#plus relationship headcanons
pxncakepup · 1 year
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Stars align stuff because I’m trying to use tumblr more!!
I have so many stars align thoughts…
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gemini-sensei · 3 months
Poly!Daniel and Amanda LaRusso>>>>>EVERYTHING ELSE!
I beg and plead for them to have a pretty pink bimbo sugar baby who's a little older than Sam (legal age ofc). Like, they treat her so well and would drop everything for her (after their kids yk?). Anyway, maybe just like reader bonding with the kids or helps Sam/Anthony wit love problems and it's like super fluffy? ILYYYYYY💋
Omg I've missed writing poly Daniel and Amanda but I haven't had any ideas for them 😭😭😭 and I LOVE this 💗
When Sam meets Reader for the first time, she's a little iffy about her. If she's 16, Reader is 22-23. She's asking herself how her parents could have a girlfriend just a few years older than herself. However, when she sits with Teader and Anthony, just hanging out at home, she warms up to her because she's bubbly and sweet. She might have been worried about whether or not she was just with her parents for money until she sees her dad walk in and give Reader a credit card to go spend some time at the mall with Sam, telling them that they can get whatever they want.
Sam loves shopping with Reader because she lets her buys a few things her parents wouldn't let her get otherwise. Nothing too scandalous or anything like that, but maybe a blouse with an open back or some underwear that makes her feel nice just for herself. Reader picks out cute outfits for her that she thinks Sam will look amazing in. And then when Sam is in the fitting room, Reader is picking out lingere.. she's a bimbo but she won't pick out those sorts of things in front of Sam knowing damn well she's gonna wear it tonight with Danny and Mandy.
When Reader and Sam are driving down the road and get a flat tire, she calls Daniel because neither of them know how to change it. They're both princesses who haven't had to do much for themselves, especially changing a flat tire on the side of the road. Daniel leaves work to go change the tire himself. It would be easy for him to get one of his auto guys out there, but no no no not when it comes to Reader and Sam. Now way.
When Anthony has a little crush, Reader knows. She sits with him and brings it up almost immediately, making him flustered. He tries to avoid the conversation by changing the subject but Reader doesn't let him. She gives him tips and advice on how to ask out his crush. He sits quietly trying to a t like he doesn't need this information when really he's all ears. It's really sweet.
However, Sam and Anthony - mostly Anthony- are the kind of kids that don't wanna see their parents kiss or love on their young gf/sugar baby lol. Anthony obviously gags with disgust and tells them to at least wait until he and Sam left for school.
(I've only seen clips of Ginny and Georgia on tiktok so don't ask me about it) But you know that scene in G&G where Ginny's friends see Georgia from afar and think she's hot? That happens to Sam when Reader comes to pick her up from school for a girls' day. Sam is a little embarrassed when she hears her friends say something about how hot her parents' pink-clad girlfriend is as she's waving at them. Hawk and Moon are probably the friends making comments about Reader tbh. Sam rolls her eyes and tells them they'd only have a chance if they were 20 years older before walking over to Reader to go shopping for shoes.
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steviesbicrisis · 2 years
No matter what they do, Steve is always mistaken for a straight guy.
Eddie doesn’t mind, he was the first one to assume Steve was straight before he had taken Eddie by his shoulders and kissed him until he had proven his convictions wrong.
He will admit it’s a little annoying when they’re out on a date and there’s the occasional waitress interrupting them to give Steve her number or the random dude who calls him “the Hawkins ladykiller”.
For sure, Eddie doesn’t mind as much as Steve does.
Whenever something like that happens, he gets stiff, then gloomy, then looks at Eddie with big sad eyes -Eddie is so weak for that look- and finally gets as close to him as he possibly can, wrapping both of his arms around his, resting his head on his shoulder, pressing on his side… yeah, Eddie doesn’t really mind that Steve gets mistaken for a straight guy one too many times, especially when they can pretty much cuddle in public and there will be still people who think they’re doing it in a totally platonic way.
Eddie understand how much Steve hates to be mistaken as his straight friend only when they go out to a gay club for the first time.
They were both exited to go out and have fun in a gay friendly environment, but not being fully used to it they were still leaving some space between them as they got in.
They were in line for drinks when some guy had approached Eddie, completely ignoring Steve’s existence.
«Sorry dude, I’m taken» Eddie had told him, pointing at a very pissed Steve glaring at him over his boyfriend’s shoulder.
