#pokemon go fly gps
nazariatakus · 2 years
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lightandfellowship · 6 months
Fellow KHUX fans talk about this all the time I imagine, but it really can not be overstated how impressive and cool the meta narrative elements of KHX/KHUX are.
Not going to list them all here, but the most mind-blowing one for me personally: the fact that the devs looked at how browser KHX was being remade/ported to phones and said "What if the porting process was actually canon to the story? What if KHX is the real, original world and KHUX is the data copy of it?" And much like any porting process, the copy isn't completely identical to the original, which is represented in the game by gameplay things like medals replacing cards, or plot things like the Keyblade War being erased from the Dandelions' memories. (You could even argue that each game ending its services coincided with the world ending in the story.)
What's even more wild is that unless you played/watched KHX yourself or read up on KHX, the meta aspect of this particular plot point would likely fly right over your head (as it did mine, at first, as someone who back in the day avoided KHX in favor of waiting for an English release). And that probably applies to a large portion of the global playerbase since KHX was a JP exclusive game. Such an unbelievably cool and novel concept for a plot point...and yet its very existence is so obscure!
Anyway, this is partially why I have faith in KHML being cool/interesting, if nothing else. I'm fairly confident that the GPS-based gameplay wasn't chosen on a whim or to jump on a bandwagon (I don't think Pokemon GO has been new/trendy for a while now), but rather because it's going to be relevant to the plot in a meta way. Likely having to do with the connection between fiction and reality, between our world and the world of KH.
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pokemonshelterstories · 8 months
I'm moving into a studio apartment soon, and I'm trying to figure out how to properly care for my pokemon team. Now two of my team members are fairly large, and could potentially cause damage to the apartment. Cynder, my typhlosion, is fairly docile, but im worried she might set something ablaze by accident from becoming started. I have a family of Maushold (the Mortimer family, if you were wondering) and I would like to understand how I should properly house them outside of the pokeball, since in the wild, they're known for making house-like structures. And before you ask, my Maushold get along pretty well with my team, and they even occasionally play with my Raichu, Remy. There is one team member that I'm worried about the most though. Garnet, my flygon, is quite big, and can't live in an apartment, as she needs plenty of outdoor space to fly, but im worried about her getting lost. I've raised her ever since she was a trapinch, so I care about her a great deal. Now I've seen things like hi tech collars and microchips that keep track of flying pokemon, as well as outdoor houses for larger flying Pokémon, and I'd like to know if there's any truth to those.
if i'm going to be honest, this doesn't sound like a setup that's going to work for your team. a studio apartment isn't a suitable environment for a team of pokemon, and many apartments won't rent out to anyone with pokemon over a certain size or of a certain type (fire type is one of the most commonly banned). i'm not entirely sure how you got approved for that apartment with these pokemon.
your maushold will need a proper enclosure with plenty of room to burrow and den. i recommend a small playpen designed for canine pokemon puppies with plenty of rodent pokemon hides and hay/bedding.
for your larger pokemon, you're going to need to find a way to get your pokemon exercise outside of your apartment. and that means supervised exercise- no letting your flygon fly out by herself! you should always monitor your pokemon when they're outside your home. gps trackers for pokemon do exist, but that doesn't mean it's safe or responsible to let a large, powerful pokemon loose on its own.
if you can't provide that, you'll unfortunately need to consider rehoming.
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cyberstardragon · 2 years
F-Zero GP Legend Anime Headcannons➩Pokemon Partner(s)
{Before I begin let me just say this, you may not like the Pokemon partners I give to the certain characters I chose, that's ok}
(Anyways here's some Pokemon I think these characters would have)
Jody Summer- Stufful and Meowstic (Female),I think these Pokemon would be her Pokemon partners, then stufful will evolve to Bewear and it can be a useful partner to have for missions since she trained stufful with her brother as well (I will Mention his Pokemon partner(s)) two, Meowstic was once a Espurr which was gifted from her brother when Espurr followed him back home. It later evolved during a mission. Goodra is a good choice and may smother people in slime by accident which may cause a mess in HQ.
Lucy Liberty-Definitely A wigglytuff, reason why because it was a Pokemon she raised when it was an egg and it was a special one she found. Wigglytuff was once jigglypuff which had a high temper on using pound if she was threatened, And possibly tinkaton because of it's crazy ability to bash pwoplw with its hammer and may enjoy hurting passing by Corviknight. (this happened when it came out it's love ball)
Ryu Suzaku/Rick Wheeler-Altaria, I mean..it's a dragon type and flying type and it is a similar typing as his machine the dragon bird because altaria is a bird but with a dragon and flying typing. Altaria was a gift from his gf Haruka when she found it as a swablu 150 years ago. (yes, it's still alive since it was in it's pokeball) Altaria was a very joyful pokemon to ryu/rick very jolly to him and haruka. ryu/rick has obtained a key stone and a altarianite from the "lost" gift from haruka with the note saying 'use this at the right time with altaria' which may have shocked him though but used it which mega evolved. Dragonite would be a good choice too because it's a flying and dragon type, and I bet Dragonite would recognize Haruka with her Miss Killer persona.
Dr. Stewart-I feel like he would have a chansey and a jolteon(which evolved from eevee from a thunderstone) Chansey is like a helper pokemon since it can heal other pokemon and people with heal pulse. it's a great pokemon to heal the ones needed. for jolteon...it can help with electricity working at clinics to power things up.
Clank Hughes- Rotom, reason why I chose this to be his partner pokemon is because, Rotom can go through any electrical items around and help around the cafè and help Clank with technology. Although Rotom is a trickster so it likes to go through electronics just to mess with him. Rotom does behave sometimes. Rotom has been with Clank for a while. Boltund might be like a good guard dog that can also mess around with technology.
Miss Killer/Misaki Haruka- for starters she has 2 partner pokemon which is an umbreon and a mawile(can mega-evolve) although, she caught these pokemon it was not gifted to her and has found a mawilite that Mawile held. (When Caught) As haruka, she has had a yamper as a pet 150 years ago (it was also given to Ryu/Rick when the others found the other pokeball) Yamper was her pet for a long time and hasn't evolved yet.
Captain Falcon/Andy Summer: I Feel like he would have a Cinderace since rabbits are his favorite animal and Cinderace evolved from a scorbunny which was gifted to him from his sister, Jody, she found scorbunny injured and brought it to Her brother to help the poor scorbunny. Cinderace is very fond of Andy and very.. Very.. Attached to him. Now Cinderace helps him out in the falcon house cafe helping him with cooking. Then another pokemon came along. It was a litten which evolved into incineroar, this pokemon was brought in from someone in the cafe to let Andy know this pokemon was abandoned and started to take care of litten when it evolves, this pokemon was the important partner to bring along in times of danger. Incineroar knows darkest lariat which is commonly used in larger threats, it can easily knock out others which is a perfect command for incineroar. Cinderace and Incineroar do get along well, and Cinderace can be used as a back up and knows the move pyroball which it can be commanded. Braviary would be a great choice for his Bounty Hunter Missions.
Lisa Brilliant-I feel like she would have a Ninetales as her partner and also a sneasel, because I know she wanted to steal something and she can use Sneasel to steal items. Ninetales would be her back up to Sneasel, oh and a Sableye because it can help with heists and finding jewels.(Ninetales is from the kanto region)
Super Arrow- I feel like he would have a Rowlet... It's similar to his class of style and it was picked out from his wife. It evolved into decidueye, and it's a really loyal pokemon. A Noctowl, that would be a good pokemon, I just learned that the Owl he has is named Zukk, so he might be stubborn with Rowlet and Noctowl.
Mrs. Arrow-Her pokemon would be consisted with bug and flying types, I feel like she would have a beautifly and a Starly, I would feel like she would like anything beautiful. And when it evolves to staraptor, she might spoil it so much. Togekiss would be a good one because it's adorable, and may be in good use for strong fairy attacks.
[And... That's all!]
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Diamond In The Rough Ch3 A New Life- College Life That Is
( Warning: Slight warning for mentioning of Scars on Zen's body and for reader falling into the water and needing to be pulled out. Imagine the college a bit like the school building in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet but a bit different as I describe in the chapter. I should've mentioned this Earlier, but this story takes place after chapters 30-31 of Love Doesn't Do Encores/A Champion Time For The Heart but obviously reader's life goes down a different path from the other stories. Also bare with me through the first school year. Things don't get interesting until right after the first year's over.)
You know. You still remembered that time you asked Victor about long long it'd take someone to get to Circhester by train-
"So how long until we reach Circhester?"
"It's the farthest town from all the others in Galar except for the town in the Crown Tundra Valley but that's farther in the mountains than we need to go," Victor explained after he had pulled out his own phone and pulled up his regional maps to look through them, "It's also deep within the Galarian Mountain Reign so it'll take us about three weeks to get there by train."
It took you an entire three weeks by train in order to reach that chilly all year round town, by then it was Mid August when you finally reached the place you needed to go to in order to reach the town. You remembered that part of what Victor told you as well-
He nodded again. "The stop we want is Steamdrift Station. From there it's about an hour walk down Steamdrift Way until we get to Circhester and it's gyms."
You still remembered the small send off everyone gave you back in Postwick when you first set off. You made sure to finish everything you owed Mrs. L and your old boss before gathering your belongings and your pokemon, and getting all the info you needed to know from Sonia to know what to do and where to go. She'd written it all down for you and even set up a GPS with Sparky to mark your destination for you to help keep track of your trip over. Mrs. G was nice enough to give you some money for the train ticket and baked you some nonperishable food for your trip which hopefully would be enough for your long trip since you absolutely REFUSED to fly on over there, so train would be your way to go. Thus began your long, LONG trip to the Galarian Mountain Range. Just like your trip back to Motostoke, you slept on the emptied seats at night but being more prepared Sonia had set up Sparky's phone's gps to set off an alarm once you reached the likes of the station you wanted so you wouldn't have to stay up all night again to keep an eye out for the right station you wanted. Which was a great idea! Over the next few days you fell into that repeated pattern minus taking turns staying up at night and during the day just thinking about random things while eating food from your rations or looking at whatever you could find pulled up from the internet to show you. You past many different things, different landscapes, different towns, and many people you saw. Day in and night out you traveled and traveled and traveled. You were starting to get train sick with how much this was going on and found yourself walking up and down the walkways to keep up the exercise and not let your legs turn to jelly. Until one particular night when you woke up with a shiver. There was a chilly atmosphere inside the metal train from when you were last awake and it was enough for you to make yourself get up groggily. Only to find your drizzilie was lightly shivering as well curled up against your warmer body and stayed clung to you as it groaned in protest at the cold. What the- It was still July so many days traveling were spent very nice and warm, but now there was a certain chill to the air. With a confused groggy blink, you turned your attention towards the window and blinked at the sight of frost coating the glass. Oh- You much be approaching the mountains. Sigh. Time to bundle up. The rest of the days there was pretty much the same, only now it was hard for any of you all to get to sleep now curled up in the seats because of the cold. Why you even dug out a scarf and wrapped it around your neck and half your face. Didn't these trains have darn heating!? The landscape outside the windows changed too. Going from looking like fall-ish time of the year to mid way between fall and winter, until the last day when you all woke up to have found yourselves so, so...SO!! Cold, and you shivered yanking the hood over your f/c hair more as you looked around and noticed white snow was being blown against the windows like some snow storm. And for all you knew there could actually be one out there.
The only one who didn't seem affected by the shift in weather at all was Zen who still ignored your existence and just spent his days looking out the windows or suddenly grabbing your bag and shaking it until you gave him food or something fell out of it he could eat, which only lead to a lot of your objects having to be picked up off the floor. But when you scolded him or interacted him in anyway he didn't seem to get angry or anything. Zen just gave you a bored look and (outside of if he was hungry-) wouldn't even bother to look at you. Instead he sat far away just curled up asleep or looking boredly out the window. Hence the name you gave him, Zen. You still remembered when you first saw him as well. It was just a normal day that you happened to be going through your limited belongings, and found the pokeball you won in that game last year at the Christmas Fair when Lee invited you to spend it with them upon learning you hadn't anyone to spend the holidays with. Ironically that day Hop also had been visiting you and noticed you holding the pokeball-
"Hey," he asked pointing to the pokeball, "Whatcha got there?"
You blinked at what he was pointing at before following his eyes and holding up the pokeball you still had in your hands. Oh right. You still had this! "Oh this? It's that pokeball Lee won me last Christmas."
"Really?" He hummed and gave it a curious look over, "Oh wow. What kind of pokemon is it?"
You shrugged. "I dunno. I haven't really opened it up yet. I was gonna do it today but you showed up then."
He stood up smiling like he always did. "Well then let's find out!"
You agreed and the two of you went outside. Arceus forbid it'd be something as big and bulky as an onix or duraludon and destroy Mrs. L's house. Doing it outside was MUCH safer. So the two of you went outside and once you got a safe just-in-case-of-giant-pokemon away from his house, you threw the balls, and what was inside came out in a bright white light. A blinding white light came forth and what came out of the light was-...More..white? And red too. Silver chirped in alarm at what ended up shaking it's strange red and white fur out and bristle up before it sniffed the air, gave a snort noise...and then slowly turned it's head around to look at you. It was about as tall as your shoulder and it just silently stared at you. Well...It was certainly smaller than an onix, but you stared at it in surprise. And when you looked at Hop you blinked. He seemed even MORE surprised! His eyes wide and blinking at the pokemon still silently staring at you two.
"A ZANGOOSE?!," Hop finally spoke making you jump and snap your head to him, his golden eyes widened in both awe and wonder.
"Zangoose?" You blinked between him and the pokemon who then yawned seeming not the slightest bit surprised seeing you and being more bored. Looking at the pokemon now, you recognized the red fur patterns clearly. It was in fact a zangoose. The zangoose reached it's clawed hand up to scratch behind his ears. "Well...I wasn't expecting that."
"Neither was I to be honest," Hop added with a frown, "Mostly because these guys aren't native to Galar at all."
Your head snapped back to him. "Really?"
He nodded. "Yeah..So how in the world did this guy end up here, and in a game of all things?"
That WAS a good question. How DID a zangoose end up all the way in Galar if they weren't native? Pokemon poachers? Did a foreign trainer just abandon him here? Was he accidentally brought here by other means? You had no idea. You watched as he sniffed around a few more times before it's head finally snapped to you and Silver made a noise before diving behind yours and Hop's legs. It just..stood there and stared at you silently for a long moment before Hop finally leaned forwards and also stared at you. Well you stared silently back at him raising a brow between both of them before it hit you. They weren't looking at YOU. Their eyes were trained far too downwards to be looking at your face, so f/c eyes followed their gaze and you realized something. They were both staring at the pokeball in your hands. But just in case you decided to test this theory by holding the ball up, and sure enough the Zangoose's red eyes followed it as you held it up silently. He was staring at the fact you were holding HIS pokeball!! You continued to stare at one another before the thing just scurried up to you making you yelp and jump back as it was suddenly standing right in front of you sniffing at you like a curious puppy before those long claws wrapped around your arm-
"Don't panic!," Hop shouted suddenly as you let out a loud surprised noise as your arm was promptly and forcefully made to extend out and you were yanked to lean down at the waist by the zangoose and you practically froze as your arm was at the mercy of those claws that was wrapped around it. You wanted to pull away instantly but hearing Hop's shout you froze. "It's not going to hurt you!" He assured as you just stared at him in panic. "It's just curious....I think."
Well his unsure tone was helpful. "You don't say," you hissed through clenched teeth side eyeing the zangoose and it's claws around your arm as if sniffed curiously at it before it brought your hand to his face with a bewildered expression finally releasing one of his clawed hands from your arm-...Only to lightly wrap it around your hand and seemed even more confused just silently looking at them, like he was comparing your plain defenseless hand against his sharp long claws. His fur was ..soft. Softer than you would expect from how rough he looked. Quite literally. He was covered in a few obvious scars that must've been from some really bad fights, which gave you the impression he might start fights or perhaps he had a bad temper. But the way he was holding you was gently, even if he was manhandling you. After a bit he turned his head to your still slightly panicked face letting you see a big scar running across his right eye and running down his side to his shoulder. He narrowed his eyes at you for a long moment before one of his claws reached up and poked your nose lightly. "Hey!" Your nose scrunched up and you narrowed your eyes. "That wasn't very nice of you. Could you please let go of my arm now?"
His response was to snort but immediately released your arm which surprised you but the pokemon seemed to be sizing you up looking you up and down and ..crossed his arms which surprised you further which was very human like. His head tilted to the side seeming to think for a moment before he sighed, nodded, and then turned his attention and curiosity to Silver who let out a startled choke behind you all as he began to walk around you both towards the startled water type.
"Well...That was strange," you finally commented raising a brow as the thing walked on it's two legs around you.
"I think he was just trying to figure out his new situation," Hop commented back just as the Zangoose walked behind you both. "On the bright side I don't think he's hostile unless you're hostile to him first." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't know a whole lot about these guys since they're not from Galar, but from what I heard they're territorial and show aggression where it's given. I-I'll ask Sonia for more info about them."
"Well that's comforting," you mumbled looking back once you heard a panicked chirp. The zangoose was literally manhandling Silver in his giant paws, holding him above the ground and was turning him this way and that sniffing at him as the drizzlie panicked and waved his arms and legs about wildly begging you to save him. "AH! No, no, no, no!! HEY!" The zangoose looked at you boredly as Silver struggled in his grip. "You can't hold him like that!" It still stared at you- "Put! Him! Down! NOW!!" You practically shrieked at it surprising it and the grip on Silver loosened letting the drizzlie fall with a thud to the ground before scurrying over to you. "You can't just pick up random people- Uh..Pokemon like that without asking!" You scolded the surprised zangoose who just stared at you. "Don't ever do that again! Or else you're gonna be in big trouble!"
The thing said nothing as it stared at you for a long moment before his arms flopped to his side and his ears went back as he gave some kind of whine-growl of annoyance and looked away. Well..could've been worse. Silver peered from behind your legs and gave a loud angry chirp at him which the zangoose didn't respond to-
"ZZZTT. Attention Passengers!," the conductor announced over the speakers to anyone left on bourd making come back to attention quickly from memory lane, "We'll be arriving at SteamDrift Station within ten minutes. That is all."
Oh crap! That was your stop! You all made sure to gather your things, you especially making sure to pull the small hoodie over your Drizzilie's head before pushing him into your bag and telling him to stay in there until you said it was safe for him to come out before zipping your bag up but leaving enough of an opening to allow fresh air to him. Slowly after a few minutes the train finally came to a stop and you called out towards Zen who grumbled but obeyed your order to follow you out towards the door, you grunting as you struggled to sling the bag over your shoulders. You had forgotten how heavy Silver actually was when carried. You were extremely thankful for the guys getting you the thick coat and scarf too because the familiar full force of Winter hit you as soon as the you all stepped out the door and you shivered from the frosty cold greeting you all. The entire sky was painted in grey snow clouds that made the day look a little dull while snow gently fell from them and down towards the earth below. Around you was a plain looking station that looked more deserted since no one not even a station master was there, and surrounding you all was cliffsides and hills like in Stow-on-Side except unlike Stow-on-Side these were absolutely COVERED in snow and ice as far as the eyes could see as the four of you stood there taking in the sights. The only living things besides you all being pine trees scattered across the snowy land with a cobblestone road leading away from the station. Ah! You remembered this part. That was Steamdrift Way and about an hour's walk down that way would lead you to Circhestor and when you checked Sparky's GPS maps it also confirmed that. Good. The snow was starting to slowing fall again from the gray clouds and you shivered, pushing the scarf further up your face before stepping from the station's floor and took your first step into the pathway. Snow and ice crunched under your feet making you sound like a wooly mammoth trudging through the snow. You (even you through your scarf covered mouth) could see your breath as snowflakes stuck to your bodies like someone glued white confetti to your clothes as you all followed your memory and Sparky's map through the snow. Thank goodness it didn't cover the road up, or else you might've gotten lost. As you all trudged alone keeping your hands in your pockets after pulling the ends of the sleeves over them to help keep them warm, you all FINALLY came to the stone bridge you encountered before. A cold river running with cold water ran under it as you all crossed and as you walked over it you prayed your drizzilie didn't decide to pop out wanting to swim or see what was going on. So you continued to walk and walk, until you finally reached the end of the road that lead into a metal fenced entrance to Circhester. And you had a collected sigh of relief once you got there. It was decently big with it's many story stone buildings you could make out in the snow with cobblestone roads leading everywhere and the figures of two large stadiums on either side of the town as you all got to walking into it. You all passed the pink pokemon center near the entrance of the town and turned right heading towards what was the town square. A hot spring like fountain was dead set in the middle and there was people walking all around in winter wear with some ice type pokemon or pokemon who could stand this cold weather. Two men had stands selling food in the square as you walked past, one selling some kind of hot wraps and the other......ice..cream?? Oh well. Whatever floats their boat you guessed.
You stood there staring at the scenery around here and now that you weren't so focused on being rushed into battles or trying to find/rush things, you could get a good look at your surroundings now. And BOY was Circhester a LOT bigger than you first realized. Yeah there was everything you first saw the last two times you were here but you also noticed there seemed to be a LOT more people and more buildings plus a cobblestone road leading away and into some more hills where you could see some more TALL buildings just behind the Rock-Type Gym that seemed a bit farther away from the main town. Ah! That must be the way to the college! And according to Sparky, your hunch was right! With a smile you headed towards the right of the town where the rock type gym was. You passed a people with Zen walking right behind you catching a few people's attention to the zangoose, not that you blamed them considering that most of them probably never had seen a zangoose considering the pokemon breed wasn't even native to Galar. You passed what you could only describe as a bath house modeled closely to the buildings of the ancient roman times back on your world, The Hero's Bath. Ah. You remembered that from last year too, the water steamed and seemed boiling hot as you merely gave it a side glance and continued on your way up the stone steps leading up to the rock type gym before turning to the right and continuing on the cobblestone pathway leading around the gym and-...Huh. You never noticed, but there was literally a LOT of more people around here now. Lots of young people around your age or slightly older. They went back past you back towards the town and back up the pathway in the same direction you were headed, LOTS of them carried various forms of backpacks, boxes, books, papers, and a slew of other things. Sometimes even having a pokemon with them helping to carry more boxes, books, etc for them. Strange. Or it would've been strange if you hadn't started coming around the GIANT snow covered hill behind the rock type gym and was met with another sight that made you give pause and letting Zen bump into you a bit at the sudden stop.
"...Holy Arceus!! This place is HUGE!!"
