#poland's writing
polandspringz · 6 months
Chapter Summary:
The holidays are here, and MC has been promoted from managing multiple departments to multiple dates.
Story Summary: Set in a modern society, where there are no demons or angels, the Celestial and Devildom Corporations have held a longstanding rivalry as the two most wealthy and influential brands in this city. After years of competition, they surprised the public with news of a partnership. Their first joint effort: Sponsoring one special intern each who will work to unite the businesses using their outsider perspective and communication skills that the old CEOs, and their heirs, seem to fail at. You, MC, thought you were selected as one of them. Apparently someone misread the skill section of your resume though, and hired you as a family therapist and mystery detective too.
Chapter will be posted below, but please click the link to comment on AO3 and leave kudos!
Exams were over.
You breathed a sigh of relief when you finished checking over your Scantron for the five hundredth time, being sure-sure that you didn’t accidentally skip a question and fill in all the bubbles one off, and that your name was an actual word and not just the scribbles your sleep deprived and study-crammed brain believed it was. You quickly got up, handed your paper in, and as quietly as possible, scurried back to your seat where you grabbed all your belongings and escaped the classroom, unfortunately failing as you banged your shin on the doorframe in your haste.
Satan was waiting for you outside, sitting on a raised platform for a display in the art building. A book held open with a single hand, his thumb pressing against the inside of the spine and keeping it crisply open, he smiled and looked up when your shadow approached and cast over him.
“All done?”
“All done!” You stretched your arms in the air high and cheered. He chuckled at your childish moment and closed the book, tucking it away and standing up himself, pushing off his long and lanky legs until he was at his full height in front of you.
“Congratulations are in order then.”
“Don’t say that. I don’t know my grade yet.”
“MC.” He leveled you with a serious stare, incredulous at your statement, “You have almost a 4.0 GPA. You were spouting facts at me for the past two days, there’s no way you didn’t vomit all of that out perfectly onto your test.”
“Ugh, even if it's someone like you saying it, the word vomit still sounds gross. Don’t use it,” you said, slinging your backpack onto your back and making a disgusted face.
“Would you prefer retch? What about regurgitate?”
“I feel like regurgitate is the more appropriate one in this scenario, oh-mister-literature-major.”
“I’ll use whatever phrase gets you to walk faster. Come on, let’s get you home and to sleep already. I don’t want to have to carry you.”
“But my brain is soooo tired,” you whined dramatically, and he pushed you forward as you dug your heels into the ground.
“But not your legs. Besides, carrying you is Mammon’s job, not mine.”
You flushed, and rocked back onto the balls of your feet, hurrying out of the art building doors. Satan could be heard laughing softly behind you.
Although the holiday break for the D.C. didn’t start until the 29th, Diavolo had been kind and merciful to the college students among his employees and gifted Satan and you an early day off from the company. Although-although, from Lucifer’s perspective, only you had an official day off from work. Satan was just off from school, as he was still unaware of his more permanent position in the company at the moment. While he knew that his brother skulked around the company’s publishing department without authorization, and that Satan had adopted a uniform similar to what the rest of the department heads wore, he was still oblivious to the conspiracy that Diavolo and Satan had been enacting.  You tried not to dwell on it for too long, for fear that you would vomit the words out with anxiety.
Nonetheless, the two of you had the day off. So, while the rest of the brothers were suffering at their desk jobs so close to a holiday, you and Satan were spending the day sprawled across various surfaces, going from passed out in your beds to half asleep at the dining room table in your bowls of cereal, draped across arm chairs, to finally in a heap on the couch as a book lay discarded on the floor, slipped from the blonde’s fingers, and the television remote upside down and the batteries exposed as the drop popped the cover off the back.
You were fast asleep until your phone began to buzz, pinned somewhere on the couch between your pile of limbs and the cushions, and you both began to grumble and squirm in an attempt to find it. Satan ended up kicking you off in his annoyance, dropping you onto the floor directly onto your ass, but your phone slipped out and into your hands, so it all worked out in the end. You glanced at the caller I.D.
Wait a minute. Levi was calling you?
Not texting?
Your sleep-addled brain jolted itself awake and you hurried to accept the call.
There was a moment of silence on both ends. You had expected him to say something first.
“Yes, Levi? It’s me? Why are you calling? Are you okay?”
“What do you mean? Of course I’m okay. Why are you acting like you were worried about me or something?”
The defensiveness in Levi’s voice was harsh, but not unfamiliar. You knew he was hiding something.
“Levi,” you said calmly, “You know I won’t judge you or anything. It’s just that I know you hate phone calls, so I was surprised when you didn’t just text me instead.”
“It’s because… It’s because it’s important.”
You hummed in agreement, and crossed your legs, “I figured. What’s up?” You said sweetly, trying to coax him with patience.
“A-are you free tonight?”
“I am. Why?”
“B-because the- becausethemoviecomesouttonightandyoupromisedyouwould-”
“Wait, Levi, what? The movie?”
“See? I knew it was stupid. You stupid normie. Forgetting about the promise you made me and-”
The promise? Oh. You sat up, “The Ruri-chan movie, right? I didn’t forget, Levi. I just woke up a minute ago, my brain is still a little slow. Of course I’ll go with you. Can we still get tickets though?”
“...I bought them already. I bought them when they went on sale months ago.”
“Months ago, huh? You’re really excited about this, huh? Guess I better dress up then.” You rubbed your eyes sleepily, thoughts slowly coming together in your brain, “Wait a second, months ago?” Your brain pieced together images of your calendar, and Levi had only brought the movie up to you a few weeks ago. Did that mean then-?
“It’s not what you think!” He squawked on the other end, “I just- I just accidentally bought an extra ticket, and then I needed to find someone else to go with. No- wait! I meant that I didn’t want to sit next to anyone weird so I bought the seats around me so that I would be left alone!”
“Does that mean you don’t want me sitting next to you?”
“No! That’s not- You’re-! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The movie’s at midnight so just be ready by ten o’clock! You better not fall asleep during the movie or I’ll never forgive you!”
“Aye, aye, captain Levi,” you saluted, “I’ll go back to my bed so I’ll be all rested up for later.”
“I’ll be home soon, so I’ll make sure to wake you up in time!”
“Thank you, Levi. Bye bye,” you shut your eyes as you waved at the wall across from you, slowly pulling the phone away as you pressed down on the power button, ending the call. Satan shuffled around behind you, sitting up. You looked back at him, seeing how his blonde bangs were sticking up in all different directions from being face down on the couch.
“You’re going out tonight?”
“Yeah, I had made a deal with Levi a few weeks ago. But I don’t mind. I just have to lose this headache.”
“Post finals exhaustion does that to you. To us, I guess. Come back to bed?”
“Don’t phrase it like that around Mammon, unless you want to get your head ripped off. And you were the one who kicked me off the couch.”
“Your phone was annoying me. Come on.”
It was rare for Satan to whine, but you guessed sleepiness did that to any of the brothers. You accepted his hand and crawled back onto the cushions, flopping down again. Satan remained sitting, reaching over and rattling with something before he held that something out in front of your lips.
“Tylenol. Open.”
You obliged and he leaned over to fetch one of your water bottles off the coffee table.
“Levi, you look fine! Come on, let’s go already-!”
You were tugging on his arm, careful not to pull on any of the ribbon tails and ruffles that were fluttering about between the game of tug of war.
“No! I can’t! Let me get changed first! It’s stupid! I look stupid! I know I do!”
“We’re going to be late-! Come on!”
You yanked with all your strength and stumbled backwards through the doorway into the hall, sending Levi tumbling with you, revealing his state to the rest of the household who had been watching your struggle curiously.
While you had opted for something comfortable for going to the movies, Levi had decided to go all out. Well, he wasn’t Levi right now, he was a perfect recreation of Ruri-chan, wig, contacts, and all. And while he looked stunning and made your jaw drop, he unfortunately mistook your reaction and began crying and slamming the door in your face.
But you had gotten him out of his room. So step one was done.
