#but i’ve known this person for 18 years. it’d feel wrong in a bad way
fingertipsmp3 · 5 months
Good evening I have just realised that my best friend is dating someone who is basically me but in male form
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vent-and-advice · 6 months
hey I just don’t know where else to put this I just feel like I’m getting so much worse.
I’ve known something was wrong since I was about 7 and I’m 17 (turning 18 in November) now. I just feel like I’m spiraling downhill and I’m worried that by the time I feel safe to reach out for help as right now I’d need to go through my parents to get said help and considering the symptoms I have and the way my mom has talked about people with said symptoms I don’t feel safe reaching out right now, I just feel like once I can get help without informing them I’ll need a god damn hospital. I’ve repeatedly nearly relapsed into self harm and straight up relapsed into self harm multiple times, and today it just feels like I’m reaching a new low. I don’t mind when people hurt me. Like one time a friend kicked me as a joke and ended kicking much harder than intended and I just didn’t care. With the future approaching like this and knowing the current economy I’ve been suicidal since sophomore year and a bit of freshman year and eighth grade. It got a little better since I made some new friends but it just dipped today and during gym I just thought to myself that it’d be nice if I fainted and hit my head hard enough to die. I can’t help but feel like I’ll never be enough to live this life. I feel like I was supposed to be the healthy and capable one in my family who would go on to accomplish a lot and give back a lot but now I can’t. I just can’t and I feel like I’ll probably die at 30 now bc I’ll either die of the elements, illness, or ill just fucking kill myself. I also just feel like I’m a bad friend. I got a new friend group recently and we did leave one person bc she was really draining to us and one person isn’t in the group bc he didn’t get along with two other people (I’m still friends with him) but now it seems like another person is leaving now bc he doesn’t like me and had a confrontation with the other person. Now it feels like I mostly just have this one person to hang onto and I feel like I shouldn’t be as attached as I am. I just feel like losing him is a last straw. If I do I’d kill myself. I just feel like I can’t ever give him a reason to leave me and I just shape myself to meet his needs and wants and never tell him anything about me that he wouldn’t like, because frankly, I’d die if he wasn’t part of my life anymore. But now I feel like because I’m so attached I’m a bad friend because I shouldn’t be like this. I don’t want to tell him because I don’t want to upset him and he’s already dealt with obsessive and toxic people and I don’t want to be like those people. It’s just becoming too much and I’m afraid I’ll reach a breaking point soon and I don’t know what to do.
Woah there, friend. First, take a nice flower. It smells lovely 🪻
Now, seems you’re dealing with a lot. First questions you’ve gotta ask yourself. Why are you afraid to reach out? People who love you will want to help! If you feel like it’s not safe to reach out to a certain person, think:
•Can I reach out to my parents?
•Teacher you can trust or guidance counselor
•In an extreme circumstance, a suicide hotline.
As for the you not caring if people hurt you thing, I believe it may stem from a lack of self love! Some good ways to self reflect is doing small things and enjoying this world. Flower picking and picnics are a great way to get some nice sunlight and being outside actually helps a lot with mental health!
Are there any clubs you can join? Group retreats? Maybe even picking up a little hobby! Dr. Amanda used to do Chess Club, which is where she made a lot of friends!
And most important of all is to pinpoint your emotions! Not always can we figure out why we feel this way or what it is we’re even feeling. But sometimes writing it down can really help you get close! Maybe start journaling your emotions and, if you’re comfortable, show it to your school’s guidance counselor and say that that is how you’re feeling.
Here are some journaling ideas:
•What you did today
•What you want to do tomorrow
•Try to describe things that make you uncomfortable
•Try to describe how you feel about the people in your life
•Try to describe how you feel about yourself
Next, look at yourself in the mirror. Like actually look at yourself. Every little imperfection that you may hate. Touch those little imperfections and smile and tell yourself that they’re beautiful. That you’re beautiful. You are a rose!
Practice self care. Bubble baths, meditating, exercise, and basic hygiene are all fantastic for your mental health. That friend of yours you mentioned? Maybe even invite them to go to the gym with you or just to meditate with you! Tell them you’re trying to heal and you need someone to lean on a bit for support. And after a while, try doing those things yourself to become more independent.
My dear two legged friend. You are not a mere flower. You are a whole bouquet 💐
I know you can do this. I am your little friend, Bee, and I love you! 🐝
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If the Spit Hits the Fan (Glee) Pt XVIII
This is the last part of this. Of a story that I was pretty certain I wouldn’t finish and just posted the bit I had in my scraps and snippets tag for a lark. You read that, and you liked it, and your response made me want to try and finish it. And so here we are, ~29k finished fic. 
Thank you for the support.
Follows pt I, pt II, pt III, pt IV, pt V, pt VI, pt VII, pt VIII, pt IX, pt X, pt XI, pt XII, pt XIII, pt XIV, pt XV, pt XVI and pt XVII.
New York is big and loud and filthy and expensive.
Kurt's first apartment had been an absolute rathole. He'd shared it with four others, and his “room” had been a repurposed coatroom. There had been just enough place for a bed and a tiny table instead of a desk. He'd only brought the most necessary in way of clothing, and with the exception of two shirts hanging from a nail in the wall he'd been forced to keep everything in a suitcase under the bed.
He'd moved out after a month, tired of never being able to keep food in the kitchen, weary of the nicks surrounding the lock on his door – he'd replaced the old one day 1, but even the best of locks only went so far – and fed up with having to carry all his valuables with him at all times.
Luckily the Warbler network had activated and Trent's older brother had offered up his guest room (and if that wasn't a sign of wealth, a student in New York with a guest room, then Kurt didn't know what was) for the rest of the year provided Kurt find someplace else to spend the night on those occasions it was needed. During the fall it'd mostly been solved by Sebastian coming to visit and the two sharing a cheap hotel room, and during the fall by Kurt spending the night at Sebastian's apartment. It had been tempting to move in with Sebastian then, but Kurt had resisted and they both agreed they'd become stronger for it.
Living together had been tough, especially since Sebastian had a lot more money available than Kurt. They'd managed to find a balance though and looking back Kurt feels proud of the work they'd put in to make it work. Three years (and counting) together and these days Kurt is willing to proclaim that Sebastian is as much of a perfect boyfriend as it's possible to be.
Yes, New York is still loud and filthy and big, but it's also full of light and laughter and love. Kurt's learned to find his way around both city and school, and he's on track for graduation with excellent prospects. Life is good.
Of course, that kind of means he's overdue for a cold shower and unfortunately it comes as cold and icy as is possible.
“Blaine. I guess I should have known you'd turn up.”
Like a bad penny, Kurt thinks. His ex-boyfriend just smiles wider at the words, clearly not picking up on the undertones.
“Yes! I'll always come back to you, Kurt. We're meant to be – you're my soulmate.”
Kurt shudders. All these years, and he still haven't gotten over his negative reaction to those words.
“Yeah, I'm pretty sure you and I have different interpretations of what those things mean. Personally I can't see how someone who walked out of my life without a word years ago could be considered my 'soulmate', but that's me.”
“That's not fair! I never wanted to leave you, but my parents made me.”
Blaine does this thing with his face that resembles what Kurt remembers of Blaine's “I've apologized, sort of, and you should forgive me now” expression and Kurt thinks that if Blaine could see himself he'd never ever do it again. It's not pretty. It kind of looks like he's about to shit his pants, frankly.
“Right. Your parents. And why, exactly, were they so determined to get you out of Lima without saying goodbye?”
Blaine flinches, and Kurt can see the realization hit him. Strange. It's as if he never even thought about the possibility that Kurt would know about the lies Blaine had told. Emotions run across Blaine's eyes and face, one after the other, and Kurt just waits without even trying to figure out what's going through his ex's mind. He's beyond caring.
“Kurt, I... I, I have a confession to make. When I got home that last night, my parents, they were waiting up for me. They made assumptions, and I, I let them.”
Blaine's face twists, and a couple of tears start falling. Kurt would be touched, really he would, except he happens to know that Blaine can cry on command.
“I know I shouldn't have, I know it was wrong, I was just so afraid! I thought they'd throw me out, and so I kept quiet and did what they wanted. I'm so sorry I did that to you.
“I love you, Kurt!”
The thing is, he can remember when those words from Blaine's lips would make him melt. That's no longer true. Now he listens to them like he would a performance, and he finds them lacking. He should have gone for soft instead of intense, a hint of tears maybe, not volume and anger.
This isn't school though, even though it very much is a performance, nor is it worth critiquing. It's not worth anything, really. Kurt sighs a little, just wanting all of it to be over and Blaine to be gone.
“Here's the thing. I understand, I guess. In your shoes I would have been worried to tell my dad the truth too. I think just about every teenager out there would be at least a little afraid to tell their parents they got drunk and stupid.
“But I also think that just about every teenager out there knows that there's some kind of middle-ground between 'I got drunk and tried to rape my boyfriend' and 'my boyfriend drugged me and tried to rape me'. Except apparently you didn't. You just went with what would get you of the hook the fastest and easiest.”
“Hey! That's not fair!”
“Oh, it isn't? You doing what you did is okay, but me calling it what it was is unfair? Now, why am I not the least bit surprised that that's how you feel?
“You know, at first I didn't understand how you could do it. How you could say you loved me and then not just leave me, but let your parents believe that I would do something like that to you. Well, that you could let anyone think I'd do that to anyone.
“But as I said, I understand why you did it.”
A triumphant look flash up in Blaine's eyes. Oh, he's doing a pretty good job at hiding it – much better than he would have been able to as a teenager – but Kurt knows him, and he's looking for it.
“You threw me under the bus because you knew it'd be an easy out. You could have told your parents something else, anything else, but you chose the worst possible lie – one you had to have known would get me in trouble. You did it because it was easy, and it would get you of the hook – maybe even get you some sympathy instead of the punishment you deserved – and you did it because that was all you cared about. You.
“I always knew you were a bit self-involved, but I told myself it was just part of you being a performer. A healthy ego's pretty much a must, and I used to think that was it. Except it turned out you were so focused on you, and your needs and wants, that nothing else mattered. Certainly not me.
“It took me a while to accept, but I know now that regardless of what you said you didn't love me. Not really. You might have thought you did, but Blaine? Love means that the other person's just as important to you as you yourself are. And I never was that to you.”
He ignores Blaine's protests and just continues, projecting his voice to be heard over the barely restrained excuses and lies.
“The truth is that your lack of empathy and care for other people borders on Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and quite frankly I am better off for not having you remain in my life. Just don't expect me to thank you for it though.
“No one else will either. Do you realize how many people you worried with your little disappearing act? There was quite a few at Dalton who were convinced that your parents had shipped you off to conversion camp. They were counting down until your 18th birthday and from what I heard there was even the beginning of a fund to pay your way at Dalton if you escaped and were disowned.”
There's a triumphant gleam in Blaine's eyes. Clearly he's pleased about his friends being so worried about him and so ready to help him out. Kurt just wants to stomp that light out. Violently.
“Then when you didn't resurface after your birthday a few started worrying that your parents had you in a mental hospital, and there was talk of trying to stage some kind of rescue. That only lasted so long, of course.
“You see, somehow it's hard to convince anyone that their friend is practically jailed and in need of a rescue when they're seen out and about clubbing in L.A.. After all, these days everyone carries a phone, so the idea that you were unable to contact someone – anyone – and ask for help went up in flames pretty quick after that.”
Thad had been so angry that he'd made sure every single Dalton student that had ever know Blaine found out, and even the boy's most die-hard supporters had given up then and there.
They'd all understood not wanting to getting into a conflict with your family, especially when said family usually paid for college and any possible trust funds tended to be under the family's control for a while longer. What they hadn't understood was Blaine's total lack of communication. Email telling them that Blaine was okay but under orders not to contact anyone from Ohio would have gone a long way to ease worries, and was, they felt, the very least he owed them.
“Funny thing about you showing up here now? I can't help but remember that you turned 21 a couple of weeks ago. You didn't happen to get access to a trust fund then did you? Not that I actually care, but there are some old bets to settle.”
There wasn't, not really, but enough Warbler had warned Kurt about this very scenario with an added “I bet he shows up afterwards, thinking you'll take him back” for it to not quite be a lie.
Blaine splutters before launching into a long row of “explanations”, one more shitty than the other. It's obvious that he didn't expect Kurt to be angry with him, but instead to be welcomed with open arms. It's even sounding as if Blaine expected Kurt to take him back and just let him slide back into his life as if nothing had happened. Kurt isn't quite sure if Blaine intended for him to move in with Kurt and start a new life in New York, or if the idea was for Kurt to give up everything and follow Blaine back to L.A., but both options are equally ridiculous.
“Stop. Just, stop. I told you, I don't care. If you want to get in touch with any of your old friends from Dalton and McKinley and explain all of it to them, do so. But you don't need to explain anything to me. I don't want to hear it. Your window for explaining yourself to me closed years ago. It closed after you let your parents walk into a police station ready to have me charged with rape.
“Nothing you can say will ever make that okay. Nothing you say can make me forgive you.”
Kurt stops himself and takes a deep breath. There's so much he could say, so many accusations that could be made, so much hatred to be poured out.
Blaine's actions had gotten Kurt into trouble, and could have landed him in jails. They'd been what had stopped Burt Hummel from running from reelection after being asked – while nothing had come from the Andersons' accusations there had still been enough people who had known about it for it to leak and ruin a political career. After all, who cared if it was true when it made for a good weapon? And “local congressman buries son's rape charge” made for a great weapon.
Kurt had been willing to risk it, but his dad hadn't wanted to. Had it leaked the only way to prove Kurt's innocence would have been to make the video of Blaine trying to assault Kurt public. No good parent does that to their kid had been Burt's position, and Kurt had been grateful.
That didn't mean he wasn't aware of exactly how much that had cost not just his dad but the whole state. The man who'd replaced his dad had been the kind of bigot that wasn't good for anyone, not even his followers.
Kurt still blames Blaine for that, and even if he'd been insane enough to consider forgiving everything else he's never forgiving that. The chance of making Blaine understand any of that is minuscule though. The chance of him caring is even less.
There is, simply put, no point in spending even another second on trying to get through to him.
“You're not welcome here. Please leave. Goodbye Blaine.”
Once the door is closed and locked behind Blaine Kurt finally relaxes. He's closing the door on Blaine in more than one way, finally able to truly do that – because regardless of what he's hoped he's always known that one day his former boyfriend would pop up again.
“If he comes back you're filing for a restraining order.”
“He won't come back, Sebastian.”
“You don't know that. He did today, didn't he?”
It's obvious that Sebastian is coming from a place of care and worry, and Kurt feels himself soften. Blaine hasn't just been the monster under Kurt's bed during all of these years.
“Yes, he did, and no, I guess I can't really know. But honey, I really don't think he will. Blaine was reminded today that actions have consequences, and he found out I have the means to ensure said consequences. Coming after me and trying to change my mind is more work than he's ever shown himself willing to put in.
“After all, he's not the kind to stick around when the spit hits the fan.”
Luckily Sebastian is.
~ The end ~
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chibimyumi · 3 years
Hey I hope you're doing well!
Have you watched Furukawa Yuta's Mozart live stream? And if you have watched it could you you make a little review if you have time?
Thank you for answering
【Related post: "Mozart!" 2021 Live Stream】
Dear Anon,
Yes I did watch the Furuzart Live Stream! As said before, I am actually no big fan of "Mozart!" as a show, but I was ecstatic about Furukawa's reprise as Mozart because it'd be such a milestone for him. Last time in 2018 Furukawa underperformed according to himself and critics, so 2021 was his "redemption arc" for him, so to say. And boy he did!
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In 2018 a main criticism about Furuzart was that his voice had no power, no volume, in 2018. Furukawa also admitted that as the musical prodigy W.A. Mozart himself, he could not afford to miss any note. One of Furukawa's weaknesses is his singing, so he underwent a new Spartan training back in 2018 just for this role. He even learnt playing the piano within a few weeks, just to do Mozart justice.
But in the end... well yes, he did hit all the notes... but he basically whispered most of his songs, and often he was so hyper focused on just singing the notes right, his emotional range varied between: "mildly nervously happy" to "extremely nervous". This time however, Furukawa shared in the press conference that for the first time he feels enjoyment in showing off his skills, rather than just anxiety.
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This time round, Furukawa has improved his vocal range significantly, and singing high pitches comes with convincible ease now. The high transitions are smooth, and the belting/shouts are powerful! 
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Mozart is a very child-like character. He is spontaneous, and has this tremendous talent and energy his human body fails to contain. In 2021, Furukawa really excellently managed to show how Mozart is just always bursting with unkempt passion, but has no outlet.
Mozart is employed by very high ranking people, so he always has to watch his manners. He however, is also strongly of the opinion that none of the nobles deserve his respect. It is amazing to see how Furuzart is always being in a state of: "I know I have to be polite, I will try a BIT, but you don't deserve any more than this much effort 👌" Honestly, this look of him wearing his locks with that... powdered situation on his head is the PERFECT representation of what Furuzart is. Even when sticking to the rules everything is just wrong.
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When Mozart was fired for example, he had a small moment of: "dude, you're firing MOI? (ÒAÓ)" But then very quickly he realised that he was finally free, and his proclamation of freedom was the most genuine glee I've ever seen on stage.
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Mozart's life is of course not a walk though the park, however... and very soon tragedy after tragedy strikes him. The moment the shit starts hitting the show though, Furukawa's Mozart is best described using just one word: "devastating".
During the special curtain call of the Final Performance, Director Koike Shuichiro was really emotional, and said that while in the spectators seats he was struck by how hyper detailed Furukawa’s acting was. Koike said: “It might be arrogant, but I think for once it is alright to say how proud I am of our work. I have always known Furukawa Yuta for his attention for detail, but today I learned just how precise, how detailed his acting can go. Now I’m a bit angry with him though. Why didn’t you show me this during the rehearsals?”
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Furukawa has always had this incredible skill of devastating his audience with something so...complex, so subtle, and yet overwhelmingly heart-breaking to the audience. I think in Mozart we really see the full extent of Furukawa's skills. Especially because Mozart is so child-like, you just can’t help but feel like you want to protect him.
The “world of adults” was so bitter and unforgiving, and Furuzart really showed how he was trying so hard to compute everything... but was given no space to explore anything. (Honestly... isn’t that all of us right now?)
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Though I still find “Mozart!” as a production flawed in many aspects, the piques are phenomenal piques. I think with the newly edited version of “Mozart!” 2021, the show is more coherent than before, however. I think “Mozart!” really is a coming-of-age-failed story. In Furukawa’s words:
The Grand Musicals written by Kunze and Levay are cultural markers in the Japanese theatre world, and they are known for the empowering female leads. Mozart however, I think is the only male lead among the Kunze & Levay productions? I feel tremendously honoured to be allowed this one role. Mozart is known only for his greatness, but this musical shows that no greatness is ever simple. Behind greatness is always just a human being. For me, I think the question this production asks is: “What is talent?” Is talent something that resides in the body, or the soul?   - Furukawa.
Other cast
Mozart is really 80% of the show; once he shows up, he hardly ever gets off stage again. This means that the side characters REALLY need to shine in order not to be forgotten.
Constanze - Mozart’s Wife
In 2018, the Constanzes were pretty badly received by the public. From left to right are Kinoshita Haruka, Hirano Aya and Ikuta Erika. Out of the three, only Hirano’s Constanze was what the show and TOHO’s reputation promised. Kinoshita and Ikuta were both described as: “they sing well, but they’re little girls trying on mommy’s high heels”, one of the harshest criticisms in public domains in Japan I have seen.
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In 2021, Constanze was played by just Kinoshita, and I was very worried that the only reason she’d be there in the Imperial Theatre again was because she’s pretty.
