#poisoned? perhaps
jaybirbie · 4 months
As much as I love Danny and the BatFam,
I need more Posion Ivy, and Harley Quinn accidentally became moms too this werid maybe-human?Kid,that they found rummaging in their bins one night or sm.
(Writing that last part put the image of Harley taking the trash out one night and Danny's just perched on the dumpster, his eyes glowing, looking like a startled opossum,he lightly hisses, grabs his half eaten grill cheese and disappears into the shadows)
Obviously, after that, Harley tries to lure him in like he's some street cat.
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vebokki · 6 months
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legend has it shen yuan never approached the kitchen again
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hypewinter · 11 months
Being the Ghost King meant that Danny was forbidden from reincarnating. Unless someone took his place, he was forever bound to the Infinite Realms. But that didn't mean his loved ones had to be too. It had taken a while to convince them as none of them wanted to leave him alone.
He was able to convince his friends first. He got Tucker on his side by telling him about the myriad of technology he'd have at his disposal once he reincarnated. He also threw in how a lifespan, even a long one, is but a blip in the grand scope of infinity and before he knew it, they would be united again. With Tucker's help, they were able to convince Sam too. Though Danny did have to also promise to come down to their new world to meet up with their reincarnated selves from time to time. Saddened yet satisfied with their agreement, Tucker and Sam allowed themselves to be reincarnated.
Jazz was a different story. No matter what Danny told her or how much he sweetened the deal, she refused to reincarnate. She kept insisting that Danny needed her, that without her he'd overwork himself or become a doormat for the Observants. Even after Danny showed her he would be fine without her by perfectly ruling for two weeks without her input, Jazz was still not convinced. Danny had only one option left, the truth.
This whole time, Danny had framed it as just a fun little idea he got one day but he knew that excuse would not be enough to convince Jazz to reincarnate. He confessed to his sister that he just wanted everyone to get a chance at normality for once. A life where they weren't worried about their parent's random inventions attacking them or maintaining the delicate balance of two worlds. None of them had really gotten a chance to be normal after the portal opened. To go off to college, to achieve their aspirations, to settle down and have a family. Jazz especially hadn't even gotten a chance to enjoy her childhood as the second she could walk, she was taking care of her brother. All Danny wanted for her was to be able to have that childhood. To have loving parents who cared and supported her. To not have to worry about being the responsible one all the time.
Seeing how much this had weighed on Danny over the years finally convinced Jazz. She reluctantly agreed to be reincarnated. After forcing Danny to agree for the 100th time that he would make time to visit her a lot over the course of her new life and guarantee for the 1000th that she would most definitely become a ghost once again after she died, she finally let herself be reincarnated too
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keydekyie · 6 months
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here-there-be-drag0ns · 3 months
Whats a man gotta do for a chip whump fic in this economy?
Someone stab that white boy, STAT!
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abandoned-quiche · 3 months
i think what undertale fangames should really strive for is to push undertale's themes of mercy to the edge - push the PLAYER to see what their limits are on who deserves mercy.
#like for example.#someone who's having some sort of psychotic break and trying to hurt you. can you really justify killing them just because they were trying#to kill you? even though they would have snapped out of it eventually? even though they didn't actually WANT to kill you?#some would say you're justified to kill that person in self defense because you might have died if you didn't.#remember that there's always a power imbalance between humans and monsters. the human always has more power to end the conflict peacefully.#how about someone who's killed before? not someone like asgore or flowey where the situation's intricacies run deep.#this person simply murdered another monster because they wanted to. because they had something to gain from it#physically or emotionally. let's say he poisoned his lovely father to get his inheritence.#he is not fighting YOU to kill you for some petty gain - he's doing it for some other reason.#perhaps he's fighting you with no intent to kill - just ​to deter you from doing something that could ruin his life. or perhaps he intends t#kill you for a good reason.#can you justify taking his life because of what he did before?#the answers to these may seem obvious to you. but there are many who do believe it is within your right to kill these people.#this game should push them to reconsider their stance on this topic.#when you spare everyone because 'it's an undertale game and that's what you're supposed to do' sometimes you can miss out. and miss the poin#many people would be like 'i'm supposed to spare this guy? seriously? that's stupid.' and do it snyway because it's what you're 'supposed'#to do because it's an undertale game and the lesson is 'killing is bad.' they don't stop to reconsider WHY they think it's ridiculous to be#asked to spare these people.#i want to make an undertale fangame where at the beginning it says something like#'Don't just spare characters because this is an Undertale game and that's what you're 'supposed' to do. I want you to actually think about#the decision. Decide for YOURSELF what you think you should do in these situations. And really consider why you feel that way. Ultimately#the choice is up to you - that's the point of the game.'
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shrikeseams · 1 year
Not enough talk about Orome as the patron of the merciful killing stroke, and how his followers are seen in wider elvish society, and their role in Beleriand.
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gordonsicedcoffee · 10 months
much to ponder
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fusionsprunt · 4 months
So wait. Gideon k.o himself to be Hunter? Or his organic body still intact? He's pulling a Springtrap??
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triptychofvoids · 4 months
Medic! Medic! If you could have one animal trait what would you have? (The only caveat is it has to be a "weird" trait, so not cool ears or wings or tails ((maybe?)) but "strange" like those birds who have a pouch where they put rocks and bones for digestion :D)
you would deprive me of having wings? :[
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Guess you're regretting your choice to drink now, huh Sunlight? Oh well, the hangover should wear off for you in no time, so there's that at least.
