#poirot would have said they would live happily
zhivchik · 9 months
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running commentary masterpost on scene predictions/plot points that now that ive recovered and regained my composure im finally able to write it down
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idk I just need to get some stuff exorcised the braincells are getting rowdy from the friction/electrical interference:
(under a cut bc a. length and b. cant not mention The spoiler)
- crowley ends up getting evicted from his flat because he's now unemployed and doesn't get to keep the perks
- ends up living out of the bentley/moving his material possessions (read: plants) around in the bentley, doesn't tell aziraphale bc idk pride? that's a sin, right? or bc it would prompt to az to offer house room but that would be making aziraphale go Too Fast?
- during all this, aziraphale has called him "there's something urgent I need to talk to you about 😭"
- so i reckon crowley has popped by the shop, lil chit chat w/e, brought along some delicious eccles cakes, and then found out about goob etc cue jump scare
- i then think (and this is entirely my head just filling in the blanks) he's actually said to aziraphale that they need to off him and just give him back to heaven, it's nothing to do with them anymore (not knowing that the goob/az/box conversation has happened ie the something terrible) and therefore aziraphale can't just yeet goob into the ether
- let's face it, communication is NOT our boys' strong suit, so this leads to a spat, crowley feeling like aziraphale is still caught up in being a proper angel, not on their side, and all leads to crowley summoning force lightning (that coincidentally hits the coffee shop with both maggie and nina inside... 👀)
- after having flounced off, crowley zoom zooms through london at night (slaloms around buses), pulls up at the bookshop
- comes to the shop, aziraphale is ignoring him reading his lil jukebox articles, and then rings the bell, "I'm back 😠" | "yes, i can see that 😒"
- im guessing aziraphale then tells him about this little jukebox mystery, and crowley offers to help him look into it, AND help him hide gabriel bc aziraphale manages to finally convey that there's a bigger issue at hand and maybe the jukebox thing is linked? "we'll do it together 😁" | "together? 😶"
- aziraphale's LARP of poirot begins
- muriel (aka baby) comes to investigate gabriel's disappearance, and turns up in the full Met Police uniform (ie from the trailer), has/looks at a cuppa with aziraphale, and then crowley arrives
- crowley apparently comes in carrying a plant (im guessing because bentley conditions are rather sub-optimal OR he needs the backseat space, and he needs to surreptitiously offload them into the shop)
- now i need to work out where crowley would have been re: "why didn't you go by train? you love trains 🙄", but im guessing he's been off having a look at stuff surrounding the jukebox mystery, because that's based in edinburgh?
- cue the clip with muriel and then where aziraphale and crowley are trying to not let muriel know that they know she's come from heaven, and then "word with you angel? in private? 🙃"
- i think this is where they surmise that she's come for gabriel, and is possibly when aziraphale then reiterates that "he's in trouble 🥺", and they need to protect him/hide from both heaven and hell because they need to work out what the something terrible is first
- they exit, find that goob has very happily been chatting with muriel for the entire duration, but he's just dusting the bookshelves and being Helpful™ so obvs he's just aziraphale 's assistant!!!! nothing fishy here!!!!!
- so muriel reports back to hq, but maybe michael and uriel cotton on? and send muriel back down to look into it further, to get between aziraphale and crowley because obviously they are together and will be weaker divided, so muriel starts doing her reconnaissance on Human Relationships (ie decides to ask nina bc that's just diligent field research)
idk that's all ive gotten so far and yeah is pretty inconsequential on its own and will only be like a small part of the storyline but i just want my thoughts memorialised so i can look back on them four weeks from now and laugh
bonus bit:
honestly pls discuss this with me im dying here
- The Kiss™ stems from aziraphale finally noticing that crowley has essentially been homeless, and grills him on why he didn't say anything, of course he could have moved in with him, he cares about him of course he was welcome, why are you wearing your glasses yada yada yada, "i didn't want to go too fast for you, i didn't want to push you", "i think by now i can keep up, crowley" and BOOM snog
edit: oh and another bit I forgot to mention:
- i highlighted that muriel is in the full Met dress above, reason being because in the promo pic of her, she's suddenly without her jacket, and just in a shirt and tie, so this would indicate she comes to the bookshop more than once?
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butch-creeper · 5 years
The self indulgent au that no one asked for
So a little background on this au and it’s creation. I made this after talking with my friend @teauoicer about an au where Chuuya is Aku’s mentor and that Q is happy and healthy. This was also around the time I started watching season 2 and omg it was so stressful. I needed something to cope with; and thus my brain fed this au. And now we’re here. 
Also, it’s to be noted that this was made as a nice little au so all the logistics of it have not been ironed out well. I am also still watching season three, word to the wise never binge bsd, so until I finish it, lore is a bit up in the air. This au is mostly for people who just want to see more of Q and also just have some fun and destress about stuff. 
Anyway, onto the au!
-So in this au Q was never locked up, meaning he got to experience life outside of the cell. 
-Gin was the first to meet Q when she was 14 and he was 8.
-Q is closest to Gin since she’s the one that refused to have him locked up
-But that doesn't mean he isn’t close with Aku
-Q stuck to Aku like glue when he was 8 and whenever Gin was away, the child would follow Aku like his own little shadow
-The some of the mafia, especially Dazai and Mori, call him “Little Rashomon” 
-Akutagawa uses Rashomon to play with Q while he works when Q is 8
-Gin will read stories to Q at bedtime and Aku will help out by using rashomon to make shadow puppets.
-Just aku using rashomon for games in general 
- Since aku is seen reading a lot in official art, I like to think that the Akutawgawa siblings are avid readers and devour books at alarming rates
-Naturally Q picks up the habit and soon he has stacks of books all over his room, most of them mystery novels since they are his favorite
-Q loves the Hercule Poirot series by Agatha Christie and Doubt by Yoshiki Tonogai 
-Chuuya is the eldest of the adopted sibling group and as such, he is the go to for problems
-He acts annoyed but he secretly loves the fact that people think him wise enough to help them with whatever problem they have
-Q is actually good friends with Kenji, even though the latter doesn't know who he truly is. 
