#pmd eternal shadows
ifbench · 4 months
Some common phrases from my fics' and blogs' PMD world, along with meanings and use case examples:
Defy the legends: To defy fate and take charge of your destiny. Ex: "I defied the legends when I escaped that collapsing mystery dungeon."
Sea of time: The final part of a journey. Ex: "We're almost home. Just the sea of time left."
This cookie is for you: A parting gift. Doesn't have to be a cookie. Ex: "You're leaving? …well, this cookie is for you."
Icy sanctum: A sanctuary that will only make things worse for you. Ex: "Don't go to the gambler's corner. It's an icy sanctum."
Within the sadness: The lowest point in a hero's journey, when all seems lost. Ex: "The hero and their companions were within the sadness when the villain attacked their hometown."
And yes, each of them are from a song title from one of the 5 PMD games.
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tenebraevesper · 5 months
I got a question. Why is Shadow your favorite character?
That's something I haven't really thought about. Usually, when I declare a character my favorite, it's kinda like a gut feeling - I see X Character and I instantly know they'll be my favorite. Nevertheless, I'm sure you'll probably want a more in-depth explanation.
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Shadow the Hedgehog definitely fits the character archetype I tend to gravitate to, which I tend to describe as Troubled, But Cute (put a pin on the ''cute'' part tho), Anti-Hero or Anti-Villain type of character with a tragic backstory, who has an intimidating or untrustworthy presence, or is just a jerk, but deep down, they are sweet and/or genuinely care about the other characters in their own way.
If you want more examples, here is a list of my favorite characters from other franchises:
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Impmon/Beelzemon from Digimon Tamers, initially a mischievous Digimon who caused trouble for the main cast, his traumatic experience with his own Tamers and his desire to become stronger led him to a path of destruction, followed by one of the most incredible and heartbreaking redemption arcs I've seen.
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Bass.EXE/Forte.EXE from Rockman.EXE/MegaMan Battle Network/MegaMan NT Warrior. Bass is a Solo NetNavi who had been created by Dr. Cossack to improve internet security, but was betrayed by the humans when the internet at the time, Alpha, went berserk, causing Bass to be mistakenly blamed for that chaos. Believing that humans are monsters, Bass has set the goal to become the strongest and destroy humanity once and for all. He is also MegaMan's strongest rival, and I especially love how their relationship is portrayed in Ryo Takamisaki's MegaMan NT Warrior manga, where they both show deep respect for each other and it is acknowledged that MegaMan is the first person Bass allowed himself to bond with. Huh, when you think about it, Bass and Shadow are kinda similar, especially when the latest chapter that focused on Bass had him finally make peace with his past.
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Darkrai from Pokémon, specifically Pokémon: The Rise of Darkrai and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time, Darkness and Sky. To quote the Pokedex: ''Folklore has it that on moonless nights, this Pokémon will make people see horrific nightmares.'' Darkrai is a Pokémon who is capable of causing horrible nightmares, but the truth is, he cannot control this ability and isolates himself on Newmoon Island. In Rise of Darkrai, he is portrayed as a misunderstood anti-hero who wanted to defend his home from Dialga and Palkia, and in PMD: Explorers, he is a maniacal tyrant who wants to plunge the world into eternal darkness, and these two different portrayals are one of the reasons why I adore Darkrai so much. And yeah, he definitely isn't the conventionally ''cute'' type, but I always had weird tastes.
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Félix/Chat Noir from Ladybug PV, who I consider to be a different character from the CGI show. Having been cursed with bad luck, Félix needs to find ways to convince to Ladybug to kiss him while working together with her against the main villain and also dealing with Ladybug's civilian form, Bridgette. I'm certain that, if his character had been developed further, we would see a different side to him, show that there is more to Félix/Chat Noir than what is on the surface.
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benchspkmnirlhub · 6 days
What gave you the idea to create your Pokémon irl blogs? They're all so cool so I kinda wonder what inspired you!
The thing is, with the exception of Breve and Mew, all of them are preexisting characters that I had made beforehand!
Tropius and Gen are the protagonists of my fic In Tandem and Eternal Shadows respectively. Tropius' blog was originally a Pokeask blog, but soon after a friend had convinced me to join Pokemon IRL, I converted her blog into a PokeIRL blog. I wanted to see how other PokeIRL blogs would interact with a Tropius running a blog, and, well. I couldn't be happier with the result.
Gen's blog came a bit later, when I was toying with the idea of how he'd interact with some PokeIRL characters. I made him a blog, but soft rebooted it twice, before it finally hit its stride in July 2023, and I've been writing that iteration of Gen ever since.
Ninetales is a canon character from PMD Rescue Team that I had expanded heavily upon, and had toyed with the idea of making a PokeIRL blog for. I sent some anon asks out from her, and was satisfied with the result. I felt bad for not doing anything in Pokeask in a long while, though, so I made her blog a dual PokeIRL and Pokeask blog.
Illanero is a trickier one to explain, as xey're a scrapped character from my fics. Xey were originally going to serve Tropius' role in a subplot in Eternal Shadows, before I decided to split that subplot into what would become In Tandem, and make a new protagonist for it, Tropius. But when I was starting my mainline Pokemon marathon, I decided to make a PokeIRL blog for it, to give me more incentive to keep playing. And I decided to bring back Illanero, to be the protagonist of that blog.
Vinarch and his homeworld Obleta is from a RP from my personal server. He was so much fun to write, that I felt tempted to make a PokeIRL blog for him, and see how he'd interact with the PokeIRL multiverse. And so I did just that.
Sentret is also from a RP from my personal server. They were fun to write, especially interacting with my best friend's Arceus. I was tempted to bring them here for a while, but was nervous due to the amount of Arceus hate in PokeIRL. However, after the poll I made about it showed overwhelming support for me bringing Sentret here, I decided to make them a blog.
Breve was my first original PokeIRL character. I had seen talk of many gyms being OSHA violations, and along with my mainline marathon, that gave me the initial idea for a gym inspector. I continued tossing that idea around in my head for a few months, before deciding to make a blog for the gym inspector.
Mew, believe it or not, was inspired by a dream of mine. It was a dream where I had found a Mew living near my house, and they were trying to fit in among humans. The idea really stuck with me after I awoke, and I soon made them a blog.
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goldenrodchef · 2 years
Um, hi there. I'm Gen. I'm an aspiring chef from Goldenrod City. That's about all there really is to me, I'm not really anyone important.
This is a pkmn irl blog for my character Gen from my PMD fanfic Eternal Shadows. Different Gen from the one on @teamgardeners. Sorta.
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team-ion · 2 years
Hmm, recently I started reading some cool PMD fanfics, like this one really good fic called Warped Skies. Knowing that you write pmd fanfics, I felt curious: what are some pmd fanfics you'd read before that you recommend reading?
I originally read Canon Breakage https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12715784/1/Pok%C3%A9mon-Mystery-Dungeon-Canon-Breakage which served as a bit of inspiration.
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12699122/1/Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-The-Dreamstone is my personal favourite PMD story.
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mysterydungecn · 1 year
// Have a mun question: what's your favorite thing about Mystery Dungeon? How did you get into the series? If you could make a Mystery Dungeon plot that's either Galar-centric or Paldea-centric, what would it be about, and what would you call it?
Thank you for the question!
Honestly, it’s really hard for me to choose just one favorite thing about PMD. There’s the absolutely lovely music, the great characters, the fascinating worldbuilding, the mere premise of a world where Pokemon have their own society, all things I adore about PMD. However, I think I’m going to have to go with the stories. PMD’s stories struck a chord with me, and are what inspired me to truly get into storytelling.
I actually only got into PMD pretty recently, in mid 2020. A friend of mine had recommended it to me, and I got Rescue Team DX as a graduation gift, so I decided to try it. Easily one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I subsequently played Explorers of Sky, Gates to Infinity, and Super Mystery Dungeon, and haven’t been the same since.
Funny you say that, because I’m actually writing a Galar-centric PMD story! Well, Alola and Galar, but both get about equal focus. It’s called Eternal Shadows, and many of the characters I RP on here come from it.
As for a Paldea PMD, I’m not entirely sure, but I’m thinking something along the lines of tera crystals appearing all over a continent, and the human and partner get mentored by a team of a Koraidon and Miraidon. Maybe some time travel, too. Might call it something along the lines of "Crystals Beyond".
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Eternal Shadows: Chapter 12
Chapter 12 of Eternal Shadows, the PMD fanfic that this blog is an offshoot of, is now here! The events of this chapter likely will come into effect on this blog about a month from now.
You can find it on FFN here, on AO3 here, or on Thousandroads here.
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lovepmd · 2 years
Alright! So! For the past two years, I've been writing a PMD fic called Eternal Shadows, starring an anxious human-turned-Oshawott who wants nothing more than to go back home. He kept his memories, but due to some events in the second chapter, lies and says that he's an amnesiac and not a human. His partners are a Chikorita who can't remember the past three months, and a Charmander who hates lies. The second anniversary of the fic is actually today! It's my proudest work I've ever written!
oh my god, that's quite the trio
congrats and i'm happy you're so proud of it!! that's awesome
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janethepegasus · 4 years
Persona Spin-off Idea
Since i’m diving into the hell hole known as Persona, my mind’s been coming up with ideas and stuff related to it. So, might as well share an idea for a Persona spin-off.