When this happened with two other guys, Steve had enough.
«are you fucking serious? I’m sitting right here!» Steve explodes at the third guy of the night.
«Oh sorry dude, I thought you were just a supportive friend» to give him credit, he looks mortified as he walks away from them.
Eddie recognizes all the signs, except that Steve seems stuck in his gloomy/sad face stage, so he decides to initiate the touchy one himself by pressing all of his body to Steve’s side and wrapping him in his arms.
«Are you jealous, pretty boy?» Eddie teases him, not thinking Steve actually is. He has to reconsider when Steve’s faces gets redder and doesn’t reply.
«what are you jealous of?» Eddie asks, a little incredulous.
«you, of course!» he responds, quickly. He has some afterthought that makes him pout, look down at his feet and kick some abandoned plastic cup on the floor «like, I’m right here, we’re together, we’re in a gay bar and people still think I can’t possibly be your boyfriend? I’m right here! What am I then? Chopped liver?»
Eddie doesn’t know if Steve would’ve admitted all of it without a little amount of alcohol in his body but he’s glad he did.
«Then,» Eddie licks his lips «how about you show them that I’m very much taken and that you’re my boyfriend?»
Eddie doesn’t remember much else from the night, but while he’s making out with Steve, caged against the wall, no one comes to question their relationship.
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Steddie Upside-Down AU Part 60
Part 1 Part 59
The party is already in full swing by the time they pull up. Drunk high schoolers out on the lawn wearing more thought-out costumes than he and Eddie had managed. Their plans before Nancy accosted them in the hallway involved a pizza and a couple tapes from Family Video that Eddie swears he has to see.
It'd been Eddie’s idea; he’d shrugged on one of Steve’s preppy polos – his words, not Steve’s – and one of his acid-wash jeans, and pristine white sneakers, and called it good. Steve had gone along with the concept for lack of a better idea. He’d chosen his favorite Metallica shirt (the one with the hole in the armpit), a pair of Eddie’s black jeans, and Eddie's leather jacket. Eddie had grabbed his battle vest, pushing Steve's arms through it like he was a small child. It’d still been warm from Eddie’s own back.
To finish the look, Eddie had slid each ring off his fingers, matching them perfectly with their usual placements on his own hands. There was something about the way Eddie's hands felt, sliding up the vulnerable sides of Steve's fingers that made him shiver, goosebumps breaking out along his arms.
Eddie's hands had looked bare, almost risqué in their nakedness. Even now, while being packed in at all sides, Steve can't help looking down at them. He wants to push Eddie's hands into his jean pockets, hide the vulnerability of it from everyone else. He doesn't.
Almost the instant they walk through the door, Hargrove shouts, “King Bitch!” holding up his drink, as if to toast Steve’s arrival.
Tommy’s at his side, laughing like no one had ever said anything that funny in his life. Eddie’s fingers tighten around his wrist as he pulls him along.
Barbara and Nancy are hovering around the punch bowl, laughing. Nancy takes a sip of something that looks disturbingly red from her red plastic cup, and Barbara, while empty-handed, looks far happier than she had at Steve’s party all those months ago.
"Looks like they didn't need us at all!" Eddie calls loudly over the music.
Eddie’s bare fingers sneak under his sleeve to caress the skin of his inner wrist. Steve clenches his fist, relaxes it, wonders if Eddie can feel the flexing of his tendons beneath his palm.
“You came!” Nancy calls, handing her drink off to Barbara with a roll of her eyes, as she throws herself at both of them, wrapping an arm around each of their shoulders and pulling them into her smaller frame. She looks down at the pair of them, brow furrowed. “What are you two even wearing?”
The angle hurts his back, even more so when he turns his head to raise an eyebrow at Eddie, who’s already doing the same. “Well, you see,” Eddie says, trying to eel out of her arms with little to no success. “I’m dressed as the king, and Steve’s my noble jester, of course!”
Nancy opens her mouth, looking up at him with a bitchy expression, but Steve interrupts her, “I said we would.” He says it loud enough to be heard over the thrumming music.
“Are you drunk?” Eddie asks, looking at Nancy with befuddlement. Steve can’t blame him. Nancy’s behavior toward him can usually be called catty at best. Not that Eddie doesn’t usually give as good as he gets, but it’s still bizarre to see Nancy’s arm wrapped so familiarly around him.
