starwarsblr · 1 year
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nowritingonthewall · 7 months
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shewolfofficial · 18 days
they can never make me like you zorii bliss.
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saw people talking about this on tik tok and had to take a look for myself
zorii- when i catch you zorii- zorii when i catch you-
he deserved sm better (me.)
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nkp1981 · 1 year
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The cast of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker photographed by Bryan Derballa for "The New York Times", 2019
Part 2: https://shorturl.at/epDQ2
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poelya · 25 days
by the way, when I say Poe has a habit of punching down at people when he's put on the spot or feeling threatened, this is what I mean:
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(the context here being Zorii and him just watched Tomasso, who essentially raised Zorii her entire life and was the closest thing to a father she had, be brutally murdered by Zorii's mother despite decades of loyalty to her)
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and when Leia threatens him with the worst possible punishment of [checks notes] not working for a few days after his uncle just died, Poe immediately lashes out with the reminder that he has to find her brother, because he abandoned them.
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and when Finn says Poe doesn't know what Rey's going through in tros, Poe snaps back implying that Finn doesn't know her as well as he thinks he does. It's such an interesting trait of his, and I love how it all boils down to him constantly using the people they love as the emotional sucker punch: you want me so loyal to you that I end up dead like your surrogate father? You want me to take a break instead of finding the brother who abandoned you? Do you really know your best friend as well as you think?
It makes sense, because Poe's loved ones are his weakness - and the best way to either neutralize him or set him off, depending on what you're going for. I mean, just consider how pissed off he gets when Amilyn has the audacity to bring up Leia in the Last Jedi:
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it's his number one berserk button, so of course he treats it like it's everyone else's too - and more often than not, it is.
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miscellaneousjo · 3 months
Star Wars Pirates of the Carribean AU ideas:
-Phasma is the leader (some may say a pirate queen) of a pirate gang known as the Scyre, with the flagship of their fleet being called the Nautilus. They hail from the lands of Parnassos, on the coast of Scandinavia, (Don't ask what a bunch of Scandinavians are doing in the Carribean).
-The Scyre are also mer-people, because why not? Phasma has the most powerful singing voice among them, and can summon powerful storms, and manipulate the weather and ocean currents to be more favorable (or unfavorable) with her voice alone.
-Phasma and her niece, Frey, were once captured by the First Order Trading Company, and forced to work for them as privateers by Brendol Hux.
-Armitage Hux was once a general working with the First Order Trading Company, but later went AWOL to sail with Phasma and her crew after they assassinated Hux's father.
-Specifically, Phasma used her siren-voice to trick Brendol into drinking a poison that would guarantee a slow and painful death.
-Hux and Phasma eventually enter into a relationship, even though Phasma's brother Keldo doesn't approve at first (he warms up to him, don't worry). (Also yes, I am Gingerchrome trash)
-On occasion, the two of them will ally with another pirate gang, the Resistance, and the crew of the legendary Millenium Falcon, crewed by Finn, a former First Order Trading Company soldier, Poe Dameron, the best sailor of his generation, Rose Tico, the weaponsmith and repair person, Zorii Bliss, a former spice trader (whether that means regular spices or drugs, I'll leave up to you), and many others. The Millenium Falcon is captained by none other than Ben Solo, son of the legendary Han Solo.
-Rey is the granddaughter of Governor Palpatine, who, like in the movies, is an evil manipulative SOB (sorry, that's insulting. To his mother). To escape from her grandfather's manipulation and evil doings, she joins the crew of the Millenium Falcon, and becomes Ben's first-mate and later lover (because I am also Reylo trash).
-General Leia is there too, but running things in the background. Same with Luke and Han, who are now retired.
-Idk if there's an equivalent to the Force in this AU.
-Padme makes them all clothes, so they look ✨️FABULOUS✨️ even when kicking butt.
-Ben Solo is also the grandson of the even more legendary Anakin Skywalker, the greatest pirate to ever sail the high seas, and named after Obi-Wan 'Ben' Kenobi, Anakin's first mate and best friend.
-Anakin was at one point manipulated into joining the Imperial Trading Company (precursor to the First Order Trading Company) by Palpatine, but later managed to get out.
Uh, yeah, I think that's it.
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saysomethingabout · 28 days
Say something bad about this movie!