He was sitting in a heap of his skirt and petticoat, on the verge of tears now feeling all the eyes of his brothers on him, but you didn’t have time to dwell on that. You grabbed him by the wrist again and pulled him to his feet, marching down the hall to the front door.
“Do you have the tickets?”
“H-Huh? Yes, they’re on my phone-”
“Is your phone charged?”
“I have a portable battery with me!”
“And a wire!” He said between sniffles.
You got to the entranceway, and stuffed your feet into your shoes without letting go of Levi, still worried he would bolt the moment you did, but he seemed too occupied sniffling and trying not to rub his makeup off his face as he stood there waiting for you. When you stood back up, you took a good look at him, and sighed.
“Wait right here. Don’t run back in your room, you hear me?”
You didn’t wait for his response. You went back to his bedroom and glanced around until you spotted it, grabbing the bag off of his dresser. You marched back past the stares until you reached the sniffles again, and squatted down so you could place the pouch on your legs as you fished around in it.
“What are you-?”
“Shush. I’m fixing your makeup.”
 You found the foundation he had been using and dabbed it on top of the eyeliner and mascara that was starting to blur underneath his eyes, and then found the brush he had been using and added a new swirl of pink on his lower lash line. You inspected his face for another minute, trying to see if anything else needed tweaking.
The makeup bag was heavy in your hands, and a distant part of your mind thought about if only Asmo was here, maybe Levi would be more confident.
But there was no time for that. And besides, Levi seemed pretty adept at makeup himself, based on what he had done before you walked in, and all the products in the bag seemed to be his own as well. If you didn’t think that before, well, the obvious Ruri-chan collaboration branding on all the products solidified it.
“Alright. We’re going out! We’ll be back late! Don’t wait up!” You called to the others, mainly to Lucifer, as you took Levi’s hand and opened the front door. You saw the eldest lift his hand in brisque acknowledgment, but you didn’t miss the smile that was pulling at his lips from just over the newspaper.
You and Levi walked through the snowfall, hurrying across town to the theater where the premiere would be happening. Levi was still panicking, begging for you to take a cab because of all the normies staring at the two of you, but traffic was terrible right now and-
You turned to him with your hands on your hips, clicking your tongue as you looked him up and down.
“Do you really want to wrinkle your dress before we get there?”
“If we go in a car your cosplay is going to be ruined! R-u-i-n-e-d. You hear me? You worked so hard on this, we want it to look perfect when we get to the theater in case people want to take pictures or something, don’t we? Now come on.”
You grabbed Levi’s hand again, but when you moved forward, he stalled, jolting you to a stop. He was standing there with his mouth agape slightly.
“It’s just… You…” His mouth floundered over the words as he seemed caught in a daze looking at you, until…
“Asmo’s really rubbed off on you, huh?”
You swore you had been knocked off your feet.
You blamed it on the lighting. The damn snowfall, the warm glow of the streetlight, the atmosphere was all too alike some drama or something you had seen on tv. Levi’s smile was radiant, bigger than it had been in a while, his eyes shut and crinkled at the edges as he held the Ruri-chan wand clasped between his hands, and he just kept smiling. Damn, you were faithful to Mammon, but this feeling was different, was so overpowering, so kind and warm-
You smiled back, and slowly reached your hand out to retwine your fingers with his.
“He’s really done a number on me, hasn’t he? Now, come on. I want to show you off already.”
“Show me off?”
“Yes you big goof. You made the entire costume didn’t you? We have to show them who the ultimate fan is.”
Around three in the morning, the front door creaked open, sending a crack of light cutting across the apartment, and two figures slinked inside the darkness, their shadows swaying in the light across the floor. One of them guided the other towards the couch, where they collapsed in a heap while the other moved to the kitchen. The door was shut now, bathing them both in darkness, but even if their roles were reversed, they both knew the layout of their home by heart.
Leviathan brought two cups of hot chocolate back to the couch, stopping and glancing over the cups as he regarded you. Curled across the cushions again, your fingers were still holding onto some polaroid print outs you had been developing while waiting for him. Levi set the cups down and then picked one of them from your hand, smiling down at the selfie the two of you had taken before the premiere, blurry as you were running to get in line, but both of you still threw up peace signs, although only your eyes and up were visible in the shot, Levi more in frame as he was running somewhat behind.
He carefully removed the wig, sliding his fingers under the sides by his ears, finding which way the bobby pins were in and pushing the wig down and then up, carefully unclipping the pigtails and setting them aside (they would be a nightmare to untangle but he would worry about that later) before he knelt down in front of you. Your eyes were shut, and your chest rose and fell gently with each breath. He took the other polaroid from your hand and smiled at it before setting them both down on the coffee table. Then, he took your hand in his and whispered.
“Thank you.”
The next morning was back to work. And you were kind of regretting going on so late with Levi, as your headache from yesterday was back with an even stronger vengeance. Levi was no doubt accustomed to all these late nights, but you only had the endurance of a college student. The only blessing you had was that since it was the 24th, the Celestial Corporation was on their holiday, which meant you didn’t have to film anything today. Instead, you and Levi were in charge of managing the editing team as you began to work on piecing together the early episodes of the web series.
It should have been a simple day, it should have been easy on your eyes and your pulsing skull. Lowlights in one of the computer labs as you just let the editors do their thing, Asmo taking pity on you and deciding not to bother you while he went back to preparing for his collection. However, Mammon was either as oblivious as his brothers teased him to be or he just did not care, because it was the fifth time in the past hour he had snuck away from his desk to try and-
“Mammon! What are you doing here?” Lucifer had taken to guarding your door, waiting for the second eldest to slink back here.
“L-Luce! Come on, not you too!”
“MC is busy with a very important project for Lord Diavolo, as you should know. And shouldn’t you also be finishing up your end of year reports if you don’t want to ring in the new year locked in the building.”
“Come on, Luce! Please, just hear me out-”
As if sensing your pounding headache, Lucifer stepped outside and closed the door behind him.
Mammon and Lucifer must have talked, because towards the end of the day, Lucifer showed up in your doorway looking… fidgety?
“Is something the matter?”
He cleared his throat, and hid his expression behind his hand, “I would like to apologize for Mammon’s behavior earlier today.”
“It’s okay. Did he finish his reports?”
“Ahem. He will, however I have allowed him to leave early today.”
“Oh. That’s a surprise.”
“Yes, well. He will accompany you home. You are dismissed.”
And Lucifer staggered out of the office then. Something was up. He was like a robot. Or maybe the relief of the upcoming holidays had finally kick-started his body into shutdown mode, knowing he could relax for even a day. Just as your door closed, two things happened then. A text on your phone, and the door swinging open again.
“Uh, hey, MC.”
It was Mammon.
“Hi?” You crossed your arms and stood up, leaning against the front desk of the computer lab, “What’s been with you all day?”
“Uh… Nothing. Do you still have a headache?”
Hm. Well, points for noticing that. “It’s mostly gone now. I probably just need some more sleep.”
“Ah. I see. Then… ah, nevermind. You probably want to sleep, you just said so yourself. Come on, let’s go home-”
“Mammon, wait,” you stepped forward and grabbed his arm before he could rush out the door, “You’ve been acting weird all day. You don’t get to blow me off like that. Something is up. Tell me.”
“Argh. I wanted to do it smoother than this.”
“Well, you can’t. So just tell me.”
You let go of him, and he pivoted back to face you. He was standing stiff, arms at his side, and looking down at his feet. He seemed nervous, his mouth fighting itself to settle on an expression.
“It’s just… you know what today is, right?”
“Christmas Eve?”
“Yeah, and… do you know what that means?”
“Tomorrow’s Christmas?”
“Yes- but- well- argh!”
“Mammon. Just tell me.”
The man was silent, and you watched color bloom across his face, his skin darkening with warmth as he fought off his embarrassment.
“Well, in this city… they consider Christmas a l-lover’s day, is all… and I was thinking-”
Oh. You weren’t expecting that.
“I didn’t know if you wanted to go out tonight. You’ve been really busy, and then you weren’t feeling well so I was thinking even doing something small together would be fine. But-”
You leaned forward and pressed a kiss on his cheek, shutting him up.
