#pokemon go coins free
nazariatakus · 1 year
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metanisaka · 2 years
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(via GIPHY)
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erinscoolart · 1 month
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i made a fakemon design prompter, and immediately rolled a single-type, no evolution, no special features normal type pokemon
so to kick it off and try to make myself feel better about rolling Basic Bitch(tm) right off the bat, here's Impossumble (based off of Australian possums n not oppossums dont @ me)
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I've written the prompt generator steps below, in case it's not clear on your screens/for screenreaders. If you use the prompt generator, please tag me in it! I'd love to see what you come up with
#1 Special Features - d20
1-10 = Nil, go to #2 11-14 = Gender Variants, go to #2 15-18 = Starter Trio, go to #3 19 = Single evo/form legendary, go to #3 20 = Double evo/form legendary. Roll d2 or flip a coin to determine. 1/heads = multiple evolution, 2/tails = multiple forms.
#2 Evolutions - d8
1-3 = no evolutions 4-5 = 1 evolution 6-7 = 2 evolutions 8 = diverging evolutions. Roll additional d4 to determine how evolutions split. On a 1, pokemon splits at first evolution(i.e. snorunt, wurmple, etc). On a 2, pokemon has an unbalanced evolution tree (i.e. Salandit, which only evolves if female, or Applin, which can evolve into three different forms, but only Dipplin evolves a second time). On a 3, pokemon evolves twice, with the split occurring on the third form (i.e. Ralts > Kirlia > Gardevoir OR Gallade). On a 4, pokemon evolves once, but with many variants (i.e. eevee). Roll a d6 to determine number of variants (minimum 3).
#3 Types - d100
Flip a coin/roll a d2 to determine single or dual typing (heads/1 = single type, tails/2 = dual types). For diverging evolutions with dual typing, primary type should usually be the same as the first evolution, however secondary type should be rolled separately for each diverged evolution. For diverging type pokemon with single typing, feel free to roll for each evolution.
Normal = 1-15 Fire = 16-20 Water = 21-25 Grass = 26-30 Electric = 31-35 Ice = 36-40 Fighting = 41-45 Poison = 46-50 Ground = 51-55 * Flying = 56-60 Psychic = 61-65 Bug = 66-70 Rock = 71-75 Ghost = 76-80 Dark = 81-85 Steel = 86-90 Fairy = 91-95 Dragon = 96-100 Pokemon frequently gain additional types as they evolve, so if you roll dual typing, feel free to apply secondary type to evolutions only! * Notes on flying types, the vast vast majority are dual types. If rolling a single type pokemon and landing on flying, roll a d20. On a 1-8, give the pokemon a Normal secondary type. On a 9-18, roll again on the type chart (rerolling if getting flying or normal). On a 19-20, give pure flying type, congrats!!
If you're still stuck for ideas on where to go from here, try using a random animal generator or object generator for additional inspiration!!
Happy rolling, happy drawing!!!
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pokemonshelterstories · 8 months
I need help with something a little strange. For context, I have a bird feeder in my backyard, and the local murkrow in my neighborhood tend to come by every now and then to eat. Sometimes, they will leave me little gifts like coins, shiny rocks, and little trinkets. Nothing too out of the ordinary. Until recently. I woke up this morning to refill the feeder and see if the murkrow had left any gifts for me, and I found a scared gimmighoul on my windowsill. I think the murkrow must've meant to take the coin the gimmighoul had but ended up also taking the poor guy with them.
I put him in a box and took him inside so that he wouldn't get attacked by anything else. But I have no idea how to take care of a gimmighoul and don't know where I could take him so that he doesn't get bullied by the murkow again. Is there anything I can do to help him or somewhere I can go to safely drop him off?
ah geez. poor little guy. we get gimmighoul all the time, mostly from people who either let their pokemon free roam (bad) or saw a wild pokemon attack it- usually murkrow or meowth- and thought to bring it in for a checkup (very nice)
honestly, without knowing where he came from, it's hard to say what would be a good place to take him. you can drop him off at a local pokemon center or ranger station and they'll check him over before letting him free. hopefully he won't get picked up by any more murkrow!
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Pokemon Card of the Day #3241: Mewtwo (Expedition)
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Mewtwo's one nice trait was that it could punish Pokemon that stacked a lot of Energy in play. It did so while also being a Basic Pokemon, which was something Espeon didn't have. This let it avoid a Basic stage that could be Tyrogue bait. That wasn't much of a way to stand out in Neo-On, but at least it could try to differentiate itself in the E-On or even just among E-card Pokemon where Espeon wasn't going to be blocking most of its chances.
70 HP was fine considering this was a Basic Pokemon. The number still held up reasonably well in general. There was a Psychic Weakness here, making this an easier KO for something like a Gengar. The Retreat Cost was 2, so if you did end up in a bad match-up it could hurt a bit to retreat but was at least doable if required.
Hypnosis needed just a Colorless Energy, but all you got out of it was a coin flip to put the Defending Pokemon to Sleep. A 25% chance to actually cost the opponent a turn if no switching cards were found was pretty awful.
Psychic started at just 20 damage, which was low for 2 Psychic and a Colorless Energy. 10 more being added for each Energy attached to the Defending Pokemon made this something of a match-up play. There was something to be said for this being able to blow up the Grass-type Exeggutor that wanted to stack Energy like crazy, after all. Usually it would be dealing with things in 2-3 hits depending on the HP and amount of Energy though, and the cost meant that you were only using this in Psychic decks so the spots for being better than another attacker were rather limited.
Mewtwo was able to be really annoying to a couple of Pokemon. If a strategy relied on a ton of Energy being, and staying, on one Pokemon, Mewtwo was a serious threat. The most likely place to take advantage of this, however, was in Neo-On, where the only advantage over the stronger and free retreating Espeon was being a Basic Pokemon. E-On was where Psychic decks tended to mean either Gardevoir, which always had stronger options, or decks trying to pick on Weaknesses with more reliable attackers then this, and E-card's main Psychic decks were either hit and run decks or had Alakazam, which provided one version that just did what Mewtwo did with an added Poke-Power. While Mewtwo wasn't actually bad, there wasn't really a great place to play this over something better.
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A Witch Adrift
Chapter 4 - There Should be a Word for the Specific Feeling of Uneasiness Caused by the Uncanny Valley Phenomenon
< Ch 3 | Ch 5 >
>Ch 1<
Ao3 Mirror
The next morning you’re woken up to the sound of Grim screaming. “The ghosts are back! Hey, (y/n), up and at ‘em!”