It was still snowing through the grey clouds and through the snowflakes you saw what you were expecting but also not expecting at the same time. A GIANT building almost thrice the size of the Rose of Rhondelands Hotel was standing there proud and tall, and you did mean tall, it was taller than Rose Tower even as you still stood there staring up at it. And it..was in the odd shape of a castle-ish like design a lot like Hammerlocke's gym. The cobble stone pathway lead up to the giant building's giant double doors and split off between two other large (but not AS large as the school) buildings that was in front of it on either side of the pathway. What must've been HUNDREDS of people and their pokemon walking around all three big buildings and the pathways. You stood there still staring around the place feeling very small within the big scheme of things before a small poke of Zen's claw curiously to your face snapped you out of it.
"Ah!" You blinked at the single claw gently poking your cheek and followed it over to the bored face of Zen who had his ears pulled back in annoyance in your lack of response. "Oh. ...Yeah you're right, Zen." You shook your head and looked forward. "I can't just stand here like a statue. I gotta go get situated. C'mon Zen."
Zen gave off a sigh, but obeyed and followed you to the front of the biggest building which you suspected was the main building. Ok. Just follow what Sonia told you. Go to the Entrance Hall and get your class schedule from the secretary or whoever was in charge of handing them out to all the students, then go get your Student ID and get settled in. You made a mental note to thank Sonia later for all of the help she's given you for everything. Zen continued following you walking up to the steps leading up to the building with his ears pulled back, guess big crowded areas annoyed him, and Silver by now had decided to poke his head out of your bag with his hood over his giving a curious chirp to the sight that met his eyes. You all pushed open the doors which were constantly being pushed/pulled open and closed by hundreds of other people and you stopped and again stared wide eyed. HOLY ARCEUS!!! This entrance hall was HUGE!! The ceiling was as high as your standard two story house and you were met with a carpeted floored GIGANTIC room filled to the BRIM with books and tall shelved with more books, except for one wall on the left with computers which currently all were being used by people, and a couple tables with chairs. There was stairs leading up to a second level of more shelves and books and two elevators, on the first floor was another elevator and another pair of double doors leading down a hallway which you guessed must've lead to more rooms. But you were so surprised to how quiet this place was, just a murmur of talking was heard mostly from the line in front of you leading up to the front desk where a middle aged woman and man was furiously typing away behind computers before handing a person a piece of paper before being replaced by another person as the line continued to wait. OH! Those two must be the ones responsible for handing out class schedules like Sonia told you about. So with a smile you went ahead and joined the line gaining a few stares since again, it's not everyday someone showed up with a Zangoose. Luckily the college was completely pokemon friendly so Zen and Silver were allowed to roam the college with you! It took maybe twenty minutes of waiting for you to finally reach the people in front of you and it just so happened to be the man who was free after he gave a girl holding a pichu two pieces of paper.
"Next!," he called sounding tired before you rose a brow and walked up to him. Opening your mouth to say hi- "Name?" he bluntly asked not even looking up from the computer.
Well that caught you off guard as you blinked for a moment furrowing your brow, but you answered. "Um...Y/n L/n?"
And the man without even looking at you typed your name into the computer letting you hear the keys typing away. "Oh yes. Another Standard Course student. One moment please and I'll have all your info printed out for you."
You were left to just...stare at the man and exchanged a look with Zen as the man typed away furiously with a face like he was tired but very familiar with this process. It was only then you noticed the giant printing machine behind him that clicked to life as the man typed with what must've been sore fingers. One, two, three pages were clicked out of the machine to which the man rose a brow at the screen...Pushed his glasses up over his face and squinted...before just turning around and grabbing the three papers, stapled them together, reached under his desk to pull out three other things before standing back up and facing you.
"Here's a map of the university," he spoke handing you a folded piece of paper he pulled from the desk. "And here's your room key." He then held out a small metal key which you also took. "Hold onto it. You only get one and you'll be paying for a replacement if you lose it. You're room's in Dorm B Room 35 on the second floor and you'll be sharing the space with two room mates." Oh...Well you weren't expecting it to be this fast or easy, but then again with so many students they wanted to probably make things as fast and easy as possible. He then held out the stapled papers. "This is a list of all your class schedules with the times marked as well as your teachers' names and the calander of what days classes are out, holidays, and when the college year ends next year. As well as all the rules of C.U.." He then squinted his eyes. "Read. Them. Thoroughly. Any rulebreakers will be expelled as consequence. And here's your gym uniform. You're required to wear them during gym class and battle studies. Wash them and keep them clean." He then handed you a pair of clothes and pointed towards the double doors. "Before you get your package you need to report to the cafeteria for your Student ID card."
You were still processing everything that he said and looking at everything you held in your hands, but blinked when he mentioned that last bit. "Pick up what now?"
The older man sighed. "Your class books of course. Some students preorder their class books from C.U. before the year begins and according to the info submitted in with your application, so did you. All preordered packages are stored in the Director's office awaiting to be picked up, but BEFORE you can get a package you need a student ID card to show proof of identity before you can get it." He then again pointed towards the double doors. "Which is why you need to head to the cafeteria in order to get your ID card."
"Oh. Uh. Ok! Thanks!"
"Glad to help. Next!"
Well despite his rude-ish attitude, you were glad things were going so smoothly so far. Thanks to the map you also found the cafeteria pretty easily and there was little stations set up of other staff memebers taking pictures with machines. What you had to do was sit down on a chair, fill out a small card with the info needed, and then the machine would pop out a small hard plastic card with your picture and info on it. Very fast, easy, and convenient. It only took you ten minutes with waiting. Then it was just to the Director's office which was on the top floor where all the teachers' offices were located and it just so happened be the very last and biggest one. Go figure. Well one elevator ride later and you and Zen were walking down the hallway until you reached a door with the words 'Director Flake' written on the door. Well this must've been it. With a look back to Zen who seemed..curiously looking around more with his ears peeled back you reached a hand up and knocked on the front door. The knocks echoed throughout the empty hallway and a moment of silence followed before there was a man's voice calling from the inside.
"Come in. The door's open."
With that you pushed the door wide open and inside was a...well a typical principle's office only slightly bigger. You blinked looking around eventually stopping at a giant oak wood desk in the middle of the giant room, sat a top said desk was a high tech computer with two tall stacks of papers next to it on either side and behind the computer typing away was a man. He looked about as old as EX-Chairman Rose was, with white-gray hair, blue eyes, and he wore a pair of glasses and a very nice looking black suit more fit for a court room. He looked extremely professional, 'like multi-million dollar professional rich business man lawyer CEO who owns his own expensive company and is very successful' kind of professional with his demeanor and the resting blank face of his as he stared at the screen without even looking your way.
"Well don't just stand there with the door open," he bluntly said making you flinch, "We're not paying the heating bill to warm up the outside. Come in and state your business here."
You again looked to Zen, who's face was now scrunched up in annoyance at the man before you both, before you walked in and closed the door behind you. "I'm here to get a package?"
"Which one?", he again asked bluntly and again without even looking at you and it was just now when you took notice of all the different sized packages to the right of the desk. Some were as big as a standard kitchen chair and others were as small as a small book.
"Um...The one with my name on it?"
He rolled his eyes and you were taken aback by it. "And WHAT do tell is your name?"
"Y/n L/n?"
CLACK- You blinked at the off key that was typed out and the Director paused before every SO slowly turning to you with wide eyes and stared at your bewildered form. Those eyes looked you up and down slowly as if assessing you for a long, LONG awkward silent moment before he narrowed them and had the audacity to look almost...disappointed??
"Hm. So you're the heroine who saved the Champion and Galar twice?," he asked more to himself than you again looking you up and down. "You're certainly not what I expected."
"Excuse me?", you finally asked back an annoyed face coming over yourself. "That's pretty rude of you to say! Especially since I've never met you before! Who are you anyways?"
"Oh yes. How rude of me." He sounded more bored if that was even possible and you couldn't help but find his oh so 'im better than you obviously' voice annoying as he stood from his seat and placed a hand to his chest. "I am the Director and Head Dean of C.U., Snow Flake. I supervise everything that goes on in this college and make sure everything runs smoothly." The same hand pushed up his glasses and stared at you. "And I was informed all about you from Madam Dahlia."
"...Have you now?"
"Of course. She and the Champion both spoke very highly of you and naturally when I found out that one of the heroes of Galar wanted to attend my school, I accepted her proposal without hesitation."
"...You agreed to my scholarship based on the fact I just so happened to do some good deeds?"
"Naturally." Oh..Well if he granted your scholarship based on the fact you did something good for others maybe he wasn't so bad- "If I accept the Hero of Galar as one of my students, then the reputation of C.U. would be forever known as the 'University of The Heroes of Galar.' The application rate would increase dramatically! Attendance would increase through the roof so to speak."
"Nevermind," you mumbled to yourself, "So that's it huh?"
"I'm expecting great things from you during your stay with us," he spoke COMPLETELY ignoring what you had just said to him and turned which made your annoyance at him grow and your frown widen, "Now as I recall you signed up for our full course. Splendid. That's just the push and dedication we need to show more students around here. Maybe you can be a good influence on some of them." He mumbled that last part to himself but you still heard before he gestured to the largest box on the floor. It wasn't too big but big enough for you to have a hard time holding. "All the books you'll need would be in there, I also took the liberty of sorting your classes as there's so many. Some will be sent to you online to work after school in order for you to work over the weekends, you'll also need to join earlier classes in order to keep up with all the materials you signed up for. That's written on your printed schedule you have. These are your books but you'll have to stop by the school's in store if you need to get anything else you need including writing materials. You should be able to find that on the map."
So...he only accepted your scholarship on the basis that your 'reputation' might drum up more attendance for the academy. Well nice to know what he was like. Shallow. Hm. Well you guessed it was better to know what his personality was at the very start at least instead of finding out before it was too late. You just hoped your other teachers weren't like this guy all stuck up and shallow.
"Thanks. I'll just grab my box and go to my room then."
"Be sure not to get lost on your way there. It'd be a terrible start off for the school year."
Surprisingly it wasn't you who grabbed the box but Zen. The zangoose took one bored look at you trying to pick up the giant heavy box while already carrying a giant heavy backpack with all your belongings plus Silver inside it, before you were roughly yanked back with a yelp and two clawed red paws picked up the box with ease for you. Zen turned, gave the Director a deep scowl and hiss, made him jump, before turning to the door and just like that just walked on out the door like nobody's business. You gave the Director a quick and blunt apology to avoid any unwanted headaches over that later and quickly followed after Zen.
"Hey." You called after him coming to jog up next to him and giving him a look. "That wasn't very nice back there. You shouldn't just hiss at someone, that might get us in trouble." Zen only grunted and rolled his eyes- But flinched when your hand suddenly patted his head in a stroke motion like how you'd pet a cat. "But thanks for the help." You smiled. "I'm glad I got such a strong capable boy like you around to help me." Zen paused for a moment as you continued to pat his head-...before scoffing and turning his nose away from you, never mind you could clearly see his tail wagging behind him. "C'mon. I gotta stop by the campus shop before we head back for the dorm." You said taking out your map. "Now let's see where it is."
According to the map, the campus supply shop was between the cafeteria and nurse's office which doubled as the Health Classroom. Ah! You already knew where the cafeteria was so finding the shop was easy. And it was! The shop was about as big as a classroom with a worker behind a desk with a register and inside were a wide array of shelves that nearly touching the ceiling and chalk FULL of any and all school supplies you could think of. From simple pencils, pens, and erasers to giant trifold poster boards you'd use to display projects on and spare C.U. gym uniforms. Well...Needless to say you went on a semi shopping spree and in the end you had to make Silver get out of your bag to help you carry the many bags and three trifold display boards that you purchased from the small school store. A few people gave some looks at the girl who was balancing so much stuff while trying to read a map at the same time being trailed by a drizzile and zangoose carrying other bags and boxes. You ended up following the map and what that man told you over to Dorm B Room 35 on the second floor and stopped in front of the wooden door with all your things as people continued to walk around you and go in and out of other rooms around you. Guess this was it, but why could you hear noises from inside? Well you would've used your key but considering the door was open you just opened the door and walked right in followed by your pokemon. On the other side wasn't what you were expecting. A small common area/kitchen area was there just stuck in one space with a sink and such and across from that was a small carpeted area with a sofa and small coffee table. Across from that was three random doors and inside the room was two other girls both around your age. One was on the sofa on her phone with green hair that just gave you a side glance...before going back lazily back to her phone, and the other had bubble gum pink hair and blue eyes who looked REALLY familiar for some reason holding a small microwave meal she must've just made. You just stood there for a moment staring back at the two of them silently before Bubblegum Hair smiled at you from the half kitchen half living room area.
"Oh, hello. Are you looking for someone?," she asked politely thinking you might've been lost.
"Um...I was uh-..Told this was my room?"
Her blue eyes immediately lit up in realization. "OH! You must be the third room mate!" She realized and smiled at you. "I wasn't expecting you so soon. Come in." She said motioning with one hand to come in and then to herself in a friendly way. "I'm Stacy. Stacy Joy." She then motioned to Ms. Green Hair still ignoring you both on the sofa. "And that's our dorm mate, Emerald."
"Y/n L/n," you answered back, "And Joy huh? As in Nurse Joy?"
She nodded again happily. "Yeah! My Mom's the nurse at the Circhester Pokemon Center and my grandmother teaches the health class here at the academy."
"Oh. Does that mean you're here to get a nursing degree?"
She nodded. "Yep! Advanced Medical Course Sixth Year Student! This year's actually my last before graduating. What about you?"
"Oh. I'm not really after any degree or course specifically. I'm just taking the Standard Course."
"No kidding? Emerald too! It's her second year on the course so she'll be graduating this year too! But you're a first year aren'tcha?"
"How did you know?"
She gestured to the amount of stuff you carried. "Only a first year would be carrying that much stuff with them."
You looked down at yourself embarrassed and coughed. "W-Well...I haven't really had time to grab everything I needed and figured I'd just grab everything I needed just in case."
Stacy only chuckled before waving a hand over towards the first door closest to you. "Well that's your room there. You should already have been given the key by one of the librarians just go right in and make yourself at home."
You smiled at her. "I will! Thanks!"
You then proceeded to walk into the small room which just consisted of a small bed and desk with a lamp and an adjacent bathroom. A bit smaller than you were expecting but it was gonna be nice to have your own space for once and you were fully prepared to make this your own. This was it! College Life. You were finally going to college on your own terms AND with a sholaship no less, but you were determined to work hard to make the most of your first year of college and work hard at it! You then proceeded to spend the rest o the day unpacking and putting things away before you awoke the next day bright and early to Sparky's alarm and meeting up with Stacy and Emerald (who still continued to ignore the both of you and rather stare at her phone), and there you learnt that the first week of the school year would just be tours given around the campus to allow the students to settle in and get used to everything and meet your teachers and RA. You did end up meeting your RA, he was a nice guy. Strict to the rules, by the book, no nonsense kind of guy but he was really polite when introducing himself and reminding you to not allow Zen to sharpen his claws on anything inside the dorms. Easier said than done since the zangoose had taken to pretending no one else was around him and just lazing about all day again other than following you around bordly. You took the chance to familiarize yourself with the layout of the college including the laundry unit, indoor swimming pool, and other places. For a community college this place was built like a rich person's dream private university. Also being able to see the different classrooms for different courses was cool. And when next Monday came you were up and adam with Zen and Silver helping to carry all of your books and supplies you needed (since again, pokemon were allowed to accompany their trainers places in the university-) expecting to tackle the new hard school year-....
Only to find every and all subjects incredibly EASY!
Science? Standard highschool science you've heard a bit, the only difference was that there was also the additions of pokemon wildlife (which in itself was pretty simple to understand) and how the dynamaxing and gigantamaxing phenomenon worked. History and Culture? THAT was easy to follow along with all the legends and history books (you actually liked reading since it was more like a science fiction novel to you-) and learning how the government of Galar worked and was established. Languages and Writing? You've taken these kinds of writing assignments before, the only difference was that the teacher would be mentioning you'd also be studying the secend Paldean language which sounded an awful lot like Spanish, which was a bit hard for you to do but nothing Sparky couldn't help with. Arts? Literally studying famous Galarian artists, doing things like pottery, and seeing how art helped influence culture. Home Ec? Literally showing how to properly cook, clean, how to take care of a home. properly filling out a job application, some gardening that would come later that year- ALL of which you learnt growing up being forced to do so under your mother. Math? Algebra, pre-algebra, etc. That was by fair the hardest class you had. Never was too good at math. P.E? That spoke for itself. Just exercising and playing adult dodgeball or something. Health and Medical? Just learning about good hygiene routines, a good balanced diet, how to make healthy relationships and keeping good balances- OH! And what do to if you ever get burnt on a hot stove or someone gets a broken leg etc. Battle Studies?....YOU DIDN'T EVEN DO ANY BATTLING!!! It was just you sitting down and learning about hundreds of different moves, pokemon types, abilities, states, environment factors, etc. Apparently battling will only be for second Standard Course students. Pokemon Care?...Again that spoke for itself with Stacy's grandmother being both the Health AND Pokemon Care teacher on top of being the university's nurse. The old woman looked like an elderly version of Stacy just with more wrinkles and most of her bubblegum hair being a white-gray now with her age.
This was-....
THIS WAS JUST HIGHSCHOOL!!! WITH ADULTS INSTEAD OF TEENS!! The ONLY difference was that this was a pokemon version of highschool! You'd just get up, go to class, work on whatever paper or assignment was given to you (most of which you knew anyways-) and turn it in the next day when you went to class. Rinse and repeat for at least a month and you just-....COuldn't wrap your head around it at first. Wasn't college supposed to be hard? You literally saw Stacy constantly surrounded by books and papers and writing and staying up some nights with notebooks surrounding her on all sides, typing on her laptop with one hand while scarfing pure coffee with the other. Well one day you decided to ask her about it and she gave you an answer that made sense.
"Well you're taking the Stanard Course. Most people including some of the current Gym Leaders take it because it has the basics of what everyone needs to know. It's all pretty-...Well standard information your first year that everyone should know hence the name. Unless you're taking an Advance or Ultra class like me then things are going to be more Standard. But what I hear from Emerald, your second year's going to be a LOT harder."
"Wait. Really?"
She nodded pointing what must've been her fifth cup of coffee that night at you and blinking her eyes that drooped with the bags under them. "Don't get too cocky and think it'll be easy now. Right now everything's just a review of what you already know, but pride can make someone blind to problems to come, Now if you excuse me, I need to get back to my essay on bone fractures."
And that sentence hit close to home. Pride was the thing those two hairdo weirdos and Mr. Rose let blind them (that and being really dumb to the obvious problems-) so you wouldn't let that make you too confident. You just needed to continue to work hard and keep it up with the studying, even if it was stuff you mostly knew! And you could prepare yourself for next year because you knew what the course would have for you! How did you know?...Emerald liked to rant and rant and RANT about it in her room which with thin walls, you could hear here CONSTANTLY complain loudly to whoever was on the phone just how BORING and HARD and SO UNFAIR these classes and teachers were. Especially Mr. Ruth the P.E. Coach...Yeah. When Emerald wasn't in her room complaining you'd often see her just lazing about on the sofa or...Not in the room for hours on end? Being on year ahead of you of course your classes were different than hers even if you came home later and had more things to do, you barely ever saw her so she didn't really enter your mind. But you did know one thing...SHE WAS SO ANNOYING! With her constant yelling and complaining through the thin walls while you were trying to work on assignments. When you didn't see her she was awful but at least she was useful for something and liked to complain in great detail what kind of stuff you could expect for next year. One month flew by fast which turned into two and two turned into three- And before you knew it December was starting to come to a close and you were doing..Well..Pretty well. Classes were simple enough and you were always able to finish the worksheets/assignments assigned before the next day or finished anything you couldn't get done Saturday morning pretty early before returning it in, and on the weekends you were able to go out and restock your food at the Cafeteria (they LITERALLY sold groceries like some kind of store in there! More money towards the school you guessed), do laundry, take Zen and Silver out to watch them roll around in the snow- It was a mostly peaceful life. You also got to speak to all your friends. Hop must've given Gloria and Victor your phone number as well as Leon because you'd often get calls from them on the weekends with the occasional one from Sonia when she had time. It was nice to have people to chat with although you still felt a bit lonely. The school year itself would be ending soon. While your typical school years would end somewhere mid May, school years here ends mid February which was only a month and a half away. Things were going well so far until one day..One day that'll change your life. It was the first Sunday of January of the new year. You hadn't anything to do. No chores. No work. No studying. And no one else in your shared space was there. Stacy was spending more time in the library studying for her upcoming exams seeing as this was her last year of college and Emerald was-...You had no idea where she was again but you assumed she was doing whatever she was doing. Only you and your pokemon which were both fast asleep. Guess helping you carry things between classes constantly five days a week and spending all day Saturday's being outside would do that to them.
It was cold outside as you laid down silently in your warm cozy bed, Silver sprawled at your feet and Zen curled up on the carpeted floor softly snoring away. You were comfortably laying there in bed and you could easily sleep in today and have a day off. Watching the snowflakes gently fall from your window and the frost gather on the glass panes. It was a truly peaceful moment of your life. Probably the most peaceful you'd ever been in your life. Surrounded by love and silent serenity, being hugged by the warmth of your blankets. Would things have been this peaceful if you had stayed in your old world? If you could've or chosen to go home? ...No. With your mother it probably wouldn't have. You still would've remained the exact same before you left. And..
You were at peace with this.
Not a worry in your mind. At peace. With a gentle smile on your face watching the small snowflakes go by. Now would be a good day to curl up with a cup of Hot chocolate and spend the day curled up in bed watching movies on Sparky's screen unbothered-
...Hot chocolate?
Your smile disappeared when you remembered. You don't have anymore hot chocolate. You used the last of it Friday night when you stayed up to finish an essay for science class on the topic of what kind of effects stun spore had on different pokemon types' bodies and the effect it had on their muscles. You hadn't picked up anymore since then. ...Well it's not like you NEED it, but you wanted it. Badly. ...Hm. Now that you thought about it, the last time you had some REALLY good hot chocolate was when you spent that time with Sonia and the guys last year in Circhestor. That was a long time ago with all of you smiling, laughing, and listening to everyone just talk. It was nice...And it would be nice to visit that again, even if it was just by yourself. Yeah. When's the last time you did something for yourself? It's been a while. It certainly wouldn't hurt if you just stepped out for just a little while to get some food by yourself, besides both your pokemon were heavy sleepers who'd sleep for hours on end if given the chance. Bob's Your Uncle back in town served some really good curry and hot coco, and the cafe was a really nice small one and it wouldn't hurt to just run down there and have a small moment of peace to yourself would it? Of course not! It'd be nice to have no one trail you a bit and let these guys have a day to sleep in for themselves. With a smile you shimmied out of bed and was careful to get dressed without waking either pokemon and gently leaving the apartment making sure to lock the door behind you. Like every other day, it was cold and chilly outside with only your coat and scared being the protection between you and said cold. Your first step outside and hearing the snow crunching under your feet was a strange peaceful sound as was the atmosphere which smelt clean and of pine trees and whatever food stands were out this time of day. Peaceful. Serene. A few other people were out today too, not as many as there was on the weekdays when classes were going on, but still a lot. Circhestor was right around the giant hill you walked back around past the rock type gym. The small town was hustling and bustling full of college students and possible buyers to be wooed into spending money from all the stands and open stores advertising their wares to the masses. However you were highly unaware of what was going on with your surrounding fellow people. Another woman just so happened to be heading in the same direction as you holding a rather large purse, and a man with most of his face covered by a mask and hood. He followed closely behind the woman behind you as he eyed her purse menacingly. You went past the gym and the Heroes' Bath and walking your way past the square over towards a stairway that went downwards, right by the stairs was a part of the fountain filled full of water, and right around that corner was Bob's Your Uncle. The small little cafe you were hoping to visit. The woman and man behind you getting closer.
