#plus they're in uni not teens lol
yooniesim · 2 years
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i never did the teen-a-day challenge, because my cheerleading captain spawned too many unrelated idiots :)
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ontargetmadders · 2 months
I don't know a massive amount about cartoons but top 5 cartoons?
AAHHHH!! Well firstly thank you so much for sending this! I'm a bit of a cartoon fanatic. I guess i just never really grew out of them?? and when I'm feeling sad they just make me feel so much happier so I tend to just recycle and re-watch them over an over again. The nostalgia I get from them is just unreal! So I'm just gonna answer these with gifs and talk about why i love them so much! :D
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1. Pokemon
Pokemon has to be the 1st one for me! Just love everything about it! (Although nowadays watching it can be a little tiresome as it's the same plot every episode lol) But it was such a big part of my childhood growing up. The XY series is particular is the best and actually has a good story to it and isn't just team rocket tryna steal Pikachu all the time lol (and my beautiful otp came from it too so I'll love it forever).
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2. American Dragon
What's not to love about American Dragon? A kid who can turn into a dragon is pretty awesome tbh. (I even wrote story at uni based on it) And i love how it educates you on Chinese culture. There's not many cartoons or tv shows in general that do. Plus i love the forbidden romance between jake and rose. It's so deliciously painful haha (Cartoons in general do romance better than most Hollywood films lol)
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3. Kim Possible
Who didn't watch this growing up?! It was just too iconic! And let's acknowledge just how rare it was/still kinda is to have a female lead in a cartoon too - let alone a redhead as well! (Redheads really don't get much love in media do they) And don't get me started on Kim and Ron. Probably the best friends to lovers relationship to ever exist (I shipped them before I even knew what shipping meant lol). Plus Drakken is the funniest villain ever lol
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4. Teen Titans
Teen Titans is literally the only DC thing I like lol. I'm not majorly into superhero things in general but this show is just so brilliantly done and not afraid to go to some dark places. Honestly love cartoons that feel like they're not just for kids and this is definitely one of them. And one of my favourite things about is how each series focuses on them and their own personal villains. (Plus I got the idea for my main WIP from watching this)
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5. Ben 10
I'm a big sci-fi lover so a dude that can turn into aliens is right up my street! It's also kinda superhero themed and I love that Ben and his friends are basically defenders of the galaxy too (plumbers as they call it in the show) which is really cool. Also it's one of the very few cartoons that actually let the charcters age and you see the main characters grow up with you which I really like. (One thing I hate about Pokemon - Why did they have to keep Ash 10 lol). But yeah this one was a big part of my childhood too and one I always will come back to
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weirdlyfitting · 1 year
I've seen ant man and the wasp quantumania anddddd I HAVE THOUGHTS EEEEEE
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Conclusion : it's decent 💖✨️
Thoughts :
spoilers below obvi >:)
This movieeeee IS OKAY. Not as bad as multiverse of madness because for fucking finally NO CAMEOS OH MY GODDD! And yeah this an ant man movie not a kang movie, take notes multiverse of madness!!!
I was genuinely concerned with how the movie would turn out to be cause what the fuck is that rotten tomatoes rating bro 😭 but when i watched it, no??? This does not deserve THAT bad whatttt
Also little sharing here i'm almost late when the intro started rolling 😭😭 i was having uni class until 4 and the movie started at 4 goddamn pass 15 AND MY LOCAL CINEMA TOOK KILOMETERS PLUS IT STARTED RAINING 😭 I WAS TRULY IN A RUSH LMAOOO, once i got into the ground floor of my uni i still had to rush out to the basement USING THOSE STAIRS oh my god lmaoo
Aight back into it i was already prepared if scott or anybody's going to die ngl but i'm also genuinely shocked that NONE OF THEM DIED???? GODDAMN THESE FAMILY RULESSSS
Another surprise is that sidekick girl and the civilization?? (Idk/forgot what they called i'm sorry 😭) brooo i love them all!! When i saw the trailer promos i expect i'd get bored but holy crap these characters really are survivors and they're NOT BORING at all! Still missing luis and the bois tho :')
Ohhh another thing i noticed (for why it's good) is at least, AT LEAST it has a consistent theme, THIS IS A FRIGGIN HEIST MOVIE.
