#polin theories
polinsated · 3 months
I’ve seen a theory going around about when Pen tells Colin he doesn’t need to save her, just love her scene that she told him she was pregnant off screen because the way their hands went towards her stomach.
However, I feel like if that were the case, Colin wouldn’t have still acted as distant after that and Pen wouldn’t have mentioned the annulment. I mean she would be an unwed mother and Colin would have an illegitimate baby.
Thoughts on the theory?
okay, at first, i was going to say i didn't agree with the theory. my first response was going to be something like, maybe her bringing his hands that close to her, is just pen's way of really trying to bring him in once again, make them close. but i hopped on over to make some gifs after i looked at the scene because i'm now kind of liking and believing this theory.....
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she takes his hands, which, i would like to point out that, is the first time she has been the one to do this. usually, he takes hers. and she squeezes them a little, like she's silently demanding he hear her, grabbing his attention, trying to convey that she needs to tell, nay, show him something important. she pulls his hands to him, slowly, intently, until...
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they rest against her stomach!! and you can see her fingers wrap around his hands, fully holding them to her now.
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and finally, she looks up, and her expression is so serious. i don't know if i'm seeing shit that isn't there, but to me, there's a tiny, tiny hint of a smile, too.
and then we have the dialogue from this moment!!
Colin: "And as long as you live with this secret… there will always be something between us."
the 'something between us' is lw. the wedge that is keeping them apart at present.
Pen: "I know. Perhaps that is the key."
and if you think of 'the key' as being 'no more secrets', then it all makes some sense.
because later on, pen reveals her identity to everyone. she decides to unveil her big secret. and if she is truly showing him here that she is pregnant, then that is also another secret revealed. am i making sense?
i'm now hearing it as something like this:
colin: as long as you keep lw to hidden, we will always have something keeping us at a distance
pen: i know, so perhaps we should no longer keep secrets
pen: *shows him by bringing his hands to her stomach that she is pregnant* this is her revealing it to him, sharing another secret, and the one that will be their last
and as for colin's distance/annulment/an illegitimate child:
penelope is not going to force colin to stay married for the baby. she loves him too much to use a child as a trap, and that's why she still mentions an annulment. her love for him is too strong - this woman would endure all the disdain and judgement of having a child out of wedlock - she is used to it, anyway, and she'd go through it if it meant colin was happier again.
and as for colin, distance doesn't mean he would abandon the child, and it doesn't mean he hasn't been checking on her. he's a big sulky boy, but he also cares so damn much. and he'd have never agreed to an annulment. once again, he loves her too much, and you bet your ass he already adores their unborn child.
i am never great at making these types of speculative posts, but i hope this makes sense. i hope it's readable. and in conclusion: i am fully a believer in this theory now, haha. and i think it's very clever of them, because now that you've brought it to my attention, anon, this tiny moment between them seems obvious, and screams 'polin baby incoming!!'
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annoyingvoidzombie · 4 months
Dear Gentle Readers, Have Fun With It, Be Respectful, Adore And POLIN Away ❤️
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quotergirl19 · 2 years
I love this Colin swagger theory.
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lady-buggerinton · 4 months
The fact that Penelope is so scared to tell Colin she is Whistledown because she doesn’t want to lose him the way she lost Eloise
Eloise saying she has to tell him or he cannot possibly love her without knowing who she is
Penelope probably thinking but you know who I am and you don’t love me
Somebody sedate me!!!!
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polin-ista · 3 months
I'm sorry but I think it needs to be stated once again this series is so 90s rom-com 😂😭 like this poor girl has gone from about to get engaged, scandaled by Colin on the dancefloor, rejected, runs from the ball, gets run down by Colin, fingerbanged in the back of a carriage and then two seconds later proposed to, dragged inside to tell his entire family, at night, without a chaperone, and we expect her to remember to reveal herself as Lady Whistledown somewhere here? When bro? WhEN?
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Daphne was serious guys 😂😭
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waltricia · 5 months
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I LOVE this shot so god damn much. The lit chandelier and vibrant red wall behind him. The lush red vase with what I think are little cupids on it. Shelves of gold-toned books with red-toned detailing. Thick yellow gold framing everywhere. His champagne cravat and dark blue velvet jacket. Dark red flowers right next to him, and even some yellow flowers in the top left corner. Everything here means romance and love and Penelope.
The way he is placed in the shot, behind the others, closer to the wall and the flowers- the production team has done to him what they had been doing to Pen. Colin and Pen have switched places. He’s the wallflower here.
And he looks positively sick. He is at that stage of love where he is physically ill with it. The heaviness of his love is reflected in the heaviness of everything in this room. Just looking at this shot gives me the stomach-sinking, blood-draining, soul-crushing feeling that you can only get by watching the person who means everything to you be with someone else.
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"What are two clips that give off the same energy?"
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nic-coughlan · 4 months
i love this fandom...
proposal scene?
aw how lovely
sexy scene?
ooo let's marvin gaye and get it on...
colin looking sad with a teacup?