You smiled gently as you grabbed onto the railing of the stairs grabbing it as you descended the snow and ice covered steps. Reaching up a hand to gently pull at your scarf- gasping when a big gust of cold wind shocked you and blew the scarf right out of your hand-
"Hey! Wait!"
Your hand reached out for it as it blew down from the stairs and across the fountain below you and getting caught on the back of someone's head. The man yelped having and long piece of fabric get caught on the back of his head and you stared in shock and embarraassment as the man reached a hand over and grabbed the scarf from his hood and brought it around to look at it. The teenager girl he was talking to blinked at it as well-
"Hey!" Both jumped before turning up towards you and the man froze as you waved at them smiling. "Sorry about that! That's mine. Can you hold onto it until I get down there?"
You paused. Wha- How did he know your name-..before the man reached up to pull down his hood down revealing a head of white-blonde perfectly styled hair and pulled off his sunglasses to show himself to you. Blue eyes and all. And you stared at the man known as Gordie. The gym leader stared up at you through the snowflakes and wind. You stared down at him surprised as he continued to stare at you...before he looked back down to the scarf in his hand..and smiled. He smiled gently looking at the scarf before looking back up to you and you paused. Staring at his gentle smile towards you as his other hand pushed the blonde-white hair from his face, the sunlight bouncing off the snow and reflecting in his ice blew ones as snowflakes gently fell onto his own face. He held up the scarf to you and for whatever reason you felt your face heat up- What the-
"AH!!" A woman's shriek cut through the air, cutting through any serene experience and crashing through the air. "HELP!! HE STOLE MY PURSE!!"
You barely had any time to turn around before you felt yourself be shoved backwards by a masked man, slipping on the snow and ice gathered on the steps, and your back painfully hitting something metal as you tumbled over it backwards-
And then there was a splash.
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echantedtoon · 10 months
Diamond In The Rough Ch3
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( Warning: Slight warning for mentioning of Scars on Zen's body and for reader falling into the water and needing to be pulled out, picture above is the pool of water Y/n falls into just before they reach Bob's Your Uncle. Imagine the college a bit like the school building in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet but a bit different as I describe in the chapter. I should've mentioned this Earlier, but this story takes place after chapters 30-31 of Love Doesn't Do Encores/A Champion Time For The Heart but obviously reader's life goes down a different path from the other stories. Also bare with me through the first school year. Things don't get interesting until right after the first year's over.)
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You know. You still remembered that time you asked Victor about long long it'd take someone to get to Circhester by train-
"So how long until we reach Circhester?"
"It's the farthest town from all the others in Galar except for the town in the Crown Tundra Valley but that's farther in the mountains than we need to go," Victor explained after he had pulled out his own phone and pulled up his regional maps to look through them, "It's also deep within the Galarian Mountain Reign so it'll take us about three weeks to get there by train."
It took you an entire three weeks by train in order to reach that chilly all year round town, by then it was Mid August when you finally reached the place you needed to go to in order to reach the town. You remembered that part of what Victor told you as well-
He nodded again. "The stop we want is Steamdrift Station. From there it's about an hour walk down Steamdrift Way until we get to Circhester and it's gyms."
You still remembered the small send off everyone gave you back in Postwick when you first set off. You made sure to finish everything you owed Mrs. L and your old boss before gathering your belongings and your pokemon, and getting all the info you needed to know from Sonia to know what to do and where to go. She'd written it all down for you and even set up a GPS with Sparky to mark your destination for you to help keep track of your trip over. Mrs. G was nice enough to give you some money for the train ticket and baked you some nonperishable food for your trip which hopefully would be enough for your long trip since you absolutely REFUSED to fly on over there, so train would be your way to go. Thus began your long, LONG trip to the Galarian Mountain Range. Just like your trip back to Motostoke, you slept on the emptied seats at night but being more prepared Sonia had set up Sparky's phone's gps to set off an alarm once you reached the likes of the station you wanted so you wouldn't have to  stay up all night again to keep an eye out for the right station you wanted. Which was a great idea! Over the next few days you fell into that repeated pattern minus taking turns staying up at night and during the day just thinking about random things while eating food from your rations or looking at whatever you could find pulled up from the internet to show you. You past many different things, different landscapes, different towns, and many people you saw. Day in and night out you traveled and traveled and traveled. You were starting to get train sick with how much this was going on and found yourself walking up and down the walkways  to keep up the exercise and not let your legs turn to jelly. Until one particular night when you woke up with a shiver. There was a chilly atmosphere inside the metal train from when you were last awake and it was enough for you to make yourself get up groggily. Only to find your drizzilie was lightly shivering as well curled up against your warmer body and stayed clung to you as it groaned in protest at the cold. What the- It was still July so many days traveling were spent very nice and warm, but now there was a certain chill to the air. With a confused groggy blink, you turned your attention towards the window and blinked at the sight of frost coating the glass. Oh- You much be approaching the mountains. Sigh. Time to bundle up. The rest of the days there was pretty much the same, only now it was hard for any of you all to get to sleep now curled up in the seats because of the cold. Why you even dug out a scarf and wrapped it around your neck and half your face. Didn't these trains have darn heating!? The landscape outside the windows changed too. Going from looking like fall-ish time of the year to mid way between fall and winter, until the last day when you all woke up to have found yourselves so, so...SO!! Cold, and you shivered yanking the hood over your f/c hair more as you looked around and noticed white snow was being blown against the windows like some snow storm. And for all you knew there could actually be one out there.
The only one who didn't seem affected by the shift in weather at all was Zen who still ignored your existence and just spent his days looking out the windows or suddenly grabbing your bag and shaking it until you gave him food or something fell out of it he could eat, which only lead to a lot of your objects having to be picked up off the floor. But when you scolded him or interacted him in anyway he didn't seem to get angry or anything. Zen just gave you a bored look and (outside of if he was hungry-) wouldn't even bother to look at you. Instead he sat far away just curled up asleep or looking boredly out the window. Hence the name you gave him, Zen. You still remembered when you first saw him as well. It was just a normal day that you happened to be going through your limited belongings, and found the pokeball you won in that game last year at the Christmas Fair when Lee invited you to spend it with them upon learning you hadn't anyone to spend the holidays with. Ironically that day Hop also had been visiting you and noticed you holding the pokeball-
"Hey," he asked pointing to the pokeball, "Whatcha got there?"
You blinked at what he was pointing at before following his eyes and holding up the pokeball you still had in your hands. Oh right. You still had this! "Oh this? It's that pokeball Lee won me last Christmas."
"Really?" He hummed and gave it a curious look over, "Oh wow. What kind of pokemon is it?"
You shrugged. "I dunno. I haven't really opened it up yet. I was gonna do it today but you showed up then."
He stood up smiling like he always did. "Well then let's find out!"
You agreed and the two of you went outside. Arceus forbid it'd be something as big and bulky as an onix or duraludon and destroy Mrs. L's house. Doing it outside was MUCH safer. So the two of you went outside and once you got a safe just-in-case-of-giant-pokemon away from his house, you threw the balls, and what was inside came out in a bright white light. A blinding white light came forth and what came out of the light was-...More..white? And red too. Silver chirped in alarm at what ended up shaking it's strange red and white fur out and bristle up before it sniffed the air, gave a snort noise...and then slowly turned it's head around to look at you. It was about as tall as your shoulder and it just silently stared at you. Well...It was certainly smaller than an onix, but you stared at it in surprise. And when you looked at Hop you blinked. He seemed even MORE surprised! His eyes wide and blinking at the pokemon still silently staring at you two.
"A ZANGOOSE?!," Hop finally spoke making you jump and snap your head to him, his golden eyes widened in both awe and wonder.
"Zangoose?" You blinked between him and the pokemon who then yawned seeming not the slightest bit surprised seeing you and being more bored. Looking at the pokemon now, you recognized the red fur patterns clearly. It was in fact a zangoose. The zangoose reached it's clawed hand up to scratch behind his ears. "Well...I wasn't expecting that." 
"Neither was I to be honest," Hop added with a frown, "Mostly because these guys aren't native to Galar at all."
Your head snapped back to him. "Really?"
He nodded. "Yeah..So how in the world did this guy end up here, and in a game of all things?"
That WAS a good question. How DID a zangoose end up all the way in Galar if they weren't native? Pokemon poachers? Did a foreign trainer just abandon him here? Was he accidentally brought here by other means? You had no idea. You watched as he sniffed around a few more times before it's head finally snapped to you and Silver made a noise before diving behind yours and Hop's legs. It just..stood there and stared at you silently for a long moment before Hop finally leaned forwards and also stared at you. Well you stared silently back at him raising a brow between both of them before it hit you. They weren't looking at YOU. Their eyes were trained far too downwards to be looking at your face, so f/c eyes followed their gaze and you realized something. They were both staring at the pokeball in your hands. But just in case you decided to test this theory by holding the ball up, and sure enough the Zangoose's red eyes followed it as you held it up silently. He was staring at the fact you were holding HIS pokeball!! You continued to stare at one another before the thing just scurried up to you making you yelp and jump back as it was suddenly standing right in front of you sniffing at you like a curious puppy before those long claws wrapped around your arm-
"Don't panic!," Hop shouted suddenly as you let out a loud surprised noise as your arm was promptly and forcefully made to extend out and you were yanked to lean down at the waist by the zangoose and you practically froze as your arm was at the mercy of those claws that was wrapped around it. You wanted to pull away instantly but hearing Hop's shout you froze. "It's not going to hurt you!" He assured as you just stared at him in panic. "It's just curious....I think."
Well his unsure tone was helpful. "You don't say," you hissed through clenched teeth side eyeing the zangoose and it's claws around your arm as if sniffed curiously at it before it brought your hand to his face with a bewildered expression finally releasing one of his clawed hands from your arm-...Only to lightly wrap it around your hand and seemed even more confused just silently looking at them, like he was comparing your plain defenseless hand against his sharp long claws. His fur was ..soft. Softer than you would expect from how rough he looked. Quite literally. He was covered in a few obvious scars that must've been from some really bad fights, which gave you the impression he might start fights or perhaps he had a bad temper. But the way he was holding you was gently, even if he was manhandling you. After a bit he turned his head to your still slightly panicked face letting you see a big scar running across his right eye and running down his side to his shoulder. He narrowed his eyes at you for a long moment before one of his claws reached up and poked your nose lightly. "Hey!" Your nose scrunched up and you narrowed your eyes. "That wasn't very nice of you. Could you please let go of my arm now?"
His response was to snort but immediately released your arm which surprised you but the pokemon seemed to be sizing you up looking you up and down and ..crossed his arms which surprised you further which was very human like. His head tilted to the side seeming to think for a moment before he sighed, nodded, and then turned his attention and curiosity to Silver who let out a startled choke behind you all as he began to walk around you both towards the startled water type.
"Well...That was strange," you finally commented raising a brow as the thing walked on it's two legs around you.
"I think he was just trying to figure out his new situation," Hop commented back just as the Zangoose walked behind you both. "On the bright side I don't think he's hostile unless you're hostile to him first." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't know a whole lot about these guys since they're not from Galar, but from what I heard they're territorial and show aggression where it's given. I-I'll ask Sonia for more info about them."
"Well that's comforting," you mumbled looking back once you heard a panicked chirp. The zangoose was literally manhandling Silver in his giant paws, holding him above the ground and was turning him this way and that sniffing at him as the drizzlie panicked and waved his arms and legs about wildly begging you to save him. "AH! No, no, no, no!! HEY!" The zangoose looked at you boredly as Silver struggled in his grip. "You can't hold him like that!" It still stared at you- "Put! Him! Down! NOW!!" You practically shrieked at it surprising it and the grip on Silver loosened letting the drizzlie fall with a thud to the ground before scurrying over to you. "You can't just pick up random people- Uh..Pokemon like that without asking!" You scolded the surprised zangoose who just stared at you. "Don't ever do that again! Or else you're gonna be in big trouble!"
The thing said nothing as it stared at you for a long moment before his arms flopped to his side and his ears went back as he gave some kind of whine-growl of annoyance and looked away. Well..could've been worse. Silver peered from behind your legs and gave a loud angry chirp at him which the zangoose didn't respond to-
"ZZZTT. Attention Passengers!," the conductor announced over the speakers to anyone left on bourd making come back to attention quickly from memory lane, "We'll be arriving at SteamDrift Station within ten minutes. That is all."
Oh crap! That was your stop! You all made sure to gather your things, you especially making sure to pull the small hoodie over your Drizzilie's head before pushing him into your bag and telling him to stay in there until you said it was safe for him to come out before zipping your bag up but leaving enough of an opening to allow fresh air to him. Slowly after a few minutes the train finally came to a stop and you called out towards Zen who grumbled but obeyed your order to follow you out towards the door, you grunting as you struggled to sling the bag over your shoulders. You had forgotten how heavy Silver actually was when carried. You were extremely thankful for the guys getting you the thick coat and scarf too because the familiar full force of Winter hit you as soon as the you all stepped out the door and you shivered from the frosty cold greeting you all. The entire sky was painted in grey snow clouds that made the day look a little dull while snow gently fell from them and down towards the earth below. Around you was a plain looking station that looked more deserted since no one not even a station master was there, and surrounding you all was cliffsides and hills like in Stow-on-Side except unlike Stow-on-Side these were absolutely COVERED in snow and ice as far as the eyes could see as the four of you stood there taking in the sights. The only living things besides you all being pine trees scattered across the snowy land with a cobblestone road leading away from the station. Ah! You remembered this part. That was Steamdrift Way and about an hour's walk down that way would lead you to Circhestor and when you checked Sparky's GPS maps it also confirmed that. Good. The snow was starting to slowing fall again from the gray clouds and you shivered, pushing the scarf further up your face before stepping from the station's floor and took your first step into the pathway.  Snow and ice crunched under your feet making you sound like a wooly mammoth trudging through the snow. You (even you through your scarf covered mouth) could see your breath as snowflakes stuck to your bodies like someone glued white confetti to your clothes as you all followed your memory and Sparky's map through the snow. Thank goodness it didn't cover the road up, or else you might've gotten lost. As you all trudged alone keeping your hands in your pockets after pulling the ends of the sleeves over them to help keep them warm, you all FINALLY came to the stone bridge you encountered before. A cold river running with cold water ran under it as you all crossed and as you walked over it you prayed your drizzilie didn't decide to pop out wanting to swim or see what was going on. So you continued to walk and walk, until you finally reached the end of the road that lead into a metal fenced entrance to Circhester. And you had a collected sigh of relief once you got there. It was decently big with it's many story stone buildings you could make out in the snow with cobblestone roads leading everywhere and the figures of two large stadiums on either side of the town as you all got to walking into it. You all passed the pink pokemon center near the entrance of the town and turned right heading towards what was the town square. A hot spring like fountain was dead set in the middle and there was people walking all around in winter wear with some ice type pokemon or pokemon who could stand this cold weather. Two men had stands selling food in the square as you walked past, one selling some kind of hot wraps and the other......ice..cream?? Oh well. Whatever floats their boat you guessed. 
You stood there staring at the scenery around here and now that you weren't so focused on being rushed into battles or trying to find/rush things, you could get a good look at your surroundings now. And BOY was Circhester a LOT bigger than you first realized. Yeah there was everything you first saw the last two times you were here but you also noticed there seemed to be a LOT more people and more buildings plus a cobblestone road leading away and into some more hills where you could see some more TALL buildings just behind the Rock-Type Gym that seemed a bit farther away from the main town. Ah! That must be the way to the college! And according to Sparky, your hunch was right! With a smile you headed towards the right of the town where the rock type gym was. You passed a people with Zen walking right behind you catching a few people's attention to the zangoose, not that you blamed them considering that most of them probably never had seen a zangoose considering the pokemon breed wasn't even native to Galar. You passed what you could only describe as a bath house modeled closely to the buildings of the ancient roman times back on your world, The Hero's Bath. Ah. You remembered that from last year too, the water steamed and seemed boiling hot as you merely gave it a side glance and continued on your way up the stone steps leading up to the rock type gym before turning to the right and continuing on the cobblestone pathway leading around the gym and-...Huh. You never noticed, but there was literally a LOT of more people around here now. Lots of young people around your age or slightly older. They went back past you back towards the town and back up the pathway in the same direction you were headed, LOTS of them carried various forms of backpacks, boxes, books, papers, and a slew of other things. Sometimes even having a pokemon with them helping to carry more boxes, books, etc for them. Strange. Or it would've been strange if you hadn't started coming around the GIANT snow covered hill behind the rock type gym and was met with another sight that made you give pause and letting Zen bump into you a bit at the sudden stop. 
"...Holy Arceus!! This place is HUGE!!"
It was still snowing through the grey clouds and through the snowflakes you saw what you were expecting but also not expecting at the same time. A GIANT building almost thrice the size of the Rose of Rhondelands Hotel was standing there proud and tall, and you did mean tall, it was taller than Rose Tower even as you still stood there staring up at it. And it..was in the odd shape of a castle-ish like design a lot like Hammerlocke's gym. The cobble stone pathway lead up to the giant building's giant double doors and split off between two other large (but not AS large as the school) buildings that was in front of it on either side of the pathway. What must've been HUNDREDS of people and their pokemon walking around all three big buildings and the pathways. You stood there still staring around the place feeling very small within the big scheme of things before a small poke of Zen's claw curiously to your face snapped you out of it. 
"Ah!" You blinked at the single claw gently poking your cheek and followed it over to the bored face of Zen who had his ears pulled back in annoyance in your lack of response. "Oh. ...Yeah you're right, Zen." You shook your head and looked forward. "I can't just stand here like a statue. I gotta go get situated. C'mon Zen."
Zen gave off a sigh, but obeyed and followed you to the front of the biggest building which you suspected was the main building. Ok. Just follow what Sonia told you. Go to the Entrance Hall and get your class schedule from the secretary or whoever was in charge of handing them out to all the students, then go get your Student ID and get settled in. You made a mental note to thank Sonia later for all of the help she's given you for everything. Zen continued following you walking up to the steps leading up to the building with his ears pulled back, guess big crowded areas annoyed him, and Silver by now had decided to poke his head out of your bag with his hood over his giving a curious chirp to the sight that met his eyes. You all pushed open the doors which were constantly being pushed/pulled open and closed by hundreds of other people and you stopped and again stared wide eyed. HOLY ARCEUS!!! This entrance hall was HUGE!! The ceiling was as high as your standard two story house and you were met with a carpeted floored GIGANTIC room filled to the BRIM with books and tall shelved with more books, except for one wall on the left with computers which currently all were being used by people, and a couple tables with chairs. There was stairs leading up to a second level of more shelves and books and two elevators, on the first floor was another elevator and another pair of double doors leading down a hallway which you guessed must've lead to more rooms. But you were so surprised to how quiet this place was, just a murmur of talking was heard mostly from the line in front of you leading up to the front desk where a middle aged woman and man was furiously typing away behind computers before handing a person a piece of paper before being replaced by another person as the line continued to wait. OH! Those two must be the ones responsible for handing out class schedules like Sonia told you about. So with a smile you went ahead and joined the line gaining a few stares since again, it's not everyday someone showed up with a Zangoose. Luckily the college was completely pokemon friendly so Zen and Silver were allowed to roam the college with you! It took maybe twenty minutes of waiting for you to finally reach the people in front of you and it just so happened to be the man who was free after he gave a girl holding a pichu two pieces of paper.
"Next!," he called sounding tired before you rose a brow and walked up to him. Opening your mouth to say hi- "Name?" he bluntly asked not even looking up from the computer.
Well that caught you off guard as you blinked for a moment furrowing your brow, but you answered. "Um...Y/n L/n?"
And the man without even looking at you typed your name into the computer letting you hear the keys typing away. "Oh yes. Another Standard Course student. One moment please and I'll have all your info printed out for you."
You were left to just...stare at the man and exchanged a look with Zen as the man typed away furiously with a face like he was tired but very familiar with this process. It was only then you noticed the giant printing machine behind him that clicked to life as the man typed with what must've been sore fingers. One, two, three pages were clicked out of the machine to which the man rose a brow at the screen...Pushed his glasses up over his face and squinted...before just turning around and grabbing the three papers, stapled them together, reached under his desk to pull out three other things before standing back up and facing you.
"Here's a map of the university," he spoke handing you a folded piece of paper he pulled from the desk. "And here's your room key." He then held out a small metal key which you also took. "Hold onto it. You only get one and you'll be paying for a replacement if you lose it. You're room's in Dorm B Room 35 on the second floor and you'll be sharing the space with two room mates." Oh...Well you weren't expecting it to be this fast or easy, but then again with so many students they wanted to probably make things as fast and easy as possible. He then held out the stapled papers. "This is a list of all your class schedules with the times marked as well as your teachers' names and the calander of what days classes are out, holidays, and when the college year ends next year. As well as all the rules of C.U.." He then squinted his eyes. "Read. Them. Thoroughly. Any rulebreakers will be expelled as consequence. And here's your gym uniform. You're required to wear them during gym class and battle studies. Wash them and keep them clean." He then handed you a pair of clothes and pointed towards the double doors. "Before you get your package you need to report to the cafeteria for your Student ID card."
You were still processing everything that he said and looking at everything you held in your hands, but blinked when he mentioned that last bit. "Pick up what now?"
The older man sighed. "Your class books of course. Some students preorder their class books from C.U. before the year begins and according to the info submitted in with your application, so did you. All preordered packages are stored in the Director's office awaiting to be picked up, but BEFORE you can get a package you need a student ID card to show proof of identity before you can get it." He then again pointed towards the double doors. "Which is why you need to head to the cafeteria in order to get your ID card."
"Oh. Uh. Ok! Thanks!"
"Glad to help. Next!"