Time is kinda like another theme that sadly tho took the spotlight here, and suddenly i miss doctor strange so much lmao :( i really feel that quantimania should have these emotional moments AS EMOTIONAL in doctor strange, i mean it's also my favorite movie soooo 👉👈
Ugahgsgsgs i wished this kang learn those "we don't get to choose our time" scene from doctor strange, especially the quote "it's not about YOU", imagine how pissed off he'd be lmaooo 😩😩
Oh yea i forgor to talk abt modok, naw man because WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS 😭😭
I am.....
Absolutely horrified 😀
Also he's annoying as hell like leave scott and cassie alone bro what 😭 then he's like "idk what i'm going to be" like- okay bro that's really sad but...so random?? 😭😭 what's all that abt from the first movie huh 😔
Mmmm there's also janet which HOLY CRAP MOMMY?!?!? I thought that she USED to work together with kang as in she choose to do it that way but noooo, as she saw the chaos and monstrosity from kang she backed up and wasn't even hesitate to join in, like after all those times that's it right in front of her is a ticket to home, but she knew better and she's an icon frrrr 🥺💖💖
I think hank and hope could've had more character development but i'm okay with what i got, i think it's more of a support player?? I'm really glad to know that janet had both hope and hank because they both are what she needed and she is what they both needed.
And then we got scott and cassie ehehehe!! Ngl scott, he's the real daddy like when he's dissapointed yes he is but- my god he's just soooo kind??? His daughter went to jail and in the end still could ease the situation with playing his audiobook in the radio car 😭😭💖 i don't blame cassie tho cause ehh she's a teen and is a blip survivor those are a very tough times :(
Anddd oh yea that final battle...
Scott oh my fucking god somebody help him pleaseee😭😭😭😭😭 i'm genuinely so terrified like NO, NO GET UP, FUCKING GET UP SCOTT YOU GOT THIS 😭
I was expecting a cliffhanger ending but oh well family dinner lol, for a starting of phase 5 i'm pretty fine by the use of these lighter tones in some scenes like this, before the dinner scott was having some overthinking moments yet he decided to not think abt it too much lmao, that's just scott being scott jajajajjaa
Anddd lastly THE post credit scenes!!!!
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This is so insane cause before i watched the movie me and my friend were indeed expecting a rama tut appearance but we didn't have high hopes for this to even happen 😭😭 HOLY FUCK THAT PRAYING CIRCLE WORKED-
I literally jumped at my seat and said "HUH LOKI??!?!?!?" 😭😭😭 my cousin was so confused cause she hasn't watch loki lmaoo
Aight maybe that's it??? I'm really tired on writing these y'all i'm sorry bhahahah
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hypermania · 3 years
Fandom/ship doesn't matter. I'm a equal opportunity ho. Pref long fics that don't require a bunch a context. Just some good stories that will make me feel things.
oh buddy it sounds like you could use some aus and luckily i've got a handful of them in my bookmarks:
from teen wolf:
No Homo (orphaned story) (explicit 84k)
college/frat au where stiles starts a friends-with-benefits sort of situation with derek while maintaining that he is Straight™ and derek just desperately wants him to realize that actually, wanting to suck your dude friend's dick is at least a little bit gay, bro. this fic is my One Major Exception to the 'character realizes they're bisexual by learning about the word bisexual' cliche that i hate. this fic is just so stupidly fun.
Gravity's Got Nothing on You by zosofi (explicit 84k)
my all time favorite sterek fic. i've re-read it so many times i've lost count. werewolves still exist but nothing happens like it does in canon so you don't need to have any knowledge of the show. it's a fake-dating au (set during university). stiles and derek are assholes. there's bickering and unintentional flirting. i don't think i'd change a singe thing about it. it's perfect.
Play Crack the Sky by WeAreTheCyclones (mature 122k)
rock band au i guess technically? i don't think there's a nice simple way to describe it that actually encompasses everything that it is but it's post-break-up and it's the stuff of angsty dreams. plus, if you like it there's a 253k prequel fic of the get-together. i feel like i'm not really selling this but there's a reason it's a fandom favorite.
Friends of Early Theory (explicit 24k)
office au. it's just a lot of angst so if you feel like having a cathartic cry...
