#plus this isn’t even a question because i’m pretty sure she doesn’t like girls
fingertipsmp3 · 5 months
Good evening I have just realised that my best friend is dating someone who is basically me but in male form
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lemonlover1110 · 7 months
𝐌𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝
Toji Fushiguro
[Chapter 10] Shopping
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Pairing: Toji Fushiguro x f!Reader
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After finding out you’re having a girl, you go a little overboard buying clothes for her. You know that Toji isn’t particularly excited about the idea, but you are. You’ve always wanted a baby girl, and you can’t believe that you’re finally getting one. The situation isn’t all that ideal, but you’re happy.
Toji gives you money to pay your bills, and you work to buy everything you need for your baby. And obviously a bit more– Too many clothes and toys even if your baby won’t use half of them. You’re convinced that she won’t lack anything growing up, and that eases every worry in your mind. Well… Not all.
Will you be a good mom? You hope so, even though you’re not sure if you’re doing the right thing. You know you’ll mostly be alone, and the thought begins to consume your mind at night. You know you’ll try your best, but you’re not sure if that’ll be enough. Maybe with Toji’s help you’ll do better but you can’t really count on him. Although he’s really trying.
He’s really trying his best, you notice it when he sends you a message almost in the middle of the night, asking if you wanted to go out shopping for baby clothes. He hasn’t seen that you have your closet full out outfits for your babygirl, but you aren’t going to reject his offer because of that. He’s inviting you out because he’s willing to pay, and you’re not going to say no either.
You agree on a time for him to pick you up, and you go to sleep, not thinking twice about your day with Toji. It’s not like you have to think much about it, Toji is doing everything in his power to get in your good graces, and he thinks shopping will do the trick. He isn’t entirely wrong.
“You’re glowing.” Toji tells you with a smile when he picks you up. It’s not a baseless compliment, you do look absolutely stunning. Your pregnancy is doing you well so far.
“Thank you.” You mutter, a bit taken back by his compliment but you won’t make a big deal out of it. You know his game, and showing that you’re excited about his compliment might paint a different picture. You walk out of the apartment and begin to head to his car, his hand going to the small of your back as he walks next to you.
“I think the mall opened up a new shop for babies–” He begins, and you cut him off.
“They did! They have the cutest clothes.” You say, and you end up biting your tongue. That gives it away, “Or so I heard.”
“Right.” He chuckles. He’s not oblivious, he sometimes happens to drive by and he sees you with bags filled with clothes. Yeah… He happens to drive by. “It’s okay, you don’t have to hide from me that you’re excited about baby girl.”
“I’m not hiding it.” You claim, although you are. You don’t want him to know that you’re spending too much on baby clothes that she’ll outgrow within weeks. Plus, you don’t want him to wonder where you’re getting all that extra money when you told him you would quit your second job.  You get to his car and get inside. You’re immediately hit with awkward silence mainly because you’re not in the mood to talk to him. He’s asking questions, and getting met with dry answers.
“Have you thought of baby names?” He asks, and your brows raise. You have pretty much everything planned out except the most important detail, the name. What would be the perfect name for your baby girl? 
“I haven’t.” You confess, a bit disappointed in yourself. Toji chuckles when he glances at you and sees the look on your face. He didn’t expect that to be your reaction, with how excited you are about everything. But then again he understands that you’re stressed.
“You still have some time, don’t worry about it.” Toji reassures you but that really doesn’t make you feel better. Because if you don’t stress about it, nobody else will. “I mean, picking a name isn’t all that difficult anyway.”
“Yeah, you’re saying that because you didn’t even name Megumi.” But you regret even saying those words when you remember that Toji was the one that named his son. You feel a sudden sadness slowly start to consume you, but you manage to push it away. Megumi was planned, your daughter wasn’t. Plus, you wouldn’t want him of all people to name your daughter. Before he can correct you, you slightly change the topic, “I want to get her name stitched on some things.”
“That sounds like a great idea.” Toji answers, and you hum in response. For the rest of the car ride, you look out the window. Toji really has no idea what else he can bring up, so he lets the rest of the car ride be silent. 
You get to the mall, and Toji follows behind since you clearly know the way. Toji doesn’t have to do much, just provide his card when it’s time to pay. Toji does think that the job will come around with a lot of forced fawning at every piece of baby clothes, he knows he did it a lot with Megumi. However, when you don’t bother much, he feels bad.
“Isn’t this cute?” He picks out a random pink onesie, it doesn’t have any design. It’s a plain pink onesie. He just picked the most random clothes, hoping that you’ll begin to show him clothes. After all, you aren’t here alone.
“Yeah, it’s cute.” You tell him, not paying all that much attention to what he holds though. He’s not even sure you looked at it properly. Toji purses his lips together, this time actually looking for something that will really wow you, something that’ll make you want to show him the clothes that you’re picking up. 
You have so many clothes in your basket, he’s sure you’ve already seen the entire store. But he’s still going to try to find something. His eyes search the store for clothes, and he swears that everything that he finds cute, you already have in hand. 
“What about…” He begins, his eyes searching the place for something that you don’t have in hand. Until his eyes land on the duck towel— It’s so cute that even if you don’t want it, he’s buying it. He grabs it, and shows it off to you, “This? Isn’t this cute? I’m surprised you haven’t picked it yet.”
“It is!” You actually admit enthusiastically but you have an issue, “I already have that one at home… A friend gave it to me.”
“Right, a friend.” Toji chuckles, putting it back. What else can he grab? He can’t lie, he’s getting frustrated. He simply just wants you to show off the little clothes that you’re picking up, which ironically enough, he was hoping he would do nothing. 
Men are complicated beings. 
“You know we are here together.” He points out, and you furrow your brows as you face him. What is he trying to say?
“Okay… What exactly do you want me to do?” You ask him, a bit annoyed. You knew that he wanted something more from this when he started to show you clothes. You wonder what exactly though… Is it just your attention? That thought almost brings a smirk to your lips, but you manage to suppress it.
“I don’t know, just show me stuff.” He responds, and you nod your head in response. And you end up showing him outfits that are too cute to even exist, and Toji fawns over them, but his reactions aren’t forced at all. The man is slowly growing accustomed to the idea of a baby girl, and he’s just realizing just how cute all the clothes are. Everything you hold is much cuter than anything he bought for baby Megumi.
Toji can’t help but ask himself if he’s getting soft. He ends up concluding that no, the excitement of becoming a dad again is slowly creeping in.
He’s much more tired than he’d like to admit after you’re finished. Who would even think that shopping can be so draining– And he won’t even mention the fact that his eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw the total of everything. It took a little strength to take out his wallet and pay for everything.
“Can we get some food?” You ask him as you walk out of the store. Toji can’t tell you no, so he hums in response. He is also kind of hungry. He asks what you want, and he gets in line to get it for you as you take a seat in the food court. 
Your eyes watch Toji as your mind analyzes his recent behavior. You feel like he’s genuinely excited about this, not just doing this as a means to get back together. Your Toji would not spend that much money on baby clothes, yet here you are. You just hope that you’re right, you don’t think you can handle being more disappointed at him. 
Toji as the father of a cute baby girl, now that puts a smile on your lips. You might not be together, but you still have feelings for the man and you can’t help but find him cute.
You try to look away when Toji comes back with a tray of food. He caught you staring, but he doesn’t bring it up, instead you both quietly begin to eat. Anyone that lays eyes on the two of you would think that you’re still together. 
“How’s Megumi doing?” You ask him, and Toji takes a sip of his drink to help swallow all the food in his mouth.
“He’s good. Busy with school and baseball and whatnot.” He answers, and you almost laugh. Toji won’t tell you anything else because he simply doesn’t know what’s going on, truth be told, when you were together you were the one that handled all of Megumi’s problems. Even though you weren’t supposed to act like a parent, you were forced to do stuff that Toji should’ve handled.
“That’s good to know. Are his grades okay? I remember I had to help him a lot with–” You begin but you stop yourself when you feel a smile come to your lips. That’s not your issue anymore. If Megumi fails or passes any of his classes, it’s Toji’s problem. You really got into a role that Toji told you from the very beginning not to take. But Megumi just needed someone, and you were there, it was hard not to step up for him. “I just hope his classes are okay.”
“Yeah, they are.” Toji responds. His eyes fall on the chair that holds the plastic bags that are filled with so much stuff that the baby probably won’t even get to wear. “Do you think we overdid it?”
“I’ll change her multiple times a day.” You answer, and Toji chuckles. Maybe he should remind you that she’s a baby and not a doll. “Or we can just give clothes away.”
“You’re right.” He says, although he wants to say that the two of you should return some clothes if not everything will be worn. But it’s fine. It’s for his daughter, not some random kid. 
Toji has a question, and he doesn’t know when the right time to ask it is. He knows your immediate answer but it’s something that he has to spring up on you and then give you time before you change your answer. But for some reason, he feels so nervous when he thinks about asking the question. 
“How about you move back in?” Toji blurts out, and you freeze. He can’t be serious. You furrow your brows as you look at him. “I mean, it makes me feel uneasy knowing that you’re all alone. What if you need help with something?”
“Then I’ll call you. I don’t need to move in for that.” You argue, and Toji bites his tongue. He had a whole speech planned but it’s all forgotten. He just clears his throat before asking,
“Can’t you just think about it?” 
“I thought about it for a second when you asked. And my answer is no.” You reply. You know that he’ll ask again because you sadly know Toji too well.
“Please just actually think about it.” He sighs. “It’s not just for your wellbeing but for the baby’s.”
“Toji, don’t.” You tell him.
“I’m just saying– Plus think about all the extra closet space you’ll have for her.” He says, and you shake your head disappointedly. A chuckle leaves your lips though, and Toji smiles. “I got you there, didn’t I?”
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leossmoonn · 10 months
Hey hope your having a good day/ night
Can you do one when the reader is picking out a dress for a date with Mike and Abby helps her?
Thank you, I hope you are too :D
this was one of my favs to write. thank you for requesting this ☺️
“what color does mike like?” you ask, ruffling through your closet.
“i don’t know. i think he likes black… or blue. those are the only colors he wears,” abby says.
“every man likes black and blue,” you sigh.
“i think mike will like you in anything,” abby states. “he’s like, in love with you or something.”
heat creeps up your neck and you laugh weakly. “i’m sure he likes me a lot. i like him a lot, too.”
“no, he like-likes you,” abby insists. she sets down her crayons and looks up at you. “he’s always talking about you and asking me what flowers you like and what to get you for christmas.”
you can’t help the big smile that brightens your face. “he does?”
“yes,” abby nods. “no offense, but it gets kind of annoying.”
you chuckle, knowing she means him asking her questions she doesn’t know the answer to is annoying. “none taken,” you say as you look back at your closet.
it’s refreshing to have mike’s feeling towards you reinforced. you two have only been going out for two months, but it’s felt like a lifetime. you both get along so well. and even when you don’t, you’re able to handle conflicts smoothly.
although he told you in the beginning that he has a lot of shortcomings, you see right past them. he’s caring, thoughtful, funny, and super cute. he actually tries, which you know, that’s what people are supposed to do, but you don’t have to ask anything of him. he just knows what to do and say.
you’ve found yourself smiling whenever you think of him, wanting to text him when something bad or good has happened, making excuses to stay late at his house just so you can spend more time with him. it’s safe to say you’re falling for him faster than you ever have for anyone else.
it helps that you and abby get along so well, too.
you were a little worried in the beginning that she would shut you out from what mike had told you about her. but she welcomed you with open arms, telling you how happy she was to have a girl around. now you two hung out regularly while mike had started to work later shifts to help pay for things like dates. you insisted that you didn’t matter and you liked having in-house dates, but he knows you deserve something better, and he wants to be able to provide that. plus, it means more time with abby, which you would never turn down.
“you should wear the red one!” abby points to the dress you’re holding out.
you hum in thought. “i don’t know. do you think it’s too… bold?”
abby shakes her head. “mike will be able to find you easily if you get lost. he’s always afraid of being he cares about getting lost.”
your chest warms at her statement. mike has told you all about his brother and his family history. you knew he was afraid to because he’s been shut down in the past for being too “complicated” or “traumatized” — which if someone can’t handle, then fine, but it’s still pretty messed up when he’s blamed for being too traumatized — but you assured him that your family isn’t perfect either. and while you will never understand his experience, you’re ready to support him and learn how to help.
“he’s very good at protecting people, though,” abby adds. “so you shouldn’t be scared.”
“i feel very safe with your brother,” you smile. you pick out a few different dresses from your closet, laying them out on your bed beside abby.
“is there one i should try first?” you ask. “mmm,” she purses her lips and looks at the four options. you picked out two black ones, the red she mentioned earlier, and an emerald green one.
“the green,” she says. “alright,” you say. you grab it and change in your closet, stepping out to have abby help zip you up. this dress is a simple, but beautiful dress. it’s a maxi dress that stops just above your ankles. the straps are thick, but they don’t cover the whole width of your shoulders. the top comes together in a v-neck, stopping at the perfect place for there to be just enough skin showing.
“what do we think?” you spin around, making abby giggle.
“i like it, but …”
“you want me to try the others on?”
“no problem. i picked them all out for a reason.”
the next one you try on is one of the black dresses. the first one is a strapless back cami dress. it has a sweetheart neckline and a very short skirt with ruffles on the bottom. as you look into the mirror, you realize how much it makes you look like an attention-seeking teenager.
“i do not remember it being this… short,” you say. you swear if you bend down, everyone would see your ass. and not that you think that mike would mind, but you’re confident everyone else in the restaurant would.
“i don’t really like it,” abby says. “yeah, me neither,” you say.
the second black one is short like the first, but the back has a bow and the sleeves cover your shoulders and half of your bicep. they’re slightly puffy and the rest of the dress has small flowers on in.
“i’m not sure this fancy enough,” you sigh. “i like the flowers,” abby says. “when I grow up can i have this dress?” she looks up at you with the biggest brown eyes you’ve ever seen. her bottom lip is pouted as she tries hard to convince you. you don’t need too much convincing to say yes, though.
after promising abby to lend you the dress when she’s older, you change into the red one. you already can tell from the moment you take it off the hanger it’s going to be abby’s favorite.
it’s a cocktail dress that stops just above your feet. it’s tight-fitting, but not suffocating, which allows it to hug you in all the right places. the top of the dress appears to be looser-fitting as there’s just a tiny bit of extra material at the valley of your breasts. along your waist are creases as if you’ve somehow made it tighter, but it’s just how it was made to sit on your body.
“wow,” abby gasps. “you look so pretty!”
your cheeks feel warm and you look at yourself bashfully. “you think mike will like it?”
“yes! he’s going to have a heart attack when he sees you!”
you laugh, “oh, i hope not.”
you finish your hair and makeup, letting abby choose what your eye makeup will look like and lipstick you’ll use for the night,
“thank you for helping me, abs. you have great taste,” you say as you buckle on your black stilettos.
“i know,” abby smiles.
there’s a knock on your door and your heart races. you look through the peephole, seeing it’s just vanessa here to pick up abby. you breathe out in relief and open the door.
“look at you!” she gasps. “do you think mike will like it ?” you ask, fiddling with the silver bracelet on your right hand.
“if he doesn’t, then i will take you on that date.” you both share a laugh before she speaks again. “but yes, he will love it.”
“thank you. alright, abs, are you ready?” you ask. abby jumps up from the bed, grabbing her box of crayons and pictures.
“if you guys order spaghetti can you bring some home?” she asks.
“sure, honey,” you pat her back. she reaches up for a hug and you bend down to her level. “i’ll see you tomorrow.”
“see you!” she exclaims, grabbing vanessa’s hand.
“mike is in the parking lot, by the way,” vanessa says. “he was reciting how to greet you.”
you giggle, feeling like an infatuated school-girl. “i can’t wait to see what he’s come up with.”
vanessa gives you a hug goodbye and the two walk off. you shut your door, locking just the first lock. you grab a coat and spray some perfume on your pulse points. a few minutes later, there’s another knock on your door. you look through the peephole once again just to make sure it’s mike. once you see it’s him, your heart begins to race and you can already feel yourself becoming a little sweaty from nerves. you hope he smells your perfume instead of sweat.
you open the door, aweing at the bouquet of flowers he has in his hand. without fail, mike always brings some type of plant to your door when picking you up for a date. sometimes he’ll bring you house plants to add to your collection or, like tonight, a beautiful bouquet of flowers. and they’re always different, which to you means that he keeps track and wants to make it special for you. it makes you fall for him deeper every time.