Well despite his rude-ish attitude, you were glad things were going so smoothly so far. Thanks to the map you also found the cafeteria pretty easily and there was little stations set up of other staff memebers taking pictures with machines. What you had to do was sit down on a chair, fill out a small card with the info needed, and then the machine would pop out a small hard plastic card with your picture and info on it. Very fast, easy, and convenient. It only took you ten minutes with waiting. Then it was just to the Director's office which was on the top floor where all the teachers' offices were located and it just so happened be the very last and biggest one. Go figure. Well one elevator ride later and you and Zen were walking down the hallway until you reached a door with the words 'Director Flake' written on the door. Well this must've been it. With a look back to Zen who seemed..curiously looking around more with his ears peeled back you reached a hand up and knocked on the front door. The knocks echoed throughout the empty hallway and a moment of silence followed before there was a man's voice calling from the inside.
"Come in. The door's open."
With that you pushed the door wide open and inside was a...well a typical principle's office only slightly bigger. You blinked looking around eventually stopping at a giant oak wood desk in the middle of the giant room, sat a top said desk was a high tech computer with two tall stacks of papers next to it on either side and behind the computer typing away was a man. He looked about as old as EX-Chairman Rose was, with white-gray hair, blue eyes, and he wore a pair of glasses and a very nice looking black suit more fit for a court room. He looked extremely professional, 'like multi-million dollar professional rich business man lawyer CEO who owns his own expensive company and is very successful' kind of professional with his demeanor and the resting blank face of his as he stared at the screen without even looking your way.
"Well don't just stand there with the door open," he bluntly said making you flinch, "We're not paying the heating bill to warm up the outside. Come in and state your business here."
You again looked to Zen, who's face was now scrunched up in annoyance at the man before you both, before you walked in and closed the door behind you. "I'm here to get a package?"
"Which one?", he again asked bluntly and again without even looking at you and it was just now when you took notice of all the different sized packages to the right of the desk. Some were as big as a standard kitchen chair and others were as small as a small book.
"Um...The one with my name on it?"
He rolled his eyes and you were taken aback by it. "And WHAT do tell is your name?"
"Y/n L/n?"
CLACK- You blinked at the off key that was typed out and the Director paused before every SO slowly turning to you with wide eyes and stared at your bewildered form. Those eyes looked you up and down slowly as if assessing you for a long, LONG awkward silent moment before he narrowed them and had the audacity to look almost...disappointed?? 
"Hm. So you're the heroine who saved the Champion and Galar twice?," he asked more to himself than you again looking you up and down. "You're certainly not what I expected."
"Excuse me?", you finally asked back an annoyed face coming over yourself. "That's pretty rude of you to say! Especially since I've never met you before! Who are you anyways?"
"Oh yes. How rude of me." He sounded more bored if that was even possible and you couldn't help but find his oh so 'im better than you obviously' voice annoying as he stood from his seat and placed a hand to his chest. "I am the Director and Head Dean of C.U., Snow Flake. I supervise everything that goes on in this college and make sure everything runs smoothly." The same hand pushed up his glasses and stared at you. "And I was informed all about you from Madam Dahlia."
"...Have you now?"
"Of course. She and the Champion both spoke very highly of you and naturally when I found out that one of the heroes of Galar wanted to attend my school, I accepted her proposal without hesitation."
"...You agreed to my scholarship based on the fact I just so happened to do some good deeds?"
"Naturally." Oh..Well if he granted your scholarship based on the fact you did something good for others maybe he wasn't so bad- "If I accept the Hero of Galar as one of my students, then the reputation of C.U. would be forever known as the 'University of The Heroes of Galar.' The application rate would increase dramatically! Attendance would increase through the roof so to speak."
"Nevermind," you mumbled to yourself, "So that's it huh?"
"I'm expecting great things from you during your stay with us," he spoke COMPLETELY ignoring what you had just said to him and turned which made your annoyance at him grow and your frown widen, "Now as I recall you signed up for our full course. Splendid. That's just the push and dedication we need to show more students around here. Maybe you can be a good influence on some of them." He mumbled that last part to himself but you still heard before he gestured to the largest box on the floor. It wasn't too big but big enough for you to have a hard time holding. "All the books you'll need would be in there, I also took the liberty of sorting your classes as there's so many. Some will be sent to you online to work after school in order for you to work over the weekends, you'll also need to join earlier classes in order to keep up with all the materials you signed up for. That's written on your printed schedule you have. These are your books but you'll have to stop by the school's in store if you need to get anything else you need including writing materials. You should be able to find that on the map."
So...he only accepted your scholarship on the basis that your 'reputation' might drum up more attendance for the academy. Well nice to know what he was like. Shallow. Hm. Well you guessed it was better to know what his personality was at the very start at least instead of finding out before it was too late. You just hoped your other teachers weren't like this guy all stuck up and shallow.
"Thanks. I'll just grab my box and go to my room then."
"Be sure not to get lost on your way there. It'd be a terrible start off for the school year."
Surprisingly it wasn't you who grabbed the box but Zen. The zangoose took one bored look at you trying to pick up the giant heavy box while already carrying a giant heavy backpack with all your belongings plus Silver inside it, before you were roughly yanked back with a yelp and two clawed red paws picked up the box with ease for you. Zen turned, gave the Director a deep scowl and hiss, made him jump, before turning to the door and just like that just walked on out the door like nobody's business. You gave the Director a quick and blunt apology to avoid any unwanted headaches over that later and quickly followed after Zen.
"Hey." You called after him coming to jog up next to him and giving him a look. "That wasn't very nice back there. You shouldn't just hiss at someone, that might get us in trouble." Zen only grunted and rolled his eyes- But flinched when your hand suddenly patted his head in a stroke motion like how you'd pet a cat. "But thanks for the help." You smiled. "I'm glad I got such a strong capable boy like you around to help me." Zen paused for a moment as you continued to pat his head-...before scoffing and turning his nose away from you, never mind you could clearly see his tail wagging behind him. "C'mon. I gotta stop by the campus shop before we head back for the dorm." You said taking out your map. "Now let's see where it is."
According to the map, the campus supply shop was between the cafeteria and nurse's office which doubled as the Health Classroom. Ah! You already knew where the cafeteria was so finding the shop was easy. And it was! The shop was about as big as a classroom with a worker behind a desk with a register and inside were a wide array of shelves that nearly touching the ceiling and chalk FULL of any and all school supplies you could think of. From simple pencils, pens, and erasers to giant trifold poster boards you'd use to display projects on and spare C.U. gym uniforms. Well...Needless to say you went on a semi shopping spree and in the end you had to make Silver get out of your bag to help you carry the many bags and three trifold display boards that you purchased from the small school store. A few people gave some looks at the girl who was balancing so much stuff while trying to read a map at the same time being trailed by a drizzile and zangoose carrying other bags and boxes. You ended up following the map and what that man told you over to Dorm B Room 35 on the second floor and stopped in front of the wooden door with all your things as people continued to walk around you and go in and out of other rooms around you. Guess this was it, but why could you hear noises from inside? Well you would've used your key but considering the door was open you just opened the door and walked right in followed by your pokemon. On the other side wasn't what you were expecting. A small common area/kitchen area was there just stuck in one space with a sink and such and across from that was a small carpeted area with a sofa and small coffee table. Across from that was three random doors and inside the room was two other girls both around your age. One was on the sofa on her phone with green hair that just gave you a side glance...before going back lazily back to her phone, and the other had bubble gum pink hair and blue eyes who looked REALLY familiar for some reason holding a small microwave meal she must've just made. You just stood there for a moment staring back at the two of them silently before Bubblegum Hair smiled at you from the half kitchen half living room area.
"Oh, hello. Are you looking for someone?," she asked politely thinking you might've been lost.
"Um...I was uh-..Told this was my room?"
Her blue eyes immediately lit up in realization. "OH! You must be the third room mate!" She realized and smiled at you. "I wasn't expecting you so soon. Come in." She said motioning with one hand to come in and then to herself in a friendly way. "I'm Stacy. Stacy Joy." She then motioned to Ms. Green Hair still ignoring you both on the sofa. "And that's our dorm mate, Emerald."
"Y/n L/n," you answered back, "And Joy huh? As in Nurse Joy?"
She nodded again happily. "Yeah! My Mom's the nurse at the Circhester Pokemon Center and my grandmother teaches the health class here at the academy."
"Oh. Does that mean you're here to get a nursing degree?"
She nodded. "Yep! Advanced Medical Course Sixth Year Student! This year's actually my last before graduating. What about you?"
"Oh. I'm not really after any degree or course specifically. I'm just taking the Standard Course."
"No kidding? Emerald too! It's her second year on the course so she'll be graduating this year too! But you're a first year aren'tcha?"
"How did you know?"
She gestured to the amount of stuff you carried. "Only a first year would be carrying that much stuff with them."
You looked down at yourself embarrassed and coughed. "W-Well...I haven't really had time to grab everything I needed and figured I'd just grab everything I needed just in case."
Stacy only chuckled before waving a hand over towards the first door closest to you. "Well that's your room there. You should already have been given the key by one of the librarians just go right in and make yourself at home."
You smiled at her. "I will! Thanks!"
You then proceeded to walk into the small room which just consisted of a small bed and desk with a lamp and an adjacent bathroom. A bit smaller than you were expecting but it was gonna be nice to have your own space for once and you were fully prepared to make this your own. This was it! College Life. You were finally going to college on your own terms AND with a sholaship no less, but you were determined to work hard to make the most of your first year of college and work hard at it! You then proceeded to spend the rest o the day unpacking and putting things away before you awoke the next day bright and early to Sparky's alarm and meeting up with Stacy and Emerald (who still continued to ignore the both of you and rather stare at her phone), and there you learnt that the first week of the school year would just be tours given around the campus to allow the students to settle in and get used to everything and meet your teachers and RA. You did end up meeting your RA, he was a nice guy. Strict to the rules, by the book, no nonsense kind of guy but he was really polite when introducing himself and reminding you to not allow Zen to sharpen his claws on anything inside the dorms. Easier said than done since the zangoose had taken to pretending no one else was around him and just lazing about all day again other than following you around bordly. You took the chance to familiarize yourself with the layout of the college including the laundry unit, indoor swimming pool, and other places. For a community college this place was built like a rich person's dream private university. Also being able to see the different classrooms for different courses was cool. And when next Monday came you were up and adam with Zen and Silver helping to carry all of your books and supplies you needed (since again, pokemon were allowed to accompany their trainers places in the university-) expecting to tackle the new hard school year-....
Only to find every and all subjects incredibly EASY!
Science? Standard highschool science you've heard a bit, the only difference was that there was also the additions of pokemon wildlife (which in itself was pretty simple to understand) and how the dynamaxing and gigantamaxing phenomenon worked. History and Culture? THAT was easy to follow along with all the legends and history books (you actually liked reading since it was more like a science fiction novel to you-) and learning how the government of Galar worked and was established. Languages and Writing? You've taken these kinds of writing assignments before, the only difference was that the teacher would be mentioning you'd also be studying the secend Paldean language which sounded an awful lot like Spanish, which was a bit hard for you to do but nothing Sparky couldn't help with. Arts? Literally studying famous Galarian artists, doing things like pottery, and seeing how art helped influence culture. Home Ec? Literally showing how to properly cook, clean, how to take care of a home. properly filling out a job application, some gardening that would come later that year- ALL of which you learnt growing up being forced to do so under your mother. Math? Algebra, pre-algebra, etc. That was by fair the hardest class you had. Never was too good at math. P.E? That spoke for itself. Just exercising and playing adult dodgeball or something. Health and Medical? Just learning about good hygiene routines, a good balanced diet, how to make healthy relationships and keeping good balances- OH! And what do to if you ever get burnt on a hot stove or someone gets a broken leg etc. Battle Studies?....YOU DIDN'T EVEN DO ANY BATTLING!!! It was just you sitting down and learning about hundreds of different moves, pokemon types, abilities, states, environment factors, etc. Apparently battling will only be for second Standard Course students. Pokemon Care?...Again that spoke for itself with Stacy's grandmother being both the Health AND Pokemon Care teacher on top of being the university's nurse. The old woman looked like an elderly version of Stacy just with more wrinkles and most of her bubblegum hair being a white-gray now with her age. 
This was-....
THIS WAS JUST HIGHSCHOOL!!! WITH ADULTS INSTEAD OF TEENS!! The ONLY difference was that this was a pokemon version of highschool! You'd just get up, go to class, work on whatever paper or assignment was given to you (most of which you knew anyways-) and turn it in the next day when you went to class. Rinse and repeat for at least a month and you just-....COuldn't wrap your head around it at first. Wasn't college supposed to be hard? You literally saw Stacy constantly surrounded by books and papers and writing and staying up some nights with notebooks surrounding her on all sides, typing on her laptop with one hand while scarfing pure coffee with the other. Well one day you decided to ask her about it and she gave you an answer that made sense.
"Well you're taking the Stanard Course. Most people including some of the current Gym Leaders take it because it has the basics of what everyone needs to know. It's all pretty-...Well standard information your first year that everyone should know hence the name. Unless you're taking an Advance or Ultra class like me then things are going to be more Standard. But what I hear from Emerald, your second year's going to be a LOT harder."
"Wait. Really?"
She nodded pointing what must've been her fifth cup of coffee that night at you and blinking her eyes that drooped with the bags under them. "Don't get too cocky and think it'll be easy now. Right now everything's just a review of what you already know, but pride can make someone blind to problems to come, Now if you excuse me, I need to get back to my essay on bone fractures."
And that sentence hit close to home. Pride was the thing those two hairdo weirdos and Mr. Rose let blind them (that and being really dumb to the obvious problems-) so you wouldn't let that make you too confident. You just needed to continue to work hard and keep it up with the studying, even if it was stuff you mostly knew! And you could prepare yourself for next year because you knew what the course would have for you! How did you know?...Emerald liked to rant and rant and RANT about it in her room which with thin walls, you could hear here CONSTANTLY complain loudly to whoever was on the phone just how BORING and HARD and SO UNFAIR these classes and teachers were. Especially Mr. Ruth the P.E. Coach...Yeah. When Emerald wasn't in her room complaining you'd often see her just lazing about on the sofa or...Not in the room for hours on end? Being on year ahead of you of course your classes were different than hers even if you came home later and had more things to do, you barely ever saw her so she didn't really enter your mind. But you did know one thing...SHE WAS SO ANNOYING! With her constant yelling and complaining through the thin walls while you were trying to work on assignments. When you didn't see her she was awful but at least she was useful for something and liked to complain in great detail what kind of stuff you could expect for next year. One month flew by fast which turned into two and two turned into three- And before you knew it December was starting to come to a close and you were doing..Well..Pretty well. Classes were simple enough and you were always able to finish the worksheets/assignments assigned before the next day or finished anything you couldn't get done Saturday morning pretty early before returning it in, and on the weekends you were able to go out and restock your food at the Cafeteria (they LITERALLY sold groceries like some kind of store in there! More money towards the school you guessed), do laundry, take Zen and Silver out to watch them roll around in the snow- It was a mostly peaceful life. You also got to speak to all your friends. Hop must've given Gloria and Victor your phone number as well as Leon because you'd often get calls from them on the weekends with the occasional one from Sonia when she had time. It was nice to have people to chat with although you still felt a bit lonely. The school year itself would be ending soon. While your typical school years would end somewhere mid May, school years here ends mid February which was only a month and a half away. Things were going well so far until one day..One day that'll change your life. It was the first Sunday of January of the new year. You hadn't anything to do. No chores. No work. No studying. And no one else in your shared space was there. Stacy was spending more time in the library studying for her upcoming exams seeing as this was her last year of college and Emerald was-...You had no idea where she was again but you assumed she was doing whatever she was doing. Only you and your pokemon which were both fast asleep. Guess helping you carry things between classes constantly five days a week and spending all day Saturday's being outside would do that to them. 
It was cold outside as you laid down silently in your warm cozy bed, Silver sprawled at your feet and Zen curled up on the carpeted floor softly snoring away. You were comfortably laying there in bed and you could easily sleep in today and have a day off. Watching the snowflakes gently fall from your window and the frost gather on the glass panes. It was a truly peaceful moment of your life. Probably the most peaceful you'd ever been in your life. Surrounded by love and silent serenity, being hugged by the warmth of your blankets. Would things have been this peaceful if you had stayed in your old world? If you could've or chosen to go home? ...No. With your mother it probably wouldn't have. You still would've remained the exact same before you left. And..
You were at peace with this.
Not a worry in your mind. At peace. With a gentle smile on your face watching the small snowflakes go by. Now would be a good day to curl up with a cup of Hot chocolate and spend the day curled up in bed watching movies on Sparky's screen unbothered-
...Hot chocolate?
Your smile disappeared when you remembered. You don't have anymore hot chocolate. You used the last of it Friday night when you stayed up to finish an essay for science class on the topic of what kind of effects stun spore had on different pokemon types' bodies and the effect it had on their muscles. You hadn't picked up anymore since then. ...Well it's not like you NEED it, but you wanted it. Badly. ...Hm. Now that you thought about it, the last time you had some REALLY good hot chocolate was when you spent that time with Sonia and the guys last year in Circhestor. That was a long time ago with all of you smiling, laughing, and listening to everyone just talk. It was nice...And it would be nice to visit that again, even if it was just by yourself. Yeah. When's the last time you did something for yourself? It's been a while. It certainly wouldn't hurt if you just stepped out for just a little while to get some food by yourself, besides both your pokemon were heavy sleepers who'd sleep for hours on end if given the chance. Bob's Your Uncle back in town served some really good curry and hot coco, and the cafe was a really nice small one and it wouldn't hurt to just run down there and have a small moment of peace to yourself would it? Of course not! It'd be nice to have no one trail you a bit and let these guys have a day to sleep in for themselves. With a smile you shimmied out of bed and was careful to get dressed without waking either pokemon and gently leaving the apartment making sure to lock the door behind you. Like every other day, it was cold and chilly outside with only your coat and scared being the protection between you and said cold. Your first step outside and hearing the snow crunching under your feet was a strange peaceful sound as was the atmosphere which smelt clean and of pine trees and whatever food stands were out this time of day. Peaceful. Serene. A few other people were out today too, not as many as there was on the weekdays when classes were going on, but still a lot. Circhestor was right around the giant hill you walked back around past the rock type gym. The small town was hustling and bustling full of college students and possible buyers to be wooed into spending money from all the stands and open stores advertising their wares to the masses. However you were highly unaware of what was going on with your surrounding fellow people. Another woman just so happened to be heading in the same direction as you holding a rather large purse, and a man with most of his face covered by a mask and hood. He followed closely behind the woman behind you as he eyed her purse menacingly. You went past the gym and the Heroes' Bath and walking your way past the square over towards a stairway that went downwards, right by the stairs was a part of the fountain filled full of water, and right around that corner was Bob's Your Uncle. The small little cafe you were hoping to visit. The woman and man behind you getting closer. 
You smiled gently as you grabbed onto the railing of the stairs grabbing it as you descended the snow and ice covered steps. Reaching up a hand to gently pull at your scarf- gasping when a big gust of cold wind shocked you and blew the scarf right out of your hand-
"Hey! Wait!"
Your hand reached out for it as it blew down from the stairs and across the fountain below you and getting caught on the back of someone's head. The man yelped having and long piece of fabric get caught on the back of his head and you stared in shock and embarraassment as the man reached a hand over and grabbed the scarf from his hood and  brought it around to look at it. The teenager girl he was talking to blinked at it as well-
"Hey!" Both jumped before turning up towards you and the man froze as you waved at them smiling. "Sorry about that! That's mine. Can you hold onto it until I get down there?"
You paused. Wha- How did he know your name-..before the man reached up to pull down his hood down revealing a head of white-blonde perfectly styled hair and pulled off his sunglasses to show himself to you. Blue eyes and all. And you stared at the man known as Gordie. The gym leader stared up at you through the snowflakes and wind. You stared down at him surprised as he continued to stare at you...before he looked back down to the scarf in his hand..and smiled. He smiled gently looking at the scarf before looking back up to you and you paused. Staring at his gentle smile towards you as his other hand pushed the blonde-white hair from his face, the sunlight bouncing off the snow and reflecting in his ice blew ones as snowflakes gently fell onto his own face. He held up the scarf to you and for whatever reason you felt your face heat up- What the-
"AH!!" A woman's shriek cut through the air, cutting through any serene experience and crashing through the air. "HELP!! HE STOLE MY PURSE!!"
You barely had any time to turn around before you felt yourself be shoved backwards by a masked man, slipping on the snow and ice gathered on the steps, and your back painfully hitting something metal as you tumbled over it backwards-
And then there was a splash.
0 notes
just-a-pokeblog · 4 years
Are there any "flying" Pokemon GO trainers who would like to do some trades with me?
3 notes · View notes
katchihe · 3 years
Taking a break from drawing to...write? Yeah! I've actually missed writing after so long. Not to mention I need the practice for a competition image lol
Featuring Corsen (Pokemon GO oc) with her team on hand Shiho (shiny Horsea), Titan (Arcanine), Sleepy (Snorlax), and Mint (Glaceon). But I can't go on further without saying that it also features some nerd we all came to love and hate. And his Salamence who just no.
I think it does get pretty long but I tried getting into the good parts haha. There is definitely a part 2 and I might post it soon, but in the meantime enjoy!
If anything needed fixing today it was certainly Corsen's jaw. The trainer couldn't keep her mouth shut since passing by the wooden doors of the museum. Left and right, up and down, everywhere she looked there was something exciting to see.
"This is amazing!" Corsen squealed. Slapping her hands to her cheeks smiling widely. The museum was full on packed with trainers and their Pokémon. Thankfully there was a limit to the sizes of Pokémon so nothing could be broken in such a priceless museum.  
From statues, to the first planes, to the first achievements, to the first texts of ancient civilizations, everything could be found here. Corsen hadn't even spent 30 minutes inside and her phone was about to burst with all the videos and pictures she had already taken.
"Hey Shiho look!" Shiho looked towards where his trainer pointed at. The fossil exhibition. Since she was young, she had always had a fascination for fossils. Even staying up super late at night to read all the theories and encyclopedias of each extinct fossil Pokémon.
"Let's go there first and then how about we go get some lunch?"
Shiho wiggled contently in his carrier in agreement, just by feeling his trainer's energy he too felt excited. At this Corsen wasted no more time and went into the exhibition.
Once again Corsen's mouth couldn't stay shut at the sights.
"Is that an Aurorus?!" The brunette gasped looking up at the elongated neck of the extinct Pokémon. The wings of the skeleton flapped in the superficial wind, to only think of how it would've been to have such a Pokémon be alive today.
"Wait until Blanche sees this! Now should I take a video or photo?" Corsen pondered opening up the camera on her phone. Crouching down the brunette faced her camera up, hoping to get a cool sideways shot, but to her dismay it only focused on the fossils' chest area.