Then I watched the show, and to my pleasant surprise there was significant improvement!! Kinoshita spoke and sang in a much lower and stable voice, she wasn’t forcing it, and she did have a little bit of zest this role demands. She is still not the power-house of a Constanze as Hirano and Sonim were in 2014, but Kinoshita was honestly not bad. I would still not have cast her myself, but that level of growth was incredibly enjoyable for me to watch.
During the Final Performance curtain call, Director Koike even stepped forward to say he was shocked to see how much better she had gotten.
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Leopold Mozart - Mozart’s Father
Ichimura Masachika has played Mozart’s father for many years, and every time he manages to amaze me.
I think “Mozart!” does a great job at showing what fatherhood can entail: “everything awful to awesome.” Mozart’s father is unambiguously a loving father who is deeply invested in his children’s wellbeing and talents... but he is human nevertheless. He loves his son but also hurts him. Sometimes as a father he makes decisions he thinks is best for Wolfgang, but “the best” might not always be fun, “the best” might not be Wolfgang’s best, or “the best” might be “Wolfgang’s best” but not “Wolfgang in this world’s best.” Leopold is not a super big character, but I think in the glimpses we do get of him, he has portrayed the difficulty of parenthood, and the trickiness of “love and protection” better than many other portrayals of parents.
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Nannerl Mozart - Mozart’s Sister
Nannerl was played by an absolute nightingale Kazune Miou, and she was just suchhhhhhh a blessing. What also does help I admit, is that she is not Hanafusa Mari. Kazune was amazing in her own right, but ESPECIALLY juxtaposed against Hanafusa, she was a blessing.
Kazune really manages the range between young girl to ripe adult woman very well, and this immense true love she has for her brother is just heart-warming to see. With Hanafusa it was just obvious that a 50 year old was trying to play an 18 year old who is actually 8 years on the inside. As rambled in detail in this post, my hatred for Hanafusa’s acting style is that she only has two modes: Whiny toddler girl, or whiny victim woman.
Kazune however, really managed to capture the many complexities of Nannerl’s character. How she is just unconditionally loving towards her brother, but also can’t help but be sad that the greater attention for “the miracle child” came at her expense.
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Prince-Archbischop Colloredo - Mozart’s Boss.
Colloredo was played by Yamaguchi Yuichiro. Erm...... Yamaguchi is a great person, he is SOOO kind..........but everything about his singing and acting style just rubs me the wrong way... I always think his acting an unfortunate mix between a slapstick-comedy banana and a pompous opera ghost... ermmmm......... sorry, not for me.
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Click here for the official PV.
And click here for the subtitled curtain call of the first day performance.
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ladyxxdaydream · 3 years
tagged by @stillnotovermylordsixth -- thanks for the tag! I've been feeling really inactive with my writing lately so this was a good way to start paying attention to it again (◠‿◠)
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!) See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening lines.
Then tag ten authors!
Fic titles are underlined and linked to the fic on my ao3, just in case any of them grab ya and you want to read it! ;D
1) Akihiko Kaji had sworn off love.
Love was nothing more than a shiny lure; bait on the end of a hook. Swallow it, and you were reeled in, gutted, and devoured.
He should have known better. (metanoia || akigetsu & akiharu fanfic)
2) Light snow fluttered down around them as they entered the winter festival, the first flakes since the season began. Konoha didn’t see much snow, and even if it did, it usually didn’t stick.
“What’s this line for?” Kakashi asked curiously, peering around the throng of people filing in front of a wooden kiosk. The words Kissing Booth were stenciled in red paint across the top. “Or rather who is this line f—” He cut himself off when he saw the prominent scar.
(kissing booth || kakayamairu)
3) Kakashi never showed much interest in anything aside from Icha Icha, but even that was exaggerated and calculated. It served several purposes: one, it provided an escape, building a wall between himself and the rest of the world; two, he simply loved it; and three, it allowed people something to fixate on and gossip about that wasn’t his actual life. (thought you'd never ask || kakairu)
4) A new child was being added to the shelter today. Dalma was standing in the door of the hut, introducing him as Kakashi. Iruka had heard stories about people as pale as the moon, who’d been sent by some god Iruka did not know. (déjà vu || kakairu)
5) “I’ve had one hell of a day,” Gekko said, falling into an open chair. “Can I join you guys?”
“You’re already seated,” Asuma said gruffly, puffing on a cigarette. He blew the smoke towards the ceiling, before snaking an arm around the back of Kurenai’s chair. She poked him in the knee beneath the table, a silent way to say be nice. (love me as you are || kakairu)
6) Kakashi was trying to keep his distance, and Iruka… well, Iruka was not. (full-stop || kakairu)
7) Kakashi slid his hands over Iruka’s shoulders and down his chest, placing a kiss to the nape of his neck. Iruka’s skin smelled strongly like the sun, despite his hair being damp from a shower. (busy || kakairu)
8) Kakashi paced their apartment nervously, his bare feet soundless and swift against the floor.
“I should go there,” he announced.
“Bad idea,” Pakkun replied lazily from the floor, his head resting on top of his front paws. “Iruka specifically told you not to.”
(perks of promotion || kakairu)
9) Iruka drank nearly half the beer Kakashi had sent him in one long swig. He didn’t mind the obvious attention Kakashi was giving him—the man was attractive and powerful to boot—but he did wonder why; he wondered if it was the same reason everyone else in this damn bar decided to notice him tonight. (perks of promotion || kakairu)
10) Iruka was putting on his wetsuit, reaching around to pull the long zipper up to the base of his neck. No matter how many times he’d done this over the past three years, he still felt nervous excitement every time. He threw his hair up into a tight bun, slipped the thin sliver whistle over his head, and closed his locker door.
(night at the aquarium || kakairu)
putting the rest under a cut!
11) Iruka clacked his stack of note cards against the desk’s surface, straightening them into a neat pile. He knew he wouldn’t use them but he made them anyway—it was a comfort thing. (brand new sound || kakairu)
12) Kakashi dropped his head into the pillow, dragging his fingers down Iruka’s back beneath his shirt as his boyfriend sucked his neck in a way that he knew would leave a mark.
“Wha—why,” Kakashi panted, “why are you stopping?” he asked when Iruka’s lips left his neck, clunking his forehead against Kakashi’s collarbone with a huff. (tonight you'll let me be your hands || kakairu)
13) Itachi got into his car, the leather seat cool against his legs through his linen pants. He turned on the radio with no need to change the channel. It’d been set to the same one for years — a mellow station that played classical composers and smooth jazz.  When he pulled out of the driveway, he pushed on his bluetooth and spoke out loud:
“Hatake Kakashi.”
(tilt || itadei & kakairu)
14) Iruka buried his nose further into his scarf, his hands shoved deeply into his pockets as he walked briskly towards the bus stop. His car needed to be taken to the shop — something was wrong with the ignition. The engine whined hoarsely when he turned the key, but it never caught. He couldn’t bring himself to spend the money yet; money he definitely did not have. He knew he’d have to shell it out soon regardless, because winter was swiftly approaching.
(language gap || kakairu)
15) Iruka readjusted his messenger bag, positioning it so it no longer whacked against the back of his legs. Campus on a Saturday felt like a different universe. It was deserted, except for the few students who actually went to the library to study. He was usually one of them but that’s not where he was headed today. (i'll fall if you do || kakairu)
16) Iruka heard Kakashi come in, his footfalls uncharacteristically loud—the first indication that he was moping. Coming from Kakashi, that was the equivalent to dragging his feet. (pout || kakairu)
17) “I knew I recognized him,” Deidara squealed, tilting his phone towards Iruka to show him a photo. “It would totally make sense. The eye wrap must be concealing the scar. I’ve read they cover it with make-up for most of his movies.” (use your imagination || kakairu)
18) “Later!” Tomo screeched, making a beeline for the door.
“Tomo,”  Iruka called, his stern voice echoing around the bathroom. Although he’d been appointed Headmaster at the Academy almost three years ago, his teacher's voice had refused to die. It usually worked, but his daughter was at the age where sometimes she would purposely misbehave, just to see what he would do in response. Thankfully, this wasn’t one of those times.
(cake substitution no jutsu || kakairu)
19) “Satisfied?” Kakashi chuckled, gently patting Tomo on the back again, despite her letting out a burp a second ago. He rocked from foot to foot in front of the window, bouncing her slightly.
Iruka watched his husband from the kitchen, his heart brimming with affection as he sipped at his tea. It had taken Kakashi the better part of a month to become completely comfortable with holding Tomo. The stiffness was gone from his body now, and his expression had shifted from panicked to serene. He also stopped taking Tomo’s crying as a personal insult, much to Iruka’s relief. Kakashi used to hand her off every time, convinced it was his fault, and that their now five month old daughter simply didn’t like him. (teething || kakairu)
20) Jokes came easily to Kakashi, whether or not people laughed at them was another thing entirely. With Iruka it was usually hit or miss. Sometimes he looked as if he was going to bust a lung, and it left Kakashi feeling victorious. Other times Iruka gave him the side-eye, and continued on with whatever he was doing. His team never really found him funny to begin with, and Yamato, well, he usually only laughed to be polite. (a new chapter || kakairu)
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evermorehaikyuu · 4 years
Tumblr media
Day 18
Title: Not Even Friends
Note: I was honestly thinking of making this an angst to fluff for like two seconds. And then I told myself, “Nah.” Enjoy the deathless angst.
Let’s go together someday. For now it’s painted black.
“I think our school motto matches you perfectly, if I’m being honest, Suna.” Y/N said as they walked along the frigid roads, both of them snug in their scarves, mittens and beanies. Her breath appeared in wispy slabs of pale air, causing Suna to look over at her.
“What do you mean?” Suna asked, curious as to what Y/N was saying. Y/N was his best friend since forever, he couldn’t recall the moments where she was never there for him or vice versa. Most of their talks always included a certain element to it, something only both of them had. Without fail, Suna would listen to her attentively, as if she was the only person in the world.
“You don’t like memories, nor do you need them, according to you anyways.” She looked up at the sky, a small smile on her face as dark swirls of clouds started approaching. Of course. There was a heavy snowfall coming in. “It’s something not...necessary for you.”
Suna had a placid expression as he answered, “Well, the memories I do like to look back on are our memories.”
The statement made him think he did the right thing as she looked over at him, joy in her eyes. “So you’re saying anything else is fair game?”
“You could say that. Are you coming over to my place? It’s getting colder.”
“Bold of you to assume I wasn’t coming anyways.” 
Inside of Suna’s warm house, they dropped everything and he quickly made his way over to the kitchen, getting mugs to make hot chocolate. Y/N was at his side in a flash, already gracefully grabbing the rest of the ingredients. It was something they did often, but everytime he imagined something that he never thought he’d imagine before.
He imagined them in their own little cottage, with no problems in their lives and no worries ever. He pictured him coming home from work and walking over to her to give her a hug and a long kiss. The smell of the food he could come home to. Both of them dancing in the kitchen like a duo of elegant dancers to prepare the perfect dessert that they’d both share. Waking up at 3 am and slow dancing in the kitchen.
So many dreams, and yet, he tried to shake it away. Y/N was only his best friend, he should not have been having thoughts like those. 
“Hey Suna, wake up, I finished.” Y/N said, grinning at him happily as she held out a black steaming mug with the tips of her fingers, trying not to burn herself. 
He took it gratefully, the warmth soothing his icy fingers. Sipping it, he stared as she started humming and putting everything away. She had prepared it just the way he loved it. It was common, after all these years, but she knew him like the back of his hand. If there were memories he did need, it was those moments where it was just the two of them together.
“Suna, I’ve been talking to you for the past minute, you okay? Do you have a fever?” Y/N looked over at him worriedly. It was the same flash of worry when she didn’t have a reason to worry. He could only remember that she’d cry whenever she felt like he was going to cry when they were younger. Y/N had always been there, been ahead, taken care of him and done all of that without needing compensation. She walked over to him and gently placed the back of her hand against his forehead. “No, you seem okay.”
Her touch was something he craved seconds after she pulled away. They continued talking late into the night, yet nothing could prepare him for what his eyes were doing out of their own accord and lead to a result. His eyes flickered over at her hands curled around her mug; how her eyes squinted every now and then as she focused at nothing at all; how her lips tilted upwards after she took a sip; her body leaning against the counter casually. 
Huh. He had never noticed all of this before.
Yet...that winter night had introduced to him a perspective of her that he had never seen before. 
I didn’t think it’d happen. And somehow, I decided to take the path that’d lead to you anyways.
Days went by and it was impossible not to notice how Suna’s eyes would light up at the sound of Y/N’s voice or just the sight of her. The twins noticed this, Akagi and Aran noticed this, hell, the whole team noticed it.
“I don’t know what to do.” Suna sighed as he started stretching alongside Osamu.
“Well, just go and talk to her, it can’t be that bad.” Osamu replied bluntly.
“I don’t know why I came to you for advice.” Suna rolled his eyes and decided to go to Kita after practice. He might have been the one with better advice than the twins, for the stars’ sakes. 
When Suna and Kita started walking back home together, Kita asked simply, “Is everything okay? You’re usually walking home with someone else.” From his tone of voice, he knew that something was up, which was the exact reason Suna trusted him most.
He took a deep breath. “So say that there’s this girl, right? Hypothetically, you’ve known her all your life and she cares so much for you, even when she shouldn’t. She’s your best friend but if you told her how you felt, you might be turned down and the friendship would be ruined. What would you do?”
Kita paused for a second, his brows furrowing. “It sounds like you have a handful on your plate. I think the best thing for you to do here is just confess, if we’re talking hypothetically.” If Kita was anything, he was intelligent and very observant. This wasn’t hypothetical and he knew it. But his advice was genuine and Suna decided to take it.
“Just straight up confess? What if she rejects me?”
“Well, that’s another problem, but I don’t think she will. If it helps, rejection is another passage of life and--”
“Okay, okay, I’ll do it.” Suna cut him off, knowing that Kita would start saying words of wisdom and he didn’t know if he would be able to listen to the whole lecture. Suna started preparing himself mentally and planning what he would do. It had to be perfect, he didn’t want to mess this up.
But how could you mess something up if it’s already been messed up for you?
On the day that Suna had a bag full of Y/N’s favorite snacks, Atsumu went up to him and asked, “Why do ya have so much food? Wait, is it for--”
Suna glared at him and nodded. He knew that if he told Osamu something, chances were that the information would be relayed to his older brother. Osamu didn’t disappoint. Atsumu nodded and said, “You must love her a lot to buy all of this for her.”
“I wouldn’t call it love exactly.” But what else could you call a feeling of absolute joy when you saw the one person that you could never see in the same perspective again?
He started moving around the campus to find Y/N and confess to her. He spotted her from afar and with a small smile on his face, he started moving to go and say something to her. “Y/N. Y/N!” He started walking faster, trying to get to her until he stopped in his tracks, noticing someone had gotten there before him.
Why was Kita there? 
Kita, what are you-- Suna’s eyes widened as he saw him kiss her cheek and wrap an arm around her waist, leading her away. Y/N had not made any signal to have heard him, but the look of pure adoration on her face was enough to make Suna crumble. That look was not for him. It was for the male that he had confided in and trusted and cared about deeply. 
Suna could only stand there, the bag in his hand dropping to the floor as he stared at their receding backs, his lower lip quivering as he felt his throat close up. His heart was shattering and he could hear it as well as sense it. 
He had lost the girl he wanted to keep for the rest of his life and his best friend. 
I’m too late again.
“Suna? What’s wrong?” Aran had just come up next to him and Suna turned to look at him, trying to blink tears back and put up his usual monotonous expression. But Aran knew something was going on, even through the facade. “Hey. What happened?”
Suna’s voice cracked as he tried to speak before hiding his face in his hands, salty and wet tears already sliding through his fingers. He attempted to hide his real emotions, failing immediately. “I trusted him and--”
Suna was led back to his place, trying to stifle his sobs the whole way. The snack bag was abandoned at the campus. Maybe someone else would get it, but he didn’t care. It wouldn’t be for her so it didn’t matter.
He was finally home alone and that’s when he started to scream, cursing every single thing he could think of. He cursed himself for being stupid and naive, he cursed himself for thinking he could hold a candle to Kita, he cursed himself for falling for his best friend. 
Suna sank into a chair and dissolved into uncontrolled sobs, one hand over his face as heartbreaking and gut wrenching bawls came out of him. He didn’t hold back, he had held the mask up for too long and this was the consequence. Through his tears he could see Y/N’s face  towards Kita and that made him break down again.
He didn’t remember getting into bed. He didn’t remember anything but that smile and how it was for someone he had wholeheartedly trusted.
There are things I wish I could tell you, but it’d be too insensitive of me when it’s not me you’re in love with.
Taglist: @skyguy-peach @jovialnoise @versatilewindow @tsukiibaka @jaegersblogh @kodzuken-pie @kara-grayson04 @caxsthetic​ @iwantnoizsdick​ @attixca​ @volleybloop​ @selca11​ @osterfield-hollandwriter @seiijixcia​ @sunareii​
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black-streak · 4 years
Little Pistol - Mercy
Chapter 6
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Dialogue heavy. So very dialogue heavy. Also reveals two new facts towards the end. Introducing information by mentioning it casually is going to be a theme here, I think. Song by Muse, taglist closed because I've apparently exceeded limits, sorry.
LP Taglist
@zalladane @moonlightstar64 @amayakans @elmokingkong @queen-in-a-flower-crown @karategirl119 @dreamykitty25 @danielslilangel @melicmusicmagic @sassakitty @yin-390 @zotinha456 @indecisive-mess-named-me @heldtogetherbysafetypins @theatreandcomicfreak @alexandriamw @messymessyml @bubblegumpinup
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"Yes, my- ladybug?"
"Have you ever done something harsh in the name of positive change?" Ladybug bit her lip, looking down at her folded hands, unable to look him in the eyes, especially knowing that she'd done exactly that to him. But if her Robin was wrong and she shouldn't think of him as her hero, the first step was to backtrack on what she'd done to replicate him, right?
"Well…" he trailed off, head tilting this way and that and a clawed fingertip touched his lip, "Yeah, actually."
"You have? When?" Her head snapped up to look at him, Chat not noticing how her expression shifted minutely.
"Yeah, a few years back, actually. It worked really well too! Both times," he enthused, eyes sparkling as he nodded, probably at the prospect of an open conversation with her.
"Um, well, could you tell me what happened? Without names, of course," she leaned in.
"I would be happy to," he grinned, hand inching towards hers without her notice, "a childhood friend of mine was kind of known for being, well, a bit cruel. So I threatened to stop being her friend if she didn't change."
"Yup! So she threw a party for everyone and even invited people she didn't like and everything. So I went back to being her friend. It was the little push she needed to be better, really," he smiled, eyes crinkling with joy.
"Oh?" This sounded….familiar, but that didn't mean much. Plenty of people have bad friends, "You said both times?"
"Yeah, the second time went even better. You see, there was this girl, harmless really, that just wanted a bit of attention from our classmates. To be well liked, especially since she was new, and I get that. I was pretty new at the time too," he smiled wistfully, "but she went too far when she got another girl expelled just for knowing the truth. Poor M-… girl should of just kept quiet, but I di-greste," he shook his head sadly at the memory, like he felt bad but also was somehow disappointed.
"So what did you do," Ladybug deadpanned, eyes narrowing, taking note of how his pinky almost touched hers now from his slow approach into her space.