“That’s sweet of you to think of me. Thank you.”
“Uh. You’re welc-”
“But, Asmo texted me. He wants me to stop by tonight.”
Mammon’s face fell.
“Argh! That idiot! It’s bad enough that he has you in his department, now he wants to take all your free time too?”
“Mammon, it’s fine. I’ll just stop by. You can come with me. And besides, does lover’s day only have to be on Christmas Eve? Can’t we do something tomorrow too?”
“But, Lucifer only gave me-”
“It’s fine,” The door opened again, and Lucifer re-entered, “Mammon, just finish your reports when you finish them. I won’t keep you tonight or tomorrow, or on New Year’s for that matter.”
“What? Really?!”
You noticed Lucifer’s posture was different. If he was listening outside the whole time, then he heard you mention Asmo. He had a far off look in his eyes, and he pursed his lips as he mulled over what to say next.
“Do you… not want me to stop by tonight?”
“Wha- no, no. That’s not it. I-” He sighed and covered his face with his hand. Uncharacteristically lax for him, especially while still at the office. Mammon relaxed too, moving closer to his brother with worry on his face, “I apologize. I don’t intend to put you on the spot, but if you are going over there anyway, could I ask you to deliver something to him?”
“Sure? What is it?”
Lucifer reached inside his coat pocket and, with shaking hands you noticed, produced an envelope. A card of sorts.
“A gift. For Christmas. Since I don’t expect him to be home to receive it, and it would be wrong to give him something this personal during work hours.”
“Personal? So it’s not the bonus checks?”
Lucifer frowned at Mammon, “No. And even though I am giving you a pass for the holidays, it is still being discussed whether your performance this year warrants a bonus at all.”
“I’ll deliver it,” You reached out to take the envelope from his hand, “I’m sure Asmo will be happy.”
“Thank you,” Lucifer had the smallest smile on his face. It was weak, but not marred by his normal serious facade. It was genuine, but it was all he could muster. Even Mammon had gone silent, and seemed to be thinking something over. You turned to him to try and cheer him up.
“I’m sure he’ll be happy to see you too. We’ll just stop by, and I’m sure there will be time for us to do something afterwards. Okay?”
“Okay,” he grumbled, returning to his usual self, “But hurry up. Get your coat, let’s get going already.”
The walk to Solomon’s apartment was rather quiet. Mammon didn’t know the way, so he followed you the whole time. The wind was brisk, but it wasn’t enough to buffet you back. Still, you pulled your coat around you tighter, and only smiled when Mammon stopped to wrap his scarf around your neck.
You took the elevator to the familiar apartment. You texted Asmo that you would be up in a minute, and so when you got to the door, you only knocked once before it was pulled open, revealing Solomon’s smiling face.
“MC! Thank you so much for coming!”
“It’s nothing. I feel bad that I didn’t give Asmo enough attention today. I had a headache, so-”
As you stepped through the threshold, you saw Solomon’s eyes drift behind you, noticing Mammon’s presence.
“Ah, I’m sorry. I forgot to mention that Mammon was accompanying me. Is it okay if he comes in?”
“Of course,” Solomon said, smile never faltering. He stepped aside and gestured for you both to step inside, “I’m sure Asmo will be delighted to see one of his brothers.”
“We won’t be long, I promise. What did Asmo want me to come over for anyway?”
“He wanted to give you a gift. We do have some snacks set out though if you want.”
“Are you having a party?”
“Nah, just for us,” Solomon popped a cube of cheese in his mouth, “Although we’ll probably vlog and use it for some content of sorts. Here, sit down. Let me go get Asmo.”
Solomon left the room, leaving you and Mammon on the couch with the charcuterie board. Mammon was still silent, but he was leaning with his arms over the back of the couch, his head rolling as he sized up the place. You searched for the envelope in your bag, finding it just as Asmo’s singsong voice sounded.
“Darling~! Oh thank you for stopping by! I know it’s out of your way, but I simply had to-”
He had run into the room and immediately rushed you in a hug before you could fully stand up. You barely saw his outfit, only a flurry of fabrics of purple and pink and fuzzy textures in your vision before his arms wrapped around you. When he pulled back, you saw his face decorated in makeup, including little stars and glitter over his blush. His golden eyes were accentuated by the shimmering eyeshadow he had on, and you watched those golden eyes go from happiness to confusion when they spotted the person behind you.
Asmo pulled away, his arms falling to his sides as he went silent. Mammon stood up and just stared at his brother, and you felt their gazes boring into you, so you looked to Solomon for support. He was standing back, watching with an unreadable expression. You fumbled with the envelope.
“Oh, sorry. Mammon was walking me home. We won’t stay too long. Why did you want me to come over?’
That seemed to snap him out of it, at least enough to slip his mask on, “Oh, yes! I have a gift for you!” He turned to Solomon and took several shopping bags from his lover’s arm, moving to hand them off to you, “Here!”
You nearly dropped the bags as their string handles slipped into your hands, “You said a gift! This is plural!”
Asmo laughed, “Well I just couldn’t decide! Consider it your new wardrobe for spring! But not for the fashion show. I’ll custom make your outfit for that!”
“Will you have time for that? You really don’t have to-”
Mammon took the bags from you, but he kept his gaze leveled on his brother, “The card.”
“O-oh. That’s right,” You fumbled again with the item in your hands, flipping it over twice before handing it to Asmo, “Uh, this isn’t from me. I’m sorry, I didn’t think to get you a gift, but I’ll make time to hang out with you or buy you something you want in the future or-”
“Honey, you making the show for me was already my gift. Don’t worry about it.”
Asmo turned the envelope over in his hands as well, looking over his name written elegantly in cursive on the front, and the wax seal on the back. He traced his fingers over the indent on the wax, his eyes half lidded as he recognized it.
“This is from Lucifer, isn’t it?”
“Yes. He asked me to deliver it.”
“What, is it my bonus?” He laughed, but it was airy. Fake, “He could’ve just dropped this on my desk. No need to rope you into it-”
Asmo lifted his arm, tilting the envelope carelessly as he held it loosely between his two fingers. He could be throwing it, or motioning to toss it aside in a moment’s notice without even opening it. You didn’t like the look in his eyes, so distant, the way his smile was too wide, his lips twitching to control his expression into one of indifference, of false amusement, of-
“Asmo,” Mammon pushed past you, dropping the bags on the ground, and stepped right in front of his brother. He raised his arm and rested his fist on his brother’s chest, making the other lean back in surprise.
“W-What do you want?”
“Lucifer took the time to write that. Read it. I mean really read it. I don’t know what's inside but-” Mammon looked away, biting his tongue for a moment, “Look, if Lucifer decided to still be a dick then I get it, but I don’t think he wrote another tirade or scolding in there. It might seem like that at first, but you know him- I know him- better than anyone. I know you can read between the lines to figure out what he means, if he decides to still be a pompous bitch about expressing it.”
“What’s this all about?” Asmo rolled his eyes, and Mammon opened his palm against his chest, sinking his fingers into the fabric of his shirt.
“Come home, Asmo. Please.”
Asmo was silent.
“Not just for us. I mean, I want you home. And so does Levi, and Satan, and the twins. It’s not the same without you. We all miss you. But, for yourself too. Staying away, running away, it’s hurting you too, I know it is.”
Asmo pushed Mammon off of him.
“I’m not running away. I came here because I’m done running away-”
“Sure, keep telling yourself that.”
“Mammon.” You warned, but he continued.
“No, MC! He needs to hear this! I get the whole ‘not hiding anymore’ thing, Az, I do. But listen, you’re still running. You’re running on fumes and leaving messes in your wake. Getting outsiders caught up in this,” He jerked his head towards you, and you flinched when Asmo’s gaze met yours, melting with realization and hurt, “running everyone ragged because they don’t fully understand. They can’t fully understand! They’ll never fully know what we went through.”