You slowly sit up and rub the sleep from your eyes to see Grim at the edge of the bed with his fur all puffed out, facing off against the same three ghosts from last night. ‘I swear to god if I’m gonna be woken up by a battle with these ghosts everyday, I’m gonna exorcise them myself.’ Not bothering to get out of bed, you simply pick Grim up once again and aim him at the, ironically, bone-thin ghost. “Grim, just use flamethrower.” 
A torrent of blue flames left Grim’s mouth, blasting the ghost dead-on. He didn’t even bother complaining about being commanded this time. Perhaps the ghosts were still worn out from the battle the previous night because it only took a few hits from Grim’s magic fire before they conceded. This time however, after defeating the ghosts, they stuck around. 
‘Of course you can’t exorcise ghosts with fire. Then again, this world doesn’t go by pokemon rules; at least, I don’t think it does… Maybe you need a psychic or something? If magic exists, then psychics should also exist, right?’ You sighed. Of course nothing was ever simple.
“So, I hear you’ll be living here from now on?” One of the ghosts spoke to you. “Hope you like pranks as much as we do! Hya ha ha!” With a laugh, the three ghosts faded out of sight, leaving only you and Grim in the room, wide awake.
“We gotta get rid of those things for good!” Grim complained, clearly unhappy with being scared awake, as would anyone.
You mumbled an agreement as you slid out of bed and set Grim down on the ground. You winced as you stood up, a horrible pain shooting through your feet and legs. You took a moment to take in your appearance staring back at you from the mirror above the fireplace. You looked just as bad as you felt. For the first time you were actually taking in just how disheveled you were. You had soot and dirt smeared across your face and clothes, the odd leaf or blade of grass in various places. You were still wearing the ceremonial clothes from yesterday; the hem of the robe was torn, frayed, and singed, speckled with small holes where the fire had completely burned through. Your pants, on the other hand, were much worse off, thoroughly burnt, with most of the cloth below the knee completely gone, the remaining parts stuck to your shins. Now, you could see the extent of your injuries.
Physically, you felt so much worse this morning than last night, probably since  the adrenaline was temporarily numbing the pain yesterday. You grimaced upon seeing the ugly sight of your abused legs, the skin of your shins not covered in stuck fabric were littered with first and second degree burns. Luckily, you weren’t standing in Grim’s fire long enough to get any third-degree burns. It seems that magically produced fire doesn’t need to reach extremely high temperatures to turn blue–probably the only reason you weren’t practically burned alive. Your hands didn’t make it out scott-free either. Your palms were rubbed raw in places from when you made the poor choice to try out parkour, not to mention the prevalent ache in both your shoulders. Perhaps you should have asked Crowley for some bandages.
You reach down to peel the pants away from your shins, the texture of the burnt fabric irritating your skin. You grab at the burnt end of a piece and begin to pull but flinch back at the sharp pain. You stared at the cloth, eyes wide and perturbed. The pants were synthetic or semi-synthetic. The fire had made patches of the fabric melt and fuse with your skin. There was no way you were going to be able to remove all the fabric without severely hurting yourself and permanently scarring your legs. Luckily, it wasn’t the entirety of that pants that melted, only coin-sized chunks scattered around the circumference of your lower left leg. You stand up, close your eyes, and take a breath. Lips pursed, you slightly open your eyes, head tilted back to face the ceiling. 
“Congratulations, me, for doing such a good job at taking care of ourselves… We really should’ve paid more attention to ourselves and asked Crowley for immediate medical attention last night.”
“Good morning, (y/n)!” Speak of the devil, Crowley just walked into your room. You don’t know how he figured out which room you were in, but you were going to assume it was because of magic. “Did you sleep well?”
Seeing as you didn’t wake up in the middle of the night, you’d say you slept reasonably well, all things considered, but now wasn’t the time for that. About to say as such and bring up your need for medical attention, Grim answered before you could  speak, “Not at all! When I sprawled out on the bed, the mattress fell right through the frame!” Grim was bristling. “Exactly how ramshackle is this dorm? And worse yet, we got woken up by ghosts!”
Crowley looked from Grim to you, seemingly to ask if this cat was simply being dramatic. You shrugged, “I mean, he’s not wrong, but also–”
“Well, I suppose this dorm is a little run down, but nothing a little elbow grease cannot fix, I’m sure!” Crowley didn’t allow you time to say anything as he promptly walked out the door. “Come along now, I’ve brought you breakfast and such.”
“A-ah, wait–” You quickly put your shoes back on, lest you risk stepping on the stray nail to add to your list of injuries, before you and Grim followed Crowley downstairs to the lounge, a single take-out box and can of tuna waiting on the coffee table. Grim’s eyes lit up, almost as bright as his ear flames, when he saw the tuna waiting for him. You tried to keep the grimace off your face with each step down the stairs you took, a spike of pain shooting through your legs with each one.
“Thank you, Mr. Crowley, but–”
“Tunaaa!!!” Grim leapt down half the flight of stairs in one jump, rushing to grab the tuna.
It was times like these that made him seem like a regular cat. A magical talking cat, yes, but still a cat nonetheless. Shaking your head in mirth, you continue, “Thank you, Mr. Crowley.”
“Think nothing of it, (y/n)-san,” Crowley said with what seemed like pride. “My, I truly am too kind.” You were sure that if he actually had feathers, they would all be puffed up.
Your eyes were honed in on the food on the table, your stomach rumbling at the thought of eating. Maybe it’d be fine to eat first. You slowly sat down on the striped couch, wincing at the short moment of increased stress on your legs. You relaxed again once all your weight was off your legs, a long breath of relief leaving your lungs, having not realized you had been holding your breath for a little while from the pain. Whether Crowley noticed or not, he kept silent as you began to eat your breakfast of a few simple pancakes and some syrup on the side if you so wished to have it. 
About halfway through, Crowley cleared his throat, causing you to look up at him. He sat in a rocking chair that you hadn’t noticed before, placed on the opposite side of the coffee table. He held a decently sized cloth bag in his hands and set it down next to him.
“I have brought you a few sets of clothes, as well as other basic necessities, as you have requested.”
“Oh, um, thank you, Mr. Crowley,” you said after quickly swallowing your mouthful of food. “I really appreciate it.” 
“Of course. Now, about the contract. Seeing as classes won’t start for a few more days, how about we go to my office and meet with a few other teachers to draft up your contract? Or, perhaps we should visit the infirmary first,” Crowley glanced down at your legs.*
“Oh, okay,” You weren’t expecting him to take action so quickly, especially not bring up your abysmal state before you did; he seemed the type to put things off and push them onto other people for them to do instead. “Can I finish breakfast first?”