What i have in mind is a mystery dungeon style game called Persona: Twisted Memories, see it as like...Persona Q, but better.
The story is that, out of the blue, the casts of P5, P4, and P3 find themselves in a strange realm that resembles a large library. For some reason, they seem to have forgotten a majority of their memories (minus some important ones, like their names, the fact they’re all friends, they have Personas, etc) and they don’t know why it happened or how they got there. A mysterious duo; a little girl named Lune and a strange man named Chro, reside in this strange library and they wish to aid them in their journey to recover their memories.
They later learn that their memories are actually scattered across “Story Worlds”, manifestations of stories and tropes as small pocket dimensions that changes how it’s structured every time someone enters it. So the Phantom Thieves, the Investigation Team, and S.E.E.S must travel through these worlds and recover their memories. Along the way, they find they are not the only ones dragged into this realm, they find Naoya and Tatsuya, the protags of P1 and P2, who lost their memories as well, but unlike the others, they (and by extension everyone in the P1 and P2 cast) have lost all their memories, turning into grey hollow husks of who they once were, all they know is that they must fight for a reason they don’t remember.
As for gameplay, you all know how a mystery dungeon game works, right? We all played PMD at some point. It’s like that but with Persona’s mechanics mixed in. You can build a team of five and run through dungeons, attacking demons with melee attacks, ranged attacks, and Persona attacks. Oh, and you can also recruit demons if you’re lucky. And yes, you can do an All-Out Attack too, if there’s a large amount of enemies in one room, you can unleash an All-Out Attack against them (see it as like Alliance Attacks from PSMD). You can do fusion too, just like other Persona games, but this time the one who’s doing it is Chro, for some strange and ominous reason, no one from the Velvet Room can reach them, so Chro has taken their place of fusing Personas.
Other game stuff includes; a bookstore that sells items, Memory Goals are basically missions to retrieve a memory for a certain character, Social Links help make characters stronger and their Arcana too.
And (i’m just throwing it here cause i don’t know where else to put this) there are five hard dungeons that are tied to the five protagonists and their friends; they are collectively called The Doors to Remembrance, they hold the core memories of the protagonists. The Door of Identity leads to a distorted school building and it holds Naoya’s core memory; the death of his brother, and they must fight Shadow Naoya to gain it. The Door of Paradox leads to a large shrine with five different colored floors and it holds Tatsuya’s core memory; his choice that led to Eternal Punishment, they must fight Shadow Tatsuya to gain it. The Door of Mortality leads to a dark and eerie tower with chains binding it and it holds Minato’s core memory; his sacrifice to seal away Nyx, they must fight Shadow Minato to gain it. The Door of Self Worth leads to a distorted version of the Midnight Channel and it holds Yu’s core memory; facing the truth, they must fight Shadow Yu to gain it. And The Door of Justice leads to a maze-like hallway, that looks kinda like Mementos, holds relics from all the palaces, and it all leads to a large stage, it holds Ren’s core memory; the false assault charge, they must fight Shadow Ren to gain it.
And that’s about it. Might add more. What do you guys think? Let me know! :)
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smallmxth · 4 years
Mcyts battle themes but they’re all from games I like
Technoblade - Eternal Adversary (Carrion OST)
Philza - Lace (Silksong OST sample)
Wilbur -  Peper Steak (OFF OST)
Tommy -  Spear of Justice (Undertale OST)
Tubbo - Battle! Hau (Pokemon Sun & Moon OST)
Fundy - Journey of the Prairie King- The Outlaw (Stardew Valley OST)
Dream - Hornet (Hollow Knight OST)
Sapnap - Vs. Susie (Deltarune)
George - Talus Battle (Zelda: BOTW OST)
Dream Team - Mantis Lords (Hollow Knight OST)
Badboyhalo - Dummy! (Undertale OST)
Skeppy - Team Dim Sun Battle (Pokemon: Shadows of Almia OST)
Niki - Boss Battle (PMD: Exploreres of Sky/Time/Darkness)
Ranboo - Amalgam (Undertale OST)
Jschlatt - Flesh Maze Tango (OFF OST)
Eret -  Naja (Moonlighter OST)
Karl - Rival Battle Theme (Pokemon Black and White OST)
Quackity - Metal Crusher (Undertale OST)
Extra: Area themes
Pogtopia- Forgotten Crossroads (Hollow Knight OST)
L’manberg/Manberg- Driftveil City (Pokemon Black and White OST)
Greater SMP- White Palace (Hollow Knight OST)
El Rapids- Mt. Bristle (PMD: Explorers of Sky/Time/Darkness)
The Badlands- Apple Woods  (PMD: Explorers of Sky/Time/Darkness)
Logsteadshire- Fogbound Lake  (PMD: Explorers of Sky/Time/Darkness)
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One PMD headcanon I think of from time to time is:
Darkrai & Kyurem both knew in advance that Dark Matter would return, foresaw that the odds of pokémon-kind coming out of that alive were incredibly small, and made their own (bad, morally) plans accordingly.
So in this canon, Mew kept what they knew, that they hadn't successfully defeated Dark Matter+that Dark Matter would rise once again when the planets aligned, a closely-guarded secret, because they didn't want to send everyone into millennia worth of fear and anticipation for the return.
Darkrai eventually found out about this from routine dream patrolling, as Mew would often have nightmares about the return of Dark Matter. Enough of those nightmares & other research proved that there was real basis for them. Darkrai tried to warn other legendaries but was rebuked, both by legendaries who felt "Mew and that mortal already stopped Dark Matter. Don't you have faith in them?" And of course by Mew themselves stubbornly holding onto their secret in the waking world.
Rather than try to turn to the (in his opinion) "lowly" mortals next, Darkrai began researching for years to come. Eventually, he found his best lead on how to stop the planets' alignment: how to stop time itself from ever reaching the day of reckoning. As he found himself closer to the answer, so too did he slip into his evil descent,
"The world can be stopped. Life... preserved for all eternity. But life frozen forever, wouldn't people dislike that? No! I know what's best for everyone! Those fools don't realize! Even a future of darkness is a future! Yes... that wouldn't even be so bad. I could rule that future. The other legends could never rule as well as I could. Everyone should thank me; for I, only I, can save the world. I... only I.... am fit to rule over all! Yes... the world of darkness will be wonderful."
Ultimately, his sense of entitlement & lack of regard for others undermined any sense of "good" that could be used to describe his actions.
Kyurem in the PMDverse can see the future. I interpret this as being able to see various possibilities, but usually locked on to the most probable with shifts at points. Kyurem noticed one such possibility during a period where bitterness and negativity was rampant on the Mist Continent.
I should note that in my headcanon, Void Shadows are a lifeform where each one is tied to a Pokémon. Sufficiently powerful Void Shadows (typically those tied to immortals, who can accumulate many more years of regret and heartbreak) can begin absorbing others for their negativity content in order to become powerful enough to begin affecting the above world. In fact, the reason why it's Mew considers Dark Matter their personal mission to destroy, is because I feel it makes the most sense for Dark Matter to be Mew's Void Shadow.
Anyway, back to Kyurem, the possibility they noticed was that a sufficiently powerful Void Shadow may be able to destroy and remake the universe, and that this future was preferable, both because they completely lacked faith in Mew or anyone else to defeat Dark Matter again, but also as they simply thought of the people of the current world to be a squander of life. Thus, they utilized their contempt for mortals and their problems to justify resetting the universe & fuel their own Void Shadow: The Bittercold.
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ifbench · 1 year
PMD Eternal Shadows Chapter 1: Between Worlds
My eyes slowly opened, as I woke up, still tired, not ready for whatever today would bring. I rubbed my eyes, feeling grass brush up against my arm as I moved it.
Wait, grass?! I don’t remember sleeping outside!
I hastily stood up, and gawked at what I saw. A few meters away, the ground ended, and beyond, was a constantly changing sky, of greens and purples and blues and whites, all shifting and distorting with each second. I turned around, hoping that something else laid behind me, and the ground ended just as quickly that way, too. In every direction I looked, it ended the same distance away. I was alone on some sort of circular plateau.
I walked over to the edge, and looked down, to see if there was some way down. I hurriedly retreated in shock, before standing back up. There was nothing but a completely vertical drop into an abyss, that looked exactly like the strange skies above.
This had to be a dream. This couldn’t be real. I pinched my arm, and winced. That pain felt real. This was real. This was happening. Where was I?! How did I get here?!
My mind raced with questions, before I calmed myself down. There had to be some sort of explanation for all this. Maybe if I close my eyes, then everything will be ok. I shut my eyes, and opened them a few seconds later. Everything seemed to be the same as it was before I tried that, except I could now see something red in the corner of my vision. That wasn’t there before. I turned to the left to see exactly what that was.
