreme. But after you showed him some kinks and different things, he found that he started liking them.
Things like spanking, praise, nipple play, and orgasm denial really excite him. It’s never anything too heavy, but whenever he does it he feels himself growing closer and closer to his release.
He also really like having music playing in the background. Things that are slow or warpy or have really intense beats really get him into the mood of things. Some examples of songs he’d bang to are Never Be Like You by Flume, Champagne and Sunshine by Tarro, and Quick Music Doodles by Two Feet.
He has really sensitive nipples. They’re a bright pink and sensitive and there is hardly ever a time when they aren’t hard and perky. If you play with hem or even do so much as graze your fingers over when when having sex, he’ll melt.
Hickies are another thing he really enjoys, mainly receiving. He likes that you want to mark him as yours, to let everyone know that he is taken and that no one else can have him. He will wear his hickies or any other sex induced mark you give him with pride (just as long as his mama doesn’t see em)
He really likes the missionary position or any position that lets him see your face. He wants sex to be an intimate and close experience between the both of you and doing it in the missionary position is perfect for that. Other positions would be like spooning, you on top, or with his legs crossed and you on top.
Hattatsu is kind of bad at giving oral but he tries his best. He’s just awfully sloppy and doesn’t know how to multitask down there, but if you guide and help him a bit, he can get the job done nicely.
He won’t ever say it lest he sound like some pervert, but he really loves receiving head and cumming on your chest. He knows he cums a lot and that it will be kind of gross but he just… really wants to do it. If you ever allow him to and continue to allow him to, he will enjoy it so much.
His moans are so deep and low but he doesn’t do it very often. He’ll let out those sexy moans every so often and you’ll want to do everything in your power to have him make more of that sweet sexy noise.
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sandy-s-d · 6 years
New Orleans Places in My Fanfic (and a few extras)
People are always asking me where to go in New Orleans, and while I am not a native, I grew up going there for vacation a lot with my family and did get to live there for a year and a hand full of months before Hurricane Katrina hit. Since then, my husband and I have been back. The first time, he took me all the places I missed, including swinging by my old apartment. Super important for healing purposes, you know? Anyway, I’ve loved incorporating New Orleans places into my fanfics, and when @iamoffyourbird asked for a list of places to go, I decided to create a list I can give my RL friends and add in little notes from the fanfics, too. Putting it here for fun. 
New Orleans Locations (Some in My Fanfic)
Food: Some people say the better beignets are elsewhere, but I love the ones at Cafe du Monde, and you have to go for the location, the history, and the experience. Buffy and Willow have beignets and frozen café au laits here in A Small Boat in the Ocean. Buffy and Spike have beignets and frozen café au laits here in Hello Goodbye and allude to having them here in A Small Boat in the Ocean. Love chicory coffee! http://www.cafedumonde.com
For the gumbo experience, you have to go to the Gumbo Shop (it's different than the other place with the similar name). I’ve gone here since I was a kid. Buffy and Willow talk about going here in a Small Boat in the Ocean. Fresh French bread is perfect for dipping in the gumbo, and they have their own hot sauce which is yummy. I always buy a couple of bottles to take home. http://www.gumboshop.com
For an out of the Quarter treat, Jacques Imo's is a great place to go. You have to get there right when it's open to get a seat, and when I lived in New Orleans, the owner was known to show up wearing his chef’s coat and boxers. The alligator cheesecake is unique and delicious. Buffy and Spike have a date here in A Small Boat on the Ocean. http://jacques-imos.com
Mr. B's Bistro has delicious pecan pie (and other food). Dawn texts Emily’s Watcher to bring food from here before she gets kidnapped by Illyria in a Small Boat on the Ocean. http://www.mrbsbistro.com
Acme Oyster House has delicious oysters! I don’t like raw oysters, but I adore their baked ones with cheese and other spices. SO good! This is one of Dawn’s favorite places in Hello Goodbye. http://www.acmeoyster.com
Other places I love that aren’t mentioned…yet…
Brennans is excellent for brunch. Funny story: during my intern year, a lady whom my brother and I stood next to during Mardi Gras gave us $100 to go have a nice meal in New Orleans. She knew I was a poor intern, and her husband owned shopping malls. He was grateful we’d kept his wife company while he was gambling at the casino and got stuck there because of the parade. We went to Brennans for brunch. The interesting story is that there is a feud between family members and the one in NOLA and the Brennans in Houston are owned by the feuding family members. lol So they're a bit different but both excellent. https://www.brennansneworleans.com
For jazz brunch, I've heard the one at the Court of Two Sisters is fantastic but have never gotten to go: http://www.courtoftwosisters.com
For breakfast or lunch, you have to at least swing by Mother's...a famous little place outside the Quarter and near the casino. Lots of celebs and presidents have gone here. If you're so inclined, get the roast beef with debris. SO yummy. I wanted to include this place in A Small Boat on the Ocean, but I could never get the location to work in the story. https://www.mothersrestaurant.net
For the muffuletta experience, you have to get one at Central Grocery. There's usually a line out the door and when they run out of sandwich stuff for the day, it's done. Plus, if you like olives, you can buy a jar of their muffuletta spread to take home. https://centralgrocery.com
I'm so bummed but my favorite pralines are no longer in the Jackson Brewery like when I was a kid. They are a bit of a drive, but it's totally worth it to check out their new bigger store. These are hands down my favorite pralines in all of the Quarter (I've tried most of them). I really really wanted to include this place in A Small Boat on the Ocean, but the new location made it difficult, so I made the moveable hellmouth at a praline shop that had been destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. https://www.bayoucountry.com
https://neworleansschoolofcooking.com You can take a cooking class here. I've always wanted to! They also have delicious pralines – not as good as Bayou Country and also much smaller.
In a Small Boat on the Ocean, Buffy works at this particular CC’s Coffee. It's actually down the street from that haunted condo that we stayed at. While my husband slept, I snuck over here for a latte one morning. The Quarter off of Bourbon St. is really quiet and pretty to walk around in the morning before people are up and going. (CC's is the local coffee company that has tried for years to keep out Starbucks.) http://www.ccscoffee.com/locations/royal-st/
Bars: The Old Absinthe House https://www.ruebourbon.com/oldabsinthehouse/ They have some sort of egg drink here that my husband really wanted to try. Definitely worth a visit but not necessarily for that drink. Lol
Lafitte's http://www.lafittesblacksmithshop.com/Homepage.html I believe it's one of the oldest bars in New Orleans.
The bar at the Bourbon Orleans has good drinks with fresh ingredients. We got a couple of free drink tickets a piece when we stayed there. I was pregnant and they made me the most delicious fresh juice drink (alcohol free of course).