“No!” Nancy yells, at the same time Barbara says, “yes,” with an exasperated sigh.
“I only had two drinks. When she pulls out of the embrace, she’s already pouting. “I only had two drinks.
Steve holds his hand out toward Barbara, who hands over Nancy’s drink, even as the other girl complains. Steve takes a tentative sip, curious. It goes down like battery acid. It makes him lightheaded and queasy instantaneously. Probably just from the fumes.
“What the fuck is that?” he asks, sputtering. He rubs his tongue with his fingers, hoping to scrub the remnants of that taste off his tongue for good. Eddie’s hand, where it’s still wrapped around his wrist, nudges against his chin.
“It’s pure fuel,” Barbara replies, laughter audible in her tone, even as Nancy nods enthusiastically.
Steve, still grimacing at the lingering taste, drops his hand, rubbing his saliva off on his borrowed pants. “That’s rancid.”
“This is what the Kingdom has fallen to without their King,” Eddie says with a sigh. For some reason, his cheeks are pink, like he’d been the one drinking that garbage.
Steve shrugs, “Carol always used to mix the drinks.”
“Of course, she did,” Eddie says, rolling his eyes.
Barb nods in agreement, but Steve had made the mistake of handing Nancy back her drink, so she was immediately long-sufferingly trying to corral her friend to stop drinking.
Steve flows into the groove of partying quickly. He fades into the music, smiles at his friends, lets the waves flow over him. He’s happy, with Eddie by his side, and friends coming in and out of view.
Enter: Jonathan Byers.
Steve’s breathing picks up, and suddenly the pack of bodies is suffocating. He can feel sweat slick his forehead, and his vision goes a little fuzzy along the edges. He pushes past bodies with no regard, ignoring the startled complaints that follow in his wake.
Steve grabs the lapel of Jonathan’s shirt in both fists, like a kid afraid of losing his Mom in the store. And he is; he’s afraid.
“Where’s Will?” he asks, pulling Jonathan’s t-shirt, stretching out the collar around his neck.
Jonathan’s eyes widen. He reaches out, covering Steve’s hands on his shirt and squeezing. “He’s fine,” Jonathan says. “He’s trick-or-treating with his friends.” There are spots in Steve’s eyes. “Breath, dude.”
Steve inhales, ragged and aching. “You didn’t go with them?”
Before Jonathan can answer, Eddie is there, big palms on Steve’s shoulder, squeezing. He leans forward, whispers in Steve’s ear. “Let’s go outside, sweetheart.”
Steve nods, letting Eddie lead him past the throng of partygoers, pulling Jonathan along as well by the hem of his shirt, still clutched in one of Steve’s fists hard enough to hurt.
They emerge out on Tina’s back porch. It’s dark, but the fresh air hits Steve and his lungs finally expand.
“Jonathan?” Steve asks, wheezy and breathless.
Jonathan meets his eyes, quickly pulling something out of his pocket. When Steve looks down, it’s a walkie-talkie, the same kind the party is so fond of using.
“He begged me to go with his friends,” Jonathan says, talking fast like he’s afraid Steve will punch him if he doesn’t get the words out quickly enough. Or pass out on him. “I told him he’d have to radio in every half hour, on the dot, or I’d call Hop.”
Steve breaths in, breaths out, feels Eddie’s hand steadying the small of his back. “And he has been?” Steve asks.
Jonathan nods, slow, like any sudden movements will spook Steve.
“Well, then!” Eddie says, massaging Steve’s shoulders quick and dirty a few times until Steve melts into his hands. Steve’s bereft when he drops his hands to join their impromptu circle. Eddie digs around in Steve’s pocket, pulling out a pristine joint with a quirked brow. “I think some of us could maybe chill the fuck out right about now.”
Steve rolls his eyes when Eddie looks pointedly his way, but dutifully swipes the joint from Eddie’s hand. He slides it in his mouth, feels it stick to the inside of his lip as he leans forward for Eddie to light it.
The first hit sends him coughing. Jonathan claps his back companionably as he passes the joint to him. Jonathan, suspiciously, doesn’t cough at all. Neither does Eddie, but that’s to be expected.
A few more rounds of puff puff pass, and Steve’s so relaxed he flows onto the ground. Eddie laughs, passes the joint to Jonathan, and plops down beside Steve, patting his thigh.