YESSSSS!!! here's my 5000 word essay on why this has happened, alexa queue up my heart will go on by celine dion
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bitchcakegreen · 4 months
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“One day Whistledown will be caught and we shall dance on the day of her demise”
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hopefulatrocity · 4 months
Oh fuck. Luke Newton did a interview with InStyle and he said that he accidentally cried while filming a scene in S3. He said in the scene he's supposed to be really angry and yelling. I honestly think he's talking about when Colin finds out Pen is Lady Whistledown. He wasn't sure if the crying made the final cut for the scene because they did several takes but oh God. I feel like I'm going to need to schedule a therapist appointment for the day after part 2 is released.
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miraculously-lost · 5 months
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Like we know in the books the carriage ride happens right after theyre argument about her being whistledown so what if thats what this moment is. The heartbreak and devastation on his face HAS to come from whistledown. Im all for her yelling “IVE ALWAYS LOVED YOU” but that face also has to have something to do with finding out shes whistledown. I cant wait until the 16th😭😭😭😭
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annoyingvoidzombie · 4 months
POLIN day is here 🤍 also kantony and so much more is coming our way, I’m excited for this season of the ton❤️
And I bet you, gentle readers feels just the same.
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polin-erospsyche · 4 months
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Are they married here??? Because it’s their flat ad I’m pretty sure they have spent the evening there. And if they are not married then
1) these two are truly wild, disrespecting the rule of society this way
2) don’t tell me we’re getting divorced Polin before we’re getting married Polin 😫
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When does this take place???? Like are we getting several scenes of him just following LW in the middle of the night? Because if not, you really mean to tell me that these two have an argument, have a heated kiss, then they go home, he goes out for a walk and then spends the rest of the night on the couch???
Like let me kiss you real quick before going back to being mad at you and needing space. That just seems weird 🤨
OR we’re actually getting divorced Polin at the same time as married Polin?? Because there’s something that some people have noticed and I find it strange. Married Polin on the day of their wedding are not smiling like they usually are when they’re around each other
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Like weird right??? So it’s either the shots we got and we have a feeling they’re not in absolute bliss (I won’t say they’re not happy because I’m pretty much convinced they still are) or it’s that there’s just too much going on for them to be completely blissed out.
I know people have said it’s a happy wedding but what if we get a happy exchange of vows and the rest is bittersweet? What if the wedding is the end of ep7 and this scene
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Is actually the start of ep8? It would make more sense why they’re sleeping in the same flat. It’d just be that much more angsty, because what do you mean they get married and they’re still not on great terms so they spend their first night as a married couple separated??? He offers her the bed, the bed they’ve already slept in together might I add, and he takes the couch. It would also explain why no one is talking about a wedding night in all the sex scenes we will get
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lady-buggerinton · 3 months
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the "wow it's so bright out here, I'm definitely not staring at my crush" parallels
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thebluemallet · 2 months
EARLY Predictions for Bridgerton Season 4
I've had this in my drafts for a couple of weeks. But now that Benophie is officially happening next season, I have some EARLY predictions for the next season. I'll have more predictions when we finally have a clip or a trailer, but for now I'm gonna cast a wide net for what I think will happen in season 4.
They really name-dropped that masquerade ball like Tahani Al-Jamil name drops her celebrity friends. And they mentioned it in the promo with Luke T. The masquerade ball is happening! My guess is it'll happen somewhere in the first two episodes of season 4. This will be where Benedict meets his Cinderella/mysterious Lady In Silver/Sophie Beckett.
The code name for season 4 is supposed to be Vauxhall, where we saw Daphne and Simon launch their fake dating plot in season 1. That was a public ball, which means that anybody who could pay the fee could get into it. Perhaps we'll return there for the masquerade ball. Makes much more sense for Sophie to be able to crash that instead of a private ball at the Bridgerton house.
Let's just hope her carriage doesn't turn into a pumpkin before she can make her escape.
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2- A Possible Time Jump
In Benedict's book, he meets Sophie at the masquerade, she runs away at midnight, and then he doesn't see her again for another two years. I think a time jump could happen again. Specifically for a few of my upcoming predictions.
Also, it would add to the drama.
Can you imagine the reaction from the fans with the screen fades to black and then some text fades in that reads TWO YEARS LATER?
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3- Kate and Anthony Might Not Make An Appearance Next Season
Possibly an unpopular opinion, but I almost dont know why they bothered with having Kate and Anthony in season 3. It seemed like it boiled down to "We're here! We're hot! We're horny! And we're fucking off now! Bye!"
At least when Daphne showed up in Anthony's season she helped drive the plot forward and tried to help guide her brother on the bumpy road to matrimony. Anthony had one half-assed conversation with Colin about his engagement to Penelope. Kate did most of the heavy-lifting when it came to important talks with the family. She did most of the talking to Colin the night before his wedding to Penelope. (Not that it mattered because all of her work was undone the moment Charlotte showed up to the wedding.)
Kate also gets credit for speaking with Eloise to try and smooth things over between her and Colin. And then they left their family for a third time to go all the way to India, a journey that's going to take them six months one way.
But with a time jump, that would give enough time for Anthony and Kate to go to India, have their baby, spend some time there, and then make the long journey back to be present after the time jump with a toddler.