“Of course.”
Grim had already long finished his tuna before you polished off your own breakfast. Quietly thanking Crowley again with a nod, you picked up the bag and went back upstairs to the room you claimed. You placed the bag on your bed and carefully removed its contents. Crowley had provided you with three sets of clothes, which looked to be two school uniforms and a basic white t-shirt and track pants, complete with a set of coveralls. ‘I suppose it would make sense for the only clothes he had on hand to be school uniforms.’ Besides those, you found basic toiletries, a toothbrush and toothpaste, multiple pairs of socks, towels, and the like. You grabbed one of the uniforms, a towel, and the toiletries and walked down the hall to the dorm bathroom you had stumbled across last night when looking for a place to sleep. You placed your things down on the long bench across from the row of showers before heading over to start the water, hoping to give it a little time to warm up. Standing to the side to not get wet, you twisted the shower knob… Nothing. In case this one might have simply been a fluke, you tried the other showers, one by one, but to no avail. It seemed the dorm had no running water.
“Well, shit.”
You grabbed your things and went back to your room. Hoping that Crowley could take you to someplace else to shower (you didn’t expect him to know how to turn the water back on, so that option was out for now), you packed your items back into the now empty bag and headed back downstairs.
“Um, Mr. Crowley?” You quietly spoke from atop the stairs, drawing Crowley’s attention from the thick book he was flipping through.
“(Y/n)-san, why are you back so soon, and still not cleaned up?”
“Um, well, about that; it seems there’s no running water. There wouldn’t happen to be anywhere else I could shower, would there?” You asked sheepishly.
“Oh, I suppose that does make sense,” Crowley put his hand up to his chin and nodded thoughtfully. “Yes, well, I suppose there is the gymnasium locker room. It’s a bit of a walk from here, but it will do. Now,” he stood up and magicked his book away to who knows where, “let us be off!”
You didn’t get the chance to look around last night, but now, in the daylight you could take in the campus as you followed Crowley. First you passed by what looked to be a botanical garden, enclosed within a giant glass dome. If you had time (and were injury-free), you’d love to walk around in it. Passing what you assumed was the tool and storage shed for the garden, you crossed a bridge across a small ravine with a river running through the bottom. You walked by a tall, curved wall; the only thing you could see past it was a small point, probably the top of whatever building the wall was protecting. Going up a steep flight of stairs, which wasn’t kind on your legs at all, you saw a clocktower, but turned left at a hairpin turn before reaching it. Going up one more flight of stairs, you passed one more building on your left before making it to Main Street, which was more than twice as wide as the paths you had been walking down up to this point. At the end of the street to the left was a large, elaborate metal gate, the main entrance to the campus, no doubt. To the right, you couldn’t see much, as the path curved and whatever was beyond was obscured by trees. Across from you, where Crowley was headed towards, was a fairly large building.
“This is the gymnasium,” Crowley spoke over his shoulder to you. “The locker rooms are only accessible from the inside, so do follow me.” He led you through the open interior of the gymnasium, showing you to a door on the right towards the back of the building. “Here we are. I shall be waiting out here for you, so do be quick,” he said as he ushered you towards the door.
“Okay, um, thank you. I’ll try to be quick,” you wasted no time and headed in, looking for the showers. Luckily, this locker room had separate shower stalls, all with walls and doors as opposed to just curtains, along with a decent amount of space. 
You hung your bag on one of the hooks against the wall by the door, far enough away from the showerhead to keep from being wet. You placed your toiletries atop the small bench on the wall to your right. Now you had only to undress yourself. You slowly and carefully peeled off your clothes, starting with the robe, which slid off your shoulders quite easily. You placed it on the bench next to your soaps; it would probably get wet, but it was ruined anyway, so there wasn’t much point in trying to keep it safe. Plus, you weren’t about to stuff it in the bag with your clean clothes. You then carefully removed your upper garments, of which the only problem you had was the slight pain in your shoulders. You could now see your stomach, where a dark bruise spanning the width of your midriff had formed. Your shoes and socks were next: you wrapped the shirt and socks with the robe on the bench, but the shoes were placed against the wall under your bag. 
And now the part you were dreading the most. You hadn’t checked if your burned pants had fused with your thighs earlier, whether by blood or by heat, and you wouldn’t know until you removed them. You were in the clear until you reached the end of the pant legs, the parts that had been burned the most, as you had noticed earlier that morning. Unfortunately, if you didn’t want to hurt yourself more, you’d have to rip the cloth apart, leaving the parts fused to your skin alone. You undressed yourself as much as you could, leaving only the left pant leg on before you sat on the bench and began your work, carefully ripping around your injuries as best as possible. It took a good few minutes, but you were now left with a few scraps of cloth stuck to your leg.
“Now, that that’s taken care of,” you stood up, heading towards the shower knob, “let’s see… I’m pretty sure that in the case of burns you’re supposed to only use cool water…great.”
You turned the knob and, unlike at your dorm, the water came rushing out from the head right away. Staying out of the stream, you held your hand under the water and adjusted the temperature to be a bit cooler than room temperature. Reluctantly, you stepped under the water, hissing through clenched teeth in both shock from the temperature and from the discomfort of it no-quite-gently pelting against your wounds. Going through a basic shower routine, the first thing to actually give you a sense of familiarity in this place, you made sure to gently and carefully wash your burns, not exactly sure how to treat them. Even with how light you kept your touch, each brush of your fingers against the burns and blisters hurt, making you clench your jaw tightly every time.
Keeping the shower quick, you hurried to dry off, save for your legs (you didn’t want to touch your worst burns any more than necessary), you dressed in the fresh uniform, rolling the pant legs up to above your knees. The only part of your previous clothes that you wore were the shoes, everything else now being placed in the bag alongside your towel and soaps.
Hefting your bag onto your non-dominant shoulder, you headed out of the showers, glancing at your reflection in one of the mirrors on the way out. You still looked exhausted and a bit gaunt, but all the soot and grime was gone now. Deeming your appearance good enough, you exited the locker room and saw Crowley sitting on a chair–you don’t know where he got that from as it certainly wasn’t there before–and reading the same book he had at the dorm. Upon hearing the door open he looked up at you, his gaze lingering on your legs.
“Hmm, yes, a trip to the infirmary is most definitely in order,” he nodded to himself and stood up, the book disappearing once again and the chair floating across the gym, presumably to wherever he got it from. “Let us not delay any longer.”