- As far as Kenji knows, his name is Sugiyama (Yumeno Kyuusaku’s real name) and he’s homeschooled
-And he’s not entirely lying when he says he’s homeschooled
-Q has high levels of anxiety and gets scared in large groups of people so he was never fit for school
-Chuuya and Kouyou still wanted him to learn basic curriculum so they started teaching him at home
-Kenji has told the other agency members about his friend at the library and everyone thinks it’s just another kid he met; everyone except Dazai and Ranpo of course
-Q is fluent in both English and French 
-I like to headcanon that Aku is also fluent in French and the duo can be seen whispering in French every now and then
-He also knows Japanese sign language since Gin is a selective mute and that’s how they communicate during the work day
- Tachihara though that they were doing some elaborate high five for the longest time until one day Higuchi made a comment about Q knowing JSL
- Q is still the Mafia’s trump card but now that he’s been properly raised and taught, he’s very much a force to be reckoned with both physically and intelligence wise
-Q lived a fairly normal life compared to canon and is part of the Black Lizards under Tachihara
-Hirotsu had to deal with a seething Gin that day because “why does the dumbass get my brother and not me?” 
-Tachihara thinks Q is creepy so he doesn't try to develop a relationship beyond subordinate and commander, and Q is fine with that
- Aku was still under Dazai’s training until Q was 10, and Chuuya took the traumatized teenager under his wing away from Dazai’s abuse. 
-Aku still feels weak and is trying to gain his approval from Dazai but now he has other things to worry about
-On the rare day off, Q, Gin, and Aku will go to the park and just chill under a tree and just spend some quiet time together. This quiet time slowly turns into shenanigans and thus the stupid shit begins
-Just imagine a disgruntled Chuuya getting a call that “Aku saw Atsushi and challenged him to a fight in the middle of a crowd and now they need a ride back to the apartment cause Aku is out cold and Gin can’t drive.”
-If Chuuya is that done with there shit, Hirotsu will pick them up at their location like the loving mafia father he is. They will still get scolded on the entire drive home
-Also, Hirotsu has framed photos of the the group all around his personal home office
-If he ever has someone over and they ask about the photos, he simply responds with “These are my children.”
-Chuuya was visiting when someone came by to deliver something and mentioned a picture. And no he did not cry when Hirotsu smiled happily as he said it was a picture of his children at Yokohama park, HE DID NOT CRY!
-Hirotsu is just a chill dad who wants to listen to his opera records in peace
And that’s all I got so far. If you guys have any ideas then ur more than free to send me an ask about the au and any fun little things you make based on the au are welcome. In the end it’s just a fun little thing I’m making. Thanks for reading and I hope ya’ll have a nice day!
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rosesisupposes · 5 years
Hmm... 21 and/or 23 with Royality? - C.C. (also: just finished chap 7 and let me just say... AAAAAAAAAAAA!)
23. “Do you really need all that candy?”
This was fun to write :D :D 
I love the sunshine boys
word count: 832 
Prompt List [Requests Closed]
Logan was sitting in his favorite armchair (by the window and under the lamp, optimum placement for having enough light to read by) re-reading Agatha Christie mysteries when he heard a clatter from upstairs. He paused a moment, but it didn’t continue, so he dove back into Poirot’s inspection.
The clatter sounded again. Had someone summoned marbles in the mindscape? What an odd sound. But if there was a mess or something he needed to deal with, he was sure they’d ask. He returned to his book once more.
Just as Poirot was about to reveal the culprit, the clatter sounded, and continued, and next thing Logan knew, Roman was tumbling down the stairs, bourne down by a wave of mess.
“Roman, are you quite alright?”
“I’m fine, dear nerd! Just in the middle of another spot of brilliance!”
Logan raised an eyebrow. “Brilliance? It looks like you’ve just fallen out of the dumpsters at Disneyworld. Or perhaps a five-year-old’s birthday party.”
“Oh, you poor sad soul. Unable to recognize fun when you see it,” Roman said, standing with a dignified huff. He summoned baskets and gathered the items around him into them.
Logan peered in with a frown. “Do you really need all that candy? It will give you a stomachache.”
“If you must know, it’s not for me,” Roman replied. “I shall be in the kitchen if you have need of my wonderful presence!”
Virgil slouched down the stairs just as Roman turned through the door. “Hey, L, what was that noise?”
Virgil nodded sleepily and disappeared upstairs once more. 
Roman re-emerged in a cloud of sprinkles and flour an hour and half later. Logan would have happily continued reading, but the dramatic side was also singing at the top of his lungs.
“There is something sweeter everybody neeeds…”
“Roman, must you-”
“I’ve been dreaming of a true love’s kiss!” he sang, twirling into the living room with a basket under one arm. He sprinkled a trail of candy behind him as he went: Laffy Taffys, Hershey’s Kisses, SweetTarts, and conversation hearts. He spun up the stairs as he continued to sing.
Logan wanted to roll his eyes and ignore it all, but knew he was far too inquisitive to not spend the afternoon wondering. With a resigned sigh, he placed a bookmark in his mysteries and followed the trail of sweets.
Roman twirled down the hallway to Patton’s room and knocked. “Dear heart! Your presence is requested!”
A sleep-tousled head poked out, glasses still askew. “‘Morning Roro, where’m I going?”
Roman gestured dramatically to the line of candy behind him. “Follow the path of sweetness! It should be easy for you, as you’re the sweetest person I know!”Patton giggled. “But that’s gotta be you, sugar!” 
“No, you, honey!”
“Please,” Logan interjected faintly. “Please go along with the scheme and stop naming desserts, I’m getting heartburn just listening.”
Roman sniffed. “Some people have no sweet tooth whatsoever.” He kissed Patton on the cheek and danced back along the corridor. “Once you’re ready, I’ll be waiting for you at the end!”
Patton disappeared into his room and re-emerged less than a minute later, looking only slightly less haphazard and twice as giggly. He wore his cat hoodie and used the pouch to collect the candies sprinkled across their home.
Virgil reemerged looking slightly more awake and followed Logan, who followed Patton, all with a sense of morbid fascination.
The trail led down the hallway, down the stairs, through the living room, and into the kitchen. Roman stood there with an enormous cookie cake decorated in mini M&M’s. He’d picked out only the reds and blue to spell out “Roman ❤️’s Patton”
Patton blushed and squealed in delight. “Roberry!! This is so sweet! What’s the occasion?”
Roman came around the table to catch Patton in a hug. “I noticed you were feeling a little down yesterday, my dearest. I wanted to cheer you up.”
“How could I ever feel down when someone as wonderful as you loves me?”