(With how pregnant Kate was looking at the wedding, I would not be surprised if she gave birth at sea. She and Anthony did not think that plan through at all. And why the hell did they leave without attending Francesca's wedding??? And when the Queen was certain that a Bridgerton was behind Lady Whistledown???)
Anthony and Kate being absent would also be a convenient way to keep the Bridgerton House set around for a little while longer.
Anyway, sending Kate and Anthony off to India felt like a way to let Jonny and Simone do other projects for a season instead. Jonny himself is probably gonna be busy with all of the press for the upcoming Wicked movie. So if the announcement comes that they won't be around, I wouldn't be surprised.
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4- Last Season for Queen Charlotte Queen Charlotte Lives Forever!
Bridgerton is not known for being 100% historically accurate. And let's face it, even if it were, people would still be complaining about the historical inconsistencies. But one thing Bridgerton is creeping up on is the year 1818. And it's in November of that year that the real-life Queen Charlotte passed away.
Season 4 will, I assume, start in 1816. If they do a one-year time jump, we'll get the rest of the season in 1817 when the main events of Benedict's book take place. If they do a two-year time jump, like they did in the books, then we'll be in 1818 and we'll be in the year we say goodbye to Queen Charlotte.
BUT, the showrunners have pretty much said that they've decided the show exists in an "alternate universe" and they're just going to keep Queen Charlotte around for a while.
The Queen lives. Long live the Queen.
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5- Eloise Meets Sir Phillip Crane (?)
While the masquerade references were heavy-handed, the references to Philoise were more subtle. In episode 3x02, Eloise wears a dress that is patterned with the same flower that was gifted to her by Sir Phillip in the books. And in 3x05, when trying to make herself feel better about her betrothal, Cressida tells Eloise that the two of them can "flirt with widowers." The showrunners are slowly setting up the Eloise/Phillip dynamic--they have been since season 1. I think they'll set more things into motion in season 4 and set them up for season 5.
Eloise already expressed to Kate how she felt as if everyone was pairing off and leaving her behind. Benedict's marriage will end up being the tipping point for Eloise.
Phillip would have lived the life of a botanist/academic if it weren't for his brother's tragic passing. Perhaps his academic connections could play a part in Eloise's desire to meet new people and change the world?
If they meet in season 4, it could be the catalyst for them to begin to exchange letters like they did in the books. Which will ultimately set them up for their story in season 5.
Of course, this also means that Marina is going to have to die offscreen at some point 😐
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6- Cressida Redemption (?)
One of my major gripes with season 3 was that they gave so much time to the threesome subplot that two other subplots seemed to have no real conclusion or were dropped completely. One of the subplots that didn't get wrapped up as nicely as it could have was Cressida's. We didn't see her reaction to Penelope unmasking herself as Lady Whistledown. She just kind of...left.
There is a long-standing fan theory that Cressida will have a part to play in the Benedict/Sophie story based on a piece of script that named Cressida's mother "Araminta". If this is true, then I think we'll see Cressida in some way next season. And maybe she'll get a happier ending. I never thought at the beginning of the show that I'd want Cressida to end up happy somewhere, but boy season 3 did a great job of making me actually sympathetic to her character.
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7- Another Offscreen Wedding
One thing that I know frustrated Kathony fans last season was not seeing an onscreen wedding for Kate and Anthony. I mean, we saw a wedding, and Kate and Anthony were there, but he almost got married to the wrong person. The closest we got was Anthony disassociating so hard that he astral projected himself into an alternate reality.
The only onscreen weddings to canonical spouses we've seen have been the Daphne/Simon, Colin/Penelope, and Francesca/John weddings. But if anybody was hoping to see an onscreen wedding with Benedict in season 4, think again.
I believe that the drama of Benedict and Sophie's story will keep up through all eight episodes of their season. And, like Kate and Anthony's season, we'll flash forward in time at the end of the episode to Benedict and Sophie several months into their marriage. But we won't get to see the actual wedding.
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8- Crossdressing Sophie (?)
Admittedly, this is less of a prediction and more wishful thinking on my part. This is the route I would go down if I was writing for the show, anyway.
Show!Benedict now being canonically pansexual has opened up the possibility for him to have an LGBTQ+ partner. But I have a slightly different idea. One plot point of Benedict's book is that Sophie, after running away from her stepmother's house, cuts off all of her hair to sell when she's desperate for money.
I think Show!Sophie could still get her hair cut off like in the book, and then go around disguised as a man for safety/freedom of movement/job opportunities. Then Benedict gets confused when he discovers Sophie in "boy mode" because he hasn't felt this level of attraction to someone since his Lady In Silver.
Maybe we'll get a Victor/Victoria scenario out of it (woman pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman).
Like I said, this is less of a prediction and more of the route I would go down if I was writing for the show. It probably won't happen this way. But maybe I'll give fanfic writers some plot bunnies.
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waltricia · 5 months
What do you mean I’m fixating on all of the red tones in the Bridgerton season 3 trailer and how they seem to be following Colin around, gradually increasing in prominence, like a certain red-headed siren wallflower who haunts his dreams???
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