"A little back." Corsen muttered taking a couple of steps back.
"Maybe a little more?"
Getting up in her annoyance Corsen walked back focusing too much on the screen of her phone. It wasn't until she felt her back hit something hard, and the sound of a book dropping, that she finally shifted her attention.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!"
Back turned the stranger slowly bent down to pick up his book.
"Are you okay? I'm so sorry I didn't see you!" Corsen apologized staying frozen in place. At the suffocating silence she bit her lip not knowing what else to say. She felt Shiho shift in his carrier staying silent as well.
After forever came to an end, the stranger finally spoke.
"Watch where you're going, pest." The man turned his head to glare at the brunette. Obvious anger, and disdain in his eyes. Funny how red is often associated with anger as his eyes were the full definition of it.
The stranger spoke no more and began to walk away without giving Corsen a second glance.
Corsen huffed exhaling a breath she didn't know she had been holding. Now the frozen air feeling vanished and she was free of its spell. Anger started to creep through.
"I said SORRY!" Corsen growled spreading her arms out in protest.
Shiho huffed alongside his trainer glaring at the back of the man.
"Whatever." Corsen rolled her eyes and turned back around to enjoy the museum. She wasn't about to let some insignificant incident ruin her day.
In a second her eye caught something interesting and her mind quickly forgot about the sour experience.
The sight was a golden hoop behind glass up against the near wall.
With peeked interest the trainer approached the compartment and looked up in awe. The hoop looked a bit rusty, yet it shone so brightly of gold in the evening sun that broke in through the high window.
"It is said this hoop once belonged to the mysterious Pokémon known as 'Hoopa'." Corsen read the metallic plate which stood in front of the display. "Legend says this Pokémon was first seen around 1,700 years ago. Hoopa would transport both objects and Pokémon through its many hoops. Those legends have never been proven true, but this hoop was found near Varanasi, India where the legend of this mythical Pokémon first began." 
"Huh well that's quite interesting." Corsen looked back up to the hoop. It looked so normal for it to belong to Hoopa. If that was even true. 
She had read many stories and theories about the mischievous Pokémon. Also seen those videos that claimed to have caught the Pokémon on camera, but none of them were true.
Much like Mew, those were just theories and made-up stories from the older civilizations of the past.
Walking down to the other section of the glass display Corsen then spotted a fossil. Squinting her eyes she tried to decipher the shape of it.
Shiho called to his trainer to look down on the plate.
"Aerodactyl. A Pokémon which became extinct around 150 million years ago. It lived in the prehistoric era where it reigned top predator. Being able to rip prey with its strong jaws, and fly as high as 250 meters up in the air with its strong wings, there was nothing that could possibly have stopped this Pokémon." Corsen read the metallic plate then looked up to the fossil once more. She still couldn't figure out the shape of it despite the massive size.
"Well still looks interesting." The trainer brought her camera up and snapped a photo of both the Aerodactyl fossil and the hoop.
"Maybe I can even make my own theories of these two." She laughed and began to walk away.
Later in the evening, Corsen sat at a café trying to mellow down from the long day.
She was immensely thankful to Blanche for having given her this opportunity, but was still a bit skeptical as to why they had decided to bless her with such a gift.
Corsen didn't want to pay no mind to it however, she continuously told herself it was something genuine that had come from Blanche's deepest part of their heart. Or something cheesy like that.
"Oh my baby is tired isn't he?" Ebony eyes dropped to Shiho who's head now lay limp against his trainer.
The Horsea slept peacefully giving no mind to his trainer as she caressed his cheek.
"But you're right it has been a long day." Corsen brought out Shiho's Pokéball and recalled the water-type. Taking off the carrier Corsen stretched her arms back with a yawn.
"I guess it's time to go hit the hay too." Getting up from her seat Corsen looked at her watch. 11:27PM. The hotel wasn't that far away, she could bring out Titan for a ride to get there much quicker, but the trainer decided against it last minute.
The night breeze felt quite nice and refreshing for a walk. After paying her bill and tipping her waiter she began the walk back to the hotel with the GPS in hand.
There was rarely anyone in the streets. Cars began to appear less and less the further she walked. It was such a somber ambient, one that started to cause Corsen both concern and worry.
It was the weekend and it wasn't so late in the night to not have both trainers and Pokémon out enjoying the night.
Corsen tried ignoring the nagging feeling in her gut and focused instead on walking.
"But what if a big scary shadow jumped out of nowhere?" Her mind began to wonder.
The trainer shook her head vigorously in return. She had Titan, Sleepy, and Mint in hand that were more than capable of holding themselves against anyone.
"Oh but what if something is behind you?"
Once again Corsen shook her head trying to rid her mind of such childish thoughts. Turning around she saw no one except her own shadow.
"I'm just delusional." Corsen muttered rolling her eyes in annoyance, but stopped mid turn when smoke caught her eye. It was up high and it looked like a fire a couple of blocks down the street.
The nagging feeling seemed to increase at the sight. Observing the buildings it looked to have been in the direction of the museum.
"That's odd..." Corsen placed her phone in the pocket of her jacket and began walking towards the direction of the fire.
The closer she got the faster her pace until she was on a full out run.
Turning the corner Corsen stopped abruptly in her tracks. Smoke and flames decorated the entrance to the Smithsonian. Eyes widened in horror at the sight.
Corsen started running once again towards the building but stopped once more when she spotted a cargo truck at the distance.
Two men carried a rather big piece of flat rock hosting it up in the back. Once the rock was secure they jumped in the back and closed the doors.
"A robbery?" Corsen furrowed her brows reaching into her backpack. Why weren't the alarms ringing? Where were the police? Where was anyone?
Bringing out a Pokéball she faced it towards the street. Through a beam of red light came out an Arcanine who looked at his trainer ready for action.
"Titan, I need your full speed right now." Corsen said jumping on the Pokémon's back. Titan nodded in reply lifting his body back up from the ground once his trainer was positioned.
With one final glance at the burning entrance Corsen and Titan began following the truck through the streets.
It only took seconds to reach the vehicle. Corsen held tightly onto Titan's mane as he ran at full speed through the streets. Despite his size he was an expert at agility, easily dodging parked cars and turning corners with ease.
"Titan! Scratch the back tire!" Corsen called as loud as she could through the wind. Gaining a bit more speed the Arcanine took one calculated swipe at the tire and it immediately blew out.
The rim screeched and sparked on the pavement before the truck fell on its weight and lost control. It ended up skidding to a stop and crashed onto its side.
"Steady." Corsen halted Titan who breathed heavily, ready for combat.
Out of the truck emerged three men who looked both bruised and confused. In their attire, a bright R decorated their chests. "Team Rocket?" Corsen felt a cold air hit despite the warm aura of her Arcanine.
Once they spotted the trainer and the Arcanine they called forth their own Pokémon. Dratini, Golbat, and Ivysaur. Their eyes shone red in the dim lights of the streets, at this the brunette furrowed her brows in confusion.
There was something off about those Pokémon, but Corsen wasn't about to sit around and figure it out.
Jumping off Titan's back the trainer readied herself as well.
"Titan, flame charge."
It was over as soon as it began. The three opposing foes dropped unconscious as well as their following companions. The rocket grunts recalled their fainted Pokémon and seeing as they were out of Pokémon to battle with, they began to retrieve.
"Wait until boss gets here. You'll regret this." One of them said before taking off at a run.
Titan growled loudly stomping the ground.
"No." Corsen placed a hand on Titan's chest stopping him from running after the man.
"Let them go, we have more important matters at hand." Corsen said approaching the fallen vehicle. She began to unhitch the back door letting it swing open before it hit the ground.
It was dark inside but she could barely make out the silhouette of the fossil rock. Bringing out a flashlight the trainer looked in relief and shock upon the Aerodactyl fossil. It was miraculously intact, except for some pieces of rubble that had fallen off the edges.
Jumping inside the truck Corsen ran a hand across the fossil. No cracks. Good. But why were they taking this specific thing out of all the objects in the museum? She was sure there were far more valuable objects in there than a piece of rock.
Suddenly her foot hit something metallic that swung across the floor. Directing her flashlight towards that direction Corsen spotted a ring. The Hoopa ring.
"What the hell?" Corsen stepped carefully around the fossil towards the ring.
Titan stood at the entrance of the truck, attentive to his trainer.
Grabbing a hold of the ring Corsen brought it up to the light.
Titan growled showing his fangs, partially scaring his trainer in the process.
"It's just a ring calm down." Corsen shushed the Arcanine looking at him while she placed her index finger to her lips. She had to admit she was still a bit jumpy from the events, adrenaline was running high.
Looking back down to the ring, Corsen turned it in her hand. Still looked as normal as when it was in its glass confinement.
"I could possibly keep this safe in my jacket." Corsen shakily opened the breast pocket of her jacket. It wasn't every day you had something so old and so valuable on your person. As for the fossil, Corsen frowned. She could possibly carry it back to the museum with Titan, but what if it fell and broke into a million pieces?
Another growl rumbled through the truck causing the trainer to break from her train of thought.
"Titan-" Corsen looked up ready to calm the dog but stopped. He wasn't looking at her.
A cold wave rushed through the brunettes body. Turning off the flashlight she began walking towards the entrance of the truck.
Without warning Titan let out a massive roar and launched forward and out sight from Corsen.
"Titan!" Corsen called rushing out of the truck and jumped out.
Titan swiftly outmaneuvered a Salamence on the ground. The massive dragon Pokémon looked wild in its eyes as it tried to swing at Titan any way possible.
In a second of distraction Titan yelped as the Salamence managed to land a hit. The Arcanine skidded back shaking his body. Crouching down with a growl he got ready to attack once again.
"Titan, are you alright?" the trainer called. Titan's attention suddenly shifted and so did Corsens'.
"Stop wasting so much time." A male voice said approaching the trio.
He looked to be of average height. In the darkness his hair looked pitch black, his attire had the same red R as the grunts.
Team Rocket. Again.
The man stopped next to the Salamence. He didn't bother looking at Corsen, his attention focused on the Arcanine who looked ready to tear him apart.
"Pathetic. You can't even finish such a weak Pokémon."
"Hey! Who the hell are you calling weak?" Corsen yelled feeling a rush of anger. She would personally get physical at anyone who had the audacity to insult her Pokémon, didn't matter who it was. She had even gotten physical with Candela's right-hand trainer, then again that mouth of his never shut.
The man glanced at the brunette, disgust in his eyes.
Despite the anger slowly clouding her mind, Corsen couldn't help but tilt her head a bit. She had seen similar eyes before, but where?
"Tch...how dare rifraff such as yourself speak to me?"
"What?" Corsen blinked. The anger taking over once again. "Oh so you think you're above me? Do something about it!"
Corsen lifted her hand and Titan flared his fangs.
"Only a fool would challenge me." The man gave a simple nod and the Salamence launched forward.
"Titan, bite!"
Titan jumped up in the air, the Salamence barely missed him by inches. Landing on the dragon's back the Arcanine dug his claws into the hard flesh before biting the back of Salamence's neck.
The dragon-type roared out in pain. It tried shaking off the Arcanine to no avail. Spreading its giant wings the Salamence flew up in the air like a missile.
Corsen rubbed some dust out of her eyes from the sudden wind. Looking up she spotted the Salamence flying in circles at high speed.
Soon Titan lost his grip and slid off the dragon's back. At this the Salamence turned and landed a massive hit with its tail on Titan causing him to come crashing down on the ground.
Heart pounded fast. Corsen almost became deaf to her own beating heart. Her rival seemed unfazed by the battle, he stood starring off into the distance as if this was just child's play.
"Think, think!" Corsen grit her teeth together in thought.
Titan soon stood back up, a bit shaky. He growled towards the Salamence who landed heavily. Both Pokémon flared their teeth at each other.
"Titan!" Corsen called towards her Arcanine. He glanced at her for a brief second. The brunette gave a simple nod and he understood immediately.
Standing up straight the Arcanine's eyes began to glow a bright orange, light emitted from the dog's paws as flames began escaping through his teeth.
With a massive howl a ring of fire appeared around the Salamence who didn't move by the sudden display of flames.
3 pillars of fire erupted from the ground and began to circle the dragon. With a giant flash the pillars crashed onto each other and enveloped the dragon within them.
The fire was soon out and now smoke stood in its place.
This had to be it. There was no one before who managed to stay standing after a direct hit from Titan's Blast Burn.
The smoke slowly dispersed and there stood the Salamence, unperturbed.
It shook its body getting rid of the ashes before spreading its wings with a growl.
"There's no way..." Corsen's eyes widened, Titan mimicked his trainer's expression.
Without warning the Salamence flew forward and swiped at Titan who went flying across the street. Hitting a parked car the Arcanine fell unconscious to the ground.
At that moment Corsen felt frozen, unable to move. How the hell did the Salamence survive such a direct hit from Titan?
Quickly focusing back to the battle at hand, Corsen called out Sleepy the Snorlax.
If Salamence had such a high defense then Sleepy was sure to lower it quickly. After all tank vs tank always did the trick.
To her dismay the battle ended the same way.
In the eyes of the experts, Sleepy was a perfect specimen. Perfect attack power, perfect defense, and perfect stamina. But all of that didn't matter when he too landed on the ground unconscious after a couple of direct hits.
Corsen grit her teeth together, gut churned causing her nausea. She wiped the sweat off her forehead, thoughts racing a mile a minute.
"Alright then. Let's see how you go up against this!" Corsen took out her last Pokéball looking at the Salamence. She knew Shiho stood no chance against such an evolved and trained Pokémon as the Salamence, but she still had an ace up her sleeve.
Through a beam of red light appeared a Glaceon. At the sight Salamence looked to have smiled at the small ice-type.
"You're super weak towards ice attacks aren't you?" Corsen smirked, assured about her victory.
Salamence flew towards the Glaceon who evaded the first attack with ease.
"Mint! Icy Wind!" Corsen called towards the Glaceon. Landing gracefully the ice-type called a chant, the icy diamond on its head glowed in the dark and out of nowhere came a rush of cold wind.
Salamence growled at the feeling of the freezing wind. Flapping its wings it flew up high trying to dust the diamond flakes from its body. Opening its jaw it directed a powerful Hyper Beam down at Mint who barely missed it by jumping to the side. A crater now stood where Mint had once been standing.
Corsen's stomach gave another sickening churn. She had to end this quickly before Mint got seriously hurt. Looking at her opponent she wondered if he had any more Pokémon on his person, and if Mint would be able to uphold himself against them all.
The Salamence still flew up high in the air. Biting her lip in thought the trainer looked down at her Glaceon. He had to get close for this finishing move, and one that would be most effective to the dragon.
She knew she had a couple more minutes before the Salamence was able to use Hyper Beam again. Would she wait for it to come down, or would be bring Glaceon up?
"Mint." Corsen looked up at the Salamence in the air. Glaceon followed suit. "I need you to get close to the Salamence, if possible jump on its back."
Glaceon nodded in reply and began running towards a nearby tree. Jumping onto its branches the Glaceon launched up close to the Salamence. Corsen had always been impressed with Mint's agility. It was something he had always displayed, even as an Eevee back in the day.
"Icy wind!" Corsen called before Mint brought forth another gust of cold wind. This one was far nearer than the last, it even cause the Salamence to lose altitude in the process. At this, the Glaceon managed to land on the dragon's back successfully.
"Perfect," Corsen smirked clenching her fist.
"Mint! Finish it with Avalanche!" Glaceon began yet another chant as a cloud began forming above the two in the air. It didn't take long before snow started falling from the cloud followed by chunks of ice.
Jumping back down to the ground Mint managed to miss the avalanche; just in time as it enveloped the dragon causing it to fall back down to the ground with a roar.
Silence befell the street afterwards.
Corsen couldn't help but smile at her victory. Salamence was immensely weak to ice-type moves and Avalanche had been a direct hit to it, now there was no possible way of it to get back up.
Shifting her attention from the pile of ice, Corsen looked towards the Salamence's trainer. He was looking at where his Salamence lay buried. The brunette saw his chest heave in a slow sigh before turning his attention to her. In the dim light she saw the corner of his mouth lift up in a smirk.
Without warning a flash of red passed the trainer, followed by a cry of pain from her Glaceon. Corsen turned in time to see Mint land heavily on the other side of the street. Trying to stand back up from the hit, Mint couldn't lift his body and fell limp on the ground.
The Salamence roared in victory as it spread its massive wings in a big display.
Corsen's breath hitched in her throat. Her legs shook until they finally gave out under her.
"This is impossible..." she stared wide-eyed at the ground clenching her hands to fists. Her entire body shook, primarily in disbelief, but there was also a sense of fear deep inside.
"Don't be too disappointed. It was always going to end like this." The man finally spoke walking closer to Corsen.
The brunette looked up at him through the bangs that covered her eyes. Rage filled the endless pits of her black eyes.
She didn't know from where, but Corsen soon found the strength to stand back up. Standing in front of the fossil rock she blocked the entrance.
The man stopped, glaring at the brunette.
"Who the hell are you and what do you want with the fossil rock?" Corsen asked glaring at the man. He didn't get a chance to answer before the Salamence landed in front of the brunette.
It towered over the trainer casting an immense shadow over her. A breath caught in Corsen's chest as the Salamence inched closer, it growled showing its teeth at her. Being so close to the Pokémon she saw its glowing red eyes. She always knew dragon-types were prideful and dangerous Pokémon, but this Slamance was on another level.
Corsen didn't remember how she ended up on the ground seconds after. Perhaps it was the immense fear she had felt from starring at the dragon inches from her face, or perhaps it was the lack of air from the too-heavy of an atmosphere around them. She tried moving but her body felt too heavy; only managing to look up at the Salamence's trainer she saw his red eyes glare down at her. In that second it hit her.
The man from the museum. The one she had accidentally hit.
Corsen grunted trying to fight her own body to stand, but it was no use. Her world slowly faded until it was all black.
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*runs at you with malicious intent*
TLDR: ADHD made me realize how powerful Neon J was
- Flute Anon
Hello internet, welcome to game theory. So, Neon J huh? Cool cyborg with cool abilities and a cool voice, just a perfectly normal character in the colorful cast of NSR. Yeah, you know what this is gonna be about, at least I hope. I have a thing…for finding absolutely obscure characters and explaining why they could lead to an end of the world situation, I first did this with Genn Greymane from WoW, then Bill from Pokemon, and now, much more reasonably, I will provide the (almost) PERFECT explanation as to why Neon is the most powerful NSR character, and also being a testament to how fucking power ASI is.
Now, first off, what the hell Neon J is? He’s a cyborg, but how human or robot is he…? Well, the most agreed on bit is that he’s basically a bunch of organs in a robotic shell, and now that leads to the question: WHICH organs? Because skin, muscles, bone, those are all organs, and it doesn’t seem he has any of those. We can probably scratch off these certain organs as a start:
- Orifices (Nose, mouth, eyes, etc)
- Those…parts, considering he doesn’t seem to wear pants.
- Skins, muscles, bones (Probably besides something like the ribcage)
Now, considering that, we can probably say that Neon doesn’t have a GI tract either, along with the Urinary tract. So overall, this means that Neon has (PROBABLY) the circulatory, respiratory, immune, nervous, and possibly the endocrine system left. (And probably some bits of muscle and bone.) Now take the ‘nervous’ system with a grain of salt here, because I’m gonna bring up something: Neon’s brain probably isn’t fully organic. For the mechanical bits to work, there has to be something mechanical hooked up to his spinal cord or brain, like we see with prosthetics in the real world! We don’t know when Neon became a cyborg, but with what he says, it was most likely before or after the war. If that is the case, isn’t the most reasonable option is to enhance his mind mechanically…or just transfer his consciousness altogether? I mean, his brain can’t…fit into THAT screen, right?
Now we get into something more complex, so, before we begin with that, let’s talk about the types of AI. There’s ANI, AGI, and ASI. ANI, or artificial narrow intelligence, is an intelligence that is exceptionally well with one certain things…like a GPS system that tells you where to go, or an AI built for chess. Then there’s AGI, which is basically the human equivalent to an AI. Sorta? What that means is that it can do everything a human possibly could at a human level of talented, this is theoretical, as we seem to be nowhere near AGI. Then there’s ASI, the evil AI you see in movies, it can do everything a human can and more, this ranges from just being a little better to…being able to destroy the universe kinda better. AGI and ASI are far from our reach, but once we reach AGI, we could reach ASI in a matter of HOURS. Now, I bring this up, because Neon is probably some mix between an actual human mind and an AI. What I mean by this is that Neon’s mind has possibly been enhanced mechanically, which means he could probably learn the same way an AI can. That is…terrifying. Very, very, terrifying. Now, going back to going from AGI and ASI, unlike humans AI can rapidly improve themselves, and if we gave an AGI the abilities, they could become an ASI in a matter of hours. Now, what of these three labels could Neon be considered under…? Well, simply put, he’s already at ASI.
OKAY LOOK LOOK LOOK what I’m getting at here. Neon as far as we know is one hell of an intelligent bastard, he made 1010 and the Flying Factory. He probably made those shields as well. Now, we don’t exactly have proof of whether he made those by himself…but it’s somewhat safe to say that he maybe did. That’s the kicker is if a human can do that, given time, or not. We’re basically at a loose end here, as the time of when this happened between the Border Wars, and between Neon becoming a cyborg, is something we have absolutely no clue of. So, going on a limb here, let’s say he made the first models of 1010 after becoming a cyborg and after the Border Wars. NSR is around 20 years old, and the time it usually makes to make a robot from scratch is four months…sorta. If we used robots to make that robot from scratch, it would take around four months. So how long would it take with human hands, including all the complex coding for 1010’s AI, and the shields? We…really don’t know, whatever it is it would take a LONG as hell time. And let’s not even get STARTED on the Flying Factory. He’s probably able to make them in an actual factory with actual robots now, but imagine how long it would’ve taken to work on the original 1010 models. To program everything, if he was to do it in a quick time, that’s probably something only a mind GREATER than a human can do. So, even by that point there was no possible way for Neon to be some cyborg equivalent to an AGI.
SO, with the possibility of him being an ASI, or an AGI aside, why the hell did he leave B2J to win? I mean, he probably could’ve seen their attacks from like a mile away already, right? And not only that he probably should’ve thought that they would take over the city, and- Well, there’s two possibilities to this. 1. The game would be batshit hard if Neon acted like he was a cyborg equivalent to an ASI, and/or 2. He was playing weak. We…really don’t know the full extent of how powerful an ASI could be, we don’t know if they can find humans so predictable that they could see hundreds of years into the future from our supposed predictability. To keep his cover intact he deliberately got himself hurt, deliberately got himself to get his district claimed by B2J, just to hide his actual abilities. Cause I mean, be honest, if you knew there was an ASI who could potentially destroy the world, with motivations that could possibly be out of any human’s comprehension that’s uh…one pretty easy decision to kick them out. Also probably he’d seem WAY more valuable to potential hackers. (Even though it’d be highly unlikely to hack into him cause…still organic mind.)