The other bar that's an absolute must in the Quarter is Pat O'Brien's because duh, you have to get a hurricane! This bar is mentioned in Adventures in Vamp-Sitting because Spike and Clem are standing outside it. http://www.patobriens.com/patobriens/default.asp
Head to Frenchman Street for late night stuffs...it's away from the Bourbon crowd which is a must experience but can get old. Spike works at the Spotted Cat in A Small Boat on the Ocean and Adventures in Vamp-Sitting. Spike and Clem sing a song here in Adventures in Vamp-Sitting. Buffy and Spike go on a date to hear Kermit Ruffins play at the Blue Nile in Hello Goodbye. It’s also mentioned in A Small Boat on the Ocean and Adventures in Vamp-Sitting. Snug Harbor is supposed to be amazing, but I’ve never been. http://frenchmenstreetlive.com http://bluenilelive.com
I highly highly recommend going to see Kermit Ruffins play wherever he's playing. It was on our MUST DO list from my training director when we lived there. He was playing at the Blue Nile for the longest but he seems to be all over the place now. https://www.songkick.com/artists/115899-kermit-ruffins About him: https://www.basinstreetrecords.com/artists/kermit-ruffins/
Places to Stay: 734 B Royal St., New Orleans, LA I’m not sure if this place is still for rent, but my husband and I stayed there in 2013. The ghost tour stopped at the door every evening. It’s supposedly haunted by the Octoroon, a young girl who is supposed to be very friendly. Her cat can be heard on the third floor. This place is the second floor. Buffy stays here in Hello Goodbye, and later Buffy and Spike stay here, too, in the same fic. It’s right next to the blue dog museum and the cathedral, and it’s really magical to wake up to the cathedral bells ringing.
We also stayed at the Bourbon Orleans. It’s supposedly haunted on the uppermost floors, but I was too scared to stay up there. http://www.bourbonorleans.com
Also, if you want to stay where I stayed when I was a kid and want the full people watching Bourbon Street experience, stay here. It used to be a Best Western. https://www.neworleans.com/listing/four-points-by-sheraton-french-quarter/672/
Touristy Things
Steamboat Natchez – this is the steamboat I went on with my family as a kid. It’s nice to take a ride up and down the Mississippi River. https://www.steamboatnatchez.com
The French Market is a really great place for shopping, food, and drinks. Buffy goes here at night when it’s closed in Hello Goodbye. https://www.frenchmarket.org
At St. Louis Cathedral, you can go inside and at night, there are all the fortune tellers and musicians outside. Artists are outside during the day, and there is a lovely garden in front of the cathedral. I attended Mass once here during my internship year. Buffy notices the fortune tellers in Hello Goodbye and actually talks Spike into taking her to see one in A Small Boat on the Ocean. http://www.stlouiscathedral.org
You can also take a tour around the Quarter in a horse and buggy...they're stationed near the cathedral and Café du Monde.
The ghost tours are supposed to be really cool.
And cemetery tours are unique because the graves are all above ground. St. Louis Cemetery No. 1 would be a good place to tour, and Buffy goes here looking for an easy slay in A Small Boat on the Ocean. This is where Marie Laveau is buried. http://discoverhistoricamericatours.com/new-orleans/historical-locations/st-louis-cemetery-no-1/
If you want, you can take a streetcar, which is kind of fun. I think we used to ride one to the zoo when I was a kid. https://www.neworleansonline.com/tools/transportation/gettingaround/streetcars.html?
Audubon park is gorgeous for the large oaks and is in that beautiful section with the fancy old houses. You could probably pair this with the Columns hotel or Jacques Imo's or the Audubon zoo, which is a lovely zoo. https://audubonnatureinstitute.org/audubon-park
If you go to the park, check out the Columns hotel for happy hour...this is where Willow and Oz get engaged in A Small Boat on the Ocean. They have a jazz brunch, but I’ve never been. https://thecolumns.com
The WWII museum is supposed to be wonderful. https://www.nationalww2museum.org
Hurricane Katrina exhibition appears in Adventures in Vamp-Sitting. I dragged my poor husband here. https://louisianastatemuseum.org/presbytere/exhibit/living-hurricanes-katrina-beyond
And Marie Laveau’s House of Voodoo is a must see shop. I’ve gone there every time I’m in New Orleans and it’s always so interesting to visit. https://voodooneworleans.com/
There are plantation home tours and swamp tours. I’ve always wanted to do a swamp tour!
When Anne Rice lived in New Orleans (not sure if she still does...I know she moved back and forth at one point), she had a Halloween party at her house every year. Now, it sounds like the fans have a vampire ball. http://annerice.com/Lestat-TheVampireBall.html
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sparda3g · 6 years
My Hero Academia Chapter 183 Review
Okay. I can definitely say this is the end of the arc; I’m 100% certain. Kohei decided to go through a montage or quick run of other events from the Festival. It’s probably for the best in my opinion due to how they don’t hold that much prestige to focus thoroughly. That being said the chapter did end on a nice note for an overall enjoyable arc.
If there’s one event that I would have like to stretch out more, it would be Class-B play, which is practically “I understood that reference” moment. I know not everyone is into pop-culture references, but I thought this was amusing for what it is. It would be a joy if it lasted more than a page, showcasing the ridiculous amount of storyboarding. Regardless, it was a funny moment.
One thing I remember from the anime is smartphone’s existence makes communication easier in today’s world for better or worse. It seems that Kohei has to keep Deku irresponsible when it comes to it. That way the plot or battle would ensue solo, though it can get redundant. Breaking the phone made sense in the Training Camp, but anything more would be head scratching.
I thought Deku would get some punishment for the action earlier, including how he should have rely on other heroes. The sad part is this moment would have been more effective if Deku purposely left others unnoticed to keep the Festival going. It would have been a good life lesson for him and the fans; instead, it only comes off a lesson learn that he’s already aware of. Remember, he only lie about the severe of his battle against Gentle, so it’s not like he purposely ignored the concept of heroes.
In any case, he is allowed to roam free and have fun with his friends, because Hound Dog is a good boy. Granted, he knocks him away, but you know, dogs can be rough. I’m going to save Eri’s part later, so in the meantime, let’s cover the other aspect of the Festival. Class-A gets praised for the performance. I would say  it’s only because they have main characters, but they were the opening act, so this scene is appropriate to exploit. It may be a bit too much, but it’s the main class.
I really don’t think it was needed to have committees from the Departments to be haters only to be convinced otherwise. It didn’t have much ground to begin with, so it didn’t hold much importance to the overall. All I remember is Bakugou saw those guys and never really reflect more until last chapter. Sure, it gave them a reason to go hard, but it can be said with any reason. Oh well. At least it was settled, so that’s that.
The Beauty Contest is shown and for what it is, it’s fine. I didn’t mind too much since this chapter is largely a relax one despite not really caring much of these events. Again, that Class-B play should have gone on a bit longer. At least we got to see what made Kenranzaki stand out; that’s probably understatement. She brings in some vehicle that could be in the next Twisted Metal game with her face on it. That would also include those eyelashes. It’s actually a funny visual with how it looks like it has fangs. It even pops out with a small body; how she won before is a mystery.