Roman caressed Patton’s face softly. “It’s okay if you do, Pattycake. You’re a wonderful, deep person who feels many complicated things, and I don’t expect my love alone to fix your very real feelings. I just want you to know that I’ll always be here, for the good and bad alike.”
Logan watched the two right-brain sides continue to hug, and turned to see Virgil hiding his face behind his hoodie sleeves
“What is it, Vee?”
“Nothing,” he mumbled.
“Sorry, what was that?” Logan asked, pulling down a hand. It revealed Virgil’s face devoid of its usual foundation gone bright red. He raised an eyebrow in a silent question.
“Shut up,” Virgil growled. “It’s… fuck, they’re just cute, okay? That was a really sweet thing of Ro to do unprompted.”
Logan softened. “I won’t tell anyone if you don’t.”
Virgile pulled his hood up, face still pink. “Good, I’ve got a reputation to maintain.”
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tmarauder101 · 5 years
Bittersweet- Drarry Fanfic
This is a collab with Jess ( @shameless-bisexual )! She did the mood-boards and I did the writing. I had so much fun working with her and I've been working on this story since November and I love how it turned out so let me know what y'all think!
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“I took a chance, I took a shot
And you may think I’m bullet-proof, but I’m not. You took a swing, I took it hard.”
― Taylor Swift
5 years ago
Middle school- sixth grade, mid-year
Age 11
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!”
Draco looks up from where he was sprawled out on the ground at the boy who bumped into him as he was turning the corner. The rather small eleven-year-old held out a hand to help him up. Eyeing the hand in masked distrust- no one at the school even remotely knew Draco existed let alone had ever been kind to him- the blond timidly let the hand ease him up. He looked down to see messy raven locks and bulky round black glasses gazing back at him.
“No worries,” Draco said, slowly and quietly so he wouldn’t stutter like the social recluse he was. Upon looking closer, Draco blurted out,
“Are you new here?” The boy chuckled, raising a hand to ruffle his hair. As he did so, a portion of his bangs moved and Draco’s eyes were drawn to a small lightning bolt shaped scar right above his left eyebrow.   
“Yeah I am, I’m Harry, Harry Potter,” The boy, Harry, stuck out his hand. Draco shifted backward a bit in shock but shook the hand as he saw the dark eyebrows scrunch up a bit in confusion.
“I’m Draco.”
“Did I really want to stay on this road longer, knowing it was only going to end in devastation?”
― Becca Fitzpatrick, Crescendo
Draco’s father was a Politician, and not really well liked amongst those of which he saw as ‘lower class’, which was practically everyone. Draco always assumed that was the reason he was always picked last for everything, why no one ever sat next to him willingly, why he had no friends. But when Draco went to high school, he began to wonder if it was him.
It’s not like Draco was particularly mean or rude, on the contrary he was shy, quiet, brainy. He would classify himself as a dork, really. His nanny, Dobby, had always called him sweet and caring. They had been one of his primary guardians growing up. His father almost never home, traveling for ‘work’ and his mother always out socializing and doing God only knows what.
Draco remembers back when he used to try and make friends. He remembered one girl he met in his last year of primary school, a bushy-haired genius named Hermione. They had met in the library and were partners for an English project once. She had been the only person to come to his house, and he thought they had gotten along quite well. He liked her, she was smart and a wonderful person to listen to. But the weekend after the project, Draco went to sit with Hermione at lunch and she was surrounded by people, when he moved toward an open spot at the table, one of the students had scooted into the seat. He took the hint and when to sit at his usual spot at the peanut free table. Alone.
He had tried to find Hermione alone, just to talk. Just so he wouldn’t have to be alone anymore. But each time, she had someone, or was busy, or simply turned away.
And Draco got the hint.
When Harry shook his hand, he felt that little spark flare up once again. But he stomped it out immediately. Why would he stay, he’d probably never see Harry again. And it was for the best, after all.
Draco was unlovable.
“Hearts are breakable," Isabelle said. "And I think even when you heal, you're never what you were before".”
― Cassandra Clare, City of Fallen Angels
High School- Senior year- first week of school
-Age 17-
Harry had sat next to Draco. In chemistry class. He just walked in and placed his bag on the table where Draco sat. The table in the corner, away from the door and in the front row, it was the table near the professor's desk was, and none of the other students quite liked Professor Snape, but he was Draco’s favorite teacher.
It had nothing to do with the fact that Snape had acknowledged Draco at least twice (in the same week!) in the hallways out of class. It had nothing to do with the fact that Professor Snape was the only teacher that gave Draco more than a glance, or actually marked his papers with what mistakes he made like all the other kids so he could actually make his papers better instead of having to go home and teach it all to himself again.
It certainly had nothing to do with the fact that sitting at that table would make him look like he chose to have no one sitting next to him, and it definitely wasn’t that he longed for human companionship-
Nope, it was only because he liked Professor Snape’s sense of humor.
Draco hadn’t talked to Harry in years. Not since he was eleven and naive enough to walk the same path he had walked when he was nine.
Not since he had overheard Harry in that hallway-
“Hey,” Draco flinched and raised his head just a bit so that his hair covered his eyes. He cocked his head a bit to the side, almost as if he was a puppy. It was a tactic he used with adults to get him out of conversations he didn’t want to get into.
He was not depressed, thank you very much, Miss. Umbridge. How he loathed the woman his mother had once worriedly hired as his therapist. She was a toad who tried to steal Barbies’ wardrobe.
“It’s been a while, what’s been- How are you… ?” Harry asked, nervously. Draco stared at him, expression unreadable. This had to be a prank or something. A dare given to Harry by that Weasley or something. ‘Go and talk to Malfoy, see if the idiot is even alive. At this point, I bet he’s just a terrible figment of everyone’s imagination.’ Just because he never talks, doesn’t mean he doesn't know how to, or that he’s deaf and blind. It’s not like he’s unaware of what people think of him. How could he have been if that’s the only thing he knows anymore. The only thing he’s completely sure of after what happened between with his parents.
Draco looked back to see Harry still staring at him, blushing profoundly with his head down, and shoulders tense. Draco couldn’t see his eyes but knew he wouldn’t like to. How could he after he saw the pure hatred in them when Harry had last gazed his way.
When Harry had wanted to…
“Yeah, you’re right…”
That memory had been branded in his mind forever.  
Draco sighed and spoke for the first time since his parents had split and his mother had passed.