“Then what am I supposed to do? When the people who went through it don’t even want to talk about it with-”
Mammon grabbed the envelope and waved it in front of his face, “This. This is them trying to talk about it. Just like how for you it's making videos and posting on Devilgram. And for me? This is me talking about it. You may not like it, but if you want to talk about this, you’ll have to accept that we all are processing differently, taking steps differently. And we can’t take a step forward together if you keep running on ahead, okay?”
Asmo was silent. Solomon was still in the background, but when Asmo turned to him nervously, looking for reassurance, he was shocked to see the small smile on his lover’s face.
“Not you too-”
“I think it’s worth considering,” Solomon shrugged, “It would be a shame to throw away the letter without giving it a cursory glance, at least.”
Mammon drew Asmo’s attention back to him, handing him back the letter. Then he surged forward, wrapping him in a hug.
You saw Mammon’s arms come up and brush Asmo’s hair, pulling his brother in closer as he mumbled-
“This is a family problem, right? So it's up to the family to solve it, got it?”
Asmo didn’t respond. Mammon pulled away after a second and then turned around, scrubbing his eyes with the back of his arm before moving to grab the bags on the floor.
“Come on, MC. Let’s go.”
“Oh. Okay. Uh, thank you for the gifts, Asmo. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”
The two of you moved towards the door, tripping over yourselves, when-
You turned around and watched as Asmo slowly opened the envelope, unfolding the card and tucking the envelope behind it as he began to read it over. It took a minute, and you were terrified of the letters on the page until-
“Solomon. Pack up the charcuterie. Get your coat.”
Mammon gasped next to you, and you saw his eyes glossy and wet as he stared in disbelief at his brother. Asmo didn’t raise his gaze, but he smiled down at the card.
"I can't wait to see the look on their faces."
You and Mammon opened the door to the penthouse and called for the others. It took some  shouting, and Mammon running down the hall to bang on all the doors, and a few of them came grumbling, but it was worth it to see their faces when you stepped back to reveal-
Beel was the first to move, tackling Asmodeus before dissolving into blubbering tears. He slammed into his brother with such force that Asmo’s feet slipped off the floor but it was Beel’s strong arms that kept him steady and upright.
You saw Asmo’s face as he slowly reached a hand up and patted the muscular arm wrapped around his shoulders.
“I’m sorry, big guy. I won’t do it again.”
Levi dropped his game system on the floor, nearly shattering, but he ignored it and rushed in to join the hug, also crying. Belphegor was next, and he shuffled his feet quickly to meet everyone at the threshold. You wouldn’t have expected tears from him, but he was smiling, and he showed his younger sibling-ness by being equally clingy and tugging on Asmo’s sleeve to get his attention.
Then came Satan, who moved close, but waited for the others to stop swarming Asmo before greeting him. Although he didn’t initiate, Asmo did, and glomped his brother, nearly knocking him backwards.
“Oh how I’ve missed you! Look at you!” He smushed Satan’s cheeks together, pulling at the skin, “Look what finals did to you! My gift to you will be a full spa treatment to get rid of those dark circles!” He then pointed towards you, “That includes you too!”
You moved to welcome Solomon into the room as well, and the brothers were more properly introduced to him. Although they had observed your meetings with him, the formalities were shed and when the man called himself Asmo’s boyfriend, there were hands shaking and claps on the back all around.
That just left…
Lucifer stood at the end of the hall that led to his office and the bedrooms, and had been watching the reunion silently. His arms folded, he did not react when the group turned to him and waited anxiously. You didn’t know what had been in that letter, you did not want to breach their privacy (anymore than you had already done), but since Asmo decided to come home, you had hoped it was something honest. Plus, there was what Mammon had said. So surely…?
Asmo smiled and walked languidly towards the eldest. He folded his arms behind his back, and took long steps that made him bounce cheerfully. It was teasing, exaggerated, but it was calculated. When he got close, there was no hug, no open arms. Asmo merely stopped in front of his brother and craned his head up to look at him.
“I’m back.”
“Welcome home.”
And that was all that was said. But Lucifer then swiftly moved to the kitchen, where he moved to set the table for two more seats.
Well, it was a start. Or so you thought, but Lucifer’s cool behavior did not seem to put a damper on the evening, as the brothers broke out the New Year’s champagne early, and partied and laughed for Asmo’s return. Although you and Mammon did not get to have your date, you sat next to him on the couch and he threw an arm around you as you watched the shenanigans- such as Levi and Asmo battling it out in racing games- and you promised him that you would do something tomorrow.
Eventually, you all passed out. Lucifer had somehow prepared a huge feast for Asmo’s return despite the short notice, and it had knocked all of you out. Mammon and you were lucky to be on a couch when it happened, but when you came to in the middle of the night, you saw the others- Levi, Belphie, and Beel- not so lucky as they were piled on top of each other on the floor. Although maybe they were lucky, since Beel was probably a heater himself, and someone had been kind enough to put blankets on all of you. Satan was taking up an entire couch by himself, as whoever was sharing it with him must have vacated it. You didn’t see any sign of Solomon, and when you sat up and saw the clock on the television display 2:07 AM you figured he must have gone home at some point. But did Asmo-?
You pushed yourself off the cushions, sitting up and rubbing your eyes while you tried to be careful to not jostle Mammon awake. You gained your bearings, trying to figure out what had been to wake you. You didn’t particularly have to go to the bathroom, so what did-
“Thank you.”
You flinched and ducked below the couch, not wanting to draw attention to yourself. The voices were coming from the kitchen area, and you could see a small yellow light breaking up the cool blue of the moonlight from the back door. You slowly peeked over the couch to watch.
Asmodeus laughed behind his hand, and paused making something- a drink, probably not coffee, it was too late (unless it was for Lucifer of course, but that was a bad decision, and you winced as you thought about how that man was probably developing ulcers). Lucifer meanwhile, was undistracted, focused solely on his younger brother.
“I mean it, thank you.”
“You really don’t have to, Luce. It’s nothing.”
“It’s not nothing. I- I missed you.”
Asmo laughed again, “You don’t have to force yourself. I know what’s going through your head. I always do,” he poked him in between the eyebrows.
“I should have greeted you better when you first came home. I was just… overwhelmed.”
“I know, dummy. I read your letter. Don’t worry. You got through to me.”
Lucifer’s hands moved. He started to lift them, and you saw them shaking. His breath was stuttering too. He seemed nervous, on edge, vulnerable. The light cast shadows across his face that he worked so hard to hide, his own stress and dark circles and guilt eating away at his looks.
“I was… I was so worried. So scared. When you left. And then. When I heard about what happened on set, I-”
“It’s okay, Luce. Like I said. I know what’s going on in your head. You don’t have to voice it. I know it’s especially hard for you. Since I still don’t even know the whole story. But-”
He turned to Lucifer and held out the mug.
“That’s why I did what I did. I was the one to voice it. I was the only one who could. I had to be the one to get the ball rolling.”
Lucifer surged forward and pulled Asmodeus into a hug. It was tighter than the one Beel had wrapped him in earlier. Lucifer was curling around him, protecting him. The shadows wrapped around them like wings, embracing Asmodeus entirely.
“But you shouldn’t have to bear that burden. You shouldn’t have to be the one to do it alone.”
Asmodeus didn’t say anything. You looked away and moved to lay back down next to Mammon. The last thing you heard was:
“Please stay. I can’t bear-”
“Don’t worry. I will. I’m sorry I was gone.”
In the morning, you surprised all the sleepyheads and hangover brains with breakfast. Despite the circumstances, Lucifer was still insisting everyone go in since it wasn’t the holiday for the office yet. Your tasks at work today were the reverse of yesterday. Instead of everyone being kind to your migraine, you made rounds to the different departments, making sure all of your housemates were taken care of and surviving. Diavolo seemed sympathetic to the situation, learning of Asmo’s return, and let everyone leave early. You were called to his office to be the messenger to deliver the news.
“By the way, MC,” Diavolo said from behind his desk, “Are you free on the 27th?”
“The 27th? Why?”