It’s predictable that Nejire is going to win this content, especially how this is her last year. I assume she lost last time because she tried to be flashy like Kenranzaki; dare I say there is no try. Instead, she goes out there and be herself, do what she does best, and her quirk is good for her quality to dance like a fairy. Sadly, the visual only shows her in the midair and that’s it. I guess Kohei is still exhausted from the last chapter in which we will get to that shortly. But really, it is him getting done quick as possible. Later, she is voted as the best, so good for her. It must be a bone thrown of Kohei because well, you know.
The scene enters a montage of everyone enjoying the Festival. I thought it was neat and probably for the best to get the narrative across of the students having fun. I would have like more of it, but when the series got mixed with the training and battle portion, one may get sacrificed in the importance level. I don’t recall at this moment on which series balanced it well, but I thought this could have done so. That said there are points that Kohei did good on.
The moments with Eri is charming and although you could argue that her development should have been taken care of last time, this was a fitting time as well. It’s nice of her to gain a human personality, let alone a child’s, so she can actually express her opinion with joy. Kohei did have two routes to choose and he chose the good side. It’s rewarding of its kind and I like it.
Deku did his job, so good for him on that regard. I like how he even got her an apple candy, so she can taste the sweetness. It’s a good end for her and although I don’t know when we will see her again, I wouldn’t mind. She obviously has an ability that can be helpful, so we will most likely see her again. It probably take time since controlling quirk is different than just gaining humanity. Other than that, I enjoyed this.
The other part that I like is the ending for Gentle and La Brava, mainly the former. I once had a feeling that Gentle being the main target for development, let alone sympathetic backstory, would mean something more. He too learned something from his confrontation and probably the only villain that has good morale than being completely evil. Because of his timing and lesson learned, the Gorilla cop, which is comical, let him know that he should be grateful that he is a rare one that actually got something out of it rather than laze around.
I like it because it shows how his character was the main focus in development term, since others kind of just get it on the spot without any action. Jirou’s development gets told about music and off she goes; somewhat undermined later on. Eri is a child, so it’s fine. Gentle gets the shine because he wasn’t a real villain, just a sympathetic guy. It’s no wonder he received it this way. Plus it helps the concept of the Festival bringing a change in a person for the better.
There’s a suggestive tone that maybe Gentle and La Brava will not go to jail or at least sentenced for a long time. Cops were impressed with La Brava’s hacking skill, but she only does it for her darling, Gentle. Maybe having both of them work for them is an ideal, like a service community. If so, that would make the development more reasonable and not just a one-time moment because jail and all. Granted, we will lose the villainy portrayal, but there are other points that can shine their characteristic. I guess we have to wait and see.
The visual is good though pretty simplistic this time around. It is better than sketches no doubt, though the amount of white background is plenty enough to make it feel a bit hollow. It’s kind of ironic if you ask me. The only time it was detailed was the beginning with the play. The character design is simpler like no need for shades or anything, though that’s fine with slice of life being the focus. I hope Kohei is healthy but I am probably overthinking.
This was a nice end chapter for the arc. It covered the last remaining pieces and it ended nicely for certain characters. While I don’t think it rejuvenated my attachment greatly like during the current run of the anime, this was meant to be relaxing. If the next arc is a serious one, I hope the joy of it will come alive like before. With this arc ended, it’s only matter of time to see what’s next.
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ruffsficstuffplace · 7 years
And The AWRD Goes To... (Part 26)
“She okay?” Wei signed as Ruby passed by, a worried expression on his face.
Ruby shrugged, but gave him a reassuring smile before she headed back to the sound-proofed room.
Aqua was still there and idly looking through her scroll, perking up as she Ruby slip back in. “Oh, hey, welcome back!” she said, smiling. It fell slightly as she asked, “Is Weiss okay…?”
“Ah, I’m not really sure,” Ruby said as she closed the door behind her. “She said she wanted to be alone for a while...”
Aqua frowned. “Oh. Alright. Fair enough.”
“So…” Ruby started.
“You want to know how me and Weiss knew each other...?” Aqua asked flatly.
“Actually, I was going to ask you if you had any of these parts that Yang needs for repairing Bumblebee…” Ruby said as she pulled out her scroll. “It’s a total replacement job for a LOT of vital components, like the entire engine.”
Aqua blinked. “Oh. Yeah! Sure, I can help you with that! You looking for any parts specifically, or do you want to give me a budget and a spec range?”
“Little bit of both, actually,” Ruby said as she sat down and projected the list over to Aqua. “Ideally, it’s exact replacements for everything, but she’ll be happy with downgrades, so long as Bumblebee starts running again, period.”
“What did she do to her this time? Spin out of control while she was making a sharp turn going downhill, and sent her sailing off a cliff again?”
“Nah, Bumblebee got shot up with bullets while Yang was making a getaway, and afterwards she boosted her to total failure to lose the people chasing her, Amanda, and Jaune.”
Aqua’s eyebrows rose, the fins on her arms and on the sides of her head flaring up in fear.
“Don’t worry! They weren’t shooting AT Yang or anyone else, she just thought it’d be a good idea to drive through a back-alley gun deal while they were test-firing—you know, make them think twice about following her.”
“… Oh, well, I guess… that’s... not as bad...?” Aqua forced a smile. “… Anyway, let’s go see what we have, and what it might cost you!”
After a good fifteen minutes of banter, bartering, and checking with their suppliers, Aqua gave Ruby a digital list of parts, what they might cost, and how soon they might be able to acquire them. “Wow, any way you paint it, this is going be really expensive, isn’t it?” Ruby said as she looked at the estimated totals.
Aqua chuckled. “We don’t call the shop the ‘Arm And A Leg’ for nothing! It’ll cost just an arm or a leg if you convince her to lower the bar for a ‘downgrade,’ though”
Ruby smiled and shook her head. “I know Yang: it’s at least Orochi, or nothing at all.”
“Oh well, her choice,” Aqua replied. “Anything else you needed today, Ruby?”
“Nope, that was it!” Ruby replied as she stood up. “Thanks, Aqua, I’ll probably be back here in a couple of weeks once Yang finds a new hustle—might be longer, now that Bumblebee’s out of commission, though...”
“You’re welcome, Ruby!” Aqua said, smiling.
Ruby put her hand to the lever doorknob, stopped when Aqua suddenly rolled up to her, and grabbed her other arm. “Wait, Ruby!” she cried. Ruby looked at her, Aqua hesitated for a moment, before she quietly asked, “Can you make sure Weiss is okay…?”
Ruby smiled, and gave her a thumbs up. “I was already going to do that, don’t worry.”
Aqua sighed, and smiled back. “Thank you. I seriously owe you one,” she said as she let go.
“You’re welcome!” Ruby said, before she stepped out out to the shop, and back to the cart. She frowned as she didn’t hear much of anything except deep, slow breaths. “Weiss…?” she called out. “You okay in there?”