It was some sort of mailbox at the side of the platform, with a pencil, and a piece of paper next to it. I walked over, and read the paper, which had the words, "Please write your name on this paper, then put it in the mailbox." I picked up the pencil, then hesitated.
What was I even doing? None of this made any sense! Who wrote this, and why should I listen to them?
Did I really have any other choice, though?
After a minute of contemplation, I wrote down "Gen" on the paper, then inserted it into the mailbox. Without warning, it started glowing brightly. I quickly backed away from it. What was happening to it?! As the light flashed even brighter in intensity, I flinched, and closed my eyes.
Suddenly, the light disappeared, and I heard a loud SNAP! I opened my eyes, and saw the top half of the mailbox was gone, a dark, jagged wooden post in its place. I hurried over, and peered over the edge to see if anything snapped it, barely catching the still red top half of the mailbox disappearing into the technicolor abyss. I backed away, shivering. What could have possibly done that?! As soon as I stepped back onto the center of the platform, the darkness in the post started to spread to the platform, causing the grass scattered around it to wilt and disappear, revealing a glassy, mirror-like layer underneath.
Soon, the platform was completely devoid of grass. The entire platform now reflected the ever-changing sky above. Strangely, my reflection seemed to be blurry. What was up with that? As I looked down, I saw something white out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head towards whatever that was, and noticed that there was a white bow on the ground a short distance away.
I walked over towards it, before picking it up. It was the softest fabric I had ever felt. As I rubbed the bow, taking in just how soft it was, I felt an odd sensation throughout my entire body. I faintly heard a voice, though I couldn’t tell what they were saying. Abruptly, the bow emitted an intense light, and my eyesight went dark.
I couldn’t see anything. Did I go blind?!
Soon, my vision started to return. Once my vision had fully cleared, the bow had taken on a blue coloration. I dropped it in surprise.
What kept happening in the flashes of light?!
After a few seconds, I calmed down, and picked the bow back up. As I did so, I noticed that, for some reason, my reflection looked different. I bent down to take a closer look. That looked like an...Oshawott?!
What had happened to me while I was holding that bow?! There was no way I could have become a Pokemon. I had to still be human, right?
I moved my hands in front of my face. They were still human hands. What was that all about? What was any of this all about?!
Why was I here? Why did these unexplainable things keep happening here? Why did I have to be here, all alone?
I threw the bow back down at the ground, holding myself tightly with my other arm.
The platform suddenly shifted from a mirror-like surface to a dark, glassy one. Around the edges of the platform, shadows flared up. I jumped in surprise. What was happening now?!
After a few seconds, the shadows dissipated for the most part, revealing a wide variety of Pokemon on the edges of the platform, all seemingly unconscious, and surrounded by a wavering shadowy aura. I wasn’t alone anymore.
Oddly, there didn't seem to be any Water-types.
A single paper had appeared in the center of the platform. I hesitated, before going over to it, and reading it. I gawked as I processed the message. "Rescue one," it read. Rescue from what?! Those shadows? Why only one?! This didn't make any sense! I grabbed the paper, crumpled it, and threw it. "What's going on?!" I yelled, as I looked towards the many-colored sky.
"What...happened?" I heard a voice to the left. I quickly turned in the direction of it, only to find one of the Pokemon, a Chikorita, starting to wake up, the shadowy aura around it dissipating. The crumpled-up paper was next to it.
Did I accidentally hit it with the paper?
Suddenly, I realized something. All the other Pokemon on the platform had disappeared. Where did they go?!
Wait a minute, was that voice the Chikorita?! No, it couldn't be. Pokemon couldn't talk. Well, there was that one Meowth that was on the news once, but that was just one Pokemon...right?
I began to approach the Chikorita, only for it to open its mouth and...actually speak. "Who...are you?" it said. I froze in complete shock. What was happening?! Nothing here made any sense!
The Chikorita stood fully up, only for my vision to be obscured by a flash of light. Once I could see again, the Chikorita was frozen in place, mouth agape. Did something happen to it?
I walked over to it, and once I was next to it, I noticed the platform start to shift again.
The dark, glassy surface of the platform once more became mirror-like. The Chikorita near me still seemed to be frozen in shock after whatever happened to it. I could see blurry reflections of that Oshawott, the Chikorita, and...something else.
I looked up. I barely had time to scream.
A massive hand was reaching down for us. Pink and black, coming from a spiral high in the sky.
I grabbed the Chikorita and ran to the edge of the platform, hoping to avoid it, only for it to smash into the platform, completely shattering it.
As the platform broke apart, and we fell into the abyss, I could hear my own screams, as well as many more.
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ifbench · 8 months
PMD Eternal Shadows Chapter 4: Home Sweet Home
Twig Woodland Outskirts
Light flooded my vision, before fading. Before me, was a dirt path leading into the distance up a sunset-lit hill. The trees were much sparser now, no longer forming solid walls.
“We’re out!” exclaimed Burhalla, as I heard something shatter.
What was that?!
Before I could ask what that was, Saltriv started running down the path, before stopping a few steps away, and turning around, a worried expression on their face. “Come on! I want to see my family again!” they demanded.
I could understand their worry. I’d been through something like that once, though not to this degree.
I shuddered as the memory came back. Listening to the news about how Kyogre and Groudon were rampaging near Hoenn, frantically packing only the necessities before leaving the house, getting lost in the crowd and separated from my family as everyone in Goldenrod evacuated, calling out for help to no avail...If that brawl had made its way to Johto—
“Gen! Come on!” Saltriv’s voice echoed, breaking that train of thought. I had gotten lost in my thoughts again. I needed to focus on the task at hand, that being going with Burhalla and Saltriv.
I ran towards the two, and together, the three of us headed along the path towards the sunset.
No words were spoken for some time. I think we were all just relieved to be out of that place. I know I was.
As we climbed the hill, I started to hear unfamiliar voices, though I couldn’t quite make out what they were saying. I slowed my pace a bit. I looked towards the other two, and they didn’t seem to notice them. Was I just hearing things?
Should I tell the others? Would they believe me? Would it be a good idea to keep this a secret from them after what Burhalla had said?
In the midst of me trying to figure out what to do, I saw a trio of figures emerge over the hilltop. I couldn’t tell what they were from this distance, but Burhalla seemingly could, as his footsteps halted.
“Berry crackers. I’ve been found out,” I heard him mumble under his breath.
The figures continued to approach, and I could now make them out. A Typhlosion, a Meganium, and a Porygon-Z.
There was an audible gasp, and the Meganium came barreling at us with a shout of, “SALTRIV!”
This was probably one of Saltriv’s parents, then.
Saltriv ran off from our group with a similar shout of, “MOM!”
As the two reunited, the Typhlosion approached us. Out of the corner of my vision, I noticed Burhalla’s expression pale.
“Burhalla,” the Typhlosion spoke, briefly glancing at Saltriv, before turning back to the Charmander.
“Hi, dad,” Burhalla responded after a pause.
“I understand what you were doing. Really, I do. And I’m glad that you found Saltriv. But you should have known better! You could have gone missing, or worse!” Burhalla’s father roared at him. “What if you had? What would I do? What would Valorch do? I need to have a stern talk with you once we’re home.”
I stood there awkwardly, all alone, as two contrasting conversations played out near me. I looked back and forth between Saltriv and Burhalla, barely registering the Porygon-Z following the rest of their group down the hill.
“Well, se-se-seems like Burhalla’s fine, and they even brought back Saltriv and this Oshawott! All’s well that en-en-ends well, at least!” the Porygon-Z stuttered, bringing me back to reality as I was finally addressed.
I locked eyes with the Porygon-Z, before they leaned towards me. “So what’s yo-yo-your deal? I’ve nev-ev-ever seen you around town before,” they asked.
“I’m Gen,” I responded, taking note of their...odd speech pattern. I remember learning that Porygon-Zs were unstable. Was that still true in this world?
“Where are you from-om-om? My memory banks indicate the Oshawo-wo-wott family not being common on the Thunder continent,” they continued, their tone changing midway through to a more robotic one.
What now? Do I tell them what I told Saltriv and Burhalla, since the two of them were right there? Would the Porygon-Z be able to tell it was a lie? I didn’t remember if the Porygon line were normal-type or psychic-type. Either way, I needed to decide, and quickly, before anyone got suspicious.
“I don’t remember,” I lied, hoping I made the right choice, or at least the best choice I could at this point.
“You do not recall what lo-lo-location you are from?! That’s ve-ve-very worrying,” the Porygon-Z replied, their tone again switching as they spoke.
The conversation between Burhalla and his father stopped, as did the one between Saltriv and their mother.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't even notice you. I was a bit...caught up," the Meganium said, with a glance towards Saltriv. “You really don’t remember where you’re from? What do you remember?” the Meganium continued, worry seeping into their voice.
“Just my name, and how to do some things,” I parroted back my response to when Burhalla had asked that question, causing the look of worry on the Meganium’s face to worsen.