What I Did On My Summer Vacation by grimm (explicit 118k)
gonna be honest: i don't really remember much about this besides the fact that there was a lot of really cool world-building.
There is a Brotherhood by minusoneday (explicit 21k)
the original frat au (and it has a companion piece so if you like it, you can read it again from a different pov). it's just fun. good ol' uni pranks and dumb boys being dumb fun.
I Might Be a Fool by prettylittlementirosa (that's me!!) (explicit 35k)
i mean technically this falls under sort of long au so what am i gonna do? not rec the fic i spent several days writing lol. it's a greek/teen wolf fusion but you don't need any knowledge of either of those to read it. so essentially it's just another frat au.
The Fixer and The First Son by ebjameston (teen 47k)
it's technically a scandal au but like.. don't let that dissuade you lol. it's very good. and it's part of a longer series. it's fun. the relationship between stiles and derek isn't the focus. it's more plot-driven so if that appeals to you...
from marvel:
Comedy Jokes by hupsoonheng (explicit 77k)
the only thing you need to know about this fic is that it inspired this infamous text message
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Make a Thing Go Right by hansbekhart (explicit 100k)
technically this is not an au but it is removed enough from the mcu that i feel like it might as well be??? as the author said: "I wanted to see more stories that captured the weirdness and complexity of being queer, in your late 20s, and trying to date in Brooklyn - which is my life - so I wrote one."
okay so like seven of what i'm pretty sure were marvel bookmarks have been deleted so that's all i got for marvel : /
from supernatural:
Ninety One Whiskey by komodobits (explicit 401k)
WWII fic. so.. you know. heed the warnings/tags. tons of angst though. and just the slowest of slow burns. which is my jam. i love this fic a LOT but it's definitely not for everyone. you got really want the pain, my friend.
The Dean Winchester Beat Sheet by saltyfeathers (explicit 144k)
somehow both the funniest and most depressing character study of all time. it's a college au. in terms of re-readability, this is up there with 'gravity's got nothing on you' for me. i don't think i could ever get tired of it.
Cinderwings by bendingsignpost (mature 181k)
cinderella fusion fic. honestly it took me awhile to read this one because it just did not sound interesting to me at all but i actually enjoyed it a lot. i think i liked it more than 4lw (the other popular au by this author)
from tvd:
Six Mornings After (explicit 214k)
technically this is a WIP that hasn't been updated since 2018 but i figure if enough of us keep bugging gabi @darwinquark maybe she'll take a break from jeronica to give us (me) what we (i) want. it's a bamon and steroline fic loosely based on the movie two night stand where the characters get snowed-in and shenanigans ensue. who doesn't love shenanigans!?
from good girls:
Delinquents by foxmagpie (teen 82k)
brio high school au wip. it's just so lovely and innocent and cute and we can't let megan @foxmagpie start another wip while we're all waiting for an update on this one and it's summer break so she has no excuse yes i am using this as an excuse to publicly shame her (i'm jk please ma'am i'll take whatever you'll give us)
okay i think that's a good starting point. these are all like fandom staples though so if you've already read all of them, well, i don't know what to tell you. i am useless. hopefully there will be something there for you though. enjoy!