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afterthesequels · 1 year
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AfterTheSequels™ "Behind the Scenes" Podcast on YouTube - "The Lovers Chat" with our #BenSolo & #Rey - Episode on 7/22 @ 3 PM Pacific / 6 PM Eastern
Join us for an exclusive look at our film's main love story with our own BEN SOLO and REY --- Actors Daniel Davenport and Madeleine Norton --- as we dive into the importance of love in storytelling as a whole, in Star Wars, and the deep fascination we have with some of the franchise's lovers. We definitely will discuss the parallels of Ben and Rey to ANAKIN SKYWALKER and PADME AMIDALA --- you don't want to miss it! We will keep these discussions as spoiler-free of our movies' events as possible, but as revealed in our teaser trailer, Ben Solo is RESURRECTED! Alongside Dan and Maddie, we will also be joining by our very own POE DAMERON --- actor Tony Rescigno --- to talk about the complexities his character has had within stories that most folks never got to see, most specifically his 6-7 year love affair with the scoundrel/spice runner, ZORII BLISS. WARNING: This topic will contain SPOILERS about the CANON novel "Poe Dameron: Free Fall".
And we cannot forget the amazing story of "finding love amidst the tragedy" tale told in the trilogy of novels "Aftermath" of the later-in-life couple, WEDGE ANTILLES and NORRA WEXLEY. To dive into that relationship we are joined by our amazing stage and film actors: Charles Wilson and Donna Heffernan who bring these two characters to life for us. WARNING: This topic will contain SPOILERS about the CANON trilogy of novels "Aftermath".
And of course, Executive Producer/Writer/Director Maria Espino will be discussing that wild and crazy revelation that CAL KESTIS and MERRIN are in fact a couple! A Jedi and a Nightsister, together again. WARNING: This topic of the show will contain SPOILERS about the CANON video game "Jedi: Survivor", the sequel to the amazing "Jedi: Fallen Order" video game. As Maria is very much a part of the video game industry and owns The Last Prophecy Gaming, Inc. --- a video game development studio --- she has great insights!
And with finish off with a discussion around the lore of Star Wars by diving deeper into the views the Jedi and the Sith both had on love. Why was it so hard for these two groups to "just follow the rules"? ITS A LOVE FEST OVER HERE!!!!!! <3 <;3 <3 You don't want to miss it! Be sure to click on our logo below to visit our YouTube channel! Subscribe and set up notifications. You'll be notified as soon as we post a video or go live with our podcast and other series of goodies we're bringing to you.
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the-force-awakens · 1 year
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deafblindshorty · 6 months
Poe: Can you do me a favor? Could you not beat me up this time? Zorii: Give me a good reason. Poe: I don't know- I'm a really nice person?
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pedroam-bang · 1 year
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Star Wars: Episode IX - Rise Of Skywalker (2019)
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hoedamn-eron · 1 year
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You come to learn that Poe wasn't just for you.
Warnings: Slight AU, but not really. Cheating/infidelity (sorry that Poe is a f*ckboy in this). Angsty. No happy ending. Mentions of drinking games. Word count: 1,096 GN!Reader. Lightly based on Diane by Cam.
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I know it’s probably odd that I’m writing this to you, especially when you don’t know who I am. I’m a pilot on your husband’s squad. I’d admired your husband for a long time before we met; he’s an excellent pilot and was a credit to everyone around him. Including you. Believe me, I had no idea you existed, until yesterday, and I feel so awful about what I’m about to tell you.
I promise I didn't know he was your man. I would've noticed a gold wedding band, Zorii. He never claimed to be in a relationship, never mind being married. I was completely unaware of this when we started seeing each other, and I am truly sorry for any pain that I have caused you.
I’m sorry that I have to tell you this, but I'd rather you hate me than not understand. Poe approached me first, a few weeks after I joined Black Squadron. He was good looking and flirty, and I was naïve and looking through rose-tinted glasses, where the Poe Dameron was interested in me, a mere rookie pilot. He could have had anyone, but he wanted me. I was living this life in the Resistance, where I finally felt like I belonged somewhere, and Poe was so willing to help me in my journey.
I am not saying this to make excuses or to justify what I have done. I fell hard for your husband, and I want to make it clear that I never intended to hurt anyone with my relationship with him. I gave him my heart to break, now I know he broke yours first. I never imagined that I would find myself in a situation like this, being the affair partner. I was caught up in the excitement and emotions of a new relationship, and I did not take the time to ask the right questions or investigate Poe’s background.
I am not asking for your forgiveness, as I know that it will take time for you to come to terms with what’s happened. I just wanted to reach out to you and let you know the truth. I hope that in time, we can find a way to move forward and heal from this. You can blame me if it helps.