“I’m not sure if I should believe you. You’re not faking it, trying to pretend to be another amnesiac human sent to save the world?” the Typhlosion interrogated. “There’s been four Pokemon who tried lying about that just this month.”
My confidence shattered with his words. I couldn’t tell the truth now, after what Burhalla had said. Plus, given what the Typhlosion was saying, they definitely wouldn’t believe the truth. I could ponder this more later, though, for now, I had to reply.
“I’m telling the tru-” I began, before I heard Saltriv speak up.
��It’s true. He couldn’t even remember how to use moves,” they defended.
The Typhlosion looked like he wanted to say something, and began to open his mouth, but Burhalla interjected.
“I saw it too. He couldn’t even remember how to use Water Gun. He never mentioned being a human, either,” Burhalla backed up Saltriv and myself. I shot a grateful look towards him, and he nodded silently in response.
“Can’t we talk about this more once we’re in town?” Saltriv pleaded. “I want to see dad again.”
“That sounds like a splen-len-lendid idea! Le-le-let’s go back to the village,” the Porygon-Z spoke, before floating towards the hilltop.
“If we don’t start heading back soon, we won’t return before nightfall,” the Meganium said, before following behind the Porygon-Z alongside Saltriv.
The Typhlosion hesitated for a moment, before starting back up the hill. I did the same, Burhalla walking alongside me once I caught up to him.
“You are telling me the truth, right?” he questioned, turning to me, a look of suspicion on his face. “You’re not another Pokemon doing that for attention?”
“I’m not,” I hastily responded. It was true for one of his questions, at least.
His expression changed to a more neutral one. “Ok. I don’t want to have to deal with more people keeping secrets from me.” He turned back towards the setting sun.
He muttered, “Hopefully dad won’t be too harsh once I’m home.” I decided not to comment.
This lie couldn’t end well.
Soon, we reached the hilltop, and the view beyond became clear. I gawked at what was on the other side.
There was a massive clearing in the middle of an even more massive forest down below. In it, there was what looked like buildings, and tiny specks migrating from place to place. The entire area was shrouded in a light layer of fog. Was this Overcast Village?
I wasn’t left with much time to process it, as the group continued onwards, down the hill, forcing me to follow them, lest I be left behind.
For a while, silence pervaded through the group, as we descended the hill. It wasn’t until we reached the forest that someone spoke up again.
“Where did you find Saltriv, anyways?” the Meganium asked Burhalla, as we walked along the foggy path.
“They were talking with Gen at the end of the dungeon,” Burhalla answered.
“Really? How long had you two been talking?” the Meganium asked, turning towards Saltriv and myself.
“Not for long. I woke up, Saltriv was there, we just introduced ourselves to each other, then Burhalla arrived,” I answered.
“I just woke up there, and Gen was the first person I saw before Burhalla had found us,” Saltriv corroborated.
The Meganium took a moment to take in this information, then continued onwards.
Soon, the trees cleared up, and the path stopped at a wide stone circle covered in fog.
“Welcome to Overcast Village!” Burhalla announced to me.
Overcast Village
It didn’t seem nearly as big as Goldenrod, but what it lacked in size, it made up for in wonder. I walked towards the center of the circle to get a better look at my surroundings. Right to the left of where the path ended was a bulletin board, filled with posters depicting many Pokemon. A Tyrogue was looking over the papers on it. Next to it, was a large tent in the shape of a Kecleon’s head, underneath which was an assortment of boxes guarded by a Torterra. On the other side of the path was some sort of strange box with many mechanisms on it. Heading away from it was a Pokemon with short arms, a V-shaped head, and a wispy tail, carrying what looked to be its pre-evolution on its head. There were many stone roads leading out of the circle, lined with houses that grew progressively fainter the further into the fog they were. Down one road that a Leafeon was walking across, I could barely see another stone circle like the one I currently stood on.
It wasn’t quite like anything I had seen before. There were so many Pokemon here, and yet I felt so alone.
I was jolted out of my thoughts as Burhalla’s father spoke up. “Time to go home,” he stated, before starting down one of the roads.
“Wait, but-” Burhalla began, but the Typhlosion interrupted him before he could finish.
“No ‘buts’. We’re going home, now,” the large fire-type said, before ushering Burhalla down one of the roads. Burhalla turned towards me with an apologetic expression, and before I could protest, he disappeared into the fog.
Now what? Burhalla had offered to help me out, and now he was gone, at least for the time being.
I looked over towards the remaining members of our group. The Porygon-Z was already heading down the road Burhalla and his father went down, leaving just me, Saltriv, and the Meganium, the latter two of which were conversing with the Torterra under the Kecleon-shaped tent. I heard a loud shout of “Saltriv!” from an unfamiliar voice. Was that the Torterra?
Hopefully Saltriv would be willing to help. Otherwise, I was in trouble.
I walked over towards the tent, and pleaded, “Can I stay with you all for the night? I don’t have anywhere to go.”
“Of course! Right, mom?” Saltriv answered almost immediately. I wasn’t expecting a response that quickly.
“We’ll have to discuss it first, but I’ll consider it,” the Meganium responded, causing my expression to fall. “You should have told me soone-”
“They helped heal me when I got poisoned in that dungeon! Please?” Saltriv added.
“Why not?” the voice from before spoke up. I realized it was the Torterra, who was now facing me. “We have enough room, anyways. You helped save Saltriv, we should pay you back somehow.”
“Thanks, dad!” Saltriv exclaimed, their expression full of joy. That Torterra must be their father, then.
“Looks like you can come with us then, Gen,” the Meganium stated, as I felt my mouth form into a smile. I had somewhere to live here now! At least, for tonight. I doubted I’d be able to stay much longer, if I was even still here tomorrow, and didn’t wake up back home.
“Let’s head home. Night is almost upon us.” the Torterra said, exiting the tent. The Meganium started towards a road next to an oddly apple-shaped house. Saltriv and their father followed, and so did I.
We walked down the foggy road for a short while, passing by many Pokemon I did and didn’t recognize, until Saltriv broke the silence. “There’s not as many Pokemon around as I remember.”
“There’s been a lot of disappearances since you’ve been gone. You’ve probably already noticed the Kecleon brothers,” Meganium responded, a twinge of worry noticeable in her voice. “Did Burhalla already tell you about that?”
“He did,” Saltriv answered. “Has it really been months since I...disappeared?”
“Unfortunately, it has been,” Torterra replied. “We can talk more about that tomorrow. Right now, you’re back, and that’s all that matters.”
Eventually, the others stopped, as we came to a house that looked like four massive pumpkins joined together, with gigantic leaves topping two of them, and a tree on top of a third.
“We’re here,” Meganium announced, as the three of them entered a wide doorway, and I quickly followed suit.
Saltriv’s Home
It was quite spacious. To my right, there were entrances to the other rooms. In one corner of the room I was in, on the wall, were several cabinets, with small handles that resembled loops more than anything else. Underneath them was what seemed to be a radio on top of a table, yet no chairs. That’s probably to be expected, though. All the Pokemon that lived here were quadrupedal, and I didn’t know if chairs even existed in this world. The left side of the room held a bookshelf, every shelf filled with a colorful assortment of books, piquing my interest. What kind of literature did Pokemon have? I’d have to check that out later, assuming it was in a language I could read.
“Wait here. I’ll get the guest bed,” Meganium said, before heading into another room, Torterra following after her, leaving me and Saltriv alone.
The silence was quickly broken, as Saltriv spoke up. “You really do have amnesia? You’re not faking it like Burhalla’s dad said?”
“I really do. Barely can remember anything,” I lied, before questioning if I really did need to keep this up. Burhalla was away, I presumably wasn’t in danger anymore, and the topic was right. Plus, Saltriv had memories of that platform, apparently. Maybe if I told them my memories of that place, they’d believe me?
“Not even about being a human or something?” they pressed.
“Nope,” I responded after a few moments. I weighed the odds. At best, Saltriv believes me, doesn’t tell anyone, and can help me get back home. However, it was far more likely that they wouldn’t believe me, especially after what Typhlosion said. Worst case scenario, Saltriv’s family kicks me out, Burhalla is told, and I have no one to help me figure out this world.
“Anything in particular you do remember?” they continued.
“Just my name, and a few other things,” I answered. I couldn’t risk it. It wasn’t worth the potential loss.
“What kinds of things?” they asked.
Before I could get a chance to even think how to respond, Meganium poked her head into the room we were in. “Everything’s all set! This way!” she told us, before turning back around. Saltriv ran after her, and so did I. It wasn’t long before we entered our destination.
It wasn’t nearly as large as the first room of the house, but there was still a great deal within it. On the far side of the room, there were two straw mats, a thin blanket and a pillow beside each. Next to them was a wide, plain-looking box, bursting with an assortment of various items, some I recognized, some I didn’t. Among them was a strange gadget with a screen in the middle, and a glowing blue orb at the top. Was that some kind of Pokedex or something? On the ceiling was an open window, letting the last rays of sunlight for the day shine down upon the left mat.