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Gen 4.1 Planning
Libi: Okay, so my basic premise for who Libi is going to be at her core, WOO; I was thinking about how we said that she is Tess' second (lowkey third but I'll let you live gal) chance at 'getting it right' and raising a child well, which, OBVIOUSLY, she's never told or anything but there's an innate pressure in that that you'd know on some level, likewise her mum AND dad died so everyone would be quick with those comparisons always, this family and Liam's mum when that contact is made because her daughter died as well as; Then that made me think of the pressure Ro felt because you know, bad shit happened to Bea (Edie and Liam in this case) and then she got saved by McVickers and felt like she owed everyone to be great and do great things; so my vibe is that BUT COMING FROM A LESS SELFISH, WEIRD, PERFECTIONISM ANGLE soz not soz Ro, we know what you did; I see her being better behaved as she grows up, far more than her parents obviously but lowkey better behaved than any of the mcvickers or cali kids ever were because she thinks everyone deserves that, her not causing any more problems, but again UNLIKE Ro, she wouldn't be different to a degree of not fitting in because she'd make a massive effort to be there for everyone and every event, be likeable and get along with as much of the fam as possible, obviously some of that is natural charm but it's also putting in the time ahem Rosaline; like, she's a people pleaser, to a fault, and all she cares about is making everyone else, Tess, Fearghal, Ali, JJ etc etc, happy and making sure she's being what she thinks they want her to be/need her to be, and like that is what makes her happy because she is doing it out of love and respect not obligation but she doesn't know she's doing it, you know? Again, it's innate, how she is, but that's where the arc can come in, in realising that she goes with what makes everyone else happy, is who they need, but what does SHE want herself, and what does SHE need? A way I thought we could make this a Bobby/Libi storyline if we wanted (but we do not have to) is if she does have feelings for him, could be any point on his timeline gfs and kids wise whatever, but she lets him go and have whatever gf or do whatever thing because she's like that's what he wants he doesn't like me or want me like that etc, because she doesn't let herself want things selfishly or do anything just for herself Bobby: we should totally have them be together as little bubs because they are and it's like a running joke that they are gonna get together/get married like we've lowkey already said but more so but maybe the vibe is he is really shy how he is and lowkey it's like a my sister and me vibe where she does all the talking and socialising for him and like all their friends are joint friends Bobby: not in a creepy Ro and Ali way but Bobby: and we will let you outgrow that sir Libi: it makes sense because obviously we're learning sign language so simply Bobby can't communicate with most kids by himself, that's facts, and it's easier to have another kid help you than Jimmy always being there, or whoever he has helping him at school, you know Bobby: oh snap maybe I flip reverse what I said and Cammie's mum is the deaf one too and the vibe could be that like Libi pushes him to get some deaf friends as they become like tweens/teens so he can communicate himself so he does and does become more outgrowing that way but maybe he lowkey leans too hard into deaf culture for a while there and she feels like pushed out by it because it's something she can't be a part of Libi: ooh yeah, that makes a lot of sense Bobby: it adds something to Cammie's character as well being hearing but having two deaf parents so that's interesting Bobby: and also makes sense why JJ have to help them so much as well as them just being young Libi: right, there's a lot of shit Cammie would have to do from a young age if not for JJ lowkey 'cos it's just easier for a hearing kid than it is a deaf adult in this world Libi: her mum could maybe be more partial for ease but yes Bobby: and like it makes sense that Libi would push her feelings aside when those two grow closer/happen because she'd be like well they're both deaf that's something I can't give him and something I want him to have Libi: exactly, it'd feel really selfish to wreck that even if you didn't have all the ingrained shit she does around it Bobby: and obviously he actually wants to be with her as well but thinks she doesn't want that and before you now it there's baby Cammie so it's like well now I gotta try and make this work because don't wanna be a shit father like I had Libi: oh the drama of it all Libi: love it Libi: and we've not really got (that I can think of) a never mind I'll find someone like you type deal Libi: because usually it's like JUST SAY IT but it actually makes sense here to pine and long but let him go Libi: hence I'm here for it Libi: So, what I'm thinking right now is, that they're like never officially together, like it just keeps being an in-joke kinda vibe and like we're JUST best friends and then kind of like family, but obviously as they get into tween/teen years it's beyond a stage you can pretend you're just a kid playing at being girlfriend and boyfriend and as you said boo, that will coincide with JJ wedding and kids roughly so then it'd be more obvious like it's not going to happen seriously, then she can encourage him to get deaf friends etc, but I feel like he should only meet Cammie's mum just before or at uni (or whatever equivalent he's doing after school) so then it is quick and not like they