“i just saw abby and vanessa. they were — woah.”
he stops as he looks up at you from his stare at his shoes. he always looks at you like this, even when you’re in a ratty old t-shirt or if you’ve just woken up. you’d be lying if you said you didn’t love it.
he looks at you with wide eyes that search every part of you, not sure where to look. his pupils are already blown wide and you stifle a laugh when you remember it doesn’t take much for him to become entranced by you. the way he looks at you is like he’s won the lottery, which in his mind, he has with you.
“i… i’ve never seen you in red.” he finally finds his voice.
“yeah, i never wear it. not sure why. i might start now,” you grin.
“well, you look gorgeous in anything. and tonight is definitely no exception.” he truly looks like he can’t believe his eyes. like this is a dream and as soon as he reaches out to touch you, you’ll disappear.
you never thought of yourself as anything special before — cliché, yes, but everyone has insecurities. you aren’t not confident, but you know you’re no supermodel, even though you can definitely make yourself into one. but mike makes you feel special. from the way he softly gasps every time he sees you and the wild look in his eyes. you know later he won’t be looking at any other woman other than you. it’s the bare minimum, but it’s hard to come by. you soon realize that if you two ever break up, he’ll be your standard.
“we definitely make a handsome pair,” you wink. your own eyes graze his body, making his heart thump in his chest. he doesn’t know why, but somehow you see something in him. not just in his looks, which he can admit he’s a good-looking guy, but just his personality and what cards he’s been dealt in life. you accept everything about him, even the parts he’s most afraid of. you just make life better for him; he hopes to keep you for as long as you’ll let him.
“is this a new suit?” you ask, reaching out and smoothing his jacket collar out. the suit is navy blue with a white undershirt that has the first few buttons undone. you can see his chest hair peeking out of the cotton, making you lick your lips as you imagine what’s underneath. the suit looks to be tailored, which you know must’ve cost him a lot of money. you don’t say much, though, knowing that if mike wants to spend his money like this, there’s nothing you can do about it. although you make a note to yourself to pay him back somehow.
“yeah,” he nods. “the old one is, well, old,” he chuckles.
“you look so handsome, mike,” you sigh. it comes out all dream-like, but you can’t help it. he makes you brain numb and fuzzy and insides feel all jittery and warm.
he blushes under your gaze, looking down and remembering his little gift for you. “these are for you. they’re, uh, starlette lilies. i thought they would look nice with all your fall decorations.”
could he get anymore perfect?
“they are beautiful. thank you,” you gush. you take his hand and lead him in while you go to your kitchen to fill up a vase to put them in.
“not as beautiful as you,” mike remarks. he’s got you grinning from ear-to-ear. you place them in water with the plant food, setting them on your coffee table.
“i’m ready to go,” you say, turning back to him. he holds his hand out for you and you slip yours into his, lacing your fingers together. your palms are a tiny bit sweaty, but he doesn’t seem to mind. you’ve been on quite a few dates with him, but no matter what, you always get nervous as if it’s the first time you’re meeting him. you honestly hope this feeling never fades.
“abby helped me pick this dress out,” you say as you two walk to the elevator.
“you should let her pick them out all the time,” he says.
you smile down at him. “maybe i will.”
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wildemaven · 1 year
Sweet Creature: Chapter Five
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Pairing: Dieter Bravo x F!Reader
WC: 5129
Warnings: 18+ blog; mentions of food, language, sexual innuendos, two dumb dumbs who lack communication skills, working on sobriety, failed relationships, loneliness, references to hookups and bad dates, I think that’s it but like always please let me know if I missed anything.
A/N: Reader gets her nickname!!!!! This was a fun one to write! I got stuck in parts of it, but over all I’m so happy with it. I don’t want to give too much away by setting anything up. Big thank you to my dear @gnpwdrnwhiskey for her constant support and beta reading through this whole thing! She’s a gem! Everyone who’s been reading, reblogging, commenting, liking, lurking— THANK YOU! 💕
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“So, I take it things are good then? You both seem to be pretty, chummy with each other lately.”
“Yeah, since our talk, things have been—good.” 
“Yeah, Good.”
The waitress stops by your table, refilling each of your water glasses, the clinking of the ice filling the silent break in your conversation. 
“Thank you.” Diem’s sickly sweet voice offers gratitude to the waitress before the young girl is carrying on about her work and then Diem redirects her gaze to you, her overly generous smile morphing into a questioning smirk, accompanied by a cocked eyebrow. 
“What’s that look for?”
“Uh yeah, that’s what I said.”
“So, now that you and Dieter are good, as you say, we’re just going to pretend what you said didn’t happen?”
“Would mind clueing me in on the conversation that’s happening right now, ‘cause I’m so fucking lost.” 
“That night at my house, what you had said about Dieter.”
“Ugh, Diem! We’ve already hashed this shit out. Plus, Dieter and I’ve been on good terms for a couple weeks now, let’s just not discuss what I said that evening.” 
“No, I’m not talking about that— the other thing you said that we have not discussed at all since you said it because the two of you were, and frankly might still be, idiots.”
“Oh my god, Diem! When I told you I was into edging, I didn’t mean like this— for fuck sakes woman, spit it out!” Grabbing for your glass of water, you take a sip to cool off your annoyance that is starting to simmer. 
“The part where you said my brother was attractive—“
Diem doesn’t even get a chance to finish the rest of what she is saying because you nearly choke on your drink, water spraying from your mouth back into your glass at the remembrance of what you had said. 
“Are you okay?”
“Y-yeah, I’m fine.” Wiping the water droplets with your napkin. 
You had honestly forgotten about it. Forgotten about what you said, not about the thought— honestly, it still rang true. 
The more time you spend with him, even if only for brief periods of time as you both got to know each other, you undoubtedly found Dieter Bravo attractive— he was caring, sweet, funny, and his almost chaotic personality only added to your growing attraction for him. 
“I don’t even know how to answer that.”
“So you do then— find my brother attractive.”
“Sure, whatever.” You hope your nonchalant response is enough to outwit the surge of questions she’s hurling at you. 
“You know, for someone who works with kids regularly, you’d think at some point you’d learn how to lie better than them.” 
“Fine! Yes, I think he’s attractive. There I said it, are you happy now?” 
The check is dropped between the both of you, your hands quickly grabbing for it to avoid the back and forth on whose turn it is to pay this time, you place your card in the designated slot and place the receipt book on the edge of the table.
“You know this means I have to set you two up, like it’s my duty as a best friend to you.”
“You do it, and your best friend title gets revoked! Do not say a word to him, I am begging you! This isn’t middle school, I don’t need you playing matchmaker. Plus, we’ve just barely started talking, so just leave us alone.”
“You’re no fun. I’m sure he’d be into you though, I can always ask—“
“You are insufferable.” You chuckled, signing your scrawled signature on the receipt. “Seriously though, please don’t. I’m good with just being his friend and getting along like we are— we don’t need to throw feelings into the mix.”
She nods in agreement, but the scheming look she is giving makes you think she’s plotting something. 
“Oh, I just remembered— I won't be able to bring Wren, something came up so Dieter is going to be bringing her to art class this week.” 
“What something?” 
“Something— when I figure out what it is, I’ll let you know.”
“I hate you!” Tossing your crumpled napkin at her, Diem’s laughter rising as you roll your eyes, grabbing for your to-box and purse. 
“I love you too!”
The chorus of a slow ballad hangs in the air of the empty gallery room, the euphonious melody sandwiched between poetic precision, eliciting a longing for a tangible moment you weren’t sure you would ever experience. 
Relationships never really seemed to work in your favor, not for a lack of trying on your part, you just seemed to always find the ones who never really wanted to advance into the seriousness that comes as relationships progress. 
You still kept your mind open to the possibility of finding someone who had the similar interests and desires as you, never really closing the door on relationships as a whole. Dating gave? you great conversations with potential partners, and hookups satisfied that carnal itch your vibrator couldn’t touch. 
You threw yourself into your work at school and your art to keep your mind off the fact that it had been over a year since you were last in a relationship, or had sex for that matter. 
Settling into a new town, it was intimidating to put yourself out there, every one of your dates had been disastrous setups that ended before the dinner checks ever came. 
For now, you were relying on fate to decide whether you were destined for a lifetime of solitude or not. 
You sailed through setting up for an evening of painting. Brushes laid out next to a plastic tray filled with tiny squares, dried chalky pigments begging for thirst and attention. Dense papers, laying neatly on top of two family style tables, waiting for imaginations to spill over onto its textured surface. 
Every class was a mixture of locals who were looking to further their own skills, tourists trying to immerse themselves into the happenings of the town, and a few who were convinced to be there against their will not realizing they would be leaving with a new hobby. 
The attendees slowly started to meander in. A few browsing the art on display as they enter the front of the gallery, a tell-tale sign they are the tourists of the group this evening, while the others don’t hesitate to find a seat pulling out their own personal art supplies and setting up their space. 
“We’re here! We’re here!” Wren zooming in like a tornado , little voice echoing off the cement floor of the building as she announces her arrival. 
“Hi!” Dieter trails in behind her, a shy wave and gleaming smile directed at you. 
The nervousness you had felt when Diem said he would be taking her spot tonight, now replaced with something more substantial, an awakened warmth penetrating through every wall you had built up over the years. 
Your breath catches as he makes his way closer to where you’re standing, his smile shifting into a toothy grin, suddenly making your knees increasingly weak with every step he takes— what is he doing to you?
“Hey!” You manage to croak out. 
“So wild to see it like this.” He looks around the open room, as if to recall all the memories that had been etched onto every wall over the years. “It was a general store growing up. My buds and I would scrounge up enough change in the summer for ice cream cones and a coke. Then we sat out front on the curb, planning what kinda trouble we wanted to get into.”
You can see it too. 12 year old Dieter, all gangly limbs with his wavy dark locks a tousled mess. A buoyant young soul, not knowing what it’s like to be broken and blue. You know though that 12 year old Dieter would be proud to see how hard he’s worked to be where he’s at right now. 
You’re looking forward to seeing this side of him tonight, Dieter the artist, to observe the way he’s able to construct a visual representation of what ambles about in his mind. 
“Looks like you got a good turn out tonight, this should be fun.” He says as he looks around at the now filled seats. 
“Y-Yeah. Don’t be fooled though— Betty and Marilyn,” Casually pointing to the two older ladies, all set up and straight faced waiting for your instruction. “They take these classes way more seriously than blackout bingo. No one’s allowed to talk or ask questions, otherwise you’re on the receiving end of their threatening glares.”
“Huh— Well, tonight’s gonna be interesting then.”
“Uncle Dude! I saved you a seat by me!” Wren shouts at Dieter, her hand frantically smacking the table, indicating the vacant seat next to her. 
“I guess that’s my cue. I’d say good luck, but I don’t think you need it.” He seals it with a wink as he gives your arm a squeeze, the gesture has become a sort of regular thing for him. 
“Fuck!” It’s barely a whisper as you turn your back to everyone, mentally putting yourself in check.
This budding friendship between you and Dieter was refreshing, and the last thing you would have expected. The both of you had become so intertwined, mostly through the connection of Diem and Wren, but you both were beginning to thrive while in each other’s orbit. 
You just needed to get a grip on these spontaneous feelings, before it was too late. 
“Welcome friends! I see we have some familiar faces, as well as new ones tonight. For those who are new, tonight is a basics in watercolor. I’ll show you some techniques for the first half of the class, then in the second half you’ll be able to paint freely using the techniques. If there are any questions at any point in time, don’t hesitate to ask.”
Your eyes quickly scan over everyone’s faces, taking in the varying degrees of excitement, but lingering a bit when they land on Dieter. His head cocked to the side, attention undivided, taking in every word that fell from your lips. 
“We’re going to prep our paper first.” You grab a larger brush, dipping it into a cup of water. A few swift swirls around before lifting and allowing the excess water to flow back into the cup, then placing the brush directly onto the stark white paper. “This is a soaking method, not required, but it helps prevent buckling of the paper— some will soak longer, but this will do for tonight.”
As instructed, everyone sets out to prep their papers, drips of water litter the table’s surface as brushes move about. 
“Umm, ma’am? I have a question.” Dieter’s hand raised, stone face as he awaits to be called on. Betty and Marilyn’s brushes halt for a moment, side eyeing Dieter, before continuing the sweeping motions. 
“Uh, yes. I’ll try to have an answer for you.” You can’t fully read his expression, but you sense a playfulness in his voice. 
He takes a quick glance over to the two old women, then back to you. His movements calculated, forearms rest on the table as he leans forward, his question primed and ready. 
“In your opinion, do you find allowing more time to prepare and properly produce a precise wetness, helps with the stamina of the— paper?” Drawing his lower lip between his teeth, his focus never wavering from where you stand. 
The question so flagrantly sexual in its delivery, you assume a fluke with the way he asks it so flippantly. But you don’t miss the way his words unlock a needy appetite for more. Your body’s tragic lack of foreplay halted, now buzzing with enthusiasm at such an erotic statement. You do your best to control your heady thoughts and not allow his words to affect you in the slightest. 
“Well, I guess that would be dependent on if it’s worth being quick and simple, or whether the job requires to be drawn out and deliberate to get the desired results.” 
Dieter is surprised at how quickly you counter your response— touché. He has to avert his eyes, looking down instead at his hands as they fidget with the dry paint brush, fighting back the urge to laugh. 
“Now, we want to load up our wet brushes with pigment and you can play around with brush strokes. Smaller strokes, known as stippling, the paint will stay in place and pool up. Longer strokes will drag your paint around the surface of the paper, leaving a wash of color from dark to light. The results will also vary depending on the pressure you use, so feel free to mess around with them.”
You give a few examples of the different ways pressure can affect the flow of paint and the proper ways to angle the brush against the paper, everyone eagerly waits to apply the same techniques to their own work. 
Swirling your brush in the water to clean off the remaining color, the pigment suspended within the clear liquid. Blotting the brush on a towel, you take a few seconds to breathe, your face still warm after Dieter’s earlier comment. 
“Ma’am! I have another question, probably a silly one.” 
You bring your hand to your mouth to stifle the choking laugh that tries to escape your throat. You hold the brush in both hands, rolling between your fingers as you turn around to see Dieter’s hand raised yet again. 
“I’m sure you know this, but there’s no silly questions. Please, let’s hear it.” 
Your encouragement provokes annoyed huffs from Betty and Marilyn. 
“Yeah— so these, uh, strokes. Are we talking like long, steady strokes or— hurried and—“
The brush you were holding, now in two pieces. 
“Okay! I think that’s plenty of time spent on the basics. Go ahead and get started working on your own thing, I’ll be available if needed.” 
Tossing the now broken brush in the nearest trash bin and wiping your sweaty hands on your jeans, you make your way back to the tables. 
You make a point to stop and admire what each person is working on, commenting on their progress and giving assistance when needed. 
There’s a weird wave of emotions that overcome you, thinking about how this will all come to end with the closing of the gallery. Sure, there were other galleries in town, but none of them offered classes or had the space to do so. But, you were grateful to have been able to share this space with others who were just as excited about art as you were. 
Another reminder that you also don’t have a single thing ready for the final gallery exhibition, your own showing— mentally noting to start brainstorming ideas. 
Dieter and Wren were still working away as you made it to their end of the table, the best for last in your opinion. 
“What are you painting Wren?” Trying to decipher the colorful blobs sporadically placed, her little hands diligently picking up more paint than needed. 
“It’s flowers, see.” She picks up the sopping wet paper to showcase her work, the upright angle causes the paint to run downward resulting in endless drippy hues puddling onto the table. “They’re poppies!” 
“Oh! I see it now. Poppies are my favorite flowers too.” 
“I know.” Wren, clearly more observant than any other 6 year old you know. 
“Well, it’s beautiful. Your mom is going to love it!” 
Shifting your attention over to Dieter, your breath hitches at what he’s been able to execute in a short amount of time, but your heart nearly stops when you really focus on what he had painted. 
His brush stills, hovering over the inky black and white portrait. 
“You like it?” 
“Dieter, is that— me?”
“Umm, yeah. Sorry, I was just watching you up there and you were talking about everything— I could see this light in you, I don’t know, just felt really inspired by it.”
You’re speechless at his admission. 
“I— I don’t even know what to say. It’s incredible.”
