#the smurfs headcanon
One of my Smurfs headcanons is that Jokey is genuinely a great gift-giver... When he's not pranking everyone. There's multiple moments in media that shows Jokey giving gifts that don't explode to people. However, it's so rare that Smurfs are always apprehensive when opening his gifts, but not so rare that they flat out reject them. Curiosity will always get the better of them.
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kelpermoosee · 9 months
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Been on a major cartoon kick recently! 🩵
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paapasmurf · 10 months
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Chipi Chipi chapa chapa
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choco-leche · 3 months
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Some Pride month Smurfs
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fluffypigeonsandowls · 3 months
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okay, I think I promised another “late night thoughts” in another post of mine to post something that I once posted on deviantart as another late night thought I once had. So here are a few screenshots.
I was going crazy at that moment looking back lol
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Smurfette from The Smurfs
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Reasoning: What if like upon being turned into a true Smurf he had like a gender crisis because he didn’t want to be seen as “The Girl Smurf” and he wanted to be like the other boy Smurfs and so on and so fifth
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andreaheartscats · 1 year
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look what i found on tiktok 😭 i love this sm i cant its so funny tho
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zanysmurf · 3 months
old thoughts on the boy smurflings and papa
do you think as they age, papa knows how certain situations are gonna play out cuz he remembers similiar (if not the same exact) things occurring when they were adults? perhaps it's something small like papa taking one of them (minus sassette) out to pick herbs in a random spot that gives him deja vu for a minute or so before he's mentally transported back to a time when every smurf was small, his beard was brown, gargamel hadn't been born yet, etc. the same spot and the same smurfling, too. picking herbs. and he'd admit it feels odd, y'know? it's the same, but so very different. different, but so very much the same. the evil creatures and other threats to the smurfs have always been there, sure, but the smurflings definitely don't deserve to grow up with villains like gargamel chasing them left and right. very unfortunate. part of papa finds solace in the fact there's just some people and things the smurflings are never going to remember... things that, for whatever reason, they'd want to forget. on the other hand, so many good memories and crucial moments of growth have been lost, now forever only remembered by him or the others. on a lighter note, maybe he could change some things this time. y'know. stuff that he could stop before it can start. as different as they are and as different as their environment is, some things just... happen. it could be something like preventing a fairly bad piece of history from repeating itself such as "snappy picked at some flowers he didn't know he was allergic to and got super sick at least a century ago” except this time papa makes sure to point the flowers out early. snappy doesn't really get why papa's so adamant on telling him to “watch out for some stupid flowers" and thinks "it's kinda weird" to randomly point it out like that to only him and no one else, but hey, at least he won't go near them now!
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maskedlotus65 · 4 days
I finished my drawing of Mother-Willow AU Hackus quicker than I thought and... I like his design. I like Vexy's character, but I like Hackus's design.
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Since he was made a real Smurf by Willow, his hair is more on the curly side and less dirty looking. Some context about Hackus:
• He has similar scars as Vexy from the same origin, though he has a large burn mark on his chest, hence the leaf poncho.
• I'm headcanoning him to have ADHD and Autism.
• He hasn't found himself to be attracted to any of the girls in Smurfy Grove, but he's not too worried about it. I wonder why that is. Oh well.
• He and Vexy have a bracelet similar to Willow's on their left wrist, totally didn't forget to draw Vexy's.
• Hackus's favorite hobby, surprisingly, is whittling, as well as wood carving. Or is that the same thing? He carved the spear in his hand himself. His room is even filled with wooden figures, spears, and animals he's made and painted himself. Some of it still needs some work, but he finds it relaxing and even makes small wooden sculptures to other smurfs as gifts.
• His favorite smurfs to hangout with are Blossom and Begonia, since Blossom shares the same energetic nature while Begonia shares his absent mindedness.
• There is nothing behind those eyes. Nothing.
• he has a bruise on his head is from his occasional spin of his spear, he ends up bonking his forehead everytime. Though his bangs are covering it a bit.
• Innocent bean.
Hope you like my design of him as much as I did. I'm also wanting to do voice claims, who knows. Also for anyone wondering why Hackus's eyes and mouth are different to Vexy's, well Vexy was just wearing lipstick and eyeliner.