“Milord presumed you would have plans tonight, as it is still the lover’s holiday-” you choked on your tea as Barbatos spoke, the knowing gaze of both men making you flushed.
“And I assumed the other brothers would be vying for your attention the day after, so I thought the 27th would be an odd enough date that you might not have any plans yet.”
“I… guess that makes sense,” You were surprised he had put that much thought into it, “I know I’m going to eventually do something with Satan over our winter break, but we haven’t made plans yet. So, I think I’m free on the 27th.”
“Good. Then, would you like to join me for dinner that evening?”
“Huh? Uh, what?”
“Of course, if you find out you do have plans that day, we can easily reschedule.”
'No, it’s not that, just- What do you mean by dinner?’
“What do I mean?” He smiled behind his folded hands, “What do you think I mean?”
“It’s just that… whatever you have planned might be out of my price range-”
“Ah, I should have been more clear. This would be my treat. It would be a thank you for all the work you’ve done these past few months.”
“Of course, the place Milord has picked out is upscale, so maybe you should have Asmodeus help dress you. Just as a fair warning,” Barbatos leaned over the chair you were seated in, his gloved hands close to your shoulder as they pressed down on the back cushion. It was the most casual you had ever seen him act around you, act in front of Diavolo. Still, it wasn’t the first time he had gotten this close to you. Your heart stirred a little as you glanced at his gloved hands, remembering him coming to your rescue that night in the park.
“I would say we are both looking forward to spending time with you!” Diavolo gave a hearty laugh, “I do hope you won’t disappoint us.”
“Wait, Barbatos will be joining us too?”
You turned around to face the butler. He was unphased, “Of course. Unless you would prefer-”
“No, no, that’s not what I meant,” you waved your hands to clear up the misunderstanding, “I just thought I would get to try your cooking again. I thought that was all Diavolo ever ate, it didn’t fully click in my head until now that we would be eating at a restaurant-restaurant.”
“Do you hear that, Barbatos?” Diavolo was laughing even heartier now. Barbatos smiled at you, and gave a small bow.
“I am happy to hear you think that highly of my cooking.”
“I do! It’s five stars!”
“Barbatos is my trusted employee and I would be nothing without him, however, I must do without him at times,” Diavolo sighed dramatically and rested his head on his fist as he watched the two of you, “And to repay him for all his hard work, I do like to treat him as well.”
“It just so happened that we both wanted time to spend with you. We knew you were short on time, and so our interests happened to align,” Barbatos circled around to sit in the chair beside you.
“You will join us, won’t you?”
The two men were practically batting their eyelashes at you, or at least it felt like, with their smarmy smiles and enamored glances. You had no choice but to say yes, and when you finally left them, you sighed in relief.
Barbatos escorted you out of the office, but motioned for you to lean in once you were at the elevators.
“I’m flattered by your words. If you find yourself with more free time, I would welcome the chance to personally spoil you with my cooking.”
It was illegal for your heart to have to put up with this many handsome guys.
The elevator door opened, and you stiffly moved inside, giving Barbatos a cursory wave before he disappeared from view. You tried to calm yourself before you reached the lobby, and when the doors finally opened, your eyes landed on a head of white hair standing near the glass doors as snow fell behind the pane.
Well, they would have to keep trying, because in the end you only had room in your heart for one.
“Yo, MC!” Mammon waved as you approached. You hurried to meet him. Tonight was his night, afterall.
You woke up the next morning to knocking on your door. Through bleary eyes, you grabbed your phone to check the time, and saw it was only nine. Who would-
“Coming in now! We’re covering our eyes though so if you’re not dressed you still have five seconds to-”
The exaggerated, teasing tone was reminiscent of Asmo but too nasally and low to be him. You recognized it as Belphie, when he was in a good mood, which was rare. You sat up as the door broke open to reveal Belphie and Beel, and true to their word the two walked in with their hand in front of their faces and looking away, but you were in pajamas, so it was fine. You sat up and swung your legs over the side of the bed and looked up at them as you rubbed crust out of your eyes.
“It’s fine. I’m dressed. What do you want?”
“Are you doing anything today?” Beelzebub asked. You reached for your phone again.
“Uh, what day is it? Saturday?” You looked at the calendar app, seeing the 26th back at you. Tomorrow was dinner. “Uh, no. I’m free. Why?”
“Come shopping with us.”
“Shopping?” No offense, but last time I did that with you guys, it ended really badly. You remembered Beel’s crying face and Belphie’s scowl. Why did they want to go out with you again? Well, Beel, you understood. But why Belphie-?
“There’s a cool market that pops up before New Year’s. There’s a lot of cool artist shops, and also food trucks,” Belphie pointed at Beel, “I need someone to help me supervise him.”
Ah, so that was it. Well, you could work with that.
You rolled your shoulders and popped your joints, “Okay, just let me get dressed and-”
“Also, I want to thank you for getting Asmo to come back.”
You opened your eyes and looked at Belphie. He had his hands in the pockets of his jacket, put his beanie was helping him hide even more of his face than his hair already did, but you could see the frown fighting to stay on his face along with the flush of embarrassment.
Belphie had acted rather baby-ish when Asmo returned, sticking to his side and clinging to him, which was a side of him you had never really seen before. Around the other brothers, he was obviously the youngest, but he was aloof and sarcastic, and seemed empty and missing entirely if he was not stuck to Beel’s side. But, you knew that he and Beel, being the youngest, had it the roughest.
“You’re welcome,” You said, standing up and deciding to take a risk. You walked forward and wrapped an arm around both of the boys in front of you, figuring that Belphie wouldn’t lash out if you were only hugging him half-way. You felt him stiffen for a moment, but Beel accepted your embrace easily, and soon, Belphie relented and accepted it as well.
“I’ll be ready in a few minutes. Wait outside, okay?”
“We can get breakfast on the way. I have enough money to cover you even if Beel takes out two entire trucks.”
Once the boys were gone, you turned back to the lump hiding under your blankets.
“I’ll see you later, okay?”
“Mhm,” Mammon grumbled in response.
Belphie was not lying about the market. It was a beautiful little place made more beautiful by the glowing, warm lights that hung from post to post, even in the daytime. The snow on the ground made the scene beautiful without being terrible cold, still you and Belphie stuck close to Beelzebub who acted as your personal heater. While a lot of your morning ended up sampling the different food trucks as Beel’s eyes were certainly not bigger than his mouth, you did have time to browse the wares from the small business booths that lined the rest of the bazaar.
What surprised you even more was Belphie caught you eyeing some jewelry at one stall, and pulled out his wallet.
“Do you like that one?”
“Yeah. Look at how the light hits it,” You held up the piece and let it spin, reflecting all the colors bouncing off the snow and the white tents, “Isn’t it beautiful?”
“...Yeah. Excuse me,” he turned to the owner, “We’d like to buy this one please. Here-” He started to fish through the several bills in his wallet.
“Belphie, wait! You don’t have to.”
“I said I would thank you for bringing Asmo home. This is part of it. I didn’t give you anything on Christmas anyway, so consider this a thank you.”
He nudged your hand away when you tried to stop him from pulling out the money. He gave them to the owner and had them box up the gift.
“Besides,” Belphie handed you the box, “Not just for Asmo. For Beel. And everything else since I met you.”
You looked at him strangely, “I hardly think I’ve done anything that-”
“You have.”
He shoved the box into your hands more forcibly, his one eye looking at you with something… strange.
“Now let’s find Beel. If we’re not careful, he’ll destroy another truck,” he sighed. Dramatic, he strolled away, but you were left staring after him for a moment. Your fingers flexed around the small box, remembering the force he shoved it at you with. The force with which he nudged your hand away, that it was almost a slap. The brothers had strength despite their appearances, you had learned that long ago, but something about Belphie’s behavior was still off, still not adding up.
You were certain he was thankful for Asmo being back home. But you couldn’t say you were close with him yet.