were even mates before so it's less of a shock for all, you know? Bobby: I totally agree because I strongly pictured him being best man at the JJ wedding (soz Pete) and her being one of the bridesmaids and all the bants that go along with that and them both being SO 😳 Bobby: and yeah he could live the cliché that Jac was mocking and literally get with this girl freshers week I'd believe it Libi: Right? it then mirrors the Jameson/Cammie thing except they literally are just BFFs and there isn't anything going on Libi: there's actually weight to this but we're just like haha no don't be silly Bobby: and we've literally not done that trope with childhood boy girl best friends before really because baze are probably the closest but they were always so clearly in love and refusing to fight it so it's fun Libi: exactly, because unknowingly or otherwise, we're fighting against all the cliches and tropes that come with this family Libi: like I'm going to not do any of those things that caused drama for everyone and this is clearly too close to home, even though I don't think anyone would actually be that bothered, we've just really internalized and gone with it Bobby: like how nobody cares Jac is gay except Jac herself Libi: right Libi: but obviously she's good at keeping this all internal because no one can or is gonna clock it and be like, babe, it's okay Libi: like JJ might be a bit like oop, keeping it in the family but as long as you're both happy they really don't care, and same for mcvickers even if Tess is suspish of everyone that comes into any gal's life 'cos trauma lol Bobby: Bobby wasn't trying to make deaf culture happen for himself but Libi would have been so excited for him to get out there and do it that he would've been excited too and then it is literally like a new world opening up because who has he ever interacted with that's deaf before Bobby: didn't mean to lowkey leave you behind gal but Libi: it's kinda her own fault, not to blame you but clearly literally what we do like okay he's happy now mission accomplished Bobby: and maybe Cammie's mum is like the deaf equivalent of those gays who make it their whole identity so she's really selling it and so he also thinks okay this is who I should be with Libi: we know the vibe, like it's more excusable but still, I get you Libi: I see it Libi: a bit of a baby gay equivalent like go too hard and you're like I need to calm this down Libi: UNRELATED BUT Libi: think it will please you Libi: Jay is born 32 like Bobby, I'm pretty sure, and I thought Libi and her would also make for interesting content because Jay obviously feels she owes a lot to the fam for not being stuck with Chloe etc etc and the very little we did with her gave off a similar energy to me Libi: and she has her commitment issues in relationships because of her mum situation so they can bond over the shit that holds 'em back even though it's different stuff Bobby: and her relationship with Ava being her mum but also not being is something I feel like Libi can relate to because of how she was raised and the Rio and Buster-ness of it all because they wanted to raise her and obvs they wanted to raise Jay for a while there too Bobby: plus all the travelling she does is something that Libi could potentially join her in doing if she needs an escape so that's nice Libi: 100% it makes for a strong friendship there's a lot of parallels if not total similarities Libi: it makes a lot of sense, it's coming together baby Bobby: if you need to get away from seeing Bobby literally playing happy families, I can offer you that gal because I'm gonna have her go to uni/live in new york probably now that Nancy isn't because her face actually did live there idk if they still do or what but Bobby: we know the vibe is that she goes everywhere and can't settle so you'll have lots of chances to run away in a way that won't upset anyone Bobby: and when she gets her man and it works out we could totally coincide that because she can be like if I can do it so can you Libi: a mood a moment Bobby: all I know is Bobby is gonna be more chatty because neither Jimothy or Jesse are so I must but not to Jude levels of !!! Libi: a nice middleground Libi: which is kind of what I see for her honestly Libi: less in your face than 1. we were as a little bub 2. a lot of the fam but still sociable enough that it jives well with most of 'em Bobby: I'm so happy about all of this and honestly Cammie's mum being deaf makes so much sense in terms of what we were already thinking about her being more distant and working a lot Libi: if she doesn't give up the fight, she could be some kind of advocate vibe Libi: 'cos then Cammie can't even call her out really Libi: like soz this is important, maam your child Bobby: exactly what I was thinking we're in sync rn boo Libi: because it all makes sense, you gotta follow one thread and then the story shows itself tbh Libi: because tying in Astrid too, obviously that makes sense because she loses her mum too, and she'd ultimately be a really good influence because after Ro dies Astrid is kind of freed to do whatever she wants for herself Libi: and how much happier it makes her, how much she improves...well Libi: sips tea Bobby: I LOVE THIS Libi: and who else is taking the autistic girl that seriously and letting her teach you things Libi: love that for you Libi: she's living her best life and we can see that Bobby: she can be in their friend group, I'm happy Libi: ALSO, I feel as if she couldn't lie to Astrid Libi: because she says how she sees it bluntly and we're not going to feel comfortable fobbing her off because of that insistence, so that'll be good for you