At least you all had a good time together, and so long as nobody was hurt for the long run all is well right?
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Psssh. You're awfully smug about this. I can tell.
Buuut you're right about that last part. I'll admit I should've thought ahead more. Just our luck Sif decided to come on an empty stomach. That could've ended really badly.
(Don't, uh.... Don't tell him I said that. It's not their fault.)
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c-kiddo · 1 year
thing is , taliesin jaffes cr characters all so cunt because they would all definitely spit up blood but all for their own unique different reasons and vibes. but babygirl ur mouth is full of blood
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bidokja · 4 days
im rereading sctir and wow myeongwoo has a horrible case of second-male-lead-itis. rip mi pobrecito miau miau
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st5rcrest · 3 months
Will you please please please make a part two to “you’re alright where you are” on AO3. The ending was too sad and I physically can’t take it.
Per my doctor I'm not allowed to write happy endings my b king
#MORE IN COMMENTS. but in short:#Sorryyyy I love when people are sad. perhaps one day I'll write something more for them but I kinda summed up all my feelings there.#I mean kinda. I really want to explore the depths of petya's religious guilt in opposition of andrei's seeming lack of it. he is very much#an ideal for Pyotr... a role model since they were younger... the bigger and stronger and much more capable kid.... a more natural talent.#a more natural ability to draw people to him. a good skater from the day he touched the ice. fine not that dramatic. but you get it. there#just can't really exist a happy ending for them in my mind without a really long and extensive period of growth where Petya digs out of the#cultural ideas of homosexuality and religion he was raised in. he is a DEVOUT Russian Orthodox Christian and just speaking from#personal experience. that is not something you can just shake off. it takes years of unconditioning a deeply rooted hatred and borderline#disgust to reach something even vaguely resembling acceptance and I skipped over ALL of that in that fic. I wanted to go in depth but I als#wanted to keep it under like. 10k words. my point is that I just don't see it with them. I don't see a happy ending that doesn't take years#if not a decade+ of personal growth and change. and this isn't me saying Petya is homophobic in real life or that all Russians are this is#me saying that he is incredibly religious just. as a person. and as someone who was also raised in that even to a lesser degree. it is TOUG#to accept yourself after you've been poisoned that deeply. and I just cant hand a happy ending over to them that would be satisfying to me.#ask#luhayesea
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ralofofriverwoods · 2 years
Sigh. It happened again. The COD headcannons grow stronger each passing day
Today’s new addition is pastry cookie! not too out of the realm of possibility, as far as everything goes. She kinda just wears her shadow sister outfit but that’s ok :)
Explanation will be under the image(not quite sure how to do cuts yet, bear with me,,)((edit: I figured out how to add cuts :D))
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Essentially, after the events of the tower of sweet chaos, she went to reverend mother about her doubt a little more in depth than she should have, which led to an assassination attempt by the shadow sisters. She successfully evaded the first few attempts, but a week or two after running away from the order another one caught up to her, which she ended up killing(albeit on accident). This marked her giving up on the order completely, as she decided to start looking for a new place to rebuild her life. Eventually she ran into licorice when he was out, and they had a quick chat(with a little bit of fighting((a lot of fighting)))
After beating the shit out of each other for a while they decided to call it quits and talk through it like adults, so maybe one of them could come out of the encounter still breathing. Lico came to the conclusion that maybe she would be a good fit in the CoD after all, and went to dark enchantress with the hopes to bring her into their ranks. Dark enchantress didn’t like the idea at all(since pastry tried to murder her son and all that), however with some convincing from lico and, surprisingly, red velvet himself, she allowed pastry to come in on a trial basis to see if she would be a good fit.
Pastry, for the most part, was pretty chill once she got acclimated. Of course there’s still boatloads of religious beliefs/trauma she had to let go of, but it was going well. She was sent on a final test mission against another sister in the order which had been told to clear out the tower just like she had, and after vanquishing her, pastry was finally let into the CoD officially.
Shortly after this, she changed her name to lavender cookie. Seeing as she no longer held any affiliation with the Saint Pastry Order, it was about time.
She became one of the people that gather intel from opposing forces(the others being crepe and Madeleine), using a forged shadow sister garb(courtesy of licorice) to grant her passage into various establishments and meetings. She primarily lives in the CoD castle, however she does own a house in Gingerbrave’s kingdom, and makes sure to stay there at least thrice a month, as to not be too suspicious.
Relationships with the CoD vary. Her and pomegranate are on coworker terms at best, however licorice and her have become rather good friends. Poison mushroom likes her stories, and often talks when the others are out of the castle. He has the most interesting conversations, and she always seems to keep up when he talks a mile a minute. Her and dark choco have a mutual respect, however catching them speaking outside of meetings or work related issues is near impossible. Red velvet and Lavender have a surprisingly good relationship, and are now best friends. Despite almost killing him previously, Lavender has come to see eye to eye with him on a great deal of things, and has even taken to overseeing the newest cakepups on occasion. RV and Lavender can even be caught sparring(and yelling good natured insults) at each other at the training grounds when she has a hard time getting to sleep or otherwise focusing.
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