“Asmo, I need your help,” you approached him once you were back home. He was lounging on the couch, with Levi and Satan sitting on either side. Beel and Belphie, after dropping their shoes off and placing the takeout bags on the kitchen counters, also moved to the couches. Everyone was being pulled to Asmo like a magnet since his return. It had only been two days, and even though they had seen him at work, the relief they all felt was obvious. The fact that Beel was going to him over the food he had just brought home said volumes. You felt bad to take him away, even for a moment.
“Anything for my lovely assistant!”
“Well, I was wondering if you could help me style an outfit before tomorrow night?”
“Oh? I thought you already went out with Mammon~”
“This is-” You felt nervous because of the others’ eyes on you now, “Diavolo and Barbatos invited me to dinner. They said it would be upscale. Barbatos was the one who suggested I talk to you.”
Lucifer had come down the hall coincidentally, and stopped and stared at you.
“Diavolo invited you?” He seemed surprised. No, wary?
“He said it was just to thank me for my work so far. That’s all!” You tried to assuage his concerns.
“Well then, that obviously calls for a stylist’s work!” Asmo clapped his hands together and stood up, “Thank goodness you told me now and not tomorrow morning! Let’s get to work right away.”
Asmo started to march you towards your room. Lucifer stepped in your way.
“Where are they taking you? What time? How long will you be gone-”
“What are you, their dad, Luce?” Levi shouted from the couch. Lucifer’s eye twitched, and he folded his arms.
“They didn’t tell me. I texted them earlier today to confirm, I’m sure they’ll get back to me soon.”
“Barbatos is also a guest. Not working.”
“Oh, then we have to dress you up extra special if it’s his day off too!” Asmo pushed you further down the hall. As the door closed, you heard one of the brothers yell-
“Don’t dress them too nice or Mammon will be jealous!”
Around six p.m. on the 27th, Barbatos and Diavolo came to the apartment door to escort you. It felt a little silly, like they were coming to ask Lucifer for permission. The man in question was standing behind you in the entranceway, tapping his foot, and looking anxious as Diavolo stepped inside and clapped him on the back, promising to take good care of you.
“It’s just dinner, my good friend! Don’t worry, you’ll get your turn in a few days' time,” he then leaned in and whispered, poorly since you could still hear him, to Lucifer, “This is mainly a treat I arranged for Barbatos’ sake.”
“MC and I do not get many opportunities to talk besides work,” Barbatos smiled at you. He was out of his uniform, but wearing a gray suit with a teal overcoat, “I admit, I am a bit jealous of the seven of you who get so much of their time.”
“As am I,” Diavolo laughed. He was dressed in a black suit with a red vest, and his coat- or was it more of a cape- had fur trimming. You were sure it must be real fur, “Now, come along, MC. As much as I would love to stay and chat with everyone, we do have reservations!”
Lucifer still looked a little off, so before you walked out the door after them, you turned to him and asked outright.
“Is something wrong?”
“No.” He immediately said, but at your continued stare, he shut his eyes and sighed, “I just do not want you to exhaust yourself. You’re still recovering from your finals and… other stressors.”
His eyes were nervous, flickering from your face to looking away at some corner of the room. You felt strange. You were flattered that he was worried about you, and it was not the first time he had shown such concern for you, but… so publicly, especially in front of Diavolo? He must be feeling rather relieved and thankful from you returning Asmo home.
“Thank you for worrying about me,” you said, reaching out and patting his arm, which made his eyes shoot back to you. You thought he was going to flinch or pull away, but he resisted and remained still, “But I promise I’ll be okay. I’ve been sleeping, for one. And, if it makes you feel more at ease, I promise I’ll text at least one of you tonight if anything happens. Alright?”
“...Very well.”
“Alright then. I’ll be back later.”
Barbatos and Diavolo stood on either side of the door, framing your path as you stepped over the threshold and out into the hall. Lucifer watched as you made your way into the elevator, and you waved at him as the doors closed. Once downstairs, there was an expensive, black limo waiting for the three of you, and to your surprise, someone else was in the driver’s seat.
“You’re not driving today?” You asked Barbatos.
“It’s my day off, remember?” He said as he opened the door for you.
“If it’s your day off, then you shouldn’t be doing that either,” You moved to take the door from him, and dramatically gestured for him to enter first.
“Apologies, a force of habit,” he laughed.
Diavolo had you climb in next, and although the limo was spacious, you still felt seated “between” them. The car had cushy seats, and some colorful lights that pulsated softly throughout the interior. There was a minifridge, which Diavolo wasted no time opening to pop open a bottle to serve. Everything was already ritzy, and you had not even pulled away from the apartments yet.
“I must say, Asmodeus is truly an expert at his craft,” Barbatos eyed you up and down, and while you felt a little nervous, his gaze, nor Diavolo’s once he turned to look at you as well, was not lecherous at all.
“I must agree. You look wonderful. Thank you for joining us.”
“Thank you for having me,” you said awkwardly, shrugging before folding your hands and staring out the window. The two men were still smiling at you, but you weren’t quite sure what to say, “So, where are we eating tonight?”
“Oh, you will adore the place,” Diavolo took a sip of his glass and leaned forward, talking excitedly, “My father always took me here as a child. It’s very upscale, but the staff is wonderful and…”
“I still feel like an intern doesn’t deserve all this treatment,” you said bashfully as you took a sip of your own glass before setting it back down on the table. You were in a beautiful room of marble and Greek columns, with a dome in the ceiling decorated with a piece meant to rival the famous frescos. The wait staff did everything here, pulled the chairs out and folded and unfolded your napkins, and remained on standby for the moment your glass got a drop less full to refill it. At first, it was a bit overwhelming, but the smiles and reassurances of your companions helped you relax.
“But you’re not just an intern,” Diavolo smiled at you from across the table again, “You’ve already gone above and beyond my expectations, MC.”
“It was the right choice to hire you.”
“Well, I guess it was just luck.”
“That I got scouted. I would never have known about the internship otherwise. You knew that I was really clueless about the D.C. and C.C. when I applied, right?”
Diavolo and Barbatos glanced at each other, but Diavolo smiled and spoke first.
“Yes, but I believe I told you that made you an asset, didn’t it? You didn’t know of our status or fame, and so you were able to approach everything with a fresh perspective. I suppose I should find out who scouted you and give them my highest praise.”
“I wouldn’t call it luck, per se,” Barbatos added, “I believe it was more fate.”
“Yes. Especially the way you’ve wormed your way into the brothers’ hearts, that is not the work of mere luck.”
“I agree. It would be luck if you were only someone skilled. But you are also kind, compassionate, and inquisitive. You go above and beyond what is expected of you. That is why it must be fate that you came to work for us.”
You smiled, but there was something in his statement that negged you. You had been riding on the high of Asmo polishing you up, the fancy treatment, the compliments, so it did not sink in before, but that word- inquisitive- it pierced something, cracking the mask of the scene- of their smiles. And then it made you think of Barbatos' line. Wormed your way into the brothers’ hearts…
“...And that is why tonight is a celebration of you,” Diavolo continued, from some statement you didn’t quite fully hear, “and of course, Barbatos,” Diavolo laughed behind his glass, a little drunk, “I do my best to take care of my own.”
“We must do what we can to take care of our own.”
You stood up suddenly, knees banging into the underneath of the table and sending your glass nearly knocking over. Diavolo looked at you curiously, but Barbatos was more perceptive, less under the cloud of alcohol. He noticed the allure of the night had shattered, he probably saw you shaking, your eyes burning with rage.
“MC?” Diavolo asked, “Is something the matter?”
You had forgotten. You had been so overwhelmed with Asmo, the project, the production, that you had forgotten weeks ago. Forgot what had happened when you were just entering Beel’s department. Forgot all the frustration you felt from the cold gazes, the smug, secretive smirks the two shared when you were in their office months ago, demanding what was going on with your phone, your laptop, the whole city with information just missing.
Wormed your way into the brothers’ hearts? You wanted to laugh. These two manipulative- They hid information, yet dangled pieces in front of you to keep you just interested enough. Just enough to get you to work in a roundabout way. How could you forget?
Even this whole conversation. Luck? Fate? You bet there was more to the conversation here tonight too. Was this whole invite just another set up? Another way for them to-
“MC,” Barbatos tried again, “What’s wrong?”