Maybe I’m pulling things out of my ass here rn, which IS a possibility. But AU writers, do with this as you will,,,,just credit me…maybe?
But hey, that’s just a game theory, a game theory! Aaaaand cut. 
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What are the gym leaders + Oleana ' s most embarrassing moments?
-A battle against Raihan. He rushed over to Hammerlocke right after doing some farm stuff. Raihan starts up a sandstorm and blows Milo’s hat off. Hay and straw fly out of his hair. Like a lot. Poor guy didn’t even notice. So embarrassing.
-In the middle of modeling. A gust of wind blows her skirt up. It’s a long, flowy dress with a large skirt. Luckily, she managed to hold it down enough to cover herself up, but her makeup smeared on it and it messed up her hair. The picture taken at that very moment was definitely NOT flattering.
-This one happened when he was very young. He had just suffered his 10th loss in a row. He didn’t realize he was crying until he was trying to stifle sobs. Tears were rolling down his face, and his challenger was asking him if he was okay. To make matters worse, he ran off the field, leaving his Centiskorch behind. He tries to leave those days behind him.
-Bea was in the middle of a battle. She had been training way harder than she should have been the whole week before. So when the time came to dynamax her Machamp, she reels her arm back to throw, flings it and a loud crack echoed across the field and she kind of collapsed for a second. She pulled a muscle bad. Had to end the battle there because she couldn’t move the arm at all. Humiliating.
-Another battle against Raihan. The wind was blowing hard and his mask gave way. If flew across the field, and with a shriek of terror, Allister covers his face and scrambles after it. He must have ran the length of the field and back by the time he was able to catch it. Raihan was chasing it for him, too. At one point, Allister accidentally kicks it and sends it back into the wind. Luckily he was covering most of his face and running too fast for anyone to get a clear picture of his face. He left before he finished the battle because he was so embarrassed.
-Her embarrassing scene was when she was much younger. She had slammed every dude in the tournament so far and made it to the gym leader. After talking a heap of trash she loses. Then the guy proceeds to mock her. She’s not allowed to leave the field for 15 minutes while he talks about what a dumb woman she is for thinking she can beat him in a pokemon battle. If security wasn’t so close and people weren’t guarding the exits, she would have broken his nose and ran. But she just had to stand there and take his insults.
-He was in an interview in Circhester about why he won’t be an ice type trainer. He goes on a rant about how it just isn’t for him and ice types aren’t that great. He talks about how he thinks rock types are better than ice types for at least 30 minutes. They wrap up the interview and he gets up to leave. He then slips on some ice. Then he gets up, slips again, and then his Coalossal slips. They’re there for 5 minutes, the camera running the whole time. His face felt so hot he could have given Circhester a proper summer for once. Luckily he still had his shades on.
-She was very far along in her pregnancy with her triplets. It was during an interview and she was sitting in a pretty low, very soft chair. She was talking about how she was going to return to the gym after she had them and that she was only on a maternity leave for the time being. It was a pretty long interview about it, full of plenty of unsavory pregnancy symptoms. But the worst part was when she went to get up and shake the interviewer’s hand. And she couldn’t. She just couldn’t get up. He had to pull her up, and even then another person had to come out and help. She was really embarrassed and apologized profusely.
-Piers was deliriously tired at his concert. He’d had trouble sleeping and didn’t get a chance to nap before he had to perform. So that’s why he didn’t see the edge of the stage while he was pacing. He just takes a step, but there’s no floor there, so he falls. He lands on his knees and isn’t hurt, luckily, because that could have been really bad. But it was still unprofessional and embarrassing. He finished his show, though. He had to make a social media post about how he was tired and wasn’t paying attention and how he’s not hurt. He had to add the clip of it, too, which was the worst part.
-Raihan is nothing but grace and perfection for the most part, and he’s a master of storms and harsh winds. So when he’s in the middle of a battle against Leon, Raihan starts up a sandstorm. It blows his hood over his head and all of a sudden he can’t see. He spends forever trying to get it off in the sandstorm, so Leon’s Charizard uses a move to make it sunny so he can get his hood off. It was really embarrassing, and he almost considered giving up his signature hoodie. He didn’t, though, it wasn’t worth it.
-Leon has a lot of direction mishaps, but never this bad. He gets mocked a lot, yeah, but in his defense, he’s just not good at lefts and rights. But this was inexcusable. Spikemuth is made of ONE. STRAIGHT. LINE. He was supposed to go to Piers’ stage, but he accidentally got turned around, found himself at the front again, and thinking he must’ve taken the wrong road somehow, went down an alley. Luckily, someone found him, though, and brought him to Piers, who mocked him for it for a minute. It’s a shame his phone’s GPS doesn’t help him at all.
-She tripped. It may not seem that bad, but it was in front of a lot of people and she never makes mistakes. Her heel slipped out from underneath her, and before she knows it, she’s falling forward. Instinctively, she throws her hands in front of her to catch herself, but all she does is throw Rose’s drink into his face on accident. Luckily, Rose understood and merely helped her back up. Her ankle was twisted, though, so she had to be carried by someone else, which was the worst part.
The worst part about all of these is that thousands, if not millions of people were watching these.
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simmyseo · 3 years
Flights To Moscow
Everything you need to know about Moscow Moscow is maybe a more subtle vacationer location for the American voyager and a great part of the English-talking world, however the basic truth is that once you away from bureaucratic obstacle of acquiring a section visa, you can fly there as effectively as you may travel to New York City. Book prior cheap flight tickets to Moscow and see this amazing place with friends. Moscow is again one of the most popular cities in the world. Getting there will be a great experience in itself. Make sure you book one of our flights to Moscow from Calgary. These Calgary to Moscow flights will be for giving you some of the finest experiences and the flights from Calgary to Moscow will make sure you have a safe journey. The capital of Russia has its exemplary attractions: the red-walled political fortress known as the Kremlin; St. Basil's Cathedral, a work of art of Russian engineering; Gorky Park, the Central Park of Russia. In any case, the city likewise compensates those voyagers who adventure outside of what might be expected while keeping up some level of road smarts: odd bars, scrumptious dinners, and fascinating, abnormal individuals encompass you. In the course of recent years, I've cut out a specialty as an English language "fixer" for Russian new businesses trying to grow their activities toward the west. I've made seven excursions to the Russian Federation in this time, spending a joined all out of four months living and working among the individuals there. Here is the listing of some things which you need to keep in mind, before booking online flight reservation for Moscow. Get a local sim card for your smartphone I originate from a group of logical voyagers who will regularly skip on "extravagance" costs, similar to a nearby sim card that makes one's cell phone usable while going through an outside nation. Be that as it may, with prepared admittance to assets like guides, language interpretation applications, and Wikipedia, a working cell phone should be a need while exploring a culture as unmistakable as Russia's. Moscow is wrapped up in solid, fast LTE signal accessible from various moderate suppliers. Search for organization names like MegaFon and Beeline, which offer prepaid Russian sim cards viable with your opened cell phone. I've paid as meager as $1 USD every day for boundless information. Go ahead with the listing but make sure you have knowledge of the flights to Moscow from Edmonton. These Edmonton to Moscow flights are for travellers who wish to visit Moscow and stay there in hotels. We also help you out with cheaper hotel bookings along with cheap flights from Edmonton to Moscow. Bring a spare battery for your smartphone. Heck, bring two in winter. Cold temperatures can unleash destruction on any battery driving an electronic gadget. You'll without a doubt use part of your cell phone battery for the standard every day errands, however Moscow's low temperatures will guarantee the rest. Telephones may show a charge as high as 40 or 50 percent before the continued virus tricks the telephone into closing down, thinking the battery is in reality dead. Regardless of whether the battery holds a charge or not, you won't have the option to betray. In the event that this transpires while you're investigating Moscow neglected, you'll be glad to have a "hop starter" with you. Your smartphone GPS is not reliable in the centre of city As the Moscow Times puts it, "the Kremlin has GPS for breakfast." GPS ridiculing equipment inside the Kremlin dividers serves to ward off meddlesome quadcopter drones, disappoint Pokemon Go players, and delude local people and travelers the same. In these occasions, you'll need to depend on a paper map, a cordial more bizarre's headings, or a nearby companion who knows the way. Learn a fer russian phrases ahead of time or else cab driver will rip you off You might be very glad for figuring out how to ask "Do you communicate in English?" in Russian, however this expression is pointless at the air terminal. Starting a discussion thusly flags that you can be "had a good time with." The before you know it, you've paid $100 USD in taxi toll to get to the focal point of the city — an outing that generally costs about $25 USD. Rather, learn phrases like "What's your name?" and "Where are you from?" It will assist a great deal with having the option to check to ten on the off chance that you need to attempt such an arrangement. Duolingo has an amazing Russian course that is totally free. The flights to Moscow from Vancouver are also there. Exhibiting even restricted capacities with the Russian language will go far toward getting you a decent deal in Moscow. Yandex Translate is generally better at Russian than Google Translate. Introduce the cell phone application Yandex Translate and use it for all your Russian interpretation needs. Yandex is the hunt organization well-contextualized as "Russian Google." In my experience, its interpretation item is better than Google's with regards to the Russian language. And take complete advantage of the flights from Vancouver to Moscow. Your linkedin account is meaningless there LinkedIn's administrations are totally nonfunctional in Russia. There was some show in late 2016 that saw the organization declined to impart information on its Russian clients to the Russian government. The nation's media guard dog, an association called Roskomnadzor, started authorizing a square on LinkedIn that is as yet going solid today. So book your Vancouver to Moscow flights now. So do your systems administration face to face. Take off your shoes when you enter someone's home The bottoms of your shoes are dingy from tromping city surfaces. It is basic Russian civility to jettison your footwear you visit somebody at home. A special note about "Na zdorovie!" This celebrated Russian drinking toast is really a banality conceived from Hollywood motion pictures. Significantly more usually, Russians will give a short, extemporized discourse as a toast. That discourse may now and then end with "za zdorovie," which signifies "to wellbeing." But "na zdorovie" is generally recognized as an old, musically challenged state. The metro is fantastic It's quick, it's solid, and it covers the whole city. Its lines are ceaselessly refreshed and extended, even into present day. The longest you'll ever sit tight for a train is maybe three minutes, and even long rides are made alright with the free installed WiFi What's the best time to visit Moscow? The best an ideal opportunity to visit Moscow is March and April. So get low cost airline tickets for these months, And enjoy Moscow's vibe. The harvest time a long time of September and October is additionally a decent an ideal opportunity to visit the city. During these months, the city floods with guests from around the world. The normal temperature stays 75°F to 90°F (- 59°C to 32°C) during these two months, which is agreeable enough to investigate the city during the day time. Winters in Moscow, in any case, are nippy. The normal temperature during December and January stays around - 80°F to 80°F (- 62°C to 27°C), which goes down further in the eastern part like, Siberia. Winters are extraordinary for skating however. Likewise, voyaging south towards the Black Sea can be a help from the thorny chilly climate. Walk is a stunning chance to visit St. Petersburg also. You can visit the popular royal residences and exhibition halls without the group around. The flights to Moscow from Toronto will be a great choice to make. These Toronto to Moscow flights will prove beneficial in every sense. The flights from Toronto to Moscow are going to be your best choice, so make the bookings soon.
Flights to Moscow from Calgary, Calgary to Moscow Flights, Flights from Calgary to Moscow, Flights to Moscow from Toronto, Toronto to Moscow Flights
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nazariatakus · 2 years
TUTORIAL COMPLETO Download e INSTALAÇÃO FakeGPS JoyStick Pokémon GO Hack...
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inprogresspokemon · 5 years
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#519.5 - Pidove are accustomed to people and live in cities, where they nest on rooftops and gather in flocks in parks and plazas. They're known to be dim and forgetful, so Trainers may have to issue orders multiple times before Pidove performs a move. Despite their somewhat lackluster intelligence, these Pokemon have great navigational instincts, and can return to their Trainer's location regardless of the distance separating them. As Pidove age, they move from cities into forests, where the atmosphere is more peaceful. 
#520.5 - Tranquill roost deep in the forest, comforted by the peaceful ambiance of the natural world. No matter where in the world they go, their internal GPS will always lead them back to their nest. As Tranquill mature, they begin to develope sexual dimorphic characteristics, both in appearance and abilities. Male Tranquill will begin to grow an impressive head plumage, which they use to both threaten opponents and attract mates. Female Tranquill possess a more mundane coloration, but have superior flying abilities.
Named: Pidove - Grickle - Tranquill - Peacridge - Unfezant
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ask-a-former-champ · 4 years
Man imagine hop going missing in the wild areas for a while on his adventure You would probably rip apart galar just to find him
I probably would have. 😅 But I doubt something like that would ever have happened. He's a lot better at directions than I am, and he's got plenty of strong pokemon to keep him out of trouble. Not to mention the map and gps on his phone, the Flying Taxi service, and his own corviknight he could fly on.
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Champion Leon Meets Ace Trainer party 3
As Eric and Raihan were getting ready to leave Eric picks up his bag, and stands up. “Okay, Toto, let’s get ready to go?” He looks around, but didn’t see the small egg fairy Pokemon anywhere. “Toto?” Eric looks now begining to panic. “Oh, nonono! Shit!”
Raihan looks over. “What’s wrong?”
“Toto! She’s gone!”
Raihan looks at him, places hand over face. “Fucking hell.” Then walks over to Eric, places a hand over shoulder, and tries to calm him down. “We’ll fine her, mate. Relax.”
Eric looks at him, angry look on face. “RELAX! HOW CAN I RELAX WHEN MY BABY IS OUT THERE LOST!?”
“Eric! Wigging out is not going to help find Toto, and she’s never gose too far. Here.” Raihan reaches for his Poke’balls and throw, and can a Flygon. “Hey, Flygon, need your help.”
He began to explain what was going to the dragon Pokémon what going on.
Meanwhile Toto was flying around the small sheet, looking around the shops and the flowers. Few people couldn’t help but smile has she was looking lovely flower shop. She was admiring the flowers, Leon was looking around. As he was doing some people called out him, and were waving smiling at him. He looks over, and smiles back. This got Toto’s attention, and looks over shoulder.
Leon was standing on the otherside of the sheet, smiling a few people and waving at few. Toto think for a moment, and looks at the flowers that were sitting on outside, and began picking them. After few moments, a Lilliant comes walking, and sees the Togetic picking flowers, and making a flower crown, and this got the Lilliant off began yelling at Toto who jumps, and looks at it. The Lilliant began yelling at her, before using Stun sporn.
Toto eyes began welding up, and used confused ray making the poor Lilliant stop, and began to feel dizzy, and paralyzing himself. Then Toto brusted into tears, and flew away. Leon hears the small cry, and looks, and feels something behind hit his pretty hard making him nearly falling forward, and he sees. There lying on the ground was Toto, rubbing her, and began cry louder. Tear falling down her face, the flower crown lying next to her.
“Aww, there, there. It’s okay~.” Leon cooed, kneeling down. “Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?”
Toto sniffles, and looks at him, still crying. He smiles and picks her, cradling her. She snuggles closer, and looks around and sees the Lilliant’s with his trainer, an older black woman, with a Butterfree healing the poor Lilliant. Leon walks as Lilliant was feeling better, but still confused.
“Everything here alright, ma’ma?” asked Leon.
The older woman looks up, and smiles sweetly at him. “Oh, hello, Champion. What are you doing here?”
“Oh, well, I was doing some training and... Got lost.” Leon said, with sheepish smile.
The Older woman laughs, and sees Toto in Leon’s arms and looking at her shyly. “Oh, what darling little Togetic. When did you capture this little one?”
“Oh, she’s not mine. She bumped into me. I think she might began to someone else?” Leon said, smiling down at Toto.
The two were talking, Lilliant was no longer confused and spots Toto in Leon’s and starts to get angry. He points Toto, making her jump, and start crying again. The Older woman looks at Lilliant. “Lilliant, shame on you!”
The Lilliant looks at her, beganing talking, pointing the nearly picked flowers, to the flower crown that Leon holding then at Toto. The older looks him, and understands. “I see. But, Lilliant, it’s Togetic, and still a child. Sometimes a child doesn’t know any better.”
Lilliant gives her a blank stare and rolls his eyes, and walks back into the flower shop to get the broom to clean up the mess.
Meanwhile, in the sky the Raihan was sitting on the back of Flygon, flying over the city of Hulbury looking for Toto, while Eric had Peaches and Aqua were on were trying pick up Toto’s sent. After about 20 minutes of looking Eric was beginging to go more worry.
“Did you two pick her sent?” Eric asked.
Both Peaches and Aqua look at him, shaking there heads. Eric places his over face. Fuck! I... I shouldn’t had have looked away. Fucking... Fuck!” Peaches looks at him, and walks over, brushing her head against his leg, giving him a resure smiling. Eric smiles back, the two began to looking for Toto.
As the three were looking on ground, Raihan was flying looking around, he spots a large orange dragon flying Pokémon in flying over the way, and knew that it was Leon’s Charizard, and walking down in the meddle of down square. “C’mon, Flygo, let’s see if Leon can help us.”
Flygon agreed, and speeding off to meet to Leon.
Just as Carizard landed, Leon looks over at his partner, who gave an irritant look. “Hehe. I reckon you’ve been looking for, Charizard?” Leon said, with embarrassing smile. Charizard roll his eyes, and then sees Toto who was sitting in Leon’s looking at Charizard.
He moves his head closer to Toto, and smiles kindly at the egg Pokémon. Toto smiles happily, and reaches to him. Leon smiles a little as he watched as the two Pokémon enteracted with each as just Flygon came down and landed on the ground gently. Raihan hops off, and gave the ground dragon Pokémon a pat, and walks over.
“Raihan, hey!” Leon said truning to him.
Raihan was about greet his friend saw Toto was in Leon’s arms, and Raihand lets out sigh of relief. “Oh, thank goodness.”
Leon was confused, when Toto was gets out of Leon’s arms and flies over to Raihan. “There you are, Toto. You gave me and Eric a real scare.” Raihan said, pulling his phone, and began to call Eric, after one ring Eric picked up. “Did you find her?!”
“Yeah, she’s right her with me. I’ll send you a GPS signal on where we are.”
On the other side of town, Eric, Peahces and Aqua were standing in nearby market place, as Raihan sent a GPS on where they were, it wasn’t that far from where they were. “I got it. C’mon, guys.” Eric said, and runs off, with Peaches and Aqua running behind him.
After a few moments, Eric was running down an alleyway, and reaches an area where she looks, It was sustaining in neighthood, where there were people and Pokémon going about their daily business, a few shops here, and a beautiful water fountain was in the meddle of it all, Eric looks around when Peahces spots Raihan, and lets happy yelp and she and Aqua run over. Leon and Charizard noticed a random Ninetales and Vaporeon running to Toto.
Toto flies to them, and two Pokémon licking and nuzzleing her, happy to see that she was okay. Leon blink, and sees a man running and looks around panting. Leon looks over at him, as he spots Toto and makes a mad dash over to her. “Oh-oh, my god! Oh, thank god!” Toto fly into Eric arms, and he held her tightly. “I-I though I lost you, Toto...” He looks down at the her. “I told you not go off like that! You scared the hell outta me. Again...”
Toto looks at him, looks too the side, Eric lets sigh. “Please for for my sanity, Toto, do not do that again.”
She nodded, and Eric looks over at Raihan. “Thank you, man. So much.”
Raihan shacks his head. “You should be thanking Leon. He’s the one who found her.” He points to Leon who standing to the side, and Eric looks over shoulder. Both eyes met, and Leon’s hazel eyes meeting Eric’s dark brown, and for a split second Leon felt his heart beat a little faster, and held his breath when saw the Eric looking at him.
Leon flet his go pink. Charizard looks at him confused.
The two looked at each for a few moments, for the elderly woman walks over. “Excuse me, young man.” She walks over to Eric, who looks at her, her Butterfree and Lilliant walking behind her. “Is that sweet little one yours?” She asked looking at Toto.
“Yes, ma’ma. May I ask why?” said Eric.
“Well, you see your little Togetic did make a mess a bit of mess my lovely flowers.” She said, looking over some of the some flowers pots were hafted picked and some were knocked over, and were broken. “And your Toto and my darling Lilliant,” looks over the at, who stood there behind her, arms crossed and glaring at Eric. “Got into into small fight did some damage to my flowers and pots.”
Eric stood there looking at the elderly lady, and looks down at Toto, sigh. “I’m so sorry, Miss. Here.” Takes off his backpack, opens it up, and pulls out is wallet, and some money. “Please takes this. I’m really do apologize if my Togetic cause you and you Pokémon any trouble.”
The woman give Eric and pleases smile and takes a the money. “Thank you, young man.”
“Is that enough? I can go to ATM and get more.”
“This is more fine. Thank you for being reasonable.” she said.
“You sure? At least let me help clean the mess, I’m reasonable for my Togeic’s action.” said Eric
“Yeah, I’ll help too.” said Leon.
“It’s not fair to let you a lot clean this mess yourselves.” said Raihan.
“Well, you lads are very sweet. Thank you.”
With that boys, and long with their Pokémon, began to cleaning. Peaches and Aqua were holding black garbage bag while Leon was sweeping the broke flower, and place the drit and broken  shared in the began, Eric was helping Littiant sweep the frond of the store while Raihan, Charizard and Flygon were replanting the flowers, and making sure they got a enough. After everything was nice cleaned up, the older man came walking with some food and tea, Toto flying next to her.
”Ah. What splendid job you lot of done. Thank you for taking the time to help an elderly woman.”
“Not problem, ma’am.” said Rainan.
Everyone was done making sure everyone was done and cleaned up, the elderly woman who’s same was Suzy handed all the Pokémon some food, and Peahces, Aqua and Toto began to eating as well. Leon looks at Suzy. “Thank you for being kind, Suzy. And again I’m so sorry if Toto was any trouble.”
“No, at all, dear. Thank you taking responsibility for your Pokémon.” Suzy smiles at him, then at his Ninitales and Aqua. “What lovely Pokémon you, Eric. Now tell me where are you from?”
“I’m from originally from Unova, then moved a few years back, and started to traveling again.”
“You came from very away then.”
“Yes, ma’ma. I do a lot of traveling for time, Galar seemed like a good place to come too.”
As the two were talking, Leon came walking. “Everything is all done, Suzy.”
“Ah, thank you, Champion. Always can count on you for help.” said Suzy.
Eric blinks, and looks at her and Leon for a few moments. “W-Wait... You’re Leon.” Eric asked, stupidly.