"I told her I would get her fired from my dad's company if she didn't fix it immediately. She got the other girl back into the school and even started playing nice with her. The key is to be a bit harsh and straightforward when a line is crossed. Otherwise people don't change. Both of them became perfectly civil over time, with the right things on the line," his smile turned smug as he leaned back, head tilted up and to the side to look at her from the corner of his eye as his hand went completely over hers, "Why, do you need help with taking care of someone? I'd be more than happy to get rid of the problem for you, m'lady."
There it was. That same look, that same holier than thou attitude and nonsense reasoning. She couldn't believe this.
Except, she completely could and had suspected as much for so long that the truth became a complete let down in the end. The jerk was the same one she'd let go of any hope on three years before. And obviously he hadn't bothered to change since. His words hinted that those weren't the only two instances he'd used this method of silencing others. Of making the abusers sneakier, which is the reality of what happened both times so long before. To think, so many years passed and he still didn't know the harm he did back when they were all younger. Here he sat, trying to convince her once more that he knew best, when really, his direct route ended up causing her nothing but pain, in both sides of her life. Turned her into the bitter, distant person she was now. 
Maybe she wasn't wrong to manipulate him. Maybe, just maybe, he deserved it. Besides, if he condones cruel methods to create desirable change, than surely he wouldn't mind the same being done to him, right? It makes perfect sense that if he becomes the problem, she should make him take care of himself the way he offered. It'd only be what he wanted. 
The direct approach never works. She'd told Tikki as much and he'd just proven her correct once more. 
"You know, I think I can take care of it on my own, thank you," she pulled her hand back, eyebrow raising with a pointed look of contempt. Watched as he wilted under her gaze, "however, there is a favor you could do for me," his perked ears encouraged her, "remember how you said you'd look into past akumas to knock them off the list?"
"Yes, its been slow going, I'm afraid," he rubbed sheepishly at his neck.
"I have some people I'd like you to look directly into."
"I can do that! Just say the name and I'll track them down in a heartbeat for you," he nodded at his own words, eager as a kitten.
"Adrien Agreste."
"What?" He went blank.
"A few years back, I saw him with a book. A book only a guardian should have. He apparently lost it, so I didn't think much of this at the time, but in hindsight, it raised some questions."
"I'm sure he just found it and was curious or-"
"You said I just needed to say the name. Were you lying?"
"No! Of course not, I just-"
"Good. Then you'll look into why he had it. While you're at it, I want you to look into Gabriel Agreste and Nino Lahiffe."
"... Why them?"
"If he 'found' the book as you suggested and in such a controlled environment, I'm sure it was his father's book. If it was Gabriel's, that doesn't bode well with how many akumas he's cost."
He twitched nervously, hands wringing, "Okay, but why Nino?"
"They were best friends at one point, I think. At least, that's what that reporter girl said. It only makes sense to look into the best friend of our suspect, right?"
"Sure," his fake cat ears tilted down and back as he diverted his gaze.
"Oh and Chat?"
"Yes, Ladybug?"
"I'll know if you don't look into them and lie to me about it."
His eyes widened and he shook his head roughly, "I promise I'll look into it. I gave my word, didn't I?"
"You did," she offered a sweet smile for his compliance, "thank you, Chat."
He melted at the look and took off in the direction of the Agreste Mansion. Back home he went.
Landing back on her balcony, she called for Trixx to come out of the hidden miraculous box, telling the little fox to make an illusion of Ladybug continuing to travel across the sky for another few minutes well past the bakery as she slipped in the skylight.
"Hello Maman," she spoke as her transformation dropped.
"Welcome home honey. I've seen you've finally spoken up to that mangy cat?"
"Something like that," she glanced towards her mother with a sly tilt to her lips.
"Well it's about time. You know I'll always respect your decisions, but I was about ready to step in for you if you didn't do something soon, sweetheart," Sabine warned with a light laugh.
"I know. Thank you, Maman," she relaxed as Trixx came back and Tikki watched the transaction quietly.
With a kiss to her cheek, her mother finished her straightening of the room and left without another word needed between them.
"So, why did you have him track Nino?" Tikki asked, knowing the answer she gave Chat to only be placating one.
"To lower his suspicion of how much I know. If he feels like he can treat all suspects equally, he'll do so more thoroughly. Especially when he's positive two are innocent."
"You're starting to impress me, kit," Trixx spoke up, staring Tikki down as he did.
Tikki did not retaliate.
Oh well. Perhaps it was time to look into her favorite Robin again. Maybe there was a logic to why he would drive someone insane after all.
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some-cookie-crumbz · 4 years
Some Huwumi AUs!!!
Putting them under a 'Read More'. May have to write some of these!
Grease AU: This happened solely because my iPod shuffled to the soundtrack the other night and I was feeling the Huwumi in the air. It could really work, though! Fuyumi as the sweet and compassionate Sandra D, and Hawks as the "bad boy" T-Bird with a heart of gold Danny? It'd be such a good fit. A fun time, though I'd have to make some changes from the source material both for modernization and if I want there to still be Quirks or not.
Footloose AU: I've only seen Footloose one time in my life as a production by the high school I eventually attended when I was in grade school. The whole plot is absolute nonsense and kind of goofy, but it could be a lot of fun! Hawks seems like the type who would thrive in a bombastic settling like that, peacocking around to woo the girl. Plus, Enji putting a ban on dancing/ music because he blames it for Touya's death? Feels like an in-character approach for the man if he cared more about his family.
Anastasia AU: Another one that could be a good fit for these two, either running with the main premise from the Bluth film or with changes made to fall a little more in line with canon! For example, if wanting to run with a world here Quirks and Pros are still a thing, the inciting event could be the downfall of classic Hero society under the weight of Villains. Endeavor and maybe Rei??? are killed in the downfall and Fuyumi, in helping her brothers escape, ends up taking a nasty blow to the head and developing amnesia. Many years later, and following a few rather sizable victories by the new wave of Heroes, a plea is issued by upcoming Hero Todoroki Shouto; help him find his older sister, and be repaid most handsomely. Hawks, a double-agent who has been leaking information to the Heroic rebels, quite literally stumbles upon her hidden in a room in the villains base of operations. This leads to a slew of issues regarding his relationship with certain members of the League, as well as a debate on helping the daughter of a man he still admires.
Parental!Fuyumi AU: This is a bit of a weird one, but I think it could be interesting. The premise is that Fuyumi is the first born, and there is a huge gap between when she is born and when her brothers are born. My thought is that there are 11-12 years between she and Touya, with a 3-4 year gap between the boys following that. After the incident with Shouto and Rei, Fuyumi - around 20-21 years old - moves back in at home to take over raising her brothers. While she struggles to complete college/ adjust to her work place, tend the home, and raise her brothers, she also has to deal with the Winged Hero, Hawks, frequently dropping in unannounced and adding even more chaos to her already hectic life.
Soulmate AU: In which everyone has an important phrase their soulmate will say to them written somewhere on their body, in their soulmate’s handwriting. For Todoroki Fuyumi, the mocking words “Ah, so you are Daddy’s Little Princess!” etched along her collarbone have always felt like a heavy weight to bear, reminding her that the world isn’t always kind and some shadows are too immense to step away from. Takami Keigo had lived his life without knowing about the words “Being superficially charming isn’t worth much out of the camera’s lens, you know,” between his shoulder blades, just above his wings. After all, the Hero Commission has bigger plans for him than chasing down a soulmate. A canon compliant fic in which Todoroki Fuyumi and Takami Keigo have multiple messy meetings and find that a soulmate isn’t always the person you want, but rather the person that you need.
Demon Hunter/ Body Guard AU: All Heroes are Demon Slayers in this AU. Endeavor is known as one of the best of the best, a long list of victories and successful slays under his belt, if not a bit abrasive and callous. Due to his high success rate, his family is a target for all demon kind; specifically, his only daughter, Fuyumi, who has no proper training regarding fending off demons and lives miles away from the Slayers stronghold city. Enter Takami Keigo, alias of Hawks, a highly-praised Slayer with a track record that rivals the senior operative. After an attack in the town Fuyumi lives in, Hawks is sent to play bodyguard and escort her to the safety of the Slayers main base.
Matchmaker AU: Takami Keigo is a world renowned advice columnist/ talk show host who specializes in relationships. He is particularly praised for his ability to salvage any relationship and kickstart any romance. His skills are called into question, however, when he meets Todoroki Fuyumi, the enigmatic daughter of his executive producer who doesn't immediately fall for his charms. When this begins to have a negative impact on his ability to do his job, it becomes a matter of principle; solve the riddle of Todoroki Fuyumi and get his mojo back.
Random Soundtrack AU: I can think of no better way to refer to this one. It has no real plot or anything to it, mostly just a bunch of scenes and ideas in my head brought up by certain songs on my iPod. Mostly just your stereotypical, goofy little story about two dweebs falling in love. There’d still be Quirks in this AU but probably no Heros and most of the drama would just come from the interpersonal relationships. And the Todoroki Brothers collectively going feral over their precious sister dating Hawks.
Neighbors AU: No Quirk AU in which Todoroki Fuyumi is a college student with way too much stress between school and some salacious family drama. Her life is even more compounded when Takami Keigo, an obnoxious and rowdy young man, takes the apartment right next door. And to make matters even worse? Turns out that he’s a friend of her older brother - who she hasn’t spoken to in nearly three years - and likes shoving his nose into other people’s business.
Former Child Actor AU: Years ago, Todoroki Fuyumi was a household name in Japan, adored for her starring role in a popular sitcom between the ages of six and fifteen. Upon the series completing, she was slated to begin working on a new series with up and coming teen heartthrob Takami Keigo. However, after an undisclosed incident occurred on the first date of filming, the young woman seemed to disappear into the obscurity. But Takami Keigo was there, that day, and the event has never really left him. Years later and at the peek of his career, he decides to start doing some digging to see if he can relocate his near co-star and find out where it all went wrong. But when someone disappears for almost eight years, there may be a reason. And they may not be so eager to be found.
Fake Dating/ Sugar Momma AU: Todoroki Fuyumi is the daughter and personal assistant of her father, Todoroki Enji, and one of the key players overseeing the continued success of Endeavor Electronics. She takes pride in her work and personal life balance and that, specifically, her father only has control on so much of the latter. But when he begins to talk about marrying her off to one of a selection of bachelors, she fabricates a story about a boyfriend to get him off her back. When this backfires to his insistence she bring the man around, she’d forced to hire on Takami Keigo, a law school dropout and male escort, to play the part. The only problem? Keigo is a bit of a wild card himself and only works to further complicate the situation. Might include some 18+ content in this AU if I write it; don’t know yet.
Reaper AU: Takami Keigo is your typical Reaper, collecting the souls of those that have run out of time, and assuring that those with short time frames left make the most of their remaining time. He is, however, also given some of the more complex cases his superiors occasionally run into. Enter the case of one Todoroki Fuyumi; a healthy young woman whose soul was traded by her father to save his own. Now with only a year to live, Keigo is charged with making sure that time is as fulfilling for her as possible. He's pretty sure that falling for her wasn't recommended in the case notes, though.
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sugarandspice-games · 4 years
I guess this is becoming a trend... I’m popping in before the actual intro to clarify-- if the text is in italic, it is me (Sugar) talking and regular is Spice. Alright? Cool. And so--
So, one night I’m going through youtube and I come upon this one shitposty video about some random anime that I’ve never even heard of. After doing some research, I discover that it’s actually based on a dating sim that I’ve also never heard of. As a joke I was like “Hey Sugar wanna watch this as a joke, it might be funny” and so we did. And uhm. Well.
Today we’re gonna be reviewing Brothers Conflict, aka Sweet Home Alabama 2: Electric Anime Boogaloo aka the anime that ruined our lives. [Again, disclaimer: neither Sugar nor I condone incest and/or pedophilia, two themes which are uh, very rampant in this anime which is why I cannot recommend it in good faith. It’s not good, don’t get me wrong. I can’t really say that I liked it even if watching it and ragging on it was kind of enjoyable, and I did get attached to some of the characters because that’s the kind of idiot I am. Also, we’re not shirking our duties to write I swear please don’t kill me--] Anyway, an obligatory SPOILER WARNING though this probably isn’t going in the main tag bc I do not want the fans to publicly stone me. Why are we reviewing this? Bc we need to talk about it somewhere. Though I say review lightly bc this... is really more of a critique.
ALSO we only watched the anime, idk if things are different in the game. There is no full english translation for the games and most of the LP channels have been copyright striked, so please don’t come at us for not knowing anything. I also know that otome games and dating sims don’t tend to translate well to anime, and I will be addressing this later.
So, dear god, where do I begin.
Where do we begin indeed? How about the fact that her name is Ema and I had to google to remember the heroine’s name? Also, she is seventeen.
Our plot, or well... what you COULD call a plot, I guess, if you REALLY wanted to give this anime that much credit, focuses on the aforementioned seventeen year old Hinata Ema, who has an absent father who apparently FOUND THE TIME TO FALL IN LOVE AND GET MARRIED BUT NEVER HAS A SECOND TO SPARE FOR HIS ONLY CHILD, RINTARO I SWEAR TO GOD I AM TAKING CUSTODY OF YOUR CHILD. HAND HER OVER-- Anyway. He’s getting married to a woman who has 13 sons (jesus christ ma’am have you ever heard of a condom?) and he decides to move her in with them because... I guess he has less braincells than I have balls, which is to say, zero. Hi, I’m trans.
So, Ema moves in with them... along with her talking grey squirrel, Juli. Juli is... interesting and by interesting, I mean-- ABSOLUTELY PUZZLING. He, apparently, has seen the majority of Ema’s life from babyhood to teenagerhood and can talk but is only understood by Ema (who he calls Chii) and Louis, the eighth son in the Asahina family. It is never explained why, or how Chii came across him or how in an episode, a single episode, he becomes human because why the hell not, I guess??? (Also, he is pretty. YES. I said it. Fight me.) [Quick Spice intervention, this squirrel can talk to people, transform into a human, enter dreams, and live way longer than a squirrel should since the average lifespan of a squirrel is like 6 years in the wild. Juli is apparently a god as none of this is EVER explained.]
And when she meets the Asahina family, it’s pretty much immediately chaos because these heterosexual (I guess? They look like a bunch of twinks to me but there goes anime trying to convince me that straight people are real and not a lie made up by Trump) men have NEVER and I mean NEVER known a woman in their entire lives, since they seem to want to bang their stepsister immediately. And most of them are GROWN ASS ADULTS. Only three of them are actually minors (though Iori is 18 and only one year older so I guess??? It’s okay??? But still weird) and one of them is a 13 year old who looks and acts like he’s 8.
Oh, and did I mention that out of these boys, only the adult triplets and the abusive asshole 16 year old get any kind of characterization AND character development? I mean, Subaru gets an “arc” if you can call it that, but really, they don’t give him much... personality. You could replace him with a cardboard cutout and it’d be the same. I feel bad for him (but not really because dude you are 20 and she is your sister, what the fuck--)
But if there’s anything good about this anime, it is the characters themselves. Several of the boys have redeeming qualities and interesting personalities and quirks, as well as interesting relationships and dynamics with each other. Yes, some of them are lacking in the plotline department while others may have decent plotlines and lack personality, and then some of them are just given absolutely nothing (COUGH Masaomi COUGH Ukyo COUGHCOUGHCOUGH Iori, and by the way, what the fuck is that game plotline bc I read the wiki since I wanted to know more about him. We don’t have time to unpack the mento illness luv. But you’re telling me they had all this meat to work with and they threw it in the trash and gave him nothing? What the hell?) And if anything, I feel as if the characters themselves are crippled by the plotline. If given a different story, perhaps, they may have room to shine, because a lot of them are compelling if not lovable (though some may not be... lovable. COUGHFuuto, at least not for me.) If you want to see our review on the characters, we’ll put out another post.
Iori... Iori has a hell of a plot in the game, according to the Wiki but I can’t blame the writers for not exploring all of it because whoa. It is dark and not in a good way. But back to the subject at hand... I agree with Spice. I do/did like quite a lot of the characters... provided the entire romantic plot is taken away but we will go into more of why the plot is problematic below. All I can really add is: There is a baby in this dumpster and canon has been taken out back to be shot like a lame horse.
This brings me to a point in which I would like to pause the character discussion and bring up a glaring flaw with this anime in general (aside from the... plot. Look, I’m not a huge fan of weird stepsibling stuff but I think that if you want to do something like that, there are ways to do it and ways not to do it. This was the way not to do it, which I’m getting to). The biggest thing that made this anime so uncomfortable was the imbalance of power dynamics. Why is the protagonist 17 when most of the love interests are 18 and older, and I mean much, much older? And she’s not any 17 year old... she’s a lonely, neglected girl who is starved for the love of a family. This makes her easily manipulated by the brothers, who clearly desire her for less than wholesome reasons, and that makes it skeevy. I’m not sure why there’s such a fetishization of nonconsent in media, as if it’s fine for as many men to lust after female protagonists as the writer desires BUT the woman can’t want a single one of them in return. It’s creepy, and quite frankly, I am very much over it. I also get that the age thing is probably a product of the protagonist of a teenager oriented dating sim not translating well to an anime (because really, all otome game MCs are meant to be a neat little pair of shoes for the player to imagine themselves in), but why are we fetishizing a teenager being groomed by adults anyway? Especially adults who have this much power over her to begin with? The power dynamics bring this plot from “Oh, this might be kinda trashy but it could be entertaining” to “This is extremely creepy and rapey and kind of a dumpster fire.”
This is also true. If we were to take age into consideration, Fuuto, Yusuke, and Iori would be the three candidates left for Chii. This is taking out the youngest as well, who is... thirteen, I think? But anyway, (I know I am probably going to get some hate for this but go for it), I am into stories that explore the stepsibling thing and it can make a good narrative-- but before everyone gets uppity: There is a line between FICTION and REALITY and I do not condone real life incest but a story is a story and there are ways to frame it that make it clear that it is not a romantic thing, or acceptable. This anime does not do that in it’s dynamics because some of the brothers do start off in that very firm caregiving, family role and it is a sharp turn into romance that makes you go, “?” or in Fuuto case, a blending that does lean into fetishization.
All in all I think the plot maybe could have been okay? I’m not saying it isn’t problematic, because we all know it is, who are we kidding? But I don’t think it’s wrong per se to explore family dynamics with romance and to understand where the line should be drawn, and maybe exploring the definition of family itself. I have seen fanfictions with similar tropes ask those questions and explore the concept beautifully without romanticizing or fetishizing incest and unhealthy power dynamics. It could have been good, and I get that perhaps I’m barking up the wrong tree by expecting mature themes in an anime based on an otome game, but it also could have been a lot less... creepy (I have used that word so much that it looks wrong now) even if it wasn’t the greatest thing ever. But again, what was I expecting? I watched this whole thing as a joke and ended up attached to the characters like a fool... That tends to be a trend here, and this is why we are so salty all the time. So anyway, stay tuned for our review of the characters! We may not cover all of them since some of them don’t really get anything, but we’ll cover what we found interesting.
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Revenge and Lust
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This took me 7 hours. I wrote a whole fucking fanfic in 7 hours because I’m a simp for Bakugou and I’m a whore for Shigaraki. Kyrie is my OC, if anyone wants I’ll give more details on her another time!! I hope you guys like this
THIS IS ANGSTY AF JUST SAYING It’s also mostly smut. 
I had fun being horny on main~
Warnings: Very rough, borderline abusive sex, blood kink, slapping kink, Katsuki does a cheat (with Ochako), General angst, abuse mention
Kinks: Breeding, Adoptive Incest, Slapping, Breeding, Pregnancy, Blood, Three-way, Voyeurism (shiggy peeping~), Double Penetration (Vaginal only)
Summary: Shigaraki Kyrie was used to the overly friendly attention of her big brother, having grown up with only him to love and protect her, so she never questioned his overly touchy affection until she escaped One For All and went to UA. She started dating Bakugou Katsuki to try and live a normal life, but things came crashing down when she caught him with her best friend, Ochako. So she decided to break him down and get her revenge.