“No, not by a long-shot...” Weiss replied, her voice low and hoarse, but at least it sounded like she’d stopped crying.
“You want to head back to Haven now?” Ruby asked.
“No… let’s get your chores over first, I don’t want to be any more of a bother than I’ve already been...”
“I don’t mind, Weiss—I actually really like having you with me while I do my chores,” Ruby said as she climbed back on her bike. “It’s nice to have someone to talk to, and just hanging out with you in general.”
Out of sight, sprawled out on the cart with her head below the level of the sides, Weiss smiled, if only a little.
“You ready to go hit our last stop?” Ruby asked.
“You need some help drinking some water first?” Ruby asked. “You sound like you could really use it.”
“Yes, thank you...” Weiss mumbled.
Ruby climbed into the back with Weiss, put her hand to the water bottle. “Man, real glad we borrowed that umbrella earlier; this’d have probably been undrinkable if it’d been out in the sun,” she said as she cracked open the cap.
“It’s been undrinkable since you were gone...” Weiss grumbled. “Why’d they have to give us such a big bottle without a tap or anything?!”
“Dunno! But just drink up, Weiss, you’ll feel a lot better,” Ruby said as she held up the bottle up for Weiss. “It’s one of the very first things they teach us at self-care class at the Bunker, actually!”
“Heh...” Weiss said as sat up, held her hands over the edge of the cart. “It’s funny… Grandma always did go on and on about the importance of staying hydrated.”
Ruby poured some out onto Weiss hands for her to rinse them off, before she drank the rest or splashed it on her face, soothe the stinging of her eyes. “Enough!” Weiss cried as she pulled her hands away, wiped the excess water off her face. “That’s enough… thanks, Ruby.”
“You’re welcome, Weiss,” Ruby said, before she put the bottle away and climbed back on her bike. “Just tell me if there’s anything else you might need! We could even get a snack again, in case you’re hungry, or just need it to feel better.”
Weiss sighed, and shook her head. “Like I said, let’s just go… you don’t need to fuss over me this much!”
“Do you want me to stop?”
“Till we get back to Haven, please.”
“Okay,” Ruby said as she started pedaling again. “Sorry, it’s just that I did this all the time back at the Bunker.”
“Oh? Did your dad rope you into being his little teacher’s assistant?”
“Nah, I just want to help! Though, coincidentally, he is one of the staff who got opted for extra training for emotional crises. Depressive episodes, anxiety attacks, delusional moments—he’s pretty much handled it all, and so have I, and generally we never needed to elevate to one of the psych nurses.
“Guess it really helped we already knew a lot of those techniques from when we went through our own dark stuff.”
Weiss’ eyes widened; she hesitated, all manner of expressions playing out on her face. “Do you… do you mind if I pry…?” she asked, quietly and carefully.
“Sure! Gotta warn you though, it’s really heavy stuff.”
Weiss sighed. “I’ll be fine, Ruby, it wouldn’t be the first time.”
“Okay! But just speak up when it gets too heavy for you, okay?”
“You want to establish a safeword while we’re at it, for future use?” Weiss joked.
“How about ‘Oatmeal’?” Ruby suggested seriously. “Alongside OJ and whatever was in the greenhouse, it’s what we were guaranteed to have at the Bunker whenever a food delivery happened to be late for whatever reason.”
“Have a thing against oatmeal?” Weiss asked.
Ruby shuddered. “You have no idea.”
“’Oatmeal’ it is, then,” Weiss replied.
“Okay!” Ruby chirped. “So, I guess you could say it all started when my mom died.”
Weiss blinked. “Wow. Straight to the point, huh?”
“Yeeep. She was a huntress, and Dad thought it was just going to be another extended mission, until she never came back; never really found out what happened to her, either.”
“I’m sorry for your loss.”
Ruby shrugged again. “Eh, I was two at the time, didn’t really remember much of anything… Yang said I was really broken up about it, though. If there was one thing for sure, though, it was that after the Lodge sent the official letter saying they’d stopped looking for mom, Dad pretty much just...
“… Shut down.
“He was always the kind, caring, goofy friend, you know? Everyone’s new best friend, brightens up a room just by walking into it, always ready to crack a joke, or offer his shoulder to whoever needed it. Yeah, he was weird, like how he always sent our dog Zwei through the mail whenever he needed someone to take care of him, but it was a good kind of weird.”
“Wait… he sent your dog through the mail…? How is that not animal cruelty? No, wait, scratch that, how did he survive…?”
“Dad unlocked Zwei’s aura a long time ago, and he always makes sure to pack in plenty of dog food plus a can opener, the manual kind, so he never needs to go looking for batteries or a power outlet.”
“… I… see… please, go on.”
“Alright! Anyway, after he got the letter, it was like you’d just flicked the off-switch on everything that made Dad, well... Dad!
“He never got too drunk too many times like Uncle Qrow, never got into drugs, didn’t go disappearing for long times going who knows where, didn’t go bringing strangers back to the house, he was still good to cook food and do chores around the house, just generally kept me and Yang alive, clean, and healthy, but you could tell that his heart just wasn’t in it anymore.
“Didn’t have the words for it then, and it took a while for Dad to admit it himself, but he became depressed; not as bad as it could get, but still not good by a long-shot, either.”
The conversation paused as they reached the line between the commercial districts areas and the industrial areas; traffic officers started to point them away from the more secretive and secure factories, they started riding on the sidewalk as more and more delivery trucks and heavy industrial equipment started taking up all lanes of the street.
“It’s a big part of why we moved from Patch to Mistral, actually!” Ruby continued, raising her voice as the hum and groan of traffic and whirring machinery filled the air. “The doctors said it might be good if he had a change of scenery, started afresh, got away from all the memories. Well, that and he’d have much better, easier access to mental health services and therapy here in Mistral than back in Patch.”
“But why not just move to Vale, or one of the other cities? Too close to home still?”
“Mom, dad, Aunt Raven, and Uncle Qrow all met while they were studying in Beacon. They were in the same team together actually—STRQ—and they’d pretty much been everywhere there was in Vale.”
“Ah. That explains it.”
“Anyway, Uncle Qrow’s and Dad’s benefits from teaching or being an active huntsman technically could have let us move anywhere, but they both decided it might be best if they chose someplace dad was already familiar in.
“Sure, Mistral changes from day to day, but some things about it just always stay the same, and he had plenty of friends who were still here or moved back themselves, and were ready to help, even after all these years; Dad’s the kind of guy that really leaves a lasting impression on you, you see.”
Weiss smiled. “I don’t doubt that.”
Conversation stopped again as Ruby headed down another series of winding paths, to the older, quieter half of the industrial section—saw mills, quarries, factories that still produced hand-crafted weapons made of traditional materials like wood and metal, with a handful of more modern establishments that used the same raw materials.