“Thanks. I’ve never tried watercolor before, only ever used oil and acrylic paints. This was fun though.”
He feels slightly embarrassed, hoping he didn’t make things uncomfortable between the two of you. 
“Well, I think it’s beautiful. And would have never guessed this was your first time using this medium.”
You place a hand on his shoulder, a soft squeeze letting him know you’re touched by what he did. 
Once the classes have commenced, supplies cleaned and put away for the next time, you wait by the door to thank everyone and bid them goodbye. 
Dieter and Wren hung back a bit until everyone had left before making their way over to where you’re standing at the front of the building. 
“You two outta here?”
“Yeah, this one’s getting hungry, best get some food in her before she gets angry. Sorry about Betty and Marilyn earlier, they seemed to leave in a hurry too.”
“Don’t worry about them, they’ll be back next week.” You wave off his apology. “Thanks for coming tonight, I know it’s not anything special—“
“No, it was great. You could see how much everyone enjoyed it. Makes me miss when I used to paint regularly.”
“I have some extra things at home. I could throw together a little kit for you if you’d like.”
“You’d do that?”
“Of course! What’s your number? I’m just realizing I don’t have it.”
He recites his number for you, you promptly enter it into your contacts and save. 
“Uncle Dude?”
“What? What else am I supposed to call you? Friend?”
“Uh, Dieter…”
“Eh! Kind of boring.”
“Yeah, that’s boring Uncle Dude!” Clearly her ears work better than any other 6 year old too. 
“Okay, give me your number then, it’s only fair.”
Keeping the screen hidden as he types it into his contact list. 
“So, am I worthy enough of a fun name or not??” You playfully push at his shoulder.
Turning the phone around so you can see the screen, you see your number placed in the appropriate location and where your name would be, a nickname instead. 
“Yeah, like your favorite flower.” 
Diem’s sitting at the counter, enjoying warmed leftovers, when Dieter and Wren walk through the front door.  
“We’re home! Birdie’s starving, insists she could eat the? a? whole restaurant.” 
Wren runs into the kitchen and climbs onto the counter height chair, dramatically lowering her upper body onto the counter. 
“Mama! I’m so hungry!”
“Here baby, eat this.” Diem slides her plate of pasta to her, her hand smoothing over her messy head of caramel colored hair. “Did you have fun at least?”
Dieter grabs a plate for himself, listening to Diem and Wren chat about the class, noticing Wren already peeking up after a few bites of food. 
“Lots of fun! We painted this time. I’m going to be the flower girl at Uncle Dude and Poppy’s wedding!” 
“Uncle Dude and Poppy’s wedding? Who’s Poppy?!”
“You know Poppy, Mama. She’s your best friend!”
Confused by what Wren is saying, Diem blinks in confusion in Dieter’s direction, he shrugs not having a single clue as to what Wren is talking about. 
“And why do you think Poppy and your Uncle are getting married?”
“Because! They did that thing that people do in the movies!”
Dieter eyes widen as he nearly chokes on the noodle he’s eating, his fist covering his mouth as he coughs loudly to hopefully change the subject away from you and him. 
“And what— t-thing would that be?” 
“They talk and look at each other a lot. You know, the way they do in the movies when they’re in love— duh!” 
“Hmm, well— that’s not how that works baby. Your Uncle and Poppy are just friends.” Trying to not break Wren's heart over the fact that she won’t be anyone’s flower girl at the moment. 
“But after you're boyfriend and girlfriend, you get married.”
“Technically true. But Wren, baby, Uncle Dude and Poppy aren’t boyfriend and girlfriend either— they’re just friends, that’s it.”
Wren tilts her head ever so slightly, her brows furrowed in contemplation. 
“But they have each other's phone numbers, like boyfriend and girlfriend’s do.” 
This is not what Dieter had expected when they arrived home, he had plans to relax and catch up on a show he had started recently. Instead, he’s listening to his niece conjure up wild stories about a nonexistent impending marriage and being romantically linked to you— yet the more he listens, he realizes you’re someone he could see himself with.
At first he only thought of it as a normal attraction towards you. From that first day at school, he was drawn to your beautiful smile, how you instantly lit up when your students waved their ‘good mornings’ as they entered your class. 
And if Dieter is truly being honest with himself, that night in the kitchen didn’t stall how thoroughly mesmerized he was by you. The more he thought about it, he realized you were the only one, aside from his sister, who called him out on his bullshit, something no one had done for a long time. 
After talking with his Sponsor and really taking the time to sit in his feelings and reflect on the situation. And the only conclusion he could come to, and the only one that made sense, was he needed to figure out how to make it up to you. 
He was thankful that you were receptive to the idea of still being around him, the amicable morning ‘Hello’s’ at school, fleeting glances from across the room during movie nights, tiny moments cementing these feelings for you. 
When you shared your past and reasoning for being so put off by him, he knew that was a turning point in the mending process between the both of you. Coming from two very different backgrounds, yet your upbringing’s weren’t all that different from each other. 
Tonight, watching you so absorbed in your element of teaching something you love, Dieter knew he needed you in his life anyway he could have you. 
“Okay, but friends give each other numbers too. Doesn’t mean they’re in a relationship, just friends.”
“Then why did Uncle Dude paint a picture of her in class tonight?”
“Okay, I think it’s bedtime for you little miss. Go brush your teeth and I’ll be in for story time in a minute.” Wren’s shoulders dropped at that, but Diem took Dieter’s silence for mortification and decided it was best to put an end to it. 
“Night Uncle Dude!” Wren shouted as she ran off to prepare for bedtime without any hesitation or arguments. 
“Night Birdie!”
A lull hung over the room. Dieter now leaning back against the counter edge, head down and arms folded over his chest, nervously chewing at his bottom lip. Diem still seated in her chair, glancing up at the ceiling, letting all of what Wren had shared settle for a moment. 
“How long?”
“How long, what?” His gaze shifting up to Diem, a line appearing between his brows as he waits for an explanation. 
“How long have you had feelings for her?”
“I don’t know what—“
“Dieter! I’m not dumb, and definitely not blind. It didn’t take a 6 year old stating the obvious to see how much you like her.”
A grin forms as he shakes his head and laughs, of course his sister would pick up on something like this. 
“I-I don’t know. I guess awhile at this point. Don’t know exactly when to pinpoint the time.”
“You should tell her.”
“Well, that’s not happening. Why? So, I can look like some fuckin’ idiot who’s been secretly falling for his sister’s best friend— yeah, I’ll pass.”
“Wait— Dieter, are you in love with her?”
“I, umm. Fuck! I don’t know— I think I—“
An incoming text message saves him from revealing exactly how he feels about you. 
Dieter pulls his phone from his pocket to see your name along with a message, up on the screen. The way his stomach flips, smiling from ear to ear, completely affected by a simple text message from you. 
Poppy 💐 - I hope this isn’t too late. I found those paints I mentioned earlier. Bringing them over, I’ll leave them on the porch. 
Uncle Dude - Not too late, just finishing dinner. Text me when you get here. 
“That’s her, isn’t it?” Diem’s smile mirroring his. 
“Mind your business.”
Poppy 💐 - Here!
“Gotta go, not a word out of you about any of this! Got it?”
“Okay, okay!” Diem’s hands thrown up in comical fashion heading for Wren’s room, then tossing one last punch before rounding the corner. “I’ll start looking for my Maid of Honor dress tonight!” 
Pushing off the counter in pursuit of the front porch, his eyes rolling at Diem’s lighthearted comment, Dieter finds you waiting for him— armed with a box full of tiny tubes of paint in every shade imaginable, paint brushes in an array of sizes and shapes, all curated by you for him. 
“Hey! Sorry again— I was just, excited to get this all together for you.” You say as you lift the box towards him. 
“It’s fine, Diem was just getting Wren into bed when you text. You didn’t have to do this, you know.” Grabbing the box from your extended arms, scanning over the contents, noting that you took the time to intentionally choose every item. 
“I wanted to. If there’s something you need that’s not in there, just let me know and I can check my supplies.”
“No, this is perfect. Thank you.”
He takes a good look at you as you stand before him, deciding there isn’t any lighting that doesn’t look good on you, the moonlight being his favorite so far— even in the twilight, you’re the most stunning thing ever. 
“I have an extra easel too. I just have to pull it out of the attic, but you’re welcome to use it.” Your fingers pick at the cuffs of your sweater, feeling flustered and warm as you try to remain calm, but the way Dieter is looking at you makes it hard. 
“I can come by whenever to grab it.”
Another notification comes through Dieter’s phone, placing the box down on the ground, he fishes his phone back out of his pocket. 
It’s an email, one he’s shocked to be receiving, his reaction baffled as he reads through it. 
“Is everything okay?” You can’t get a good read on his hushed state. 
“Umm, yeah— Yeah, everything’s fine. It’s from my agent. He said a director sent him a script, asking for me specifically for an upcoming project. Said he’s going to be sending over the scene lines for me to read over.”
“Oh my gosh! Dieter, that’s amazing!!” 
Your body launches at his, arms thrown around his neck, pulling his solid body against you. 
Instinctively, his own body begins to relax into yours, his hands slowly moving around and up your spine, taking a mental note of how perfect you feel against him. 
“Y-yeah, I guess it is.” He murmurs, but his response sounds less than thrilled. 
“Are you okay?” You pull back, still wrapped in each other's arms, so close, studying his features in a way you hadn’t done before. 
He thinks he is. Dieter had planned to be here, in his hometown, for a few months. Take the time to enjoy his time here with his family and lean fully into his sobriety. He thought it would be months, maybe a year, before he would hear from his agent about any potential parts, let alone be a top pick for a role and be sent a script. 
This was all supposed to be temporary, short lived and then move on with his life. 
That was until he met you. 
“Yeah, I’m okay.”
It’s the drag of his upper lip down the column of your neck, your head angled back to allow the slow pleasing movement. Brief pauses allow his tongue to delicately dance about, taste the warmth of your dewy skin. 
“Dieter—“ His name soft as  it falls from your lips. 
His large hand settles at the base of your neck, pulling you head back upright, thumb dragging across the apple of your cheek. 
Your body is buzzing, an ardent energy building through Dieter’s stimulating and capable advances. 
Dieter’s pillowy lips crash into yours, his tongue sweeping your bottom lip, begging for more of you— you oblige, licking into his mouth with earnestness. 
A tingle runs down your spine, gradually turning into a throbbing sensation that settles at your core. Needy and breathless, grabbing off anything you can reach for. 
Your hands clutching loose cottony fabric, your grip never faltering as you try to ground yourself in this mind-blowing moment. 
“Dieter, please!” A throaty whine carries through the air, a plea for anything to help careen you towards a blissful peak. 
No movement. 
Fleshy desires abandoned. 
The jolting sound of your alarm blares from your nightstand, you shoot up in a panic. 
Your room, your bed, alone. 
Your body depleted, pulse racing and chest heaving as you try to catch your breath, you fall back into the wall of pillows. 
The third night in a row this dream, nightmare, has plagued you. 
One minute he’s there, with you, surrounding you in an all-encompassing manner. 
Then he’s gone. 
That night he got the email about the potential job, you were so happy for him, truly. Instinctively, you wanted to praise him, tell him how proud you were of him. There was a moment, a stillness, between the two of you. A spark, a flicker of something— gone when Diem’s voice called out for his help.
The truth was, Dieter is going to get this job, and then he’ll be gone. Back to his movie star world.  Enveloped in the same world that created the demons that he’s fought so hard to keep at bay. 
And you’ll be here. Alone. Like always. 
Throwing the covers off your sticky body, you pluck yourself from the comfort of your bed. Mindlessly, you find your way over to the chair in the corner of your room, your hands grabbing for the brown fuzzy coat that’s been draped over it for the past few weeks. 
You pull it on, nuzzling your face into the fluffy fabric, his musky scent still vibrant and sharp as it hits your nose. 
The floor is cool against your bare feet as you pad your way down to your sunroom that doubles as your art studio. 
Finally having inspiration for your exhibition.
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jinx-420 · 1 year
Summer fling
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Summary: Your brothers childhood friend joins your family’s annual summer beach trip, nothing has changed between you two…right?
Warnings: brothers bsf Abby x fem reader, gets a teeny bit smutty, this series is gonna be kinda slow burn, smoking weed, Abby calls reader princess like a billion times. this isn’t proof read so it’s kinda shitty.. 😧
“Why do you even need so many bikinis, I mean cmon..there’s like forty in here” your bestie friend Kira says as she watches you pack your suitcase.
“A girl needs her options okay!” You said rolling your eyes adding an additional bikini you just found in your messy closet. “Im ganna be so lonely without you here I think I’m ganna die of boredom” Kira complains once again about your annual 1 month long summer beach trip your leaving for in the morning. “Let’s just FaceTime every night alright ? I’ll let you know if there’s any summer flings over there” you say struggling to zip up your overfilled suitcase. “Shit dude try to help me out here” you add on while your zipper still doesn’t budge. “I’ll sit on it and you zip it” you say as you sit on the suitcase. You put all your weight down as Kira pulls the zipper one way as hard as she can, which leads to the suitcase slipping from under you. You let out a little yelp as you land on the floor. “Ohmygod I’m ganna pee my pants” Kira manages to say while wheezing .
Just then your older brother, Jordan bursts in the room “Ohmygod can y’all be any louder me and Abby are trying to finish our summer project so we don’t have to during the trip” you could barely even process what he said from the ongoing laughter but then finally registered what he said. “wait what ? Abbys here? And she’s coming on the trip too ? Y’all haven’t hung out in years and plus mom said only family” you said questioning him but also giving your friend ‘the look.’ “Yeah we have been hanging out like we used to again and yep mom practically thinks of her as a daughter” he says before leaving your room. “Hmm maybe Abby will be the ‘summer fling’ I’ll be hearing about” Kira starts teasing you because if there’s one thing about Kira, it’s that she knows you more than you know yourself. “Oh shut up even my brother just said she’s practically family that’d just be weird” you said putting your focus back on the stubborn suitcase to cover your slightly flustered face. “Mhm” Kira says raising her eyebrows before joining in once again to help zip up your luggage. “Tada !” You say as you finally get the zipper to close all the way.
“Dude it’s 2:35 AM you have looked over the project like a billion times, I’m pretty sure it’s good enough” Abby says while smoking a joint on Jordan’s bed. “Ok fine, now gimme that” Jordan says as he puts his hand out while submitting the assignment.
“Dude you know what I just realized.. I haven’t seen your sister in like years” Abby says with red slanted eyes. “First off, you look absolutely gone right now, second she’s literally right across the hall if you want to invite her to our little movie night and third she hasn’t even changed that much” Jordan says in between hits. Abby agrees to his idea and takes the joint from him while he sends you a text asking to come in his room. “Alright now we wait for the gremlin to arrive” Jordan jokes a bit while scrolling through his Instagram feed.
Abby was mid hit when you walked in wearing only a small tank top and sleeping shorts. She could barely recognize you because the last time she remembers seeing you, you were just a tween. Of course Abby wasn’t expecting the same kid she knew before but cmon.. you looked like a fucking model. her eyes drifted down your body to your hardened nipples poking through your tank top and your plush thighs make her instantly cough on the smoke she was inhaling “fuck” she said, mid coughs. Jordan laughed a bit at Abby coughing on the weed (at least that’s what he thinks she was coughing from) Abby let out one final cough before looking back at you to see your eyebrows raised at her then to jordan. “I’m ganna get dressed real quick I kinda forgot you were here” you say with a nervous giggle to Abby hoping she didn’t see the redness on your cheeks or any sign of panic in your voice. As you turned around to exit his room Abby couldn’t not check to see if your ass has grown as much as your other body has and holy fuck, she thinks she might pass out.