Silent, you followed him back out to mainstreet, this time going up the path towards the huge castle that you were most likely in yesterday. As you walked you made note of a seemingly unnecessary archway standing above a branching path to the left that looked like it led to a tower and a coliseum.
 And then you saw them: Seven statues, all on pedestals. From a distance, you couldn’t make out the figures, and you weren’t expecting to recognize them once closer. 
But you did.
“Oh, you must be wondering about these statues, yes?” Crowley asked you, having caught you looking at them with wide eyes. “These are the Great Seven, the most influential and powerful figures throughout history. How about I regale you with their stories as we walk? Hmm?”
“Oh, no need,” you dismissed. “I think I already have a pretty good idea of who they are.” ‘I can’t believe Disney managed to branch their franchise across time and space. How does one even attempt to do that?’
“Shall we start with–wait, what do you mean ‘you already have a good idea?’” Crowley was about to start a story but quickly doubled back in disbelief at your response. “How could you already know? Did you not say that you are not from this world?”
“Yeah, I mean, I don’t know how this is possible, but these figures are all characters from a movie franchise back in my world,” you explained. ‘Wait, should I have said that? Well, I hope this information doesn’t snowball into something with dire consequences, like breaking the time-space continuum, but it’s too late now…  I’m sure it’ll be fine.’
“Well, that is quite interesting, even if unexpected. Perhaps their stories were transported into your world, just as you were to ours,” Crowley’s thoughts slipped out from his mouth; perhaps this man had little more going on in his brain than you initially thought.
“I do have one question though.”
“Yes? And what would that be?”
“Why do the plaques say their titles, but not their names?”
A moment of silence passes. Afraid you said something wrong or offensive, you opened your mouth to apologize, but Crowley broke the silence first.
“Come again?” Crowley looked shocked, or at least as shocked as he could with his mask on.
Now feeling perturbed yourself, you hesitantly repeat your question. A quiet uneasiness spreads through your body at the silence that follows once more.
 “Did I…did I say something wrong?” you meekly asked.
“Hmm, what? Oh, oh no, not at all,” Crowley assuaged your concern. “To answer your question though, we use their titles out of respect for them and their deeds and accomplishments, “Crowley explained quickly. “Now, no more time for dilly-dallying; we must be off.” With a swish of his coat, Crowley started back on the path towards the castle. “Hmm, yes, I’ll have to discuss this with…” Crowley mumbled, his voice getting too quiet to make out his words at the end.
The feeling of a specific kind of uneasiness, almost the same kind you get from things with an uncanny valley feeling, welled up inside you. The feeling that something isn’t quite right. Whatever you said affected Crowley for reasons unknown to you. At that moment, you felt as if you had made an irreversible decision, one that would forever change the course of your life here.
A/N: Heyyyy, so, long time no see. As of 9/22/23, I’ve edited the previous chapters and changed some very minor details and such, so it’ll hopefully read better now. If you began reading this fic after said date, then ignore that; you’ve already read the edited version. For the people who have continued to comment on my work, I wanna say thank you. Your kind words motivate me much more than you can imagine. I’ve written out the outlines for the next chapter or two or three, depending on if I decide to merge them or not, so hopefully I’ll get those done soon. 
*I’m changing the timeline a wee bit to make room because with all the extra stuff I put in, cramming it all into one day was just unreasonable. Also, what kind of school has orientation and move-in day the night before the first day of class? Especially if the students don’t even know what dorm they’re going into before orientation? Yes, there’s magic and stuff, but still.
Next Chapter >
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icy-chill · 5 months
Greetings beings of Rotomblr. My name is Alwin, and it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance!
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I’m I was a Wyverian from Rutoh Village in Alcala region. My age is almost three centuries old, if I recall correctly. Not that my age matters. My pronouns are he/him.
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I’ve been in this world for some time, almost a century and a half. Enough time so that I’ve watched my chosen’s descendants come and go. I don’t know why Arceus took me from my own home (and my universe, if He is to be believed), or why He’s commanded me to be His right hand, but won’t disobey. It would be too much of a risk.
I have a few disciples, but I’m not willing to share any of their names currently.
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Even after all this time, I still do not understand my other form. Since Arceus informed me that I am the only two-formed being from another universe in our universe, He gifted me this odd device. He told me that here I may communicate with people from other universe and ask for assistance without risk to my identity here.
I hope to speak with you all more personally soon! Perhaps you can help me with my situation.
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[Users arven-x-drayster-4ever, silvallyandweavile, perrins-portfolio, g-max-wildfire, and suckerpunch-n-toxic cannot view the blog icy-chill or its posts.]
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//Blanket Blog TWs:
Alwin comes from the universe of Monster Hunter. Themes of both human and animal?(/pokemon/monster/monstie) violence and death will all be present. It won’t be a main feature of the blog, unlike other tws here, but it is part of the “lore”.
There are also heavy religious themes, both Christian and otherwise. (Think Greek mythology.) If this makes you uncomfortable, this is not the blog for you. Alwin will constantly speak of being afraid of Arceus.
Basic eebydeeby and faller tws also !!!
Idk if these are big triggers- so here’s just a few basic themes.
time/space manipulation- like going back in time and traveling to other universes.
omnipotent gods- the big four are always watching. always listening. even if they don’t want to.
corruption- giratina. yeah.
underworlds- the distortion world functions as the underworld. souls/ghosts and the holiday día de los muertos are also important! distortion worlds also got layers and stuff, the one seen in dppt is the final layer where giratina resides with the “eternally punsished”. just felt like mentioning that here.
Spoilers for Monster Hunter Stories and Monster Hunter Stories 2 will also be present!!!
(I’ll update this as we go along)
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//Mod: @saywha413 daily drawing blog: @sarahs-daily-malewives (Alwin (as a character) is featured here!) Other blogs in this universe:
Direct family (ask) @ask-sarah-and-co 💎🎸 (irl) @arven-x-drayster-4ever 🥪🐉 (irl) @silvallyandweavile 🌘🪶 (irl) @perrins-portfolio 📸 (irl) @pens-and-coins 🔮🪙
Other (irl) @g-max-wildfire 🎇 (irl) @suckerpunch-n-toxic 🎶 (irl) @icy-chill ❄️ (you’re here!)