“I’m leaving.”
You turned and started to storm out the way you had entered, but Barbatos moved quickly and caught your arm. You moved to shrug him off, but his grip was strong too. That’s right. Everyone is a fucking bodyguard around here. You glared at the waiters. Probably these guys too.
“MC, please, whatever is wrong- sit. Let us discuss it,” Barbatos said. You really wanted to shrug him off, but you knew it as fruitless, so you let him guide you back towards the table. You huffed, but refused to sit back down. Diavolo appeared to have sobered up a bit, because he was looking at you with concern. Was that also a farce too?
“I remembered something.”
“Something you had to do?” Diavolo cocked his head.
“No. Something you both did. Something I forgot because I’ve been so busy and exhausted lately. ‘Worming my way into the brothers’ hearts’ as you so put it.”
You crossed your arms, and suddenly you felt overwhelmed. They were both just looking up at you, innocently, and even though you knew they were anything but innocent, you felt stupid, and anxious, doing this in the middle of such a fancy place. For not just shutting up and enjoying the night. But how could you enjoy it if it was just another tactical move?
You rubbed the back of your hand across your eyes to brush away the tears you felt. Words from weeks ago were coming back to you, feelings you had fought with Asmo, Beel, Belphie, Levi, and Mammon. We take care of our own. At the time those words had meant to keep you out, keep you separate. Ostracize you from the brothers. But then Asmo had confided in you. Mammon had reassured you. You weren’t an outsider. You did belong. At least in the brothers’ lives.
You sniffled again, and looked up, trying to not let your tears ruin the makeup Asmo had done, but you had already wiped your face, so it was probably smudged anyway. You saw something black on the back of your hand, so that was that, and you felt the tears come faster with frustration at how stupid you were.
“MC, please, sit down-”
“You know,” you said, voice shaky and resigned, “I really wanted to enjoy tonight. But I don't know what the two of you want from me. What you are planning. What you want me to do. You obviously know everything I’ve been up to, so stop playing dumb. Stop acting like-”
“I also wanted to enjoy tonight,” Barbatos cut you off, his expression tense but… nervous? His lips pursed like they didn’t know what face to make, and his eyes looked to the ground before he gained enough confidence to look you directly in the eye.
Diavolo spoke to the servants, “Leave us for a moment.”
They left the room quickly. Barbatos continued.
“You are right. I do know what you’ve been up to. I work the security cameras. I keep tabs on all the employees. I’ve been watching Asmodeus very closely. I know about what he told you, and I know what the others have told you too. I also know how all of this- the brothers, Milord and I- have drained you.”
He grabbed you again, this time, your hand, but this time gently. He took the handkerchief from his pocket and wiped off the smudge, but when he was done he didn’t let go. He massaged your fingers as he spoke, almost like a nervous fidget, and it was then you realized Barbatos wasn’t wearing any gloves.
“I meant what I said about being jealous of the brothers, who get so much time to grow close to you. To fight and then learn to forgive and you learn to do the same with them. The last two times we spoke, I felt our relationship was tarnished. I wanted to fix it. To move forward.”
Barbatos continued to knead your hand, almost like he was pleading with you to forgive him. He looked so different, so vulnerable, compared to the version in your memory that had lied and played ignorant with a smile on his lips. You turned your angry gaze to Diavolo, who had been silent during this confession.
“And you?”
“I instructed Barbatos to act to keep the brothers’ history a secret from you, because that is all they have ever desired since that day. They’ve lived in fear, MC. I had to act to protect them. At the time, you were still an outsider in that regard to most of them. So, if we had to play the villains, then so be it.”
“But censoring information like that-”
“You have heard much of the story already, MC,” Diavolo sighed, “Your emotions right now are making you forget. Stop and think for a moment. It is not just me who would stand to gain from protecting that information.”
Barbatos let go of your hand. You took a breath, and did as he said. The C.C. was the one who faked their deaths, so it did make more sense for them to do that over Diavolo. And if both companies were working together because of some deal made then, all the more control they would.
“I’m sorry. You were right. I had forgotten about that,” You took a breath again, “Truthfully, it’s not the censorship I’m really mad about now. That’s just… one part of it. I don’t know who you both are. What you want from me. If this dinner is supposed to accomplish anything.”
“All we want- is to let you know the real us,” Diavolo and Barbatos looked at each other again, “It was my orders that made Barbatos the villain in your eyes, and this, is my apology. To both of you. I understand that before that incident, you two were on the path to becoming good friends. Or, at least, friendly co-workers.”
“Is that truly all this is?”
You wanted to believe it. You wanted to believe it so bad.
“Yes,” Diavolo said, “I still won’t give you information if you come to me for it. I’ve put it in the hands of the brothers now, and if the rest of them choose to tell you, then so be it. My job has always been to protect them, regardless of what they choose to do.”
“MC, please,” Barbatos was pleading. It was wrong. Your stomach twisted itself up in guilt. You sighed.
You finally sat back down.
“I… am sorry for ruining dinner.”
“You didn’t ruin anything. This is what tonight is for.”
“No, I ruined it. It’s okay. I’m sure there… was a million more mature ways for me to go about that without acting like that. I really don’t belong in a fancy place like this.”
“Then we’ll take you to a million more places like this until you feel comfortable,” Diavolo smiled, and signaled for the waiters to come back into the room, “Now, are we ready for dessert?”
You stared down at your lap and tried to steel yourself. Barbatos, still holding your hand, gave you a reassuring squeeze to draw your eyes up to him. He was smiling softly, and it made you feel a little bit better, like the night wasn’t completely ruined after all, but your eyes still stung.
After dinner, Diavolo had the driver drop you off a little ways away from the apartment so that you could walk off any of the mixed feelings still lingering. Barbatos was the only one who kept pace with you. Diavolo remained a few steps ahead each time.
“I hope you understand that… I was only doing my job at the time. I must act in accordance to what-”
“It’s fine, Barbatos. Really. Let’s just drop it. I’ve forgiven you already.”
“But you still are hostile to me.”
“It’s going to take some time, okay?”
“I apologize.”
Silence. Except for your footsteps. The silence was weird. Not off putting, but… familiar? The last time you had been with Barbatos like this was that night he had rescued you after you nearly froze to death from a dissociative episode.
You stopped walking.
“Thank you for rescuing me that one time… When I was in a bad mental state. I mean, I guess you probably knew what that was about too!” You laughed airly, and Barbatos frowned at your ill attempt at a joke, “But… Thank you. I probably would have frozen out there if it wasn’t for you.”
“The thanks should go to Lord Diavolo, for sending me. Or for the brothers, for alerting him to your abse-”
“But it was you who found me.”
Barbatos stopped walking and turned to face you.
“It was you who came to get me. Who knew what to say to get me to move again. So, the thanks goes to you.”
And with that, you took a step forward. A small one, but it was one that Barbatos followed after nonetheless.
The two men returned you to the apartment around nine. And although you did end up enjoying the meal, you were thankful when goodbyes were had. You closed the door and ran through the entryway to the living room where everyone still was, and practically threw yourself onto the couch on top of Asmo.
“Welcome back- oh Darling you look a mess! What happened?”
“I’m fine. Just tired, is all,” you said, burying your face in a pillow. You were thankful none of the men decided to push it, and were grounded by them all of them brushing a hand over your back or smoothing over your hair as they resumed whatever show they were watching or game they were playing. You even felt Lucifer’s hand, he was the one who chose to comb through your hair gently, and you could tell by his sigh that he was relieved you were home too.
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valtsv · 11 months
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caved to the temptation to buy a new notebook
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klykcielewe · 7 months
UWAGA! Dziś (24.02) pełnia księżyca! Przygotuj się na ewentualne zniszczenia spowodowane aktywnością wilkołaków. Zabezpiecz zwierzęta domowe i gospodarcze. Zostań w domu, jeśli możesz. O ile nie jesteś jedną z lokalnych czarownic, pod żadnym pozorem nie zbliżaj się do szczytu Łysej Pały na Nieszczerym Polu. Jeżeli jesteś jedną z czarownic, zabierz ze sobą na sabat kożuszek, bo bez słońca nadal jest zimno. I najlepiej też czarno kurę, jeśli dasz radę, bo Halina nie zdążyła załatwić w tym miesiącu.