“Yang and a lot of the adults said it was all the love and support that got him out of his depression, and yeah, it is super important, having a strong support network, but even back then, I knew it also had a lot to do with the pills he had to take on the reg, the visits to the therapists over at the Lodge.
“It was actually why Yang and I started working as couriers—Uncle Qrow’s drinking and getting in trouble sometimes made it… difficult for us to claim family benefits.”
Weiss winced. “That’s unfortunate...”
Ruby shrugged. “It happens. And it’s what we had to do, to help him get better. That’s why dad and me do a lot of things, actually—someone needs help, we can give it, so we do. Doesn’t matter if it was hunting down Grimm and keeping people safe, someone to help haul their groceries in, or get better when they were sick, whether or not you could tell from just a look.
“It’s actually one of the reasons I really liked the Bunker—there was no shame about whatever it was about you, if it was in the DSM, a medical manual, or you just couldn’t fit in with all the other combat schools, we just helped each other out, when we needed help.”
“Well, that’s the end of my story—oh, neat, we’re almost at the paper mill, too!”
“Huh! That’s convenient!” Weiss said, sitting up. “Where is it, anyway?”
“Just past the Bunyan Logging Co. mills!”
Weiss blinked, the blood draining from her face. “… Wait… did you just say Bunyan Logging Co….?” she whispered.
Ruby stopped, slowed down as she looked over her shoulder. “Uh… yeah! Should I have mentioned that earlier…?”
As if on cue, a pickup truck with tinted windows and the logo of the Timber Wolves gang came roaring up a side street, swerving to a stop right in front of them, its tires squealing and leaving feet-long skid marks on the road as it jumped the curb and came onto the sidewalk, Ruby and Weiss bracing themselves as the car almost hit the bike.
It stopped just inches away, the first-rate suspension and brakes jerking the car to a complete stop, but Ruby and Weiss stayed tense as the gangbangers started climbing out of the back, and stepping out from the car, picking up or being given wooden weapons like baseball bats, Arnis sticks, and staves.
They started surrounding them from all sides as the driver stepped out of the car, and Weiss’ worst fears were confirmed.
“Well, well, well… lookit what we have here...” said a muscular teen in a black-brown-white flannel shirt, the stubble on his square jaw well on its way to becoming an impressive beard, a wicked grin of mostly metal on his face as he rhythmically thumped his baseball bat in his palm.
It wasn’t hard for Weiss to notice that he’d shaved the side of his head since she last saw him, so everyone could see the massive, stitched-up scar there.
“What do you want, Woody?” Ruby asked warily. “Last I heard, Yang didn’t have any beef with you.”
“That she doesn’t, Little Red, ‘cause your sister’s smart in that respect, at least…” Woody pointed his baseball bat at Weiss. “Snow White and her Fish Fry ex, on the other hand...” he muttered, his eyes narrowing.
Ruby looked at him, then back at Weiss in confusion and worry. “Weiss…?”
Weiss sighed as she sat up, resting her hands on the edge of the cart as she looked at him. “Woody, just let us pass… I’ve got money, I can pay your ‘toll,’ or whatever it is you want to call it.”
“Oh, I’m not interested in your moolah, Weiss,” Woody growled, Ruby tensing up as he came right beside her, Weiss’ knuckles turning white as his face came level with hers. “You see, there was a reason we went for Aqua in the middle of that rainstorm all those years back…”
The rest of the Timber Wolves began to close in, raising their weapons up threateningly.
“She thought she could get away with fucking with us like that, and we wanted to show that even if you’re literally a fish Faunus surrounded by water, you can’t get away from Saul Bunyan’s crew, use her to send a clear message to everyone else who was thinking they could screw with us.”
Woody grabbed the edge of the cart with his free hand, brought his face right up to Weiss, fire in his eyes and a snarl on his lips. “Your coming to her rescue did the exact opposite of that, and then some.”
“Fuck off, Woody!” Weiss spat, scowling right back.
“And how about I don’t?!” Woody snapped. “The Wolves rep took a BIG hit that day, Weiss, and I’m still struggling to get the respect I used to, back before you gave me this lovely souvenir on my noggin ‘fore you we thought you left the lower levels for good.”
Weiss felt Woody’s hand wrap around the front of her dress; too exhausted, she couldn’t stop him as he pulled her right out of the cart, threw her onto the ground. Weiss gasped as her back hit the pavement, she lay sprawled out on the road.
She opened her eyes, found Woody and the other Wolves surrounding her, so thick she could only catch a glimpse of Aqua running away through the space between their legs, before before they started bringing their bats, sticks, and staves down on her, over, and over, and over again.
“Weiss!” Ruby screamed as she jumped off the bike. “I’m—wha, hey! Let go of me!” she screamed as two more Wolves caught her, held her back as she thrashed and kicked at them.
Crack. Crack. Crack.
The blows came, one after the other, on her head, on her chest, on her arms as she tried to put up her aura and defend herself, pouring down like the rain assaulting all of Mistral, her blood washing away with the thick floodwaters coursing down the streets.
Unseen to them all, a glowing white glyph started to form right by Weiss, spinning violently and radiating brighter and brighter... but not to Aqua, rushing back to the scene with a harried and miserable police officer in tow.
The thugs shielded themselves against what they thought was lightning streaking through the sky, only to find a giant blue-white alpha beowulf standing right beside them. It casually brushed off the remains Ruby’s shattered cart, all the Timber Wolves stopped and stepped away, except for their leader.
Woody raised his bat over Weiss’ head once more, bloodlust and glee in his eyes; he brought it crashing down on her, blinked and looked up when he felt a strong, powerful force suddenly stop it in mid-air.
The alpha calmly pulled it out of Woody’s hands, gripped it itself in one claw, then smashed it sideways into his head, on the side opposite his scar.
The wooden baseball bat rang but remained unscathed, as was the Bunyan Guarantee, Woody’s skull was not quite as durable. As he hit the ground, the water near his head running red, his goons screamed, dropped their weapons, and tried to run…
… But unfortunately for them, the Beowulf was much faster, stronger, and angrier.
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ramajmedia · 5 years
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia: The Best Episode In Every Season, Ranked
Despite its dark sense of humor and unusual cast of characters, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia has managed to find a large enough audience to stay on the air for 13 seasons, and it’s not slowing down any time soon. The show’s strength is that, while it doesn’t have as many viewers as something like The Big Bang Theory, the fans that do watch it really love it.
RELATED: It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia: Every Season Premiere, Ranked
It’s one of the biggest cult hits on the small screen right now, and after a whopping 13 seasons, it still manages to remain fresh. So, here is The Best Episode In Every Season Of It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Ranked.
13 Season 1: “Gun Fever”
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In the season 1 episode “Gun Fever,” the Gang decides to buy a gun after Paddy’s Pub is robbed one too many times. On the whole, the first season of It’s Always Sunny is pretty weak, because the characters hadn’t been ironed out yet and they didn’t have the well-crafted plots that later seasons would incorporate.