Eddie’s smiling down at him in a way that makes Steve’s stomach populate with butterflies by the handful. He looks teasing, like he’s thinking of the best thing to say. Steve suddenly knows he’s going to speak and then he does. “Are you alright down there, princess?” he asks. “All calmed down?”
He swallows his desert-dry mouth and hopes his voice comes out clear. God forbid he fucks up so badly Eddie invites Jonathan to warm his bed instead. “Yeah,” he says, throat cracking around the word. In a bid to redeem himself, Steve clears his throat, swirling his spit around to help rehydrate. “I can see the future?” he says, voice lilting upward at the end like it’s a question.
Eddie leans forward, hand patting Steve’s cheek gently. It feels nice. Steve leans into the touch. “Are you serious?” he asks. “Is this another superpower thing?”
Steve wobbles one of his hands together in a wishy-washy gesture that his brain gets caught in. It feels nice, the stagnant night’s air smacking against his palm so he does it faster, smiling.
“He’s just high,” Jonathan says, turning just enough that Steve can see the bottom of his chin. He looks weird from down below. Gargantuan.
Eddie flops gracelessly beside him, burrowing the back of his head into Steve’s ribs. “Damn, so you can’t see the future?” he asks, whining. “We could use another Supergirl.”
Steve’s too busy watching Jonathan to argue over not knowing any supergirls again. Jonathan’s leaning against the railing, and Steve knows, suddenly, that he’s going to take another drag from the dwindling remnants of the joint. And then he does.
“I can see three seconds into the future,” he says wonderingly, still smiling.
Eddie burrows his head harder into Steve’s ribs until Steve brings his hand up to pet clumsily through his hair. “Ugh, you got my hopes up.”
“I’m a supergirl.”
Jonathan and Eddie are laughing at him, but Steve’s looking up at the shitty overhang above Tina’s wonderous porch and wishing it was gone. He wants to see the sky, the stars splashing out above him. He wants to pluck them from the sky and put them, still flaming, into Eddie’s hair.
He wants.
Something answers his wishes. The overhang is gone, rotted away from above him so the white specks can rain down on his face. He holds up his hand, hoping it’ll be cold enough for snow. Even with the red sky, even with Eddie gone from beside him, Steve hopes.
But when he brings it down to his eyes, the stuff smears along his palm, just like ash. Maybe he can’t see into the future. He would’ve seen this.
He would’ve predicted the way the shadows stripe themselves across his face, blotting out all the red in the worst way possible. He would’ve predicted the way that thing seems to move without moving at all.
He didn’t.
Steve sobs, just once. And then, Steve does what he does best: he runs.
Part 61
Taglist: @deany-baby @estrellami-1 @altocumulustranslucidus @evillittleguy @carlprocastinator1000 @1-8oo-wtfbro @hallucinatedjosten @goodolefashionedloverboi @newtstabber @lunabyrd @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @manda-panda-monium @disrespectedgoatman @finntheehumaneater @ive-been-bamboozled @harringrieve @grimmfitzz @is-emily-real @dontstealmycake @angeldreamsoffanfic @a-couchpotato @5ammi90 @mac-attack19 @genderless-spoon @kas-eddie-munson @louismeds @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @pansexuality-activated @ellietheasexylibrarian @nebulainajar @mightbeasleep @neonfruitbowl @beth--b @silenzioperso @best-selling-show @v3lv3tf0x @bookworm0690 @paintsplatteredandimperfect
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veinsfullofstars · 7 months
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“I. Am going. To kill that rat.” “What was that, Boss?” “I said, BACK TO YOUR POSTS NOW!” “Y-Y-Yes, sir, right away, sir!”
(ID: Kirby series fanart comic, Kintsugi AU, four borderless panels featuring Dark Meta Knight, Mirror Axe Knight, and Mirror Mace Knight, in which the latter two comment on their leader’s interesting new battle scars, much to his restrained dismay. Transcript below the cut. END ID.)
Good thing his minions aren’t the brightest bulbs in the bunch - otherwise they’d’ve found out about all the friendly hugs he’s been getting in his off-time.
(… this isn’t too much, is it? Stars, I hope not. I tried to keep it vague enough that it doesn’t have to mean anything spicy. Maybe it was just a very competitive game of tag. Or maybe DMK couldn’t quite reach an itch between his wings and Daroach got a bit overenthusiastic trying to help. Basically anything that could ruin his “big scary cool toughguy” reputation. As long as DMK is too embarrassed to admit to it in front of his crew, they’re all viable options, haha.)