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metal-sludge · 2 months
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MEGADETH (1983 - present): the Complete Megadeth Story in RAW, July 1992.
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writing history be like
when i started actually writing i had about 3,000 MS word pages of research organized along chronological chapter lines.
the actual finished product will probably be around ~250 pages
it's a literal (metaphorical) iceberg.
also, my footnotes are CHONKY*
NEW FOLLOWERS NOTE: my ~debut~ work of narrative history, about female jewish resistance workers in poland during the holocaust, will be published by harpercollins next fall.
*and divided into endnotes for sourcing and feetnote for information that doesn't quite fit into the narrative but still needs to be there. those don't really figure into the iceberg metaphor tho
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keiksy-cake · 1 year
Hetalia Poll Results Pt 1: Character Whose House You'd Like To Visit
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Finished this one super quickly! Thanks again to the donator who requested! 🥰
As promised, here are the other results for now that I may or may not get to:
Character Who You'd Want To Be Your Boss: Germany (Hima's recc: Germany)
Character Who Would Make The Best Friend: Japan (Hima's recc: Italy)
Character Who You'd Like To Eat With: Italy (Hima's recc: France)
(These next few ones are just by Hima I think)
Whose House You Should Visit: Singapore
Who Would Be A Great Host: India
...Be A Popular Youtuber: America
...Be A Popular Comedian: Spain
...Be The Heaviest Drinker: Russia
...Have Light Feet: Wy
It's also my birthday today so I would appreciate any thanks in the form of happy bday messages ❤️
all collezione pages
[Please note, I’m actually an amateur in Japanese and have to use various resources and translation machines to help me. If you notice a possible mistake or want clarification, please bring it up to me *politely* and not aggressively or hostile.]
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kyuhu · 1 year
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I dug out the self indulgent EstPol AU again haha
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embeccy · 6 months
"I pray in words. I pray in poems. I want to learn to pray through breathing, through dreams and sleeplessness, through love and renunciation."
- Anna Kamienska
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We live in a country where one presidential candidate has to apologize to leaders of other countries for the other candidate's massive fuckup in international relationships
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polandspringz · 6 months
Me finding not two but THREE drafts on my Drive of a Designing In Devildom fic I went to publish two years ago but left sitting in my AO3 drafts until it expired and now I don't know which draft was the final one that was supposed to be published
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healrod · 1 year
sometimes i forget that poland also has anxiety and like. thinking about it is so interesting. my interpretation of lietpol is that liet has more generalized anxiety (existential dread, what am i going to do for work, will the bread that i bought one day ago get moldy before i can eat all of it, etc.) and po has more social anxiety. i like to characterize po as having a super intense and eccentric personality that Not A Lot of People can Handle. so po worries more about social acceptance, whereas liet worries more about his life’s material circumstances that are sometimes, but not always, determined by social acceptance. does this Make Sense
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klykcielewe · 23 days
Jagna Sosjerka, 31.08.2024
Horoskop na następny miesiąc dla wszystkich znaków zodiaku. Kastor powiedział mi, że nie miałby nic przeciwko, żeby zamienić go w anime dziewczynkę.
Horoskop na wrzesień - Baran (21 marca - 19 kwietnia) Czytanie 5 stron dziennie jest lepsze niż czytanie zero stron dziennie.
Horoskop na wrzesień - Byk (20 kwietnia - 20 maja) Wyjdź z domu. Znajdź najbliższą ławkę lub wygodny kamień. Posiedź tam przez godzinę. Najlepiej w takim czasie i miejscu, żeby było dużo ludzi z psami, albo ptaków.
Horoskop na wrzesień - bliźnięta (21 maja - 20 czerwca) Jebać Bernadetę Żmijowiec
Horoskop na wrzesień - Rak (21 czerwca - 22 lipca) Słuchaj uważnie. Słuchasz? Dobra. 23.08.2031 pod żadnym pozorem nie wsiadaj do tramwaju numer 4 w Walencji.
Horoskop na wrzesień - Lew (23 lipca - 22 sierpnia) Kiss Sherlock, Marry Columbo, Kill Akechi Kogoro (chyba, że chodzi o Sherlocka BBC, zapłaciłabym, żeby go udusić).
Horoskop na wrzesień - Panna (23 sierpnia - 22 września) Ale gdyby kury mówiły ludzkim głosem, to byłoby bardzo dziwne.
Horoskop na wrzesień - Waga (23 września - 22 października) Jeśli chcesz się dowiedzieć, jak umrzesz, spytaj kolejną napotkaną sarnę. Potem daj znać, czy odpowiedziała.
Horoskop na wrzesień - Skorpion (23 października - 21 listopada)
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Horoskop na wrzesień - Strzelec (22 listopada - 21 grudnia) To jest Twoje przypomnienie, żeby zamienić zaimki mówiąc o tej osobie w Twoim życiu, która używa różnych.
Horoskop na wrzesień - Koziorożec (22 grudnia - 19 stycznia) Napiszcie w tagach jakie są wasze ulubione cheetosy, bo moje to ketchupowe.
Horoskop na wrzesień - Wodnik (20 stycznia - 18 lutego) Zacznij szyć, choćby po to, żeby rozpruć. Zacznij szyć.
Horoskop na wrzesień - Ryby (19 lutego - 20 marca) Nie podmawiam się, ale droga do serca dziewczyny prowadzi przez żołądek. Konkretnie to dziewczyna ma ochotę na nigiri z wędzonym łososiem, ale jakiekolwiek sushi może być, byleby nie miało chrzanu w środku.
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hanzajesthanza · 16 days
also i realize i'm saying all these noble and beautiful things about the channel from the purest depths of my heart. but actually i'm also just doing this because i fucking love the witcher books and it pisses me off that people don't know about them that much in english and i can only go for so long (seven years) with people not knowing that there are books. or that the witcher is from the 90s. or polish.
#'whatt i didnt know the witcher was polish. wait where is poland' funky music stops.#like statements that just crush your soul?? my god netflix did a number on the witcher's perception#'so is it based on the video game? the book? there is a book?'#'waaait the second season wasn't accurate to the books? wdym...?'#>knowing the witcher >knowing henry cavill >not knowing who andrzej sapkowski is#when the literal writing is like inseparable from polish and that's why the translation is so hard#when the literal story is like chock full of allegories and references to real life polish history#and it only exists because of a very interesting time in contemporary polish history#like i'm not mad at the PEOPLE who don't know about the witcher i'm mad about how it's been TREATED#with witcher 3's fame at least people who knew the game generally knew a little more maybe#with netflix it's like no one knew anything about the actual witcher and it was really really sad#i do blame the artistic direction but i also blame the marketing and the writing and everything to do with everything#because how are they supposed to know if no one told them. if witcher here has been so separated from what it actually is and is about#like why not just leave witcher alone and get into any other fantasy. there is so much other fantasy out there. witcher is just one of them#yes and that is the plan in 10 years time but#it's not just about reading for personal enjoyment but for what witcher deserves in the english language space now#the witcher series is about suffering but idk if its characters or IT ITSELF has suffered more#zoltan chivay voice 'there IS something like reciprocity after all'#witcher helped me so now i want to help it. i will not abandon you in your time of need !#maybe people know more about the witcher than i think and i've just been incredibly unlucky in my experiences but#people thinking there is only netflix and the third game maybe would be hilarious if it wasn't so fucking sad#IV
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No thoughts today just him
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My favourite poor little meow meow
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chao-mp3 · 5 months
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Poland and Hospitaller????
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honeymilkbubbletea · 1 year
Post po polsku? O cholera co się stało? 👀
Anyways Arachkids ale są w najlepszym kraju na świecie UwU (sarkazm)
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Well anyways, don't take this too seriously XD
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