Current time: Mid August, 2023 (even though he’s above time)
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//Basic dni- no nsfw!
pelipper mail is ok ! just no legendary gift pokemon. you can send mythical pkmn, i just might not accept it. depends on how i feel in the moment
pelipper malice is kinda iffy. feel free to send it in, but I might delete it if I don’t like it
same for musharna equivalents!! ^
sentient pokemon are ok if we keep it within the context of rotomblr being across the multiverse (although Alwin’s a pokemon, he’s a legendary so it’s different. the concept of regular pokemon using technology is foreign)
magic anons are fine- I’ll prob just be choosy with them
I have names of important ask-sarah-and-co chars highlighted in different colors! for fun :)
Hisui chars are welcome to interact! Specifically mentioning volo bc he got up to some shenanigans and is facing punishment (along w Cyrus lol)
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//Divider credits: x / x
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ranboos-kin-cafe · 6 months
Hello Everybody
My Name is Ranboo. I'm a fictionkin of Ranboo from a dsmp hybrid au. I'm also a therian, and an otherkin. I may share these types later.
This blog is for any other kins out there, who need a safe place to talk, or a friend. The door to the cafe is always open.
I'll also do:
Canon calls
stim/aesthetic boards
tarot readings
names and neopronouns
potentially gender coining or Id packs
help with dysphoria/tips
Diy tutorials/examples
If you want anything else feel free to ask. I'm happy to do most things if they'll help someone.
I do have a typing quirk with sometimes capitalising letters, or the small font (? I don't know what it's called) like I've done through this introduction.
I have no DNI just be respectful. I don't support some of the dsmp creators. If I say anything that could be disrespectful please, tell me.
For Fictionkins, sources I'm extremely comfortable with: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Steven Universe, dsmp, she ra, dungeon meshi, most books, Saiki K, dead end: paranormal park, Brooklyn 99, shameless, Pokemon, riordanverse
I will still gladly do things related to other sources.
This is also going to be a personal kin blog, so I may reblog posts or discuss my own experiences and memories. I'll create a tag system for this.
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bi-hop · 14 days
hi, sorry for this super random ask, feel free to ignore! so i'm currently making a website dedicated to Ephemeralartshipping and I'm writing a page dedicated to it's various ship names and their origins! I know you coined the name, so I was wondering where you got the inspiration for it? And also would it be alright if I linked back to your blog to credit you as the coiner? Thanks so much in advance!
Oh, sure! I think I’ve answered this before, but I can’t find it now, so I’ll happily answer it again. And yes, crediting me is fine!
So, during the early days of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, I was playing through my copy and eagerly going through the class material. Other people at the time weren’t really doing that, they were mainly just getting badges, but I found the teachers to all be really interesting and fun. Because of that, when I saw Brassius and Hassel’s interactions, I was charmed by them. I immediately thought they’d be a nice couple and I wanted to give them a ship name. I saw no one else had yet and so I decided to try and be the first. But my aim was specifically to name them in the spirit of Pokemon ship names, like OriginShipping or Diodeshipping or RocketShipping (just some examples).
EphemeralArtShipping is ephemeral art with shipping tacked on the end. Ephemeral art refers to art that is deliberately made to be temporary and often includes natural elements like leaves, which will rot away in time. Here is an example:
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I looked over a few different art movement names and terms but I kept coming back to ephemeral art due to the Grass type association it held in my mind. I also thought the two of them would really like ephemeral art. They’d find the usage of time with it to be really compelling, as well as how it often pushes the boundaries of what is seen as art. (That one famous art piece of a banana taped to a wall could be seen as ephemeral art for example.)
So, yeah. Art term. Vaguely Grass type related. I thought it was nice for an artist couple like them, and it didn’t overlap with any preexisting ship names on the Bulbapedia list. I was surprised to see it catch on though! My other attempts at ship names didn’t, but this one did. I’m glad people like it, even if it IS hard to type as people have told me (my bad!)
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saywha413 · 8 months
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Heyyy there it’s me!! Name’s Sarah, he/she/they! Bi, ace, demiromantic, genderqueer, and agendary :) pronouns page I primarily blog abt pokemon, but there’s some cookie run, and other things!!
If you know me from discord, then you’ll know abt my silly usernames lol. If you want to call me Arven/Hugh/Felix/Kaeya/Eugene/Rolf go ahead.
also I’m a big oc guy. if you don’t like oc/canon, self insert/canon, or selfshipping please dni. other than that, relatively basic dni! you know who you are
Asks are always open! Feel free to ask me about anything you want!!
(please look through the “keep reading” before interacting!)
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i am the mod several blogs! Ones in the same universe will be marked with the same colored emoji !
Pokemon Ask Blogs 💕 @ask-sarah-and-co 💎🎸 (inbox: 22)
Pokemon Irl Blogs 🌸 @arven-x-drayster-4ever🥪🐉 (temp. hiatus)
🌺 @icy-chill ❄️ (eeby/faller, temp. hiatus)
🌷 @pens-and-coins 🔮🪙 (lore blog, temp. hiatus)
🎀 @silvallyandweavile 🌘🪶 (temp. hiatus)
💐 @perrins-portfolio 📸 (temp. hiatus)
🦩 @g-max-wildfire 🎇 (temp. hiatus)
💗 @suckerpunch-n-toxic 🎶 (temp. hiatus)
💧 @glacial-waltzes ❄️ (faller, active)
Daily Drawing Blog (also kinda on hiatus (at least while I work on other stuff)) @sarahs-daily-malewives
Although I’d prefer questions on those blogs specifically, feel free to ask about them here too :)
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I have a whole bunch of pokemon ships, so here’s a list (which I update every once in a while)
and if you’re looking for the old pinned (where I drew 12 ships) that’s here :) (individual drawings here)
here’s my old banner! linking to save for myself mostly lol
art tag is #my art writing tag is #my writing
random links: ao3 / artfight / toyhouse / pinterest / pokefarm / flight rising (I am very inactive on pokefarm and flight rising. I only check occasionally)
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Interests + favorite /r ships, favorite /p ships, & fave char (if they apply) !
Major! (I talk/think about them a lot)
Pokemon (games + anime (fixated on jn but never finished it, interested in hz but never started it)). just check the ship list linked above (or oc/hugh if that counts). Silver & Hugh & Gladion are so friends to me. Hugh
Cookie run (kingdom). Crunchyvelvet/Velvetchip. Red Velvet and my hc for his cousins, Black Raisin & Crowberry & Prune Juice. Red Velvet
Mythology (specifically Greek, but I like all of them!). Athena
Cats. generally.
Cassette beasts. Eugene/oc. Eugene
Unicorn overlord (I am insane abt this rn). Alain x Rolf x Aubin x Aramis x Ithilion. Alain & Lex. Rolf I think
Minor! (I do post about them, just not as much!)