Word Count:  11309 
Ships: Shigaraki x Kyrie (OC), Bakugou x Kyrie (OC)
When Kyrie came to UA, trying to get away from All For One and his horrid experiments and demands involving her quirk, she thought she’d found her home. They’d taken her in, helped her get stable and find a new goal. A less… Family oriented and obsessive goal, even if she’d never mentioned her obsession with her own adoptive brother. She’d fallen for Bakugou Katsuki due to their similarly explosive and borderline abusive behavior, honestly. Her big brother had been the only person to keep her safe, her whole life, so it made sense that the person she’d settled on romantically would be him.However when she came home early from a study session with Midoriya and Kirishima, happily setting down her bags as she shuffled through the door, only to see Ochako and Katsuki’s shoes by the door, she felt her heart drop. Katsuki was supposed to be out on some hero intern trip for the weekend, why was he here? Better yet, why was Ochako at her apartment, with her boyfriend, at almost 2 AM? The short black haired girl froze in place when she heard very feminine moaning, followed by her best friend's name coming out of her boyfriend's mouth. She teared up right away and felt her heart shatter, she wanted to storm in and scream, cut him to pieces and steal his quirk, but she couldn’t. The broken shards filling her chest ached at the idea of hurting him directly… However, as she quietly closed the door and ran away from the apartment, towards the all too familiar bar in the more run down part of the city, towards the one person she knew would never break her like this, Tomura. Kyrie slammed open the bar door, her quiet sobs now broken as she screamed his name, her beloved brother quickly coming into view as she ran at him, hugging him tight. The pale, lanky male was in sweatpants, his hair messy and eyes wide with fear. “W-what the hell, Kyrie? Why are you back here!? If Mast-” She cut him off by looking him straight in the eye, her own round blue orbs steely and full of broken angst and rage. “I want to make them burn. I want them to suffer because they couldn’t stay loyal…” The tall male was shocked at the vindictive words coming out of the sweet, gentle baby sister he’d essentially raised.  “Are you sure you want to do that? I thought they were your friends?” Her brother understood that she couldn’t just accept her father’s abusive treatment and morals because he made her, he knew all too well, since he’d been the one to hold her as she sobbed in pain from getting vivisected, from getting experimented on in the name of finding out her quirk limits… She’d been no older than 6 when they made him watch the experiments… When he’d known what her organs looked like because All For One thought that seeing what could happen if he fell out of line was a good idea, instead it fueled the young villain to hurry his plan, just so he could make it clear she was his to protect and cared for.But then she came to him, scared and sobbing after a particular ‘mission’ gone bad, and he’d helped her escape their caretaker. He’d taken her to UA and she’d enrolled, he did everything to make her happy, to make life better for her. And now she was back in his arms. He didn’t know who hurt her, but he was almost thankful for it, with the way she was clinging to him. The way her arms and hands shook with rage as she spoke. She was always too sweet and loving to stand up for herself.“Stupid little sister… Did the heroes break your trust now, too?” She narrowed her eyes before tearing up again, burying her face into her brother’s chest, she took a deep breath and sighed at his scent, a mix of sweat, rose and something she’d gotten used to smelling on her big brother when he was holding her, though she didn’t ever know what it was. “Clinging to me like this… I thought you wanted a normal life, with that stupid Pomeranian of yours.” She’d told him that, a year into staying at UA, with Bakugou… “2 years you made me wait, and now I’m just supposed to trust you’re not going to betray us?” The small girl snorted and clung to him even more. “Tenko, he cheated on me.” There she went, using his real name… the one that made him soft and sweet for her, the name that would bend him to her will and made him willing to kill the whole city just to see her smile. “I’ll make him suffer, then. Who was stupid enough to take him from you? Who thought taking the one thing that kept you sane was a good idea?” He stroked her cheeks softly with his thumbs, tilting her head to look up at him. “Ochako… My best friend.” He let out an angry growl. “I’ll kill them both…” She sighed and closed her eyes, nuzzling against his hand.“Thank you, Tenko… I love you, big brother!” She jumped up and kissed him softly on the nose, wrapping her legs around his waist as she hugged him tight. Tomura growled and caught her, his hands on her outer thighs as she clung to him, and for once she was thankful for her quirk making her basically immune to his touch. They’d realized it when he started training her to fight, when she’d withstood his hands with only small spots of decaying flesh, which rapidly healed over and closed. As she got older it dulled down to a small sting, no blood, though.She still felt horrible, like the boy she loved ripped her heart out and took a sledge hammer to her glass heart, but Tomura soothed the pain, made her mind numb and her heart fluttered. Childhood crushed turned to obsessions did that, though. He hummed and carried her to bed, he carried her up to his bed, tossing her onto it as he tossed off his sweatpants… He’d always hated sleeping in anything but boxers, even as a kid. It’d been completely innocent and platonic at first, clinging to the one person who showed him affection in barely anything during puberty though… It made his ‘brotherly’ affection a bit more… adult. That was part of why he’d been so fine with her leaving. He was almost 22 now, and she was barely 18. Not even in her senior year of high school yet. And yet he’d love nothing more than to pin his baby sister down and fuck her raw into the bed until she couldn’t think of anything but him. But Tomura was nothing if not patient with Kyrie, so he decided until she came to him for that kind of thing, he’d just play the loving, doting brother a bit more. So here they were, stripping out of her UA uniform into just her boy shorts and camisole from the day, laying on her big brother's bed as he stood there and watched her, in only his boxers. She didn’t feel awkward or shy, Tomura had spent hours cleaning her wounds before when she was fresh out of a new test, so it was nothing he hadn’t seen.“Tenko… Come cuddle me… I’ve missed you…” The small ravenette yawned and reached for him, taking his hand and pulling softly. He sighed and rolled his eyes before crawling on top of her, caging her body with his as he held her close, tight. Her soft skin pressed right against him, though he tried not to think about it, ignoring the throb of his cock as his little sister snored under him.And like that, a year of her infiltrating deeper into hero society began, she got her heroes licence, graduated UA and became one of the top 100 in the country, with only a healing quirk to help her. It was unfortunate that Kyrie had to pretend everything was fine as she went to UA, watching her friends all ‘protect’ her from the fact that Katsuki was cheating on her. She found out that both of their friend groups knew, they let her get engaged to Katsuki, pretending everything was fine if she didn’t know. She understood why they were afraid to tell her, she was so clearly close to breaking, mentally. Years of emotional and physical torture coming from your only parent tend to make you broken, unpredictable. She didn’t blame Midoriya or Kirishima, who were so torn up over letting her stay that they’d stopped hanging out with her, feeling so guilty. Ochako kept on hanging around her like nothing was wrong, smiling and laughing with the small chubby girl. Kyrie felt sick every time she saw her now, happiness on her face but disgust filled her to the core. Katsuki almost never asked for sex anymore, which she was grateful for, but that also meant she saw him less, she knew he wasn’t on patrol as much as he said, but she also didn’t want attention on her, at least not right now. So when he did, she was forced to let the man she quite literally was planning to make miserable touch her, to make love to her. He always said he still loved her, smiling and hugging her close. Kyrie was convinced he just loved how stupid and naive she seemed to him.He pulled out of her, rolling off the condom and tossing it into the trash before holding her close. He took in a deep breath, only to freeze. She knew she smelled like Tomura, who smelled nothing like Katsuki. Katsuki smelled sweet, thanks to his quirk, almost like candy. She smelled musky and masculine, with the slight hint of rose. He sat up and looked at her, his eyes cautious. “You smell different…” She hummed and stood up, tossing on her clothes before standing and walking towards the bedroom door. Katsuki caught her wrist and looked her in the eyes, his own worried and alarmed. “Kyrie, we need to talk about this! That’s not your smell, that’s someone-” She pulled her arm away from him, walking towards the apartment door. The same one she’d caught him in a year ago.“I’m trying to use less perfume and stuff.” She shrugged and started putting on her shoes and double checking her utility belt. “You’re gonna be home tomorrow, right? I mean, it’s our anniversary so I was gonna make you some dinner.” Katsuki scratched his neck and smiled shyly at her. He was always like this, pretending to care and acting sweet. “I have more patrol assigned tomorrow. You’d know that if you listened to me. I told you all week. But you were busy with your own hero work, so it’s fine!” She smiled and kissed his cheek, ignoring the bile in her throat as he hugged her.She was intentionally making him feel guilty, since he knew he’d been with Ochako during his free time. “You’ve been pulling so many extra shifts I figured I’d take more too, I honestly forgot that was tomorrow. I can’t just call in sick now, they’re depending on me…” He sighed and let her go, fluffing her hair. “Fine, I’ll just… Find something to do…” Kyrie smiled and closed the apartment door, leaving the complex as she made her way towards the bar, casually of course, she really was supposed to be on patrol, but a sneaky visit to her beloved brother wasn’t so bad… Not compared to trading integral secrets of hero society for cuddles and not so brotherly affection. She stopped in front of the bar door and stepped in, smiling as Toga launched up and hugged her tightly. “I’ll go tell the hand pervert you’re here, Kyrie.” Dabi stood up and walked upstairs, only to come right back down. “I can hear him moaning from the other end of the hall, nope.” Kyrie blushed and laughed. “He’s busy, not a good time then, huh?” Dabi laughed and rolled his eyes. “Toga what was that about how she acts around Shigaraki?” Toga smirked at the other female and her hips a bit. “She wants her big brother to plow her into the bed~” Kyrie turned bright red and playfully punched Toga. “Shut up! I don’t- Ugh. Whatever. I was just stopping by on patrol, figured I’d tell you guys that there’s nothing new in person. Just those two idiots acting like I haven’t caught on. Especially Bakugou. He was planning a cute dinner date for our anniversary, y’know.” The blonde girl sighed and sat on the bar stool next to them, spinning a bit.“Shame, I bet he’s amazing in bed… Too bad he’s a liar.” Toga growled out before smiling at Kyrie. “Shigaraki says he’s a moron for hurting you, let alone letting you go.” The black haired girl hummed and sat too, rolling her eyes. “Oh he thinks I’m still his stupid little sweetheart, pliable and compliant for him.” Kyrie blushed a bit. “And before touching him made me want to vomit, yeah he was amazing in bed…” She growled and stood up. “Gotta get on patrol before the idiots notice, tell big brother not to sleep in his mess for me Toga, he gets weird when he does that~” And with that the healer hero was back into her guise of a sweet, loving hero.Patrol was quick, no problems coming up in her sector, though they never did, the villains seemed to avoid her area, thanks to Shigaraki’s threat on their lives. Kyrie stepped into the apartment and smelled peach candles, only she hated peach. Of course she knew that’s all Katsuki had, since he was always buying them for Ochako. Trying to make a cute date with his fiancee using the candles his lover likes, she felt sick. It almost immediately put her in a bad mood. “Katsuki… What’s this?” She tried not to glare at him.The explosive blonde jumped and turned to face her, setting his phone face down. Texting Ochako as he was trying to gain her favor, what the hell? He smiled and hugged her. “You said you’re gonna be busy tomorrow, so I figured if you had no problems I’d just make our date tonight.” She laughed cutely, hugging him. How badly she wanted to enjoy his hugs and kisses again. She could crush his whole world right now, just tell him she knew…That she knew and had betrayed them all, that she’d been sleeping almost naked next to her big brother, who’d kidnapped and tried to kill Katsuki multiple times… That she’d asked him to since she’d found out he cheated on her, and that’s why his sector was so chaos filled and required so many heroes patrolling, while she ‘took care’ of Shigaraki’s hideout sector, hiding her brother from the heroes as the Shigaraki siblings planned to take them down. It was a sick satisfaction, knowing when he came home beaten and almost dead that she’d caused that, having told Tomura that he’d be on patrol and exactly when Katsuki had left just so she could play the loving fiancee and make him feel guilty for cheating and breaking her heart.Even if he thought she didn’t know, she could see the guilt in his eyes when she helped heal him, or did something sweet and amazingly thoughtful. He thought she was being the loving soon to be wife, while she took the chances to distract him from the coup she was planning with her big brother and his organization. She decided, she’d waited long enough. She’d ruin his life in a week, with the easy part coming in the morning.Right now, she needed to seduce him and get him to pass out, before anything. She bit her lip and looked up at Katsuki, pressing against his chest. “As much as I love your cooking,” She had loved his cooking, once. Now she just ate cup ramen and food from cans. “I’d rather have you~” Another lie, she’d loved it when he touched her before, it made her feel loved and safe. But now it made her want to vomit and sob with still fresh heartbreak. She knew it wouldn’t go away until he’d suffered like she had. He’d ruined her trust in heroes so easily, so now she’d break his world just like he did to her.“I love you, Kyrie… So much.” He picked her up and walked to the bedroom, the amazing meal he’d made long forgotten few hours later, Kyrie walked into the kitchen and picked up his phone, taking screenshots of his conversations with Uraraka before sending them to Shigaraki via some program he’d written just for her to use. -Baked-Bean: Here, send these to my phone, I’ll take care of the rest~ Definitely play up the ‘didn’t want to get involved in your new life but I’m such a loving brother’ act, so I can dismiss you interfering. I can ruin his reputation that way~ Chapstick-Gremlin: Ugh. Fine. Go fuck yourself… Chapstick-Gremlin: I love you, Kyrie. Baby-Baked-Bean: I love you too, Tenko~ In the morning, Kyrie made it a point to start sobbing and crying, waking up Katsuki with a start as he came running, in just his underwear. “Babe! What’s wrong!?” She threw her phone at him, it missed and hit the wall, shattering. Good. “Okay, you’re upset. What happened?” He perked up. “Did they finally catch that damn villain?” Shigaraki and he had developed a rivalry with ease, considering Katsuki claimed to love her and Shigaraki really did.“You cheated on me! With Ochako!” She sobbed and hid her face, playing up the betrayed act. Now that she was established as an amazing and loving person in hero society, she’d have no problem breaking his reputation, while a year ago no one would have believed her and called her a liar and a villain. She’d saved so many lives, just for this moment, to see the look of broken shock cross his face. He knew exactly what she meant, and he knew if she was bringing it up, she’d seen enough evidence to damn him. “Kyrie-” She sobbed again and covered her ears. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean for it to happen! We just… I didn’t want to pressure you into sex, not after everything you went through! Especially with how you talked about your creepy brother!” She glared at him, snarling. “You cheated on me because of my brother!? Because you didn’t want to pressure me into sex!? Then why are they RECENT, Katsuki!? Tell me that!” She sobbed and threw a pillow at him, she was standing and pacing now. “Just get out! You can’t justify leading me on for years, Katsuki! I loved you, and you just… Betrayed me like this!” She let out a broken sob as she crumpled to the floor. Katsuki picked her up, setting her on the bed as she smacked at his hands, at least until he got on his knees and rested his face on her leg, sobbing. “Please don’t leave me! God. I fucking love you. Kyrie I’ve never said this honestly but... I fucked up, and I kept fucking up but I don’t love her!” She let out a small sob and looked away from him. “You don’t love me either, Bakugou. If you did, it would have just happened once! Not for a whole year!” She glared at him. “You think I didn’t notice? The little smirks at your phone, coming home late, missing dates for sudden jobs, and worse when I called your agency they told me you had the day off! I’ve known Katsuki! That’s not my fucking problem!” She shoved him back, standing up and walking past him as she got dressed. “Now someone else who has the motive to ruin you does… You were reckless, and now if I want to keep my rank… Someone needs to be the bad guy in this… Neither of our fans will just let this go… It’ll either be my fault as the fucked up trauma case or you’re going to get blamed for being a horny pig… And I’ve worked too damn hard to go out like this!” She slapped him as he got up. Hard enough to make his head snap to the side, what made her feel the slightest pang of regret, was his next move. He didn’t yell, or get upset like she’d expected…He *smiled* at her, tears running down his face as he sobbed. “I know… I don’t blame you for it, either… It’s a dark business we’re in, huh?” She glared at him, now he’d taken her right to feel angry. She wanted him to try and make her the bad guy, not make her feel pity for him. She wanted to coo at him. Tell him it was fine and she still loved him, but she’d told him when they got together, if he ever loved anyone else, it’d ruin her… And she didn’t know what that would do. That’s how she was justifying this… She’d warned him.“I never thought I’d have to make good on my promise, Katsuki… I expected more from you… I wanted a family with you… I love you. And now I need to do this…” She let out a small hiccup, only to glare at him. “It’s your fault!” She shoved him again, this time towards the door. “Get out!!” She screamed and he took his clothes, dressing quickly before leaving. She only let it all out when she heard the door close.She sobbed for a good while, finally letting it out. Letting out the hurt she felt. There was no satisfaction in revenge, she realized. Just a kind of sick amusement at hurting someone else like they hurt you. She finally stopped crying and called up Midoriya, yet again playing up the broken fiancee act. Once again her rage built up as Midoriya made a fool of himself, apologizing and begging her to forgive him, as if she was mad at him of all people. “I’m not upset with you Izuku… You’re the person I’m the least upset with…” She sighed and rubbed her face. “I need to make a statement before the press gets ahold of this…” Midoriya sighed on the other end. “The fans are *not* going to be happy…” Kyrie was eating breakfast, her voice conveyed hurt and betrayal, and yet she was just carrying on with life like nothing happened as she picked out an outfit for the sudden interview. ***News Report*** This morning fans of Pro Hero on the rise Healer Hero: Nephilim were shocked to find her accounts on social media had been hacked and the notorious villain ring leader, Shigaraki Tomura had posted screenshots of Ground Zero’s scandalous affair with Uravity! Exclusive Interview to be live streamed in two hours with the three heroes themselves, done separately of course… Wouldn’t want a fight to break out in the studio!” ***News Report*** Shigaraki felt nauseous as he watched his baby sister sit there, her cute pink sweater and adorably styled hair making her seem sweet and innocent, while her long bright pink skirt was wrenched around in her hands, a tell tale sign of anxiety. Her face was red, she hadn’t even bothered with makeup to hide the tear stains nor did she try to hide the pain on her face. She’d just been cheated on, why should she hide it?Kyrie looked up at the reporter and gave them a weak smile. “It’s our anniversary today… 3 years… God I’m stupid huh, a whole year, he’s been cheating on me!” She smiled through the tears, the live chat blowing up with words of  support, so different from the interview done just minutes ago with Bakugou. He’d intentionally spun his story into her favor, making himself sound bad… Just for her. And she was here making him look worse.The reporter gave her a sympathetic smile and patted her arm before handing her a box of tissues. “I didn’t think I could cry anymore… I want to blame Tomura… But I know this is just his way of looking out for me… I’m his baby sister after all… And he can’t stand ‘Suki… Ah, Bakugou, I mean.” The live chat blew up again, saying that she was stupid for believing a villain, while the majority supported her. She read the chat and glared at the camera. “I believe him with ease because he’s the one who saved me from my father’s abuse. He got me out of that life and I love my brother for it! He would never lie and hurt me like this.” Kyrie smiled and sighed, knowing it was true made her feel at ease. A question came up on chat. Do you still love him? The question was anonymous, but she almost immediately broke down into sobs, and they weren’t even fake. “I won’t lie… I love him so much It hurts… Katsuki was my everything, and he hurt me like this… For what? Because I didn’t want to have sex after getting out of a majorly abusive situation? After-” Kyrie paled a bit… “I can’t believe I’m about to admit this… A week before the sports festival, when I made my debut at UA… I was attacked, almost killed. My brother decided to get me out after that, and I met Katsuki, he told me he understood… And he loved me anyways… But now I know the truth… It doesn’t make it hurt less.” The reporter sat up and began the interview, the timer for questions and interactions running out. They asked basic questions, what she planned to do now, who she was staying with, what she was going to do about the hate she’d received. And she answered with ease as she lied and made herself sound so sweet and dedicated to her job as a hero. And while she wasn’t lying when she said she wanted to save people… She didn’t believe in heroes anymore, but saying that to her fans wasn’t wise. Before the interview wrapped up, Kyrie was debating something once again. “I wanted to kill myself, you know… But my quirk would have just fixed any damage I did… So I just decided to throw myself into work, y’know.” The reporter hugged her as she left, apologizing in person, saying she shouldn’t have to deal with such a horrid betrayal. Kyrie left and went to the apartment, finding Bakugou packing his things. “Bakugou…” Katsuki perked up and looked at her, seeing her tear stained face made him feel less upset about his own. “Hey… So it’s all in the open now, huh?” She sighed and fluffed her hair. “Yeah… It is, Katsuki.” He let out a sad whimper when she said his name. He stepped towards her, holding her face as he kissed her goodbye. “I’ve got all my stuff out… I really do still love you, you know… I don’t think I’ll ever love anyone again… Not after having someone as amazing as you…” She smiled sadly at him, pressing a hand to his cheek.“And I’m glad a lying cheater like you is finally out of my life.” She stepped away from him and went to the fridge, grabbing a canned tea. He froze and looked at her in shock. “You know, making you feel so horrible and guilty was easy, after I heard you two fucking on our last anniversary I decided to make you as miserable as you’ve made me… To tear down any good reputation you had and make the world know what kind of person you are…” She smiled at him, her eyes dark and dangerous. “I guess years of abuse really did fuck up my head after all~”Katsuki narrowed his eyes, confused and hurt as he crossed his arms. “W-what?” She laughed and sipped her tea. “Katsuki. I ruined everything you’ve worked towards, everything you live for is ruined, just like you shattered my dreams with you.” She sat on the stool by the counter. “Only… No one will believe you if you say that now~ You’re an established liar and pig.” Katsuki was in shock, there was no way his sweet loving girlfriend would just… Ruin him like that. But then he realized he'd been her last lifeline, along with Ochako. And he’d cheated on her, with her only other friend who really knew anything about her life with All For One. She’d gone deep into her revenge plan, and she’d won. She’d been planning this since she’d found out, and now that he knew, he couldn’t do anything. Kyrie perked up and smirked at him. “It’s okay though~ Tomura has been taking *real* good care of me, making sure I feel loved and everything. Giving me everything I need~” She glared at him. “Now get out.” She was in contact with Shigaraki? Wait-“What are you planning?” Kyrie stood and grabbed him by the shirt. “I am going to ruin your life, make you feel as broken and helpless as I felt. Then maybe we can talk~” She shoved him out the door, along with the last few boxes he’d had before slamming the door in his face.Patrol was easy, yet again. And now that no one was waiting for her, who’d notice her failure to return, she decided to go visit her brother. She walked into the bar, seeing it empty, she shrugged and went up to Tomura’s room. Loud moans and mumbling were audible from the stairs as she walked up, she realized he was dirty talking himself.“Fuck, I’m so damn hard for her… God I want to fuck that cute little mouth of hers… Cum in her… I bet he’s never fucked her right… Nothing worth fighting for, at least… I want her so damn bad… Fuck I’m cumming! Kyrie-” She moaned and quickly knocked on the door, her face bright red as she heard him fall off his bed and stumble to put on clothes. “Who the hell- oh… Oh!” Tomura went to slam the door in Kyrie’s face, but she stepped into his room and ignored his protests. “So, how was it? Jerking off while thinking of your little sister?” She bit her lip and sat on his bed, her eyes drifting to the shirt she’d noticed had gone missing in the last few months. “Hey… That’s my favorite shirt, y’know.” He groaned and glared at her as she picked it up, noticing the lack of cum.“Did you not cum yet, Tenko?” The male groaned and bucked his hips a bit. “You didn’t… Hm~” She blushed and started taking off her shirt and pants. “W-what are you doing?!” She relaxed onto his bed, now in her underwear as she gently patted her belly. “Come cuddle!” He growled and looked away from her. “Tenko~ Please?”She spread her legs, her panties had ridden up and were giving him a nice view, even if he couldn’t see her core yet, he saw the rapidly growing damp spot in between her legs. “You’re going to kill me if you keep being so sexy, Kyrie…” She hummed and smirked as he took back off his sweatpants, his hard, thick, huge uncut cock throbbing as he blushed and buried his face in her chest. His hard length rubbing against her clit through the thin material of her panties.“Ah, you’re so fucking wet for me… I bet he couldn’t make you feel this good just like this, hm? You’re such a horny slut, wanting your brother’s cock like this… Nasty little slutty sister… I bet you’d cum on his cock by imagining me…” Kyrie blushed and nodded, biting her lip and he played with her large chest. “I want you to ride my thigh. Cum  like a good slutty sister” Kyrie blushed even more, as if it was possible and looked away from his prying vermilion eyes. “Yes sir…” He groaned and fell onto his back, letting his thick, heavy dick slap against his stomach as he pumped it a few times, watching her like a predator stalking its prey. Kyrie settled her chubby thighs over his own, straddling him as she bucked lightly, moaning at the sudden friction. “Tenko… It feels nice…” Her clit was jumping in anticipation as she lightly humped her big brother’s leg, making him pump his cock a bit faster. “I told you to cum, not play around. Ride my thigh and earn the right to take my dick.” 