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coconuttyglittersmurf · 4 months
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chocochurrozz · 5 months
Hey you, yeah you would you like to hear my Smurf au headcanons? Well, too bad because here they are
Note: these are my headcanons you don't have to interpret them as Canon or not
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Hefty, Handy, and Clumsy are brothers, Hefty and Handy being twins
Hefty is extremely protective of his brothers, if he finds out anything happened to them he will go ballistic
Smurfette has over 150 outfits and shoes to go with them
Smurfette has a spare bedroom for Sassette so she can sleepover whenever she'd like
Vexy and Storm slowly became good friends after Vexy got redeemed
Clumsy has a chipped tooth from an incident when he was a smurfling
Vanity and Smurfette will host sleepovers for them and the girls from the other village
Vanity prefers hanging out with the girls way more due to them being more 'clean' and 'sensitive'
Jokey is scarily good at voice impressions and one time scared Hefty into thinking Gargamel was in the village (Hefty knows what he did 😠)
Papa built Handy's prosthetic arm, Handy didn't have the heart to fully upgrade it, but does like to tweak with it at times
Lily is currently learning about remedies for illnesses from Aloe (an Oc I'll introduce in the future)
Blossom has something similar to a Pinkie sense where she's able to figure stuff out right away and explain it to others non chalantly
Handy likes to create flowers out of leftover building supplies and give them to Lily
Now for some angsty ones 😊
Grouchy tries to force himself to hang out with the others, but he can never seem to be able too and he thinks the others hate him over it
As much as everyone is accepting of it Handy can't help but feel like he's slowing everyone down due to him being disabled
Smurfette feels like she can't tell anyone about how she feels, she thinks that no one will get what she's going through
Alright that's all yall get Buenos noches 🫠
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If Smurfs had scars, I think Jokey's might be the gnarliest. Not, like, super disfiguring or anything, but definitely burns from when he was fine-tuning his gift pranks. A bit too much gunpowder here, the gifts going off unexpectedly a couple times there. It's just inevitable.
Also some potential hearing loss as well, despite me not having any evidence to support it aside from Jokey's affinity for explosion-based pranks.
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vanitysmurfs · 1 year
brainy for the pride month drawing thing
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brainy brainy brainy... hes definitely something !..
ive flip flopped with hcs for him before, and i have au versions where his identity changes... but feel like i mainly see him as aroace.. i think he would find it hard to imagine himself in a romantic relationship (huh?.... whos projecting?... certainly not me)
gender identity Oh Boy.. i feel like he is Such a transfem but also nonbinary but also....... i dont know, it is very complicated for him and he Would go on about his identity for hours
im still doing lgbt headcanons!! send some characters in please :]
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supernightboy08 · 6 months
What if Katy Perry voiced Princess Daisy?
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tanunigans · 1 year
Also, I realised very late that I forgot about my last beloved blue bean, Freckles !
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He's a kind goofball but VERY naive
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zinkadear · 3 months
My smurfs follow rules that are pretty much the same as in canon, specifically to the 80s cartoon, with a few additions.
- Male smurfs are always bald until middle age or a little before. This would mean they start growing hair between the ages of 350 and 400.
(I'm basing this on the fact that Papa is around 540, and the young adults 150. In flashbacks during Baby's First Word, we see him caring for them as infants, and he has hair, though red instead of white.)
There are two exceptions to this. If they were assigned female at birth, but transitioned later in life, they'd be able to have hair. Hybrids between smurfs and other creatures can also have hair, regardless of their sex.
- Female smurfs don't have breasts or nipples. They have no biological need for them, since they don't give birth, and baby smurfs don't require milk to survive. They're able to digest milk from different animals (as we see in Once In A Blue Moon when Baby nurses from a wolf) but typically drink fruit juice.
(Smurfberries were only relatively recently discovered by the village, as we find out in Smurfs At Sea. So while the babies often drink smurfberry juice now, there was a long period of time where they had no access to or knowledge of the fruit.)
- Smurf births are a mystery. They can't reproduce sexually, and have no idea where the storks bring babies from. The current generation of adults is the first to have children who are genetically related to them, though they aren't sure how this is possible. None of them had parents, and Papa was the one who cared for them all.
But after they grew up, the storks began to bring babies to specific smurfs, who were alike them and their partner in personality and appearance. Sometimes the kids take completely after one parent, while others may be a combination of the two (or more).
It's possible for aromantic smurfs, who have no desire to be in a relationship, to also receive babies.
Hybrids between smurfs and other creatures follow this exact same logic. They'll have features from both races and parents, making for some very unique appearances.
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