However, “Gun Fever” does continually escalate the stakes and have a number of surprising twists. Plus, the ways that Charlie, Mac, and Dennis separately react to having a gun in the bar is hilarious, slowly rounding out each character. “Gun Fever” is a pretty great episode.
12 Season 3: “The Gang Gets Invincible”
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Inspired by the true-to-life sports drama Invincible, the Gang decides to try out for the Philadelphia Eagles. Mac and Dennis drink and smoke all day, expecting professional-level athleticism to come naturally, while Dee dresses as a man to protest the NFL’s gender bias.
Meanwhile, Charlie and Frank tailgate in the parking lot and Charlie accidentally takes a ton of acid that Frank used to spike his beer. Before long, he’s freaking out in an RV bathroom. Every character has something hilarious going on in “The Gang Gets Invincible,” and the episode also introduced Sunny fans to the extended McPoyle clan.
11 Season 8: “The Gang Recycles Their Trash”
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Season 8’s “The Gang Recycles Their Trash” is one of Sunny’s earliest and funniest meta episodes. As the series headed into its eighth season, it fell into all the pitfalls of a show in its eighth year – repeating storylines, bringing back characters that should’ve been left in the past etc. – but it did so while slyly winking to the audience the whole time.
It roughly followed the plot of season 4’s “The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis” and constantly made reference to how familiar it all felt. The Gang was becoming self-aware, and in doing so, discovering the key to long-lasting success.
10 Season 2: “Dennis and Dee Go on Welfare”
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While “Mac Bangs Dennis’ Mom” might have a tighter plot and better character work, “Dennis and Dee Go on Welfare” simply has more hilarious moments, and that makes it the best episode in It’s Always Sunny’s second season.
Every member of the Gang tries to exploit the welfare system – Dennis and Dee by quitting their jobs at Paddy’s and trying to get government benefits, and Mac and Charlie by scheming to get an unpaid worker to clean the bar – and they all end up getting what they deserve. Dennis and Dee get irreversibly hooked on crack (this plot thread continued up to season 8) and Mac and Charlie end up broke and on the run from various pimps.
9 Season 13: “Time’s Up for the Gang”
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Before It’s Always Sunny came along with season 13’s “Time’s Up for the Gang,” it was assumed that the #MeToo movement couldn’t be made funny. Simply due to the climate surrounding the movement, turning it into comedy seemed impossible. But It’s Always Sunny found the right perspective – laughing at the movement’s ability to bring down seedy rich men.
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Frank spent the whole episode sweating so much that he was down to a bathrobe and every other member of the Gang slowly realized they could be accused at some point. The only person who wasn’t worried was Dennis, who has carefully been covering his tracks for years in anticipation of the #MeToo movement.
8 Season 7: “The Gang Goes to the Jersey Shore”
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The best episodes of not just It’s Always Sunny, but sitcoms in general, have both an A-plot and a B-plot that work. But the Sunny episode “The Gang Goes to the Jersey Shore” has an A-plot, a B-plot, and a C-plot that all work.
Dennis and Dee discovering that the Jersey Shore is not the magical paradise they remember it to be, Mac and Frank getting lost at sea with nothing but a rum-soaked ham, and Charlie spending the night with the Waitress while she’s high on ecstasy are all hilarious story threads and they comprise an episode that’s unforgettable.
7 Season 5: “The Gang Wrestles for the Troops”
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The best episodes of It’s Always Sunny are the ones where the Gang tries to put on a show and it goes horribly. In season 5’s hilarious installment “The Gang Wrestles for the Troops,” they put on a wrestling match to entertain America’s veterans.
Meanwhile, Dee has been chatting to a soldier online and looks forward to seeing him in person as he returns from war – until she sees him depart from the bus in a wheelchair. From Frank’s “Trashman” wrestling persona to Dee cutting off the national anthem to Cricket’s terrorist-themed character “the Talibum” winning almost every match, the Gang’s attempts to show their respect to the troops go disastrously.
6 Season 12: “The Gang Goes to a Water Park”
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A strong candidate for the best episode of It’s Always Sunny’s twelfth season is “Hero or Hate Crime?,” the episode in which the Gang argued over who was the rightful owner of a lottery scratcher that ended with Mac finally coming out. However, “The Gang Goes to a Water Park” is more of a classic Sunny episode.
It takes a simplistic premise and gives every character something hilarious to do: Charlie and Frank pretend to have AIDS to jump the lines, Mac and Dee get stuck in a water slide with a bunch of kids, and Dennis trains an apprentice in the art of scamming.
5 Season 6: “Mac and Charlie: White Trash”
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Of all the topics that It’s Always Sunny has tackled in a satirical way, class is the one where they really hit the nail on the head, because it’s a subject that fit the characters like a glove.
Mac and Charlie were raised working-class and remain working-class; Dennis and Dee were raised upper-class and became working-class; and Frank is rich and successful and couldn’t care less about class. Told through the lens of which pool each character is able to get into, “Mac and Charlie: White Trash” is a hilarious study of the class divide and a classic episode of It’s Always Sunny.
4 Season 11: “Mac and Dennis Move to the Suburbs”
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There are many great experimental episodes in season 11 of It’s Always Sunny – from “The Gang Hits the Slopes” to “Being Frank” – but the funniest episode is by far “Mac and Dennis Move to the Suburbs,” simply due to its focus on character.
The relationship shared by Mac and Dennis is the focus here, and the power struggle of their residence in the suburbs reveals the insecurities that mark their friendship. Dennis turns Mac into a stay-at-home spouse, Mac goes stir crazy being stuck in the house on his own, and it escalates into Dennis yelling naked at the neighbor and Mac cooking their pet dog into the mac and cheese.
3 Season 9: “The Gang Tries Desperately to Win an Award”
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It’s crazy that It’s Always Sunny has been on the air for so many years, won so much critical acclaim, and yet never won an Emmy. No one is more confused about this than the writers themselves, clearly, because they made an episode about it.
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What the Gang realizes at the end of the episode is that awards don’t really matter, because there’s a small, but dedicated group of people who love what they do and will keep coming back. The episode works as both a middle finger to snooty awards voters and a pat on the back to the fans that keep watching and enjoying the show.
2 Season 10: “Charlie Work”
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Fans didn’t fully appreciate how much Charlie does to keep Paddy’s Pub afloat until the masterpiece of television that is the season 10 episode “Charlie Work.”
He spends the episode desperately trying to pass a health inspection while the rest of the Gang pull off a ridiculous chicken/steaks/airline miles-related scheme and it’s all shot (or at least edited to look like it was shot) in one continuous long take. Many viewers thought this was an homage to Birdman, because of the long tracking shot and the jazz drums on the soundtracks, but it was actually an homage to True Detective’s first season.
1 Season 4: “The Nightman Cometh”
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The season 4 finale “The Nightman Cometh” is the quintessential episode of It’s Always Sunny. Charlie mounts a musical that turns out to be a front to get the Waitress to marry him (all the best Sunny episodes end with a plot twist) and gives roles to the Gang. Being the cartoonish narcissists that they are, the Gang each make the show about themselves.