“I thought you said she didn’t change a lot bro.” Abby says with her jaw on the floor. “I mean her hairs longer I guess” jordan says shrugging like having a goddess as a sister was nothing. “Yeah whatever you say” Abby’s says still completely flabbergasted. “Yo imma go make some popcorn downstairs for us real quick, you pick a movie on Netflix or something” jordan says before heading downstairs. As Abby turns the tv on to look for a movie, you walk in once again but this time wearing a hoodie to cover your chest and the same little shorts. “He went downstairs to get us popcorn so we can have a movie night” Abby says when she sees your eyes looking for Jordan. “Oh alright sounds fun, we haven’t done this in years” you say sitting down on the bed next to Abby leaving a few inches between you both. “Yeah last time we did you were a little kid” abby said laughing with you “oh shut up were literally only three years apart you were basically a kid too” you say defensively. Abby puts her hands up in the air in a surrendering motion and you both laugh a bit before you talk again “you look so different..” your eyes trail to her muscular build. “You think I look different ? I could barely recognize you if it weren’t for your face, you still kinda have a baby face” she says teasing you with a smirk. “I’ll fight you, watch it” you say cheesing reminiscing on how you always use to play around like this when she slept over. “oh yeah? Hm I wonder who will win” she says sarcastically, turning her body to face you completely, her muscles flexing in her hoodie as she laid her body weight on the bed. She noticed you go quiet while staring at her thighs “y/nnnn..” she said chuckling tilting her head to try to catch your attention again. You realize you were staring too long and the blush went back across your face for what felt like the billionth time today as you look back at her to see she was staring at you with those same old eyes you always swooned over. “I- uh..” you start as you direct your gaze to the pillow on the bed. you could barely speak let alone hold contact with her as she kept staring at you like that. “Youu what, princess?” Abby teased calling you the name she always use to call you as kids. The way you two were positioned had Abby slightly over your body which was sitting against the pillows. You finally get the courage to hold eye contact with her again and you take in each others appearance, you were staring at her with doe eyes that could make Abby go insane, and Abby slightly towering over you, staring at you with droopy eyes and a lazy smile. “You get my sister high or something?” Jordan barges in with popcorn and a few drinks. Both you and Abby slightly jump away from each other. This was nothing than like when you two were kids. “Uh no but it’s about time you shared with me” you say grabbing the joint from Abby, trying to break some tension from before. “Help yourself” she said with her eyes lingering on you smoking longer than she could control.
“Scoot” Jordan spoke up as he sat on the bed next to you, pushing you and Abby together. “What movie are we ganna watch, Abby ?” Jordan spoke again looking at Abby. “Oh uh I was kinda in the mood for a classic movie or something..” Abby put the idea out there for any recommendations. “How about fight club that’s always a good one” you say after brainstorming for a few seconds. “Ooo I fucking love fight club hell yeah” Abby says with wide eyes and grabbing the remote.
“How is his ass already asleep it’s literally been half an hour since we put the movie on” you say in shock as your brother snores in a deep slumber next to you. “We should definitely pull a prank on him later” Abby says laughing with you. “Oh definitely, I’m thinking a finger in warm water trick yea ?” You question Abby as you look between them both. “Sounds like a plan” Abby agrees with you and faces towards you to put her hand out and shake yours like you two made a deal. Your eyes lock on her biceps flexing against her hoodie as you shake her larger hand, yours feeling awfully small in hers.
As you two still were hand in hand, Jordan stirs in his sleep and ends up in a position that takes up half the bed, leaving you to smoosh yourself into Abby’s side more than before. “Sorry I don’t mean to take up your space but he’s being a hog” you say a little awkwardly and Abby looks down and smiles saying in a slightly raspy voice “all good princess, just like when we were kids”. You blush and innocently snuggle into her side a little more. Just as you thought your brother couldn’t cause anymore problems, he threw his arm over his head in his sleep, and in the process of doing so, he knocked his fan; the only source of air conditioning in the room, off the bed and onto the floor with a ruckus.
“Fuck this better not be broken or it’s ganna get hot in here” you said getting off the bed to try and fix the fan. You grunted in frustration when you realized that there was no saving the stupid broken fan. “Here lemme see it” Abby says coming up behind you with her hand on the small of your back, making you internally scream. She has her share of a struggle with the fan before giving up as well. “Welp it can’t get that warm in here, right?” Abby questioned you with a hint of worry in her voice. “You’ll see for yourself” you say as you strip yourself of your hoodie, Abby watching your body (specifically your tits) the whole time. “That’s better” you say with a sigh and hopping back into bed. “I’ll take your word for it then” Abby says as she follows your lead and takes her hoodie off as well, leaving her in a black wife pleaser. You assumed that Abby’s arms would match the rest of her toned body but Jesus Christ. You couldn’t snap your eyes away from her biceps, noticing the veins in her arms made you go weak and even as she stood infront of the bed following your gaze on her arms, you still couldn’t pull your eyes away. “Take a picture it’ll last longer” she said with a little chuckle. “Uh… sorry you just look a lot different” you tried to play off the fact she caught you basically eye fucking her. “Just a little muscle is all” she said humbly as she got into bed next to you and joining you to continue the movie. Even though Abby had a nonchalant facade going on, your braless tits pressed against her side had her going fucking insane. Her heart was racing and she was hoping to god that you couldn’t hear it thumping in her chest. The movie was the last thing you two were worried about and had both of your minds wrapped around each other.
You wondered if Abby really lived up to her childhood nickname, abs, and your eyes drifted down her body to see a slight imprint of her toned stomach. You internally fold once again at the sight alone. You were fully convinced that Abby was sculpted by a god as your eyes check her out sneakily while her eyes stay focused on whatever the hell is happening on the tv. As you finish making your own mental movie of Abby in your head, it was Abby’s turn to get another peek of you herself. Although fully knowing you would notice her checking you out, one look couldn’t hurt right ? As her eyes carefully flickered down your body, she herself was convinced you crawled right out of a wet dream. why did you have to get so fucking fine? Abby thought as her eyes scanned every inch of you.
First her eyes focused on how you had one leg poking a little further out than the other so the side of your hip was sticking out a bit, then she noticed how your tank top had ridden up your stomach a little bit leaving a slant of skin exposed. As she made note of every little detail of your heaven sent body, her eyes made the mistake of looking at your face. You were already looking in her eyes with a blush on your checks and Abby swears she almost had a heart attack from the way you were looking up at her. “Thought I was the one with a staring problem” you teased her like you weren’t just staring the exact same way she was.
“Kinda hard not to stare when you’re looking at me like you want me to fuck you” Abby says in a raspier voice than usual. You were caught so off guard from Abby’s words your mouth was just left agape as you struggle to find the words to reply. “Relax, I’m just teasing you” Abby says with a blush across her face and trying to play off the fact that she wants to spit in that open mouth of yours. You laugh a painfully forced laugh as you shift from your position a little bit, needing to relieve the unbelievably intense ache in your pussy.
After what felt like the longest hour in a half of your entire life, the movie was finally over. (not like you would have known if it weren’t for Abby sitting up a bit) As you stretched your arms you felt yourself tired, you decided it was finally time to go to sleep.
“Hey abs I’m gonna go to sleep now alright?” You said to her as you got off the bed and grabbed your hoodie off the bed. “Sure, I’ll see you in a few hours then goodnight princess” Abby said as you made your way to the door “just come wake me up if you need anything” you said as you slipped out the door quietly. As you got to your bedroom the crisp air from your A/C unit instantly gave you goosebumps, you went to put your hoodie back on only to be met with a more than pleasant aroma of Abby. Her hoodie ? Shit.
You contemplated on giving her it back but the second you put it up to your nose to smell it once again, you knew your answer. She smelled like pine and a little musk and you swear if you didn’t get on your bed just then, your knees would have gave out. Your mind replayed the events of the night as you fell asleep curled up with her hoodie.
A knock at your door woke you up. You let out a weak groan and they opened the door. You opened your eyes slightly to see a strong figure in the shadows. None other than Abby. “Hey abs” you say with a still weak and sleepy voice. “Hi sleepy head” she said as she stepped closer and closer to your bed. “Whatcha doin” you ask as you sit up a bit on the bed. “I just couldn’t resist my princess” she said before smashing her lips into yours and pushing you back into a laying position. Her strong body pressing you down against your bed. Your pussy was aching so bad you started to grind a bit against her. She was so close to you, you could smell her again. As you two made out, her tongue started to enter yours and you happily welcomed her tongue in. Abby pressed a little deeper into you and the friction from you grinding against her was becoming too much. You were whimpering pathetically against her mouth as you sped up your desperate humps against her. Abby pulled away from the kiss and started to suck and nibble in the crook of your neck. “Cmon baby cum for me” she said a little muffled. Just as you reach your climax, you hear your morning alarm go off. Shit. As you slowly open your eyes the first thing you notice is your tired legs which just so happens to have a certain piece of clothing in between them, Abbies hoodie. “Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck” you repeated as you realized what you had just done. You take the hoodie out from your legs and feel the soaked material of your panties. “Shit” you say as you try to hurry to your bathroom to shower. You get dressed quickly after your shower and into a comfy t shirt and shorts. You try to decide on what to do with the whole Abby hoodie situation but decide it’s best to just act like you didn’t know that you took her hoodie last night.
As you step outside your room with her hoodie in your hands you take one last smell of it before entering your brothers room. The sight you were faced to see was much more pleasant than you could have imagined. Abby was sleeping like a baby, with her body curled up a bit and her head resting on her inner arm. You couldn’t help but feel a little guilty about her hoodie but figured it would be best to just try to forget. You placed her hoodie on the end of the bed and located your hoodie close by. You quickly grabbed it and made your way out of the room to finish getting ready for the day.
“Can you go inside and get your brother and Abby?, we’re all packed and ready to go” Your mom said as you both finished packing the car. You agreed and quickly went inside to get them both.
As you entered the kitchen to see Jordan and Abby finishing eating breakfast, you notice Abby’s adorable sleepy appearance but more importantly she was wearing the hoodie. Your eyes linger on her like they always do but you manage to snap yourself out of it. “Uh mom said we’re ready to go, just waiting for you two” you say and go upstairs to get some pillows and blankets for the ride. You turn all of your lights off and double check you have everything before you make your way outside once again. Your mom was shutting the trunk and getting into the driver seat.
“Guyssss can I get the front seats so I can sleep for a bit” Jordan asked with his best puppy dog eyes.
You realized that means that you would sit with Abby in the back of the car the whole trip. This was definitely going to be interesting, you thought. “Fine, it’s better in the back seats anyways” you say with an eye roll as you and Abby both climb in the back. “Here” Jordan says tossing your pillows and blankets back to you so you two could get comfy. Once you were satisfied with your little car ride setup you got your phone out and texted your best friend Kira, knowing she would finally be awake by now.
“Oh no did sum happen w Abby?”
“How’d you know..”
“Yk I’m an empath girl”
“Whatever.. I may or may not have had a wet dream about Abby last night and she may or may not be right next to me in the car rn…”
“Ik. She’s wearing the hoodie I just so happened to use..”
“why would you use her hoodie?!”
“mkay girl.. all I have to say is goodluck! (And lemme know when y’all finally fuck)”
“Ttyl ! Love you 😘”
While you were busy texting about the eventful night you had, you hadn’t even noticed Abby wearing shorter shorts than usual, showing off her mouth watering quads. Fuck, you thought. Why did you have to sit next to her?!
You could already feel your panties getting wet and growing annoyed at the affect Abby had on you without even trying. Just trying to let it go, you tried to comfy yourself in a position but nothing seemed to feel right. Abby took notice of this and had a little rush of confidence as she leaned in “you can sleep on me you know, I won’t bite..unless your into that” she said looking deep into your eyes and chuckling a bit at your flushed expression. “You just love messing with me don’t you” you say under your breath. “You know it princess” she says with a wink.
You roll your eyes and give into her request as you lay your head down onto her lap. The only thing stopping you from falling asleep in that moment was the fact that your face was so close to her clothed pussy. After a few minutes on her lap, her hand comes down to your head and her fingers start to run through your hair. Your eyes almost rolled to the back of your head at Abby’s little antics. If there’s one thing Abby remembered from your childhood, it’s that you always loved your hair being played with. Even when Abby first braided your hair for you, she noticed how much you relaxed into her touch. And all these years later you hadn’t changed one bit. She felt you relax even more in her hands and tried to ignore the fact that her pussy was aching worse than last night. In your half asleep half conscious state, you don’t have the energy to think before you slip your hands around Abby’s waist and finally get lulled to sleep like a child.
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thesharktanksdriver · 3 months
Hey! So I wanted to ask something about determination! reader, have the characters of the movies meet Reader? Like for example Uta or Tesoro of film gold?
Anyways I lover You work and I hope to see the part of Roger! ✨
Hello!!! Sorry for getting to your ask so late, I’ve been really tired these past few days lol.
But as for your questions kinda?
I have to retcon y/n meeting Uta as a baby cause it doesn’t match up timeline wise. I assumed Shanks found her just before Roger died but I’m pretty sure I’m wrong about that lol.
But I do want to write a lil something for Uta, she’s a personal favourite of mine and she in my opinion doesn’t get enough attention.
I’d like to make something about y/n meeting her and somehow convincing her of how the wake-shroom is dangerous, maybe by eating it and dying lol. I might even make something later on with the straw hats meeting up with her in Elegia for a reunion for her and Luffy….plus a duet between her, Brook and y/n would be killer. I just want good things for her 😭
As for Tesoro if think something interesting could be that they both met while slaves, but I’m unsure if that timeline wise since y/n was a slave when boa and her sisters were for an undetermined amount of time until Boa was forced to kill them.
Really sad idea for that though is that in that time Tesoro tried his best to help and protect them before they were killed. Maybe they had even met because he could hear them quietly singing to try and comfort Boa and her sisters and it reminded him of Stella :[
That idea is really funny tho when it comes to one piece gold cause he has a panic attack realizing their
A) alive after he assumed they died cause he saw the girls they were with uncontrollably sobbing, now he thinks they had somehow escaped
B) with the straw hats he’s actively trying to kill
C) damn, he needs their skincare routine cause they look like they haven’t aged at all!
Even if this route isn’t the case, i cousl kinda see him doing his whole thing In gold of trying to capture and kill the straw hats but then sees they have this random kid with them that reminds a little too much of Stella and assumes the straw hats kidnapped them and is holding them as some sort of hostage.
Which in turns makes him even more pissed and determined (lol) to kill these damn pirates and save this kid.
If this was the case of scenario of their meeting, y/n opening up about their own time as well as a slave would be really interesting. Especially since in many regards he became like the world novels he hated, taking pleasure in others suffering as well as having insane amounts of wealth to live in luxury while also being hypocritical and hating other wealthy people who act exactly like him.
Tesoro wouldn’t get why y/n looks at him with a sad and also horrified look in their eyes.
Why they seem afraid of him when he had “saved” them.
Another potential movie character I can see as an interesting person for y/n to meet is Z.
Because for a much as Z hates pirates I don’t think he’d be willing to hurt a kid, not when his was killed. So he’s left in a weird impasse of wanting to kill the straw hats but also trying to keep y/n not involved even if he knows they’re also a pirate and their actively joining in on the fights.
Doesn’t help that the marines there to stop him reaallly want y/n too, so he kinda has to deal with Borsalino and making sure that the admiral nor y/n’s crew doesn’t get them.
I’d definitely imagine y/n would get in heated arguments with the dude, especially since they’re not letting someone mess with Roger’s legacy and cause they get his pain (somewhat at least).
They’ve been on the receiving end of cruelty from pirates.
But at the same time marines have done arguably much worse yet uphold the status of justice.
What is justice when they murder all infants on an island due to fear of Roger having a blood child.
What is justice when they wipe out an entire race of people and take their land to make Mary geoise.
What is justice when they make living weapons.
What is justice when marines can kill civilians with only so much as a small punishment by HQ.
What justice is there in tracking down escaped slaves and being lapdogs for celestial dragons.
At least pirates though some are equally terrible don’t proclaim themselves under the hypocrisy of “justice”. Don’t claim to be holy saints when they try and kill someone for the sin of their father being a pirate.
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blues-valentine · 2 years
I came across pw posts somewhere saying how EJ & Gina break up doesn't make sense because in s4, Ricky would be senior and Gina will be Junior and he'll be thinking about his future, college plans, or whatnot so how can Ricky and Gina relationship going to work with him thinking about his future while Gina is still in high school just like EJ is doing now? What do you think? I am Rina fan, just to clarify that.
Sorry for the delay. So, I have been asked this question multiple times these past few weeks and I’m not going lie — I don’t get why is such a topic because it low key implies all relationships are bond to hit the same bump when it’s never about the circumstances but about the person. Future plans are for sure a subject that'll come up eventually in Ricky and Gina’s relationship (and I’m excited to see how they’ll handle that) but just because it was a deal breaker for Gina and EJ, doesn’t mean it will be for Ricky and Gina, especially when both relationships and circumstances are/were different. Ricky is in canon the right person for Gina and when it’s the right person — you make it work.