The chubby girl whined and rode faster against his leg, bucking and moving as she watched him jerk off to the show she was giving him.“You ever do something like this with that damn Pomeranian? You ride him like this, slut?” Her small frame shuddered in pleasure when he slapped her chest, making her heavy breasts jump and bounce as he slapped them around. “He always treated you like a cute doll, didn’t he? Never fucked you nice and rough like you need?” Kyrie moaned and rode his thigh faster, her hand smacking his away as she stroked his cock quickly, trying to get him to cum with her. Her big brother growled and smacked her, hard. Right in the face, before he shoved her onto the bed and ripped her bra off, followed by ripping her underwear away. “Slut. You only get my cum if it’s inside. You want your big brother’s cock? You want to take my cum and breed my heir? You naughty little whore… I bet you’re almost cumming just from imagining me fucking a baby into you, hm? Want to breed with your big brother and give him a baby?” Her soft face was full of lust, her eyes glazed over in pleasure as she nodded.“Say it, bitch!” She cried out as he slapped her a few more times. “Say you want me to fuck a baby into you. Tell me you’re my little slut, my cum dumpster, you’re my filthy little sister and no one else's!” He grabbed her throat, both hands wrapped tight as he slammed his cock deep into her tight cunt, ramming it in deep as he growled and choked her, ignoring her grasps at his hands. “Cum on my dick, slut. Make me cum in this tight little pussy. Earn the right to have my baby.” Kyrie squeaked and came hard, her tight cunt gripping and milking his huge cock as he rammed deep into her, her sweet voice full of lust and desire. 
He growled and let go of her throat, just as she started passing out, he slapped her as hard as he could. “Stay the fuck awake, I’m not done with you yet… I’ve wanted this slutty pussy for *years* and I’m not stopping now!” He snarled and picked up her lower half, making her sit there, her legs up on his shoulders as he sat on his knees, teasing her clit as he rammed harder into her. “Fuck yes, that’s it baby. Take my cock nice and deep, just like that. God you’re so fucking *tight* and wet for me!” He laughed loudly, his eyes wide as he rubbed her clit, his hips still slamming her against her as he made her scream.“Fuck Tenko I’m gonna cum again!” He let out a loud growl and slapped her hard again, making her lip bust a bit, a small trail of blood staining her pretty pale skin. “Fuck you look so good in red… I want to see more of you~” She squeaked and dug her nails into his back as she came, making him cry out as he came into her tight cunt, his cum jetting deep into her as his tip kissed the entrance or her womb, the thick, heavy head of his cock plugging her up as she took his thick load. She relaxed against the bed as he pulled out, licking the blood from her lip. 
“Tenko… That’s definitely something I didn’t know you’d like…” She blushed and covered her face a bit. “You came in me…” He smirked and picked her up, flipping her over, her ass high in the air as he made her stand with her elbows on the bed, his semi-soft cock ramming deep into her dripping slit as he fucked her hard, his heavy sac slapping against her clit as he fucked her all over again.“I’m going to fucking ruin you with this cock, you’ll never be able to cum unless it’s on my cock… You want that little sister? To cum on your big brother’s cock and breed his heir? You want it so fucking bad, don’t you? Fuck it feels like you’re already milking me.” 
He suddenly pulled out, making Kyrie let out a small sob. “I was so close!” Tomura growled and yanked her hair, making her face him, his cock covered in cum and a mix of their passion. “Suck while I get something for you~” She hummed and took the hair tie from her wrist, sucking on the head at first before she took more into her mouth, eventually bobbing as he growled and dug around in the closet by his bed.“Here. Ass up, Kyrie. Now.” She blushed and bit her lip, smirking. She wanted to challenge him, at least a little bit. Another hard slap sent her into the bed, crying out in pain as he forced her onto her knees, his huge throbbing cock quickly pumping in and out of her again. “Good slut. Take that cock…” 
Tomura growled and grabbed her hair, making her moan before his other hand went between her legs, and just as something cold brushed her clit, it jumped to life, vibrating roughly as it forced her to cum then and there.“W-wait! No, I can’t take that and your cock at once! I can’t- ahhh~” She moaned and fell to the bed, her ass still up and ready for him to dominate. She was overstimulated and the constant vibrating was making her go crazy with pleasure.“Come on slut, I know you’ve got more in you!” His hand released her hair just to slap her in the face. “Fucking cum you filthy whore! Did you ever let your precious hero cum in you like this? Or did he not want to? God your womb’s milking me so much it’s like you’ve never had a creampie… Fuck you’re too much of a breeding slut for that, huh? You definitely need more of your Master’s cum…” He snarled as she came again, slapping her hard as he picked her up by her throat, fucking into her as he choked her again, this time with one hand. “God you’re such a damned slut… Just for me though! This pussy is all mine to breed and fuck however I see fit, huh?” 
She moaned and nodded as the constant assault on her throbbing core ripped another orgasm out of her, making her scream as she thrashed. Tomura laughed and fucked her harder, making her ass bounce from the force of his hips as he let her drop back onto the bed. “Good slut. Cum more. Milk me, fucking take it bitch!” He came deep and hard yet again, more of his thick white cum filling up her shivering hole as she moaned and thrashed under him, multiple orgasms taking over as she just kept cumming around him. “Fuck you’re gonna make me cum again already! God, you’re too damned good.” 
Tomura’s heavy balls were all he could think of, emptying them deep into his baby sister as she played hero.“Fuck I want to make you so fucking swollen with my babies, just so I can see that damned hero beat himself up over letting you go! You’d like that, wouldn’t you. Slut? You’d love to take my cock just like this with him watching wouldn’t you?” He moaned, sinful and needy as he kept thrusting, a light sheen on his body as he fucked her deep and hard, cum was dripping out of her, and yet here she was, more than willing to take more of his cum. “I’m gonna take the vibrator off, and you’re gonna cum from just my cock, got it slut?” She thrashed and tried to pull off of his cock. “Fuck- Tenko I can’t take anymore! Please stop!” She was sobbing from the mix of over stimulation and pleasure. 
Her big brother growled and slapped her hard, when she didn’t stop he slapped her again and again, not stopping his rough thrusts for a split second, every time she screamed or sobbed, taking his cock and abuse, he swore he almost came then and there, watching her come undone and drop the stupid hero act was amazing for him.Seeing his sweet, loving baby sister become an overwhelmed cock crazy slut just for him was addictive, it sent shivers down his spine that had him cumming in seconds, however he didn’t stop, he kept thrusting through his orgasm, working past his own pleasure as his baby sister thrashed against his cock. 
“Cum slut. I know you’re close! Do it!” He growled and reeled back a few times, slaps sending her head from side to side in quick succession, it seemed the pain was all she needed to cum again, more orgasms ripping through her small chubby body, causing her to babble incoherently and buck against him. “Fuck- Nng I’m coming again! God, I need you to cum with me. I want you to squirt for me. Come on bitch!” He snarled and kept his brutal pace as he fucked into her. “Shigaraki! Please- I can’t take it anymore!” He growled and grabbed her by the throat with one hand as he kissed her, choking her as she took his cock. “Cum bitch. Come on your big brothers dick as he fucks you raw, you want me to breed you? Beg for my fucking cum, slut.” She groaned and rolled a bit, hiding her face as she let out such lewd noises and cries. 
He snarled into her ear as he sunk his teeth into multiple points on her neck, making her moan.“Fuck! God, Tenko please cum in me! Fill me up and breed my slutty womb, knock me up and make me yours!” She screamed, bloodcurdling, loud and full of desire. Even well after he’d cum and pulled out, her eyes were rolled back and thighs were still shaking as she came, her tight cunt being kept full by his cum and cock, which was sudden and made Kyrie thrash against him. “Fuck! No more Tenko! Really, god. I can’t take any-” She cut off as he kissed her, soft and sweet. Full of love and passion.“That was amazing… I really do want you to have my kid, by the way… I’ve thought of it for years, Kyrie…” She hummed and nuzzled his neck, wrapping her arms around it as she kissed him softly. “I love you, you silly little sister…” She hummed and kissed him more.“I love you too, Tenko… I feel so damn full right now~” She laughed and squealed as he flipped them over. “Jeez, easy big brother, I’m delicate~” Tomura looked over the bruise on her cheek and the bites he’d left on her neck in the passion of his own orgasm. “God damn… Look at you, ah shit. I really did bust your lip… Let me-” She cut him off with a kiss. “Just sleep for now, okay?” She yawned and held him tighter, her legs wrapped tight around his waist.“Fine, just because I know you’ll be completely healed in the morning, though… Fuck that was so good… I came so damn hard.” The small woman leaned up and kissed him, effectively shutting up her brother.“Sleep, Shigaraki.”
Kyrie woke up first the next morning, quickly realizing that her brother was in fact, still deep inside of her, and was also still equally hard. “Fuck… He’s going to be horny…” As if on cue, her brother rose from his own sleep. Clinging to her like a desperate child in need for its mother. “Don’t get up yet… I don’t want you to leave.” She hummed and rocked her hips. “Not a chance I’m leaving just yet~” He laughed and sat up, smirking at her as he groped her chest. “I’m barely awake, slut. You already want my cum that bad?” Kyrie laughed and wrapped her legs tighter around his waist. “Yep, I do~” She moaned as he started to thrust, burying his face right back into her chest, only now he was sucking her nipple as he fucked her. Tomura was much more gentle this time, still pleasing her, but now he was being more caring, more attentive. “You want to cum first, or do you want to watch me cum in you?” 
He spoke around her nipple, caught between his teeth. “I want your cum Master~”Shigaraki groaned and sat up, lifting her hips a bit so he could rest her on his lap before he started fucking her deep and hard, despite his sweet and gentle pace, his thumb caressing the swollen bud of nerves between her legs as he fucked her raw, sore cunt. He looked so soft and needy right now, brows furrowed and worried as he closed his eyes, moaning as he enjoyed her tight walls on his giant dick. “F-fuck… I love sucking your tits, I didn’t even think I was this into breasts…” She hummed and sat up, biting his neck as he made her cum on his cock. “Fucking cum for me Tenko, cum in me and breed me like a good slut~”They stayed there for a moment, that is, until his door flung open, Toga and Dabi standing there on the other side. 
Dabi looked a bit disturbed and ready to leave while Toga looked excited. “Dabi! You owe me 200 dollars! Kyrie got that crusty hand pervert dick after all!!” She squealed and slammed the door, running away in glee over her friends getting laid, despite them being siblings. Toga always made the point of *adoptive* siblings. They’re not blood so it’s fine! At least that’s what she said.“Whelp. We could either go deal with that or- Oh fuck!” Kyrie let out a cry of pleasure as he started fucking her again. “I’ll stay here and make my slutty baby sister cum on my cock, thanks~”
The week went by fast, thanks to the two Shigaraki siblings fucking their time away. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that Tomura had gotten her pregnant, and he’d come up with an amazingly horrid way to get back at Katsuki. Agree to take him back, only for her to announce that she’d been betraying them the whole time and shattering him all over again. Kyrie knew this was for her brother’s satisfaction, not hers, but she wasn’t about to refuse Tomura’s wishes.She was currently taking his cock, rough and deep as she typed out the message to Katsuki, telling him that she missed him, and wanted to make it work if he did. 
That she’d thought it over and just couldn’t hate him. He’d completely isolated himself, taken a vacation from the agency, stopped seeing anyone, friends and family included. He’d gone into a deep depression from losing her, and even people who hated him now could tell how much losing Kyrie shattered his heart.“God, you must really hate him, taking your own brother’s cock as you tell him you still love him? Do you?” Kyrie whimpered and came hard as he fucked her, his own release filling her up and making her walls stretch a bit. “Fuck- Maybe! I don’t know- I can’t think with your cock inside of me!!” She sobbed in pleasure and came hard again before Tomura pulled out, cum slopping out of her packed pussy in rivers, making a puddle on the bed under them.“You gonna let him fuck you right away? Mmm… You should… Let me watch, too. I bet he won’t make you cum~” 
Kyrie paled and shook her head. “I can’t let him see me like this!” She whimpered as he smacked her raw ass, her brother had taken to using knives to draw blood, and though he cut deep and she should be much more broken than she was, she was fine. Her quirk healed any immediate damage and the scars were gone by morning. “He won’t see you until tonight, just set up your webcam. I want to watch my baby sister get fucked, is that so bad? I need to see if you’re such a slut that you’ll cum on his cock too~”She glared at him. “You need to get him to creampie you anyways~” She groaned and rolled her eyes. “Fine! Ugh, you are such a pervert!” She smiled and kissed Tomura happily, despite what they were planning, she still loved her brother, and she would die for him.
But when Katsuki answered, he sent a video, he sounded so happy and hopeful, so utterly blissed out that she was even considering taking him back, he was crying. And she felt nothing but guilt.Later that night she sat on the bed, in a cute orange and black lingerie set, Tomura had insisted. To sell the bit, he’d said. The thin velvet corset fit her short chubby frame beautifully, and the sexy matching lace panties made her thick chubby thighs look flawless, the thigh-high stockings making her legs look wonderful, the big chunky heels, bright orange and tall, made her a true sight, ready to fuck and take anything thrown at her. Katsuki was expecting a long, drawn out talk. To talk things over and settle their issues, so when his not-so-ex ex opened the door, in the premium lingerie his agency had custom made for her before their anniversary, a gift, they’d said, his cock immediately jumped to life. 
He’d been more than ready to go his whole life without sex again, if it meant being with the woman he loved. And yet here she was, almost naked, in his set. Looking up at him like he meant the world to her… Kyrie growled and grabbed him by the collar, dragging him down into a rough, needy kiss. “We’re going to get everything out of the way… I’m going to fuck you so hard you’re not going to be able to think of any other woman but me…” She growled and bit his neck hard, drawing blood before dragging him to the bedroom and shoving him onto the mattress.“K-Kyrie! Fuck wait- Oh holy shit~” 
He was trying to calm her down, to tell her she was the one he’d think of when he and Ochako had sex, that he’d always used protection and never even thought of her sexually. She’d been a glorified sex toy to him, he only ever had eyes for Kyrie, she didn’t give him a chance though, his pants and shirt were already off, and now he was in nothing but his shoes, with his pants around his ankles, she was rubbing his cock through the thin fabric.“T-take it easy! Do you even have any-” She growled and stood, shoving him onto his back as she straddled his waist, ripping his boxers just to get to his cock. He wasn’t as big or thick as Tomura, she noted, and she didn’t think she’d be able to enjoy it like she did her big brother’s huge member. But she’d at least put on a good act. 