I want to let you know that I have chosen to end my relationship with your husband. I cannot continue to see someone who has lied to me, and who has caused so much pain, to me and you. I can’t believe I listened to the words that he said, promising me an incredible future and planning our life together, when he had you at home, probably worried sick whether he would be alive or not the next day. How could I be such a fool? All those nights that he's given to me, I wish that I could give them back to you.
I understand that you may have questions about us. I also understand if you do not want to see me at all, or even think about me ever again. Just know that I am so sorry. I truly, really am sorry.
You hold back tears as you place the signed off letter down on Poe’s bedside table before quickly making your way out of there before you lost your confidence. Zorii would see the letter before Poe. He was away on a mission, and you had it on good authority that Zorii was arriving at the base later that night, where she would intend to share this room, and share his bed, because she and Poe were married.
You wondered how Zorii would react to the letter. Would she be angry? Upset? Would she try to hunt you down and kill you on the spot? She doesn’t know who you are, you’d never met, unless someone tells her. Poe might tell her. Or he might deny the whole thing. You’re not sure. You thought you knew him, but obviously not. He lied to you, to her, and you had never felt so betrayed. You think back to the friends you made over the last year, some who chose not to tell you that Poe was married. You’d being seeing each other for nine months…did no-one think you deserved to know the truth? Or were they as clueless as you were?
You wanted to believe that they didn’t know, you really did.
Making your way back into your room, you continued with the packing that you had abandoned to deliver the letter. Your room just didn’t feel like your home anymore, and not because it was almost bare of your things. The memories you’d made here felt like a farce, fake, a part of a dream that your mind had made up.
You deserve better, which is why you made the decision to leave. You’d asked Leia for a transfer, and it was granted that morning. You were leaving first thing, your transport had already arrived to prepare for the journey. You were still going to work for the Resistance, just away from Poe, and the people around you. You needed a fresh start, to do some soul searching, and you couldn’t do that with Black Squadron around you.
Everything hurt. You thought you had found your people. But if this was how those on D’Qar were going to treat their teammates, then it wasn’t an environment you wanted to be in. You will ignore the ache in your chest when you thought of Snap and his bad dad jokes, of Jessika and her dramatic drinking games. You’d even miss C3PO.
You hate to admit it, but you were going to miss Poe. You were going to miss the good times you had, the dates, the late-night talks. He taught you all you knew, the intimate lessons in his X-Wing, the feeling of his hand in yours. Your breath hitches and you feel another wave of tears. Your heart felt heavy with the weight of regret, as you think about the mistakes you made and the things left unsaid. You wonder if things could have been different, if you had only been more aware, more present. Less trusting. Less foolish. Less gullible.
Not anymore. Things were changing, and you could feel it in the air. Something big was about to go down. And you won’t let a little heartbreak from your colleagues stop you from being the best you can be. You did not need anyone.
You would be okay. Far away from D’Qar, and far away from Poe Dameron.
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hackedbyawriter · 1 year
Poe + Zorii || vampire
Massive TW: Intimate Partner Violence in the quotes
The quotes themselves are from a canon novel by Alex Segura (Poe Dameron: Free Fall)
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nkp1981 · 1 year
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The cast of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker photographed by Bryan Derballa for "The New York Times", 2019
Part 1: https://shorturl.at/dfmAI
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miscellaneousjo · 4 months
To celebrate, here's some Star Wars LGBTQ+ Headcanons!
-Phasma is Demiromantic Demisexual, which basically means she doesn't feel romantic or sexual attraction unless she's known someone for a long time. The only person she's ever felt these kinds of attraction towards is General Armitage Hux.
-You guys know how Thor is considered the protector of Lesbians? Well, in the same sort of way, Ben Solo is the protector of Transgenders (my friend @araccoonwithalightsaber knows what I mean!)
-Also Rey loves the trans flag because it reminds her of cotton candy.
-Finn and Poe are bi best friends who had crushes on eachother at one point. (This is how I reconcile shipping Finn with Rose and Poe with Zorii, while also acknowledging their absolute bromance.)
-Luke has no idea what his sexuality is. At first he thought he was straight, then he thought he was gay, then bi, and then he thought he was ace, and he's just a confused bean who can't find a label that fits him.
-Leia is that mom who shows up to pride with supplies for anyone who needs them (pads, tampons, water, snacks, etc.)
-Padme is a frequent inspiration for drag queens, and she can be found chatting with groups of them admiring their outfits and makeup.
Um, yeah, I think that's everything for now!
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