Leon smiles and said. “That’s right. The unbelievable champion. Leon of Galar.” He looks at Eric, and bows to him. “And you’re Eric Wild, yeah.”
Eric blink, cleans his throat. “Yes, that I am. It’s nice to finally meet you, Leon.” He holds out his hand, and takes, and the two shack.
“The pleasure is all mine. I, um, I watched your marched with Steven Stone a few month back. An absolutely brilliant match, Eric.”
“Oh! Well, thank you.” Eric said. “And thank you for finding Toto.”
“Of course.” Leon said, and looks over at Peahces, Aqua, Toto, Charizard and Flygon who eating a getting along with Lilliant and Butterfree. “She is so cute, and the nickname saut��s her as well.”
“Should probably change it to lost and find.” said Eric, with annoyed tone in voice. “I cannot began to tell ya how offien she wonders off and gives a heart attack.”
Leon laughs, and looks over the Ninetales and Vaporeon who were eating and getting along with Lilliant and Butterfree. Eric noticed and said: “The Ninetales is Peaches, she’s my first Pokémon I’ve ever captured, the Vaporeon is named Aqua, I got her back in Kanto.” said Eric.
“Oh, my god. They are so cute! ”Leon said.
“Thank you.” said Eric, he looks at Leon and gives him a small smile, and Leon’s face goes bright red and smiles back. They looked at for what seem like a long moment, Raihan looks at one man to the other sipping his tea , and said: “Oy, if one of ya is gonna asked the other out, then bloody do it!”
Both Eric and Leon both grow bright red, and Suzy began to giggling. Both Eric places a over his mouth, and walks over to the Pokémon, and Leon give Raihan a glare and flips him off. Raihan just smiles and gives him a thumbs up.
After a while everyone said their good by to Suzy. She smiles and tells them to come by, and the everyone began walking down the sheet. Raihan puts Flygon back her Poke”ball, and as Eric puts puts Peaches and Aqua.
“Well, should be heading to my place, yeah?” asked Raihan.
“Yeah.” Eric said, and looks at Toto who talking to Charizard. “Toto. C’mon.”
She looks over at Eric who was handing her Ultra ball. She looks at it, the at him, looks at Charizard and Leon. “Go on, love. We’ll see ya real soon, okay?” said Leon.
Toto smiles hugs Leon. Leon felt eyes weld up tears, on how sweet and adorable Toto. “This is cutest little Togetic ever!!!” He thought, as Eric walks over, hold up the Ultra ball, and Toto retunes turns to it.
“Well, it was very nice meeting, Champion Leon, and again thank you for finding my Togetic.”
“You too, and please call me Leon, as my Champion it’s my duty to help to]hose in need. Pokémon and People alike.”
Charizard looks at him, and rolls eyes. As Eric waves and say goodbye and walks away. “See ya, Lee.” said Raihan. “We’ll hang soon.”
With that, Raihan walk off, Eric looks back at Leon who who was talking to his Charizard, Raihan taps his should. “Mate, c’mon. We’ll see your celebrity crush later.”
Eric faces pink, and playful punches Raihan’s shoulde. “You’re an ass.”
“Heh. Yep.” said Raihan.
“... I missed you, man.”
“Hehe. I know, I’m hard to resist.”
The two man laughed and walked over the a Pokémon Taxi, and the beganing of new adventure.
The End.
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Love Doesn’t Do Encores Ch18 Battle Gym Leader Melony
It wasn't too surprising all of you fell asleep on the train again that night, seeing how late it was getting when you all hurried onto it like an army of onix was chasing after you all. Thank goodness you managed to catch it and settled down into a couple empty seats to sleep for the night. Come morning the lot of you were already digging into your rations for breakfast to comfort your hungry stomachs that growled for food. And made small talk as the world went flying by outside the windows.
"So how long until we reach Circhester?," you asked biting into come kind of breakfast bar that tasted like bacon bits and oatmeal.
"It's the farthest town from all the others in Galar except for the town in the Crown Tundra Valley but that's farther in the mountains than we need to go," Victor explained after he had pulled out his own phone and pulled up his regional maps to look through them, "It's also deep within the Galarian Mountain Reign so it'll take us about three weeks to get there by train."
"Oh really?"
He nodded again. "The stop we want is Steamdrift Station. From there it's about an hour walk down Steamdrift Way until we get to Circhester and it's gyms."
You paused before blinking and looking at him. Drizzilie taking this chance to pull the rest of your food away from you to eat itself. "Gyms? As in plural?...Like more than one gym?"
"Oh yeah! Guess we haven't told ye!," Gloria cut in leaning into her hand. "The Ice and Rock Type Gyms are located up there and are handled by the gym leader Melony n' 'er son Gordie!"
You paused...eyes blinking wide at them for a moment before pointing. "Hey! Wait a minute! I remember those guys!" YEAH! You did remember them! Ironic since you couldn't remember much of anything else in game. Melony according to in game info was supposed to have a harsh battle style and supposedly be an incredible coach. She ran the Ice type Gym while her son Gordie was in charge of the nieghboring Rock Type Gym also in Circhester. He's supposed to be really popular in a similar way to Raihan and have his own fan base as well that he treats respectfully. ..But the mother and son had a fight over Gordie not wanting to take over his mother's gym and instead but somehow she still became the very first member of his fan club. ...Also he was supposed to have younger siblings as well but you didn't think they were ever shown in the game. You remembered!! That's great! Maybe now you'd start remembering things much more now!! ....You blinked upon noticing the three staring at you. "Uh!...I m-mean I remembering some people talking about them before. Apparently Gordie's pretty popular in Galar."
Hop nodded. "Yeah he is! Last year he was voted Galar's third most eligable bachelor behind Raihan and Lee himself. But unlike Raihan he actually throws a lot of his own events and showings. Lee mentioned once he trained under the old Rock Type Gym Leader before he retired and took over the gym after."
You sighed. Bullet dodged! "Oh. Sounds like he's really nice then." And hopefully won't flirt with you like Raihan did.
Thus began your group's long, LONG trip to the Galarian Mountain Range. Just like your trip back to Motostoke, you all slept on the emptied seats at night but being more prepared Victor had set up his Rotom phone's gps to set off an alarm once the lot of you reached the likes of the station you wanted so you all wouldn't have to take turns staying up all night again to keep an eye out for the right station you wanted. Which was a great idea! Over the next few days you all fell into that repeated pattern minus taking turns staying up at night and during the day just talking about random things while eating food from your rations or looking at whatever the teens pulled up from the internet to show you. Gloria at one point even pulled out her dex books again to finish putting the rest of her pictures into them and showed you the new addtions courtesy of her twin before passing the books over towards the two boys for them to flip through themselves and admire Gloria's handy work. A few more days went by this way until one day Victor all of a sudden said you all should stop at the next town to restock up on food again since it wasn't as much as he thought it was. To which everyone agreed too and at the next town, got off the train and went into one of the random stops which turned out to be a small town like Postwick. From there the four of you gathered supplies and did everything else to prepare to travel again by the time the next train came around before getting back on it and back on your way to Circhester. Day in and night out you four traveled and traveled and traveled. You were starting to get train sick with how much this was going on and found yourself walking up and down the walkways in turns with the others to keep up the exercise and not let yourselves turn your legs to jelly. Until one particular night when you woke up with a shiver. There was a chilly atmosphere inside the metal train from when you were last awake and it was enough for you to make yourself get up groggily. Only to find your drizzilie was lightly shivering as well curled up against your warmer body and stayed clung to you as it groaned in protest at the cold.
"What the-"
"Hey you." You rubbed your eyes turning tiredly to Hop who had his own coat thrown over his shoulders and smiled. "So you're finally awake huh?"
You yawned. "What time is it?"
"About ten in the morning. We're getting closer to the mountains," Victor said and you turned to him next as he rechecked the map on his phone, "We'll be at Steamdrift Station within 'bout three days but you might want to throw on a coat. It's gonna get a wee bit more colder from 'ere on out."
That wasn't a too bad idea actually. You were quick to pull on the coat you had bought and with a bit of a tussle you somehow with Gloria's help managed to pry Drizzilie off of you and put him inside your bag's main opening with Gloria holding it open before you pulled both him and the bag into your lap to make room. And to help keep the lil guy warm. Your pokemon gave a bored expression as he settled down into using the bag as his personal sleeping bag.
"Hey. Don't get too comfy," you reminded him, "Cuz when we leave Circhester you're going back to walking with us again Mr. I-Refuse-To-Get-In-My-Pokeball." Other than rolling his eyes with a sigh, Drizzilie didn't say anything against what you said. "You heard me. This is just to make sure you don't go from a water type to a frozen-water type."
The rest of the three days there was pretty much the same, only now it was hard for any of you all to get to sleep now curled up in the seats because of the cold. Why you even dug out a scarf and wrapped it around your neck and half your face. Didn't these trains have darn heating!? The landscape outside the windows changed too. Going from looking like fall-ish time of the year to mid way between fall and winter, until the last day when you all woke up to have found yourselves so, so...SO!! Cold, and you shivered yanking the hood over your f/c hair more as you looked around and noticed white snow was being blown against the windows like some snow storm. And for all you knew there could actually be one out there.
"ZZZTT. Attention Passengers!," the conductor announced over the speakers to anyone left on bourd. "We'll be arriving at SteamDrift Station within ten minutes. That is all."
"That's our stop!," Victor confirmed, "Make sure you all grab everythin' before we get off."
You all made sure to gather your things, you especially making sure to pull the small hoodie over your Drizzilie's head before pushing him into your bag and telling him to stay in there until you said it was safe for him to come out before zipping your bag up but leaving enough of an opening to allow fresh air to him. Slowly after a few minutes the train finally came to a stop and you all followed Victor out towards the door, you grunting as you stuggled to sling the bag over your shoulders. You had forgotten how heavy this lil guy actually was when carried. You were extremely thankful for the guys getting you the thick coat and scarf too because the familiar full force of Winter hit you as soon as the you all stepped out the door and you shivered from the frosty cold greeting you all. The entire sky was painted in grey snow clouds that made the day look a little dull while snow gently fell from them and down towards the earth below. Around you was a plain looking station that looked more deserted since no one not even a station master was there, and surrounding you all was cliffsides and hills like in Stow-on-Side except unlike Stow-on-Side these were absolutely COVERED in snow and ice as far as the eyes could see as the four of you stood there taking in the sights. The only living things besides you all being pine trees scattered across the snowy land with a cobblestone road leading away from the station that Victor after a moment pointed at.
"That's Steamdrift Way," He explained holding up his phone with a gloved hand to the lot of you showing a map with a red blinking dot that signalled where you all were. "It's connected to Route E-E-Eight. If we go this way we should be at Circhester w-within an hour after crossing Circhester Bridge."
"T-T-Then w-what are we waiting f-f-for?!," Hop stuttered in the cold before pointing a hand forward. "L-Let's get there before we become on thin ice!"
There wasn't any arguments with him as you all headed off. Snow and ice crunched under your all's feet making your group sound like a couple of wooly mammoths trudging through the snow. You all (even you through your scarf covered mouth) could see your breath as snowflakes stuck to your bodies like someone glued white confetti to your clothes as you all followed Victor and his map through the snow. Thank goodness it didn't cover the road up, or else you all might've gotten lost. As you all trudged alone keeping your hands in your pockets after pulling the ends of the sleeves over them to help keep them warm, you all FINALLY came to the stone bridge Victor mentioned before. A cold river running with cold water ran under it as you all crossed and as you walked over it you prayed your drizzilie didn't decided to pop out wanting to swim or see what was going on.
"W-W-We should be there in t-t-ten m-m-more minutes!," Victor shouted back pulling his beanie further over his head.
"B-B-Bloody heck, V-Vick! 'M freezin' my t-tail off 'ere n' I-I ain't even got one!," Gloria yelled back complaining.
"The sooner we git there the sooner ya can rest! So take the energy from ya yappin' mouth and put it to your feet!," He yelled back and Gloria mumbled under her breath.
So you all continued to walk and walk, until you finally reached the end of the road that lead into a metal fenced entrance to Circhester. And you all had a collected sigh of relief once you all got there. It was decently big with it's many story stone buildings you could make out in the snow with cobblestone roads leading everywhere and the figures of two large stadiums on either side of the town as you all got to walking into it. You all passed the pink pokemon center near the entrance of the town and turned right heading towards what you guessed was the town square. A hot spring like fountain was dead set in the middle and there was people walking all around in winter wear with some ice type pokemon or pokemon who could stand this cold weather. Two men had stands selling food in the square as you walked past, one selling some kind of hot wraps and the other......ice..cream??
"D-Dang nabit, V-Vick! W-W-Where's the b-b-bloody hotel a-around here?," Gloria asked rubbing her arms in a failed attempt to warm herself.
"I-I'm with G-Glory on this," Hop added looking around, "I d-don't feel like camping out here at all."
"I'm WORKIN' on it!," Victor spat scowling at his phone hand lightly shaking.....before he pointed ahead of him at a BIG building in front of you all. "H-Hotel is there! L-Let's go!"
You all didn't hesitate to RUN your way to the building he pointed out jack frost biting at your ankles as you did. You all didn't even care if the door was flung open with a loud noise. The rush of warm air greeting your skins was enough to make up for it in your minds as you sighed. Turning your head up to the ceiling in the bliss of getting out of the cold. After a moment or two you finally opened your eyes and blinked them wide open at what you were all looking at. If you thought the Budew Drop Inn in Motostoke was Fancy this place was absolutely F A N C Y with a capitol F!!! It was like one of those luxery hotels in Paris you'd sometimes see in movies or on tv. Complete with marble floors and chandeliers lighting the place up. It was also HUGE!! And this was just the lobby as you gawked around. The other three were busy shaking snow off themselves as Victor walked up to the man at the lobby counter most likely to book your rooms. You hope they weren't too expensive by the looks around here. A moment later he returned with two keys handing one to Gloria before he gestured to the elevator.
"Let's go get settled in and rest for a bit. I'm too cold to think straight. You guys got room fifthteen on the first floor." Whelp! You couldn't argue with that as you all headed towards the elevator and got inside. The trip to the first floor wasn't a very long one as you all piled out and Victor motioned for Hop to follow him to one of the very first rooms closest to the elevator. "I say we all get warmed up and meet up in the lobby to talk 'bout what's the game plan for us 'ere."
"Alright," you agreed with a nod before following Gloria, "We'll see you two in a bit."
Both boys nodded as well before they turned back, Victor unlocking the door with his key before opening it and they disappeared inside. You sped walked to catch up to Gloria who was already standing in front of a door and turning the knob and throwing it open-
"So that means the culprit must be among us!" Gloria paused in the doorway. Eyes wide and hand still out from throwing the door open. "....Wait....Who are you!?" ..You wanted to facepalm. Oh NO!! Don't tell me Gloria opened the wrong door and walked in on someone. You sped up your walking pace as she blinked again. "After all the trouble of deducing things don't go messing it up now!"
By the time you got to Gloria she was already scowling before pointing her frozen hand at him. "N' who might the likes o' you be!?"
You blinked when you looked inside the room....There was a man there along with an older man, a 'hipster' looking girl, a young boy, and some kind of squirrel looking pokemon chewing something as you all stared at one another...Until the middle aged looking man coughed.
"*cough* I suppose I should introduce myself," he proudly put a hand to his chest, "The name's Howses. Yes. THAT Howses. The great detective. I've been hired by the hotel. At present I have corner the culprit of a most heinous crime!"
"What happened?," you asked. Did someone get robbed? Did something go missing? Something worse?!
"I'm glad you asked," Mr. Howses stated, " And that crime is!..The strange case of who ate the large quantity of berries in the lobby!" He shouted pointing to a random basket of apple cores....You and Gloria both gave each other a look. "I've gathered the three people who were present in the lobby at the time of the crime but because of the noise my marvelous deductive reasoning seems somewhat muddled at present."...The hotel...Hired a private detective ..to investigate missing fruit.....What a waste of time! He suddenly pointed at Gloria. "That's it! You interfering child! You will be my assistant!"
Gloria gave him a blank look. "...What?"
"Listen to the stories of each suspect and find the culprit," he said as if what he had just said wasn't crazy or unprofessional at all.
"....Yeah. I ain't doin' that." Gloria dead panned before pointing at the obvious pokemon in the room. "'Sides. I already know who it was-"
Instead of listening the man waved her off and laughed in her face. "Heh heh heh. After listening to everyone's accounts deduced the culprit!"....NO ONE SPOKE!! He pointed at the young hipster looking gal who looked just as deadpanned and done with this as Gloria. "Dancer! You are the culprit!"
"WHAT!?," she demanded angrily, "Why me?!"
"Because you're a dancer! You move and shake your body so much that you needed all that food for extra energy! That's evidence as clear and sharp as the leek of a farfetch'd!"
"WHAT!? What does that even mean!? You're no detective! You're a fraud!" Your thoughts exactly!
The man gave a nervous look all of a sudden. "W-Who are you calling a fraud!? You can't be referring to me! The great detective!"
"I can't deal with this disrespect! I leave it to you! You find the real culprit-"
"*AHEM!!*" Everyone looked back to Gloria who scowled and pointed to the small pokemon chittering at everyone around them. "IT. WAS. THAT!! They ate the darned fruit ya ninnies can't seem ta take a hint of."
The 'detective' blinked before turning to the pokemon. "What? That skwovet is the one responsible?" He looked closer at the small pokemon who looked at him curiously covered in food. "A-.....As expected of my assistant!" He loudly proclaimed all of a sudden proudly and crossing his arms looking pleased with himself. "Splendid! Just splendid! I'm overjoyed!"....He peeked an eye out at all of you annoyed and angry at him before coughing. "Well now that's taken care of...I must be off now." He suddenly sped walked towards you and Gloria and you both scrambled to move aside as he took off down the hall. "Take care, Everyone!"
"Hey you! Just wait a minute!," the girl yelled before running right after the 'detective'.
"Hahaha! I guess I'm supposed to chase after him too," the old man said before also jogging after the two as you and Gloria squished against the sides of the doorway to give them room...before looking after them....and blinking to one another.
"What the world was THAT about?," she asked.
"Honestly I have no idea and I'm too tired to really care," you mumbled gesturing her towards your actual room. "Let's go set up our room and take a break before we have to meet back up with the others."
Fast forward about an hour after finding the right room and getting yourself settled, you all made it down to the lobby to meet up with Victor and Hop. After you had let your Drizzilie out, thankful that he didn't seem to be hurt or even bothered as she walked out and stretched out like a cat before you all left. Promising you'd bring him back some food. Finding the boys already waiting for the both of you with their winter wear and waved the two of you over.
"There you guys are," Victor greeted seeing the two of you walk over, "We've been waiting for ten minutes and I wanted to try and get things as done here as soon as possible."
"We've only just got here this morning," you calmly reasoned raising a questioning brow at him. Yeah you wanted to leave as soon as you all could too since it was freezing and obviously the weather probably wasn't good for your pokemon, but you didn't think you've ever seen Victor this insistant on leaving somewhere so quickly. "What's gotten you into wanting to leave so soon?"
"Vick here hates the cold," Hop explained before humming, "Scratch that. He absolutely despises it."
"Well it's not MY fault that ice is so dangerous and you have a great chance of freezin' ta death," Victor snapped back pouting.
"Nevermind that! Did you guys figure out what you wanted to do yet?," you asked changing the subject to avoid more fighting.
Surprisingly both boys nodded and Hop spoke again. "I wanted to try my hand at beating the Rock Type Gym since I think I've come up with a strategy to beat him."
"I was actually thinking about taking on the other Gym 'n town, "Gloria pondered thoughtfully, "I got a good idea 'bout how to defeat Melony after watchin' a lot of her battles on the train ride 'ere. But first I need ta stop by the center and switch out some of me pokemon in order to make it work."
"Well I wanted to stop by around town and get some pictures of the famous Circhester hot springs," Victor explained holding up his camera, "The legends say that the great Hero of Galar rested in the springs and it healed all his wounds. ..Plus I wanted to try the famous Bob's Your Uncle cafe here too. They're supposed to have THE best curry in all of Galar, and who knows when I'll come back here again." He then looked at you. "What about you Y/n?"
You looked at him interested. "Well if I'm being completely honest I think I'll come with you. It's been a while since I've been able to walk around and go sight seeing."
"Then it's settled! Let's meet back 'ere in the lobby when we're all finished."
You all agreed and after tightening your coats around you more, all made off your own ways. Gloria heading in the direction of the pokemon center on the other side of town before going off to battle with you and the boys heading in the opposite direction towards the rock gym since the famous Hero Springs Victor wanted to look at. Eventually parting with him too as soon as the both of you got there. Wishing him luck against Gordie before he left and you followed Victor to what you could only describe as a bath house modeled closely to the buildings of the ancient roman times back on your world. You followed Victor around marveling the sights and old looking structure as he smiled despite his hate for the cold and snapped plenty of pictures of everything as he did back at the Hammerlocke Castle Ruins. You walked up to the steaming water that almost looked boiling hot that was roped off from the public just touching it and watched the warm steam rise from it. Sighing as the warm steam was welcomed against the biting cold you couldn't get away from right now. Victor having getting his share of the old historical sight mentioned there was a few other places that the spring water came through, like the fountain in the town square and mentioned wanting to check out the extended parts of the underground spring as well and offered for you to come if you were interested in coming with him. Of course you agreed since you really had nothing else to do at that moment while waiting for the other two to complete their Gym battles, which by now you were sure they were doing or at least finishing up any gym challenge they were doing at the moment, before going back to the meet up spot anyways. So together you two traveled from the front of the rock type gym to the center of town so he could document more of the springs, before following him again as he moved somewhere else and you followed him down a small flight of stairs to another but much more smaller part of the springs that wasn't so visible or visited by the public. And then another small spot just like a little farther aways on the other side of town. It was...Pretty peaceful despite the chilling cold and snow lightly still falling around you, Victor, and everyone else walking around. It was quiet except for your footsteps crunching through the snow and anyone else walking around or talking. Walking around the decently big town with Victor you noticed there was also a few businesses besides the pokemon center. Your resident barber shoppe, an antique store, a few small little thift shops that sold merchandise of what looked like the two gyms and their gym leaders at the brief glances through the windows you gave, a grocery store, a clothes store, of course the hotel, and a strange looking cafe with the Logo of a man out in front. A sign above the door told you the name of said establishment. Bob's Your Uncle. Hey. Wasn't that the cafe Victor mentioned back at the hotel he mentioned wanting to see? You pointed it out to him and he seemed to light up! Mentioning how you two should drop by and seeing it even if you didn't eat anything. You agreed since by all the walking around and sight seeing you did, you two must've been out here for nearly two hours by this point. So it'd be nice to warm up for a bit. So you two happily walked up to said store and pushed the door open before walking right in. The warm air of the cafe combined with the mouth watering smells of the food made you sigh in relief. Another bigger picture of the logo man was inside on one of the walls, with the place being a color scheme of yellow and red, and a few people sitting around eating already. Including one particular boy who looked up from his seat in the back when Victor pointed him out.