“You’re going to fuck me raw, understand? You’re done being a whore, because you’re mine, and if you’re not going to be with me, you’re going to feel like shit for it for the rest of your life, you got that?!” She slammed her hips hard down into his own, taking his cock deep, and without missing a beat she started riding him like a mad bitch in heat. “Tch, you’re not even that big~ It’s not like many other women would want you when they find out you’re only average size…” She growled and took out the vibrator Tomura had given her, pressing it to her clit, making her moan. “Better, I might actually cum now… You know I’ve always faked orgasms with you, Katsuki. Maybe if you’re really sorry you’ll finally make me have one now, hm?” 
Katsuki felt his world shatter.She’d seemed so happy with him, but he’d never even been able to make her cum. Any pleasure he was feeling went out the window, the orgasm she quickly made him close to drying up, even as she rode him. “I really didn’t? Fuck- I figured you faked a few, but I never made you cum?” She was lying through her teeth, she’d cum so many times at the start she couldn’t imagine having sex with anyone else, but then she caught him and her touch repulsed her. “Not one~” She moaned and slid off of him, cumming hard as the vibrator made her squirt a bit. Tomura had really made her into a sloppy whore, she’d squirt any time she came now, but Katsuki didn’t know that, he watched her cum and assumed this was the first he’d ever witnessed. “You’re a squirter? I really never made you cum at all, did I?” He let out a needy whimper, ignoring his throbbing cock he got on the bed, his head settled between her legs as he greedily licked and sucked on her clit, he had no clue that she’d been taking another man’s cum that morning, let alone that she’d probably gotten pregnant from him fucking her. 
“Oh? What 's going to make me cum with your mouth?” She laughed and pulled at his hair. “That’s it, work that clit. Mn-” Katsuki let out a small noise and slipped a few fingers into her, working her clit and g-spot at once, making her quickly cum. “Sh-shit! Cumming~” She came hard into his mouth. Her body arched and bucked as she rode out her high, once she’d come down she glared at him. “Fucker… That was… Really good. Actually. I mean, not the best…” A lie, she glanced at the webcam, a small smirk on her face. Tomura could make her cum 4 more times in that short time that it took Katsuki to make her cum once. She sat up and flipped Katsuki over, she started riding him, moaning a bit as she bucked into him, only to hear a small sob. 
She looked at Katsuki and froze in shock. He was crying, and she had no clue why.“I really am the worst, huh? Why do you even want me back?” He looked so broken and hurt, Kyrie felt her heart clench as she leaned down and kissed him, it was soft, sweet and full of love. She sighed and shook her head.“I don’t know… I just miss you too much, I guess.” She rolled her eyes and started riding him all over again. “Well? Come on, make it up to me, I said I’d work you overtime, didn’t I?” Katsuki looked up at her, and without a word he was in control, slamming into her so roughly she thought she’d pass out. “If this is how I earn you back, I’m going to fuck you so much you can’t move!” 
He growled and trapped her under his body, fucking into her desperately. He was still trying to be gentle, even as he fucked her like this.“Fuck I’m gonna cum, Kyrie.” She moaned and rocked against him, biting her lip. She closed her eyes and covered her face, imagining Tomura’s huge cock deep inside of her, filling her up and breeding her as he cut and slapped her around, abusing her just because he could, and she came hard, multiple times in a row as she squirted everywhere. Katsuki came after her first orgasm, keeping his cock deep inside of her as he came.He groaned and rested on her chest, huffing. “Fuck… You’re so fucking perfect. I love you so damn much!” Katsuki groaned and started moving all over again, trying his best to make her cum, little did he know she was imagining her brother, his cock and cum inside of her instead of his.
The next few months were amazingly sweet. Katsuki made it public that they were back together, and she explained in an interview that she really did love him, despite his betrayal, which was true. Even Shigaraki knew the blonde still held a place in his baby sister’s heart. Right next to the hold he’d dug for himself throughout their childhood.The two heroes went on patrol together whenever the other was scheduled, went on dates and just generally had fun… And for a while, Kyrie forgot that she was in another scheme. That is until her morning sickness took over. Making her spend her mornings in the bathroom instead of in bed with Katsuki. 
A quick trip to the OB told her she was 4 months pregnant, and that they should be happy to hear it was a healthy set of quadruplets. Katsuki was ecstatic when they got home, Kyrie had messaged Tomura to tell him the news, though she wasn’t as excited. 
Baby-Baked- Bean: I know we had a plan… But Tenko I still fucking love him, I can’t shatter his heart like that again! He really does love me, and it’s not okay! What we’re doing isn’t… It’s not right!
Chapstick-Gremlin: You’re kidding? You were the one who wanted this!
BabyBaked-Bean: I know what I said, Tenko! But it’s not okay that I’m just fucking with his whole life like this! What we’re about to do is trauma Tenko!! He just cheated on me!!
Baby-Baked-Bean: Leave?
Baby-Baked-Bean: Who said I was leaving, Tenko?”
Chapstick-Gremlin: W-what??
Chapstick-Gremlin: What the hell are you talking about?
Baby-Baked-Bean: Don’t worry… He’s so desperate to keep me, I think he might just agree to be a villain… If you promise not to kill him?
Chapstick-Gremlin: I get to let Dabi beat his ass *once*, right?
Baby-Baked-Bean: We’ll be home by tonight, Tenko~
Kyrie let out a soft sigh and got out of the car, smiling at Katsuki. “We need to talk, ok? I swear, it’s not… Bad. Well. Not that bad.”Katsuki froze and looked at her, the door only just having closed behind her. “Oh god, you’re leaving me. I’m  not enough and you’re leaving.” He looked terrified and heart broken, ready to cry. “W-what did I do wrong? I promise I’m tr- MMF” She cut him off in a passionate kiss, pulling his hair roughly before shoving him to the bed. “No, I’m not leaving you. Okay?”He let out a relieved sigh and gave her a wry smile. “Okay…”She bit her lip and decided to just blurt it out, the worst case is he tells the world and she has a real reason to hate him, at least. 
“They’re not yours…” His face fell, but he didn’t look as upset as when he thought she was going to leave.“They’re not mine?” He looked a bit confused.“They’re Te-Tomura’s.” Katsuki looked at her, shocked and disgusted now. “You’re fucking your brother, and he got you pregnant? Wait-” He glared at her, crossing his arms. “You’ve been getting your revenge on me this whole time, haven’t you!? Was this some fucked up plan of his? Make me think everything is fine just so it hu-MM” She cut him off with another kiss. “No, I haven’t seen or really talked to him since I came back here. I was staying with him and the others for that week I took off… But Katsuki, I’ve never lied to you, not since we got back together.” She blushed. “And… Before I caught you and Uraraka… You made me cum all the time… I just wanted to hurt you back a bit…” 
She was ashamed of herself, not for being in love with her brother, but for leading Katsuki on.“You were the one leaking information to the bastard, our last year of school, weren’t  you?” She nodded and he sighed. “Right after you found out?” Another nod. “You really did mean that threat, huh? That you’d ruin any other relationships for me? If I hurt you?” Kyrie blushed and sighed. “What do you want me to do?” Katsuki looked at her cautiously.“Just what I’m doing, giving them information, helping with strategies and such… They won’t make you hurt people, that’s your choice.” Katsuki sighed and held his head in his hands. “Well… Don’t have much of a choice, you’re my fucking breath now, if I lost you… I’d go insane, I think.” 
Kyrie walked into the bar, Katsuki’s hand in hers as she walked right by the other villains, who were glaring at Katsuki. “Oh stop, he’s with us now! Tomura’s orders.” She spoke curtly and led him to the stairs, quickly running up to them she slammed open Tomura’s door and squealed, jumping onto his lap, interrupting the game he was playing. “Oh look, my slutty sister is back in my lap~” She huffed and flipped him off. 
“Fuck me? All you had to do was ask, though you want to let me take you with him watching?” She blushed and bit her lip, snark answers gone as she quickly became submissive just for him. “Maybe I do want Katsuki to watch…” She eyed up her former fiancee and moaned as she saw the imprint of his cock through his pants. “Hm? Oh you like letting him fuck you? I can make you cum better though~” Kyrie moaned and big Tomura’s lip. “Please Master, fuck this slutty pussy, even though you’ve already bred my womb.” He growled and picked her up, turning off his game console before he threw her onto the bed. “Strip. You’re not getting nice treatment, making me fucking worry. Sluts don’t deserve to be treated nicely.” Her brother slapped her, hard, knocking her off the bed a bit as she held her cheek. “On your knees bitch. *now*.” She let out a small whimper and did as he said, waiting patiently as he disintegrated his own clothes, not wanting to bother with them. Tomura slammed his hips hard into her own, burying his huge, thick and veiny cock deep into her cunt, right against her womb. 
“Fuck… You’re such a filthy slut… You’re craving cock even though you’re filled up and pregnant.” Katsuki let out a growl and stepped towards the two, only for Tomura to wrap his hand around the other man’s throat, a single finger off of it, keeping him alive. “Keep your mouth shut and watch. I don’t want you here, she does. Fucking test me and I won’t hesitate to kill you.” Tomura shoved him away and roughly slapped his baby sister’s ass, grabbing her hair as he pressed her into the bed. “Filthy slut, you like getting this slutty hole pounded while your little boyfriend watches, don’t you. Naughty bitch. God you are such a horny little bitch!” He growled as he fucked her harder.“Take my fucking cum, bitch. You’re not cumming just yet.” Tomura growled in her ear and came hard, his cum spilling out, not having anywhere to go. “Fuck- you’re spilling~ Can’t take your master’s cum now? Because this little cunt is full of his offspring?” 
She nodded and squeaked as he flipped her over, slapping her hard in the face as he started fucking into her again. “Filthy slut… God you’re so fucking horny, you’re soaking my thighs, you’re gushing every time i thrust into you’re horny little cunt…” He hummed and smirked. “Why don’t you let your little boy toy fuck you too? You’re always saying you want more…” He flipped them over and made her arch her back, her ass in the air as he fucked her silly. “Beg him, slut.” Kyrie squeaked as he slapped her hard in the face, busting her lip. “I didn’t fucking stutter, bitch.” She moaned and held her thighs, looking at Katsuki over her shoulder. “Fuck! ‘Suki! I need more… Please come stuff my pussy more! I need another cock in me~” She pouted and bounced her ass as she rode her brother, letting out lewd naughty sounds as she came hard on his cock. “Fuck Master! I didn’t ask to cum! I’m sorry~” Tomura growled and yanked her hair, ignoring her apology.
“Fuck, he’s jerking off. Just hurry the hell up, damn hero impostor.” Katsuki let out a small hiss and stepped towards them, pressing his cock hard against her tight pussy, surprisingly, her tight hole accepted him with ease. “Damn, he slid right in, you fucking wanted this, huh slut? How often do you make yourself cum by imagining us fucking you?” Tomura growled into her ear and slapped her as he fucked her more, rubbing her clit roughly.“Fuck- Katsuki! You’re so gentle~ Be rougher!” She pouted and pulled his hair a bit, making the blonde moan. “God dammit, Kyrie I’m trying not to lose it-” She moaned and leaned up to kiss him, rubbing her breasts as she did so, her swollen nipples sensitive and perky as she pulled on them. 
“Use your quirk on me! Burn me, fuck me! Just fucking use me like I’m a cock sleeve! I’m so fucking wet for you both right now, god please!” Shigaraki growled again and fucked her harder, continuing to slap his baby sister around as she came hard on his cock. Katsuki let out a desperate sound and smacked her ass, his quirk lighting up on contact, leaving an angry red burn, making her scream and cum all over again, multiple orgasms ripping any coherent thought she had to shreds. The two men were a mess as she came, so close to cumming themselves. “Fuck- Cumming! Kyrie you’re so fucking beautiful and perfect!” Katsuki was the first to cum, burying himself in as deep as he could as he came, only for Tomura’s huge cock to gush out tons of cum and flush the blonde’s own cum out as Kyrie just kept cumming.
Kyrie moaned and sat up once she’d recovered a bit. She hummed and smiled at the two. “That was amazing~” The two boys looked at each other and smirked. “Was?” Katsuki fell onto his back as Tomura picked up his sister and forced both of their cocks back into her tight pussy.
“We’re not done yet, slut.”“We’re not going to be done with you for hours, princess~”
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steve0discusses · 4 years
Yugioh S4 Ep 18 pt 1: California Public Transit can Take you to Hell, but it Can’t Take You to the Freakin Mall
Apparently Tumblr did an update, joining the throng of techie websites that chose a godawful very open and round sans fontface that creates a hell ton of white-space.
Not quite sure why every website feels like they must make all websites look like a mobile site. I do enjoy having a dark mode now and that’s nice, but man...I miss the bold font we used to have for titles on text files. Really told you “this is a title.”
Not like it matters since y’all are reading this on my own blog where I have control of how it looks, but man...that awful typeface where there kerning is nice for short stuff but just...too wide for serious reading. It’s everywhere I go.
And speaking of bad kerning, like I saw this ad for a gym that was called “49ERSFIT” (because that’s our football team, in case you don’t know) but the kerning was reallllllly narrow so I looked at it and all I could see was “49ERSHIT” and like...I can’t unsee it. I can never unsee that.
Anyways, enough about how I’m haunted by font, lets talk about Yugi, who used to be haunted by Yami, up until he died this morning. So now Yami is just kicking it all on his own for a total of....maybe a few hours now, and has already destroyed an entire Caltrain, and whatever ecosystem was in this lake.
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Seto Kaiba would be so proud.
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Somewhere in the Ocean, or over the ocean, or...wherever the hell Atlantis is, Darts has decided that Pharaoh is NOT dead after all, and sends Rafael to finish the job, because youknow--Darts won’t move his lazy ass until all of his lackeys are fully dead. It’s an anime.
And then we have a jump cut to this tent scene. I don’t know how much time has passed. It’s suggested it’s enough time to fully sleep. So...a full day?
And Yugioh pulls the most unexpected plot turn out of their pocket because why not, it’s Season 4. This season is just about “how many strings can I pull and get away with” (I mean have you SEEN the Death Count lately?)
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there’s a lot of things I expected out of this kids show.
This was never one of those things I thought I would see with my eyes--one of those things I could cap with my prt scr button, and one of those things I could paste into Photoshop and be like “wow this is really a thing that was made canon.”
Like for how long I had to cap this photo of Yami and Tea sharing a bed together, the people who made this show, spent THAT much longer having to animate it. What is just mindboggling about Yugioh, is that no one on the entire team was like “oh did we just...” and this set-up happens--and they treat it like NOTHING is happening.
Like, how is that humanly possible to write your flagship pairing into the same bed and then just not even recognize it? Like I get how it’s physically possible, I just watched it, but as a writer, as an artist, as someone who tells stories, how is it possible to resist poking fun at this?
Like the RESTRAINT on the Yugioh team, y’all.
(read more under the cut)
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I hope you enjoyed this trope that flashed on the screen for all of like...a minute. Lets throw a giant dog at it.
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So fun fact, the Egyptian god that is shaped like a wolf is Wepwawet. He’s best known for guiding people through the underworld, which fits nicely into this episode. But, did the writers know that? Is that why Skye is here? To be a reference to Wepwawet? I have no idea. But this dog is here, and every time his eyes look directly into the camera they are drawn--a little bit wrong. Not as bad as when they drew horses, but wow they did not really enjoy drawing this dog’s eyes when it’s straight on.
As for Chris and old man in this episode, I don’t know where they got this outfit style from. It sure ain’t traditional Ohlone. It’s...I mean it’s what happens when you don’t do your research, honestly. And I get the sense that these two aren’t supposed to be any Native American tribe as recent as Ohlone, and might be Atlantean from things they say later in this episode, in regards to cards and the spirit realm or whatever--but uh...
...where did these outfits...come from? I just want to know their research. Chris has a 1920′s hat for some reason. The old man has a staff with poofy bits on it. He dresses more like a 1960′s hippie than he does an indigenous person. Questions. I have questions.
Chris leads us outside to where this old biblical-looking character is collecting all of Yugi’s dropped cards. No idea where Weevil’s went, including the card of his that currently contains his soul. Probably underneath that Caltrain somewhere.
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What does Kaiba make these cards OUT OF?
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Yami has decided, after this card shunned him once, that maybe it’s time to remove it from his deck.
(Pretty sure he did not decide to remove the Orichalcos, however, which is still in there, as we see later. Thing is, I just realized that Oricalchos would basically be Yugi’s soul, right? So maybe he just keeps it around for company? Takes it out occasionally and waves at it?)
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Iron Heart kind of seems like that type of old guy who used to be a hippie and now teaches Physics to High Schoolers. I say this because I’ve had a couple of teachers a lot like Iron Heart where like you’d look at them and it’d be like “Yo you have to be like 600 years old, but like, all you talk about is all the drugs you did during the Hippie Era, how are you even still ALIVE?”
Speaking of people that shouldn’t be alive (although unlike my physics teacher, this guy is deffo dead...)
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And then just completely out of no where Yami demands a Spirit Journey.
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Like what the hell, Yami? That’s like...a crazy blunt assumption to make. Mind you, if I had asked my High School Physics teacher for a spirit journey, he would have had a lot of stories for me. He regularly told us that he could kick the ceiling (but couldn’t do it right now because he had to go to his special chiropractor first and get the right medication for that.)
Sorry my bro also had this Phsyics teacher and he just told me that he witnessed this 70+ year old man kick the ceiling and like...I don’t know if he’s lying. Either way, that is an incredible chiropractor.
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And then, adjust your seat belts folks, because then this happens,
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Wow. Maybe that’s why California is on fire so often, amiright?
Man. In the Yugioh Universe 1.) The Loma Prieta Earthquake never happened so the Embarcadero is still multilevel 2.) The Bay Area industry got completely wiped out by Pegasus/Darts/Kaiba and is a literal wasteland 3.) The Caltrain actually goes fast 4.) Hell/Spirit Purgatory is located somewhere between the bedroom communities of San Jose and Millbrea.
The Yugioh Alternate California Universe is kind of awesome.
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Ah, welcome to Yosemite, now conveniently placed in South Bay.
It also has Hell for some reason.
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And then Yugioh decided to use a background from some other anime to save costs.
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Speechless, I’m absolutely speechless.
This is a good season, I don’t know what some of y’all were complaining about.
Anyway, I split this one into two because it felt like...too long for one update, but the other one will be hopefully up this weekend, that’s right--I’m getting back in to the swing of things. Sort of. Kind of.
but anyways, if you just got here, this is a link to read these in chrono order from the beginning.
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senpai-no-lie · 4 years
Black Eagles Route
Finally, with a certain level of dread in my heart, I completed Crimson Flower
Why I chose Black Eagles (specifically Crimson Flower): I had already completed Azure Moon and Verdant Wind, so it was just a matter of picking between Crimson Flower or Silver Snow. I figured it’d be best to just knock out Crimson Flower, since I still needed Hubert, Jertiza, and Edelgard’s supports.  