Let me expand on that:
Firstly, EJ and Gina’s relationship started when he was already pretty much out of East High. Their "romantic/flirty" arc started since Spring Break (209) which is late March and their first "romantic" conversation was already about EJ’s college drama. They got together at opening night of the Spring Production and that’s usually June for High School. Graduations also take place in June. He had already graduated when he got with her. Their relationship has always been framed with the knowledge he isn’t a student anymore. Their relationship had an expiration date and was only holding itself together because of the summer time bubble.
The reason for Gina and EJ’s relationship not working out was not about distance or college plans. I would say it wasn’t even the biggest problem. Their issue was about lack of communication. Confiding in another girl instated of his own girlfriend. EJ not making time to enjoy the present with her. He was too focused on the goal (destination) that forgot the steps to get there. EJ’s dad issues and his own insecurities plus not having a solid plan. I also believe Gina's fantasy and rose colored idea of their relationship played a role in her expectations. Most importantly, Gina felt like she couldn’t connect with him since most of her firsts aren’t "new" to him. There were plenty of reasons why their relationship wasn’t going to work even if he had asked for a gap year.
Ricky and Gina were experiencing the same things during summer and the show made it clear they were both walking towards the same direction. All of the memories and experiences Gina wished she had done with EJ ended up being experiences she was able to share with Ricky on a same level. It was Ricky’s first camp too so everything was as new to Gina as it was to him and she will continue sharing a lot of her first experiences with him. Ricky will be a senior. He's still a student. Gina will be able to enjoy the school year with her boyfriend and doing all those couple things such as going to homecoming together, sit with him at lunch, walk hand-in-hand in the hallways. It’s a huge contrast to Gina and EJ’s relationship entirely existing outside of East High with EJ already graduated. It’s not the same. Also, let’s point out that Ricky talked about the journey instated of the destination. While EJ was worried about where they’ll go, he forgot to enjoy the ride with Gina, which is something Ricky wants to enjoy.
And the most important: Gina and EJ don’t have the same connection Ricky and Gina share, not matter how some people want to claim otherwise. Gina and Ricky had emotional attraction from the get go. The sense that this person just gets you and that's hard to find. To me, Gina and EJ's relationship came about because they were both unable to have what they wanted. I also mentioned how everything about EJ felt like some type of fantasy and safety choice for Gina and I think being in a relationship with Gina gave EJ a reason to put off his future. Ultimately, while I think they genuinely liked each other, it served as a way to ignore some things for them. Their honeymoon period ended so they couldn’t ignore their incompatibility. Gina and EJ were in different places. Ricky and Gina are canonically build on the fact they get each other in a way no one else can. Ricky was Gina's first friend at East High and the one person that got to know the real her and helped her put down her walls. Summer camp allowed them to rebuild the connection that already existed between them. They had to do some individual growth before getting their timing right and be together.
I believe Ricky and Gina can go through anything together. They had gone through so much to finally be together. A full year of angst and missing chances. They have emotional understanding of each other. They’re compatible in a lot of ways and most importantly, the narrative keeps telling you they are the type of love each of them needs and the right person. I can see Gina being encouraging of Ricky’s future prospects because she’s always the one pushing Ricky forward and I can see Ricky putting his best efforts in a *possible* distance relationship with Gina because he has experience with all of that but this time is with someone that enjoys his love language. He’ll be the type to drive miles if he has to for Gina. The deal breaker for Gina is not wanting to feel like an afterthought or ignored especially when her family always puts work over her — Ricky will do anything to remind Gina she is loved and appreciated (aka the chocolates). Now that he is her boyfriend he’ll be able to fully show it.
And the best example I can give you is how I mutually broke up with someone because of long distance and later found myself in the exact situation in another relationship but that one did work out (and still going strong) and that’s because there is willingness from both to make it work and there’s communication. Couples can go thought the same situations but how you react to them is the difference.
To conclude, I can see Ricky and Gina going through their very Troy and Gabriella arc for S4 but with the "we’re now famous" arc attached.
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feederandfeedee · 2 years
Hi! You’re very beautiful! So I’m new to this kind of community… I find big girls attractive but I can’t share that w/ the people who know me. I guess my question would be … how did your family take it when you started gaining? If that’s not too much of a personal question.
This questions takes me really far back. Firstly off its important to know a few things about me.
1) I was never a “skinny” person. Even as a child. I always had curves and I was always chubby. This made me really insecure.
2) I threw myself into this community at full force at the age of 15, ~10 years ago. I was putting on weight while I was still in high school.
So my answer isn’t going to be super relevant to your current situation. As with many families, it was pretty common for relatives to poke fun at me and harp on me for being fat. It really bothered me because from a young age, I knew I didn’t hold the same negative feelings about being fat like everyone around me did. It was so confusing. Why was everyone making me feel so bad about being fat, something I wanted so badly to be? I became withdrawn and really emotionally reactive to comments on my weight as early as ~8 years old. So my family learned quickly that I couldn’t tolerate those types of comments. After a few years of poking fun and me responding in meltdowns they learned not to do that anymore. I think nowadays they probably think of me as a plus size woman who doesn’t tolerate body shaming and loves and accepts herself the way she is. I don’t think they have any clue that I gained the weight on purpose and they definitely haven’t commented since I started actively gaining.
I would suggest taking a stand against body shaming comments with a quick “Listen, I don’t make comments about your body. I’d appreciate it a lot if you didn’t make comments on mine. It’s disrespectful and I don’t care what you think.” But if I’m being honesty, if I were experiencing body shaming comments from my family- I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to say anything like that to them 😔. Which is why I personally feel like getting that whole situation out of the way earlier on in my life worked in my favor.
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godsprettiestprincess · 10 months
you said you’d answer all of them so now infodump about miss irene 🔫
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
She’s just a very fun nerd girl character with a surprising amount of depth! A lot of the characters in ttp for kind of in their stereotypes but then diverge and expand out more than you expect, while also having pretty clear character arcs and self-consistent logic.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
She basically has no moral compass and it’s kind of amazing. I’ve talked about it before but she genuinely seems to want to have the rapist guy castrated, and is willing to experiment on her friend/acquaintance’s corpse with the guy that (by proxy) shot her and killed her friends with no objections whatsoever. Also, canonically a messy eater! Love that for her
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
She gets sidelined a lot :( ttp tends to treat things as though they don’t exist when not immediately plot relevant, and she just kind of isn’t there when not necessary, even though she’s one of the most important friendly characters that isn’t an immediate protagonist. Plus the way her style & such get treated is super weird but that’s just 2013 misogyny
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
PACIFIC RIM. She would be SUCH a Newt character and absolutely deserves to go crazy over big monsters and freak everybody out
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Bc she’s adjacent to Jedikiah, it ends up being Crazy Fuckin’ Robot Body by Snowblood, lmao
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
Well I man gestures at appearance. I’m ahead in school too, but it’s more “1 associates a few days before I turned 18” instead of “multiple theses in progress at 17”
7. What's something the fandom show does when it comes to this character that you like?
It lets her be as smart as she is!!! I kept waiting for it but as far as I can remember, at no point is she undermined or does she make a problematic mistake — her and Jedikiah get into an argument about the subject he’s studied for like 20 years, and though he kind of bluffs out of it, the framing make it clear that he loses! And they both know it!
8. What's something the fandom show does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Despise is strong, but there is definitely an “English, please” in there which just. Why. Don’t do that.
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
Oh sure we’d be chill — I might die if I’m not paranormal and don’t know what’s going on but I like to think I could make it
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
I think it’s possible, but getting emotionally close would take effort probably outweighed by the natural instinct to go “man I don’t even want to know”
11. Would you date this character?
Nah, she’s not my type. Casual fwb would be a “sure why not” though
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
🧠 (it’s corny, but in a way I think she’d like)
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
Google “Ms Frizzle Dress Poster” — that
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
I don’t have any that I really hate, but Irene & Stephen kinda bores me. It doesn’t really make sense
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
I literally just started thinking about this because of this question, but I think Irene & John would have some good but weird charged sex where Jedikiah is kind of hovering in the background for both of them. (Also Russel/Irene makes sense to me lol. They’re cute)
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
Hmm admire? Idk Stephen teleporting her to the hospital while she’s actively dying is pretty badass
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
Her and Cara get done so dirty by 2013 sexism :( I wish the could’ve been friends without Cara being shoved into being hot girl condescending
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
I haven’t really written her but I’ve written Jedikiah being breathtakingly horny about her, and let me tell you. That 12in height difference fuckin rules.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
None of the ttp fics I like rly feature her :( I guess if this were a proper fandom my peeve would be making her sweeter than she is, or more innocent. I guarantee she’s seen more dicks (in medical contexts and out) than any other tomorrow person in the show
23. Favorite picture of this character?
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She’s so fallenangelcore :)
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
Throw a dart at any “nerd girl” character in kids media. There you go. (Off the top of my head, Pidge from voltron)
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Emily milfsatan can verify, the first time I saw her — not even watching the show, just watching the clip of her and Jedikiah together with no other context — the first words out of my mouth were WHY DOES SHE LOOK LIKE ME
Now I most think abt her hanging out with cadavers, embarrassing Jedikiah, and getting her back blown out. As is the dream.
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skye-huntress · 6 months
MagiRevo Volume 6 Thoughts
Back again with everyone’s favourite royal couple. This time we learn about Lainie’s mother and meet more vampire. There’s also a lot more action compared to previous volumes. And we finally address the inconvenient fact that Euphie and Lainie are effectively immortal, and their lovers are not.
You know the drill, spoilers are below.
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Okay, so Ruella, from the prologue, total tsundere. I’m making my prediction now that she is actually into this Tiris girl.
From what we’ve heard, vampires in this world are basically brainwashed into continuing the research of their predecessors. Doesn’t seem like Ruella has ever even questioned why she and the clan should pursue “eternity” for the sake of some dead people.
I’m with Tiris, why seek eternity, when you can make the most of the time you have to do something that is actually meaningful to yourself?
‘Tis a bit of a shame, but I suppose Anis had to grow used to Euphie’s shows of affection sooner or later. She’s even reciprocating them of her own initiative. Even so, I guarantee Euphie is still the top in this relationship.
Why is Tilty gloomier because of the rain? Pretty sure she’s so adverse to being in direct sunlight, it’d make the uninformed question who is the actual vampire of their friend group.
In conclusion, it took only three months for them to make Lainie kind of OP in both swordplay and magic. If all vampires had just as much potential in general, and a lot more than three months to hone their skills, they’d be able to give even Euphie trouble.
We had a good balance in the detached palace. 4 girls, 2 couples. Royal couple attended to by the maid couple. I’m not too eager to see that change.
Interesting to think about, Ilia chose to be as reclusive as Anis and isn’t too fond of bringing in more people.
It’s not something I’m interested in, however I will say there may be a potential ship with Garkie and Navre.
Excited we are getting more Lainie and Tilty, sad that we’re splitting up our couples.
And of course, Euphie threatens Anis with a good time when she gets back.
I see Anis is still not comfortable with PDA, even though compared to Euphie’s coronation, a small peck in front of their friends is nothing.
Lainie’s mother is Tiris from the prologue? The plot thickens.
Tilty’s guess about a disease that affects vampires might have been on the money, but it’s early still.
Wow, Lainie actually went there. The anime touched on it but the novels haven’t really done so yet. The issue of how Euphie is immortal, and Anis isn’t. She was already willing to throw away her humanity in pursuit of magic, so doing so to extend her time with Euphie isn’t a huge leap for her.
As for Lainie, not surprised she’s already thinking about Ilia’s mortality. The considerable age gap aside, Ilia’s close to 30 already, and the average life expectancy in their world is probably shorter than what we take for granted.
Must be nice to at least have the option of extending your life, even if it means throwing away your humanity. In our world without magic or monsters, we just have to make the most of the time we have.
Makes sense that Anis quit adventuring. Now that her work has official support, she no longer needs to acquire her own funding and materials. Plus, her wife would never allow her to continue going off on her own.
Well, I wasn’t expecting this level of horror, not in this series. I’d expect this from some of the other series I’m into, but wasn’t expecting MagiRevo to hit me with this kind of body horror six volumes in.
I came here expecting vampires, and got an abomination that is an amalgamation of countless lifeforms that the vampire apparently consumed. Guess we know where all the monsters and animals in the forest went.
Everything about this encounter feels so messed up. We started with flaming horned guy trying to kill Anis and Garkie, to now mourning him and all he lost. We don’t even know his name!
So Ilia is resistant to the idea of becoming a vampire because then Lainie can’t feed off her blood? Fair point, I can respect that.
I had a guess we’d see Ruella again, but this is far from what I pictured originally.
So what happens after generations of brainwashing and overzealously accumulating knowledge, the vampires inevitably made a monster that is a reflection of how twisted and mad they’ve become.
They called Tiris a heretic and traitor, but she was probably the only sane one among them. However, Ruella did say she was exceptional enough to potentially become the matriarch of the clan, so perhaps Lainie really is OP, not because she is a vampire, but because she inherited her mother’s exceptionalism.
Anis lesbian-ed so hard she made the villainess instantly fall for her. Normally I’d be for this kind of development if Lilana wasn’t all the more determined to devour Anis especially. Nobody makes a meal out of our Anis, except Euphie!
Euphie finally had a chance to show off again, and it started out totally awesome, kind of reminded me of Weiss’ Arma Gigas summon. Then it backfired and we found out this girl can just absorb magic. I call hacks!
Anis did talk about throwing her humanity away to become immortal, but I didn’t think such a change would be forced on her. Guess the dragon’s prophecy was spot on, Anis really did become a dragon, albeit still in human form, with some vampiric powers thrown in for good measure.
Props to Anis for trying to give Lilana an out. I’ve been around the internet enough to know there are indeed people who’d be down for what she’s offering.
And of course for her final move, Lilana decides to turn into a freaking dragon, too. Anis, pretty sure that one’s on you this time.
I’m fine if she and the other vampires like her devour monsters, but leave the poor animals alone!
So Lilana stole Euphie’s move and made it her own, then Anis takes that same improvised move, puts her own spin on it and uses it to finally take down Lilana. Brilliant! Anis beat her at her own game!
Of all the shocks and twists this volume, the biggest might be Anis pulling a Euphie on Euphie herself. She’s certainly gotten bolder but she still doesn’t hold a candle to Euphie. We’re talking about the girl who used her coronation speech to declare her love and made out with Anis in front of all the attendants. We know who’s the top in this relationship and Euphie will no doubt remind Anis of that fact later, and they’ll both enjoy it.
With a battle like that, it almost feels like a finale of sorts but there’s still a lot of loose ends. There’s Ruella and the other vampires. Would also love to get a follow up on if any of the demi-human clans are still around. I do not want to think about the possibility that Acryl is probably the last of her kind.
We also don’t know how Tiris died, which poses an unknown risk to Lainie, Algard, and possibly even Anis.
Also it goes without saying I want to know what’s up with the changes to Anis’ body and what the reactions will be.
Well, at least I know how long I have to wait this time. The official translation for Volume 7 is apparently dropping in late July. So see you all again in about 4 months.
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moonchild-things · 1 year
Chapter Twenty-Three: Reign of the Small King
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Summary: Being a psychic is not an ideal life, at least for Saiki Kusuo. Didn’t you read/watch The Disastrous Life of Saiki K to know that? Still, this isn’t about him, not really. Instead, let’s focus on his one and only friend, Akari Watanabe, who is also quite abnormal. You might not believe that Saiki would actually have a friend, but that’s what fanfictions are about, right?  
Word Count: 2620
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ARE YOU A CAT PERSON OR A dog person? Personally I’m a dog person. I mean you can’t go wrong with a cute little puppy. MJ is more of a cat person, which makes sense since she’s also pretty lazy and would like to lay around a lot. So she can relate to cats  on a spiritual level, I suppose. Though if it wasn’t obvious, we’re now at that episode where we met that little shit. Let’s just get it over with shall we.
After another day of school, Akari and Saiki were taking their daily walk back home. On their way they ran into a couple of girls fawning over an adorable cat on the side of the road. Really it was quite the cute kitty, I wish to give it a nice scratch under the chin.
“I’m often asked if I’m a dog person or a cat person.” Saiki started to say, “My answer is, “who cares?” Even the cutest of gods and cats end up looking like this and this.” Basically just two piles of bones. “Let me ask you this. Do you prefer the bones on the left or the right? The answer is, “It doesn’t matter,” isn’t it?” They continued to watch the two girl scratch the cat under its chin and giggle. Akari blinked at how childish they sounded talking to it, since she doesn’t get all baby-talk when seeing a cute animal. “Some people base their choices on the preconceptions they hold such as “dogs seem smart,” or “cats are spoiled.” But that’s just a wrong assumption people make.” 