“Your bed is the one on the right,” Meganium pointed out, as Saltriv rushed into the straw mat on the left, lit by a quickly diminishing amount of sunlight. Those must be the beds, then. They didn’t look very comfortable.
“Get along, you two,” Meganium asked the two of us. “I don’t want a repeat of last time.”
“We will!” Saltriv assured. “He saved my life! Of course we’ll get along!”
“Just making sure,” Meganium clarified, before heading out of the room.
I walked over to the unlit mat, dreading what would come next. I braced myself, then flopped onto the bed of straw, finding it...much more comfortable than I expected. Huh.
“You looked like you’ve never seen a bed before!” I heard Saltriv exclaim in bewilderment. “Haven’t you slept at all since you forgot everything?”
“I haven’t. Waking up in that clearing with you is the first thing I remember,” I lied.
“Weird. You should tell me exactly what you do remember! Or you could write it down in a journal! I think I have a spare one somewhere.”
“Can we do that tomorrow?” I pleaded. “I’m tired.”
“Ok! See you tomorrow!” Saltriv cheerfully replied, pulling their blanket over themself with a vine as they laid their head on a pillow.
As I tucked myself in, I thought over everything that had happened today.
There was whatever had happened on that platform in that psychedelic void. There was that mailbox that I put that paper in. What was the deal with that? There also was that really soft bow, that changed colors. Then my reflection turned into an Oshawott, just like I am now. After that was all those Pokemon with shadowy auras, and that note, telling me to save one. Was Saltriv the one I saved? Who wrote that, anyway? Did that have anything to do with what Burhalla said about “going shadowy”? And then there was that terrifying giant hand coming down for me. I’m not sure if I wanted to know what that was. And somehow Saltriv remembered it all? That place had made even less sense than this world did.
Not that this world made much sense, either. I’m somehow an Oshawott now, just like my reflection on that platform. Pokemon lived in towns here, but there were also wild Pokemon, too? Burhalla also did two Embers one after the other back in Twig Woodland. I was almost certain moves couldn’t be used that quickly after each other. There was also that shattering sound once we exited the dungeon. I still had no clue what that was about. Speaking of mystery dungeons, those also didn’t make any sense at all. Something like that happening naturally was an impossibility with the laws of physics as I remembered them.
At least I met Saltriv and Burhalla. They had offered to help me. Saltriv already was, convincing their family to let me stay the night here. I really needed to thank them once I woke up, and Burhalla, too.
They’ve really been a big help so far, even if they might have suspicions that I’m lying.
Why did I even start that lie, anyways? All it’s caused me is trouble, and I can’t come clean now, or I’ll lose Burhalla’s trust, along with likely the trust of everyone else here.
Would they have believed me if I told the truth, though? With there apparently being Pokemon faking being amnesiac humans, not to mention humans being legends here, they probably wouldn’t.
What was the best thing to do?
Was there even a right answer to that?
Why were there Pokemon pretending to have amnesia, anyways? Why was I an Oshawott? Why was I here at all?!
Gah, why was any of this happening?! Why couldn’t I be back home, where things actually made sense?!
What was happening back home, even? Were my family and friends ok? Did they know where I was? Were they trying to find me right now?
I want to go home. I want to go back to my family. I want to go back to the world I know.
I want to wake up back in my bed, like this all never happened.
My final thought before drifting into sleep was hoping that, somehow, despite all evidence to the contrary, this was all just a bad dream.
Goldenrod City
I heard the gambler curse as the fourth card he flipped over was revealed to be a Voltorb. All 930 coins he won during this game were forfeit. I began to shuffle the cards for the next person in line, when the gambler smashed their fist against the table, causing the Doduo near him to flinch.
“Gimme another go! This time I’ll hit the level 8 jackpot!” he demanded. They never learn, do they?
“You’re back down to level 2,” I told him, as I doled out the cards, making sure to lay out the right amount of multipliers and Voltorbs. After I wrote down the multiplier and voltorb sums at the side of each row, I announced, “Begin!”
I paid little attention to his actions, instead glancing towards the empty table to my right. Gen should have been here for his shift hours ago. Where could he be?
I felt a faint buzz from my pocket. It must be closing time, then. I ignored every expletive the gambler spat at me, as I packed up my belongings and headed out the door. Closing up shop wasn’t my job, anyways.
The moment the door shut behind me, I was confronted by a disheveled mess of a man, eyes widened and eyebrows pulled together.
“Spersua! Have you seen Gen at all? You’re his coworker, right?” he questioned. Right. This was Gen’s father.
“Sorry, sir. He hasn’t turned up today. Something happen?” I asked in turn, raising an eyebrow.
All I received in reply was a cry of anguish, as he ran off.
Ok then. That was odd. Something was seriously up with Gen. Maybe I should leave him a message.
I pulled the rectangle out of my pocket, and sent a quick “U ok?” message to Gen. That should put me at ease for now.
I should get home soon. The sun was setting.
I walked down the street from the game corner, past a telephone pole adorned with a poster of a familiar visage.
I stopped, doing a double take. Yep, that was Gen alright, or at least a picture of him. And on a missing poster, too.
Well, this sucked.
Nothing I could do anything about, though.
I began to continue towards home, before a patch of blue caught my eye. A pristine blue bow, lying on the ground. I immediately nabbed it. It was unbelievably soft, more than anything I’ve felt before. I didn’t want to let go of it.
I’ll keep it. It was my favorite color, so no way was I giving it up. Maybe I could sew it on to my shirt collar or something. I bet that would look stylish.
Whoever lost it wasn’t my problem.
Hopefully Gen would turn up soon. Managing Voltorb Flip all by myself was exhausting.
Plus, I did miss him a bit.
2 notes · View notes
ifbench · 10 months
PMD Eternal Shadows Chapter 3: Coexistence
Twig Woodland B1F
I walked you through the dungeon, my flipper-like legs squelching against the dirt with each step. Such an alien, uncomfortable feeling. What I wouldn’t give to be me again.
Focus, you idiot! We’re still looking for that Charmander! You thought.
Right, right. Had to focus. We had to find that Charmander.
We entered a corridor, only for me to be immediately tackled by a Poochyena. I felt your grip tighten on what we held. A strange orb with a bright light inside, and an oran berry, both picked up on this floor. 
You zapped them with a Thundershock, and they fainted. You felt a bit of guilt, and I wondered why.
Forget about that for now! That Charmander’s probably on the next floor by now! You thought.
Bloody Unovan. I thought back, as we resumed down the corridor, and ended up in a wide room.
Your region is the one that manufactures the freaks of nature we’re stuck as! You thought, before we saw the stairs tucked away in the corner, and a Phantump approaching us. Forget about that for now! Go!
I tried my best to run over, internally cursing how slow my new method of locomotion was, as the Phantump grew closer. Just before it reached us, we made it down the stairs.
Twig Woodland B2F
Immediately, we were ambushed by a Sewaddle, who promptly snatched your oran berry and ran. I heard your curses, both internally and externally. I’d make sure it never saw the light of day again.
Idiot! The Charmander is still in here! We have to find it! You thought, as I ignored you, going down a corridor after the Sewaddle, as it got farther and farther away. I didn’t give up, though, as we entered the room it was on the other side of.
Abruptly, a horde of Pokemon dropped down. Now look what you’ve done!
The only thing we had that could possibly get us out of this was that orb. Neither of us had any idea what it did. It could make things worse.
Would you rather just let them kill us? I thought, as the mob surrounded us.
Once we get out of this, I’m strangling you. If we get out of this. Blasted, bloody, giant pink hand.
You threw it at a Skiddo right as it lunged for us. A pillar of light enveloped us, and before we could comprehend what was happening, we were lifted up.
Twig Woodland B4F
“The layout’s still the same, it seems. This shouldn’t be too difficult, then,” Burhalla said, as we emerged into a larger, oddly rectangular clearing bordered by a thick layer of trees, with gaps in many places.
“Hold on!” I yelled, as the two started to walk towards one of those gaps. “What were you talking about with this being a dungeon?”
Burhalla halted for a second. “I’ll explain as we walk. It’s not safe to stay in one place in a Mystery Dungeon,” Burhalla answered, as he continued onwards. I hurried after him, stumbling a few times due to my new body shape. My legs were so short that I almost had to uncomfortably waddle instead of walk. I had to deal with the weight of my tail, too, which had its own set of weird feelings as it dragged against the ground.
As we entered the gap, I noticed that it led into a narrow pathway, still bordered by trees, perfectly straight.
Wait a minute.
That clearing was too rectangular, and this path too straight, to be natural.
Something was up with this. Is this what they were talking about with this being a Mystery Dungeon?
“You really don’t know what a Mystery Dungeon is?” Saltriv asked, bringing me out of my thoughts. “Everyone knows about them!
“Nope,” I said, as I shook my head.
“They’re places where reality isn’t working right. I’ve only been in a few before!” Saltriv explained.
Before I could question further, Burhalla spoke up.