Started 12/25/23, finished 12/28/23, updated 01/04/24. NOTE: This was originally posted on my deleted account on 01/04/24.
Panel 1
*DMK walking forward towards our left, M!Axe and M!Mace passing by in the opposite direction, M!Axe waves cheerily to DMK, who glances at them over his shoulder*
M!Axe: Oh, Boss, there you are! Hey, how was the fight? Didja win?
DMK: Hm? What’re you talking about?
Panel 2
*reverse shot of DMK, still glancing over his shoulder, several pink scratch lines can be seen on his back and the base of his wings, each in sets of three*
M!Mace: Got some new scratches on your back, Boss. Nasty ones, too, by the look of it.
M!Axe: (laughing, impressed) Ha! Musta been one heck of a scrap to leave marks like that! I’d hate to see what happened to the other guy, haha!
Panel 3
*front shot of DMK, his eyes shrunk to dots in realization, as a thought bubble hovers over his head - a simple headshot of Daroach, grinning roguishly beneath the shadow of his hat, showing off his claws as they glint sharply*
Panel 4
*front shot of DMK, sweating and glaring fixedly off to the side, eyes still shrunk, a vivid blush inside his visor, while M!Axe and M!Mace stand where they were before behind him, heads tilted in innocent confusion*
DMK: (strained) … … … Yes. … … A fight. … That’s what happened.
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I don't really go here, but all the members in The Amazing Digital Circus are in a polyamorous relationship methinks
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marimeeko · 7 days
Random headcanon of mine (context, I am a multishipper and did like KiriBaku in the early seasons;it has since obvs taken a back seat for bkdk):
Katsuki and Kirishima dated for a short time....if you want to call it dating. (They're both young, and it's their first situationship, not to mention they're both figuring out where they might stand on the queer spectrum. They obvs don't date deeply or for long, only kiss maybe once or twice. If that's even something Katsuki would want in an early relationship at age 15, troubled as he is.)
It's in that Era of the first movie, OF COURSE. LOL.
Obviously, though, their school work starts to take first priority for both of them as well as the LOV targeting them all the time, not to mention whatever Katsuki starts to have going on with Izuku.
They remain friends but naturally fall out of "dating". They're both ok with it.
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lymooniee · 8 months
The Metamy ship to me is a queerplatonic relationship between a lesbian and someone who's non-binary. Thank you very much. Nothing can change my mind about my hc
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steamanband · 18 days
Zato is nowhere near the worst person in guilty gear so I don't know why him specifically gets so much hate 😭‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ LIKE. MAYBE ITS BC IM SO CHARACTER BRAINED BUT LIKE I don't think I can say I hate any character at all. When a character is incredibly shitty I'm like oh waow they're written like that on purpose that is so cool... what a good character
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luciddaydreamingworlds · 11 months
Handy would obviously have scars like any other handyman. Calloused hands from the hard work, bandages on his fingers and hands from splinters or accidentally hammering his hands. Maybe some small burns from all the experiments and inventions he's created.
I also headcanon that he's ambidextrous, especially since the hand he holds his hammers with changes whenever needed. But he mostly uses his right hand, since that's still the hand holding his hammer in most drawings and shots of his character.
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gemini-sensei · 2 years
Poly!Robby Keene x. Chubby!Reader x Tory Nichols NSFW Headcanons
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Tory loves eating pussy, that's something she won't keep a secret. She taught Robby how to eat their gf's pussy because he was a bit lousy at it in the beginning of their relationship. Made sure he could take care of their girl's needs whenever she might be away.
Sex can happen without all three of them present, but they much prefer when all three of them can be intimate together. Tory especially wants this.
Tory not-so-secretly wants to be suffocated by their gf's thighs. If their gf is worried about sitting on her face at any point, she is the first to reassure her that everything will be okay. When she finally eased down onto her face, Tory wraps her arms around her thick thighs and pulls her closer, not holding back and darting her tongue into her folds. Sometimes they 69 while Robby watches and jerks himself off.
Their gf will also get Tory ready for Robby while she gets her pussy ate out. She uses her tongue to play with Tory's clit while thrusting two fingers in her pussy. Tory moans so much, especially since she gets edged and doesn't get to come until Robby fucks her. She spreads Tory open for Robby, which he loves to see.