Octopath traveler 1. Olberus/Eisenbright, Olberic/Erhardt. My current party (H’aanit, Therion, Olberic, Cyrus) is so found family to me (two gay dads and their lesbian daughter/gay son. I LOVE THEM). H’aanit, Therion
Fire emblem (three houses). Felileth/Bylix. Byleth & Black Eagles. Felix
Dislyte. Lufal. Falken
Monster hunter (stories (2)). Alwin/oc. Alwin & Navirou & Protag. Alwin
Dragon quest (xi). Luminerik, Henjasp. Erik
Animal crossing (new horizons). It feels weird to say I have ac ships but I’m a Bianca/Audie and Freya/Fang truther. Raymond
Afk journey. Valen x Merlin/oc ig. Valen
Background! (I like these things, just don’t rlly talk abt them! Feel free to ask abt them though!)
Zelda (botw/totk). Sidlink, Revalink. Link & Zelda Link
Hades game. Thanzag. Zagreus & anyone (I love his silly ahh banter). Zagreus
Stardew valley. Leah x farmer, Sambastian. Leah & Abigail. Leah
Mario. Bowser
The owl house (and the shows you would kinda associate with it? amphibia, the ghost and molly mcgee, she-ra, etc). Goldric/Huntric, Willumity. Luz & Hunter. Luz, Hunter
Encanto. Luisa
riordanverse or whatever it’s called (specifically pjo, hoo, and magnus chase)
Grishaverse (specifically soc duology). The crows. Wesper.
Sims 4
Omori (got into it from a yt playthrough, never played it myself). Heromari
I’m not really into these fandoms, but there’s probably like one ship I really like in there lol
Sonic the hedgehog. Sonuckles, Blazamy. Sonic & Tails & Knuckles. Knuckles
Kingdom hearts. Soriku. Sora & Riku & Kairi. Riku
Disney descendants. Jaylos. Core four
Star vs the forces of evil. Tomco, Janstarkie.
Ace attorney. Wrightworth
Miraculous. I actually hate the show (even though I watched the whole thing (it was like so bad I couldn’t tear my eyes from it)) but alas. I do like Lukadrien and Zoegaminette.
dunmeshi. Labru, kinda also Farcille. (I could watch it. but like. it’s only subbed afaik and I cannot watch anything without eng vas bc I basically just listen to things while I play video games or draw or smth. I do want to watch it though and I might at some point))
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if we are besties (read: mutuals), feel free to ask for discord/switch friend code! I have the right to politely decline if I feel we’re not close enough though! (no need to worry though. there’s a good chance I accept)
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divider credit: x / x icon/banner/header credit: x pokemon sprites: x
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strangeauthor · 11 months
i was talking to my gf once about if we decide to leave america we could go to like. niue. where theres free wifi and (when i last checked) you pay via pokemon coins but i looked it up and i have not seen anything about black ppl living there lol
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lawbyrhys · 2 months
Lawyer Explains The Logan Paul v. Coffeezilla Defamation Lawsuit: A Super Abridged Version
This is an bite-sized overview of the lawsuit.
This case is a hot topic at the moment, despite being a generally standard defamation lawsuit on it's face. That said, though, I've gotten requests to talk about it, and I will do what I can. I've already recorded a three-part lengthier breakdown that I will try to edit and post this week, but in the meantime, I decided to super summarize it for you here. Let's dive into it now.
The super skinny of the story is that Logan Paul launched a crypto-oriented video game called CryptoZoo. It was essentially sold to fans as a Pokemon-inspired digital game where players could buy coins, break digital animals, and make money back. When nobody made any money back, though, and some time had passed, that's when Coffeezilla got involved. Coffeezilla, real name Stephen Findeisen, started posting commentary videos to YouTube covering Paul's alleged scam; following some back and forth between the two, the latter filed his defamation lawsuit.
Paul filed the lawsuit in the US District Court of Western Texas, which is federal court, to bypass certain anti-SLAPP—Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation—statutes, as well as the Texas Citizens Participation Act, which are in place to protect defendants' First Amendment right to free speech in the face of suits like this. Defamation suits would usually be filed in state court, though, where these laws would apply.
What ensued next was a back and forth between the two of them, with Paul calling out Findeisen's postings as defamation; the former specifically alleged them to be libel per se. Interestingly enough, though, throughout this whole case, Paul actually admits there is truth to everything Findeisen said, all while casting the blame for said truths onto other people. The thing is, intentions don't really matter; Paul is inadvertently helping Findeisen's defense, as well as associated cases in arbitration—we get into all of that mess in the full legal breakdown.
The litigation is ongoing, with updates to come.
It's interesting to me because aside from a few unique facets to the story, it reads as a mostly typical—albeit wildly frivalous—defamation lawsuit. The most unique aspects of the case are honestly that it's a suit between two internet celebrities, as well as how the strategic way the lawsuit was filed and how the respective counsel are handling it. Besides that, though, standard shit as far as junk defamation suits go.
I get into what all the above terms mean in the detailed breakdown, so don't worry; this post serves more or less as a tease of the work I did.
If you have any specific questions about the case, or areas you'd like me to focus on, let me know. I'd be happy to address them when I can.
I look forward to sharing my breakdown soon.
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zaptap · 2 months
ttyd gc updates from last night
got the money money badge, got coins. i heard going after the hyper goombas by twilight town is a good place to do that so that's what i've been doing. seemed to me based on how many coins i was getting from them that it wouldn't be worth it to invest in a second money money badge, since it would take more overall battles to get the extra 700 coins for that and then the subsequent coins even with it tripling (instead of doubling) the drops i'd get afterward
so i've started working my hp down. i need like 200 or 300 more to get into danger mario and buy 8 power rushes (i felt like the 9 i bought in the remake was a little excessive since i had other badges that increased my attack too). that's pretty good considering i needed over 1000 when i started out. i can probably get down to 5hp now and buy some power rushes, which should be enough to one-turn pretty much any battle outside the pit (particularly those hyper goombas. i could be multibouncing them)
also tried hunting amazy dayzees for a bit so i could get more bp but it took forever just to find one compared to the remake (AND i lose coins from running in this version... i figured out that if i fight one close to the edge of the area i only end up losing one each time but still). that could've just been bad luck though, i couldn't find any info on their appearance rates in either version of the game (in the remake it felt like 10% though, based on the fact that i was seeing them about as often as i'd typically see pokemon with that rarity). anyway i could have chet rippo take away some of my fp to get more bp too i guess
and i also finished finding the remaining star pieces. i got to the point where i'd checked everywhere with ms mowz and i was missing ONE... so i had to go over the list and verify that i actually checked each place where it could've been. and then eventually i found the last one in a tree in boggly woods
the only other time consuming thing is doing all those recipes. i've been trying to do some as i go (cooking and selling stuff on hand helps with inventory management AND getting coins), and it definitely helps that i've just done all of them in the remake (though this time i can't cheat and skip the ones you can pick up from npcs and inns since only the remake adds those to the recipe list)
feel like i could be done within a week (if not even tonight or tomorrow... but if i don't get it done right away then eggstra work is going to take over all my free time this weekend between irl work and that'd push it off a few days). then after 17ish years my ttyd gamecube file will finally be complete
and then my plan afterwards is to go back to bug fables and finally finish that game (it's been what... 4 years since it came out on switch?)