“Mystery Dungeons are places where reality is unstable. They have a certain number of floors, connected to each other by stairways. Each floor is made up of a set of rooms and corridors connecting them. The stairways are never in the corridors, always in the rooms, and with few exceptions, every floor only has one staircase. Every time one goes into a Mystery Dungeon, the layout changes,” he said.
I heard him mutter something about being able to recite it from memory.
This didn’t sound like anything I’ve heard of back in Johto. Really, nothing here did. Reality being unstable in places? Humans being legends? Pokemon that lived in towns without humans? Everything here was so strange and foreign, including my own body.
There was nothing I could do about that right now, though. For now, my only real option was to go with Burhalla and Saltriv.
I did wonder, though. How big was this place? How much longer until I’d be out of here, and could hopefully start figuring out what was up with everything?
“How many floors does this one have?” I asked.
“Four,” he answered.
“When do you suppose we’ll be out?”
“The layout hasn’t changed, so not very long. I remember where the stairs are for each floor. The stairs for this floor are just up ahead,”
Just a little bit longer in this odd place. Just a little bit longer.
Soon, the path opened into another rectangular clearing. These clearings were probably the rooms Burhalla was talking about.
“There they are!” Saltriv yelled, as they ran into the room, Burhalla following after. Not wanting to be left behind, I hurried after the two.
There was a staircase at the side of the room, and a shiny red apple on the ground next to it. Come to think of it, I was feeling a bit hungry, and it did look pretty appetizing. Was it safe to eat, though?
“A fresh apple! The Kecleon brothers have been running low on them. They’ll be happy to have some more,” Saltriv said, as they ran over towards the apple.
I noticed Burhalla’s expression pale, as I wondered who the Kecleon brothers were. He walked over to the apple, and put it in his bag. “I need to tell you something,” he said, looking at Saltriv.
“Huh?” Saltriv responded.
“Let’s go to the next floor first.” He started walking up the stairs, and Saltriv and I followed behind.
What was that all about?
Twig Woodland B3F
We emerged into a square room, with corridors to my front and right. Also to my right, there was a small pink heart-shaped thing, with lighter spots near the point of it, and two green leaves on the opposite side. I’m pretty sure that was a pecha berry. They cured poison, right? Would I need to worry about poison? It would probably be a good idea to take it just in case. I walked over to it as the other two talked, picking it up with the end of my left arm. I didn't have any fingers anymore, yet I could still grasp it, like my nubs were some sort of suction cup almost. It felt completely different to grabbing stuff with my hands.
As I pondered this, Burhalla said, “About the Kecleon brothers...Leon’s gone missing. Kecky and the rest of the Kecleon clan have been searching for him for weeks.”
“What do you mean?! I talked to them just yesterday after the last day of school!” Saltriv responded.
“Saltriv...you’ve been missing for months.”
“School ended a while ago. I haven’t seen you at all since then. Just today, I saw your missing poster on the bulletin board. I thought you had gone shadowy, like Patrat had. I thought I was going to have to fight you once I found you. But you’re ok, and I’m so glad for that.”
“B-Burhalla…I've really been gone for that long?”
“You have, but you're here now. Come on. Let's go home.”
This was a lot to take in. First off, Pokemon had school here?! Was there an entire civilization of Pokemon in this world? Leon, whoever that was, and Saltriv had both gone missing for quite a while, apparently. And there was a Patrat that had gone shadowy, whatever that meant, and Burhalla had thought Saltriv did too? Did that have anything to do with that shadowy aura I saw around the Pokemon back on that platform, including Saltriv?
I was about to run over and ask what any of that meant, when I heard something to my right. Once I turned in that direction, I saw a bird Pokemon with black, white, and red feathers as well as a long, narrow beak flying down the corridor towards me. Did that Pokemon know anything about what was happening?
“Hello? Who are you?” I asked it, only to be swiftly answered by it ramming its beak into my forehead.
“GAH!” I yelped, as my free hand immediately went to where it had hit me. I didn’t seem to be bleeding, but it still hurt.
This Pokemon was behaving like the wild Pokemon back home. Did those exist here, too? I didn’t have much time to ponder that, as it tried pecking at me again. I grimaced in pain as its beak collided with my forehead once more.
I had to do something against this. Come on, what moves did Oshawotts know? Water gun? Totodiles can know it, so maybe other water-type starters can as well? How do I do it, though? Do I just say it? Just point at it? Just imagine doing it? Couldn’t hurt to try all three at once. I pointed my free arm at the Pokemon, and yelled, “Water gun!” trying to imagine a stream of water being shot at it.
Nothing happened. It pecked at me again. Ow. I think that one broke the skin.
Ok, so I didn’t know how to do moves. Hopefully just trying to punch at it can suffice?
Before I could try that, a burst of flame flew by me at the bird Pokemon, followed by a leaf going even faster.
“Gen!” I heard Saltriv’s voice beside me. I looked to my left, and saw them and Burhalla there.
The bird Pokemon tried to peck at me again, only for a glint to appear in Saltriv’s eyes, and out of nowhere, a rock crashed down upon it. It crashed to the ground, and the rock crumbled into dust.
“Are you ok?” Burhalla asked. Saltriv looked at me in concern. Both of them had their eyes wet with tears.
“I can manage,” I replied. “What was with that Pokemon?”
“Let’s go down the corridor before we get attacked again,” he said, as he brushed past me and headed down the path the Pokemon that attacked me came from. I followed suit, shortly followed by Saltriv.
As we headed down the corridor, he began, “In Mystery Dungeons, there are many Pokemon that will attack anyone that have entered the dungeon. Very few are able to listen to reason.”
Before I could try to formulate a response, I heard snickering behind me. I turned around, only to see Saltriv seemingly trying to suppress a laugh.
“What is it,” I said.
“You really don’t remember how to use moves, do you? You can’t just yell the name of the move and have it work!” Saltriv answered between giggles.
“I don’t remember how moves work,” I answered. It wasn’t a complete lie.
“Something is seriously wrong if you don’t even remember that. Do you at least know what that is that you’re holding?” Burhalla asked, pointing to the pecha berry I held.
“A...pecha berry?” I tentatively answered. I really hoped they were called the same thing in this messed-up place.
“That’s right,” said Burhalla, as he breathed a sigh of what was hopefully relief. “At least you remember some things.”
We emerged from the corridor into another room, and the stairs were right in front of us. “Let’s go,” said Burhalla as he went up the stairs, me and Saltriv following behind. I noticed a single tear fall to the ground near them as we ascended the staircase. Was Saltriv ok?
Twig Woodland B2F
We emerged into another room, with a single corridor to my front. I was about to head towards it, but stopped as I heard Saltriv speak up.
“Who else went missing?” they asked, the laughter in their voice from before absent.
“Besides you and Leon, Treecko, Sneasel, Morpeko, Orbeetle, even Flapple. And that's just the ones I knew personally,” Burhalla responded, melancholy evident in his voice.
“My mom and dad...are they still ok?”
“I'd have told you if they weren't. I'm not my father. I don't lie about things like that.”
There was bitterness in Burhalla’s voice as he said that.
This was bad. This was very bad. If he found out I was lying about not remembering anything, I'd be alone in this world. I was in too deep now to admit to things, either. He'd never believe me. The only thing I could do was keep up the act and hope he never finds out.
“Is something up, Gen?” Burhalla asked, looking at me now. “Your expression’s a bit pale.”
Crap, he might be onto me! Had to think of an excuse quickly. Come on, come on...
“Something’s coming,” I bluffed without thinking. No! That wouldn’t work, unless I got extraordinarily lucky.
Before he could ask, a small Pokemon wrapped in leaves entered the room we were in through the single corridor. I breathed a sigh of relief, only to be cut short as I was covered in silk. The sensation of the sticky string against my new fur was not pleasant in the slightest.
As I tried to untangle myself, I saw two Embers head towards the Sewaddle, one after another.
I was pretty sure Chikoritas couldn’t learn Ember, so where did that second one come from? I didn’t see anyone else in the room besides me, Saltriv, Burhalla, and the now-fainted Sewaddle. Was that just a move I had never seen before? Double Ember?
To my relief, the silk quickly disappeared after the Sewaddle fainted, just in time for me to notice an oran berry rolling away from it. Those healed Pokemon, right? Maybe it would be able to heal my forehead after what that bird Pokemon had done to it.
I started walking over to it, only to see Saltriv running at me. “How’d you know that Sewaddle was coming?” they asked, an amazed, yet curious expression on their face.
“I just sorta...felt it, I guess,” I lied. I was digging myself deeper, but it was too late at this point for me to be honest.
“Wow! That’s amazing!” Saltriv exclaimed, as I saw Burhalla pick up the oran berry out of the corner of my vision, and put it in his bag.
“Let’s go on,” he said, as he proceeded into the corridor. “We can talk as we walk.”
Saltriv rushed after him, and I followed suit.
“You just felt it coming?” Burhalla asked, his expression one of awe. I shuddered. What excuse could I give?
Before I could think up a reply, the corridor ended, opening up into the largest room yet. The moment we entered it, my eyes widened, and I held back a scream.