Mac wears cat eyes and does terrible karate across the stage in an attempt to get the audience to gasp; Dennis constantly breaks character to tell his co-stars how much better he is at acting than them; Dee improvises her own song to avoid sounding like a child molester; and Frank keeps pronouncing “boy’s soul” as “boy’s hole,” despite being constantly corrected.
NEXT: It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia: Every Season Finale, Ranked
source https://screenrant.com/always-sunny-philadelphia-best-episode-every-season-ranked/
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agitatogrande · 7 years
Random Falsettos Headcanons Because I’m Having Trouble Sleeping
Marvin is, like, ABSURDLY good at video games for someone who didn't grow up with them.
Trina got Mendel a food dehydrator as a wedding gift, and he makes dried fruit all the time. Jason thinks it's gross until he discovers that what his classmates find funny and what happens when you eat dried fruit (farting) are one and the same, and he makes bank selling Mendel's dried fruit after school. Eventually, they set up a booth at a farmer's market.
Whizzer is part of a gay a cappella group called The Music Men. They sing at his funeral after he passes. (Side note: the presence of a tombstone in the end of Falsettos suggests that he didn't have a Jewish burial, since Jewish people tend not to unveil the tombstone until after a certain period of time has passed, generally a month to a year after burial depending on the family, or that it is the aforementioned unveiling and not his funeral)
Jason is really good at ping-pong and regularly kicks the asses of the rest of the TKF. Marvin and Charlotte are decent, Mendel is abysmal, and Trina prefers to cheerlead. Jason refuses to compete against Whizzer because he likes Whizzer too much and doesn't want to beat him, and he's forbidden from playing against his only real competition, Cordelia, because she's super competitive and a real potty-mouth when she's losing.
Mendel and Trina are totally those embarrassing parents who get really into lip-syncing on car rides and it horrifies Jason, but Trina just goes "would you rather we sing?" and Jason just hides.
Marvin is really into magic tricks and keeps trying to get Jason into them, but Jason couldn't give less of a shit.
The dog that they sing about in "Making A Home" is a flatulent terrier mix named Boris, and he gets a happy ending when he goes to live with Trina's parents in the fall of 1981.
Mendel's into really gross food combinations and it bothers the hell out of Trina, but then she gets pregnant and starts craving them and Mendel thinks he has the last laugh, but then after the baby comes, Trina goes right back to thinking the combinations are nasty again.
Jason figures after his bar mitzvah that he's almost too old for trick-or-treating so he decides to make 1981 the last year he does so. Trina doesn't feel like waddling around the Upper West Side (I have the headcanon that she's a few months along by the time Whizzer passes and she has Jason's little sister in early 1982) and Mendel has an awesome costume that he decides at the last minute is too hot (temperature-wise) so Jason trick-or-treats with Charlotte and Cordelia. Charlotte goes as Princess Leia, Cordelia goes as Han Solo, and Jason goes as C3PO.
Trina's really good at making paper airplanes for some reason. She also makes bomb-ass peanut brittle, which she doesn't share with anyone. The only reason anyone else knows it's good is because one time she was halfway through eating her stash when Mendel came home with a bouquet of flowers the size of a small planet, and in the hour it took to arrange the flowers around their apartment, Jason took off with the rest of the peanut brittle.
Whizzer is really good at swatting flies out of mid-air with just his hands. Jason's super-impressed. Marvin's a little impressed and a little grossed out, at least until Whizzer washes his hands.
Because they hadn't met Cordelia yet and their wedding was kind of a rush job, Mendel and Trina did not have a fancy wedding cake. They had a practically inedible one, because that's what you get when you let a literal child make your wedding cake. Mendel's parents ended up feeling bad for Jason and took him out to buy some black-and-white cookies after the ceremony (Trina's parents had to get back to Westchester before the Metro-North stopped running) to give Mendel and Trina some alone time.
Marvin and Whizzer went on a ski trip shortly before the events of "March of The Falsettos" (the show, not the song) took place. Marvin, in a departure from his usual garb, wore very fitted ski gear and Whizzer had a "stupid sexy Flanders" moment.
Cordelia and Charlotte compete in roller derby. Cordelia's derby name is Donut Mess With Me. Charlotte's is I Don't DuBois (her last name is pronounced doo-BWA, but for the sake of her derby name, she pronounces it doo-BOYS). Trina came up with both those puns and she is very proud of herself. She attends all their home bouts.
Jason's best friend in school is that weird kid who eats his own boogers because he claims it builds immunity.
Mendel, Trina and Charlotte are the first to completely demolish the bread basket at any restaurant. Mendel keeps a detailed record of every bread option at every restaurant that offers it, and Trina appreciates his wisdom and input but wishes he didn't get so much joy out of saying "a full-bodied crusty loaf."
Whizzer kept in touch with Jason after the break-up and would routinely pull him out of school at lunch time to take him to diners. He would always order sodas with lemon, then separate the fruit from the rind and put the rind in his mouth to make it look like he had yellow teeth.
Trina takes Jason to the Bronx Zoo by herself because there is a peacock there that is infatuated with Mendel and keeps trying to peck him in the ass every time they try to go as a family. Mendel's parents got Jason a video camera as a bar mitzvah gift and Jason videotaped one of the peacock encounters and had one of his A/V nerd friends add the Benny Hill theme music to the video in post-production.
Cordelia once had a near-breakdown over an attempt to "class up" a corndog for an event.
Trina is straight-up OBSESSED with "A Chorus Line" and has memorized all the lyrics to every song, plus the dance break in "Music and the Mirror." She can do it, but not well.
The meanest thing anyone's ever said to Mendel was that he was too white to go on Soul Train. Ironically, it was said without intentional malice by Whizzer, who not only was "whiter" than Mendel, but went on to appear on Soul Train himself between the time he and Marvin ended their relationship and the time they got back together. Jason has a video tape of that episode (he didn't record it himself, he wrote a letter to the producers and they mailed him one) and Mendel has long-forgiven Whizzer but he still refuses to watch the episode.
Charlotte was totally that kid that ate bugs on a dare, but she was also that kid who buried herself in books so she knew which bugs would be safe to eat.
Twenty years after the events of Falsettos take place, Mendel and Trina basically morphed into Roger and Virginia Klarvin from SNL (the middle-aged TMI couple played by Will Ferrell and Rachel Dratch).
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lolbtsaus · 7 years
First Day of School (Taehyung)
And now it is time for the second half of the Daegu line, the second half of Vmin, the love of my life who is shining so hard with this comeback and it’s making me so happy, he’s the center during the chorus for Not Today, he’s got lines in both of the songs, his whole headband look is some good shiT, I loved this comeback, Kim Taehyung aka V aka tae tae
All of the father related posts are here
For everyone that hasn’t read the original father!Taehyung post, he has four bbys, in order of age it’s his son, twin daughters and then another son
To avoid repetition and so this post doesn’t get too long, I will be lumping some of the things together since they’d be pretty similar anyways, like dropping them off at school, spending mornings together etc.