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ohthehypocrisy · 3 months
What if Pokemon Unite was an Anime? Part 2: The Setting
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As Pokemon Unite is a Free-To-Play MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena for short), a lot of the background and story is laid pretty bare. You and everyone else are on an island out in the middle of nowhere, and you're here to help the bigwigs running the place measure the Aeos Energy that is running rampant all over Aeos Island.
We know the name of the island and the names of the head researchers running the place, as well as a few locations that serve as the battle arenas, but that's it. We aren't all that privy to how these facts tie together, or how this society of pokemon trainers function without authority figures running the place. It's no surprise that the story serves the bare minimum for the players on the outset before occupying their time with battles and shopping, but we can do better.
I, for one, know we can do better. Fanfiction writers like myself have a habit of filling in the blanks for these sparse stories, so working on the finer details will be easy.
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But I'm not here to fill in every nook and cranny of this fictional setting. We're just going to establish the world that this Pokemon Unite Anime takes place in, and fill in the blanks later.
So, when you play Pokemon Unite for the first time, you'll be greeted by both Professor Phorus and Assistant Researcher Erbie. These two are both the face of Pokemon Unite, essentially, as not only are they the ones who discovered Aeos Energy, but they're also the ones who invented Unite Battles. They also pretty much run the whole island, if the official manga is anything to go by. (Ah, Pokemon Unite does indeed have its own official manga on the official Pokemon Website. That fact always surprises me when I remember it.)
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But there's the fact that we seldom see these two in game once we make it past the Tutorials. While Erbie runs the Unite License shop, Professor Phorus stays occupied in her lab, presumably, nose deep in Aeos Energy research notes. This doesn't really make them personable characters for an Anime, but I don't see much of value lost here. I mean, the Anime is going to focus on the Player Character more than the Unite Committee Staff, so it's better for us that these two are as hands off as they are.
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The trainers do interact more with the shopkeepers, though, Zirco especially. He even has his own chapter in the official Pokemon Unite manga, complete with a hole-in-the-wall shop. Although he may appear to be standoffish, he adores pokemon and dotes on them for their cute appearance. It's even implied that he invented the holowear, meaning that all holowear in the game was designed by him.
The female shopkeeper with the Chatot doesn't have a name yet, and yet she is mostly responsible for much of the economic flow of coin on the island, since she sells Hold Items, Battle Items, clothes, and Item Enhancers. Though she calls them 'merch' in the Pokemon Unite manga, we can presume that she also sells daily essentials like groceries and medicine, and other non-essential items you'd find in a thrift store. We have to assume that this is all stuff sold off-screen, because remember that the pokemon trainers are physically on the island, meaning that they have to get their food somewhere.
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With the Unite Committee Staff present and accounted for, we need to go over the location of the Anime. Now, I don't know if you think an island has to be small, but given the size of the battle arenas you fight in, it's hard to imagine Aeos Island being all that big. And yet, it has multiple stadiums and even a Sky Ruins floating around above it. It wasn't until Chapter 4 of the Pokemon Unite manga that we actually got a good look at the island from a plane's point-of-view (pictured above).
You can see Remoat Stadium down South, where all of the Ranked Matches played out up until it was switched to Theia Sky Ruins. Near that is Mer Stadium, a little further out on the shoreline, which explains all the boats on the maps and all the Drednaw that keep showing up down there. Further inland is Auroma Park where the Quick Battle with the conveyor belts is established (why does a park need treadmills?).
Not shown is Shivre City, though it is presumably up in the mountains where the climate gets cold. There are two different arenas for Shivre City, one for the regular Quick Battle and the other for the Panic Parade mode that ended a while ago. Also the fact that these maps are called Shivre 'City' implies that this is where most of the Trainers live when not participating in Unite Battles.
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(Look, you can even see a car in the background there.)
Now, this does seem to imply that these places function as normal areas of leisure when the place isn't crawling with competitively charged pokemon battles, which means that these Quick Battle arenas are open for competition on a set schedule. This...actually tracks gameplay wise, because if you were to boot up Pokemon Unite right now, the Quick Battle modes operate on a timely schedule. Only one arena is available per day to play on. This is presumably to perform regular maintenance on the other arenas when they aren't on the schedule, and also to allow the trainers themselves to populate the arena for their socializing needs.
Speaking of schedules, it always seems like Remoat Stadium and Theia Sky Ruins are always open for battles, but that's from the perspective of the human players, us, signing up for Unite Battles from the game's menu. Considering that this is where all of Ranked Matches take place, we can assume that these arenas undergo rigorous daily maintenance after each battle. Pokemon Battles in the anime undergo this same routine maintenance, since the arena is subject to earth tremors, flash floods, lightning strikes, and colorful terrain. They always fix it by tilling the earth or just by outright swapping out the ground itself. I don't think a switch of that scale would work for the arenas in Pokemon Unite, so maybe they've got tillers and steamrollers around to fix the ground after each battle.
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Also, we never see these arenas played at night (except for Shivre City, but maybe it's always overcast or something), which supports my theory that these Unite Battles operate on a strict schedule. (It could just be that the devs are just lazy about changing the light setting for the map...)
There are more things to cover, like how the Trainers are supposed to sign up for Unite Battles, or what benefits are granted to each trainer for reaching certain Ranks, or even how they get from stadium to stadium without an established taxi service, but that's a discussion for another time. We got what we came here for, the characters, the setting, the rules, probably, we've got all that we need to make a Unite Anime. This foundation is what we'll build off of when we go over the main cast and their conflicts.
Next time, we're gonna meet the main characters of this Pokemon Unite animated miniseries, and come to understand their motives and desires.
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And all of their teammates.