Apparently the cat actually had quite a deep voice as was thinking, ‘Don’t touch me, you female hominoid.’ How lovely. Then again, I also wouldn’t wanna just be pet nonstop. I’m surprised it hasn’t just bitten them yet.
“That’s what they’re thinking.” Saiki said as he and Akari turned to continue their walk home. “Since I can hear the voices of animals with my telepathic powers, I have no preconceptions. Summer or Winter? Winter. Mushrooms or bamboo shoots? Mushrooms. But a question regarding dogs and cats is too vague for me to answer. It’s like asking me if I prefer Mr. Sato or Mr. Suzuki.”,
‘Personally, I like cats more.’ Akari mentally commented. ‘Only because dogs tend to be more energetic.’ Yeah, she wouldn’t be able to keep up with an enthusiastic dog if all she wants to do is nap most of the time. That would just be annoying. Though it’s not like Akari has any real experience with pets of any kind, since her family has never had any. She isn’t exactly sure why, since her father definitely seems like a dog person and her mother seems like a cat person. Plus Rikuto and her have never asked for a pet, so there’s no reason that they would have one.
Just as they were walking down the last stretch of road towards their house, Saiki spotted something out of the corner of his eye. It was an orange cat with a red bandana around its neck, and he was stuck between two buildings. How he got there, no ones really sure. Though who wouldn’t help this poor, defenseless, little ball of fluff in such a situation?
Akari eyed him for a moment, a bit sympathetic with it. After all, it was a cute little thing in distress, anyone feel like helping it to safety, right? Right? Saiki just stared at it blankly, not really being swayed by the fact that it was in trouble. Akari would have been willing to help had it not been for Saiki gently pulling her along, him wanting to just forget about the cat so they could get home sooner.
Now the cat certainly wasn’t happy with that as it started to whine, ‘Wait! Come back, human! Stop!’
Saiki grunted, “Good grief.”
Hearing the distressing meows, Akari pursed her pale lips. ‘Shouldn’t we at least help the poor thing?’ She wondered, ‘it’s wedged in there quite a bit.’ She’s not even sure how he could have gotten in there. So am I. Why is he stuck so high up? Did he fall from above? Did he think it was a good idea to try climbing up in between the wall? We’ll never know, I guess.
Saiki just gave her a side glance as they stopped walking. “After hearing his thoughts, I don’t think you would want to.” He sometimes admired Akari for having her sympathetic out looks sometimes, but this wasn’t the time for it, in his opinion. Especially for this spoiled little cat.
‘Huh?’ Akari blinked in a bit of confusion. To prove his point, Saiki allowed her to have shared telepathy in order to hear the cat's thoughts. 
The stuck animal then started to rant to itself, with the two teens able to hear it now. The cat huffed, ‘I can’t believe those guys. How could they ignore a cute animal in distress? You would at least think that the weird looking girl would!’ Akari narrowed her eyes at that, how is she weird looking? They walked back over to the crevice to stare at the cat. The cat seemed a bit excited now, thinking that he was going to be free. ‘Now, hurry up and get me out! Play your cards right, and I’ll let you pet me.’ The two teens shared a bored glance before sliding away. No, they didn’t want to help this stuck up pest. The cat started to wail in desperation, ‘What? Wait! Hold up!’
‘His voice is annoying,’ Akari grunted with narrow eyes. She would have been better off never hearing that grating voice today. Though she doesn’t usually get what she wants. After all, where did that cat get off on saying that she’s weird looking? That definitely annoyed her a bit and less likely to help him. It wasn’t cute to be rude like that. Not at all.
Saiki paused as he sighed heavily, “Good grief. What a pain.” If it meant stopping those pesky whines, then he’d help.
‘What are these guys doing?’ The cat was then hit by a thought, ‘Oh! They must be dog people!’
Saiki blinked slowly, “I wasn’t either, but I feel more drawn to dogs now.” He said boredly, “Anyway, do you want me to help you or not?”
The cat now just stared at him in confusion, ‘What is going on? I can hear his voice even though he hasn’t been talking.’ 
“Yes. It’s because I’m talking directly to your brain since I can’t speak cat.”
‘Wait, is he a… cat?’ Huh? Why would he think that? The cat then focused on Akari, ‘you must be too, with your eyes like that.’
Akari raised an eyebrow, ‘we’re in an anime, people have weird and abnormal features, get used to it.’
Saiki rolled his eyes, “Neither of us are.”
Disregarding that, the cat the continued, ‘Oh, then it makes things easier.’
“Yes.” Saiki said, “All you have to do is say, “Please help me.””
Though the cat didn’t seem like he was able to even follow that simple instruction. ‘Now, help me already. Play your cards right, and I’ll even let you pet me.’ Just how stuck up is this thing!? Akari and Saiki just about to slid away again, but the cat called out to them, ‘What? Wait! Okay! Let’s make a deal! If you get me out of here, you may pet me for three minutes straight! You can even touch my paws…’ Yup and now they were leaving again. It’s a deal that MJ might take, but eh. ‘No! They’re gone! Wait, okay! You can rub under my chin, too! Just hear me out at least! Why are they so arrogant?’ Them? Arrogant? Don’t make me laugh!
“Can’t you just say, “Please help me”?” Saiki asked the stubborn cat.
Akari agreed, ‘In your situation, you can be just a little nicer, you know.’
‘“Please help me”? Get real!’ The cat scoffed, ‘Who do you think you’re talking to? I’m a cat! Why would a proud, elite organism like me, bow my head to a lower being like a human?’
Saiki asked Akari, “What is he talking about?” Though she just shrugged her shoulders, not really certain what he meant.
‘Humans might think they’re superior, but face the reality! Humans present us with food when all we do is sleep. But that’s not all! You forgive us even when we tip over the garbage can! Or if we hit reset on your video game, you still forgive us! Or if we spill ink on those panels that are almost due, you barely forgive us! The world revolves around us cats. We cats rule this world.’ Okay, okay, we get it. Once more the pair of teens started walking away. ‘Hey! Get back here!’
They walked back over and Saiki asked, “How many more times are we going to repeat this? This is getting tiring.”
‘You’re the one making me repeat myself.’
“Let me just say one thing to you.”
“Say, ‘Please help me.’” Saiki said menacingly, “This is your last chance. I’m not coming back again.”
‘What is it with this guy? How could he talk to a cat like this? Does he not want to pet me?’ The cat flashed them his cutest eyes and waved his paws around towards them. A last ditch attempt to get them to help him. Though it wasn’t going to work. ‘No, they must be bluffing! There is no way they could abandon such a cute cat like me… There is no… they can! I’m definitely sensing that he can!’ He then panicked as they were leaving AGAIN, ‘Wait! Okay! I’ll say it! You win!’ Good grief. ‘Please help me.’ There, happy?”
Akari rolled her eyes, ‘Looked like it pained you to say that.’
“Who would find that cute?”
“Hurry up and get out,” Saiki grunted. He then grabbed the side of the building and casually pushed it to the side. Like it was nothing but a small block instead of a giant building! 
‘What is with this guy?’ The cat hissed now a bit fearful of this extremely powerful human. Saiki then walked over towards him, ‘What are you going to do to me? Oh! Is he going to pet me? I knew it! You can’t help yourself, can you? Go on. Pet me as much as you want.’ Though Saiki just grabbed his school bag and walked away. Towards Akari who was waiting for him to be over and done with this. The cat then started to rage at the slight against him and his cuteness. ‘What? How dare you! I will show you how terrifying cats can be!’
Akari rolled her eyes once more, “What a nuisance.”
Walking through the front door, Akari sighed as she slid out of her shoes. The only hiccup that she had in her day was that arrogant little fur ball. She did believe to be a bit of a cat person since they were overall lazy and slept all day, like herself. Though after meeting that cat, she’s become a bit apprehensive towards them. Sure, she wouldn’t wanna judge all cats because of that one arrogant one, but she’ll think all cats are that stuck up to a certain extent. After all, he was somewhat right. People do treat cats like royalty.
Though after that annoyance, she and Saiki got to relax like normal with each other at his house. His father wasn’t home and his mother left them alone after gushing over Akari a bit. So a normal end to her day, just how she liked it. Now, it was getting darker out and Akari felt like she should head home. So here she was, gliding into her home to get some dinner and head to bed.
“Welcome home, my shining light!” Yamato greeted his daughter warmly. “You’re just in time! I’m finishing up dinner right now!” His excited personality was quite refreshing to Akari, something that she surprisingly looked forward to when she came home. 
She hummed, “smells great, dad.”
Putting away the last of the used pans in the dishwasher, Yamato walked over to sit at the dinner table. He was certainly ready to wait for his children at the table like normal. “Have you heard from Rikuto? It’s getting late out and I’m worried.” He then gasped loudly, a sudden horrifying thought striking him like lightning. “What if he’s been kidnapped!?”
“Calm down," Akari sighed at his dramatics. "He's probably fine. He's just a little late.” Though she still did feel a little bad at the sight of the worried tears in her father's eyes. Still she thought it was unfounded, Rikuto wouldn't be kidnapped! He's a smart enough kid and not many people get kidnapped. Plus that would be a little too dark for this fanfic.
Just as she was saying that the front door opened. The creaking sound made Yamato's heart soar as he rushed over to it. It was Rikuto who was coming in. Though there was something a little bit off. He appeared nervous for some reason. Though Yamato disregarded that or didn’t see it as he jumped over to his son with a hug. “Ah, my darling boy! You’re safe!” 
“Dad!" Rikuto shouted as he fought against him, "Stop!” 
Yamato wouldn't let up, however, as the boy tried to wriggle himself out of the situation. Though that didn't work and all it accomplished was having his backpack thrown to the ground by accident. Strangely, a high pitched yelp came from the bag. All of them froze. Yamato and Akari were confused while Rikuto started to sweat due to nerves.
Akari blinked at that, “Uh oh.”
The bag started to move as something was obviously inside of it. Just what had Rikuto put in his bag? Shuffling itself out of the bag, it was the same orange cat from earlier. Akari deadpanned, 'just my luck.'
“Oh my!" Yamato gushed with stars in his eyes. "How adorable! Where did you find this little guy?”
Rikuto bent down to the cat and scratched its head, “He was just meowing outside of the Saiki house, so I just picked him up and brought him in here." He turned his bug puppy-dog eyes towards his father. "Can we keep him?”
Yamato hummed, “Hmm, we’ll have to make sure your mother is ok with it. But I don’t see why not. I mean look at him!”
"Awesome! Our first pet!"
The two continued to gush over the cat and most likely newest member to the family. Akari wasn’t sure, but it definitely seems like that little cat was quite smug at the moment as it acted all cute and adorable with them. She narrowed her eyes, 'You pest.'
Akari is alright with animals and wouldn't mind a pet. Why did it have to be this cat? Any other would do! Though she didn't want to disturb her brother and father's moment gushing over the cat and just let them be. 
Long story short, after the three had dinner and the boys kept treating the cat as royalty, Miku finally came home. She was in a good mood, most likely due to a good deal made earlier in the day. That good mood helped add to her agreeable to keeping the cat. Sure, she isn't home all that much anyway, so she won't totally interact with it. Though she's fine with that. She was happy(which would be barely noticeable to those who aren't her family.) and seeing her husband and son excited about a cat fueled her too. So… Looks like Watanabe has a new family member. Hooray? 
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coderedblood · 2 years
I am a huge fan of Animal Crossing and so today I’m going to do a list of my Top 10 Favorite Villagers! Let’s go!
1. Olivia
A lady who dines fine and throws down in bars, Olivia is my all time favorite AC villager! She was the very first villager I met in my very first playthrough of ACNL and I was instantly in love with her. Her personality, her look, her player interactions all stole my heart! Since then, I’ve been searching for her in New Horizons so we can once again live together. I imagine she sounds just like Beyoncé.
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2. Ribbot
I absolutely adore this himbo. The embodiment of ‘pure of heart, dumb of ass’. Brags about his muscles all the time even though he’s a short froggy robot and technically doesn’t have any. (The muscle is his heart. Even though that’s a not a muscle, that’s an organ. He again doesn’t know the difference.)
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3. Bella
Bella is an absolute win in my book for looking like Avril Lavigne if she were turned into a mouse, named Bella, and wanted to be a pop star instead of a pop punk star. I love her forever, and when I saw her all by herself on that island I visited in NH, I wasted no time in convincing her to come live with me again!
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4. Stitches
Stitches is the reason I wish there was a “Hug” Reaction. LOOK AT HIM! HE IS A LIVING TEDDY BEAR! HIS HOUSE IS A BIG PLAYROOM WITH LOTS OF TOYS AND A LULLABY PLAYING! He’s just like the player’s baby brother. I wanna protect him and feed him candy all the time.
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5. Merengue
Let me begin by saying I ADORE this strawberry rhino. She’s as sweet as her name and her appearance says she is. BUT I WILL NEVER FORGET HOW WHEN I PUT DOWN NL FOR A MONTH AND HER ASS MOVED OUT. SHE LEFT ME! Now I look for my sweet girl in NH for a sweeter reunion 🥲
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6. Bitty
Bitty is one of the BEST GIRLS, OKAY? She’s fancy as hell, dignified and she sounds just like Hetty from the American version of Ghosts. (Or I imagine she does.) She is pink, the color of love because I love her. She’s also special to me because (this is retold from my mom) I was sleepwalking a few weeks ago, and when my mom found me and took me back to bed, I happily announced to her “I have a hippo!” Bitty was the hippo in question, she’d just moved it. (Pretty sure she’s my mom’s favorite villager.)
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7. Muffy
One of my favorite goths in media. Not only does she curse you with her goth girl magic (trust me I’m a goth myself) but she will teach you throw hands. In other words, she doesn’t fucking play. Her makeup is also on point and I also wish in NH she’d teach you how to do it like hers!
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8. Rasher
He was the very first grumpy villager I’d ever met. At first I thought “what a dick, why’d he move here if he hates everyone?” Then I realized, “Oh, you’re a softie. You just have a rough exterior! You’re sweet like candy coated bacon!” (Yes, that was on purpose.) His appearance is sick, and the ‘grumpy’ voice perfectly matches it!
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9. Eugene
Eugene reminds me of those movie rocker bad boy who isn’t bad just likes leather jackets and loud guitars love interests. He’s a sweetheart when he isn’t talking about himself (which is half his dialogue but it’s hilarious) and I love how the smug types are so warm towards you when you become friends. I’m all for flirty dialogue and Eugene has the LOOK and FEEL of it. Plus I adore koalas, especially ones with metal guitars and in leather jackets.
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10. Tiffany
Tiffany is a fucking baddie. Look at her! She’s got a punk rock look and she takes shit from no one. Redd actively avoids her (and Olivia and Muffy too) because she threatened a ‘reversal of the fox and the rabbit’ if he tricked one of her friends again. He’s too scared to figure out what that means. I’M too scared to figure out what that means. Tiffany gives you style tips and has you over for drinks at her house while you discuss the social impact of punk music. Makeup also on point.
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Honorable mentions: Cherry, Bianca, Coco, Pierre, Julian, Phoebe, Drago, Roscoe, Chrissy, Marina and Lucky
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teegeewrites · 24 days
Blossoming Connection Chapter 3 Preview:
“So, what you think of Daisy?” Mario asked Luigi with a curious smile as the two trekked towards their home. “She’s something, isn’t she?”
Luigi scratched the back of his head as his mind drifted to the lively Sarasaland princess. He envisioned her cheerful energy, friendly nature, hearty appetite, and that stunning smile that sent a thrill through his heart. Still, he struggled to form a clear opinion about her and thus, he settled for the simplest response he could muster. “Well, she’s not like Princess Peach, that’s for certain.”
"Haha, no kidding!" Mario chuckled heartily. “She's definitely a free spirit! I was really surprised when I rescued her because I expected her to be as graceful as our princess. It took a little while to get used to her, but I can say she's genuinely good people." He then flashed a playful smile beneath his bumpy mustache. "And let's face it, she's pretty cute."
“Yeah, can’t argue with you there, Mario,” Luigi nodded in agreement and shared a chuckle of his own. “She’s very pretty, just as beautiful as Princess Peach.”