It was filled with Pokemon. There was a Skiddo to our left, and a Poochyena a bit farther in that direction. To our right, there was a Weedle next to a brown Pokemon that resembled a Pachirisu. On the far side of the room, there was a small Pokemon I didn’t recognize covered in grass and twigs, and the staircase was to the right of it.
All of them turned to face us.
“Run for it!” yelled Burhalla. I immediately complied, hurrying towards the stairs as fast as I could manage, hyperventilating as I ran. This was terrifying!
Burhalla rushed straight through the room, and did two Embers in rapid succession at the Pokemon near the staircase, running forth as the Skiddo chased after him. Saltriv swerved around to the right, briefly pausing as the Weedle jabbed its stinger at them, but continuing onwards, tackling the Pachirisu-like Pokemon on their way. I tried to keep up, but I was knocked to the ground by the Poochyena tackling me. I tried to get myself back upright, only for it to bite my forehead right where that bird Pokemon had attacked me before. I yelped as pain flooded through my body, amplified as it tackled me once more.
Suddenly, I saw an orb of light shoot into the Poochyena. Its attacks slowed before stopping altogether, and I watched as the Poochyena's eyes closed. I had no idea what that was about, but I’ll take it. I quickly got back up, and continued towards the stairs, seeing Saltriv and Burhalla right before them, the latter holding an odd purple stick that had a zig-zag formation at one end. The Weedle, Skiddo, and Pachirisu-like Pokemon were nearby, still standing.
“Hurry!” Burhalla yelled, before sending a single Ember at the Skiddo as it charged at them.
I ran as fast as my tiny legs could carry me, and soon, reunited with Saltriv and Burhalla in front of the staircase. The moment I arrived, they dashed up it. I quickly followed, not daring to look back.
Twig Woodland B1F
The moment we reached the room at the top of the stairs, I collapsed, breathing heavily. Luckily, the room seemed to be empty save for us, the staircase, and corridors to my left and right. Hopefully it would stay that way long enough for me to recuperate.
Saltriv broke the silence. “Oww...I think that Weedle poisoned me,” they said, before turning towards me. “Do you still have that pecha berry? I need it.”
I looked down at my left arm, and saw that, somehow, I had been able to hold onto it through all that. That made no sense whatsoever, but neither did a lot of things that happened since I woke up on that platform. Either way, Saltriv needed the berry. I nodded, and handed it over to them. The moment it was near Saltriv, they devoured it.
I could probably use a berry, too, of the oran variety. I could feel liquid streaming through the fur on my forehead. That Poochyena really did a number on me. Hopefully orans still healed Pokemon in this world. I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t, given how bizarre everything here is. Then again, pecha berries still seemed to cure poison if Saltriv was anything to go by.
I looked over towards Burhalla, and said, “I need an oran berry. That Poochyena hurt me a lot.”
He dug into his bag, and pulled out a small, round blue object with a short green top. “Here,” he said, as he gave it to me. I grabbed it with my odd suction-like grip, and stuffed it into my face. It tasted odd, a mild mix of various flavors, with a noticeable lack of sweetness. Not bad. I could already notice my pain disappearing, as it was replaced by reinvigoration.
“Let’s go. We’re almost out,” said Burhalla, as he proceeded towards the left corridor. “This way.”
Saltriv headed after him, as did I shortly after.
“That was terrifying! I never want to go into a monster house again!” Saltriv exclaimed a few steps into the corridor.
“I don’t think that was a monster house. With monster houses, the Pokemon drop from the ceiling. That didn’t happen back there. There weren’t any items there, either,” Burhalla responded. “I think we just got very unlucky. But we’ve made it through that, and we’re almost home.”
“What’s a monster house?” I asked. I wondered what he meant with items, but the term “monster house” seemed a lot more threatening and concerning.
“They’re rooms in mystery dungeons where a bunch of dungeon Pokemon ambush you at once! They’re filled with items to lure you in, then once you’re there, you’re surrounded!” Saltriv enthusiastically explained. “Leon once told me a story about how he had chased a thief into one! Once we’re out of here, I’ll...” they trailed off. Silence filled the corridor.
“It’s going to be ok,” said Burhalla.
The corridor ended, leading into a small room. There were corridors to my front and left, and to my right, was a gap in the trees larger than any corridor entrance I had seen in here, filled with light.
“There’s our exit,” said Burhalla. “Once we enter that, we’ll be out of there, and it’ll just be a short walk home.”
“Wonder how much things changed since I…” Saltriv commented, before trailing off.
As I gazed at the light, I realized something.
I had very little idea what this world was like outside mystery dungeons. I barely had a clue about what life was like here.
Would I need to hunt for food, or did stores exist here? Would I need to sleep outside, or had Pokemon invented houses in this place?
Even if stuff like stores and houses were a thing here, I didn’t have any of this world’s money. Did it even have any, actually? Were goods here provided on some other merit, like battles won or something?
I did not know in the slightest. And if I didn’t wake up back home in Goldenrod tomorrow, I’d need to know.
I needed someone to help show me how this world worked, and maybe get me a place to stay, at least until I get back home.
I looked over towards Saltriv and Burhalla. The two were conversing about something, though I wasn’t paying attention about what.
They were the only two I had met since I arrived here. Maybe they could help me.
Hopefully they’d be willing to.
“Can I go with you two? I don’t have anywhere else to go,” I asked the two.
Burhalla smiled. “Of course! I already offered to bring you to the mayor to see if she could help.” His smile faded a bit. “Did you forget that too?”
Right. With everything that had happened in here, that slipped my mind.
“No, I just...a lot happened,” I responded.
“Maybe you could start keeping a journal to help you remember things!” Saltriv suggested.
I had no idea how a Chikorita would be able to write, or what writing in this world was like, but it wouldn’t be much help for me. It didn’t work out well when I tried keeping one years back, anyways. Trying it again now probably wouldn’t turn out much better. If I really had amnesia, maybe it’d help, but that was just a lie.
Had to keep up the act, though.
“I’ll keep it in mind,” I replied.
I turned back towards the light-filled gap in the trees. Beyond this laid a world completely foreign to me. I didn’t know what to expect, or what to prepare for.
At least I had some acquaintances who knew.
“Let’s go home,” Burhalla said. 
The three of us walked into the light.
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ifbench · 11 months
PMD Eternal Shadows Chapter 2: Lost and Found
Overcast Village
I looked over the billboard, full with missing posters, lit by the sunlight that made its way through the clouds above. It’s depressing how small our town has gotten. I recognized Treecko, Sneasel, Morpeko, Orbeetle, Flapple, even Leon. I heard the whole Kecleon clan was looking for him. I haven’t seen Kecky at all since he disappeared. At least my own family isn’t among the missing.
One missing poster in particular caught my eye, struggling to stay attached to the billboard against the breeze, depicting a Chikorita with an autumn-red leaf. That was Saltriv! I hadn’t seen them since school ended for the year. Their family helped run the item shop whenever one of the Kecleon brothers was out, though these days they run it full-time.
I needed to do something. So many people were going missing, and so few were being found. Many of those that were found were shadowy, and had to be taken out of town to get better.
Maybe I could go look for Saltriv. They were the one up there that I knew the best. They were pretty young compared to most of the others on the billboard; if they had gone shadowy, I could probably take them on, especially with today’s fire-type V-Wave.
I hoped it wouldn’t come to that, though.
I nodded to myself. It was decided, then. I’d go look for Saltriv.
I had to do this in secret. There was no way I could find two other people who would agree to making a search party with me. Aron and Rockruff were both still tired after yesterday, and Helioptile was several towns over. Even if that weren’t the case, I doubt they’d be up for a full-time commitment like that. Plus, if Dad or the police ever learned what I was doing, I’d never hear the end of it.
I headed over to the nearest deposit box to get everything I’d need, putting it all in my bag. Apple in case I get hungry, check! Max ether in case I get exhausted, check! A slumber wand to incapacitate Saltriv if they’ve gone shadowy, check! Two oran berries in case I get hurt, check! A tiny reviver seed just in case, check! Connection orb to find where Saltriv was, check! I still had my pecha scarf and looplet on in case they were in a Mystery Dungeon. I was all ready.
I walked out of the main square and off the path to a small stone slab behind the house Flapple lived in before he disappeared. I took out the connection orb and threw it down at the ground. SMASH! The connection orb shattered into tiny pieces on the ground. Hopefully no one heard that. I’ll have to ask PNS-NT later to Recycle it.
I emerged from behind the house and reentered the square. I could see all sorts of lines connecting the Pokemon around the square, some faint, some bold, some green, some orange. The connection orb was already working. I headed towards the Kecleon shop, where Mrs. Meganium and Mr. Torterra were talking to a [random]Wooper ||| Tyrogue[/random] I didn’t recognize—who soon left with a cheri berry. The pink line between the two was strong, and a blue line just as strong was behind each, both heading in the direction of the forest. Those must be the lines connecting them and Saltriv.
I waited until another customer approached the two. When they weren’t looking, I left the square and followed the blue lines towards the forest. Luckily, it wasn’t too far away.