He plays with her tits while roughly fucking Tory. He squeezes them and watches as they spill from between his fingers. He'll suck on them and make her squirm while Tory eats her out.
When Tory comes, Robby holds their gf's hips down so all she's moaning into and breathing is pussy. He knows she likes it, but doesn't do it for too long and pulls their gf off of her when she needs to breath air. By that point she's definitely come, too, and her pussy is dripping, Tory's face is soaked, and he's already crumbling.
Tory and Robby low-key share a breeding kink, but they'll never admit to it. Tory loves watching Robby fuck their gf, but especially loves helping; she guides her hips into Robby's thrusts, she tells them how good they're doing and how hot they look. When Robby comes, she squeezes his balls and tells him not to hold back. And Robby never argues back, probably because he comes so hard.
Robby whines when he comes in raw pussy. His grip on their gf's hips gets so tight and he presses himself into her and he just fucking whines. "Take it. Take all of it- fuck!"
Tory loves saying shit like "I bet you like it when he fills you up, don't you, baby?" and "Look at what you did to her, Rob. You made quite a big mess."
Of which she loves scissoring their gf after she's gotten a nice creampie and making that mess even messier. She can't help it. She also just loves how sticky his cum is and wants to have a little fun with it between them.
Low-key, Robby loves making both of his girlfriends into messes. He loves fucking them until they're too tired to do much else but lay there afterwards. After getting choked with the pussy she loves so much, Tory's red in the face and gasping for every breath; their gf is not gonna be walking for at least a day after him and Tory are done with her.
Because of this, he takes care of all the aftercare. Cleanup, baths, snacks, he's going to handle all of it. He really likes to do it too, just knowing he can take care of them - in both pleasure and the aftermath - gives him a little sense of pride. He also wants to make sure they're both okay after, especially if he was rough with one or both of them.
He's a big cuddler after sex and wants both of his girls close. Tory will never admit it out loud, but she is a cuddler too. He's the big spoon despite giving little spoon energy. Tory loves having their gf lay on top of her when cuddling because it gives her a sense of security; she also gets to play with her hair. Robby usually holds them both and they all fall asleep like that.
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the-solar-system52 · 7 months
Vanessa and DCA once again got left out of promotional material so now I'm just picturing them as the friends that watch movies and eat a ridiculous amount of chocolate on February 14th because neither of them got a valentine
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thedarkrose17 · 16 days
I've not really been feeling 100% today so I've been thinking about Prom and Noct a lot
Mostly thinking about times they've just leaned against each other when sat together, when one's having a rough day and just leans against the other as they just sit there in a comfortable silence either watching tv or one of them gaming
How they just slot perfectly against each other
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warriorcatsunveiled · 10 months
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Firestar, my beloved~~
Okay, here are some pics that never made the final cut for any posts but I still liked for various reasons. So, in order:
How I often imagine a young Firepaw looked like (if we headcanon him as an abyssinian )
Just a cool photo that better supports that whole "Fire alone shall save the clan" thing
An older and more jaded, but still cool fourth-cat-i-am-forever-a-part-of-prophecies-Firestar
More of a personal daydream where Fireheart bitch-slaps Spottedleaf for basically not letting him live in peace with Sandstorm
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soulless-bex · 1 year
peridot and lapis are platonic partners and i will take no criticism
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sharpsuite · 5 months
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Chishiya, to no one's great shock if they know him even a bit, has never genuinely pursued a romantic relationship despite the interest expressed by other people. He has used people's feelings towards him to manipulate them into favors or doing certain things for him. He knows that he's just playing with their emotions and giving them false hope. It just doesn't matter to him. ( He's not proud of that per se, merely observes it as a fact.) His work offers a convenience in people understanding that he's often quite busy and that it isn't ideal.
A romantic relationship is neither something positive or negative in his eyes. Chishiya would be intrigued by it should he cross paths with someone who is able to make him FEEL something other than empty. He could admit a curiosity to it. But it's more likely to happen with someone who can understand him in a way most people don't; how his emotions are dulled and he lacks the ability to understand the value of life. WHICH opens a whole other can of worms for if a romantic relationship were to develop. There's also the fact he is SELFISH and that needs to be understood. Especially in the Borderlands, he is selfish and that's a fact that continues to be prevalent and we should all be well aware of considering the parallels drawn between him and other characters. Even after everything, Chishiya still STRUGGLES to change despite how easily he adapts at surface level - the emptiness still lurks.
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