“Hey, I’m not sure if I’d go that far!” Mario laughed, giving Luigi a friendly pat on the shoulder. “There’s no one in any universe who’s as beautiful as Mi Principessa!”
Luigi gave Mario a serious glance that made him stop laughing right away. “Fine, I guess Daisy’s beauty is on par with the princess’s,” Mario said with a hesitant laugh.
Luigi couldn’t help but flash a small, victorious smile. Still, he wasn’t going to let Mario escape without a little teasing. He raised an eyebrow and quipped, "oh, and what about Pauline? I remember you being quite taken with her looks too."
“Sure, her too, but that’s it!” Mario squirmed for a bit before regaining his composure. "Anyway, why are you putting me on the spot like that, Luigi? You into Daisy or something?"
The playful glint in Mario's eyes and his last question made Luigi fidget, just as Mario had done moments before. However, as they approached the pipe that would take them home, Luigi found himself contemplating the question with genuine seriousness. The thrill of seeing another human female was a delightful surprise, especially in a world where such encounters felt rare. He thought back to their interactions that morning and felt a budding interest in Princess Daisy. Although their personalities seemed to differ, he sensed a potential for friendship. Yet, when it came to the idea of romance, doubt crept in. It was simply too early to know if something more could blossom between them.
“To be honest, I’m not sure,” Luigi sighed. “Even if I did like her, I can’t see her feeling the same about me."
“I don’t know about that, Luigi,” Mario said. “From what I can see, she seems to really like you.”
“She could just be being nice, that’s all,” Luigi countered. “I really don’t think she’s into me like that.”
Mario couldn’t help but smirk, his mustache twitching with amusement. “You really think so? She looked like she loved being close to you. I mean, I saw her whispering in your ear and winking at you. Doesn’t that sound a bit flirty to you?”
“Maybe she’s just playing around. A bunch of girls in Brooklyn did that, and they weren’t really interested in me. And even if she was being sincere, I’d likely screw it up anyway. I’ve never had the best luck with women, remember?”
“With that mindset, Luigi, you’re not going to attract any women. Honestly, I believe Daisy really likes you. She’s the type who says what she means, no filter at all. If she’s thinking it, she’s saying it. Plus, I wouldn’t have let the princess convince me to introduce you to Daisy if I thought she’d be unkind to you…” Mario quickly covered his mouth. “Oh man! Just pretend you didn’t hear that!”
0 notes
pwblogarchive · 2 months
January 2006
January 2, 2006
It was strange being outside of chicago on new years. If anyone remembers our apartment shows.
But the confetti was pretty and I think a girl from miss seventeen tried to kiss me on the mouth but kind of missed. Oh yeah and apparantly andrew john hurley is a dreamboat. Check the scoreboard. Tommorrow letterman and then I’m gonna buy some more heinous gear. Do you love it when I wear clashing colors as much as I do?
And why didn’t anyone tell me how amazing the movie the squid and the whale is? I told you about panic…
Over and way the fuck out.
January 4, 2006
my top ten (er top seven) of 2005 - no records included.
bonnie dillard - she is always around to tell me how wack i am - she uses the the word "totes" and "just sayin" way too much - and actually types them! she named her dog roxie wentz and she has given me exactly two compliments in my entire life - one of which was on an outfit that she picked out for me. but she pretty much is the glue for clandestine and sometimes pete wentz. editor of filthy magazine.
nick scimeca - this kid makes the craziest faces i have ever seen in my entire life. the first time i met him we got in a snowball fight. pretty much we are in this gang together forever. he does infect, foe, and some clandestine stuff. pretty much whenever i am bummed i can call him up on the phone and hell tell me some hilarious story.
demar hamilton - i have pulled this kids underwear off every time he is around me and totally wasted. its awesome. he also has a dog living in his basement that looks like a 100 yearold teddy ruxpin. oh yeah, his band is rad.
leslie simon - me and her talk about our crushes all the time. we have a mutual love for the music of ashlee simpson and kelly clarkson. when i tell her insane stories i dont even have to say "off the record" she pretty much knows. she thinks of bright eyes and fob in the same way which blows my little mind. she is editting rainy day kids. oh yeah and writing a book about boys in tight jeans that wear eyeliner as far as i can tell but its pretty hush hush.
jonathon cecil miller/dirty - pretty much this kid is made of snakes, snails and puppy dog tails. i have nothing else to say but he is the new pauly shore - even if he always punches me for saying that. pretty much he looks like a cheeseburger with toothpicks for legs but i wouldnt trade him for the world. pretty much he is the best kid ever.
jim sevcik (or however you spell it) - this is the guy who goes and digs the little youth medium shirts out of tiny boxes in the 100 plus degrees on warped tour or freezing temp on NFT - and then takes the money out of your paws. he is definitely most underrated.
andrew simon/buck - when on the westcoast these guys function as my mother. they take us out to dinner, help me find a house or apartment, look up movie times, get screenings, help me find tours, starbucks, have the cutest baby on the planet, oh yeah and they even book shows every once in awhile.
oh well i ran out of steam. ill finish later. pretty much people that i hang out with every single day are not included on this - you know who you are.
- petey
1/04/06 Q&A
Pete, I really need some advice. I was a virgin until I slept with this guy. I didnt tell him I was a virgin until 2hrs. after we finished nad I told him online. Then I started freaking out because I was scared I had screwed everything up between us, which I think only made everything worse. this all happen yesterday. Did I screw everything up?
the best part about when things like this happen is that eventually they become the past- if you really like this guy you could probably explain yourself to him- how you just got scared and were nervous to tell him certain things. if he is worth it, i am sure he will take the time to listen and tell you how he feels too. and if he doesn’t give you the time to do that, than he isn’t worth it anyway. you can be through with the past but that past isnt always through with you.
Pette what type of bass do you have?
fender just made me my own- its pretty rad- red and black- super light maple neck- customized electronics and pick-ups- check out a picture of it over at: www.clandestine.buzznet.com - they say they are gonna make a real cheap version of it for people to learn on
the background on the site finally changed. who does that?
it changes with mother nature.
Do you have any scars. Not like emotional scars (you can include them if you wish) but good-story-scars. Like stuff involving armadillos or something interesting like that.
ive got this amazing one down the palm of my hand from when me and robby windgator (sp) climbed a fence in his back yard and my hand got stuck on a nail. it slid down the entire length of my hand- i was like 8. i have two on my right hand from when i fought a car the week before the VMAs. trust me i definitely beat the car up.
January 6, 2006 
notes on black clouds and underdogs - see also: cast all your fears away:
1. tickets will not be 50 dollars. haters are spreading this on the internet. if you buy your ticket ahead of time (not through some wack broker or on ebay or from a scalper)- average ticket price will be between 23-28 dollars - not going over 35 anywhere. we picked the venues based on how cheap we could get them.
2. the bands- we didn't want to have a tour where you had to see five bands that sounded exactly like fob. we went for variety. all of the bands are really nice guys as well. there will be special guests through out the tour and some suprises to make each show more exciting.
3. this is going to be fob's biggest show ever. we will be playing our longest set and will be including some special secrets.
4. did you expect us to just dump the dates in your laps? we are nerdy and weird and different. so we created a game. we thought it would be fun. the points will be weighted so a small town will have the same chance as a huge city to win a small suprise show. we want to play in front of kids that are excited and we know this is a chance to do this. there will still be other secret shows randomly happening.
5. close your eyes and just click. youve got it. dont worry just come out. andy will be running a kissing booth - it will be a blast.
more later.
January 6, 2006 
8:11 pm
i am just a hot mess. i woke up to the feeling of myself throwing up today. pretty much put a damper on the entire day. i ate about 50 stomach pills and then threw them all up- it was a pretty color in the toilet. my toungue is black on the top right now. i am pretty sure thats a bad thing. i watched way too much gastinaeu (however you spell it) girls today. i think it made me sicker. it took me awhile to realize that they were mother and daughter and not sisters- but the mom is kinda hot in pissy kind of way. my mom is out of town so there was noone here to take care of me- my brother was around but hes pretty much always bongzilla'd. so i waited for back-up caretakers to arrive- one of them was busy cutting hair and the other has like a "real" job besides being dad. the best part about vomitting alone in the morning is the way the bathroom tiles feel kinda cool in a pleasant way so i took a nap there for a bit. i want to see hostel tonight but the problem is all the vomitting- see its not that i mind so much its just what if i run into someone in my sicky gear and puke on them? wow. i am glad i did this update. arent you? im gonna leave the comments open cause i never do- just write down the first thing that comes into your mind when you see that reply button- heres mine: i am just a hot mess. 
January 6, 2006
I have to say it makes me feel safe and some kind of comfort to look at the clock in the corner of the screen and know that you are awake too.
posted by: peterpumpkineater
1/12/06 Q&A
whats your view/opinion on racism?
i love it. i mean what opinion would i have other than it is terrible. i hope thats what you expected.
So Pete, I have been wanting to learn how to play bass for a long time. Any idea when that HOT Clandestine bass will be available for the public? Thanks.
its going to be available as a fender squire some time in the (near i hope) future. squire is fenders cheapest bass line - very affordable and a good bass to learn how to play on.
college dropout or late registration?
“highschool graduate” its the mixtape he put out awhile ago- its pretty sweet.
okay crazy dream last night.. you [pete] and me making out after a show in a bed? yeah just thought id share.
im pretty gross after a show. itd be better to just highfive i think.
pete. please stop licking the shoes of the island CEOs. i am getting really tired of turning on a tv and seeing a commercial for you guys playing at the fucking arena or a WHOS NEXT IN MUSIC? PANIC AT THE DISCO and THE ACADEMY IS mtv shit which was was totally all your -for lack of better word- fault. sometimes i think it cant get any worse but im always wrong. when is this going to end pete?!?!?!?
i am kind of confused by this one- we are on island defjam records but the advertisements for our tour were made by our booking agent not island. academy is on atlantic/fueled by ramen and P!atd are on decaydance neither of those are island related. but i think i understand the gist of what you are trying to say. i understand that its hard to feel like you are losing a band you loved to “the mainstream” or to a bigger media. i want you to know how much fob turns down because we dont believe in it or agree with it- at the same time would you rather see the academy is on trl or limp bizkit?- id rather see sincere music up there. anyway, i know we’ll all still be here after this ends. hope you are there with us.
Peter do you ever get mad at us?
sure. just the same way you sometimes get mad at me/us- but thats okay. neither of us ever seem to stay mad very long…
choose one: paramore. cartel. the academy is. or acceptance.
the academy is. i dont really know the others too well.
Petey, what have you been up to this past week? xo
training for the new video and working on/editting release the bats two (http://www.findthescene.com/Videos/RTB2_Trailer.mov)… oh yeah and sleeping some.
So what do you think of Brokeback Mountain?
good love story. kind of depressing- it makes me think about how much i do not want to go camping.
ryan seacrest called you “heartbreaker wentz.” how does that make you feel? it made me giggle…
i never broke that mofos heart.
I was wondering if any of you guys are superstitious
i kiss clocks, make wishes on take offs and first kisses, hold my breath on graveyards - yes.
Im really upset because i have friends who like me have been FOB fans for the longest time and have met you guys numerous times but are really angry about the ticket prices and are complaining your just sell outs. Im mad because i dont think this and now they are boycotting your CT show.You guys were bound to get famous so why do people have to get like this? Whats you opinion on all this?
our primary concern with this tour is: having a huge general admission floor space and keeping ticket prices as low as absolutely possible. we are doing our best- if you compare this tour with other tours with bands of the same size you will see the difference in ticket price.
so much for teh huge general floor space. i cant get decent tickets.
if you get tickets early you should have no problem getting floor tickets. ask your broker when they will be releasing floor tickets as they are often released in bunches. i promise you every venue we are playing has a huge floor space- and if not me and my friends always used to just sneak down onto the floor. the security never tries to hard to stop you.
Have you ever had sex with a groupie?
So after they finish the tour that they are on now Mest is breaking up. I sort of cant believe it but I was wondering - do you guys plan on sticking with us for a while longer? It is actually pretty hard to deal with bands just stopping for good…so I am hoping that you guys can be there with us for at least a while longer. Much love.
honestly? some days i think fall out boy will be around for 20 more years and some days i think it might end tommorrow.
January 13, 2006 
first jt. now mr. frey. i fear that we are next.
it may just be the hour of the night or the song stuck in my head or some strange mix of it all.
i can't shake it. 
the chemists called it crossed signals.
the poets called it magical.
- petey
January 14, 2006 
i love how i never care about anything you say except how i always do.
that doesn't even make any sense.
late at night everything about you is an orchestra. and i am the conducter.
January 14, 2006 
4:14 pm 
"noones ever been this good for this long"
this is everything i am thinking right now with out transition. i apologize for my brains lack of linear thought processing: i hate the way it gets dark so early here this time of year. i guess "seasonal depression" kind of falls under "ADD" and "post tramatic whatever disorder" for me. i feel like its science from the madhatter down the rabbit hole. not too real. but lately i just wake up blue - my only thought is- how soon will the day be over so i can get back into bed. i open my eyes just a tiny bit and blur the numbers on the clock with my eyelashes. every word you say rolls off of my back - the praises and the barbs. i don't hear either, ever. sometimes the tips of my fingers itch from the back of my head- just to get the chance to tear someone to pieces and just barely let them off the hook. i swear to god, i was asleep alone. quick text me an alibi and oh god please don't dust the keyboard for prints. sometimes i stare out of the frosted window and make up stories as people walk by. the bottled blonde, park ave. princess walking whichever dog matches her coat. you know how i could turn your world upsidedown. its not love if a day goes by when you don't think about dropping it. its not the world keeping you on the outside, its you not wanting to be on the inside. everyone wants to be the first. buts its okay to be the second if you understand it better, if you make it look prettier. worn down doesn't even touch this. and theres nothing worse than when someone acts like they have you figured out, when you haven't even figured yourself out. nice boys don't write good stories or sing good songs. and his songs are boring. and his stories are just personal ads set to background music. i found the skeleton key for wedlock but i am holding off on telling her. on telling anyone for that matter. consistent inconsistency. thats all you ever have to remember and you'll do okay with me. dancers are always strippers. and paying their way through college is the BE VE. oh and hey pete do you remember the way the world used to trick you with fifty degrees in january and orange leaves in june? button your jacket tight, don't believe everything you read... don't even believe everything you wrote. i'm tired of always leaving. i'm tired of the way things always/never change. swim upstream until your gills bleed just because thats what genetic encoding commands. there aren't any trophies that are really worth it in the end. they can put you in a box when you are very young, so you'll be a pretty corpse but there are too many pages filled with too many words to lie beside you forever. intelligent design is the last great joke i heard. but honestly, no one will ever stay where i tell them, least of all the years. they keep moving. worlds greatest liar and how do you know i'm not lying when i tell you this right now? and thats coming from the king of one-liners. copy and pasted - long live the away message. kiss the monitor. fast asleep baby.
1/16/06 Q&A
Thanks for deleting me off your myspace friends. Youre different than who I thought you were Peter.. : (
i do not have nor ever had a myspace account… the only sites outside of this one that i use are friendsorenemies.com and livejournal. fall out boy has a myspace account but i dont even know how to work it.
PETER! maybe that got your attention this time :)! My question, Did your parents or siblings ever say your “stupid” or “gay” for wearing girl pants, or tight shirts..because i go threw alot of crap for wearing tight clothing and i go to a city school so either its gangsters, or me left out..please help me with gettin threw this..Also cant wait to see you guys in Hersey!
kanye west wears pink polos. rob halford wears black tshirts. not that any of it matters. but how you dress should only be an amplification of who you are inside, it should not be all you are… i get teased about alot of things but you know, at the end of the day its okay to be me. im pretty sure its okay to be you too, as long as you arent like hitler or a serial killer or something insane.
January 18, 2006 
these pictures make me think of me and you before i got so crazy.
the hippo lost its momma in the tsunami. now the he hangs out with this super old turtle and follows it around. from what i've read they have developed their own form of communication.
this is insane.
these parts of life are amazing.
i will try and not forget them next time.
- petey
January 18, 2006 
the band is in chicago preparing their new homes to be moved into. mine is still in my parents cause i am a loser like that: see also why i am hanging in nyc by myself. but ive got some schemes that i am working on.
how i have been (barely) living: the hippo and the turtle, hanging out with minkus from boy meets world in north carolina, going to the mtv studios in nyc to see baby bros all growed up on trl, eating every single thing in this hotel minibar, writing, you. writing you.