“Listen, you don’t have to sit or speak with me. You can go and tell all your friends that you did it. Just please leave,” Draco whispered, his voice soft like freshly fallen powdery snow. He had turned away from Potter- he opted to no longer call the boy by his first name, it hurt far too much- and opened his novel. He knew that the raven-haired boy got the hint. When Draco opened a book, he no longer engaged in what was going on around him. It was a sign to whoever was talking to him that the conversation was deemed over.
From the corner of his eye, he saw Harry sigh and pick up his bag. Harry walked off to another table but Draco saw it.
The small shake of Harry’s head to someone in the room.
Draco had been right.
He didn’t think there was anything left in himself to break a little more. Cut a little more, bleed a little more.
Why couldn’t he just be normal?
“Saying his name stabbed my heart, like someone had ripped through my carefully stitched up world and exposed the infected, pulsing red tissue that I thought was healing. ”
― Colleen Houck
When Draco was in his Freshman year, he had been, technically, an orphan. His mother had died the summer before, in a car crash. Unfortunately, Draco was in the very same car.
He still had nightmares about it.
Lucius and Narcissa had divorced when Draco was in middle school, when he was just 13. Lucius moved to the states and made it very clear he wanted nothing to do with the two former Malfoys.
Dobby had gone to college the very next year after the divorce. They were aspiring to be a fashion designer, and Draco was very proud that they had gotten into college. They two sent letters until Draco went to high school. Then the letters had stopped. Because he had been forgotten, again.
Seeing a pattern here?
The days turned to grey once more, just like the day that he had heard the words that unmasked his first friend.  The world turning like the sky would right before it was about to rain. Colours still there but dulled, nothing really popping out.  
When Draco was younger, he had believed he was cursed. He remembered a story he had written about a boy who was cursed to be forever alone. Only in that story, the boy and found his prince and lived a happily ever after. Draco knew he could never have one of those. Not in his life.
It’s funny, he remembered basing the prince off Har-
No, stop that.
He can’t be happy with other people. So he’ll have to not think about it, and endure. Just like he’s always done.
Because there was nothing anyone could do.
Not even Him.
“Everybody said, "Follow your heart". I did, it got broken”
― Mysterious Affair At Styles (Hercule Poirot, #1)
Sometimes, Draco mused, he missed Harry. He missed his long rambles about football, and how studies were boring. He missed the free periods in the library where they would get lost in the bookshelves, and Draco could talk with ease, with the comfort of books and his only friend at his side.
It all came to a head as the year ended.
Draco didn’t know what he would do when summer came. They hadn’t ever talked outside of school- mainly because Draco never saw Harry outside of school- so he opted to give him their house phone number. Maybe then they could talk, and plan to meet up.
When he waved goodbye to Harry, he missed the way Harry’s guardian - his godfather- had looked at Draco, but Draco remembered it later. When he would go over the memory in his mind over and over again as he cried himself to sleep the years following.
Draco had let his walls fall around Harry, and he had naively let the git worm his way into the blond’s fragile heart. He had hoped, wished, prayed that it would be worth it. That Harry did care, he tricked himself into thinking Harry was his friend.
It was all for naught.
Harry had never called. Draco never even got Harry's number -too excited with his own brilliant plan- to ask. But Harry hadn’t offered it either.
And the worst part?
Harry had promised.
Draco should have remembered that all promises had always been broken.
“Was it hard?" I ask.
Letting go?"
Not as hard as holding on to something that wasn't real.”
― Lisa Schroeder
Middle school- 7th Grade
Age 12
“-all know what he’s like! We all want him gone, and I know you do too!” Was that Ron Weasley? Draco stopped in his tracks. He had his arms around Hermione’s birthday present, he had made it himself. It was a jewelry box with little books painted on it. Inside was a gift card for Barnes & Noble and a small charm bracelet that was Percy Jackson themed. Hermione wasn’t having a birthday party, so he made her a present anyway, as he did for all of Harry’s friends.
When they came back from summer, Harry was surrounded by many friends.
Kids like Neville Longbottom, the Weasleys, Hermione, those Patil Twins and Lavender Brown. Zacharias Smith, and Anthony Goldstein. Cho Chang and Luna Lovegood, who he has shared a class with and wanted to be friends with but he never seemed to find her after classes, it’s not as though he doesn’t know how to take a hint.
They seemed to live near each other, and their parents were great friends as well. He had Harry’s late birthday present in hand-since they hadn’t met up over the break- and tapped his shoulder, giving it to him when they had a free period.
Harry had given him a small smile and introduced him to his friends.
“-we can’t just kick him out! That’s not nice, he hasn’t done anything wrong!” That was Harry, Draco realized, snapping back to reality.
“Yes, we can Harry! He’s a Malfoy, and he can’t be trusted. We all want him gone! He’s so annoying and clingy. We can all see how much you don’t like him hogging you, Harry. It’s ok if you don’t want him around. It doesn’t make you a bad person. You can say no.” Draco squeezes his eyes shut and leaned a bit closer. His breathing became labored, and he clutched his arms tighter around the box.
Please say no, please please say no, come on Harry please-
“Yeah, you’re right-”
Draco dropped the box with a bang and ran.
“Perhaps this is what the stories meant when they called somebody heartsick. Your heart and your stomach and your whole insides felt empty and hollow and aching.”
― Gabriel García Márquez
8th Grade- Graduation
Age 14
“Draco Malfoy- A honors, Principal's Award” There was a small round of clapping as Draco shyly stood up and accepted the certificate, posing for a brief picture. His eyes found those of his mother’s and he smiled brightly. The ones he only did around her.
As his eyes swept across the room, he landed on a mess of raven hair. Harry was scowling at the floor and Draco peered at him in curiosity and concern. When Harry lifted his gaze and Draco’s silver eyes searched the emerald ones. His heart stopped at what he saw in them.
Pure hatred.
Thank Hades and Poseidon that Draco was the last student. (Best for last they say)
“I don't think anyone can give you advice when you've got a broken heart.”
― Britney Spears
High school- 
Senior year-
2 days after the chemistry class
Harry Potter keeps on following him.
He’s been since the very beginning of the year.
At first, Draco didn’t know what to think. He really didn’t think much of it, so Harry was in the lunch line at the same time as him, or at the library every day that he was, big deal.
It was only once he thought over it after that chemistry class a couple of days ago, that he realized it really could not be a coincidence.
Harry was following him around, almost like a lost puppy that’s found a human with a biscuit in their pocket. Only Draco had no idea what the ‘biscuit’ Harry wanted was.