Eventually, the lines converged, entering a gap in the treeline. Twig Woodland. A Mystery Dungeon. I’d been in one before, though never alone.
Deep breaths. In, and out. Let my tail flame grow, then die down. Burn the stress away.
I could do this. I could do this. I already helped find Patrat. I did it before. I could do it again.
Saltriv was in there somewhere, and I would find them.
As the clouds parted, letting the sun fully shine down, I entered the Mystery Dungeon.
Hopefully, I wouldn’t be the next one missing.
Twig Woodland Clearing  
The sound of trees swaying in the breeze reached my ears. Blades of grass pushed up against me as they were buffeted by a gale. I felt a leaf brush against my face as it was carried away by a gust of wind. My eyes opened slowly as I struggled to full awareness.
As I stood up, I noticed that things were very different than they were on that platform surrounded by a psychedelic abyss. The ground seemed to continue quite a ways away, and was uneven, unlike the perfectly flat ground of that platform. There were trees around, and through the openings in their branches, I saw a bright blue sky with clouds strewn about. Twigs were scattered everywhere.
Oddly, these trees seemed much taller than the ones near home. Probably just a different kind. I realized I was in a patch of tall grass. I needed to get out of here before I was attacked by a wild Pokemon. The ground seemed a lot closer than normal, too…
Wait a minute.
Something wasn’t right here.
I took a step forward, only to stumble and lose my balance. I waved my arms wildly as I face-planted into the ground. They felt a lot shorter than they did before, somehow. My legs felt much shorter as well, as if they were barely there at all. Actually, come to think of it, my whole body felt strange.
What had happened to me?!
I moved my arms in front of my face and barely held back a scream. They were short, furry, and ended in nubs.
Those were Oshawott arms. Just like in that reflection in that place.
How did this happen. Why did this happen.
“What the heck is happening?!” I yelled towards the sky.
“Where...am I?”
I froze. I recognized that voice. That was the Chikorita that fell with me after...whatever that hand thing was shattered the platform.
I turned around towards the voice, and saw that same Chikorita as before—the same red leaf and everything. They looked much larger now, though.
They turned towards me, and asked, “Who are you?”
It was still startling to see a Pokemon actually talking, so much so that it was a few seconds before I remembered to respond. “Uh, Gen. You?”
“I’m Saltriv!” A concerned look appeared on their face. “Do you know where we are?”
“Not at all,” I responded, a bit quicker than before.
“Wonder how I got here, then…” they said as they looked around.
I sighed. I was stuck who-knows-where as an Oshawott with a talking Chikorita, with no idea what was going on, and it didn’t seem like they knew, either.
Actually, did they?
Maybe they knew something that could help me figure things out. Or, at least, let me figure out what was going on with them.
“What do you last remember?” I asked them.
Saltriv turned back towards me. “I was walking down the path to visit Burhalla. The next thing I knew, I woke up in this strange place with a weird sky, and there was this tall thing that looked just like the humans of legends! They approached me, and I asked who they were. Then...for some reason I couldn’t move anymore. The human looked up, then grabbed me and ran, just as something smashed down where we were. Then I woke up here. I think that human saved me! Or maybe it was just a dream,” they said, before pausing.
“What do you last remember?” they echoed back.
What do I say? That I was that human? They probably wouldn’t believe me. They were already partly convinced that the whole thing was a dream. I probably would be, too, if I hadn’t tested to see if it was.
Maybe they would believe me, though. Maybe, somehow, they’d believe me, even though I looked nothing like a human anymore.
I opened my mouth, about to tell Saltriv, before I heard a loud SNAP!
I jumped in surprise and heard a startled yelp from Saltriv.
What was that?! Did something find us? I had no idea how to defend myself!
Through an opening in the trees, an orange figure approached, lighting up the forest around him as he drew near. Soon, that light was recognizable as a fire on the tip of a tail. A Charmander. He wore a pink scarf around his neck and had a bag slung around his shoulder. On his wrist was some sort of strange bracelet, with a purple gemstone, and two indentations in the same shape as that gemstone.
I was about to ask who he was when Saltriv ran straight towards the Charmander. “Burhalla!”
Burhalla ran towards Saltriv and tackled them in a hug. “Saltriv! You’re ok!”
Another talking Pokemon? Could all the Pokemon here talk?! Or...was it just because I’m an Oshawott now? How did I hear Saltriv back there, then?
I decided to let the two be as I pondered what had happened.
“Where are we?”asked Saltriv.
This made no sense whatsoever. First, there was whatever that place I woke up in where I met Saltriv, and I could somehow understand them, then the entire platform got shattered by that giant hand thing, and now I was here, in—
“Twig Woodland,” Burhalla answered.
—Twig Woodland, apparently, as an Oshawott, and I had no idea why I was like this. Did that hand do this? Was it me falling into that abyss? Did my friends and family know where I was?
“Isn’t that a Mystery Dungeon? How did I get here?”
Wait, a Mystery Dungeon? What was that?
“It’s a long story. I’ll explain it all when we’re back home.”
Before I could ask what a Mystery Dungeon was, Burhalla seemed to have noticed my presence and was now facing me.
“Sorry I didn’t notice ya. Who are you?” he asked. I could faintly notice small droplets in his eyes. Were those tears? I didn’t know fire-types could cr—
“Hello? You there?” he said, waving a hand in front of my face.
“Right. Gen,” I hastily responded. I had to make sure to pay attention to him.
“How’d you get here?” he asked.
I answered, “I have no idea.” Well, besides maybe falling into that abyss, but I doubted he’d believe that.
“Figures. Where are you from? I don’t remember seeing any Oshawotts around town,” Burhalla questioned.
I froze. What do I say? My hometown? He’d be even less likely than Saltriv to believe that I was a human, since he wasn’t in that weird place. Also, apparently, humans were legends here. I didn’t really have time to process that before, but now...it’s unlikely that my hometown exists here. Even if they did believe me if I said that I was a human from another world, what if they started asking me questions about my world? I doubted they’d react well to knowing about how Pokemon like them were usually treated in my world.
“You still there?” Crap, crap, need to think of something quick!
“I don’t remember,” I blurted out. That was a complete lie, but I had to roll with it now.
The other two were visually shocked. “You don’t remember? Not at all?” Saltriv asked.
I shook my head. “Nope,” I lied through my teeth.
“What do you remember?” Burhalla asked, concern evident on his face.
“Just my name and how to do some things,” I said. I was digging myself deeper and deeper. I hoped they’d lay off the questioning soon,  then I could worry about getting back home. .
“...this is very concerning. Saltriv and I were about to head back to Overcast Village. You should come too. Maybe the mayor will be able to help!”
I began to sweat. Maybe I should just come clean now? No, then nobody here would trust me. And apparently Pokemon in this world lived in towns?
I was about to ask about Overcast Village, when Burhalla reached into his bag, seeming to be searching for something, before his expression paled. “...I forgot to bring an escape orb.”
Was that like an escape rope? Whatever it was, it seemed important, as Saltriv’s expression also paled.
Burhalla chuckled nervously. “Looks like we’ll have to go back through the dungeon. Hope you still remember your moves at least, Gen.”
This was really getting out of hand. I had no idea how to defend myself, and I had no idea what this “dungeon” entailed. I looked towards the two, and saw that they were already exiting the clearing in the same direction Burhalla entered it in. If I didn’t hurry up, I’d be all alone!
“Wait up!” I yelled after Saltriv and Burhalla, as I followed them down into the depths of the dungeon.
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ifbench · 1 year
Heya! Not sure if this would be the blog to ask (if it wouldn't spoil anything), but I wanted to know a bit about Arctozolt in Eternal Shadows, they're so interesting
You have no idea how happy I am to have gotten this ask.
This post will contain spoilers for Eternal Shadows up to the most recent chapter, chapter 15, which released just over a week ago. Be warned.
Arctozolt is basically me asking "What if the Galarian fossilmons had each half be their own seperate entity? What if a human, no, TWO humans got summoned into being one? What if I locked a Team Plasma grunt and a Team Yell grunt into a confined space together?"
The "Zolt" half, Naylene was a Team Plasma grunt. She's 29, and has """rescued""" dozens of Pokemon from their trainers. She doesn't know Ghestis' true plans, and genuinely believes she's doing the right thing. She loathes Pokemon battling as a televised sport, and especially hates Galar's league.
The "Arcto" half, Decibel, was a Team Yell grunt. She's 27, and lead the charge on a sports riot during a match between Marnie and Kabu, ending up injuring Kabu's Arcanine. She wants Marnie to become Galar's new champion, and is willing to pull even more outlandish stunts if that would be what it took to have someone from Spikemuth be champion. She's also a big fan of Pokemon battling as a televised sport, and thinks that Team Plasma over in Unova is completely ridiculous.
Basically, I asked, "What if I took the conflict between Team Aqua and Team Magma, made it between Team Plasma and Team Yell, and thrust a grunt from each into the PMD world together?"
I have so many fun plans for them in later chapters, and I hope you enjoy!
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