Who Was My Dancer: Sylvain! I kept my recruits for this route only to characters I needed to complete supports, and then also Sylvain, because his aesthetic sense just seemed to jive with the Black Eagles. As a dancer, he did okay, but I think I much prefer him on a horse. However, his dancing was crucial to killing Dimitri before Dedue turned into a beast, and a few other pivotal moments. I just don’t think Sylvain has the magical firepower I like with my dancers (It should be known I don’t typically use the dancer character at all in other FE games, but I really enjoy the magic-utilty they have in 3H) 
What Paired Endings Did I Get:  
Edelgard & Hubert (I actually feel really bad for Hubert; it wasn’t my intention to do this)
Linhardt & Hapi
Dorothea & Petra
Jeritza & Bernadetta 
Ferdinand & Mercedes
Not as many paired endings as usual because I really only cared about filling out my missing supports
Who Did Byleth Marry: Sylvain. Totally, totally not who I meant to marry; my intention was Yuri, but then I never used Yuri. And I just have a soft spot for Sylvain. I stand behind my decision. 
Which Edelgard Do I prefer?: Purely on aesthetics, post-timeskip Edelgard is p hot, ngl, but I find her to be more intolerable because of how hard they push that weird sort of gap moe waifu bait with her. So I guess pre-timeskip, even if that’s not much better.
General Thoughts: I tried, oh so hard, to go in with an open mind about Edelgard and the other route exclusive characters. Edelgard leaves about 0 impressions in the other routes, as far as being an antagonist goes, but from the opening chapters on my first playthrough, I found her to be manipulative, condescending, and perhaps a bit immature. And yeah, she’s all of those things and more.... But Hubert, Hubert I love and I’m so mad that I can see the appeal of Hubert x Ferdinand now. My only point of contention remains the fact that in canon they remain subservient to her in their paired ending. 
I also went out of my way to kill every single named character throughout the route, and it was both satisfying and heartbreaking. That Dimitri and Dedude death scene, Seteth’s shouts as I struck down Flayn, the dialogue between Sylvain as he fought against his childhood friends.... so good. 
The Black Eagles Characters:
I did almost all the supports possible, sans route exclusives and DLC on my first playthrough, but I’ve yet to hash out my general feelings about the Black Eagles. 
Edelgard: Plain and simple, I do not stan Edelgard. I found a lot of her behavior more reasonable if she was 13 pre-timeskip and 18 post-timeskip, but a 23 year old being so cringey and unaware of the greater political climate (Hubert regularly does things behind her back that she doesn’t even notice or care to notice, while complaining that Hubert makes her work for ambitions rather than letting her eat sweets or stare at the sky all day, ugh) is just unappealing as hell. The whole sequence where I had two opportunities to call her fear of rats “cute” was super off-putting, and the don’t get me started on her drawing Byleth fanart. She’s constantly looking for affirmation from Byleth (despite insisting she doesn’t need praise in lecture), while being manipulative and condescending to everyone else. Her calling Lysithea “good girl” when Lysithea is 20/21, only three years younger, and an entire inch taller than Edelgard post-timeskip is pure cringe. Also the name Black Eagles Strike Force is an awful name and I’m not sorry I told her as much. 
Hubert: I’m torn on whether or not Hubert is my favorite Black Eagle. I really enjoy devoted servant characters, and I find him more endearing because Edelgard doesn’t deserve him. He’s so visually unappealing (though, not as bad as I find Lorenz to be) and weird, but I respect that about him. 
Ferdinand: Sweet, dumb Ferdinand. I love him; his supports are a delight and I am consistently charmed by how sweet he is in his supports. I prefer him in other routes than how he has to behave in Crimson Flower, but what can ya do. Truly, the noblest of nobles
Linhardt: I’ve heard mixed opinions about Linhardt, but I for one like him. He’s a fair-weather sort of guy who only cares about a few things, and I support that. He’s just strange and intelligent and a dry sense of humor I can appreciate.
Caspar: This moron, I love him. Caspar is the one person I’d expect to follow Edelgard unquestioningly because he just doesn’t have enough brain cells to do otherwise. I think he’s funny, even if his tone-deaf screaming in eagerness to kill and conquer Fodlan grew taxing. 
Dorothea: I like Dorothea alright; I think she has a lot of personality in her supports, but she’s not really the sort of character I find especially endearing or relatable. Nothing wrong with that.
Petra: A great girl! I find her manner of speech endearing, and I’m personally grateful that didn’t try to do some sort of accent for her that’s 1:1 for the real world. I was a bit put-off by how gungho she is with siding with Edelgard and dismantling Fodlan, but ya know, what choice does she have a political prisoner shoved into the black hole that surrounds Edelgard?
Bernadetta: People complain that Sylvain doesn’t mature post-timeskip, but Bernedetta still does that awful screeching and being a recluse routine up until the very end. I don’t like her or find her funny, but I do enjoy the sort of moral relativism she employs. Her supports with Yuri made me feel exceptionally sorry for Yuri. 
Jeritza: His voice and cadence irritates me to no end, but he was enjoyable as a unit, at least. I think his “personality” or “two personalities” is troupey to the max, and his supports with Byleth were especially off-putting. I feel like if you’re going to make a murder-happy character like Jeritza, especially one with like a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde thing going on, it needs to be way more campy or bombastic. 
I could honestly write a bunch more, but it’d mostly be me bitching about specific cringe-inducing moments with Edelgard that I’m sure other people who aren’t aggressively stanning her have brought up. If you like Edelgard, good for you, but I’m of the opinion that she’s a snake, and not even a clever or tactful one. Crimson Flower is so painful with how obvious it is with it’s Edelgard-pandering that it took me out of the game multiple times. All their routes have their flaws, but I guess the last (and only) animated sequence for CF was pretty dope, at least.  
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Best Friends: Sal x reader
*your pov*
I sat on the bed in in cross cross position listening to my best friend rant about being different. We were hanging out at his apartment as we usually did listening to music. "I mean it's bad enough I have to deal with that shit at school do they really need to follow me home and taunt me?" He complained. I honestly hated the way Sal was treated. I mean he was a really great guy but all because of a few scars he was a freak? "I know muffin they're just stupid high school assholes who's lives aren't going anywhere once we graduate." I said trying to comfort him. Muffin had been the nickname I had given him a couple weeks after we met and it just stuck. He insisted that I was the only one allowed to call him that. He even dated a girl very briefly who tried it and they got into a huge fight. They ended up breaking up less than a week later but I was never sure if that was related to the nickname or not. "Not you though. You'll be helping so many people! Doing your dream job by day and chilling in your dream house by night. With some gorgeous hottie no doubt." I boasted about him.  He turned towards me smirking his blue eye slightly sparkling from behind his mask. Despite what some girls seemed to think he really was good looking. His bright blue eyes complimented his matching hair, and pink lips that curled into the cutest smile. Although not many get to see that. And no one gets to see it often. I’ve only had the privilege once. Not to mention his personality. He was smart but not in the know it all way, kind and thoughtful, but also brave and hilarious. He really didn't deserve all the pain these people caused. "Thanks (nickname). I'll never be alone with you around will I?" He asked with a small chuckle. "Nope your stuck with me muffin!" I beamed. He rolled his eyes and came over so he was sitting in front of me. He got really close to me so we were face to face. His eyes deadly serious. "Pinky promise?" He whispered holding out his pinky. I smiled at him and linked my pinky with his. "Pinky promise." I repeated. We unlinked our pinky's and laid back on his bed. After a couple seconds he sighed again. "Oh know what the worst part was?" He asked turning to his side facing me. "What's that?" I asked doing the same. "They weren't wrong about the teasing this time. One of Travis’s friends was mocking the fact that I’m 18 and still a virgin. I mean Not that I really care but he’s right no one will ever want to have sex with me when my face is this fucked up. It’d be a huge turn off. I’ll be a virgin forever, how pathetic is that!?" He groaned. I couldn't help the small blush that appeared on my face at his comment. I squeezed his hand trying to comfort him. "It's not pathetic. I mean I'm still a virgin. And so is Travis." I told him a little embarrassed at the confession. "Yeah but you could sleep with anyone if you wanted. And Travis is probably saving himself for marriage. Not to mention the fact he’s secretly gay." He replied throwing his hands over his covered face. A soft knock at the door made us both jump. "Sorry to scare you both but Sal lovely will (y/n) be joining us for dinner?" Sal’s step mom Lisa asked. Sal looked towards me expecting an answer. "Yes please Lisa. If I'm not imposing." I answered smiling. Lisa was like a second mom to me, always being there for advice and a shoulder to cry on. "Of course sweetie. You're welcome anytime. Dinner will be ready in five minutes." She said pulling the door shut and retreating down the hallway. "You're like a part of this family you know." Sal said placing his hand on mine. I smiled at his sweetness. Sal losened the bottom part of his mask. He lifted it up a small bit and leaned forward placing a soft gentle kiss on my cheek before getting up and making his way to the door holding it open for me. I jumped up and we made our way down to the table.
~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~
Sal and I reentered his room after another wonderful meal. "Lisa sure is a great cook muffin." I laughed flopping myself onto his bed again. I was so beyond full I didn't wanna move. I heard Sal let out a small chuckle at my actions. He watched me for a few minutes before going over to the closet. He pulled out a shoe box and joined me on the bed. I sat up looking at him confused. "I wanted to show you this." He said nervously scratching the back of his neck. He pushed the shoebox in front of me signaling for me to take it. I curiously took the lid off wondering what my best friend could be up to. The first thing I saw in the box was a small photo album. I picked it up flipping through it. It held every picture we had ever taken starting with the first one we took in front of Addison on his first week here, and ending with the Polaroid Ash had taken of me sitting on Sal’s lap both of us covered in paint as Larry tried to teach us both. The next thing I pulled out was a blue bow tie. I recognized it from our first school dance. I was so excited when this guy asked me. I bought a new dress, curled my hair, got a pair of heels, and did my makeup. Then he ended up changing his mind and going with a much prettier cheerleader. I was so heart broken when I got the text that I didn’t even want to go, but Sal didn't let me stay home and sulk. He showed up all dressed up with a corsage and everything. The next thing in the box was a little box full of movie tickets and rental recipts. One from every movie we'd been too or rented.The next thing was a busted pair of glasses. A year ago I was dating this guy named Nick, in the beginning we were very happy and in love. But he started cheating on me with one of my very best friends. When I found out I couldn't get out of bed I was so crushed. I was shocked to find out the next day Sal and Larry went and beat the shit out of the guy. I mean Sal wasn’t one for fighting so he got a bit beaten up but nevertheless he kicked his ass for hurting me. The next thing was the first best friend bracelet I made him that had broken. And the very last thing was a folded up piece of paper. I carefully unfolded recognizing my own handwriting. It was this project I made for my literature class next year. I had to write about something I found beautiful and describe it using an assortment of adjectives, so I wrote about Sal’s face. I remember the look in his eyes when he read it. He actually started to cry. I thought I had thrown it out. He had kept all of this stuff but why? "I thought I threw this away." I said showing him the paper. “You did but I took it out of your trash that night. I know it’s a little weird but after you showed it to me there was no way I was letting it get thrown away. No ones ever described my face like that. I just had to keep it.” He explained. He pulled his arm around my shoulders bringing me closer. “I can’t believe you kept it all.” I whispered. "You're my best friend. Of course I did." He chuckled.
He moved the box up to his dresser before laying on the bed with his head on my lap. I brought my hand up to his hair softly taking out his hair ties and setting them aside. Running my hands through his electric blue locks I smiled down at my best friend. “Feeling any better?” I asked. "I just don't get it. I know I’ve got a fucked up face but I’m a nice guy. I've always been polite to everyone and romantic to my girlfriends. Well the one I've actually dated. You've known me for years am I just that unloveable? Am I that much of a freak?" "Sal no! There's noting wrong with you! You are not even close to a fuck up!" I tried to assure him. It was no use, he still looked so upset. "Come on (Y/n) clearly I’m just a monster like Travis says since no one wants me." He sighed sitting up and staring at his floor. Seeing him like this hurt me. I had to do something there was no way I was just gonna seat here and let him convince himself he's fucked up. So I mustered up all my courage getting off the bed and standing in front of him.  "If it'll make you feel better I'll sleep with you." I suggested. Sal immediately looked up towards me wide eyed. He was probably horrified at the idea. "I-I'm sorry that was stupid. Of course you don't wanna sleep with me." I sighed sitting next to him. He immediately shook his head and pulled himself closer to me. "No no that's not it (Y/n)! I do I mean hell I've liked you for a long time. I just... don't want you to only do it for that reason. You should lose your virginity to someone you love. Someone who’s not a monster." He chuckled a blush covering his ears. "I've liked you for a long time too muffin. And I would be honored to lose it to you. You’re definitely not a monster." I explained while I looked up into his bright blue eyes that were staring at me. He leaned closer to my face moving some of my (y/h/c) hair out of my face. I suddenly lost the ability to breathe. He was so close to my face. "(Y-Y/n) can I kiss you?" He asked. I nodded with a blush. “If you take this off.” I answered gently touching his mask. He let out a shaky breath removing the mask revealing his scarred up face. I reached my hand up tracing several scars. “You’re so beautiful muffin.” I giggled making him passionately press his lips against mine. I kissed him back loving the feeling of his soft sort of chapped lips. Our lips moved in sync and his hands moved to my waist as my arms wrapped around his neck. His tongue licked at my bottom lip asking for entrance. I allowed him and soon we were having a pretty heated makeout session. He lightly pushed me back so he was laying on top of me.
~~~~~~~sexy time skip~~~~~~~~
Sal laid down next to me panting and exhausted. He disposed of the condom in a trash bin near by. "Wow." He panted wrapping his arms around me pulling me closer. "Yeah wow." I giggled. His fingers lightly traced my skin sending shivers down my spine. “I guess I owe Larry a condom.” Sal chuckled. “Guess so. Not like he was gonna use it. Except to maybe make water balloons with.” I teased. Sal chuckled holding me closer. I reach my hands up holding his face in my palms. The door clicking open caused us to shoot up. Sal immediately pulled the blanket up so it was covering my exposed body. "Hey Sal dude, mom wants to know if (y/n)-" Larry started to say before he saw us. "Larry it's um- it’s- not what it looks like.” Sal stuttered hoping his step brother and best friend wouldn't bust us. "I see you finally got the balls to go after (y/n). And you actually fucked her I’m proud man.” he chuckled. Sal looked at me then back to his brother his cheeks slightly redder. "Uh yeah I guess I did." He smiled. "So are you guys like a thing now or what?" Larry asked closing the door. Sal and I shared a look smiling. "Will you be mine?" He asked goofily making Larry roll his eyes and fake a gagging sound. "Of course muffin!” I giggled kissing him. "Ok gross. Tone it down before I puke. Mom wants to know if (Y/n) is staying over by the way." He laughed sitting down on his own bed. Sal got up and handed me my bra and panties. I slipped them on under the blanket. He reached into his dresser pulling out my favorite hoodie of his and a pair of sweatpants handing them to me before getting himself dressed. When we were both done we crawled back into bed cuddling. Sal laid on his back his arms around me as I laid on my side curled up against his chest "I've loved you for a long time (y/n)." He whispered. "I love you too muffin." I giggled into his chest. "Sal, Larry, (y/n)! I made dessert!" Lisa called out though the walkie. "I suppose we should go tell her we're dating." Sal chuckled grabbing his mask and buckling it into place leaving his hair down. "Yeah might as well tell her the good news." I replied getting out of bed. “She’ll be fuckin stoked man. She loves (Y/n) like a daughter already.” Larry pointed out making me smile. Sal got up putting his arm around my shoulders. Larry got up too putting an arm around Sal’s shoulders. “This is fuckin awesome. Now I have a brother and a sister! Wel in law someday I guess.” He chuckled. “Hell yeah Johnson!” I agreed making Sal give me a supportive squeeze. The three of us made our way up to Lisa and Henry’s apartment. “Oh hey Sal! Tomorrow if they give you shit about not being a virgin you can tell em to go fuck themselves!” I said nudging my boyfriend. “Travis can’t say shit he’s a fuckin virgin too.” Larry scoffed. “Oh yeah in speaking of that. I owe you a condom Larry Face.” Sal chuckled. “You used one of my condoms?! Dude it was my last one.” Larry laughed. “Don’t worry Lar bear you can’t get your left hand pregnant.” I giggled. Sal let out a laugh and Larry pretended to be offended. “I fucking love you.” Sal chuckled hugging me. “Jokes on both of you. It was expired.” Larry chuckled making his way into the kitchen first. Both Sal and I to look at each other worriedly. “He was kidding right?” I asked hopefully. “I’ll find out.” Sal groaned as we entered the kitchen.
Lisa turned around handing us each a bowl of ice cream covered brownie. “Thanks Lisa.” Sal and I both said taking a seat at the table. “Fuck you’re not gonna become one of those couples that only talks in we terms are you?” Larry asked. “We love the winter.” I mocked in a fake basic bitch accent like the girls Larry was referring to. “We never use deodorant.” Sal said in the same voice making both Larry and I laugh. “Wait a couple? Sal love did you ask her out?” Lisa asked excitedly. “Did a lot more than fuckin ask.” Larry chuckled. “Yes Lisa I did. I finally took your advice.” Sal said kicking Larry under the table. Lisa screamed excitedly coming over and wrapping her arms around us. “Oh yay! I love you both I’m so happy you’re finally happy together!” She cheered. “Me too Lisa.” I giggled grabbing Sal’s hand.
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sapphicscholar · 5 years
Pride Month Prompts Day 7: Underground (SuperLane)
From this Pride Month Prompts post! I’m taking the opportunity to write some short fics for a variety of pairings that I haven’t written for as much, maybe at all. They won’t be going on AO3, so I’ll be sure to tag them all with #pride month prompts so you can find them later if you want. 
Day 7: Underground
Pairing: SuperLane (Kara/Lucy) - another new one! (Set after Manhunter)
Perhaps taking off the helmets had been a bad idea. Scratch that: it was definitely a bad idea. But Kara had wanted to see Alex, had wanted Alex to know that she would always come for her, even if it meant stealing DEO property, shooting down a truck owned by the U.S. government, and freeing two supposed criminals being hauled away for treason. And seeing Alex’s reaction when she realized that Lucy had switched sides for them was pretty great too.
For a while, it seemed as if everything had gone fine. J’onn and Alex took off on the bikes, Kara flew Lucy back to the base, and they both acted surprised by the news of the escape (and were genuinely surprised by the news of Lucy’s promotion).
Neither of them took into account the fact that a vehicle headed for Cadmus would likely be equipped with multiple cameras sending live feed footage back to the military.
The following morning, a heavily armed squad showed up to arrest them both, and it was only Kara’s super hearing that gave her the extra few seconds she needed to swoop Lucy up in her arms and fly them both far away from the DEO and the military officials toting guns loaded with kryptonite-laced bullets.
Within a day, they’d gone completely underground. Kara was opposed to stealing, but she’d swept through stores faster than anyone could see, throwing money onto the counter in her wake. That was how they’d acquired a stockpile of food, new clothing, wigs for going out, and two burner phones that were being saved for an emergency. She’d also grabbed a few bottles of wine for Lucy, who had only recently reconciled herself to the idea of breaking the law and was looking a bit pale as the realization that she was a now a wanted fugitive with her own father hot on her heels sunk in.
On day 5, Kara finally got up the courage to apologize. “If I hadn’t...I should’ve made sure that we stayed covered, checked for any cameras.”
“It’s Cadmus, Kara. I’m sure they were livestreaming the footage.”
“Still. I could have kept them from knowing you were the person under the other helmet.”
But Lucy shook her head, rubbing at her temples before draining the rest of her plastic cup of wine. “Long term, this is the decision I’m proud of. I’ve pushed down a lot over the years, but I don’t think even a lifetime of practice at repressing shit would have been enough to keep away the guilt if I’d sent your sister and J’onn off to be tortured at Cadmus.”  She refilled her cup, frowning when the rest of the bottle only brought it up to two-thirds full. “So really, I’m the one that should be apologizing. You just pulled my head out of my ass long enough to see that I wasn’t living the kind of life I could be proud of.”