Never did Draco think that he was the ‘biscuit’ Harry wanted.
“So it’s true, when all is said and done, grief is the price we pay for love.”
― E.A. Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly,
“Hey Draco,” Draco looked up from his book, already a bit peeved with this person for interrupting his reading. Never tickle a sleeping dragon, they say, or a reading one. Both will end in a way most would find unpleasant.
Eyebrows scrunched together, he tilts his head in confusion as he looks behind him to see if there was anyone she was talking to other than him. A girl stood in front of him, a soft smile on her brown skin with cool, jewel undertones. But what makes him remember her is the bushy dark brown curls that float around her as she stands in front of him. His mask falls back down in a blink.
Hermione Granger.
Oh no…
“C-Can I help you?” Draco whispers, playing it off as if he doesn’t recognize her. Why are all these people seeing him all of a sudden?
For years, Draco had been invisible, never acknowledged. Why is it that now; when he’s finally come to terms with his isolation; when he’s able to get used to crying himself to sleep at night, alone with only the sound of artificial rain from his speakers filling his silent apartment; when he’s finally used to fending for himself; when he’s finally accepted he’s never going to be whole, why is it now, that people are seeing him? People who he had tried to get the attention of; people he let in; people who he thought he could trust; people who he thought would let him hope-
People who then broke him; left him crying, another piece cracked, shattered, irreplaceable. They left him, and now they’re coming back?
Do they think he’s really that naive?
He does the ducking and hiding tactic again, watching as Hermione's hopeful eyes which were lit up only moments ago, dimed with something akin to sadness. But, he knows people can be brilliant actors.
Yes, he knows that’s hypocritical of him…
...shut up.
“I- um… W-What book are you reading?” She blurts out, and Draco barely manages to resist the urge to raise an eyebrow. He simply raises the book higher so she can read the front, effectively making the book cover his face as well.
Go away, please just leave me alone…
“Oh, that’s such an interesting topic! Do you know where I could find books on that in here?” Face still hidden behind his book, Draco rolls his eyes. Hermione was so bad at creating fake conversations, he would know.
Draco points to the call number on the spine of his book. It is a pretty familiar topic, one even the most unscholarly of students would know. It was just on Greek Gods, he’s always had a fascination for the ancient times. Probably because it was easier to get lost in a world that wasn’t his own.
Hermione slowly writes down the call number, after making a show of not having a paper or pen. It’s almost as if she wants to draw this out. How easy it would be to just reach out and grasp the chance. To just relieve her of her struggles, let her talk with him. It’s obvious that she wants to, the reason why is beyond him.
But he can’t, he can’t have his heart broken again. He can’t let himself hope anymore. He doesn’t think he’ll be able to put himself back together again.
Everyone he lets in leaves.
Pansy, his preschool friend, had moved. Blaise, the one exchange student that had come from Italy during 8th grade, had only been near him because he knew Italian -what else do you think Draco does with his time-. Once Blaise had learned enough English, he too left.
Hermione had left, Harry had left, his father, his mother, even Dobby.
All of them had left.
Sometimes he wonders if he should just leave too.
“Hearts can break. Yes, hearts can break. Sometimes I think it would be better if we died when they did, but we don't.”
― Stephen King, Hearts in Atlantis
It’s not that he’s suicidal, it’s more that he’s self aware. He doesn’t want to die, but it’s not as if he has a reason to be alive. He sometimes feels he lives in a state of non existence. Like he’s not living but still there. Not dead, but doomed to roam the Earth without being acknowledged.
He doesn’t fear Death, it seems more like a friend that he knows he will meet one day. But he doesn’t know what day, nor does he know when or how he feels about it. He’s come to terms with his fate.
His plan was to leave this town and go abroad, possibly to France? His mother had -used to- have connections there.
But why is everything changing all of a sudden?
“Sometimes life has a cruel sense of humor, giving you the thing you always wanted at the worst time possible.”
― Lisa Kleypas, Sugar Daddy
“-again?” A voice says. Draco stops still. Suddenly he’s taken back to 7th grade.
We all want him gone!
He’s once again faced with a choice. Just around the corner the voice sighs, Draco presses himself against the wall practically holding his breath.
He knows he should move. He should run away, to not be hurt like he had been before. To not eavesdrop as it’s just plain rude, and his mother was mostly likely wincing from above. He knows he shouldn’t stay where he is, back against the wall, knuckles clenched till they’re stark white as they grip the book he has trapped against his chest, but…
But he can’t help it, the masochist in him winning out. The small part of him that wants answers, the one who always asks why.
He stays, daring to catch every word, challenging destiny, and mocking fate.
What he hears rocks him to his very core.
And his little flame of hope that had been long extinguished lit up one again.
“Stab the body and it heals, but injure the heart and the wound lasts a lifetime.”
― Mineko Iwasaki
When Draco was three he had made a friend with a small little garden snake. She was very sweet and affectionate, for a snake. He found her tangled in his mother’s rose bush, a hawk circling above the area. He rescued her, and being as smart as she was, she didn’t attack him.
When his father found out, saying he was angry would be an understatement. He was positively livid. Draco had ran from the room with his friend wrapped around his wrist, rushing to leave her in the clutches of Mother Nature, lest she meet a terrible fate.
Upon releasing little Serena, Draco knew he would have to face punishment. It was not the first time his father had used his cane on him, but the silver digging into his own skin was worth the knowledge that his Serena would live for another day, at the very least.
The next day his father had came home with chocolates and apologies and Draco had embraced him and accepted his apologies. Of course Draco held that little silver memory close amidst all the dulled and rusted ones. That had been the last time his father had even gotten physical with him again, but aren’t mental scars just as worse?
Yet trust is like a mirror, even when they’ve apologized you can still see the cracks in that person’s reflection.
“The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it...”
― Nicholas Sparks, At First Sight
Draco refused to believe the man in front of him, Gods, when had Harry grown up?
Draco refused to believe the words coming out of raven haired man in front of him. Refused to believe Harry had even wanted to talk with him, let alone believe the explanation that was given to him.
He was sitting on the floor of the gent’s bathroom, having a panic attack again. This day kept surprising him, first with opening his locker to see flowers -white roses,  his absolute favorite- in his lockers, along with a small package, sent him into a panic. This were all to similar to his father’s apologies. Why would someone send him this, why was this year not making any sense? He just wants to end High School so he can leave this area all together. So he can just leave and got study abroad like he had always planned to. There were no ties to him in his hometown after all.