The bby Kims (aka the ducklings or bby bears) all look like teeny tiny Taes, bby #4 looks the most like him but they all have the same square smile, the bright eyes, the super kissable cheeks and they’re so bubbly and cuddly and cu te
They’re all su p e r excited for school bc they’re social lil bubs and they love the idea of going to school and learning and making new friends and just having lots of fun
But then they realize Tae doesn’t get to come and that’s just not fun at all, they’re s o attached to him he’s the person they run to whenever they’re excited, scared, sad, mad, happy, tired any emotions whatsoever, he’s their “bestest friend in the entire world”
They don’t even like it when he goes to the store without at least offering to take them, they have zero clue how they’re supposed to handle a school day without him there
Bby #3 gets especially upset bc she’s always been glued to his side and  she’s just a total daddy’s girl who doesn’t like being apart from him bc she loves him so so much and she loves sitting with him and cuddling and she’s always the first to wake him up and the last to say goodnight
Thankfully she has her twin to help her out so she’s not alone, plus bby boy #1 will be in a classroom not too far from hers so she can run to him for a hug as well
All of them take a second to get excited again and it only happens when Tae promises that it really isn’t as bad as it sounds, it’s just like when he has to go to a concert or they go to a friend’s house
Mornings with the Kim are always really sweet
All of the bbys l o v e their cuddles and it’s the first thing they do in the morning, they climb into your bed and just make themselves comfy, even though sometimes you and tae wake up to hands in your face, feet digging into your side and an elbow too close to your eye for comfort
Tae’s definitely accidentally elbowed himself with one of their elbows bc he won’t even have his eyes open yet and he goes to get into a comfier position bc something (bby #2′s hand) is squished against his cheek and he ends up bumping into bby #1′s elbow and nearly gives himself a black eye
He always finds the angles they get into so funny bc one of them’s face down on the back and their head is nearly hanging off the bed and he doesn’t understand how that can be comfy but they’re content so whatever works
They all pile onto him to give him his morning hugs and kisses and then they do the same for you bc everyone needs their kiss and if somehow, someone gets left out accidentally, they’re gonna be really really sad and pouty
They all wanna be carried down the stairs so you and Tae have to carry two each bc no one wants to be left plus leaving a bby alone downstairs/upstairs is not the best idea
Everyone loves helping with breakfast but having six people plus a dog in one kitchen is not the easiest way to cook something, especially when four of those people are trying to hug your legs so television is a great way to keep them entertained
Tae sits them at the table and sets up his laptop so that it plays Between the Lions bc that’s their favorite show ever to exist and then you and him make breakfast together and it’s a good opportunity to fully wake up, maybe drink some coffee or some tea
They all wanna help make it but you and Tae come up with the idea that they help make dinner instead, that way everyone’s wide awake, no one’s got a totally empty stomach and there’s more time to make it
On the first day, they’re all s o excited and they’re bouncing in their seats and squealing and they keep talking to the both of you and not really paying attention to the show bc they’re too excited to sit still and focus on one thing
Tae’s getting hyped up too bc they’re !! which makes them even more hyped up which just gets him more pumped and it’s an endless cycle until someone’s screaming out of excitement
Their first outfits are su pe r cute bc they have similar styles but then each one has their own twist, they all get to pick their own outfits of course but if they want help, Tae’s more than happy to give them some ideas
Bby boy #1′s first outfit is a gray shirt with a pineapple on it with some black comfy pants, they’re not too baggy but they’re not tight bc all of the Kim bbys love to run and play so they can’t have anything too restricting, he also has on some black and white sneakers and a black jacket and a necklace with “Kim” on it
Tae combs his hair back and makes sure his bangs aren’t gonna be getting into his eyes or anything like that and he combs everything out so his hair isn’t tangled and messy from being asleep
Bby #2′s first outfit is a long white shirt with lil frills at the bottom and a and some black leggings and some black flats with a white flower on it and her coat is more beige and then the “Kim” necklace bc all of the bbys have it
She wants her hair to be in a half up half down type of style so Tae gives her what she wants and ties half of her hair up and it looks really adorable
Bby #3′s first outfit is a white dress with a purple floral pattern, some black tights underneath it and her jacket of choice is a black hoodie bc it’s comfy and warm and she wears black flats and of course the necklace
She wants a ponytail so Tae braids her bangs back so they for sure won’t fall out of the ponytail and ties it all back for her and she also get a flower clip in her hair
Bby #4′s first outfit is an Dinosaur Train t-shirt with some black jeans and his coat is also beige and it matches bby #2′s, his shoes are sneakers and he’s of course rocking the necklace
He gets a beanie bc he just likes beanies they’re warm and comfy and soft and it keeps his hair out of his face
Bby #1 has a Phineas and Ferb lunchbox and a Spongebob backpack, bby #2 has a Scooby Doo lunchbox and a Rugrats backpack, bby #3 has a Powerpuff Girls backpack and a Sesame Street lunchbox, bby #4 has a Batman backpack and a Curious George lunchbox
Tae is so torn about what to feel about their first day bc he’s so beyond proud and happy that they’re finally starting their school lives and that they’re gonna learn so much and make so  many friends but then there’s also the side of him that just wants to turn the car around and drive back home and wait another year bc he just wants to cuddle his bbys they don’t gotta grow up yet they can stay small
He’s gotta hold back some tears on the drive but once he sees their classroom, they’re gathering up in his eyes and he’s gotta blink them back bc the bbys don’t like it when he cries and he knows they’ll get upset and start crying if he cries and he doesn’t wanna ruin their day for them
He gives them h u g e hugs that last for a few minutes and with the twins, he hugs them individually and then all together and he’s definitely stalling big time bc he keeps asking them if they have things he knows they do like their lunchboxes, their jackets, their necklaces
They can tell something’s wrong and Tae can see their eyes start to get teary bc they know he’s upset and he isn’t fooling them at all so he has to quickly cheer them up by tickling them and giving them lots of kisses bc if they cry, he’s sure as hell gonna start bawling he can’t help it
“I’ll miss you but you’re gonna have so much fun!!”
“I’m gonna miss you too daddy!! But we’ll see each other soon, right?? It’s only a few hours! Like a really long movie”
“That’s right bub, it’s just a long movie”
Hearing their giggles and seeing their eyes light up when they see the cousins (the boys’ kids) makes him feel so much better and he gives them one last hug before walking them into their class
“We did good Tae, they’ll do fine”
“Do you think they’ll forget about me”
“Pretty sure spending every day of their lives with them is gonna outweigh a few hours of being apart so no, they’re not gonna forget you”
“Let’s have another”
“Oh my g o d” 
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