“Hey, no, I’m sure you’ve done some amazing things.”
Lucy snorted, something dark flashing across her features as her face twisted in disgust. “Like what? Break my ex’s heart because I’d rather hurt her...hurt us both, than risk a dishonorable discharge? Side with my father even as he got more and more bigoted just because every so often he’d pat me on the shoulder and tell me I made him proud? Come flying across the country to restart things with a guy only to break up with him all over again?”
“We’ve all done things we regretted. I’m pretty sure the whole world saw some of my worst choices splashed across newspapers and broadcast internationally just a few weeks ago.” She really wished wine did anything for her; it’d be nice to have something to dull the pain of the too fresh memories. “I also know a little bit about not wanting to believe that a parent could be so wrong about something, about waiting too late to realize there are two sides to every story.” She swallowed the tears that threatened to fall. “But Lucy? You’ve done a lot of things to be proud of.”
“I don’t know. Maybe. It’s hard to believe it these days.”
In a split second, Kara decided to start listing things, as many as she could think of, anything to make that look of sadness, of self-loathing disappear. “You’re a freakin’ major in the Army, which means, like, a lot of people have recognized what a badass you are. And you have grad degrees from Harvard. And you’re super great at Taboo and Charades and Pictionary. And you were willing to put everything on the line once you’d realized you’d made a mistake, which is almost better than just never making mistakes. Because you care, you cared enough to fix it.” She took a deep breath in. “Also you offer great legal advice. And those cookies you made for game night were so good; I ate half of them when you weren’t looking. And you won over Cat Grant in, like, two seconds flat, which, let me tell you, isn’t easy! And you always smell really nice, even at the end of the day, and you’ve got such great hair, like seriously great hair.”
Lucy looked over at her, some emotion swirling in her eyes that Kara didn’t recognize. “You know that the things you did while drugged don’t magically undo all the good you’ve done for the world, right?”
“Oh please, weren’t you the one saying Supergirl didn’t exactly measure up to expectations?”
Lucy ducked her head. “Might have had a bit more to do with jealousy than anything else.”
Kara’s eyebrows shot up at that. “Jealousy?” Lucy had the guy and the job and Cat’s attention. What could she have been jealous of?
“Seriously? You have superpowers, Kara. And a sister who would do anything for you, and this whole group of friends who adore you. Even when James was talking about finding apartments with me to really make things work, he couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. And, to make it all worse, I couldn’t even blame him because you’re fucking gorgeous!” With a huff of bitter laughter, Lucy pulled herself to her feet, swaying slightly—the first sign that the bottle of wine might have affected her. “I should… Night, Kara.”
After that night, things seemed easier between them. The guilt and apologies and bad memories had been excised, leaving room for something new to grow between them. Slowly but surely, they began opening up, sharing stories of growing up and years in school and awkward dates. Kara talked about the things she’d had the hardest time getting used to on Earth, and Lucy admitted that she hadn’t thought about how difficult it must be for aliens. She’d moved a lot as an Army brat, having to switch schools constantly, but even during the awkwardness of middle school, at least she’d always known how to speak the language, had a vague sense of what social life would be like, knew what would be taught in her classes and the kinds of clubs that would be offered.
One night, after a glass or two of wine, Lucy opened up to Kara about coming out, not that she’d had too many people in her life she’d been able to tell. Kara admitted that she hadn’t realized it was such a big deal on Earth until she’d asked Alex if she was courting her best friend Vicki and been swiftly and promptly kicked out of their shared bedroom for hours, not let back in until Eliza had demanded that Alex unlock the door for bedtime.
On day 18, they woke up to news that all of National City’s residents had been turned into automatons with the exception of Max Lord, who’d published statements about alien threats and how proud he was to be a human who had prepared for this, who had known from the beginning not to trust them, and Cat Grant, who’d posted a very public call for Supergirl to return from hiding and a plea that the government grant her amnesty.
“You’re going, aren’t you?” Lucy asked.
“I have to. National City...no matter what happened or how many people have decided I belong in prison, it’s still my city. They’re still the people I’ve sworn to protect.”
“Be safe.”
“I will.”
“I mean it. I”—Lucy swallowed heavily as she reached out a hand, grabbing one of Kara’s and holding it tight enough for her to feel it—“I want you to come back to me alive.”
And there it was again, that frisson of something that had been crackling between them for so many days now. Only this time Kara didn’t mumble a quick “goodnight” and speed off to her corner of the decrepit old cabin they’d moved into after the first week. Instead, she held Lucy’s gaze and raised a hand to Lucy’s face, sweeping her thumb across Lucy’s cheekbone. “I promise.”
Lucy was the one to lean forward, but Kara wasn’t sure who it was that actually started the kiss. All she knew was that there were soft, warm lips pressed against her own, and if she’d thought she wanted to date Lucy before because she smelled amazing, well, now she knew she wanted to date Lucy and for so many more reasons. But eventually, the reality of everything happening in National City, the hurried phone calls to J’onn and Alex, the continued broadcasts being sent out by Cat, all caught up to them.
“If you can find a way for me to come back within city limits, you’ll call?” Lucy gestured at their one safe burner phone left, and Kara nodded.
A few moments later, they heard the soft thud outside the door that signalled J’onn and Alex’s arrival.
“I should be fighting by your side,” Alex was already arguing as she and J’onn made their way inside.
“I won’t be able to stay focused if I’m shielding your mind.”
“I swear, if we can get into the DEO and get our hands on your prototypes, we’ll be back in an instant, okay?” Kara promised.
“Fine. In the meantime, I’m trying to see if I can’t bypass some DEO security protocols while everyone there is out of commission. I can only imagine that Non is going to want some of our prisoners back, so I’ll try to secure the system from external interference.”
While J’onn was busy talking to Alex, Lucy squeezed Kara’s hand again. “Come back, alright? We’ve got a kiss to finish.”
Kara grinned. “I wouldn’t miss it.”
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leonawriter · 5 years
Stray Dogs and Tiger Cubs (pt.18)
Also on AO3
Fandom: Bungo Stray Dogs
Characters: Dazai, Kunikida, Atsushi, Kyouka.
"....What're you doing?"
If he'd asked any of the staff at the orphanage such a question, he would have been ignored, shouted at, or worse. But he was coming to realise that no one here was like that - and there was something about being held and supported by Da-san like that even while Da-san was angry, that made him feel at a level deeper than he could begin to think up the words for, that Da-san would never do any of those things.
So now here he was, the morning after his first proper sleep in days, standing up on his tip-toes to try and see what was going on.
"Kunikida-kun's hounding me for a report on my side of what happened in the past few days," Da-san said, sounding like he was mumbling because he had his arms on the desk and his head on his arms and he wasn't speaking clearly, which was something else the orphanage staff would never have done. "I don't wanna."
"You're going to have to do it sooner or later, and since we're going to be dealing with the mafia because of your actions, I'd prefer sooner."
"Yosano can write it."
"Yosano has already written her report."
"Atsushi-chan... at some point, you're going to have to learn how to write a report of your own. What do you say to starting now?"
Atsushi blinked, eyes going wide at the very real responsibility and barely hearing Kunikida's angry shouting, until he remembered something important.
"But... Da-san, I- I don't... I haven't learned some of these kanji yet..."
"Eh?" Da-san blinked at him, as if he didn't understand. Atsushi blinked back. Da-san lifted up his head, and looked over at Kunikida, and his the look on his face making Atsushi wonder if he'd said something wrong. "Kunikida-kun. He's still learning his kanji." 
That was what he'd just said. He'd been keeping up at the same rate as everyone else at the orphanage, even with... everything else... or he'd thought so, at least. Did this mean he should have somehow-
"Of course he is, Dazai," Kunikida was saying, "he should still be in school, but you took care of that-"
Kunikida stopped, and Atsushi jumped at a knock on the door.
I saw this kid and the next thing I knew I was running from the place with a kid under my arm, getting into a car and telling the driver to floor it, were the words Chuuya had used to sum up his rescue of Atsushi. Which made the entire event sound more like a theft, or a kidnapping, than a rescue.
In essence, at least as Dazai had seen it, it had been no different from what Odasaku might have done, the way he'd saved those few children from the war zone of the Dragon's Head Conflict. 
In the direct aftermath, he hadn't put such words to his actions, still running on a form of adrenaline, expecting - somehow - that sooner or later the problem of who would look after Atsushi now would be taken out of his hands.
He hadn't thought about where Atsushi would stay, other than that he was sure that eventually the boy would be able to control himself, somehow.
He hadn't thought about schooling, barely even remembering his own childhood well enough to know what a child that young would or wouldn't know, only that  by the time he'd been fourteen and wanting to die, and Mori had found him, he'd known everything he'd needed to in order to be seen as an asset to the mafia.
He hadn't tensed in the presence of police for over a year now, and yet - here they were, in his place of work, his place of safety, and he...
"Huh? Is this girl... with the Agency?"
There were too many things that could go wrong. Even as the President defended Kyouka's presence, Dazai noticed them looking over in his direction as well, where Atsushi's hand had started to clench tightly onto the overhanging fabric of his waistcoat, as if Atsushi was afraid to be taken away.
"And talking of kids, isn't this the same one who you guys took along to that murder investigation? I thought it was weird back then, that a kid would be out of school like that, but..."
"Atsushi-chan's mine!" Or - at least, that's what he heard himself say, as brightly as he might once have asked his enemies to kindly die, and save him the trouble of killing them. "Isn't that right, Atsushi-chan?"
Atsushi, for his part, nodded without letting go.
He sighed as soon as they'd left - perfectly nice people, he was sure, which meant that it was nothing personal at all that he simply didn't want them anywhere near him for the time being. The problem was nowhere near solved, but at least, for the moment, they had a little more time.
Kunikida was staring at him. He had barely stopped staring at him ever since he'd said those words - Atsushi-chan is mine - and it'd only become more obvious once the police had gone and his reaction wasn't going to sabotage Dazai's efforts.
It wouldn't be so bad if it was just Kunikida, but... he could feel other eyes on him as well.
Overall, it made him feel as though he had just taken his shirt off in the middle of the summer heat, leaving his bandages fully on display - uncomfortable, with the specific sense that people were about to start asking invasive questions.
"Come, Atsushi-chan. We're going out!"
He pushed his chair out and stood, stretching, and reached over for his coat.
"Wait- hey! Dazai, you still haven't written that report!"
"I'm going to be the one to handle most of the relations between the Agency and the mafia anyway, so it's not as if the report can't wait," he called back airily. "So there's no harm in taking Atsushi out for some fresh air while we know no one's going to be coming after him, yes?"
"How do we even know that? And why would you be the one to handle things between the Agency and the mafia in the first place of all people?! Oi, Dazai-"
"If Atsushi-chan is going somewhere, then I'm coming, too," a quiet voice added, Kyouka speaking up for the first time that morning as he went for the door. "Protecting him is the new assignment that Nakahara-san gave me, after all."
"Right, right... ah! I just remembered. This is perfect timing. The report has to wait at least until I've come back! Kyouka-chan, you can be the go-between."
"You can talk to him yourself."
"Only if I absolutely have to."
They leave before Kunikida can ask what he means by that - if he can put off explaining himself for a little while longer, he will - but's only once they're out of the building, having wished Kenji well on his own investigation, and gone halfway down the street when Kyouka asks what they're really out for.
"Several things," he admits to the two children, who are both listening intently to him. "One is to get the rest of the information I was after in the first place. Two, scouting out places that would work as neutral meeting spots, and..."
While Kyouka was more than capable of walking along on her own, Atsushi - who up until now had simply held onto his coat - had his hand, and he couldn't remember the last time he'd held the hand of someone so small, and it was enough to make him pause.
Atsushi trusted him. Against everything that everyone else had said, that one thing - and Odasaku's words still echoing in the back of his mind - was enough to make him not let go, and simply adjust his grip.
"Books!" Atsushi's eyes lit up, which was a good sign. "We need to find some that are Atsushi-friendly." He could hardly just leave his own favourite books just lying around, either. 
Then again, it wasn't like he knew what sort of books children of Atsushi's age tended to read; the only children in his general age group he'd come into contact with had been... Elise, and Q. And neither of those two could exactly be considered a benchmark for a normal child under any circumstances, which aside from the entire tiger issue, Atsushi was.
The three of them are halfway into their third bookshop when a car alarm goes off in the distance, and then a loud noise, followed by several other loud noises. Kyouka's hand is inching toward her blade when another alarm joins the first.
"Nothing to worry about," Dazai says, hand on Atsushi's shoulder when he realises the boy has tensed up. "Kenji-kun was heading out around the time we were, so he's probably just finishing up around now."
"That's... finishing up?"
"You shouldn't underestimate the Detective Agency, Kyouka-chan."
"I... see."
"Now, how about this one?"
The contemplative look on her face vanishes, replaced by a slight frown.
"You can't just get Atsushi-chan books that have tigers on them, Dazai-san."
"Hm, you're right. It is the wrong colour."
He puts the book back, and picks out another one, this time with a properly white tiger.
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All of WLW ask
Alrighty! 1. How long have you known you liked girls?
For two or three years I believe, might be a bit off I’m really bad at time perception.
2. Talk about the girl who made you realize you liked girls
Well my first crush was on a girl but I wasn’t physically attracted to her and loved her because I had known her for so long and cared about her so much. However the person that actually made me experience my first physical attraction to women which kinda blew off the cap and made me get to my current ‘ALL WOMEN ARE QUEENS’ state was actually a voice actress/stage actress, Ikuta Teru, aka the voice of Futaba from Revue Starlight. The first time I saw her in the Revue Starlight live action musical my brain short circuited and I was completely and utterly floored, it did NOT help that Teru’s an actual Casanova and spent most of her time on stage being a charming ladykiller so there was also that.
3. Are you in a relationship at the moment?
4. Do you have a crush at the moment?
I... Don’t know actually. I’ve had one crush in my life and it was on a girl I had no chance with who also was just a horrendous match for me and that would’ve been a toxic relationship. I’ve had two maybe-crushes since. It’s really hard to tell if the feelings I have towards a different girl is actually a crush or me being so starved of healthy good relationships.
5. Describe your crush!
Well, uh, problem there. The girl I mentioned above had a tumblr. So I’m not gonna do that even though I’m not sure if it’s a crush or not. Generally speaking, the two girls that I’ve had maybe-crushes on (not my first crush) have one big thing in common-They’re kind. Incredibly kind. They make me feel... Well, they make me feel unquestionably loved. That’s why it’s so hard to sort my feelings out. My first crush emotionally felt the same as before I had said crush, the only change was me realizing just how much I cared about her. I have a lot of love in my heart and I love my friends so much, especially the ones that genuinely make me feel loved like these two. So yeah.
6. Do you tend to like more masculine, feminine, or androgynous girls?
I don’t really care about appearances, I find every single girl adorable, beautiful, or hot. If you mean the type that turns me into a gay disaster, it’d be more masculine leaning if that’s the phrasology you’re looking for. I mean my gay awakening was Ikuta freaking Teru so that should give a pretty good idea about my type. That and tomboys, a few years ago at a Theatre camp there was this girl who showed up every day wearing one of those shirts with massive holes in the sides that almost make it not a shirt anymore and a tanktop and for some reason always had a flannel tied around her waist and I literally couldn’t talk to her the whole week because every time I looked at her my brain malfunctioned.
7. Do you look/dress more masculine, feminine, or androgynous?
I don’t really put much thought into my appearance but I dress pretty androgynous though my first Prom I showed up wearing a Catra-inspired suit and I felt so goddamn cool so leaning towards Masculine a little.
8. What’s your gaydar like?
Accurate usually. It’s REALLY easy to pick fellow lesbians out since some of us have a pretty distinct way of dressing/acting.
9. Tall girls or short girls?
Short, it makes cuddles and hugs easier. Though I reiterate, appearance doesn’t matter too much to me at all.
10. Intimidating girls or kind girls?
KIND. Please please please kind! I’m a really positive person so I’ve attracted a LOT of negative people in my life and I want nothing more than my future girlfriend to be somebody who’s so genuine and kind with me that I don’t have to be scared in the back of my mind that they actually don’t like me.
11. Hugs or kisses?
I’ve never been kissed so hugs probably? I mean I’m touch starved so hugs are always good anyways.
12. Do you have an ideal ‘type’? What would they be like?
Not really, appearances don’t matter to me. My ‘type’ is kind, loving girls who are easy to read and never leave me second guessing myself or wondering if I did something wrong. Basically, the exact opposite of my first crush.
13. What’s your favourite personality trait of yours?
The fact that I am basically a Golden Retriever in a human body. I’m not exaggerating or joking, ask my mutuals and they’ll probably affirm the fact that I am a literal puppy.
14. What’s your favorite personality trait for a girl to have?
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; being kind. I’ve had my own kindness taken advantage of a LOT by people who called me a friend then turned around and emotionally abused me relentlessly. Someone who is genuinely kind, someone who cares about me not because they want something from me but because that’s just who they are... That’s my favorite personality trait.
15. What’s the best thing about liking girls?
where the actual entire fresh frosted fruity pebbles to I begin. How about how every girl is wonderful? How no matter what every girl is cute or beautiful? How they give really good hugs? How they’re so much easier to have a deeper emotional connection with? How all women, no joke, are queens?
16. Do you have any friends who are wlw?
Kind of? My fellow Lesbian’s that I know IRL are, uh, not... Not that great. I don’t know if friend is even the right word. My best friend’s a bi girl though so that counts.
17. Have you ever been to pride? If so, what was your first pride like?
Unfortunately no. I’m still very much closeted. I live in a small town in the middle of Kansas, it’s not safe. 
18. Do you like the lesbian flag?
Mhm! Especially the newer one with the oranges in it, not only do the colors actually mean something now but it’s also much more pleasing to look at with the contrast.
19. What was your first kiss with a girl like?
I’ve never been kissed, I’m still closeted.
20. Who was your celebrity/fictional gay awakening?
Tumblr media
*cough cough*
21. What’s your favourite lgbt+ movie?
I’ve never actually seen any LGBT+ movies, closeted, remember? 
22. Who’s your favourite openly wlw celebrity?
I actually don’t know any, then again I barely know any kind of celebrities in the first place.
23. Do you wear makeup?
No and you can’t make me.
24. Who was the first person you came out to (if you have)?
My small friend group. The entire squad is LGBT+ so it was just another Tuesday.
25. Has anyone ever come out to you?
Kind of? My small friend group kinda did but it wasn’t a big thing it was just ‘Oh yeah by the way I’m a lesbian she’s a lesbian and she’s pan.’ and I was just all ‘A’ight.’
26. Have you found a community of lgbt+ people?
Online mostly. Like I said it’s not particularly safe for me to be out so unless I know FOR CERTAIN they’re LGBT+ and I also trust them a great deal I won’t ever tell a soul that I’m a Lesbian.
27. Do you have any older lgbt+ people you look up to?
Yeah, I think so. My friends I met on the Revue Starlight Hell discord server, at least I THINK they’re older than me but you never know.
28. Do you identify with butch/femme labels? 
Not quite, I mean, I’m kinda hard to sort into either. I like dressing sharp sometimes in a suit but also my hair is long and naturally incredibly curly and I normally dress real neutral so idk
29. Who’s your favorite fictional wlw?
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These two, 100%. Their romance is literally two girls falling in love with their best friend and I can relate to that so much, not to mention they’re just so adorable and sweet they gave me diabetes a long time ago.
30. What experiences are you looking forward to having in the future (kissing a girl, going to pride, etc)?
Having a GF, having someone to cuddle, actually experiencing what a kiss is like, having someone to cuddle, finally going to Pride, did I mention having a cuddle buddy?
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