But he got his answer in the form of a frantically apologizing Harry Potter.
“Please Draco, please believe me. I’m sorry, it was all a misunderstanding!”
“But y-you, and you said- Weasley- and me, and and-”
“None of it Draco! You didn’t hear everything, Ron was just being a jealous prick. I swear, I would never have left you! You were my first friend, my one link that made me want to stay here after moving from place to place for so so long. Please give me another chance. Please, please, please-” Harry’s bright eyes glistened with tears as he held Draco close to his chest, just as he had when he followed the blond into the restroom 15 minutes ago. Although it had felt like hours.
Harry whispering soft nothings into Draco’s ears trying to bring the silver eyed man down from his panic attack. Draco using the sound of Harry’s thumping heartbeat to calm himself down.
Now, they were talking, Draco with his back pressed against the wooden door and Harry kneeling in front of him, holding his hands and pleading with him.
And Draco was stunned, he was shocked and it seemed time froze. Someone wanted him? Someone out there wanted to talk with him? To do simple things like listen to him ramble about Greek Gods and fantasy stories. To do things like get coffee or tea with him at his favorite cafe. To do silly things he didn’t particularly enjoy but decided to participate in because his friend really enjoyed it.
There was someone?
“You mean...You do want to be friends with me? But why? I-I’m not-?” Draco cut off Harry’s rambling with a soft whisper. Draco looked up, fearing pity or disgust in those emerald eyes but all he saw were desperate tears.
Harry sobbed and crushed the smaller blond in his arms. Draco stiffed, not used to physical affection, or touch in general. When Harry pulled away, he looked the blond in the eyes, the silver filled with confusion and tiniest sliver of reluctant hope, while the green were filled with desperate determination.
“Draco, I will never let you go again. You’re stuck with me for the rest of your life, whether you like it or not. You’ll never be alone again.”
Draco stared back at Harry. Could it be? Could it be that he was wrong all along? Maybe he wasn’t doomed to live life alone, but he could only find out one way.
Draco let Harry pull him up, guiding him out to the hallway of the empty school. Draco looked up at the taller boy, meeting his eyes willingly.  
For the first time since his mother’s passing, Draco smiled.
The world exploded in colour.
“We're staying together," he promised. "You're not getting away from me. Never again.”
― Rick Riordan, The Mark of Athena
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HOPE YOU ENJOYED! Please Like and Leave a comment if you did! I wouldn’t mind a reblog too! :)
With all my Love
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asdfghjkl1x1 · 5 years
Journal Entries | Lucas
I spent the whole Tuesday night up along Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Heinrich. We were worried sick about Marion. The good thing was that the wolves didn't come back for the rest of the day to the town. Some people started to come out carefully, but still made to enjoy their night. It was good to see some local people reunited.
On the afternoon, Mrs. Heinrich went out to her house, and later she came back with other people, and William. He barely held his daughter. It was weird. It made me wonder on whether Chase wants to have kids or not.
I try not to think about him. Honestly, it makes me angrier than it hurts.
At night, Marion finally made it home, she was covered with bites and scratches, everyone gathered around her, and went out see if there were wolves around.
Effectively, they were there. It was a huge shock for them. The usual 2 or 3 wolves they said they come, became a pack of 30 or 40 wolves, what was impressive was that they didn't do anything to anyone, they just stood there watching us, but more than that, following Marion with their eyes.
Marion took whatever she found and ate, she didn't talk.
Later, I offered to help with her wounds, she had pretty bad one close to one old scar. She frowned at first, but then sat and allowed me to take care of her. When she felt a tinge of pain, the wolves also reacted, growling. I thought they were going to attack me, but they didn't.
At the end, she left again and the wolves walked in calm behind her towards the forest. And here I am, trying to make sense of all of this.
The day went on in calm, more people were seen around. William avoided us, me more than anything, especially when holding his daughter.
Mrs. Morgan taught me how to sew, and I became quite good at it. I helped her fixing some of Mr. Morgan's clothes. He's a really big man, his shirts are heavier than any pair of pants that Chase has ever worn, they also smell of pine and wood, which made me smile because I don't know him, but I find him a good man.
The baby still has no name, I call her little lady, I used to do that with my sister, I think it's better than just giving her a name right away without permission from her parents. I hope William decides soon what he wants to do. I'm worried about this girl's future.
On the afternoon, Marion came back, this time only 5 wolves came behind her. And just as yesterday, she only came to check on us and to eat. This time her wounds were minor, but I still decided to test my new sewing skills on her.
It took a while but I managed to close the bad wound and bandage it properly.
Unlike the previous day, she smiled while eating, and finally talked to us, saying how she bonded with the wolves after a fight, and that she will take a few days to get along with them, keep them out of town, and find out why they were around before coming back home.
I asked her on whether I should tell Lucy we were here, and she said I should, but just that she shouldn't come over.
I'll text her later. I won't text Chase about it, pretty sure he's not worried at all.
I end this earlier, because I got to take care of the little lady.
I feel a bit guilty of how happy I'm here.
People are now happily walking around the streets, they're still a bit careful, though. They often come around and give us food or something. I think I already tasted enough to say that people here are excellent cooks. Still, nothing beats Mrs. Heinrich's strudel.
Mrs. Morgan and I have grown fond of the baby and I'm not worried over William anymore.
Except when I realize I won't live here.
This peaceful town grows on you the longer you stay. People here has already invited me for Christmas and New Years gatherings, and I was really happy about it.
Marion came earlier today, and read a bit to me and the baby. She chose one of Agatha Christie's novels on purpose: Murder on the Orient Express. I identified myself with Poirot's happiness over the little things. I'm not that perfectionist, though.
Also, did I say I'm not worried over William anymore?
The man just came a bit ago and asked me to dine with him, to his place.
I can't write anymore. I guess I'll report tomorrow how did that go.
The man is a gentleman and handsome. I really don't know what else I can say about that. Also, he's awesome with maps, he explained to me the roads of the town and how he and Grace wanted to get into the Navy and sail the seas.
He got jealous when I say I was getting into the Army, and that I'll probably be moved to the Navy.
He really has beautiful eyes and is way more handsome when he's not grumpy all the time. Even if he reminds me of Chase in that sense.
Marion reminds me of a hotter Mr. Mircea. What the fuck, dude?