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Pokemon Card of the Day #3255: Rapidash (Expedition)
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Rapidash was one of a few Fire-types in the e-card sets, and this one had one thing over the others. It could retreat for free, which was useful in formats without the good Baby Pokemon to fall back on. The damage output wasn't that impressive, so it was leaning on that one perk to get use in a reasonably competitive type, but it was certainly better than not standing out at all.
70 HP was maybe slightly below where a lot of other Stage 1 Pokemon were, but still wasn't too bad. The difference in outcomes wouldn't be too significant. The Water Weakness was still an issue against things like Kingdra and a lot of things that worked with Swampert. There was no Retreat Cost here, which was Rapidash's best trait by some margin.
Overrun just did 20 damage for 2 Colorless Energy. The coin flip, if heads, let you do 10 damage to 1 of the opponent's Benched Pokemon as well, which could occasionally set something up. The attack was rather poor as a whole, though, and you could probably do better in many situations.
Flame Tail was a standard 40 damage for 2 Fire and a Colorless Energy attack. It wasn't really going to hit harder than anything else you might be considering in the type, but wasn't awful either.
Rapidash wasn't all that impressive in anything outside of that free Retreat Cost. Having a Stage 1 to pivot was kind of iffy, though it went rather well with something like a Ninetales that wanted to get back to the Bench to recharge Energy after a big attack. There was also a Rapidash in the Aquapolis set to consider, and with neither really being great otherwise you could look at either if you really wanted this trait. It was probably saved for e-On or even just e-card formats, and even then it wasn't amazing. It did a tiny thing a few people might want, at least, at a time where free retreaters were quickly becoming rare.
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Pokemon Emerald Ralts Only Part 8: And There Were Birds
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
With the addition of Surf, a lot of Hoenn has officially opened up to us. Unfortunately for Ralts, there's not a lot to actually get. It doesn't learn Ice Beam, which is a bit of a shame, so it mostly is delegated to cleaning up the various Rare Candies lying around the region for later use. We also clear out New Mauville to gain access to:!
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The TM for Thunderbolt. I'm not going to teach this now however, since Shock Wave's ability to ignore accuracy drops I think is going to be really important for Sidney specifically. Calm Mind and Psychic should allow us to get past Juan easily enough as well.
My plan from this point is to avoid as much as the optional training as I can while taking the EXP that you can miss out on. This means clearing out, for now, the Weather Institute and Winona's gym trainers.
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There's a fight against Shelley in the Institute, but it's not really worth talking about. Ralts is strong enough at this point that neither Pokemon is really all that threatening, and we can freely use our powerful moves on the rest of the trainers here.
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This is thanks to the handy dealing bed available here :)
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You might be wondering about the Rival battle, and while I did take screenshots, the rival in Emerald is really quite bad, even more so than in the previous two generations of Pokemon. Pelipper loves to use Protect on the first turn, giving me the ability to set-up with Calm Mind, and then just start blasting. Perhaps the only unique thing with this fight is Brendan deciding to send out Combusken versus Ralts over Lombre. I'm not really sure why that is.
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Let's skip ahead to Winona, because there's actually not a lot to talk about between the two fights. Ralts is Level 45, above another damage rounding threshold, and most importantly, Winona's fastest Pokemon is actually slower than Norman's fastest Pokemon. This means by making sure we outsped the Slaking, we naturally outspeed everything on Winona's team. Neat!
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Well that is going to be an issue. Not OHKOing the Swablu here opens us up to a potential loss condition: Swablu going for Perish Song. If the Swablu does that, it's a quick reset since there's nothing we can do about it. We'll faint before we can beat Winona. Thankfully here it just goes for Mirror Move, which is a hilariously bad call, and hits up with a frankly pathetic Psychic.
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That doesn't stop the AI from seeing any opportunity it can to royally screw us over. This is a 10% chance! Surely this won't fuck us up later in the fight.
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Next up is Tropius, and while its quite bad, it's not the Pokemon I'm intended on setting up on. I'm a little worried about how much a STAB Aerial Ace will do to use, and just KO it with two uses of Psychic. The thing I noticed here though is that it doesn't go for Aerial Ace, and instead goes for Solarbeam. If it does that consistently, that's actually going to be a free turn of set-up for us, although we won't OHKO at +1.
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Next up is Pelipper and I hate this Pokemon. So many of you probably remember all the annoying Pelipper in-game that caused you issues. I intended to use Calm Mind turn 1, predicting the Protect it was going to use, because Pelipper loves using Protect on turn 1.
Of course, I don't get it. It goes instead for Supersonic, and wins the coin flip and confuses me. That's just dandy. Shock Wave from there KOes it very easily, but I'm still quite annoyed about the whole situation. Life the AI finds a way.
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I have already taken some confusion damage by the time the Skarmory comes out, and Shock Wave isn't a OHKO here either. It barely misses on the KO, so that tells me I'm probably going to want +2 for this fight. It hits me with a Sand-Attack, further increasing my luck-based woes, before going down.
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Next-up is Altaria, and Altaria is extremely specially bulky. I'm not expecting to OHKO this Pokemon, but it's also not particularly strong in any way so I think I'll be fine.
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Unfortunately, we don't even get to see the damage ranges. Confusion damage along with Earthquake and Dragonbreath do enough to knock Ralts out. If we hadn't had our Sp.Def lowered we probably wouldn't have bit it to the Dragonbreath, but it really didn't matter.
Reset Counter: 30
This leaves us with a bit of a conundrum. The Swablu is pretty dangerous, but there's a clear path to victory in setting up to +2 and sweeping from there. But, finding that time is going to be a little difficult: my best options are the Tropius and the Pelipper, but the Pelipper comes with some risk attached to it as well.
I could level up to Level 48 and see if I get the KO range with Psychic, but I'm really not sure I need to do that. The fight seems very winnable at Level 45, and Ralts is a Slow growth rate Pokemon. Thunderbolt would also guarantee the KO, but as previously discussed, I think learning the move now would be short-sighted.
The plan I eventually decided on was to Calm Mind turn 1 on the Swablu, KO it, Calm Mind on the Tropius when it went to use Solarbeam, KO it, and then KO the next three Pokemon. This isn't a risk free strategy, but Swablu isn't guaranteed to use Perish Song and it can't do anything else to reasonably threaten me.
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It works pretty much on the first try. Altaria's Earthquake doesn't even do that much damage, but you might have noticed that a +2 Psychic doesn't OHKO it. Yeah, it's really THAT bulky.
With that we have another Gym Leader down. Compared to Wattson, the last three Gym Leaders have all been fairly straightforward. I'm sure that will continue-
oh no
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