- petey
January 19th, 2006 
1:55 am 
wahahahahaha. i laughed for like a million hours at the shittalking over at: www.friendsorenemies.com its way fun to see your friends make fun of you. it keeps you levelheaded. it has gone live.
January 19, 2006 
yesyesyes-ya'll. newyorkcity. hung with patd and tai backstage at TRL and tried to make them unnervous. but i was butterflies inside. but they couldnt ever let me down. the rest of the day was spent listening to the new gymclassheroes songs and working on the new video. the gch songs are insane: i can't describe them "we gotta take our clothes off to have a good time". insane. new octfall: youve probably never met these kids but they are the nicest. always calling and asking how im doing. then the hush sound: all i can say is "sweet tangerine"- 6 months from now, you will agree with me. anyway, this isn't just some preachy post. i just love watching my friends suceed and i will believe in them until the day i die. its so great to watch everyone grow up. hopefully, somewhere someone says that about me.
we contributed a song to the breast cancer one tree hill episode/compilation. we just thought it was a great cause and couldn't pass it up. we actually thought it was a really personal cause to alot of people involved so i wanted to give a really personal song to me, so we used "dark alley".
its late and alot of the things i have been working on and thnking have stalled out. but i am trying oh so hard. got some smaller shows coming up in las vegas and l.a. for the diehards so keep your eyes out.
i am in new york city but it feels so fucking foreign. the band is in chicago but there is too much to be done out here. i know there needs to be breaks but i cant get away. maybe ill see you on fuse or trl tommorrow. maybe not cause it'll be weird with out the guys- i dunno. this hotel room doesn't make any sense. my lights are on and i am in bed knowing i will never fall asleep. i am realizing people in all the buildings outside i can see lit up can probably see in here on me. but thats okay cause i am wearing some sweet pj's.
turn me inside out.
swoon. make me easy on the eyes. it aint hard in this light. read it. write it. throw it away and come back to the phone. light up text king.
oh yeah a little bird named mouth told me: friendsorenemies.com is up - my profile is actually me over there ... yay! let's hate eachother and/or get sexy.
January 20, 2006 
dear ireland- thank you for your pretty accents and your amazing show.
dear home- i miss you
dear you- what the fuck happened to this
a real update later.
the whole world loves it when you dont get down.
January 21, 2006 
12:17 pm 
i hate you and i hope you die. yes. i realize that you will make fun of me/take stabs at me/post ridiculous pictures of me. i realize that because of this band i have given up some of my privacy and personal life. i accept that. i can laugh at myself. i realize i will get called a douchbag. i get what i get. i have begun reading things about my friends and family. that i will not accept. i read things written by people who kiss my ass to my face. i remember who you are. fuck you. bring it on me. please leave my friends and family alone. it is extremely hurtful to me. if anyone is a friend of mine out there please tell your friends. i on the otherhand am open game. i have a good laugh at all of the stuff written about me. i am silly, i realize that. thank you. 
January 24, 2006
I am an arms dealer.
I sell words you could only use as weapons.
This isn't a scene it is an arms race.
I am a con artist.
A door to door salesman.
A snake oil seller. Cures for whatever ails you.
Somehow I don't hear the violins playing.
Not really the leading man type.
I am a cadaver deep frozen. Waiting for reanimation to beinvented.
Wrote "fuckoff" on my hand to remind me to call you tommorrow morning.
What do you do when everything they say about you is true?
Do you expect me to just roll over and die?
My skin has made promises.
Whether the rest of me has or not.
Writing off tommorrows every time my fingers touch these buttons.
Putting all the comforts and closeness in reverse just for you.
I think its time to re-asses some of the policies of the wentz administration.
Our approval rating is at an all time low.
In case you haven't been informed you have to take a ticket to be disappointed by me.
There's a fucking line.
Well have some goddamned order.
Its a posh and exclusive club.
I have a lifetime membership.
Make it glamorous.
Make the rumors true.
Read the sign next to the bridge "giveupallhope..." and just tie down the gas pedal.
Lie in the back.
Haven't you heard, sorrow is in.
You are the beaches of normandy the night before.
And a girl with such a sweet drink should never sit in the corner and cry about anyone or anything.
The kids on the net had it right sometimes we should fuck off and die and break up and stop ruining art.
But the kids had it right sometimes when they sit waiting in line with hands frozen out waiting to get into a room first.
The only thing I can admit is this is no masterplan. I'm trying to figure it out.
"Without the sour the sweet wouldn't taste so sweet (tangerine)".
Its 3am in leeds. This is what just crossed my mind.
Love, the fancy kid.
January 26, 2006
live via manchester holiday inn express:
first and foremost. these shows have been amazing. i think it is quite possibly because we don’t get over here often or maybe because we are playing smaller clubs… but i am thinking we need to make a stop over here more often.
i wanted to congratulate p!atd the disco on making it to number 10 on the TRL countdown. and i just wanted to put this out there: there is no way it was paid to happen. of all the bands on “new bands week” panic was the only that didn’t put up big pushes to have the video voted on. if anything this band wants to do things their own way. hence picking the song they did for the single- that was the bands choice and in my opinion they have songs on the record that could easily be bigger. it was also the bands choice to create a darker video…. as a label i can tell you that we definitely don’t have the money to spend on a “big budget” video right now- not to mention having any left over for anything else- you’d laugh if you saw the budgets we filmed the new panic and gch videos on. but i couldn’t say enough about how nice these kids are- they don’t even get how big their band is and thats a good thing… i personally would rather see great bands on the forefront of music… and yes there are lots of other bands that deserve to make it there as well- so maybe on our messageboard tell me about some great (unsigned) bands that we should check out.
other than that we’ve just been writing new songs and working on the new video. pretty soon its going to become time focus all attention on a new fall out boy record again.
got some big news for you coming up very soon…
peter lewis kingston wentz
ps 'hater dudes marry hater bitches and have hater kids’
1/26/06 Q&A
hey, what kind of books are you and the rest of Fall Out Boy into? p.s. tell patrick he is spectacular
andy is into comics and books on anthropology/human civilization i dunno what books joe reads patrick is into reading about music i am into a bunch of different authors lately hemingway still. before he went and hung out in africa. i haven’t been reading as much as id like lately. ps the book panic has in their book club this month is a great book. its the first thing i gave ryan after reading his lyrics, it kind of reminded me of him- so if you like panics lyrics head on over and check out their book club
do you watch that show roseanne on nick at night. i love that show!
me and my friends used to hang out with becky in evanston, il in highschool. she was not to fond of me or my friend jody.
ok i know this is nobodys business but yours but there is alot of stuff going around on the boards saying that the big news is your engaged just to get things straight is that it? because those people are starting to annoy me….
me being engaged is most definitely not the big news.
in the song calm before the on take this to your grave, there is a line that says :Well theres a song on the radio that says lets get this party started, lets get this party started. did you write that line because of the song by pink called lets get this party started. just curious.
Hey Pete. My grandma is dying (and she doesnt care) and I for real dont feel anything towards her. My mom is seriously upset, my dad is just about the same and my sisters dont know. I am suppose to tell them but how do I do that when my grandma wasnt a grandma for me but for them she was a great lady? I just want this done and over because I am kind of tired of waiting for her to die since she has been making suicide references for the past two years.
that is one of the hardest places to ever be in. i remember seeing thoughts of my grandfather in my head when he died i was on tour. and i couldnt really feel sad unless i thought of it as my dad and it really freaked me out. it made me feel like i wanted to see my dad right that second. id be completely lost with out him. i think that people handle grief in different ways and the best thing we can do is try to be there for them. im sorry to hear about that though.
my roommates and i almost got into a brawl at 4am with some drunk kids who wanted to fight us because we did not appreciate the hint of lime in their tostitos. is it just me, or is your life this ridiculous as well?
it is . we were thrown out of another fob afterparty after nearly fighting the staff who was berating dirty.
Peter, I just got the “Panic! At The Disco” cd and I love it! could you recomened any others?
the hushsound “so sudden” - myspace.com/thehushsound october fall “season of…” myspace.com/octoberfall dangerradio “party foul” myspace.com/dangerfall the academy is “almost here” myspace.com/theacademyis armor for sleep “all” myspace.com/armorforsleep shiny toy guns “all”
do any of you have brothers and siters? (like any single younger brothers…:) if so, who and how old?
um come on this question is kind of insane. but my one dog marley is super hot for a dog. hes a good kisser though.
I read somewhere that Patrick was a vegitarian. Is that true?
he was he eats fish and likes to talk long walks in the park with hot babes.
Why does patrick wear a hat all the time and why does the drummer never talk?????
just to drive your pretty little head mad with these questions.
Okay, heres a question: Has someone you superly-duperly adored gone away? And by adored we are talking like, lets-run-away-to-isreal -and-get-hitched-without-telling-anyone adored.
yes. the sinking feeling in your rotten gut is your reminder. cool sheets on your bed are your antidote.
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solasan · 1 year
29-34 for callista/shadowheart 💕💕
ship dev questions xx
29. what compromises are they making in their relationship? 
i mean, in the very early days, an important one was just. not getting on at each other too much abt the other’s deity. this had some limited success bc unfortunately shadowheart was incapable of repressing the urge to bad-mouth selûne for longer than a few hours, but they both tried. (and in fairness it’s not like callista hasn’t had her own gripes about shar; the ensuing arguments were never just 1 person’s fault).
but since getting together?? callista isn’t allowed to make any stupidly trusting decisions that could get them killed without shadowheart giving the ok. hmm i think they definitely compromise on how they show affection, for one thing; callista’s love language is physical touch, while shadowheart’s is quality time. shadowheart takes a bit of time getting used to a kind touch — which callista knows and is therefore very hesitant about touching her, making sure she’s never uncomfortable — and it isn’t her instinct to express love like that, so in the beginning at least, that’s hard for her to keep up with, but it’s also hard for callista to go without. 
30. what completely petty topic (music taste, favorite food) do they find themselves completely at odds with their partner about?  
food. callista has a taste for spicy food — she’s a tiefling hee hee plus she didn’t get to eat much of it in the house of the moonmaiden, bc most of the food there was pretty plain fare, so she’s taking advantage of having the chance now — and shadowheart is the complete opposite; girl likes things with salt on them and that’s it. she sometimes refuses to kiss callista after she’s eaten something spicy, but that usually doesn’t last long, bc who could refuse a face like hers???
31. what little thing do they find incredibly (though harmlessly) annoying about their partner? 
callista finds shadowheart’s tendency to tap away on objects when she’s thinking annoying sometimes? if only bc it makes it difficult to focus. if it’s rly impeding her ability to think, she’ll usually gently grab her fingers and kiss her knuckles — holding her hand is a cure-all :)
shadowheart finds callista’s snoring unbearable. callista’s a cuddly sleeper — they usually sleep tangled up with each other, one of them resting their head on the other’s chest — so she’s been woken up by her snoring before. it’s less cute when it’s the third time this week :/
32. how do their friends react to finding out they’re a couple? do they have lots of mutual friends? did their friends know, perhaps before they themselves did? 
karlach (callista’s bestie for life <3) is just like OH FINALLY, NOW THE LONGING STARES ARE OVER WITH. except that they’re not, karlach, ur in for a hell of a ride. (she’s very happy for them). i think some of them are more surprised than others; wyll sees it coming, because he and callista are very close and he’s noticed how she looks at shadowheart, but gale doesn’t (and is very surprised). 
lae’zel barely even notices anything has changed LOL. astarion… isn’t close to either of them, so i’m not sure he counts as a ‘friend’, but i think (as much as he rolls his eyes at them) he does think they’re quite sweet together, in a naive and story-book kind of way. callista irritates him greatly, if that wasn’t clear.
halsin thinks they’re adorable, especially bc callista is one of the only people that can make shadowheart grin from ear to ear and he thinks she needs to smile more. jaheira also finds them very cute, in a kind of fawning grandmother way. 
33. under what circumstances would they feel jealous? 
hmmm. callista doesn’t like the drow twins coming onto shadowheart lol and they do not partake in that little tryst bc of that. i do think callista’s a little more prone to jealousy, but unless someone outright propositions shadowheart, she’s not gonna say anything about it. after shadowheart dyes her hair she gets more looks than before, and callista loves the change, but she kind of resents the attention a little bit, if only bc she’s surprisingly insecure for someone so powerful.
i think callista has more admirers than she realises (she’s beautiful, she’s good, she’s loyal, she glows with selûne’s light), and shadowheart notices a lot of things that she doesn’t. her feelings on the admiring looks and subtle flirting her girlfriend receives can range from you’re damn right, because she thinks callista deserves to be praised and adored, but also… stay away, because she’s hers, y’know?
34. under what circumstances would they feel protective? 
shadowheart gets protective whenever someone tries to screw over callista, which is surprisingly often, because bless her, the girl has no eye for guile. callista’s also a little socially awkward (9 charisma gang rise up) and some people they encounter are a little rude/mean about that, which — because it upsets callista — is a surefire way to get a 5’11 pissed off cleric up in ur face telling u to apologise or she’ll pull out your eyes.callista gets protective specifically re: shar, for the most part (she’s very angry about what’s been done to shadowheart by her). she gets incredibly alert and wary and worried in the house of grief, almost buzzing with nervous and protective energy.
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la-lauren · 1 year
I had a truly miserable day, but I’m very proud of my body for handling everything like a champ.
We (me and my body) left the house at 6:45 and didn’t make it to work until 8:30 on the dot. I barely was able to clock in on time — but I did! My first assignment was horrible staffing wise. Everyone had the worst attitude ever, no one wanted to answer questions, and then I watched my neighbor accept cash as payment but not actually ring up the food, so, stealing. The girl on the other side of her saw it too, we talked about it to make sure we saw what we saw, and we told the manager. Manager spoke to girly, but of course without proof, it was just a talking. Girly was not having that. She cussed me out so loudly and lied straight to my face and tried to make me look bad. Other managers outside our stand heard and came over to ask the problem. She cussed them out too, and they didn’t even care. She then went down the line in our stand telling everyone I was a liar and yada yada. I looked her straight in the eyes and said with the calmest voice I didn’t even know I had, “You’re loud, but you’re a liar. Yelling something that isn’t true doesn’t make it true.”
Then I found the manager again and said I didn’t want to work in that environment, so I’d be leaving. They asked if I could be moved to another stand instead of leaving, and I agreed. Basically because we didn’t have proof, girly got to stay, and they couldn’t do anything about it.
May karma bite her so hard in the ass.
And maybe it wasn’t my business, but she easily could have made $1k/hr pocketing people’s order money, and the end result is the cost of items going up for everyone because she and others like her are greedy.
At my next stand, a girl wasn’t doing that, but she was still taking cash for something she shouldn’t. We weren’t supposed to give refills, but she would charge $2 cash and do it anyway. I didn’t say anything about her. Two reasons — 1. She wasn’t a bitch. 2. The original products were at least paid for. We also had bigger problems to handle, like the fact that our tiny kitchen couldn’t handle the demand.
Honestly, part of the reason I told on the first girl is because she was a total bitch otherwise too. She wouldn’t answer any of my questions, and then if I did what the supervisor told me to do, she’d yell at me for it, even though I had asked her the question first. I didn’t go into the shift trying to rock the boat, but the swindling was my final straw with her. She’s apparently worked there 8 years.
The fact that so many people just look out for themselves makes me not want to participate in the world. I hate big corporations as much as the next person, but giving free products and pocketing the money that should have paid for it affects us all in the end.
Every day, I see rules that are made and how virtually no one cares to follow them if they can benefit from not. But most rules are there to benefit us as a society.
I just … ugh, I want to scream.
In other news, I had the second interview with the nanny family today. It was wife and husband together, no kids. They were super sweet and honestly reminded me a LOT of Josh’s brother and SIL. The mom looked just like Dorothy, and she had so many of her mannerisms. I think it went well overall. I’d get a car to drive them around, I’d have a credit card from them to pay for all the expenses, and I’d mostly be a chauffeur. Sounds pretty good to me at $25/hr plus I’d be able to buy myself meals while we’re out, like she suggested coming to the big Whole Foods we met at for kids to play the arcade games and have dinner there. I will not pass up a free Whole Foods meal.
I hope it works out. 🤞🏼 I don’t ever want to have to work a concession job ever again.
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