Anyway, I still find him irresponsible over his daughter.
Then again, isn't the first irresponsible one his wife?
I shouldn't defend him, but also, don't treat him that bad. I just think that he shouldn't just run away from parenthood because his wife doesn't want the baby.
About Marion, she came without the wolves today, she said she found a way for them to not follow her every day to town.
I told her about my dinner with William. She sort of frowned, I laughed, she seemed genuinely jealous, and I found her hotter for it (dude, you got to stop), it felt nice to have someone who expressed at least in their face and attitude that they like me and were not willing to share me with others.
Out of the impression, I forgot to write yesterday that Grace finally came back to us.
And it was thanks to her mother, who reminded her of some words she used to tell her when she was a little girl. They both mean: come forward.
After some tries, Mrs. Morgan and I figured out how it is.
thig air adhart, to call on Marion
dewch ymlaen, to call on Grace.
First set is in Scottish Gaelic, the second in Welsh. I guess both personas respond to each culture their parents belong to.
The wolves realized she was different and growled at her like they didn't know her, until the saw me and calmed down. Oh yes, I took care of them yesterday. Marion told me they had bad wounds, and they're now friendly with me. At least those 5.
Eventually, those wolves recognized her.
Grace is still a bit afraid of them, so she uses her words to become Marion when it gets too much to handle.
Apparently, the home of those wolves was taken by some new construction, and that's why they're around the town. Both Grace and Marion agreed on taking them to a new home. I'm joining them, I mean, she doesn't know how long would that journey be, and I offered myself as nurse.
As crazy as it seems, William also wants to join.
So we're all going to the forest tomorrow.
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hummingbee-o0o · 6 years
Headcanon: Bond and audiobooks
Because of Q, Bond discovers audiobooks.
Bond’s missions aren’t all explosions and gunfire and cocktails and mingling; sometimes there are long stretches of mind-numbing nothing, just sitting still in hiding and waiting for a target to show up to be shot or followed to a secret lair. Those times are boring, and Bond takes up occasionally calling Q on the comms to pass the time. Q indulges him and chats with him for a while when he calls, but he can’t talk for long, and often he can’t talk at all because he’s busy running another mission. Sometimes it’s impossible to talk because Bond has to stay absolutely still and absolutely quiet for hours on end - and that’s the toughest part, sometimes, especially at times when Bond would rather not be alone with his own thoughts.
But Q is Q, so of course he notices that Bond is a little less grumpy post-mission when he could chat with Q while waiting for hours for something to happen. So the next time Bond is sent out on a mission that involves lots of sitting stil and watching, Q slips a little something extra into his equipment case.
When Bond gets ready for his assignment, he discovers a small mp3 player and a set of earbuds (wireless, to avoid any incidents with the cable). The selection isn’t very big, something of a starter kit: a few books by Agatha Christie, David Dodge’s To catch a thief, one Doctor Who story read by David Tennant, plus a book about the history of cocktails, which Bond ultimately selects. The book is eight hours long, and Bond listens to well over five of them before his target finally arrives. Bond discovers that he feels much better than he normally does after staying still for so long - he’s alert but not tired from adrenaline simmering for too long; he’s not stiff or dulled with tedium, and he gives chase easily. He listens to the rest of the book on his way back, and then starts on a Poirot mystery, which covers his flight home and a taxi ride from the airport.
It has a good effect on his post-mission adrenaline exhaustion. He doesn’t outright say anything to Q, of course, but he smiles and says: “Thank you, Q.” in a very warm and very honest way, and Q knows and smiles back.
The next time he picks up his equipment, he finds the mp3 player there again, and it comes with lots of new audiobooks; Bond starts listening on his flight out, and then listens again while waiting for a target to arrive.
It goes on for a while, with nothing said about it between him and Q. Eventually, Bond starts listening to the audiobooks when he has trouble sleeping on a mission; after that, he starts listening at bedtime almost regularly. He also keeps the mp3 player; he discovers coming down from a post-mission high and falling asleep in his own bed without drinking himself into a stupor first is so much easier when he has a calm human voice pleasantly narrating something in his ear, something neutral and yet engaging enough to keep his attention away from all sorts of unpleasant things, like people he couldn’t save or people he had to kill.
When he ends up in medical for well over a week, Q brings him the mp3 player; it’s a real life-saver, because Bond can just close his eyes and listen to a story or to quirky historical facts instead of repetitively thinking how much he hates being stuck in medical. (Q visits regularly, and that also helps a lot, but that’s a separate story.)
He still brings the mp3 player back to Q a day before each assignment, or on random days while he visits Q-Branch. Q never offers to upload all the audiobooks to Bond’s phone or anything so practical - the mp3 player is a sentimental thing at this point, but they won’t mention that, of course.
Bond starts giving Q feedback on the audiobooks - he likes sedate detective mysteries and microhistory books best. He finds he doesn’t like audiobooks where different people read dialogues for different characters (the abrupt shifts jostle him out of sleep), but he likes it when the narrator does voices - in moderation, of course. He definitely doesn’t like music in the background or sound effects - they’re jarring, making his adrenaline levels jump back up just as he’s trying to fall asleep.
Bond pretends to mention it all in an off-handed manner, but Q knows. He listens carefully and puts lots of thought into choosing the right audiobooks. He smiles the first time he sees that Bond has uploaded some audiobooks he chose on his own.
Bond starts listening to them while working out too - while he’s on the treadmill, while he does push-ups and sit-ups.
Just - Bond and audiobooks :D
Bonus: at some point, once they’re in a relationship, Q records his own audiobook for Bond. He selects a short story, does a few tests, then spends a good few hours editing and patching the recording together, choosing the best versions of each fragment. Bond is thrilled; he’s not allowed to take it on a mission, for security reasons (wouldn’t be very good to have such a nice big sample of the Quartermaster’s voice fall into the wrong hands), but he listens to it at home, at MI6, when doing the shopping while Q is at work. Meanwhile, Q already has plans to record more things, because he loves the soft smiles and the lively spark in Bond’s eyes while he listens, so happily focused he doesn’t even notice Q watching him with a smile of his own.