even when we're hiding it from everyone else Libi: everyone else you've just got to be vaguely like oh no no and it's dropped and like okay Bobby: we're gonna get to show so many different sides of Libi, I'm always here for that Bobby: and however far we go down the Astrid and her gf eating disorder rabbit hole, we''ll have Libi not treating her like a kid which is great Libi: yeah, there's loads we can do with the end of gen 4 for them all it's a mood Bobby: okay so what or who would you like to throw Libi at first Libi: that is the question Bobby: just so we know Bobby is going to Trinity and studying Business, Economics and Social Studies (B.E.S.S.) which is business, economics, political science and sociology basically so he can end up working at that advertising place with Jimothy after he has done this 4 years Bobby: Cammie's mum is there doing deaf studies which is also 4 years Libi: do we wanna do a rough timeline for these people mentioned here Libi: Jay born 32, we find out about her when she's 7 in 39 Libi: Bobby is born 32 and comes into the story 38 Libi: Libi is born 34, Edam die 35, we know this situation, is 4 soon to be 5 when she meets Bobby vias JJ Libi: Astrid is born 35 and Ro dies in 44 when Astrid is 9 Libi: JJ can get married 46, so Libi is 12 and Bobby is 14 Libi: doesn't have to be when we intro the deaf friends to the point of exclusion obvs but it's timed so we never have the 'real' relationship chat of it all obvs Libi: so Bobby would go to uni in 50-51 and Camie is born 51 start of 2nd year Libi: that gives us this good 4 year period before uni to play with, then obviously we know the vibe of when she's born and making that work etc Libi: Hmm, I think it would make the most sense to do a gap year then stay local, like that's the ideal Libi: because I really think she'd struggle being away from the fam Libi: but I'm kinda thinking maybe to be cruel she DOES go away because it seems like something the fam are like yay about Libi: 'cos she'd try really, really hard to stay but they should at least notice that and she can transfer for a reprieve Bobby: that's really nice actually Libi: she should do her first year in Liverpool, the rest at Trinity Libi: okay, so film studies, it was only 3 years in Liverpool but we're changing to trinity and you do years 1 and 2 (aka whilst Bobby is still there at least for year 1 but I need to check anyway) there and years 3 and 4 at Columbia uni in new york, aka where Jay is Libi: **remind me to check the times but we need to give him a solid bday and I'm changing hers up too Libi: this is just roughly Libi: but this way we can be cruel with it lol
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limitless-rose · 4 years
The Signs as things I wanted to be when I grow up
[This has literally been in my drafts since December because I wasn't sure if each option matched with the sign I chose but whatever (it's also a long post again, oof)
Also I didn't really post anything related to 2020 so... Happy New Year, let's hope something good will happen this decade!! 💖]
♈ Aries: Be part of the army. I was quite fascinated by the idea of guns and protecting the nation and actually getting my life together. I was actually thinking about it for quite a while until I realized that in order to get accepted (at least according to the Greek system) you need to have excellent grades (especially maths/physics), to be taller that 165cm and to be excellent in sports. Guess what, I don't understand physics/science/chemistry, I've been about 158cm for the past 3 years and the only two sports I'm good at are badminton and tennis (while you need to be good at running, swimming and things like that I guess 😕)
♉ Taurus: A chef/baker. Cooking and baking always seemed pretty fun. I would always sit by my grandma whenever she cooked/baked goodies and observe the whole process. I also got inspired by the movies "The Princess and the Frog" and "Ratatouille" and thought that one day I could possibly come up with my own recipes and open my own restaurant. But while growing up I realized that I can't cook properly when I'm stressed/multi-tasking (I'm capable of burning the food AND the kitchen if I get slightly distracted, ooof)
♊ Gemini: A TV presenter or a weather woman. My mom told me that from the age of three I would always pretend to talk to an audience and answer questions from the callers or announce news/talk about the weather. Maybe that explains why I talk to thin air (as if I was a YouTuber) about anything and everything when I'm alone. Though it sounds cool, I don't really think I could do it now because I have social anxiety.
♋ Cancer: A writer. I really like writing, I don't know why. Authors have been inspiring me since my childhood, I remember I used to read so many books and try to write something of my own based on it. 😅 I like taking notes and then re-writing them more neatly. I like re-doing old homework in a different style and see if I have improved. I really like writing in a diary/a bullet journal too, I feel like it's much better than bothering others with my problems anyway. I also love coming up with random scenarios/stories/characters and writing about it but I don't know if I should share it. Idk, sometimes I feel like my writing is a bit boring or that it's nothing that impressive. So, honestly, if more people took writers seriously instead of thinking it's a hobby as it doesn't always pay well (when did the world even start revolving around money that much, oml) and if I was more confident about my work I'd definitely chose to become a writer/author (I'm still keeping it as a hobby no matter what I end up doing, lol).