"Hey Hop!," Victor called over to him and Hop looked up from where he was sat phone in one hand and hot coco in the other but smiled when he saw you two approuching. "What are you doing here? I thought we were gonna meet back at the hotel."
Hop shrugged. "Yeah, but I thought it'd be fine to stop by for some hot chocolate. Who doesn't like hot coco?"
"I know I do!," You agreed with a smile, "How did your battle go?"
"Arghhh." He slumped back turning his head up to the ceiling with a groan. ""I lost. It all went to pot. There must've been something wrong with my strategy but I just did what I've seen Lee do in battles!"
"Huh..Well maybe that's the problem."
He paused before blinking back to you as you looked at him. "....Huh? Whaddya mean?''
"Well, everyone has different fighting styles. Including you and Gloria, and if these guys are a part of the league and you're trying to fight like Leon, they'll probably be able to beat you because they've seen how Leon fights and knows how best to counteract his style."
"But he's the unbeatable champion! If I use his method I should be able to be unbeatable too! I've studied his style for years!"
"It may seem like that," You explained, "But it IS Leon's style and he's perfected it. If someone tries to copy him they won't be as perfect as it compared to someone who's mastered his own style to a degree that makes him such a powerful trainer. And everyone's style is constantly changing. Think about it. If Lee kept his style the EXACT same then eventually someone would've found a flaw in it by now and taken the title from him. Leon doesn't have 'just one style' either. Like everyone else they train and adapt to better themselves that's how he's unbeatable. It's ok to use things you learnt other people do, but you said yourself you were thinking of new strategies. Instead of trying to apply what you think Leon would do, ask yourself what would YOU do."
Hop paused seeming to stare at you for a while before humming and looking back to his phone. "...You actually might have a point. I'll have to rethink a few things then."
You smiled. "Glad I could help. Speaking of which Where's Gloria? If you're finished with your battle then that must mean Gloria is too right?"
"Maybe she's waiting for us back at the hotel."
"Oh hey!" You yelped and jumped around at the lady's voice that suddenly came up behind you, and found yourself face to face with none other than said brunette Girl and Sonia who chuckled at your reaction. "There you are."
....You sighed before giving her a frown. "First Leon and now you too Sonia?" You crossed your arms. "Seriously. Give a girl a warning you're gonna do that first...Wait. What are you doing here anyways?"
"Got that Gym badge, Glory?," Hop asked politely.
Gloria nodded with a proud hum. "I jus' had ta switch out for some fire n' steel types I caught. Wasn't easy tho."
"Nice one!," Hop complimented before holding something out to her, "That reminds me. Here. Take this. It's the rock leader's league card. You should check out the gym leader you'll have to face too. And me. I've gotta figure out what to put on my team once and for all and no more of this doubting! Especially when I have to defeat at least one of the gyms here for their badge."
"Gee thanks!" She eagerly took the card from him.
"I've been trying to found out more about the Darkest Day and the sword and shield pokemon, but still no luck." She sighed before shaking her head. "I was hoping to investigate the Heroes Bath after studying the tapestries and castle ruins in Hammerlocke." Oh. So she had been there before. "And I haven't been able to get more intel on the strange discovery in Stow-on-Side since the Chairman's team is still researching and the area's become off limits to anyone who isn't the League or authorized. But I just ran into Gloria here and figured the rest of you couldn't be far behind her."
You chuckled. "Well you aren't wrong. I'm really sorry about all the dead ends stopping your work Sonia. I'm sure you'll get a break through somewhere." And you DID know since according to the game she does.
She smiled. "Well thank you, Y/n. It's much appreciated." Her blue eyes glanced behind you. "It's really nice ...." She paused staring right over your shoulder. "...to..see you...Wait."
You rose a brow. "What?" Your f/c eyes blinked in confusion when Sonia all of a sudden grabbed you and pushed you aside a bit as she moved behind you. Unintentionally making you bump into the table Hop was sitting at making him scramble to hold his hot coco out of harm's way as you gave her a look. "Sonia!?"
"Hold on!" She exclaimed back looking at a wall. But more importantly what was ON the wall. Which looked like half a tapestry. And in the very SAME art style and people on them from the Hammerlocke Vault!! "No way! What's this!?"
"Uh...A fifth tapestry??"
"The heroes!" She exclaimed pointing to both of the same men from the first tapestries. "Look..sad. And where are the sword and shield?" She hummed before scanning it more. "What was the meaning of this picture?" Ever the fast thinker wasn't she?
You pushed yourself from the table dusting your still slightly snow covered self off before shrugging. "Well those behind them look kinda like grave stones or some kind of sealed tomb." You pointed out pointing at the tapestry and Sonia squinted harder at where you were pointing. "This probably just means the end of the legend. Y'know. Where the hero finally gets to have peace after his long battle? It happens all the time in fairytales."
"You think so?," she asked giving you a glance. As you shrugged she looked back to the tapesry, or what seemed to remain of it, with her hand to her chin blankly staring at it. "....Didn't think I'd see something like this in Bob's Your Uncle. I guess it could be they passed on or that they were sealed away. Or maybe they've gone into some kind of sleep?"
"Well...I mean they call it 'rest in peace' for a reason."
"Well.." You flinched when Hop spoke, not expecting the boy to be studying the tapestry too. "Based on those statues we saw at Stow-on-Side, the sword and shield were actually two pokemon right?"
You rose a brow. "Since when did you see those statues back in Stow-on-Side?? You and Victor left before Bede's stunt."
"Gloria showed me pictures she took of it before you left. But it kinda dawned of me seeing those sword and shield symbols on them. Couldn't they have been pokemon?"
"That's right! That's my take on it at least."
"......Hey." She suddenly turned to Hopand blinked as he pointed to Gloria. "You remember the pokemon we met that day?" ...Gloria rose a confused brow as he spoke. "You remember. That weird giant blurry pokemon we met in the Slumbering Weald."
"Oh yeah! I've completely forgottin' 'bout that by now." She shivered. "Still gives me the heeby jeebies."
Hop chuckled a bit. "Do you think...it could've been one of them?" he gestured the hand holding his phone to her. "Either the sword or shield pokemon? The blurry fog monster we saw kinda looked like those pokemon statues in Stow-on-Side you showed us."
"You..." Sonia was slow to blink and look at Both the kids wide eyed as she talked. The only one who looked super confused was Victor who you guessed hadn't heard of the 'mysterious fog pokemon' bit. "Met them?! Like...Really REALLY met them!?"
"Come on. You know what I'm talking about right, Glory?"
She nodded, "Yep. Right before Lee bailed us out o' the Slumberin' Weald."
"Exactly! We told you too Sonia remember. The mad pokemon we ran into in the fog! Although..I can't remember seeing it too well. Don't you think that could've been it?", Hop pondered.
"Oh right! You lot have been in the Slumbering Weald!"
You gave Gloria a small tap to her shoulder as if to say 'Don't be rude.' "As much as I agree this is all strange, don't you all think you're jumping the gun here a bit? That could've been any big pokemon in the fog, and you said it yourself. You don't remember much of what it looked like. We shouldn't just make assumptions without proof."
Hop hummed. "I guess you're right. It'd be too much of a coincidence anyhow. But it's not an assumption, just a guess. Doesn't hurt to theorize ideas."
Sonia on the other hand smiled happily and held up her hands excitedly. "I only started on this journey because my gran told me to, but this is turning out to be so much fun! You've got to tell me more! How about we discuss this over a meal? Go on. What do you want to eat? Let's get our orders in!"
"Whoa! Hey there buckaroo!" She blinked when you grabbed her shoulder and she blinked. "As much as I love the food as much as the next person, maybe you should slow down there a bit. Didn't you just get here or something?"
...She gave a bashful face. "Oh yeah. R-Right. Sorry I must've gotten caught up in the moment. But hey! How about I treat you all to a nice curry and hot chocolate anyways? It'd be the least I could do for all the kindness you've shown me."
"I dunno. I don't wanna leave my Drizzilie in the hotel room for too long. I'm afraid he's gonna come looking for us if we're gone for too long and I don't want him outside in this weather."
"How about the sweet instant noodle curry they serve here?," Victor suggested as a compromise pointing to the counter the two men were currently cleaning, and the stack of supplies, food, and other things lining the wall behind them. "All they would have to do is poor hot water in it and it's the cheapest curry on the menu. Plus I don't like the spicy ones too much. I may hate the cold but I'm not up for burning my tongue."
Sonia nodded. "Quick and simple. Sounds like a good match to me!" She turned towards the two men and waved a hand gaining one's attention. "Yoo hoo. Sir! Five instant noodle curries and hot cocos please! Uh. Sweet wise." The man nodded before putting down the cloth he was wiping the counter with and turning to grab a few things from the shelf as Sonia gestured for the five of you to sit with Hop at the big table he was currently at. "While we wait, I'd love to hear about your experiences in the Slumbering Weald again. Maybe it'll help me piece together something."
So the five of you at around the table as you all patiently heard Hop recount the entire events of the Slumbering Weald incident starting from the wooloo banging against the gate to the Slumbering Weald to when you all left it. In the middle of him retelling his your food was delivered by one of the men behind the bar and you gladly took it wanting something warm in your stomach before having to go back out in the cold, Gloria taking a quick picture of it before you all began eating it. It looked and smelt a lot like those instant ramen cups you'd sometimes had to resort to have for lunch back at home since money was tight with your mother working hard as a single mother now and you having to work summer, weekend, and afterschool jobs in your spare time to help with bills. If you didn't then she'd say you were being lazy with your music and games again...Anyways. It looked like instant ramen and was sprinkled with curry sauce. You were a bit doubtful of how it'd taste but when you ate it it wasn't that bad. It had a bittersweet kinda taste that wasn't too sweet or sour thanks to the sauce covering the noodles when you ate it, and it was a bit more like pasta than a curry. But you weren't going to complain about free curry and hot coco in this cold weather and neither was anyone else as they ate and listened to Hop, and then Gloria as she recounted her own point of view on the events which was pretty much Hop's as well but you all let her speak her mind. By the time she finished everyone had already finished eating and drinking their food even Hop who had gotten a second hot coco thanks to Sonia's generiousity.
"-and then Lee found us and marched us both back home where we met up with Y/n," Gloria finished pointing at you. "Mum was...not very happy about it all."
"Fascinating," Sonia commented thinking again, "All right." She suddenly stood up making all of you blink. "The next thing to do now that we're done eating is to have a look around Circhestester! Let's inspect the Hero's Bath."
"Huh? But we were just there. Wasn't anything that could be tied to your research," Victor said.
You shrugged as you stood up. "Well we were going to leave to go back to the hotel soon anyways. Let's go have a look since we'll have to go that way anyways."
Victor looked like he wanted to protest but sighed as his Best friend and twin also stood up to follow Sonia out the door. The cold outside nipped back at all of you as you tightened your scarf around your nose and mouth. Following Sonia back to the steaming waters of the spring under the town as you all entered back under the historical sight. Hop and Gloria looking out in awe at the place.
"The Hero's Bath, "Sonia commented looking around the place, "They say this is where the two heroes came to soothe their wounds after the battle to bring down that evil presence long ago. Nowadays only pokemon really use the Hero's bath though. Hmm. Who exactly were the heroes that bathed here? I think I'll have to look into that...Gloria! Hop!" She turned her head to shout at the two and both looked up from one of the carvings in the stone at her. "You two met a mysterious pokemon back in the Slumbering Weald. Perhaps...you two can become new heroes."
You blinked at her. Where did that come from?
Even Hop looked at her confused and skeptical. "What? Like some hero waving around a sword and shield? Psh. Pull the other one."....But he hummed. "Though...I guess I'd fancy a shield if I had to take my pick."
"Hm. What kind of battle do you think the heroes had back then?"
You shrugged and went to say something- "Why don't we show her, Glory?" Hop asked giving his friend a playful shove, "Think we can pull off a real heroic battle?"
Gloria giggled back before giving him her signiture determined look. "Oh I think that'd be just the thing ta warm up me bones!"
"Sonia treated us to a great meal. After all that curry I feel like I've got the energy to wrestle a bewear!"
Sonia returned her hands to her hips amused. " A battle now? I don't entirely understand your reasoning but I might as well see what you can do."
"FORG-G-GET IT!!", Victor yelled as you all looked at his shivering form turn on his heel and stomp off towards the hotel, "Y-Ya'll can battle if ye want! 'M headed inside the warm hotel!"
"..Hm. I'd hate to say this, but I think I getting get back too." You gave Sonia a look. "Thanks for the food. It was really good seeing you again, but I REALLY wanna go back and check on my drizzilie."
She nodded understanding. "Of course. I'd feel the same thing about Yamper if I was in your position."
You nodded before turning to the other two. "And you guys don't stay out here for too long. Come back when you're all done battling."
"We will!," Hop quickly agreed before pointing away from the Springs, "Time for a little exhibition match starring the future champion!"
With a wave to them all you all turned and jogged to catch up to Victor who was rubbing his arms and muttering to himself as he stomped his way back towards the hotel. And you didn't blame him, you wanted to get out of the cold too and see how your Drizzilie was doing. You two made your way across the town and into the familiar fancy hotel, through the elevator and immediately headed onto your own seperate rooms. You were kinda worried your pokemon might've wodnered out of the room but when you entered you found him in the same spot you left him in. Curled up on one of the beds and barely even opened an eye at you as you came back in gave giving a small thrum before curling back onto it's side away from you and going back to napping. Hmm...Maybe Hop was right about your drizzilie developing a new lazy habit. Or maybe it was because he was cold blooded or something like a snake and had a hibernation thing?? You shrugged it off and instead sighed as you finally had a moment to shed your winter coat and relax for a little bit, flopping onto the bed next to the napping pokemon who again barely moved as you did so. And you remained there eve when Gloria returned and you gave a small wave as a greeting.
"Hey. How was the battle?"
"Fine! Although I won Hop seems to finally have gotten out of the lil funk he was in thanks ta Bede!," she answered happily, " 'E's with Victor right now."
"Hey that's great to hear! It's good he's getting back into a healthier mindset."
"Yeah! I still can't wait ta see him compete in the champion finals this year! It's gonna be so much fun! I-....." She stopped talking for a second and then you heard frantic shuffling about and footsteps. With a sigh you turned your head up from the spot you were laying down at and was met with the sight of her shaking her coat upside down frantically over he bed as she looked worried. When nothing dropped from the coat she unceremoniously dropped it and whipped her head around back to you. "Y/N! My camera's gone!"
"..What?," you asked pushing yourself up as she patted herself down searching her pockets.
"Victor's camera he's lettin' me borrow!," she yelled sounding more concerned,"I was supposed ta give it back ta him once I finished fillin' me dex books!! He's gonna kill me!"
"Whoa! Hey!" You were quick to push yourself up into a sitting pose as you watched her start to likely panic. "Gloria!" She paused blinked wide eyed worried at you as you groaned standing off the bed and stretching out your back. "First you need to calm down." You held up a hand rubbing your back. "You probably just accidentally dropped it somewhere."
"I have no idea." She looked worried again. That was probably the wrong thing to say apparently. "Whoa. Don't freak out on me here. Look. There's still plenty of daylight left. I'm sure if we just retrace your steps then we'll find it for sure. When's the last time you remembered having it?"
.....She blinked. "Uh! A-At the cafe! Then we went to the hero's bath."
You nodded. "Ok. Then let's go look over there and see if we can't find it ok?"
Gloria nodded and you sighed again. Looks like you all were going out yet again. You both quickly put your winter wear back on and out you went again. The winter weather nipping at you even colder now that it must've been about near sun down by how limited light there was too. There was still enough to clearly see the snow and all the surroundings but it was noticably colder as night drew nearer as you both stopped in front of the warm springs in the town square.
"A-Alright! 'Eere's the plan!," Gloria said pointing at you, "I'll go check the cafe you go check the bath. We'll cover more ground like that!"
You nodded wanting to get this over with as soon as possible. "Alright. But hurry, and keep an eye out in case you dropped it on the ground somewhere. Meet me back here as soon as you can."
She nodded and before you could get another word in she turned and scurried off towards the cafe area. After a moment to relax you sighed shaking your head and started walking off towards the Hero's Bath, making sure to scan the road and ground around you for any signs of a camera dropped in the snow. But you saw nothing as you looked around. Your footsteps crunched in the snow once again and you shivered rubbing your arms as you made your way towards the hero's bath still looking for it. Just when you thought you'd be able to rest for the rest of the day. You just wanted to find the darn thing and return back to the warm hotel. As you circled the large building needed to get to the Hero's Bath you paused blinking at the sight in front of you. Oh great what was it now? In front of the Hero's Bath was a small crowd of anywhere from fifthteen to about twenty people mostly women huddled around...something? Sure the Hero's Bath must've been a really cool historical sight to see but you didn't think such a crowd would gather here all of a sudden especially when it wasn't like this the other times you passed by it. Oh well. Right now you could care less and just wanted to find that darn camera and return to the hotel as soon as possible. Besides you could easily just walk around the happily chattering crowd without having to bother anyone. Get in, look around for a camera, get out, and then meet up back with Gloria. Easy enough. Or so you thought. With a sigh behind your scarf, you braced yourself and began walking your way over towards the crowd, and like you had suspected there was plenty of room to walk passed them, or so you thought again when a woman dressed in all while and with white hair suddenly appeared and you both ran right into each other. With the speed walk you were going it was impossible to stop on time before you collided with the white blur with a yelp. Stumbling back your foot slipped on some snow and down you went arms flailing landing on your bottom on the hard stone ground. Luckily you weren't hurt but you hissed and mumbled something under your breath at the feeling of the cold seeping into the back of your pants now.
"Oh my goodness gracious!," an older woman's voice exclaimed above you and when you looked up you were met with a woman who looked about the same age as your mom as she held her face in an 'Oh no' kinda pose as she looked at you. All decked out in white winter wear. "I'm so sorry, Young Lady. I didn't see you there."
You waved her off as more people turned their heads at the commotion. "Nah. It's ok. It's my fault I wasn't looking where I was going-," you had begun to say before another's voice much more louder and angrier sounding made you both look over.
"MOM!! What are you doin'!?," A man's voice shouted out as people parted and a guy who looked vaugely familiar marched his way forward. The man wore...Shades of all things in this not so sunny weather with a tan-ish coat thrown over himself and blonde-white hair that draped to just above his shoulders as he pushed his way through the small crowd of people until he stopped right in front of you and the woman. He looked right at your confused self still sitting on the ground for a moment before looking over at the woman with a deep frown. "Seriously!? Ya knocked one of my fans over?"
"I'm so sorry, Honey. Really I am," she said calmly as if she had all the patience of an ancient monk. "But it was an accident." Oh. So this must've been his mom. But what does he mean by fan?? You didn't even know this guy.
"Tch!," he scoffed before crossing his arms, "Yeah right. You crash all my events especially after I win against a gym challenger." Your eyes widened. ....Gym chall-..OH!! Now you remember! You looked between the two who had a resemblance now that you looked at them. Gym Leaders Melony and Gordie! So that's why he looked semi familiar to you. These were some of the few characters you actually remembered from your time playing the game! ..Oh. And they were known for fighting of course. "You're lucky you didn't cause her to hit her head during the fall!" You looked back up blinking wide eyed at him as he scowled at his mother. "Did you even apologise to her or were you just gonna forget that too?"
You stared wide eyed at him. Who says that to their own mother!? Through all this Melony just calmly and sadly watched him as he angrily spewed out. You WISH your mom was like Melony- "HEY!!" You were quick to try and rise to your feet stumbling a bit on the snow as you did. Rising up with your own frown behind the scarf covering your face and quickly dusting yourself off.
"Ah man. Are you alright there?," he asked holding his hand out. "Sorry about my mom-"
"Oh be quiet!" You bluntly said as you snapped your face to him, which combined with your sharp tone seemed to make him pause in the moment. "I know exactly who you are!! What is WRONG with you man!?" You couldn't help but shout at him. Well considering Gordie's only a side character who you wouldn't probably see again after Gloria defeated him, it would be ok to shout at him. Especially since you weren't in the game's storyline at the moment. So you jabbed him in the chest which made him blinked and take a couple steps back. "Of course your mother apologized to me but that's NOT the point! It was an accident and I happened to run into HER! Not the other way around!! Are you kidding me with your behavior right now, Gordie!? Don't you see what you're doing!?" You gestured towards Melony who looked shocked herself seeing you jab at her son. "You're yelling at your own mother who didn't do anything wrong in front of a bunch of your fans in public!? Are you trying to embarrass her or something!? Your mom's so much nicer than you!! Geez! What were those guys thinking!?"
"I-...W-Wha-" He sputtered but you shut him down real quick.
"NO! You're not allowed to talk to me! You know why? Because your mom's one of the nicest people in all of Galar!! DUDE GET OVER YOUR STUPID EGO!! You both had a fight like..years ago!? So WHAT?! You're running your own stadium you wanted and you have like loads of fans! Don't you think that bashing her in front of your fans would make her look bad!?....No. Scratch that." He blinked as you took a step forward and he stepped back. "It makes YOU look bad! SO I am NOT a fan of yours! I'm just here looking for a missing camera but even if I didn't I'd still feel bad for your mother! Don't you think the reason Melony makes an effort to be in your fan club and trying so hard to support you is her way of showing she cares about you and is actually sorry about the fight you two had!?" You shook your head. "Gosh. Your head must be thicker than a onix if you missed that!!"
There was silence all around as the once crowd of chattering people were all shocked and staring at you, Gordie, or Melony or looking between the three of you as Gordie just stared jaw dropped and making noises like a fish out of water as you scoffed and turned around. Melony watching with equal reaction to her son and even passing people who weren't a part of the crowd was staring right at you as you turned your back to him.
"So don't apologize to me. Because the only one you should be apologizing to is your poor mother." You gave him one last very SERIOUS look over your shoulder. "As someone who wished for a parent like her, you need to get a reality check man." You turned back to his shocked mother before sighing. "I'm really sorry about all this, Ma'am. But I gotta go. I have to meet up back with my friends."
With a new sour feeling that combined with your annoyance with the cold and falling down, without looking behind you, you turned on your heels and stomped off back towards where Gloria was headed when you both split up. You didn't feel like staying at the Hero's Bath any longer now with the eerie silent you left behind. Everyone watched after you as you disappeared....until a single THUNK sound broke the silence as Gordie's shades fell off his shocked face to the cold ground below.
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