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drink-n-watch · 4 years
  Genre : Fantasy, adventure, action, mystery, romance
Episodes: 12
Studio: Passione
  Piena is a land of uncertainty and strife. Sure it’s enjoyed a few decades of peace, prosperity even, but in a land constantly threatened by the potential return of the demon king, a devastating monster that could wipe out humanity in its wake, no one can truly be at ease. The Goddess may have defeated him years ago but she’s long gone. Luckily her strength and legacy lives on in the braves. Every generation or so, six young men and women are chosen as heroes and saints, some granted extraordinary powers, to go forth and protect the world from fiends until the demon king is defeated once again. But as time passes and the braves become weaker, will this be the to e the braves finally fail. Even self proclaimed “strongest man in the world” Adlet made it, and he’s nothing special at all….
My synopsis is both entirely accurate and fairly misleading. I did that on purpose. It’s been a very long time since a series has surprised me as much as Rokka – Braves of the Six Flowers and I want to keep that going. I’m going to try really hard not to spoil anything but I am going to mention the generally unique elements of he series. So if you want to watch it without any expectations at all, I encourage you to do so. There’s a lot of fun to be had in the discovering. Maybe you can come back to this review after. Otherwise, let’s dig in.
  This is Nachetanya (it will make sense later)
I should say that I picked up Rokka Braves of the Six Flowers entirely due to the character designs. I had seen a few images floating around, most notably the cover art and I got fascinated by them. Specifically by Nachetanya (I helpfully added that screencap for you!). That’s all I knew of the series though. In fact, I may have been way too focused on the Bunny girl (Hans and I are alike in many ways…) as I had somehow convinced myself that Adlet was a girl and spent a good five minutes trying to reconcile myself with the fact that he is supposedly “The Strongest Man in the World” (get ready to hear that a lot).
I’m happy to report those wonderful designs are in fact present throughout the series as well as lush environments and beautiful backgrounds. I’m less happy to notice that the monstrous fiends were rather dull looking and the art style was visibly inconsistent at times, even with nothing much going on, which is a real shame.
Then again, the budget may have been poured into the actual animation which is both generous and impressively smooth. There is a lot of action going on in Rokka so making sure movement is enjoyable to watch is a good investment if you ask me. Sure the Saints’ CG powers don’t always blend in perfectly but who can say magic doesn’t always look a bit uncanny? Not me, and it didn’t bother me one bit.
Rouges are overpowdered
I should also mention the score. Rokka Braves of the Six Flowers doesn’t have the type of soundtrack that you’re likely to listen to in the gym or something. It’s not full of great tunes. But once I noticed it, I realized that it actually has a pretty impressive classical cinematic type of score with grand orchestral arrangements to go along with the action. It really made everything just a bit more grand and epic!
In many ways, Rokka seemed to delight in not being what I expected it to be. For instance, right off the bat, the setting seems to resemble ancient south America both in Aztec inspired architecture and lush tropical jungles. This is really not what comes to mind when I think of high fantasy. In fact, I don’t think I can even recall another fantasy adventure in that particular setting. I loved this touch and I think they should have emphasized it way more in promotional material. Granted it’s almost entirely cosmetic as far as I can tell but it does create very unique visuals that go a long way to giving the series a distinct personality.
Second and to me more amazing is that the series pulls an entire genre bait and switch a few episodes in. It really starts out as a very traditional fantasy epic with a well-developed universe and context. Six heroes coming together to fight an immensely powerful for through with swords and magic! And then it takes a sharp left turn and becomes an Agatha Christie-style whodunit! 10 little Indians Agatha Christie, not Hercule Poirot! After getting trapped in a confined area out heroes realize that there are 7 and not 6 of them and it becomes a matter of figuring out who the imposter is before the all fall prey to foul play. I can’t express how excited I was by this. Not only is the genre subversion really well integrated into the story but the mystery and tension are so well sustained that I suspected absolutely everyone at some point. I was beginning to think that maybe I could be the 7th! For a lover of mysteries, this was nothing short of a delight!
can’t wait
Not saying the show was perfect. In fact it has one HUGE flaw in my opinion. The dialogue is really weak. This is a bizarre thing to reconcile for me. The writing as a whole wasn’t bad. The mystery plot was fantastic and although the fantasy plot was more cliche it remained engaging and we’ll established. I would have happily watched that story as well.
And the characters are actually quite good when you take a step back. All well developed, beach with unique personalities, histories, motivations and reactions. And each quite consistent with their character all of which is impressive. But because part of their characterization is made through exposition and therefore dialogue, they actually seem much more shallow than they are.
Because the dialogue is often blunt, clumsy or cheesy. I honestly found myself wondering if I wasn’t losing most of it in translation in fact and I have a feeling that this is what’s likely to discourage most viewers. That’s not to say the dialogue is insufferable but it’s not on the same level of everything else and I’m not sure I’ve ever encountered that before.
I say they should show environments more then pick zero screencaps of backgrounds…
This said, the big reveal does, in fact, explain a lot and it makes certain situations and conversations seem a lot smarter in hindsight. In case it’s not clear I loved the reveal. There’s even a final twist that had my jaw drop while simultaneously making me grin like a moron. If some of the later episodes dag a bit, Rokka Braves of the Six Flowers really sticks the landing with one of the best finales I’ve seen. In fact, that conclusion was so perfect I don’t even want another season. But I would watch it if it comes out.
Despite its flaws, Rokka Braves of the Six Flowers managed to surprise and delight me at every turn and I can’t help but recommend it, for the novelty if nothing else.
I feel like I haven’t gotten across that it’s a pretty good looking show
Favourite character: though call Hans and Nachetanya (great name by the way)
What this anime taught me: You can’t trust anyone!
Life is not a fairy tale. If you lose your shoe at midnight, you’re not a princess, you’re drunk!
Suggested drink: a Mother Flower
Every time Adlet blushes – take a sip
Every time they settle on a vegetarian diner – get a snack
Every time Adlet mentions his master – Raise your glass
Every time anyone says “The Strongest Man in the World” – switch to water
Every time anyone mentions the number “six” – take a deep breath
Every time Goldov yearns – take a sip
Every time anyone calls Adlet an idiot – quietly agree
Every time the camera spins around the room – hold onto your drink
Every time Nachetanya has an exaggerated reaction – take a sip
Every time we see Hans’s eyes – take a sip and get ready
Every time there’s a twist – GASP!
I’ve decided to only stick to Pinterest from now on. I hope you like these extra caps!
Rokka – Braves of The Six Flowers : well that was Unexpected! Genre : Fantasy, adventure, action, mystery, romance Episodes: 12 Studio: Passione Piena is a land of uncertainty and strife.
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