♌ Leo: A model. Omg, I honestly don't know why I even thought of it. Probably because I really liked watching ANTM when I was younger (and I specifically chose the American version because the one we have in my country makes me cringe a lot, just hearing girls from my school talking about it is painful). My friends also liked the outfits that I put together or how I would always pose for pictures (a few years ago, I'm too awkward now asdfghjkl). Looking at it now it's just so funny. There's literally so much competition in the name of beauty, the community can get kinda toxic sometimes and the standards are pretty high. Also I'm way too short and I still can't walk like a normal person when wearing high heels lol.
♍ Virgo: A teacher. Specifically, a teacher for elementary or even kindergarten. Back then, the concept of teaching seemed pretty fun to me and I had lots of ideas about how to make class more interesting. The thing is that I have good chemistry with most kids and I actually kinda dislike teenagers because of how rebellious we can get when it comes to school (idk but like teens in my country are like pretty rude to everyone 😐). I'm not so sure about it now, though it's still an option.
♎ Libra: A psychologist. I always liked helping others out and offering advice when they're having a tough time and I was also curious to see what makes each person feel angry, sad or stressed and the way they respond. It's also interesting because you can learn a lot about someone's personality, preferences and way of thinking or understand what caused someone to commit a crime. I still really like psychology and it's one of my main options for uni. The only problem is that psychology is pretty much overrated in my country so people say it's best to choose something else. 😒
♏ Scorpio: A criminologist. And, surprisingly, I still want it. I was always intrigued by things that required research, was interesting in learning what caused a murder/crime to be committed and I would always watch crime thrillers with my dad. I also like it because it's a field of Sociology which is one of my favorite subjects. I'm just hoping finals aren't super difficult so I can get accepted in the college that I want on the first try lol.
♐ Sagittarius: A flight attendant. Back then I found it kinda fun, as I was always curious about what going on a plane is like. It could also be because of their outfits (like the ones you see in movies or in Britney's MV for Toxic, idk why 😅). Plus I would get to travel around the world without paying as much as the passengers. But then, at the age of 14-15 I got on an airplane 4 times and I saw that it wasn't really like the movies and that literally everyone ignored the flight attendant so yeah, it's not an option anymore. ✈️
♑ Capricorn: A fashion designer. So because I would always draw and constantly ask for new crayons/markers and other art supplies, my mom bought me a few coloring books that focused on fashion. It came along with stickers, stencils, ideas for Victorian dressses, advice for how to design lace or mermaid tail dresses and I was so impressed. A few years later, my grandma showed me a few dresses that she had made for my mom when she was younger (which were so gorgeous like I'm definitely going to wear one of them on my graduation day) and taught me sewing. I also got to see these small floral designs that you usually see on lingerie and it was so pretty, I wish I could do it as perfectly as her. I decided to follow my grandma's advice and keep it as a hobby instead (because she ended up doing nothing but designing clothes and repairing them which she regrets 🧵🧶).
♒ Aquarius: An astronaut. This was pretty random, I have to admit. I guess I really liked space and looking at at the stars in the night sky. I read a few books about space and learned a few things about NASA back in elementary too, though I realized that it's something I could never really do, as you have to sacrifice a lot. I'm still fascinated by this profession but there's no way I could ever do it, since I can't even understand basic physics or mathematics. 🤷‍♀️
♓ Pisces: An artist. Honestly I didn't really care if most artists didn't get recognition/fame or if they didn't earn enough money, I just wanted to make art because I liked it. It's also fun because while you are expressing your thoughts through an art piece, another person might interpret it differently, based on their likings and thoughts. Art also plays an active role in my life: I've been drawing and painting since I was 5 and I would always watch the show with Bob Ross on TV with my grandma. Instead of completely giving up on this idea, I thought that I could choose another profession (also my family didn't really like the thought of me doing art for a living 😐) and keep art as a hobby.
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